Pomucka Stanag 6001

March 25, 2018 | Author: Karas Zataras | Category: Dumpling, Soup, Waiting Staff, Meal, Food & Wine



Vysoká vojenská škola pozemního vojska ve VyškověFakulta ekonomiky a managementu Katedra jazyků Pčt: P 89 Počet listů: 26 POMŮCKA pro přípravu ke zkoušce z anglického jazyka podle normy STANAG 6001 Autorky: PhDr. Ivana Čechová Mgr. Ludmila Koláčková VYŠKOV 2004 2 © VVŠ PV ve Vyškově, 2004 CONTENT Vysoká vojenská škola pozemního vojska ve Vyškově...............................1 CONTENT...................................................................................................4 ÚVOD..........................................................................................................5 PERSONAL DETAILS.................................................................................6 MILITARY RANKS.......................................................................................8 DESCRIBING PEOPLE...............................................................................9 DAILY ROUTINES.....................................................................................10 EDUCATION..............................................................................................11 A PLACE TO LIVE.....................................................................................13 FREE TIME................................................................................................14 HOLIDAYS.................................................................................................15 INVITATIONS............................................................................................16 MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS.....................................................................17 TRAVEL.....................................................................................................19 HIRING A CAR..........................................................................................23 HOTELS....................................................................................................24 RESTAURANTS........................................................................................27 SHOPPING................................................................................................31 SERVICES.................................................................................................33 WEATHER.................................................................................................36 ASKING THE WAY....................................................................................37 WRITING...................................................................................................39 KEY............................................................................................................44 Použitá literatura........................................................................................49 4 Děkujeme Mgr. kde si studenti rovněž mohou formou samostatného studia procvičit i ostatní dovednosti včetně gramatiky. Autorky doporučují k procvičení konverzace využít konzultačních hodin v Self-Access Centre. Předkládá výběr devatenácti konverzačních témat. Obtížnější témata jsou doplněna slovní zásobou a frázemi s českými ekvivalenty. nezbytné ke zpracování jednotlivých témat. U některých konverzačních cvičení nebylo pochopitelně možné klíč zpracovat. protože odpovědi jednotlivých uchazečů jsou různé. Struktura jednotlivých témat není totožná.ÚVOD Předložená pomůcka je zpracována pro přípravu ke zkoušce STANAG 6001. Autorky vycházely z dlouholetých zkušeností. slouží k samostatné přípravě uchazečů o zkoušku. Autorky 5 . ukazující. která témata či konverzační situace jsou pro uchazeče nejobtížnější a jimž je tedy třeba věnovat více pozornosti. Většina cvičení je doplněna klíčem. Nenahrazuje systematickou přípravu. v níž uchazeči mohou najít návod k psaní jednoduchých sdělení ve formátu požadovaném v písemné části zkoušky. Samostatným oddílem je část WRITING. s nimiž se u ústní části zkoušky nejčastěji setkáváme. Jiřímu Dvořákovi a paní Julii Mezera za cenné připomínky. stupeň 1. ... George M. He is twenty-eight and he is not married.. George King is from Manchester........ the guitar. Hobbies... Jsem kapitán Novák.. Read the text about George and complete the table. playing the piano. gardening. He likes mending cars.PERSONAL DETAILS Introduction Could I introduce myself? Allow me to introduce myself... že jsme se ještě nesetkali. I do not think we have met... Myslím. My name is ..king@hotmail. playing computer games and dancing..... dislikes swimming.. likes... repairing the car. Představování Mohu se představit? Dovolte... He has applied for a course for military drivers.. reading books I LIKE I DON‘T LIKE Exercise 1.. cooking... APPLICATION FORM 6 ........com Sgt. He works as a section commander in a small garrison near Colchester.. shopping. Manchester george.. King Section Commander 33 Oak street. Jmenuji se .. playing tennis... abych se představil.... I am Cpt Novak. His native language is English and he is visiting a French course... running.... watching TV. ............................ I come from Manchester I am Sergeant.......................... I am single.....? ....? GEORGE George King........... Mending cars............? .................. It is 33.................................................. I am twenty-eight.......................................................................... 3. INTERVIEWER ...........? ........... Oak Street............ Well.............. playing computer games and dancing............. Answer the questions about yourself: What’s your name? And surname? When were you born? How old are you? Where do you live? What is your address? What’s your phone number? And your e-mail? What sports and games do you like? 7 .........? ..................? ........................................? ................. Write the interviewer‘s questions.............. George goes for an interview at the drivers school........? ....... Occupation: Languages spoken: Interests: First name: Nationality Address: E-mail: Telephone: Signature: 2.......................... I speak French and English.....................Family name: Middle initials: Marital status......................... No................................................ ............................................. MILITARY RANKS What is your rank? What rank are you? Private Private First Class Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Warrant Officer W-2 Warrant Officer W-3 Chief Warrant Officer CW-1 Chief Warrant Officer CW-2 Chief Warrant Officer CW-3 Second-Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Brigadier-General Major-General Lieutenant-General General Join the army To be promoted Jakou máte hodnost? vojín svobodník desátník četař rotný rotmistr nadrotmistr podpraporčík praporčík nadpraporčík podporučík poručík kapitán major podplukovník plukovník brigádní generál generálmajor generálporučík armádní generál vstoupit do armády být povýšen Exercise Read about Tom and then say something about yourself. Now he is Sergeant. 8 . Tom joined the army last year. After six months he was promoted. As a trainee he had to obey his instructor’s orders. He had to drill and march during his basic training. 65m hair black brown blonde white hairstyle long short straight wavy eyes blue grey brown green personality friendly polite calm nice Ms. Seržant Holmes je mladý. Paní Lee je 35 let. Exercise Try to describe your friend. spouse or teacher using the vocabulary above. 9 . Je vysoký a dobře stavěný. He has short blond hair and blue eyes. Je přátelský. eyes. Má krátké blond vlasy a modré oči. He is tall and well-built.DESCRIBING PEOPLE age young 40 elderly old build fat thin slim well-built height tall short average height 1. Je malá a štíhlá. She is very nice. She has long brown hair and green Má dlouhé hnědé vlasy a zelené oči. He is friendly. Holmes is young. Je velmi milá. She is small and slim. Lee is 35. Sgt. start his work Work Leave the office. have a shower. Here is his daily schedule: 6.00 17.30 19. wash the dishes Walk the dog Watch TV news Read books or magazines. dress Have breakfast.00 22. have a bath. because his wife Helen works as a soldier and now she is on a mission abroad.45 7.00 6.30 20.00 – 16.30 18.00 16. What do you usually do during the working week? What do you usually do at the weekend? Answer the questions: What do you have for breakfast? How do you get to work? Do you commute? What time do you have lunch? What do you do in the evenings? 2.DAILY ROUTINES Steve is very busy.15 17. 10 . go to bed Exercise 1.00 16. go to work and do the housework. iron. wash up Be tired. So he has to look after their children. shave.00 Get up. prepare snack for children Leave the house. talk to children Cook dinner.00 7. go home Do some shopping Get back home. brush teeth. help children with their homework Time for dinner.00 19. prepare cup of coffee. Describe your daily routine. go to work by car Look for a place to park.15 6. To concentrate on I want to concentrate on English. To graduate I graduated from … in 1990.EDUCATION Elementary Education Primary school Middle school Primary/Basic school Secondary/High school Grammar school/Comprehensive school College Military University of the Ground Forces Military Academy What goes on at school? Registration Entrance examination To take a course Term Schedule Break To do homework To take a test / an exam To pass an exam To fail an exam School activities To attend Which school are you attending? To choose I chose this school. Some Subjects English Foreign language Mathematics 11 základní vzdělání první stupeň druhý stupeň základní škola střední škola gymnázium vysoká škola VVŠ PV Vojenská akademie Co se děje ve škole? zápis přijímací zkouška účastnit se kurzu pololetí. semestr rozvrh přestávka dělat domácí úkol dělat zkoušku udělat zkoušku propadnout u zkoušky chodit do vybrat si soustředit se na absolvovat školu Některé předměty angličtina cizí jazyk matematika . History Geography Biology Physics Chemistry Physical education Economics dějepis zeměpis biologie fyzika chemie tělesná výchova ekonomika 12 . Tony lives in a house in the country near the lake. He has a garden where he grows flowers and vegetables. It is an old farmhouse. It is quite a small house. There are three bedrooms.A PLACE TO LIVE Read these texts and complete the table: A. 1 2 3 4 A B C D Exercise Describe the place where you live. There is a kitchen where she cooks and eats and a small bedroom with a balcony. but the air is clean and the surroundings are wonderful. There is a living room and a kitchen downstairs. It is a bit lonely. 