Pocket Handbook for Arc Welding Steel
Pocket Handbook for Arc Welding Steel
March 29, 2018 | Author: ixotee | Category:
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The Everyday Pocket Handbook for Arc Welding Steela series as a usefultool Compiled for on-the-jobwelding personnelby an AWS Task GrouP Presidential I ...Amps.....34 Basic { \ .... 25 ClassificationSyslemfor Solid and ComDosrE Pipe SizeandWall Thicknesses.@ 1994by AmericanWelding Society.................. 1g Elecfiodes for SMAW........... rh€Mater................l2 usmgAcetyleneGas ClassificationSysieil for CarbonSteel 30 usingPropyleneGas Elecuodes for FCAW.. ........ 27 GMAW ER7oS-X ShortArc Elecrodes ...... AWS doesnot in$ne anyorc using the infc.................... t5 Electsodest Classification...... tlfs guide is not int€nded to b€ an e raustivet€afrnent of the topic ald theFfore may not include ell available information......... II usingNanual Gas GMAW E7oC-XXMeratCored 29 EtecEodes......6 ..... WeldingPositions t9 SMAW E6010Etecfodes...Filler (plate)..ial.-. andTheirLocarion...................... AwS carmot gu&&nreethat it is enor frEe......................................Further.... 7 ._..pipe SMAW E6012Electrodes SMAW E60I3 Elecnodes Thicknessand Weight of SteelplatesSMAW E7018Elecuodes U32to 2 inch.... 31 13 FCAW ETXT-X Gas-shielded BasicWeldingSymbols Electrodes .... Deposition Rarefor Mild Steel for CMAW. 23 SMAWE7024 Elecrrodes............. l7 Classification System for Carbon Steel Guideto Electrode Conditioning andStorage.......7 20 Welding Positions. 26 Carbon Steel Electrodes for GMAW...32 l4 FCAWSelf-Shielded Elecrrodes............. .. r4 I-ocation of Elements of a WeldingSymbol......A[ rightr rcserved PrintEdin the UnitEdSrstesof America r|FIilEfrffi NOTD: Although carE wa$ lrken in choosing and presenting the drta in this guide........... Size....... incftding wift rcspect to safety and heaith issuea.............................-........By publishing lhi$ grdde....................9 How to UseWeldFiller cage.....'\-/ \r \-i \-r \r \r v ..........................nnation it contains against any liability or indury to ploperty or pe$ons arising ftom Om use............ v Tableof Contents Safety hecautions Carbon Arc Gouging Electrodes................... ............. 2 \............................J !v \.Groove(plate) WeldingPositions '7 ...... ... SMAW E60tI EIecrrodes...........11 Schedule for Oxyfuel Cutting CMAW ER70S-X Spray Arc Elecnodes.... l0 Tests to Identit............. 16 DepositionRate Recommended Copper CableSizes...................... However. Workers should wear protective clothing made of fire-res istant material. slag. pant cuffs. "i'r oi""i* E""irr. 8#. Molten metal. approp ate eye protection should be useo. The wo*piece lead is not a ground lead.s instructions and recorwended sale practices should be read and undersrood. neck. and a head covedng to protect the head should be used. and allied processes produce furnes and gases which may be