May 21, 2018 | Author: 77chim | Category: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan, Constitution, Separation Of Powers, Politics



. . (b) “India is a Secular State”. Q. . in the Q. What is Supreme Soviet? Discuss its powers and functions.M. Q. Discuss the role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in rise of Muslim National in Sub-continent. Critically examine and comment. Discuss the salient features of Chinese Constitution (1982).FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BS-17. No.3. No. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.4. (iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at One Place instead of at different places. 2. UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q.7. PART-II Q. Q. PAPER-I TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS (PART-I MCQs) Maximum Marks: 20 PART –I (MCQs) Maximum 30 Minutes (PART-II) Maximum Marks: 80 Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book. No. (vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. All questions carry EQUAL Marks. 2015 POLITICAL SCIENCE. SECTION-II Q. (c) Islamic Provisions of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed. (v) No Page /Space be left blank between the answers. Paper. Q. In the light of this statement discuss carefully the position and powers of English Prime Minister. Paper. (iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at One Place instead of at different places. is a shining moon among stars”. (ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II.8. How Grand National Assembly of Turkey is elected? Discuss its powers and functions. (iv) Candidate must write Q. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. (vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. (v) No Page /Space be left blank between the answers. (iv) Candidate must write Q. FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BS-17. PAPER-II TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS (PART-I MCQs) Maximum Marks: 20 PART –I (MCQs) Maximum 30 Minutes (PART-II) Maximum Marks: 80 Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book. No. Write Note on any two of the following: (a) Reasons for the failure of 1956 Constitution.6. PART-II SECTION-I Q. All questions carry EQUAL Marks.5. “The British P. Critically examine the concepts of Hobbes and Locke about `Social Contract. Q. 2015 POLITICAL SCIENCE. in the Q. 2. The American Senate today is the most powerful legislative body in the world. (ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. 8. 4. 3. Q. Discuss in detail Ibne Khaldun’s concept of `Asbiyah’. 5.7. How can it bring even change in the society.4. Why this system is unable to work consistently and successfully in Pakistan? 2014 Political Science Papers 2014 Paper I Part II Section I Q. Q. Discuss the "Political Culture". No. No. Critically examine the concept of "Justice" by Plato. How local self government strengthens democracy. Discuss "Democratic Political System". Write short NOTES on any TWO of the following: (a) Asabiya (b) Social Justice (c) Oligarchy Section II Q. Compare the concept of Millat and Territorial Nationalism by Iqbal. Q. Discuss in detail the concept of "Raisul Awwal" by Al-Farabi.6. No. No. Q. 6. Discuss in detail the concept of sovereignty and explain its attributes. No. Q. How public opinion is made and how it can be measured.3. Q. 2. “Equal distribution of wealth”. No. 7.Q. 8. Q. Q. Write NOTES on any Two of the following: (a) Bentham’s `Utility’ (b) Philosopher King (c) Pressure group Q. Also its importance. explain this statement in the light of Marx’s philosophy. Q. No.5. Write short NOTES on the following: (a) Liberty (b) Separation of Power . Discuss the Allam Iqbal's concept of "Khudi". Q7. Examine Montesquieu's theory of separation of powers. Also explain the concept of Senatorial Courtesy. 4. Analyze the role of political parties in the post 1958 political system of France. which party system is . 5. 3. 7. Define political parties and their functions. No. 2. No. 8. Q. No. How Iqbal's wisdom helped in shaping the intellectual foundations of Pakistan? Q. Q. Critically analyse the Social Contract theory of Hobbes. Discuss the powers and functions of US Senate. Q. Q5. Define and discuss Liberty and its safeguards. 2014 Paper II Part II Section I Q. No. Explain the evolution of British Monarchy with focus on gradual transfer of powers from the Monarch to the Prime Minister. Q4. (c) Impact of Deng Xiaoping's reforms on China 2013 Political Science Paper I Section-A Q2. Section II Q. Write short notes on the following: (i) Ibne Khaldun's concept of Asbiyah (ii) Marx's theory of Class Struggle Section-B Q6. 6. Elaborate the secular aspect of Turkish Constitution and objectively analyze its impact on Turkish society. No. Enlist the causes of decline in modern times. No. Q. Q3. Locke and Rousseau. Critically analyze the nature of federation in former USSR. Write NOTES on any TWO of the following: (a) Gerrymandering (b) Rahbar in Iran's Constitution. No. In your view. Why he has been called "Aristotle" of eighteen century? Discuss. American Senate is "the saucer in which the boiling tea of the House is cooled". Write short notes: (i) Independence of judiciary (ii) Merits of Federation ************** 2013 Paper-II Section-A 1. Section-B 4. Explain why kingship is not abolished in England? 3.suitable for Pakistan's political system? Q8. 1962 and 1973 Constitutions of Pakistan. 6. Discuss the salient features of 1982 Constitution of Turkey. Examine the Powers of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of USSR. Give comparative analysis of the Islamic provisions of 1956. 5. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) National People's Congress of China (b) Role of "Leader" in the 1979 Constitution of Iran (c) "There is no such thing as Indian Secularism". 2.Elucidate. Discuss the Role of Quaid-i-Azam in creation of Pakistan.Discus -----------------------------------2013 MCQS----------------------------------- POLITICAL SCIENCE paper I MCQs 1. 7.The main book which presents the Montesquieu's philosophy: a) the Persian letters b) Prince c) The spirit of Law . Leviathan is a book written by: a) Rousseau b) locke c) Hobbes d) None of these 3.Al-Ghazali was appointed in Nizamia College as a professor of: a) Theology b) Sociology c) economics d) none of these 6.According to which view. Iqbal graduated in the year of: a) 1887 b) 1889 c) 1885 d) none 9.Jean Bodin presented the concept of sovereignty in the book of: a) Republic b) Lectures on jurisprudence c) Republica d) none 10. the law and libert are opposite to each other: a) Liberalism b) Communism c) Individualism .d) None of these 2.Dr.Asbiyah was the term used by: a) Turkish b) Spanish c) Arabs d) none 7.Al-Farabi translated the work of: a) Aristotle b) Plato c) Montequieu d) none of these 4. movements or wars" is the claim of: a) Mao b) Karl Marx c) lenin d) none 8.Al-Farabi made everlasting contribution to: a) Political thought b) Sociology c) History d) none of these 5." The economics is the factor causing revolutions. M & his cabinet .M & Presidnet c) P.The term "elite" was first began to use in: a) France and Germany b) U.Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam is written by: a) Ibn-e-Khaldun b) Allama Iqbal c) Syed Amir Ali d) none 15.S.Despotism means: a) Rule of individual based on law b) Rule of individual without law c) Democracy d) none 17. tyranny is the perverted form of: a) Democracy b) Aristocracy c) Monarchy d) none 16. Fascist Italy and Soveit Union under Stalin are example of: a) Authoritarian rule b) Totalitarian rule c) liberal democracy d) none 19.S.The regimes.S c) U.According to Aristotle.R d) none 12.K and U. like Nazi Germany.The distinction between the parliamentary and presedential political system depends upon the relationship between: a) legislature & executive b) P.A voluntary union of sovereign and independent states is called: a) Confedration b) Federation c) Unitary state d) none 14.S and U.Mechiavelli was a: a) Republican b) Monarchist c) Aristocrate d) none 18.d) none 11.The constitution is not written and rigid in: a) Confedration b) Federation c) Unitary state d) none 13. " Law is the command of sovereign"? a) Jean Bodin b) John Austin c) Rousseau d) none #9 Sunday.d) none 20.Scientific Society was establishe by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in: a) 1867 b) 1866 c) 1864 .Financial Powers of the Senate of Pakistan are _________ to the National Assembly of Pakistan: a) Equal b) More c) Less d) Nil 4.Quorum of Senate of PAkistan is: a) 1/2 b) 1/3 c) 1/4 d) 1/5 e) none 2.Islam was declared as the State religion under the _________ constitution of Pakistan: a) 1973 b) 1962 c) 1956 d) 8th amendment 5. 2013 sabahatbhutta Join Date: Jun 2011 Location: Multan 42nd CTP (PAAS) Posts: 569 Thanks: 475 Thanked 656 Times in 290 Posts MCQs Paper II POLITICAL SCIENCE MCQs paper II 1. __________ woman/women can be included as mamber/ members of the Council of Islamic Ideology: a)No b) One c) Two c) Three 3.Under 1973 Constitution of Pakistan.Who said. March 10. a ________ of 13 states was created in America.The presidium of the Supreme Soveit of former USSR consisted of ______ members: a) 333 b) 303 c) 33 d) 25 e) none .On 15th November 1777.d) 1863 6.The present constituition of Turkey was drafted by.The Bolshevic Revolution took place in USSR in: a) 1915 b) 1917 c) 1919 d) 1949 e) none 12.The first Muslim who became the President of Indian National Congress was: a) Badruddin Tayyab gi b) Abdul Kalam Azad c) Zakir Hussain d) Abul Kalam e) none 7.Which American president was shot dead due to violation of convention of Senatorial courtesy? a) Abraham Licoln b) Garfeild c) Jefferson d) Roosevelt e) none 8) Pendleton Act was introduced in USA in _________ for the recruitmnet to government posts through competitive examination. a) Federation b) Confederation c) Unity d) Condomenium e) none 10. a) 1905 b) 1901 c) 1885 d) 1883 e) none 9. a) kamal Ataturk b) Grand National Assembly c) National COnsultative Council d) none 11. Under the 5th republic.The Privy council consists of _______ members: a) 30 b) 100 c) 330 d) none 17.The Judicial committtee of Privy council was set up by the Act of _____ a) 1866 b) 1833 c) 1926 d) 1931 e) none 15.13.American ___________ is known as the Third Chamber." Right Honourable" is the title of: a) Members of the Privy council b) Cabinet Ministers c) Judges of the courts d) None 19. tenure of French president is _______ years: a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 7 e) none 20.The French president is elected by: a) Electoral college b) Direct universal sufferage c) national assembly d) senate e) none 18.Every lord had a right to vote by proxy which was abolished in: a) 1688 b) 1866 c) 1707 d) 1868 e) none 16. a) President b) Supreme Court c) Senate .The quorum of House of Lords is: a) 3 b) 33 c) 50 d) 100 e) none 14. . – 17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.P." explain and discuss.S. – 17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Q3 What is judicial review? Discus its impact on usa decision making process. Al-farabi