PocketOptimizer AdminManual



PocketOptimizerSoftware for Quality Analysis in Mobile Radio Networks User's Manual Version for Windows Mobile and Windows-32, 26.Jan.2011 Copyright © 2005-2011 by Ingo Zettl, [email protected] Chapter 1 Introduction This manual tries to give an introduction to the functionality and the features of the PocketOptimizer software. You should read this manual carefully if you are not familiar with the tool. If you’re already comfortable with the functionalities and the workflows, you might need the technical documentation in chapters 4 and 5. 1.1 What is PocketOptimizer PocketOptimizer is a high performance, easy to use software measurement system for quality analysis in packet switched mobile radio networks. Important features of PocketOptimizer: • PocketOptimizer is available for Win32 and Pocket PC platforms. o PocketOptimizer on Win32 platforms (Windows 2k/XP/03/Vista) comprises an industry standard measurement system with extensive computing power for high performance measurements. o PocketOptimizer on Pocket PC platforms provides a smart measurement system with fast cold boot time and without interfering software such as automatic upgrades, firewalls or anti virus software for high precision measurements. • Support for the most important TCP/IP application protocols such as HTTP, FTP, ICMP. In addition, support for real time UDP stream analysis is provided in conjunction with a suitable traffic generator (such as the NDFA server). • Detailed real time measurements and real time statistics provide extensive performance information. • A large number of user parameters allow simulation of almost every test case. • Interactive measurements for user defined quality analysis and execution of pre-defined jobs for long term performance monitoring. • Integrated RAS support to manage establishment and shutdown of dial up network connections. • Automatic calculation of standard KPIs and integrated reporting via industry standards such as HTTP and XML. The XML tickets are compatible with the QTS system and can directly be stored in a database with this system. • Synchronization of configuration files from a user defined standard HTTP server. • Integrated support of NMEA GPS receivers for drive test measurements. • Automatic lookup of test point coordinates from GPS coordinates if required. • Command line interface for semi-automated or unattended operation. • Automatic determination of mobile status such as cell id, signal level, operator… 1.2 Field of application Main field of application is interactive performance analysis in mobile packet switched radio networks. Important key performance indicators such as round trip time and throughput for different protocols can be tested and interactively analyzed. PocketOptimizer 26.Jan.2011 1 Introduction 1.3 Revision History v1.1.1.32 - 26.Jan.2011 • support for soft stop in parallel tasks (parameter Soft-Stop: true) v1.1.1.31 - 05.Nov.2010 • new metric m.5022: socket connect time • bugfix in HTTP UL metrics v1.1.1.29 - 16.Sep.2010 • support for Windows Vista and 7 improved v1.1.1.27 - 09.Jul.2010 • support for Huawei NDIS API (prefix HwNd) • new parameters RAS-APN and RAS-DefAPN • support for HTTP POST • support for parallel tasks • new metric m.5021: DNS lookup time v1.1.1.26 - 02.Feb.2010 • workarounds for new TShark bugs in Wireshark 1.2.6 package v1.1.1.25 - 23.Jan.2010 • registration check in AT command handler changed to require stable reg. for some seconds v1.1.1.24 - 07.Jan.2010 • improvement in network registration handling for some older mobiles v1.1.1.23 - 20.Dec.2009 • additional HTTP error information (number of bytes) v1.1.1.18 - 11.Dec.2009 • support for modem and RAS connections v1.1.1.5 .. • PO/LE test versions v1.1.1.3 - 26.Apr.2009 • support for peak throughput v1.1.1.2 - 20.Apr.2009 • bugfix in ICMP measurement: unhandled exception if no ICMP message received v1.1.1.0 - 18.Apr.2009 • improvements in registration mechanism v1.1.0.4 - 31.Mar.2009 • various improvements in metrics • support for metric remapping and extension output v1.1.0.3 - 18.Mar.2009 • added version info to tickets and /forcereg, /checkreg output v1.1.0.2 - 11.Mar.2009 • bugfix in ICMP measurement: unhandled exception if no ICMP packet received v1.1.0.1 - 08.Mar.2009 • added /nousermetrics argument v1.1.0.0 - 22.Feb.2009 • support for registration server • job file extension changed to .po-job to distinguish from MS scheduler jobs • PocketOptimizer for .Net 2.0 available • support for partial ticket files (XML tickets are written to file system after every task) • new XML ticket fields exec_id, task_id, mf_id • informational metrics changed from 100 to 300 • ICMP metrics changed from 1000 to 2000 • UDP metrics changed from 2000 to 2100 v1.0.7.0 - 21.Aug.2008 • added sniffer support for WM6 • changed useTShark to useAnalyzer parameter • added extended log files for every scenario ID • master log file is created even if /masterlog argument is not specified v1.0.6.0 - 26.Jun.2008 • new text metric 128: systype (UMTS/GSM…) • support for RIL (Radio Interface Layer) on Windows Mobile to query mobile parameters PocketOptimizer 26.Jan.2011 2 Introduction 2006 • Modifications in GPS support for Pocket PC • fixed RAS connection issues: don't force RAS disconnection for successive iterations v1.1.0 .2008 • bugfix: cmd_autoclose didn't work v1.0.0.25.Sept.2006 • added GPS support • changed reporting of RAS parameters and added new text metrics v1.0.32 26.Oct.0 .2008 • changed delays from sec to ms in front end • changed device ID for Windows Mobile 6 v1.12.0 . .1.Oct.2008 • new text metric 127: sysinfo (output of AT^SYSINFO command) • improved HTTP href parsing • removed unit 'dBm' from signal level (text metric 123) v1.05.Jan.3 .May.1.1.2007 • added parameter Ras-Wait to RAS section (additional delay before RAS) • added command line arguments for Win32 edition v1.1 .2008 • added host name in HTTP GET • added common metrics for RAS connections • fixed byte counters in sniffer analysis v1.0.0.1 v1.2.2 .Oct.4.0.NET framework 1.2 .4.3 .0 .0 .Sept.29.2007 • added unit information to XML tickets • changed UDP throuput KPI in XML tickets from byte/s to bit/s • added exclusion of packets from ICMP statistics (parameter Ping-DontAverage) • added 10 sec throughput average for HTTP and FTP and RTT average for ICMP in real time status • added minimum RTT for FTP measurements to log files • changed FTP result user-data-rate to session-data-rate in log files • added FTP measurement timeout (parameter Ftp-Meas-To) • added mobile status information to log files and XML tickets (Win32 only) • better loop information during job execution • improvements in timeout handling for serial connections v1.Oct.3.May.20.5.2011 3 Introduction .June. • added periodic garbage collection during ICMP measurements to prevent resource outage due to problems in .5.5.2006 • Increased timeout from FTP '226 Transfer complete' until sending ABOR to 10 seconds • added new text metrics 104 (IP address) and 105 (job measurement time) • fixed job issue: global parameter Pause was not used up to v1. • changed UDP measurement algorithm • changed FTP thread start to fix asynchronous received issues v1.2.2007 • added parameter Report-Oldfiles to global job section to transmit pending reports v1.Jan.Jun. .28.v1.0.7 .Nov.2007 • additional garbage collections during measurement v1.Oct.13.2 .2 v1.Apr.exe is supported to decode netcap/ethereal capture file during measurements • new KPIs for TCP sessions: an integrated TCP stream analyzer decodes the capture files and calculates important performance indicators • reporting/synchronization has been moved to a separate window v1.4 .Sep.2007 • Sniffer support for Win32: Microsoft's NetCap is supported to record the traffic during measurements • decoder support for Win32: TShark.2006 • improvements in algorithms and log files for UDP measurement • added socket buffer of 512 kB for UDP measurements • fixed access violations in UDP measurement timer routine PocketOptimizer 2005 • Mobilkom Austria maintenance release • support for Pocket PCs without unique id • some minor fixes and improvements v1.0 .26.6 .Nov.0. User’s manual • Chapter 2 describes the installation and configuration • Chapter 3 contains the operation manual Administrator’s manual • Chapter 4 contains the administration manual • Chapter 5 contains the technical reference PocketOptimizer 1.0.Feb.2006 • support for HTTP connection keep-alive v1.2005 • Mobilkom Austria final release v0.5 .32 26.0 .0.14.2.Nov.0.May.4 Known limitations • PocketOptimizer Win32 edition does not work with Kerio Personal Firewall with gateway mode enabled.1.2006 • close HTTP sockets with keep-alive v1.0. please deactivate gateway mode when running PocketOptimizer. • Mobilkom Austria pre-release • changed KPI523 from byte/s to bit/s • occasional access violations in RAS setup fixed v1.5 This manual This manual covers all important aspects of PocketOptimizer.Jan.2006 • fixed FTP roundtrip time calculation • added follow http image checkbox and Http-Follow parameter v1.v1.3 .Nov.Nov.Net framework and KPF. • Mobilkom Austria final acceptance pre-release v0.10.2011 4 Introduction . There seems to be a problem with the .26.0.Apr. 1.2 .0.8 .4 .0.18. 1 System requirements for PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition • • • • • • Pocket PC with ARM processor or compatible min.32 26. Please consult the documentation for Microsoft Windows Mobile Edition if you require more detailed information.Net Framework 1. 64 MB flash memory to store log files Windows Pocket PC 2002 or Mobile 2003 (including 2003 SE) .1. the uninstall routine will only remove program and helper files.1 or . 2. XP (SP1 or SP2). Thus you will not loose your configuration data when uninstalling PocketOptimizer.2 Removing previous installations It is not required to remove existing versions of PocketOptimizer prior to the installation of a new version.2.2 System requirements for PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition • Industry compatible personal computer (minimum requirements depending on your operating system) • min. 128 MB RAM min.1.1 Removing PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition The procedure described in this section will be suitable for most versions of Microsoft Windows Mobile though there may be slight variations. How to remove PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition • Open Windows Settings. 2. • Select the item PocketOptimizer and press the Button Remove.0 (depending on PocketOptimizer Version) fully functional RAS configuration 2.1 • fully functional RAS configuration 2.Net Framework 1.1 System requirements 2. 512 MB RAM • sufficient hard disk space to store log files (100 MB recommended) • Windows 2000 (SP4). the log and configuration files will not be touched. You will find it in the Windows Mobile Start Menu/Settings. • PocketOptimizer will be removed from your system. PocketOptimizer 1.Jan. • Navigate to the sheet System and open Remove Programs. Nevertheless it is possible to remove the software.Net Framework 2. Windows 2003 or Vista • .1.1.2011 5 Installation .Chapter 2 Installation This chapter covers the installation of PocketOptimizer on Windows Mobile and Windows 32 platforms. 2.2.2 Removing PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition The procedure described in this section will be suitable for most versions of Microsoft Windows though there may be slight variations. How to remove PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition • Open the Windows Control Panel. You will find it in the Windows Start Menu. • Open the Control Panel Application Software. • Select the Item PocketOptimizer and press the Button Add/Remove. • PocketOptimizer will be removed from your system. Please consult the documentation for Microsoft Windows if you require more detailed information. 2.3 Installing PocketOptimizer PocketOptimizer is delivered as a .Net setup package (PocketOptimizer-PPC-ARM-x.x.x.x.cab) for Windows Mobile Editions and as a solid setup program (PocketOptimizer-Win32-Setup-x.x.x.x.exe) for Windows 32-bit. All you need to do is to run this setup file to start the installation and let the installation process guide you through setup. 2.3.1 Installing PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition is delivered as a .Net setup package contained in a native Win32 setup program. The Package includes all required files and scripting information where the files are to be installed. How to install PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition with ActiveSync Application Manager The easiest way to install PocketOptimizer is to use the setup application and let it run the CE application manager. • Run PocketOptimizer-PPC-ARM-x.x.x.x.exe to start setup. • When prompted to, select Install … with the CE Application Manager. • You should use the standard directory (one of application manager's sub directories). • When prompted by the application manager, answer yes to start setup. • Wait until setup has finished and follow the instructions. How to install PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition manually Alternatively it is possible to use the .cab file to install PocketOptimizer. • Run PocketOptimizer-PPC-ARM-x.x.x.x.exe to start setup. • When prompted to, select Extract the .cab file for manual installation. • Use any directory you like to extract the .cab file. • Copy the setup package (PocketOptimizer-PPC-ARM-x.x.x.x.cab) to any location on your Pocket PC. • Open the Windows File Explorer or any other file manager and locate the .cab file. • Click on the .cab file to start setup. • When prompted, answer yes to start setup. • Wait until setup has finished and follow the instructions. PocketOptimizer will be installed to the application directory, the location will usually be something like \Program files\PocketOptimizer. 2.3.2 Installing PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition is delivered as a solid setup program. How to install PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition • Run PocketOptimizer-Win32-Setup-x.x.x.x.exe to start setup. • Select the desired destination path for PocketOptimizer and let setup do the installation. • Use the PocketOptimizer icon in the start menu to start the application. If you do not change the default target directory, the installation directory will be something like C:\Program files\PocketOptimizer. PocketOptimizer 26.Jan.2011 6 Installation 2.3.3 Additional Installation information • Usually no configuration file will exist in the destination directory, please run PocketOptimizer at least once to create the configuration files before editing them (see section 2.5 for details). • Using the setup package is the most convenient way to install PocketOptimizer, alternatively it is possible to copy the entire installation directory from another machine. PocketOptimizer will then be fully functional, but some additional features (start menu entry and help file registration) will be missing. 2.4 Registering PocketOptimizer It is required to register PocketOptimizer for your machine prior to using it. Registration is required to ensure all instances of PocketOptimizer are assigned unique Agent-Ids and to prevent license misuse. Different registration schemes are possible depending on the licensed package: • For non-branded licenses, a license request as to be submitted to the software vendor. You will then be provided the registration data to unlock PocketOptimizer. • For branded licenses, a special license utility is available for your license administrator. This utility can be used to create the unlock key. Please refer to section 4.1 in the Administrator’s manual for detailed information. Registration basics • PocketOptimizer automatically calculates a Machine Id from your machine’s unique data. • This Machine Id has to be submitted to your license server or administrator. • The sales representative or license administrator will assign an Agent Id and generate the Unlocking Code for your combination of Machine Id and Agent Id. • After entering Agent-Id and Unlocking Code your copy of PocketOptimizer is functional. 2.4.1 Getting the Machine Id The Machine Id will automatically be calculated by PocketOptimizer every time it is executed. It is derived form your machine’s internal data and is unique for every machine. The Machine-Id can be viewed any time by opening the Registration tab in the main window. You have to pass the Machine Id either to a license server or to your license administrator. Please refer to the next chapters for details. 2.4.2 Automatic registration with license server Hit the button Register... in the main window to open the registration window. PocketOptimizer 26.Jan.2011 7 Installation Entering user information and submitting a license request To submit or create a registration request, use the function Send a registration request and click Proceed. Enter your company name and address, user name and e-mail address. An information e-mail will be sent to this address when the registration server's database has been updated to provide you with unlocking data. Click Proceed to move to the request sheet. This sheet provides some additional input fields that might or might not be applicable for you: • License: Select Purchased or Evaluation of you have already purchased a license or are requesting an evaluation license. • Request: This field influences how the registration server will process your request: o Extend active registration ... This is the default value. If an unlock item is existing in the license server's database, you will immediately provided with the unlocking data. Otherwise the data is forwarded to a sales representative or license administrator. o Manually check my request ... In this case the server does not provide you with unlocking data automatically, instead your request is always forwarded to sales representative or license administrator. Use this function if you changed input fields or need a different license type. o Unlock code does not work ... This case is similar to the previous one, but the request is forwarded to our support team. • Vendor: Enter your vendor code if you purchased the software from a reseller. Otherwise leave the field empty. • Offer No: Enter your software vendor's offer number if you have received different offers with different software features. Leave the field empty if you only have one offer or are requesting an evaluation license. • Agent Id: If you want to use a special agent id (e.g. if you want to re-use an Id), enter it here. • Agent Pool: If your company uses different pools of agent Ids (e.g. for different departments), you can enter the required pool name here. • Message: Use this field to provide a message to your sales representative or license administrator. Please ensure your machine is connected to the internet and use the button Send requ. to submit the request to the license server. If an existing unlock item is found in the database, you will immediately provided with the unlock data, otherwise you will be informed that the request will be processed. Usually the unlock information should be available within 15..30 minutes. If required close PocketOptimizer while waiting for the unlock data, your input will be saved for further use. If it is not possible to send the data directly, use the button Save... to save the license request to a file and send this file to your sales representative or license administrator via e-mail. Fetching the unlock data You will be sent an e-mail when your registration has been processed. To fetch the license data from the server, simply submit the license request again without changing any information on the Licensee sheet. Please ensure that you use the request Extend active registration, otherwise the server will not provide the unlock data. PocketOptimizer 26.Jan.2011 8 Installation 2.cfg contains machine specific data (directory. follow the steps as described in the previous chapter to enter the required information.5 Setting up the configuration PocketOptimizer uses three different configuration files to store the application’s configuration data. Accept the license terms and use the button Register to register the application. possible exceptions are: • If you have to specify a different server for synchronization you have to edit system. Use the button Save.Jan.. You will be provided the unlock data via an e-mail. The file is usually maintained by PocketOptimizer’s profile manager. • user. PocketOptimizer 1. on the Registration sheet to load the file. • If you want to specify different directories for the log files you have to edit machine. Users shouldn’t edit this file manually as the changes will be lost when synchronizing the configuration from a server. to open the registration wizard. the unlocking data is automatically inserted into the input fields. Getting the Machine Id Copy the Machine Id to the clipboard and pass it to your license administrator.. you will be able to register the application. Please note that manual registration will only work with special unlock codes and with branded versions only.. please save the unlock data into a file and use the button Load. this file contains the measurement parameters and is usually synchronized from a server. Usually you will not be required to maintain these configuration files manually. After accepting the license terms. 2.cfg contains the user’s measurement configuration. alternatively changes can be made manually.cfg. Entering the Unlock code Usually you will receive Agent Id and Unlock Code per e-mail.4. to save the request into a file and submit this file to your sales representative or license administrator.1..cfg contains system data.1.cfg.. Choose Enter registration information to change to the registration sheet. registration and sniffer configuration) • system. The configuration files are either delivered automatically by the setup package or created by PocketOptimizer when run for the first time. Use the button Register.2011 9 Installation . You only need to enter the last two input fields Agent Id and Unlock.4.32 26. • machine.If unlock data is available on the server. Check the option I accept the license terms if you agree to the license terms and use the button Register to save the registration information. 2.3 Manual registration with license server If automatic submission to a license server is not possible.4 Manual registration with license utility (branded versions only) This registration procedure is only available with branded versions that are associated with a customer and thus do not require the extended unlock information.. com1:9600. e.n.5.\com25.3 Setting up directories Several directories can be configured in the machine configuration file in the section [Directories]. \\.com/config/po/demo Alternatively it is possible to directly enter the URL before starting the synchronization.cfg.g.1. It’s up to the user to delete outdated report files.32 26. 2. The GPS location will be stored once in the log files and reported in the measurement ticket. Use semicolons (. 2.ini files.