Plate Imaging With CTP
Plate Imaging With CTP
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Expert Guide06•2002 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Contents Contents 1 Printing’s More Popular than Ever Computer-to-Plate offers Key Competitive Advantages Competitive Advantage 1: Top Quality Competitive Advantage 2: Short Production Times Competitive Advantage 3: Competitive Production The Competitive Advantages at a Glance Essential for the Use of CtP: The Digital Workflow PostScript and PDF Job Tickets Preflight Redigitization Trapping Color Management Digital Proofing Digital Impositioning Archiving Output Workflow 1 4 Computer-to-Plate Technology 4.1 UV Imaging of Conventional Offset Printing Plates 4.2 Laser Imaging with Visible Light 4.3 Thermal Imaging 5 10 10 10 11 6 Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions 6.1 Heidelberg’s Workflow Solutions 6.1.1 MetaDimension 6.1.2 Delta Technology 6.1.3 Prinergy 6.1.4 MetaShooter 6.1.5 Heidelberg Screen Technologies 6.1.6 Redigitization with NewCopix 7000 6.1.7 SignaStation – Impositioning and More 6.1.8 Color Management 6.1.9 Digital Proof 6.1.10 PrepressInterface: The CIP4 Interface 6.1.11 Job Definition Format: The Next Step 6.2 Heidelberg’s Printing Plate Recorders 6.2.1 Complete Solution Packages for Every Market Segment 6.2.2 CtP with Polyester Printing Plates 6.2.3 CtP with Metal Printing Plates 6.2.4 The Prosetter Family 6.2.5 The Topsetter Family 14 14 14 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 7 How Can I Find the Right CtP Solution? Time Is Money: So Why Wait any Longer? Checklist 25 2 8 27 28 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3 3 4 4 Computer-to-Plate Printing Plates 5.1 CtP Printing Plates for Violet Laser Diodes (405 nm) 5.2 Thermal Printing Plates for Infra-Red Laser Diodes (830 nm) 5.3 Printing Plate Development 12 12 12 13 9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 19 20 20 20 22 The trend is towards more and more color and shorter and shorter job runs. But of course. top quality should be readily available to everyone and must certainly not be the exclusive reserve of the industry giants. These save time and eliminate sources of error. And because a functional workflow that is perfectly coordinated with the production stage is so important in CtP. The high demands on the print process are associated with tremendous demands at the prepress stage. . modern presses need to be equipped with ever more printing units. this topic will be discussed at length. a significantly higher number of printing plates need to be produced in the same amount of time. Printing’s more popular than ever. that’s for sure. But this doesn’t mean that the graphic arts industry should regard the future with uncertainty or with a doleful eye. Topquality offset printing is currently the most significant distinguishing asset for printshops. The digitization of all data and the integration of all processes into a single workflow makes this possible. This is the only way of cost-effectively producing print jobs in the short amount of time available and using preferably a single pass.2 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Printing’s More Popular than Ever 1 Printing’s More Popular than Ever Who can forget the vision of the ‘paperless office’ that captivated the trade press and unsettled many printers in the 1980s? A similar effect is currently being created by the alternative ‘electronic media’. which in the past had to be worked through one after the other in a very time-consuming process. Increasingly similar production stages. Automation is the key. can now be automated with workflow systems. Or to put it another way. the quality of the printed result should not suffer. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg®) illustrates its solutions for various sizes of printshop and offers guidance for selecting and configuring a suitable Computerto-Plate (CtP) system. As a result of this. Despite increased competition. Job structures have changed considerably. and because of the increased deadline and cost pressures. In this brochure. dots may be copied several times and. The transfer of digital press presets also makes the setup process significantly faster. So the job gets to color faster. production times can be significantly reduced in the prepress stage. And following on from the digital plate imaging stage. a whole raft of time and cost advantages can be gained in the production process. a higher. analog plate copying and separate register punching for plate loading in the press. Summary: Because of the significantly improved accuracy made possible with digital printing plates.Computer-to-Plate Offers Key Competitive Advantages Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 3 2 Computer-to-Plate Offers Key Competitive Advantages Computer-to-Plate offers businesses in the graphic arts industry many advantages that are inherent in the process itself. 2. What’s more. this is also possible during the night shift if the prepress department isn’t fully manned. manual assembly of these elements into print sheets. more consistent and more predictable standard of quality can be achieved.1 Competitive Advantage 1: Top Quality The screen dot on the CtP printing plate is composed of imaged pixels and is razor-sharp. partly outsourced). No specks of dust or cut edges can impair the result. Higher color densities are possible. manual plate correction that was previously routine is now no more. In extreme cases. this can lead to unavoidable losses in detail. The CtP workflow does away with a whole range of operations – for example. black or white – there’s no difference. this precision results in an immediate improvement in print quality. Dot or no dot. with more brilliance. Added to this is excellent register accuracy. This opens up a whole range of direct competitive advantages. then another one can be output quickly in exactly the same high quality. 2. Because the job can remain stored in the CtP recorder’s processing queue. It doesn’t actually matter which imaging technology or design of CtP recorder is used. the marketing advantage gained through the faster availability of the print result is a key to further orders and therefore to financial success. . newsletters or newspapers depend on speed-to-market. Because each printing plate is of a very high standard of quality. And if a printing plate should be damaged during clamping. The typical properties of digital thermal plates make imaging even more precise. because of the greater range of tonal values with enhanced detail in the light and shadow.2 Competitive Advantage 2: Short Production Times Through a rigorously-implemented. this is an original ‘first-generation dot’. When print products such as reports. And even frequency-modulated screens that previously only delivered good results under extremely stringent conditions can now be used with ease. The results from silver halide plates with their high resolution and photopolymer plates with their extremely steep gradation curve are also impressive. This degree of quality cannot be achieved through copying. Bad copies are ruled out. Instead. even if the utmost care is applied. this allows editorial deadlines to be pushed back as far as possible. the need to image pages or page sections onto film (partly in-house. In many cases. end-to-end digital workflow. which the user can turn into tangible results and use to give his company’s market profile a significant boost. The dot gain on the press is significantly less – not least because of the ability to precisely calibrate each individual printing unit. when the prepress. • Faster to color = shorter coordination phase at print startup. • Minimal dot gain enables greater color density during printing.100 10 percent additional press capacity = additional profit. • High register accuracy. on profit contributions and on the company’s overall annual profits. considerable savings can be made in terms of personnel costs and the costs involved with labor and materials. dampening solution and paper falls noticeably. • Maximum cost savings in terms of staff. • Faster availability of the printed product means more up-to-date products. the production run was frequently delayed by last minute manual corrections to printing plates or printing plates that had to be remade. the workflow and the prepress equipment need to be taken into account. If it is possible to increase utilization levels of a state-of-the-art offset press equipped with a large number of printing units by just two or three percent. the costs of film and film developing will disappear. Sample analysis Utilization of the printing press Setup times of the printing press Cost per