theory of state Part-2 Q 6 Define political science. Discuss. Q 8 write short notes on the following 1-views of marx on socialist revolution 2-classical Liberalism ************************ EDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN B. d) House of Representatives e) none FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN B." elaborate.P.S. Q4 Discuss the executive powers of the french president in detail. Q 3 Ibn-e-khaldun perhaps was the first philosopher to realize the relevant importance of economics to politics. Q 4 short notes on following 1 Rousseau theory of general will 2. To what extent can one be systematic in a study of political process? How " scientific" is political science? Q 7 discus the principal advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary over presidential form of govt. Political Science-Paper-2 Q2 Discuss in detail the legislative the legislative powers of the USA President. With special reference to Pakistan. 2012. Political Science-Paper-1 Q 1 Plato intended to build an institution for scientific study of politics and training of statesman. 2012. Q 2 Montesquieu with all his faults and irregularities is the father of modern historical research. . Caliph c. Select the best option and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20) i .MAXIMUM MARKS:80 PART – I (MCQ) CUMPULSORY Q. Allama Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Council in: . Q7 Discuss 18th amendment of pakistan..MAXIMUM MARKS:20 (PART-II)…………2 Hours & 30 Minutes……. Majlis-e-Shura b. Also analyse Part-2 Q6 What is provincial autonomy? Discuss its importance in true federation. Karl Marx c.do u find the principle of social justice in this Amendment? Q8 write notes on any two of the following.…. None of these iii. Mao-Tse-TUNG d. Muslim population d.. 2010 POLITICAL SCIENCE PAPER – I TIME ALLOWED: (PART-I)…………30 MINUTES………….1. The founder of communism is: a. 1-Fundamental rights 2-social justice 3-Lok Sabha 4-Supreme court of Pakistan __________________ M-M-M 2010 FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. None of these ii.Q5 Discuss the powers of senate of usa. The sovereignty Islamic Political system belongs to: a. Plato b. India c. Keemyae-Saadat was written by: . 5040 b. None of these viii. Parliamentary System d. China d. Thomas Hare b. None of these iv. 50400 c. None of these vi. 1732 c. Canvassing b. J. Propaganda d. None of these vii. Common Law d. Single Transferable vote system was suggested for proportional representation by: a. None of these v. Presidential System c.a. Federal System b. 1632 b. According to Plato the population of an ideal state should be: a. INITIATIVE and RECALL methods oftenly used in: a. Lobbying c. John Austin presented his history of sovereignty in a book which was published in: a. International Law b. None of these x. Opposite of private law is: a. Great Britain b. It is normally the technique of pressure groups to impress the legislature: a. 1935 d. 1926 c. Mill d. 50040 d. Public Law c. 1919 b. None of these ix. Principle of Collective responsibility is a feature of: a. 1832 d. None of these xi.S. Lord Courney c. Al Marwardi d. Mughtaq Ahmad b. 750 A.C c. 850 A. Abu Nasar Farabi died in the year: a. Allama Iqbal d. Nizam-ul-Mulk Toosi b. Al Farabi . English d. Ibne Khaldun b. 1784 A. 1754 A. Waliud Din Abdur Rahman famously known as: a. The word “Democracy” has been derived from the language: a. Roman City States b.D c. None of these xii. 950 A. 322 B. United States of America d. None of these xvii.D b. Ghizale c. 332 B. The Greek philosopher Aristotle died in: a. None of these xviii.D d.C b.D c. The term POLITY is originally applied to: a.a. The book “Sairul Malook” was written by: a. Latin c. 384 B. Larence Zairing d. 1734 A.D b. Greek b. Imam Ghazali c. None of these xix. The book “Govt. None of these xiii. Khalid bin Saeed c.D d. and Politics in Pakistan” is written by: a. None of these xiv. Greek City States c. None of these xvi.C d. The famous book “The Spirit of Laws” written by Montesquieu was published in: a. None of these xv. Ideal State of Al-Farabi ii. Write short notes on the following.2.6. Attempt only FOUR questions from PART –II. Attributes of Sovereignty . SECTION . Write short notes on the following: i. All questions carry EQUAL marks.5. Iqbal’s views on Ijtehad SECTION – II Q. “Is it correct to call Machiavelli citizen of all states and contemporary of all ages”. Comment. Guild Socialism c. Selecting at least TWO questions from EACH SECTION. ii.7. Al Ghizali d. Argue.” Discuss Q. PART – II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book. i. Q. “Al-Marwardi brought constitutional theory of Islam in line with political reality of his time.b. Would you agree if it is stated that dictatorship is the only remedy for social.8. political and economic instability in a developing country? Q. Q.4. None of these xx. None of these PART – II NOTE: i.3. Fascism d. “An Ideal Islamic State is bound to bring revolutionary changes in all spheres of human life.I Q. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. Q. Benito Mussolini was the originator of: a. Al Marwardi c.” Discuss this with reference to his views on ‘Khlafat’ and Wizarate’. “Aristotle was great but not grateful student of Plato”. National Socialism b. iii. 10 Downing Street d. Which American state is called the mother of Presidents: a. Opinion Polls. Florida b. Virginia ii. The theory of separation of powers b. The Queen b. ************** FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Texas d. The Congress sits at place in Washington D.. The title of former emperor of Russia was: a. King v.1. Checks and balances c. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. White House c. (20) i . 2010 POLITICAL SCIENCE PAPER – II TIME ALLOWED: (PART-I)…………30 MINUTES…………. The British constitution is based on: a..MAXIMUM MARKS:20 (PART-II)…………2 Hours & 30 Minutes……. The Crown c.MAXIMUM MARKS:80 PART – I (MCQ) CUMPULSORY Q. Czar c.…. None of these iv.. Judicial review d. The word ‘REX’ stands for: a.C is called: a. Difference between the theory and practice iii. New York c.ii. Capital Hill b. Sir b. The Court . Lord d. The Parliament vi. The authority of Judical Review was excercised for the first time by the Chief Minister Marshal in: a. The constitutional history of France begins with the French Revolution of: a. The Soviet Union was dissolved in: a. 4 July 1772 b. The Queen d. The quorum for hose of Lords is: a. The borrough c. The first president of the Fifth Republic was: a. None of these viii. None of these xi. 1990 c. 1992 x. 14 c. The Prime Minister b. 50 b. The country d. 1825 xiii. The district xii. The smallest administrative unit in British Local Self Government is: a.d. 1890 vii. Coty b. According to the constitution of France the Executive head of Government is: a. Chirac d. General DeGaulle c. 4 July 1783 d. 1803 c. 1786 c. 1991 d. The King ix. 4 July 1776 c. The President c. 1789 d. The American Declaration of Independence was proclaimed on: a. 1821 d. 3 . 1780 b. The Parish b. 1808 b. 1989 b. The Iranian Revolution under the leadership of Ayatullah Khomeini removed the monarch in: a. 1985 d. The Gullotine or closure by compartment is a term used in the law making procedure in: a. 12 xiv. The Lengthiest written constitution of the world is: a. Chinese Constitution d. Derg Za Ping c. 5 members d. UK c. The Supreme Judicial Council under the 1973 constitution consists of: a. USA b. Lu Hsun xix. 1989 b. Socialsim c. 10 members c. None of these xvii. France d. 1986 xx. Kamalism b. Turkey xv. Mao Tse Tung d. French Constitution xvi. 1979 c. 7 members PART – II .d. The Objective Resolution was made a part of the 1973 constitution in: a. 1980 xviii. 1997 d. Indian Constitution c. The founder father of the modern china is: a. Islam d. The ideological foundation of the Turkish Constition is based on: a. Chiang Ki Shek b. British Constitution b. 1980 c. 1977 b. 9 members b. I Q. Explain the factors that transformed Jinnah. Write a note on ANY TWO of the following: i. “Inspite of the provisions of provincial autonomy in the 1973 constitution there are Anti-Centre feelings in the federating units.4. Iranian Political System after the removal of the Shah of Iran iv.6. Selecting at least TWO questions from EACH SECTION.II Q.3. The role of the President of India iii. The predominance of the armed forces in the Turkish politics. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. into the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the Muslims. ii. SECTION .Paper-I TIME ALLOWED: . Q. SECTION . Q. “The Senate of USA is the most powerful upper hosue in the world. How is the French President elected? Give an objective analysis of the power enjoyed by the President.2.8. Explain how the British democracy is overshadowed by the cabinet dictatorship? Q. Attempt only FOUR questions from PART –II.NOTE: i. ii. iii.7. the ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity. Role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as a reformer ************ FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. PART – II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book. 2009 Political science.” Do you agree with the statement? Explain your answer with reference to the upper houses of India and Pakistan.5. Q. Q. Discuss the salient features of the constition of the Peoples Republic of China in comparison with the constition of former Soveit Union. All questions carry EQUAL marks.” Discuss this statement with special reference to Balochistan and Sindh. .6. How local government functions in France? Discuss.. Q.3. Examine Montesquieu’s theory of separation of powers.MAXIMUM MARKS:80 Section –I Q.3. Also compare it with British committee system. Define and discuss Liberty and its safeguards. 2009 Political science.MAXIMUM MARKS:20 (PART-II)…………2 Hours & 30 Minutes……. 2.MAXIMUM MARKS:80 Section –I Q.. Why has he been called the Aristotle of eighteenth century? Discuss. Write notes on the following: i) Principles of Fascism.Paper-II TIME ALLOWED: (PART-I)…………30 MINUTES…………. Q. Discuss committee system in American congress and point out its demerits. ii) Mao’s views on Individualism. Section-II Q.7. (PART-I)…………30 MINUTES…………. Enlist the causes of its decline in modern times also.5.8. FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.4.…. Point out indicators of its effectiveness also. Q. Q. ii) Merits of Federation. Discuss organization & functions of pressure groups.. Discuss Plato’s contribution to the History of political thought. Discuss the theory of Kingship as propounded by Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi..…..MAXIMUM MARKS:20 (PART-II)…………2 Hours & 30 Minutes……. Q. Q.2. . Write note on the following: i) Appreciation and criticism of Rousseau’s theory of General Will. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. Q. and 1973 (Reinstated in 1985 with amendments) constitutions of Pakistan: i) Delegation of Powers. How political parties organize and function in accordance with Turkish constitution? Also enlist five major parties with names of their founding fathers. Q. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Political Science Paper-I. Compare and critically examine the following under 1956. “India is a Secular state” critically examine and comment.7.6.1. of seats in provincial Assemblies iii) Basic Rights. Q. Q.8. Section-II Q. (20) (i) The turning point in the life of Plato came in the year 339 BC when he was of: (a) 24 years (b) 26 years (c) 28 years (d) None of these (ii) " The cause of sedition is always to be found in inequality" is said by: (a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Machiavelli (d) None of these (iii) According to Aristotle the end of state is: (a) Logical (b) Legal (c) Ethical (d) None of these (iv) Allam Iqbal characterized as " the sharp agent of devil" to a political philosopher namely: . iv) Mode of Elections. Q. what is Supreme Soviet? Discuss its powers and functions. 1962. MCQs. ii) No.4. Write comprehensive note on the following: i) Cadres scheme in Chinese political system. ii) Role played by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in the rise of Muslim Nationalism in the sub- continent.5. v) National Language. English economics and French revolutionary and social thoughts is known as: (a) Socialism .(a) Chanki Kutalia (b) Machiavelli (c) Karl Marx (d) None of these (v) Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqah of: (a) Imam Malik (b) Imam Shafi (c) Imam Abu Hanifa (d) None of these (vi) The concept of sovereignty was introduced for the first time into politics by: (a) Hugo Grotious (b) Jean Bodin (c) Thomas Hobbes (d) None of these (vii) Khawaja Abu Ali Hasan bin Ali bin Ishaq is widely known in the history of Islamic political thoughts: (a) Al-Farabi (b) Al-Ghazali (c) Al-Mawardi (d) None of these (viii) The Fascism of Plato got birth in 4th century BC. whereas the modern Fascism is the product of: (a) 18th Century (b) 19th Century (c) 20th Century (d) None of these (ix)" Ilmul-Iqtasad" is written by: (a) Ibn-Khuldun (b) Allama Iqbal (c) Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi (d) None of these (x) " A summary of Plato's Laws" was written by: (a) Al-Farabi (b) Al-Ghazalli (c) Al-Mawardi (d) None of these (xi) The doctrine which is a curious blend of German Idealism. in Philosophy from Government College Lahore in the year: (a) 1890 (b) 1895 (c) 1899 (d) None of these (xiv) "Re-construction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by: (a) Resenthal (b) Al-Mawardi (c) Ibn-Khaldun (d) None of these (xv) Machiavelli wrote " The Discourses of the first ten books on Titus Livius" in the year: (a) 1735 (b) 1745 (c) 1755 (d) None of these (xvi) Montesquieu restricts forms of Government upto: (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) None of these (xvii) Rousseau was born on 28 June 1712 at: (a) New York (b) Washington D.(b) Communism (c) Fascism (d) None of these (xii) J. (c) Geneva (d) None of these (xviii) " Man when seperated from Law and Justice is the worst of all animals" is the saying of: (a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Machiavelli .S.A. Mill wrote a famous book " On Liberty" in the year: (a) 1759 (b) 1859 (c) 1895 (d) None of these (xiii) Allam Iqbal did his M.C. Mill (b) Bentham (c) Thomas Hobbes (d) None of these Political Science Paper-II.(d) None of these (xix) The great but ungrateful pupil of his master who was born in 384 BC was: (a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Socrates (d) None of these (xx) " An essay concerning Human Understanding" was published in 1690. MCQs.1.S. the Presidium consists of: (a) 29 members (b) 33 members (c) 39 members . is the most important work of: (a) J. (20) (i) Any British national is eligible to become a member of House of Commons if he has attained the age of: (a) 18 years (b) 21 years (c) 25 years (d) None of these (ii) Lenin was elected as President on: (a) 24 October 1917 (b) 25 October 1917 (c) 21 November 1918 (d) None of these (iii) Approval of any draft at House of Lords requires minimum presence of: (a) 20 members (b) 30 members (c) 40 members (d) None of these (iv) As per 1st Communist constitution of Russia. Q. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. S. muslims are: (a) 96% (b) 97% (c) 98% (d) None of these (xi) Referendum was conducted for approval of 1982 constitution of Turkey on: (a) 7 November 1982 (b) 17 November 1982 (c) 27 November 1981 (d) None of these (xii) The 1st French Republic was proclaimed on: .(d) None of these (v) In the ancient times England remained under Roman rule for about: (a) 350 years (b) 400 years (c) 450 years (d) None of these (vi) American autonomy was admitted by the British empire in the year: (a) 1776 (b) 1783 (c) 1786 (d) None of these (vii) George Washington was appointed 1st President of U.A. on: (a) 6 April 1789 (b) 4 March 1789 (c) 20 January 1789 (d) None of these (viii) For 50 years during 1533-1583 Russia was ruled by: (a) Alexander the great (b) Ivan IV (c) Ivan III (d) None of these (ix) Tenure of French senate is: (a) 5 years (b) 6 years (c) 9 years (d) None of these (x) Out of total population of Turkey. Mussadiq. consists of: (a) 1300 members (b) 1400 members (c) 1500 members (d) None of these (xviii) Minimum age to become a member of Rajya Sabha in India is: (a) 25 years (b) 30 years (c) 35 years (d) None of these (xix) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah spent last days of his life at: (a) Ziarat (b) Quetta . the lower house of Indian parliament. the then Prime Minister dethroned the Iranian King for implementation of democracy in the year: (a) 1953 (b) 1954 (c) 1954 (d) None of these (xvii)Lok Sabha.