\com<n>.8.2011 10 Installation .2 Setting up a different server for synchronization The synchronization server is defined in the system configuration file in the section [System].1 Configuration file format The configuration files are using a format similar to Windows . • GPS before job: The GPS connection is opened before executing to the measurement job. • Job-Path: contains the job files fetched from the server. These files can be sent manually via the reporting function. For Pocket PC it’s recommended to use the freeware tool TotalCommander instead of Windows file explorer as this tool allows to directly open the files with Notepad while file explorer will raise an error due to missing file associations.g.<parity>.g. PocketOptimizer 1. Virtual com ports (e. e. 2.<stopbits>. When starting with a backslash. for Bluetooth receivers usually do not require parameters. \CF Card\logs) other directories are relative to the installation directory. • Archive-Path: contains report files already sent or manually moved to the archive folder. As soon as valid GPS coordinates are available or after a timeout. The parameter GPS operation mode is used to specify when the GPS connection has to be used: • GPS off: the GPS connection will not be used during measurements. Its up to the user to delete outdated log files. This mode can be used if simultaneous connections of mobile terminal and GPS receiver are not possible or if measurement results shall not be influenced by the GPS background thread.• To set up the sniffer configuration.4 GPS configuration The tab sheet GPS configuration can be used to configure and check the GPS settings. The different directories are: • Log-Path: contains the log files generated by PocketOptimizer. [Directories] Log-Path: Job-Path: Report-Path: Archive-Path: Sniffer-Path: logs jobs reports archive sniffer To change the directories.5. Locate the identifier Update-Url and enter the proper server and path.<bits>.) to denote comments. but it will be disconnected prior to measurements. Physical ports are usually specified in the form com<n>:<baud rate>. Parameters including leading or trailing white spaces or semicolons need to be quoted with double quotes ("). it might be required to specify them in the form \\. It's up to the user to delete outdated sniffer files.1. unknown parameters are ignored.5. [System] Update-Url: http://www. The parameter GPS port is used to specify the serial port for the GPS receiver. The default syntax for parameters is <param>: <value(s)>. Both physical and virtual COM ports are supported in the form <port>:<parameters>. It is possible to open the connection with the Start button.g. • Sniffer-Path: contains the packet sniffer's output and the decoded sniffer files.i-qos. the GPS connection is closed and the measurement is started.1. leading and trailing white spaces will be dropped. overwrite the corresponding values. you have to modify machine.Jan. You will need to copy the files manually or run job synchronization after changing this value.5. • Report-Path: contains the report files not yet sent to the reporting server. the directories are absolute (e. 2. 2011 11 Installation . latitude. • the first line displays the current status (either GPS data valid or some error information) • the second line displays the GPS UTC time. If the application connects to the virtual serial port.Jan.1. • A red GPS symbol shows that no GPS data is received or the connection could not be established. too. Windows CE blocks this call and prompts the user to select the device as shown in the second screenshot. the GPS location will be stored once in the log files and reported in the measurement ticket. The port can be determined in the Bluetooth configuration as shown below. On success the port is opened and the background thread will continue execution. The main problem on this platform is that only one serial port for outgoing serial connections is available and this port is not directly mapped to a device. • A green GPS symbol means that GPS data is valid. The main GPS status is displayed in the upper right corner of the GPS and the User data tab sheets. These issues have been noticed with this particular edition of Windows CE but can occur on other versions. longitude and the number of satellites. The control GPS status shows GPS information for diagnostic purposes. • GPS continuous: The GPS connection is opened during the measurement. • A yellow GPS symbol indicates that GPS data is received but not valid. • the next three lines contain the last three GPS messages from the receiver. Windows tries to connect to the device (blocking the GPS thread). GPS issues on Pocket PC This section describes some special issues for Bluetooth GPS receivers on Windows Mobile 2003.32 26. Otherwise an error message as shown in the third screenshot is displayed (again blocking the background thread).• GPS before RAS: The GPS connection is opened prior to the establishment of a RAS connection. The background GPS thread is blocked in this situation and PocketOptimizer cannot be terminated. PocketOptimizer 1. After selecting a device. The GPS location will be stored for every record in the log files and reported in the measurement ticket. The button Start can be used to start the GPS background thread or re-start it with new parameters.1. This mode is similar to the previous mode. 32 26. Please see section 5.5. PocketOptimizer 1. • CEMyNetwork Wireless 1.Jan. If you experience problems with the GPS background thread please • check if background windows are requiring user input.1. • try to disable Bluetooth.7 in the Administrator's manual for details or contact your system administrator to provide the required configuration settings.0 from Epiphan Consulting. • try to manually connect to the GPS receiver with the Bluetooth manager. In order to use Bluetooth GPS receivers you will have to • manually select the GPS receiver if Windows prompts you.1.If another window or PocketOptimizer is moved to the foreground it might happen that one of the Bluetooth windows is not visible but still blocks the GPS background thread. Inc.2011 12 Installation .5 Sniffer configuration Currently the following packet sniffers are supported by PocketOptimizer: • Microsoft NetCap is supported by the Win32 edition.4. 2. is supported by the Pocket PC edition. • manually acknowledge Bluetooth error messages. 3.2 Main menu functions PocketOptimizer offers four different interactive measurements and pre-defined job measurements.exe). The information is stored in the log files and in XML reports but not required by PocketOptimizer. The selected value is stored in the log files and reported as text metric 300 in the XML report. • User name is stored in the log files and reported as text metric (Id 301) in the XML report.1.e.1 PocketOptimizer’s main window Before starting any measurement.Jan.32 26. Alternatively it can be derived from the mobile's MSISDN (see the /autooperator command line argument). additional description data can be entered and the RAS connection has to be selected.1. 3. • Location is stored in the log files and reported as text metric (Id 302) in the XML report.Chapter 3 Operations Manual This section describes how to use PocketOptimizer. • Cell ID is stored in the log files and reported as text metric (Id 303) in the XML report • The list of operators is fetched from the system configuration file. 3. For legal reasons the file cannot be delivered in the setup package.1 User data and RAS configuration The first four edit controls are for informational purposes and for reporting only. Use the combo box to select the RAS connection to be used or select <none> if you want to use a LAN or a user managed RAS connection. The combo box will contain Huawei NDIS connections in the Win32 edition if the API dll ndisapi.1. PocketOptimizer 1. into the same directory as PocketOptimizer. Alternatively the location can be derived from GPS coordinates (see the /autolocation command line argument).dll is installed into the application directory (i.1.2011 13 Operations Manual . • UDP measurements can be used for UDP stream analysis with a special UDP data generator (NDFA server). 3. • ICMP measurements allow Ping measurements to any machine answering Ping requests. The menu item Exit terminates the application. • Specify the maximum number of TCP connections for HTML downloads. simplified HTTP files for testing instead of accessing live web sites. • Use the custom URL text field to enter a custom URL or use the ellipsis button (.Jan. • Uncheck the checkbox follow image tags to deactivate the download of embedded image files. • The checkbox act/deact RAS connection in every loop specifies if the RAS connection will be closed and re-opened in every loop iteration or if the same RAS connection will be used for all measurements. Use this function to save your settings to a user defined profile and to manage your profiles. and to transmit pending reports. embedded images (specified by <img src> tags) will be additionally downloaded with a user defined number of concurrent TCP connections. Thus it might be required to provide special.1. In contrast.32 26. This parameter will only be used for text/html files containing images (<img src> tags) if follow image tags is enabled. • HTTP measurements support downloads from standard HTTP servers. If the downloaded file is of content type text/html. • The menu item Sync and Reporting contains functions for synchronizing the configuration and jobs from a central server. The HTTP client does not support frames or cascaded style sheets etc. Online help can be accessed in all screens with the menu entry Help. • Use the profile combo box to select a pre-defined profile either from the system or the user configuration file to load the profile's values.2011 14 Operations Manual . 3.2.The interactive measurements can be accessed via the main menu entry Interactive. job measurements are controlled by job files and no additional configuration is possible. it is designed to provide high quality real time measurement data and does only simplified HTTP parsing. HTTP Configuration This tab sheet allows modification of the HTTP measurement's main parameters. o The ellipsis button (. • A number of repetitions and the pause between those repetitions can be specified with loops and delay..2 Interactive measurements Interactive measurements can be parameterized by the user with one or two GUI sheets. Job measurements can be accessed via the main menu entry Jobs. • FTP measurements allow download and upload measurements from/to standard FTP servers.) to view a history of URLs.1.. PocketOptimizer 1.1 HTTP measurements HTTP measurements allow downloading any file from a HTTP server featuring integrated real time performance measurements. • The menu item Jobs contains the functions to execute pre-defined measurement jobs...) opens the profile manager. ) to pick one of the recent URLs. TCP payload not including TCP and IP headers). Usually the display scale is in kByte/s=1000Byte/s. The preload URL will be loaded once after a RAS connection has been established and can be used to initialize a web based accelerator or to acquire a high rate radio access bearer. it can be switched to kbit/s=1000bit/s by setting the parameter GraphModeKBit: True in the user configuration file's [GUI] section. • The current loop iteration and the status information are displayed on top. HTTP Advanced parameters This tab sheet contains some advanced HTTP measurement parameters..32 26.. Navigate back to the tab sheet Config after the data has been configured to start the measurement. • The checkbox sniffer activates a third party packet sniffer. • The checkbox use prelod URL has to be checked if a preload URL has to be downloaded prior to the measurement.• The checkbox logfile has to be checked if the measurement's log file is to be saved in the log file directory.2011 15 Operations Manual . • The average throughput is calculated from the first to the last receive time stamp and can thus be slightly higher than the real throughput. Hit the button Start to start the measurement or proceed to the next tab sheet to configure advanced parameters. • The first RTT is calculated from the transmission of the HTTP request to the reception of the HTTP server's response. • An additional post preload delay can be specified if required. The system will be idle for the specified time after a preload URL has been fetched before starting the measurement.Jan. PocketOptimizer 1. • Specify the desired custom preload URL in the text edit control or hit the ellipsis button (. • The graph control displays the estimated throughput per one second interval.e.1.1. • The field bytes received displays the number of bytes successfully received including both HTTP headers and payload (i. HTTP Status This tab sheet will display the HTTP measurement's status and main results during the measurement. • A number of repetitions and the pause between those repetitions can be specified with loops and delay. A list of throughput values per one second interval can be viewed during the measurement by hitting the Update button or is automatically updated at the end of the measurement.2011 16 Operations Manual . • The checkbox sniffer activates a third party packet sniffer. Both active and passive transfer mode is supported. Major events and their time stamps are displayed in the log window for informational and diagnostic purposes. o The ellipsis button (. 3.1. Alternatively the placeholder %agent% will be replaced by the agent id.1. ends with a slash). • Use the custom URL text field to enter a custom URL or use the ellipsis button (. HTTP Log The log sheet contains the measurement's log.. • The checkbox logfile has to be checked if the measurement's log file is to be saved in the log file directory. PocketOptimizer 1. Hit the button Start to start the measurement. FTP Configuration This tab sheet allows to modify the FTP measurement's main parameters..) to view a history of URLs. the agent Id will automatically be used as the filename to avoid problems due to simultaneous uploads of several users. This allows to view the data even if it is not automatically saved to a log file.e..32 26. Note: If the URL specifies a directory (i. the data size for uploads can be specified with the data size control. • Use the profile combo box to select a pre-defined profile either from the system or the user configuration file to load the profile's values. • The download data size will be specified by the data file.) opens the profile manager. Use this function to save your settings to a user defined profile and to manage your profiles. • Check passive mode if you want to use FTP passive mode.Hit the Cancel button to cancel any active measurement.2 FTP measurements FTP measurements allow downloading or uploading a file from or to an FTP server featuring integrated real time performance measurements. • The checkbox act/deact RAS connection in every loop specifies if the RAS connection will be closed and re-opened in every loop iteration or if the same RAS connection will be used for all measurements..Jan. HTTP Results The results sheet contains the measurement's detailed results.2. • Specify the direction with the Get and Put radio buttons. • The average throughput is calculated from the first to the last receive timestamp and can thus be slightly higher than the real throughput. • The graph control displays the estimated throughput per one second interval. FTP Results The results sheet contains the measurement's detailed results.Jan. A list of throughput values per one second interval can be viewed during the measurement by hitting the Update button or is automatically updated at the end of the measurement.FTP Status This tab sheet will display the FTP measurement's status and main results during the measurement. • The current loop iteration and the status information are displayed on top.1. • The first RTT is calculated from the transmission of the FTP USER request to the reception of the FTP server's control connection response.2.3 ICMP measurements ICMP measurements allow the evaluation of ICMP/Ping round trip times and packet loss using user defined payloads and transmission timing with real time data analysis. PocketOptimizer 1. it can be switched to kbit/s=1000bit/s by setting the parameter GraphModeKBit: True in the user configuration file's [GUI] section. Major events and their time stamps are displayed in the log window for informational and diagnostic purposes. Usually the display scale is in kByte/s=1000Byte/s.1. ICMP Configuration This tab sheet allows to modify the ICMP measurement's main parameters. FTP Log The log sheet contains the measurement's log.32 26.2011 17 Operations Manual . Hit the Cancel button to cancel any active measurement. • The field bytes sent/received displays the number of bytes successfully sent or received on the data connection (TCP payload not including control connection). 3. This allows to view the data even if it is not automatically saved to a log file. • The number of Packets lost is counted per loop as the sequence number is. a green bar is used to show activity (response has not been received but timeout has not expired. thus the timeout value is only relevant for the last (lost) packets. • Specify the number of packets per block with the corresponding edit control. • The ICMP payload size will directly influence the ICMP and IP packet sizes: ICMP packet size: ICMP payload size + 8 bytes ICMP header IP packet size: ICMP packet size + 20 bytes IP header • The receive timeout is specified with the parameter to (ms). yet).32 26.1.. If all packets are lost. • The timing advance is specified with the adv (ms) parameter. See the description of the block parameter below. usually you will use one block.2011 18 Operations Manual . In Unix mode this is the time increment from transmission to transmission. o The ellipsis button (. Hit the button Start to start the measurement. ICMP Status This tab sheet will display the ICMP measurement's status and main results during the measurement.) opens the profile manager. In default (Windows) mode.Jan. it is possible to specify a number of blocks to be transmitted. The RAS connection is not disconnected between blocks. • The checkbox sniffer activates a third party packet sniffer. • In addition to the loops. in Windows mode it specifies the time increment from packet reception to next transmission.. • If you specify Unix mode packets will be transmitted with a constant time increment as specified with the advance parameter (adv ms). a red bar indicates packet loss (timeout for the packet has expired). • The Average RTT is calculated on a per block basis. Use this function to save your settings to a user defined profile and to manage your profiles. • The graph control displays the round trip time on a per packet basis.1. PocketOptimizer 1. Every block includes the specified number of packets succeeded by an idle time as specified with pause.. this value will thus be equal to the sequence number. In Unix mode a packet is always transmitted after adv ms. In Windows mode a packet is only transmitted after the reception of a packet or after a timeout. • The checkbox logfile has to be checked if the measurement's log file is to be saved in the log directory.. • Block/seq no displays the current block number (starting with 1) and the current sequence number (starting with 1 in the first block). The sequence value displayed at the and of a loop iteration is thus the # of packets transmitted (packets x blocks).) to view a history of hosts. • Use the host text field to enter a custom host or IP address or use the ellipsis button (. • The current loop iteration and the status information are displayed on top. • The checkbox act/deact RAS connection in every loop specifies if the RAS connection will be closed and re-opened in every loop iteration or if the same RAS connection will be used for all measurements.• Use the profile combo box to select a pre-defined profile either from the system or the user configuration file to load the profile's values. a packet will be transmitted either after a timeout (to ms) or adv ms after the reception of a packet as specified with the advance parameter. Use this function to save your settings to a user defined profile and to manage your profiles. • Specify the measurement duration in seconds. Note: As there are no GUI controls for the server. The remote endpoint for UDP measurements has to be a traffic generator server supporting PocketOptimizer’s traffic generator protocol. Packets will be transmitted in both directions until the required data has been committed by the remote side or a timeout has occurred. username and password. ICMP Log The log sheet contains the measurement's log. • The checkbox logfile has to be checked if the measurement's log file is to be saved in the log file directory.. Major events and their time stamps are displayed in the log window for informational and diagnostic purposes. PocketOptimizer 1. ICMP Results The results sheet contains the measurement's detailed results.2011 19 Operations Manual .40 and above.) opens the profile manager. UDP packet size: UDP payload size + 8 bytes UDP header IP packet size: UDP packet size + 20 bytes IP header • Uplink and downlink packet rates can be specified in UDP packet rate. o The ellipsis button (. A list of tx and rx time stamps and roundtrip time values (or LOST in case of a packet loss) can be viewed during the measurement by hitting the Update button or is automatically updated at the end of the measurement. The log files created by PocketOptimizer can be opened with NDFA client for further analysis. Hit the button Start to start the measurement. • Specify uplink and downlink packet size (UDP payload) in the UDP packet size edit controls. Currently this is NDFA server 0.1. • The checkbox act/deact RAS connection in every loop specifies if the RAS connection will be closed and re-opened in every loop iteration or if the same RAS connection will be used for all measurements. 3.32 26.. UDP Configuration This tab sheet allows modification of the UDP measurement's main parameters.4 UDP measurements UDP measurements allow the analysis of UDP traffic streams with defined uplink and downlink data rates. This allows to view the data even if it is not automatically saved to a log file.2.1. • The checkbox sniffer is available on Pocket PC only and activates a third party packet sniffer. be sure to specify proper values in either the [UdpDefaults] section or in the profile you're using. • Use the profile combo box to select a pre-defined profile either from the system or the user configuration file to load the profile's values. • A number of repetitions and the pause between those repetitions can be specified with loops and delay.Hit the Cancel button to cancel any active measurement.Jan. 4 or more packets lost). 100% . 3 packets lost.32 26.1. 50% . profiles) to the user configuration file. Major events and their time stamps are displayed in the log window for informational and diagnostic purposes.e. UDP Result The results sheet contains the measurement's detailed results. • The graph control displays the estimated data rates per one second interval in kByte/s=1000Byte/s.UDP Status This tab sheet will display the UDP measurement's status and main results during the measurement. UDP Log The log sheet contains the measurement's log.1. 