Plebe Knowledge

March 25, 2018 | Author: Daryl Tabefranca | Category: Nature



The ability to memorize is expected to be one of the salient qualities of a plebe's (freshmen or fourthclassmen) character.They are presumed to be walking encyclopedias, Websters, Bergeracs, and newscasters rolled into one. Plebes should know the day's menu, the latest news and virtually everything about his upperclassmen - from their serial numbers to the names of their pets. They must store in their memories a wealth of verse, poetry and "roundthe-bush blubberings" of wisdom known as plebe knowledges and be able to recite all these verbatim as well. These knowledges are mostly definitions or phrases which plebes are required to memorize by heart and answer snappily when asked by their upperclassmen. It sort of tests their presence of mind and trains them to react quickly by responding smartly with ready answers. Following are some Plebe Knowledges which our fellow Cavaliers and friends still remembered and contributed: • "Loyalty" If you work for a man, in heaven's name work for him. If he pays you wages which supply your bread and butter, speak well of him and stand by the institution he represents; because if put to a pinch or a test, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must vilify, criticize, condemn and eternally disparage, resign your position; and when you're outside that company, then you may damn and criticize to your heart's content. But as long as you are a part of that institution, do not condemn or criticize it. If you do criticize it, you are loosening the tendrils, the key factors that are holding you to that institution. And at the first high wind, you will probably be uprooted and blown away, and may never know the reason why... • "Don't Quit" When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, Keep interested in your own career. When he might have won the victor's cup. and listen to others. they too have their story. no doubt the . they are vexatious to the spirit. Life is queer with its twists and turns. for always there will be greater & lesser persons than yourself. be gentle with yourself. And you never can tell how close you are. Rest if you must. Success is failure turned inside out. Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness. however humble. It seems to a faint and faltering man. Especially do not feign affection. Avoid loud & aggressive persons. but don't you quit. even the dull & ignorant. As everyone of us sometimes learns. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. When he might have won had he stuck it out. no less than the trees & the stars. The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. You are a child of the universe. Don't give up though the pace seems slow . Take kindly the counsel of the years. you have a right to be here. If you compare yourself with others. gracefully surrendering the things of youth. • "Desiderata" "Go placidly amid the noise and haste & remember what peace there may be in silence. So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit . Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.It's when things seem worst that you must not quit. How close he was to the golden crown.And you want to smile but you have to sigh. And he learned too late when the light came down. It maybe near when is seems far. many persons strive for high ideals. and everywhere life is full of heroism. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Neither be cynical about love. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. you may become vain & bitter. it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Be yourself. Beyond a wholesome discipline. for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is. And many a failure turns about. When care is pressing you down a bit. Often the goal is nearer than.You may succeed with another blow. Speak you truth quietly & clearly. Exercise caution in your business affairs. And whether or not it is clear to you. Often the struggler has given up. for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. With all its sham. I am here as a plebe. He comes and goes and then reappears in the most unholy places and hours where the Dumbguards are caught unaware. Along the deserted sacred grounds he peeps and then circles around. and everywhere. the answer is very simple. The Philippine Military Academy. a ducrot to the thirdclassmen. The forces coming from the itinerate glances of the Immaculates are so powerful that the circulation of the corpuscles of the plebes upon which the stare is applied is integrated. over the dead and rotten body of fourthclassman (state name of a plebe. he's here. Strive to be happy.. drudgery & broken dreams. This results in the gyrostatic effect on the paradoxical interior of the legs. and whatever your labors & aspirations. Sir! • "What Is A Kiss?" Sir..) Sir. are you resigning? No sir. I came from the land of the Kings. This develops an invulnerable machine in the body of the degraded mammal due to the action of the rectilinear eyes. a kiss! When all is said. Now. in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. I hike the plains of Luzon and hurdled the mountains of Baguio just to reach my precious destination . whatever you conceive Him to be. a chicken to the secondclassmen and a good neighbor to the firstclassmen. a secret . Be cheerful. a rose red dot upon the letter "i" in loving. • "How's The Robin?" Sir. and there. it is still a beautiful world. a promise more precise." By: Max Ehrmann • "Are You Resigning?" Sir. double-timing ensues. thus. where everyone can do what he wishes. a seal upon a confession.universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God. Now. an instant of eternity murmuring like a bee. a balmy communion with the flavor of the flowers. • "Why On The Double?" Sir. what is a kiss? An oath of allegiance taken at closer