(a) 8 August 1788 (b) 23 June 1789 (c) 10 August 1792 (d) None of these (xiii) Last emperor of China ruled the country till the year: (a) 1810 (b) 1912 (c) 1942 (d) None of these (xiv) Upto 83% Chinese farmers came under combined cultivation scheme in the year: (a) 1868 (b) 1946 (c) 1950 (d) None of these (xv) On return from France Allama Ayatullah Khumeini was very well received by the people of Iran on: (a) 1 January 1979 (b) 21 January 1979 (c) 31 January 1979 (d) None of these (xvi) Dr. 2011 #3 Monday.(c) Karachi (d) None of these (xx) Objectives Resolution was made a part of preamble of Pakistan Constitution of: (a) 1956 (b) 1962 (c) 1973 (d) None of these __________________ 2009.2010. (20) (i) The turning point in the life of Plato came in the year 339 BC when he was of: (a) 24 years (b) 26 years (c) 28 years (d) None of these Ans:d (ii) " The cause of sedition is always to be found in inequality" is said by: (a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Machiavelli (d) None of these Ans:b (iii) According to Aristotle the end of state is: (a) Logical (b) Legal (c) Ethical .1. May 04. 2009 Join Date: Feb 2009 shujaat2009 Location: Karachi Member Posts: 68 Thanks: 45 Thanked 25 Times in 18 Posts Answers of MCQ'S ANSWERS OF MCQ'S Q. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. whereas the modern Fascism is the product of: (a) 18th Century (b) 19th Century (c) 20th Century (d) None of these Ans:c (ix)" Ilmul-Iqtasad" is written by: .(d) None of these Ans:c (iv) Allam Iqbal characterized as " the sharp agent of devil" to a political philosopher namely: (a) Chanki Kutalia (b) Machiavelli (c) Karl Marx (d) None of these Ans:b (v) Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqah of: (a) Imam Malik (b) Imam Shafi (c) Imam Abu Hanifa (d) None of these Ans:b (vi) The concept of sovereignty was introduced for the first time into politics by: (a) Hugo Grotious (b) Jean Bodin (c) Thomas Hobbes (d) None of these Ans:b (vii) Khawaja Abu Ali Hasan bin Ali bin Ishaq is widely known in the history of Islamic political thoughts: (a) Al-Farabi (b) Al-Ghazali (c) Al-Mawardi (d) None of these (viii) The Fascism of Plato got birth in 4th century BC. (a) Ibn-Khuldun (b) Allama Iqbal (c) Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi (d) None of these Ans:b (x) " A summary of Plato's Laws" was written by: (a) Al-Farabi (b) Al-Ghazalli (c) Al-Mawardi (d) None of these Ans:a (xi) The doctrine which is a curious blend of German Idealism. English economics and French revolutionary and social thoughts is known as: (a) Socialism (b) Communism (c) Fascism (d) None of these Ans:a (xii) J. in Philosophy from Government College Lahore in the year: (a) 1890 (b) 1895 (c) 1899 (d) None of these Ans:c (xiv) "Re-construction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by: (a) Resenthal (b) Al-Mawardi (c) Ibn-Khaldun (d) None of these Ans:d .A. Mill wrote a famous book " On Liberty" in the year: (a) 1759 (b) 1859 (c) 1895 (d) None of these Ans:b (xiii) Allam Iqbal did his M.S. (c) Geneva (d) None of these Ans:c (xviii) " Man when seperated from Law and Justice is the worst of all animals" is the saying of: (a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Machiavelli (d) None of these Ans:b (xix) The great but ungrateful pupil of his master who was born in 384 BC was: (a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Socrates (d) None of these Ans:b (xx) " An essay concerning Human Understanding" was published in 1690.(xv) Machiavelli wrote " The Discourses of the first ten books on Titus Livius" in the year: (a) 1735 (b) 1745 (c) 1755 (d) None of these Ans:d (xvi) Montesquieu restricts forms of Government upto: (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) None of these Ans:a (xvii) Rousseau was born on 28 June 1712 at: (a) New York (b) Washington D. is the most important work of: (a) J.C. Mill (b) Bentham (c) Thomas Hobbes (d) None of these .S. MCQs. (20) (i) Any British national is eligible to become a member of House of Commons if he has attained the age of: (a) 18 years (b) 21 years (c) 25 years (d) None of these Ans:b (ii) Lenin was elected as President on: (a) 24 October 1917 (b) 25 October 1917 (c) 21 November 1918 (d) None of these Ans:d (iii) Approval of any draft at House of Lords requires minimum presence of: (a) 20 members (b) 30 members (c) 40 members (d) None of these Ans:b (iv) As per 1st Communist constitution of Russia. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.1.Ans:d Political Science Paper-II. Q. the Presidium consists of: (a) 29 members (b) 33 members (c) 39 members (d) None of these Ans:c (v) In the ancient times England remained under Roman rule for about: (a) 350 years (b) 400 years . (c) 450 years (d) None of these Ans:b (vi) American autonomy was admitted by the British empire in the year: (a) 1776 (b) 1783 (c) 1786 (d) None of these Ans:a (vii) George Washington was appointed 1st President of U. on: (a) 6 April 1789 (b) 4 March 1789 (c) 20 January 1789 (d) None of these Ans:d (viii) For 50 years during 1533-1583 Russia was ruled by: (a) Alexander the great (b) Ivan IV (c) Ivan III (d) None of these Ans:b (ix) Tenure of French senate is: (a) 5 years (b) 6 years (c) 9 years (d) None of these Ans:b (x) Out of total population of Turkey.S.A. muslims are: (a) 96% (b) 97% (c) 98% (d) None of these Ans:c (xi) Referendum was conducted for approval of 1982 constitution of Turkey on: . (a) 7 November 1982 (b) 17 November 1982 (c) 27 November 1981 (d) None of these Ans:a (xii) The 1st French Republic was proclaimed on: (a) 8 August 1788 (b) 23 June 1789 (c) 10 August 1792 (d) None of these Ans:d (xiii) Last emperor of China ruled the country till the year: (a) 1810 (b) 1912 (c) 1942 (d) None of these Ans:b (xiv) Upto 83% Chinese farmers came under combined cultivation scheme in the year: (a) 1868 (b) 1946 (c) 1950 (d) None of these Ans (xv) On return from France Allama Ayatullah Khumeini was very well received by the people of Iran on: (a) 1 January 1979 (b) 21 January 1979 (c) 31 January 1979 (d) None of these Ans:c (xvi) Dr. Mussadiq. consists of: . the lower house of Indian parliament. the then Prime Minister dethroned the Iranian King for implementation of democracy in the year: (a) 1953 (b) 1954 (c) 1954 (d) None of these Ans:a (xvii)Lok Sabha. (a) 1300 members (b) 1400 members (c) 1500 members (d) None of these Ans:d (xviii) Minimum age to become a member of Rajya Sabha in India is: (a) 25 years (b) 30 years (c) 35 years (d) None of these Ans:b (xix) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah spent last days of his life at: (a) Ziarat (b) Quetta (c) Karachi (d) None of these Ans:c (xx) Objectives Resolution was made a part of preamble of Pakistan Constitution of: (a) 1956 (b) 1962 (c) 1973 (d) None of these Ans:a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Political Science Papers 2007 FPSC—CE. Analyse the statement in view of his status as a MUJADDID .8 which is compulsory.3.2007 Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all including Q. (a) LOCKE was the father of Modern Liberal Democracy-comment (b) Describe the basic features of Rousseau’s political philosophy.explain w. AL-GHAZALI was the tourch bearer of the Muslim Rationalistic Renaissance. Paper-I PART-A Q. Q.1.t his theory of the Ends and functions of the state. Select at least two question from each PART Political Science. Aristotle was a REALIST and not an IDEALIST.r.2. Q. 7. COMPULSORY QUESTION Q.6. Their role as effective instrument of mobilizing Public Opinion. (a) What are the essential pre-requisites for successful Federal System? (b) Point out the problems and prospects of local –self Government in Pakistan. Q.J Rousseau (b) Montesquiu (c) Nepolean (d) None of these (2) GENERAL WILL as concept was introduced by: (a) Rousseau (b) Hobbes (c) Locke (d) None of these (3) Karl Marx is known for his theory of : (a) Dielectical Spiritualism (b) Force as the Basis of State (c) Meterialistic Interpretation of history (d) None of these (4) “Man by nature is a social and political animal” is the cornerstone of the philosophy of: (a) Plato (b) Socrates (c) Aristotle (d) None of these (5) The author of the Book The Laws was: (a) Hormer (b) Plato (c) Solon (d) None of these (6) The center of Learning to the Greeks was the city state of : (a) Sparta (b) Athens (c) Carthage (d) None of these . PART-B Q. Examine the contribution of Allama Iqbal as a Philosopher and as a supporter of Muslim unity. Sovereignty is the most essential element of state hood-explain wrt the differences in the nature of western and Islamic concepts of sovereignty.4. Discuss the importance of Political Parties in a Modern state and assess.8.Q. Write only the correct answers in the answer book. (1) Who is called the “Intellectual Father of French Revolution? (a) J. Q.5. (7) which of the thinkers is a social contractualist? (a) Lenin (b) Marx (c) Hobbes (d) None of these (8) “Principle of Utility” as a formula was the idea of : (a) James Mill (b) Herbert Spencer (c) Geremy Bentham (d) None of these (9) Modern Political thought begins with (a) Machiavelli (b) Moutesquieu (c) Mill (d) None of these (10) Palto was a: (a) Realist (b) Idealist (c) Rationalist (d) None of these (11) “Two treatises on civil Government” constitute the basic source of Political thought of : (a) Sia Robert Filmer (b) Locke (c) Plato (d) None of these (12) Marx and Engels produced the famous book’ Common Manifesto’ In: (a) 1848 (b) 1845 (c) 1883 (d) None of these (13) “ Siyasatnama” and ‘Majma ul Wasaya’ are the two books on administration attributed to: (a) Al-Farabi (b) Nizam ul Mulk Tusi (c) Al-Mawardi (d) None of these (14) Montesquieu by birth belonged to: (a) Germany (b) England (c) France (d) None of these (15) Al-Ghazzali was a philosopher of : (a) 11th century (b) 13th century (c) 16th century (d) None of these . Q. All questions carry equal marks. #2 Saturday.(16) Sepration of Ethics and Politics was the principle notion in the philosophy of: (a) Lenin (b) Plato (c) Machiavelli (d) None of these (17) A Bi-cameral legislature as most suited to: (a) Unitary States (b) Federal States (c) Theocratic states (d) None of these (18) “ Greatest Happiness of the Greatest Number” was the idea of : (a) Austin (b) Ibn-i-Khaldun (c) Laski (d) None of these (19) The principle of Judicial Review means to: (a) Interprat law (b) Rewrite law (c) revive a law (d) None of these (20) Plato was born in: (a) 430 B. 2007 at 03:44 PM.C (d) None of these Last edited by Last Island. PART. April 07. Select at lest two questions from each part.C (c) 387 B. Account for his supremacy in the Government.C (b) 428 B. Friday. Analyse the place of President occupies in the U.CE 2007 POLITICAL SCIENCE.1. April 06.S political system today. How does He compare with the American president? .8 which is compulsory.2. PAPER –II NOTE. Attempt only FIVE questions including Q.I Q. 2007 Join Date: Sep 2006 Posts: 6 SardarAftab Thanks: 1 Junior Member Thanked 2 Times in 1 Post Political Science Paper-ii 2007 FPSC. Discuss the position and powers of the British Prime Minister. 