harrnJulro bealth. or brcnze. Do not weld on piping or containers that have held hazardous materials unless the containers have been inerted properly. .Helmers or handshields provideproLhar tection for the face. lead.. cylirders when not in use. The manufacturer. chromium. cadmium. sparks. These can cause bums if precautionary measures are not used. or light radiation. cutting. Fadiation.Live electdcalpafts should not be touched. Arc welding may produce ultraviolet.. and allied processes. open pockets.-"tds a personal copvof "Arc weldingsafely"and"Firesafetyin weldingand * r . Faulry inslalla_ tlonr rmproper grcunding. Do not weld in a confined area without a ventilation system. brass. All electrical equipment and the workpiece should be gounded. Shield othe$ from lighr radiation from youl welding operation. and hot work surfaces are produced by welding. manganese. A sepamte conlection is requlred to ground the workpiece. Many welding. Use point-of-welding fume removal when welding gal\anjTedsteel. it can be avoided. Fumes and Gases. Electrical Hazards. Make sule that gas cylinders are chained to a wall or other sructural support. Avoid breathing the air in the fume plume dircctly above rhe arc. The workpiece should lrot be mistaken for a ground connection. In addition. and inconect operation and maintenance of eleclricalequipmenl are all sourcesof danger. ". High-top shoesor lealherlegging( and Irre-resistant gloves shouldbe wom. cutting. or other places on clothing that can catch and retain molten metal or sparks should not be wom.d". It is used only to complete the welding circuit. and ears.BasicSafetyPrecautions Burn Protection. inirared."p . Electuic shock can kill.if:: t*.zinc. pant lees should be wom over rhe oulside of hieh+op \hoes. Always wear protective clothing and eye protection to pro_ tect the skin and eyes from mdiation. 5 4.70 160 190 190 7/32 i75 782 190 I 5.2 2.5 4. of the weld nerat whe.2 100 130 130 5/32 2.9 3. poduced in accord_ ancewith the tesr assemblyprepantion plocedue of this specificarion_ Desjgnate.1 3t16 140 175 170 5/32 3/16 144 1'.8 1. EXXYY-THZR Optionrl Supplen€ntrl Dssignators: Ine elemode meeh $e requrremenrs of rhe ab.8 t. "ia"p""r. rOOi metal. in ksi.) 3/32 Amps 50 70 i/8 SMAWElectrodes E6011 Dep.2.0 4. where'z" is 4. or 16).. h apprcximaiely 60%.1 230 220 r. rDeen'crency.c:i5f loenurcarron ot theelectrode_ Designates rhetensile str€ngth(miniinum). p".) 3/32 Amps 50 70 110 o6p. f . tle rypeof coterins. with a 2. wi-h a 2 \rub tos. The efficiency.J Designates rhar thr decftde (E7016.O 3..3 3. Ratel 0.nd ducriiity in the case of 87024_ DesiSn-ares lhfl 6 SMAWEleclrodes E6010 Dlameter (tn. May vdy w.vr.May vary s irhin :.supprementdt rorwnrcn tne test 6 rcouftd) Designare( drzl tie elecEode meers rhe requiremenls of de diflisibte hydoqen tesl ran opronar rupptemenlat re<l ot lhe wetd meLat fiom los oydrogen electrodes.anddle lind of weldinscu-nenr for sbich rheetectrode( aresuirabte.a app_o(halet)60a 1 Deposition