2 packets lost. it can be switched to kbit/s=1000bit/s by setting the parameter GraphModeKBit: True in the user configuration file's [GUI] section.5 Profile manager The profile manager can be used to save user defined parameter sets (i.. 1 packet lost.2. • The current loop iteration and the status information are displayed on top. existing profiles can be deleted with the Delete button after specifying their name.Jan..2011 20 Operations Manual .. Simply enter a new name in the edit control (to create a new profile) or select an existing name from the list box (to overwrite an existing profile) and hit the Save as button. In addition red bars are used to display the number of lost packets per interval (25% height . Hit the Cancel button to cancel any active measurement. 3.. • dl loss and ul loss display the total number of packets lost. PocketOptimizer 1. • dl (kbit/s) and ul (kbit/s) show average uplink and downlink data rates calculated from the first to the last received packet. A detailed list of statistics per on second interval can be viewed during the measurement by hitting the Update button or is automatically updated at the end of the measurement. • dl jtr (ms) and ul jtr (ms) show average effective jitter. 75% . This allows to view the data even if it is not automatically saved to a log file. In addition. 1.3. 3. During execution the status information sheet will display progress information as well as a graphical overview.1 Running Jobs Specify a job file to be executed by selecting it in the combo box.3 Job measurements Jobs are pre-defined scripts containing one or more measurement tasks to be executed subsequently with one or more loop iterations. If transmission is not possible.3. • Reporting allows to transmit pending result files to a server.2011 21 Operations Manual . Thus you can copy the task's settings from the configuration manager into a job file. Alternatively it is possible to copy a task's section from the system or user config file. PocketOptimizer 1. Depending on the specification in the job file this XML ticket can either be stored in a local directory or sent to a server.2 Creating jobs Job files are similar to the interactive measurement's task files. 3.Jan. Jobs are contained in text files in the jobs directory.4 Synchronization and reporting This form contains the following functions: • Synchronization is used to load the system configuration as well as the job files from a predefined server.1. Please refer to the corresponding section in the Administrator's manual for details. Some additional information contained in the job file will be displayed to give more detailed information. an XML report file is generated. Hit the Start button to start the job. the file will be kept in the local directory for later submission. After the measurement is completed.3.32 26. 3. Jan.1. PocketOptimizer 1. Depending on your job files.4. Note: It's up to the user to remove old report files from the archive folder. a HTTP server accepting HTTP POST requests.4. PocketOptimizer will prompt if to open a RAS connection and load the required files. They can then be sent manually or moved to the archive folder. 3.e.1. i. Hit the Report button to submit the files to the server or the Archive button to move the files to the archive folder.3.32 26.2011 22 Operations Manual . Hit the Refresh button to load a list of files ready for transmission. reports can either be automatically submitted to the HTTP server or will have to be transferred manually. Please note that the synchronization URL is stored in the system configuration file and is automatically updated by the synchronization process. the XML report files will be placed in PocketOptimizer's report directory. The new value will be used when PocketOptimizer is started the next time. it is possible to adjust it as required. the Select button can be used to toggle the selection in addition to manual file selection by checking or un-checking single items in the list.1 Synchronization Simply hit the button Sync to reload the system configuration file (including the system task profiles) and the job files from the measurement server.2 Reporting The reporting functionality can be used to submit XML tickets to the ticket receiver. In the second case or if transmission is not possible in the first case. If the default synchronization URL is not usable. The workflow for unlocking PocketOptimizer is described in section 2. • The license administrator chooses a new agent id and generates the unlocking code. PocketOptimizer 1. • Hit the button Calculate to generate to unlocking code. 4.1.Chapter 4 Administrator’s Manual This section contains information for the system and license administrator and is not intended for end users.txt file. the main steps are: • The user submits the machine id to the license administrator. This application is only available if you purchased a perpetual. You should use unique agent ids to ensure proper reporting operation.32 26.4.1. • The user enters the unlocking code.1 PocketOptimizer Registration Utility The registration utility is a software application that generates PocketOptimizer’s unlock codes.Jan. branded company license for an unlimited number of installations. • Enter the user’s agent id or assign a new agent id. License Generator operation instructions • Enter the user’s machine id or hit the button Load file to load the data from the user’s reginfo. • Copy the application’s output into the clipboard or save it to a file with the Save file button.2011 23 Administrator’s Manual . 2 Synchronization server reference A standard HTTP server can be used to synchronize the system configuration file and the job files to PocketOptimizer installations. otherwise a sub directory of this path can be used. If the job file does not exist in PocketOptimizer’s local job directory or the version is not equal.job • http://www.3. The job files are transferred via a standard HTTP POST request to the server specified in the system configuration file.0"><CRLF> <instance>pocketopt</instance><CRLF> <scenario id="113"><CRLF> <mtime>2005-11-13T01:33:43+01:00</mtime><CRLF> PocketOptimizer 1. • job file is the job’s file name on the HTTP server.i-qos.0<CRLF> Content-length: 638<CRLF> <CRLF> <?xml version="1. Note: The version in the job file will not be updated during the download. • Any white space except for cr/lf can be used as separator between job file and version. it is possible to force downloading all files by entering a version not identical to the job’s file version.job jobs/test-ftp. • version is the job file’s version as specified with the parameter Version in the jobfile itself. The server can be a HTTP server with a suitable CGI script or a special ticket receiver that will directly insert the measurement data into a database.job 4.2.job 0.com/config/po/demo/system. • A file named jobs.job jobs/test1. • If the job file name includes blanks. 4. If Update-URL in the system configuration file is http://www. it has to be quoted by double quotes (").0.i-qos. the file has to reside in the directory specified by Update-URL. the URLs fetched will be • http://www.i-qos.cfg and • http://www. the job file will be updated. Please ensure this file is a valid system configuration file.32 26.2 Job configuration requirements The job configuration file is a text file that has to follow the format <job file> <version>\r\n. A sample job configuration file is jobs/test-http.i-qos. If no path is specified.com/config/po/demo/jobs/test-ftp.4. thus it is possible to change the server with the synchronization function or by installing a new system configuration file. the URLs fetched will be • http://www.3 Reporting server reference Measurement reports are available for job file execution only and are XML files as described in section 5.2.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?><CRLF> <ticket version="2.1 HTTP server requirements The HTTP server has to contain at least two public accessible files: • A file named system. The server is configured in the system configuration file. For the Update-URL specified above. • You can specify the keyword delete instead of version to delete the file from PocketOptimizer’s local job directory.com/config/po/demo/jobs. The job files can reside in the same directory or in a sub directory.1. thus it’s up to the user to ensure these versions are identical to gain synchronization performance by not loading those files already up to date.cfg has to contain a list of job files.cfg will replace the existing configuration file.i-qos. 4.2011 24 Administrator’s Manual .Jan.cfg. A sample http request is POST / HTTP/1.1.com/config/po/demo/jobs/test-http. it’s simply a version different to the version in the job file to force update. • Any combination of cr/lf can be used to separate different job files.com/config/po/demo. On the other hand.1 force delete Note: force is not a special keyword. Jan.1. loop 1 (icmp)</comment><CRLF> <qi>10</qi><CRLF> <rating>1</rating><CRLF> <metrics><CRLF> <metric id="1001" comment="1001-ping-tx-count">20</metric><CRLF> <metric id="1002" comment="1002-ping-lost">0</metric><CRLF> <metric id="1003" comment="1003-ping-avg-rtt">0.32 26. block 2.1.130.<agent id="101">PocketOptimizer</agent><CRLF> <duration>10.183</metric><CRLF> <metric id="100" comment="operator">23201</metric> <text id="101" comment="user">your user name</text> <text id="102" comment="location">your location</text> <text id="103" comment="cell-id">your cell id</text> <text id="104" comment="IP-addrs">128.7</text> <text id="105" comment="jobtime">2006-11-13T01:33:42+01:00</text> </metrics><CRLF> </scenario><CRLF> </ticket><CRLF> PocketOptimizer 1.222</duration><CRLF> <comment>loop 1.2011 25 Administrator’s Manual .6. use keepalive . i. total timeout [HttpProfile] Name: Http-Url: i-qos.32 26.Http-Threads: 1 .1.com:8808/ http://www.. Note: The system configuration file should only be modified by the administrator as the file is automatically synchronized from the configuration server.. (ms) . save the data to a user defined profile and copy the corresponding section from the user configuration file to the system configuration file with a text editor.. .Chapter 5 Technical Reference This chapter includes PocketOptimizer's technical specifications.Ras-Dial: No . delay after preload ..com/config/po/demo [HttpProfile] Name: i-qos.cfg and is placed in PocketOptimizer’s installation directory.1..i-qos.e.Http-UsePreload: Yes . socket rx timeout .Http-Connect-To: 60000 . Use a standard text editor to edit those files if required..Http-PreloadDelay: 2000 .1 Configuration file reference The configuration files described here have to be placed in the installation directory.com 10kB . For Pocket PC it’s recommended to use the freeware tool TotalCommander instead of Windows file explorer as this tool allows to directly open the files with Notepad while file explorer will raise an error due to missing file associations.1 System configuration file This section describes the system configuration file’s format. (ms) . The file is named system.bin .com/test/test01-00010kB.1 Sample system configuration file [System] Report-Url: Update-Url: http://qts. parallel threads for html files .com 100kB http://www.i-qos.Http-Master-To: 180000 . (ms) . 5. (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) .bin [HttpProfile] Name: i-qos.i-qos.1.Http-FollowMulti: Yes .Http-PreloadUrl: http://www.Ras-Hangup: No .2011 26 Technical Reference . socket connect timeout .bin ..Http-Follow: Yes .. follow img src tags in html files .Http-KeepAlive: Yes .com 1MB PocketOptimizer 1.Http-Recv-To: 60000 ..com/test/test01-00010kB.Http-Send-To: 60000 . 5. 5. use preload url .Loop-Count: 1 .. the directory where PocketOptimizer.i-qos.exe resides. loop iterations . socket tx timeout . (ms) ..com/test/test01-00100kB.. (No|Yes) .1.Jan. (ms) .i-qos. load img src tags multiple even if same URL .1. Note: The easiest way to create sections in the system configuration file is to enter the required parameters in an interactive measurement. (No|Yes) Http-Url: http://www.Loop-Pause: 1000 .. (ms) pause between and after last repetition .. Ftp-Connect-To: 60000 .Jan. user if required iFTP17q . stop measurement after timeout .. loop iterations .html 10 [HttpProfile] Name: Http-Url: Http-Threads: i-qos.Ras-Dial: No . user if required iFTP17q .Ras-Hangup. timeout to send Noop command .Ftp-Direction: Get . (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) .i-qos.com/test/test02-010MB.com 10MB http://www. socket tx timeout . for 1464 MTU size we use  1464-20(TCP)-20(IP)-4=1420 bytes to avoid IP fragementation [FtpProfile] Name: Ftp-Url: FTP-User: FTP-Pass: FTP-DataSize: FTP-Direction: Ftp-BlockSize: i-qos..com 100x10kB http://www.. receive/transmit block size   (large enough for DL. socket connect timeout .. (No|Yes) Ftp-Url: ftp://www. (ms) . password if required [FtpProfile] Name: i-qos. socket rx timeout .tuwien... total timeout .com 10MB DL ftp://www.com/test/test02-001MB.bin FTPTest . password if required [FtpProfile] Name: Ftp-Url: Ftp-User: Ftp-Pass: i-qos. use pasv mode .ac. small enough for UL) [FtpProfile] Name: Ftp-Url: Ftp-User: Ftp-Pass: i-qos.bin [HttpProfile] Name: Http-Url: Http-Threads: i-qos. user if required Ftp-Pass: iFTP17q .Ftp-Meas-To: 60000 .. (Get|Put) . .. (ms) . receive/transmit block size  (large enough for DL. (No|Yes) . password if required .com/test/test01-00010kB.com/test/Upload/test-ul-10kB-%agent%.i-qos. password if required [FtpProfile] Name: Ftp-Url: Ftp-User: Ftp-Pass: i-qos.. (ms) .. ... bytes (for upload only) . user if required iFTP17q ..Ftp-Passive: Yes .com 10kB DL .. (ms) . (ms) .1.bin FTP-User: FTPTest FTP-Pass: iFTP17q FTP-DataSize: 10240 FTP-Direction: Put Ftp-BlockSize: 1420 .32 26.Ftp-Noop-To: 30000 . pause between loops . direction .2011 27 Technical Reference .bin [HttpProfile] Name: Http-Url: i-qos.Ftp-Master-To: 180000 .i-qos.bin FTPTest ..com 10kB UL Ftp-Url: ftp://www.i-qos.bin Ftp-User: FTPTest . (ms) . small enough for UL) .com/test/test-100x10kB.com/test/test01-00010kB.Ftp-Recv-To: 60000 .i-qos..i-qos.Loop-Pause: 1000 . (ms) ..Ftp-BlockSize: 2048 .com 100x1kB http://www.com/test/test02-010MB.bin FTPTest iFTP17q 102400 Put 1420 PocketOptimizer 1.Http-Url: http://www.i-qos.com 100kB DL ftp://www.i-qos.i-qos.Loop-Count: 1 .com/test/test02-001MB.com 100kB UL ftp://www.Ftp-DataSize: 1024 ..i-qos. No .html 10 [HttpProfile] Name: Http-Url: GD main http://gd...bin FTPTest .com/test/Upload/test-ul-100kB-%agent%..1.Ftp-Send-To: 60000 .at/ [FtpProfile] Name: i-qos.com 1MB DL ftp://www..com/test/test-100x1kB. .com [PingDefaults] [UdpDefaults] PocketOptimizer 1..i-qos. Udp-DL-Size: Udp-UL-Size: Udp-DL-Rate: Udp-UL-Rate: Udp-Duration: Udp-Server: Udp-User: Udp-Pass: .Loop-Pause: .txt anonymous .. measureent duration www. (No|Yes) 160 ..Jan.. (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) .. UL UDP payload size 10 .ac. user if required me@here. .i-qos. . rx timeout . (ms) ..com (unix) www. (ms) . packets per block . server user name ndfademo ..at/welcome. unix mode . . (sec) ....com 20 0 True 1000 5000 1 5000 [PingProfile] Name: Ping-Addr: Ping-Count: Ping-Size: Ping-Unix: Ping-Advance: Ping-Timeout: Ping-Blocks: Ping-Delay: i-qos. (ms) .Ras-Hangup. DL UDP payload size 160 .com 1MB UL ftp://www.[FtpProfile] Name: Ftp-Url: FTP-User: FTP-Pass: FTP-DataSize: FTP-Direction: Ftp-BlockSize: i-qos. (pkts/sec) . .. (ms) .. DL packet rate 10 .i-qos.i-qos.. .. server password [HttpDefaults] [FtpDefaults] Ftp-User: Ftp-Pass: anonymous [email protected] 26.. # of packets excluded from averaging i-qos.. # of blocks . (bytes) .Ras-Dial: . ..Loop-Count: . (No|Yes) .Loop-Count: .. pause between loops No .1.tuwien.com:8888 .. additional payload bytes .. loop iterations 1000 . (pkts/sec) . (No|Yes) ...Ras-Hangup.com .Ras-Dial: . pause between loops .com/test/Upload/test-ul-1MB-%agent%.com (2x12. UL packet rate . server name or IP address demo ... (ms) .com (unix fast) www...com 20 0 No 1000 4000 1 5000 0 [PingProfile] Name: Ping-Addr: Ping-Count: Ping-Size: Ping-Unix: Ping-Advance: Ping-Timeout: Ping-Blocks: Ping-Delay: i-qos.8/16kbit/s) 1 . 10/s * (160 + 40) * 8 = 16000 bit/s (IP total) 20 . host name or IP address .Ping-DontAverage: i-qos.com (win) 1 1000 No No www. . password if required [PingProfile] Name: .2011 28 Technical Reference ... pause between blocks . (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) No .. tx advance .i-qos.com 20 0 True 200 5000 1 5000 [UdpProfile] Name: .. 10/s * 160 * 8 = 12800 bit/s (UP payload) ..... Ping-Addr: Ping-Count: Ping-Size: Ping-Unix: Ping-Advance: Ping-Timeout: Ping-Blocks: Ping-Delay: .Loop-Pause: . (bytes) .bin FTPTest iFTP17q 1048576 Put 1420 [FtpProfile] Name: Ftp-Url: Ftp-User: Ftp-Pass: GD welcome (small) ftp://gd..1. loop iterations . Jan.1.Operator04: .Operator03: .Operator05: . If not defined there.1.. Update-Url: [http://]<host>[:<port>]/[<path>] (string. every section creates one entry in the HTTP profile selection combo box.Operator01: .InitStr01: Yes 60000 3 ..2. Section [HttpProfile] The configuration file may include any number of [HttpProfile] sections..Operator06: . don't close RAS after measurment (ms) .1. PocketOptimizer 1. The server has to be a HTTP server accepting HTTP GET requests.cfg) and a job configuration file (jobs.2011 29 Technical Reference .""A1.IMSI01: . HTTP tasks in job files will only be expanded by the [HttpDefaults] section in the system configuration file.[RasDefaults] . The file will be opened with a shell execute. .32 26. Section [Help] The configuration file may include a single [Help] section.Ras-Timeout: . The server has to be a HTTP server or a ticket receiver accepting HTTP POST requests to the specified URL.3 Detailed parameter description for the system configuration file Section [System] The configuration file may include one [System] section. Known parameters in system config [Help] Content: <file> (string.Ras-Retries: [Operators] .1. Please refer to section 5.Ras-User: .Operator02: . all file types supported by windows can be used..net""" 5.4. ras dial timeout ... optional) Specifies the URL for getting the configuration files.. optional) Specifies an alternate help file name.2 Allowed sections in the system configuration file The system configuration file may contain the following sections: [System] [Help] [HttpProfile] [HttpDefaults] [FtpProfile] [FtpDefaults] [PingProfile] [PingDefaults] [UdpProfile] [UdpDefaults] [RasDefaults] [Operators] only once only once any number only once any number only once any number only once any number only once only once only once 5. . (No|Yes) .""IP"".Ras-DontClose: .Ras-Password: .. .. optional) Specifies the URL for delivering XML reports.1.1. .. RAS user name . RAS password . they will be loaded from the [HttpDefaults] section in the system configuration file. Parameters not specified in this section will be loaded from the [HttpDefaults] section in the user configuration file for individual measurements. Job files can be stored in the same path or in subfolders of the specified path. # of retries 23201=A1 23203=T-Mobile AT 23205=Orange AT 23207=T-Mobile TR AT 23210=H3G AT 23211=A1 Bob 23201 "at+cgdcont=1. the specified path has to include the system configuration file (system. Known parameters in system config [System] Report-Url: [http://]<host>[:<port>]/[<path>] (string.cfg).1 for a list of known parameters. FTP tasks in job files will only be expanded by [FtpDefaults] section in the system configuration file. If not defined there. optional. def:none) Section [PingProfile] The configuration file may include any number of [PingProfile] sections. default:Get) (bool. Please refer to section 5. def:60000) (integer.1. Values not specified in the [FtpProfile] section are first searched in the user configuration file’s [FtpDefaults] section (interactive measurements only). def:30000) (integer. Parameters not specified in this section will be loaded from the [FtpDefaults] section in the user configuration file for individual measurements. optional. optional.3 for a list of known parameters. Known parameters in system config [PingDefaults] Ping-Addr: Ping-Count: Ping-Size: Ping-Unix: Ping-Advance: Ping-Timeout: Ping-Blocks: Ping-Delay: <host> <number> <bytes> (True|False) <ms> <ms> <number> <ms> PocketOptimizer 1. every section creates one entry in the ICMP profile selection combo box. every section creates one entry in the FTP profile selection combo box. optional. optional. optional. optional. optional. Section [FtpDefaults] The configuration file may include one [FtpDefaults] section. optional. optional. optional. optional. def:2000) (integer. optional. def:1000) 30 Technical Reference . Parameters not specified in this section will be loaded from the [PingDefaults] section in the user configuration file for individual measurements. Section [PingDefaults] The configuration file may include one [PingDefaults] section. Known parameters in system config [FtpDefaults] Ftp-Url: Ftp-User: Ftp-Pass: Ftp-Direction: Ftp-Passive: Ftp-DataSize: Ftp-Connect-To: Ftp-Recv-To: Ftp-Send-To: Ftp-Noop-To: Ftp-Master-To: Ftp-Meas-to: [http://]<host>[:port]/[<path>] <user> <password> (Get|Put) (Yes|No) <bytes> <ms> <ms> <ms> <ms> <ms> <ms> (string) (string. mandatory for upload) (integer.Section [HttpDefaults] The configuration file may include one [HttpDefaults] section. def:1) (integer. optional) (string. Please refer to section 5. default:False) (integer. optional. optional) (list. then in the system configuration file’s [FtpDefaults] section. optional. then in the system configuration file’s [HttpDefaults] section.2. def:180000) Section [FtpProfile] The configuration file may include any number of [FtpProfile] sections. def:60000) (integer.32 26. default:No) (string. ICMP tasks in job files will only be expanded by [PingDefaults] section in the system configuration file. default:10) (integer. Values not specified in the [HttpProfile] section are first searched in the user configuration file’s [HttpDefaults] section (interactive measurements only). def:60000) (integer. optional. Known parameters in system config [HttpDefaults] Http-Url: Http-Threads: Http-KeepAlive: Http-UsePreload: Http-PreloadUrl: Http-PreloadDelay: Http-Connect-To: Http-Recv-To: Http-Send-To: Http-Master-To: [http://]<host>[:port]/[<path>] <threads> (No|Yes) (No|Yes) [http://]<host>[:port]/[<path>] <ms> <ms> <ms> <ms> <ms> (string) (integer. def:60000) (integer. they will be loaded from the [FtpDefaults] section in the system configuration file. optional. optional. def:180000) (integer. def:60000) (integer. optional. default:Yes) (integer. def:5000) (integer. optional.4. default:1) (bool. default:Yes) (bool.1. optional) (integer.4. they will be loaded from the [PingDefaults] section in the system configuration file.2 for a list of known parameters. optional. Values not specified in the [PingProfile] section are first searched in the user configuration file’s [PingDefaults] section (interactive measurements only). def:60000) (integer. default:0) (bool. def:1000) (integer.Jan.2. optional.2011 (string) (integer. then in the system configuration file’s [PingDefaults] section. optional. If not defined there. 