Planificare Limba Engleza Snapshot Clasa a 6 A

March 28, 2018 | Author: liliana_oana3400 | Category: Verb, Style (Fiction), Syntactic Relationships, Semiotics, Grammar



ŞCOALA CU CLASELE I-VIII MARILENA COM. MĂCEŞU DE SUS, JUD.DOLJ de studiu Prof. BĂLAN ŞTEFANIAClasa a VI-a, a doua limbă (2h/săptămânal) MANUAL: SNAPSHOT ELEMENTARY LIMBA ENGLEZĂ PLANIFICARE CALENDARISTICA ORIENTATIVĂ ANUL ŞCOLAR 2006 − 2007 Nr. Crt. 1. UNITATEA DE ÎNVĂŢARE HAVE FUN IN YOUR TOWN! U1: Nice to Meet You All U2: You Mustn’t Play Loud Music U3: I Always Have Coffee U4: Would You Like a Sandwich? U5: WIDE ANGLE Radio Days U6: Who Are They Playing? PROJECT 1: SNAPSHOT OF WHERE I LIVE O.R. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 4.1 4.2 5.1 CONŢINUTURI TIMP LIBER - locuri de petrecere a timpului liber - activităţi CĂLĂTORII - mijloace de transport - locuri de vacanţă F1: a da şi a solicita informaţii despre viaţa personală F2: a da şi a solicita informaţii despre lumea înconjurătoare F3: a descrie persoane F6: a exprima o obligaţie, lipsa unei obligaţii F7: a face o sugestie SCOALA - obiecte de studiu, orar - reguli F1: a da şi a solicita informaţii despre viaţa personală F2: a da şi a solicita informaţii despre lumea înconjurătoare F3: a descrie personae F5: a exprima preferinte F6: a exprima o obligaţie, lipsa unei obligaţii F7: a face o sugestie - timpul trecut simplu - adverbe de timp: yesterday, last, ago CUMPARATURI - magazine - marfuri specifice, bani CALATORII - mijloace de transport F1: a da şi a solicita informaţii despre viaţa personală F2: a da şi a solicita informaţii despre lumea înconjurătoare F3: a descrie personae F5: a exprima preferinte F7: a face o sugestie timpul trecut simplu (afirmativ, negative, interogativ) adverbe de timp: yesterday, last, ago NR. SĂPT. ORE OBS. 20 1 – 10 2. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.2 4.1 4.2 GOODBYE HOLIDAYS, WELCOME SCHOOL U7: A Liverpool Ghost Story U14: Do I Have Too? PROJECT 2: LET ME SHOW YOU MY SCHOOL 8 11 – 14 3. 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 4.2 5.1 A TRIP ACROSS THE TOWN U8: Girls Screamed and Wept PROJECT 3: SNAPSHOT OF MY EXPERIENCES 6 15 – 17 4. THE MORE WE ARE TOGETHER … U11: I’ve Lost My Rucksack! PROJECT 4: IDENTITY CARD PROJECT 5: MY BEST FRIEND 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 PRIETENIE 2.3 descrierea fizica si morala a prietenului 2.4 relatii intre prieteni 3.1 adjectivul: grade de comparatie 4.1 4.2 5.1 6 18 – 20 1 PRIETENIE relatii intre prieteni CALATORII mijloace de transport locuri de vacanta F2: a oferi si a solicita informatii despre lumea inconjuratoare F3: a descrie personae.1 4.3 2. DISCOVERING NEW PLACES AND NEW PLEASURES U12: It’s the highest in the World U13: You Shouldn’t Move It! U15: WIDE ANGLE Too Old at Fourteen U16: What Would You Like to Do? U17: If You Complain Any More? U18: The Scenes Are filmed Here U19: They Were Sold as Slaves U20: WIDE ANGLE PROJECT 7: THE WAY I SPEND MY FREE TIME PROJECT 8: SNAPSHOT OF A FAMOUS PLACE 7. obiecte F5: a exprima preferinte F7: a face sugestii . Crt.Nr. 5.2 1.2 2.2 5. obiecte F4: a oferi ajutorul F5: a exprima preferinte F7: a face o sugestie F8: a invita timpul trecut cu “used to” verbe modale conjunctia 20 24 . 1.2 2.adjectivul : grade de comparatie TIMP LIBER locuri de petrecere a timpului liber activitati NR.2 4.1 3. THE WORLD IS MINE 6 21 – 23 1.2 2. SĂPT.1 2.2 CONŢINUTURI ANIMALE descriere.3 2.2 5.3 2.33 TOATE RECAPITULARE FINALĂ 4 34 – 35 TOTAL: 70 ORE . ingrijire relatia om – animal F3: a descrie personae.1 4. ORE OBS. THE ANIMALS I KNOW U9: What Was I doing? U10: WIDE ANGLE Into the Jaws of Danger PROJECT 6: MY PET 6.1 2.1 1.R.4 3.4 3. UNITATEA DE ÎNVĂŢARE O. 11 06. UNITATEA DE INVATARE REVISION NICE TO MEET YOU ALL NR. under. Verbs: “must”. I ALWAYS HAVE COFFEE 2 2 5.12 11.10 1 1 09. I’VE LOST MY RUCKSACK 2 1 13. WHAT WAS IT DOING? 