Planets_and_Education vol1 Singh-KN.Rao.pdf

March 20, 2018 | Author: navalambala | Category: Planets In Astrology, Applied Mathematics, Astrological Sign, Astrology, Astronomy



!Hindu Astrology SeriesI ~-) r~ ~1 r~ ·~. i._',-•••• L < Vol. I get many free Jyotish books/ documents and astrology Softwares at; ASTRO DOCUMENTS.html & ASTROLOGY.html 726 files,44 folders; 54400 viewers/downloaders in lyear(all free) folders cannot be downloaded, only files in them can . .click a folders in the left pane to open individual files and download them free from the right pane by right clicking on them and choosing download Planets and Education Naval Singh M. Sc. (Mathematics) at the right end of the text lines in some pages 1 or 2 characters are missing, just guess the word Guide and Editor K.N. Rao Vani Publication Delhi Acknowledgement I wish to express my deep gratitute to Shri K.N. Rao, who hav given me an opportunity to conduct a research on educationa counselling with the help of research students of Bharatiya Vidy Bhavan and encouraged me to produce a series of books o th subject. This book is the first part of the series. Therefore I a indebted to him for his encouragement and support rendere durin the production of this book. Many of my esteemed teachers, colleagues and student wh have generously given helpful comments and suppor durin th preparation of the manuscript and horoscopic data. I would particular! like to thank, Shri Manoj Pathak, Shri KK. Joshi, Dr. Vishal Wadhwa Shri Birjesh Singh, Shri Harish Balodi, Smt. Savita Garg an th students of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. The understanding and encouragement throughou thi who! project that I received from my mother Prem, wife Neelam Singh daughter Divya Singh and son Prithuprath Singh is deeply appreciated The financial support given by "the Societ fo Vedi Researches and Practices" for the production of this piec o research with evidences supporting the researche dul acknow !edged and admired. Naval Singh . ~· .,....... ~ ':' :·i ... '·' . -·~ ,. ·.P· ··r.-:· .t~ . Content ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.2 Acknowledgements.. . Contents...................... . About this Book and Author.. Preface.............. . ' ' ' ' ''''' '' .3 '' .4 '' '' .6 ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' .9 • Part - 1 Physical Sciences Mathematics........................................................... .9 Physics....... . Chemistry..... .3 '' ..4 • Part - 2 Engineering and Technolog Mechanical Engineering ........................................ 5 Civil Engineering....................................................6 Chemical Engineering ...........................................8 Electrical and Electronics Engineering. '' .8 Computer Science and Engineering ........... . ' ' " ' .9 • Part - 3 Biological Sciences Microbiology ...................................................... J 1 Biotechnology. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.!3 Biochemistry...................................................... J 3 • Part - 4 Medical Sciences DOCTORS- Education about Diseases................ .14 • Part - 5 Management Hotel Management ............................................. 16 • Part - 6 Education Abroad Study Abroad .................................................... J 8 Appendix- 1 Streams of Education ........................................ J 8 About this Boo and Author Among the topmost pnontles of parents in India who consul astrologers is the type of education of girl or boy would pursu o should pursue. In western countries there is psychological counsellin for this but it is not known how useful and effective it has bee i terms of finding out not merely right aptitudes but in predictin wha educational line a student would take. Psychologists are not predictor and in western astrology there is no predictive techniqu an it nothing like the vast repertoire of techniques as we have in Hind astrology. In ancient India, astrologers were consulted for such educationa counselling perhaps as can be guessed from the hints given in Jaimini Sutras. Some hints-available are not about the education one woul receive but about what would be professional inclinatio o a individual. From this we can infer that before joinin sue a profession one may get a training suitable for such a professio o even modern professional education. Fifth from Karakamsha for Education In Jaimini the Karakamsha lagna and the fifth from it is taken fo education and different planets in KL or the fifth from it sho th type of education one would receive. It should be kept in the min that the subjects mentioned here for ancient times when educatio meant learning mostly Mimamsa, Vedanta, Nyaya etc. Takin a hin from Jaimini we can adapt it for modern times. Jaimini Sutram ofP.S. Sastri (page 82) These planets may be together or separately. 103. ~ fcfifil<t'l'!.ll When Venus is so placesJ, one becomes an ordinary author Th Moon must be with Venus. 104. "1Wf ~sf411 Moon or Jupiter gives to an author all round knowledge But Jupiter in such a place makes one a grammarian. Ketu makes one a Mathematician. 110. 108. and a scholar in philosophy-i Vedanta. Vedanta. The Moon should be with Mercury. Jaimini Scheme The Jaimini scheme for seeing education and the training on . We have seen that these book talk about Mimamsa. Mars makes scholar in logic and epistemology. poet eloquent speaker. ~ Cl<liCfi{ui) ifG Clc. 1 0 7. 10s. ~ ctif<~ai•li~i ctiiOQ~:t'il 11 If Venus alone is in Karakamsa or in the fifth from it on becomes a poet. and a good critic of literature 106. Nyaya.~ If Mercury is so placed. This ca b derived carefully by studying the combination and effects of differen planets and/or the respective houses. a schola of the Vedas (scriptures) and a scholar in philosophy of Vedanta Venus makes ordinary author. and become author. one has an allround knowledge. viz. ~ lil4lflcti:ll Mercury in Karakamsa or in the fifth house makes one an exper in Mimansa. But makes one an exper i Mimansa.i•lfc:li>il 11 But Guru thus placed makes one particularly a grammarian a scholar of the Vedas (Scriptures).. Mercury makes ordinary author. "i Cl1llft II a Jupiter in the karakamsa or in the fifth does not make on eloquent speaker. one becomes nervou in speaking before or in facing an assembly. Sun makes one a scholar in philosophy of Vedant an a musician. ~ ~ !lf-'21Cfi:t'i'OIII When Guru is in Karakamsa or in the fifth from it. ~~~II If Saturn is in Karakamsa or in the fifth. The results as indicated by the planets are to be interprete now in the light of changing/prevailing environment. 109. one is an author of lesser importanc than in the case of Venus. an eloquent speaker. well-learned in all branches. 2nd and 5th for education The 3rct house also reveals something valuable. :t'" house 2nd house and 2nd lord is the determinant of the beginnin o learning at home and wAhin the family. Yoga etc.f lMft 11m "fcrnt ~~ii' ~ Cl II q ~ Cfl '{I ~ ~ 'fiiC"l<liC( '!iU:II Note: Parashara nowhere suggests that the fourth hous be seen for education. Nyaya. Parashari scheme What is to be seen from the fifth house is explained by Maharshi Parashara as Yantram. <P. South Indian scheme South Indian astrologers see education from the fourth house Using Nakshatras Using nakshatras sometimes gives very valuable clue th type of education one will have. tatha VIDYAM etc. it would be necessary to understan fe basic facts to avoid future complications. 2nd house may be attributed with 10% of the total attributes 4'h house has to be honoured with 30% and S'h house with 60%. are not among the popular subject these days.will have thus. Some work in this direction was done by student an continuing as can be seen from the following. will have to be seen from I. the supreme guru who undertakes the responsibilit towards an orientation programme. as Mimamsa. A mother reigns suprem i that environment. Indepth study has finall established the attributes of the houses described above and we shal proceed on such premises. And we would be doing th same to place everything in correct perspective. Each planet will to be seen in modern context. so that the child can face the worl . Vedanta. Reproduced from the journal of Astrology (October-Decembe 2001 page 66) To work in any direction. As far as educatio i concerned. the second house and the fifth house 2. Here lies a great difference between the North and astrologers from the Souther part oflndia who considers 4'h house being the house for education vis a vis the role of S'h house in Northern India. Mantram. Karakamsha lagna. Lord of navamsha rashi of Mercury and its placement. 4" house guides the student toward the type of learning. 4'' house Whereas the 4" house indicates home atmosphere conducive fo learning or negates it. This is an important aspect because unless and until the home atmosphere is conducive." Finally. And finally it is the lagna and the lagna lord who hold the key of everything in life including education. Mercury Similarly the Mercury's condition and its good connection will lead to good education. Bad health will never allow any one to proceed smoothly in the path of education. Therefore look for the following Navamsha position of the 5" lord. 5 ·lord of navamsha and its relation ship. (refer table 1) . Strong and well place Jupiter in kendra or trine/5' house or with the lord of 5·· house leads to an excellent education. Jupiter Main significator for education. Therefore carefu examination of 5" house and 5" lord and its connection reveal the wealth of knowledge. there can not be any successfu follow up in the field of education. Some guidelines about the type of education can be got fro the table given here. The 5" house is the creative faculty. Navamsha For arriving at a definite conclusion the role of navamsha can no be overlooked. That is why a thorough examination of the 4 house and 4 · lord indicates the type of education. Her influences remain supreme throughout the life of th person. do not become complacent because educational pattern have been changing decade after decade. Karakas ( S ignificators) Natural progression for examining any particular aspect need precise examination of the significators.squarely. 5" house As indicated earlier 5 · house has the total attributes of 60% an rightly so. Here each division is one degre and fifteen minutes which makes it a very delicate instrumen fo research. For instance. Remember to put the navamsha of the Atmakaraka in the birt horoscope and treat that as Karakamsha lagna. Now confirm the results by examining the first. second and fift houses from Karakamsha lagna. particular! a the planetary influences on the fifth house and the fifth lord. Repeat this exercise by looking at the navamsha. 3. Then concentrate on the nakshatra in which the fifth lor placed. 3.The scheme The scheme consistently followed in this book is first look at: 1. a perso may do engineering and later do economics and land a big job in th World Bank on the basis of his qualifications in economics and rna not pursue engineering career at all. Note: The most challenging research these days is to se tw main subjects one studies and makes a career. 5. IfYogini dasha gives any hint make use of it. Specific nakshtara dashas of Parashara like Dwisaptat Sam Dasha and Chatursheeti Sarna Dasha. it can lea to serious to ordinary error in many cases. Note: The Chaturvimshamsha chart or the 24'h division o th horoscope should be used only if the birth time recorded and bein used in this research is accurate. Note: There are cases of Indians in USA who have don thei education in medicine and later giving it up took to sale and purchas buildings after doing a diploma in estate management But in this book we are concentrating on the one main cours o study which most of us do and pursue one career throughou til retirement. If some hints are available from the fourth house as south India astrologers. If there is a difference of even half minute in a horoscop particularly in the case of crucial planets for this research. There are talented students who have done well in two subject like say economics and sitar and have had a difficult choic . 4. Jaimini's Chara dasha 2. The fifth house and fifth lord and planetary influences on them 2. The dasha scheme The dasha mainly being used is the Vimshottari mahadash supported by 1. do that also. Pag 76 (shloka 60) When the rasi representing the 4'h bhava is occupied by its lor or is either aspected by or associated with a benefic planet th person born will be amiable for his learning and humility. From "Chaturtha Bhava Phalam" page 765: The acquisition of learning arise from fourth house. an Role of Mahadasha In all the studies. I found Naval Sing studying in one of my research classes the brightest th mos creative showing that rare spirit which a moder astrologica researcher has to have to question the validity of som o th principles given in our astrological texts. or aspected by a malefic planet. the role of mahadasha is most importan because if one gets good mahadasha at the time of education on! then good success leads to the making of a good career..Subramanya Sastri Seeing Education Page 727: (South Indian View) from "Dwitya Bhava Phalam" Learning and Speech should be recognized by the Astrologe from second House. But. modern is or eve challenge them. before I fell sick in 2000. if the lord of the fourth bhava occupy a dusthana o associated with. The same will be case when Mercury is the strongest.-choosing a career. Give here are two instances. Vaidyanatha Dikshita's JATAKA PARIJATA Vol 3 by V. We are taking those cases mostly. we can use more tha on mahadasha and cross check them for a sound prediction.. one of an Indian woma another of a Russian boy. th perso . in the books of famou astrologers. change.. to modify. including mine. Multiple dashas In making use of mahadashas. How education is to be seen is given in different books whic Abha Sharma a bright woman astrology researcher has compile here. Many yeas ago. the perso born will be learned in the sacred books. own house.e 3. learned and devoted to music. and will become favourite of kings and emperors From "Pancham Bhava Phalam" Page 795 (shlaka I) It is from the fifth "bhava" that an astrologer should think abou a person's education. he will surpass in learning. Abha Sharma Second Classic : Maansagari by Pandit Seetaram Jha Seeing Education as per Maansagari. "Mantradhan". Translated tram Astrology Classic in Hindi by Mrs. From "Dasham Bhava Phalam" Page 896 (Shloka I) An astrologer may ascertain a person's knowledg of specia arts and learning generally by means of lOth bhava. Mercury Jupiter and Saturn. the perso affected by this yoga will be eloquent and conversant with man sciences. Page 89 Education is seen from 5th house.e. or if they are in depression or inimical signs If Jupiter. learnin and education. Page 884 (shloka 76) If Mars and Mercury be together in the 9th bhava. The same will be the result when lord of fourth hous is a malefic rasi. t Secret thoughts. trikon or in exaltation or in "swakshetra" i.6 . Page 885 (shloka 77) IfMercury and Venus combine in the 9th bhava. Sun.concerned will be devoid of learning. Mercury and lord of 4th bhava are in any of the dusthana i. Page 797 (shloka 4) If 5th bhava is occupied by a malefic planet and its lord being void of strength. 12 from the Lagna. oratory skills (Vachano kee chaturta) pros . etc. Managemen of wisdom strategy ("Neeti"). occupy a malefic portion of a sign the person born will b void of learning. intelligence and royal favours Page 882 (shloka 72) If Jupiter is in the 9th house and is aspected by Mercur an Venus. should be seen fro fift house. Mercury and lord of 4th bhava are in Kendra. education. virtues.8. Page 766 (shloka 6I) A person will be devoid of learning. the person born will be perfect in the combination of such advantages as fortune. Page 884 (shloka 75) If Moon and Mercury be together in the 9th bhava. intelligence and judgmen if Jupiter. the person bor will be wise. the astrology classic. Narasimha's. I became aware of it as many of my friend an colleagues asked me about the choice of educational courses for thei children and asked me to predict. But I thought that it should be develope mor b some astrologer who had his education in science as 1 bein a hundred percent student of humanities. education and strength should be seen from Venus. I struggled hard. poetry ("padya") and growth of wisdom should be see from 5'h house. ambitious students. etc. with some modification. wise decisio to liberalise Indian economy. proficiency in poetry.V. etc. The need to have an intensive focus on various educationa choices in India is much greater now in the twenty first century tha it was ever before. Page 462 Music. semi-technical and technica educatio whic Naval Singh has used. Mathematics th Vedas artistic pursuits. dancing skills. The largest credit for the boomin economy India boasts of now is largely or solely the result of the wis economic policy of P.("gadya"). ha goo percentage of success and evolved the table showing planet wise th nontechnical. should be seen from Jupiter. knowledg o vedantas. the boom in th growth of technical educational institutions was an inevitabl consequence. Naval ' Singh always stood out even as a researcher in the class I was taking I asked him to carry forward a half done research of mine. P. literary happiness. Page 460 Politeness. Pag 462 From this summary of Abha. in this book. playing of instruments humour. encountered some difficultie in detecting some neat distinctions between differen type o technical education.V. should be seen from Mercury Page 462 Oratory skills. It began to move faster in the ninetie whic coincided with Indian prime minister. Among the students in our research classes we have many wh have brilliant predictive ability and some who have superfin talen for research in astrology for the modern world in which we live. clarity of speech (Vaakpatu). purity of mind. it should be clea tha th emphasis is on the fifth house for education. With that. Narasimha Rao. I tested it time and again and got more than seventy percen correct results. From the eighties of the twentiet century technical education has slowly been becoming a good choic fo . I carried on this research and was teaching a research class thes parameters when Naval Singh came to attend a class of mine an . issue of 2001). I handed over the class to him for further research and h not merely produced finer astrological combinations but produce this book which is most valuable and most original one ever in thi field.accidentally discovered that he could continue from where 1 coul leave off. The table used here has been published earlier in the issue of the Journal of Astrology (Oct-Dec. Rao. ' .N. K. After completion ofpresentatio by research students. on the same day. Rao which I attended on 24. when 1 prepare t move out of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. After completion of class. his fifth lord. He rang me on Monday for astrologica guidance at about 11:30 AM.2006. ln navamsha chart. it provides inclination to study Jeeva-Vigyan (Biology) but Jupiter has to have some relationship with the educatio givin houses. The boy was having some obstacle i hi education and he was not taking interest in the studies. Shri K.N. Rah an Ketu) in a chart. Rao. Shri Rao ha indicated good education for the boy and also prescribed a Saraswat mantra to be recited 108 times daily so that the bo coul concentrate on his studies. h ha completed his education and did a course in Floriculture fro a foreign country. placed in the seventh (Taurus sign) an i aspected by the Mars.N. He was then running the mahadash of Jupiter. Rao took a chart from hi ow collection and explained the educational pattern of a bo usin Vimshottari dasha. Saturn. as told by Shri K. one of our Jyotish Alanka students met me at the exit point of the Bhavan and requeste me t read his chart as he wanted to take some astrological tutelag for hi ' research work. When 1 looked into his horoscope what 1 found.09. ln the research clas Shri Rao demonstrated the techniques/probabl parameter fo career in naturopathy and some of the research student hav als presented case studies on this basis. He said that Jupiter is Jeeva and whenever it come under the influence of technical planets (Mars. Shri Rao also explained the role of Jupiter i th study of Biology. 1 asked him to give his birth details and told him t contact on Monday.r Preface The story of this project began with a researc clas o Shri KN. From the days of my study and research in astrology i hav the habit and deep thrust to check the applicability of principles an parameters being taught in the classroom. was unbelievable. Later. Jupiter is again the fift . Immediately 1 switche o m computer and calculated his chart. D. "Yes.lord. His horoscope is as under After completing the July 2006 research session. Ra Ket Jup(R) Moon Scorpio Lagna Chart 04-10-1976 10:54:00 Male Mars Rah Ven Sat Lag Sun Mer Lagna Sun Moon 16° 36' 17° 34' 02° 56' Mars Mercury Jupiter 03° 20' 00° 24' 07° 19' Venus 16° 19' Saturn Rahu 20°44' 10°11' Jup(R) Sun Ven Sat Rah Mer Vargottama Navamsha Chart Ket Lag Mars Moon asked me to conduct a research on educational counsellin an career pattern with the help of the same research batch tha wa taken by him. placed in own house and is aspected by the Saturn. I kept silence an could not do anything except to remember Rao Saheb and sai t myself God! After that I wrote an article for the Journal of Astrolog under the title "A Study in Biotechnology" using the horoscop o this research student as case study. a tabl was provided to me by Shri Rao for research guidelines in educatio . in Biotechnology at Indian Institut of Technology(IIT).. Shri KN." For a bit of time. New Delhi. In the beginning of the session in January 2007. 1 am pursuing Ph. Instantl I asked him "Are you doing research in Biology or Biotechnology? H said. Biochemistry. Dance Painting. Computer Language/ Programming. Commerce. I ' Saturn History. Geology Pilot. Management. Work Archaeology Research work. Astronomy. Engineering. Air Hostess. Physics. I Accountancy Jupiter History. Biotechnology. Destiny and the Wheel o Time" for educational and career counselling. Finance.December Issue. Land I I Mercury Astrology. Architecture. Mechanical Law. Prachin Vidya. Mechanic Semi-technical Accounts Science. Banking. Tourism. Horticulture and Agriculture). semi-technical and technical influences Planets Non-Technical Sun Political Science Technical Semi-Technical Higher Mathematics. Law Mula (Botany. Humanities. Psychology Avionics Rahu Ketu Languages Languages . Fashion Designi~g. My research is based on the parameter and table given by Shri Rao. The parameter ar 1 based on the study of 5'h house. Mula -Ayurvedic Mathematics. Mechanical Work Higher Accountancy Moon Mars Fine Arts. Computer Graphics & Animation. fea 200I October . Music. Paramedics Pharmacy. Engineering. Sociology Management. Dance Law. Sanskrit. Medicine. Music. Microbiolog in association with Jupiter. Photography Jeev Vigyan (Biology) Zoology in association with Ketu. Philosophy Hotel Management. t Classical Literature Venus Fine Arts. Logic related. Geography. Public Relation. the house of education an ar Table -1 Education indicated by various planets under technical. Actuary Medicines Chemistry. Aerospace/Aeronautica Engineering/Environmenta Science Meteorology. I have applied the same parameter a given by Shri Rao in his book "Astrology.r t which was devised by him after a long research and experienc an has also been published in the journal of Astrology. In this research work. Environmental Science Science. Humanities. Statistics.I. I have modified this table after studyin number of charts and the modified version of this table is given 1 Table. Journalism. Psychology. Vishal Wadhwa. A chapter of th fourt sections of this book i. The ongoing parameters have been applied on the birth an navamsha charts only to decide the educational pattern However Maharishi Parashara has prescribed the role of Chaturvimshamsh chart for education.e.reproduced here. Keeping in view this aspect. Doctors . (iv) The strongest of those choices and the mahadasha running will ultimately decide the choice of higher education and the caree pattern. Medical Sciences Management and Education Abroad. (i) The nakshatra in which the fifth lord from the lagna is placed an the influence of other planets and the lord of th hous involved. (ii) Then see the influences on the fifth house and the fifth lord fro Mercury. Biological Sciences. an allopathic doctor. (iii Combine both. I have confined myself to use the birth and navamsh charts along with Vimshottari dasha for deciding the educationa pattern. 04 September 2007 Krishna janamashtami Naval Singh . in the majority of horoscopes. the influences of planets to decide the variou educational choices available. This chart has also been used by me in some cases wher time of birth is 100% about disease written by Dr. This book is designed in six sections viz. Physical Sciences Engineering and Technology. This chart can only be used where time of birth noted is 100% correct. structure. Mathematics evolved from counting calculation.Political Science Semi Technical . to understan th relationship between numbers. There are three majo disciplines of mathematics i. space and change and also the academi discipline that studies them.Statistics. optimization probability.e. operations research and computer science. mathematical economics. numerical analysis.Mathematics and Physics If we keep in mind the various branches of mathematic a referred above and observe the ensuing case studies carefully w shall find. Astronomy and Actuary Pure Technical . which includes statistics.Mathematics Mathematics is the knowledge. the major disciplines with mathematics arose ou o the need to do calculations in commerce. "how logical is Shri Rao's observation about signification of the Sun for studying mathematics and physics". Rao and se the significations of Sun. mathematical biology. cryptography research etc . Let us take a cas . 1 operations I Let us now refer to the table. Earlier. Many branches of applie mathematics have now merged with other related areas and becom independent disciplines. which focus on the concept such as quantity. ·financial mathematics. imaginary abstractions. measurement. mathematical fluid dynamics. computationa complexity theory and information theory. Discrete mathematics is generally found to be useful in theoretical computer science. Now a days. game theory.1 given by Shri K. mathematics is found in al the sciences. Pure Mathematics Discret Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. I am now describing the major disciplines of applied mathematic that will help the readers in understanding the signification of planet to be applied while analysing the horoscope. to measure land.N. statistics. computers. They are as under: Liberal . which includes computability theory. and to predic th astronomical phenomenon. These are mathematical physics. study of shapes and motion of physica bodies. 5th lord Venus is placed in the 4th house. Mars. 5th house is aspected by the Sat Mars. From Mercury. in th nakshatra of Ketu.1 Moon Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 03° 09' 00° 15' 15° 53' 19°15' 02°57' 15°19' Ket 01°17' Sun Ven 23° 12' 17° 45' Jup Mars Lag Navamsha Chart Sat Mer Moon Rah . Jupiter and 5th lord. Ketu excep the aspect ofJupiter. Venus is in deep combustion with exalted and vargottam Sun. In birth chart. Fifth house and fifth lord Venus come under the influence of technical planets i. The Moon is also vargottama.e. the Moon is placed in the sign of the Sun in the nakshatra ofVenus. in the sign of Mars and is aspected by the exalte Mars. Saturn. In Navamsh Mer Sun Ven Sat Ket Lag Jup Mars Rah Capricorn Lagna Chart 14-04-1973 Female Case Study . Venus is also vargottama. 5th house is occupied by Saturn and is aspecte b the debilitated Jupiter. Lucknow (India) to confirm the applicability of the Sun's signification She has exalted and has vargottama Sun in her horoscop an completed her studies (graduation and post graduation) in mahadash of the of a woman born on 14rn April 1973 at 01:18:00 hours (1S1). Hons.A. Hans. Rao is correct.A. Venus. In 1989.(Mathematics. physics or statistics. 5111 house is occupied by Jupiter. He completed his study upto 1:!h standard in the mahadasha of Rahu and completed 11 1h and 1:. Economics and Mathematics in B. This is . The aspect of Jupiter on 5111 house in birth char an placement of Jupiter in 5 111 house of navamsha char an th mahadasha of Sun promoted her to study the Political Science in th presence of weak and unhelpful Mercury. • 1988 when he was running the dasha of Jupiter/Jupiter/Saturn.2 The person was born on 26'h August 1970 at 11:32:00 hours(IST) a I ltawa. in the sign of Mars. Mars and Saturn are know a th technical planets. and the Sun. the period of Dasha Chhidra and it has some special significance in the study of this person. He joined B. statistics or physics in the dash o strong Sun. Saturn. Here Shri K. Now we hav t find out the role of supporting planet along with the Sun for stud yin mathematics. Let us analyse his chart.A. She topped the colleg i graduation and postgraduation respectively as she has vargottam fifth lords both from Lagna and Mercury. he changed from Science to Arts stream and chose the subjects English. in 1982. Here in the birth chart Mercury is debilitated and is not associated either with 5'11 hous o 5'11 lord of education.(Political Science. He lost interest in studying the Science subjects in December. In navamsha chart.N.Sc. From the above study. That's why sh could not study mathematics.) in the dash of Sun/Mars/Venus and M. She wanted to do researc but the next dash a of Moon.) in June. 1988. He continued with Mathematics in Arts stream also and completed his B. it is learnt that Sun ne&ds the help of Mercury for study of Mathematics. In astrological classics. Venus again comes under the influenc o Mars. 5'11 house or 5'11 lor is also bereft of the association or aspect of Mercury. he ha indicated political science under Sun's signification.!h classes in Rahu!Mars with science J subjects (Maths Group). we find th role of Mercury for mathematical ability. Hindi. 1990 This is the perfect combination for studying mathematics physic o statistics. her vargottama seventh lord eventuall she got married and settled as housewife. 5tl' lord. in association with the Sun an is aspected by Saturn. t .chart. Venus is again place in the 4 111 house. I Case Study . But she joiried the B.(Political Science) in June/July 199 i the dasha of Sun/Mercury/Sun.A. She also got the mahadash of exalte an vargottama Sun when she joined graduation in June/July. 5'h house has Rahu in own nakshatr an i aspected by the digbali Jupiter.2 Libra Lagna Chart 26-08-1970 Male Lag Jup Sun Ket Mars Ven Mer Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 26° 43'09° 08' 07° 05' 01° 29' 03° 48' 08° 05' 25° 09' 29° 05' 09° 22' Lag Sun Ket Mars Mer Navamsha Chart Ven Jup Sat Moon Rah Lag Mer Rah Dashamsha Chart Ven Sat Moon Mars Jup Sun Ket In birth chart. powerful Sun and Mars.Sat Moon Rah Case Study . 