Posco Atuomotive Steel

March 27, 2018 | Author: Tomás Núñez Acuña | Category: Steelmaking, Rolling (Metalworking), Coke (Fuel), Steel, Iron Ore



AUTOMOTIVEsteel 포스코는 국내 자동차사 뿐만 아니라 일본, 미주, 등 전세계 자동차사에 자동차as소재를 POSCO provides automotive steel to world-class car구주 makers in Japan,Top America and Europe well as 공급하고 the Korean있습니다. home market. All our 엄격한 품질인증 거쳐 certification 양질의 제품을 공급하고 기술 개발과 제공, 고객high 밀착형 계약관리를 통해 products undergo 과정을 strict quality processes which serve as a 솔루션 guarantee of their quality. By serving the needs of our cus‘글로벌 through 제조사’로서 입지를 하고 있습니다. tomers Top 자동차 new 소재 steelmaking technology and굳건히 the development of specialized products, POSCO is solidifying its status as “the leading global manufacturer of automotive structural materials.” Contents POSCO Automotive Steel 2 Contents 제철소 소개 04 제조공정 06 주요용도 16 제품별 소개 20 치수, 형상 허용치 70 제조가능치수 72 표면사상 및 도유 82 포장방법 84 시험방법 90 부록 94 Introduction to our Steelworks 04 Manufacturing Processes & Equipment 06 Principal Applications 16 Product Introduction 20 Size, Shape Tolerance 70 Available Dimensions 72 Surface Mapping & Oiling 82 Packaging Methods 84 Testing Methods 90 Appendix 94 AUTOMOTIVE Steel Introduction of Steelworks The POSCO Quality Ultra-High Quality Products Which Touch the Customer’s Soul ● Customer Inside: We create the best value for customers by keeping their needs foremost. ● Basic Inside: We focus on fundamentals and principles, eliminating deviation and waste. ● Synergy Inside: We seek to grow alongside our supplier chain through trust and communications. POSCO Automotive Steel Upon completion of its first-phase manufacturing facility in 1973, Pohang Steelworks, steels. The company’s global competitiveness was further enhanced when we opened POSCO Automotive Steel 04 the world’s first FINEX commercialization facility in May 2007. 05 Korea’s first integrated steel mill, was finally completed after 4 stages of construction at Young-il Bay in February 1981. POSCO is capable of producing and processing a variety of carbon steels and stainless Main products hot-rolled steel, plate, cold-rolled steel, wire rod, electrical steel, stainless steel, API steel, etc. Crude steel production 16.185 million tons (as of 2013) Gwangyang Steelworks is the world’s largest integrated steel mill. It features an optimal plant layout with carbon steel processing and high-mill processing capabilities, producing automotive steel, high-strength hot rolled steel, high-quality API steel, and thick plates among other products. korea With the goal of specializing in the manufacturing of the world’s best automotive steels, Gwangyang Steelworks focuses on enhancing its competitive edge. Main products hot-rolled steel, plate, cold-rolled steel, car steel, API steel, etc. Crude steel production 20.231 million tons (as of 2013) Seoul china Gwangyang Pohang japan Manufacturing Processes Iron ore Pig Iron Processing Diagram Steelmaking/Continuous Casting Processes Coal for coke making RH Limestone PI Sintering mill LF Coke oven Conversion External Smelting Blast furnace Continuous Casting Slab (200~250) × (740~2,200) 06 Stages of Pig Iron Processing in Detail Process Steelmaking/Continuous Casting Processes Description Iron ore, the main ingredient in steelmaking, is sorted by size into subgroups such as pelletized ore (10~25mm), lump ore (larger than 25mm), and fine ore (less than 10mm). After being crushed and sorted at the raw material factory, lump ore is sent to post-processing facilities in the form of pelletized or fine ore. Fuel treatment Limestone and powdered coke are mixed with fine ore, which is produced from crushing lump ore. The mixture is first heated at about 1,200°C, cooled, and then crushed into sintered ore of 10~50mm granule dimensions. - operating facilities: five in Pohang and four in Gwangyang Coke treatment Coke is produced by heating various coals over 1,000°C to remove water and ash. The suitable grain size of coke to be used in blast furnaces is 25~75mm considering air permeability and chemical reactivity. - operating facilities: five in Pohang and four in Gwangyang Sintered ore, lump coke and other powdered raw materials are introduced at the top of the furnace in multiple stages. Then, the bottom of the furnace is brought up to a temperature of about 1,100°C to heat the coke/iron ore mixture, inducing a reduction reaction to produce molten iron. - operating facilities: six in Pohang (including the first COREX furnace) and five in Gwangyang Process Converter Description - Molten iron in the furnace is converted to molten steel by adding oxygen, and Impurities are removed during this process. - Pohang: 3 converters of 100-ton capacity each at the 1st steelmaking plant, 3 converters of 300-ton capacity each at the 2nd steelmaking plant - Gwangyang: 3 converters of 250-ton capacity each at the 1st steelmaking plant, 3 converters of 250-ton capacity each at the 2nd steelmaking plant These processes remove impurities and make subtle adjustments to the chemical composition of the molten steel product of the converter. Additional Refining Facilities Sintering Blast Furnace Billet 120×120 Bloom 160×160 250×330 RH - Acronym for Reinstahl Hutenwerke & Heraus - Ar or N2 is blown into the molten steel ladle to remove an impurity in this process, hydrogen gas, and to separate and raise non-metallic inclusions to the surface. - decarbonizing can be accomplished by adding an oxygen injection process. PI - Powder injection - T hrough a lance, powders such as Ca-Si are injected to remove sulfuric elements. Non-metallic inclusions are separated and then raised to the surface by stirring the bottom of the molten steel volume. LF - Ladle Furnace - During this process, a high current electric arc is used to incleuse the temperature of the molten steel. Continuous Caster -M  olten steel, which has undergone external refining processes (RH, PL and LF), is poured into molds to produce specific desired shapes. Intermediate products such as slabs, blooms, and billets are produced. POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Semi-finished Products Size (thickness x width in millimeters) 07 Manufacturing Processes & Equipment (Hot Rolling) In order to deliver quality products, meeting customer’s requirements, POSCO is equipped iwth the latest fully-automated computer controlled Finishing Mill The purpose of finishing rolling is to adjust the thickness and width of a coil to the specified dimensions and to cutting edge facilities and technologies. These tools guarantee products of the highest precision and quality for our customers. produce a smooth surface and shape at a desired finishing temperature appropriate appropriate FOR its intended use. its intended use. Our up-to-date equipment, including Work Roll Shift Mills and On-line Roll Grinders (ORG) Iron Ore enhance plant productivity and improve the quality of the finished coils by controlling the thickness deviation. Limestone Run-Out Table After the finishing mill, the strip passes to the run-out table where it is coiled. LF Coking Coal PI While being rolled down the table, the strip is sprayed with water to cool water to RH cool to the proper temperature to the proper temperature for coiling. Sinter Plant Converter Blast Furnace Continuous Casting Machine Skin Pass Mill Process During the skin pass rolling process, various inspection procedures Reheating Furnace Coke Oven involving surface defect involving surface defect, dimension SLAB measurement, and etc., dimension measurement, etc., are conducted in order to improve the improve the shape, mechanical properties Torpedo Car and surface profiles of the product. P/O Coil Roughing Stands 08 Shear Inspection Run-out table Continuous Finishing Stands Skin Pass Mill Pickling Line Down Coiler Hot Rolled Coil Reheating Furnace Welder Steel slabs, which are produced in a continuous casting plant, are first Skin Pass Mill conditioned in a reheating furnace before transferring to the steel rolling works. In order to remove the thick scale which can form on the surface of a hot slab, Hot Rolled Coil Vertical Scale Breakers (VSB) are utilized. Uncoiler Roughing Mill In this process, slabs whose surface scale share been removed are made into rolled materials with the proper shape, thickness, and width. In the entry and exit area of the roughing mill, an edger rolls the strip in the width direction using an Automatic Width Control (AWC) system. Hot Rolled Coil POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Hot Rolled Coil 09 where thickness. A final rolling process is performed in order to remove minor surface defects such as stretch marks and to produce a smooth. cold rolled strips are trimmed to customer specified size. where scale breaker machines and hydrochloric acid solutions are used to remove surface scale and oxide film. typically 40~90%. lustrous surface. of original material dimensions. Tension Reel BAF (Batch Annealing Furnace) 10 11 Dehumidifier 1 Cooling Yard CAL (Continuous Annealing Line) Tilter No. Cold Rolling Temper Rolling Pickled coils are cold rolled in tandem mills to a specified thickness. To obtain the desired grain structure and improve the mechanical properties. Temper rolling results in a further thickness reduction of about 1%.2 Convector Magnet H2 Base(#1~6) K1 Base(#7~20) Coil Storage Furnace Full Hard Coil Dehumidifier 2 Inner Cover Cooling Cover Welder Pay Off Reel Side Trimmer Electric Cleaning Tank Cold Rolled Coil Shear Furnace Skin Pass Mill Oiler Tension Reel POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Full Hard Coil Electrolytic Cleaning Inner Cover Furnace Temperature Sensor TC Combustion (Blaze) Space Atmospheric Gas Space Atmospheric Temperature Sensor TC Coil Coil Temperature Sensor TC H2 (Atmospheric) Outlet COG H2 (Atmospheric) Outlet When Igniting : ⓐHydrogen Burner When Purging : ⓑOutdoor Vent Tilter K1C . which cause surface flaws during the final stage of cold rolled steel processing. After cold-rolling.Manufacturing Processes & Equipment (Cold Rolling) PL/TCM (Pickling Line and Tandem Cold Mill) HR Coil Pickling Annealing The hot-rolled coil passes through a pickling line. All traces of surface oil are removed through mechanical and chemical action as the cold rolled coil passes through an alkaline solution bath. Tension Leveler Pickle Tank Side Trimmer Pay Off Reel Tandem Cold Mill Welder Entry Looper Finishing and Inspection The purpose of electrolytic cleaning is to remove lubricant oil and contaminants on the cold rolled steel prior to the annealing process. the material is reheated in a furnace and subjected to cycles of rapid heating and cooling. The finished product is subject to final inspection. Fully automated thickness and shape adjustment is ensured through state of the art process machinery. Samples are sent for laboratory testing of mechanical properties as appropriate for specific end use. Steel products with extra deep drawing qualities and high tensile strength can be produced via this high productivity manufacturing method. Two annealing methods are commonly used: batch annealing and continuous annealing. the steel is hard and brittle. and its grains are elongated in the rolling direction. width and surface quality are verified. During this final stage of manufacturing. Located at the line’s exit section are a side trimmer. the steel sheet is processed with a skin pass mill. which often forms on the surface of activated Zinc. Zn atoms diffuse into the Fe to create a Zn-Fe series alloy. The desired coating weight is achieved by removing excess Zinc before solidification with high pressure air from an air knife. In order to achieve a flat surface and elegant finish. These are removed by passing the electrically charged sheet through an alkaline solution which induces an electro-chemical reaction. This process is referred to as Galvannealing. GA) Manufacturing Processes PL/TCM Welder Hot Rolled Coil Cooling Chamber Water Cooling Pickle Tank Side Trimmer Furnace Section Tendem Mill Pay Off Reel Entry Looper PL Tank POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 12 Post-Treatment Oiler Cold Rolled Coil Delivery Looper Scale Breaker SPM Tension Reel Pay HGI Coil Off Reel Hot Rolled Coil 13 CAL Electrolytic Cleaning Galvannealing Residual rolling oil and other contaminants remain on the surface of cold-rolled steel sheets following processing. At this station all products are inspected and judged relative to material specifications required by the client. and to improve corrosion resistance. Furnace Cold Rolled Coil Oiler Electrolytic cleaning Zinc Pot Hot-dip Galvanized Steel Post Treatment SPM Tension Reel . The surface of steel sheet can be coated with a Zinc compound prior to reheating in an annealing process. In order to prevent the occurrence of white rust. the surface is coated with a Cr-free resin. inspection table and oil coating equipment.Manufacturing Processes & Equipment (Rolling) Pickled & Hot-dipped Galvanized Steel (HGI) Manufacturing Processes Hot-dip Galvanized Steel (GI. Entry Looper GA Furnace Delivery Looper Precleaning Hot-Dip Galvanizing Inspection & Coiling After passing through the annealing furnace. Annealing SPM & Chemical Treatment The material properties of pre-treated steel sheet can be altered and improved through recrystallization during the annealing process. steel sheet is dipped into a Zinc pot where molten Zinc is coated onto the surface. the steel is coated on both sides simultaneously as it passes horizontally through the line. An organic. or organic-inorganic hybrid film is applied to the surface of sheet steel in order to supplement its corrosion resistance and to enhance desirable properties such as resistance to fingerprint marks and workability. In this process. A phosphate thin-film is applied to the surface of the zinc layer through chemical or electro-chemical reactions. Electric Galvanizing Equipment Output Process POSCO produces electro-galvanized steel sheet using the LCC-H (Liquid Cushion Cell-Horizontal) galvanizing process. and a rinse tank to remove