nte in tbs/br baed on 100%e time. or E7024) neers the requnements for inploved toughness .8.. loplonai.oroed moiirG lesr ran re\t lor a to$ b)..5 5.. rheweldingposirion in $hich etecEodes areusabte. as:rc{eived or conditioned .Depsiliomre in lbs/b ba\edon l0o% e time.2 2.with an average value nor €xceeding .Glassification Systemfor GarbonSteel Electrodesfor SMAW ..1 1/8 Diameter (in. ^L-of H.Ratel 0.thn alo%.0 4. snlb lo$. E7Ot8.lrogen etecEode( except fie f70t8M ctrssificadon. ftis desisnaror may bederered hom theproducr rmprinr rcqurred for T'.]:y"9. ry 60%. Ihe efficiencr. is approxina.3 4. May vary wibin !10%.3 '7.1 9.75 290 320 360 400 250 340 6.0 2_6 3.2 4.8 5. D€posnionrale id lbs4r basedon l |]O4]N 1ime. May vary within i10%.witl a 2 6tub to$.5 !4 I 1 Deposition 6te in lbvhr basedon i00% N tine.6 5. wilh a 2 stub los.9 240 3/16 ' 32 245 5.Ral€l 4.naler 2.3 6.) Diameter 3t32 Amps 70 110 l/8 SMAWEleclrodes E7024 oep.) Amps 60 100 135 Dep.SMAWElectrocle6 E6012 Dlameter (ln. 1.O 1/8 Amps 100 130 165 Di6meter (in.2 5t32 3/16 7t3) 140 180 180 320 1/4 220 250 4. The eiTiciency. h ap!rcxinately 60% l.6 5/12 (in.4 11.0 3.1 320 180 290 1 Deposition 6te in lbsAr brsed on 100%dc 1ine.9 1. eith a 2" stub los. Mry val wiurin i10%.2 200 224 244 275 4.1 3. Deposilim rute in lbs/bi bed o! 100% N time. The efficien y. Falel 1. h approxinarely 60%. is approxirotely 60%.6 7.) t/8 5/32 3t16 7t32 SMAWElectrodeg E6013 Dep.2 7.r 5. with a 2' stub los. Tle etricjency. : .) Diameter l/8 Amps 140 180 180 Dep.6 12. 8 SMAWElectrodeg E7018 (ln.Raiel 0.1 4.2 120 160 3.6 5/32 150 z(fr 3n6 '7t32 200 2'.5 9.4 l_1 2.May vart wirhin a10%.9 3. Indicales the chernical conposition of a solid electode or the chemical composition of the rveld metal producedby a conposite electtode.fficiency is 4sDm€d 10b.030 .045 Amps 150 200 t15 Volts Dep.2 2l 16 22 \'7 2.y vdy wirhin .0 t2.r 2.8 6. Deposinon .0 I 1 D€losidon 6te in lbs&r bas.1 2.045 GMAWElectrod.d otr 100% @ rift M. Indicateswhetherthe fiIer netal is solid (S) or conposite (C) E R T O S E 7 0 C x X Y (for solid wne) E Indicates the type of shietding gas used for classification of composite electrodes.035 . Ralel Dlameter (lnJ . Relel t.7 100 225 22 1. in lbs/br baed on 10096at tinc Mav vev tithin r10%.9 MPa) increnents. metals intendedfor single-pa5s 10 GMAWElectrodes ER70$X ShortArc Dlameter (inJ .Systemfor Solidand Gomposite Ctassification CarbonSteel Electrodesfor GMAW Indicatesuseas either an elertrode or rod (ER).0 28 28 24 30 24 32 29 33 6. Indicates.000psi.5 8. 9E%. or use only as an elecrode (E).s EF7oS-XSpralt Arc Amps 'to 130 80 190 Volts l5 Dep. Deposinon cfficiclcy is 6sMed to be 94%- ut6 18. ln this case' 70 indicates70. Deposition 6i.| 8.1 290 200 315 275 500 3/32 350 600 12.in 1.Carbon dioxide shielding is indicatedby "c'' and 75-80% tu/balance CO2is indicatedbv "M'. the rninimum tensile strengthof the weld metal Foduced by the ele.0 10.The use of lhe "GS" sutrix d€signaEsnller apPlicationsonly.0 20.000psi (6. ll .'