13 . and then two small bedrooms upstairs. Sara has found a small cottage in the hilly part of the country. D. B. Jenny lives in a small flat on a housing estate in the suburb of our capital. Dave has a small house in the area of Chester called Willow Hill. C. reading books. playing the piano.FREE TIME I LIKE I DON‘T LIKE swimming. cooking. watching TV. repairing the car. learning languages HOUSEWORK ironing cooking washing the dishes washing up vacuum cleaning LEISURE TIME playing table tennis playing computer games studying playing football watching TV Exercise What do you do in your free time? 14 . running. playing tennis. shopping. the guitar. gardening. Write what you will pack and what you are going to do in the case of nice/bad weather. Tell your colleague about your winter holiday you spent last week in the Krkonoše Mountains. 2.HOLIDAYS 1. You would like to go to Croatia. Write a short letter about your plans for your summer holiday. 15 . too? I’d like to invite you to my party. Inviting people Can you go with me? Do you want to go. Can you come? (The typical English invitation starts by saying what is planned and then asking the person to join in. Nevadí. 16 . Je mi líto. možná příště. why don’t you join us? Chceš jít se mnou? Chceš jít taky? Rád bych tě pozval na svou party. Perhaps next time. Skvělé. You are having a welcome party for a new colleague. You are planning to celebrate your wife’s birthday this Wednesday. I can’t. Proč bys s námi nešel? Exercise Role-play: Invite your friend to a football match in Brno next Saturday. sorry. Refuse your mother-in-law’s invitation to Sunday lunch.) Great! Oh. Accept your boy/girl friend’s invitation to a rock concert this evening. Look. You are organizing a housewarming party this Friday. nemohu. Never mind.INVITATIONS I’m having a party on Saturday. když jste nemocní změřit si teplotu jít k lékaři jít do nemocnice dostat recept jít do lékárny zaplatit poplatek za recept brát tabletky. ruku. prst mít teplotu Co dělat. aspirin Lékařovy otázky a pokyny Co je vám? Co vás trápí? Jaké máte potíže? Kde vás to bolí? Kdy to začalo? Bolí to pořád? Máte teplotu? Máte nějaké další potíže? 17 .MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS Medical problems To be ill To be sick To have cold To have flu/influenza To have a sore throat To have a headache a stomachache an earache a toothache To have a virus To have aches and pains To be hoarse To have a broken leg/arm/finger To have a temperature What to do when you are ill To take the temperature To go to the doctor’s To go to the hospital To get a prescription To go to the chemist’s To pay a prescription charge To take pills/ antibiotics/aspirin Doctor’s questions and instructions What’s the matter with you? What’s is wrong with you? What’s troubling you? Where do you feel the pain? When did it start? Does it hurt all the time? Have you got a temperature? Have you got any other problems? Zdravotní potíže být nemocen cítit se špatně být nachlazen mít chřipku mít bolesti v krku mít bolení hlavy žaludku ucha zubů mít virus mít bolesti chraptět mít zlomenou nohu. antibiotika. .................. Mrs.... Gardner: ... Vysvlékněte se do půl těla............. Phone me if you are not better by the day after tomorrow................ Mrs. I’d like to examine you.................... Strip to the waist..... Doctor: No.. Eat regularly/eat just light food.................................... Try to relax...... Užívejte tyto léky (pilulky) každých šest hodin..... Zhluboka dýchejte.......................... Does it hurt very badly? Mrs........ Gardener: ........ Pijte hodně teplých tekutin............. Gardner: ........... Breathe deeply..... You should go to bed for a couple of days..... Keep warm.. Gardner: Well...... Prohlédnu vás............................................ Zkuste odpočívat.................. Mrs. Mrs................................ Gardner: ........ Gardner............. Jezte pravidelně........................ Doctor: How long have you had it? Mrs.......... Right..................................... Sundejte si košili.. Doctor: Yes..... Take this medicine/ these pills every six hours/four times a day................ Gardner.............. What’s the problem? Mrs...... Mrs.. Gardner: ... Doctor: Good bye and see you next Monday for a check up.. it doesn’t look too bad...............Let me examine you... 18 ....... ... Stay in bed.. Zůstaňte v teple........... Have a lot of hot drinks...... Zůstaňte v posteli.... Here’s the prescription for some medicine........... Jezte jen lehká jídla... Doctor: I see...... Exercise Write the other half of the dialogue: Doctor: Good morning............. Take off your shirt................. . . 19 ........ please...............................? From platform 7.......... It isn’t very far..... ..? The bus is 7 crowns.. ...........? You can get there by bus or by taxi.................... I’d like one ticket to … One return to … A single to … How much is the first class ticket to …? Chci dva lístky do … Chtěl bych jeden lístek do … Jeden zpáteční do … Jednoduchou jízdenku do … Kolik stojí první třída do …? Exercise 1........ please? What time (When) does it arrive in Prague? Which platform is it/does it/leave from? Excuse me.........TRAVEL When you ask about a train/bus What time does the next train/bus leave? When does the next train/bus for Prague go? When is the next train to Prague...................................................... mohu odtud jet metrem/vlakem/tramvají do …? Zastavuje ten vlak/autobus v …? Jede nějaký vlak/autobus do Prahy brzy/dnes ráno? Musím v Pardubicích přestupovat? Tickets I want two tickets to …............. I think..............? About twenty minutes.. Tourist information What are the questions? ............ can I go by tube/bus/train//tram from here to …? Does the train/bus stop at …? Is there a train/bus to Prague soon/this morning? Do I have to change in Pardubice? Kdy odjíždí další autobus? Kdy jede další vlak/autobus do Prahy? Kdy jede další vlak do Prahy? Kdy to přijíždí do Prahy? Z kterého nástupiště to jede? Promiňte...... The journey takes … It costs … 3.. • It is often crowded. • You have to book the tickets a long time before you start the journey. Write sentences about a journey you make regularly. • It is never on time. • It is a romantic way to travel. Public transport Think about the place where you live. Choose one kind of transport. • It is the safest means of transport. • It is cheap. 4. Decide which sentences are true. What kinds of public transport are there? Make a list. • It is comfortable.. • It is slow. • 20 .2. I go by … It leaves … It arrives at … It gets to . že navštívím … Jak dlouho trvá let/cesta? Kolik ten zájezd stojí? When you want some information about places Can I take this brochure? Can you recommend a hotel/any hotels? What’s the weather like usually at this time of the year? Mohu si vzít tuto brožuru? Můžete mi doporučit nějaký hotel/ubytovnu? Jaké tam obvykle touto dobou bývá počasí? Exercise 1. You want to leave on the last Saturday of the month.. příští měsíc. We’d like to go to the seaside/the mountains. Chci jet do . 1. You want to come back in two weeks. I want to go to … Read the information before you make a dialogue. I want to travel to … next month. You want to go to London. 21 . Plánuji. Chtěl bych jet k moři/na hory..AT THE TRAVEL AGENT What the clerk says What kind/sort of tour would you like? What day do you wish to travel on? When would you like to return? Do you want to book train/flight tickets? Were you thinking of a tour? We have some nice tours … Jaký typ zájezdu si přejete? Který den chcete cestovat? Kdy se chcete vrátit? Chcete objednat jízdenky na vlak/letenky? Přemýšlel jste o zájezdu? Máme krásné zájezdy … What you say I’d like some information about … I want a room in the … hotel. You want to stay in a hotel. I plan to visit … How long does the flight/trip take? How much is the trip? Chtěl bych nějaké informace o … Chci pokoje v … hotelu. ....... You want to spend your Christmas holiday in the Alps.................................... Inspector: And how long are you going to be here? You: ..... 2...........................................................................................................................2....... Inspector: Thank you........ Have a nice day! 22 .... May I see your passport? You: ........................................................................ Inspector: What’s the date of your return? You: .......................................................................... Inspector: Where are you going to go? You: ................................................................................................. Inspector: What’s the purpose of your visit? You: ........................... Inspector: Where are you going to stay? You: .............................. Immigration inspector: Welcome to Atlanta...................................................... Discuss some details with a travel agent.................................. Coming through immigration Complete the dialogue................................................................................................ Customer: Tomorrow morning. I’d like to pick up at Prague airport. VAT. Clark: Clark: When would you want the car? The cheapest car we have is Skoda Felicia. Everything – insurance. drop it off in Brno. 23 . Customer: And what does it include? Clark: Clark: Customer: Fine.00 tomorrow morning. Can you give me some information about prices? I’d prefer something small and cheap. And what kind of identification do I need? Customer: Thanks. Just a driving licence and your ID.HIRING A CAR Driving licence VAT (Value added tax) ID card/certificate Unlimited mileage To pick-up To drop-off řidičský průkaz daň z přidané hodnoty průkaz totožnosti neomezené kilometrovné vyzvednout vrátit (vystoupit z dopravního prostředku) Umíte řídit? Jak dlouho máte řidičský průkaz? Řídíte rád? Už jste řídil v zahraničí? Potřebujete mezinárodní řidičský průkaz? Can you drive? How long have you had a driving licence? Do you like driving? Have you ever driven in a foreign country? Do you need an international driving licence? Car hire company Clark: Can I help you? Customer: I want to hire a car for a week. unlimited mileage. It is 800 crowns a day. I’ll pick up the car at 8. a room with a bath. Chcete plnou penzi/polopenzi? Kolik to