Planview v.11 User Guide_PBP [Edited v3].docx

April 4, 2018 | Author: Anonymous CPc23Q4 | Category: Login, Portable Document Format, Password, Internal Rate Of Return, Microsoft Excel



Planview 11 User Guide: Project Business Proposal (PBP) and Project Financial Planning (FP) Version: <2.0> Ownership: <PMO> Last updated: February 2, 2016 308745328 Page. 1 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 PLANVIEW and Project Business Proposals (PBP).................................................................................................... 4 1.2 PLANVIEW and Project Financial Planning (FP)....................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Project Funding Requirements and Approval Process ............................................................................................. 5 1.4 Project Lifecycles.................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Project Financial Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 7 2. GETTING STARTED.......................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. PBP Connecting to Planview.......................................................................................................................................... 8 Logon: User ID and Password................................................................................................................................ 8 Menu Basics........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Submission Types................................................................................................................................................. 10 SCREEN FLOW IN PLANVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 11 3.1 First Time Submission (New Work Screen)........................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Subsequent Submission (Design, Deliver, Deliver+)............................................................................................ 14 3.3 Change Request................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.4 PBP (Project Business Proposal) Screen................................................................................................................ 16 3.5 Financial Planning Detail Screen.......................................................................................................................... 17 3.6 Gate Checklist...................................................................................................................................................... 23 3.7 Submit for Review/Approval................................................................................................................................. 24 3.8 Getting back to the Lifecycle entry (if stopped mid-stream) ................................................................................25 4. PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (Post 1st Submission Approval)............................................................................. 26 4.1 Accessing Financial Information (project forecasts).............................................................................................. 26 4.2 Portfolio View of Actuals vs. Forecasts Comparison.............................................................................................. 30 4.3 Actuals vs. Forecasts Comparison for a Single Project (via Financial Plan) ...........................................................35 5. HOW TO........................................................................................................................................................................ 38 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Print – Accessing & saving softcopy PBPs............................................................................................................. 38 Print – Project Financials....................................................................................................................................... 40 Uploading supporting documentation (CONTENT management) .........................................................................41 Search.................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Using Column Sets............................................................................................................................................... 48 Another View to Projects in Your Portfolio............................................................................................................. 51 308745328 Page. 2 Appendix A – Field Descriptions........................................................................................................................................ 52 1. INTRODUCTION Planview is our common tool for project forecasting and our common repository for all project information. It is accessible by all Canadian Tire business units since it is cloud based and externally hosted. Planview enables us to reduce the use of EUCs (end-user computing tools), share information quickly and work together across banners in a more Agile fashion. This user guide will focus on providing you with step-by-step instructions for: 1) creating and updating Project Business Proposals; and 2) entering and updating Project financial forecasts. 