contaminants and oxide films from the surface of the steel before electroplating. The film is intended to provide temporary anti-corrosion protection and to generate a secure painting substrate. an acid bath.Manufacturing Processes & Equipment Electro-Galvanized Steel (EGI) Manufacturing Processes CAL PL/TCM Hot Rolled Coil Welder Pickle Tank Side Trimmer Welder Pay Off Reel Cold Rolled Coil Tendem Mill Side Trimmer Electrolytic cleaning Tank Skin Pass Mill Cold Rolled Coil Delivery Looper Cold Rolled Sheet Steel Oiler 14 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Furnace Entry Looper 15 EGL Coater Input Process Phosphate Thin-Film Coating Process Equipment at the entry point of the electrogalvanizing line consists of a Pay-off Reel. Pre-Treatment Process Anti-Fingerprinting Process An electrolytic cleaning line consists of an electrolysis tank. tension reel. and Tension Leveler. inorganic. Looper. Welding M/C. The exit point of the line includes an output looper. Shearing M/C. Organic Coating Dryer Looper Coating Weight Gauge ElectroGalvanized Sheet Steel Water Cooling Post Treatment Tension Reel Looper Inspection Oiler Tension Leveller Plating Cell Welder Cold Rolled Coil Pre-Treatment Pay Off Reel . and an automatic packaging line to protect the products after coil winding. Corrosion resistance. Plating detachability Outer plates Door OTR Body Tensile force. Hardness Other parts Oil Pan. Paintability. formability Rear floor (DDQ~EDDQ) ⇒ Complex formability.Principal Applications Main Components and Parts Names Steel type used to make a particular part varies depending on the car manufacturer and the types of vehicles they produce. Corrosion resistance 16 Products Characteristics Tests required for Interior plates Door Inner. Weldability. Weldability. Roughness. High speed impact absorption Front Side MBR (40~45 HSS) ⇒ Tensile strength. Dent resistance Image clarity Stiffeners Bumper High strength. Adhesiveness Tensile force. detachability Image clarity. Surface quality. Enameling. Formability Floor Cross MBR (35~45HSS) ⇒ Tensile strength. Other parts Machinability - POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Shock absorber housing Hood OTR (35HSS) (S-EDDQ) Hood INR (DDQ) ⇒ Formability/Ductility Plating ⇒ Chipping-resistance. Plate detachability. High speed impact absorption Door OTR (35HSS) Door INR (DDQ) ⇒ For Weight reduction purposes. Surface roughness. Floor. Roll formability. formability. Examples below reflect current application trends. etc. Formability. Bending strength. High tension. Corrosion resistance Frame (40~45 HSS) ⇒ Tensile strength. Dent resistance. Formability. Weldability Tensile force. Strength. Image clarity Door impact beam (80~100 HSS) ⇒ Tensile strength. ERW weldability . Weldability. Corrosion resistance. Roof (CQ-DQ) Division Trunk Lid OTR (35HSS) Trunk Lid INR (DDQ~EDDQ) ⇒ Formability. Press formability. Machinability. formability Side OTR (EDDQ) ⇒ Weldability. Corrosion resistance Main uses 17 Bumper reinforcement (80~120 AHSS) ⇒ Tensile strength. Machinability. 40 0.020 CQ TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 0. P Max.025 C TS ■ - - ■ D TS PO 0.0t. have a tensile strength of less than 340MPa and have wide drawability characteristics ranging from commercial grade to extra deep drawing quality with high elongation.020 DDQ TS ■ ■ ■ ■ GI/GA 0.08 0. due to their higher diffusivity at typical forming temperatures.40 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).45 0.04 0.2%YS. CR/EG 140~270 270~ 33~ - GI/GA 140~270 270~ 33~ - CR/EG 140~250 270~ 34~ - GI/GA 140~250 270~ 34~ - CR/EG 140~210 270~ 36~ - GI/GA 140~210 270~ 36~ - CR/EG 140~180 270~ 38~ - GI/GA 140~180 270~ 38~ - CR/EG 130~180 270~ 44~ - GI/GA 130~180 270~ 44~ - CR/EG 120~160 260~ 47~ - GI/GA 120~160 260~ 47~ - CR/EG 110~150 260~ 49~ - GI/GA - - - - •BAF (Batch Annealing Furnace). PO (pickling and oiling) 2.0 H-EDDQ (Ultra high purity IF) 1.08 0.04 0.0 strain or strain aging.1 Concept of IF steel IF steel is a type of steel whose interstitial elements (C. Guaranteed value 2.04 0. They are widely used for automotive parts. For low anisotropic (Lankford. cracks can often be observed during deep drawing processes.08 0.12 0.08 0. which include low and ultralow carbon steels.2 Mechanical properties 1) Mild steels. MPa Spec.50 0.006 0.025 D TS ■ - - ▲ E TS PO 0.030 0.45 0.020 0. especially for rear floor or side body outer panels which require high formability.5 eliminated by adding carbonitride forming elements (Ti. rolling direction. CR/EG 0. Product Characteristics Grade TS EDDQ DDQ 1.06 0. R) value steel. JIS5 specimens (CR: 0.020 0.30 0.020 DQ TS ■ ■ ■ ■ CR/EG 0.006 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).45 0. El.03 0.020 0.5) 2) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).035 0.025 CR/EG 0.8≤t<1.025 GI/GA 0.45 0.020 0.1 0.025 CR/EG 0.04 0.08 270~ 35~ - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test.25 0.45 0.0 S-EDDQ AI-Killed low carbon (BAF) (CAL) DQ 1.25 0. % Spec.10 270~ 33~ - E TS PO 0.04 2.10 0.08 0.025 CR/EG 0.04 0.04 0. 3.Product Introduction 연강(Mild Steel) Mild Steel 1.010 0.1 0. 0 40 45 50 CQ TS LQ DQ TS TS DDQ TS EDDQ TS S-EDDQ TS TS DQ TS DDQ TS EDDQ TS S-EDDQ TS H-EDDQ TS 0.025 GI/GA 0.3 Available coatings Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Galvanized Galvannealed 0.12 0. General Description 2.12 0.30 0.020 0. TS.25 0.2 Effect of alloying elements High purity IF(CAL) Ultra low carbon IF(CAL) CQ 1. Mn Max.12 0.2) Class.15 270~ 29~ - Elongation (%) D TS PO 0.025 CR/EG 0. N) are 2. Nb) to prevent strain aging and improve formability through interstitial Grade 19 ..008 0.15 0. uncoated sheet. PO (pickling and oiling) ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Commercial ▒ :Hot-rolled products ▲:Customer trial POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 18 r-value scavenging effects.025 GI/GA 0.035 0. Si Max.035 0. PO: 2≤t<2.30 0.08 0. MPa Spec.04 0.008 0.04 0.60 0.006 0.020 E TS ■ - - - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).020 S-EDDQ TS ■ ■ ■ ■ H-EDDQ TS GI/GA 0.04 0.020 H-EDDQ TS ■ ■ - - C TS PO 0. MPa Spec.020 EDDQ TS ■ ■ ■ ■ CR/EG 0.020 GI/GA 0. EG (electrogalvanized).5 Interstitial elements can cause surface defects through stretcher CQ Class.40 0. EG (electrogalvanized).30 0.06 0. BH.08 0.50 0.025 0.030 0.020 0. CAL (Continuous Annealing Line) C TS PO 0.1 Chemical Composition Guaranteed value LQ 55 2. GI (hot-dip galvanized). GI (hot-dip galvanized). S Max.020 LQ TS ■ ■ ■ ■ GI/GA 0.04 0.035 0.006 0.1) C Max. 200 1.200 1.700 1. C/D/E Thickness Width Door inner POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 20 Hood inner 1.2 1.6 0.0 5. Available Dimensions 4.0 .2 2.0 1.4 2.000 1.300 1.6 •Cold rolled and galvanized steel sheets for inner and outer panels •Hot rolled steel sheets for members and chassis 600 700 800 900 1.400 1.500 1. Please contact your POSCSO representative for more information on our many other grades and dimensions.6 1. 7.8 1.500 1.700 1.6 1.000 1.3 2.800 1.0 2.0 600 700 800 900 1.600 1.100 1.900 Rear floor 21 CR GA Grade : PO.Product Introduction Mild Steel 3.2 4.4 0.7 3. DDQ Thickness Width 0.400 1.300 1.0 6.4 1.8 2.2 (Unit : mm) 0.600 1.2 1.8 2.100 1. Applications Grade : CR/GA.0 2.4 1.800 1.900 • The diagrams above show only a few selected steel types.0 (Unit : mm) 1. MPa Spec.015 GI/GA 0. CR/EG 195~265 340~ 32~ 30~ GI/GA 195~265 340~ 32~ 30~ CR/EG 180~240 270~ 40~ 30~ GI/GA 180~240 270~ 40~ 30~ CR/EG 210~270 340~ 38~ 30~ GI/GA 210~270 340~ 38~ 30~ CR/EG 240~300 340~ 36~ 30~ GI/GA 240~300 340~ 36~ 30~ GI/GA 250~330 390~ 35~ ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test.06 0.015 GI/GA 0.2 General characteristics of BH steel Performance Requirements Anisotropy (R-value) ≥ 1.0024 0.2% Bake hardening amount ≥ 30MPa YS 210YB YS 240YB YS 270YB YS ▒ :Cold-rolled YS 240YB YS 270YB YS BH. PO: 2≤t<2.8≤t<1.20 0.05 0.09 0. The steel can be worked easily during the initial forming stage. This steel is widely used for auto body panels which require good dent resistance and high formability.0030 0.015 CR/EG 0. taking up their interstitial positions during a post-forming bake process. GI (hot-dip galvanized).0030 0.1 Chemical Composition 180YB YS El. due to the Cottrell environment created by carbon diffusion to Grade Guaranteed value 210YB 1.0030 0.0t.06 0. MPa Spec..015 GI/GA 0. % Spec. P Max. S Max.03 0.07 0.015 ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).03 0. 1.4 No-strain aging at normal temperature (6 months guarantee) YP-EI ≤ 0. it delivers improved dent resistance. ▒ :Cold-rolled JIS Z 3135 Guaranteed value 340BH Class. General Description 2. rolling direction.20 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).03 0. JIS5 specimens (CR: 0. 23 170℃.3 Available coatings 2% Strain 2.20 0.07 0.1) C Max. Therefore. PO (pickling and oiling) Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Galvanized Galvannealed 340BH TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 180YB YS ■ ■ ■ ■ 210YB YS ■ ■ ■ ■ 240YB YS ■ ■ ■ ▲ 270YB YS ■ ■ ■ ▲ ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Commercial ▒ :Hot-rolled products ▲:Customer trial . CR/EG 0.09 0. EG (electrogalvanized). thinner gauge steel can be used for similar purposes. Compared to conventional steel.2 Mechanical properties 1) Bake-Hardening (BH) steel is designed and manufactured by introducing a precise quantity of interstitial elements into ultralow carbon steel.2) POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Yield strength can be increased by more than 30MPa after paint baking.0030 0.05 0. EG (electrogalvanized). MPa Spec. Product Characteristics TS 180YB TS. such as hoods and door outer panels.013 CR/EG 0.20 0.0024 0. GI (hot-dip galvanized).0020 0. Mn Max.015 GI/GA 0.0030 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).1 Concept of BH steel 22 Grade Class. 20min 340BH TS 0.09 0.07 0.0020 0.20 0. BH 2. PO (pickling and oiling) Stress 2. after which its yield strength increases by more than 30MPa due to the “bake hardening effect”. Si Max.20 0. uncoated sheet.2%YS.20 0.07 0.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS High Strength Steel •Bake Hardening Steel 1.5) 2) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).65 0.015 CR/EG 0.07 0.09 0.03 0.013 GI/GA 0. These elements remain in the solution.09 0.65 0. dislocation sites. 300 1. 340BH Thickness Width Hood POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 24 Door 1.4 0.0 1.0 2.400 1.6 1.0 2.100 1.4 2.6 600 700 800 900 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.8 2. 600 700 800 900 1. Available Dimensions Grade : CR/EG.000 1.800 1. doors.4 1.6 1.2 1. Please contact for more information of other grades.4 2. Applications 3.400 1.6 0.6 Cold rolled and galvanized steel sheets for inner and outer panels such as hoods. fenders etc.8 1.200 1.800 1.200 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS 4.4 0.100 1.500 1.700 1.900 25 CR EG Grade : GA/GI.2 1.700 1.300 1.8 2.600 1. 340BH Thickness Width 0.0 1.2 2. GA GI .000 1.2 2.500 0.900 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades.600 1.8 1.4 1.6 0. 55 0. which require high strength.08 0.025 0.03 0.95 0.003 590C TS PO 0.4 0. GI (hot-dip galvanized).14 0. Typically.34 0.01 GI/GA 0.09 1.005 540C TS PO 0.1 Concept Precipitates.025 0. The smaller the precipitate size.09 0.012 GI/GA - - - - - CR 0. CR/EG 0.003 Precipitation hardening results in a high yield strength to tensile strength ratio (YS/TS).005 ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).90 0.9 0. Product Characteristics HSLA is manufactured by adding precipitation hardening elements.025 0. Si Max.02 0.1 Chemical Composition evenly dispersed throughout the steel. This results in fine carbonitrides 2.15 0.025 0. EG (electrogalvanized).02 0. AlN. formed by the addition of alloying elements in excess of the solubility limit.09 1. P Max.28 0.094 1.05 0.13 0.05 0.08 0.00 0.01 440C TS PO 0.03 0. VC.90 0.07 0.55 0.15 0.09 0.03 0.03 0. It is therefore suitable for high impact resistant parts. General Description 2.01 CR 0.03 0.09 1.60 0.4 0.08 0.30 0.005 480YC YS PO 0. It is easy to obtain high strength for a relatively low 780C TS PO 0.95 0.80 0.01 CR 0.13 0.09 1.30 0.025 0.13 0.08 0.01 CR 0.025 0.30 - - GI/GA - - - - - CR 0.13 0. TiC. such as Ti or Nb.2 0.2 0.025 0.02 0. Mn Max.01 GI/GA 0.2 General characteristics 380YC YS YS YS Class.90 0.070 0.09 1.025 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).60 0.100 1. to low carbon steel. PO (pickling and oiling) Interaction between dislocations and precipitates POSCO Automotive Steel Grade (Unit : wt%) 27 .01 GI/GA 0.015 CR 0.20 0.09 1.03 0.025 0.09 1. POSCO Automotive Steel 26 precipitate 300YC 340YC dislocation 1. S Max.025 0.05 0.005 410YC YS PO 0. 1.34 0.65 0.50 0.28 0.14 0.025 0. act to prevent dislocation movement and result in Guaranteed value 440C TS 590C TS 220YC YS 260YC YS increased strength.090 1.08 0.100 1.02 0.60 0.025 0. These precipitates increase yield strength and impact resistance due to the suppression of dislocation movement. HSLA is used for reinforcing structures. the higher the material’s strength.03 0.1) C Max.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS High Strength Steel •HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) 1.015 GI/GA 0.005 550YC YS PO 0. Typical precipitates used are NbC.05 0.01 CR 0. 340YC YS PO 0.08 0.08 0.65 0.02 0.02 0.01 420YC YS GI/GA 0.01 GI/GA 0.003 cost. % Spec. rolling direction. PO (pickling and oiling) ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Commercial ▒ :Hot-rolled products ▲:Customer trial POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 28 Grade 2.2) 0. BH. uncoated sheet.8≤t<1.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS 2.0t. MPa Spec. TS. MPa Spec. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).3 Available coatings 29 .2%YS.2 Mechanical properties 1) Guaranteed value 440C TS 590C TS 220YC YS 260YC 300YC 340YC YS YS YS Class.5) 2) CR (uncoated cold-rolled). JIS5 specimens (CR: 0. Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Galvanized Galvannealed CR/EG 270~ 440~ 22~ - 440C TS ■ ■ ■ ■ GI/GA - - - - 590C TS ■ - ■ ■ CR 350~ 588~ 17~ - 220YC YS ■ ■ ■ ■ GI/GA - - - - 260YC YS ■ ■ ■ ■ CR 220~230 340~450 28~ - 300YC YS ■ ■ ■ ■ GI/GA 220~340 340~450 28~ - 340YC YS ■ - ■ ■ CR 260~340 350~430 28~ - 380YC YS ■ - ■ ■ GI/GA 260~340 350~430 28~ - 420YC YS ■ - ■ ■ CR 300~380 380~480 22~ - 440YC TS ■ - - - GI/GA 300~380 380~480 22~ - 540C TS ■ - - - CR 340~440 410~530 20~ - 590C TS ■ - - - GI/GA 340~440 410~530 20~ - 780C TS ■ - - - CR 380~500 460~600 18~ - 340YC YS ■ - ▲ - GI/GA 380~500 460~600 18~ - 370YC YS ■ - ▲ - CR 420~530 490~600 16~ - 410YC YS ■ - ■ - 380YC YS 420YC YS GI/GA 420~530 490~600 16~ - 440YC YS ■ - - - 440C TS PO 275~ 440~ 30~ - 480YC YS ■ ■ - - 540C TS PO 355~ 540~ 23~ - 550YB YS ■ ■ - - 590C TS PO 420~ 590~ 21~ - 780C TS PO 600~ 780~ 16~ - 340YC YS PO 340~410 410~ 24~ - 410YC YS PO 410~580 490~ 20~ - 480YC YS PO 480~600 570~ 20~ - 550YC YS PO 550~650 620~ 18~ - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test. MPa Spec. El.. EG (electrogalvanized). GI (hot-dip galvanized). PO: 2≤t<2. 600 1. 3.100 Side sill 1.200 1.4 1.900 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades.8 2.4 2.500 1.6 1.0 7.400 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 30 1. 600 700 800 900 1.900 31 GA GI Grade : PO.0 2.0 1.800 1.200 1.4 1.2 2.6 1.2 1. Applications 3.2 (Unit : mm) 0.4 0.2 4.400 1.0 5.8 1. Please contact for more information of other grades.300 1.800 1.0 Front/Rear suspension module .0 2.100 1. wheel rims and disks. 440C Thickness Width 0.700 1.6 0.000 1.6 Cold rolled and galvanized steel for parts which require high crashworthiness and stiffness Hot rolled steel for chassis.300 1.8 2.500 1.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS 4. Available Dimensions Grade : GA/GI.3 2.0 Center member (Unit : mm) 1.0 6.7 600 700 800 900 1.600 1. 590C Thickness Width 1.000 1.700 1.2 1. EG (electrogalvanized).Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS High Strength Steel •Rephosphorized Steel(R-class) 1.08 0. General Description 2.1 Chemical Composition Grade Guaranteed value 340R TS 390R TS (Unit : wt%) Class.003 310R TS PO 0.2) 33 Fe 2.020 0.030 0. Product Characteristics 2. JIS5 specimens (CR: 0. MPa Spec.020 0.14 0.03 0.003 440R TS GI/GA 0.020 0.010 ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled). N.14 0.017 0..1 Concept Grade Guaranteed value 340R TS 390R TS Strength increases through lattice distortion and restriction of dislocation movement. MPa Spec. % Spec. substitutional elements result in a lower strength increase than interstitial elements. GA (hot-dip galvannealed) 2) Ceq = C + 1/6(Mn+Si) + 1/5(Cr+Mo+V) + 1/15(Ni+Cu) ---IIW equation Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Galvanized Galvannealed 340R TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 390R TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 440R TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 310R TS ■ - - - 370R TS ■ - ▲ ▲ 400R TS ■ - - - 440R TS ■ - ▲ ▲ ▒ :Commercial products ▲:Customer trial .025 0.070 0. Mn. The atomic radii difference between those in the solid solution and the native Fe atoms produces distortion of the crystal lattice. MPa Spec.015 GI/GA 0.020 0. 1.350 0.05 0.08 0. 0. TS.1) C Max. Mn Max.030 0.08 0. The addition of P increases strength and maintains proper R-value. uncoated sheet.2 Mechanical properties 1) Rephosphorised Steel (R class) is manufactured by adding substitutional alloying elements such as P and Mn. Si Max. EG (electrogalvanized).015 GI/GA 0.6 0.010 440R TS PO 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed) 32 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 1.3 Available coatings Subsititutional atom(P.025 0.05 0. PO: 2≤t<2. GI (hot-dip galvanized). P Max.030 0.120 0.09 0.020 400R TS PO 0.2 General Characteristics Class. rolling direction. Si) Interstitial atom(C.010 370R TS PO 0. BH.030 0.5) 2) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).4 0.700 0.015 CR/EG 0.2%YS. El.100 0. In general.060 0.8≤t<1.09 0.08 0. CR/EG 185~ 340~ 35~ - GI/GA 185~ 340~ 35~ - CR/EG 215~ 390~ 29~ - GI/GA 215~ 390~ 29~ - CR/EG 245~ 440~ 26~ - 440R TS GI/GA 245~ 440~ 26~ - 310R TS PO 180~ 310~ 36~ - 370R TS PO 225~ 370~ 35~ - 400R TS PO 255~ 400~ 34~ - 440R TS PO 305~ 440~ 32~ - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test.03 0.4 0.800 0.900 0.09 1.6 0. CR/EG 0. In turn. GI (hot-dip galvanized). This type of steel has a relatively low strength increase and R-value decrease in the steel.8 0.0t. Substitutional elements cause lattice distortion and induce internal stresses. S Max.017 0.09 1.8 0.015 CR/EG 0. this reduces the mobility of dislocations and results in higher material strength. B) 2. 600 1.900 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades.2 (Unit : mm) 0.0 1. Available Dimensions Grade : GA/GI.8 1.8 2.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS 4.0 2.200 1.900 Front side member 35 GA GI Grade : PO. 600 700 800 900 1.300 1.2 4.6 Cold rolled and galvanized steel for parts which require high strength such as cowls.0 7.2 1.6 1.0 (Unit : mm) 1. Applications 3.800 1.2 2.4 0.600 1.100 1. front side members. 440R Thickness Width Wheel apron POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 34 1.7 600 700 800 900 1.4 2.400 Cowl 1. wheel aprons.300 1. Please contact for more information of other grades. etc.800 1.0 .0 5.000 1. 3.500 1.6 0.000 1.100 1.0 2.700 1.2 1.4 1.8 2. 440R Thickness Width 0.3 2.400 1.0 6.500 1.200 1.4 1.700 1.6 1. 8 0. 1.005 1. EG (electrogalvanized).015 GI/GA 0.08 0.40 0.08 0.002 0.015 ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled). CR/EG 185~ 340~ 34~ - GI/GA 185~ 340~ 34~ - CR/EG 215~ 390~ 30~ - GI/GA 215~ 390~ 30~ - CR/EG 235~ 340~ 26~ - GI/GA 235~ 340~ 26~ - CR/EG 180~ 340~ 35~ - GI/GA 180~ 340~ 35~ - CR/EG 180~ 340~ 34~ - GI/GA 180~ 340~ 34~ - CR/EG 210~ 340~ 34~ - GI/GA 210~ 340~ 34~ - CR/EG 260~ 390~ 30~ - GI/GA 260~ 390~ 30~ - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test.015 CR/EG 0.015 CR/EG 0.005 1.08 0.70 0.80 0.2) 0.015 GI/GA 0. PO: 2≤t<2.5) 2) CR (uncoated cold-rolled). EG (electrogalvanized).40 0.005 1. % Spec.015 GI/GA 0.40 0. El.10 0.013 GI/GA 0.11 0.09 0. MPa Spec.03 0. uncoated sheet.03 0.002 0. increases strength. Boron must be included to reduce grain boundary embrittlement caused by phosphorous segregation at grain boundaries.1 Chemical Composition Grade Guaranteed value 340E TS 390E TS 440E TS 340ES TS 180YE YS 210YE YS 260YE YS ▒ :Cold-rolled (Unit : wt%) Class.5 2. JIS5 specimens (CR: 0.70 0.8 0.025 0. TS TS 390E CQ.03 0. DQ 260YE 1.8 0. TS. GI (hot-dip galvanized). CR/EG 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed) Tensile Strength (MPa) 2. rolling direction. MPa Spec.1 Concept 3.08 0.40 0.10 0.2 General characteristics Guaranteed value HEDDQ the intensity of {111} texture.007 0. General Description 2.0 The R-value increases the lower the interstitial level and the higher TS 390E TS SEDDQ TS r-Value 340ES 340ES EDDQ 390ES 180YE TS Weight reduction DDQ 210YE 390E The material has both high strength and high R-value.04 0.2%YS.03 0.013 CR/EG 0.0 0. MPa Spec.005 1.1) C Max.002 0. GI (hot-dip galvanized).80 0. Higher reduction during cold rolling improves formability.025 0. Si Max.015 GI/GA 0.015 GI/GA 0.10 0.0 0. Mn Max. P Max.3 Available coatings Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Galvanized Galvannealed 340E TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 390E TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 440E TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 340ES TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 180YE YS ■ ■ ■ ■ 210YE YS ■ ■ ■ ■ 260YE YS ■ ■ ■ ■ ▒ :Commercial products ▲:Customer trial POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 2.11 0.08 0. BH.025 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed) 2.025 0. This steel is primarily used for parts that require both high strength and deep drawability.8 0.09 0.8≤t<1.002 0.025 0. and when combined with P and Mn.0 0.0t.5 290 340 TS 390 Class.015 CR/EG 0.10 0. S Max.0 36 340E 440E Formability and higher annealing temperature can develop {111} texture which 1.02 CR/EG 0.005 1. Grade 37 .002 0.08 0.002 0.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS High Strength Steel •IF HSS(E/ES-class) 1.0 0.005 1.04 0. Product Characteristics 2.015 CR/EG 0.02 GI/GA 0.2 Mechanical properties 1) Addition of the carbonitride forming element Ti to extra low carbon steel produces good deep drawability.025 0.007 0.. 4 1.200 1.400 1.4 1. etc.4 2. floors.900 39 CR EG Grade : GA/GI.700 1.500 0.4 0. A-pillar outers.000 1.6 0.6 600 700 800 900 1.600 1.6 1.0 1.4 2.700 1.2 2. A-pillar outer Reinf.0 1.2 1.8 1. 440E Thickness Width POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 38 Rear floor side member 1. GA GI Reinf.500 1. Available Dimensions Grade : CR/EG.2 2.900 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades.800 1. Applications 3.8 1. Please contact for more information of other grades.8 2.2 1.800 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.2 (Unit : mm) 0.100 1.6 Cold rolled and galvanized steel sheets for parts which require high formability such as members. floor side rear upper .300 1. 440E Thickness Width 0.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS 4.300 1.8 2.400 Rear floor 1. Reinf.000 1.0 2.6 1.200 1.600 1.0 2.4 0.6 0. 600 700 800 900 1.100 1. 200 1. % Spec.0 8.0 6.0 5. Thus.1 Mechanical properties HR Coil Levelling Blank (shearing) Gang Slitting Press (5. Ti. 1.0 11.100 ■ Uses: commercial truck frames. Applications Fabrication 2.000ton) Frame Assembly Grade Guaranteed value Class.0 (Unit : mm) 2.800 1.0t/7.0t 42. MPa Spec.0 12.600 41 1.. etc.7 3. this product is suitable for automobile structural parts and 600 commercial truck frames.0 7. TS. resulting from precipitation hardening. wheel disks.500 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 1.2%YS. BH. 700 2. etc.0t 40. MPa Spec.0t/7.2 4.300 ATOS80 1.0 2004 24 Ton Cargo ATOS55 8. ATOS has high tensile strength. 0. crane booms. Available Dimensions ATOS (AuTOmobile Structural) steel is a high strength hot-rolled sheet steel composed of nano-size precipitates and tiny particles with a diameter of 1~3μm.0 10. Product Characteristics 2.0t ATOS80 8. Mo) to achieve high strength 1.2 Available coatings Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Galvanized Galvannealed ATOS55 TS ■ - - - ATOS60 TS ■ - - - ATOS80 TS ■ - - - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled ▒ :Commercial products ▲:Customer trial Example (Web mounting frame) Developed Frame Start of mass production .0 9. and excellent impact resistance and stability under fatigue loading Grade : ATOS80 Thickness Width due to tiny ferrite grains formed by the recrystallization controlled rolling process.0 800 ■ Designed as a low carbon steel to enhance formability and weldability 900 ■ Containing a small quantity of alloying elements (Nb.Product Introduction High Strength Steel Bake-Hardening (BH) Steel / HSLA(C-class & YS guaranteed) / Rephosphorized Steel / IF HSS(E/ES-class) / ATOS High Strength Steel •ATOS(Automobile Structural steel) 1. ATOS55 TS HR 344~ 540~ 20~ - ATOS60 TS HR 419~ 616~ 19~ - Conventional ATOS80 TS HR 675~ 785~ 14~ - Web type Double channel Web type Single channel Weight reduction(%) 15 Ton Dump ATOS55 8.0t ATOS80 8.000 ■ Controlling the formation of non-metallic inclusions and sulfides to enhance the internal quality of the material 1.700 1. MPa Spec.3 2.900 Microstructure Bendability 4. General Description 3. El.0 2004 ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 2. as well as boom arms of heavy equipment.400 40 1. TS 795MPa.2) M F TS TS 980DP-H Critical cooling rate 590DP 590DP 980DP-EL F TS TS 980DP-M heat 490DP 490DP 780DP A Grade Guaranteed value ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).2%YS. 780.0t. MPa Spec.003 GI/GA 0. General Description 2. Mn Max.03 0. CR/EG 0. PO: 2≤t<2. F 2. galvanized steels (GI/GA) are available in addition to CR and HR products.03 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).6 0.6 0.3 0.6 0. In most cases.CR. P Max.08 1. DP steel can easily be deformed since it has low yield ratio of around 0. and 980MPa.4 0.50~0. ▒ :Cold-rolled Martensite YS 480MPa. EG (electrogalvanized). 780DP A F 42 Ferrite Ms temp. M 980DP-M 980DP-EL TS 980DP-H BH.5) 2) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).2 0. GI (hot-dip galvanized). ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test. MPa Spec.003 CR 0.1 2.003 CR/EG 0.8 1. PO (pickling and oiling) 2.1) CR/GA/GI 0. JIS5 specimens (CR: 0.6 0. Product Characteristics Guaranteed value TS 0. rolling direction. Available products are 440.03 0. classified by tensile strength.08 1. GI (hot-dip galvanized).2 0.1 0.6 0.1 2 0.3 Available coatings (Unit : wt%) C Max.12 2.003 590DP TS PO 0.003 Class.Product Introduction Advanced High Strength Steel DP Steel / TRIP Steel / CP Steel / FB Steel / TWIP Steel Advanced High Strength Steel •Dual Phase Steel 1.6 0.6 1.03 0. It features good bake hardenability because it is cooled rapidly after annealing and is processed in an Over Aging Section below martensite start temperature (Ms) temperature.1 2 0. PO (pickling and oiling) Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvannealed 490DP TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 590DP TS ■ ■ ■ ■ 780DP TS ■ - ■ ■ 980DP-L TS ■ - ■ ■ 980DP-H TS ■ - ■ ■ 980DP-EL TS ■ - ▲ ■ 590DP TS ■ - - - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Commercial ▒ :Hot-rolled products ▲:Customer trial POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel soak Grade .03 0.1 2. % Spec.8≤t<1.08 780DP TS PO 0.2 0.003 GI/GA 0.2 Mechanical properties 1) DP steel has a ferrite matrix containing martensite as a second phase. EG (electrogalvanized).003 GI/GA 0.08 ▒ :Cold-rolled El. CR/EG 270~360 490~ 28~ - GI/GA 270~360 490~ 28~ - CR/EG ~450 590~ 24~ - GI/GA ~450 590~ 24~ - CR ~625 780~ 14~ - GI/GA 400~625 780~ 16~ - CR/GA/GI 580~700 980~ 11~ - CR 580~700 980~ 15~ - CR/GA/GI 700~850 980~ 8~ - 590DP TS PO 305~ 590~ 20~ - 780DP TS PO 440~ 780~ 16~ - 43 2.5 0.02 0.08 1.60. uncoated sheet. EI 22% 780DP TS Class..12 2.5 0.08 0.003 CR/GA/GI 0.03 0. S Max.1 Chemical Composition TS TS.08 0. 