Portfolio Presentation Templates, 3 Examples



Portfolio PresentationName_______________ -nnotate: . pt. Problem: Mr. Brown, Mr. Devlin and Mr. Coleman are a competitive group of friends. T e! compete in "ust about ever!t ing. #ne $aturda! morning t e! all went out to pla! a %uic& nine oles of golf. T e score card below s ows t e score at t e end of t eir game. #ne score was missing for eac pla!er, but t e! all &now w at t eir final score were. 'elp eac pla!er finali(e t e score card. ) at are t e missing scores of eac pla!er* $ ow and +,plain !our wor& using t e rubric attac ed. Name Mr. Brown Mr. Devlin Mr. Coleman . 7. 7. 7. / 7/ 7. 0 70 0 7. 1 2 1 . 2 2 7/ 3 7. 7/ 0 4 73 72 5 2 1 73 6 1 0 70 $core 70 7/ 8 )riting 9+,planation: Numbers 9Calculations: )riting Numbers Picture 9;rap , Diagram, etc.: Picture Goals for Portfolio Presentations Presenters Goals Annotate or identify the important numbers, words, and phrases in the problem Write an explanation that answers an open response question. The explanation must include a problem solving technique. Show all the calculations needed to answer the question. All the calculations should be presented logically and in order with the final answer correctly labeled. llustrate your answer by using diagrams, graphs and pictures. llustrations should be clearly labeled. • • • • Presenters !riting 4 "xplanation is concise, accurate, and uses appropriate math vocabulary 3 2 1 "xplanation is wrong and uses no math vocabulary "xplanation are somewhat "xplanation are not concise, mostly accurate, concise, many and uses some math inaccuracies, and uses vocabulary little math vocabulary #alculating calculations are correct one calculation is incorrect more than one calculation no calculations are and answers are and answers are correctly is incorrect and answers correct and answers correctly labeled labeled are not labeled are not labeled llustrating llustrations display llustrations display some llustrations show little no llustration correct information and correct information and information and incorrectly correctly labeled correctly labeled labeled Portfolio Presentation Problem: Name_______________ -nnotate: . pt. Mr. Brown loves going on destination vacations. #ne time e went to -las&a to visit is brot er and did an arra! of activities. T e grap starts w en Mr. Brown left is brot ers ouse. Mr. Brown left is brot ers ouse at 0,123 feet above sea level and too& a i&e up to t e top of a mountain t at was 3, 543 ft above sea level. -fter is our and a alf brea& e went straig t to t e #cean to go snor&eling. 'e couldn<t sta! too long so e was onl! diving around 012 ft undersea level. $oon after t e dive Mr. Brown went to bac& to is brot er<s ouse to catc up on a nice mid7da! nap. ) at is t e total distance Mr. Brown traveled on t is particular da!* $ ow and +,plain !our wor&. 'eig t Time )riting 9+,planation: Numbers 9Calculations: Numbers )riting Picture 9;rap , Diagram, etc.: T e grap on t e front s ows at w at elevation Mr. Brown was at during is activities. T e grap also s ows ow long e did eac activit!. =e7illustrate t e grap t at was s own in t e problem bo, and correctl! label eac line of t e grap wit w ere Mr. Brown was and w at e was doing. 9>ou must also label t e diagonal lines:. Picture Goals for Portfolio Presentations Presenters Goals Annotate or identify the important numbers, words, and phrases in the problem Write an explanation that answers an open response question. The explanation must include a problem solving technique. Show all the calculations needed to answer the question. All the calculations should be presented logically and in order with the final answer correctly labeled. llustrate your answer by using diagrams, graphs and pictures. . llustrations should be clearly labeled • • • • -nnotate: . pt. Presenters !riting 4 "xplanation is concise, accurate, and uses appropriate math vocabulary calculations are correct and answers are correctly labeled llustrations display correct information and correctly labeled 3 "xplanation are somewhat concise, mostly accurate, and uses some math vocabulary one calculation is incorrect and answers are correctly labeled llustrations display some correct information and correctly labeled 2 "xplanation are not concise, many inaccuracies, and uses little math vocabulary more than one calculation is incorrect and answers are not labeled llustrations show little information and incorrectly labeled 1 "xplanation is wrong and uses no math vocabulary no calculations are correct and answers are not labeled no llustration #alculating llustrating -dvisor!_____ Portfolio Presentation Name_______________ Problem: ?n a sale, all t e prices are reduced b! /2@. .. Aason sees a s irt t at cost B0/ before t e sale. 'ow muc does it cost in t e sale* ?n t e second wee& of t e sale, t e prices are reduced b! /2@ of t e previous wee&<s price. ?n t e t ird wee& of t e sale, t e prices are again reduced b! /2@ of t e previous wee&<s price. ?n t e fort wee& of t e sale, t e prices are again reduced b! /2@ of t e previous wee&<s price. /. 0. 1. Aason t in&s t is will mean t at t e price will reduce to B8 after t e four reductions because 1 , /2@ C .88@. +,plain w ! Aason is wrong* ?f Aason is able to bu! is "ac&et after t e four reductions, ow muc will e ave to pa!* ) at percentage of t e original price does e save* )riting 9+,planation: Numbers 9Calculations: Numbers )riting Picture 9;rap , Diagram, etc.: Picture Goals for Portfolio Presentations Presenters Goals Annotate or identify the important numbers, words, and phrases in the problem Write an explanation that answers an open response question. The explanation must include a problem solving technique. Show all the calculations needed to answer the question. All the calculations should be presented logically and in order with the final answer correctly labeled. llustrate your answer by using diagrams, graphs and pictures. . llustrations should be clearly labeled • • • • Presenters !riting 4 "xplanation is concise, accurate, and uses appropriate math vocabulary calculations are correct and answers are correctly labeled llustrations display correct information and correctly labeled 3 "xplanation are somewhat concise, mostly accurate, and uses some math vocabulary one calculation is incorrect and answers are correctly labeled llustrations display some correct information and correctly labeled 2 "xplanation are not concise, many inaccuracies, and uses little math vocabulary more than one calculation is incorrect and answers are not labeled llustrations show little information and incorrectly labeled 1 "xplanation is wrong and uses no math vocabulary no calculations are correct and answers are not labeled no llustration #alculating llustrating
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