proximity. Poor ducrots tremble like a clown as the immaculate upperclassmen begin to frown. its sparkle will be lost to a demon like you . In short and simple language. So may I ask you the same question. he brings them back to their places. • "Do You Have A Sister?" Sir. • "What Time Is It?" Sir. electrocuted in Electrical Engineering. the cow? She is acted upon by the unbalanced forces of Mechanics. sorefooted in Tactics and running short in letters. Sir? • "How Long Is Eternity?" Sir. • "How Is The Cow?" Sir. Do you have a sister or a daughter. that question has been languishing in my heart. Sir. we might be on the same boat Sir. I hope that the lazy and dumb bird will travel forth and my chinning and double-timing be made shorter than the beginning of eternity. is a kiss. devouring myself totally and fatally polluting my mind. brainwashed and cross-eyed in History. the inner .which elects the mouth for the ears. stranded in the superheated region of Thermodynamics. and after picking all the minute grains of sand on earth and depositing them on the bank of the galaxies of heaven. I became your untaxable property and that surging question could be the cause of all evils that might beseech my family. Sir. This. each other's soul.asking that question with a ten peso balance in your checking account. I am deeply embarrassed and greatly humiliated that due to unforeseen circumstances over which I have no control. Sir. eternity shall have just begun. a fashion of inhaling each other's heart and of tasting the brink of each other's lips.whom I would like to ram from head to throat . the cow is rotting. if it takes a bird from outer space travelling at the speed of a turtle that is taking his time and picks a grain of sand from the earth and brings it back to the place where he came from and deposits it there and does the process once in every million years. As gloomy as the thoughts of a thousand eunuchs on the death of Cleopatra. if the fresh skin of an animal.workings and hidden mechanism of my chronometer are such in accord with the great real movement over which time is commonly reckoned. and other extraneous matter. • "Do You Understand?" Sir. a chemical combination ensues. is a lether. As . Sir? • "Definition Of Leather" Sir. covered with a thick layer of case-hardened steel. yes a handsome young man and I won't give a damn. They glimmer as the worms glowing on the grass beneath. Sir. volcanic lava and African ivory. As barren as the deserts of Africa where plants never grow. As hopeless as the crew of Christopher Columbus panic-stricken in the sea of darkness. fat. cleaned and divested of all hair. my cranium consisting of Vermont marble. It is as tense as the state existing among the molecules of a highly compressed gas. they twinkle as the stars above. • "All Right For The Light. but without fear of being very far off. that I cannot with any degree of accuracy state the exact time . impervious to and insoluble in water. All right for the light. Sir! • "How Is Life?" Sir. life is as monotonous as the curvilinear concubitant wave of the peristaltic motion of a dilated cell. Hence. be immersed in a dilute solution of tannic acid. Sir?" Sir. In other words. Sir. This. forms an impenetrable barrier to all that seeks to impress itself upon the ashen tissues of my brain. I will state that it is so many minutes after the Xth hour. the gelatinous tissue of the skin is converted into a nonputrescible substance. Ah. Hurrah for the light that shines in the night. I am very dumb and I do not understand. the effulgent and obstentatiously effervescent phrases just now directed and reiterated for my comprehension have failed to penetrate the confiferous forest of my atrocious intelligence. in the facial contortions of a nagging housewife. if Theophilus Thistle the successful thistle sifter in shifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles thrusts three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb that in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles thrust not . life is a conglomeration of things too serious for a fool to appreciate. and in the descriptive countenance of an ampotheric clown. Sir. Her hair is as dark as ebony. in the mystic reserve of a nightclub entertainer. Sir! • "Theopphilus Thistle" Theophilus Thistle the successful thistle sifter in shifting sieve full of unsifted thistles thrust three thousand thistles throught the thick of this thumb. • "How's Your Femme?" Sir. she is too beautiful for words. endless as the parabola. stubborn as the catenary. Its memory brings an extraordinary sensation which tickles the convolutions of the brain and the cells of the spinal cord. Now. In short and simple language. Sir! The weather shows a slight barometric change which I hope and pray wouldn't affect you and ultimately me. As smooth as the sine curve. Yes. the hypocritical scorn of an immaculate and cognizable warning which usually comes before the storm of a hectic and active day. I could see the gathering clouds of uncertainty. My ultra-penetrative vision discern the fate befalling me. In plain and simple language. sir. I foresee a happy day for you. long and silken and shines with the gloss and luster of a fading gossamer. Sir. her ambitious chuckle which prophecies a bright and happy date. And if my crystal bowl doesn't fail me. her beauty smacks of the illusive fragrance of the roses at dawn.discouraging as the graceful shape of the adiabatic curve. and meaningless as an imaginary function. I see from these gathering clouds the limpid smile of your drag. • "How's The Weather?" Sir. in the fussy whims of a spinster. the weather? It pleases me much. in the flowing crystalline teardrop of a jilted sweetheart. she is the living incarnate of all that is beautiful. my femme. From my crystal bowl. in the libertine smile of a long-faced schoolgirl. She walks with the breeze of the