1.2 User configuration file The user configuration file is similar to the system configuration file. mandatory) (string. the first operator is used.1 Sample user configuration file [User] Username: Location: CellId: RasEntry: your user name your location your cell id A1.<number>.5 for a list of known parameters. UDP tasks in job files will only be expanded by [UdpDefaults] section in the system configuration file. InitStr<nn>: <text> (string. optional. optional) Specifies the default operator id.1. Section [Operators] Specifies the operators that can be selected in the user data screen. optional.2. def:0) Section [UdpProfile] The configuration file may include any number of [UdpProfile] sections.32 26.4.4. Parameters not specified in this section will be loaded from the [UdpDefaults] section in the user configuration file for individual measurements. The selected operator id is reported as metric 100. The modem init string is required for the /autooperator command line argument.Jan. optional. Multiple values can be separated by commas. default:10) (float. optional. if not specified. IMSI<nn>: <number>[. def:60000) (integer.. Some additional sections are contained in this file to store the user’s input. optional) Specifies the operator id and an optional description. default:10) (float. default:64) (float. 5. every section creates one entry in the UDP profile selection combo box. optional. Default: <number> (integer. optional. optional. optional.Ping-DontAverage: <number> (integer. Known parameters in system config [Operators] Operator<nn>: <id>[=description] (string. Please refer to section 5. Please note that [RasDefaults] cannot contain the parameter RAS-Entry as it is provided by the GUI.] (integer. def:60000) (integer.1. Known parameters in system config [UdpDefaults] Udp-Server: Udp-User: Udp-Pass: Udp-DL-Size: Udp-UL-Size: Udp-DL-Rate: Udp-UL-Rate: Udp-Duration: Udp-Connect-To: Udp-Recv-To: Udp-Send-To: Udp-Master-To: <host>:<port> <user> <password> <bytes> <bytes> <pkts/sec> <pkts/sec> <seconds> <ms> <ms> <ms> <ms> (string.4 for a list of known parameters. default:30) (integer. optional) Specifies the IMSI start characters for operator n..1. def:60000) (integer. optional) Specifies the modem init string for operator n. optional) (string. Values not specified in the [UdpProfile] section are first searched in the user configuration file’s [UdpDefaults] section (interactive measurements only). The starting characters are required for the /autooperator and /autoinitstr command line arguments. Please refer to section 5. they will be loaded from the [UdpDefaults] section in the system configuration file. default:64) (integer. def:180000) Section [RasDefaults] The configuration file may include one [RasDefaults] section. Section [UdpDefaults] The configuration file may include one [UdpDefaults] section.2. Values are automatically loaded from the user configuration file (interactive measurements) or the system configuration file for interactive and job measurements.2. optional. optional. optional) (integer.net bluetooth PocketOptimizer 1. then in the system configuration file’s [UdpDefaults] section. If not defined there.2011 31 Technical Reference . 5. DecimalSeparator: . Note: The user configuration file is maintained by PocketOptimizer.1.0: www. The other sections are described below. CellId: <informative cell id> (string.at www.at 9999 0 True 5000 4000 1 5000 5.1.at/ http://194. Section [User] This section contains the user’s input and is automatically maintained.ac. RasEntry: <RAS entry to be used> (string. optional) Stores the location to be dumped to the log files. Some additional sections contain the user’s input.32 26.1. Known parameters in user config [User] UserName: <informative user name> (string.2. graph in kBit/s instead of kB/s [FtpHistory] FtpUrl: ftp://194.tuwien.139. optional) Stores the user name to be dumped to the log files.a1. No/Yes . optional) Stores the cell id to be dumped to the log files.2011 32 Technical Reference .238/merlin/PocketOptimizer/120mal1KB.139.GraphModeKBit: .2 Allowed sections in the user configuration file The user configuration is similar to the system configuration file but does not contain the [System] section. Yes .htm [PingProfile] Name: Loop-Count: Loop-Pause: Ras-Dial: Ping-Addr: Ping-Count: Ping-Size: Ping-Unix: Ping-Advance: Ping-Timeout: Ping-Blocks: Ping-Delay: dial 1 3000 Auto www.. http://gd.48.1.tuwien.net [HttpHistory] HttpUrl: HttpUrl.ac.3 for the measurement profile sections. Section [GUI] This section contains additional configuration parameters and is not maintained by PocketOptimizer PocketOptimizer 1.1.ac.. usually it is not required to modify the configuration file manually except for the parameters in the [GUI] section.238/gprs/200KB [PingHistory] PingAddr: PingAddr. the file may contain the following sections: [User] [GUI] [HttpHistory] [FtpHistory] [PingHistory] [HttpProfile] [HttpDefaults] [FtpProfile] [FtpDefaults] [PingProfile] [PingDefaults] [UdpProfile] [UdpDefaults] [RasDefaults] only once only once only once only once only once any number only once any number only once any number only once any number only once only once 5.[GUI] .Jan. Location: <informative location> (string.tuwien.3 Detailed parameter description for the user configuration file Please refer to the definition of the system configuration file’s parameters in section 5. optional) Stores the RAS connection to be used for interactive and job measurements. default:No) Specifies that the graph control is to be scaled in kbit/s instead of kByte/s. Known parameters in user config [HttpHistory] HttpUrl: HttpUrl.1.0\cemynetworkw. The last 10 values are stored to improve GUI usability. The default value is the systems decimal separator.CaptureTo-Folder: .exe" SnifferFiles Ethereal. 5.4. [UdpDefaults] Please refer to section 5. optional) Specifies the decimal separator for log file output. Sections [PingProfile].) as decimal separator.2. Known parameters in user config [FtpHistory] FtpUrl: FtpUrl.4. Section [HttpHistory] The section contains the custom HTTP URL history. The last 10 values are stored to improve GUI usability. tcpdump (*.2.3 for a list of known parameters.1. Sections [FtpProfile].3 Machine configuration file The machine configuration file contains information associated to the individual machine. You should not copy this file from one machine to another unless you make sure all the parameters are valid.4.1. for some tasks it may be more convenient to use the dot (.32 26. [PingDefaults] Please refer to section 5. The last 10 values are stored to improve GUI usability. GraphModeKBit: (Yes|No) (bool.1 Sample machine configuration file [Directories] Log-Path: Job-Path: Report-Path: Archive-Path: logs jobs reports archive [Registration] AgentId: UnlockCode: 102 B516-E7C5-B619-8ECA-6A1B [Sniffer] .ExeName: .2. [FtpDefaults] Please refer to section 5. optional.DumpFile-Path: "\Programme\CEMyNetwork Wireless1.CaptureTo-Type: .2. Sections [UdpProfile]. Section [RasDefaults] Please refer to section 5. Known parameters in user config [PingHistory] PingAddr: PingAddr.Known parameters in user config [GUI] DecimalSeparator: <character> (char.3.n: HttpPreloadUrl: HttpPreloadUrl.n: <url> <url> <url> <url> (string) (string) (string) (string) Section [FtpHistory] The section contains the custom FTP URL history.cap) "CF Karte" "\CF Karte\SnifferFiles\" PocketOptimizer 1.2 for a list of known parameters.n: <url> <url> (string) (string) Section [PingHistory] The section contains the ping host history.1 for a list of known parameters.Jan.4 for a list of known parameters.4. [HttpDefaults] Please refer to section 5.n: <url> <url> (string) (string) Sections [HttpProfile]. 5.1.CaptureTo-Location: .2011 33 Technical Reference .2.5 for a list of known parameters.4. The data is usually maintained by PocketOptimizer.exe 5.3. Known parameters in machine config [Sniffer] ExeName: CaptureTo-Folder: CaptureTo-Location: CaptureTo-Type: DumpFile-Path: DumpFile-Ext: DontTerminate: SnifferParams: InterfaceName-LAN: InterfaceName-RAS: <file name> <dialog folder> <dialog file format> <dialog folder type> <sniffer folder> <file extension> (True|False) <params> <interface> <interface> (string. PPC only) (string. The job files synchronized from the server will be placed there.1. not for capturing. Known parameters in machine config [Registration] AgentId: <agent-id> (integer. optional.6. Directories can be relative to the installation directory (i. optional.Jan. optional.2 for details. def:logs) Specifies the path containing the log files. PPC only) (string. def:sniffer Specifies the path for sniffer files. Known parameters in machine config [Directories] Log-Path: <path> (string. PPC only) (string.5. Win32 only) (string. Win32 only) Section [TShark] This section is only available for the Win32 edition and stores the configuration for the TShark executable.DontTerminate: [TShark] .1. PPC only) (string.. def:jobs) Specifies the path containing job files.ExeName: . the executable’s directory) or absolute and are created at program start if not existing. optional) (bool. Section [Registration] This section contains the registration data entered by the user or loaded from the registration data file.3. optional. Report-Path: <path> (string. PPC only) (string. def:archive) Specifies the path for the report file archive. optional. UnlockCode: <code> (string. Archive-Path: <path> (string. def:reports) Specifies the path for report files that have not been reported to a server.e. Known parameters in machine config [TShark] PocketOptimizer 1.6. Job-Path: <path> (string. optional. optional.3 Detailed parameter description for machine configuration file Section [Directories] This section contains the directories for storing job.32 26.DumpFile-Ext: .2011 34 Technical Reference . mandatory) Stores the agent id as assigned by the license administrator.3 and 5. optional. log and report files.cap True D:\Software\Wireshark\TShark. Please see section 5. Win32 only) (string. see section 5. mandatory) Stores the unlocking code assigned by the license administrator. optional) (string. optional.2 for details. Section [Sniffer] This section contains the packet sniffer configuration parameters.1. optional.1. TShark is used to decode the sniffer files. Sniffer-Path: <path> (string. optional. optional.2 Allowed sections in the machine configuration file The machine configuration file may contain the following sections: [Directories] [Registration] [Sniffer] [TShark] [RIL] only only only only only once once once once (Win32 only) once (Pocket PC only) 5. optional. e. RIL is only available on Smart Phones (not on Pocket PC without builtin GSM/UMTS phone) and can provide the text metrics 120.5 5. Additionally each task can include a number of private iterations.g. The file has to be separated with semicolons (. optional. decimal separator is a dot (.5 Registration data file This file is used to submit the license information from the license manager to the users.g. Sample file [PocketRegister] User: test user Machine-Id: A209E0BB-F7877594 Agent-Id: Unlocking-Code: 5.). the configuration can be Ril-RasName00: UMTS-GPRS-INT. It has been tested with HTC TyTN II devices.csv and needs to be located in the application directory.47. If you are using both Bluetooth connections (e. The file can be used to submit the machine id to the license administrator and to back up your license data.1. RAS name UMTS-GPRS-INT..1.9.4 Registration info file This file is automatically generated by PocketOptimizer and contains the current configuration data.7. Ril-RasNameNN: <ras name> (string. RAS name UMTS-GPRS-BT.2 Job file reference Job files are text files including a sequence of tasks to be executed. This interface allows querying the radio status similar to AT commands. optional.1. RIL availability is checked automatically by PocketOptimizer and usage of RIL functions is disabled if RIL or modem is not available. associated with RIL). A number of main loop iterations can be specified. optional) Section [RIL] This section is only available for the Pocket PC edition and stores the configuration for the Radio Interface Layer. 5.32 26.Jan.2011 35 Technical Reference . The file is no longer used after loading the data as the registration information is stored in the machine configuration file and can be deleted. The column format is <name>. i.).47. if the command line argument /autolocation is used. The default configuration is Ril-RasName00: * meaning that all RAS connections use the device associated with RIL. The location file has to be named locations. In this case only the RAS connection UMTS-GPRS-INT will be analyzed with RIL.1. PocketOptimizer 1. cannot be queried with RIL) and builtin modem connections (e.25 2.<gps-lon>. thus setting Ril-Enable to false should not be required in most cases. for all other connections RIL will not be used.7.1. Sample file [PocketRegister] User: test user Machine-Id: 30351601-4165-7159-F800-0050BF7A6822 Agent-Id: 101 Unlocking-Code: 2c9e-c68c-d759-dd3f-8ef7 5. A sample data file is 1.128..9. default:True) Use this parameter to disable RIL if required.<gps-lat>. Ril-RasName19 can be used to specify the RAS connections using RIL devices. the total sequence of tasks can be executed several time. PPC only) The parameters Ril-RasName00 . Known parameters in machine config [RIL] Ril-Enable: <True|False> (bool.6 Location data file A location file is required.ExeName: <file name> (string. .RAS-Timeout: 60 . scenario for XML reporting (RAS KPIs) task type comment displayed in status scenario for XML reporting # of task iterations host name or IP address # of pings per block payload size in bytes windows/unix mode increment in ms timeout in ms # of blocks delay between blocks in ms The sample job will execute the tasks as shown below: • RAS-Connect (loop 1. loop 1) • PING (loop 2.2.238/merlin/HTTP_Files/100KB. . version for synchronization 1 .dl [TASK] Task-Type: Task-Comment: Scenario-Id: Loop-Count: Ping-Addr: Ping-Count: Ping-Size: Ping-Unix: Ping-Advance: Ping-Timeout: Ping-Blocks: Ping-Delay: ICMP 2x10 Pings 114 2 www.1. task 3. ICMP.48. Parallel.1 Sample job file [Global] Description: Version: Iterations: Pause: Reporting: Report-System: WriteLogFile: Test job 1 (HTTP + ICMP) 0. . loop 1) • HTTP download (loop 1.at 10 0 True 1000 5000 2 2000 . task 2. task 2. UDP. task 3. . loop 2) • RAS-Hangup (loop 2. save log files to log directory [RAS] . task 2. . loop 1) • HTTP download (loop 2.mobilkom. task type . # of task iterations http://194. pause in ms File . task 3. loop 2) • PING (loop 1. comment displayed in status 113 .1. .RAS-Retries: 3 .2. Off/File/Http pocketopt . task 3. task 4) • RAS-Connect (loop 2. .2011 36 Technical Reference . loop 2) • RAS-Hangup (loop 1.2 Allowed sections in the job file The job file may contain the following sections: [Global] [RAS] [Task] only once only once any number 5. # of main loop iterations 3000 .Jan. . task 4) 5. task 1) • HTTP download (loop 2. scenario for XML reporting 2 . task 1) • HTTP download (loop 1. RAS connection timeout . . FTP. [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Hangup . task type 100k HTTP download . task 2. # of RAS retries .3 Detailed parameter description for the job file Section [Global] This section contains global job parameters.139. . .0. RAS-CONNECT and RAS-HANGUP [TASK] Task-Type: Scenario-Id: RAS-Connect 110 [TASK] Task-Type: Task-Comment: Scenario-Id: Loop-Count: Http-Url: HTTP .1 . loop 1) • PING (loop 1. RAS_REPORT.2.32 26. loop 2) • PING (loop 2. system for XML reporting yes . possible tasks are HTTP.5. PocketOptimizer 1. task type . optional) (string. i. default:0) Specifies the pause after each task in ms. Thus you should assign a different scenario id to every task you're using. optional) The description will be displayed in the status window to provide additional information to the user. default:Off) Specifies the reporting system. Refer to section 5. Enter any comment you find useful. Report-OldFiles: <count> (integer. Section [RAS] This section can include additional RAS parameters.2. the XML report will be saved to a file in the report directory. optional. Report-System: <system> (string. optional) (bool. optional) The scenario id is the unique key for XML reporting. optional) The description will be displayed when selecting a job. default:No) Specifies if TShark is used to decode the sniffer files for TCP connections and generate additional KPIs. optional. If the value is greater than zero. database names.2. optional) Specifies the value to be used in the XML ticket's system tag.4 for the task's parameters.e.32 26.1. def:60000) (integer. Pause: <ms> (integer. Otherwise it will not easily be possible to distinguish different PocketOptimizer 1. WriteLogFile: (Yes|No) (bool. default:1) Specifies the number of main iterations. default:Yes) (integer. optional. please refer section 5.5 for a detailed specification. default:3) (bool. optional. o If set to Http. Known parameters in job [RAS] RAS-User: RAS-Password: RAS-APN: RAS-DefUser: RAS-DefPassword: RAS-DefAPN: RAS-DontClose: RAS-Timeout: RAS-Retries: RAS-ModemInfo-Enable: RAS-ModemInfo-Timeout: <user> <password> <apn> <user> <password> <apn> (Yes|No) <ms> <number> (Yes|No) <ms> (string. UseSniffer: (Yes|No) (bool.2011 37 Technical Reference . optional) (string. optional.Known parameters in job [Global] Description: <text> (string. You should include information allowing the user to estimate the task's runtime (e. optional. optional. optional. optional. default:No) Specifies if the packet sniffer is to be used (only if a sniffer is supported for the platform). # of bytes to be transferred or # of pings to be sent…). You should include information allowing the user to estimate the task's runtime (e. Iterations: <loop count> (integer. Known parameters in job [Task] Task-Type: (HTTP|FTP|ICMP|UDP|Parallel|RAS-Connect|RAS-Hangup|AT-Command The description will be displayed in the status window to provide additional information to the user. the specified number of report files from the folder reports will be submitted to a ticket receiver if the reporting mode is http. Task-Comment: <text> (string. Scenario-Id: <integer> (integer. # of bytes to be transferred or # of pings to be sent…). optional.Jan. default:No) Specifies if log files shall be generated. this has to be one of the ticket receiver's system. If using a ticket receiver for reporting.g. optional) (string. default:No) (integer.4. optional. Reporting: (Off|File|Http) (list. if submission via HTTP is successful. optional) (string. optional) (string. def:30000) Section [Task] This section contains the individual task definitions. the file will automatically be moved to the archive directory. UseTShark: (Yes|No) (bool.g. the XML report will be saved to a file. o If set to File. optional) Specifies the number of report files to be submitted after job execution.1. Only used if the task's Loop-Pause is not specified. 2011 38 Technical Reference . default:No) Defines if a task shall be executed in parallel with other tasks. depending on the checkbox act/deact RAS conn.4 Task parameters This chapter describes known parameters for different task types... please refer to section 5. All values are supported in job execution..com/test/test02-010MB.. For example you shouldn't assign the same scenario id to 100kB and 1000kB downloads as some of the KPIs will be very different for those tasks. Known parameters for HTTP tasks Name: <profile_name> (string) Specifies the profile name to be displayed in the profile selection combo box. All tasks following this parallel task with attribute parallel=true will be executed in parallel.Jan. Forced . i. Subsequent loop iterations will use Auto behavior.1 Parameters for HTTP tasks This section describes known parameters for HTTP tasks. The RAS connection will be closed in every loop iteration.. The RAS connection will not be established..e. optional.32 26. in every loop. i. Yes . optional. Interactive measurements support Auto and Iterated only. default mode is No. Ras-Hangup: (No|Yes) (bool.1.2. Parallel: (No|Yes) (bool. even if it is not active Auto . i.com/uploader/test01.). possible values are: No . default mode is No. the RAS connection will be re-used if possible. The following example demonstrates how to use parallel tasks: [Task] Task-Type: Parallel [Task] Task-Type: Parallel: Http-Url: HTTP true http://www. optional) Specifies the pause between loop iterations (GUI parameter loop delay). a new connection will be established if the existing connection got lost. Parallel tasks have to be preceded by a special task with task type Parallel. optional. Loop-Count: <count> (integer. default:1) Specifies the total number of loop iterations for this task (GUI parameter loops).e.4. The parameters can be contained in • job files.2. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in the first loop iteration. The parameter is supported in job execution.. Iterated .bin [Task] Task-Type: Parallel: Http-Url: Http-Method: HTTP true http://www. The name should be unique to allow the user to identify the HTTP profile. default:Auto) Specifies the RAS connection mode (GUI parameter act/deact RAS conn.. This parameter is not used in interactive measurements (RAS-Dial is used instead). The RAS connection will not be closed.i-qos.1. 5. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in every loop iteration. [<task>Profile]. [<task>Defaults] 5..2. optional..bin post Additional known parameters depend on the task type.measurements in the reported data. PocketOptimizer 1.i-qos.e. [Task] sections • configuration files. possible values are: No .4 for the parameter specification for the individual measurement tasks. Ras-Dial: (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) (list. Loop-Pause: <ms> (integer.. default:No) Specifies the RAS hang up mode (no GUI parameter available).. Please note that RAS tasks and RAS operations are not possible in parallel tasks.. The RAS connection will only be established if not already active. Http-Method: (GET|POST) (string.2011 39 Technical Reference . def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for establishing the TCP socket connection.Jan. optional. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for TCP socket read operations. Http-Threads: <threads> (integer. the default port is 80 (GUI parameter custom-URL). PocketOptimizer 1. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for TCP socket write operations. alternatively it is possible to send data to the server if the POST method is specified. default:Yes) Specifies if HTTP connection keep-alive is to be used. Http-Send-To: <ms> (integer. the parameters in the [RasDefaults] sections are used. HTTP protocol specifier and port can be omitted. Default is GET. If the content type returned by the server is text/html. optional.1. # of parallel TCP connections) Http-KeepAlive: (No|Yes) (bool. def:0) Specifies the data size in bytes for HTTP POST requests. optional. Http-DataSize: <bytes> (integer. for GPRS with 100 kbit/s ≈ 15 kB/s with throughput accuracy of 10 %. If for example the MTU size is 1464 bytes. default:false) Do not use parameters in [HttpDefaults] sections. e. Please note that the data size has to be specified in this case. Http-Follow: <No|Yes> (bool. optional) Specifies the preload URL similar to Http-Url (GUI parameter custom preload URL). default:1) Specifies the number of threads used for parallel downloads of embedded images (GUI parameter max. def:8MB) Defines the maximum allowed size for the HTTP payload returned by the server. Http-UsePreload: (No|Yes) (bool.g. optional. Http-MaxSize: <bytes> (integer. optional. optional. optional) Specifies an additional delay in ms before a RAS connection is established. default:Yes) Specifies if embedded images are to be loaded (context type text/html only). 