5 lor . The presence of Rahu-Ketu axis along 5th_l lth houses is one of the major factors for studyin languages in the dasha of benefic Jupiter. This is the story of this person. The connection of benefi dasha lord Jupiter with Sun. 5th lor Saturn and lOth lord Moon (in Gemini). Saturn is again the 5t lord Mercury is placed in its sign of exaltation and is in the nakshatr o Sun. Mars and Ketu in presenc of stron Mercury is a combination for studying languages.N. See the influence of Mercury an Jupiter on lagna in dashamsha chart of this person for caree i Shri K. Jupiter is lOth lord of navamsha chart and i placed in 7th house (Sagittarius). ln navamsha chart. (final year). is aspecting the Rahu (placed in fifth house). Rao in his Book "Dips Into Divini!Y Astrology History" has written about methods of late D. He joined government service as Clerk on 2nd June 1992 befor the announcement of result of B. During the dash o Jupiter.Saturn is placed in the sign of Mars. Jupiter is aspectin th 10 lord.A. Sun. Mercury and Mars with 5 house or 5th lord in birth and navamsha charts was responsibl fo opting Mathematics as one of the subjects in B. Jupiter is again lOth lord of dashamsh chart and is placed in seventh house and is aspected by Mercury from Lagna. Jupite is placed in own sign with Saturn. Moon and Rahu and is aspectin the fifth lord Venus. economic an mathematics. Subha Rao. The connection of powerful Sun. In navamsha chart. he also became Junior Accountant and was subsequent! promoted to the rank of Accountant. 5th house is aspected by the Mars. ! method of late Subha Rao with some modifications and variations for determining career pattern in number of cases and found workin perfectly. 5th lor Venus is placed in the sign of Sun and is aspected by Mercury an Jupiter. V. the own house of Mercury. Jupiter is placed in lagn of birth chart.A. Moon in birth chart. Can it be possible to explain these types of changes in caree by any method or any other science known to us? Only Hind Astrology can make it possible. started with study of Science then Arts with Mathematics and finally the career in account an finance. From Mercury. Ketu and Mars. in the nakshatra of Sun an i aspected by Jupiter. Jupiter. ln view of ongoing case studies. it is found that the Sun is th . a great astrologer for karma motivations in any horoscope based 1 on influence of planets on the lagna and the lagna lord. the s'h and use thi 1 tdh houses and their lords of the dashamsha chart I hav accounts and finance. Now see the role of dasha lord. He joined B. He joined government service in February 1973. (Mathematics) in 1969. 5th house is occupied by exalted Venus and Mar and is aspected by the Saturn.(Physics. Moon Scorpio LagnaChart 10-03-1951 Male Case Study. Let us check the role of Sun with Mercury an Mars for studying higher Mathematics in the ensuing case studies Case Study . Chemistry. Sc.main planet for studying higher Mathematics that come unde technical umbrella.3 The person was born on 1dh March 1951 at 22:30:00 hours(IST) a Hoogly. Mathematics) in 1967 and then M. Mercury (karaka for intelligence and mathematica ability) and Mars (a technical and karaka for Logic) will b th supporting planets. In birth chart.3 Lag Ket Sat(R) Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 01° 46'26° 08' 00° 16' 13° 36' 25° 29' 26° 55' 23° 44' 06° 30' 25° 50' Moon Sun Mer Rah Jup Ven Sat(R) Lag Navamsha Chart Ket Mars . Venus is in the nakshatra of Mercury Mars is in the nakshatra of Saturn and Saturn in the nakshatra of Sun.Sc. Venus is exalted in fifth house and is in nakshatr o Mercury. Out of which. an airy sign of Saturn Jupiter is associated with the Sun. however. an airy sign o Mercury and is aspected by fifth lord Mars. Fifth lord from Mercury is Mercury itself and i combust with Sun. the connection of antardasha lord. Mars and Saturn. Jupiter. In navamsha chart. he wa mor interested in Mathematics than Chemistry. Antardasha of fifth lord.(Mathematics) in 1969 during the dash o Venus/Jupiter/Venus. They are placed almost in one-degree differenc wit Jupiter. Antardasha lord Rahu is associated wit Sun and Mercury in eleventh house and is aspected by the fifth lord. Jupiter is fifth lord placed in Aquarius an airy sign of Saturn and is associated with Sun and Mercury I navamsha chart. This case study confirms the role Sun for studyin highe . Mercury and fifth lord Jupiter. mahadasha and pratyantar dash lord Venus is associated with Saturn and is aspected by the fifth lord Mars and ninth lord. Jupiter is placed in the 4'h house. the Sun i dominating. Also see the degrees of planets associated with 5 lord. The role ofVenus has already been discussed In birth chart. Mar and is aspected the Sun. Jupiter i i deep combustion with the Sun.Sc. Rahu with Sun. Thus. The presenc of watery in the fifth house from lagna in birth and navamsh chart also gives indications towards chemistry.Sc.e.(Physics. Mercury and Saturn. Notice Mercury_ and influence of mathematics Mars. Venus is associated with Mars and is aspected by the Saturn Antardasha lord Rahu is associated with Sun. Mahadasha and pratyanta dasha lord. antardasha lord. 5th house is occupied by its own lord. the commo planets are Sun. Jupiter. Jupiter connected with Sun and Mercury in birth chart and Mars and Mercury in navamsha chart is an excellent period for higher studies in mathematics. He studied chemistr as a compulsory subject available with the group. Fifth house from Mercury is Gemini. He joined B. Jupiter is ninth lord placed in Gemini. Thus Jupiter lost his significatio i favour of the Sun. Mercury and Rahu. Mercury. fifth lord in birth and navamsha charts under the technical planets Mars and Saturn for studyi'!g and physics.r'Fifth lord. a sign of Mercury and i aspected by Mars. Chemistry and Mathematics in 196 during the dasha of Venus/Rahu/Venus. In navamsha chart. Mercury an Mars comes into play prominently in birth and navamsh charts Hence the education has to be Mathematics and Physics. He joined M. The role of Sun with supporting planets i. She joined government service as computer programmer after completing PG Dip. fifth house from lagna is occupied by its lord Mar who is in nakshatra of Mercury and is aspected by the Sun an Mercury. Aries(its exaltation sign). Saturn is placed in tenth house i the airy sign of Mercury and is aspected by Mars while the Sun i placed in the sign of Mars. Fifth lord. Case Study . Observations Tenth lord jupiter from the mahadasha lord Venus is associate with the Sun and Mercury within one-degree difference.Sc. Fifth house from Mercury has Jupiter Ketu and Moon and is aspected by Venus. Chemistry an Mathematics). The Sun gets exaltation sign in navamsha chart and Mercur is vargottama.mathematics.(Physics. The presence of watery sign in 5th hous from lagna and presence of vargottama Moon in 5th hous fro Mercury also gives indications towards Chemistry. Jupiter gets debilitatio sign in navamsha chart while Moon and Venus are vargottama The have to improve the quality of fifth house from Mercury.Sc. She joined B. Thus the education has t b Mathematics and physics. in June 1986 during the dasha of Rahu/Venus Sun. Chemistry and Mathematics) in June 1986 and then M. In navamsha chart.Sc. That's why sh did M. Mahadasha lord Rahu is placed in the ninth hous wit antardasha lord Venus and is aspected by the ninth lord Jupite an .4 This woman was born on 28'h May 1969 at 09:55:00 hours(IST). the influence of Sun comes into notic prominently and the influence of Mars and Mercury will suppor th Sun in studying Mathematics.(Physics. Sh studie Chemistry as a compulsory subject available with Mathematic an Physics but her inclination was to study Mathematics. Summing up the influences. Thus it rna have some relevance for studying mathematics. We may confirm it in ensuing case studies. Thus the role of the Sun wit Mercury and Mars comes into play again. Coimbatore.(Mathematics) in June 1989. Fifth lor from Mercury is Mercury itself and is associated with powerfu th Sun and is aspected by the Mars. Therefore. She joined B. role of Sun come int pla prominently with Mars and Mercury.Sc.(Mathematics) after completing B. in Computer Science. In birth chart.Sc. 4 Mars(R) Ket Moon Jup Lagna Sun Moon Mars 17° 43' Mercury Jupiter Venus 15° 06' 02° 42' Ven Saturn Rahu 07° 09' 13° 14' 27° 25' 29° 24' Sun 09° 59' 04° 23' Sat Mer(R) Ket Navamsha Chart Jup Rah Mars(R) Lag Moon Lag Sun Jup Moon Ket Mer Sat Dashamsha Chart Ven Mars Rah lvargottama lagna lord Moon. Ibis is an excellent combinatio fo study. Venus is in nakshatra of Mercury. Mercury is associate wit .Ven Rah Sat Sun Mer(R) Cancer Lagna Chart 28-05-1969 Lag Female Case Study. The Sun i exalted. Out of which Jupiter is under the influence two malefic planet i. Tenth lord Jupiter from mahadasha lord Rahu is placed th sign of Mercury and in the nakshatra of Sun.(Physics. Chemistry.(Mathematics) in June I989 during the dash of Rahu/Sun/Venus. of the Sun. In navamsha chart.Sun and is aspected by the fifth lord Mars. 5th and lOti' house of dashamsh chart for career in the field of computer programmin an languages. thus loses its beneficence.Sc. Rahu is placed in Leo. In navamsh chart . 5th house is aspected by Jupiter. which includes computer programming and computer languages during service. Pratyantar dasha lord Su is placed in the 11th house with Mercury and is aspected by the fift lord Mars. antardasha lord for studying This case study confirms the role of Sun fo mathematics. Observations studyin I. She joined M. This combination indicate caree computer programming. Sc. Role of dasha has been explained above Notice the importance Mathematics.3. He joined government service in 1984 in the field of computer programming and did many computer courses.5 The person was born on :Jd October 1960 at 12:10:00 hours(IST) a Delhi. W may check it repeatedly in next case studies to make it confirm 2. (Mathematics) in June 1980. associated with Ket and is aspected by Mars. Mars and Saturn. 3. Refer table . Th sam combination is repeated here like previous case study . He was also involved in teaching computer programming and languages.1 for role of Ket learning computer languages. In dashamsha chart. He joined B. Case Study . Mercury is fifth lord.e. Influence of vargottama Mercury on 5th house and fift lord Mars from lagna and presence of Ketu in the 5th hous fro Mercury may mean study of computer languages. Mercur an Venus. In birth chart. We may als confirm it in ensuing case studies.Sc. We may check the influenc o Mercury and Ketu on lagna. sign of Sun Venus is ninth lord and is aspected by Mars and Saturn. Thus navamsha chart r~peats the story of birth chart. 5th house is aspected by IO lor Saturn from third house. 1977 and then M. Mathematics) in June. Mars Ket Moon Case Study. Mars is placed in the airy sign of Mercury an .5 Sagittarius Lagna Chart 03-10-1960 Male Lag Jup Sat Rah Ven Mer Sun Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 02° 35' 16° 44' 25° 39' 12° 35' 08° 49' 03° 17' 14° 07' Lag Jup Ket 18° 45' 22° 08' Moon Sun Ven Navamsha Chart Mars Mer Rah Sat Rah Sat Ven Dashamsha Chart Jup Lag Mer Mars Moon Sun Ket jupiter is again placed in the sign of Mars with Ketu and is aspecte by Mars. S'h lord. Pratyanta dasha lord. Mahadasha lord. Thus navamsha chart confirms the promise of birth chart. Sun and Mars both are placed in the signs of Mercury.e. The Sun is also placed in the sign ofMercury. th Sun. there is again a link of Sun. Venu i associated with Mercury and is aspecting the fifth house. Observations 1. Venus is aspecting the fifth house. Th role of Sun with supporting planets i. Antardasha lord.Sc. In navamsha chart. All the dasha lords are connected with fifth house or fift lord. a sign of Mercury and is aspecting the fifth lord. fifth lord Mars and digbali Sun. lord) Notice the importance of the Sun for studying mathematics with astronomy. Thus the connection of digbal and powerful Sun with fifth lord Mars an Mercury shows education in the field of Mathematics. All th dasha lords are connected with fifth house or fifth lord. Chemistry and Mathematics in 197 during the dasha of Saturn/Venus/Sun. Tenth house from mahadasha lord Saturn is occupied by the Sun and tenth lord is Mercury. Mercury. He studied chemistry as a compulsor subject available with the group.Sc. Saturn is tent lor placed in Virgo. In Navamsha chart. (antardasha This case study also confirms the role of Sun for studyin mathematics. Fifth lord. From Mercury fifth house has Ketu and Moon. The role of dash a lords has alread been discussed. Mars. Antardasha lord. He joined M.aspecting the Sun. Tenth lord Mercur th . Thus the educatio has to be Mathematics and Physics. It is also not associate with fifth house in navamsha chart.(Physics. Also notic the connection of dasha lords with Sun. Mercury and Mars come int play prominently in birth and navamsha charts.(Mathematics) with Astronomy in 198 durin the dash a of Saturn/Sun/Mercury. Saturn is placed in the nakshatra of Venus wh i associated with Mercury. Fifth lord is Sun and is aspected by the Mercur an Saturn. the Sun is the fifth lord and is aspected by the Mercury. the Sun is digbali and is aspected by the fifth lord Mar and Saturn. Mercury and Mars with fifth lord Saturn. He joined B. He was more intereste i Mathematics than Chemistry. Mars. The presence of Moon in the fift house from Mercury also gives indications towards chemistry but it i not connected with fifth house from lagna. From Mercury. Pratyanta dasha. Satur i aspecting the Moon. Saturn is aspectin th Mars and Sun. fifth house is aspected by exalted Mars from tenth house. Mahadasha lord. (Mathematics) Hons. (Mathematics) Hans. both are placed in the nakshatra of Sun. Case Study . in the sign of Mercury and in the nakshatra of Sun. He was also involved in teaching computer programming and languages and is an expert person with updated knowledge in the field of computer programming and languages.6 The person was born on 41h May 1969 at 15:10:00 hours(IST) atAimora. Fifth lord is Mercury and is aspected by the Sun and Mars. Mar i also placed in the sign of Mercury. From Mercury. 3. Sc. Fifth lord.Pf nakshatra ~t·j of Rahu who is placed in the sign of the Sun. We shall also check it in the nex cas studies to confirm the same. it has some relevance with the stud o r~ Mathematics. Antardash . In navamsha chart. Jupiter is aspecting the tenth hous being lagna lord. Saturn is associated with exalte Sun Saturn is in the sign of Mars and is in the nakshatra of Ketu wh i placed in the sign of Mercury.Sc. it has definitely a role in learnin computer languages. Fifth lord fro Mercury is Mercury itself and is aspected by the Mars.Sc. fifth house has Ket and Jupiter. in June. fifth house is aspected by the Jupiter(R) an it own lord. Mercury is aspecting the fifth house and the fifth lord. J' 2. Refer table. The influence of Sun with Mars and Mercury on fifth house or fifth lord exits here like birth chart. In birth chart.(Mathematics) in June 1990. He joined government service in August 1993 as computer programmer and did many advanced computer courses during service. Thus confirms the education in mathematics He joined B. He also completed one-year computer programming and languages course from NUT during 199293. Th influence of Sun and Mercury on the tenth house and tenth lor 1!from the mahadasha lord exits here like previous case studie • 3 Jk 4. Thus confirms the career in computer an teaching computer programming and languages.4. Mars is fifth lord an i aspecting the own house. In dashamsha chart. Ketu is placed in th llagna. fifth house has Saturn and is aspected by th Venus. Same combination is repeated her lik previous case study . It means. Mahadasha lord. in June 1987 durin th dasha of Ketu/Saturn/Jupiter. 1987 and then M.I for role of Ketu in learning computer languages. He joined B. Mercury is tenth lord placed in lagna whil Ketu is placed in the tenth house. Ketu is placed in the fift house from Mercury. Saturn. Jupiter is placed in the sign of Mercury i th .6 Lag Jup(R) Ket Moon Mars Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 03°35'20° 18' 20°21' 23° 02' 11° 12' 03° 13' 17° 28' Mer 07° 07' 05° 58' Sat Lag Ket Mars Jup(R) Moon Ven Navamsha Chart Rah Sun Mer Ven ag Jup Sat Ket Mars Dashamsha Chart Moon Rah Sun lord.Rah Ven Sun Sat Mer Virgo Lagna Chart 04-05-1969 Male Case Study . Saturn is fifth lord and is associated with exalted th Sun Pratyantar dasha. 7 The person was born on zjh September 1961 at 02:20:00 hours(IST) at Sahaswan. Jupiter is elevent lord and is associated with exalted tenth lord. He joined government service in August 1988 in the field of computers and did many latest computer courses during service. Tenth lord from mahadasha lord Venus is Jupiter. In birth chart. Chemistry and Mathematics) in 1980. Mercur an Ketu on tenth lord from the mahadasha lord Venus indicate education in Mathematics and Computer languages. M. 3. In navamsha chart. (Mathematics) in 1984 and M. Saturn is placed in the nakshatra of Ketu.(Mathematics) in June 1990 during the dash o Venus/Venus/Jupiter.Phii.nakshatra of Sun and is aspecting the fifth house. Fifth lord. the Sun and Mercury for studyin mathematics. 2. Here the influence of Sun. Same combinatio i repeated here like previous case studies. The dash a of ninth lord was the excellent period for him t complete higher studies. Thus confirms the career in computer and teaching computer programming and languages Case Study . Venus is ninth lord an i aspecting the fifth house. In dashamsha chart. Mars. Lagna is Gemini. Sc. In navamsha chart. Notice the importance of Ketu for learnin computer languages. Saturn. Jupite placed in the sign of Mercury. a sign of Mercury. He joined Computer programmin an languages course in July 1992 during the dasha of Venus/Sun/Saturn Venus is ninth lord and is placed in the nakshatra of Mercury Su i associated with fifth lord. He joined B. in the nakshatra of Sun an i associated with Ketu.Sc. fifth lord is Mars and is placed in own nakshatra . The role of Ketu in fift house from Mercury is most likely to be confirmed for learnin computer languages in the next case studies.(Mathematics) in 1986. He was also involved in teaching computer programming and languages. Notice the link o dasha lords with fifth house. Venus is exalted ninth lord and is placed in th nakshatra of Mercury. The role of Jupiter has alread bee discussed. Observations I. He joined M. Ket placed in the fifth house from Mercury. Sc. Ketu is placed in the lagna. (Physics. Satur is lagna lord and is placed in the fifth house(Gemini). Sun and Saturn are placed in th nakshatra of Ketu. Ketu i placed in the lagna with Saturn and Jupiter while Mercur i aspecting the fifth house. Moon Ket Jup Cancer LagnaChart 27-09-1961 Male Case Study . Mars is associate with Mercury in airy sign and is aspected by the Moon.7 Mer Mars Lag Rah Ven Sun Sat(R) Lagna Sun Moon 19°55'10°11' 12°41' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 03°20' 06°01' 04°00' 10°35' Sun 29° 55' 03° 21' Rah Jup Navamsha Chart Ven Moon Lag Sat Mars Mer Ket Ket Dashamsha Chart Moon Sun Lag Sat Rah Mer Ven Mars Jup in the sign of Venus who is placed in the sign of Sun. From Mercury fifth house has Ketu and is aspected by own lord Saturn and Venus . These are the excellen placements of planets as per principles of dasha interpretation Break in education after completion of B.Fifth lord from Mercury is Saturn who is placed in the nakshatr o Sun and is aspecting the Sun placed in Virgo.Sc. Chemistry and Mathematics) in 198 during the dasha of Venus/Mercury/Mars. Jupiter is also aspecting the Sun and the Sun is exalted in the fifth house of navamsha chart. ln navamsha chart. He joined M.(Mathematics) in 1984 during the dasha of Sun/Jupiter/Su and did very well in his studies during remaining dasha of Sun. H also completed M. ln birth chart.(Physics. Also se the mutual positions of Venus and Mercury in birth and navamsh charts. Th presence of watery sign in the fifth house and aspect of Moon on fifth lord. Moon. Next antardasha will be of Jupiter wh i placed in the fifth house from Sun. Venu is placed in the 8'h house with eighth lord. they are in 3-11 positions of each other and i navamsha chart. Venu i 4'h lord and is placed in the sign of Sun. The troublesome antardashas wer o Moon. Notice the role o dasha chhidra. fifth house has exalted Sun. Pratyantar dasha lord. Mercury is associate with 5th lord. . ln navamsha chart. Fifth lord is Mars and is associated with Mercury and Ketu. he was interested in Mathematics He joined B.. ln navamsha. Venus in navamsha chart. Antardash lord Mercury is lOth lord and is associated with 5'h lord. See the role of the Sun for education in mathematics. Mathematics. Mars and Rahu as they are placed in six-eight and two-twelv positions from the Sun. they are placed in 311 position. a sign ofMercury. Saturn from sixth house. Next dasha is of the Sun who is afflicted by retrograd 8'h lord.Sc. Pratyanta dasha lord.Phil. Sun needs a good fifth house from its positio for continuation of education. Mars als9 gives indications towards study of Chemistry H studied chemistry as a compulsory subject availabl wit th Mathematics and physics.Sc.(Mathematics). This was the right period to resume education. Now. h could not achieve first division. Antardasha lord. with second division Thanks to excellent antardasha of Mercury which saved him. Venus is also aspecting the 5'h house from karaka Mercury. however. This could b the saving grace. they are in 5-9 positions. Mahadasha lord. Mahadasha lord. Mars. Mars.Sc. He is a ver good mathematician and he can solve any complex problem of higher mathematics even after completion of 20 years of his M.Phil. He passed B. Mars is 5'h lord and is associated with lOth lord. Mars is 5'h lord an i associated with Mercury. Mercury Due to ill placement ofmahadasha lord. This confirms the promis of birth chart and indicates education in. Rahu Ketu axis falls on Lagna. In navamsha chart. lOth lord from mahadasha lord Venus is Venus itself and is place in the sign of Sun. Thus confirms caree i computers and teaching computer programming and languages Case Study . Lagna is Virgo.Observations 1. There is no nee t check the influence on lOth house if mahadash i o th significator. Mercury. Sc. In birth chart. Mercury and Jupiter are aspectin th lOth house.8 The person was born on 11 1h September 1968 at 12:45:00 hours(IST) at Shahjahanpur. He joined government service on 2ffh August 1993 in the field of computers and did many latest computer courses during service. Saturn. He joined B. He completed M. In dashamsha chart. (Physics.Sc.Sc. He studied chemistry as a compulsory subject availabl with Mathematics and physics but his inclination w as t stud . The role of Ketu in 5th hous fro Mercury is more or less confirmed for learnin compute languages. a sign of Mars.Phil mathematics in the mahadasha of Sun. and M. fifth house is occupied by Rahu and is place i the nakshatra of Saturn who is associated with Moon in the sign o Mars. Jupiter is also combust with the Sun. 5th house is aspected by the exalted Mercury and debilitate Venus. 3. the Sun. 5th lord. 5th lord Saturn is placed in the sign of Mars. Here the influences of Sun on 10 lor from the mahadasha lord Venus and mahadash o Su indicates education in Mathematics. This confirms the promis o birth chart and indicates education in Mathematics. Saturn is placed in the sign of Mercury and i aspecting the Ketu and lOth house. Sun is place tenth house(Scorpio). a sign of Mercury. 2. fifth house is occupied by its ow lor Mercury with Venus and is aspected by the Mars. Ketu is placed in th fifth house from Mercury. Jupiter is placed in the lO'h house(Leo) with digbal and powerful Sun. Same combination is repeate her like previous case studies. in the nakshatra of Ketu wh i associated with exalted. 5th lord. From Mercury fifth house is aspected by the Mars and its own lord. Mars is associated with Mercury. The presenc o watery sign in the fifth house also gives indications towards stud o Chemistry. (Mathematics) in 1988. 51h lord. He was also involved in teaching computer programming and languages. Chemistry and Mathematics) in 1985 and M. Chemistry and Mathematics in 198 .Rah Sat(R) Moon Scorpio Lagna Chart 11-09-1968 Male Case Study. He joined B.(Physics.Sc.8 Mars Sun Jup Ket Lag Ven Mer Lagna Sun Moon 23°51'25° 11' 16° 17' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 29° 58' 19° 57' 23° 27' 17° 40' Mars Sat Saturn Rahu 01° 06' 16° 17' Mere Ketu Ven Lag Navamsha Chart Moon Sun Jup Rah Jup Sun Sat Rah Lag Dashamsha Chart Mars Mer Ven Ket Moon Mathematics and Physics. He joined M. He joined government service as computer programmer. the significator of mathematics. 5th lord from Mercury is Saturn who is placed in th nakshatra of Ketu.(Mathematics) in 1989. i the nakshatra of Sun and is associated with yogakaraka.9 The person was born on u:Jh November 1968 at 01:53:00 hours(IST) a Madurai. and M.Sc. Rahu is placed in the fifth house and is aspecte b the exalted Mercury and debilitated Venus. Saturn is placed in the nakshatr of Mercury and is aspected by Mars. Fifth house is aspected by exalted.(Mathematics) in 1988 during the dasha of Sun Mercury/Rahu. See the rote of the Sun with supporting planets Mercury and Mars for education in mathematics. Role of Sun and Rahu has already been discussed Antardasha lord. Sun Rah and Jupiter are placed in lOt" house. 5th lord. Jupiter and Moon. in mathematics in the mahadash of Sun. 3. Lagna is Aquarius. Fifth lord. In birth chart. Notice the link ofdasha lords with the Sun for studying Mathematics and Physics. Mercury is 5th lord and is placed in the 5th hous while the Sun and Rahu are placed in the lOth house(Scorpio) a sig of Mars. Thus confirms the study o compute languages. Jupiter Antardasha lord. Case Study .during the dasha of Sun/Rahu/Jupiter. He completed B. 5th lord. Chemistry and Mathematics) in 1986 and M. Lagna lord Satur i aspecting the Ketu. Mahadasha lord. Mars and Saturn. He also did PG Dip. In navamsha chart. Mercury who is associate with Ketu. Thus confirms the caree in computers and teaching compute programmin an languages. Observations 1. in Computer Science in 1991-92. Mars Ket and Moon. In dashamsha chart. .(Physics. Venus who is in nakshatra of Ketu occupie 5 house.Sc. Mercury is exalted and is aspecting the 5th house I navamsha chart.Sc. 2. Pratyantar dash lord Jupiter is 5th lord and is the dispositor of antardasha lord Rahu Jupiter is combust with digbal Sun. 5* house is aspecte b. Mercury is placed in tenth house Tenth house is also aspected by Jupiter. He joined B.Sc. Ketu is placed in the sign ofMercury.Sc. From Mercury. Jupiter is placed in the sign of Mercury. th Su i tenth lord and is placed in own house with fifth lord. Fifth lord. fifth is occupied by its own lord Mar with Mercury and is a~pected by the Saturn.9 Ven Sun Mer Lag Ket Mars Jup Moon Lagna Sun Moon 27° 17' 02° 08' 27° 39' Mars Mercury Jupiter 11°47' 25° 12' 06°53' Jup Venus 10°07' Saturn Rahu 26° 16' 15° 19' Mars Mer Ket Sat Sun Ven Navamsha Chart Lag Rah Moon Ven Rah Lag Mer Sun Sat Jup Mars Moon Dashamsha Chart Ket J In navamsha chart.Rah Sat(R) Leo LagnaChart 18-11-1968 Male Case Study. Mar i ho~se . in the nakshatra ofVenus . Observations 1. Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter and yogakaraka Mars. the fifth lord and is aspected by the Mars.aspecting the Sun. He joined B. Thus confirm the study of computer science and languages. Ketu occupies the sign Venus. 5th lord from Mercury is Saturn who is placed in th nakshatra of Mercury and is aspecting the Ketu. This confirms the promise of birth char an indicates education in Mathematics. Chemistry and Mathematics in 198 during the dasha of Rahu/Venus/Rahu. In navamsha chart. Jupiter. Sc.(Mathematics) in 1988. Case Study . in the sign of Sun. He joined B. mahadash an pratyantar dasha lord Rahu is placed in the sign of Mars. 2. Thus confirms the caree i computers. 5th lord. The association of Moon with 5 lord Jupiter also gives indications towards study of Chemistry bu h was more interested in Mathematics and Physics. Mahadasha and Pratyanta dasha lord. Jupiter is placed in the lagna. This combination indicates study in mathematic and computer science. 5th lord is place in the lagna. Venus is lagna lor and is aspecting the 5th house. Mercury. Venus. 3. antardasha lord is associated with the Sun He joined M.10 1 The person was born on 14 h August 1968 at 06:35:00 hours(IST) at Erode.Sc. Ketu and fift lord Jupiter. Accounts and Banking) in 1985 and M. 5th house is aspected by its own lord.(Mathematics.Sc. Antardasha lord. lagna is Taurus. Moon is placed in the lOth house i the sign of Mercury. In dashamsha chart. In birth chart.(Mathematics) in 1989 during the dasha ofRahu/ Moon/Rahu. in the nakshatra of Sun and is associate wit Mars and Ketu. Rahu is aspected by the fifth lord. Venus who is in nakshatra of Ketu occupies the 5th house 5 lord. Moon is placed in the sign of Mercury with Mars. Dispositor of Rahu i Mars who is placed in fifth house(own house) with Mercury an i aspecting the Sun. He joined government service in September 1991 as Assistant. In navamsha chart.(Physics. Venus is placed in the fifth hous an i aspected by Mars and Saturn.Sc. Jupiter is placed in the sign of Mercury and is associate with Ketu. 10tl' lord Jupiter from the mahadasha lord Rahu is placed in th sign of Mercury. Role of Rahu has already been discussed Antardash lord. Pratyantar dasha lord.Sc.10 Sun Mars Lag Jup Ven Mer Ket Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 03° 20'27° 52' 05° 18' 11°57' 04°41' 17°23' 12°54' 02° 05' 17° 19' Sun Sat Lag Mer Moon Ket Ven Navamsha Chart Rah Mars Jup and is associated with Mercury and Venus.Rah Moon Sat(R) Leo Lagna Chart 14-08-1968 Male Case Study . The role Sun with Mercury. Notice the signs involved. Jupiter is 5'h lord and is associate wit Mercury and Venus. Antardasha lord. Virgo and Pisces in navamsha chart He joined B. Venu i lOth lord and is placed in lagna (Leo sign) with fifth lord Jupiter an Mercury. Accounts and Banking in Graduatio an Mathematics in Post-Graduation.(Mathematics. they ar Leo in birth chart and Taurus. Mahadasha lord. ln navamsha chart. Jupiter is in the sign of Sun who is in nakshatra of Mercury and is associated with Mars. Thus Rahu will act as Jupiter . S'h house is occupied by Jupiter an i aspected by Sun. Jupiter an Mars comes into play in birth and navamsha charts. Accounts and Banking) in 198 during the dasha of Venus/Jupiter/Rahu. S'h lord is Mercury who is associated with Moo and is aspected by the Mars. That's why h studied Mathematics. Rahu is placed in the sig of Jupiter and is in nakshatra of Mercury. We shall confirm it in the ensuin cas studies of physics. in the sig of Mars and is aspected by the 5th lord. the link of exalted vargottama Sun with 5 lord Venus in the presence of weak and unhelpful Mercury an the influence of Jupiter on 5th house in birth and navamsh charts inclined her to study political science in the mahadash of Sun. Role of Venus and Jupiter has alread bee discussed. (iii The Sun is the main planet for studying physics if the Saturn an Mercury support it.10. accounts and banking. He joined M. See the role ofantardasha for studying technical subject i. (iv) The presence of watery signs in the 5th house or connectio o Moon with it and dasha lords is an indicator for studyin chemistry.