1.1  PLANVIEW and Project Business Proposals (PBP) Planview has been chosen as the standard repository for all project information that is essential for project governance, including the PBP.  All IT projects are required to create a “Project Business Proposal” (PBP) document. The PBP is the means to  Access to project information is restricted and granted based on role. The PMO will grant Work Owners the ability obtain approval of the scope, timeline, and funding of the project as illustrated on pg.5 (PBP Approval Process). It replaces the project charter in the SMART Framework and acts as an agreement between the business and IT on what work will be accomplished. to manage who has access to update the project information.  The creation, update, and review of PBPs have been automated through the Lifecycle mechanism in Planview. The workflows have been kept intentionally simple and they do NOT replace other communication tools used by stakeholders to collect the necessary information. However, some controls are necessary to ensure that content is not modified once information for committee meetings (ITPC or PIMC) has been compiled. 1.2  PLANVIEW and Project Financial Planning (FP) In addition to the PBP (as noted above), Planview is the standard tool for Project Financial Planning. PMs (or their delegates) will be expected to update their project forecasts within Planview. Note that at this point, “Budget Tracker” (MS-Excel tool) is also available but is not used for submission of project forecasts to the PMO. For the time being, PMs can continue to use Budget Tracker for Resource Planning and the tracking of “Actuals”. 308745328 Page. 3  Planview Financial Planning allows AVPs, ADMs, and the PMO easy access to the project financial information. AVPs will be able to have a portfolio view of their projects. Reports and extracts can be dynamically created (as opposed to having one monthly view). The PMO uses the forecast in Planview Financial for reporting to our executive IT team. 308745328 Page. 4 1.3 Project Funding Requirements and Approval Process Planview supports the project approval process. PBPs are created via Planview screens and then updated for subsequent gating submission. The diagrams below illustrate how Planview supports the project gating and funding process. Please note that every time the PBP is submitted for funding, VP business sponsor approval is required and needs to be uploaded into Planview. The PBP starts the projec 308745328 Page. 5 I N P L A N V I E W 308745328 Page. 6 1.4 Project Lifecycles  Planview has “workflow” functionality referred within the tool as “Lifecycle”. In Planview all of the connected  The PMO has designed the PBP approval process using Planview’s Lifecycle definitions. The Lifecycle screens actions in a process are defined within the lifecycle. When each action is completed, the next action is activated, and a notification is sent to the user assigned to that action. This includes actions such as creating a project document (for example, a Project Business Proposal), changing the status of a project, creating a financial forecast on the project, and reviewing or approving any of those actions. have been configured so that they appear in a specific sequence for you to complete. As an Application Delivery Manager (ADM) or Project Manager (PM) you are the “owner” of this part of the Lifecycle. Once you have completed your part of the Lifecycle and you press “Submitted for Review”, ownership of the process passes to the next person (role/user) in the workflow. 1.5 Project Financial Plan  It contains financial information pertaining to the project. It is not a “configured” screen so technically, not part of  ADMs/PMs will be requested to submit a Project Financial Plan within each PBP submission. It is expected that the  ADMs/PMs are required to update their projects’ financial plan on a monthly basis (minimum) but preferably bi- the lifecycle. It can be accessed independently and updated at any time. Monthly snapshots of the Financial Plan are taken by the PMO to report on “Actuals” vs. “Forecast” project spend. financial plan will contain total project costs, including any sustaining costs. The accuracy of the financial plan is important for the approval process (it is reviewed by IT FP&A, IT Accounting, Senior Executives). The forecast by month is relevant for the monthly forecast submissions to the PMO. weekly or as soon as they know there are changes to their projects’ forecasts.  308745328 Page. 7 2. GETTING STARTED Please refer to the “Planview 11 Walkthrough Guide – Time Tracking” for help on how to get started with Planview. 2.1 Connecting to Planview Planview is cloud-based (external to Canadian Tire). This means that it can be accessed from anywhere, including non-Corporate computers and outside the CTC firewall (no need to connect through VPN first). URL: 2.2 Logon: User ID and Password  Your Planview User ID is your current Corporate email address (e.g. [email protected] or  On first login, your password will be “temp”. Please change the password immediately when logging in for the [email protected] ). first time.  