.tode when tested according to this specification.035 .10%.030 . Ii indicates fte posirions of welding for which the electrode is idended.. or 16).Absenceof the "J" indicaiesnormal impacrr€quiremenb.S.'indicaresrhai the electrodeis suirable for a weld consistingof a single pass. An "M" designatorin tnis position indicatesthar the electrodeis classified usins 1s-BO% arconl balance CO) (lueldinggas.S'.foltow ing.de shielding gasusedfor classification is CO.2' n[ of Hz pef l00g of deposiledmetal where "2" is 4.GMAWElectrodes E7oC-XX Metalcored75%Arl25%CO"Shlelded Dep.c" with or withour an . This designatoris either 6 or 7. andimpact propeniesare not specified. The nurnberrcfels to the usabiliry of the electrode. ment of 20 ftlbr at -40'F (27J at -40'C).1 325 30 r/16 300 8. n (igoif.035 29 250 9. This designatoris somenumberftom I throush 14 or the letter .2 27 350 11. polarity. .0 550 l Deposidon Fte itr lbs/hr basedon 100%@ 1ime.) This desigDator indicatesthal the electode is a flux coredelectrode. :10%. (0 is for flat andhorizontal position only. indicaresthat rhe exremalshielding.000) of the weld metal when the weld is nade in the mannerprescribedby this specification.when he M designato' doesnomppear.0 32 300 11..6 215 8. Dlameter Amps Volts (in. l t3 .4 400 31 11.6 5t64 29 500 20.Such an elecFodeis not suitabiefor a nulrj-pass weld. I is for aI posilions.The . EXXT-XMJIIz Optional Supplem€ntsl Deelglr'ton D€signatesthat the electrodemeetsthe requirementsof tne diffusible hydrogen lest (an oprional supplenental test of the weld metal with an averagevalue nor exceeding.s har eifte. or tha! tlle producr is a ser-shielded Foducr. It indicatesthe mininum tensile snengfi (in psi x 10.4 250 28 ..May vdy withir efficiency is assM€d to be 92%.0 .o52 30 10..The .G'.045 8. Deposilion 12 Classificataon Systemfor CarbonSteelElectrodes for FCAW Designabes an elecEode.6 34 450 t6. 8.) Rater 150 25 . This designatoris eitlpr 0 or 1.5 3t32 32 21.. tzo E70l-7 3t32 3t32 '7 /64 350 550 550 700 135 26 l/8 600 850 t6.l l9 Amp (DCEN) D€p.8 t2.75 2'.6 28 25 37 2'. mm 4.3 t'7.vllhDCEBA AC Electrode DC Electrode Diameter Electrode ln.r 5. Ratel 0.052 \^6 5t64 56 r60 275 2.A '.O E70T-4 3t32 165 263 101 30 33 (DCEP) 354 400 450 550 .045 .6 21.Depositionrale 1.l 23.2 '7 t64 lr"r#**"^'^*-*74 t2D 1'.8 wilhin dc timeMavvarv on1OO% in lbs/hbased 1.2 13.1 20. (in.6 140 225 .6 11. Mav vary vnhin CarbonArc GougingElectrodes Typesand Diameters suggesledcurenl Bangestor lhe Commonlyused CAc-A Electrode with AC.5 15.r 6.2 24.9 2.) .7 29 29 31 (DCEN) 325 400 400 490 8. Deposilion Fte in lb$/h! basedon 100% dc tine.1 39 26 30 30 36 32 38 150 320 155 430 Diam.4 3t4 I { .8 mrn 90 150 max 150 mtn max 5t32 3t16 200 400 450 150 200 200 300 u4 5l16 200 250 9.4 14.1 13.Olam.9 19. (ln) E71Tn ! .8 16.8 9.t8 140 190 111 194 FCAWElectrodes Self-Shielded Dep Raler 12] l'l.0 190 500 250 450 6.1 25.045 FCAWElectrodes Gas-Shielded ETXT-X Amp wFs Volls (DCEP) (ipm) 200 600 150 600 150 500 l12 258 124 2'.068 (ipm) wFs Volts 15 18 1'.1 15.5 3t8 350 600 800 1200 1800 600 1000 1200 1600 2)00 300 400 s00 600 u2 5/8 t).O 4. :??F Ratefor Mlld Steeltor GMAW DeDosltlon RATE ANDDEPOS]TION SPEED FEED PLOT OFWIRE e E a @ J FH E. 3 3 2 150to 200ft.D u0 u0 3to 2n uo 5m f . F6 =< E. 8 6 50 to lmft. 2 2 I 5 3 225 250 2 7to U0 2 IID 3m 350 400 1/0 ao ao 3to 3to uo ao 2. 