690. Si Max.12 1. and shows a high level of total elongation close to that of TRIP steel. Heat cycle Microstructure . GA (hot-dip galvannealed).8 0.6 0.6 0.02 0. MPa Spec.1 2.03 0. 590.1 0.003 CR 0. 2 2.100 1.800 1. Reinf.500 1. and wheel discs 1.4 1.200 1.0 5.100 Door outer (GA. Applications 3.0 Suspension (PO.0 2. 600 seat belts.3 2.6 0.900 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades. 590DP) 45 .200 1.500 1. 490DP) 1.8 2.000 1.8 2. seat rails) and crashworthiness parts (sill side panels.2 1.8 1. 3. arms.000 1.4 2. Reinf.0 (Unit : mm) 1. etc.6 1.Product Introduction Advanced High Strength Steel DP Steel / TRIP Steel / CP Steel / FB Steel / TWIP Steel 4.4 1. roof S/OTRs.600 1.2 1.7 600 700 800 900 1. 590DP Thickness Width 0.6 1. Available Dimensions Grade : GA/GI.0 7. underbody 700 reinforcement parts.4 0. Please contact for more information of other grades.2 4.400 1.0 6. structural parts (sill side members.0 2. seat belts.600 1.800 1.6 Cold rolled and galvanized steel sheets for outer panels (door outer-490dp).700 1.300 1.0 1. 980DP) GA GI Grade : PO.) 800 900 Hot rolled steel for suspension. 590DP Thickness Width 1.400 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 44 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.700 1.300 1.900 Seat rail (CR. 0t.90 1. EG (electrogalvanized). PO: 2≤t<2.02 0.1) 590TR TS 690TR TS Grade C Max. CR/EG 0.70 0. Heat cycle .5) 2) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).57~0. GI (hot-dip galvanized). % Spec. GA (hot-dip galvannealed) Microstructure POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel A soak F A F heat 2.80 0.170 2.00 1..160 2. MPa Spec. MPa Spec. Product Characteristics 2.25 0. 350~ 590~ 30~ - 380~ 690~ 26~ - CR 410~ 780~ 14~ - CR 440~ 980~ 8~ - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test. Mn Max. 780. rolling direction. GI (hot-dip galvanized). JIS5 specimens (CR: 0. TRIP steel delivers high formability (elongation) with a yield ratio of 0.2) 0.60 0. EG (electrogalvanized). uncoated sheet.010 980TR TS CR 0. RA B RA B F F CR. This steel is suitable for which compromise coating quality. P Max. 690.220 1. Si Max.003 ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled). Grade Guaranteed value Class.1 Chemical Composition (Unit : wt%) Guaranteed value Class. bainite with retained austenite phases. 590TR TS CR/EG High strength level TRIP steels are difficult to manufacture in galvanized steel sheets because of their high Si content and other elements 690TR TS GI/GA 780TR TS 980TR TS and a small portion of martensite. manufacturing parts which require high formability.Product Introduction Advanced High Strength Steel DP Steel / TRIP Steel / CP Steel / FB Steel / TWIP Steel Advanced High Strength Steel •Transformation Induced Plasticity Steel 1.CR TS.3 Available coatings Critical cooling rate 46 Ms temp.06 0. MPa Spec. El.02 0.2 Mechanical properties 1) TRIP (Transformation Induced Plasticity) steel is a multi-phase steel composed of a ferrite matrix. and 980 MPa classified by their tensile strength.55 0. Available products are 590.2%YS. 590TRIP Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvannealed 590TR TS ■ ■ - ■ 690TR TS - - - ▲ 780TR TS ■ - - ▲ 980TR TS ▲ - - ▲ 1180TR TS ▲ - - ▲ ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Commercial 2.55 0.8≤t<1. General Description 2. ▒ :Hot-rolled products ▲:Customer trial 47 .67.035 0.260 1. S Max. BH.003 780TR TS CR 0.005 GI/GA 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed). 2 (Unit : mm) 0.2 2.6 0.900 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades. 780TR) 1. CR EG .4 2.0 2.100 1.2 2.700 Floor side panel (CR.6 600 700 800 900 1.Product Introduction Advanced High Strength Steel DP Steel / TRIP Steel / CP Steel / FB Steel / TWIP Steel 4.6 0.6 Cold rolled and galvanized steel for structural parts such as members.8 1. 600 700 800 900 1.0 2.000 1.400 1.500 1. roof.500 0.000 1.8 1.400 1.6 1.0 1.4 2.6 1.200 Floor side panel (CR.900 49 CR EG Grade : CR/EG.800 1. 780TR) 1.300 1.800 1.0 1.4 1. 780TR Thickness Width POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 48 1. Reinf.700 1. seat belts.600 1.100 1. Applications 3.2 1.4 0.600 1.300 1. Reinf.4 1.2 1.8 2. Please contact for more information of other grades. and etc. bumper rails. Available Dimensions Grade : CR/EG.2 (Unit : mm) 0.8 2. 590TR Thickness Width 0.4 0.200 1. Their Microstructures are all somewhat different. rolling direction. EG (electrogalvanized). CR ~850 1180~ 6~ - GI/GA ~850 1180~ 6~ - ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test. S Max. Slow cooling Temperature POSCO Automotive Steel 50 Microstructure Ferrite Ferrite Suppression(B) Pearlite 51 4.005 GI/GA 0. Applications Bainite Cold rolled and galvanized steel for parts which require crashworthiness such as sill side panels. TS.02 0. CR 1180CP steel is produced using a rapid cooling rate after being soaked in the austenite region (or single-phase region) during a reheating process. etc. MPa Spec. GI (hot-dip galvanized). El.2%YS. According to their microstructural features. GA steel is characterized by its low yield value and high ductility. BH. General Description 2. % Spec.25 0. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).8 0. P Max.0t.Product Introduction Advanced High Strength Steel DP Steel / TRIP Steel / CP Steel / FB Steel / TWIP Steel Advanced High Strength Steel •Complex Phase Steel 1. Si Max. 1180CP) .5) Sill side panel (GA.8≤t<1. 2. Intercritically reheated GA 1180CP steel is produced using a slower cooling rate so that it will consist of martensite and ferrite afterwards.2) 0. CR 0.3 Available coatings CP steel is a complex-phase steel based on ferrite. whereas CP steel is characterized by its high yield value and good bendability.17 2. Available Dimensions Soaking A1 r +α POSCO Automotive Steel Please contact for detail information. JIS5 specimens (CR: 0. POSCO produces CR and GA/GI steel sheets of 1180MPa tensile strength grade.02 0.1 Chemical Composition (Unit : wt%) Grade Guaranteed value 1180CP TS C Max.2 Mechanical properties 1) Grade Guaranteed value 1180CP TS ▒ :Cold-rolled Class. uncoated sheet. Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvannealed 1180CP TS ■ - ■ ■ ▒ :Commercial products ▲:Customer trial its final microstructure consists of mainly of martensite. Mn Max.17 2. Heat cycle 3.005 Class.8 0..25 0. PO: 2≤t<2. MPa Spec. Product Characteristics 2. MPa Spec. therefore. underbody reinforcement parts. CR Martensite Time CR 1180CP GA 1180CP 2.1) ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled). where bainite and martensite co-exist together with Ti and/or Nb precipitates. 2) 0. 590FB Thickness Width 1. Mn Max.0 (Unit : mm) 1. FB steel demonstrates a the ferrite region in order to produce high purity ferrite and to concentrate solute atoms in untransformed austenite.100 1. followed by a rapid cool down to coiling temperature where the austenite converts into bainite.200 0. 0.0 53 800 Bainite 3.400 1. high Hole Expansion Ratio (HER). To obtain good FB steel properties.800 Si Max.003 ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).200 PO 0. Applications Hot rolled steel for suspensions.0 6.000 DP Steel 1.2 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Heat cycle 4. 590FB 1. PO: 2≤t<2. GA (hot-dip galvannealed). 2.0t.2%YS. uncoated sheet.5) 3.7 600 Ferrite 700 FB Steel Temperature 52 Microstructure 900 Ferrite Bainite 1. Product Characteristics • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades.003 0.6 1.1) 440FB TS 540FB TS 590FB 780FB C Max.300 Time PO.600 1. JIS5 specimens (CR: 0.030 0. S Max.2 Mechanical properties 1) FB steel is a dual-phase steel composed of ferrite and bainite which can be manufactured using.100 Martensite 1.003 1. MPa Spec. Soft ferrite features high elongation and bainite displays high stretch-flangeability Combined.250 0.030 0.050 1. El. rolling direction.0 7. GI (hot-dip galvanized). it is essential to have an appropriate holding period in 540FB TS PO 410~550 540~ 24~ 590FB TS PO 430~580 590~ 22~ 780FB TS PO 600~800 780~ 14~ section of the mill. During cooling after hot rolling.700 1. ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test.8≤t<1.2 1.020 0.Product Introduction Advanced High Strength Steel DP Steel / TRIP Steel / CP Steel / FB Steel / TWIP Steel Advanced High Strength Steel •Ferrite-Bainite Steel 1.800 1. wheel discs. General Description 2. % Spec.003 0. PO 0. TS. Available Dimensions FDT Grade : PO. the intermediate holding temperature and coiling temperature are the main 440FB TS PO 305~445 440~ 32~ variables which determine the final microstructure.500 TS PO 0. MPa Spec. and etc..900 2.150 0. ▒ :Cold-rolled Lower arm Wheel disc .110 1.200 1.150 0. Please contact for more information of other grades.8 2.500 1.0 5.0 2. P Max. PO (pickling and oiling) 4. 3-step cooling control in the run out table Grade Guaranteed value Class.1 Chemical Composition (Unit : wt%) Grade Guaranteed value Class.015 0.3 2.090 1.4 1.550 TS PO 0. EG (electrogalvanized). % Spec. TS-ebngation Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvannealed 980TWIP TS ■ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▒ :Commercial products ▲:Customer trial Microstructure As deformed POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 3.1 Mechanical properties 1) Grade Guaranteed value Class.Product Introduction Advanced High Strength Steel DP Steel / TRIP Steel / CP Steel / FB Steel / TWIP Steel Advanced High Strength Steel •TWinning Induced Plasticity Steel 1. TWIP steel features an excellent combination of strength and elongation which arises from the presence of deformation twins.2%YS. JIS5 specimens Bumper Beam Wheel Disk . MPa Spec. which are very difficult to obtain with ordinary steel materials. TS. El. 980TWIP TS CR 450~600 950~1050 45~ - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) Guaranteed value for tensile test.2) 0.Product Characteristics Front Side Member 2. Mn content which is work hardened through deformation twinning.. Deformation twins which are formed during tensile testing are shown in the picture. The number of deformation twins increases with increasing strain. Applications Part integration. rolling direction. uncoated sheet. Available Dimensions As annealed Please contact for detail information. Tensile strength is 980MPa and elongation is 65%. 54 55 4. BH. General Description 2. MPa Spec. to reduce the stamping steps of complex parts(high formability) and to absorb the crash (Twinning duning deformation) energy(high n value) Tensile strength(MPa) A-Fillar Wheel Housing 2.2 Available coatings TWIP steel is an austenitic steel with a high C. MPa Spec. 2 4.8 2. In this process the steel is 800 heated before press forming.8 2. shot blasting is necessary after press forming to remove the surface oxidation layer.200 2.0 .Product Characteristics 1.2 2.100 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 1.0 7. steel sheets are very soft so that difficult shapes can be obtained easily.0 5. El.400 1.0 1. so that resulting pressed parts have a very high strength level. General Description 0.2 Available coatings Grade Guaranteed value Uncoated Electrogalvanized Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvannealed PCT1470H composition ■ - ■ (AI) - PHT1470H composition ■ - - - 1.500 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades. Boron is 900 commonly added to increase the hardenability of the steel sheet. composition CR ~550 ~750 16~ - composition AI-Si ~550 ~750 16~ - composition GI ~550 ~750 16~ - composition PO ~550 ~650 16~ - 1. BH. MPa Spec. AI (hot-dip AI caated) AI-coating 3.6 (Unit : mm) 0. PHT1470 Thickness Width ▒ :Hot-rolled 1.000 1. TS.0 2.500 57 CR Grade : PO.Product Introduction Post Heat Treatment Steel HPF Steel / Autobeam / Stab Post Heat Treatment Steel 3.2) 0. MPa Spec.0 2.8 1.2 1.7 700 ·Post-Heat Treatment 800 Grade PCT1470H PHT1470H ▒ :Cold-rolled Guaranteed value Class. 1.6 1.4 1. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).2 1. press hardening. MPa Spec.200 1.4 700 The Hot Press Forming (HPF) process is also known as hot stamping. El. EG (electrogalvanized). PO (pickling and oiling). CR and PO also can be used as HPF materials.6 1. Available Dimensions Grade : CR/AI-coating. second generation nano-coating. However. which provides excellent surface quality and weldability. % Spec.2%YS.300 2..000 1. die quenching and so on. the heated steel sheet cools down rapidly in the die block.4 1. ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled ▒ :Commercial products ▲:Customer trial 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).100 ▒ :Hot-rolled 1.2%YS. BH. At high deformation temperatures. MPa Spec. GI (hot-dip galvanized). TS.0 (Unit : mm) 1. MPa Spec.0 6. POSCO has developed a new coating method. Aluminum coating is usually applied to prevent high temperature oxidation during heating. % Spec.1 Mechanical properties ·Pre-Heat Treatment 1.300 2. During forming. MPa Spec. Please contact for more information of other grades. PCT1470 •Hot Press Forming Thickness Width 1.3 2.2) 0. composition CR 950~1250 1300~1700 6~ - composition AI-Si 950~1250 1300~1700 6~ - composition GI 950~1250 1300~1700 6~ - composition PO 950~1250 1300~1700 6~ - 900 1..400 Grade 56 PCT1470H PHT1470H ▒ :Cold-rolled Guaranteed value Class. 