plate set Print jobs per year CtP CtF In the first instance. • End-to-end process automation in prepress.300 80 % 30 min € 215 2. • Problem-free post-imaging of printing plates. • Elimination of idle press times caused by manual correction or remake of printing plates. The key factor for cost savings lies in the boost to overall productivity achieved by greater process automation. labor time and materials through the use of a digital workflow system.3 Competitive Advantage 3: Competitive Production To work out the savings that can made with CtP. • Shorter preparation times thanks to 100 % digital workflow. • No specks of dust. As a result. • No manual plate correction required. Outputting print-ready full sheets on a large-format filmsetter can make further savings. press and postpress stages are combined into a fully integrated production line. • Increased utilization of presses and postpress facilities. • Savings in terms of film and film developing. CtP as a marketing argument. the consumption of ink. But end-to-end process automation will ultimately only be possible with the integration of digital plate imaging – in other words. When the manual sheet assembly process is substituted with a powerful workflow system with digital impositioning program. then this will have an enormous effect on the workplace costs. Advantage 2: Short production times Advantage 3: Competitive production 83 % 25 min € 207 2. The Competitive Advantages at a Glance Advantage 1: Top quality • Ultra-sharp dot through digital plate imaging instead of analog copy. Added to this are the savings generated by no longer having to repeat poorlycopied printing plates. • Easy-to-use. The higher quality of the printing plates and the digital press presettings also means that far less print waste is generated.4 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Computer-to-Plate Offers Key Competitive Advantages 2. In the past. press and postpress. • Greater range of tonal values with enhanced light and shadow detail. • Faster press setup thanks to digital presettings. • Less waste reduces the consumption of ink. cut edges or bad copies. . All this now belongs firmly in the past. frequency-modulated screens. dampening solution and paper. PDF is therefore the ideal basis for state-of-theart workflow systems aimed at automating the output process. since missing high-resolution data for images. Data created in any layout or graphics program can be output as PostScript files and converted into a PDF file using Acrobat® Distiller. differences in the fonts used or incompatibilities between the program versions often made further processing impossible. most postpress service providers or printshops received files that had been generated from application programs. It is important to note that anyone can generate PDF files with ease.Essential for the Use of CtP: The Digital Workflow Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 5 3 Essential for the Use of CtP: The Digital Workflow Creating an end-to-end digital workflow is an essential requirement for using Computer-to-Plate. Heidelberg’s solutions for the integrated digital workflow. PostScript® data. provided the much sought-after solution – namely. 3. with its device-specific commands. are described in detail in the section entitled ‘Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions’.3 of PDF and later contains all the key information required for prepress production and has developed over recent years to become the universal standard for exchanging pages for print production. TXT Text Graphics Images Layout Layout Layout PostScript PostScript PDF PDF PDF PostScript EPS Computer-to-Plate QuarkXPress . PostScript files are extremely large. A few application programs allow data to be exported directly as PDF files. leading to long transfer times for digital data transfer. A new industry standard. was very often responsible for a job going wrong. established and approved by standards committees as an international norm for the exchange of advertisements and print pages. including CtP. This was however always associated with a number of risks. the Portable Document Format (PDF) from Adobe® Systems. To do this. What’s more.1 PostScript and PDF Until recently. This standardization offers greater security for everyone involved. in addition to a raft of internal requirements – which will be briefly discussed below – a good working relationship and excellent communication with data suppliers is essential. Version 1. grayscale. 3. The following information can be stored in a portable job ticket: • Instructions for page processing (e.g. Separating page content and processing instructions leads to greater flexibility in production.4 Redigitization The best of both worlds – the advantage of a PDF-based workflow system also lies in the fact that it is possible to move gradually to a PDF-based workflow. number of items). only the information in the job ticket is changed. Instead. however. Color models (CMYK. designation. traps). Reliability (printing/editing). In the event of any subsequent changes. This isn’t the case with CtP output. Truetype.g.g. Special colors. RGB. This enables data to be ‘repaired’. Font embedding (all/subgroups/ none). imposition layout. • CIP4 information (presettings and instructions for presses and finishing equipment). deadlines).3 Preflight To verify supplied files.g. increase hairlines). Image rotation/scaling. screen ruling.6 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Essential for the Use of CtP: The Digital Workflow A job ticket can be embedded in a PDF file or saved as a separate file. multiple master). Type 3. And so the Portable Job Ticket Format (PJTF) was born. operator). linework images). But what happens with the archived films? And what if an original is supplied as a finished separation on film. perhaps not even in the right resolution? One-stop scanning and redigitization saves expensive investments in special equipment. screen angle. 3. • Material (e. unlike a PostScript file. • Supply data (addresses. Digital plate imaging requires 100% digital data right from the start. customer or order number. according to rules set down in advance by the user (e. Adobe had to develop a new method for PDF which allowed control information to be stored in such a way that it had nothing to do with the actual page content. size. color). The following criteria are crucial when PDF files are being preflighted: • • • • • • • • • PDF version. Data format (binary or ASCII). Lab). screen ruling.g. ‘preflight’ programs must be used which check the transferred PDF files against an agreed checklist. For this reason.g. the individual data elements no longer have to be opened in the original application in order to adapt them to the new conditions (e.g. 3. cannot contain device control commands. Image resolution (color. • Planning (e. embed fonts. different values for dot gain. weight. • Output parameters (e. resolution).2 Job Tickets A PDF. Font types (Type1. • Administration (e. customer. trapping rules). . ICC stands for ‘International Color Consortium’. this is not really a long-term solution. This isn’t exactly easy.0 0. 3.5 Trapping Trapping is a process in which color elements are slightly enlarged and positioned over other elements. In the open workflow. The proofer’s output performance and that of the downstream press are simulated exactly using the properties of the paper used in the production run.1 0.4 0. Interactive and object oriented trapping with Supertrap.2 0.8 x Units can display all colors that are within their color space. had its problems. which have been accepted as standard for decades. a group of numerous leading hardware and software manufacturers.7 0. As a result. the right trappings can be generated for each print process using the same master data. The advantages of an integrated process chain can however only be harnessed with complete digitization. Because of the additional workflow stages. redigitization is possible in excellent quality.5 0.3 0.4 0. This way. the printer knows for definite which print process and which trapping rules are required.6 0.Essential for the Use of CtP: The Digital Workflow Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 7 Of course. Heidelberg’s open workflow systems and the use of ICC profiles fully meet the challenge of ensuring high levels of color fidelity. Ideally. .6 0. ICC profiles are responsible for mutual color coordination using conversions that take place automatically in the background – a process known as the Color Matching Method (CMM).5 0. which includes Heidelberg. 