If you experience any problems logging in (user ID or password), please contact the Planview Administrator by sending an email to the PMO. 308745328 Page. 8  Password reset is self-serve. Just click on the link on the Login screen. Username is your Corporate email address Password initially set to “temp” Self-serve password reset . 2.3 Menu Basics  After login, you will be on the main “My Planview” page. My Planview is a centralized location that consolidates  The My Planview page contains “Ribbons” and “Tiles”.  A ribbon is a horizontal user element displayed across the top of most view screens, such as the My Planview information specific to you as a user (such as your notifications). screen and the Portfolio View screens. The ribbon contains tiles.  A tile represents a unique view into data related to the screen. When you click on a tile, the tile detail is displayed in the body of the screen. The ribbon itself remains static at the top of the screen, but the tiles are dynamic Tiles help users get to the information they need faster and more efficiently. 308745328 Page. 9  You will see a core set of tiles that have been configured to help you navigate or access certain functionality. As more functionality becomes available for use in Planview, new tiles will be added. Tiles in “My Planview” tab. Set of Tiles make a 308745328 Menu Bar Page. 10 Submission Types 2.4 Submission types refer to the nature of the work you are doing with a PBP submission.  FIRST TIME submission – refers to the first time a PBP is created. The PBP may support any of the following gate requests: Decide, Design, or Deliver. This is the only time that “New Work” is defined within Planview. There would be no record of this project within Planview, so all the background information about the project needs to be entered. A unique “Work ID” will be assigned to the project which will be the identifier of the project going forward.  SUBSEQUENT submission – refers to any modifications to an existing PBP. The project is moving forward with a subsequent funding request for any of the following gates: Design, Deliver, or Deliver+. The difference between this type of submission and a FIRST TIME submission is that the project has been previously defined within Planview and very likely has a previously approved PBP; there is no need to create “New Work”.  CHANGE REQUEST submission – PBP had been previously submitted and approved. The project requires the approval of a Change Request (Change in Funding/Budget, Scope, or Timelines). The following section is a walkthrough of how to enter a PBP in PV 11 for all three submission types. 308745328 Page. 11 3. PBP SCREEN FLOW IN PLANVIEW The diagram below illustrates the Planview Lifecycle (a set of connected screens) configured for the PBP process. The PBP (Lifecycle) process is used when: 1) project information is being created (First Time Submission); or 2) project information is being updated (either Subsequent Submission or a Change Request). Refer to Pg. 16 Refer to Pg. 12 Refer to Pg. 15 308745328 Refer to Pg. 24 Refer to Pg. 40 Refer to Pg. 25 Page. 12 308745328 Page. 13 3.1  First Time Submission (New Work Screen) The first time a PBP is created is usually to obtain funds for the “DECIDE” phase as outlined above. However, there are circumstances, (e.g., very small or low-risk projects) where a new project may be requesting funds for the “DESIGN” or “DELIVER” phases. Regardless of the “Gate Requested” (Decide, Design, or Deliver) for this new project, the first step in the PBP lifecycle is to define the project within Planview.  Your first PBP is created using the “New Work” screen. This screen requests information about the project. There are two options to get to the “New Work” screen: Option 1:  On the menu bar, select the My Planview tab, click on the New tab and then select Work. Click “+New…” and select “Work” Option 2: 308745328 Page. 14  From the menu bar, select the Work tab and then click on New Work. 308745328 Page. 15 When you get to the New Work screen: 1. Populate all of the information fields on the “New Work” screen. 2. When completed, click “Continue” and the Project Business Proposal screen will load automatically. The project is now defined in Planview and will be assigned a “Work ID”. “Sub Group” is selected from the Work Breakdown structure – it assigns the project to a portfolio.  This screen is populated once, at the start of a project proposal. Its objective is to create the project within Planview  within the proper work breakdown structure. The “Sub-Group’ selection is what determines in which portfolio this project will be included. 308745328 Page. 16 3.2  Subsequent Submission (Design, Deliver, Deliver+) An approved PBP must already exist if you want to work on a subsequent submission. If you cannot find a PBP, contact the PMO directly.  The purpose of this functionality is to enable editing of existing project information and not have to re-enter the PBP  For subsequent submissions: information again. 1. Go to the My Planview tab on the menu bar. 2. Select My Active Lifecycle Steps to see the status of your current submissions. 3. Click on the Enter Project Business Proposal hyperlink (left side of the screen) for the project. The PBP screen will come up. Click on My Planview Tab Shows your potential submissions Click hyperlink to access the PBP 308745328 Page. 17 308745328 Page. 18 3.3  Change Request An approved PBP must already exist if you want to work on a subsequent submission. If you cannot find a PBP, contact the PMO directly.  