(Mathematics) in I988 during the dash o Venus/Saturn/Jupiter. accounts and banking. . (vi) Reference case study .and. Conclusion Analysis of ten cases reveal the following conclusions: - (i) In case study . (ii) The Sun is the main planet for studying higher mathematics if the Mars and Mercury support it.Sc.I. (v) The connection of Ketu with fifth house or influence of Ketu o the 5th house from Mercury or its association with Mercur indicates study of computer programming or language only but it may not be the combination for computer engineerin because computer engineering is the combination of engineering most probably the electronics and computer science.Mercury. only. In navamsh chart Saturn is ninth and lOth lord and is aspected by the Mars. Antardasha lord. Notice the role of Sun with" Mercury and 'Jupiter for studying mathematics. Jupiter. Saturn is placed in 9th house.e. the connection of Sun with Mars Mercury and strong Jupiter may mean study in mathematic together with accounts and banking. Thus indicate education in mathematics. Observations mathematics Tenth lord from mahadasha lord Venus is Venus itself wh i placed in the sign of Sun with Jupiter and Mercury. the role of Sun(matter.(Physics) in 1996 and Ph. Thus five house of education in birth and navamsha charts becomes stron and promises excellent educational career. dynamics and energy.1 1 axis. In navamsh chart.(Physics) in 1998. Jupiter and fifth lord. space and time) Saturn(technical skill to analyse the laws ofthe universe) and Mercur (mathematical framework) comes into play. Physics deals with the elementary constitute o th universe such as matter. Mars in the fifth house. Satur (third lord of self-efforts) and Venus (eleventh lord of achievements are vargottama and making it a strong horoscope. lagna lord Jupiter (Self and significator of wisdom) Mercury (tenth lord of profession and significator of education). Case Study .(Physics. Therefore. The combinatio o lagna and fifth lord involving the fifth and eleventh houses is a powerful Rajayoga and is an excellent combination for achievement in th educational field. M. energy.D.I 1 This is a case study of a woman scientist born on 24 h July 1975 at 18:34:00 (1ST) at Delhi. Fifth lord. She joined B. Mars is placed in fifth house in birth char and is aspecting the fifth house (own house) in navamsha chart. . they are in mutual aspect along 5. Mathematics and Applied Electronics) in 1993. space and time and their interactions Physics is also deeply related to engineering and technology For example electrical engineering is related with the practical application of electromagnetism and mechanical engineering is again base o the applications of the principles of classical physics like statics kinematics. energy. See the conjunctio oflagna lord.Sc.Sc. force.Physics Physics is a branch of science that is based on the fundamenta laws of the universe and their precise formulation in a mathematica framework. Promise tor good education The lagna. Fifth lord. In navamsha chart. Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Ketu. Mars and lagna lord. Mars is aspectin the Sun and Saturn. Therefore the influence of technical Sun. Venus is placed in the sign of Sun who is associate with Saturn and is aspected by Mars. Fifth hous is occupied by its own lord. fifth house is again aspected by Mars an Saturn while Sun is placed in the tenth house. Jupiter and is aspecte by the Saturn. Thus Jupiter has lost its non-technical qualities. a fiery sign of Mars. in the sign o Mars. in the sign of Mercury Mars Jup Ket Mer Moon Saggitarius Lagna Chart 24-07-1975 Female Sun Sat Ven Lag Rah Lagna Sun Moon 26° 59' 07° 30' 22° 24' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 22°41' 28°32' 00°26' 15°23' Jup Saturn Rahu oo•os· os•2s· Mer Ket Navamsha Chart Sat Moon Ven Rah Lag Mars Sun . Fifth lor from Mercury. The role of Sun comes into pla bot i from lagna and Mercury.Type of education Fifth house from lagna is Aries. Satur and Mars is predominating over the non-technical influences Fift house from Mercury is again aspected by Mars and Jupiter. associated with powerful Mars and is aspected by the Saturn. The vargottama Saturn is connectin th Sun and fifth house in both birth and navamsha charts. Thus Rahu is connected with fift house. Mars. Mars Rahu is in nakshatra of Saturn who is associated with the Sun an i aspected by the fifth lord. Saturn and Mercury in the horoscop of Albert Einstein. Mars. Rahu is placed in the sign of Mars and is aspected by the fifth lord.Sc. Let us check the role of Sun. Pratyantar dash lord. Saturn and Mars. famous physicist and noble laureate. Thus the connection of Sun and Saturn and their relationship with fifth house in presence of vargottama and strong Mercury point towards study of Physics.2 (Albert Einstein) 1 Albert Einstein was born on 14 h March 1879 at 11:30:00 hours at Ulm. Venu i placed in ninth house. place in fifth house and is related with fifth lord. Jupiter is lagna lord. Mars and Mercury is an excellent combinatio for studying physics. (Physics) in 1998 during Rahu/Sun!Venus Rol of dasha lords has already been discussed. Antardasha lord. Mar's and Saturn in birth an navamsha charts. He was a great physicist and awarded the 1921 Noble Prize in .(Physics.D. Case Study. She joined B . Sun. Saturn is associated with ninth lord.Sc. in Leo. Mercury is tenth lord. Germany. Mahadasha lord. In navamsha chart mahadasha lord. Sun is ninth lord and is associate with Saturn who is placed in the eighth house of research. a fiery sign offiery planet. Saturn is aspecting the ninth lord. the Sun and is aspecte b the fifth lord. the Sun for research in physics. Pratyantar dasha lord. Mercury is vargottam tenth lord and is again good for success in education. the Sun indicate study of electronics. mathematics and electronics.I I I and is aspected by Saturn. She joined M. in the sign of Sun who is placed in sign of Mercury an i aspected by Saturn. Rahu is placed in the ninth house with eleventh lord Venus. Sun. Antardasha lord. Pratyanta 1 dasha lord. Saturn. The connection of dasha lords with fifth house tenth house. the Sun and fifth house Navamsha chart repeats the same story.(Physics) in 1996 during Rahu!Venus/Jupiter Role of role has already been discussed. Notice the relationship of antardasha lord Venus with Sun fo studying physics. The presence of fiery sign in the fifth hous and the connection of fifth lords from lagna and Mercury in birth an navamsha charts with Leo. Antardasha lord. sign of Sun in birth and navamsh charts. She joined Ph. Notice the role antardash lord. mathematics and applied electronics i 1993 during the dasha ofRahu/Mercury/Saturn. Feature In of horoscope birth chart • There is powerful rajayoga in the horoscope formed by a brilliant exchange of the ninth and tenth lords. This is a very powerfu combination for great fame and achievements in life speciall when the eleventh lord of achievements. E = me!'. In popular culture the name "Einstein" has become synonymous with Genius. He is best known for his theory of relativity and mass-energy equivalence.Physics for his services to theoretical physics and especially for his discovery of the law of "Photoelectric effect". the Gallup Poll recorded him as the fourth most admired person of the 2dh century. In 1999. Albert Einstein was named "Person of the Century" by Time_ magazine. Mars is place i it Lag Gemini Lagna Chart Ket 14-03-1879 Male Moon Lagna Sun Moon Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 13° 27' 01° 19' 22° 08' 10°56' 05°18' 24°47' Rah 12°00' 10°33' Lag Ven Mars Moon Navamsha Chart Sun Sat Mer Ket Jup . • of ei'iiltation. There is conjunction of lagna lord, debilitated Mercury and fift lord, exalted Venus in the tenth house. This is a perfect case o neech-bhanga rajayoga. The connection oflagna and fifth lords is again an excellent combination for success/achievement in th field of education and research work. Planets in the tenth house are Sun with directional strength exalted Venus (fifth lord), Saturn (ninth lord) and Mercury (lagn lord) and making it an extraordinary powerful tenth house. navamsha chart In • • • There is a conjunction of ninth and tenth lords in lagna and th eleventh lord, Jupiter is placed in the tenth house Thi powerful combination for great fame and success in life. Lagna lord, Saturn is exalted in the ninth house and is associate with fifth lord, Mercury and Ketu. The navamsha chart repeat same story of birth chart. See the conjunction offifth lord, Mercury and twelfth lord, Saturn with Ketu in ninth house of navamsha chart for higher intuitio and extraordinary intelligence. In birth chart, fifth lord, Venus is associated with the Sun, Satur and Mercury in the tenth house. In navamsha chart, Fifth lord, Mercury is associated with exalte Saturn who is aspecting the Sun. The Saturn is connectin th Sun and fifth lord, Mercury. Thus confirms the study, researc and achievements in physics. Life Events Study and Research in Physics • • Major • • • • • He was married on 6th January 1903 during the dasha of Venus Mars/Mercury. Venus and Mars are placed in lagna of navamsh chart while Mercury is associated with lagna lord, Saturn. His first son Hans Albert Einstein was born 14th May 1904 durin the dasha of Venus/Rahu/Sat. Venus is fifth lord. Rah i associated with eleventh lord, exalted Mars. Saturn is ninth lord His second son Edward Einstein was born on 28th July 191 during the dasha ofVenus/Saturn!Venus. Venus is fifth lord whil Saturn is ninth lord. His wife died in 1936 during the dasha of Mars/Ketu bot o which are occupying 2-8 axis of his horoscope. In 1900, Einstein's friend Michele Besso introduced him to th work of Ernst Mach. The next year during the dasha of Venus Sun, Einstein published a paper ii the prestigiou Annalen der • • • • Physik on the capillary force of a straw. He graduate wit a teaching diploma. Venus is fifth lord and the Sun is the third lord both of which are placed in the tenth house. ln 1905, Einstein published four times in the Annalen der Physik during Venus/Rahu. These are the papers that are today recognize as tremendous achievements. While studied under Alfred Kleiner, Professor of Experimental Physics, He was awarded a Ph.D. b the University of Zurich. Venus is fifth lord and Rahu is placed in the eighth house of research with eleventh lord of achievements exalted Mars. ln 1909 during the dasha of Venus/Saturn, ip a paper, Einstei showed that Max Planck's energy quanta must have well define momenta and act in some respects as independent point-like particles. This paper introduced the photon concept Einstei showed that light must be simultaneously a wave and a particle. Venus is fifth lord and Saturn is ninth lord. ln 1911 during the dasha of Venus/Saturn, Einstein becam a associate professor at the University of Zurich. Notic th importance of fifth and ninth lords for teaching. In 1914 during the dasha ofVenus/Mercury, Einstein becam th director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics. Venu i exalted fifth lord and Mercury is lagna lord. Now remember three classical principles of astrology; the major or sub periods of the lagna or the tenth lords, like the periods of exalted planets are favourable for professional advancement. • In 1919 during the dasha of Sun/Saturn, a team led by British astronomer Arthur Eddington have confirmed Einstein's predictio of gravitation deflection of starlight by the Sun althoug thi theory was earlier disproved by the two observatories locate i California, USA. Sun is the third lord and is placed in the tent house with directional strength. Remember the observatio o Shri Harjeet Singh, published in Finer Techniques of Prediction Vol. Two under title "The third lord -the miracle baba" (i) Perso who come into prominence suddenly have their third lord in th tenth house; (ii) lt is the strength of third lord which gives to on unexpected rise in the field of activity he is engaged in (iii) whe placed in the tenth house it givers miraculous rise. This rise i conferred or become possible in the mahadasha or antardash or the pratyantar dasha of third lord (iv) The rise given by third lor is so spectacular or striking that it often seems to border on th miraculous. rt . • • In 1921, he got Nobel Prize for his servic~-s to theoretical physic and especially for his discovery of the law of "Photoelectri effect" when he was running the dasha of Sun/Venus, both are in the tenth house. The role of the Sun has already been discusse above. Venus is the fifth lord and is exalted in the tenth house ln the dasha ofMoon, he faced many gloomy moments when hi second son, Edward accused him of neglecting him. When Adolf Hitler came into power in 1933. One of the firs actions of his administration was to remove Jews and political! suspect government employees including university professor from their jobs. Consequently, Einstein had to flee Germany I was the dash a of Mars/Rahu, both of are placed in eighth hous of humiliation. Einstein died on 18th April 1955 at the age of 76, durin th dasha of Rahu/Moon/Jupiter. Rahu is placed in eighth house Moon is second lord and Jupiter is the seventh lord. See the rol of seventh and eighth houses. Case Study - 3 (Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck) Max Planck was born on 23d April, 1858 at 12:00:00 hours at Kiel, Germany. He was a German physicist and is considered to be the founder of Quantum Theory. He was one of the most important physicist of the twentieth century and awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics. Feature of horoscope: In birth chart • • • • Lagna lord the Moon and seventh lord Saturn are vargottama The Sun is exalted and digbali. Mutual aspect offifth and tenth lord Mars and ninth lord Jupite along 5- 11 axis is a major rajayoga and dhanayoga of Parashara. The presence of two benefics (Jupiter and Mercury) in the tent house from the Moon is a prominent combination for highe studies and research work. The person will be a great scholar Mercury - Jupiter combination is an intellectual combination According to classics, conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter in th sign of Venus makes one well versed in dance, song and music Planck was very gifted when it came to music; he took singin lessons and played the piano, organ and cello, and compose songs and operas. navamsha chart In • There is an excellent combination of lagna and tent lor Sun Ven Mer Jup Rah Cancer Lagna Chart Lag Sat Moon Ket 23-04-1858 Max Planck Mars Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 09°09' 11°03' 16°14' 09° 18' 00° 40' 00° 34' 24° 40' Rah 00° 23' 23° 38' Sat Sun Navamsha Chart Jup Mer Ket Ven Moon Lag Mars Mercury, fourth and seventh lord Jupiter, fifth lord Saturn and th Sun along 5- 11 axis of gains/recognition Study and Research in Physics • • In birth chart, fifth lord house is aspected by the Mercur an Jupiter. Fifth lord Mars is in the nakshatra of Satur wh i aspecting the exalted Sun placed in tenth house. Fifth hous from Mercury is aspected by the Saturn. Fifth lord from Mercur is Mercury itself who is aspected by the Mars and is i th nakshatra of the Sun. Planck studied astronomy physic an mathematics and did research in physics. In navamsha chart, there is a connection of the Sun, Satur an Mercury with fifth house of education which confirm th applicability of our parameters for study and research in physics Jupiter is the ninth lord.. Planck wen t Berlin to study with the famous physicists Hermann Von Helmholt and Gustav Kirchhoff and the mathematician Karl Weierstrass Notice the importance of the Sun and Saturn for studyin physics.~ ~ -. Notic th importance of eleventh house for awards..Jr Life Events . Mars is the yogakarak planet (fifth and tenth lord). In birth chart.. He was then running the dasha ofJupiter/Saturn. during the dasha of the Sun/Saturn. the Moon is th eleventh lord of gains and is placed in the sign of the Su whereas Saturn is the fifth lord. In 1877. Satur i aspecting the tenth house. mechanics and mathematics.. Both the Sun and Saturn are aspecting the fifth house of navamsha chart.. ~:> . . ·.. the teacher. The Sun is the significator of physics. astronom an mathematics. Planck got the Nobel Prize for his services to quantu physics. Saturn is aspecting the tenth hous where exalted Sun is placed... Jupiter is the ninth lord and is aspected by the Mars. In navamsha chart.. In April I885. a best period for Cancer lagna.. placed in the eleventh hous o recognition and is aspected by the yogakaraka Mars.- ~ ---~'~"'1_.. In birth chart. .. It was from Muller tha Planck first learned the principles of conservation of energy Planck graduated early at the age of I6 in the dasha of the Sun Moon. In birth chart. Within four years of his appointment as associate professor h was named the successor to Kirchhoff s position at the universit of Berlin and by 1892 (during the dasha of Mars/Jupiter) h became a full professor. The Moon is placed in the sign of the Sun. < .~ ~ Majt._·... In I9I8. Jupiter is placed in the fifth house with lagna and tenth lord Mercury whereas Saturn is the fifth lord and is placed in the eleventh house.. Planck was appointed as an associate professo of theoretical physics at Kiel University during the dash o th Moon/Saturn._ ••. In navamsha chart. He got married in I887 during the dasha of Moon/Mercury .. • • • • • • Planck came under the guidance of Herman Muller a mathematician who took an interest in the youth and taugh him astronomy. the Moon is the lagna lord an i placed in the sign of the Sun..h . This i how Planck first came in contact with the field of physics. In navamsha chart Mars is placed in the lagna and is aspected by the fifth lord Saturn of education and Jupiter. placed in the eleventh house with the Sun and is aspected by the Mercury and Jupiter whic indicating the teaching theoretical physics.. In birth chart. Jupiter is the seventh lord. Fifth lord Mars is exalted and is aspecting the Sun and Mercury. fifth house is aspected by the Saturn. In birth chart. In navamsha chart. Case Study . Germany durin the dasha of Saturn/Jupiter. He had four children. possibly from tuberculosi and i March 1911. fifth house is aspected by Mercury.I • Moon is the lagna lord whereas Mercury is placed in the elevent house. Planck died on 4th October 1947 in Gottingen. Fifth lord Mars is conjoined with the Sun and is aspecting the Saturn. Fifth lord fro Mercury is Jupiter who is aspecting the Sun and Saturn. Rahu is placed i the eighth house whereas Venus is the karaka for wife I navamsha chart.(Physics) in 1988 and M. Rahu is aspected by the seventh lord Jupiter and Venus is karaka. the Sun. All this happene during the dash a of Rahu!V en us. Therefore Sat Ven Lag Cancer Lagna Chart Ket Sun Moon Mer 26-07-1971 Mars(RJ Rah Female Jup Lagna Sun 00°53'C~ 0 53' Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 19°53' 27°07' 05°43' 03°08' 29°53' 10°29' 21°03' .Sc.4 This is a case study of a woman born on 2ffh July 1971 at 05:05:00 (1ST) at Delhi. In navamsha chart. In navamsha chart. In birth chart. Satur is the sixth iord and is conjunct with twelfth lord. (Physics) in 1991. His fifth lord Mars is placed in the fifth house and is aspected by the two benefic (Mercury and Jupiter). In July 1909. She joined B. the killer. the Moon is the eleventh lord wherea Mercury is the lagna lord. his wife died. Sc. Saturn is the sevent lord (killer for Cancer lagna) whereas Jupiter is the sixth lord an is conjunct with twelfth lord Mercury. he married his second wife. In birth chart. Moon is conjoined with the Sun and fifth lord. antardasha lord. In birth chart. She joined M. In navamsha chart.Sc. Mars.Sat Mer Ven Lag Jup Navamsha Chart Ket Rah Sun Mars Moon the connection of the Sun. Mars in the sign of Mercury. I navamsha chart. Jupiter is ninth lord an i aspect in g the fifth house . conjoined with Mercury i the sign of the Sun and is aspected by the exalted fifth lord. the Moon has alread bee discussed.Sc.(Physics) in 1988 during the dasha of Moon Moon. Moon is lagna lord. Jupiter is ninth lord an i placed in fifth house. lord in birth and navamsha charts for excellent . Saturn and Mercury with fifth house!fift lord in birth and navamsha charts points towards the study of physics She joined B. The role of mahadasha lord. Notice the connection of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth education.(Physics) in 1991 during the dasha of Moon Jupiter. Chemistry Chemistry is the scientific study of interaction of substances called chemical substances that are constituted of atoms or the subatomi components that make up atoms: protons. The some of the standard definitions of chemistry used b th various noted chemist. physics. • Chemistry ( 1730) . and of composin sue bodies from those principles (Stahl). and Jons Jakob Berzelius (1828) are considered the founder of modern chemistry (sometimes referred to as the "Fathers ofModer Chemistry"). subject to the changes made in the functionalit of this science on the basis of new discoveries and theories are give below:• Alchemy (330) . The genesis of chemistry can be traced to certain practices.a scientific art. Chemistry can be called "the central science" because it connects the other natura sciences. by which one learn dissolve bodies. material science.the art of resolving mixt. biology an geology.the study of the compositio o waters movement. and exalt the to an higher perfection (Glaser). compound o aggregate bodies into their principles. • Chymistry ( 1661) . such as astronomy. Robert Boyle (1661). molecules or crystals. 815) to be th firs chemist. know as alchemy. growth. though some consider Geber (d. embodying and disembodying drawin the spirits from bodies and bonding the spirits within bodie (Zosimos).the subject of the material principles of mixt bodies (Boyle). electrons and neutrons Atoms combine to produce ions. Antoine Lavoisier (1787). particularly the middle east. and draw from them the different substance on their composition. . John Dalto (1808). • Chymistry (1663) . which had been practised for several millennia in variou parts of the world. and how to unite them again. the lord of Scorpio which is also responsible for chemical process. Therefore.Sc. In this way. and the reactions that change them into othe substances (Pauling).Sc. • Chemistry (1998) . Fifth house is aspected by its own lord. in the mahadasha of Mars. Case Study . 1958.(1837) . the Sun i . I this way. Chemistry (1947) . Mars is fifth 1 lord and is conjoined with the Moon.the study of matter and the change i undergoes (Chang). Mars is conjoined with the Moo which is a notable combination for studying Rasayan Shastr I(Chemistry). antardasha of Sun an 'pratyantar dasha of Saturn.Sun upto 08.Sc. 00:38 hours 1ST. In birth chart. Antardasha lord. He joined B. .B. Fift lords both from lagna and Mercury come under the influence of th Moon (the significator of chemistry. the Moon is the water planet and is described as dhatu(mineral) together with Saturn. th role ofthe Moon comes into play in the study of chemistry. Fifth lord from Mercury is Saturn who is placed in Scorpio a watery sign of Mars and is aspected by the Moon and Mars. the fifth house/fifth lord indicatin education should come under the influence of the Moon and water signs especially Scorpio together with Mars.Rahu/Rahu!Sun • In birth chart.the science concerned with the law an ffects of molecular forces (Dumas). Let us take some case studie to confirm the applicability of these parameters. the Mars and the Moon th significator of chemistry.October 3.04. its lord Mars is place in Pisces.the science of substances: their structure '· their properties.Professor) Birth details .Mars/Sun/Saturn M. Scorpio i a prominent sign for dealing with chemicals and studying rasayan shastra (chemistry). In navamsha chart. a watery sign and is conjoined with the Moon and Saturn. navamsha confirms the promise of birth chart and indicate education in chemistry.I (Chemistry . Mar and Rahu.n h~mi. . watery signs and technical planet (Mars and Saturn). Fifth lord. The Sun and Venus are known as mula(vegetation whil Jupiter and Mercury are known as jeeva (living being). According to the astrological classics. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance.try. a prominent sign Ifor studying Rasayana (Chemistry) and is occupied by the Saturn. fifth house from lagna is Scorpio. mahadasha lord. fifth house is Scorpio.1959 Dasha at the time of admission . In navamsha chart. mahadasha lord.Sc.(Chemistry) during the dasha of Rahu/Rahu/Sun in birth chart. Pratyantar dash a lord. Mars who is associated with the Moon. mahadash and antardasha lord. Antardash lord th Sun is aspecting the fifth house. He joined M. Pratyantar dasha lord. Th connection of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord. Role o the Sun has already been discussed. The link of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord and the Moo . Mars in the watery sign. the Moon an watery signs gave this person education in chemistry. Mars is fifth lord and is conjoine with the Moon and Saturn in the watery sign.Ket Mars Moon Case Study-1 Birth Chart lag 03-10-1958 00:38:00 Male Sat Jup er Ven Rah Sun Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 02°06' 15°47' 08°51' 08°48' 13°39' 11°40' 05°35' 27°03' 29°00' Rah occupied the nakshatra of the Moon. Rahu is aspected by the fifth lord Mars and th Moon. mahadasha and antardasha lord. Satur i placed in the fifth house and is aspected by the Moon and Mars I navamsha chart. Satur i conjoined with the Moon and fifth lord. Rahu is placed in th nakshatra of fifth lord. Sc . a watery sign. In navamsha chart mahadasha and pratyantar dasha lord. in the Scorpio.Sc. Pratyantar dasha lord. fifth house is Pisces. Mars is placed in the ninth hous and is aspecting the Moon. Sc. a watery sign of Mars. She joined M. Fifth house from Mercury is aspected by the Mars. mahadasha and pratyantar dasha lord.January 18. fifth house fifth lord from lagna and Mercury are not related with the Moon however fifth lord from lagna and Mercury is placed in Scorpio a watery sign. Saturn is placed in Scorpio and is aspected by the Jupiter from the sign of the Moon.B. Venus has already been discussed In birth chart. Pratyantar dasha lord. Fifth lord is Jupiter.Sc. Vimshottari dasha balance. Fifth lord from lagna is Venus and is place i Scorpio(watery sign). 1968.1971 Dasha at the time of admission . Antardasha lord.-(Chemistry) . She joined B. Observation --- (i) Fifth lord Mercury from the mahadasha lord Mars is placed in th nakshatra of the Moon. In navamsha chart. The role of mahadasha lord.confirms the higher education in chemistry.Lecturer Birth details. a prominent sign for studyin Rasayan Shastra(Chemistry). 15:35 hours 1ST. Delhi.Ketu upto 08. In this case. Mercury is placed in the nakshatr of the Moon.Venus/Mercury/Mars In birth chart. Satur i ninth lord and is placed in Pisces. Mar i . Venus is fifth lord and is placed in Scorpio.2 .Venus!SaturnNenus M.(Chemistry) during the dasha ofVenus/Mercury Mars. Fifth lord from Mercury is Venus and i placed. Tenth lord Mercury fro mahadasha lord Rahu is placed in the nakshatra of the Moon Case Study . . a watery sign an i occupied by Rahu. Antardasha lord. during the dasha of Venus/Saturn/Venus I birth chart. We may check the relationship of the Moon with fift house/fifth lord in navamsha chart and its association with dasha lords In navamsha chart. Saturn and its own lord Venus. antardasha lord. Tenth lord Saturn from mahadash lor Mars is placed in Scorpio and is aspected by the Moon. Venus is placed in the fourt house and is conjoined with the Sun and Mars. placed in the watery sign of the Moon and is aspecting the fifth house. a watery sign.01. (ii) Fifth lord Saturn from the mahadasha lord Rahu is place i Scorpio and is aspected by the Moon. antardash lord Mercury is conjoined with the Moon. 17:25 hours 1ST. M. Fifth lord from lagna is Venus and is placed in th sign of the Moon. ScfBotany. Venus is associated with Ketu and is placed in th .Sc(Chemistry) .JupiterNenusNenus - In birth chart. Tenth house from mahadasha lord Venus is occupie by the Moon.3 : (Chemistry) Birth details . Case Study . Chemistry) Jupiter!MercuryNenus. Observation Fifth lord Jupiter from the mahadasha lord Venus is conJome with the Moon.Sat Rah Lag Mars Case Study-2 Birth Chart Sun Mer 18-01-1968 15:35:00 Female Ven Jup(R) Moon Ket Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 05° 43' 03° 58' 07°39' 13° 36' 16°48' 11° 16' Rah 26°28' 13°39' 29° 10' Mer Moon Sun Mars Ven Navamsha Chart Jup Lag Sat Ket placed in the fourth house.September 02.04.Rahu upto 21. Mathura.1983 Dasha at the time of admission . Zoology. Vimshottari dasha balance.B. 1972. Sc. Fifth lord from Mercury is Jupiter and is placed in the nakshatr Iof Ketu who is associated with the Venus in the sign of the Moon t In navamsha chart. fifth house is occupied by the Moon an Rahu and is aspected by the Venus and Jupiter. The role of lthe Moon comes into play predominantly which gave her highe !education in Chemistry.(Botany. mahadasha lord.Sat Moon Lag Rah Case Study-3 Birth Chart 02-09-1972 17:25:00 Female JAO Tula 2003 Ket Ven Sun Mars Mer Jup Lagna Sun Moon 29° 16' 16° 36' 12° 07' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 18° 15' 01°18' 05°06' 00°55' Mer Saturn Rahu 26°17' 01°44' Jup Ven Navaamsha Chart Ket Rah Moon Sun Sat ~. Fifth lord is Saturn and is aspecting the Jupiter. The influence of Jupiter. Zoology and Chemistry) durin th 1dasha ofJupiter/Mercury/Venus. Fifth house fro Mercury is occupied by its own lord Jupiter and is aspected by th IMoon. Ketu and Venus o Ififth house in birth and navamsha charts points towards the educatio 'lin the field of Zoology (Jupiter & Ketu) and Botany (Venus). Lag Mars nakshatra of Jupiter who is aspected by the Moon. Jupite . In birth chart. . Jupiter is placed in its mooltrikona sign and is aspected by the Moon. She joined B. fifth lord is Saturn and is placed in the sign o th Moon. Mercury an Mars.Ketu!Mercury Diploma . (ii) Fifth lord Mars from the mahadasha lord Jupiter in placed in th nakshatra ofVenus who is associated with Ketu in the sign of the Moon. Fifth lord Mercury is conjunct with the Moon whic . Fifth lord is Venus and is conjoined with Ketu in Scorpio a watery sign of Mars. The role of dasha lords has already been discussed. Chemistry and Diploma in Chemical Engg. Sc. Jupiter is place the nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the sign of the Moon Case Study . There is an exchange between fifth lord Venus an sixth lord Mars. In navamsha chart. Varansi Dasha at the time of admission . Antardasha placed in the nakshatra of Ketu who is associated with fifth lor Venus in the sign ofthe Moon. Pratyantar dash lord Venus is ninth lord. Mercury is placed in the eighth house. Mercury is aspecte by the Jupiter and is placed in the nakshatra ofKetu who is associate with fifth lord Venus in the sign of the Moon. Zoology and Chemistry. which is an excellent sign for studying chemistr and chemicals.4 : (B. Pratyantar dasha lord Venus is fifth lord and is associated with Ketu in the sign of the Moon Venus is placed in the nakshatra of Jupiter who is aspecte b th Mooon. Bot th dasha lords come under the influence of the Moon and are responsibl for giving her higher study in Chemistry. In navamsha chart. She joined M. The connectio of dash lords with the Moon. Sc.VenusNenus In birth chart. Observation (i) Mahadasha lord Jupiter is aspected by the Moon. (iii) Tenth lord Mercury from the mahadasha lord.