2 1 18. YOU MUSTN’T PLAY LOUD MUSIC 2 02. behind.10 – 13.09 Exercises STRUCTURA GRAMATICALA STRUCTURA DE COMUNICARE Present Simple (revision) Talk about personal details: countries and nationalities. above. “which”.10 30. “like”.12 – 22.10 16. Question word “whose?” Fast rewind: Units 6 and 7 Past Simple of irregular verbs Talk about rules Talk about routines Offer food and drink with “would like” Make polite requests with could 8. CRT . next to.11 – 10. “can”. WHO ARE THEY PLAYING? “there is”. “where” Past Simple of regular verbs Past Simple of verb “to be” Possessive pronouns.09 – 22.12 4.11 – 01. “in” Ask about and describe objects Describe people Exercises Project work TOTAL: 36 ORE . opposite. 2.01 29. GIRLS SCREAMED AND WEPT 2 10.01 Past Continuous Time Clauses with “when”. RADIO DAYS 1 1 1 1 1 7. types of music 3.01 – 26.01 15.12 – 08.11 – 24. “on”.01 22.11 20. “there are” with “some” and “any” Prepositions of place: in. INTO THE JAWS OF DANGER 2 12.10 – 06. A LIVERPOOL GHOST STORY 1 2 Ask and talk about past events 9.PLANIFICARE DIDACTICA PENTRU SEMESTRUL I ANUL SCOLAR 2006 – 2007 NR. “mustn’t”.01 – 12. “can’t” Fast rewind: Units 1 and 2 Adverbs/Phrases of frequency Present Simple for routines Present Continuous Present Simple and Continuous in contrast Countable and uncountable nouns Verb “have got” with “some” and “any” “Going to” future Fast rewind: Units 3 and 4 Consolidation of language and skills Wide angle on the world Project: ” Snapshot of Where I Live” Present Continuous as Future Gerund –ing after verbs like “hate”.10 – 27.01 – 19.12 08.12 – 15. WOULD YOU LIKE A SANDWICH 2 1 1 6.10 – 20. in front of.11 – 17. REVISION 2 08.09 – 29. 1. etc.11 – 01. OR E 2 2 SAPTAMAN A 18.09 25. family members.01 – 19.11 27. “while” Fast rewind: Units 8 and 9 Give biographical details Buy things in shops Ask for and give directions Describe past events 11.11 13. on.10 23. “prefer” Defining relative clauses with “who”. “(don’t) mind”.01 – 12.01 15.10 – 02.12 04.12 27.01 – 0202 Consolidation of language and skills Wide angle on the world Project: ” Snapshot of a Famous Place” Present Perfect Simple Prepositions: “with”. 05 – 25.03 12.02 – 23.05 – 18.02 – 02. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? 2 1 7. THE SCENES ARE FILMED HERE THEY WERE SOLD AS SLAVES 2 2 1 1 Remind and reassure people with “will”/”won’t” Order food and drink in a restaurant 10.04 – 06. CRT . DO I HAVE TO? 2 1 Talk about jobs 5.03 26. IF YOU COMPLAIN ANY MORE.04 – 27.06 Consolidation of language and skills Wide angle on the world Project: Snapshot of a Famous Place Exercises . 9.05 – 11.02 19. YOU SHOULDN’T MOVE IT 2 2 Verb “will”/”won’t” for predictions and decisions Verb “should”/”shouldn’t” for advice and obligation Verb “have to” (present and past simple) Fast rewind: Units 13 and 14 Talk about injuries Make decisions Give advice 4.05 – 01.06 11. TOO OLD AT FOURTEEN? 2 Consolidation of language and skills Wide angle on the world Project: Snapshot of my experiences “would like”/”would refer” + infinitive with “to”.PLANIFICARE DIDACTICA PENTRU SEMESTRUL AL II-lea ANUL SCOLAR 2006 – 2007 NR.03 26. 1. “a lot of” Fast rewind: Units 18 and 19 Apologize with a reason and respond 8.04 16. UNITATEA DE INVATARE REVISION IT’S THE HIGHEST IN THE WORLD NR. FINAL REVISION 4 04. Question word “how? + adjective” Fast rewind: Units 11 and 12 STRUCTURA DE COMUNICARE Ask and talk about experiences Make comparisons 3.03 05.03 – 23.04 23.04 – 20. “would rather” + infinitive without “to” The Imperative for instructions and advice Ask for and make suggestions with “shall”.04 – 04.02 – 16. “let’s” Express preferences 6.03 – 30. A DIARY OF HOPE 1 1 28.05 07.05 14.04 02. “why don’t we?”.05 21.04 30.03 02. … 2 1 1 First Conditional: if clause + ‘ll (will/won’t) Adverb formation Fast rewind: Units 16 and 17 The passive: present simple The passive: past simple “much”.02 26. 2.05 STRUCTURA GRAMATICALA Exercises Present Perfect simple with “ever” and “never” Comparative and superlative of short and long adjectives.02 – 23.04 16.06 – 08.03 – 30.04 – 20.02 – 02.02 19.03 19.03 – 09. OR E 2 1 2 1 SAPTAMAN A 12.04 – 06.03 – 16. “many”.03 26. 11.06 TOTAL: 34 ORE .06 – 15.
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