60 0. Mn Max. Si Max. GA (hot-dip galvannealed).700 1.0 7.300 1.900 1. bumper rails.0 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 58 (Unit : wt%) 6. Applications Cold rolled and galvanized steel for structural parts such as members.40 - HR 0. PO (pickling and oiling).30 1.000 1.5 - 0.500 1. GI (hot-dip galvanized). seat belts. HR 0. and etc. S Max.6 1.0 . EG (electrogalvanized). High tensile strengths over 1500MPa can be easily achieved by this process. P Max.0 5. Available Dimensions Grade : HR. Reinf. Thus.200 1.1) STAB Composition AUTOBEAM Composition C Max.Product Introduction Post Heat Treatment Steel HPFH Steel / Autobeam / Stab HPF Steel / Autobeam / Stab Post Heat Treatment Steel 4. They are subjected to post-process heat treatment to obtain the desired martensite phase content.400 1. •Autobeam / Stab 1.800 1.2 4. HR (Hot-rolled) 2) Ceq = C + 1/6(Mn+Si) + 1/5(Cr+Mo+V) + 1/15(Ni+Cu) ---IIW equation 59 3. Reinf.General Description POSCO Autobeam and Stab brand steels are formulated specifically for door impact beams and stabilizers.Product Characteristics 2.0 2. Autobeam Thickness Width 800 900 1. 2.25 0. roof.3 2.600 1.8 2.100 1.25 0. quench hardening elements such as B and/or Cr are added in these steels.4 (Unit : mm) 1.1 Chemical Composition Grade Guaranteed value Class.30 - ▒ :Cold-rolled ▒ :Hot-rolled 1) CR (uncoated cold-rolled).7 3. Lubricant coated steel sheets are strongly recommended for use in automobile parts requiring high formability. Applications POSCO Automotive Steel 3. General Description 900 POSCO produces galvannealed steel sheets (GA) with inorganic and metallic lubricant coatings to improve press formability for automobile 1.5KN. 3500 0.6 1. Cu-Cr dome type electrode) .300 30 20 500 0 Bare GA Inorganic Coating Metallic Coating 1500 1000 10 0. BHF(KN) 3000 Coefficient of friction POSCO Automotive Steel 60 1. An electrical potential is applied across the GA which 1. 4000 Stab is used for CTBA of the rear suspension without heat treatment. Metallic coating Steel substrate provides better weldability and corrosion resistance than inorganic coating. 61 • The above diagrams are only for selected steel grades. 15cycle.0 5. Stab Thickness Width (Unit : mm) 1. Coating composition Class.600 by a drying process. stabilizers die. In addition to the lubricant effect. Manufacturing Process 1.0 2. Please contact for more information of other grades. The inorganic coating is a rolled-on phosphate treatment and the metallic coating is produced by electroplating.18 50 0.500 Lubricating layer in the figure below and two types of lubricant coating materials are shown in Galvannealed coating the table.1 Formability The friction coefficient is reduced and the blank hold force (BHF) is enhanced by the formation of lubricant Hot rolled steel for parts which require high crashworthiness and impact resistance such as door impact coating layers.1 2000 0 Bare GA Results of formability test Inorganic Coating Metallic Coating Bare GA Inorganic Coating Metallic Coating Electrode life continuous spot welding (2.100 panels.2 700 4. degreasibility.Product Introduction Post Heat Treatment Steel High-functional Treated Steel HPF Steel / Autobeam / Stab Lubricant Steel / Fuel Tank Steel / Pre-sealed Steel / Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts High-functional Treated Steel Grade : HR. It can increase the lifetime of dies used in the automobile industry.800 process is environmentally friendly as there is no waste water.3 2. Phosphate solution is applied to the GA using a roll coater followed 1. Product Characteristics 4. other properties such as weldability.200 2.12 2500 40 Electrode life Max.700 submerged in a Ni-X bath to produce a metallic coating layer. and paintability are also improved. corrosion resistance. The lubricant coating material reduces friction resistance between the sheets and the pressing beams.7 3.8 2. The roll coating 1. Coating weight (mg/m2) Coating type Application LP Inorganic coating Phosphate 150~650 Roll coating Inner & outer LM Metallic coating Ni-X 400±200 Electroplating Outer 3.14 0. 1.2 60 0.4 1.400 A cross sectional schematic view of lubricant coated steel sheets is shown 1.16 0.0 •Lubricant Steel 800 1.000 1. Inorganic Coating 62 2001 2006 Pb-free(TA) Pb/Cr-free(GO) resin Cr coating(Zn-Ni) resin Cr-free coating(Zn-Ni) Cr-free coating(Zn-Ni) Steel Steel Steel Steel *Cr-free layer added 2 Pb eliminated 1. Mechanical properties Samples (t=0. the lifetime of spot welding electrodes is extended. POSCO POSCO Tin-type alloy Tin-type alloy Terne BD20 Inorganic coated lubricant steel Fuel resistance : Bio-Diesle 20% + H2O 10% (8hrs [80°C. % GX 160 298 TA 159 297 Mn Max. Single side Draw bead 36. The inorganic lubricant coated layer on GA is Harmful heavy metal included(Pb. which is not coated with resin.123 2. Once / 2 weeks fuel replacement) Metallic coated lubricant steel Side outer Corrosion resistance (SST. The complex shape of fuel tanks requires good formability and excellent weldability. Cr 6+) completely removed by a degreasing process before the phosphate treatment. 1000hrs) .122 0.11 Friction coeff.. Si Max. 46 2. Product Characteristics 1 2.5 Metallic Coating Blister width(mm) Bare GA 3 Cost-cutting POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel does not dissolve in the phosphate solution. The inorganic coated lubricant steel sheet has the same current range as bare GA but electrode lifetime is slightly decreased.2 Weldability 1. General Description In comparison to bare GA. 56day.4 0.1 Formability 0. MPa TS.3 Phosphate Treatment and Corrosion Resistance for fuel tanks. Applications Both POSCO products are commonly specified for outer or inner panels which need high formability.2 Corrosion resistance and fuel resistance POSCO fuel tank steel provides excellent corrosion resistance (over 800 hours in case of SST) and resistance against additives found in diverse demonstrated better than 800 hours corrosion resistance to a salt fog test environment..Product Introduction High-functional Treated Steel Lubricant Steel / Fuel Tank Steel / Pre-sealed Steel / Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts Lubricant Steel / Fuel Tank Steel / Pre-sealed Steel / Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts High-functional Treated Steel •Fuel Tank Steel 3. as high melting point materials are coated on the surface.5 SEM images of phosphate layer 2007 Resin layer unnecessary(GX) 1990 Terne Cr coating(Pn-Sn) 2. MPa EI. Due to stricter environmental regulation of harmful materials. elements such as Pb or Cr are no longer permitted to be used as surface treatments for steel fuel tanks. Metallic coating provides better corrosion resistance than inorganic coating due to the formation Eco-friendly 0 Bare GA Inorganic Coating Metallic Coating Corrosion resistance after painting (SST 480 hrs) 4.12 46 2. fuel tank steels are subject to very strict material requirements.5 Cr 6+ eliminated 63 2.121 35. POSCO has developed a special eco-friendly steel 3.8mm) YP. Pressed steel sheets are dipped into a phosphate solution in automobile factory painting lines. Metallic coated samples acquire a dense phosphate morphology because the metallic coating layer of a dense phosphate microstructure. which achieves excellent cost-effectiveness compared to fuel tanks made of plastic or tin-galvanized steel. Due to safety considerations. Shaking 60rpm] + 16hrs(RT). Therefore. The micro structure of inorganic coated steel sheets remains unchanged by the phosphate process. Excellent long term corrosion resistance against fuel is essential.120 0.6 0. however. which act as a lubricant. They deliver reliable corrosion protection for automotive flange or hemming parts of door.5kN Nugget Diameter(mm) 20 Resin (corrosion resistance) 400 600 800 Cr-free pretreatment (adhesion) 1000 Number of Welds(Spot) Zn (corrosion resistance) Steel 64 65 Schematic of pre-sealed 3. it usually exceeds 1. side outers. The typical forming processes do not result in galling or delamination of the coating layer.5kN . it results in a wider spot-welding range and longer electrode life than relatively thick. easy formability and consistent quality. DR. General Description When Cr-free GX steel is treated with a thin layer of resin.3 Spot weldability 1. 3. 3. 3. Product Characteristics 3.Applications Fuel tank steel produced by POSCO is well-suited for today’s manufacturing needs in terms of environmental considerations.Product Introduction High-functional Treated Steel Lubricant Steel / Fuel Tank Steel / Pre-sealed Steel / Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts Lubricant Steel / Fuel Tank Steel / Pre-sealed Steel / Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts High-functional Treated Steel •Pre-sealed Steel 2.Electrode : Dome 10 Pb-free Cr-free 5 5 5 7 8 Welding Current(ka) which provide excellent corrosion resistance properties with electrogalvanised and galvannealed steels. Lifetime depends on the thickness of the organic coating layer and coating characteristics (single or double side coat). DR. This has been well proven in salt spray corrosion resistance and cyclic corrosion testing.Pressure : 2. 10 cycles) GA . 2. properties. ‘POS-sealed’ steel sheets incorporate POSCO’s unique chromium-free pretreatment and paint resin systems 7 Cu-Cr.3 Corrosion resistance The main reason for using pre-sealed steel sheets is that it improves car body corrosion resistance properties. 3 Metal powder (weldability) 2 1 6 Cu-Cr.1 Formability Because pre-sealed steel sheets have organic resin coatings topped with metal powders. Pre-sealed steel sheets are environmentally friendly thin organic coated weldable primer steel sheets with good corrosion resistance Pb-free TA steel. 6mmØ Electrode force : 2. and many other components 6 Upper limit 15 . 6mmØ Electrode force : 2. The figure below is a schematic description of pre-sealed steel sheet.5kN Welding time : 10 cycle Coating : outside/outside 0 Pb-free Cr-free 200 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Electrode Force(kN) Lower limit which are vulnerable to corrosion. their formability is better than conventional uncoated steel sheets.2 Weldability Service life of spot welding tips is extended when used with pre-sealed steel sheet. Process 4 POS-Sealed Steel is produced using a conventional coil coating process.000 spot weld points.Time : 15 cycles . cost effectiveness. Pre-sealed Organic coated EG Corrosion resistance properties of hem flange simulated panels (Cyclic Corrosion Test. 2. they can be phosphated and ED coated using conventional plating Compared to pre-existing pre-coated metal (PCM).R6. Product Characteristics [Film Layers] [Film Layers with Combinable Coating Methods] Adoption of POS-sealed steel in auto bodies can protect against perforation corrosion in hem and flange areas without the need for secondary corrosion protection such as sealing and cavity waxing.4 Electrodeposition (ED) coating 1. enabling the oiling process to be skipped. any shearing failure which may occur between components will typically involve the hem sealant only. *Lower plastic layer: improves corrosion resistance by improving adhesion between steel and resin. resulting in better surface quality by suppressing film detachment from processed areas. this layer provides a lubricant effect (improved machinability) and allows heat from processing to be tolerated (improved heat resistance). resistance. only EG products have been developed) Materials: applicable to all available POSCO-manufactured materials and sizes Inner 2.Blank size : 120mmø Adhesive SST 480hrs .1 Corrosion Resistance 2. General Description As pre-sealed steel sheets have metal powders on the exposed surface. GI. 3. Pre-sealed (no sealing) 66 GA (sealing) Two-sided coating + Two-sided Cr-free + Two-sided plastic Two-sided coating + One-sided Cr-free + One-sided plastic Two-sided coating + Two-sided Cr-free + One-sided plastic *Plastic layer: when coatings are applied as a barrier to corrosive elements.5 Sealer adhesion Hem sealers are often applied between structural components made from pre-sealed sheet steel. Owing to excellent adhesion between POS-Seal resin and the steel substrate. and GA products (currently. leaving the steel unaffected. Also. One side Pre-sealed (outer) its corrosion resistance is substantially improved compared to Outer ordinary PCM steel.5 ton . corrosion resistance is enhanced thanks to a special rust-preventative ingredient. Coated layer: applicable to all EG. Cavities Both side Pre-sealed (inner) Corrosion resistance for door hemming parts(CCT 10 cycles) Corrosion resistance comparison between plates nano-clay not added nano-clay added EG untreated product Nano-clay not added product . 81mm height processing .P340 cleaning oil sprayed Nano-clay added product POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 4. Applications 67 . our plastic coated steel for automotive parts offers improved resin film adhesion and heat processes.2 Machinability With the addition of nano-clay (Montmorillonite phyllosilicate).BHF : 0.Product Introduction High-functional Treated Steel Lubricant Steel / Fuel Tank Steel / Pre-sealed Steel / Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts Lubricant Steel / Fuel Tank Steel / Pre-sealed Steel / Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts High-functional Treated Steel •Plastic Coated Steel for Automotive Parts 3. Product Introduction GI-ACE(Aerosols charged with electrostatic) Steel GI-ACE(Aerosols charged with electrostatic) Steel 2.) Compared to regular GI steel.0 EG About 10 ㎛ 3. 2. Compared to regular GI.10 0.40 0. As a result.5~4. Surface quality. GI-Ace GI 2.3 Corrosion Resistance 3 Image Clarity 69 Corrosion Resistance Formability Adhesiveness GI-ACE Regular GI Conventional GI Red rust 2. < GI > Friction Coefficient (Galling Property.20 0.5 Conventional GI 2. fewer Zn particles erupt on the coated surface after pressing operations.000 ㎛ Max 6. GI-ACE’s surface coefficient of friction is consistently maintained at a lower level than ordinary products.0~7. precipitation of Al from grain boundaries improves corrosion resistance along with resistance to oil stain and black stain. GI-ACE exhibits more favorable galling resistance.1 Anti-Galling GI-ACE No red rust • CCT : Cyclic corrosion test / 1 Cycle (24 hrs. Item Spangle Size LW (Long wave) GI-ACE 400 ㎛ Max 3.50 0. The spangle size of this steel is very small. and EG. In other words. Product Characteristics Surface Quality (Texture) 150μm 5 100μm 4 Anti-Galling 2 The spangle miniaturization effect associated with GI-ACE coated surface layers promote preferred grain orientation. and weldability of this product are outstanding. corrosion resistance. General Description Spangle size GI (~2000um) >> GI-ACE (~400um) Spangle sizes in this steel product are miniaturized through an atomized coating process using electrostatic charges.2 Surface Quality (Texture) Surface texture and general appearance is improved thanks to reduced roughness contrast and inconsistency. this product exhibits better resistance to galling .5 . Good <-->Not Good) Friction Test of the Surface 0.30 Sample test result 0.5~4.