(Chemistry) during the dasha of Jupiter/Venus Venus. 1946.Sc. 22:35 hours 1ST. Venus is in the nakshatra of Saturn who is placed in th sign of the Moon. fifth house is aspected by the Mars from th watery sign. . mahadasha lord. Antardash lord. placed with Ketu in the sign of the Moon an i aspecting the fifth house and the Moon. Jupiter is placed in th ninth house and is aspecting the fifth house and the Moon. Jupiter and Ketu inclined her to stud Botany. Thus fifth house comes under the influenc o th Moon and Mars which indicates education in chemistry and chemicals From Mercury.) Birth details . Venus.B.October 10. fifth house is occupied by the Jupiter. Antardasha lord. Mercury is placed in the fifth house i navamsha chart. Observation (i) Fifth house from the mahadasha lord Ketu is occupied b th Moon. mahadash lord Ketu is conjoined with fifth lord Venus in the Scorpio.Moon Rah Lag Case Study-4 Birth Chart Sat 10-10-1946 Male Data :Suman Ven Ket Mars Jup Mer Sun Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 115°44' 23°40' 21°40' 17°49' 11 °06' 10° 05' Mars 04° 08' 14° 16' 20° 08' Lag Mer Ket Jup Moon Navamsha Chart Rah Sun Ven Sat confirms the education in chemistry and chemicals. mahadasha lord. Mercury is fifth lord and i conjoined with the Moon. Antardasha lord. Role of Dasha (Ketu/Mercuiy). (ii) Tenth lord from mahadasha lord Ketu is the Sun and is aspecte by che Moon and is placed in the nakshatra of the Moon. Ketu is associated with fifth lor Mercury and the Moon. a watery sign of Mars.· In birth chart. . In birth chart Moon Ket Mars Case Study-5 Birth Chart 18-10-1956 08:25:00 Male Sat Rah Lag Sun Jup Ven Mer Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 26°40' 01°27' 12°13' 20° 17' 15° 11' 27° 58' 20° 32' Mars 07° 29' 06° 09' Mer Lag Ket Navamsha Chart Rah Jup Sun Ven Moon Sat .02. 1956.Sc. fifth house is occupied by th Moon Venus(fifth lord) and the debilitated Sun and is aspecte b th powerful Mars.October 18. From Mercury fifth lord is Saturn again and is placed in Scorpio.Saturn upto 18. Fifth lord is Saturn and is placed in Scorpio a prominent sign for Rasayana Shastra (Chemistry). -Mercury/Jupiter Mercury!Rahu In birth chart.Case Study . In navamsha chart. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance. M.Sc.5 (Chemistry . 08:25 hours 1ST.1963 Dasha at the time of admission B. Fifth house is occupied by the Mars and is aspecte by the Jupiter and Venus. Thus fifth house and fifth lord comes under the influenc of the Moon and Mars which confirms the education in chemistry He joined B. during the dasha ofMercury/Rahu.Professor) Birth details.Sc. Rahu is associated with fift lord Saturn in the watery sign ofMars (Scorpio) which is again indicating education in chemistry. Jupiter is the dispositor of the Moon and is aspectin the fifth house and the Mars. Observation (i) Fifth lord from the mahadasha lord Mercury is Saturn an placed in Scorpio. Mercury is ninth lord and is aspected by the Moo and Mars which is capable to give education in chemistr bein influenced by the Moon and Mars. Mercury has already been discussed Antardasha lord. He joined M. .(Chemistry) during the dash a of Mercury/Jupiter The role of mahadasha lord. Jupiter is placed in own sign in navamsh chart. Antardasha lord.mahadasha lord. (ii) Tenth lord from the mahadasha lord Mercury is Mercury itsel who is placed in the nakshatra of the Moon and is aspecte b the Moon and Mars.Sc. Mercury is also placed i th nakshatra of the Moon. Mechanica Engineerin Mechanical engineering is a discipline that involves the applicatio of principles of Physics for analysing. Fifth lord. industria equipment and machinery etc. Thus the fifth and tenth lin found in the chart and the fifth lord comes under the strong influenc of Mars. designing. thermodynamics and energy These techniques are used in designing and analysing the automobiles aircraft. there should be relationshi offifth house/fifth lord and tenth house/tenth lord in a horoscope 2. In birth chart.E. Saturn provides the technica knowledge to utilise these instruments. Saturn and Sun will make relationship with fift house/fifth lord and tenth house/tenth lord for educatio mechanical engineering. instruments. fifth house is Gemini.(Mechanical engineering) in 1998 and completed the course successfully. He joined B. For education in engineering. placed in the nakshatr o Saturn and is aspected by the two malefics the Sun and powerfu Mars . Therefore the role of Mars. Saturn and Sun. machine & tools. building and bridges. The Mars. in the sign of Saturn and is associated with the Sun (seventh lord) an exalted Mars (third and tenth lord). fifth lord Mercury is also aspecte by the exalted Jupiter from the sixth house. kinetic energy engine. Saturn an Sun will come into play. in the nakshatra of Sun. It requires a solid understandin ofkey concepts of mechanics. Mercury is placed in the twelfth house. kinematics. The parameter for education in mechanical engineering will be as under: I. The dasha at the time of joining engineering colleg wil b related to the fifth house/fifth lord and tenth house/tent lord Case Study 1 The person was born on 25th January 1979 at 08:35:00 hours(IST) a Delhi. However. Mars represents physical force. 3. heating and cooling systems. machine tool usin th principles of physics which is represented by the Sun. an airy sign ofMercury. manufacturin an maintaining the mechanical systems. The Jupiter has los it beneficence being a retrograde planet. fifth house is occupied by Moon and Mars and .lag Ket Sun Mars Mer I t ~ Aquarius Lagna Chart 25-01-1979 Male Case Study . Mars is exalted.debilitated Moon and Saturn who is involved in a exchange with th Sun. Fifth house from Mercury is aspected by its own lord Venus . But the influence of Mars and Saturn supporte by th Sun is stronger than the influence of Venus and debilitate Moon !Venus and Moon have also lost their directional strengths being place . Thus confirms the educatio in mechanica . Saturn an Sun. Venus is placed in the watery sign o Mars and is associated with Moon which points towards Chemica engineering.1 Moon Ven Jup(R) Rah Sat(R) ~ 1 ILagna Sun ~~============~==========~­ Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu o4o 54' 1oo 58' 27°03' 09°53' 00°57' 10°24' 24°15' 19°38' 24°49' Mars Moon Sun Ket . and is associate wit Sun and Mercury in the sign of digbali Saturn who has exchange :sign with the Sun. Fifth lord from Mercury. 1 In navamsha chart. I Tenth lord from lagna.---------------------------------------1 ~ Ven Navamsha Chart Mer Lag Rah Jup Sat Hence Jupiter comes totally under the influence of the tenth house. He joined engineering college in 1998 during the dasha of Venus/ Rahu/Mercury. Tenth lord Sun in placed in the sign of Saturn and is associated with exalted Mars an Mercury.2 This case study is taken from Tula Sankranti Issue (October-December 2003) of Journal of Astrology where this case was analysed by Dr. a medical doctor by profession and he is also a brilliant researcher in astrology. exalted Mars (tent lord) in the sign of dig bali. Saturn and Sun. Venus which is again a excellent placemen o dash a lords. He has been lucky to get a good and uninterrupted education He graduated as Bachelor of Technology from Delhi Colleg o Engineering and subsequently completed his managemen cours . Thus the education ha t be mechanical engineering. The person was born on ll'h August 1975 at 23:55 hours(lST). Mars. Saturn and Sun for education in mechanical engineering. Delhi. Venus is a yogakarak planet and is placed in the tenth house. 1n birth chart. Vishal Wadhwa. Rahu is placed in lagna. in the sign of Mar who is placed in the fifth house. Jupiter is aspected by the exalted Sun (tenth lord) and Mars. Case Study . Rahu is placed in the tenth hous from mahadasha lord. Mercur is again influenced by the Mars. a sign of Su and is occupied by Saturn and is aspected by the aspected by Saturn. Venus which is again a goo placement of dasha lords. Mercury is fifth lord who is associated with the Sun (seventh lord). Antardasha lord. in the sign of Saturn and is aspecting the tenth house. in the sig of Sun and is aspected by the exalted tenth lord. Venus is aspected by the fifth lord Jupiter. Saturn and Sun. Saturn and is forming a Rajayoga. Pratyantar dash a lord. 1n navamsh chart mahadasha lord. Venus is placed is fourth house. Fifth lord. Again the influence ofMars and Saturn with Sun is predominating over the other influences. Rahu is placed i the tenth house from mahadasha lord. Mars. Antardasha lord. tenth house/tenth lord. Pratyantar dasha lord. Mercury is eleventh lord of prapt and is involved in an exchange with Saturn. Observation Tenth house from mahadasha lord Venus is Leo. mahadasha lord. Rah i placed in seventh house in association with digbali Saturn. Notice the connection of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord. Thus Rah comes under the influence of Mars. Jup Lag Ket Mars Taurus Lagna Chart Sun Sat Mer 11-08-1975 Male Case Study - 2 Rah Ven(R) Moon ' Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 02°55'24°57' 24°32' 04°33' 05°34' 01°10' 17°35' Jup 02°27' 03°36' Mer Sun Mars Ket Lag Navamsha Chart Sat Moon Rah Ven from l.I.T. Delhi. Good Birth Education chart Fifth lord is Mercury in fourth house making a combinatio o kendra and trikona, it is conjunct with Venus (lagna and sixth lord forming a Rajayoga. Mercury is also aspected by Jupiter which is th eleventh lord of recognition, thereby combining three benefics. Rajayoga is forming in the third house of self-effort b combination of Sun and Saturn. Saturn Is vargottama and aspect th fifth house thus strengthening it. Fifth house from Mercury is being aspected by it ow lor vargottama Jupiter. Navamsha Chart Fifth lord is debilitated in ninth house but Venus is involved in a good exchange with ninth lord Mercury and is aspecte b Mar forming a Rajayoga. Type of education technical or non-technical Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu have been considere a technical planets and Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon as non technical planets. Birth chart Fifth lord Mercury is in sign of Sun and nakshatra of Ketu. 1 i conjunct with Venus and aspected by Mars and Jupiter. Moon in th nakshatra of Mars is in the fifth house and is aspected by Saturn. Fifth house from Mercury is aspected by Mars and Jupiter. Fifth lord fro Mercury is Jupiter in sign of Mars and nakshatra ofKetu and is aspecte by Saturn. Summing up the influences we find predominant! th influences of technical planets giving technical colour to the education Navamsha chart Fifth lord is Venus, aspected by Mars and Saturn. Fifth hous ha Mercury and is aspected by Mars. Navamsha also promises educatio in technical field. Vocational course For a vocational course, there should be a connection betwee the fifth and the tenth houses. In birth chart, fifth lord Mercury aspect tenth house and tenth lord Saturn aspects the fifth house. 1n navamsh chart, Venus, owns both the concerned houses. For career in engineering there should be a connection betwee third, fifth and tenth house because fifth house of learning and tent house ofwork have to be connected with work with hands, which ar represented by the third house. Dynamic promise He got the mahadasha of Rahu( 1981-1999) in Vimshottar an Dwisaptatisama dasha (DSS, a conditional dasha) of Rahu from 1983 · 1992. Rahu is in the seventh house; it is aspected by its disposito Mars from lagna. His education during this period was ordinary as th dasha was not connected to fifth house or fifth lord. Choice of subjects (June 1991) After passing the tenth board examination with averag mark the person was offered commerce because his marks had fallen belo the cut-off but luck favoured him and he got the opportunit to stud science, his desired subject. At that time he was passing through Rahu/Mercury in Vimshottar and Rahu!Venus in Dwisaptatisama dasha. Mahadasha lord Rahu a technical planet is in nakshatra of Saturn and is being aspecte by it dispositor Mars. Fifth lord from Rahu is Jupiter in nakshatra of Ketu aspected by Saturn. The mahadasha clearly points towards the technical nature of education. Antardasha lords of both the dasha system ar conjunct. Their roles in education have been discussed earlier and i was observed that they are capable of giving technical education The antardasha lords are involved in Rajayoga and are aspecte b th eighth lord Jupiter, which can give him the desired results but wit some change or delay. Mechanical engineering (May 1993) In conditional dasha (DSS), the mahadasha of Sun starte i October 1992. The Sun is involved in a Rajayoga with ninth and tent lord vargottama Saturn in the third house of self efforts, this brough out a distinctive change in his personality and the naughty kid of th class started emerging as a hard working student with command ove physics and mathematics, which Sun can give as it is conjunct with a technical planet (Saturn). At the time of appearing for the entrance examination he wa passing through Rahu/Ketu in Vimshottari and Sun/Sun in DSS. Rahu can give education in technical field as explained earlier The antardasha lord Ketu is conjunct with Mars which ca giv computer education and fifth house from it has Moon in nakshatr of Mars, and aspected by Saturn which can give education in chemistry pharmacy or medicine allied fields. Fifth lord from Ketu is Mercury in nakshatra of Ketu. It is conjunct with Venus and aspected by Mar which can give education in computer or electronic engineering If we see DSS, the events are very clear, the dasha was of Sun Sun and it was explained earlier that it can give education in physics and mathematics, which are the subjects an engineer has to study Fifth house from Sun has Rahu and is aspected by its dispositor Mar which clearly indicated education in mechanical engineering* MBA in marketing and tmance(January 1997) In Vimshottari, the dasha was Rahu/Sun; fifth hous fro mahadasha lord is owned by Jupiter which is in turn is aspecte b *Mechanical engineering is based on the application of principles of Physics. Also notice the role of Mars, Saturn and Sun for education in Mechanical engineering - Naval Singh. Saturn which can give education in management but the fifth hous from the antardasha lord is influence by Rahu and Mars which point towards a further course in mechanical engineering The promis becomes clearer if we see DSS in which the dasha from Mercury Antardasha lord Mercury is aspected by Jupiter and fifth house fro Mercury is under the influence of Jupiter again which points toward his education in management. Conclusion To study the subjects of education, the dynamic promise unfolde by the interplay of mahadasha and antardasha lords has to be seen i the light of ~he static promise with precedence given to antardash lord. The results have to be unfolded step by step keeping in mind th existing educational background. Case Study -3 This is the case study of an engineering student to whom I hav given a prediction in February 2000 for his career in Mechanica engineering. He is the son of a lady physiotherapist to whom I ha approached for my treatment offacial palsy as I had an attack of it in 2000. In a discussion with physiotherapist, my wife told her about my knowledge of astrology. Immediately, she brought out a compute cast horoscope from the adjacent room and asked me t giv astrological readings about the education of her son. I analyse th horoscope and told her that her son will become a Mechanica engineer. The boy was selected for B.E.(Mechanical engineering Lag Rah Moon Taurus Lagna Chart 08-12-1983 Male Case Study - 3 Sun Ket Jup Mer Ven Sat Mars Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 03°41' 22°08' 07°23' 17°58' 11°45' 26°56' 08°24' 18°02' 22° 16' Venus is lagna lord and is associated with exalte ninth and tenth lord. Mercury is placed in the eighth hous and is aspected Mars and exalted ninth and tenth lord. Mercury and tenth lord. mahadasha lord. Thus the education has to b mechanical engineering. Fifth lord. In navamsha chart.11 positions mutually Pratyantar dasha lord. This person was born on gth December 1983 at 16:10:0 hours(IST) at Delhi. In birth chart. is in the nakshatra of Ketu who is in degree conjunction with the Sun. Dasha lords Mars and Sun are placed in 3. In navamsha chart.E. Mercur. Venus and Saturn.Jup Moon Sat Mars Lag Navamsha Charat Mer Rah Sun Ket Ven July 2001 as predicted by me. Mercury is aspected by the Sun who is placed in th sign of Saturn. an earthy sign of Mercury and is occupied by Mars. Antardasha lord. Summing up the influences. in association with Jupiter and Ketu in the sign of Mars. placed in the sign of Saturn and is aspecte b the fifth lord. fifth house is occupied by the tent lord Mars. She contacted me again in 2002 for an astrological guidance and confirmed the selection of her so mechani~al engineering degree course. Fifth house from Mercury is aspected by Mars. Saturn and Sun is predominating and the link of fifth. the influence of Mars. Mars is placed in fift house and is aspecting the fifth lord. Pratyantar dash lord . fifth house is Virgo. Fifth lord. He joined engineering college in 2001 during the dasha of Mars/ Sun/Venus. Mars. In birth chart. Saturn.(Mechanical engineering) in 200 and completed the course successfully. Antardash lord Sun is seventh lord. mahadash lord Mars is tenth lord and is placed in the fifth house. Mercury. the fift lord. The Sun is in the nakshatra ofMercury. Saturn. Tenth lord Mars is aspecting the Sun who is placed ·i the sign of Saturn. He joined B .tenth house also exits in birth and navamsha chart. th Sun is placed in seventh house. Mars Reason it out Yourself Apply the principles used in the ongoing case studies and analys the following horoscopes yourself. M. Mars.In this case.1979 Data:Ashok Kumar Case Study . Observation Tenth lord from mahadasha lord Mars is Mercury who is aspecte by Mars and Saturn. Vimshottari dasha balance.1983 Dasha at the time of admission . Case Study . see the connection of Mars.E. Saturn and Sun for educatio in mechanical engineering.4 (Mechanical Engineering) Birth details. . Joined sen/ice in 2005 . tenth house/tenth lord.Ketu upto 02.4 Sun Mer Jup Ven Rah Sat Moon Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 01°56' 14°54' 06°58' 22•oo· 03°47' oo•3a· 16°49' 22° 32' 14° 54' . Mars an lagna lord.A.Venus is fourth and ninth lord and is aspected by tenth lord. Mercury is also placed in the nakshatra of Ketu who is in degree conjunction with the Sun.Sun!Jup (2005) Hint . Saturn and Su with fifth house or fifth lord in birth and navamsha charts.(Mechanical Engineering) -Venus! Saturn!Rahu (1998). Muradnagar. tenth house/tent lord Mars. 18:00 hours 1ST. Saturn and Sun for education in mechanical engineering Mars Lag Ket Aquarius Lagna Chart 01.Sun/Moon/Jupiter (2003).September 1. Also see th link of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord. Notice the influenc o Mars.09. Saturn and Sun on tenth lord from mahadasha lord.B. Saturn.01. 1979. Notice the connection of dasha lords with fifth house/fift lord.B. 1977 ~----r-----r-----r---~ Lag Sat(R) Ket Taurus Lagna Chart 15-10-1972 Moon Data:Dr. Gurgaon Vimshottari dasha balance.Kiran 1-----1 Kumari Yen Case Study .5 Mer Sun Mars Rah Jup Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 28°14'28°54' 00°14' 16° 01' 15°52' 08°52' 18°26' 26° 57' 27°47' Mars Ket Jup Mer Navamsha Chart Moon Lag Sun Sat{R) Yen Rah .03. 21:15 hours 1ST.Sun upto 06.October 15.5 (Mechanical Engineering) Birth details. 1972.Mars Jup Mer Moon Ket Navamsha Chart Sun Rah Lag Sat Yen Case Study . Das Case Study . There is a brilliant exchang of fift Sun Ven(R) Mer(R) Mars Rah Jup Libra Lagna Chart 03-04-1985 Data: M.April 03. see the influence of Mars.1989 Dasha at the time of admission .6 Sat(R) Lag Ket Moon Lagna Sun Moon 23°05' 20°08' 23°43' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 20° 19' 20°05' 17°43' 20°37' Lag Saturn Rahu 03° 52' 24° 58' Jup Ket Navamsha Chart Sun Mer(R) Ven(R) Moon Rah Mars Sat(R) .-(Mechanical Engineering) Birth details.MarsA!enus!Rahu (1992) Jobs .Aienus Hint. 1985. tenth house/tent lord.Dasha at the time of admission.Rahu!Rahu.Moon!Mercury!Rahu Hint. Calcutta Vimshottari dasha balance . Mars Saturn and Sun for education in mechanical engineering Case Study .In this case. Also see the link ofdasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord.02. see the influence ofMars and Saturn on fift house or fifth lord in birth chart.In this case. Second Job in September 2002 Rahu!Mercury.N.6 . Saturn and Sun o fifth house or fifth lord in birth and navamsha charts. Venus upto 08.First Job in 1996 . 20:15 hours 1ST. the Sun is also aspected by Mars. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance. Mars Saturn and Sun for education in mechanical engineering Case Study . Fifth lord is Venus and is placed in the nakshatra ofMars.October02.7 (Mechanical Engineering) Birth details. fifth house is af?pected by the Saturn. 14:49 hours 1ST. tenth house/tent lord.Rahu!Rahu!Mercury Hint . Thus the influence of Mars. the Sun and tenth lord. Saturn and Sun on fifth house is crystal clear. Fifth Rah Jup(R) Capricorn Lagna Chart 02-10-1987 Lag Moon Data:Marisha Case Study . Also see the lin o dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord.Moon upto 27.1997 Dasha at the time of admission .02. fiftfn lord is Sun. Saturn in the navamsha chart and the fift lord. In navamsha chart. Venus is conjoined with Mars and Sun.In birth chart.lord. 1987. Retrograde benefics loose their beneficence when aspected by malefics.7 Ven Sat Mer Ket Sun Mars Lagna Sun Moon 10°32' 14°57' 10°47' Mars 02° 11' Mercury Jupiter 10°25' 03°06' Venus 25°45' Lag Saturn 22° 22· Rahu oso 40' Ket Jup(R) Moon Sun Navamsha Chart Sat Mars Mer Ven Rah . house is aspected by the exalted Mars who is placed in the tenth house together with the tenth lord. a subordinat of my friend rang me and asked me to give astrological reading fo the business prospects of his friend as his friend wanted to do som improvement in his business. In the mont o June 2007. when I was writing a case study for this book. I calculated the chart and Vimshottar dasha.8 (Mechanical Engineering) Birth details. When I saw the influence of Mars. 06:05 hours 1ST. Varansi Vimshottari dasha balance.1975 Dasha at the time of admission .Mars/Saturn/Sun I want to give a simple explanation for this chart.September02.08. Saturn. 1969. Saturn and the Sun on th Sat(R) Moon Rah Leo Lagna Chart Ven 02-09-1969 Case Study .Sun upto 10.8 Lag Sun Ket Mer Jup Mars Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter 12°5~ 14°5~ Venus Saturn Rahu 20°59' 15°59' 26°47' 25°29' 11°11' Mer 15° 23' 27° 43' Jup Rah Mars Navamsha Chart Sun Sat Moon Ket Lag Ven . Case Study . No other planets are influencing the fifth house of navarnsha chart. . I immediately asked him whether his friend has studie mechanical engineering? He said that his friend has an educatio i engineering but he did not know the branch of engineering.Tech (Mechanical engineering) in the year 1988 at MITS Gwalio during the dasha ofMars/Saturn/Sun and completed the degree cours Now see the connection of Mars.fifth house of navamsha chart and mahadasha of Mars at the tim education. He rang me again as promised by him and confirm th education of his friend in mechanical engineering. He joined mechanical engineering in the dasha of these planets (Mars/ Saturn/Sun). successfully. I aske him "can you confirm from your friend the branch of engineering" H said that I shall call you after 10 minutes after taking confirmation from my friend. Saturn and the Sun with fifth house of navarnsha chart both from lagna and Mercury. This case study also confirms the importance ofmavarnsha chart. His friend joine B. Saturn(constructio material and Mercury( measurement) comes into play. fifth and tenth houses in the horoscope o civil engineers as the fourth house is related with land/structure fift house with education and tenth house with works. 1980 at 11:43:00 hours at Delhi. water supply. structures. roads. Civil engineering is based on the typical application of principle of Geotechnical Engineering. sewer services. water or other civil aspect an their processes. ther should be a link of fourth. He had already consulted dozens of astrologers and was unsatisfied and demoralised with the answers of the astrologers. transportatio and traffic. Environmenta Engineering. Today. or publi works. Structural Engineering. He was very much worried about the educational career of his son. as these are related to earth. I prepared the horoscope of boy on the basis of Chitrapaksh . He had spent a lot of money in the remedies prescribed for Kaal Sarpa Yoga and fees of the astrologers but no astrologer was clear in predicting the selection of his son in engineering course. Apart from this. In March 1999.I This chart belongs to an engineering student. railways. flood control. He told me that his son was preparing for entrance examination for selection in engineering degree course for the last two years and will appear in entrance examination. bridges. Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineerin fields partly because it is the oldest of all engineering fields. irrigation the natural environment. commercial. construction and maintenance of fixed structures. Case Study.all sizes and levels of construction. Therefore the role of Mars(land). civil engineering is mostly dealing with powe plants. whether his son would be able to succeed in an examination to be qualified for the selection in an engineering course. Transportation Engineering and Construction Engineerin to residential. bom on December 9. father of this boy contacted me and asked a question. industrial and public works project of .