3. i. but even the introduction of the Chromalin or MatchPrint systems. digital proofs are used instead.7 0. outputting one order as a full sheet on film while outputting another directly on the CtP recorder. Provided that the Color Management principle is applied correctly.3 0.7 Digital Proofing Proofing is without doubt one of the most important stages in a digital workflow.2 0. The development of inexpensive units for printing out continuous-tone proofs and devices for generating true halftone proofs has since come a long way. excellent agreement can be achieved with the print result.0 0. who are striving towards the development of a non-proprietary standard for exchanging color information. A good number of printshops are already using this approach to respond to market needs. Because CtP does not use films from which analog proofs could be created.1 0. however. In order to find a process that satisfied both the customer and the printshop. y 0. Trapping should be delayed until just before the imaging stage. countless samples and much discussion were required. 3. orders should be received as PDF files.8 XYZ EuroOffset Monitor Slide 0. the scanners in many printshops are equipped with an add-on function for redigitizing existing or supplied films. From a technical perspective. As a result.6 Color Management The production processes in the prepress and press stages must be closely coordinated with each other.e. it is possible to run a twintrack system for a certain period of time. This is aimed at preventing white spots or flashes from occurring in the event of a registration difference within the press. The digital proof is the key to quality assurance in the CtP workflow. All the associated resources (e. entire pages are assembled into PDF sheets directly via an intermediate format. Nobody should be without the ‘blueprint’. Impositioning is one of the first stages in the production of printed goods. • Color proof as a true-color page proof up to A3+ format on inkjet or thermal sublimation printers. including screen structures and effects using systems with color films and thermal transfer. also as a ‘remote proof ’ at the customer’s). A number of printshops are currently offering their key customers digital proofing equipment. 3. complete print sheets with all printing. These sheets can then be checked on the screen and sent for outputting. folding and cutting marks can be output once more as a final check – possibly even including perfecting – before the digital printing plates are imaged. • Impositioning or sheet proof as a simple plotter printout or as a truecolor contract proof on large-format inkjet printers. fonts.g.8 Digital Impositioning The PDF data format is ideal for imposing anything from single pages to entire print sheets. Provided a large-format plotter is available for the sheet proof.8 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Essential for the Use of CtP: The Digital Workflow • Halftone proof for checking the color ‘feel’. During PDF impositioning. . The following variations of the digital proof are available within the digital workflow: • On-screen soft proof (use as a singlepage proof or for the entire print sheet. even in the digital workflow. Object-oriented data storage enables PDF documents to be separated into single pages and individual PDF pages to be put back together in any order to form a single file. so as to achieve fast color coordination at an early stage. illustrations) are delivered with each page. In the first case. improved organizational structures in the customer’s workflow and within the company’s workflows. the output workflow in the prepress stage and data archiving. this film has to be replaced with other tools and media. But when data is processed digitally. Then comes the data transfer for the press presettings and finishing. invoicing and distribution logistics for the finished print product. a decision also needs to be taken regarding whether the data involved in the individual print jobs is to be returned to the customer after production or whether it is to be archived as an additional service provided by the services department or in the printshop. It starts with new. and continues with order planning.9 Archiving The most commonly used archiving medium in the printing industry until now has been imaged film. the data is mostly stored on large hard disks. 3.Essential for the Use of CtP: The Digital Workflow Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 9 3. A distinction needs to be made between short-term storage/backup during the production process and longterm archiving.10 Output Workflow The implementation of an integrated complete process chain naturally doesn’t end – as shown in the example – with digital imaging of the printing plates. Long-term storage involves media such as CD-ROMs or magnetic tapes. it can be extended to complete order management with costing. The goal is to regard printing as an industrial process instead of seeing each stage as a manual operation that is a goal in itself. OPI ColorConvertor Trapping Rendering Page Proof Imposition Form Proof Rendering Imagesetter . When a decision is being taken for a specific archiving system and the calculations for the storage space required for the entry-level stage are being made. Last but not least. the plate is secured in an internal drum via a vacuum during the imaging process... The process requires a lot of technological input. and is then directed onto the printing plate.. the advantage lies in the ability to image conventional offset printing plates cheaply. . CtP has since become firmly established in all industrialized countries. . and they can be imaged with an imaging energy of just 26 mJ/m2.1 UV Imaging of Conventional Offset Printing Plates At the moment. UV imaging Laser imaging with visible light Thermal imaging (infra-red) inexpensive violet light diodes have been causing great excitement since drupa 2000... the partial images are built up to form an overall image. depending on their design.. have now already switched to the workflow and output systems of the latest generation. the difference is better determined by the imaging technology. partial images are projected onto a flat. In addition to the red light diodes which operate in the 633 – 670 nm range and are used primarily for smallformat. and by drupa 1990.... With each imaging pass. . These lasers emitted light in the blue and green ranges of the spectrum. . the first users. . and is used in many thousands of installations. Digital photopolymer printing plates have been announced that require a laser diode with six times more output power (30 mW) for imaging. Even in the early 90s.. . flatbed CtP recorders. For most of these CtP recorders.10 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Computer-to-Plate Technology 4 Computer-to-Plate Technology The first CtP solutions were already being unveiled at the end of the 80s... .. The installed CtP recorders can be categorized. As the imaging head travels back and forth. there is only one system on the market for digitally imaging conventional printing plates. For the user. Gradually.... as used in video projectors.. external drum or flatbed devices.. .. Today. 4. expensive lasers had to be used for imaging the plates that were around at the time. into internal drum. which we also use as a means of categorization.. as with a copying frame..... Plate handling . proven imaging technology has been tried and tested in film imagesetters. . for example. the use of significantly cheaper laser diodes took hold. This reliable. ... however. Functional principle of an internal drum imagesetter. their chemicals and the right developing equipment were also totally new. 4. very . It wasn’t just the equipment and imaging techniques that were new – the CtP printing plates.. Digital imaging generally takes place using a single beam shone over a mirror or polygon that rotates at very high speed. they were the focus of tremendous interest... . This system uses the light from a UV lamp which travels via a lens and micro-mirror chip. Highly-sensitive silver halide plates are available for these. fixed plate..2 Laser Imaging with Visible Light In the early years of CtP.. investments in a CtP system provided scope for better market positioning and enabled a company to set itself apart from the majority of competitors. But these teething problems have long since been overcome. .. These diodes operate in the 400 – 410 nm range and deliver an initial output of 5 mW. It should however not be forgotten that the first users still had to struggle with a number of uncertainties. ‘Early adapters’. ... No change of the dot above the heat threshold..... ..... . . .. This leads to less quality.. The main advantage of thermal technology lies in the fact that thermal printing plates make almost exclusive use of binary