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 Measurement of coefficient of friction across a continuous surface is an indicator of its propensity for galling. 1 0 Conventional GI GI-Ace 68 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 2. Also.60 GI GI-ACE EG 0. Conventional GI * Specify “Surface Finalization Designation Code” on your order form.4 Image Clarity What Is Galling? < GI-ACE > spangle Galling is a damaging phenomenon caused by Zn particles on coated steel surfaces which adhere to the mold during continuous pressing operations. 1. 0 4.600 1600~ ~0.600~ 20(5) 14(4) 10(2) Wave *degree of flatness = h-t 0.Cold Steel 1.250 15(3) 10(2) 8(2) surface plate 1.160 ±0. 0 L ength tolerances will be subject to Chart A or Chart B depending on instruction from the customer.50 ±0.40 ±0.00 ±0. +4 -0.040 - Thickness classification WAVE EDGE CENTER ~1.100 ±0.000~4.030 ±0. 0 1.040 ±0. 2.150 ±0.000 name width Remarks) Sheet steel Steel coil Length less than 2.250~1. Width (Unit : mm) name width Remarks) h t 1.600 15(4) 12(3) 9(2) 1.130 1.130 ±0.60~0.050 ±0.060 ±0.080 ±0.050 ±0.250 1250~1. 2000 .80~1.060 ±0.030 ±0.050 ±0.140 ±0.170 ±0. DoF equals maximum thickness minus specified thickness divided by specified thickness.060 - 0.000~2. +3 (Unit : mm) classification POSCO Length less than 2.100 ±0.000 +3.070 0.000 ~600 4 4 out of arbitrary length of 2.080 ±0.035 ±0.060 ±0.25~1.030 ±0. +3 -0.000 It is not applied to the irregular part of a steel coil.060 ±0.60 ±0.110 1. 0 3. Maximum Degree of Flatness 5. Chart A will be used.040 ±0. applied to stretcher leveler processed steel.120 ±0.030 - - 0.000~1.200 2.080 ±0.070 ±0.000~3.045 ±0.050 ±0. If there is no specific instruction.170 2.000 +15. +5 SLIT EDGE ~1250 1250~ -0.060 ±0.25~0.60~2.045 ±0.00~2.000~4000 +8.060 ±0.00~1.090 ±0.110 ±0.50~3.080 ±0.00 ±0.Dimensional Tolerances Size Tolerances .000 +4.090 ±0. 0 2. Thickness (Unit : mm) Width 205~400 400~630 630~1.150 ±0.000 +10.090 ±0.40~0.150 2.000~1.80 ±0. Length (Unit : mm) (A) Remarks) (B) (Unit : mm) Length Tolerance Length Tolerance ~2.080 ±0. +10 -0.035 ±0. POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 70 4.090 ±0. +7 -0. Each number in parentheses is.000 12(2) 8(2) 6(2) - 1.060 ±0. Maximum Degree of Straightness 71 (Unit : mm) EDGE TYPE Width Tolerance(KS. 0 2. in principle.25 ±0.090 1.110 ±0.040 ±0. JIS) MILL EDGE ~1250 1250~ -0.130 ±0.000~6.000 +3.00 ±0.000 600~ 2 2 out of arbitrary length of 2. Degree of flatness is measured on a surface plate as shown in the figure.050 ±0.60 ±0.25 ±0.000 +6. less than 8 3.070 ±0. 0 ~1.000 1. 500 1.0 7.6 Grade : CR/EG.300 1.900 CR GA Grade : PO.500 1.2 1.0 1.4 0.6 1.8 2.8 1. 340BH Thickness Width 0.400 1.600 1.000 1.0 1.2 2.4 2.600 1.0 1.0 6.100 1.600 POSCO Automotive Steel 72 1.2 1.8 2.0 2.900 1.7 3.2 (Unit : mm) 0.3 2.000 1.700 1.8 2.200 1.300 1.6 0.300 1.6 1.4 GA 2.2 (Unit : mm) 0. DDQ Thickness Width 0.600 1.800 1.100 POSCO Automotive Steel 1.2 2.400 1.000 1. BH Steel Mild Steel Grade : CR/GA.4 1.6 0.900 1.8 1.800 1.0 2.2 1.400 1.2 1. C/D/E Thickness Width 1.500 1.100 1.0 CR (Unit : mm) 1.800 1.6 1.800 1.000 1.300 1.6 GI .100 1.2 2.8 2.700 73 1.4 2.6 0.6 1.0 2.700 1.200 1.500 1.0 2.4 1.700 1.4 1. Please consult with your POSCO technical representative before ordering.0 EG Grade : GA/GI.4 1.400 1.4 0.Available Dimensions Available Dimensions The range of available product dimensions constantly changes depending on equipment and manufacturing conditions.0 5.200 1. 340BH Thickness Width 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.900 0.200 1.4 0.2 4.2 (Unit : mm) 0.6 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.8 1. 6 Grade : GA/GI.000 1.4 0.6 1.0 7.4 1.400 1.8 2.300 1.500 1.500 1.800 1.4 1.800 1.800 1.500 1.0 7.0 2.0 (Unit : mm) 1.8 1.000 1.7 3.200 1.4 1.2 4.900 1.8 2.0 6.0 6.600 POSCO Automotive Steel 74 1.8 2.0 GI Grade : PO.300 1.2 1.2 2.7 3.2 1.100 1.400 1.4 0.6 1.000 1.3 2.200 1.400 1.700 1. 440C Thickness Width 0.0 1.900 1.600 1.0 2.700 1.0 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.2 1.000 1. 440R Thickness Width 1.100 POSCO Automotive Steel 1.700 75 1.2 1.4 2.0 2.0 GA (Unit : mm) 1.2 4.6 1.600 1.300 1.500 1.2 2.800 1.Available Dimensions HSLA(C-class & YS-guaranteed) Rephosphorised Steel(R-class) Grade : GA/GI.300 1.400 1.8 1. 440R Thickness Width 0.200 1.600 1.6 0.4 1.0 2.100 1.900 1.200 1.700 1.0 .6 0.2 (Unit : mm) 0.0 5.8 2.6 1.900 GA GI Grade : GA/GI.100 1. 440R Thickness Width 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.0 5.3 2.6 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.4 2. 2 1.400 1.100 1.6 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.100 POSCO Automotive Steel 1.7 3.800 1.8 1.0 .0 7.100 1.6 1.0 GA (Unit : mm) 1.700 1.2 4.0 2.3 2.4 2.800 1.0 5.900 1.8 2.2 2.000 1.300 1.8 1.4 1.6 1.000 1.8 2.800 1.6 1.0 2.0 (Unit : mm) 1.0 6.200 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.300 1.7 3.2 1.200 1.700 1.8 2.6 Grade : GA/GI.6 0.600 POSCO Automotive Steel 76 1.500 1.600 1.6 1. 440E Thickness Width 1.400 1.0 7.900 GA GI GI 1.800 1.4 0.3 2.4 1.4 2.8 2.300 1.0 5. 590DP Thickness Width 0.500 1.900 1.600 1.2 1.200 1. 440E Thickness Width 0.4 1.200 1. 590DP Thickness Width 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.000 1.0 1.0 2.0 Grade : PO.0 1.300 1.0 2.400 1.700 77 1.2 1.2 2.500 1.4 1.6 0.4 0.Available Dimensions IF HSS(E/ES-class) DP Steel Grade : CR/EG.700 1.900 CR EG Grade : GA/GI.500 1.100 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.0 6.000 1.400 1.2 4.600 1. 6 1.000 1.4 1. 590FB Thickness Width 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.900 CR 1.8 2.2 2.000 1.2 4.500 1.400 1.0 6.2 1.7 3.300 1.100 1.2 2.4 2.4 2.4 0.800 1.300 1.6 0.600 POSCO Automotive Steel 78 1.2 1.700 1.4 0.8 2.0 (Unit : mm) 1.6 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.400 1.400 1.0 2.0 1.8 1.6 0.6 Grade : GA/GI.8 1.700 1.500 1.6 0.2 (Unit : mm) 0.200 1.500 1.6 1.200 1.0 2.500 1.600 1.0 2.200 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.0 1.000 1.2 1.900 1.800 1.2 (Unit : mm) 0.8 2.6 1.600 1.0 2.0 . 590TR Thickness Width 0.200 1. 780TR Thickness Width 0.800 1.0 5.100 1.300 1. 690TR Thickness Width 0.2 2.400 1.100 1.900 CR EG GA GI FB Steel Grade : CR/EG.6 1.8 2.4 1.4 0.700 1.4 1.4 1.6 Grade : PO.2 1.0 7.Available Dimensions TRIP Steel TRIP Steel Grade : CR/EG.600 1.000 1.4 2.800 1.0 1.3 2.8 1.700 79 1.300 1.100 POSCO Automotive Steel 1.900 1. 8 2.0 7.3 2.000 1.900 GA Grade : HR.400 1.600 1.500 1.8 2.600 1.0 7.2 (Unit : mm) 1.800 1.700 81 1.700 1. Autobeam Thickness Width 1.0 7.4 1.4 1.0 (Unit : mm) 1.7 3.100 1.6 1.200 1.2 4.700 1. Stab Thickness Width 600 700 800 900 1.0 6.0 6.800 1.0 1.2 4.3 2.600 POSCO Automotive Steel 80 1.900 1.500 1.Available Dimensions Autobeam / Stab HF Steel Grade : HR.200 1.100 POSCO Automotive Steel 1.8 2.300 1.000 1.2 1.7 3.0 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 1.0 2.2 4.2 1.0 GI .4 1.0 (Unit : mm) 1.6 1.6 1.400 1.200 1.0 Grade : PO.7 3.300 1.000 1.0 6.0 2.0 2.500 1.900 1.300 1.0 5.100 1.3 2.0 5. 290HF/ 370HF/ 440HF Thickness Width 1.0 5.800 1.400 1. 15 ≤ Ra ≤ 0.30 9 AF 0. GA Roughness controlled group Roughness notcontrolled group Different spangles Code Detail Code Detail D Improved grease removal rust-preventing oil H 3.40 ≤ Ra ≤ 0.80 5 CA Cr-Free Automotive PD Both side Presealed 1.Surface Finishes and Oiling Surface Finishes and Oiling Surface Finish Designation Code and Oiling Surface Finish Designation Code Oiling Code The table lists codes for various surface finishes.30 ≤ Ra ≤ 0.500mg/m2 H High-level lubricant rust-preventing oil G 1.50 0. Division 2 Column Different Surface Finishes Varied Roughness CR.30 4 Cr-Free Anti-fingerprint PC One side Presealed 0.800mg/m2 R Fuchs RP4107 A Rust-preventing oil T 200 ~ 800mg/m2 P PreLube Rust-preventing oil X No oiling X No oiling POSCO Automotive Steel 1 Column 83 Different Surface Finishes Code Detail Code Detail B Bright Finishing B EDT Dull Finishing T POSTEX Finishing T GI Ace Finishing Post Treatment Method Code This code specifies post-treatment processes to improve the corrosion resistance and appearance of coated steel.70 ≤ Ra ≤ 1.00 ≤ Ra ≤ 1. roughness and spangles (crystalline zinc protrusions).000 ~ 4. Varied Roughness Code Detail Code Detail XX None Post treatment PA One side Presealed Code Detail Code Detail 2 7 AC Cr-Free Anti-fingerprint PB Both side Presealed 0.000mg/m2 S Fuchs RP4107 S Rust-preventing oil L 800 ~ 1. EG POSCO Automotive Steel 82 GI.800 ~ 3. There are individual codes for each product type.80 CF Cr-Free Coating PL Phosphate CN Cr-Free High PM Phosphate CP Cr-Free Anti-fingerprint PN POSCO Nanocoating FD Pre-primer SA One side Resin Coating FP Steel-PCB SB Both side Resin Coating SP Slidable Pre-phosphate Varied Roughness Code Detail Code Detail SJ GI Zero Spangle SG GA Galvannealing SF GI ACE FS Pre-primer GX Pos Green Excellent NC Cr-Free Coating NW Cr-Free Coating . inquire with quality technique departments of both steelworks) T ① Protective panel (outer): Waterproof board (1. inner protective board is removed. tin-coated steel. Applied to all packing types · When outer protective panel is added. only the center of coil is double-banded (Two bands) H ① Center vertical bend removed J ① Regardless of unit weight.1mmt) + Protective pad added (improved packing for export items) E Single wooden skid Paper packing 6 Outer protective board added + Corner board (for external diameter) added + Pad added (improved packing for export items) F Single wooden skid Metal packing G Single wooden skid Paper packing H Single wooden skid Metal packing V N/A Wrap & plastic packing · When center vertical band is removed. 2. and P/O products. Chart 3 Packing Code Explanation Packing Type Code 1 2 3 4 5 Special Handling Code (Chart 3) Basic Packing Serial Number A Basic Packing Code B ① Protecting Panel (Outside): Steel added C POSCO Automotive Steel 84 Destination (Chart 1) Chart 1 Destination Product Code Detail D Domestic C Coil products E Export S Sheet products T Improved packing for exported coils Code Detail Chart 2 Packing type ① Protecting Panel (Outside): Steel added ② Center Vertical Band eliminated (Filament tape added on the seam of outer protecting panels) D ① While the rest is unpacked.0mmt) (pre-existing outer protective board removed) X ① On the side.0mmt board is added Code Skid type Packing type Z ① Center vertical bend removed (in case of steel products less than 5 feet wide) A N/A Naked packing 2 Corner boards added (for external diameter) after packing (improved packing for export items) B N/A Paper packing 3 One additional board added to outer protective panel(improved packing for export items) C N/A Metal packing 4 Protective pad added (improved packing for export items) D Single wooden skid Naked packing 5 Outer protective board added (0. filament tapes must be added.3mmt welding-style inner ring is applied.0mmt) and Center band (for export Steel) added V Basic packing and inner coil steel band combined W Two additional outer protective board (2. · If 2. . inner corner board is removed. Packing Methods Applied Area Our packing methods are applicable to all regular cold rolled steel. packed with 6 horizontal bands K ① All vertical bands are removed L ① Rubber pads are added to protect the product POSCO Automotive Steel Packing Type (Chart 2) Product (Chart 1) Special Handling Detail M ① Inner ring replaced with of 3.0mmt-sized one 85 N ① Corner boards are added on inner and outer rings (inner protective panels and side panels removed) S ① Hard board is added on cross-section panel (pre-existing cross-section board removed) ② Utilized as Special Code to ECC9A (Upon ordering. · If steel sleeve is inserted into packing. 2. galvanized steel. center vertical band must be added.Packing Methods Packing Methods 1.0mmt board added (pre-existing cross-section board removed) Y ① To inner protective panel. Packing Methods Coil products packing comparison Strict Group Division Automotive Steel Products (CR. ECC1A. Name Materials 1 Corner Protection Paper PP Vinyl 2 PP VCI Wrap PP Vinyl 3 Outer Protection Cover Paper 4 Outer Protection Cover Steel 5 Inner Protection Cover Plastic 6 Side Protection Cover Plastic 7 Outer-Edge Protection Ring Steel 8 Inner-Edge Protection Ring Steel 6 Outer ring Steel 2 7 Inner ring Steel 2 9 Horizontal Band Steel 8 Horizontal band Steel 4 10 Vertical Band PET 9 Vertical band Steel 2 11 Center Band Steel 10 Clamp Steel 4. PO) Metal Packing Group Packing Code Packing type Products applied TCV1A ← (ECB1A. 6. ECC7A) Metal packing Products for export ➎ ➍ ➑ ➐ ➍ ➏ No. EG. ECC6A.2 12 Seal Pad POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Packing Code ➎ No. ➍ ➏ Packing type Metal packing ECC2A Metal packing Enhance rust-preventing steel for export (excluding BP) 86 ➊ ➌ ➊ Name Materials 1 PP VCI Wrap PP Vinyl 2 Outer-Edge Protection Ring Steel 3 Inner-Edge Protection Ring Steel 4 Horizontal Band Steel 5 Vertical Band Steel 6 Seal Steel ➌  ➓ ➏ ➌ 87 ➋ ➊ ➒ ➎ ➐ Packing Code Packing type Products applied TCV4A ← (ECC3A. ECC7A. GA. plastic Products from Pohang Steelworks’ 2nd Cold Rolling Mill and Gwangyang Steelworks excluded 0. GI. please consult with the POSCO representative for the export region of interest. 8 12 Seal Steel 12 Adhesive tape Paper.