·civil Engineerin Civil engineering is a broad field of engineering that deal i planning. a· .Lag Ket Aquarius Lagna Chart 09-12-1980 11:43:00 Male Sun Mer Rah Mars Moon Ven Sat Jup llagna Sun I Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 06° 52' 23° 45' 12°43' 19° 12' 13°35' 13°35' 25°12' 14°45' 18°33' Sat Ven Jup Sun Ket Moon Navamsha Chart Lag Rah Mer Mars Ket Mer Ven Jup Sat Moon Sun Chaturvimshamsha Chart Lag Mars Rah .ayanamsha (Lahiri) and verified some of the past events to confirm th correctness of the horoscope and asked the father to wait for a day. the fourth and ninth lord occupies the ninth house an alternate house for education being a fifth from fift (mooltrikona sign ofVenus). Finally the result of Chandigarh was declare and boy was called for first counselling on 2 I" July'99 but could not be selected. the fift candidate ofthe list withdrew his name from counselling and finall this boy got selected but unexpectedly for admission in B.E. (Civi Engineering). link of fifth and tenth houses . which every astrologer consulte ha denied and started prescribing remedies for Kaai Sarpa Yoga whic actually has no place in any astrological literature or classic. The Mercury also happens to be the lord o eighth house and it is under the influence of lagna lord. The success in competitive examination was clearly visibl from the horoscope ofthe boy. The boy was Mercury/ Jupiter. Next day after analysin the horoscope. The aspect of sixth lord (Moon) and lagn lord (Saturn) from eighth house on fifth house also shows some kind of difficulties and obstructions in the educational career. The results of some ofthe engineering Colleges/Universitie wer declared in July I999. The boy was not selected in any ofthe Colleges Universities. the seventh lord of attainment of position and aspect fourth house. then running the Vimshottari Dasha o Venus Basis of my prediction Fifth lord. The one and only last hope was selection in an engineerin college at Chandigarh.The fifth lord. This boy was at sixth place in the list. The boy and his father both had los a! hopes and started packing the documents. Mercury occupies the tenth house of distinction wit digbali Sun. only five seats were availabl in th course. No chance of his selectio was visible at that moment. the link of fifth and tenth houses shows that the education attaine . In the meantime. The third lord. This is an excellent combination for succes a competitive examination. Mars occupies the elevent house and aspects fifth house and is indicating the hard wor an success through self efforts. Again he was called for second counselling on 2 I" August'99 During the second counselling.I have to analyse the horoscope in detail especially when I learnt tha he has already consulted so many astrologers. Mars aspects the fifth house. I predicted that his son is definitely going to be selecte in the engineering course unexpectedly but with some difficult an obstruction. M ercu~ occupies the tenth house and tenth lord. Venus. Saturn fro eighth house. which shows the element of suddennes an unexpectedness. Mercury is placed in tenth hous with the Sun. in the sign of Mars. This is a combinatio fo success in competitive examination. through the fifth house has to be put to use through the hous o profession. Saturn indicates buildin and construction material and Mercury indicates measuremen works Role of dasha : Venus/Mercury/Jupite In birth chart. Mercury. fifth lord. The Mercury is also the lord o eighth house and is aspected by the lagna lord. Thus the education of this boy has to be vocational professional. Mars indicates land. Jupiter. in the Nakshatra of Saturn and i receiving the aspect of Saturn.Fifth house from lagna is receivin th aspect of Mars and Saturn. buildin an construction activities. is the fifth lord of education. is the fourth and ninth lor and is placed in ninth house .an alternate house for education bein fifth from fifth (mooltrikona sign). Fifth house from karaka Mercury is also receiving the aspec of Mars. Fourth hous i taken here for civil engineering as it indicates land. Tenth lord. Venus. the P lord.. Thus the education has to technical in civil engineering. fifth and tenth houses indicate technical education in the field of civil engineering. the PD lord. Mars aspects fourth and fifth houses from tenth house. Saturn and Mercury on fifth house an fifth lord and connection of fourth. This link of fifth and tenth house i also repeated in Navamsha Chart where fifth lord. Mercury is also as pectin the fifth house. In Navamsha chart. is showing the sweet fruits of labour suddenly and unexpected! being a eleventh lord in eighth house. Mercury is also aspecting the fourt house. the Sun and aspects the fourth house. Saturn and Jupiter. is eleventh lord of fulfilment of ambition placed in the eighth house of suddenness and unexpectedness. the AD lord. placed in tenth house of distinction with dig bali sevent lord. the influence of Mars. Mercury and Navamsha. The N avamsha chart confirms the promis of birth chart.. Mars occupie th tenth house. Jupiter is placed i the sign ofMercury. Summing up the influences on fifth house and fifth lord from Lagna. Mars also aspect the fourth and fifth houses. . Fifth lord from Mercury. The influences of Mars. Saturn and Mercury is predominating. This combination is generally found in the horoscope o engineers and doctors where the education attaine ha direc connection with the profession. Tenth lord Mercury aspects fifth house. Type of Education . Fifth lord. the Saturn from eight house. which shows the element of suddenness and unexpectedness Jupiter. the MD lord. Fifth house is occupied by retrograde Jupiter and is aspected by the Su and Venus. Thus. the Mercury an is aspecting the tenth house of distinction. Mars who is conjoined with Mercury. the Mercury with fifth and tenth in all the thre concerned divisional charts shows the selection in engineerin course Notice the connection of dasha lords with fourth. Case Study 2 The person was born on 4·h September 1974 at 09:58:00 hours (1ST) at Dalmau. In birth chart. Broadly. Mars. Saturn and Mercury. E. which is giving indication toward vocational course. Now. Mercury is th tenth lord of distinction and is aspecting the fifth house of education Jupiter is the lagna lord. He joined . From Mercury. Saturn and Mercury on tenth lord indicate technica education in civil engineering. Mars placed in tenth house In chaturvimshamsha chart. we have to take the he! o navamsha chart and dasha running at the time of admission in th engineering course to settle down slight variations in education In navamsha chart. Jupiter is placed in fifth house of education. Tenth house comes under the influenc o Mars. placed in sixth house of com petitio wit sixth and eleventh lord of gains. Venus is placed in own house. the Moon is in the nakshatra of Saturn and is aspecte b Mars. fifth house is Aquarius. Venus is place in the fourth house with Saturn and is aspected by the exalted fourt lord. Saturn and Mercury. Venu in hi M ahadasha is. He is working in a Semi Government organisation and his work is related with hydro projects. Saturn is aspecting the tenth lord. Jupiter is in the nakshatra ofRahu who is placed in the sig of Mars.In navamsha chart. therefore. the Moon. Saturn is again fifth lord. Venus and third lord of self effort Saturn and is aspecting the fifth lord. in the nakshatra of Jupiter and is aspected by Jupiter. (Civil Engineering) at Delhi College of Engineering in 1992 after passing t:!h class with excellent marks. in the sign o Mercury. The fourth and fifth lord. an airy sign of Saturn. Venus is the fifth lord of education very well placed in the fourth house with ninth lord. Fifth lord. Thus lin of 4 5 IO houses exists here. capable to give excellent education Th connection of AD lord. fifth an tenth houses in all the three charts. Saturn and Mercur . fifth house from lagna and Mercury comes under the influence of non technical planets. Venus is fifth and tenth lord. the link of4 5 IO houses and th influence of Mars. Tenth house is bereft of any aspect or conjunction Tenth lord. Saturn is placed in the ninth house. Mercury is the ninth lord placed in fourth house with fifth lord Venus and is aspecting the tent house. Mercury is ninth lord. conjoined with Mars and i aspected by the tenth lord. Mercury which is an excellen placement of dasha lords as per the principles of dash a interpretation . Antardasha and pratyantar dasha lord. the Moon forming a rajayoga. Saturn is place in the tenth house from mahadasha lord. the link of 4 .E. engineering. Besides. Thus navamsha chart confirms the educatio in civil In case of engineers. This is a excellent mahadasha for educational career.5 .Moon Ket Sat Jup(R) Libra Lagna Chart 04-09-1974 09:58:00 Male Rah Sun Ven Lag Mars Mer Lagna Sun Moon ·Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 12°56' 17°45' 14°26' 00°56' 03° 09' 19° 38' Jup 01°14' Sat Ven 22°32' 21°29' Navamsha Chart Ket Lag Mars Mer Rah Moon Sun influence both. He joined B. tenth house is indicating educational pattern more prominently ·than the fifth house but there should be a link of fifth and tenth houses. Antardasha and pratyanta dasha lord. the Moon. In birth chart mahadasha lord.(Civil engineering) in 1992 at Delhi Colleg o Engineering during the dasha of Mercury/Saturn/Saturn.1 houses is also present. fifth and tenth houses. Saturn is fourth and fifth lord and is aspecting the tent lord. Mercury that is an again good position for getting favourabl results of dash a. Antardasha and pratyantar dash a lord. Saturn and Mercury for education in civil engineering. Venus in fourth house and is aspectin th tenth house. Mars and is aspected by Saturn from fourt house.Venus upto 12.3 (Civil Engineering) Birth details . exalted Saturn and"Mercury. Jupiter is also aspectin th Rah Lag Jup(R) Aquarius Lagna Chart 01-10-1986 Mars Data: Deepak Chandra Lohani Sat Mer Ven Moon Sun Ket Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 04°31' 14°17' 14°52' 02° 19' 02°34' 21°36' 23°08' 11°44' 27° 14' . Tenth hous comes under the influence of Mars and Saturn. Mercury is in the nakshatra of tent lord. In navamsha chart. fift lord. conjoine with exalted fourth lord. Mercury is ninth lord. Notice the relationship of dasha lords with · fifth house/fifth lord. Mars. Saturn is placed in fourth house from mahadash lord. Mars who is involved in an exchange with Saturn. Jupiter is placed in the sign of Mars and is aspecte b th exalted Mars. Mercury is associated with fourt lord.Venus!Ketu Hint. 1986. mahadasha lord. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance. fourth lord exalted Mars and Mercury. 16:10 hours 1ST. Case Study .In birth chart. Reason it out Yourself Apply the principles used in the ongoing case studies and analys the following horoscopes yourself. tenth house/tenth lord. Saturn is conjoine with fifth and tenth lord. Venus in the ninth house. Fifth lord.06. Antardash an pratyantar dasha lord.October 1.2004 Dasha at the time of admission .In navamsha chart. In birth chart. Fifth lord.June 15.03. Mercury is placed in own hous with Sun and Saturn. Besides. Mercury is in the nakshatra of Rahu wh i placed in the tenth house. Case Study .Rah Ven Jup(R) Sun Mars Navamsha Chart Moon Lag Sat Mer Ket tenth house and is conveying the influences of Mars. tenth house is also aspecte b the exalted Mars.10 axis.1980 Dasha at the time of admission . fifth lord and tenth lord.4 (Civil Engineering) Birth details. Mars and tenth house Sun Moon Ket Sat Mer Mars Ven Lag Jup Aquarius Lagna Chart 15-06-1974 Data: Madhu Gupta Rah . in the sign of Mars and covering 4. 23:45 hours 1ST.Ketu upto 23. Venus is placed in the sign of Mars while Mars is placed in the tenth house. 1974. Nanga/ Dam Vimshottari dasha balance. In navamsha chart.Venus/Jupiter Hint . own sign and is aspecting the Mercury. Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venusa Saturn Rahu 12°49'00°45' 02°20' 10°36' 19°57' 23°35' 24°28' 12°54' 25°54' . Saturn is place i lagna. Satur an Mercury to the tenth house. Jupiter placed in fourth house. Mars is aspecting the fifth lord.5 . fifth lord.Mer Moon Jup Rah Navamsha Chart Ket Lag Sat Ven Sun Mars Case Study . Mera Ven Ket Sun Mars Virgo Lagna Chart 04-03-1959 Data: Rajesh Bah a I Moon Sat Jup Lag Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venusa Saturn Rahu 19° 38' 20° 00' 22° 03' 17°03' 05° 16' 08° 23' 16°47' 12° 17' 20° 10' . 1959. a sign of Mercury and is aspecte by the Mars and Saturn. Mars is linking 4 .5 (Civil Engineering) Birth details. Tent lord Jupiter is placed in the fourth house.I houses. 20:35 hours 1ST. Saturn is placed in the fourt house and is aspecting the tenth house.1966 Dasha at the time of admission . Venu an tenth lord.March 04. Pataudi Vimshottari dasha balance.In birth chart. Tenth lord. Fifth lord. Also search the connection of dash a lords (Moon and Saturn with fifth and tenth house. Saturn is aspecte by Mar and is in the nakshatra of Ketu who is conjoined with tent lord Mercury. Venus is aspected by Mars.Moon/Saturn Hint . Saturn I navamsha chart.01. Mercury is in the nakshatra offifth lord.Venus upto 26. Jodhpur Vimshottari dasha balance. Ket Mer Lag Sun Ven Taurus Lagna Chart 25-05-1959 Data: Rajesh Bah a I Moon Sat(R} Jup(R} Mars Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venusa Saturn Rahu 09°39'09°46' 14°41' 02°29' 28°58' 03°03' 22°47' 12°38' 18°29' .In birth chart. 05:51 hours 1ST. 1959.Ven Moon Jup Case Study . Tenth house is aspected by Mars and its ow Ilord. Saturn. Saturn Fifth lord. fifth house is Virgo.Venus upto 06. tenth lord. Jupiter is placed in fift Ihouse with Mars and Saturn while fourth lord. In navamsha chart.1977 Dasha at the time of admission . Mercury is placed in th 1 tenth house. Mercury is placed in the sign ofMars and is in the nakshatr of fourth lord.Venus!Ketu Hint.May 25.6 :(Civil Engineering) Birth details. a sign of Mercury and i occupied by Rahu.05. Also investigate the relationship of dasha lord wit 1 concerned houses and see their mutual placement. Fifth house is aspected by the tenth lord. the Sun. Lag Sun Ven Rah Navamsha Chart Mars Sat Jup Moon Ket Mer Case Study.1963 Dasha at the time of admission . fifth house is Virgo a sign of Mercury and is occupied by Rahu and Moon. Panipat. Mar conjoined with Rahu and is aspecting the Mercury.In birth chart.May 20. Saturn. Vimshottari dasha balance. Role of Dasha. Mercur placed in the sign of Mars and is in the nakshatra of Venus wh i conjoined with Mars and is aspected by Saturn.Mars upto 08. Rahu is place in Ket Mer Lag Sun Mars Ven Taurus Lagna Chart 20-05-1959 Data: Rajesh Bah aI Sat(R) Jup(R) Rah Moon Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 22°57' 05°00' 29°43' 29°33' 19° 17' 03°40' 17° 17' 12° 54' 18° 56' . Fifth lord. Fifth hous aspected by the tenth lord.7 (Civil Engineering) Birth details.Rahu!Venus Hint and brief analysis . 1959. 06:40 hours 1ST. mahadasha lord. Saturn and Mars. In navamsha chart fifth and tenth lord.In birth chart. Saturn is aspected by the Mars and Venus fro the sign of Mercury.01. Saturn is place lagna and is aspecting the Mercury and tenth house. Tenth house is aspecte by its own lord. Saturn. Rahu is conjoined with fifth and tent lord Mars in the sign of Mercury. Saturn. in the sign of Mercury and is aspected by Mars and tent lord. In birth and navamsha charts. Antardasha lord. the antardasha lord. mahadasha lord. Venu is placed in tenth house from the mahadasha iord. Antardasha lord.1 fifth house. 6 and 7. Notice the similarities in the birth horoscopes of case study no. Venus is exalted in th ninth house. In navamsh chart. Rahu. . Hence the role of Mars together with Saturn and Mercur evident for career in civil engineering. Venus is conjoined with Mars in th sign of Mercury and is aspected by tenth lord. In birth chart. in the nakshatra of Saturn and is aspected by the Saturn. in 1995. In cas o chemical engineering. Thu both fifth and tenth houses comes under the influence of Moon. electronic environment.(Chemical Engineering) in 1989 and M. He joined B. Mars is place in cancer. in the sign of Moon making a link of fift and tenth house. the same influences are repeated Apar from this. Saturn and Mars. in the nakshatra of Saturn and is aspected by the Saturn Tenth lord. Saturn in placed in Cancer a sign ofMoon while tenth house has Moon and the tenth lord. fifth house is occupied by Rahu and is aspecte by own lord.Mechanica Engineering Chemical engineering is the branch of engineerin tha deal with the application of physical science to the process of convertin raw material or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms.B.A.I The person was born on 51h July 1972 at 19:15:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Fifth lord.Scorpio Cance Capricorn and Virgo . Therefore. Fifth house is occupied by Moon and the Moo i involved in an exchange with fifth lord.Pisces are prominent axes in a horoscop fo studying chemical engineering and we have to check how many planet are placed along these axis. space and militar applications. From Mercury. Generally. Mercur ar conjoined in eight house. both fifth and tenth houses will com unde influence of Moon and watery signs. Mercuiy is placed in Cancer in association with fifth lor Mars. Fifth lord. the role of Moon along with the supportin planets Mars and Saturn and watery signs comes into play. Mercur . fifth lord. biomedical. Chemica engineering involves the design and maintenance of chemical proces for large-scale manufacture. He was selected forcivil services in September 1999. we can say that chemica engineering is the technique used to convert materials or chemical into more useful forms whether they are being used in aerospace automobile. Mars and tenth lord. six planets are associated with watery signs.E. In navamsha chart. Taurus . Mar and Saturn. Case Study . Mars. Moon is placed in the fifth house. Venus is placed in own sign in the nakshatra of Mars. Saturn is aspecting the fifth lord. He joined B. Antardash lord. mahadasha lord. Saturn is in the nakshatra of Moon who is placed in th fifth house.E.r Rah Moon Sat Ven(R) Sun Saggitarius Lagna Chart Mars Ket Mer 05-07-1972 Male lag Jup(R) f------------------------- Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 19° 14' 20°08' 09°07' 10°53' 15° 49' 08° 36' 25° 00' Sun 20° 55' 02° 35' Jup Moon Navamsha Chart Rah Ket Sat Ven Mer Mars lag is placed in Scorpio. Pratyantar dasha lord. Thus navamsha confirms the promise of birth char an the education has to be chemical engineering. Pratyantar dasha lord. Notice the connection of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth . Antardash lord.(Chemical engineering) iri 1989 during the dash of Venus/Saturn/Moon. Venus is ninth lord. Saturn is fifth lord. Mars and fifth house (Scorpio from Mercury. fifth lord and is associated with Saturn Venus is aspecting the fifth house (Scorpio) from Mercury. a very prominent sign for dealing with rasayana (chemicals). I navamsha chart. Moon is placed in th tenth house. Mahadasha lord. Now he is working in a foreign country. In birth chart. fifth lord. (Chemical Engineering) in 1986 and he joined ONGC in 1991. He joined B. Tenth house has vargottam Sat(R) Rah Scorpio Lagna Chart Mars 02-12-1969 Male Moon Ket Lag Sun Mer Ven Jup Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 15° 33' 16° 14' 14°49' 26°28' 24°56' 03°59' 03°19' 09°35' 23°42' Rah Sat Mer Ven Navamsha Chart Moon Mars Lag Sun Jup Ket . education in chemical engineering. Jupiter is in the nakshatra of exalted Mar who is aspecting the tenth house where vargottama Moon is placed Jupiter is also aspected by the Saturn. Moon. Observations Mars.E. th Case Study .lord. and Saturn for Tenth lord Saturn from the mahadasha lord Venus is nakshatra of Moon.2 The person was born on :i'd December 1969 at 06:17:00 hours (1ST) a Chigiepet. tenth house/tenth lord. Jupiter and tenth lord. Sun. tenth house/tenth lord. The fifth and tenth house an their lords in birth and navamsha charts are strongly influence b Moon. Moon is placed in th 1 Moon. Venus is in the nakshatra of Rahu who i aspected by the Saturn. Moon. six planets are related to watery signs/Moon In navamsha chart. He joined B. Venus is placed in ninth house. Moon and Mars al ar connected with his tenth houses of birth and navamsha charts H made a good career and is working in a foreign country. In navamsha chart. Mars. and Saturn for education in chemical engineering. Moon. Thus confirms educatio chemical engineering. Ketu is placed in lagna (Scorpio 1with fifth lord. fifth house is occupied by exalted and vargottama and is aspected by the Mars. a water sign and is aspected by the Mars and Saturn. Sun is in the nakshatra of Saturn. Tenth lord Su i vargottama and is placed in Scorpio. In navamsh chart. Tenth house from mahadasha lord Venus is occupie Moon. vargottama. Besides. Ketu i placed in tenth house with vargottama ninth lord. I Observations 1 vargottama. Fifth lord. b th ' Case Study . the Sun. Thus bot fifth and tenth houses comes under the influence of Moon. a sign of Moon and i aspected by the fifth lord. Jupiter is placed with tenth lord. See the next mahadashas of Sun. fifth lord. Venus is placed with vargottam tenth lord. Now he is dealing with chemicals that are used in cosmetics. Jupiter is placed in Pisces. He joined Chemical engineering in 1986 during the dash o Venus/Ketu/Venus.MOO'ii"" and is aspected by the exalted. Mars. in mooltrikon sign I .E. Cancer.3 1 1 The person was born on ufh September 1973 at 16:30:00 hours (1ST) at ~ Dehradun. see how many planet are related to Moon and watery signs. in lagna. Mars an Saturn. J 1 Notice the relationship of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord. ~ In birth chart. Sun in lagna(Scorpio) and is aspected by Mars. Jupiter. Tenth house is occupied by vargottama Moon an Mars and is aspected by the Saturn. a watery sign of Mars. Mars. Besides. (Chemical Engineering) in 1992 and MBA in 1998. Saturn and watery signs. Venus is placed in tenth house. in Scorpio. In birth chart. a prominent sign for dealin with ra5<sy«3na(chemicals). fifth house is aspected by Mars and Saturn Fifth lord. Thus confirms the education and career in chemicals. He joined engineering college in 1992 during the dasha of Rahu/ Saturn/Venus. Saturn is aspecting the fifth lord. mahadasha lord. with fifth house/fifth lord. Venu i fifth and tenth lord. Apart from this. Pratyantar dash lord Venus is tenth lord. Moon. tenth and Saturn for education in . Rahu is aspected by Saturn an it dispositor. placed in tenth house and is aspected by Mars. Antardash lord. Rahu is aspected by fifth lord. See the link of dasha lords lord. Moon is exalted in the tenth house. Mars.Mars Moon Ket Sat Lag Jup(R) Capricorn Lagna Chart 18-09-1973 Male Rah Ven Venus Sun Mer Lagna Sun Moon 25° 11' 01° 53' 15° 58' Mars Mercury Jupiter Saturn Rahu 15°45' 14°33' 08°57' Jup 12°26' 10°30' 10°21' Moon Mer Rah Sun Navamsha Chart Lag Mars Ven Sat Ket tenth house. Saturn is lagna lord. all the planets are influencing the water. Jupiter. Jupiter Rahu's dispositor. Jupiter is aspecting the fifth house and vargottam Moon Antardasha lord. I navamsha chart. Mahadasha lord. Pratyantar dasha lord. signs. house/tenth chemical engineering. the Sun and eleventh lord.'\ Ven Sun ~- • Ket Moon Mars lag Sat . 2003 Moon lag Rah Sun Mer(R) Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 08° 35' 24° 41' 26° 00' 05° 02' 19° 00' 26° 19' 11° 20' 08°25' 28°49' Mer Rah Jup(R) Navamsha Chart . thus linking the fifth an tenth houses which is obligatory for vocational/professiona courses The benefics. Mumbai on 10. Jupiter and is aspected by tent lord. a watery sign of Jupiter. He joined M.(Chemical Engineering). Case Study . fifth house is Pisces. Mercury.-Dec. Fifth house is occupied by its own lord.Tenth lord Mercury from the mahadasha lord Rahu is in th nakshatra of Moon. the fifth lord 9 Moon Jup(R) Ket Mars Scorpio Lagna Chart Sat 12-10-1975 1-----l Data: R.4 The person was born on 12h October 197_5 at 09:30:00 hours (1ST) a Hapur. an integrated five years course at I~T. Jupiter.08. Jupiter and Mercury are retrograde. l In birth chart.Swaroopl----l JAO Ven Oct.1992 after passing 12h class with excellent marks. Tech. the Moon which is an extraordinary placement of dash a lords as per the principles of dash interpretation. the chemica giver. The investigatio o navamsha chart and dash a running at the time of admission in chemical engineering will settle the issue. In navamsha chart. the Moon is associate with . However Jupiter is aspecting the tenth house and its lord. Mercury is conjoined with tenth lord.(Chemical engineering). Satur is placed in the lagna and is aspecting the Moon and Mars and tent house where tenth in the nakshatra of Mercury who is associated with the Sun and i aspected by Mars and Saturn. Mercury. Thus Jupiter comes under the influence of Moon. fifth lord. a five years integrate course on 10. Here the Jupiter is no associated with fifth house or fifth lord. Therefore the Jupiter becom unemployed as far as the role of fifth house is concerned. Jupiter i retrograde and is placed in the sign of Saturn. Mercury is placed. In birth chart.Tech. Pratyantar dash a lord. Sun is in the nakshatra of Mars who is aspecting the Moon. Jupiter is also aspecte by the Sun and Mars who is associated with the Moon. the Sun is tenth lord and is in mutual aspect with fift lord. Th Sun and Mercury are in the nakshatras ofMars and Moon respectively Fifth house from Mercury is aspected by own lord. Mars and Saturn together with Jupiter on fifth and tent houses from lagna and fifth house from Mercury points toward th education in Biochemistry or Microbiology. antardasha and pratyantar dasha lords. mahadasha lord. th Sun and is aspected by the fifth lord. Hence the education has to be chemical engineering He joined M . Moon and Mars are settin up a rajayoga that is a perfect combination for higher education. Mars and Saturn and will conve the influence of these planets to the tenth house and tenth lord. the Sun and Mercury are placed in tenth house from mahadasha lord. Thus tilting it towards technical. This is a tremendous rajayoga and a link offifth and tent houses which is imperative for engineering/vocational training. the common influence of Moon.08. in its own nakshatra and is aspected by Jupiter. Mars. Mercury is in the nakshatra of Moon Both. Mumbai during the dasha ofMoon/Sun/ Mercury. Jupiter which is again an idea combination for higher studies. mahadasha lord. Mars and Satur emerge out. Moon i significator for chemicals especially when aspecte b Mars Antardasha lord. Jupiter. the influence of Moon. In birth chart. Saturn and Mars Fifth lord from Mercury is Saturn who is placed in the sign ofMoon. the Moon is ninth lord and is aspected by the lagna lord. In navamsha chart.1992 at I . 0 delineating the influences on fifth house or fifth lord of birth an navamsha charts. Mercury is tenth lord. the Moon. tenth house/tenth lord. the Moon is in th nakshatra of Moon. Notice the relationship of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord. Antardashalord. placed in tent house and is aspected by the fifth lord. Saturn and Mars wh associated with Moon. Moon. . Leo which is tenth house from mahadash lord. Mars. Pratyantar dasha lord. Saturn. education Observations Tenth lord Mercury from the mahadasha lord. the Sun is placed in own sign. and Saturn for in chemical engineering.Mars and is aspected by the fifth lord. instrumentatio engineering telecommunications. electronics engineering is considere t be at the same level as electrical engineering.. Both define a broad field that encompasses many sub-field including those that deal with power. This field now covers a number of sub-studie including those that deal with power. Electrical engineers are usually concerned with using electricity to transmit energy while electronic engineers are concerned with usin electricity to transmit information. Mars or Saturn and fiery signs come into play in case of electrical engineering. microchips etc or electronic system an equipment. If we include the rol o Mercury (the messenger/karaka for communication) in above planets they will give inclination to study electronics engineering . Electronics engineering is the branch of engineering that deal with the behaviour and movement of electrons and with electroni devices using transistors. the role of Sun. In many areas. electronics. requiring tha mor general programmes be called electrical and electronic engineerin (EEE). Electrical engineering deals with the problem associated with large-scale electric systems such as power transmissio and motor control whereas electronic engineering deals with the stud of small-scale electronic systems including computers and integrate circuits. Many universities have department of Electroni &. Electronics Powe Engineering Electronic Electronics Instrumentation engineering and Electrical engineering etc. Telecommunication engineering.Electrical and Electronic Engineering Electrical engineering is engineering discipline that deal wit study of electricity. electrons and electromagnetism Electrica engineering sometimes also referred to as electrical and electroni engineering (EEE). and semiconductor circuit design amongs man other. control systems signal processing and telecommunication The ter electrica engineering may or may not encompass electronic engineerin wher a distinction is made. Therefore. Mercury is placed in the seventh house. (Electrical Engineering) at regional Engineering College. Fifth lord."Case Study. fifth house is Aries.E. in the sign of the Su and in the nakshatra of Ketu who is also associated with the Sun. In birth chart. Mars is associated with th Sat Lag Mars Rah A<luarius Lagna Chart 26-07-1971 Data: Abha Shanna Case Study . In navamsha chart. In thi way. Surat in 1988 afterrpassing t:!h class with excellent marks and completed the four years degree course successfully. a fiery sign ofMaij. There is also a link offifth and tenth houses as fifth lord.1 Jup Sun Ven Ket Moon Mer Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 08°03'09°31' 27°36' 27°00' 06° 27' 03° 08' 00° 41' Sat 10°32' 21°04' Mer Navamsha Chart Ket Jup Ven Rah Lag Moon Sun Mars . an airy sign of Mercury. the Mars. fifth house is Gemini.knowledge management. fifth house/fifth lord comes under the influence of the Sun an Mars. Fifth lord. Mercury is aspected by the exalted tenth lord. the Mars. He is presently working in a Software comapny as manager . Fifth lord.I (Electrical Engineering) The person was born on 2&h July 1971 at 08:40:00 hours (1ST) at Shivpuri. Mercur is aspected by the tenth lord. He joined B. Fifth house is occupied by the Saturn. Rahu is placed in the eighth hous wit exalted Jupiter and Venus. In birth chart. Rahu i associated with the tenth lord Mars and is aspected by the Sun I navamsha chart. Anatardasha lord.2 Moon Ket Sat 23-08-1985 Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 18° 40' 06° 50' 13° 28' 25° 18' 20° 02' 15° 59' 01° 05' 28° 28' 18° 26' . She joined B. The connectio of dash lords with fifth tenth houses.Sun in the tenth house. He joined B . mahadasha and pratyantar dasha lord Mars is the exalted tenth lord and is aspecting the Sun and fifth lor Mercury who is placed in the sign of the Sun. Rahu is placed in the eleventh hous fro the position of mahadasha lord Mars which is an excellent placemen of dasha lords for producing good results.(Eiectronics and Telecommunication Engineering) in an Engineering College at Delhi. There is also a connection of fifth and tent houses as fifth lord. Surat in 1988 after passing 12'h class during the dash o Mars/Rahu/Mars.E. fifth house from lagna is Leo. after passing 12h class in the year 2004. Antardasha lord. Mars is placed in the tenth house.(Electrical Engineering) at regional Engineerin College. Mar i th fifth lord and is placed with the Sun in the tenth house.2 (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) This is the case study of a female born on 23* August 1985 at 22:18:00 hours(IST) at Delhi. In birth chart. a sig o Mercury. The influenc o the Sun and Mars together with the fiery signs on fifth house/fift lor in birth and Navamsha charts come into play prominently Thus th education has to be electrical engineering.E. mahadasha and pratyantar dasha lord. the Sun and Mars in birth and navamsh charts inclined this person to study electrical engineering Case Study . a fiery sign of the Sun Lag Rah Mer Mars Aries Lagna Chart Jup(R) Ven Sun Female Case Study . there is an exchange of fifth lord Saturn an tenth lord Mercury. an airy sign of Mercury that points towards electronic and telecommunication engineering. Mercur is the third lord of communication. associated with the Mars an aspected by the exalted tenth lord Saturn. Tenth lord Saturn i aspecting the Mercury. She joined MBA course at Ahmedabad in June 2002 after completing her engineering and completed the management course successfully. the Sun. the Sun is placed in the fifth hous (own sign) and is in the nakshatra of Ketu who is associate wit exalted tenth lord Saturn. In navamsha chart. the third lord ofcommunication and technica Mars. mahadasha lord. Fifth lord. Mercury and Mars indicates education in the field of electronic an telecommunication engineering. in the seventh house. Antardasha and pratyanta dash a lord. The link ofthird.Ket Jup(R) Sat Sun Mars Ven Mer Navamsha Chart Moon Lag Rah the karaka for electricity. . In birth chart. Saturn is the exalted tenth lord. Mercur the tenth lord whereas Saturn is the fifth lord. tenth houses. The dasha lords are place in mutually kendra positions which is an excellent placement of dash a lords for producing excellent results. She joined engineering college in the year 2004 during the dash ofMercury/Saturn/Saturn. Fifth lord. which is agai a prominent combination for higher studies in the field of engineering Case Study 3(Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) This is the case study of a female born on 25'h September 1980 at 08:10:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Fifth and tenth lord from Mercury is Mars who is associated with third lord Mercury. In navamsha chart. fifth. She completed Electronics and Telecommunication engineering degree course from a university at Singapore in 2002. Saturn is placed with the Sun in th tenth house. the karaka fo electricity and the Mercury.Moon Ket Libra Lagna Chart 25-09-1980 JAO .