principles... . but instead of an internal drum. Depending on the system.... an image is only generated once a specific heat threshold is reached. In contrast to ‘lithographic’ plates. coupled with high plate productivity and excellent quality. The soluble or dissolved components are then washed off in the subsequent development process..... Dot formation by reaching the heat threshold..... Heidelberg offers a complete range of CtP recorders that use both imaging technologies..3 Thermal Imaging During thermal imaging... ... Thermal CtP recorders are generally external drum imagesetters..... Similar to CtP systems which use light-sensitive plates.... and the manufacturing costs for CtP recorders are favorable.Computer-to-Plate Technology Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 11 Functional principle of an external drum imagesetter... .... where the digital printing plate is clamped onto a rotating external drum – although this can also be a press’s plate cylinder. heat threshold No dot formation below heat threshold....... . high amounts of energy are used to effect a physical change on the surface of digital thermal plates.. The disadvantage of this type of construction is the long distance from the center to the plate edge..... the imaging process uses a single beam shone onto a fast-spinning mirror or polygon... the punch and equipment for compensating imbalance require greater attention on these recorders than on internal drum imagesetters. have established themselves well on the market and have won a market share of more than 50%. the imaging process uses a multi-beam technique with a large number of laser diodes that emit in the 830 nm range of the spectrum... This facilitates razor-sharp dot formation... thanks to the use of inexpensive violet light diodes.... Depending on the plate type. which can only be optically compensated within a limited plate format. .. Some of the thermal CtP recorders available on the market also use the internal drum principle.... Because of the longer light path from the mirror to the plate surface. This trend is based on the systems’ low price. . the plate clamps... especially those with an external drum design.. ... intricate high-power lasers with a wavelength of 1064 nm must be used.... 4... .. they use a flatbed construction. A range of components such as the imaging head..... A few CtP recorders with violet light laser diodes also use a rotating mirror or polygon. .. there has been the new trend towards CtP systems with violet laser diodes. The section entitled ‘Heidelberg’s Printing Plate Recorders’ describes their advantages and differences... ... . is relatively easy. this can be a primary cross-linking or the dissolution of existing polymer crosslinking in the aluminum plate coating. CtP thermal recorders. Further design principles for thermal CtP recorders include an internal drum with a diode imaging system in an internal ‘imaging drum’ or a flatbed imagesetter principle...... .... And since drupa 2000.. Dot formation with thermal imaging – heat threshold value principle....... are negative printing – i.1 CtP Printing Plates for Violet Laser Diodes (405 nm) Violet recorders work using light-sensitive plates based either on silver halides or photopolymers. Silver halide plates belong to the class of positive plates. UV inks greatly reduce the run length and are not recommended with the silver based plates. The latest development is further sensitization to violet light with a wavelength of 400 – 410 nm. There are currently two silver halide digital printing plates available for imaging with violet laser diodes (output power 5 mW). polymers are cross-linked during the imaging of the image parts to be printed. The new violet-sensitive photopolymer plates from Mitsubishi Chemical (Western Lithotech) and Fujifilm. only the printing parts are imaged. Structure of the silver halide plate’s coating for imaging with a 5 mW violet laser diode.e. all manufacturers are developing products with the aim of significantly reducing consumption levels. Speedmaster 74 DI Silver plates enable high job runs of up to 350. For negative processes. on the other hand. promise to remedy this. the imaging takes place on the non-printing part of the plate.000 prints. Photopolymer plates. however. To increase the job run size and to use UV inks. a distinction is made between negative and positive processes. i. as are the durability and job-run stability of photopolymer plates. Both plate types have been around for many years. These are the Agfa Lithostar Ultra-V and the Mitsubishi Paper Mills SDP-Alpha V.2 Thermal Printing Plates for Infra-Red Laser Diodes (830 nm) For thermal plates too. . Further postbaking to increase the size of the job run is not possible. This takes place when the laser beam energy exceeds Anti-stress layer Emulsion layer Aluminium Barrier layer Receiving nuclei Agfa Lithostar Ultra-V. and their use has been proven in practice with imaging systems that work in the visible light range (between 488 nm (blue light) and 670 nm (red light) ).e. The maximum achievable resolution for photopolymer plates is somewhat lower than for silver halide plates. The job run size for photopolymer plates is a maximum of 200.000 prints. They provide advantages of extremely high sensitivity and a very low-cost laser light but use more chemistry than conventional processes.12 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Computer-to-Plate Printing Plates 5 Computer-to-Plate Printing Plates 5. However. These plate types require just one laser diode with a higher output power of 30 mW. The extreme sensitivity and high resolution of silver halide plates are retained. the appropriate switchover being effected simply by the digital printing plate’s definition and by the RIP. a post-baking process can be used. 5. or where space restrictions mean that large equipment cannot be installed. Processless plates for imaging directly in the press (e. a subsequent diffusion process. the plate supplier’s technical services department or expert advisors should be consulted for a full explanation. however. With thermal plates and photopolymer plates for imaging with violet laser diodes. Denmark) who also supply equipment for plate development. Heidelberg’s Speedmaster ™ 74 DI) in CtP applications are already available. are available from printing plate manufacturers and suppliers. With only a few exceptions. washing off and finishing.g. This post-bake option also makes them ideal for use with UV inks. In the printing areas of these plates. Developers for digital printing plates are also available specifically for smaller plate formats. Agfa Thermostar P970. Kodak Polychrome Graphics DITP 830. Development processors for digital printing plates. Burned-off particles are suctioned off in the imagesetter.3 Printing Plate Development The development of all of the printing plates mentioned above also requires a processor specifically configured for the plate and the use of special chemicals. a conveyor is required between the CtP recorder and the online processor. it may be possible to switch the processes from non-printing to printing by means of phase-changing ‘switchable’ polymers. Processors for positive thermal plates often also facilitate the development of conventional positive plates that use the same chemicals. ‘processless’ thermal printing plates have been on display at trade shows. however. still only possible using thermal technology. most of these plates intended for use with CtP recorders are still in the development stage and are years away from commercialization. with some plates producing jobs with more than a million impressions. Glunz & Jensen. Post-baking provides longer run lengths. Fujifilm Brillia LH-NI). alkaline positive and negative development is used. In any case. along with the relevant developing chemicals.g. For many years. either covering layers are dissolved or parts of the coating are burned off. on the other hand. Kodak Polychrome Graphics Electra 830).Computer-to-Plate Printing Plates Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 13 a certain threshold. This is definitely advantageous for printing in small to medium formats.g. In the case of thermal printing plates using the positive process. Digital imaging of printing plates for waterless offset printing is. Most thermal plates can be postbaked after development. The polymers which have already been dissolved are then removed in the alkaline development process. and are being used successfully. The dissolved parts of the covering layers are then either washed off or removed via the dampening rollers in the press. and a plate delivery table or stacker must be provided at the end of the processing chain. The final stage involves the plates being gummed to prevent oxidation for a few days. add-on equipment such as stackers and tables for plate delivery and post-baking ovens. The processor Raptor from Glunz & Jensen. however. and are delivered via their specialist dealers. require a special development process which includes development. the polymer cross-linking of the non-printing parts is destroyed by the laser’s high energy. For an automated processing line. .g. This primary crosslinking must then be reinforced via additional preheating of the entire plate before the non-cross-linked polymers are dissolved in an alkaline development process and the hydrophilic aluminum is exposed (e. 5. Silver halide plates. There are also a number of ‘independent’ suppliers (e. The advantage of this is that no further preheating is required (e. In the future. 