Follow the steps described in the previous section 3.2- Subsequent Submission (Design, Deliver, Deliver+) to  Once on the PBP screen, ensure that the Gate Requested is “Change Request”.  If the CR is to request additional funds, remember to fill out the “Current Ask $” field with the requested amount.  On the PBP executive summary section, explain what the change request is about. locate the project and select the previously approved PBP. PBP Screen: 308745328 Page. 19 Fill out “Current Ask $” if requesting additional funds. Select “Change Request” in PBP screen 308745328 Page. 20 3.4 PBP (Project Business Proposal) Screen 1. Update the relevant information fields on the screen. Refer to Appendix A – Field Descriptions for the description of each field. 2. If this is a subsequent submission (design, deliver, deliver+), please make sure to select the correct “Gate Requested.” 3. Click Save. Clicking Cancel or Close in the window will result in changes not being saved. 4. The Financial Planning Detail screen will automatically load after clicking “Save” on this screen. If the work is not complete and you want to return to the PBP screen (from the Finance Planning Detail screen or any other screen) follow the instructions in section “ 3.8 Getting back to the Lifecycle entry (if stopped mid-stream)” to get back to your PBP. 308745328 Page. 21 Example: description of “Business Area” attribute in the 308745328 Page. 22 3.5 Financial Planning Detail Screen  On this screen you will enter the financial forecast information for the project.  Forecasts can be updated at any time as more information becomes available.  Entry of the forecast is done according to: a) time (monthly or annually); and b) cost category: 1. If entered by year, Planview will automatically populate the monthly forecast cells (allocations spread out evenly across months). 2. If entered by month, Planview will not automatically populate.  Cost categories appear under “Account Structure” and align with the cost categories presently used with project  NOTE: special treatment is required for the “Labour” category. Labour costs must be entered as either: financial forecasts. 1. Blended (employee/contractor rate) 2. Employee 3. Contractor  When you click on Labour, a pop-up screen (Line Detail for Labour) appears and you will select which accounts are required from the pull-down menu. These accounts will now appear under the Labour account.  Pressing Cancel will result in a loss of unsaved changes.  Pressing Total and Save will result in the calculation of the forecast, updating of monthly forecast columns, and  Pressing Save and Close will also result in the forecast being calculated and saved; a pop-up screen (Message from saving of the changes to the Planview database. This screen will remain available. webpage) will appear to ask if you want to move to the next step in the lifecycle. 3. If you are updating your forecast, you may not wish to go on to the next step and you should click Cancel. 4. If you wish to move to the next step in the lifecycle, click OK. 308745328 Page. 23 308745328 Page. 24 Click on “+” symbol to expand and select Labour type 308745328 Page. 25 Double click on appropriate cell to Enter financial data Labour type is displayed for Financial Input 308745328 Page. 26 If an annual amount is entered, cost will be equally distributed across the available 308745328 Page. 27 “Total & Save”– saves work and remains on the screen. “Save & Close” – saves work and confirmation popup screen comes up “Cancel” – discards last changes Cost can be entered as an annual value or by the monthly values. If an annual amount is entered (in the year column either 2013, 2014, etc.), the cost, will be equally distributed across the available months. The greyed out cells represent previous completed months. 308745328 Page. 28 By clicking on “OK” the project will continue in the lifecycle process and advance you to the next screen of the lifecycle. 308745328 Page. 29 3.6   Gate Checklist The purpose of the Gate Checklist is to provide the ADMs and PMs with a list of all items that need to be completed prior to submission of a PBP for funding to the PMO. Once completed, click Save. 308745328 Page. 30 3.7    Submit for Review/Approval The purpose of this screen is to confirm the readiness of the PBP submission for review by IT Financial Planning & Analysis and the PMO. If you are ready, click on Save and the project will be routed to Finance and the PMO SPOC for review. You will be returned to the My Planview screen. If the project is not ready for submission, click Cancel and you will be returned to the My Planview screen. Ensure all information is complete. Allows you to navigate back to previous screens. When you hit save at this point, the Lifecycle will be sent to SPOC for their review and input. 