stojí? Kolik to stojí? Je to se snídaní? Poskytujete zvláštní služby? Můžete mě vzbudit v …? Když odjíždíte Dnes odjíždím V kolik hodin se musím odhlásit? Mohu zaplatit účet? Můžete mi zařídit taxi? 24 . For two days. By what time do I have to check out? May I settle my account? Can you arrange a taxi for me? Když přijedete Máte volné pokoje? Máte ubytování? Jaký pokoj byste si přál? Mohu dostat … Chtěl bych … .jednolůžkový pokoj.pokoj s koupelnou. Till tomorrow.a double room.a single room. Do soboty. .dvoulůžkový pokoj. For how long? For one night.pokoj se sprchou . Do you want full board/half board? How much is it? How much does it cost? Is that with breakfast? Do you have any special services? Could you wake me up at …? When you leave I’m leaving today. Till Saturday. . .a room with a shower.HOTELS When you arrive Have you got any rooms free? Have you got any accommodation? What kind of room would you like? Can I have … I would like … . Do zítřka. . . Na jak dlouho? Na jednu noc Na dva dny. ..Exercise 1......... Mrs..... Title (Mr............................................................................................................... Date of departure.......................... Date of arrival....................................................................................................................) ........................................................................................................................................................................... Date and place of issue ............................................................... Nationality ............................................................................................. Country........................................................................................................ Home address ........ Miss etc.. .............. Zip/Postal Code ............................................................................................... Private telephone No... First name ................................................... Fill in the following form: GRAND HOTEL Surname ........................... Passport number: .................................... Signature: 25 ................................................................................................................................................ You: Rec: Right. Here is your key. fill in this form? You: Rec: Thank you. Can I help you? You: Rec: Single or double? You: Rec: How long do you want to stay? You: Rec: I could give you a room on the second floor with a shower for 17 pounds or one on the seventh floor with a bath for 21 pounds. Would you like a Contitental or English breakfast? You: Rec: Continental breakfast is served in your room.K.2. please. Would you. You: 26 . You: Rec: O. It is 2 pounds extra. Rec: Good afternoon. Play your role. English breakfast is served in our restaurant. I hope the room will suit you. v rohu . Will you bring me more … About the meal Breakfast bacon and eggs buttered toast fresh buns or rolls Lunch. knedlíky a zelí čokoládový dort hlávkový salát Nápoje minerálka pomerančový džus čepované pivo bílé víno 27 . thank you. dinner chicken soup roast meat.na terase .uprostřed Jsou tu volná místa? U stolu Už máte objednáno? Ještě ne. děkuji.in the middle Are there any free seats here? At the table Have you ordered your meal yet? Not yet. Přineste mi prosím Jídlo Snídaně slanina s vejci topinka s máslem čerstvé pečivo Oběd kuřecí polévka pečené maso.on the terrace . dumplings and cabbage chocolate cake lettuce salad Drinks mineral water orange juice draught beer white wine Když přijdete do restaurace Kam si chcete sednout? Sedněme si ke stolu … . Můžu dostat jídelníček? Co budete jíst/pít? Dal bych si … Dal bych si … Přejete si ještě něco? Ne.RESTAURANTS When you enter a restaurant Where would you like to sit? Let’s take a table … .u okna .at the window .in the corner . May I have the menu? What will you eat/drink? I’d like … I’d like to have … Would you like to have anything else? No. madam/sir? Did you enjoy your meal? Are you paying together? Po jídle Je všechno v pořádku? Chutnalo vám? Budete platit společně? MENU STARTERS Fish salad Ham in aspic Smoked salmon SOUPS Tomato soup Beef soup with noodles Vegetable soup Goulash soup FISH Fried carp Grilled salmon steak Carp in wine sauce POULTRY Chicken salad Goose Roast turkey Duck with red cabbage MEAT Boiled beef with tomato sauce Roast veal Smoked pork Lamb meat SIDE DISHES Mashed potatoes Dumplings Chips Steamed rice Spaghetti VEGETABLES Tomato salad Mixed salad DESSERTS Strawberries with whipped cream Ice cream Apple pie 28 .After the meal Is everything all right. Waiter: Thank you. Design a suitable meal: a) for a friend of yours and her new boyfriend. sir? You: Yes. Would you like to sit at this table by the window? * * * Waiter: Are you ready to order? You: Waiter: What would you like to start with? You: Waiter: No soup? You: Waiter: What will you drink? You: * * * Waiter: Was everything all right? You: Waiter: Would you like anything else? You: Waiter: Our chef’s speciality is apple pie. c) for your American friends. They are interested in the Czech cuisine. b) for a romantic evening.Exercise 1. 2. 