summer breeze. One day Esau saw a saw. and thus the wood Wood sawed was not the wood Wood would saw if the Wood's wood-saw would wish a wood saw that would saw wood. wood never saw a wood-saw that wouold saw wood as the wood-saw. My combat boots would carry on the thrills of plebehood challenge to yearlinghood which the words are too telling to say. given only a few months of rapid growth will develop into a young cow. Esau Wood would saw. Wood's wood-saw would saw no wood. Esau Wood would saw wood. immersed and the L-shaped footwear commonly called the combat shoes transported as far as Manila to the hills of Baguio to be worn on the rugged mountains of Taklang Damulag. In other words. Saw would that no other wood saw Wood saw would saw wood. • "Military Art" . of all the soodsaw Wood ever saw saw wood. Sir! • "How's Your Combat Boots?" Sir. from the thickest skin of an animal processed by tanning chemicals and great machineries of Joenacs painted black and rich indigo. Oh. so Esau sought a saw that would saw wood. • "How's The Yearling?" Sir. Sir. and the extreme laxities of the fourthclassmen. Wood saw would saw until I saw Esau wood saw wood with the wood-saw would saw saw wood. But one day. • "Esau Wood" Esau Wood sawed wood. My combat boots is softened by the daily use of the relaxing plebes. All the woods Esau Wood saw. The yearling. all the woods Esau saw. success to the success to the successful thistle sifter. the witty jokes of the secondclassmen. my combat boots. Now Wood saws wood with the wood-saw Wood saw saw wood.three thousand thistles through the thick of this thumb. the wood Wood would saw and oh the wood saw with which Wood saw wood. Esau sought to saw. from the simple handshake of recognition to the rotting days of academics. the yearling is still at a loss under the scrutinizing eyes of the firstclassmen. In fact. Add three teaspoons of courage. Complete plans by placing in a pan of dispute well greased with security. Cadet Dugomon. Allow to set in an atmosphere of panther-like readiness. sickcall identifies those who should be returned to their mothers. add four teaspoons of physical build-up. In short and simple language. then fold in generous amount of planning. Cadet Dugomon is very handsome. removing and tapping with thick spreads of actions and pursuits. Sift together throughly. Sir! (By Christopher Aquino Tanabe '76) • "Why The Sick Call?" Sir. parades. Wives come . and two teaspoons of leadership training. This is a product of a shabby mental attitude of those who raised to the 9th degree power their argument. the sickcall? It originated from the seemingly insignificant ache from the malingerer's body which theoretically increases proportionally to the drills. When well done. Sprinkle with the seriousness of the Principles of War. In short and simple language. Serve our country in a bowl of victory garnished with smiles. then stir in an equal amount of passion and energy. He walks with the strength of a lion and with the gentleness of the morning wind. he is the symbol of all that is bold and handsome. His eyes are as brown as roasty chestnuts clear and tantalizing glows with the rays of the settling sun. issue orders and supervise. and inspections. Bake in an oven of decision. His personality smacks at the solid rocks that kick the rushing waves of the shore. Make arrangement with major cooks and reconnoiter the terrain for electric applicances and push-button devices. • "How's Cadet Dugomon?" Sir. Sir! • "What Is A Wife?" Immediately past the innocence of childhood and the freedom of bachelorhood comes the incredible creature known as a wife. in the grand posture of a dashing gentleman.To three cups of intellect and two cups of character. Season to taste with study of tactics and strategy. and the warm and tender lips of a great lover in the mystic smile of a victorious soldier in the masculine build of an Olympian God and a courage of a thousand warriors. real or imagination. No matter how busy you are. the suspicion of a detective. brunnette. 5th avenue beauty parlors. being over thirty. maternity rooms and . beauty with curlers on her hair.platinum blonde. hyena. soap bubbles. In this respect. to spend every nickel of every dime of every dollar of every pay check before you get it. vibrating. the imagination of a psycho-analyst.. they are very much like the government. Nobody could spend so much time in front of the mirror assorted colors that vary from day to day .. her husband's secretary and .. A wife is a purity with cold cream on her face. other men. A wife is a composite of many things . She hates corsets. Mothers love them. on your lap. eating out and . cleeping late. budgets. Sir! .in reducing saloons. bridge parties. and the temper of a marine first-sergeant.. babies. According to a recent survey. and wisdom with an unbalanced checkbook.the curiosity of an income tax collector. touching up and still come out looking very much like the same. redhead. going through your pockets. mothers-in-law tolerate them. Wives are found everywhere . your wife keeps you on the phone till she gets her new dress she saw downtown. or be so late to so many appointments. brushing. other women. All wives have one creed in common. a wife is heaven and hell altogether. gossip. auburn and camel brown. chits and all kinds of presents. in mud packs. a 21-inch waistline. polishing. bargain basements.. dignity with a dish rug in her hands. Nobody could get so happy on one glass of champagne. ash blonde. by the way. spinsters envy them.. She likes charged accounts. in your chair. In short and simple language. But when you try to show her off. mink coats. she hasn't got a thing to wear. and husbands fear them. husbands who use gurst towels. ironing. cigars. more doctors are switching to camelhaired women than ever before. combing. rubbing off.
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