308745328 Page. 31 3.8   Getting back to the Lifecycle entry (if stopped mid-stream) If the PBP process was not completed (by leaving the lifecycle flow at any point thru the CLOSE or CANCEL function), this is how to return to the project to complete the PBP (and the lifecycle process): From the main “My Planview” screen, click on “My Active Lifecycle Steps” tile. The list of projects displayed reflects all active lifecycle steps that YOU are responsible for. To re-activate the lifecycle process click on the lifecycle step identified on the left. “My Planview” tab, and then click “My Active Lifecycle Steps” Click on hyperlink to re-enter Lifecycle step. 308745328 Page. 32 4. PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (Post 1st Submission Approval) Once the project has had its first PBP approved, the Work Owner (PM and/or ADM) must update the project financial forecasts at a minimum once a month. The PMO team will take snapshots of the forecasts (monthly or “just in time”) and use these for Senior Management reporting. The Financial Management functionality within Planview is quite simple to use. Data is entered like in a simple spreadsheet. Data can be exported to “MS-Excel” to integrate with other tools/reports. Accessing Financial Information (project forecasts) 4.1 There is more than one way to access financial information. Below are three ways to approach it: OPTION 1 (Most Recommended)  Use the Search bar to enter the Project Name or Work ID.  Click on the arrow beside the project that came up under the search results.  Select Financial Planning Detail.  To update the project financial forecast, follow the same steps described in Section 3.5 Financial Planning Detail Screen. 1. Enter “Project Name” or “Work ID” 308745328 Page. 33 2. Click on arrow 3. Select “Financial Planning 308745328 Page. 34 OPTION 2   To access the financial plan from the project’s “Work View”: o Click on the arrow near the “back” button. o Select Financial Planning Detail. To update the project financial forecast, follow the same steps described in Section 3.5 Financial Planning    Detail Screen. 1. Click on arrow 2. Select “Financial Planning 308745328 Page. 35 OPTION 3  From the My Planview screen, click on the Work tab.  Click on Work Portfolio icon, select a portfolio, and then click on the Portfolio View icon. [Refer to the Planview Walkthrough Guide – Time Tracking found in the Planview Help & Info tile for instructions on how to create a new portfolio].  A list of projects in your portfolio will appear. Select the desired project by clicking on the downward arrow to the left.  Select Financial Planning Detail.  To update the project financial forecast, follow the same steps described in Section 3.5 Financial Planning Detail Screen 1. Click on “Work” 2. Click on “Work Portfolios” 308745328 3. Select a “Portfolio” 4. Click on “Portfolio View” Page. 36 Ensure that the version is set to ‘Actual/Forecast.’ 5. Select desired Project 6. Click dropdown arrow on the left and 7. Select “Financial Planning Detail” 308745328 Page. 37 4.2 Portfolio View of Actuals vs. Forecasts Comparison A portfolio view of project financials can be obtained through the use of column sets. One example is the column set called “(2) Project Financials – Corporate ”. Column sets can be used to compare two versions of the Financial Plan. The PMO takes a snapshot of the Financial Plan prior to uploading the prior month’s actuals. This snapshot is saved to a Financial Plan version called “Forecast Snapshot (Prior Month)”. Thus it is possible to compare these two versions: Actuals vs. Forecast for the previous month. This comparison view can assist the PM/ADM to see the accuracy of the forecast for the last month as well as fetch the total project forecast prior to the upload of the actuals. Step 1 Go to “Work Portfolio View.” 1. Click on “Work” 2. Click on “Work Portfolios” 308745328 3. Select a “Portfolio” 4. Click on “Portfolio View” Page. 38 308745328 Page. 39 Step 2 Select “Column Set: (2) Project Financials – Corporate.” This will provide a view of the Work Portfolio’s financials. 5. Select “Column Set: (2) Project Financials Project spent to date (actuals) in the current year. Project spent to date including prior years. Remaining forecast for the current year. 308745328 Actuals + Forecasts = Total IT Costs Remaining forecast for the project including future year(s). Page. 40 Step 3 Financial columns (those with $$ amounts such as “Spend this Year” or “Total IT Costs”) can be viewed as monthly, quarterly, or yearly amounts. Simply select a column and click on the drop-down arrow. For example, if one selects ‘monthly’ for the ‘Spend this Year’ column, a monthly breakdown of the values will appear. 6. Select the drop-down arrow for one of the columns and click on the time scale view – example: monthly. 308745328 Page. 41 Step 4 To compare Financial Plan versions, select the drop down menu on the top right corner and ensure the following is selected: Working version is ‘Actual/Forecast (forecast)’. Display Variance with Comparison Version is ‘On’ Comparison version is ‘Forecast Snapshot (Prior Month)’ This will result in the each column being split 3-ways displaying the following:  “Actual/Forecast (forecast)” column will show the value in the most recent Financial Plan version (the  Actual/Forecast (forecast) version). “Forecast Snapshot (Prior Month)” will show the value from the snapshot of the Financial Plan version taken prior to the last update of Actuals. Note that only the prior month will show a variance. All other months before that  will be identical (there is no change to earlier months). “Variance” column will show the difference between the two columns. 