29 . Choose your answers from the menu: Waiter: Do you have a reservation. we’ve booked a table for two. The boyfriend is vegetarian. d) for a friend who’s on a diet. Complete the following dialogue. sir. The name is Jones. You: Waiter: And some coffee? You: Waiter: Yes. of course. 30 . Chcete si to/je vyzkoušet? Ano. Complete the following conversation. The changing rooms are over there. K. Shop assistant: It’s 960 crowns. where are the changing rooms? Have you got something bigger? I’ll buy it. Would you like to try it/them on? Yes. kde jsou zkušební kabinky? Máte větší velikost? Koupím si to. great. You: Excuse me . Potřebuji velikost … Jak se vám líbí toto? Nelíbí se mi barva/střih. Budete platit hotově? Mohu použít kreditní kartu? Kolik to stojí? Exercise 1. líbí se mi. Shop assistant: Certainly. Jakou máte velikost Velikost M. I need size … How do you like this? I don’t like the colour/style? Yes. * * * You: How does it look? Shop assistant: It looks very good. What size are you? Medium. Ano. You: Oh. I like it. Does it feel O. Will you pay in cash? Can I use my credit card? How much is it? Čím mohu posloužit? Co si přejete? Chtěl bych … Chci si koupit … Jen se dívám.SHOPPING Can I help you? What would you like? I would like … I want to buy … I’m just looking.? You: Shop assistant: Shall I wrap it up? 31 . K. When do you wear these items? tie shorts battle dress uniform (BDU) suit trainers hat 32 . You‘re in a clothes shop. 2.You: Shop assistant: O. Take it to the cash desk. Ask the shop assistant about some of these things. What documents do I need to open an account? What currency is used in your country? bankovky mince měna mít peníze u … banky mít peníze v bance otevřít si účet zrušit účet vybrat peníze z banky platit složenkou inkasovat šek platit poplatek Chci si založit účet. Banky jsou otevřené od deseti. I want to change euros into crowns. adresa poštovní směrovací číslo obálka známka oznámkovat poslat dopis doporučený dopis expresní dopis dopis do zahraničí letecký dopis Chtěl bych tento dopis poslat doporučeně. Banks do not close at lunchtime. Banks are open from 10. Chtěl bych si vyměnit cestovní šek za dolary.SERVICES BANK Bank notes Coins Currency To have an account with the … bank To have money in the bank. Chci vyměnit eura na koruny. I would like to cash a traveller’s cheque for dollars. Přes poledne v bankách nezavírají. 33 . Jaké doklady potřebuji k založení účtu? Jaká měna se používá ve vaší zemi? POST OFFICE Address Post/zip code Envelope Stamp To stamp To post a letter Registered letter Express letter Letter abroad Air-mail letter I would like to send this letter by registered post. To open an account To close an account To withdraw money from the bank To pay by postal order To cash a cheque To pay a commission I want to open a bank account here. Budd Joyce here. Barclays Bank. Can I speak to Ann? This is Ann. is that Paul? No. I’ll just get him. Ann. Can I send it by air-mail? When will it get to? Where can I buy postage stamps? Chtěl bych poslat tento balíček. Tady je Tady Ann. Zavolám ho. Mohu to poslat letecky? Kdy to dojde? Kde si mohu koupit poštovní známky? TELEPHONING Prepare yourselves before making a call: • Company • Number • Person’s name • Extension number • Expressions you might need to use • Things you need to ask about • Expressions you may need to explain and check things To dial a number To hang up Operator Call box Mobile phone. Good morning.? U telefonu. Dobrý večer. How can I help you? Can I speak to the manager. . it isn’t. Je tam Paul? Ne. please? 34 vytočit číslo zavěsit spojovatelka telefonní budka mobil záznamník nahraná zpráva Mohu mluvit s panem W. Good evening. není. Hello. Hello.I would like to send this parcel. This is Mary. Oh! Hi. please? Speaking. cell phone Answering machine Recordered message Study the following dialogues: Can I speak to Mr Wilson. 35 . zavolám později. není přítomen. Bohužel. Mohu převzít vzkaz? Nedělejte si starosti. Can I take a message? Don’t worry.I’m afraid he isn’t here. I’ll call later. 2. The wind is blowing. 7. 6. A B C D E F G A B C D E F G 36 . 3. It’s snowing. It’s cloudy and rainy. Which is your favourite season? Why? What’s the weather like? Match the statements with the pictures: 1. It’s stormy. The sun is shining. It’s freezing. 5. 4. 2. It’s raining.WEATHER SEASONS SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER Exercise 1. ASKING THE WAY zímní stadion stadion vlakové nádraží 37 . Promiňte. It’s about ten-minutes drive. Go through the park. Excuse me. Exercise You are at the bus station. is this the right way to … Could you tell me the way to … Excuse me. It is on your left/right. Jeďte kolem hospody. It’s round the corner. Go straight as far as the bridge Jeďte přímo až k mostu and then … a pak … Drive past the pub. kde je … Ukážu vám to na mapě. Promiňte že obtěžuji. where is … I’ll show it to you on the map. Go straight and then take the Jeďte přímo a pak zabočte first to the right/left první ulicí doprava/doleva. z kopce. Je to nalevo/napravo. You have to cross the bridge. jedu/jdu správně do … Ukázal byste mi cestu do …(Mohl) Promiňte. Běžte přes park. Je to odtud daleko. Je to za rohem. Musíte jet přes most.Sorry to trouble you. down/up the hill. Look at the map and describe: • how to get to Masaryk Square • how to get to the stadium • how to