4 100to 150ft.E 8 H ctt t5 Hal= 3@ 400 5@ 600 7m WIRE FEEO SPEEO IN INCHES.MINUTE 16 CableSizea CoPPer Recomm€nded and WorkCables for ComblnedLengthsot Electrode CabloSlzeE Amperea 100 150 Percent Dutycfcle 20 40 20 40 60 60 60 60 0 to 50 ft. RH (+25') 100'F Not Requhed NEVER STORE A B O V E1 3 0 ' O R BELOW 50% RH Not Required I50'-200"F 250'-3m'F ONEHOUR ONE HOUR TWO HOI.EXX24.R TOTAL 90'F(120') 50%Max. EXX28 Low Hy&ogen EXX15. EXXXl6. DO{30 EXXr4.EXXl6 Low HydrogenHigh Tensile DOO(15.Flllet(plate) WELOAXIS HOFIZONTAL WELDAXIS HORIZONTAL 2F (HORTZONTAL) WELD AXIS HORIZONTAL 4F (OVERHEAD) I l9 t I \ .HALF HOUR ONE & ONE-HALF HOUR TOTAL 90'F(*20) 50%Max.Rt{ 300'F(r50") s00.-600"F ONEHOUR 300"F(+s01 700'F(+s0) ONE. EXXl2.EXX13 EXX2O._+t_ and Guideto Elestrode Reconditlonlng Temperature and Time Holding AWS Air Condllloned Storage to Afl€ctweld ouality Temperatur€ Eleclrode BeloreOpenlng Humidlty Atter Opening Recondlllon Classlflcatlon FH = Relalive Rebako Step*2 SleD#1 Dry @Room Keep EXX10.-600"F ONEHOUR (r50) 650"F ONE-HALF HOUR ONE & ONE-HALF HOUR TOTAL 18 WeldingPositions.RH 500. EXXZT Low Hydrogen EXXl8. EXX11. E)C(xl8 40'-120'F (!10%) RH 6oEo 90'F(+20') 50%Max. RorArED.). 1-*. WELD (+1s.-<. .WeldingPositions. (r15'1.Plpe WeldingPositiona . WELDHORIZONTAL A . FLAr DEpostr FILLER MErAL AroRNEAR rHE roP PIPEOR TUBEVERTICAL. NOT ROTATED DURING WELDING.-<-\(----=! 1n\ I -pW*- 5 ). 1G NOTATED prpE HoRrzo^nAL.Groove(plate) PLATES HOBIZONIAL PLATES VERTICAL 3G PLATES VERTICAL PLATES HORIZONTAL 20 . 313 5/16 o_344 t!32 0.112 17.563 0.844 26.763 5.494 14.100 6.700 24.588 tb.t44 lr.Ot9 23.Y CoNNECTION RING BESTRICTION TESTWELD FIXED PIPEINCLINED (45'r5').t5 38.400 35.431 33.813 0.638 2t.425 29t32 15t16 1r.156 5t32 0.15 21t32 tu16 23t32 3t4 25t32 t3^6 2'.350 11.515 6.125 12.4ffi 3y32 I 0.219 1t32 0. VEBTICAL.750 8.7132 7t8 10.200 '7.906 79.463 18.1'.381 3.825 5.625 0.*' .875 28. Ln5 2.T.525 40.500 u2 mm oJ94 1.969 4.256 19.969 1.500 16.469 15t32 0.094 3t32 0.875 20.050 29. 8 7 5 25.719 0.9'.669 t'7.PiPe (contd) Positions Weldlng sGA-T--\+- -@=N:=' (rls')i Nor RorArED PIPE oR ruBEHoRlzoNrAL \L----*---OVERHEAD.937 r2.oz5 9.750 0.938 0.150 34.325 19.650 8.050 30.600 31.813 24.175 3.925 19t32 5t8 0.250 lt4 0.7 5 3 Fractlon Decimal 0. WELD WELDING. NOTROTATED WELDING.375 3t8 0.438 o. FLAT.281 9t32 0.688 o.731 r4.550 Gauge Fractlon oeclmal 0.tfi.'.906 0.556 3.225 1 5 .844 0.800 I I .250 39.4'75 '7.606 25.525 15.3'.287 tbfit2 21.531 t7t32 9l16 0.675 2.000 22.950 r5.75 '7. DUBING 22 'll32-'l Inch Thicknessand Weightof SteelPlatesr Ga!ge 22 16 13 ll . 