➍ ➐ ➋   ➑ ➓ ➊ No. ➎ ➏ ➊ . cotton tape Paper(Width 40mm). Name Material 1 Wrapping paper PP Vinyl 1 3 Outer protection board Steel 1 4 Inner protection board Steel 1 5 Side board Hard Board 2 Specification Amount ➒ ➌. ECC7A. ECB1U) Plastic packing Products for export Non-strict Group Paper Packing Group Metalloid Packing Group Strict General Naked Packing Group Export Domestic Export Domestic Export Domestic Export Domestic Domestic ECC1A TCC3A DCC1A ECB1B DCB3C ECB1T TCV1A DCB3T ECB1A DCB1A DCA1A ➋ For the details of strict packing. cotton(Width 60mm) - Paper. Humidity warning. Marking Types Division Marked content Information on main properties of the product Product sticker Label Number of marking Marking sticker 2 copies Marking item specifically requested by customer Inspection sticker 1 copy. Cold Rolled Products Marking Standards (Example) Division Name L Product sticker M Marking sticker I Inspection sticker.Coil : stickers are attached lengthwise in eleven-o’clock direction. and galvanized steel) are packaged. three defects or less are acceptable) 1 copy (provided only when customer requests) 88 89 Color Stroke Inspection Card The color stroke for cold rolled products refers to attaching customer-specified stickers. Defects information sticker X Cautions in handling sticker O C for exposed panel/automotive. . pickled products.Sheet : stickers are attached lengthwise at the center of side 3 and side 5 toward the height. when customer specifies Information on main properties of the product Marking for caution in handling Coil’s rolled direction. .marking Application Label Marking Label Marking is done when cold rolled steel products (such as cold rolled sheet steel. black plates. and Impact warning mark (stickers are attached) 2 copies Color sticker attached as requested by customer 2 copies For automotive exposed panel Marking for Surface strict steel 3 copies For automotive steel Information on defects POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Color Stroke 1 copy (on both sides and outer surface) Information on one-time occurring defects (per coil. for HGI LCD Color Stroke B Bar Code O O C M X O C X O B L L O 7면 9면 . Upward loading. Following are the location of such stickers.Packing Methods 2. in principle. As this gap widens. It is hard to gauge by using one simple testing method because Ductility machinability is acquired through complex manufacturing processes. Cup forming (Blanking.9 Punch Type Flat Cup Weight Weight Type Cylindrical Drawing Ratio 1. As seen in the figure. Conical cupping test . In a normal tensile test. In the case of cold rolled steel. JIS. Flow of Test an ever increasing. is the Erichsen become popular among automobile measured value. Machinability Level Test The machinability of cold rolled steel can be measured in various ways. Details for cold rolled steel flexibility testing.44 Punch Dia. the figure. Coefficient of elasticity. manufacturers. the better the shape of a final product becomes. etc.5 volume is generally used. As this deflection is recorded. Punching) → Testing temperature change → Drop Weight Test → Observation to see if brittle failure occurs (transition temperature is the lowest temperature where <Drop Weight Test Mimetic Diagram> brittle failure does not occur) Test Specimens DBTT Evaluation Test Conditions (no-trimming after cup forming) POSCO conducts tensile testing in accordance with guidelines published by Division KS. In the case of cold rolled steel. the better the machinability gets. and ductility of steel.5 volume is generally used. Strain Coefficient of Elasticity : = tanα the specimen either flatly or roundly. Erichsen Cupping Test Conical cupping test The Erichsen cupping test is Recently. the better the shape of a final product becomes. In these guides. The material’s Tensile Test Result rating depends on whether cracks occur on the surface around the bent area or not. A typical cold rolled steel specimen is bent at 180°C. is a measure of a material’s deflection in response to an applied load. etc.(mm) 96 About 60mm 50mm 25mm 15mm 90 Details Testing Condition Load(kgf) 4. the specimen preparation method Forming Testing Condition Blank Dia. ASTM.. the wider the gap between yield point and ultimate Yield Point Tensile Strength Coefficient of Elasticity Coefficient of elasticity is inversely proportionate to steel anti-elasticity. ASTM. become widely used to evaluate the Load for deep drawing. It is analogous to spring constant. tensile strength. As seen in formability of steel. The higher the ductility is. The Test specimen Erichsen cupping test test value is similar to that acquired value h. where force equals the constant multiplied by deflection.92 Test Test Specimen Positioning Method Laying it on its side Flexibility Test Flexibility testing is normally conducted using the following method. Therefore. this testing method has used to test a steel’s suitability Yield Ratio = (Yield Point) / (Ultimate Tensile Strength) (Stress) Yield Point Ductility The lower yield ratio is. measured when the from real time steel processing. precisely measured load is applied to a test specimen until the material fails. A specimen prepared as described in KS B 0801 Volume 3 is normally used 91 Conditions P : Parallel Portion Length   L : Gauge Length  W : Width R : Radius of Shoulders  Division POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel stated in KS B 0801 No. JIS.(mm) 50 Drop Drop Height(m) 0. Yield Point Ductility The lower the yield point is. which involves bending the specimen along a given axis at a specified radius and angle. The Erichsen value of a hard spherical object. types and sizes of specimens are well documented. POSCO conducts tensile testing in accordance with guidelines published by KS. the specimen preparation method stated in KS B 0801 No. the following two testing methods are generally used. In these guides.Testing Methods Testing Methods Tensile Test DBTT Testing Method Tensile testing is a fundamental method to measure the yield point. types and sizes of specimens are well documented. at which point the specimen is sucked into. or Young’s Modulus.. test value is gained from the measuring Load is increased until material the diameter of the cup through which failure occurs. The less the anti-elasticity is. it has specimen breaks. a steel’s processing formability improves. a test specimen is the conical cupping test involves loading deformed through impingement strength. 5% Strain (%) . interstitial elements in steel such as carbon and nitrogen interact with potential dislocations and fix them. Artificial Age Hardening Test (Aging Index. As time goes by. the degree of distortion increases along with the load it bears. [Unit : MPa] Strain (%) Strain [method 2] 7. AI) 93 Strain Average Plasticity Strain Ratio (R-bar) By applying uniaxial tensile stress to a plate-shaped tensile test specimen in each direction. The value of BH2 is the one measured after bake hardening. Bake Hardening Test Measuring Process 25 = 0. The result of this test is the difference between a reduced yield strength measurement obtained after baking the specimen with no-pre-strain 200 and a 0. Artificial Age Hardening Test Bake Hardening Test (BH2 ) Method 1) Condition the specimen at 100°C for one hour. R-bar = [X0 + X90 + (2 * X45)] /4 2.Testing Methods Work Hardening Quotient Bake Hardening Test (BH0) If plastic deformation is forced upon a material. the original test specimen is baked for 20 minutes at 170°C. The ratio is the directional average value between the two above strains. the increased amount of YP strength Method 2) Distort the specimen by 7. Artificial Age Hardening Test Measuring Process 2.03 3. after 2% Pre-Strain. Subtract preliminary deformation load from yield load. This testing attempts to measure how much the yield point rises. Bake Hardening Test (BH 0 ) K / MPa Low yield strength after baking treatment – original specimen’s 0. Then.1 0. low YS after 20 minutes. Bake Hardening Test BH2 result is the AI value. Bake Hardening Test BH2 170℃/20 minutes Low yield strength after baking treatment – original specimen’s 0. As a result.2% offset value [method 1] P2U BH 2 3.25 100 Stress WH WH = Work hardening 2% Pre-Strain • P2 : deformed aging yield load (N) P2L Ye(%) • P1 : preliminary deformed load (N) • A. In this test. Relationship between n and stress-distortion rate 300 F=180MPa 170℃/20 minutes 2.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 Age Hardening Test POSCO Automotive Steel 1. and establish an aging index.5 Stress 1. test it for tensile strength. Bake Hardening Test (BH 0) hardening takes place in the yielded material than in the elastically loaded region. more work 1. condition the specimen at 100°C for one hour. divide the value by the original cross-sectional area and that is the value (in N/mm2 ) of AI. (at 170°C.2% offset yield strength measurement of the original specimen. calculate Ye value from it.2% offset value 100 25 mm 100 mm n= 50 0. which result in an increased yield point. (based on lower yield point) is measured. both width-direction real strain and thickness-direction real strain occur. : original cross-sectional area before preliminary deformation AI = Ye × I0 AI = P2-P1 / A.5% by applying pre-strain. multiply the number by 10 and the 1.05 0. Bake Hardening Test Measuring Process delta POSCO Automotive Steel 92 0. flow strength after 2% Pre-Strain) 3. test it for tensile strength. YP => “Y” •Product types •P : POSCO Advanced Classification CR Gi GA EG HR PO HGi HGA Code C G A Z H D L N High Strength Steel .Appendix POSCO Standard System for Automotive Steel Grade Types Usage Example) CR MAFE 340BH outer plate products. and “D” for DIN specimen 94 •Grade marking: For details. Quality guaranteed with JIS specimen. “A” for ASTM specimen. POSCO Classification Cold Rolled Hot Rolled CQ1 C C CQ2(for Processing) L L DQ D D DDQ N N EDDQ E E S-EDDQ S S H-EDDQ H H Bake-Hardening Steel B B POSCO Automotive Steel PCT340B . refer to the attachment for Light High Strength Low Alloyed Steel Solid Solution Processing Strengthening for General Uses •Guaranteed quality marking: Minimum number of Tensile/Yield Strength (MPa) Precipitation Strengthening (high YR) for Guaranteeing Ingredients (for Post Heat Treatment) •Guarantee method marking: TS => “T”.JE Deep Drawing E E 95 Initial Drawing S S R R J J C C - HA HF - HF Low YR D D High Ductility T T Dual Phase P P Hole-enlarging Type F F HF HP HP •Outer panel marking => “E” Mild Steel POSCO Automotive Steel •Tensile specimen marking: “J” for JS specimen. Appendix ✽HR&PO Division Mild Steel POSCO Specification KS JIS CQ KS-SPHC DQ DDQ Automotive Structural ASTM EN RENAULT JS-SPHC DD11 HC KS-SPHD JS-SPHD DD12 KS-SPHE JS-SPHE DD13 KS-SAPH310 JS-SAPH310 DD14 HES GMW FORD DCX JFS NISSAN HONDA TOYOTA MAZDA MITSUBISHI WSD-M1A333-A1 MS-67 CS JSH270C SP221 JSH270C SPH270C SPHN1 MJSH270C GMW2M-ST-S HR2 WSD-M1A333-A1 MS-67 DS JSH270D SP222 JSH270D SPH270D SPHN2 MJSH270D GMW2M-ST-S HR3 WSD-M1A333-A1 MS-67 DDS JSH270E SP223 JSH270E SPH270E SPHN3 MJSH270E GMW2M-ST-S HR2 WSD-M1A333-A1 MS264<S> -030 SK JSH310W GMW2M-ST-S HRO GMW2M-ST-S HR1 KS-SAPH370 JS-SAPH370 GMW2M-ST-S HR1 WSD-M1A333-A2 MS264<S> -035 SK JSH370W KS-SAPH400 JS-SAPH400 GMW2M-ST-S HR0 WSD-M1A333-A3 MS264<S> -040 SK JSH400W KS-SAPH440 JS-SAPH440 WSD-M1A333-A4 MS264<S> -045 SK MS264<S> -050 SK MJSH310W SP231-370 SPH370 JSH390W JSH370W JSH370J JSH370W SP231-440 JSH370R JSH440W JSH440J SPHN370W SPHN400W SPH440 SPHN400W SPHN440R MJSH370W MJSH400W MJSH400W MJSH400J MJSH400R ATOS55 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Automotive frame ATOS60 A715-40 A715-45 A715-50 YS guarrantee S 355 MC HE 360 D GMW3032M-ST-S HR 340 MS264<S> -030 XK A715-55 96 HSS PHT540C KS-SPFH540 JS-SPFH540 PHT590C KS-SPFH590 JS-SPFH590 A715-60 S 420 MC GMW3032M-ST-S HR 420 WSD-M1A346-A5 MS264<S> -060 XK A715-70 S 500 MC GMW3032M-ST-S HR 500 WSB-M1A215-E1-500 MS264<S> -070 XK A715-80 S 550 MC GMW3032M-ST-S HR 550 WSB-M1A215-E1-550 MS264<S> -080 XK 97 JSH540R HE 450 M TS guarrantee High ductillity SP251-540F SP252-540F JSH590R JSH540R SPH540 SPHN540R JSH590R SPH590 SPHN590R MJSH590R JSH590Y SPH590DU SPHN590Y MJSH590Y JSH780Y SPH780DU ATOS80(HR) POS-HF290 HF POS-HF370 POS-HF440 JSH540Y PHA540Y HR 580T/330Y DP JSH590Y PHT780D HR 780T/450Y DP JSH780Y PHT440F HR 450T/300Y FB PHT590D JSH540Y SP253-590 Dual Phase PHA690Y High burring HR 580T/440Y FB PHT590F ATOS70F HR 780T/600Y FB PHT780F TRIP ATOS80TR PHT1180H HPF PHT1470H TWIP PHA780TW SPH440SF MJSH440B SPH440HY SP252-540F PHT540F AHSS SP231-440F MJSH780Y HE 450 M HR 780T/450Y TR SPH590SF SPHN590B . Appendix ✽CR Division POSCO Specification CSP1-S CQ(LQ) CSP1D-S/-E Mild Steel DQ CSP2-S/-E DDQ CSP3(N)-S/-E EDDQ S-EDDQ KS KS-SCP1-S KS-SPCC-S KS-SCP1-S KS-SPCC-S KS-SCP2-S KS-SPCD-S KS-SCP3N-S JIS ASTM EN RENAULT GMW FORD DCX JFS NISSAN HONDA TOYOTA MAZDA MITSUBISHI JS-SPCC-S A1008-CS EN-DC01 (Z/X) E GMW2M-ST-S CR1 WSS-M1A345-A1 MS-67CS JSC270C SP129 JSC270C SPC270C SPCN1 MJSC270C-C JS-SPCC-S JS-SPCD-S EN-DC03 A1008-DS EN-DC04 JS-SPCE(N)-S A1008-DDS EN-DC05 CSP3E-S/-E JS-SPCF A1008-EDDS EN-DC06 CSP3X-S/-E JS-SPCG KS-SPCE-S GMW2M-ST-S CR2/-E (Z/X) ES (Z/X) SES PCY220E(-E) GMW2M-ST-S CR4/-E WSS-M1A345-A3 GMW2M-ST-S CR5/-E WSS-M1A345-A4 MS-67DS MS-67DDS JSC270D SP121 JSC270D JSC270D-E SPC270D SPCN2 MJSC270D 98 HSS Rephosphorized grade KS-SPFC340 JS-SPFC340 CHSP38E(-E) KS-SPFC370 JS-SPFC370 CHSP40E(-E) KS-SPFC390 JS-SPFC390 - KS-SPFC390 JS-SPFC390 CHSP45E KS-SPFC440 JS-SPFC440 CHSP35ES(-E) KS-SPFC340 JS-SPFC340 GMW3032M-ST-S CR180IF/-E HC 180Y GMW3032M-ST-S CR240IF/-E HC 260Y CHSP220Y A1008-33 CHSP260Y A1008-40 SP122 JSC270E SPC270E SPCN3 MJSC270E JSC270F SP123 JSC270F SPC270F SPCN4 MJSC270F EN-DC07 JSC260G SP124 JSC270G SPCN5 MJSC270G B170P1 JSC340P SP132-340 JSC340P SPC340HR SPCN340P MJSC340P HC 260LA ZE 260P JSC370P SP132-370 JSC370P SP131-370 JSC390P SPC390HR SPCN390P MJSC390P B210P1 WSS-M1A347-A2 JSC440P JSC440P SPC440HR SPCN440P MJSC440P B250P1 GMW3032M-ST-S CR240IF/-E XE 280D WSS-M1A347-A1 SP132-340 JSC340P GMW3032M-ST-S CR240LA WSS-M1A347-A2 SP131-370 JSC370W WSS-M1A347-A3 MS264<S> -045XK KS-SPFC390 JS-SPFC390 A1008-45 class2 HC 300LA XE 320D GMW3032M-ST-S CR300LA KS-SPFC440 JS-SPFC440 A1008-50 class2 HC 340LA XE 360D GMW3032M-ST-S CR340LA