5. The block size should be a tradeoff between measurement accuracy (small blocks) and good performance (large blocks). optional. DontUseDefaults: <bool> (bool. this behavior can be overruled by setting Ras-DontClose: True in [RasDefaults]. the optimum buffer size is 1424 bytes (1464 . Ras-Wait: <ms> (integer.32 26. The parameter is not used in case of get requests. Sizes exceeding the allowed maximum will be rejected to prevent denial of service attacks. embedded images identified by img src tags will be fetched. too. Http-Recv-To: <ms> (integer. Good measurement quality requires small blocks. Http-PreloadUrl: [http://]<host>[:port]/[<path>] (string.4. def:180000) Specifies the overall timeout for the entire HTTP operation (applied individually for the preload URL and every main URL loop iteration). optional.20 bytes IP header . optional. def:2000) Specifies an additional delay after loading the preload URL (GUI parameter post preload delay). the buffer size should be approximately 1500 bytes. Http-PreloadDelay: <ms> (integer. Http-Url: [http://]<host>[:port]/[<path>] (string) The HTTP URL used for download. def:GET) Specifies the HTTP request type. optional. Http-Master-To: <ms> (integer. optional.2.1.20 bytes TCP header). optional. optional.2 Parameters for FTP tasks This section describes known parameters for FTP tasks. optional. Usually the RAS connection will be closed after a measurement. Http-BlockSize: <bytes> (int. default:No) Specifies if a preload URL has to be loaded prior to the measurement (GUI parameter use preload URL). Http-Connect-To: <ms> (integer. Optimum performance can be achieved if the block size is chosen to generate IP packets of the specified MTU size.Note: In addition to these RAS parameters. default:~1400) Block size for HTTP reception and transmission on windows socket level. optional. Usually the RAS connection will be closed after a measurement. default:1) Specifies the total number of loop iterations for this task (GUI parameter loops).Jan... Note: In addition to these RAS parameters. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for TCP socket write operations. Iterated . The RAS connection will only be established if not already active. default:Auto) Specifies the RAS connection mode (GUI parameter act/deact RAS conn. Loop-Count: <count> (integer.. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for TCP socket read operations.). i. the URL ends with a slash). default:Get) Specifies the FTP direction (GUI parameter direction). optional. default:No) Specifies the RAS hang up mode (no GUI parameter available).. Ras-Hangup: (No|Yes) (bool. possible values are: No . Ftp-User: <user> (string.. default mode is No. optional. default mode is No. Ras-Wait: <ms> (integer. The RAS connection will not be established. the RAS connection will be re-used if possible. possible values are: No . optional.e. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for establishing the TCP socket connection. optional.. even if it is not active Auto .e. Loop-Pause: <ms> (integer.. Ftp-Send-To: <ms> (integer. Forced . optional.. otherwise the placeholder %agent% will be replaced by the agent id. optional) The user name can be specified if required (no GUI parameter available).. Ftp-Recv-To: <ms> (integer. All values are supported in job execution. optional. the agent id is used as the file name. Ftp-Connect-To: <ms> (integer. depending on the checkbox act/deact RAS conn. Ras-Dial: (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) (list.. Ftp-Passive: (Yes|No) (bool. This parameter is not used in interactive measurements (RAS-Dial is used instead). The name should be unique to allow the user to identify the FTP profile.1. Ftp-DataSize: <bytes> (integer. optional) Specifies an additional delay in ms before a RAS connection is established. Interactive measurements support Auto and Iterated only. default:Yes) Specifies if passive mode is to be used (GUI parameter passive mode). PocketOptimizer 1. The RAS connection will not be closed. the parameters in the [RasDefaults] sections are used.. a new connection will be established if the existing connection got lost.1.. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in every loop iteration.32 26. Ftp-Url: [ftp://]<host>[:port]/[<path>] (string) Specifies the URL for the FTP transfer (GUI parameter custom URL). this behavior can be overruled by setting Ras-DontClose: True in [RasDefaults]. The RAS connection will be closed in every loop iteration. Ftp-Pass: <password> (string. Yes . optional) Specifies the FTP password if required (no GUI parameter available). mandatory for upload) Specifies the upload data size in bytes (GUI parameter data size). Subsequent loop iterations will use Auto behavior.2011 40 Technical Reference . The parameter is supported in job execution. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in the first loop iteration. If nofile name is given (i. optional.. optional) Specifies the pause between loop iterations (GUI parameter loop delay). Ftp-Direction: (Get|Put) (list.Known parameters for FTP tasks Name: <profile_name> (string) Specifies the profile name to be displayed in the profile selection combo box. in every loop. the optimum buffer size is 1424 bytes (1464 .). mandatory) Specifies the host the packet should be sent to (GUI parameter host). optional.2. Known parameters for PING tasks Name: <profile_name> (string) Specifies the profile name to be displayed in the profile selection combo box. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in every loop iteration. The block size should be a tradeoff between measurement accuracy (small blocks) and good performance (large blocks). default:Auto) Specifies the RAS connection mode (GUI parameter act/deact RAS conn.4.20 bytes TCP header). optional) Specifies an additional delay in ms before a RAS connection is established. Interactive measurements support Auto and Iterated only. optional..3 Parameters for PING tasks This section describes known parameters for PING tasks..32 26. Usually the RAS connection will be closed after a measurement. Ras-Dial: (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) (list. The RAS connection will not be closed. The RAS connection will be closed in every loop iteration. PocketOptimizer 1.2011 41 Technical Reference . default:~1400) Block size for FTP reception and transmission on windows socket level. The RAS connection will not be established. even if it is not active Auto . DontUseDefaults: <bool> (bool. Optimum performance can be achieved if the block size is chosen to generate IP packets of the specified MTU size. possible values are: No .Ftp-Noop-To: <ms> (integer.Jan. the measurement is gracefully terminated. default:No) Specifies the RAS hang up mode (no GUI parameter available).. the buffer size should be approximately 1500 bytes. the parameters in the [RasDefaults] sections are used. def:180000) Specifies the overall timeout for the entire operation (applied individually for every loop iteration). optional. optional) Specifies the pause between loop iterations (GUI parameter loop delay). this behavior can be overruled by setting Ras-DontClose: True in [RasDefaults]. Ftp-Meas-To: <ms> (integer.1..g. The parameter is supported in job execution. Please be sure the specified host will respond to ICMP ping requests. default:false) Do not use parameters in [FtpDefaults] sections.1. Even if not all bytes have been transferred when reaching this timeout. the RAS connection will be re-used if possible. Loop-Count: <count> (integer. Subsequent loop iterations will use Auto behavior. Ftp-Master-To: <ms> (integer. optional. The RAS connection will only be established if not already active. a new connection will be established if the existing connection got lost. def:30000) Specifies the timeout interval until NOOP commands are transmitted on the control connection. i.20 bytes IP header . in every loop.. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in the first loop iteration.. optional. Forced . default mode is No. Ras-Wait: <ms> (integer. Iterated . optional. Use this option to achieve constant measurement duration regardless of the current transfer speed. Loop-Pause: <ms> (integer... e. The name should be unique to allow the user to identify the ICMP profile. Note: In addition to these RAS parameters. Yes . Ftp-BlockSize: <bytes> (int... default mode is No. All values are supported in job execution.. default:1) Specifies the total number of loop iterations for this task (GUI parameter loops). optional. This parameter is not used in interactive measurements (RAS-Dial is used instead). If for example the MTU size is 1464 bytes. optional.e.. depending on the checkbox act/deact RAS conn. Ras-Hangup: (No|Yes) (bool.. possible values are: No . 5. Good measurement quality requires small blocks. def:none) Specifies the measurement timeout for the download operation. for GPRS with 100 kbit/s ≈ 15 kB/s with throughput accuracy of 10 %. Ping-Addr: <host> (string. 1. def:1000) Specifies the timing advance parameter (GUI parameter adv). Ping-DontAverage: <number> (integer. The RAS connection is not disconnected between blocks. If you specify Unix mode packets will be transmitted with a constant time increment as specified with the advance parameter (Ping-Advance).2011 42 Technical Reference . Subsequent loop iterations will use Auto behavior. the RAS connection will be re-used if possible. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in the first loop iteration. optional.4. a packet will be transmitted either after a timeout (Ping-Timeout) or after the reception of a packet as specified with the advance parameter (Ping-Advance).e.. default:0) Specifies the payload size in bytes (GUI parameter payload) and will directly influence the ICMP and IP packet sizes: ICMP packet size: ICMP payload size + 8 bytes ICMP header IP packet size: ICMP packet size + 20 bytes IP header Ping-Unix: (True|False) (bool. i. default:False) Specifies if windows or unix mode is to be used (GUI parameter unix mode).Jan. thus the timeout value is only relevant for the last (lost) packets. The RAS connection will only be established if not already active. only the last 6 packets are included in the average. Ping-Advance: <ms> (integer. Ping-Delay: <ms> (integer. optional.2. def:5000) Specifies the receive timeout parameter (GUI parameter to). 5. In Unix mode this is the time increment from transmission to transmission. Iterated . def:1000) Specifies the pause between ping blocks (GUI parameter pause). Loop-Count: <count> (integer. Ping-Blocks: <number> (integer.4 Parameters for UDP tasks This section describes known parameters for UDP tasks. In Unix mode a packet is always transmitted after Ping-Advance ms.. Ping-Size: <bytes> (integer. it is possible to specify a number of block iterations (GUI parameter blocks). Ras-Dial: (No|Auto|Forced|Iterated) (list. optional. default:Auto) Specifies the RAS connection mode (GUI parameter act/deact RAS conn. in Windows mode a packet is transmitted Ping-Advance ms after the reception of a packet or after a timeout. DontUseDefaults: <bool> (bool. default:1) Specifies the total number of loop iterations for this task (GUI parameter loops). default:false) Do not use parameters in [PingDefaults] sections. optional. optional) Specifies the pause between loop iterations (GUI parameter loop delay). default:10) Specifies the number of packets to be transmitted per block (GUI parameter packets). Ping-Timeout: <ms> (integer. Ping-Count: <number> (integer.1.. optional. possible values are: No . PocketOptimizer 1... even if it is not active Auto . in Windows mode it specifies the time increment from packet reception to the next transmission. The RAS connection will be disconnected if active and then re-connected in every loop iteration. def:0) Specifies the number of packets not to be included in average RTT calculation. optional.32 26. optional. optional. Forced . Known parameters for UDP tasks Name: <profile_name> (string) Specifies the profile name to be displayed in the profile selection combo box. Every block includes the specified number of packets succeeded by an idle time as specified with Ping-Delay. use some payload bytes if you experience this problem. optional. Loop-Pause: <ms> (integer.. a new connection will be established if the existing connection got lost.).Note: Some personal firewalls don’t accept ping packets with 0 bytes payload.. In default (Windows) mode. The RAS connection will not be established. If Ping-Count is 10 and Ping-DontAverage is 4. default:1) In addition to the loop iterations... optional. The name should be unique to allow the user to identify the UDP profile. optional. Note: In addition to these RAS parameters. Udp-Recv-To: <ms> (integer. Ras-Wait: <ms> (integer. def:180000) Specifies the overall timeout for the entire operation (applied individually for every loop iteration). optional.2. Udp-User: <user> (string. optional. optional) Specifies the RAS password. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for establishing the TCP control socket connection. currently this is NDFA server 0. depending on the checkbox act/deact RAS conn.1. the RAS entry’s user is used.. default:30) Specifies the measurement duration (GUI parameter duration). default:64) Specifies the uplink packet size (GUI parameter UL size). in every loop. The RAS connection will be closed in every loop iteration. RAS-User: <user> (string. Ras-Hangup: (No|Yes) (bool. internal) The parameter RAS-Entry is an internal parameter that is not available in job or configuration files. Udp-Master-To: <ms> (integer. Udp-Connect-To: <ms> (integer. Udp-Send-To: <ms> (integer. RAS-Password: <password> (string. optional) Specifies the RAS user name.2011 43 Technical Reference . If user name and password are empty. default:10) Specifies the uplink packet rate (GUI parameter UL rate). possible values are: No . Udp-UL-Rate: <pkts/sec> (float. optional. default mode is No. This parameter is not used in interactive measurements (RAS-Dial is used instead).. Udp-DL-Rate: <pkts/sec> (float. Udp-Server: <host>:<port> (string. Udp-Duration: <seconds> (float. optional) Specifies an additional delay in ms before a RAS connection is established. PocketOptimizer 1. optional. optional. optional) Specifies the password for the traffic generator server (no GUI parameter available).. optional. DontUseDefaults: <bool> (bool. Yes . optional. All values are supported in job execution.Interactive measurements support Auto and Iterated only. the RAS entry’s password is used. If user name and password are empty.32 26.5 Parameters for RAS tasks This chapter defines parameters available for RAS tasks. optional) Specifies the user name for the traffic generator server (no GUI parameter available). optional.1. default mode is No.Jan. The RAS connection will not be closed. It is automatically provided by the GUI an contains the selected connection. optional. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for socket read operations. mandatory) Specifies the traffic server and TCP port to be used (no GUI parameter available). Known parameters for RAS tasks RAS-Enry: RAS:<entry>|HwNd:<device> (string. Udp-DL-Size: <bytes> (integer. 5. default:10) Specifies the downlink packet rate (GUI parameter DL rate).4. optional. def:60000) Specifies the timeout interval for socket write operations. Udp-UL-Size: <bytes> (integer. The remote endpoint for UDP measurements has to be a traffic generator server supporting PocketOptimizer's traffic generator protocol. default:false) Do not use parameters in [UdpDefaults] sections. optional. Udp-Pass: <password> (string. default:No) Specifies the RAS hang up mode (no GUI parameter available). default:64) Specifies the downlink packet size (GUI parameter DL size). the parameters in the [RasDefaults] sections are used. this behavior can be overruled by setting Ras-DontClose: True in [RasDefaults]..40 and above. Usually the RAS connection will be closed after a measurement. The parameter is supported in job execution. Otherwise the modem is given the specified time to achieve network registration. AT-Command-01. AT-Command-<nn>: <AT command> (string.7 Parameters for parallel tasks Parallel tasks only support a minimum parameter set. optional) Specifies the APN if required by the internet connection. AT-Continue: (Yes|No) (bool.. optional. RAS-DefAPN: <apn> (string. optional. default:No) Specifies if the RAS connection is to be kept open after an individual measurement or a job execution.6 Parameters for AT-Command tasks This chapter describes parameters for AT-Command tasks. optional) Specifies the default RAS user name. optional.1. optional. def:60000) Specifies the timeout for establishing a RAS connection in milliseconds.g. optional) Specifies the default APN if required by the internet connection.32 26. The default behavior is to close any connection established by PocketOptimizer RAS-Timeout: <ms> (integer. If the value is set to 0.Jan. AT-Registration-TO: <ms> (integer. optional. 5. default:3) Specifies the # of retries if a connection attempt failed. def:0) Timeout to wait for network registration. no registration check is executed. def:30000) Total timeout for the task in milliseconds. RAS-DefUser: <user> (string. AT-Master-To: <ms> (integer.RAS-APN: <apn> (string.4. RAS-Retries: <number> (integer. optional. It is automatically provided by the GUI and contains the selected connection. def:true) Defines if the sequence of AT commands shall be continued if an error occurs. optional) Contains commands to be executed. It is set to true if the command line argument /norasdial is specified. e.2011 44 Technical Reference . Otherwise the sequence is interrupted and restarted at the first command. def:5000) Timeout for a single AT command in milliseconds. PocketOptimizer 1. Known parameters for AT-Command tasks RAS-Enry: RAS:<entry>|HwNd:<device> (string. Known parameters in for parallel tasks Name: <profile_name> (string) Specifies the profile name to be displayed in the profile selection combo box. optional. RAS-ModemInfo-Timeout: <ms> (integer. optional) Specifies the default RAS password. def:3) Retries for the entire sequence of AT commands. internal) This parameter is not available in job and configuration files. AT-Retries: <count> (integer..4. 5. optional. RAS-ModemInfo-Enable: (Yes|NO) (bool. internal) The parameter RAS-Entry is an internal parameter that is not available in job or configuration files. This password is only is only used if RAS-Password is empty and the RAS entry does not contain a user name and a password. The name should be unique to allow the user to identify the HTTP profile. RAS-DefPassword: <password> (string. AT-Command-00. optional. AT-Command-TO: <ms> (integer. The parameter is not used for RAS connections but is required for Huawei NDIS connections.2.2. RAS-DontClose: (Yes|No) (bool. otpioanl. The parameter is used if RAS-APN is empty.1. This user name is only used if RAS-User is empty and the RAS entry does not contain a user name and a password. default:yes) Specifies if the modem and network registration shall be queried (with AT commands or RIL). def:30000) Specifies the timeout for querying modem/network information in milliseconds. RAS-NoDial: (Yes|No) (bool. it will be forced for the RAS connection's mobile (see /initstr). 5. the task is assumed successful even if not all bytes have been transferred. /clearoperator Clear the content of the operator in the tab sheet user data (automatically done if /autooperator is specified). /clearlocation Clear the content of the location in the tab sheet user data (automatically done if /autolocation is specified).1. optional) Specifies the pause between loop iterations (GUI parameter loop delay). a previous location is cleared and the user is forced to enter a location before starting a job. PocketOptimizer will try to query the mobile's IMSI and determine the associated operator. the value overrides the previous input on the tab sheet user data.1.Jan. Soft-Stop: <true/false/yes/no> (bool. It is recommended to use WinTail or a similar application to watch the output of the master log file during or after a measurement. PocketOptimizer 1. This feature can be used in parallel up/downloads to ensure the entire measurement is parallel. This function is only available if /ras is specified. Alternatively the location can be queried from the RAS connection's associated modem if /autooperator is specified. The argument has to be the job's file name without path and extension and overrides the job selection in the job form. optional) If this parameter is set to true. /autoinitstr Force modem initialization string for current operator.2. One line per task is appended to the master log file to check job execution.1. optional.e. The absolute file name should be given. Soft stop is supported by FTP tasks only. /needoperator Force input of an operator in the tab sheet user data. default:1) Specifies the total number of loop iterations for this task (GUI parameter loops).Loop-Count: <count> (integer. /initstr:<modem init string> Force the specified modem init string. a previous operator is cleared and the user is forced to enter an operator before starting a job. /masterlog:<file> Write master log output to the specified file. all parallel tasks are soft stopped as soon as the first parallel task ends. Please refer to chapter 5. i. Command line arguments /ras:<ras-name> Force use of the specified RAS connection. /needgps Force GPS coordinates.2011 45 Technical Reference . This function is only available if /ras is used. /job:<job-name> Force use of the specified job.3. Alternatively the location can be fetched from a configuration file if /autolocation is specified. Write access to SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E96D-E32511CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} is required. Loop-Pause: <ms> (integer. Soft stop is similar to the measurement timeout. /needlocation Force input of a location in the tab sheet user data. An error will be generated if GPS coordinates are not available after a 30 second timeout.32 26. section [Operators] for details on operator configuration. If the argument is specified. An error is generated if the connection does not exist. The value overrides the modem settings for the RAS connection's modem in the registry before establishing the connection.3 Command line reference The Win32 edition supports several command line arguments to improve PocketOptimizer's usability for measurement campaigns. An error is generated if the job does not exist. If the argument is specified. If the mobile is associated a modem init string. csv and selects the proper location.id=1001 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.1 Global RAS KPIs This chapter describes RAS KPIs that are globally calculated for the entire job.1 KPI definition for global RAS measurements • Metric 1000: RAS Activation Failure Ratio (PI520c) trigger points: timeout: calculation: same as in Metric 1003 defined in job file # unsuccessful attempts (PDPC) / # total attempts (PDPC) • Metric 1001: RAS Activation Count (PI520x) trigger points: timeout: calculation: same as in Metric 1003 not required # total attempts (PDPC) trigger points: timeout: calculation: same as in Metric 1003 not required # total attempts (PDPC) . PocketOptimizer will automatically terminate after the job has finished.1.1000. This function is only available if /ras is specified. PocketOptimizer matches the GPS coordinates to the coordinates in the file coordinates. If the argument is not specified.4 KPI and report reference This section describes the KPIs automatically calculated when running job measurements. Please refer to section chapter 5. /silent Prevent modal error messages for unattended operation. [TASK] Task-Type: Scenario-Id: RAS-Connect 110 PocketOptimizer 1.1. the error will only be written to the master log file. 5.id=1000 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. If the argument is specified.3. m. m.t(PCPC Request) • Metric 1004: Total RAS Activation Count start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: request for RAS connection successful establishment of RAS connection sum t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) for all attempts 5. PocketOptimizer will try to query the mobile's IMSI and determine the associated operator.1001.id=1002 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.1003. An error will be generated if the operator cannot be determined.1.1 • Metric 1002: RAS Retry Count • Metric 1003: Last RAS Activation Time (PI521b) start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: request for RAS connection successful establishment of RAS connection t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) ≈ t(PDPC Accept) . m. a message box will indicate errors due to command line arguments and block the application until the user acknowledges it. /autorun Automatically execute the job specified in the /job argument.2.1. PDPC Activation Failure PDPC Activation Count PDPC Retry Count last PDPC Activation Time total PDPC Activation Time [1] [1] [1] [seconds] [seconds] 5. An error will be generated if the operator cannot be determined. Please refer to section 5. m.1002...4.id=1004 m.1. .4.id=1003 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. 