308745328 Page. 42 Step 5 Monthly, quarterly and yearly comparisons can be made by clicking on either of the sub-columns, similar to step 3. Note: the formatting on this screen is not user friendly. Exporting it to MS-Excel is an option if further manipulation or better presentation is required. The export feature is located on the upper right hand corner of the screen. 308745328 Page. 43 4.3 Actuals vs. Forecasts Comparison for a Single Project (via Financial Plan) Work Owners have the ability to view a project’s Financial Plan and compare their actual spends with their prior month’s forecast, and update it, accordingly. To compare what was forecasted in the prior month to present month within the financial plan, follow the steps below: Step 1: Open a project’s financial plan through any of the methods described in section 4.1 (below is one example): Step 2: Select the wrench (preference tool) at the top right corner of the Financial Plan. 308745328 Page. 44 Step 3: Ensure the following preferences are selected and that the comparison version is set to “Forecast Snapshot (Prior Month).” To reduce the number of periods displayed, it is recommended to select custom periods. 308745328 Page. 45 Step 4: Select the Variance button and click on “Compare with Comparison Version.” This will result in a similar view as the column set view discussed in section 4.2 - step 4 with the added ability to directly modify the financial forecasts in the “Actual/Forecast” column for the project. 308745328 Page. 46 5. HOW TO 5.1 Print – Accessing & saving softcopy PBPs 1. Click the “Analytics & Reporting” tab, and then click “My Planview Dashboard”. A new window will open up. 2. In the “Dashboards” tab, click the triangle below “Work Project” and select “Project Business Proposal” 308745328 Page. 47 3. Select a project by utilizing the Current Portfolio (optional) and/or Project dropdown menus and click “Go”. 4. To export a softcopy of the report (Excel, PDF, etc) click the “Export RDL Reports” tile. A new window will open. (Your browser may block popups. Please choose the option to always allow popups from this site when prompted) 5. Choose your format (PDF or Excel is recommended) and click “Export”. Your browser will prompt you to either open or save the file. 308745328 Page. 48 308745328 Page. 49 5.2 Print – Project Financials To print any financial information, access the Financial Planning Detail screen (3.5 -Financial Planning Detail Screen), click on the Export/Print icon in the top right corner and select the desired format for printing (PDF, Excel, Text). For best results, it is recommended that the “Export to Excel” option is used and then print from the Excel screen. 1. Export/print 2. Select format 308745328 Page. 50 308745328 Page. 51 Uploading supporting documentation (CONTENT management) 5.3 There is more than one way to access the place where content can be uploaded into Planview. Below are three suggestions. This is followed by steps illustrating how to upload content. OPTION 1 (Most Recommended)  Use the Search bar to enter the Project Name or Work ID.  Click on the arrow beside the project that came up under the search results.  Select Content. 1. Enter “Project Name” or “Work ID” 2. Click on arrow 3. Select 308745328 Page. 52 OPTION 2   To access the financial plan from the project’s “Work View”: o Click on the arrow near the “back” button. o Select Content. 1. Click on arrow 2. Select 308745328 Page. 53 OPTION 3  From the My Planview screen, click on the Work tab.  Click on Work Portfolio icon, select a portfolio, and then click on the Portfolio View icon. [Refer to the Planview Walkthrough Guide – Time Tracking found in the Planview Help & Info tile for instructions on how to create a new portfolio].  A list of projects in your portfolio will appear. Select the desired project by clicking on the downward arrow to the left.  Select Content. 308745328 Page. 54 1. Click on “Work “tab 2. Click on “Work 4. Click on “Portfolio View” 3. Select a “Work Portfolio” 308745328 Page. 55 5. Select desired Project 6. Click dropdown arrow on the left and 7. Select “Content” 308745328 Page. 56 1. Click on the 308745328 Page. 57 2. Click Browse to select document 3. Select document to upload 4. Click “Save” to 308745328 Page. 58 5.4 Search Planview 11 best new feature is the “Search”. You can now look up projects by name or project#. The search bar is located at the top of all the navigation screens. Search by Project name or Planview code 308745328 4. Select desired Project 5. Click dropdown arrow on the left and select Page. 59 5.5 Using Column Sets Planview 11 features the use of column sets in order to view and customize the types of data that caters to each individual work owner. Each column set has its own list of columns that is shown on screen once it is selected. This allows work owners to view the columns they are most interested in – enabling them to get the information they need in the most efficient way possible. When clicking the “Column Set” dropdown menu, a list of default column set views appear for work owners. Column sets can be changed by clicking on the appropriate set. The two options listed below the column sets (i.e. “+New” and “Manage Column Sets”) will be discussed in detail on the next pages. 