· Fifth lord Saturn is associated with the Sun.3 Lag Mars Rah Ven Jup Sun Sat Mer Lagna Sun Moon 06°03' 05°08' 11° 17' Mercury Jupiter 05° 29' 04° 29' Sun Sat Venus Saturn Rahu 03° 25' 05°06' 03°25' Mars Rah Ven Navamsha Chart Ket Moon Jup Lag Mer In birth chart. Saturn and Mercury which indicates study in physics but the fift . Fifth hous from Mercury is aspected by the Mars and the fifth lord from Mercur is Saturn which repeats same story. the karaka for communication The fift lord Saturn is in the Nakshatra of the Sun. Fifth house is aspected by the third lord Jupiter who is place in Leo. Thus the link of third lor Jupiter. The aspect of third lord on fifth hous may mean education in the field of communication if fifth hous supports it or education in the field of management which Jupiter ca give itself.Tula 2003 Data Sandeep Soni Case Stud . fifth house comes under the influence of th Sun. In navamsha chart. an airy sign o Saturn. a fiery sign of the Sun. Saturn and Mercury with fifth house of educatio indicates education in the field of electronics engineerin i th navamsha chart and dasha confirms the same promise. fifth house from lagna is Aquarius. the Sun. In birth chart. Lag Ven Sun Mer(R) Ket Moon Sat(R) Jup(R) Taurus Lagna Chart 02-07-1961 Data V.e MBA. Venus is placed in the tenth house which indicat professional education. th Sun is placed in the fifth house of education and is under the influenc of third lord Saturn and Mercury which shows the educatio in th field of electronics engineering in a foreign country. mahadasha lord Ketu is place in the fourth house. the Moon which shows th education in the field of electronics engineering in a foreign country Antardasha lord. 1961.4 Mars Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 10°07' 16°27' 03°24' 08°24' 09°49' 11°45' 01° 12' 04°29' 06°23' .: is placed in the fiery sign and is aspected by the Mar which clearly indicates the education in the field of electronic engineering. Sharma Case Study . The dispositor of Ketu. Delhi.1 lord Jupite-.July 2.B. 03:00 hours 1ST. Reason it out Yourself Apply the principles used in the ongoing case studies and analys the following horoscopes yourself. Case Study . Note: The link of Jupiter and Mercury with the fifth house of birth and navamsha charts also indicates education in managemen i. in the sign of the Sun and is aspected by the fifth lord Jupite and twelfth lord of foreign country Venus. In navamsha chart. Ketu is placed in the tent house.4 (Electrical Engineering) Birth details. She joined electronics engineering in the dasha of Ketu/Venus in a university at Singapore. The dispositor of Ketu is Saturn who is placed i the twelfth house of foreign country and is associated with the Sun and Mercury and is aspected by the tenth lord. In navamsha chart.03.g Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 11°12' 07°07' 00°08' 08°26' 16° 46' 25° 22' 23° 51' 28° 36' 14° 59' . fifth lord.4 Mer Ket Moon Vimshottari dasha balance. See the link of dasha lords with th Sun Mars. the Sun is placed with the tenth lor Saturn in the eleventh house. 1964 Dasha at the time of admission : Saturn/Mars Moon Mars(R) Ketu Ven Sun Mere Virgo Lagna Chart 20-01-1961 Data Pravin Arya Case Study .1963 Dasha at the time of admission . 11. Fift lord. Mercury is in th nakshatra of Rahu who is associated with the Mars in the sign of th Sun. Sangha/. Vimshottari dasha balance : Jupiter upto 23. Case Study. Saturn and the fifth/tenth houses or their lords. a sign of Mercury.Lag Jup Rah Mars Sun Sat Ven Navamsha Chart Case Study .5 (Electrical Engineering) Birth details: January 20.5 Rah Sat Jup Lc.Mars upto 17.Rahu!Sun Hint: In birth chart. 1961. 22:46 hours 1ST. The Sun and Saturn are as pectin th fifth house of education. Mercuiy is placed with the Sun in own sign. fifth house is Virgo. fifth house is occupied by the Rahu. Fifth lord is th Sun and is aspected by the Mars who is associated with the tenth lord Saturn. See the connection of dasha lords with the Sun.5 Mars Sat Jup Rah Hint: In birth chart. fifth house is Aries.Sun Lag Ven Mer Ket Moon Navamsha Chart Case Study .September 16. 1 lin Case Study .Moon upto 04. fifth house is occupied by the Sun and Mercur and is aspected by the Mars.Rahu!Saturn I Hint: In birth chart.06. 13:56 hours 1ST. 1985. Mar 1 and the fifth/tenth houses or their lords. Fifth lord Saturn is placed in the fiery sign.1984 Dasha at the time of admission . Vimshottari dasha balance .6 (Electrical Engineering) Birth details. Saturn. navamsha chart. a fiery sign of Mars whic 1 is occupied by the Rahu and is aspected by the exalted Saturn Fift lord Mars is associated with the Sun and Mercury in the fiery sign o Rah Sagittarius lagna Chart Ven Sun Mer Mars Moon 16-09-1985 Jup(R) Data Deepak Lohani Case Study . Aligarh.6 Lag Sat Ket I Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 12°33' 29°46' 21°02' 10°20' 24°04' 13°56' 29°21' 29°57' 17°48' . Rahu's disposito Mercury is placed in the fifth house. Vimshottari dasha balance .Rahu/Venus Hint: In birth chart. 1991 Dasha at the time of admission . Case Study . 21:29 hours 1ST. Fifth lord Jupiter is placed in the fiery sign of Mars together with the Sun and Mercury and is aspected by the exalte Mars from the third house of communication.7 Ket Sat(R) Lag Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 11° 52' 07° 05' 29° 52' 15° 32' 07°08' 16°03' 21°35' 08° 46' 27° 36' . Rahu and Mercur an Jup Sun Mer Rah Ven Moon Scorpio Lagna Chart 20-04-1988 Mars Data Oeepak Lohani Case Study .6 Lag Mars Moon Sun Mer Rah the Sun. 1988. Dasha lords are Rahu and Saturn and both are associate wit the fifth house of birth chart. Delhi. In navamsha chart. In navamsha chart.Ven Jup Ket Sat Navamsha Chart Study.April 20. Saturn is aspected by the Sun Saturn is placed in the tenth house from Rahu which is an excellen placement of dasha lords for producing good results.7 (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Birth details . 11.Mars upto 17. fift lord Saturn is associated with the Sun. Ket Mars Rah Mer Sun Sat Ven Navamsha Chart Case Study · 7 Jup Lag Moon aspecting the third house of communication.. . Third lord Jupite aspecting the fifth house from the sign of the Sun. See the link of dash lords with fifth house/tenth house or their lords. electrons light) Mars or Saturn (engineering). working with analog sensors. implementation. education and weathe forecasting etc. Mercury (communication and data informatio processing) and Ketu (computer languages and programming (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) . science and technology medical sciences. entertainment. designin mixe signal circuit boards. and designing operating systems Compute engineers are also well suited for research in the field of robotics which relies on using computers together with other electrical systems A new term Information Technology (IT) has also been introduce that is the study. They are involved in all aspects of computing. The common task o computer engineering is writing em bedded software for real tim micro controllers. Compute engineers are basically electronic engineers that have additiona training in the areas of software design and hardware softwar integration. personal computer an supercomputers. suppor o management of computer based information systems. the role ofSun (electricity.Compute S cienc Engineerin an Computer engineering is a discipline that combines the element of both electronic engineering and computer science. designing Very Large Scale lntegratio (VLSI) o system on a chip. as well as the integratio o computer systems into other kinds of systems. particular! software applications and computer hardware. to circuit design. A few of the jobs tha professionals perform are as under: Data Management Computer Networking Database Systems Design Software Design Management Information Systems Systems Management Computers are largely used in business. design. Therefore. engineering. development. from th design of individual microprocessors. in robotics.D.(Eiectronics) from R.E.together with r. (Computer Science) from Roorkee University and Ph..C. In July 2002. Let us check the role of these planets on the horoscop o a person who has studied electronics.D. Prominent features of horoscope Lagna lord. Saturn are combine Jup Lag Rah Moon Sat Ven Sun Mer Ket Mars Taurus Lagna Chart 02-01-1964 Male Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 26° 4 7' 17° 42' 27° 19' 28° 12' 22° 44' 17° 30' 18° 35' 27°12' 17°50' Rah Ven Moon Navamsha Chart Lag Jup Mars Mer Sun Sat Ket .-.( Robotics) from a foreign country.E.. Tech. He completed B.signs or airy signs comes into play. Case Study . he started an institute of Information Technology in India. computer science and complete Ph. Venus and ninth fk tenth lord. Durgapur._y.I The person was born on :!'d January 1964 at 15:52:00 hours (1ST) at Bareilly. M. Venus is aspected by the fifth lord Saturn thir lord Mars and fourth lord Jupiter. Summing up the influences from lagn an Mercury. He joined B. in the sign of Mercury and is aspecte by th Sun. Saturn is nint and tenth lord and is conjoined with lagna lord.together in the ninth house. Venus in the nint house.E. Saturn is in th nakshatra of Mars who is conjoined with fifth lord. fifth lord. In navamsha chart. Durgapur during the dasha of Venus/Rahu/Saturn I birt chart. In navamsha chart.(Electronics) in 1982 at Regional Engineerin College. Antardasha lord. Mercury is conjoined with two kendra lords. Fifth lord. Mars and Ketu. thus Jupiter will convey the influence of Mercury Mars and Saturn to the fifth house. Antardasha lord. Fifth lord. Thus th education has to be Electronics and Computer Science. Fifth house is also aspecte by the Jupiter who is in the nakshatra of Mercury and is aspecte b. ninth and tenth house for admission in engineering. Saturn in the ninth house. Fifth lord from Mercury is agai Saturn which repeats same story. link of 5 . Venus is lagna lord and is conjoined with nint and tenth lord. a fiery sign. Mars. Saturn is conjoined with Sun an Ketu in lagna. Thus navamsha chart confir th promise of birth chart. fifth lord. a sign of Mercury and is aspecting the tent hous where ninth lord. Besides. Mercury. Fifth house from Mercury is Aries a fiery sign of Mars. fourt lord Sun and seventh lord Mars. Mercury. the Mars and Saturn. Fifth lord of education. Eleventh lord of achievements and ambition th Jupiter is placed in own sign and again good for success in life.10 houses also exist in the chart. Venus is placed. Mercury is in the nakshatra of Venus wh i conjoined with tenth lord. Mercury and Ketu togethe wit fiery sign is predominating. Third lord of self-efforts and valour. Mercury. Mercury is conjoined with the Sun. the Moon is placed in own sign an making it powerful. Computer Science and Research in Robotics In birth chart. mahadash lord Venus is second and ninth lord and is involved in an exchang wit tenth lord. Rahu is place i . Mars is conjoined with Sun. Study of Electronics. This is again good rajayog in th eighth house and is an excellent combination for higher studie an research work as fifth lord Mercury joins it. This is a major rajayoga ofParashara and is a combination for running an organisation and high status in life. Pratyantar dasha lord. Mar and Ketu in the eighth house. the influence of Sun. Notice the link of dasha lords with fifth. Mercur and Ketu in a fiery sign. Rah i placed in second house. mahadasha lord. Saturn while tenth lord. 1 He joined research in Robotics in August 1997 in a foreign country !during the dasha of Sun/Saturn/Venus. Mars. mahadasha lord.. Venus Saturn and Jupiter and it becomes an excellent result producer I n a vam sh a chart. Venus is lagna lord and i conjoined with ninth and tenth lord. In navamsha chart. conjoined with third Mars and is aspecting the ninth lord Venus and tenth house Pratyantar dasha lord. Jupiter is fourth lord. tenth house/tenth lord. twelfth lord offoreign country (Mars) and Ketu (Computer programming Robotics in th eighth house of research. Mercury and Ketu. mahadasha lord Venus is placed in the tenth house while antardasha lord Mercury is tenth lord. Saturn and Ketu. Saturn in ninth (house. Saturn in the ninth house Antardasha lord.. Pratyantar dash a lord. Venu lagna lord and is conjoined with ninth and tenth lord. He joined as assistant professor computer science in 199 a Regional Engineering College.(Computer Science) in 1986 at Roarke University (Now I ) during the dasha ofVenus/Jupiter/Moon. the Moon and is aspected by th Sun. Mars. Mahadash lord. He joined M. Mars. Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Mercury an aspected by Mars and Saturn. Saturn is fifth lord and is conjoined with the Sun and Ketu in the lagna. Saturn is ninth and tent lord and is placed in ninth house. In navamsha chart. Mercury is fifth lord and is conjoined with the Sun 1 Mars and Ketu. In birth chart. He joined as lecturer computer science in 1989 at Roorkee durin 1the dasha ofVenus/Saturn. Saturn is fifth I . a sign of Mercury Notice the connection of dasha lords with fifth house/fifth lord.seventh house with eleventh lord. the Sun. In birth chart. the Sun is twelfth lord of foreign country and is conjoined with fifth lord of education (Saturn and Ketu in lagn a.Tech. Pratyantar dasha lord. In navamsha chart. Mars and Saturn. the Moon is third lord and is placed in the thi~d house. Antardasha lord. the Moon is eleventh lord of gains an receiving the influences ofthe Sun. a sign of Mercury. mahadasha lord. Venus and antardasha lord. both are involved in a majo rajayoga formed in ninth house. Venus is placed is tenth house while Saturn is aspecting the tenth house. thus comes under technical influences. In birth chart. Pratyantar dasha lord. In birth chart Jupiter is eleventh lord and is placed in the eleventh house. An tardasha lord. Kurukshetra during the dasha ofVenus/ Mercury. an tardasha lord. Jupiter are in 3 I I positions mutuall that is an excellent placement of dasha lords for producin extraordinary results. Role of mahadasha lord Venus has already been discussed. the Sun i conjoined with fifth lord ofeducation (Mercury). The Moon is aspected by the four planets viz. Tech. Jupiter is placed in the third house. She joined B. In birth chart. Venus is ninth lord and is placed in tenth house. Jupiter is in the sign of Saturn and is aspecte b Saturn and Mars who is conjoined with Ketu. Jupiter is exalted in navamsha chart and gaine some strength. Notice the connection of dash a lords with fifth and twelfth house for education abroad. Mars is connectin th Rah Jup Scorpio Lagna Chart 11-12-1985 Female Data: Savita Garg Lag Sun Moon Mer Ven Sat Mars Ket Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 17°28' 25°16' 11°15' 04°01' 05°38' 20°25' 15°46' 09°10' 14°59' Ket Sun Jup Navamsha Chart Rah Mer Sat Lag Ven Mars Moon . Pratyantar dasha lc"'d.lord and is conjoined with the Sun and Ketu. fifth lord. (Computer Science) in 2003.2 This is the case study of a woman born on 11 1h December 1985 at 06:32:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Case Study . in it sign of debilitation. This case study confirms the applicability of parameters evolve for computer science or engineering. Ketu. fifth house is occupied the Sun and Mercury. Mercury. mahadasha lord. in the sign of Mars and is conjoined with Sun.(Computer Science) in 2001 at Kurushetra University and MBA in 2006. Pratyantar dash lord. nint lord Moon. In birth chart. a fier sign of the Sun. Here the situation has become somewha complicated. Venus and Saturn in the sign of Mars. Jupiter. the fifth house has come under the combine influence of the Sun. Leo. However the influences are appeared more toward th Sun. Antardash lord. As result of which. Mercury and Ketu for education in computer engineering. in Aries. Venu and Saturn. Case Study . mahadash lord Mercury is eleventh lord and is conjoined with tenth lord Sun. He joined B. Mars Notice the relationship of dasha lords with fifth house or fifth lord. Let us check navamsha chart to confirm th influences of the Sun. Mercury is occupied the ninth house. Jupiter is placed in its own fiery sign and is aspected by exalted Saturn. Mercury. third lord Saturn and seventh lord Venus in the sign o Mars. the tent house has come under the combined influence of Sun. Fifth lord. Fifth lord. Mercury and Ketu ifwe take combined influences on fift and tenth houses. Thus Jupiter comes under influence . Mars. Mars is aspecting the Sun and Ketu and the Sun and Ketu are receiving the aspect of Mercury from th sign of Sun. Mercury. Pratyantar dasha lord Jupiter is exalted lagna lord and is aspecting the fifth lord. Tech. Jupiter is in the nakshatra of the Moon who is place i lagna. in navamsha chart.of Mars. a sign o Sun and is aspecting the Sun and Ketu. Mercury in th nint house and is aspected by the ninth lord Sun. a sign of Saturn and is aspected by Mars. Mercur is tenth lord and is conjoined with Rahu in ninth house. In this way. Ket and Saturn. Rahu is conjoined with the tenth lord. Hence the education has to be computer engineering She joined computer engineering degree course in 2003 durin the dasha of Mercury/Rahu/Jupiter. Tenth lord. In navamsha chart. Tenth house is occupie by Saturn. fifth lord. Mars or Saturn and Ketu. tenth house or tenth lord. Satur and Ketu. Mercury and Ketu. Antardasha lord. Mercury is aspecting the Sun and Ketu. Mars or Saturn. Sun. Rahu is placed in sixth house. Aquarius.3 This is the case study of a woman born on t5'h March 1984 at 23:38:00 hours (1ST) at Chandigarh.'Jupiter with. Tenth lord. In birth chart. the Sun is conjoined with Mercury. th . Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Venus who is placed in fourth house. Mars. Jupiter is fifth lord. a fier sign of Mars who is aspecting the fifth lord. Th Moon who is placed in the nakshatra of Ketu occupie the tent house. Mars. Fifth lord. In birth chart. Mercury and Ketu indicates educatio computer science. Venus is place . In navamsha chart. Thus combined influenc of the Sun. Tent lord is the Sun and is conjoined with Mercury in fifth house. Saturn is placed in eighth house the sign of Mars and is aspecting own house and tenth house a house of Mercury who is exalted in lagna. mahadasha lord. Tenth house is also aspected by the Venus and Jupiter. She joined engineering college in 2001 during the dash o Venus/Saturn/Sun.Sun Mer Rah Ven Scorpio Lagna Chart 15-03-1984 Male Data:Savita Garg Lag Ket Mars Sat(R) Moon Jup Lagna Sun Moon Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 09°13' 01°43' 07°51' 08°29' 16°19' 07°53' Sat 22°24' 16°07' Rah Moon Navamsha Chart Sun Mars Jup Ven Ket Lag Mer dispositor of Ketu. fifth house is aspected by the Sun and Mars the dispositor of Ketu. Fifth house from Mercury is aspected by exalte Saturn. Saturn. the Moon is placed in the sign of the Sun and is in the nakshatra of Ketu who is conjoined with Mars. Fifth lord from Mercury. placed in the fourth house. Pratyantar dasha lord. He joined B. In navamsha chart. a sign of Saturn and is aspected by the ninth lord . Pratyantar dasha lord. Venus is nint lord. Saturn is fifth lord and is aspecting the fifth hous and tenth house. 1 Case Study . Jupiter. Antardasha lord. Rah Jup Lag Mer Ven Sun Sat Aries Lagna Chart 08-01-1988 Male Data: Savita Garg Mars Moon Ket Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu r I 14° 07' 23° 32' 09° 43' 06°05' 03°08' 27°02' Jup 27°18' Sat 02°36' 01°40' Moon Navamsha Chart Mer Ket Sun Rah Lag Mars Ven . Mars wh i conjoined with Ketu. th from the from sign of the Sun and lagna lord. (Computer science) in 2005. the Sun is conjoine wit Mars. a fiery sign and is aspecte by th Moon from the sign of Mercury and Jupiter from the sign of the Sun Antardasha lord. Tech. the Sun is tenth lord and i placed in fifth house with Mercury.4 The person was born on tfh January 1988 at 13:03:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Saturn is exalted and is aspectin the fifth lord. the dispositor of Ketu and is aspecting the fifth house.I Moon rfo~h house. Mars or Saturn is predominating In navamsha chart. mahadasha lord. the Sun. Satur tenth lord. Saturn is conjoined with fifth lord. Venus is tenth lor and is aspected by fifth lord. The dasha lords are connected with fift house or fifth lord. in the nakshatra of Mars and is conjoined with Mercury th dispositor of Ketu. Jupiter is aspecting the Sun. Mars Saturn and Ketu. Saturn is as pectin the Mercury and Ketu. (Computer science) in 2005 during the dash of Venus/Saturn/Jupiter. (Computer Science) in the year 2001. Jupiter is fifth lord and is aspectin th tenth lord. Fifth lor i .In birth chart. Saturn in the ninth house. Antardasha lord. Pratyantar dasha lord. Rahu an Venus. Jupiter. conjoined with fifth lord. tenth house or tenth lord. Case Study . Fifth lord from Mercury is Venus who is placed in the sign of Saturn.5 This is the case study of a woman born on 3d August 1983 at 09:52:00 hours (1ST) at Daiihi. fifth house is aspected by the Sun. a fiery sign and is in the nakshatra ofKetu wh is placed in Virgo. Pratyantar dasha lord. Notice the relationship of dasha lords with fi(t?J house o fifth lord. Fifth lord. Here the direct link of Sun. Mercury. He joined B. Mars or Saturn.Tech. Tech. mahadash lord. the Sun i in the nakshatra ofVenus who is conjoined with Mercury. Fifth lord. Tenth lord. Mercury and Ket with fifth house or tenth house is missing. a sign of Mercury. Sun. Saturn is place in ninth house. Fifth house from Mercury is aspecte b the Mars. Antardasha lord. Ketu. In navamsha chart. consequence of this. Mars or Saturn. Now we have to check the connection of Sun. a fiery sign of Sun and is occupie by the fourth lord. the Sun. in the sign of Mars and is aspecting the Mercury an Ketu. Mars or Saturn. the person joined compute engineering. fifth house is aspected by the Moon from th sign of Mercury. In birth chart. Fifth lord. the Moon. Mercury and Ketu in dasha as birth chart is indicatin study in computer engineering. the influenc o the Sun. Mercury. however. th Sun in the ninth house. Jupiter is also aspecte b the Mars. fifth house is Leo. the Sun in ninth hous an aspecting the Ketu. Venus and lagna lord. She is working in a Software Company at Gurgaon. Jupiter is ninth lord an i aspecting the Ketu and Mars. the Sun is conjoine wit tenth lord. tenth house or tenth lord. Mercury and Ketu for education in computer engineering. In birth chart. the disposito of Ketu in the tenth house. She joined B. Summing up the influenc o fifth house from lagna and Mercury and tenth house. a fiery sign. Venu conjoined with Mercury in the tenth house. Mercury and Ketu.Ketu axis.Moon Rah Mars Virgo Lagna Chart Sun 03-08-1983 Female Data: Savita Garg Mer Ven Ket Jup Sat Lag Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 09° 48' 16° 39' 00° 35' 29° 32' 09° 04' 07° 28' Lag 15° 51' Ket 04'57' 00'26' Mars Mer Moon Navamsha Chart Ven Sat Sun Rah Jup Saturn and is exalted in second house. Tenth lord. Tenth hous i occupied by the Mars and Rahu. Tenth house is aspected by Mercury an Mars. fifth lord. Jupiter is placed in sevent . an airy sign of Mercury. Saturn is aspecting the Ket who is also aspected by the Mars from tenth house. fifth lord. Saturn is in the nakshatra ofMars who is placed in the tent house. the Moon comes in the contact of the Sun. Mar o Saturn. In navamsha chart. fifth house is occupie by Ketu and is aspected by the Saturn and Mars. In this way. Tenth lord is Mercury and is placed in the sign of the Sun. From Mercury. an airy sign o Mercury. the Moon is aspected by the Mar who is the dispositor of Ketu and is conjoined with mercury Th Moon is also aspected by the Saturn who is conjoined with the Sun Thus. the dispositor of Ketu. birth chart indicate th education in computer science. mahadasha lord. bot Mars and Mercury got connected with Ketu. tenth lord Jupiter an fifth lord Moon. Jupiter is lagna lord an . fifth house is occupied by Ketu and Jupiter Fifth lord. Pratyantar dasha lord. Venu in the sign of Sun. Fifth house from Mercur is aspected by Mars and Venus. Case Study 6 The person was born on 14'h November 1983 at 10:50:00 hours (1ST) at Jodhpur. In birth chart. In birth chart. a sign ofMercury and is aspected by the Mars. placed in the sign of Sun and is aspecte by th Saturn who is conjoined with the Sun. Fifth lord from Mercury. Sun. Mercury is aspecting the tenth house. He joined B. fifth house is aspected by the Sun and Saturn. Mercury. both fifth and tenth house are connected with th Sun. Mercury and Ketu which confirms the educatio in Information Technology (IT). (Information Technology) in the year 2002 and joined service in IT on 21h October 2006.Tech. Mercury in the sign o Sun. Jupiter is also aspecting the fifth lord. Therefor indicates education in Information technology ( ) In navamsha chart. Mercury who has exchanged sign with th Sun. Tenth lord. Mars is ninth lord and is th dispositor of Ketu. Mars is third lord. He joined B. Mars is conjoined with fourth lord. mahadasha lord. In this way. Mars is placed in the tenth house. Antardasha dasha lord. Mercury and Ketu for education in computer engineering. She joined B. tenth house or tenth lord. Tech. placed in the tenth house (an ai~ sign ofMercury) and is aspecting the Ketu and fifth house. In navamsha chart. Mercury is fourth lord and i placed in own sign with second and ninth lord. See the link ofdasha lords with fifth house or fifth lord. Fifth lord. the Moon and is establishing a link of 5 10 houses. Mercury in th fourth house and is aspecting the tenth house. Mars. In birth chart mahadasha lord. Therefore. Jupite i conjoined with Mercury and Ketu in the sign of Mars. navamsh char confirms the education in computer engineering. Saturn is conjoined with Mars in its mooltrikona sign and i aspected by tenth lord. Antardash lord.Tech.(Computer science) in 2001 in a college of MD University during the dash a of Mars/Mercury/Venus. the disposito of Ketu. the disposito of Ketu. Venus is ninth lord an forming a rajayoga with lag~a and tenth lord. Mars or Saturn. Pratyantar dash lord Venus is third lord. As a result ofwhich.(IT) in 2002 during the dash a of Jupiter/Moon Mars. a sign of Mercury and is als exchanging house with tenth lord. Mercury is tenth lord and is conjoined with ninth lord. Saturn. Mercury and Ketu in the sign of Mars Antardasha lord. Satur and third lord. Mars is conjoined with fifth lord Saturn. Pratyantar dasha lord Mars is the fifth lord and is placed in the tenth house. Case Study . (Information Technology) in the year 1999 and joined service in IT in the month August 2003. In birth chart. Antardash lord. Mercury I Pratyantar dasha lord. fifth lord. In navamsh chart. the Moon is eleventh lord and is conjoined with fifth lord. Jupiter is placed in fifth house together with Ketu. Tech. Mars is placed in the eighth house and i .7 The person was born on !fh September 1981 at 14:40:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Moon is also aspected by the tenth lord. elevent ~lord Moon and is aspected by tenth lord. Mars. He joined B.Rah Moon Sagittarius Lagna Chart 14-11-1983 Male Data: Savita Garg Mer Ket Jup Lag Sun Sat Ven Mars Lagna Sun Moon 19° 03' 27° 38' 14°37' Mercury Jupiter 03°52' 06°08' 21°33' Mars Venus 11° 22' Ven Saturn Rahu 15° 17' 22°35' Sun Mars Moon Sat Jup Sat Navamsha Chart Rah Mer Lag I I conjoined with tenth lord. Mercury. Moon is placed in third house. In birth chart.aspecting the Ketu. fifth house is aspected by Saturn. Fifth lord from Mercury is Saturn and is placed with exalte Mercury. lagn lor Jupiter and eleventh lord Venus. In this way. He joined B. Fifth house from Mercury is occupie by the Ketu who is in the nakshatra of the Sun and is aspecte by th Mars. mahadasha lord. both fifth and tenth houses got connected with th Sun. Mars is in the nakshatra of Saturn who is placed i tenth house together with exalted tenth lord Mercury. Fifth lord Mars is conjoined with the Sun. There is exchange of third Mercury and tent lor Mars. Mercury and Ketu which confirms the educatio Information Technology (IT).Tech. Rahu and Venus and is aspectin th Ketu and Mercury. Mars. Therefore indicates education in Information technolog (11)In navamsha chart.(IT) in I999 during the dasha ofMercury/Ketu Saturn. Mercury is tent lord Sagittarius Lagna Chart Mars Rah 05-09-1981 Ket Male Data: Savita Garg Moon Sun Lag Mer Ven Jup Sat Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 11°24' 19°06' 06°17' 08°30' 10° 04' 18° 56' Ket 27° 31' Mer 15°32' 07°11' Sat Jup Lag Navamsha Chart Moon Rah Ven Sun Mars . (Physics.-Antardasha lord. Case Study . Saturn is aspectin the fifth house. He is presently working in a multinational Moon Ket Lag Jup(R) Sat Taurus Lagna Chart 03-11-1976 Male Sun Ven Mer Mars Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 02'17' 17°41' 10°28' 24°07' 15° 17' 04°33' Sun 23° 15' 22°47' 10°02' Mars Jup Mer Lag Ven Sat Rah Ket Navamsha Chart Moon . Pratyantar dasha lord. Mercury is third lord and is placed in the tenth house. In navamsha chart.8 The person was born on :Jd November 1976 at 18:17:00 hours (1ST) at Meerut.(Computer Science) in 2000 from Jiwaji University. Mars. second lord Su and eleventh lord Venus.Sc. Ketu is placed in th ninth house and is aspected by the fifth lord Mars. Ketu is aspected by the fifth lord. mahadasha lord. Antardasha lord. Mathematics and Computer Science) in 1998 from Delhi University and M. He completed B. Mercury is also exchangin house with tenth lord. Saturn is third lord and is placed in the tenth house. Jupiter. Mars and lagn lord.Sc. Pratyantar dasha lord. Fifth house is aspected by Saturn. Mercury is fifth lord and is conjoined with antardash and pratyantar dasha lord Rahu. The elde ha started his career in teaching whereas the younger had starte hi career in purely technical field. Saturn is connectin the fifth and ~~nth lord Venus with the Sun and Ketu. mahadasha lord. He joined B. Mercury has already been discussed.(Computer science) in 1998 during the dash o Mercury/Jupiter/Mercury. Fift lord. Mercury is conjoined with the Sun. Mars and Saturn together with earth an airy signs is predominating. Mercury and is aspectin the tenth house. the influence o the Sun. In birth chart. In navamsha chart.Sc. Thus the Jupiter is indicating study in far-off place Reason it out Yourself Here are the case studies of twin brothers. Mercury. Jupiter is third and twelfth lord conjoined with ninth lord. Mercury is als aspecting the Ketu. fifth house is occupied by Mars.Ketu axis in an airy sign and is in the nakshatra of Rahu. fifth house is Virgo. Jupiter which indicate stud i computer science. This indicates educatio in physics mathematics and specialization in computer science. In navamsha chart.Ketu axis in an airy sign. In navamsha chart.organisation. Mercur and Rahu. Fifth an tenth lord. antardasha lord. Thus Mars will convey the influences of the Sun. Tenth lord is Saturn which repeats same story. In birth chart. Venus and lagna lord. Mathematics and Computer science i 1995 during the dasha of Mercury/Rahu/Rahu In birt chart mahadasha lord. Saturn is in the nakshatra of Mercury who is conjoine wit the Sun. Both had passe twelfth examinations from the same school and both had complete B.(Physics. Antardasha and pratyantar dasha lord. Jupiter is aspecting the fifth house. Mars and Rahu. Venus is conjoined with Saturn and Rahu in lagna a earthy sign of Saturn and is aspecting the Ketu.Tech(IT) from the same institute in the same year. retrograde Jupiter and the Moon. The role ofmahadasha and pratyanta dash lord. Rahu is conjoine with fifth and tenth lord. This confirms th education in computer science. an earthy sign of Mercury. Jupiter is aspected by Mar who is the dispositor of Ketu and is conjoined with the Sun. . Mercur i ninth lord. Ketu. Mercur and Ketu to the antardasha lord. Mars and Rahu . Summing up the influence. Fifth lord from Mercury i Saturn. the Sun and Mars.Sc. Saturn in the lagna He joined M. antardash lord. 02:20 hours 1ST. 1981.rCase Study. .October 30.Tech.9 (B.Information Technology. Elder) Birth details . Palwal Leo Lagna Chart Ket Rah 30-10-1981 Male Moon Ven Sun Jup Lag Mars Sat Mer Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 16° 55' 12° 44' 04° 55' 11° 29' 25° 12' 00° 32' Ven 29° 23' 22°06' 02° 14' Ket Sun Navamsha Chart Mars Rah Sat Mer Moon Lag Jup Rah Ven Sun Lag Mer Sat Dashamsha Chart Moon Mars Jup Ket . Tech .Mercury!Ketu!Mars Hint .In birth chart. 