get to the Rostex factory • where there are any petrol stations • how to get to the train station 38 . Je to asi 10 minut jízdy. do kopce. It’s a long way from here. • Do not write long sentences. • You must get as much information as possible into a few lines. And now do the following exercise: Jste se třídou na týdenním zájezdu v zahraničí. remember the following rules: • Use informal language. • Use adjectives to make the content more interesting. Begin the postcard in the correct way. Napište pohlednici v rozsahu 100 – 120 slov anglicky mluvícímu kamarádovi (kamarádce). Say where you are (and why). When you have finished. V pohlednici uveďte: • kde jste a jaký je účel/cíl vaší cesty • s kým tam jste • co si myslíte o ubytování • jaká byla cesta • co už jste viděli. kde jste byli a co plánujete na zbytek pobytu • dobu příjezdu domů 39 . Use it as a sample and put the following notes in the correct order: A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) Finish the postcard in a suitable way. Tell your friend about some plans for trips or visits you are going to make before you leave.WRITING A POSTCARD Before you start writing a postcard. Give some information about how you spend your time and some of the things you have done. Now look at the text. check your use of tenses. Give a few details about who is with you and what the place is like. Mention the day of your departure (or arrival) home. Read the note and study the annotations to the text: 1. • Message notes are normally short and direct. že nemůžete přijít na odpolední vyučování • zdůvodňujete. I hope you’ll be able to find someone else to play.. Everything is OK. Incomplete sentences can be used in informal messages. 5. • Include all the information specified in the question. Dear is not necessary. 5. • Be careful about the word or space limit.NOTES Before you start writing a note.? Would you mind …? etc. As well as giving information. Sat 13th 2.. so avoid unnecessary details. you may need to make requests using phrases like: Can you …? Could you . ve kterém: • se omlouváte. Dave 3. See you soon Sue Annotations to the text: 1. … 4. jak a kdy učiteli předáte váš domácí úkol Hodnotící kritéria: • splnit každý z výše uvedených bodů • vhodný úvod. Look at the following exercise and write a note: Napište vzkaz v rozsahu maximálně 50 slov svému učiteli angličtiny. Can we arrange another game for next week? By the way. 4. remember the following rules: • Read the question carefully to understand why you are writing the note and who will receive it. proč nemůžete přijít • vysvětlujete. závěr a neformální jazyk • dodržení rozsahu textu 40 . Other simple phrases for giving news are: Informal – A quick note to tell you/ask you/say thanks for … More formal – For your invitation. 2. Just to let you know that I won’t be able to play tennis tomorrow. depending on your relationship with the person. I spoke to Ken. 3. The date can be abbreviated. Don’t forget to … • Svou adresu napište do pravého horního rohu (1). V dopise: • projevte radost. odvolejte se na něj na začátku dopisu. • Neuvádějte adresu příjemce. Dopis můžete zakončit slovy Best wishes a All the best (5).• správné užití jazykových prostředků (gramatika. který jste obdrželi. pravopis. write soon. you’re (4). • Datum pište pod svou adresu (2). Lze používat zkrácené tvary jako např. Anyway. Ve svém dopise Vás prosí o radu. ve kterém píší. Neuvádějte své jméno. g. že se rozhodli přijet • doporučte jim návštěvu dvou zajímavých míst 41 . (1) 76 Willow Road Wintertown WI2 6RG 9 January 2002 (2) (3) Dear Jane. Oslovujte pouze křestním jménem (3). využít rozkazovacího způsobu. že by chtěli v rámci své cesty po Evropě strávit tři dny v České republice. Liz Zadání úlohy Vaši známí z USA Vám napsali dopis. • I konec dopisu by měl znít přátelsky. • Často se můžete vyjadřovat přímo. např. Odpovězte svým známým na dopis v rozsahu 120 – 150 slov. (4) Thanks for your lovely letter. slovní zásoba) INFORMAL LETTERS • Dbejte na to. I was glad to hear that you’re well. aby styl dopisu nebyl formální a dopis celkově působil přátelsky. (5) Love. která místa by měli navštívit. e. • Začátek dopisu by měl být přátelský. Jestliže je v zadání zmíněn dopis. • požádejte je o informace o jejich příjezdu. 2. 4. zájem o zdraví…) • vhodný způsob jak poskytnout radu/požádat o pomoc/informaci • použití odstavců při uvedení nového/jiného tématu. Include all information specified in the question. 3. Make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. study the following rules: Features of e-mails: • the writer’s address • the address o the person/people it’s sent to • the subject of the e-mail Use informal language: • (a)informal opening and ending • (b)short forms • (c)direct questions You may also: • (d)use emoticons (computer symbols) • (e)leave out words Points to remember: 1. vhodné řazení odstavců • odpovídající počet slov • gramatika • pravopis • vhodná slovní zásoba AN INFORMAL E-MAIL Before you start writing an e-mail. Include all features of an e-mail 5. Make sure you read the question carefully. poděkování za dopis. Hodnotící kritéria: • splnění zadání úlohy • vhodný neformální začátek a konec dopisu • vhodný úvod (např. Use the correct language. 