4. Make a survey of the role of Judiciary in Pakistan as the Guardian of the Constitution .7. Write only the correct Answers in the Answer Book.” Discuss. (1) which amendment in the U.3.8. Q.Q. Deng’s concept of “one country two systems” in China’s political system has succeeded in achieving Chinese National objectives.S constitution limits the term of the president to two? (a) 21st (b) 22nd (c) 23rd (d) None of these (2) Watergate scandal came to light in: (a) 1973 (b) 1974 (c) 1975 (d) None of these (3) The right to vote was given to women in Britian in : (a) 1936 (b) 1948 (c) 1950 (d) None of these (4) Known as the “Iron Lady”? (a) condolisa Rice (b) Margarate Thacher (c) Indira Ghandi (d) None of these (5) The Indian president is elected for: (a) 4 years (b) 5 years (c) 7 years (d) None of these (6) The united states of America consist of: (a) 48 states (b) 50states (c) 52states (d) None of these (7) The American congress consist of : (a) 535members . Describe the main features of the French political system. PART-II Q. Substantiate your answer.6. COMPULSORY QUESTION Q.5. “ The Indian Federation is rightly said to be a quasi-Federation having many elements of a unitary state. Q. Q. Discuss SIX principles of kemalism as the basis of Turkish political system. (b) 536 members (c) 538 members (d) None of these (8) The national security council in Pakistan consist of: (a) 8 members (b) 10 members (c) 12 members (d) None of these (9) Basic democracy was introduced in Pakistan in : (a) 1960 (b) 1962 (c) 1964 (d) None of these (10) Ali Khaminai is (a) Chairman of the Guardian council (b) Spiritual leader of Iran (c) Nuclear chief delegate (d) None of these (11) Abdul Kalam: (a) Foreign Minister of Bangladesh (b) Minister of Sri Lanka (c) President of India (d) None of these (12) Lok Saba is elected for: (a) 4 years (b) 5 years (c) 6 years (d) None of these (13) The Turkish president is elected for: (a) 5 years (b) 6 years (c) 7 years (d) None of these (14) Russian president is elected for: (a) 4 years (b) 5 years (c) 6 years (d) None of these (15) The Turkish Grand National Assembly consist of : (a) 450 members (b) 500 members (c) 550 members (d) None of these (16) who was the main Leader of China after Independence? (a) Lio Shao Chi (b) Mao Tse Dong (c) Chu Teh (d) None of these . 1948 (c) October 11.how it differs from that of Britain? Part 2 Q4 explain the salient features of irans pol system Q5 discuss ideological foundations of Turkish pol system Q6 why Indian democracy is stronger than that any country in the region.1947 (b) September 11. Political Science Paper 2006 Pol sci 2006 paper 1 Attempt 5 qs. two from each sec. Q3 discuss the characteristics of American pol system. 2007 . Explain the reasons Q7 discuss the problems presently being faced by the federation of Pakistan Q8 Compulsory qs objective wait for objective n i dont ve paper 2 #2 Sunday.(17) The Iranian constitution consist of : (a) 150 Articles (b) 175 Articles (c) 190 Articles (d) None of these (18) Pakistan’s National Assembly is elected for: (a) 4 years (b) 5 years (c) 6 years (d) None of these (19) The National people Congress in China is elected for: (a) 4 years (b) 5 years (c) 6 years (d) None of these (20) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah died on: (a) September 11. 1949 (d) None of these. Paper1 Q1 how system of checks and balances works in America?explain its working Q2 do u agree that cabinet’s dictatorship in uk has undermined the supermacy of the parliament?explain. March 11. Rights and duties are based on the principal of reciprocity?.Discuss ideological foundations of Political System of Turkish Republic? .How system of check and Balances works in american government? Explain its functioning. How he tries to impliment it through educational system? Q2. Discuss Q4. Q6.Theory of seperation of Power Q8. Explain. Can public opinion be regarded as the 5th essential element of a modern democratic state? Q7. How it differs from the Britian? PART-II Q4.Objective Question (Compulsory) ---------------------------------------------------------- Pol Science Paper II 2006 i) Attempt Only Five Questions including Cumpulsory Question#8 ii) Select two questions from each part iii) All questions carry equel marks iv) Extra Attempt will not be considered PART-I Q1. Also Discuss the methods of influencing public opinion.Banthom's theory of Punishment ii. Q2. Q3. Analyse and discuss the basis of this philosophy in detail? Q3.Discuss the place of Ibn-e-Khuldun in the history of Political Philosphy? PART-II Q5.It is said that Hegel's dialectical theory was standing on its head but Marx has reserved it?.Explain Plato's theory of Justice.Explain the salient features of Iran's Political system? Q5. Join Date: Jun 2006 anwaartheravian Location: Lahore Senior Member Posts: 117 Thanks: 93 Thanked 98 Times in 43 Posts Pol Science Paper I 2006 i) Attempt Only Five Questions including Cumpulsory Question#8 ii) Select two questions from each part iii) All questions carry equel marks iv) Extra Attempt will not be considered PART-I Q1.Discuss the charecteristics of the American Political Party System.Do you agree in cabinet's dictatorship in UK has undermined the supermacy of the parliment? Explain.What are the agencies available for the formation of and expression of public opinion.Write short notes on the following: i.Machiavelli enunciated the philosophy of Art of government for effective disciplineand stability in the satate. Q6.Why Indian democracy is stronger than any other country of the region? Explain the reason. Q7.Objective Question (Compulsory) .Discuss the problems presently bieng faced to the federation of Pakistan? Q8.
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