5.6 for details on location configuration.4. 5. no message box will be displayed.1004./autooperator Enable automatic operator detection.2011 46 Technical Reference . section [Operators] for details on operator configuration.Jan.1. This avoids blocking unattended operation in measurement scripts.3 Sample job segment for RAS measurements Note: The parameter Scenario-Id has to be specified in a RAS-Connect task to enable reporting of RAS KPIs.2 Report/KPI transmission for RAS measurements ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4.1.32 26. /autolocation Enable automatic location determination. 3.1.000</metric> <metric id="1001" comment="ras-total-cnt">1</metric> <metric id="1002" comment="ras-retry-cnt">0</metric> <metric id="1003" comment="ras-act-time" unit="ras-act-time">3. GPS. N/A RIL: IS95A. GSM. • Text 120: IMSI calculation: AT+CIMI sent to mobile or RIL_GetUserIdentity used calculation: AT+CGSN sent to mobile or RIL_GetEquipmentInfo used • Text 121: IMEI • Text 123: Signal power in mobile (e. thus the information is not available and the tests are not created..2.g. 5. 232-001-17003-30900 PocketOptimizer 1. not available with RIL • Text 127: SysInfo (e. AMPS. UMTS.2.4) • Text 128: SysType (e.g.g.. EVDO. CDMA.g.2011 47 Technical Reference . UMTS) calculation: AT^SYSINFO decoded or RIL_GetCurrentSystemType used possible values: AT.1.. CDMA. 232-01) • Text 125: LAC (location area code) in hex format • Text 126: CI (cell id) in hex format calculation: AT+CREG sent to mobile or RIL_GetCellTowerInfo (not all mobiles support extended network info) calculation: AT^SYSINFO sent to mobile (not all mobiles support extended network registration info).5. UMTS. HDR. NONE.32 26. <scenario id="110"> <mtime>2006-09-30T00:12:03+02:00</mtime> <agent id="102">PocketOptimizer</agent> <metric id="1000" comment="ras-fail-ratio">0. HSPA. N/A • Text 129: CGI calculation: cell global identifier CCC-NNN-LLLLL-IIIII. IS95B. GPRS.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> <ticket version="2.1. EVDV. 5.0.4..672</metric> <metric id="1004" comment="ras-act-time-total" unit="ras-act-time-total">3. GSM.4..4.672</metric> </scenario> </ticket> 5.2 Text definition for all measurements (mobile status for Win32 only) These texts are only available for the Win32 platform.4 Sample report file for global RAS measurements <?xml version="1.g.1 Metric and text definition for all measurements • Metric 300: Operator id calculation: the operator id selected in the User data tab sheet calculation: the user entered in the User data tab sheet • Text 301: User name • Text 302: Location calculation: the location entered in the User data tab sheet calculation: the cell id entered in the User data tab sheet • Text 303: Cell Id • Text 304: IP address(es) calculation: the client's IP addresses calculation: the local time in XML format when the job was started • Text 305: Job measurement time • Text 306: Machine name calculation: the windows machine name calculation: the windows logon user name • Text 307: User name 5..0"> <instance>qtstest</instance> .Jan. -105) calculation: AT+CSQ sent to mobile or RIL_GetSignalQuality used calculation: AT+COPS sent to mobile or RIL_GetCellTowerInfo used calculation: AT+CREG sent to mobile or RIL_GetCellTowerInfo (not all mobiles support extended network info) • Text 124: MCC and MNC (e. e.2 Common Metrics and Texts for all measurements This chapter describes the KPIs that are calculated for all tasks in measurement jobs. 2.1. EDGE. On the Pocket PC platform it is currently not supported to access the mobile directly. NONE.4. id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text. <metrics> .4.130.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.3 Report/KPI transmission for all measurements ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.1.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.3.1..2011 48 Technical Reference .id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.32 26.2.(1-PI520c)(1-PI520d) • KPI521: Service Access Time calculation: PI521b + PI521c trigger points: timeout: calculation: as in PI523a defined in job file # incomplete transfers (timeout) / # total transfers calculation: TCP data bytes including HTTP header / PI523a .4.4 Sample job file for common metrics and texts N/A 5.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text. 5.4.1..4.2. <metric id="300" comment="operator">23201</metric> <text id="301" comment="user">your user name</text> <text id="302" comment="location">your location</text> <text id="303" comment="cell-id">your cell id</text> <text id="304" comment="IP-addrs">128.0"> <instance>pocketopt</instance> <scenario id="111"> <mtime>2005-11-13T01:23:28+01:00</mtime> <agent id="101">PocketOptimizer</agent> .7</text> <text id="305" comment="jobtime">2005-11-13T01:23:28+01:00</text> <text id="306" comment="machine">CURSA</text> <text id="307" comment="username">test</text> <text id="120" comment="imsi">232014520069421</text> <text id="121" comment="imei">359298010236203</text> <text id="124" comment="mcc_mnc">232-01</text> <text id="125" comment="creg_lac">426B</text> <text id="126" comment="creg_ci">278B4</text> <text id="127" comment="sysinfo">2.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> <ticket version="2.6.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.Jan..3.id= 300 301 302 303 304 305 120 121 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Operator Id User name Location Cell Id IP Address(es) Job time IMSI IMEI signal level MCC-MNC LAC CI SysInfo SysType CGI [1] 5..5.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.1 KPI definition for HTTP measurements • KPI520: Service Non Accessibility calculation: 1 .4..5 Sample report file for common metrics and texts <?xml version="1.0.4</text> <text id="128" comment="systype">UMTS</text> <text id="129" comment="cgi">232-001-17003-30900</text> </metrics> </scenario> </ticket> 5.5.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text. 8 bits/byte • KPI522: Data Transfer Cut-off Ratio • KPI523: Mean User Data Rate • KPI524: Session Failure Ratio calculation: 1 – (1-PI520d)(1-KPI522) calculation: PI521c + PI523a • KPI525: Session Time • PI520d: IP Service Access Failure Ratio start trigger: stop trigger: initiation of socket connect() to HTTP server reception of first socket data byte (HTTP … 200 OK) PocketOptimizer 1.id= ticket/scenario/metrics/text.2.3 KPIs for HTTP measurements This chapter describes the KPIs that are calculated for HTTP tasks in measurement jobs. connect() API call.id=5240 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.e.4. 0 otherwise always 1 PI520d.4 Sample report file for HTTP measurements <?xml version="1.3 Sample job file for HTTP measurements [Global] Description: Version: Iterations: Reporting: Report-System: WriteLogFile: Test job HTTP 0.1 • Metric 5012: Peak Throughput (2s) • Metric 5021: DNS lookup time start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: before DNS lookup (i.32 26. Session Time M.22765</longitude> <latitude>16.5012.id=5231 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. i.id=5250 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. connect() API call.4.2 Report/KPI transmission for HTTP measurements ticket/scenario/qi: ticket/scenario/rating: ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.dl [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Hangup 5. before TCP SYN packet) after TCP lookup (i.id=5210 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.48.e. Data Transfer Cut-off Ratio PI523a.t(first request) • PI523a: Data Transfer Time start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: reception of first socket data byte (HTTP… 200 OK) reception of last socket data byte t(stop trigger) . after TCP SYN/ACK response) t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) • Metric 5022: TCP connect time Note: Time consumption and data transferred for fetching preload-URLs will not be considered in KPI calculation.1 1 File . IP Service Access Time KPI520.id=5204 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.e.id=5220 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. 5.139.1. Off/File/Http pocketopt yes [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Connect [TASK] Task-Type: Task-Comment: Scenario-Id: Loop-Count: Http-Url: HTTP 100kB HTTP download 111 1 http://194. Peak Throughput (2s) 5.calculation: # unsuccessful attempts (SVC) / # total attempts (SVC) • PI521c: IP Service Access Time trigger points: calculation: same as in PI520d t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) = t(first response) .id=5213 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.2011 49 Technical Reference [1] [1] [1] [seconds] [1] [seconds] [1] [seconds] [bit/s] [bytes] [1] [seconds] [bit/s] .id=5200 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.3. Session Failure Ratio KPI525.id=5012 10 on success.t(start trigger) = t(last rx packet) – t(first rx packet) start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: same PI523a same PI523a please refer to chapter 5.0"> <instance>pocketopt</instance> <scenario id="111"> <mtime>2005-11-13T01:23:28+01:00</mtime> <agent id="101">PocketOptimizer</agent> <location id="" type="WGS84"> <longitude>48. Data Transfer Time KPI523. Mean User Data Rate.238/merlin/HTTP_Files/100KB. gethostbyname() API call) after DNS lookup (i.8.id=5239 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.Jan. i. PI523x.4.id=5230 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4. Data Byte Count KPI524.e. IP Service Access Failure Ratio PI521c. TCP KPIs can be generated if the NetCap sniffer and TShark decoding is used (Win32 only). Note: In addition to the HTTP KPIs described here.0.39849</latitude> PocketOptimizer 1. Service Access Time KPI522.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> <ticket version="2. Service Non Accessibility KPI521.3.1.e.e.3. gethostbyname() API call) t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: before TCP connect (i. loop 1 (http)</comment> <qi>10</qi> <rating>1</rating> <metrics> <metric id="5204" comment="520d-ipsvc-acc-fail-ratio" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="5213" comment="521c-ipsvc-acc-time" unit="sec">0.(1-PI520c)(1-PI520d) calculation: PI521b + PI521c • KPI521: Service Access Time • KPI522: Data Transfer Cut-off Ratio trigger points: timeout: calculation: as in PI523a defined in job file # incomplete transfers (timeout) / # total transfers calculation: data file size / PI523a · 8 bits/byte • KPI523: Mean User Data Rate [bits/s] • KPI524: Session Failure Ratio calculation: 1 – (1-PI520d)(1-KPI522) calculation: PI521c + PI523a start trigger DL: stop trigger DL: start trigger UL: stop trigger UL: calculation: initiation of socket connect() to FTP server (control connection) reception of first socket data byte (data connection) initiation of socket connect() to FTP server (control connection) transmission of first socket data byte (data connection) # unsuccessful attempts (SVC) / # total attempts (SVC) • KPI525: Session Time [s] • PI520d: IP Service Access Failure Ratio • PI521c: IP Service Access Time [s] trigger points: calculation: same as in PI520d t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) = t(first response) .7</text> <text id="305" comment="jobtime">2005-11-13T01:23:28+01:00</text> <text id="120" comment="imsi">232014520069332</text> <text id="121" comment="imei">356936000650783. 5. block</metric> <metric id="5239" comment="523x-data-bytes" unit="bytes">102674</metric> <metric id="5240" comment="524-session-fail-ratio" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="5250" comment="525-session-time" unit="sec">6.4 KPIs for FTP measurements This chapter describes the KPIs that are calculated for FTP tasks in measurement jobs.NZ2A5BP032</text> <text id="123" comment="signal_dbm">-105 dBm</text> <text id="124" comment="mcc_mnc">232-01</text> <text id="125" comment="creg_lac">0002</text> <text id="126" comment="creg_ci">5803</text> </metrics> </scenario> </ticket> 5.1.958</metric> <metric id="5012" comment="peak_thput_2s" unit="bit/s">18234. gethostbyname() API call) • Metric 5012: Peak Throughput (2s) • Metric 5021: DNS lookup time PocketOptimizer 1.6.174</metric> <metric id="5230" comment="523-mean-data-rate" unit="bit/s">16630.Jan.1 start trigger: before DNS lookup (i.4.4.32 26.784</metric> <metric id="5200" comment="520-svc-non-acc-ratio" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="5210" comment="521-svc-acc-time" unit="sec"> KPI definition for FTP measurements • KPI520: Service Non Accessibility calculation: 1 .784</metric> <metric id="5220" comment="522-data-xfer-cutoff-ratio" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="5231" comment="523a-data-xfer-time" unit="sec">6.t(first request) • PI523a: Data Transfer Time [s] start trigger DL: stop trigger DL: start trigger UL: stop trigger UL: calculation: reception of first socket data byte (data connection) reception of last socket data byte (data connection) transmission of first socket data byte (data connection) socket tx buffer empty and successfully transmitted (data connection) t(stop trigger) .</location> <duration>7.076</duration> <comment>loop 1.e.2011 50 Technical Reference .0</metric> <metric id="300" comment="operator">23201</metric> <text id="301" comment="user">your user name</text> <text id="302" comment="location">your location</text> <text id="303" comment="cell-id">your cell id</text> <text id="304" comment="IP-addrs">128.4.t(start trigger) = t(last rx packet) – t(first rx packet) start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: same PI523a same PI523a please refer to chapter 5. id=5213 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. TCP KPIs can be generated if the NetCap sniffer and TShark decoding is used (Win32 only).e.e. IP Service Access Failure Ratio PI521c.2011 51 Technical Reference .070</duration> <comment>loop 1. after TCP SYN/ACK response) t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) • Metric 5022: TCP connect time Note: In addition to the FTP KPIs described here.656</metric> <metric id="5220" comment="522-data-xfer-cutoff-ratio" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="5231" comment="523a-data-xfer-time" unit="sec">31.1.id=5250 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. Service Access Time KPI522.1 1 File .5012. Data Transfer Time KPI523.1.656</metric> <metric id="5200" comment="520-svc-non-acc-ratio" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="5210" comment="521-svc-acc-time" unit="sec">4.id=5200 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.mobilkom. i. Mean User Data Rate PI523x.487</metric> <metric id="5239" comment="523x-data-bytes" unit="bytes">10240000</metric> <metric id="5240" comment="524-session-fail-ratio" unit="">0</metric> PocketOptimizer 1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> <ticket version="2. before TCP SYN packet) after TCP lookup (i.stop trigger: calculation: after DNS lookup (i.2 Report/KPI transmission for FTP measurements ticket/scenario/qi: ticket/scenario/rating: ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. Peak Throughput (2s) [1] [1] [1] [seconds] [1] [seconds] [1] [seconds] [bit/s] [bytes] [1] [seconds] [bit/s] 5. loop 1 (ftp)</comment> <qi>10</qi> <rating>1</rating> <metrics> <metric id="5204" comment="520d-ipsvc-acc-fail-ratio" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="5213" comment="521c-ipsvc-acc-time" unit="sec">4.172</metric> <metric id="5230" comment="523-mean-data-rate" unit="bit/s">2627999.id=5240 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.32 26. Service Non Accessibility KPI521. Session Time M. Session Failure Ratio KPI525.Jan. IP Service Access Time KPI520.0"> <instance>pocketopt</instance> <scenario id="112"> <mtime>2005-11-13T01:31:20+01:00</mtime> <agent id="101">PocketOptimizer</agent> <location id="" type="WGS84"> <longitude>48. 0 otherwise always 1 PI520d.22765</longitude> <latitude>16.id=5210 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4. connect() API call.e.id=5204 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.id=5231 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. i. block 2. connect() API call.3 Sample job file for FTP measurements [Global] Description: Version: Iterations: Reporting: Report-System: WriteLogFile: Test job HTTP 0.id=5239 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. 5.4.id=5220 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.txt 102400 Put user pass [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Hangup 5.e. Data Transfer Cut-off Ratio PI523a.4.0.id=5230 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4. Data Byte Count KPI524.39849</latitude> </location> <duration>47.4 Sample report file for FTP measurements <?xml version="1.id=5012 10 on success.4. Off/File/Http pocketopt yes [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Connect [TASK] Task-Type: Task-Comment: Scenario-Id: Loop-Count: Ftp-Url: Ftp-DataSize: Ftp-Direction: Ftp-User: Ftp-Pass: FTP 100kB FTP upload 112 1 ftp://merlin.e.at/upload. gethostbyname() API call) t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: before TCP connect (i.4. id=2003 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.5.mobilkom.1.5.828</metric> <metric id="5012" comment="peak_thput_2s" unit="bit/s">2813234</metric> <metric id="300" comment="operator">23201</metric> <text id="301" comment="user">your user name</text> <text id="302" comment="location">your location</text> <text id="303" comment="cell-id">your cell id</text> <text id="304" comment="IP-addrs">128.2 Report/KPI transmission for ICMP measurements ticket/scenario/qi: ticket/scenario/rating: ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> <ticket version="2.4.4.at 20 0 True 500 4000 1 5000 [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Hangup 5.6.130. 5.7</text> <text id="305" comment="jobtime">2005-11-13T01:31:20+01:00</text> <text id="120" comment="imsi">232014520069332</text> <text id="121" comment="imei">356936000650783.1 KPI definition for ICMP measurements • • • • • Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric 2001: 2002: 2003: 2004: 2005: ping ping ping ping ping tx count packets lost average RTT min RTT max RTT # of ping requests transmitted # of ping responses lost average round trip time minimum round trip time maximum round trip time 26.4.3 Sample job file for ICMP measurements [Global] Description: Version: Iterations: Reporting: Report-System: WriteLogFile: Test job HTTP 0.2011 52 Technical Reference [1] [pkts] [pkts] [seconds] [seconds] [seconds] .1 1 File .4.Jan.4 Sample report file for ICMP measurements <?xml version="1.id=2005 10 * packets_rx / packets_tx always 1 ping tx count ping packets lost ping avg RTT ping min RTT ping max RTT 5.0"> <instance>pocketopt</instance> PocketOptimizer 1.NZ2A5BP032</text> <text id="123" comment="signal_dbm">-105 dBm</text> <text id="124" comment="mcc_mnc">232-01</text> <text id="125" comment="creg_lac">0002</text> <text id="126" comment="creg_ci">5803</text> </metrics> </scenario> </ticket> 5. Off/File/Http pocketopt yes [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Connect [TASK] Task-Type: Task-Comment: Scenario-Id: Loop-Count: Loop-Pause: Ras-Dial: Ping-Addr: Ping-Count: Ping-Size: Ping-Unix: Ping-Advance: Ping-Timeout: Ping-Blocks: Ping-Delay: ICMP 20 pings 113 1 1000 Auto www.id=2001 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.id=2002 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.id=2004 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.5 KPIs for ICMP measurements This chapter describes the KPIs that are calculated for ICMP tasks in measurement jobs.1.0.<metric id="5250" comment="525-session-time" unit="sec">35.5. 5.1.dl_tx_stamp) ) • PIx21: UDP UL packet count # of uplink packets (UL rate .187</metric> <metric id="300" comment="operator">23201</metric> <text id="301" comment="user">your user name</text> <text id="302" comment="location">your location</text> <text id="303" comment="cell-id">your cell id</text> <text id="304" comment="IP-addrs">128.6. duration) calculation: • PIx22: UDP UL packet loss # of uplink packets lost calculation: • PIx23: UDP UL throughput average uplink throughput [bits/s] start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: reception of first packet on server reception of last packet on server UL RX packet count * DL packet size / (t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) + 1 / ul_packet_rate) · 8 bits/byte calculation: sqrt( sum( (rx_stamp_i . block 2.6. loop 1 (icmp)</comment> <qi>10</qi> <rating>1</rating> <metrics> <metric id="2001" comment="2001-ping-tx-count" unit="">20</metric> <metric id="2002" comment="2002-ping-lost" unit="">0</metric> <metric id="2003" comment="2003-ping-avg-rtt" unit="sec">0.22765</longitude> <latitude>16.dl_tx_stamp) + (ul_rx_stamp .