02:25 hours 1ST.Dasha at the time of admission in B. Fifth house from Mercury is occupie by the Ketu and the fifth lord from Mercury is Saturn who is conjunc with the exalted Mercury. fifth lord Jupiter is associated with the Sun and is in the nakshatra of Mars. fifth lord Jupiter is associated with the Sun and is in the nakshatra of Mars. Chart Ket Sun Mars Rah Sat Mer Moon Jup Lag .Tech. Information Technology. In Navamsha chart.10 (B.October 30.Tech. fifth house is occupie by the Sun and Ketu and is aspected by the Mars and Saturn Als Notice the importance of dasha of Mercury/Ketu/Mars for admission*" in B .In birth chart. Tech .(Information Technology). Fifth house from Mercury is occupie Ket Leo Lagna Chart 30-10-1981 Male Rah Lag Mars Moon Ven Sun Jup Sat Mer Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 18° 01' 12° 45' 04° 58' 11° 29' 25° 13' 00°32' Ven 29°23' 22°06' 02° 14' Navamsha . Palwai Dasha at the time of admission in B. Younger) Birth details . Case Study. 1981.Mercury!Ketu!Rahu Hint . I . Comparative study of horoscopes . The dashamsha chart of younge i more powerful than the elder.Tech.(Information Technology).The elder brothe ha started his career in teaching as he has Jupiter in the tenth hous o dashamsha chart whereas the younger had joined service in pure! technical field as he has Mars in the tenth house of Dashamsha chart The younger is professionally sound and has excellent career wherea elder is unstable in his career. Thus this case study confirm th importance of dashamsha chart in career. fifth house is occupie by the Sun and Ketu and is aspected by the Mars and Saturn Als Notice the importance of dasha of Mercury/Ketu/Rahu for admissio in B.Rah Ven Lag Sun Mer Dashamsha Chart Moon Sat Mars Jup Ket by the Ketu and the fifth lord from Mercury is Saturn who is conjunc with the exalted Mercury. In navamsha chart. Seine. the role of Jupiter (living organisms) togethe wit technical planets comes into play. thereby solidifying the microbiology's identity as biologica science. Robert Koch is best known for hi contribution to the germ theory of disease. Pasteur is best known to the general public for showing ho to stop milk and wine from going sour. Jura. 1895. Dole Field . 1822. several microscopic analysis and chemical processes are required to be used in microbiology therefore Rahu or Ketu and Moon or watery signs will play an importan role in study of Microbiology. Viruses. Mycology.Pasteurization.Microbiology and Chemistry Known for. fowl cholera and rabies. Microbiology is a broad term that includes many branche like Bacteriology.September 28. which proved that specifi diseases were caused by specific pathogenic microorganisms Therefore. Parasitology ~ others Loui Pasteur and Robert Koch were best known for their outstandin breakthroughs in the field of Microbiology. Saint . Pasteu undertoo experiments to find where these bacteria came from. which are unicellular or cell-duster microscopic organisms. Let us check the applicability of thes parameters on the horoscope of Louis Pasteur.Microbiology Microbiology is the study of microorganisms. Dole. This process cam t b known as pasteurization. and prokaryotes such as bacteria and certai algaes.Cloud. Besides. Germ theory of disease together with Robert Koch and Vaccine for Rabies. Case Study . though not strictly classified as living organisms ar also studied. France Died. His experiments confirmed the germ theor of disease and he designed vaccines against several disease lik anthrax.I (Louis Pasteur) Born. Virology. and was able t prove that they were introduced from the environment Hi experiments disproved the then widely held theory of spontaneou generation. Hauts -de.December 27. . This includes eukaryote sue as fungi and protists. ninth lord Venus and twelfth lord. Jupiter and ninth lord Venus.There is a conjunction of lagna lord Sun Sat(R) Moon Jup(R) Virgo Lagna Chart Rah Mars Sun Ven Mer Ket 27-12-1822 01:40:00 Case Study . where the Moon and Jupiter are mutual aspect There is an exchange offifth and eighth lords which is a good fo research work but a bad combination for progeny. The Moon and Jupiter are conjoined in the ninth of luck an forming a magnificent gajakesari yoga. Out which.1 Lag Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 23° 35' 13° 22' 25° 54' 03° 05' 09° 17' 06° 14' 14° 09' Rah 11° 58' 15°46' Mer Jup Sat Mars Navamsha Chart Lag Sun Moon Ven Ket . the Sun in the fourt house. In navamsha chart . the Sun and Mercury are placed in own sign i navamsha chart.There is a combination oflagna and tenth lor Mercury. There is an another powerful rajayoga formed i th horoscope by the exchange of fourth lord. This yoga is also forme i navamsha chart.! ~table l\11 feature of horoscope In birth chart . This combination confirms international fam an recognition. Jupiter. Jupiter is fifth lord I saptamsha chart. Rahu is placed in the tenth house and is indica tin wor related to bacteria. Mercury is secon an eleventh lord and is placed in the eleventh house. Mercury is lagna lord. Venus an th Moon. The presence of Rahu in fifth house. Saturn and Jupiter who is conjoine with exalted Moon. Saturn. In birth chart. Ketu and Moon. in Moon' nakshatra with Mars and aspected by Jupiter inclined Pasteur to prob into bacteria and germs present in the environment. Study and Research in Microbiology In birth chart. In birth chart. In navamsha chart. the karaka for chemistry. Mercury in own sign.tenth lord Venus and twelfth lord Moon in lagna. Saturn in fifth lord and is placed in eighth house ofresearch In I854. Jupite i aspecting the fifth house. Jupiter is fifth lord and is aspecte b th lagna lord. He resolved a problem concerning the nature of tartaric acid i 1849 during the dasha ofJupiter/Saturn. He had five children. This combinatio i aspected by the fifth lord. Rahu. In navamsha chart. Jupiter is fifth lord and is placed in the fifth house He became professor of chemistry at Strasbourg Universit i I848 during the dasha of Jupiter/Jupiter. tenth lord. Jupiter is karaka for teaching and Jupiter is placed in ninth house with eleventh lord. tenth lord. Jupiter is placed in th seventh house. germs and viruses. only two of whom survived to adulthood See the bad exchange of fifth and eighth lords. Mar exalted and Jupiter is in Aquarius which is praised by Vrahamihira. In birth chart. he was made administrator and director ofscientifi studies of the Ecole Normale Superieure. This is a powerful rajayog fo international fame and recognition as twelfth lord joined it. the Sun. Jupiter is seventh lord. Jupiter is fifth lord and is aspected by lagna lord. Notice the rol o Jupiter's mahadasha for the birth of children. In navamsha chart. he was named Dean of the new college of scienc i Lille and in 1856. the karaka fo chemistiy. th Moon. the Sun. Saturn is the seventh lord. Saturn is fift lord. In navamsha chart. Thus confirms the applicability of our parameter of microbiology. Major Life Events He was married on 291h May 1849 during the dasha of Jupiter Saturn/Mercury. The Sun is placed in own sign. From Mercury fifth house has the same influences ofJupiter. fifth house is occupied by exalted Mars and Rah and is aspected by its own lord. Mars. during the dasha of Jupiter . Jupiter is aspectin the fift house. Venus and the Moon. and then weakening it by drying the affected nerve tissue. the Sun This is an excellent combination for international recognition. Saturn is fifth lord and is in the nakshatra of Ketu and is aspecting the Rahu. See the role o ninth lord. In 1865.Venus. Venus for saving the living being. eighth house and Rahu-Ketu. Jupiter is the seventh lord. he applied the immunization methods to anthrax. His treatment was prove successful. where there was an epidemic amongst the silkworms. the Sun. whic affected cattle during the dasha of Saturn/Venus. The treatment's success laid the foundatio fo th manufacture of many other vaccines. The role of dasha lord has already bee discussed. he was asked to help the silk industry in souther France. he identified parasitic infections as the caus and advocated that only disease free eggs should be selected Th industry was saved by his proper advice. He completed the first test on process of pasteurization on 20 April I862 during the dasha of Jupiter/Rahu/Moon Notic th significance ofRahu and the Moon. In birth chart. Mercur i second lord. Notice the link o Saturn with fifth house. He produced the first vaccine for rabies by growing the virus i rabbits. The first of the Pasteur Institute was also built on the basis of this achievement. Jupiter is conjoined with exalted eleventh lord of gains. He was then passing throug the dasha of Saturn/Saturn. In I895. In navamsha chart. the nllik is heate to kill the bacteria present in it. the Moon an forming the gajakesari yoga. Venus and the twelfth lord. In this process. Mercury is lagn lord and is conjoined with ninth lord. He died on 28'h September I895 during the dasha of Mercury Jupiter/Rahu. Jupiter is placed in the ninth house with elevent lord. Rahu is conjoined with eighth lord. In birth chart. microbiology' highest honour during the dash a of Mercury/Jupiter. Mars. See the role of Rahu and Ketu fo investigating epidemic and parasitic infections. In I870. he won the Leeuwenhoek medal. In navamsha chart. Thus the role of maraka has to be played by Mercury. Jupiter is fifth lord while Venus is tenth lord. Venus and twelfth lord. With no experience ofthe subject. Then he running th dash a of Mercury/Venus/Sun. H applied this vaccine on 9 years old Joseph Meister on 61h July 188 a the boy was badly mauled by a rabid dog. Jupiter is eighth lord and is placed in seventh house . the Moon. Mercury is lagna lord and is associate with second lord. Venus is ninth lord and is conjoined with lagna lord Mercury and the Sun (the administrator). Fro Mercury. fifth house has Moon and is aspected by Jupiter. She joined M.2 This is the case study of a lady doctor who was born on 2rfh December 1979 at 17:42:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Jupiter from seventh house. Venus is in the nakshatra of the Moon who is aspected by the Jupiter.Rahu's dispositor. fifth house is aspected by Moon. the Moon an is aspected by the eighth lord. Venus is associated with twelfth lord.B.S.Sc.B. in 1997 during the dasha of Mars/Rahu/Jupiter and M.2 Rah Mars Jup(R) Sat Sun Mer Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 16° 33' 13° 36' 26° 00' 19° 56' 00°35' 16°39' 14°44' Mer 03°22' 07°15' Ven Rah Lag Sat Navamsha Chart Sun Jup Ket Moon Mars .(Ciinical Microbiology) in 2004 during Rahu/Rahu/Jupiter. In transit Saturn and Mars were aspecting his eighth house. Case Study . Fifth lord. Study in Clinical Microbiology In birth chart. Fifth lor from Mercury is Mars who is associated with Jupiter and Rahu an i Moon Lag Ket Ven Gemini Lagna Chart 29-12-1979 Female Case Study . In navamsha chart. Again.Ketu axis. Pratyantar dasha lord. Fifth house from Mercury has Saturn whic repeats same story. M.Sc..Sc. Moon and Mars. Fifth house comes under the influence ofRahu . Role of Dasha She joined M. Mars and tenth lord.D. Jupiter. Mercury and Ketu. The link ofdasha lords with Jupiter. there is link of sixth and tenth houses for medica career. The Moo is placed in the tenth house. In birth chart .Sc. Jupiter is tenth lord and is connecting the Rahu. degrees in microbiology and presently he is teaching microbiology in a college of Delhi University. Fifth house has exalted tenth lord.(Clinical Microbiology) in 2004 during the dash of Rahu/Rahu/'Jupiter. and Ph. Moon and Ketu with the house of education that confirms the study of Clinical Microbiology. In birth chart. Jupiter Venus the dispositor of Ketu and is aspected by its own lord th Moon. Ketu and Moon. Mars who is also the disposito of the Moon. Mercur i aspected by Jupiter and the tenth lord. Thus there is a link ofJupiter. Th pratyantar dasha lord. Thus confirms the study in clinica microbiology. Study. Fifth lord from Mercury is Jupiter and is placed in a watery sign of Mars.Sc. Jupiter with Mars( sixth lord of diseases) Moon (Medicines) and Ketu (Anatomy) made her a medical doctor In navamsha chart.(Microbiology) in Mars/Jupiter. Fifth lord. research and teaching microbiology Role of Dasha He joined B. Mars. The dispositor of Rahu. Case Study . mahadasha and antardash lord Rahu is conjoined with sixth lord. He completed B. Mars and Moon. Research and Teaching in Microbiology In birth chart. in its own nakshatra and is aspecting the Ketu The link ofJupiter. Jupiter is aspecting the fifth lord. Mercury is in the nakshatra of Ketu who is aspected by th Jupiter. Mercury and Ketu. Thus confirms the study. Moon and Ketu confirms the study in microbiology.aspecting the Ketu. Mars an Jupiter. Saturn in placed in the fourth house i the sign of Jupiter and in the nakshatra of Ketu who is aspecte b Jupiter. In navamsha chart. Jupiter is aspecting the fifth lord. Mercury is aspected by tenth lord.3 This person was born on 41h September 1959 at 07:40:00 Hours (1ST) at Nanga/. Moon and Ketu confirms the study in microbiology Tenth lord. mahadasha and antardash lord. Rahu is placed in fifth house. The connection of tenth lord. Again confirms the research and caree i microbiology. fifth lord. Sc. Later he mad hi career in the mahadasha of Rahu.mahadasha lord. Notice the importanc of ninth lord for higher studies. Moon and Ketu.3 Sat(R) Jup Sun Mer Ven(R) ag Rah Moon Jup(R) Lagna Sun Moon Mars 07° 54' 17° 30' 00° 26' 05°30' Mercury Jupiter Venus 04°50' 01°49' 13°02' Lag Rah Saturn Rahu 07° 09' 10° 45' Mer Sat Mars Moon Navamsha Chart Jup Ven Ket Sun . Jupiter is placed in a watei sign of Mars and is aspecting the Ketu. Antardasha lord. In navamsha chart. Moon and Mars. the Moon. mahadash lord Mars is ninth lord while antardasha lord Jupiter is tent lord conjoined with Venus the dispositor of Ketu and is aspecte by fift lord. Mercury and the Sun. the Moon. Venus is in the nakshatra ofKetu wh is aspected by Jupiter. Now see the tenth hous fro mahadasha lord. In birth chart. In birth chart. conjoined with exalted tenth lord Jupiter in the fift house and is aspected by fifth lord. Rahu. In navamsha chart. Venus is th dispositor of Ketu. Venus is ninth lord an i conjoined with lagna lord. Role of Mars ha already been explained. Satur Ket Virgo Lagna Chart 04-09-1959 Male Case Study . fifth lord of education. in Mars/Venus. He joined M. Mars is placed in the lagna and is associate wit Rahu. See the connection of dasha lords with Jupiter. Reason it out Yourself Apply the principles used in the ongoing case studies and analys the following horoscopes yourself. tenth hous fro mahadasha lord. Mars is also aspecting the fifth lord. Vimshottari dasha balance.4 (Microbiology) Birth details. Thus navamsh chart repeats the story of birth chart.Sc..Mercury!Rahu!Jupiter M. Mercury is in the nakshatr o Ketu who is aspected by the Mars. the Venus.Ket!Ket!Mercury Hint . its lord. fifth hous i Pisces.4 Moon Sat(R} Ket Lagna Sun Moon 13°41'25°26' 14°41' Mars Mercury Jupiter 24°08' 15° 56' 18° 35" Venus 17° 19' Saturn Rahu 03° 37' 24°47' . 1985. Rahu is occupied by the Moon and is aspecte b exalted Jupiter and the dispositor of Ketu. Jupiter is aspecting the fifth hous and is in the nakshatra of Moon. In navamsha chart.' aspecting ihe ienth house of profession which explains teaching Tenth lord from Rahu is Mercury who is associated with ninth lord (th guru or teacher). fifth house is cancer. the Moon and Ketu and i connecting the Moon and Ketu.Saturn upto 24. In navamsha chart.B. Moo an Rah Mars Pisces Lagna Chart 09-04-1985 Male Case Study . 05:33 hours 1ST.In birth chart. the Moon i placed in ninth house. Case Study .1988 Dasha at the time of admission . Moon and Jupiter and confirms th teaching in microbiology.Apri/9. Jupiter is aspected by Venus and Mars who is associate with Moon and Ketu. its lord. Venus and the Sun. Delhi. in a watery sign of Mars and is conjoined wit Saturn.01.Sc.. Thus is connecting the fifth lord. Jupiter. Moo and Ketu. 21:10 hours 1ST. Jupiter is als the dispositor of Ketu and is connecting the Moon and Ketu Th Moon is Vargottama while Jupiter occupies own sign in navamsh chart.1983 Dasha at the time of admission .August 25. In navamsha chart. 1977. fifth house is Cancer and is occupie b Venus and Saturn.Sc. Case Study .5 (Microbiology) Birth details.Sc.B.Ket Jup Sun Navamsha Chart Sat Ven Lag Moon Mars Mer Rah Ketu or dispositor of Ketu.07. Fifth lord. Vimshottari dasha balance. Fifth lord. The Moon is placed in the tent Lag Ket Jup Mars Pisces Lagna Chart 25-08-1977 Male Case Study .5 Moon Sat Ven Sun Mer(R) Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 27° 58' 08° 46' 26° 54' 02°28' 26° 46' 07° 18' 02° 56' 28° 25' 22° 34' . fifth house is Cancer and is associate wit Venus and Rahu. the Moon is placed in the tenth house i the sign of Jupiter and is aspected by Mars and Jupiter.Sun upto 18.In birth chart.MarsNenusNenus Hint . Mars!JupiterNenus M. Bhopal.Ketu axis. . 1987 Dasha at the time of admission .Mars!Jupiter/Rahu M. Jupiter is aspected by th Moon. See the relationship of dasha lords wit fifth house. Jupiter is placed in lagna. 1981.In birth chart. Vimshottari dasha balance. the dispositor of Ketu. Moon and Ketu.B.01. Jupiter. .Sc.Lag Sat Sun Ket Navamsha Chart Rah Ven Jup Moon Mer Mars ho use with tenth lord. Jupiter. See the relationship of dasha lords wit I fifth house. Moo i I occupied the sign of Jupiter. fifth house Pisces and is aspected By Mars Fifth lord.Sun upto 25.6 Lag Sun Mer Jup Mars Ven Sat Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 15° 52' 26° 01' 28°26' 18°56' 10° 08' 03° 21' 13° 05' 23°36' 01°04' . Sc. r Case Study .6 : (Microbiology) Birth details. In navamsha chart. Jupiter.November 12. fifth house is Pisces and is aspected by Mar and Saturn. . Moon t Scorpio Lagna Chart ~--I Ket Rah 12-11-1981 Male Case Study . Fifth lord. 08:00 hours 1ST. Moon and Ketu. in the sign of Mars. t I'' r----r----r----r----.MarsNenus!Jupiter Hint. Kanpur. Thus confirms the applicability of our parameter o microbiology.7 (Alexander Fleming) Born -August 06.Biologist and Pharmacologist Known for..B. 1955 Field . B. 1881. In navamsha chart. and th aspect of Mars and Jupiter on fifth house inclined Fleming to probe int bacteria and fungus. Jupiter is fifth lord and is associated with th Sun. Major Life Events He gained M. Mars and the Jupiter. Fleming published many articles on bacteriology immunology and chemotherapy.(London).March 11. the dispositor of Ketu. Som o th major life events of these scientists are also given with case studie to check the correctness of the horoscope. Case Study . fifth house is occupied by debilitated Moo an Rahu and is aspected by its own lord. with Gold Medal in 1908 durin . The presence of Rahu and Moon in fifth house. Darvel. The fift lord. Scotland Died . Mars and the Jupiter are conjoined with Ketu in the elevent house.Sun Mer Ket Moon Navamsha Chart Rah Ven Sat Lag Mars Jup The case studies of two world famous biologist/microbiologis are given here to confirm the applicability of our paramete on th horoscopes of these great researchers and scientists..Discovery of Enzyme Lysozyme and Penicillin Sir Alexander Fleming was a Scottis biologis an pharmacologist.known achievement ar the discovery of the enzyme lysozyme and isolation of the antibioti substance penicillin from the fungus Penicillium nota tum for which h shared a Nobel Prize with Florey and Chain. Features of horoscope In birth chart.S. His best . the dash a ofVenus/Mercury. In navamsha chart.. In navamsh chart 1 mahadasha lord. placed in the fifth house and is aspecting the eleventh house. Mercury i th eleventh lord and is aspected by the fifth lord. Venus is the tenth lord. in the sign ofthe 1Moon (Cancer) which is good for studying medicine accordin t :classics. In birth chart. Anatardasha lord. Venus is in the nakshatra of Rahu who is placed in the fifth 1house. mahadasha lord. Mercury is placed in lagna. ~ He was married in 1915 during the dasha of Sun/Venus.Sat up Mars Rah Ven Cancer Lagna Chart 06-08-1881 02:06:00 Case Study . the Sun l . In birth chart. Mercury is in the nakshatra of Jupiter who is associated wit fifth lord Mars and Ketu in the eleventh house. Venu i th lsignificator for marriage. Jupiter.7 Moon Rah Lag Sun Mer Lagna Sun I05°53' 21° 32' I Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 28° 58' 09° 12' 02° 29' 01° 32' Mars Moon 07° 32' 19° 55' 24° 25' Rah Mer Sun Jup Ven Navamsha Chart Lag Ket Sat . Anatardasha lord. the mahadasha lord. placed in the lagna and 1 is aspecting the seventh house. Antardasha lord. the mahadasha lord. Venus lis the eleventh lord of gains and is aspected by the Saturn from th 1tenth house. Sun is second lord. the Moo and the seventh house. he discovered a natural protein with bacteri killing properties that he named lysozome. navamsha chart. the Moon is placed in eighth house Flemin married again in 1953 during the dasha of Jupiter/Saturn I birt lagna lord and the antardasha lord. Mercury is the third lord an i placed in the lagna with the Sun. Mercury is in the nakshatra ofJupiter who is associated with fifth lord Mars and Ketu in the eleventh house In navamsha chart. In birth chart. No wonder it the mahadasha of yogakaraka. In birth chart. Antardasha lord. Mars in the eighth house of research. Venus is placed in th fift house. Mars and the ninth lord of luck. distinction and is placed in the fifth house of dignity. mahadasha lord. the best period for Cancer ascendant. Anatardasha lord. Antardasha was of Venus. mahadasha lord. Both the dasha lords. one is the gth lord and the other the 7th lord. mahadasha lord. Saturn is the seventh lord. mahadasha lord. the the eleventh lord ofgains. Antardash lord Mercury is aspected by the fifth lord. the moo i placed in the fifth house with Rahu and is aspected by the fifth lord Mars and Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter are associated with Ketu in the eleventh house of achievements and are aspecting the fifth house. Jupiter is 6th lor whil antardasha lord. In 19Z8. it happene durin th dash a of Moon/Mercury. Jupiter. . the killer for Cancer ascendant In navamsha chart. the Jupiter. Fleming died on March 11. Jupiter is associated with lagna lord. Saturn is the seventh lord. Fleming jointly received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945 with Florey and Chain for his accidental discovery of Penicillin. mahadasha lord. In Jupiter. Rahu is placed in seventh hous and the antardasha lord. mahadasha lord. mahadasha lord. His wife died in 1949 during the dasha of Rahu/Moon I navamsha chart. it happened in the mahadasha of Rahu who is placed in the fifth house with the karaka for medicines. I navamsha chart. Antardasha lord. He also discovered very early that too little bacteria developed Antibiotic resistance whenever penicillin was used or when it was used for too short a period. the Sun. he discovered penicillin during the dasha cf!Marsl jupiter for which he got the Nobel Prize in 1945. the Moon is associated with th ninth lord. 1955 during the dasha of Jupiter Saturn. Rahu is placed in the seventh Venus is the tenth lord of house of position. Mars and the happened in antardasha of ninth lord. Antardasha lord. the Moon and is aspected by the yogakaraka. jupiter is aspecting the lagna lord. Saturn is the 7'h lord. In the year 1922. October28.Case' Study. 1914. fifth house from is lagna occupied by the Moon and Rahu. 1995 Field . The fifth lord is Saturn. If it is supported by the Jupiter and technical planets. New York. USA Died. the i indicates study in microbiology (virology and bacteriology) Let' check fifth house from karaka Mercury and fifth house in the navamsh Sat(R) Moon Rah Jup Libra Lagna Chart 28-10-1914 07:30:00 Case Study . Saturn is placed in the ninth house and i in the nakshatra of Rahu.Physician and Microbiologist Best Known As .8 Lag Sun Mars Ket Mer(R) Ven I Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 124°10' 11°35' 11°35' 27°25' 00°13' 20°23' 17°14' 09°31' 11°17' Mars Lag Rah Moon Sun Sat Ven Navamsha Chart Jup Mer Ket . The connection of Rahu and the Moon wit fifth house of education is a combination for studying environmenta science. Jonas Salk) Born.June 23124.Developer of the polio vaccine Features of horoscope In birth chart.8 (Dr. D. See the role of ninth and fifth lords for teaching In 1947. In 1953. The presence of Rahu and Moon in fifth house from lagna and the connection ofJupiter. studying influenz and during World War II.Ketu axis. Rahu .S. he announce confidently the success of his trail vaccine after a massive clinical trial One million American children had been vaccinated during precedin . He earne a medical degree (M.Ketu. Moon. In 1946 he became assistant professor of epidemiolog (Saturn/Mercury). he got success in his research during the dash of Saturn/Sun. working on a flu vaccine for the U. I953) in Saturn/Moon. This confirms the promise of birth char and indicates research in microbiology (virus). He became research fellow and then research associate in the 1944 all in Saturn/Saturn Satur i yoga-karaka planet and is in the nakshatra of Rahu who is associate with the Moon in the fifth house of education and confirms the stud on virus. Moon is tent lord. Army. Mars and Saturn with fifth house/fifth lord from Mercur inclined the Salk to probe into virus and medicines. Ketu is associated with fifth lord Mercury and exalte Jupite and is aspected by the Moon. Fifth lord Mercury is associated with exalted Jupiter and Ket and is aspected by the Moon. fifth house is aspected by the Mar an Saturn. The role of dasha lords have alread bee discussed above.S degree in 1934 during the dasha of Jupiter/Venus. In the year 1952. Ketu is coverin five-eleven axis and is aspected by the fifth lord Saturn. Mercury is the ninth lord of birth chart and fifth lord of navamsha chart.) from New York University in I939 durin th dasha of Jupiter/Mars. During the I940s he worked at the Universit o Michigan and the University of Pittsburgh. This confirm th applicability of our parameters of microbiology. When he had tried vaccine over IOO childre an adults Dr.chart. Jupiter is aspected by the Mars and is in the nakshatra of th Moon who is associated with Rahu . He started researc i virus during the dasha of Saturn/Ketu. Saturn is the fifth lord and the Sun is the eleventh lord of achievements. In birth chart. Fifth house from Mercury is aspected by the Saturn. during the dasha of Saturn/Mars. In navamsha chart. Salk announced his results in the journal of America Medical Association (March 28. Major Life Events He was educated at the City College of New York and go B. Fifth lord i Jupiter. he moved to the University of Pittsburgh and servin as professor of bacteriology from 1949 onward. In navamsh chart. H got fellowship in epidemiology in 1942 during Saturn/Satur fo research on the influence of the Virus. Mercury/Ketu (1963). could be given orally an could be refrigerated. Salk became a national hero overnight during the dash of Saturn/Rahu.~ half of them with vaccine of Salk which had proved 80 t 9 percent success. it was the period that Salk suffered at the hands of his rival Albert Sabin. Salk died on June 24. 1995 during the dasha of Venus/Jupiter One is the eighth lord and the other the sixth. In 1954. The role dasha lord has already discussed above Period of humiliation . . a Polis scientist as vaccine of Sabin was cheaper. I The person was born on 25'h October 1984 at 07:00:00 hours (1ST) at He joined B. Therefore. such as ceils. importanc of water signs or the Moon can not be ignored. scope and applicability. Notice Jupiter is . These days. such as genes and enzymes. Let us take some case studie before giving the final shape to these probable astrological parameters Case Study . the Jeeva (living organisms together with technical planets i. Biotechnologie are methods and techniques which involve use of microorganisms living organisms. biological substance as tools.(Biotechnology) in 2005. M. Saturn and Mars comes into pia in the study of biotechnology. and bulk foodstuff as well a th bioconversion of organic waste and the use of genetical! altere bacteria in the cleanup of oil spills. Thus the influence of Jupiter together Mars. certain chemical processe ar also being used in biotechnology.(Biotechnology) in 2002 and Secundrabad. Thus biotechnolog th application of science and technology to living organisms. bacteria. Saturn is ex a! ted in lagna and is in nakshatra of Jupiter. fifth house from lagna and Mercury is Aquarius Fifth lord. Earlier biotechnologists were farmers who devise improved species of plants and animals by using the technique o cross pollenlzation or cross breeding. biotechnolog ha expanded in sophistication. Saturn and Moo gives indications towards the study in biotechnology. the role of strong Jupiter. which are required to improve the quality o human life.Biotechnolog Biotechnology is the fusion of biology and technology Biotechnology is the application of biological technique use t manufacture products.Sc. Besides. synthetic hormones. yeasts. In birth chart. Therefore. th indicator ofliving organisms. Saturn is associated with Moon. to perform specific industrial o manufacturing process.Sc.e. Mercur and debilitated Sun and Saturn is also aspecting the strong Jupiter an Mars. Applications include the production of certain drugs. the Moon is tenth lord and is associated with exalted fifth lord. the Moo i placed in Aquarius with Rahu and is aspected by Saturn and strong Jupiter. Mahadasha and antardash lords are placed mutually in 3-1 1 positions.Rah Libra Lagna Chart 25-10-1984 Male Lag Sun Moon Mer Sat Jup Mars Ket Ven Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 18° 23' 08° 10' 15° 58' 20° 22' 17° 28' 14° 05' Lag Mer 12° 13' Sat 23° 22' 03° 54' Moon Rah Navamsha Chart Jup Ket Sun Mars Ven placed in Sagittarius in birth chart. a Friendly sign. Saturn. Jupiter occupies Leo. Jupite i placed in its mooitrikona sign. He joined Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology in the year 200 during the dasha of Jupiter/Moon/Ketu. Antardasha lord. which is an excellen placement of dasha lords for producing favourable results. Pratyanta . Thus confirm the study in biotechnology. in association with Mars and is aspecte by the fifth lord. Thus we may 1 consider it as strong Jupiter. r In navamsha chart. in its mooitrikona sign and in navamsha chart. Fifth lord. Mahadasha lord. Saturn. a watery sign owned b the Moon and is aspected by the Saturn. fifth house is Cancer. antardasha lord. Mars. He joined Master of Science (Biotechnology) in the year 200 during the dasha of Jupiter/Rahu/Venus. The education could be in technical field other than the biolog group if the role of Jupiter does not come into play from Mercur (vidya karaka) and in dasha and other related divisional charts Fro Mercury. Moon and Mercury. The role Jupiter has alread been discussed. Pratyantar dasha lord. Ketu is associated with tent Idrd Jupiter and is aspect xi by fifth lord.