6. In just the same way.g. This means that they already form a key component of any end-to-end print media workflow of tomorrow. 6. The three workflow systems outlined below are all able to meet this challenge head-on.1. Heidelberg’s solutions offer much more than just the digital imaging of printing plates. The ability to import 1-bit TIFF files also means that MetaDimension can be used in virtually any workflow. the output of digitallyimaged printing plates and the transfer of data for presetting press and finishing equipment. specialist software from Heidelberg or other software manufacturers can be integrated as an Acrobat plug-in.1 Heidelberg’s workflow solutions Operating complex workflows quickly. or on folding and cutting to the finishing stage. What counts is access to data at every work phase and from all locations. They involve the entire workflow – including the transfer of data. the functions of PDF are incorporated in the existing prepress workflows. thus representing solution concepts for even the most diverse demands in terms of productivity. They are scaleable. MetaDimension is completely modular.1 MetaDimension MetaDimension™ provides the ideal gateway solution to a perfect PDF scenario with all the benefits of job ticket processing. A number of highly important options and add-ons for CtP output are discussed below and a brief description provided of each. This gateway can be opened by using MetaDimension as a PDF RIP. reliably and smoothly is essential for ensuring the best possible flow for a CtP production process. InRIP page positioning or InRIP Color Management. The modularity of this PDF RIP and PDF workflow means that it suits any volume of jobs and any budget – without any reduction in functionality. Data from Prinergy can also be processed. to the press. InRIP OPI. SignaStation® can also be integrated into the workflow in order to harness the benefits of the Print Production Format (PPF) and to transfer information. levels of automation and universal access to production data. its processing and preparation into print sheets. MetaDimension can be integrated into an existing Delta™ Technology workflow – a combination that delivers the benefits of the screenbased high-performance workflow with the flexibility of the PDF-based workflow. e. This way. . on the ink zone presettings. Of course. If the functions provided by all these InRIP modules still aren’t enough. It can be added to at any time with InRIP Trapping.14 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions 6 Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions Heidelberg has developed integrated solution concepts for introducing Computer-to-Plate in all sizes of company and for all tasks in both violet and thermal technology. Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 15 SignaStation Computer-to-Film Layoutstation Mac/PC MetaDimension Printing Press Computer-to-Plate Prinergy Color Proof Delta Technology Form Proof TIFF Import TIFF Export . trapping.O.000 existing Delta Technology installations currently providing a basis for CtP.O. but also includes images whose layout files have been generated using Helios OPI and ColorCentral. Delta Flow provides the link to MetaDimension.O. The Prinergy database provides transparency for the progress of the individual workflow stages and analyzes all records using business management criteria. The biggest advantage of this combination is that the strengths of both systems can be harnessed. and with the Delta CEPS-Input option can also process pages from the traditional repro sector. impositioning in conjunction with SignaStation and the generation and transfer of data in the CIP4-PPF standard for press and postpress presettings. assign the PDF pages automatically to an impositioning layout. Output Many). generated by Heidelberg’s SignaStation.3 Prinergy Prinergy is a complete PDF workflow system for the high-performance sector that automates every single step of the prepress stage.1. This ensures better communication and thus balanced and optimum utilization of the prepress.M. more flexibility and reliability in the workflow. output and processing. PDF and TIFF/IT-P1 files. This is particularly interesting given that there are more than 8. thumbnail generation. Delta Technology’s universal concept is reflected in the diversity of the available Delta options for input. PostScript files are first interpreted (ripped) and then stored in an overlay-free. On the fly. Prinergy is open for all popular standard formats and is based on Adobe PostScript Extreme. DCS or EPS.1.M. Delta Technology or MetaDimension. normalization to PDF. 3. What counts is access to data in every work phase and from all locations. 6. Prinergy outputs proofs. 5. One unique feature is the fact that workflow stages are combined into process plans which are then executed automatically in job ticket processors. films or plates dynamically in the following stages: 1. Output Either via the Prinergy primary server.16 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions 6. concept (RIP Once. The Delta Imagemanager not only supports OPI services in their native format. Delta Autoflow enables PDF documents to be processed automatically using the job ticket instructions executed in Prinergy. .2 Delta Technology Two key properties set Delta Technology apart from all other PostScript systems: Delta Lists and the R. PDF. 4. form proof. the renderer converts the PDF pages and job tickets into a bitmap for the recorder. with its PDF 1. color management. page-independent interim format known as a Delta List. trapping. digital proof. The R. Maximum productivity. Prinergy is open and accepts standard data formats such as PostScript. Further options support preflight checks. a special rendering workstation. Every stage of the workflow is completed in the compact PDF data format. press and postpress stages. All processing records and the data are archived. concept – the chronological and spatial separation of the interpretation and screening processes – enables data to be output on various output devices without any need for repeat ripping. Proofing Soft proof on the monitor. Refining Data optimization (preflight check). 2.3 components and Adobe Portable Job Tickets. proofing. Forwarding The CIP4 data created in the workflow is sent in its entirety to the press and finishing stage. Impositioning Job tickets.O. This can be done either just-in-time or immediately before output. Delta Technology can process PostScript. 6. refer to Heidelberg’s special technical volume entitled ‘An Introduction to Screening Technology’. • I. For most printshops. thus enabling it to be used on any system for printing and finishing. folding and collating information – into the Print Production Format. Its strengths include full visual controls.1. world-renowned screen technologies and makes them available in every single Heidelberg workflow system: • HQS Screening ® (High Quality Screening). With NewCopix 7000. The screened data is saved in TIFF-B format and can be called up at any later point in time. One advantage of this is that the CtP recorder can be set up separately from the prepress department. Heidelberg has developed the best. MetaShooter processes the imaging information it receives in TIFF-B data format and forwards it to the recorder. For a more detailed description with print examples. .7 SignaStation – Impositioning and More The SignaStation is Heidelberg’s solution for digital impositioning and is therefore essential for end-to-end. MetaShooter can also be integrated into Heidelberg workflow systems. • Megadot ™ and Megadot Plus. when used in conjunction with the Nexscan® and Primescan™ scanner families. this solution is more cost-effective than investing in expensive Copydot special scanners. highquality redigitization function. One of SignaStation’s key functions is its support for the Print Production Format (PPF). It prepares the entire print sheet digitally for print-ready output on filmsetters or CtP recorders. plus the option of being able to intervene manually at any time. • Diamond Screening ® (Frequencymodulated Screening). Impositioned print sheets with all marks and print control strips ready for output. Of course.1.S. 6. since the plates can be output in the immediate proximity of the press. This is also advantageous if individual plates or an entire job needs to be reproduced. plus cutting. ink coverage information. offers a simple.1. SignaStation bundles all the information required in the following stages of the processing chain – such as the job name.Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 17 6. Color separation films or printed originals can be scanned using NewCopix 7000 and converted into a digital data set. location of the positioned autoregister and color control marks. sheet number.1.4 MetaShooter Heidelberg’s CtP recorders are connected to third-party manufacturers’ workflow systems via MetaShooter ™. maximum flexibility and maximum automation.5 Heidelberg Screen Technologies Choosing the right screen system is crucial for the quality of a print product. This saves time. MetaShooter also facilitates the chronological separation of data screening/interpretation and plate imaging.6 Redigitization with NewCopix 7000 The new software NewCopix ™ 7000 from Heidelberg. digital production. (Irrational Screening). 6. Heidelberg scanners become multi-talented machines. Software for generating ICC output profiles. This uses ICC profiles to adapt to the relevant print process and the true-color output. In addition to WYSIWYG display on the monitor.1.18 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions 6. monitors and print parameters. color copiers. if required – to output a true-color. If parameters change. . since color management is carried out during the refining process. In addition to the on-screen soft proof. the job can be output at any time on a connected color proofer or as a form proof. ViewOpen PrintOpen PrintOpen for generating ICC output profiles. they must be updated in order to ensure the best possible adaptation to changed scan originals. Characterization of RGB and CMYK output units e. Prinergy makes proofing particularly productive. on e. Software for generating ICC monitor profiles. which is based on Delta Lists.9 Digital Proof All Heidelberg workflow systems feature the ability to link up to other manufacturers’ digital proofers via the Heidelberg Color Management system. high-resolution Delta Lists are converted to the appropriate proofing resolution. high-quality proof on any proofer in the network. a printout made of single pages on a color proofer or a printout made of the entire print sheets on a form proofer – all automatically and depending on the process plan options. the proofing process is totally user-friendly. HP DesignJet plotters. In addition to simulating the print result for page and form proofers. Characterization of color monitors. Proofing also has a major role in the Delta Technology workflow. the print manager can be used at any time – automatically too. With MetaDimension too. provided it is equipped with the right options. 6.g.g.8 Color Management Three coordinated software solutions from Heidelberg provide end-to-end. With the Delta ProofOpen option. proofers. a soft proof can be output on the monitor. Special colors can be either converted into process colors or kept as special colors. presses. color printers. flatbed and drum scanners. it also con- verts to the output device’s color space. professional color coordination in an open workflow for every stage of the workflow right through to print: Software ScanOpen Function Software for generating ICC input profiles. The ICC profiles are generated just once and can then be assigned freely. After the PDF pages have been assigned to an impositioning layout. Characterization for all types of input devices.1. e.g. Quicksetter 46 and Printmaster QM 46 – the perfect team for polyester plate imaging. • Harnesses costs benefits in the prepress and press stages.11 Job Definition Format: The Next Step Heidelberg bases much of its work on the Job Definition Format (JDF).1 Complete Solution Packages for Every Market Segment Different market segments have very different needs. high system throughput for medium-sized job runs in the 70 ؋ 100 sector. press and postpress stages. PrepressInterface is the Prinect interface that links the prepress. 6. From the digital workflow to printing and finishing. All of these solution packages feature the following: • Digitization and automation of the printing plate production process. • Shorter setup times and a more reliable.2 Heidelberg’s Printing Plate Recorders Heidelberg develops one-stop. higher quality and improved workflows are met head-on by Heidelberg’s modular Prinect ™ system.Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 19 6. UV inks and long job runs – Heidelberg has special solution packages for every requirement. Information on everything from the job capture and print job execution to delivery of the finished print can be recorded in this format. • Protects the environment thanks to reduced material consumption. a workflow component is required that generates CIP4 data in the standardized Print Production Format (PPF). flexible and cost-effective processing of polyester printing plates in small offset.2.1. fully-integrated solutions that are aimed at ensuring top-quality offset printing. every component works in harmony with the others. • Time savings through fewer workflow stages. 6. automated flow of data. What’s more. Which is exactly what the SignaStation does. But whatever these needs are – be they fast. To use this software. JDF contains numerous functions for managing. processing and checking print jobs. In this sense. or printing plates that can be post-baked for rough printing materials. The Job Definition Format is becoming the world standard for the entire print process chain. 6. futureoriented solutions for the entire printing and publishing industry that cover every section of the prepress.10 PrepressInterface: The CIP4 Interface Frequent job changes are the order of the day everywhere nowadays. . all Heidelberg’s CtP solutions represent end-to-end. press and postpress chain and link these using comprehensive solutions.1. Even stateof-the-art printshops with big eight and ten-color presses are processing smaller and smaller jobs. JDF integrates the functions of the Adobe Portable Job Ticket and the Print Production Format. The resulting demands from printshops for shorter setup and run times. • The Topsetter ™ recorder family for thermal plates. Digital imaging of polyester printing plates is possible on all Heidelberg imagesetters.g. • The Prosetter ™ recorder family for violet plates. And for all format ranges. 6. The compact construction with its small footprint also helps minimize the costs of providing sufficient space. on the Quicksetter ™ and Primesetter ™ family. a maximum job run of 20. e. 6. Heidelberg has developed two entire CtP recorder families for digital imaging of metal printing plates.2.20 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions 6. The user therefore has every option he needs to configure his workflow and the digital plate imaging process with its associated printing plates and level of automation to suit.4 The Prosetter Family The Prosetter recorder family is Heidelberg’s answer to the trend towards inexpensive CtP recorders and the use of violet laser diodes. It is also possible to produce single-color prints and prints with registration-tolerant spot colors in the 70 ؋ 100 format range when using 0. four-color printing should be restricted to the medium-format sector.30 mm-thick polyester plates.2.2 CtP with Polyester Printing Plates Computer-to-Polyester plate is an inexpensive alternative that is mainly of interest to small printshops and quick printers. Low investment costs and inexpensive running and maintenance costs make the crossover to CtP technology possible for everyone – without any compromises in terms of quality or performance.2. The highly-flexible format range of the individual Prosetter models covers the plate formats for all Heidelberg sheetfed offset presses and the majority of other manufacturers’ sheetfed offset presses: Prosetter Prosetter 52 Printing press Printmaster QM 46 to Speedmaster SM 52 Prosetter 74/F 74 Printmaster QM 46 to Speedmaster SM/CD 74 Prosetter Printmaster GTO 52 to 102/F 102 Speedmaster SM/CD 102 .3 CtP with Metal Printing Plates Because of the differing needs in the various market segments. Because of the lower dimensional stability of polyester plates compared to metal ones.000 prints is recommended. a single plate has to be repeated from a four-color set due to mechanical damage. The Prosetter’s integrated temperature compensation provides added precision. imaged. the plate is transferred online via a conveyor to the processor. For the far less sensitive violet photopolymer printing plates. the temperatures inside the recorder are measured precisely and the imaging part of the printing plate automatically adjusted if a change in temperature occurs. A deflecting prism. This function is especially important if e. If required. To do this. is rotated at high speed by a spinning motor and thus facilitates a high output power. A temperature compensation system avoids registration errors caused by temperature fluctuations.Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 21 The Prosetter series uses internal drum technology with a high-quality imaging system that has been tried and tested in the field of imagesetter construction and was developed for imaging metal plates. The Fast versions of the Prosetter 74 and 102 provide an even greater level of productivity. all models in the Prosetter series can be equipped with a punching system with up to four punch modules for Heidelberg presses and other manufacturers’ presses. daylight conditions with a yellow safe light. The Prosetter offers a high productivity in the standard models. centered. This enables highly-sensitive silver halide printing plates with a very high resolution to be imaged in outstanding quality. After imaging. The plate simply has to be placed on the loading table and is then automatically drawn in. the printing plate increases in size by 0. Consistent. punched (if required) and ejected. a more powerful 30 mW diode is required to maintain the same rate of plate throughput. . Why Temperature Compensation? Printing plates made from aluminum are sensitive to the fluctuations in temperature that occur during normal daily operation. The customer can configure these himself. Integrated punching systems ensure maximum register accuracy. This diode can be retrofitted to all the Prosetters currently in use by using a conversion kit. Because of their high sensitivity. This ensures maximum register accuracy – especially for plate repeats.30 mm-thick printing plate with an edge length of one meter. or to temperature changes during the imaging process. The single cassette loader makes the Prosetter fully automatic and it can also work in daylight environments. precise imaging with total register accuracy – even for trapped image elements – can therefore be ensured. A 5 mW laser diode is used as a light source. There is no need for a darkroom. both types of plates are processed in pleasantly bright. For a 0. and this generates light in the visible violet range of 405 nm. which is very small due to the violet laser beam’s short wavelength. The single cassette loader can hold 100 printing plates.g.13 mm for each 5°C rise in temperature. The Prosetter’s plate loading guidance system is extremely simple and user friendly. 5 The Topsetter Family Heidelberg’s flagship for maximum CtP production is the Topsetter range. The Topsetter P and PF 102 models are also suitable for large-format sheetfed offset presses up to a plate format of 1160 ؋ 940 mm. With up to 20 printing plates per hour in 1030 ؋ 790 mm format at a resolution of 2540 dpi. The thermal plates are processed in daylight conditions.22 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions 6. This ensures absolute register accuracy. All popular 830 nm sensitive thermal plates currently available from wellknown printing plate manufacturers can be imaged. combined with high-precision 32-channel laser head (Topsetter P 74. since the laser diodes can be exchanged individually. It delivers top performance in terms of quality and speed. The Topsetter range also has the speed to match. Topsetter P 102). The Topsetter PF 102 model features a 64-channel laser head for maximum performance. Up to three punching systems can be installed in parallel. The external drum construction. All Topsetter models can optionally be equipped with an automated punching system for Heidelberg presses and other press manufacturers. the Topsetter PF 102 meets even the toughest produc- tion demands and is also perfectly coordinated with the high-performance Speedmaster SM 102 press. delivers excellent imaging quality. The two models. All models in the Topsetter family can be expanded modularly from the basic model supporting semi-automatic operation to a fully-automatic system with multiple cassettes. They can be customized perfectly to the user’s requirements. Setup times are also shortened and waste cut. And every Topsetter can be upgraded at the customer’s premises to meet changes in demands at a later date. The optical system on all models is also extremely easy and inexpensive to maintain.2. are perfectly matched to the following Heidelberg presses: Topsetter Topsetter P 74 Topsetter P 102/PF 102 Printing press Printmaster QM 46 to Speedmaster SM/CD 74 Printmaster GTO 52 to Speedmaster SM/CD 102 Topsetter delivers perfectly punched plates for every press. . the Topsetter P 74 for the 50 ؋ 70 format class and Topsetter P 102 and Topsetter PF 102 for the 70 ؋ 100 format class. Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 23 . the next plate can be loaded – thus saving time. The punched and imaged plates are fed automatically to the online processor. manual bypass mode is possible. The interleaf paper is removed as part of this process. four or five cassettes. This means that a total of 500 plates are available online in five different formats.24 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Heidelberg’s CtP Solutions Semi-automatic mode The plates are loaded and unloaded manually using separate loading and unloading tables. Automatic mode with multiple cassettes The printing plates can be loaded automatically from three. each of which can hold 100 sameformat plates. Automatic mode with one cassette The printing plates are loaded automatically from a cassette that can hold 100 same format plates. and after imaging is transferred to the connected online processor. . The plates can also be punched automatically (optional). The plates can also be punched automatically. Semi-automatic mode with online processor The plate that has been loaded manually is taken onto the drum automatically. While one plate is being imaged. If a job needs to be done quickly but has a different plate format. e.000 prints. in packaging printing. Manufacturers specify that the job run should be up to 350. . dot gain) and the achievable print quality. • Space requirements The construction of the Prosetter family is designed to offer a particularly small footprint. The Prosetter 52 can also be used with a special model for small-format offset printing up to a plate format of max. Heidelberg’s Prosetter and Topsetter families offer both violet and thermal imaging. ink feed. The Prosetter family and the Topsetter basic model are suitable for use with flexible. but is typically between 150. a printing plate that can be post-baked is more effective. 670 ؋ 525 mm. • Level of automation Every desired level of automation can be catered to.000 prints. So the first task is to weigh carefully where the focus for the system’s use will lie. in conjunction with the simple imaging principle. would justify the crossover into a more expensive investment class. there is no real difference between violet and thermal technology. or can be field upgraded at a later date. and what decision criteria. semiautomatic mode. This can however be extended through additional post-baking to up to a million prints and more. The limit for violet-sensitive photopolymer plates and for thermal plates depends on the manufacturer and plate. Even when printing on rough paper. The solvents are too aggressive. • Print behavior In terms of print behavior (clean running of the plate. The plate throughput and the price of digital printing plates for both processes are also about the same. • Use of UV inks and rough printing materials The use of silver halide plates should be avoided for UV inks.g.How Can I Find the Right CtP Solution? Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 25 7 How Can I Find the Right CtP Solution? First of all finding an optimum solution for each user and his highly-specialized needs must take precedence over any technology discussions. ink/water balance. • Investments The inexpensive violet laser diode.000 and 250. means that the Prosetter models represent a low cost investment with low maintenance costs. if any. A potential buyer can use the following criteria to help him make the right decision for his company’s needs: • Job run length The silver halide plates available for violet technology cannot be postbaked. Both families can be delivered with various versions up to a fully-automatic process. after post-baking yes. external drum depends on configuration semi-automatic to fully automatic no difference depends on configuration Thermal plates at 830 nm daylight 150.000 – 250. after post-baking 32/64-channel laser head multi-beam technology.26 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate How Can I Find the Right CtP Solution? Differentiation Criteria at a Glance Prosetter family Recorder features Light source Imaging system Space requirements Level of automation Plate throughput Investment costs Printing plates supported Sensitivity Conditions Job run length without post-baking after post-baking Use of UV inks Rough printing materials Behavior during print Print quality Price of printing plates Topsetter family 1 violet laser diode single-beam technology. yellow safety light. after post-baking yes. internal drum minimal semi-automatic to fully automatic no difference low Silver halide plates Photopolymer plates at 405 nm at 405 nm daylight brightness. daylight for fully-automatic mode 350.000 n/a no no no difference no difference no difference 200.000 ~ 1 million yes. after post-baking no difference no difference no difference .000 ~ 1 million yes. all-round communication between all the departments within a company. 3. and open communication with the most important customers regarding the planned changes (such as data supply. 2. practicable solutions for every segment and all sizes of companies. When a feasibility study is being drawn up that is tailored to your company. 5. correction cycles. The press room and the quality of the goods produced in it are the real winners! This statement of course has to be qualified with a number of requirements. 4. a sufficiently large printing capacity also plays a key role. proof ). Most of the advantages of a modernized workflow and the level of automation that comes with it are linked to the printing stage. Trained staff with excellent experience in the PostScript sector – possibly also with PDF – should be available or training must be possible within the planned time period. this figure is heavily dependent on the current mix of customers and jobs. From a business management perspective. An investment in a high-performance workflow that ensures the complete automation of the prepress stage and leads on to the next stages (press and postpress) is therefore an essential and proper step towards competitive production. A willingness to accept change (both internal and external) must be present. For entry into CtP. and these will be discussed again briefly below: 1. and also on the current workflow configuration. . Heidelberg offers comprehensive. However.Time Is Money Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate 27 8 Time Is Money: So Why Wait any Longer? Digital workflow systems and CtP recorder technology are highly advanced. there must be a sufficient number of jobs for producing digital plates if the investment is to be justified. This number averages around six to ten four-color jobs per day/shift. A precise plan of the necessary steps (see also our ‘Checklists’) and the creation of a timescale and finance plan are key milestones. Heidelberg can provide you with the expertise needed. Crucial factors in this context include existing experience of digital proofs and a positive response from the customer’s staff. This requires good. These requirements will play a key role in defining a schedule for the changeover to an automated overall workflow. The goal will only be achieved through clear specifications and their on-schedule completion. including the field sales team. • Level of utilization of press(es). regional economic subsidiaries. • Redigitization of existing and supplied films. • Number of remakes. Tools for backup and archiving. per shift. Percentage requiring redigitizations. square meters. order planning. Advertising • More capacity. • Press downtimes. • Planning of data communication. Current Snapshot • Existing prepress equipment. costs. • Internet. plate copy. Target Analysis • Detailed description of the planned workflow. annual film costs. new. • Planning for air conditioning of sections. • Number of printing plates to be copied per year. reason. • Number of staff available. they will definitely provide a valuable basis for further advice from your Heidelberg sales partner. • Enhanced quality to be communicated. • Implementation of digital proofing. eco-friendly technologies. fullsheet films. appoint representative. faulty plates. • Planned savings or added capacity in print. incl. • Is analog proofing (contract proofing) used? Systems. • Acceptance among staff of digital proof (as percentage). Finance Planning • Evaluation of investment aid. • Image brochure.28 Plate Imaging with Computer-to-Plate Checklist 9 Checklist This checklist is intended as a planning aid for investments in a digital workflow with CtP output. proof ). • At what times do peak loads occur? • Number of pages. printready full-sheet films. sheet format. Security • Total timeframe with checkpoints for individual stages of CtP introduction. activity. If you wish to disclose the data contained in this checklist. percentage. • Number of remakes when job already on press. • Planned film costs. • Which data do you receive in digital form? • Which data is supplied as films? Page parts. reason for remake (last-minute corrections. units. per month. per day. other reason). Planned plate costs digital. • Page films imaged in-house. • Member of staff responsible (assistant to technical manager) or team. Level of investment. It makes no claim to be complete. volume. • Award of order for network and data communication. Time Planning. finished page films. tools. network. • Network planning. • Number of staff in the prepress stage. to offer(s). They provide you with assistance in creating the transparency needed for your further plans. communication. • Technical scope. Back-up planning. analog. • Plans for the end of twin-track operation (security). • Total investment acc. • Evaluation of regional aid for introducing new. per day. • Training for further technical staff. • Disaster plan (worst case). • Necessary server capacity. • Feasibility study with TARGET/ ACTUAL comparison. • Number of supplied films. • Number of jobs per year. Space/Building Planning • Drawing up of space plan and assignment of implementation. per shift. • What existing equipment is to be/ can be used further in the digital workflow. • Analysis of the current workflow. nor does the implementation of all steps have the same importance for all sizes of company. • Training/support for customers (generation of PDF files. • Training for the field sales staff. annual costs. annual costs. Training • Training for a system administrator. What activity. print sheets. number. . per month. Total air conditioning including award of order. The details of the current snapshot and the target analysis are intended exclusively for you at this stage. • Is digital proofing (contract proofing) already being used? Which devices. Prinect. HQS Screening. Adobe. Supertrap and Topsetter are trademarks of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG in the U. Speedmaster. MetaShooter. Printmaster.Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Kurfuersten-Anlage 52 – 60 69115 Heidelberg Germany Phone +49-62 21-92 00 Fax +49-62 21-92 69 99 www. Heidelberg Antiqua Printed in Germany Copyright © Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG.6102/01 en .S. Megadot. the Heidelberg logotype. the Clearly Adobe Imaging logotype. Agfa-Gevaert AG.S. Primesetter. PrintOpen. SignaStation and ViewOpen are registered trademarks of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG in the U. and other countries. 2002 Trademarks Heidelberg. Quicksetter. Glunz & Jensen Platemaking: CtP Printing: Speedmaster Finishing: Stahlfolder.heidelberg. Acrobat and PostScript are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U. Primescan. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Prosetter. MetaDimension.S. Stitchmaster Fonts: Heidelberg Gothic. and other countries. Subject to technical modifications and other changes.993.S. and other countries. 00. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Incorporated in the U. GTO.com Publishing Information Printed in: 06/02 Author: Günther Bregel Photographs: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG. and other countries. NewCopix. Diamond Screening. ScanOpen. Delta. Nexscan.
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