42 . kterého jste již několik měsíců neviděl/a. Tom vás zve na velikonoční prázdniny. zakončení apod.Read the e-mail and do the exercise: Zadání úlohy Dostal/a jste e-mail od Toma. krátké odpovědi.) • gramatická a jazyková správnost 43 . ve kterém: • projevíte radost. Napište mu e-mail. že vás pozval (A) • napíšete podrobnosti o svém příjezdu (B) Hodnotící kritéria: • vyplnění hlavičky • splnění bodu (A) • zodpovězení všech 3 otázek (B) • neformální jazyk (zkrácené výrazy. com Telephone: ENGLISH. It is 33. Read the text about George and complete the table. FRENCH Signature: 2. Oak Street. Marital status: SINGLE Occupation: SOLDIER Languages spoken: SERGEANT Interests: CARS. I speak French and English. George goes for an interview at the driving school.KEY PERSONAL DETAILS 1. No. COMPUTER First name: GEORGE Nationality ENGLISH Address: 33 OAK ST.. Mending cars. I am single. playing computer games and dancing. INTERVIEWER What is your name? Are you married? How old are you? Where do you come from? What rank are you? Can you speak any foreign language? What is your address? What are your interests? GEORGE George King.king@hotmail. Well. I am twenty-eight. Write the interviewer‘s questions. A PLACE TO LIVE Read these texts and complete the table: A 4 B 1 C 2 D 3 44 .MANCHESTER E-mail: george. I come from Manchester I am Sergeant. APPLICATION FORM Family name: KING Middle initials: M. DANCE. You should go to bed for a couple of days. Gardner: Yes. Inspector: Where are you going to stay? 45 . Mrs. How long does the journey take? About twenty minutes. Here’s the prescription for some medicine. TRAVEL Tourist information What are the questions? How do I get to the Military University? You can get there by bus or by taxi. Gardner: Is it serious? Doctor: No. When shall I come again? Doctor: Good bye and see you next Monday for a check up. then to Dallas and back to Atlanta. Mrs. Gardner. It isn’t very far. What platform does it leave from? From platform 7. May I see your passport? You: Here you are. Gardner: Thank you. Inspector: What’s the purpose of your visit? You: Leisure. Doctor: How long have you had it? Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Inspector: Where are you going to go? You: I am going from Atlanta to San Antonio. my nose is running and I feel a pain in my chest. Mrs. I think. Gardner. right. Doctor: Yes. Phone me if you are not better by the day after tomorrow. I am feeling really bad.MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS Write the other half of the dialogue: Doctor: Mrs. At the travel agent Coming through immigration Immigration inspector: Welcome to Atlanta. Doctor: I see. I’d like to examine you. Gardener: Good bye. Gardner: Good morning. Gardner: Two days. I’ve got a bad cough. it doesn’t look too bad. How much is the bus? The bus is 7 crowns. What’s the problem? Well. Does it hurt very badly? Mrs. Can I help you? I’d like to have a room. we’ve booked a table for two. O. RESTAURANTS 2. Thank you. Thank you. Complete the following dialogue. I hope the room will suit you. fill in this form? O. Would you like a Contitental or English breakfast? What’s the difference? Continental breakfast is served in your room. sir. Would you like to sit at this table by the window? Are you ready to order? Yes. I would like Continental breakfast. 46 * * * Waiter: You: . Would you.You: Inspector: You: Inspector: You: Inspector: Mainly with friends. The name is Jones. And how long are you going to be here? About two months. please. K. Rec: You: Rec: You: Rec: You: Rec: You: Rec: You: Rec: You: Rec: You: Rec: You: Good afternoon. Thank you. I could give you a room on the second floor with a shower for 17 pounds or one on the seventh floor with a bath for 21 pounds. Thank you. please. Right. sir? Yes. What’s the date of your return? 22 May. How long do you want to stay? Two days. I am. I prefer a room with a shower. Here is your key. English breakfast is served in our restaurant. It is 2 pounds extra. Have a nice day! HOTELS Play your role. Single or double? Single.K. Choose your answers from the menu: Waiter: You: Waiter: Do you have a reservation. 47 . Take it to the cash desk. K. Shop assistant: O.? You: Yes. Shop assistant: Shall I wrap it up? You: Yes. * * * Waiter: You: Waiter: You: Waiter: You: Waiter: You: Waiter: SHOPPING Exercise 1 1. You: Excuse me. Would you like to have anything else? Can you reccommend me some dessert? Our chef’s speciality is apple pie. thank you. It is really comfortable. great. it is fine. * * * You: How does it look? Shop assistant: It looks very good. Can I try it on? Shop assistant: Certainly. of course. What will you drink? Mineral water. please. it was delicious.Waiter: You: Waiter: You: Waiter: You: What would you like to start with? Carp in wine sauce with chips. How much is it? Shop assistant: It’s 960 crowns. And some coffee? Black with sugar. No soup? No. That would be nice. K. You: Oh. please. The changing rooms are over there. Was everything all right? Yes. Does it feel O. Yes. Complete the following conversation. B 4. F 6. G 48 . E 5. D 3. A 5 B 3 C 2 D 4 E 1 F 7 G 6 WRITING A POSTCARD 1. A 8. C 2.WEATHER What’s the weather like? Match the statement with the picture. H 7. barrysclipart.cz www.com 49 .supernavigator.Použitá literatura www.
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