3 1 9 t6.125 1/8 0.656 22.188 3l16 o.594 mm t3.225 23.781 0. DURING +tl U _i rN-5= 6GB.063 l^6 0.406 13t32 '7t16 0.300 1 0 .081 24. K.850 0.031 !32 0.700 36. 100 57.969 2.000 52.213 t.531 mm 18.2W 24 1-3t/32 2 1.750 1.038 46.688 t_719 1.656 ' 1.400 '73.100 58.350 44.t25 71.831 47.7132 l.906 1-t3t32 1-1/16 1.800 Howto UseWeld FllletGage PLACEMEI.625 48.375 1-23t32 1-3t4 1-25/32 42.250 1.544 43.050 80.844 1.875 1.338 34.131 )4_925 35.719 16.156 1.225 76.125 1.188 mm 26.4'.031 1.75 Fraction t-17/32 Declmal 1.625 45.275 53.600 72.2t9 1.625 40481 41.9s6 31.*: Thlcknessand Welghiof SteelPlates:l-2 inch Fraction t-l132 l l/16 1-3/32 r 1/8 1-5t32 '1-3/t6 I-'.725 r.5/8 1.950 '75.563 39.75 t.675 33.163 30.281 1_313 1.469 l-29132 t-15/16 t-15/32 t-1/2 1.244 70.9/16 t-19u2 1.938 t.825 56.306 38.75 26.369 30.375 29.419 49.863 43. I 25 .FOBCONCAVE WELDS: USEBLADE WITHDOUBLE ARCATAPPROPRIATE SIZE.325 81.688 63.438 t.750 32.006 50.IT BECERTAIN BLADE EDGE IS SQUABE WITHWELDEDPARTS.406 1. 62. CONVEX WELDS CONCAVE WELDS FORCONVEX WELDS:USEELADEW|THSTNGLE ARCAT APPROPRIATE SIZE.7/8 46.894 tb/ft.\94 tb/ft.344 1.513 r-tt/32 1.656 44. 42_O'.575 68.550 54.275 65 025 66.850 1-21/32 1-11/16 t.069 42.000 50.450 49.500 t7.988 2? J8r 28.-U4 l-9/32 1-5^6 D€cimal 1.925 61.450 45.063 1094 1.900 4'.781 L813 51.500 79.1.'.6s0 59.3/8 r-13/16 t-27/32 1-'.300 67.594 1.750 1.5'.r75 48. sched.$2 NOTES: 12 in.000 surf&e fet pd ninute on slinding (ch !-8 P'M') = sF p*Mii Becones BriSht Red Before Melting Becomes Bright Red Before Meltins Oofa.660 0.133 0 .218 0.216 o.065 1/4 0.065 0. 1 7 9 o.28r 0.900 0. Thickn€s*s shown in rralrr re aho arailable in stainlesssreel. 1 1 9 0.068 4.133 0.091 0.065 0.258 0.o*rr*.318 4.a68 0.134 0.375 0.050 0.438 0.200 1. Carbon Sle€l Ddk Grey Hlqhcarbon sl€sl Ddk Grey Hlqh Sulph|lr St€el Dark Giey A (Fa Appeatunceresl uapnencrest Strongly Maglelic Conlinuous Chip Smooih Edges Chips Easily Bright Grcy \=r< StrongLy Magnetic Slrongly MaStretic Htrd to Chip Strongly Magnelic f>- . 1 1 3 0.218 2.126 0.alrr 26 Materlalldentltication Low Carbon Sieel M€d.488 0..083 3t4 1.109 0. Slze 1osr 5s' 0.s Bnent Bu$ Vay Cled Nmerous Srd *"it!":ffi*'* I 21 .119 0. Very Lieht Grey Becomes BriSlt Red Before Meltins @.280 a.109 0.06s 0.436 0.109 0.5 0.126 a.140 0 .109 4 .306 0.625 0.875 0.540 0.109 0.083 0.250 0. lse at l6t 5.203 4.083 0.109 0. Sched.109 t-1t4 r-1t2 2 3 3-lt2 5 6 10and83619) Commercial Pipe Sizes and Wall Thicknesses (asA-836 in inchesfor NominalWallThicknegses xx S c h e d .120 0.552 0.083 0.719 0-864 0.438 0.under the designaiion Schedule40s under the designalion Schedlle 80s sreel.304 0.083 0.382 0.. 1 1 3 0 ..674 0.294 o.318 0. SnoorhEdges ChipsEasily Very Light Ctr€y Snoolh Edges Chips Easily Bright Gley Fine Grair Becomes Brighr Red Befde Melting aE F. 10sn ako available in ctrbon st€elin sizes nareriak md Sch€dule h cotusionresislant L Schedules 5sdd 1Os e availabte 2..095 a.375 0.191 1.240 0.083 I 1.276 a.134 0. Stan.tzZ=: Yellov Lin6 Spliss vdy Y€llow Li.120 0. 