308745328 Page. 60 308745328 Page. 61 Using Column Sets: Creating New Column-Sets Clicking the first option below the column sets labelled “+New” brings up the following menu where work owners can create a new column set from the extensive list of columns to choose from. Section 1 Section 2 In order to create a new column set you must do the following: 1. Name your column set by typing beside the “Column Set Name:” field as shown in Section 1 2. Choose whether to include the column set in various menus within Planview as listed in Section 2 3. Select one or more columns from the available columns section and then click “Add >>” in order to add them to the Selected Columns section on the right 4. Click Save in order to save the column set 308745328 Page. 62 Using Column Sets: Managing Column-Sets One of the features that is available by default is the ability to copy column sets and to modify/rename them once they have been created. Click on the Copy icon in order to copy a column set 308745328 Page. 63 Review the list of columns and make changes if necessary. Then click on “Save” in order to save the list as a new column set 308745328 Page. 64 5.6 Another View to Projects in Your Portfolio This screen provides a list of projects and where they are in the Lifecycle. The user responsible for the next step in the lifecycle is identified in the “User Responsible” column. To access, from the “Work” tab, click on the tile “Portfolio Active Lifecycle Steps”. 308745328 Page. 65 Appendix A – Field Descriptions This appendix provides descriptions of the fields found in Planview when submitting a PBP. The descriptions are split based on the screen they appear: “New Work” screen and the “Project Business Proposal – PBP”. Note that most of these descriptions can be found by “hovering” over the field name on the Planview screen. “New Work” Field Descriptions NEW WORK Screen SubGroup Project Name Work ID Work 308745328 Basic Info Select from the data picker the IT Delivery AVP’s group that is responsible for delivery of this project. Name that will be associated with this project. Please avoid use of special characters. Note: it is not recommended that the project name be changed after it has received its first funding approval. Automatically generated by the system. This field cannot be changed. By default, when new work is being created, it will always show “Requested.” Page. 66 Status Work Type Current Gate Gate Requeste d ADM Finance SPOC PBP Owner 308745328 Enter “Gated Project.” Gate Requested By default, the value shown is “None” when new work is being created. The gate the project will be entering and requesting funds. Project Team Enter the name of the Application Delivery Manager (ADM) for the project by either typing it in or selecting it through the data picker. Select “IT Finance (FP&A)” through the data picker. This is the individual responsible to complete the IT FP&A review. Enter the name of the SPOC associated with the project’s portfolio by either typing it in or selecting it through the data picker. Enter or select through the data picker the name of the resource who will own the funding submission screens in “My Planview.” Page. 67 “Project Business Proposal – PBP” Field Descriptions 308745328 Page. 68 Project Business Proposal Project Name Business Area VP Sponsor (Business) FP&A AVP Accountable Executive IT Delivery VP IT Delivery AVP PBP Owner In Current Year CTO Plan Dealer Shared SR&ED Eligible Marketing Growth Fund Productivity Related Vendor Funded Basic Project Attributes Name that will be associated with this project. Please avoid use of special characters. Note: it is not recommended that the project name be changed after it has received its first funding approval. Select from the drop-down list which portfolio is funding this project. This is required for Portfolio Management. From the business, type in the VP that is sponsoring this work. Type in the Business FP&A (Financial Planning & Analysis) AVP. Select from drop-down list the senior executive’s name. Select the name of the IT Delivery VP who is responsible for funding the project. Select the name of the IT Delivery AVP who is responsible for funding the project. Enter or select through the data picker the name of the resource who will own the funding submission screens in “My Planview.” Answer “YES” if this project was part of the original IT Project Plan for the current year. Otherwise answer “NO” and ensure the submission is socialized with the Exec Sponsor to ensure support for it. This field answers the question of whether the project will share costs with the Dealers. By default, it shows “TBD.” It will be changed to “Yes” or “No” by the PMO after receiving confirmation from the Dealer Contracts team that the project will share costs. (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) A federal program to issue Tax Credits to Canadian companies to encourage R&D work and to make Canada more competitive. Decide Phase will have “TBD”. Design/Deliver Phase will have “Yes” if ((in-year Labour + Consulting > $300K) and (project expects to face Technical Uncertainty)). Otherwise “No.” This fund does not provide additional budget for IT. This is a flag to help IT accounting