(tx_stamp_i .(tx_stamp_i .ul_tx_stamp) + (dl_rx_stamp .6.rx_stamp_i-1) .2 Report/KPI transmission for UDP measurements ticket/scenario/qi: ticket/scenario/rating: ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.id=2112 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4.id=2114 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.181</metric> <metric id="2005" comment="2005-ping-max-rtt" unit="sec">0.rx_stamp_i-1) .222</duration> <comment>loop 1.ul_tx_stamp) ) 5.id=2121 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.1 KPI definition for UDP measurements • PIx11: UDP DL packet count calculation: # of downlink packets (nominal value: DL packet rate .<scenario id="113"> <mtime>2005-11-13T01:33:43+01:00</mtime> <agent id="101">PocketOptimizer</agent> <location id="" type="WGS84"> <longitude>48.6 KPIs for UDP measurements This chapter describes the KPIs that are calculated for UDP tasks in measurement jobs.183</metric> <metric id="2004" comment="2004-ping-min-rtt" unit="sec">0.2011 53 Technical Reference [1] [pkts] [pkts] [bits/s] [seconds] [seconds] [pkts] [pkts] .32 26.tx_stamp_i-1) ) / (1-rx_packet_cnt) ) • PIx24: UDP UL jitter • PIx25: UDP DL RTT calculation: average uplink jitter [s] average uplink round trip time [s] avg( ( (dl_rx_stamp .39849</latitude> </location> <duration>10.4.id=2115 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.130.id=2122 10 * packets_rx / packets_tx always 1 UDP DL packet count UDP DL packet loss UDP DL throughput UDP DL jitter UDP DL RTT UDP UL packet count UDP UL packet loss PocketOptimizer 1.tx_stamp_i-1) ) / (1-rx_packet_cnt) ) • PIx14: UDP DL jitter • PIx15: UDP DL RTT calculation: average downlink jitter [s] average downlink round trip time avg( ( (ul_rx_stamp .1.NZ2A5BP032</text> <text id="123" comment="signal_dbm">-105 dBm</text> <text id="124" comment="mcc_mnc">232-01</text> <text id="125" comment="creg_lac">0002</text> <text id="126" comment="creg_ci">5803</text> </metrics> </scenario> </ticket> 5.id=2113 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4. duration) calculation: # of downlink packets lost • PIx12: UDP DL packet loss • PIx13: UDP DL throughput average downlink throughput [bits/s] start trigger: stop trigger: calculation: reception of first packet on client reception of last packet on client DL rx_packet_cnt * DL packet size / (t(stop trigger) – t(start trigger) + 1 / dl_packet_rate) · 8 bits/byte calculation: sqrt( sum( (rx_stamp_i .7</text> <text id="305" comment="jobtime">2005-11-13T01:33:43+01:00</text> <text id="120" comment="imsi">232014520069332</text> <text id="121" comment="imei">356936000650783.Jan.id=2111 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. 7</text> <text id="305" comment="jobtime">2005-11-13T01:50:06+01:00</text> <text id="120" comment="imsi">232014520069332</text> <text id="121" comment="imei">356936000650783.403</duration> <comment>loop 1.2011 54 Technical Reference .Jan. block 2.22765</longitude> <latitude>16.ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.196</metric> <metric id="300" comment="operator">23201</metric> <text id="301" comment="user">your user name</text> <text id="302" comment="location">your location</text> <text id="303" comment="cell-id">your cell id</text> <text id="304" comment="IP-addrs">128.130. Off/File/Http pocketopt yes [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Connect [TASK] Task-Type: Task-Comment: Scenario-Id: Loop-Count: Udp-DL-Size: Udp-UL-Size: Udp-DL-Rate: Udp-UL-Rate: Udp-Duration: Udp-Server: Udp-User: Udp-Pass: UDP 10 sec UDP test 114 1 64 64 10 10 10 merlin.206</metric> <metric id="2021" comment="2121-udp-ul-cnt-full" unit="pkts">100</metric> <metric id="2022" comment="2122-udp-ul-loss" unit="pkts">0</metric> <metric id="2023" comment="2123-udp-ul-thput" unit="bits/s">646.047</metric> <metric id="2015" comment="2115-udp-dl-rtt" unit="sec">0.6.1 1 File .523</metric> <metric id="2024" comment="2124-udp-ul-jitter" unit="sec">0.3 Sample job file for UDP measurements [Global] Description: Version: Iterations: Reporting: Report-System: WriteLogFile: Test job HTTP 0. loop 1 (udp)</comment> <qi>10</qi> <rating>1</rating> <metrics> <metric id="2011" comment="2111-udp-dl-cnt-full" unit="pkts">100</metric> <metric id="2012" comment="2112-udp-dl-loss" unit="pkts">0</metric> <metric id="2013" comment="2113-udp-dl-thput" unit="bits/s">645.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?> <ticket version="2.480</metric> <metric id="2014" comment="2114-udp-dl-jitter" unit="sec">0.4 Sample report file for UDP measurements <?xml version="1.mobilkom.4.id=2125 UDP UL throughput UDP UL jitter UDP UL RTT [bits/s] [seconds] [seconds] 5.0.id=2123 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.6.1.39849</latitude> </location> <duration>27.013</metric> <metric id="2025" comment="2125-udp-ul-rtt" unit="sec">0.1.at:8877 user pass [TASK] Task-Type: RAS-Hangup 5.0"> <instance>pocketopt</instance> <scenario id="114"> <mtime>2005-11-13T01:50:06+01:00</mtime> <agent id="101">PocketOptimizer</agent> <location id="" type="WGS84"> <longitude>48.32 26.id=2124 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4.6.NZ2A5BP032</text> <text id="123" comment="signal_dbm">-105 dBm</text> <text id="124" comment="mcc_mnc">232-01</text> <text id="125" comment="creg_lac">0002</text> <text id="126" comment="creg_ci">5803</text> </metrics> </scenario> </ticket> PocketOptimizer 1. DL (main data flow) KPI 62xx: average for all HTTP connections .4.4.UL • FTP UL measurements KPI 61xx: FTP data connection .UL (main data flow) KPI 62xx: FTP data connection .2011 55 Technical Reference .5.UL 5. i. the KPIs are calculated for both directions independently. PocketOptimizer reports a maximum of 2 different connections types with 2 directions each: • primary connection(s): these are the main data connections.DL (main data flow) KPI 62xx: FTP data connection .UL KPI 63xx: FTP control connection . # re-transmitted or lost TCP payload bytes / # TCP data bytes) • KPI 6x21: maximum TCP window size description: the maximum TCP window size for the data direction (that is indicated in the reverse direction) packets are selected as for KPI 6x11 • KPI 6x22: average TCP window size description: the average TCP window size for the data direction (that is indicated in the reverse direction) packets are selected as for KPI 6x11 • KPI 6x23: average remaining TCP window size description: the average TCP window size for re-transmitted packets (that is indicated in the reverse direction) description: average inter-packet (send or arrival) time • KPI 6x31: average inter-packet time • KPI 6x32: standard deviation of inter-packet time description: standard deviation of inter-packet (send or arrival) time description: average delay from packet loss (if detected) to retransmission (lower bound) • KPI 6x41: re-transmission delay lower bound (DL only) PocketOptimizer 1.DL KPI 64xx: FTP control connection . 5.1 Handling of TCP connections All TCP connections are analyzed individually.Jan.2 KPI definition for UDP measurements • KPI 6x01: average IP packet length description: average of all IP packet sizes for the analyzed TCP stream in one direction description: maximum of all IP packet sizes for the analyzed TCP stream in one direction • KPI 6x02: maximum IP packet length • KPI 6x03: fraction of packets with maximum IP packet length description: calculation: fraction of packets utilizing the maximum packet size # of packets with IP size = max IP packet size / # of packets total description: # of packets not including the first SYN packets and the packets from RST or FIN if the connection is terminated with RST pending retransmissions for data before the sequence number at the occurrence of RST are included in the evaluation.e.7.DL KPI 63xx: FTP control connection . for example the FTP control connection The connection assignment is: • HTTP measurements KPI 61xx: average for all HTTP connections . the FTP data connections and the HTTP connections) • secondary connection(s): these are additional connections.32 26.UL • FTP DL measurements KPI 61xx: FTP data connection .4.DL KPI 64xx: FTP control connection .7.7 KPIs for TCP connections These KPIs are only available for the Win32 edition if UseSniffer and UseTShark are enabled. all other • KPI 6x11: number of data packets • KPI 6x12: number of re-transmitted data packets description: # of packets with SEQ out of order packets are selected as for KPI 6x11 • KPI 6x13: fraction of re-transmitted data packets description: calculation: the fraction of re-transmitted data packets over the number of data packets packets are selected as for KPI 6x11 KPI 6x13 / KPI 6x12 • KPI 6x14: fraction of re-transmitted or lost data bytes description: calculation: the fraction of re-transmitted or lost data bytes this value includes lost packets that are not re-transmitted and cannot be determined in KPI 6x13 packets are selected as for KPI 6x11 max(KPI613.1.1. rem. of retransmitted/lost bytes max.id=6x42 description of connection(s) avg. inter-packet time stddev.8.the time is calculated from the packet following the packet loss to the re-transmitted packet • KPI 6x42: re-transmission delay upper bound (DL only) description: average delay from packet loss (if detected) to retransmission (upper bound) the time is calculated from the packet preceeding the packet loss to the re-transmitted packet 5. • The received/transmitted bytes per direction are summarized in buffers of 1 second duration.5 Pocket PC packet sniffer reference PocketOptimizer Pocket PC edition provides integrated support for controlling a packet sniffer. • Throughputs are calculated as TCP payloads as delivered by the IP stack.g.com) similar versions named CeNiffer might work but have not been tested 5.id=6x00 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. IP packet len number of packets number of re-transmitted packets frac.id=6x12 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. inter-packet time retransmission delay (lower bound) retransmission delay (upper bound) [bytes] [bytes] [1] [pkts] [pkts] [1] [1] [bytes] [bytes] [bytes] [s] [s] [s] [s] 5. 5. • The job file parameter UseSniffer has to be enabled for packet sniffer support when executing jobs.Jan. main direction • 62xx: primary connection(s).1 Peak throughput (HTTP.e. this value is used.id=6x32 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.1. IP packet len max. No packet sniffer is used. DL • 64xx: secondary connection(s). FTP) Peak throughput is calculated with the following filter algorithm. PocketOptimizer avoids this if the parameter DontTerminate is set to true. www.7.5. of retransmitted packets frac.32 26. If you experience this situation.0 (Epiphan Consulting. The algorithm is required to remove e. 5. IP packet len frac.4. TCP window size avg. 5. the throughput does not contain retransmissions. it might be required to reboot your Pocket PC. reverse direction • 63xx: secondary connection(s).id=6x03 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. • If the throughput per second is more than 5% larger than the throughput in the previous second. of packets with max. • If the average throughput is larger than the peak throughput.id=6x11 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. the excessive throughput is divided onto all previous intervals with a flooding algorithm.5.epiphan. Currently only one product is supported: • CEMyNetwork Wireless 1.1 Packet sniffer requirements • A supported packet sniffer version has to be installed on the system. • The largest 2-second average is used as peak throughput.id=6x21 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. Inc. bursts in TCP payload caused by packet loss and retransmissions.4. i.id=6x13 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.3 Packet sniffer configuration A sample configuration file (for the german localization of Windows Mobile 2003 SE) is shown below: [Sniffer] PocketOptimizer 1.2 Packet sniffer limitations • It might happen that the packet sniffer stops capturing packets if it is closed and started again.2011 56 Technical Reference . 5.1.id=6x14 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.id=6x31 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.id=6x02 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric. UL ticket/scenario/metrics/text.id=6x01 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.3 Report/KPI transmission for UDP measurements KPIs can be transmitted in four groups depending on the measurement task • 61xx: primary connection(s).id=6x23 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.id=6x22 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.. just the TCP payload bytes.5.8 Special metrics This chapter describes special metrics generated by one or several tasks. TCP window size avg. TCP window size avg.id=6x41 ticket/scenario/metrics/metric.4. thus the file extension is .InterfaceName: InterfaceName-LAN: InterfaceName-RAS: "C:\Program Files\SupportToolsXP\NetCap.1.ExeName: CaptureTo-Folder: CaptureTo-Type: CaptureTo-Location: DumpFile-Path: DumpFile-Ext: DontTerminate: "\Programme\CEMyNetwork Wireless1. thus the selections are folder: SnifferFiles and location: CF Karte.. The Save to dialog window will open. Currently only one product is supported: • Microsoft NetCap as contained in the Windows 2000 or XP resource kit 5.. If these parameters are not correct. In the example below.2 Packet sniffer configuration A sample configuration file is shown below: [Sniffer] ExeName: DumpFile-Ext: . ExeName: the sniffer's executeable file name CaptureTo-Folder: the folder name as selected in the Capture To.32 26.1.6.. The file type will be Ethereal. • Select proper values from the combo boxes and remember these values.cap "LAN-Verbindung" "WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface" Follow the steps described below to set up the sniffer configuration..1 Packet sniffer requirements • A supported packet sniffer version has to be installed on the system.cap.exe" SnifferFiles Ethereal.cap) "CF Karte" "\CF Karte\SnifferFiles\" . dialog CaptureTo-Location: the location as Capture To. Note: It's important to enter the exact characters into the configuration file! • Edit the machine configuration file and enter the values as gathered from the dialog window.SnifferParams: .0\cemynetworkw. tcpdump (*. dialog CaptureTo-Type: the file type as selected in the Capture To. • The job file parameter UseSniffer has to be enabled for packet sniffer support when executing jobs. PocketOptimizer will not be able to locate the sniffer file in the file system and copy it to the log directory. 5.2011 57 Technical Reference . • Start the sniffer application and execute the menu command Tools/CaptureTo...6. 5. the destination directory shall be \CF Karte\SnifferFiles.exe" ..cap True Follow the steps described below to set up the sniffer configuration..Jan. PocketOptimizer 1.6 Win32 edition packet sniffer reference PocketOptimizer Win32 edition provides integrated support for controlling a packet sniffer. dialog DumpFile-Path: this is the full path given by CaptureTo-Location and CaptureTo-Folder DumpFile-Ext: the extension as specified by CaptureTo-Type DontTerminate: set this parameter to true to avoid termination of the sniffer application Note: DumpFile-Path and DumpFile-Ext are required to copy the sniffer file to PocketOptimizer's log directory. • run NetCap with the argument /? from a command line.exe [/B:#] [/T <Type> <Buffer> <HexOffset> <HexPattern>] [/F:<filterfile.number… > <file.1.32 26.1. 5. usually .6 is required to support this mode. TShark and the analysis module are executed when all measurement tasks are done but before finishing the report file.6. ExeName: the sniffer's executeable file name DumpFile-Ext: the file extension.. 5. At least version 0.2 TShark operation TShark is automatically executed for every FTP or HTTP measurement task with the necessary parameters. analyzes uplink and downlink connections and adds two additional data fields: • dir … data direction (UL or DL) • tcp. Please note that TShark support is only available if capturing is enabled and UseTShark is enabled.3 Sniffer operation The sniffer platform is automatically executed twice on the Win32 platform: • a first call to NetCap is executed to search the list of interfaces for the provided name and get the interface number • a second call to NetCap is executed with the arguments /B:100 /N:x /C:<file>. • Ensure you have proper access rights to execute NetCap.• Install NetCap on your machine or copy it to your local hard drive.cf>] [/C:<capture file>] [/N:#] [/L:HH:MM:SS] [/TCF:<Folder Name>] . the file is processed for every TCP connection individually. the output should be similar to Microsoft Network Monitor capture utility Usage: NetCap.cap. • A special output mode of TShark is required (/Tfields).3 TCP stream analyzer operation If TShark output could be generated successfully. for example TShark -r <file.Jan.7 TShark reference WireShark's TShark can be used in the Win32 edition to decode captured TCP connections..1 TShark requirements • Wireshark/TShark needs to be installed on the system. Use the following index numbers for these adapters: (default) 0 = ETHERNET (001C23909C84) LAN-Verbindung (Onboard) 1 = ETHERNET (001B77C35942) Drahtlose Netzwerkverbindung 2 = ETHERNET (00507F0495FB) DrayTek Virture Interface 3 = ETHERNET (EAFB20524153) WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface 4 = IP/1394 (000000000000) • Look up the desired LAN interface if required and the desired RAS interface • Edit the machine configuration file and enter the values as gathered from the dialog window.cap> -n -R "<filter>" -Tfields -E header=y -e packet.cap SnifferParams: additional parameters to the sniffer if required InterfaceName: name of interface to be used. better use InterfaceName-LAN or RAS instead InterfaceName-LAN: interface name if no RAS connection is used InterfaceName-RAS: interface name if a RAS connection is used 5.info … stream analyzer's decoding information PocketOptimizer 1.2011 58 Technical Reference .7. • The job file parameter UseTShark has to be enabled for packet sniffer support when executing jobs. applies the filter for the TCP connection.txt> The output file generated by TShark is a TAB separated text files and will be kept for further analysis.99.7. 5. The TCP stream analyzer loads the data file. 5. To avoid performance problems. Other arguments can be specified in SnifferParams including different values for /B.decode.7. 8.2011 59 Technical Reference . the relative time in seconds. The parameter file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-http-params.e.8.txt … the first task’s data log • 20051113-131339-0002-http-params.3 HTTP log files Two HTTP log files are generated for every HTTP task (individually for each master loop iteration). Lines starting with a semicolon are comments.e. This file includes • important time stamps and progress information • warnings and error messages 5. Important values logged here are: • user name • location • cell id • RAS connection to be used • the configuration parameters from the job file The log file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-0000-job-log. i.1 Log file basics All log files names are starting with a time stamp in format yyyymmdd-hhnnss.2 Job log files Two job log files are generated for every job. The file format is <loop>\t<seq>\t<thput>\r\n. It has the same format as a job file with some extra parameters in it.e.Jan.txt … the first task’s parameters (http.txt … the second task’s parameters (http.txt … contains the main job log with time stamps • 20051113-131339-0001-http-params.8.1. too. 5. the job file plus some internal parameters. 1st iteration) • 20051113-131339-0001-http-0000. 2nd iteration) • 20051113-131339-0002-http-0000. 5.txt contains the measurement parameters for this task. i. this indicates the new information (= not re-transmitted bytes) • loss=<bytes> … a loss has been detected (DL only) • pend=<bytes> … number of bytes pending for re-transmission (DL only) • retr=<bytes> … packet is a re-transmission • rnew=<bytes> … the number of bytes containing new information (i.txt contains the measurement log as it is displayed in the GUI’s log memo. but these are generated by the server and may thus slightly differ from the local time. • thput contains the measurement value in kBytes/s = 1000Bytes/s. The data file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-http-0000. records are separated by cr/lf characters.8 Log file reference All relevant data will be written to log files if the GUI check box logfile is checked for interactive measurements or the job file parameter WriteLogFile is true. • loop is the inner loop as specified by the Loop-Count parameter. The parameter file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-0000-job-params.txt … the second task’s data log One exception to this schema are UDP log files following the NDFA server’s naming convention. field separator is the tab character. followed by a sequence number and an additional description. not re-transmitted) • rw=<bytes> … remaining window size • dly=<sec> … re-transmission delay 5. the statistics per one second interval. A simple measurement job with 2 iterations will generate the log files • 20051113-131339-0000-job-params. The log files are starting with a time stamp.e.1. • seq is the interval’s sequence number.txt contains the measurement results i. The decimal separator can be specified in the user configuration file.txt … contains the job’s measurement parameters • 20051113-131339-0000-job-log. PocketOptimizer 1.Possible values for the decode information are: • snew=<bytes> … shifted new bytes: if a packet contains re-transmitted and new bytes.txt contains the measurement parameters.32 26. mobile_csq: +CSQ: 15.dns-lookup-time: 10 ms .1. • loop is the inner loop as specified by the Loop-Count parameter.168..8.mobile_creg: +CREG: 0.data-xfer-time: 5938 ms .76 48.mobile_signal_dbm: -83 dBm .1 . • seq is the interval’s sequence number.2006 22:38:21 .start 28.http-success: ok .Jan. The parameter file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-ftp-params.00 .gps 48. the statistics per one second interval.num-files-ok: 1 .1.39884 20:23:02 0 3 17.2007 22:36:02 ."A1.mobile_cpin: +CPIN: READY .39883 20:22:57 loop seq thput gps_lat gps_lon gps_time 0 0 8.22748 16.mobile_cgatt: +CGATT: 1 .operator 23201=A1 . Lines starting with a semicolon are comments.mobile_imsi: 232012520003849 . Model: E270.mobile_cpin: +CPIN: READY . the relative time in seconds. The decimal separator can be specified in the user configuration file.06.mobile_imei: 354652010110203 .txt contains the measurement parameters for this task. The file format is <loop>\t<seq>\t<thput>\r\n.txt contains the measurement results i.2 .19 kbit/s (IP) . Model: E270.76 48.09.net" .mobile_csq: +CSQ: 15.start 28. Revision: 11.num-files-err: 0 .mobile_creg_lac: N/A .73 .user-data-rate: 12.09.4 FTP log files Two FTP log files are generated for every FTP task (individually for each master loop iteration).09.rx-bytes: 102698 .mobile_mcc_mnc: 232-01 .ip-addresses: 192.mobile_mobile: Manufacturer: huawei.mobile_status: success .32 26.39885 20:23:04 .first-rtt: 1783 ms .2011 60 Technical Reference .40.76 48.61 10.mobile_stamp: 04.00 kbit/s (PL) ~ 