A1008-55 class2 HC 380LA GMW3032M-ST-S CR380LA WSS-M1A347-A4 MS264<S> -055XK HC 420LA GMW3032M-ST-S CR420LA WSS-M1A347-A5 MS264<S> -060XK CHSP380Y CHSP420Y KS-SPFC490 JS-SPFC490 A1008-60 class2 99 CHSP45C KS-SPFC440 JS-SPFC440 A1008-50 class1 WSS-M1A347-A3 MS264<S> -050XK JSC440R SP152-440 KS-SPFC590 JS-SPFC590 A1008-70 class1 WSS-M1A347-A4 MS264<S> -070XK JSC590R SP151-590 JSC590R SPC590 SPCN-590R MJSC590R CHSP35R KS-SPFC340 JS-SPFC340 A1008-33 JSC340W SP132-340 JSC340W SPC340 SPCN-340W MJSC340W - KS-SPFC370 JSC370W SP131-370 JSC370W SPC370 SPCN-370W MJSC370W JSC390W SPC390 SPCN-390W MJSC390W JSC440W SPC440 SPCN-440W MJSC440W HC 220P XE 235P GMW3032M-ST-S CR180P CHSP40R KS-SPFC390 JS-SPFC390 A1008-40 HC 260P GMW3032M-ST-S CR240P CHSP45R KS-SPFC440 JS-SPFC440 A1008-45 class1 HC 300P GMW3032M-ST-S CR270P KS-SPFC340H JS-SPFC340H HC 180B (Z/X)E BH HC 220B CHSP40EB WSS-M1A347-A2 SP152-440 MS264<S> (E)-025HK JSC270H SP125 JSC340H SP135-340 JSC340H SPC340BH SPCN-340H MJSC340H GMW3032M-ST-S CR210B2/-E WSS-M1A341-A4 MS264<S> (E)-035HK GMW3032M-ST-S CR240B2/-E WSS-M1A341-A1 MS264<S> (E)-040HK WSS-M1A341-A9 MS264<S> (E)-045HK GMW3399M-ST-S CR450T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR250T DP JS-SPFC490Y HCT 500X (Z/X)E 300B CHSP60DP KS-SPFC590Y JS-SPFC590Y HCT 600X XE 360 B CHSP80DP KS-SPFC780Y JS-SPFC780Y HCT 780X XE 450 B KS-SPFC980Y JS-SPFC980Y HCT 980X XE 550 M GMW3399M-ST-S CR490T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR290T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR340T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR420T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR980T DP GMW3399M-ST-S CR550T DP WSS-M1A348-A1 WSS-M1A348-A6 MS264<S> -490DT WSS-M1A348-A7 MS264<S> -590DT JSC590Y RP153-590N JSC590Y SPC590DU SPCN-590Y MJSC590Y MS264<S> -780DT JSC780Y RP153-780 JSC780Y SPC780DU SPCN-780Y MJSC780Y JSC980Y SPC980DU JSC980Y GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T TR CHSP60TR XE 450 T MJSC980Y SPCN-590G GMW3399M-ST-S CR380T TR HCT 780T JSC440W JSC440W WSS-M1A347-A3 XE 260BH KS-SPFC490Y CHSP80TR JSC390W WSS-M1A347-A2 (Z/X)E 220BH CHSP50DP(-E) PCT980D-H WSS-M1A347-A1 WSS-M1A341-A3 CHSP45DP(-E) CHSP100DP WSS-M1A347-A1 GMW3032M-ST-S CR180B2/-E CHSP45BH-E TRIP MS264<S> -050XK CHSP60C CHSP40B(-E) AHSS GMW3399M-ST-S CR750T TR GMW3399M-ST-S CR440T TR PCT980T TWIP Complex Phase HPF CHSP780TW PCT980W CHSP120CP CHSP1470CP PCT1470H BUFD JSC390P CHSP300Y PCY180B Dual Phase BUSD DC05(BSC2) WSS-M1A347-A1 CHSP340Y CHSP35EB(-E) BLD DC04(St14/15) GMW3032M-ST-S CR180IF/-E CHSP28BH-E Baked Hardening BLC DC03(St13) JSC270E CHSP40ES Microalloyed grade DC01(St12) POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel IF grade WSS-M1A345-A2 EN-DC07 PCY180E(-E) CHSP35E(-E) GMW2M-ST-S CR3/-E MJSC270C BAOGANG JSC1180Y MJSC1180Y . Appendix ✽GA Division CQ Mild Steel POSCO Specification KS JIS ASTM EN RENAULT GMW FORD DCX JFS NISSAN HONDA TOYOTA MAZDA MITSUBISHI BAOGANG CGCC KS-SGCC JS-SGCC A653M-CS DX51D+ZF (Z/X) E GMW2M-ST-S CR1 HD52A52A(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A1 MS-6000 44AE-CS JAC270C SP789 JAC270C SCGA270C SPCM1 MJAC270C-C DC51D MJAC270C DC52D GMW2M-ST-S CR3 HD52A52A(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A2 MS-6000 44AE-DS JAC270D SP781 JAC270D SCGA270D SPCM2 MJAC270D DC53D MS-6000 44AE-DDS JAC270E SP782 JAC270E SCGA270E SPCM3 MJAC270E DC54D JAC270F SP783 JAC270F SCGA270F SPCM4 MJAC270F DC56D JAC270G SP784 JAC270G SPCM5 MJAC270G EN-DX57D LQ CGCF KS-SGCD1 JS-SGCD1 A653M-FS DX52D+ZF DQ CGCD KS-SGCD2 JS-SGCD1 A653M-DS-DS DX53D+ZF DDQ CGCN KS-SGC3N JS-SGC3N EDDQ CGCE S-EDQ GMW2M-ST-S CR2 HD52A52A(U/E) (Z/X) ES A653M-DS-DDS DX54D+ZF GMW2M-ST-S CR4 HD52A52A(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A3 A653M-DS-EDDS DX56D+ZF GMW2M-ST-S CR5 HD52A52A(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A4 CGCX DX57D+ZF (Z/X) SES CGCHS220Y CGCHS260Y Microalloyed grade A653M-275 CGCHS300Y CGCHS340Y SGC400 SGC400 CGCHS380Y SGC440 SGC440 CGCHS420Y SGC490 SGC490 A653M-340 A653M-410 CGCHS35R HSS GMW3032M-ST-S CR240LA HD52A52AU WSS-M1A347-A2 MS-6000 44VA-040 HX 300LAD+ZF XE 320 D GMW3032M-ST-S CR300LA HD52A52AU WSS-M1A347-A3 MS-6000 44VA-045 H300LAD HX 340LAD+ZF XE 360 D GMW3032M-ST-S CR340LA HD52A52AU MS-6000 44VA-050 H340LAD GMW3032M-ST-S CR380LA HD52A52AU WSS-M1A347-A4 MS-6000 44VA-055 H380LAD HX 420LAD+ZF GMW3032M-ST-S CR 420 WSS-M1A347-A5 MS-6000 44VA-060 WSS-M1A347-A4 MS-6000 44VA-070 WSS-M1A347-A1 MS-6000 44WA-025 XE 235 P SGC340 CGCHS35E(-E) SGC340 (B260LYD) HX 380LAD+ZF GMW3032M-ST-S CR180P HD52A52AU CGCHS45 PAY220E(-E) H260YD XE 280 D CGCHS40 CGCHS35E(-E) H220PD HX 260LAD+ZF CGCHS60C Rephosphorized grade MS-6000 44VA-035 HX 180YD+ZF GMW3032M-ST-S CR180IF HD52A52AU(U/E) HX 220YD+ZF GMW3032M-ST-S CR210IF HD52A52AU(U/E) HX 260YD+ZF GMW3032M-ST-S CR240IF HD52A52AU H420LAD JAC590R SPCM590R MJAC590R JAC340W SP781-340 JAC340W SCGA340 SPCM340W MJAC340W JAC390W SP781-390 JAC390W SCGA390 SPCM390W MJAC390W JAC440W SP781-440 JAC440W SCGA440 SPCM440W MJAC440W H220PD H180YD JAC340P SP782-340 SCGA340HR SPCM340P MJAC340P H220YD CGCHS38E(-E) IF grade CGCHS40 CGCHS45E SGC440 CGCHS35ES(-E) WSS-M1A347-A1 JAC390P SP782-390 JAC390P SCGA390HR SPCM390P MJAC390P WSS-M1A347-A2 JAC440P SP782-440 JAC440P SCGA440HR SPCM440P MJAC440P MS-6000 44VA-025HK JAC270H SP785 JAC270H SCGA270BH MS-6000 44VA-035HK JAC340H SP785-340 JAC340H SCGA340BH JAC590Y SCGA590DU HX 180YD+ZF CGCHS40ES PAY180B(-E) CGC28BH-E Baked Hardening PAY210B(-E) CGCHS35BH(-E) CGCHS40BH(-E) A653M-BHS 410 HX 180BD+ZF (Z/X)E BH GMW3032M-ST-S CR180B2 HD52A52AU(U/E) HX 220BD+ZF XE 220 BH GMW3032M-ST-S CR210B2 HD52A52AU(U/E) HX 260BD+ZF XE 260 BH CGCHS45BH(-E) CGCHS50BH(-E) HCT 500X+ZF XE 300 B CGCHS60DP HCT 600X+ZF XE 360 B CGCHS80DP HCT 780X+ZF XE 450 B PAT980D-M(H) HCT 980X+ZF XE 550 B Dual Phase AHSS HCT 690T+ZF CGCHS80TR HCT 780T+ZF TWIP CGCHS780TW CGCHS120CP GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T DP HD52A52AU GMW3399M-ST-S CR420Y DP HD52A52AU WSS-M1A347-A1 MS-6000 44VA-040HK WSS-M1A347-A9 MS-6000 44VA-045HK WSS-M1A347-A6 MS-6000 44VA-490DT WSS-M1A347-A7 MS-6000 44VA-590DT MS-6000 44VA-780DT GMW3399M-ST-S CR980T DP HD52A52AU GMW3399M-ST-S CR550Y DP HD52A52AU GMW3399M-ST-S CR380Y TR HD52A52AU CGCHS690TR Complex Phase GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T DP HD52A52AU GMW3399M-ST-S CR340Y DP HD52A52AU GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T TR HD52A52AU CGCHS590TR TRIP GMW3399M-ST-S CR490T DP HD52A52AU GMW3399M-ST-S CR290Y DP HD52A52AU WSS-M1A347-A3 MS-6000 44VA-590TT MS-6000 44VA-690TT XE 450 T GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T TR HD52A52AU GMW3399M-ST-S CR440Y TR HD52A52AU MS-6000 44VA-780TT JAC590Y RP783590N MJAC270H SPCM340H MJAC340H MOAC590Y RP783-780 MOAC780Y RP783-980 MOAC980Y B240P1D POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel 100 SGC340 WSS-M1A347-A1 101 . Appendix ✽Gi Division POSCO Specification KS JIS ASTM EN RENAULT GMW FORD DCX NISSAN BAOGANG CQ CGCC KS-SGCC JS-SGCC A653M-CS DX51D+Z (Z/X) E GMW2M-ST-S CR1 HD70G70G(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A1 MS-6000 44E-CS SP789 DC51D LQ CGCF KS-SGCD1 JS-SGCD1 A653M-FS DX52D+Z DQ CGCD KS-SGCD2 JS-SGCD2 A653M-DS-DS DX53D+Z DDQ CGCN KS-SGC3N JS-SGC3N A653M-DS-DDS DX54D+Z EDDQ CGCE JS-SGCD-3 A653M-DS-EDDS DX56D+Z S-EDQ CGCX GMW2M-ST-S CR2 HD70G70G(U/E) (Z/X) ES DC52D GMW2M-ST-S CR3 HD70G70G(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A2 MS-6000 44AE-DS SP781 DC53D GMW2M-ST-S CR4 HD70G70G(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A3 MS-6000 44AE-DDS SP782 DC54D GMW2M-ST-S CR5 HD70G70G(U/E) WSS-M1A345-A4 SP783 DC56D SP784 EN-DX57D Mild Steel (Z/X) SES DX57D+ZF CGCHS220Y CGCHS260Y 102 HSS Rephosphorized grade CGCHS340Y SGC400 SGC400 CGCHS380Y SGC440 SGC440 CGCHS420Y SGC490 SGC490 A653M-340 A653M-410 HX 260LAD+Z AHSS WSS-M1A347-A2 MS-6000 44V-040 H260YD (B260LYD) WSS-M1A347-A3 MS-6000 44V-045 H300LAD MS-6000 44V-050 H340LAD XE 320 D GMW3032M-ST-S CR300LA HD70G70GU HX 340LAD+Z XE 360 D GMW3032M-ST-S CR340LA HD70G70GU HX 380LAD+Z GMW3032M-ST-S CR380LA HD70G70GU WSS-M1A347-A4 MS-6000 44V-055 H380LAD HX 420LAD+Z GMW3032M-ST-S CR420LA HD70G70GU WSS-M1A347-A5 MS-6000 44V-060 H420LAD WSS-M1A347-A1 CGCHS45 WSS-M1A347-A2 103 HX 220YD+Z GMW3032M-ST-S CR210IF HD70G70G(U/E) CGCHS40 HX 260YD+Z GMW3032M-ST-S CR240IF HD70G70G(U/E) CGCHS35ES HX 180YD+Z XE 220P GMW3032M-ST-S CR180IF HD70G70GE CGCHS28B(-E) HX 180BD+Z (Z/X)E BH GMW3032M-ST-S CR180BE HD70G70GE WSS-M1A341-A3 MS-6000 44VA-025HK CGCHS35BH(-E) HX 220BD+Z XE 220 BH GMW3032M-ST-S CR210BE HD70G70GE WSS-M1A341-A4 MS-6000 44VA-035HK CGCHS60DP HCT 600X+Z XE 360 B CGCHS80DP HCT 780X+Z XE 450 B PGT980D-M(H) HCT 980X+Z XE 550 B CGCHS80TR HCT 780T+Z Complex Phase CGCHS120CP GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T DP HD70G70GU GMW3399M-ST-S CR420Y DP HD70G70GU WSS-M1A347-A1 WSS-M1A348-A7 MS-6000 44V-590DT RP783-590N MS-6000 44V-780DT RP783-780 RP783-980 GMW3399M-ST-S CR550Y DP HD70G70GU MS-6000 44V-590TT MS-6000 44V-690TT XE 450 T GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T TR HD70G70GU GMW3399M-ST-S CR440Y TR HD70G70GU SP782-340 MS-6000 44VA-045HK GMW3399M-ST-S CR980T DP HD70G70GU GMW3399M-ST-S CR380Y TR HD70G70GU HCT 690T+Z CGCHS780TW GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T DP HD70G70GU GMW3399M-ST-S CR340Y DP HD70G70GU GMW3399M-ST-S CR590T TR HD70G70GU CGCHS690TR TWIP SP782-340 GMW3032M-ST-S CR270BE HD70G70GE CGCHS590TR TRIP GMW3032M-ST-S CR240LA HD70G70GU HX 300LAD+Z CGCHS45BH(-E) Dual Phase H220PD CGCHS40 CGCHS35 Baked Hardening A653M-275 CGCHS300Y PGY220E(-E) IF grade SGC340 MS-6000 44V-035 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel Microalloyed grade SGC340 WSS-M1A347-A1 MS-6000 44V-780TT H220PD . -L) Zn-Fe EFSE(-E) Zn-Ni ENSE(-E. -L) Pure Zn EGSX-E A591M-DDS DC05+ZN JS-SECE PZY210B(-E) EGCHSP35B-E ISOTROPIC IF grade Rephosphorized grade HSS Microalloyed grade Zn-Fe Microalloyed grade Rephosphorized grade Zn-Ni Microalloyed grade Pure Zn TRIP Zn-Fe Zn-Ni DC06+ZE JEC270F JEC270F GMW2M-ST-S CR5 EG70G70G(U/E) JEC270G JEC270G KS-SEFC340H JS-SEFC340H A591M-BHS410 HC 180B+ZE A591M-BHS210 HC 220B+ZE EGCHSP40B-E HC 260B+ZE EGCHSP220-E HC 220I+ZE EGCHSP35E(-E) KS-SEFC340 JS-SEFC340 HC 180Y+ZE EGCHSP38E KS-SEFC370 JS-SEFC370 HC 260Y+ZE GMW3032M-ST-S CR180B2 EG70G70GU JEC340H JEC340P JEC340P JEC370P JEC370P KS-SEFC390 JS-SEFC390 JEC390P EGCHSP45E KS-SEFC440 JS-SEFC440 JEC440P EGCHSP35R KS-SEFC340 JS-SEFC340 A591M-230 EGCHSP40R KS-SEFC390 JS-SEFC390 A591M-275 HC 220P+ZE HC 260P+ZE JEC340W JEC340W JEC390W HC 340LA+ZE EGCHSP45C KS-SEFC440 JS-SEFC440 HC 300LA+ZE EFCHSP35E-(-E) KS-SEFC340 JS-SEFC340 HC 180Y+ZE EFCHSP38E-(-E) KS-SEFC370 JS-SEFC370 HC 260Y+ZE EFCHSP45E KS-SEFC440 JS-SEFC440 EFCHSP35R KS-SEFC340 JS-SEFC340 EFCHSP38R KS-SEFC370 JS-SEFC370 A591M-230 HC 220P+ZE HC 180Y+ZE KS-SEFC340 JS-SEFC340 KS-SEFC390 JS-SEFC390 ENCHSP35R KS-SEFC340 JS-SEFC340 A591M-230 HC 220P+ZE A591M-275 HC 260P+ZE KS-SEFC390 JS-SEFC390 KS-SEFC590Y JS-SEFC590Y EFCHSP60TR KS-SEFC590Y JS-SEFC590Y EFCHSP80TR KS-SEFC780Y JS-SEFC780Y ENCHSP60TR KS-SEFC590Y JS-SEFC590Y GMW3032M-ST-S CR210IF EG70G70GU(U/E) GMW3032M-ST-S CR240IF EG70G70GU(U/E) GMW3032M-ST-S CR180P EG70G70GU GMW3032M-ST-S CR240P EG70G70GU GMW3032M-ST-S CR340P EG70G70GU JEC440W JEC340P JEC340P JEC370P JEC370P JEC340W JEC340W JEC370W ENCHSP35E-E ENCHSP40R GMW3032M-ST-S CR180IF EG70G70GU(U/E) GMW3032M-ST-S CR180IF EG70G70GU(U/E) GMW3032M-ST-S CR210IF EG70G70GU(U/E) JEC440P ENCHSP35E-E EGCHSP60TR GMW3032M-ST-S CR210B2 EG70G70GU(U/E) GMW3032M-ST-S CR240B2 EG70G70GU(U/E) EGCHSP40E(-E) EGCHSP340Y Rephosphorized grade AHSS A591M-DDS DC06+ZN EGCSP28BH-E Baked Hardening GMW2M-ST-S CR4 EG70G70G(U/E) JEC270E PZY180B(-E) 104 DN-ST1405EG JEC340P JEC340P JEC390P HC 780T+ZE JEC340W JEC340W GMW3032M-ST-S CR180P EG70G70GU GMW3032M-ST-S CR210P EG70G70GU GMW3032M-ST-S CR180IF EG70G70GU(U/E) GMW3032M-ST-S CR240IF EG70G70GU(U/E) GMW3032M-ST-S CR180P EG70G70GU JEC390W GMW3399M-ST-S CR780T TR EG70G70GU GMW3399M-ST-S CR440Y TR EG70G70GU POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel EDDQ Zn-Fe DN-ST1305EG A591M-DS JEC270E DDQ GMW2M-ST-S CR2 EG70G70G(U/E) 105 .Appendix ✽EG Division POSCO Specification KS JIS ASTM EN A591M-CS DC01+ZE JFS DIN GMW JEC270C CQ Pure Zn EGSC JEC270C GMW2M-ST-S CR1 EG70G70G(U/E) (JEC : ZN-Fe Coating) LQ Pure Zn EGSC-E Zn-Fe EFSC KS-SECC DC03+ZE JS-SECC DN-ST1203EG DN-ST1205EG Fuel tank Zn-Ni ENSC(-E) Pure Zn EGSD(-E) DC03+ZN KS-SECD DN-ST1303EG DC04+ZE JS-SECD JEC270D DQ Mild Steel Zn-Fe EFSD Fuel tank EFTSD Zn-Ni ENSD(-E) Pure Zn EGSN(-E. -L) Pure Zn EGSE(-E. -L) GMW2M-ST-S CR3 EG70G70G(U/E) JEC270D DC04+ZN KS-SECEN DC05+ZE JS-SECEN DN-ST1403EG S-EDDQ EFSN(-E) Fuel tank EFTSN Zn-Ni ENSN(-E. Gangnam-gu.부록 ✽Gi POSCO Specification Division CQ KS JIS ASTM EN JFS TOYOTA MAZDA MITSUBISHI KS-SGHC JS-SGHC A653M-CS DD11+ZF JAH270C SHGA270C SPHM1 MJAH270C SHGA270D SPHM2 MJAH270D SHGA270E SPHM3 JAH310W SHGA310 SPHM310W JAH370W SHGA370 CGHC LQ Mild Steel DQ CGHD A653M-DS DD12+ZF DDQ JAH270D JAH270E KS-SGH340 KS-SGH35 JS-SGH340 CGH37 A653M-255 AUTOMOTIVE steel Copyright Ⓒ 2014 by POSCO All rights reserved 106 CGH41 KS-SGH400 KS-SGH41 JS-SGH400 POSCO Automotive Steel POSCO Automotive Steel CGH35 JAH400W SHGA400 SPHM400W MJAH400W JAH440W SHGA440 SPHM440W MJAH440W 107 Stuctural CGH45 CGH50 KS-SGH440 KS-SGH45 KS-SGH490 KS-SGH50 JS-SGH440 A653M-340 S355MC+ZF JS-SGH490 CGH58 Contact Us POSCO Center 440. Seoul. Teheran-ro. Korea Global Technical Center TEL 82-2-3457-1819 FAX 82-2-3457-1980 . Pohang-si. Pohang-si. Pokposarang-gil. Korea TEL 82-61-790-0114 FAX 82-61-790-7000 www. Korea TEL 82-54-220-0114 FAX 82-54-220-6000 Gwangyang Works 20-26. 440.com . Seoul 135-777. Korea TEL 82-2-3457-0114 FAX 82-2-3457-6000 Pohang Works 6261. Gangnam-gu. Nam-gu. Gwangyang-si.com www. Donghaean-ro. Donghaean-ro. Gyeongsangbuk-do 790-785. Jeollanam-do 545-711.Headquarters 6261. Korea TEL 82-54-220-0114 FAX 82-54-220-6000 Seoul Office POSCO Center. Gyeongsangbuk-do 790-300. Nam-gu.posco. Teheran-ro.steel-n.
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