process the Dealer’s portion of a project’s cost. It is owned by CTR’s Chief Operating Officer. It is collected from CTR vendors for use by both Dealers and CTR for new growth investments. Since downstream processes are so different, a project will either be dealer shared or MGF or none. For future use. Default to “no”. Decide: enter “TBD.” Design: indicate “Yes” if a third party vendor is responsible for part or all of the project’s costs. Deliver: (if ‘Yes”) the signed Vendor Agreement must be attached in Content. In the Solution Description: add Vendor 308745328 Page. 69 Name and high level understanding of agreement (which costs, upper bounds, etc.). Dealer Scorecard (old Dealer Impact) Project Type Total IT Project Costs (S/M/L) Foundational Regulatory Total Funds Approved to Date Current Ask Comment Ask Current Gate Gate Requested Gate Requested Completion Date Project Duration (Months) Project Start Date Project Completion Date Next 308745328 Consult with the PMO how best to represent agreement in Financial Plan, e.g., how to show Recoveries from Vendor. This field answers the question of whether the project will be included on the Dealer Scorecard – a report produced monthly and reviewed with the Dealers. By default, it will show “TBD.” It will be changed to “Yes” or “No” by the PMO once a decision has been made by the Dealer Relations team. Select from the drop-down list if the project is PIMC, EIS or a lifecycle project. Select from the drop-down list if the project is a small, medium or large IT project. The size of the project is determined by whether the total cost falls within a range, as defined in the options. Foundational represents any project that is implementing a technology that will create or maintain the currency of a base capability that delivers business value or supports our ongoing infrastructure needs and growth. Example: tools to accomplish work such as laptops, Planview, PeopleSoft, etc. Is this project required to ensure the corporation is in compliance with government laws and regulations? Current Funding Ask Read-only field calculated by Planview from prior gate approvals. Always zero on first submission. Request for next gate: Funds required to complete the next gate (less any funds remaining from previous gate funding). Consider including additional funds to complete the planning for the subsequent gate (PMs should prepare for next gate/phase funding within the current gate/phase before funding runs out). Request for current gate (i.e., Change Request): Additional funds to complete current gate. Enter any comments with regards to the funds being requested. Current Gate Request By default, it will show the gate the project was most recently approved funds or “None” when new work is being created. The gate the project will be entering and requesting funds. Best estimate when the next gate (requested gate) will be complete. This date will be used in reporting and monitored to ascertain which projects will be coming forward at any given time. Change requests will be required to modify these dates. Estimated Timelines Enter the entire length of the project (how many months from the project’s start date to project’s completion date). Enter the estimated start date for the project. Enter the estimated date the project will be completed, which includes delivery of the project, any in-year sustaining costs and administration work to close the project. This is required by Finance. Date that the project will implement in to production a significant deliverable. Refers to the actual date that a Page. 70 Implementation Date IRR% NPV $ Payback Years CBA Prepared By Completed By Completion Date Executive Summary Business Problem Solution Description Key Assumptions Key Risks Issues Comments 308745328 product/system/process is delivered for business use in a production environment. May be used by Accounting to create assets and begin their depreciation. Business Case Enter the “IRR% value” from the completed CBA. Enter the “NPV $” from the completed CBA. Enter the “Payback Years” from the completed CBA. Enter the name of business FP&A responsible for creating CBA. FP&A Peer Review This is entered by Finance of when the FP&A Peer Review has been completed. This is entered by Finance of when the FP&A Peer Review has been completed. Descriptions This is the summary text extracted for ITPC/PIMC reports and reviewed by Senior Management. It is a brief description that answers the following questions:  What is the problem, why is it important for us to do it?  What’s the burning platform (if there is one)? What happens if we don’t do it now?  What will be delivered for the current funding ask?  Cost breakdown for the requested funds. More detailed statement of the Business Problem than identified in the Executive summary section. Define the problem – not solution. More detailed statement of the proposed solution to deliver against the stated problem. Enter any assumptions that are being made about the project. Key business risks, including inherent risks and not just project risks. Enter any issues that the project is facing. Any additional comments that will support the request being presented that may not be addressed by the previous sections. Page. 71
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