103.shutdown-time: 50 ms .num-files-warn: 0 .tcp-conn-time: 320 ms .content-length: 102400 .num-threads: 1 .00 . Sample log file .99 PocketOptimizer 1.80 kbit/s (IP) 5.22745 16."IP".2.22745 kB/s = 138.e.e.mean-data-rate: 17.mobile_imsi: 232012520003849 .ftp-get . records are separated by cr/lf characters.22747 16. i.4 .mobile_stamp: 04. The data file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-ftp-0000.5."IP".00.22744 16.39885 20:23:03 0 5 45.76 48.22745 16.meas-time: 8312 ms .22743 16.Sample log file .303.1.mobile_cops: +COPS: 0.62 kB/s = 101. field separator is the tab character.2007 22:36:02 ."23201".3.99 .operator 23201=A1 .session-time: 8111 ms .248.mobile_initstring: at+cgdcont=1.mobile_imei: 354652010110203 .52 48.06.14 48.mobile_status: success .1.09.mobile_sysinfo: ^SYSINFO:2.39884 20:23:01 0 2 8.http .39884 20:22:59 0 1 8. Revision: 11.mobile_creg_ci: N/A .net" .num-sockets: 1 .39884 20:23:02 0 4 13.36 kbit/s (PL) ~ 142.2006 22:23:15 . • thput contains the measurement value in kBytes/s = 1000Bytes/s.mobile_mobile: Manufacturer: huawei."A1.mobile_initstring: at+cgdcont=1.first-tx-delay: 10 ms . mobile_signal_dbm: -83 dBm .22758 16.00. The decimal separator can be specified in the user configuration file.09.76 48."IP". Sample log file .1.session-time: 15242 ms (2.. field separator is the tab character.mobile_mcc_mnc: 232-01 .2011 61 Technical Reference .3.loop seq thput gps_lat gps_lon gps_time 0 0 8.52 48. The data file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-http-0000.start 28.76 48..248.22751 16..9) .39878 20:38:09 0 1 8.89 kbit/s (IP +40/1460) 110.4) .mobile_signal_dbm: -83 dBm . PI523a) .40.first-resp-delay: 10 ms .."A1.session-data-rate: 13..39881 20:38:12 0 4 17."23201".32 26.1.2 .5 ICMP log files Two ICMP log files are generated for every ICMP task (individually for each master loop iteration).9) .39881 20:38:16 0 8 48.22753 16.22749 16.2.22752 16.22754 16. Revision: 11.39881 20:38:14 0 6 17..e.ftp-setup-time: 1073 ms (4.mobile_creg_lac: N/A .5) . rtt is the round trip time in ms.ip-addresses: 192.39881 20:38:17 0 9 33.1. i.gps 48.mobile_cgatt: +CGATT: 1 .mean-data-rate: 20.mobile_stamp: 04.29 bit/s (PL) ~ .14 48.22752 16.data-bytes: 204800 .. the relative time in seconds.ftp-cmd-time: 800 ms (5.shutdown-time: 271 ms (7.mobile_creg: +CREG: 0.Jan."23201".74 ..mobile_mobile: Manufacturer: huawei. Lines starting with a semicolon are comments..39881 20:38:13 0 5 13.e.2) .22753 16. seq is the interval’s sequence number.tcp-conn-time: 3264 ms (3.mobile_csq: +CSQ: 15..98 48.1 .mobile_mcc_mnc: 232-01 .49 bit/s (PL) ~ 171.mobile_creg_ci: N/A .meas-time: 15355 ms (1.mobile_sysinfo: ^SYSINFO:2.52 48.39881 20:38:15 0 7 35.init-time: 0 ms (1.. the packet’s time stamps and the round trip time.5.dns-lookup-time: 40 ms (2.76 48.mobile_imsi: 232012520003849 .1.61 10.mobile_imei: 354652010110203 .09.91 kB/s (KPI523) = 167.mobile_creg: +CREG: 0.mobile_cpin: +CPIN: READY .meas-time: 15512 ms .1 .22749 16.4 . stop is the rx time stamp in ms.39881 20:38:11 0 3 13. The file format is <loop>\t<seq>\t<start>\t<stop>\t<rtt>\r\n..icmp .22753 16.44 kB/s = 107.3) . The parameter file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-http-params.2 .mobile_cops: +COPS: 0.168.net" .18 48.99 .39880 20:38:10 0 2 8. • • • • • loop is the inner loop as specified by the Loop-Count parameter.06.39881 20:38:18 .2006 22:39:43 .22750 16.303.mobile_creg_lac: N/A PocketOptimizer 1.0.mobile_cops: +COPS: 0.7.ras-setup-time: 3385 ms .8) .ftp-success: ok . records are separated by cr/lf characters.39877 20:38:02 .2.destruct-time: 113 ms (8.8. Model: E270.14 48.04 48.mobile_initstring: at+cgdcont=1.txt contains the measurement parameters for this task.data-xfer-time: 9794 ms (6.first-rtt: 161 ms .45 kbit/s (IP +40/1460) 5.6) .2007 22:36:02 .00 . start is the tx time stamp in ms relative to the task start stamp.8) .mobile_status: success .operator 23201=A1 .txt contains the measurement results i. txt contains the measurement results i.loop seq start stop rtt gps_lat 0 0 120 270 145 48.22754 0 1 1091 1211 123 48.operator 23201=A1 . Revision: 11.39880 16.ras-setup-time: 3475 ms .mobile_sysinfo: ^SYSINFO:2.2006 23:03:32 . seq is the interval’s sequence number.mobile_csq: +CSQ: 15. The data file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-http-0000.0 %) .22746 .min-rtt: 114 ms .start 28.2007 22:36:02 .2.1.icmp-loss: 0 (0.3.22753 0 8 8091 8231 142 . Sample log file .mobile_mobile: Manufacturer: huawei.39879 16.39879 16.0.max-rtt: 334 ms gps_lon 16.4 .mobile_initstring: at+cgdcont=1..39881 16.39879 16.32 26.ip-addresses: 192.mobile_creg_ci: N/A .22752 0 11 11096 11216 117 48. the statistics per one second interval.39879 16.22747 0 18 18096 18216 115 48.icmp-tx-count: 20 .39879 16.22753 0 5 5097 5207 115 48.22754 0 2 2093 2213 121 48.e.mobile_signal_dbm: -83 dBm . field separator is the tab character.mobile_creg_ci: N/A . The decimal separator can be specified in the user configuration file.22753 0 9 9093 9213 119 48."IP".09. The parameter file named yyyymmdd-hhnnss-qqqq-http-params..mobile_mcc_mnc: 232-01 .09.udp . kByte/s kByte/s kbit/s kbit/s ms ms ms ms pkts pkts  PocketOptimizer 1.39882 gps_time 20:39:24 20:39:25 20:39:26 20:39:27 20:39:28 20:39:29 20:39:30 20:39:31 20:39:32 20:39:33 20:39:34 20:39:35 20:39:36 20:39:37 20:39:38 20:39:39 20:39:40 20:39:41 20:39:42 20:39:43 5.mobile_cgatt: +CGATT: 1 .22753 0 7 7090 7230 140 48..6 UDP log files Two http log files are generated for every HTTP task (individually for each master loop iteration).22792 16.txt contains the measurement parameters for this task.0.22754 16. records are separated by cr/lf characters. The file format is <loop>\t<seq>\t<dl_thput>\t<ul_thput>\r\n.39881 16.meas-time: 20099 ms .39880 16.00 .99 .22752 0 12 12097 12207 115 48.Jan.22753 0 6 6098 6429 334 48.mobile_stamp: 04.1 .22751 0 13 13098 13209 114 48.mobile_cpin: +CPIN: READY .mobile_sysinfo: ^SYSINFO:2.61 10.22748 0 16 16093 16213 119 48. i. Model: E270.39879 16. Lines starting with a semicolon are comments.06.mobile_cops: +COPS: 0 15 15091 15212 121 48.gps 48.3.39857 21:03:13 .39879 20:39:24 .39881 16. dl_thput contains the downlink throughput in kBytes/s = 1000Bytes/s.3 ms .22750 0 14 14090 14210 122 48.4 .net" .39881 16.39879 16.303.39881 16."23201".mobile_creg_lac: N/A ."A1.78 .1.22754 0 4 4096 4216 117 48.loop seq dl_thput ul_thput dl_thput ul_thput dl_rtt ul_rtt dl_jtr ul_jtr dl_loss ul_loss   gps_lat gps_lon gps_time .8.5.39879 16.22746 0 19 19097 19227 135 48. the relative time in seconds.168.39881 16.22754 0 3 3094 3214 116 48.e. • • • • loop is the inner loop as specified by the Loop-Count parameter. ul_thput contains the uplink throughput in kBytes/s = 1000Bytes/s.mobile_status: success .39880 16.1.22753 0 10 10094 10214 117 48.2011 62 Technical Reference .average-rtt: 134.mobile_cgatt: +CGATT: 1 .22748 0 17 17094 17234 138 48.39879 16.mobile_imei: 354652010110203 .mobile_creg: +CREG: 0.mobile_imsi: 232012520003849 .1.39881 16.gps 48. 496  48.112  48.User) .ip-addresses: 192.22785 16.1 11. PO. the metric is removed from the ticket..RAS The parameter mfid defines the target measurement format as reported in the QTS ticket.42 kbit/s (IP) Additional log files containing the packet’s individual time stamps are automatically generated according to the NDFA file format specification. 5.HTTP.0 0 0  134.7 ms .Jan.639 0.248.4 ms .32 26.1 Mapping specification The mapping file has to be a sectioned configuration file as shown in the next section.22786 16.) The PocketOptimizer mapping file can contain several sections for different measurement formats.2 Sample mapping file The content of a sample mapping file is: [default] . 1 or several destination metrics. .65 kB/s = 5. deg deg 0 0 0.9.dl-thput: 0. Every section can include one mfid parameter and metric parameters as required.626 5. Please note that it will not be possible to map text metrics to numeric metrics due to data conversion problems and that the extension columns have to match the data in the ticket.ul-thput: 0.nnnn. note: metrics can be mapped to no.g.FTP.ICMP • PO.1.40.DL • PO.288 5.3 16.<id>. otherwise the default file mapping.61 10. default mapping for all measurements . A mapping file can be specified with the command line argument /mappingfile.8 ms .0 0 0  136.nnnn and m.8 13.ul-pkt-loss: 0 .687 5.ul-pkt-count: 150 . 5. If no destination is specified.661 0.2 ms 128. The measurement format can be used by the dashboard or reporting tool to look up the correct metric descriptions.639 0. the default metrics can be mapped to different metrics or extensions.22786 16. In addition to x.<field> where id is the extension id (as defined in the QTS database table d_extensions) and field is the column name in the QTS extension table. Every metric can be mapped to 0.39859 21:03:26 0 1 0.user PocketOptimizer 1.6 138.ras-setup-time: 3274 ms .112 5.1.nnnn metrics. one or several other metrics mfid: *.9 Metric mapping If required. If the parameter is not specified.dl-jitter: 37. Known measurement formats are: • PO.639 5.user (e.3 140.4 8.. the destination measurement format in the QTS ticket will be *.dl-rtt: 139. Comments are started with the semicolon (.16 kbit/s .HTTP • PO.ul-rtt: 136. extensions can be specified with e. the metric Id *.2011 63 Technical Reference .1 0 0  (PL) ~ 7. Text and numeric metrics can be remapped with the arguments x.User will be used (where * is the original metric format).16 kbit/s .1.168.ul-jitter: 14.1 10.80 .UL • PO.42 kbit/s (IP) (PL) ~ 7. 5.6 148.9.meas-time: 28711 ms .dl-pkt-loss: 0 .UDP • PO.39859 21:03:28 0 2 0.65 kB/s = 5.cfg in the PocketOptimizer application directory is used if existing.FTP.nnnn and m.008  48.39859 21:03:28 . A default section can be defined with the name default.3 30.112 5.dl-pkt-count: 150 . Jan.2003: PO.5230.ext1.min_rtt PocketOptimizer 1.1.User m.m.e.5230: m.RAS.2003.RAS] mfid: m.e.ext2.32 26.2011 64 Technical Reference .thput [PO.1. ...................................2 Main menu functions............................................................................................................6 2.........................................................2....................................2............................................................... 26 5...................................................3........................................................4 Manual registration with license utility (branded versions only) ........................................................1................................................................................................................................................................... 10 2............................................................................................. 23 4....................................................... 21 3....2 Field of application ........1 HTTP server requirements ......................................................................................3 Reporting server reference ......................... 10 2................................................................................. 22 Administrator’s Manual ............................5........................3.......................................1 System configuration file ................................Jan...................................... 14 3...................................1 Getting the Machine Id........1..............................................................................................................Contents Introduction................. 23 4....................................................... 24 Technical Reference ....................................4 1............................................................................................................................................. 26 5................................6 2...........................1 Synchronization .2..................... 13 3.............................................................7 2........................................................ 13 3.................................................5..1 PocketOptimizer’s main window ...........................................3 Revision History ...................9 2....................1............................................... 21 3.......................................................................................................................3.............................1 User data and RAS configuration...............3 Machine configuration file....................................................................................................1 1......... 33 5.....5.......................................6 2............4...................................2..................5......................................................5 Setting up the configuration..........................................1 Running Jobs...7 2..........5 This manual................................. 12 Operations Manual ..................................2 Installing PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition.2 Reporting ....1...................................................... 14 3.............................................................5 Sniffer configuration................................................................2 Job configuration requirements.................................................................. 24 4.... 24 4.............................1 1..5 2..........................................2..5 Profile manager ............1 Configuration file format..................................................................................................2..............................................................................................5 2.................2 Removing previous installations ........................................... 26 5. 31 5............................................................................................ 10 2.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Registration info file ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Setting up a different server for synchronization .................................2 Removing PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition.....................................................2 User configuration file ................................................................................................................................ 24 4......................3..........................................6 2.....................1 Installing PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition....................4....................................4 UDP measurements ..... 21 3...3 ICMP measurements ......................................................................................................5 2..1 1.............1 PocketOptimizer Registration Utility .........4...............................................................................................................................2........................................1 Configuration file reference...........................3 Job measurements .........9 2......................... 17 3............2............................................................4 Registering PocketOptimizer ............................................................................. 10 2................7 2...................5 2........... 20 3.4 Synchronization and reporting..........................5.... 19 3................................................2 Synchronization server reference ...5 2.32 26........2 FTP measurements ............................................3 Manual registration with license server ............3 Installing PocketOptimizer ...................3 Setting up directories .......................................2......................................1.......................................................7 2.........5 2........................................................................4 GPS configuration ..................................................1................................. 21 3......................................................................................................................................................... 35 PocketOptimizer 1..........4.......................1..................................................3 Additional Installation information........................................................ 13 3.................2 Creating jobs ...2 Interactive measurements ....................................................4............................................................................2011 65 Contents ............1 HTTP measurements............. 22 3....................................................9 2..........................................................................................................................................................2 System requirements for PocketOptimizer Win32 Edition ......1...............................................................3....................1 System requirements for PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition..4............1...........................................2 1........................................1 Removing PocketOptimizer Mobile Edition ..............1 System requirements............1.......................4 Installation .............................................................................. 13 3......................................................................................... 16 3...1 What is PocketOptimizer.......................4 Known limitations....2 Automatic registration with license server.......................................................................... ..........................................6...................4.............................. 59 5..................................................................................................................................1 Packet sniffer requirements ................7......6 UDP log files .........................................................................................8............................. 58 5....... 45 5.... 36 5............................................................... 62 5..........................................................................9 Metric mapping ...............................................................................................4 KPI and report reference ...........................4..........................................................................5............................... 57 5.......................... 46 5...................................... 63 5.....................................................................4 FTP log files............................6 Location data file .............................................6.......................................................................6 Win32 edition packet sniffer reference..........4............................................................................................... 35 5......................................... 35 5.........................................................................2....7........ 52 5..... 48 5......................... 58 5......................5 Pocket PC packet sniffer reference ........................................................................................................................................................................ 53 5...........................................................................................3 Sniffer operation .........2011 66 Contents .8 Special metrics .......................2 Sample mapping file.........................7 KPIs for TCP connections................................. 56 5............................................8 Log file reference .............. 60 5...................................4 Task parameters ..................4.........................3 TCP stream analyzer operation ............................................................................8.......................1..................................................................3 Detailed parameter description for the job file ............ 57 5.......................................................................8..........3 KPIs for HTTP measurements ............................1 Packet sniffer requirements ............................ 56 5................................5.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 5................1 Global RAS KPIs.................. 59 5................................................7...............5.....................................2 Packet sniffer limitations....... 56 5....................... 56 5..............................................4............................................ 63 5........................... 56 5...................................................................................................................2 Common Metrics and Texts for all measurements ....4................2.....................................................2 Job log files ....... 58 5.........................................1 Log file basics ....................................................................................8.............................................................................. 55 5..................................................2 TShark operation .......................2 Packet sniffer configuration .......................................................................3 Packet sniffer configuration ......................... 57 5...................................................8...........4....6....4.................. 58 5.......................5 ICMP log files .....8.......1 Mapping specification ....... 59 5...................................................................................................................... 36 5....................... 46 5..................... 65 PocketOptimizer 1................................................................2..........................9..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 KPIs for FTP measurements.................5..... 61 5...................1..3 Command line reference..................................................... 58 5.......................1.................6 KPIs for UDP measurements...2 Job file reference .....................2...................................................................................................1 TShark requirements...................................................................................................7 TShark reference ................................................................................................... 63 Contents..... 36 5..............................................................Jan.. 47 5........................................................................1 Sample job file.............9..............5 Registration data file .............32 26.............................2 Allowed sections in the job file......3 HTTP log files .....................................................................................5 KPIs for ICMP measurements ............................................. 35 5.......... 38 5..1................................ 50 5..
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