1 9 1 0.562 6."r".154 0.110 0.500 0.231 0.049 1/8 0.237 0.2t6 o.065 0. andsnaller.531 o.3'.065 0.t47 o.625 0. Sched.250 0.06s 0.337 0.".344 0.2t9 0..375 0.432 0.109 0.t4'l 0.400 0. xs3 Sched.145 0.840 0.226 0. tlor b6r r$uts.145 4.495 4.088 4 .120 0..179 0.Nominal Outslde Plpe Diam.315 0.675 lt2 0.188 0.--.0 0. Thic*nessesshown in . Sched.-"r*.600 0.120 4.276 2.358 0.243 0.300 3. 1 5 4 o.".t5 0.154 4.06s 3t8 0.258 0. de aho available in stainle$ 3. 160 Strong 40 80 120 datd2 0.154 0 .750 0.405 0.226 0.a9I 0.337 0.284 0. ^' o-"*.04 1t2 059 .:g.l:?" 28 Guidefor ManualOxyfuelGas CuttingUsing NaturalGas of Culting PlateThickness Diameler (in.11 110 110 Gas Natural NomlnalOrygen Mlnlmum (psi) (psi) Pressurc Pressure 30-40 3-. Not Easyto Chip.-093 0.ii.^' Extrenely Hdd ro chisel Snoolh Brielt Color SmallChipsAboDt 1/8 in. Soft & Easily Cut & Chipp€d Brighl Grey Bright BecomesBright Becomes Brighl Red Before Melting ff rcl\'.**'rr*' Stiongly Magnelic fg Q$ .6 3H0 3-6 30-40 30-40 -40 3-6 40 -50 3-6 40-50 3-6 40 50 39 40-55 3-9 40-5: 10 5 -60 10 50-70 50-7 50-7 CuttlngSpeed'? (ln.i"e ..) y8 0._ ir etrlm l----l-r 4 3 Veadim-LongSpw- -a/_ *H:[:i./min) 2o z8 18.' n*r*..1t0 0. Becones Bright rFor bst 6ults.) orlllcel(ln.dnllororilicedimeleria"illva$iLhedhLiDaccodinglornmLtetur*q)Peormrcn n .093 . t r d 'rlro. us at l€osl 5.""i iii"i.000 sufre feet per ninnte on grinding /cn ARPM) : ^.28 l6-t t3 l'7 10-15 9-13 'l-lz 6-9 610 5-8 t2 -3 condiriod of equipment' { dy be ca6ed by mill scale on Plare.067 0.. vi.Blittle Brittle Melts Slowly SnooL! Edges.^.059 3t4 t-u2 2- r.Material ldentif iqalion (cont d) Stalnl€ss Sle€l A Appeatancerest Dull Bright Dull Grey Sdd Mold Slrotrgly Magnetic Ligh! Grey G- .059 . vdiarion in oxvsen Puitv' ame 'djusinem i...01 6 7 8 IO 0.p** ' lnrtmlgar \ r i a r i o n i n h e ac l o n l e no r m o u u e sI n s t e e l .04r 0. ) Dlameter (centerhole) 0.e dianeler size will vary with etuh dp addding 10manufa.060 0. diill or orifi.28 14-20 10-15 9-t4 8-13 5-9 4-8 4.7 0 0 5-10 5 1 0 5- Fuel Gas (psl) Pressure 3n6 It4 3/8 U2 3t4 2 2-u2 3 4 5 1 0 5-10 5-10 5 6 7 9 15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 6 8 cuting oryggn (psl) Pressure 30-50 30 50 30-50 30 50 30-50 40-50 40 50 40 50 50-60 5H0 5060 70-80 64.Guidefor ManualOxytuelGas Cutilng UsingAcetylene Materlal Thickness (in) 1/8 1t4 DrlllSlze 60 60 55 Culting Orlflce (in.10 6AJO CuttingSpeed (lpm) 24-34 24 34 22-32 20 30 18. Ti!. drill or onfice diameler size will vdy with eeh tip according to nanufrctuer's specification./min.5 10 t2 I4 40-10 50-85 15 16 l8 10 l2 10-15 31 50-90 50-90 50-90 s speci{icalion.) 20 22 16-18 l.lud .073 0.040 0. .082 30 3/8 1/2 3t4 l-t/2 2 4 5 6 55 55 53 53 49 49 49 Approxlmate Pressure ot Gas(psi) Acetylene Orygen 3 10 3 15 3 20 3 25 3f 35 40 45 5 5 5 Manual lravel Speed (ln.052 0.082 0.052 0.040 0.052 0.) 1/8 Tlp Slze 0000 3.t-16 12-14 10-12 8-11 50 55 5-6 6 60 70 3+ l 1.073 0. 2-3 | 2 tlz l1 ^ L Tip.073 0.060 0.082 0. 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