(Biotechnology) in 2000 and M. Moon is also receiving the aspect of Jupiter an Saturn. Venus. Fifth lord. Thus confirms the study in biotechnology. Mars is in own nakshatr and is associated with Saturn. the Moon is the fifth lord and is placed in the sign o Saturn with Rahu. Ketu is conjoined with lagna lord. Saturn. In navamsha chart. the indicator ofbiology is not associated either with the fifth house or with the fifth lord fro Lagna. Thus the influence of Jupiter together Mars. Saturn. Satur and Moon points towards the education in biotechnology In navamsha chart. In birth chart. In navamsha chart. He joined B. mahadasha lord. Notice the importance of . The individual joined Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology in 200 .Jupiter's dasha and its connection with fifth house for studying biotechnology. Venus is placed in own sign an conjoined with ninth lord. Venus is in the nakshatra ofMars and is aspecte by th Saturn and Jupiter. Venus in second house a sign of Mars who is associated with Jupiter and is aspecte by fift lord. Rahu is associate wit fifth lord. Fifth lord. the fifth house has Jupiter which is in the nakshatra of Rahu Fifth lord from Mercury is Venus and is associated with Rahu. fifth house is Aries owned by Mars an aspected by powerful Jupiter. The influence of Saturn an Mar indicates technical education.2 The person was born on 1gth July 1982 at 06:57:00 hours (1ST) at Eta wah. Here the Jupiter.Sc. and Mars. In birth Chart. th Moon Antardasha lord. a sign of Mars. The dispositor ofRahu is Venus who is place i Scorpio. fifth house from Lagna is Scorpio. Rahu is aspecte b the lagna lord.(Biotechnology) in 2003. a watery sign o Mars and is aspected by the Saturn. Jupite an Saturn. Case Study .Sc. the Moon. Jupiter is tenth lord associated with Ketu and is aspected by the fifth lord. the Moon and is aspected by the tenth lord.dasha lord. Mar aspecting the Moon and Jupiter and is itself being aspecte b th Saturn. Pratyantar dasha lord. th fifth lord.Sc. the biology giver. mahadasha and antardash lord. Jupiter is ninth lord and is aspecting the tenth house and fou planets in twelfth house. Mars fro tenth house. The dasha of Jupiter. Jupiter is aspecting the fifth hous and is associated with Moon. Jupiter is also aspected by the Mars. ~ . (Biotechnology).-- - --- Mer Moon Rah Ven Lag Sun Cancer Lagna Chart 19-07-1982 Male Ket Jup Sat Mars Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 19° 57'02° 27' 08° 04' 27° 59' 07° 29' 07° 29' Rah 04° 26' 22° 39' 19° 44' Mer Sun Sat Navamsha Chart Lag Jup Moon Ven Mars Ket I In birth chart. Rahu is associated with the Moon. Mercury and Venus and is aspected by the Jupiter and Saturn. Pratyantar dasha lord. Jupiter is placed in the nakshatra of Rahu I Pratyantar dasha lord. and its connectio with technical planets (Saturn and Mars) and the Moon helpe thi person to complete the B. In navamsha chart mahadasha and antardasha lord. He joined Masie o I Science (Biotechnology) in the year 2003 in Jupiter/Mercury/Mercury Iduring Jupiter/Jupiter/Rahu. Rahu is placed in fourth house a watery sign of Jupiter and is aspected by the fifth lord. Role of Jupiter has already bee discussed. Mar is exalted and is in own nakshatra. Fifth lord.The role Jupiter has already been discussed. fifth house is Scorpio. Mars.(Biochemical Biotechnology at I Delhi in August. Venu and Rahu and is aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. The common influence of Strong Jupiter an Moon fifth house together with Mars and Saturn in birth and navamsh chart clearly explain the study in Biochemical and Biotechnology He joined M .Tech. In birth chart. Saturn. Mercury and Venus. In navamsha chart. Ketu is placed in Sagittarius. antardasha and pratyantar dasha lord. he joined a Research organisatio as Research Associate in Jupiter/Ketu. a sign of Jupiter and is aspected by Mars. 1989. In the last quarter of2005. Moon an Sun. Tech. Fifth house is occupied by Jupiter and Moon and is aspected by Saturn. Jupiter that is a excellent placement of dash a lord for producing excellent results I navamsha chart. In birth chart. Mercury is associated with Moon. a five years integrated course at /IT. Saturn is in the nakshatra of Moon and is aspected by powerful Jupiter and Moon. In birth chart. Venus is conjoined with Saturn in the sign of Mars and is aspected by Mars. Antardasha lord. a watery sign ofMars. Thus indicate stud in Biochemical and Biotechnology. Venus is fifth and tenth lord. which is a good placemen of dash lords. mahadasha lord. 1989 during the dash a of Mercury/ Jupiter/Venus In birt chart. Jupiter is conjoined with the Moon in fifth house and forming a powerful rajayoga in the house of education. Antardasha lord. importance of dash a of strong Jupiter for studying Case Study 3 The person was born on 23* October 1971 at 00:45:00 hours (1ST) a Meerut. In navamsha chart. placed in fourt . In navamsh chart. He joined M. placed in fourth house and are aspecting the tenth house of distinction. Jupite is conjoined with the Sun and Moon and is aspecting the fifth house Pratyantar dasha lord. Fifth lord. Moon. antardash and pratyantar dasha lord. The Moon and Jupiter are vargottama and strong planets. Ketu is placed in tenth house togethe wit fifth lord. (Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology). Mercury is ninth lord. mahadasha and pratyantar dasha lords. Delhi in August. fifth house is aspected by Jupiter. Fifth house from Mercury is aspecte by its own lord. Mercur tenth lord. Mercury is als placed in the ninth house from mahadasha lord. Notice the biotechnology. Fifth lord. Mercury and Venus ar. Ketu and Jupite are placed in 3 I I positions. Notice the vargottama Jupiter connection of strong antardasha lord. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance .Ketu upto 13.In birth chart. Swaroop JAO Oct-Dec. Reason it out Yourself Apply the principles used in the ongoing case studie analyse the following horoscopes yourself. Jupiter is in the nakshatr o . 1988 Dasha at the time of admission . the with fifth house of birth and navamsha charts.Venus/Moon Hint .4 (Biotechnology) Birth details.April 11. 10. 1984.2003 Jup Moon Lag Ket Sun Mer Ven Lagna Sun Moon 20° 35' 05° 16' 13° 28' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 29° 20' 14° 38' 13° 30' 20° 04' Ven Sat(R) Saturn Rahu 12°07' 17°40' Rah Mer Lag Navamsha Chart Ket Moon Jup Sun Mars house with Saturn and is aspected by Mars. 14:24 hours 1ST.Sat(R) Mars Rah Cancer Lagna Chart 23-10-1971 Data: R. Fifth house is occupied by its own lord Jupiter and is aspected by the Saturn. an Case Study . fifth house is occupied by Mars is aspected by the Moon Fifth lord. . In navamsh chart. a watery sign of Jupiter.Sun Ven Mer Rah Leo Lagna Chart 11-04-1984 Data: Naresh Kumar Jup Mars(R) Ket Sat(R) Moon Lag Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 01°50'28°01' 26°27' 04°30' 13°03' 18°48' Sun 10°42' 21°02' 13°58' Lag Sat(R) Rah Moon Mer Navamsha Chart Mars(R) Ket Ven Jup Venus who is exalted in Pisces. Sun is placed in the watery sign ofJupiter and is aspecte by th Jupiter and Mars. In navamsha chart. Jupiter is aspecting the exalted. lipids. Fifth lord Venus is placed in Scorpio. Fro Mercury. In case of biochemistry. sign ofJupiter. fifth house is occupied by Jupiter and is aspected by its ow lord. She joined B. fifth house is occupied by the Moon an i aspected by the Mars who is placed in a watery sign of Jupiter.e 1 comes into play. such as proteins carbohydrates. I In birth chart. Antardasha lord. in the water. She joined B. Therefore the role of Moori and watery signs together with influence of Jupit.(Biochemistry) in 2006 in a college of Delhi University. Besides all the planets are influenced by Jupiter and watery signs. a sign of the Moon and in turn receiving the aspec of Jupiter. Saturn is ninth lord and is well placed in the sevent 1 house.(Biochemistry) in a college of Delhi University in 2006 during the dasha of Saturn/Venus/Rahu In birt chart 1 mahadasha lord.Biochemisti Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processe an transformations in living organisms. fifth house is aspected by the Saturn wh i placed in Cancer. the influence of Moon an water~ signs will predominate in relationship with Jupiter. Mars is placed in fourth house. the livin orgamsm. Venus is aspected by the Jupiter (karaka fo living organisms) and is confirming the study of biochemistry.Sc.Sc. Venus is fifth lord and is in mutual aspec . ! Case StudyThis is the case study of a woman born on :J"d January 1989 at 16:40:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Thus confir the education in biochemistry. the Moon. nucleic acids and other biomolecules. Venus from Scorpio. therefore it is a strong Moon an is making a marvelous combination for studying chemistry. Biochemistiy deals wit th structure and function of cellular components. Fifth lord. a prominent sign of Mars for dealing with rasayana (Chemistry). Th Moon is exalted in navamsha chart. Scorpio axis and formin a excellent yoga for learning biochemistry. She joined B.2 This woman was born on 22'd January 1981 at 11:07:00 hours (1ST) a Rewari. Saturn is placed in Cancer.Sc. Antardasha dasha lord. a sig of the Moon and is aspected by the. Case Study . jupiter along Taurus . Saturn is also as pectin the fifth house. Pratyantar dasha lord Rah conjoined with Jupiter who is aspecting the Moon. Venus is exalte an conjoined with fifth lord. Rah is placed in ninth house and is aspected by the ninth lord. Jupiter.Sc.(Biomedical) in 2001 and She is doing research in Biomedical Sciences(Microbial . M. mahadasha lord. Saturn I navamsha chart. Mars.(Biochemistry) in 1997.Mars Jup(R) Lag Rah Mer Gemini Lagna Chart 03-11-1989 Data: Vasant Gala Ven Moon Ket Sun Sat Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 07° 38'19° 21' 25° 39' 27°45' 07° 12' 02° 52' Ven Mer Mars 27° 10' 12° 10' 12°44' Moon Jup(R) Rah Lag Navamsha Chart Sat Ket Sun with tenth lord. Pratyantar dasha lord. rPathogenesis) since 2003. fifth house is occupied by Jupiter and Ketu while the fifth lord.Sc. Jupiter is tenth lord and is aspecting the Ketu Lag Pisces Lagna Chart Mars Ket Sun Mer Rah 11-01-1981 Data: Om Kumari Moon t I Ven Jup Sat(R) • I_L_a_g_n_a__ S_u_n ____ M_o_o_n____ M_a_r_s__M __ 23° 48'08° 31' 01° 53' 23° 58' e-rc-u-~---J-u-p-it-er---V-e_n_u_s __S __ at_u_r_n___ R_a_h_u 16° 11' 17° 16' Ket Jup 22° 28' 16° 47' Sun 20° 06' Sat Moon •• t Lag Mer t Rah Navamsha Chart 1----1 Mars Ven . the role of Ketu will also be come into play in addition to the role of Moon and Jupiter as she has also studied Biomedical sciences and is presently doing research in same field. She joined B. In birth chart. fifth house is Cancer. mahadasha lord. Anta an pratyantar dasha lord. In birth chart.(Biochemistiy) in I997 during the dasha of Venus/ Jupiter/Jupiter. Fift house is occupied by Rahu and is aspected by Sun. Venus is placed in th tenth house. The Moon is in th nakshatra of Ketu who is aspected by the Jupiter. In navamsha chart. in own nakshatra and in the sign of Jupiter. Mars and Mercury Fifth lord is Moon and is aspected by the Mars. the sign of Moon. Mercury is placed in the sign of Moon. In this case. D. Ketu is placed in the elevent house together with the Sun. Mars and Mercury. Role of mahadasha lord Venus has already been discussed I birth chart. Sun is the sixth lord. Jupiter Sun is aspecting the fifth house. Pratyantar dasha lord. . the Sun i placed in the watery sign of Jupiter and is aspected by the tenth lord Mars. Saturn is conjoined with tent lord Jupiter in the seventh house and is in the nakshatra of fifth lord Moon.D. Venu is fourth and ninth lord. watery sign of Moon. placed in ninth house (mooltrikona sign) an is aspected by the Moon and Jupiter.Sun. Appl th parameters used in the ongoing case studies and analyse the give horoscope. Mercury with fifth house. Saturn is lagna lord. Mercury is conjoined with Ketu. in 2003 during the dasha of Venus/Mercury Ketu. placed in fourth hous and is aspecting the tenth house. Mercur is fifth lord and is placed in sixth house. antardasha lord. She joined Ph. antardasha lord. Jupiter. antardasha lord. Pratyantar dasha lord. mahadasha lord. Mars and Mercury and is aspected by the tenth lord. Pratyantar dasha lord. Mercur is aspected by the lagna and twelfth lord. the tenth lord. Notic th importanc pratyantardasha lord for entry in biomedical science. i Bio chemistry which is likely to be completed in April 2008.(Biomedical) in 2001 during the dasha ofVenus/ Saturn/Sun. She joined M. Antar and pratyanta dash lord. In navamsh chart. Sun. Mars and Mercur and is aspected by the tenth lord. sixth house and the Moo for studying biomedical sciences. Role ofmahadasha lord Venus has already been discussed In birth chart. Reason it out Yourself Here is a horoscope of a female who is doing Ph. Saturn. Mercury is also aspectin the fifth house. Jupiter is conjoined with Ketu in the fifth house. Pratyantar dasha lord Ket conjoined with Jupiter in the fifth house. Notice the link o antardasha lord. Mars and Mercury and is aspecte b Jupiter. In navamsha chart. In navamsha chart. associate wit Ketu.Sc. Mars Ven Sun Ket Leo Lagna Chart 3 Jul1979 Data: Mer Jup Lag Sat Rah Moon Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 24°38' 17°08' 23°37' 11°29' 13°01' 17°39' Ket Sun 02°34' Mars 15°56' 16°47' Navamsha Chart f-------1 Moon Sat Jup Lag Ven Mer Rah I l t . DOCTORS Education about Diseases by Dr. Vishal Wadhwa In earlier chapters we have learned to use significations of planets different rashi's and the twelve houses for deciding the patter o education of a person. However, his hobbies and the short-ter courses he ventures into, to add a new dimension and mor ofte than not to relive his youthful days, can be a source of confusion if we solely rely on the birth horoscope with its divisions. A respite can b attained in most cases by analyzing from the dasha running a th time of commencement of the course. Though this field requires more probing by astrology aspirants till than let us take help of table no. 1, which is an extende an modified version of the table given earlier by Mr. KN. Rao in Journal ofAstrologyYear 2001; Oct-Dec issue. In order to read from the tabl the various choices that the planet has to offer, it would be wise to ge educated in the method of determining the predominant influence o the planet concerned: technical, semi-technical or non-technical Mr. Rao suggests influences on education giving planet b weighed as thus: (i) Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu impart technical influenc t the educational pattern, whereas Moon, Venus, Mercur an Jupiter if unafflicted are non-technical influences. (ii) Debilitated and retrograde planets also impart technical influence (iii) The following rashi are technical in nature: Aries, Gemini Leo Virgo and Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, while the rest ,;r non-technical. To decide whether a planet will behave technical or otherwis sum up the influences of the rashi and nakshatra it is placed in an also the influence rendered by the planets conjunct or aspectin it Let us see what are the various influences on educatio givin areas, which make a person study medicine as an M.B.B.S. or in it alternative forms like ayurveda or homeopathy. Since doctor stud diseases, a connection of sixth (disease)/ eighth (sudden mishap) and or the twelfth (hospital) house should be there with the educatio giving areas. Additionally, a strong Jupiter (which signifies Jeev vigyan, a science dealing with living beings like zoology or human anatomy when under technical influence) will come into play along with Ket (signifactor for medical practitioner) and the Sun (the father of sue knowledge). Additionally an affliction to Moon by malefics, which ha been referred to as 'doctor's drugged Moon', by Mr. Rao, can also b seen. Let us analyze few examples in detail to understand this. Case Study - I Birth details - April 08, 1976; 14:20 hours 1ST; Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance- Jupiter upto 18.09.1977 Dasha at the time of admission - Saturn/Jupiter First case is of a M.B.B.S. doctor, practising Microbiology, his fifth lord Mars is placed along six-twelve axis; it is in nakshatra of Rahu. Technical Mars represents science, which without Jupiter is engineerin or mechanical work. Mars has exchanged places with Mercury, whic brings calculation (mathematics) to our list of subjects alon wit science. Fifth lord from Mercury is Sun and it is again placed in th twelfth ·house, fifth house from Mercury receives an aspect of Jupiter (which is under technical influence), this tilts the influences in favour of medicine. In navamsha, fifth lord is Moon (under semi-technical influence) in conjunction with Saturn (semi-technical), the twelfth lord. So her Moon would mean medical related field. Fifth house from Mercur receives aspect of Mars (eighth lord) and Venus is placed there Fifth lord is Sun (under technical influence), it is aspected by Jupiter, th twelfth lord from Mercury. Now see what repeats in lagna and Navamsha, role of twelft house, technical influence, science, Jupiter and Sun answer is clear. He has passed through the mahadasha of Saturn at the time o education in school. Vargottama Saturn, placed in lagna of birth char and fifth house ofnavamsha, can promote education and which it did as he almost unexpectedly got a good rank in entrance examinatio in his second attempt. Dasha at that time was Saturn-Jupiter. Jupite as the sixth lord conjunct with twelfth lord in tenth house is good fo studying medicine, and its ninth lordship gave him that extra boos 1which is required to clear s.uch exams. 1 r "ti Sun Ven Mer Ket Jup Mars Cancer Lagna Chart 08-04-1976 14:20:00 Case No.1 Lag Moon Sat Rah Lagna Sun Moon 28° 29' 25° 07' 02° 08' Mars Mercury Jupiter 16°14' 02° 18' 09° 29' Lag Venus Saturn Rahu 06° 28' 02°37' 20°31' Jup Rah Mer Sun Mars Navamsha Chart Case No.1 Sat Moon Ven Ket Mars with fifth and sixth house indicating education in any o th armed forces. However for such a profession fiery rashi's (Aries, Leo Sagittarius) should predominate whereas here airy and watery rashi' predominate. Interestingly this person had an inclination to join arm but was not allowed by his parents. Case Study - 2 Birth details- July 03, 1974; 08:10 hours 1ST; Delhi. Vimshottari dasha balance - Jupiter upto 22.08.1980 Dasha at the time of admission - Venus/Jupiter. This is a horoscope of a practising EN.T. surgeon, his fifth lord i Mars is placed in lagna (it is debilitated, so it is under technica influence) and it aspects sixth lord. It is placed in nakshatra ofMercury the twelfth lord. Rahu, a technical planet is placed in the fifth hous Ven Ket Jup Sun Mer(R) Sat Lag Mars Cancer Lagna Chart 03-07-1974 08:10:00 Case No.2 Moon Rah ILagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 21°15' 17°18' 01°38' 21°17' 13°48' 24°19' Sun 14°55' 15°10' 24°43' Moon Ven Jup Rah Sat Mer Lag Mars Navamsha Chart Case No.2 Ket and the house is aspected by Venus. Fifth lord from Mercury is Venus; it is placed in twelfth house with Ketu but in a non-technical rashi Moon is drugged. Till now sixth and twelfth houses have come int fray and technical influence in partially present and there is influenc of Venus. Fifth lord ofNavamsha, Venus is conjunct with twelfth lord Jupiter but placed in a non-technical sign. Fifth lord from Mercury is Mercury and is under influence of two technical planets one of which is th twelfth lord. Again here twelfth house has come into picture bu a mixed technical and non-technical influence is present. He has passed through the dasha of Venus at the time of school days; a strong Venus by virtue of placement in its own hous an vargottama is connected with the fifth house, this signifies goo education. Venus is semi-technical in lagna and non-technica i Navamsha, it is under the influence of Jupiter and Ketu, bot th signifactors of medicinal knowledge but if we refer to the table to se the significations it creates confusion, as semi-technical Venus doe not support education in medical field. Analyse the fifth house fro Venus and we can see only technical influences. To remove the confusion let us see the antardasha, it is importan to note that in the mahadasha of a planet with long dasha period a single or two successive antardasha's can allow a different trend This person got the antardasha of Jupiter the sixth lord, Saturn the eight lord in twelfth house and Mercury the twelfth lord and all of the under technical influence, which helped him complete his education Venusian influence did not influence his education but mad hi listen to music and dance to its beats. Case Study - 3 Birth details - May 08, 1975; 03:30 hours 1ST; Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance- Saturn upto 13.06.1976 Dasha at the time of admission - Mercury/Saturn This M.D. graduate after completing M.B.B.S. went to U.S.A. t pursue a career in medicine. His fifth lord Moon is placed in a non technical sign but in nakshatra of Saturn and aspected by Saturn (th twelfth lord). Look in the table under section of Moon (semi-technical) we find a paramedical education. Now to this add technical influenc of Jupiter and we get close to medicine. Fifth lord from Mercur i Mercury itself (under technical influence); it is conjunct with Ketu an aspected by Mars from the twelfth house, Mars is also twelft lor from Mercury. Fifth house from Mercury has again aspect of earlie discussed Jupiter, Moon combination. So there is mixtur o mathematics (from technical Mercury) and medicine (from technica Moon and Jupiter). In Navamsha the fifth lord Saturn is under technical influence though it is debilitated but it protects fifth house signification b aspecting it. Technically influenced Saturn can give Engineerin o geology but it is under influence of technical Jupiter, Sun and Mercur (which brings in influence of eighth and twelfth houses also). Thu again shifting the focus from engineering to biology dealin wit disease. Fifth from Mercury is under similar influence. Dasha at the time of entrance examination was Mercury-Saturn In lagna fifth lord from Saturn is Venus, which is confusing Bu i Navamsha that influence vanishes and only the other promis in th birth horoscope prevails. Lag Moon Jup Mars Sun Mer Ven Sat Ket Pisces Lagna Chart 08-05-1975 03:30:00 Case No.3 Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 09° 49' 23° 12' 14° 29' 26° 21' 12°29' 18°17' Ket 04°18' Sat Mer 21°00' 08°21' Mars Navamsha Chart Case No.3 Jup Ven Moon Sun Lag Rah Case Study - 4 Birth details- November02, 1975; 20:15 hours 1ST; Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance- Mars upto 09.09.1977 Dasha at the time of admission - Rahu!Moon This is a horoscope of an ophthalmologist. His fifth lord Venus which is also the twelfth lord, is under technical influence. Fifth hous has got four planets creating a predominant technical influence S we have got education of a technical Venus and multiple influence from Sun, Mercury, Moon and Rahu. Fifth house from Mercur i aspected by Venus again. Fifth lord Saturn is semi-technica an aspected by Jupiter (Jeev vigyari). In Navamsha fifth lord Saturn is placed in twelfth house and i under technical influence. Technical Jupiter and Sun influence the fift house. Influences that repeat are Saturn (technical, mechanical work) Jup(R) Ket Lag Mars Gemini Lagna Chart 02-11-1975 20:15:00 Case No.4 Rah Sun Moon Mer Sat Ven Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 00°21' 16°02' 03°08' 09°02' 00° 35' 23° 34' 29° 32' 09° 18' 28° 53' Rah Sun Jup Navamsha Chart Case No.4 Ket Ven Mars Lag Mer Moon Sat Jupiter (management or zoology), Sun (management, physics, math and medicine) and twelfth house (abroad, hospital). During his entrance examination he was passing through Rahu Moon. From both dasha and antardasha lords fifth lord is Saturn and i is under influence ofJupiter in lagna chart. So what repeats is influenc of Saturn and Jupiter, which is technical education in managemen o jeev vigyan. Influence of sixth, eighth and twelfth house point towards medicine. Venus aspects fifth house from dasha lords I Navamsha, Jupiter aspects both these dasha lords as well as fifth from them. Because of this, the influence ofVenus on education will be o biology and later ophthalmology. Case Study - 5 Birth details- June 26, 1976; 05:40 hours 1ST; Lucknow Lag Ket Jup Mron Mer Sun Ven Gemini Lagna Chart 26-06-1976 05:40:00 Case No.5 Sat Mars Rah Lagna Sun Moon 15°47' 10°59' 22°07' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 29°53' 21°12' 27°34' Mars 13°08' 08°48' 16°21' Lag Rah Mer Moon Sun Ven Navamsha Chart Case No.5 Ket Jup Sat Vimshottari dasha balance - Moon upto 21.05.1977 Dasha at the time of admission - Rahu!Mercury This horoscope has been taken up to show how difficult i i sometimes to interpret the educational pattern of a person with sue bewildering array of subjec1s and equally large number of option a person can have as a hobby. This person is M.D. in Microbiology a good singer, passionate guitar player and still more, a novic a carpentry. His fifth lord is Venus (also the twelfth lord); it is conjunc with a technical planet and in a technical nakshatra. So it will behav !technically. Fifth house is aspected by technical Jupiter the tenth lor (vocational course) and sixth lord of diseases, Mars. ~ Here we need to clear our thoughts as to how a planet work 'runder different influences. For example Venus is technical, whethe i 1 is under the influence of Sun, Saturn or Mars. Then does influenc o I I Hissar Vimshottari dasha balance.RahuNenus Case Study . 1976. Gurgaon Vimshottari dasha balance. However the summary of all thes cases is given at the end of this chapter.Mars upto 08. Jullundhar Vimshottari dasha balance . 1976. 09:55 hours 1ST. I think we need to work on this.technical Jupiter turn it into biology.6 Ven Rah Mars Sun Mer Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 27° 52' 17° 03' 26° 08' 02°59' 00° 09' 07° 20' 15° 40' 20°41' 11°04' .8 Birth details. Usually analysis of the dasha at the time of selection help solve such queries but in this case it is difficult as the dasha runnin a the time of selection was Rahu-Mercury.7 Birth details. Mars and Saturn into computer and so on. 22:00 hours 1ST.1982 Dasha at the time of admission .1978 Dasha at the time of admission .04.Mercury upto 23. 1977.Ketu upto 30. Reason it out Yourself Apply the parameters used in the ongoing case studie an analyse the following horoscopes.August 16.6 Birth details.February 04.1980 Ket Lag Jup Taurus Lagna Chart Moon Sat 03-10-1976 22:00:00 Case No. In Navamsha also there is again a mixture of artistic an technical influences.8. Case Study . Contradiction in this case arises when we analyse the fifth lor from Mercury and we find pure non-technical influence of Moon an Venus (artistic planets). 19:22 hours 1ST.October 03. this has given him the above-mentione hobbies.Venus/Mercury Case Study .04. 6 Moon Mars Lag Moon Ket Jup Virgo Lagna Chart 16-08-1976 09:55:00 Case No. 1976.VenusjRahn Case Study 9 Birth details.7 Ven Ket Sat Mer I Dasha at the time of admission.June 21.7 Sun Sat Mer Ven Rah Lag Mars Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus1 Saturn Rahu 21°03' 29°53' 10°04' 01°20' 25°12' 05°46' Sun 16°06' 15°16' 13°39' Jup Rah Lag Moon Mars Navamsha Chart Case No. 03:43 hours 1ST.Jup Sun Ven Sat Mer Rah Ket Navamsha Chart Case No. Delhi . Rahu!Mercury .11 Birth details. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance .07. 1976.Mercury upto 3.10.12 Birth details .Sun!Rahu Case Study.1987 Dasha at the time of admission .February 26. Patna Vimshottari dasha balance . 03:07 hours 1ST.8 Mars Sun Mer Jup Sat Rah Ven Vimshottari dasha balance .September 13. 1976.5.Ven Jup Ket Leo .1983 Dasha at the time of admission .Venus/Sun Case Study .January.Mercury upto 21.8 Mer Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 09°49'22°06' 27°13' 02°40' 28°00' 28°19' Moon 08°38' ket 19°43' 04°30' Lag Navamsha Chart Case No.Moon upto 06.1976 Dasha at the time of admission . 05:37 hours 1ST. 1973. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance .Ketu!Mercury Case Study-10 Birth details.09. 11:00 hours 1ST.1992 Dasha at the time of admission . Lagna Chart Moon Sai(R) Lag 04-02-1977 19:22:00 Case No. 14.Venus upto 16. 10 Lag Rah Mars Moon ILagna Sun Moon 14°21' 13°40' 21° 58' Mars Mercury Jupiter 16°04' 01°45' 07°03' Venus 02°55' Saturn Rahu 20° 17' 20°48' .. Moon Lagna Sun 10° 14" 06°08" 21° 09' Moon Jup Ket Lag Mer Sun Ven TauPJS Lagna Chart 21-06-1976 03:43:00 Case No.9 Rah Sat Mars Mars Mercury Jupiter 26° 53' 14° 01' 26° 31' Mars Venus 06°54' Lag Saturn Rahu 08° 12' 16° 37' Mer Rah Moon Navamsha Chart Case No.9 Ket Ven Sun Jup Sat Mer Sat Ket Sun Ven Jup Sagittarius Lagna Chart 26-02-1973 03:07:00 Case No. Jhajjar Vimshottari dasha balance.06. 05:42 hours 1ST.1982 .11 Lag Sun Mars Mer Ven Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 23°44' 26°48' 16°06' 19° 15' 13°25' 07°35' Jup 20°18' 18° 36' 12° 10' Mer Mars Rah Nav•msha Chart Case No.Jup Ket Sun Moon Navamsha Chart Case No.Saturn upto 15. 1976.September 20.10 Mer Sat Lag Mars Ven Rah Ket Moon Jup Leo Lagna Chart 13~9-1976 Sat 05:37:00 Case No.11 Ven Ket Moon Sun Sat Lag Case Study - 13 Birth details . 13 Rah Sat Moon Lag un Ven Mer(R) Mars Lagna Sun Moon 26° 29' 03° 38' 12° 38' Mars Mercury Jupiter 23° 52' 07° 50' 07°40' Venus 28° 54' Saturn Rahu 19°21' 11° 48' .12 Ven Rah Sat Sun Mars Mercury Jupiter 21°29' 15°46' 23° 13' Venus 21° 50' Saturn Rahu 06° 29' 25°02' Rah Mer Ven Jup Sun Navamsha Chart Case No. t Moon Lagna Sun 16° 28' 29° 39' 22°28' Lag Jup Ket Moon Mars Mer Pisces Lagna Chart 14-01-1976 11:00:00 Case No.12 Moon Mars Sat Lag Ket Ket Jup(R) Leo Lagna Chart 20-09-1976 05:42:00 Case No.. ·Sat Ven Dasha at the time of admission . 1976.14 Moon Rah Mars Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 05° 14' 23°00' 14°28' 07°27' 14°41' 00°01' 28°38' Sun 10°20' 15°41' Mars Ven Lag Rah Mer Jup Navamsha Ch?.Mer(R) Jup(R) Sun Ket Rah Navamsha Chart Case No. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance .14 Ket Moon Sat .14 Birth details.Saturn upto 20.08..Mercury!Rahu Case Study.1979 Ket Jup Ven Sun Mer Sat lag Capricorn Lagna Chart 08-07-1976 20:05:00 Case No.13 Lag Moon Mars .July 08.rt Case No. 20:05 hours 1ST. 02:16 hours 1ST.09. Kamal Vimshottari dasha balance .Moon upto 13. 1978.15 Rah Ven Moon 1 Lagna Sun Mer Lag Sun Moon 1Q0 2Q' 10°58' 03°19' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 01°48' 21°04' 14°05' 27°21' Saturn Rahu 09° 48' 06° 17' Rah Jup Navamsha Chart Case No.Dasha at the time of admission .07.Moon upto 27.Rahu!Jupiter - Mars Ket Sat(R) Jup Virgo Lagna Chart 27-11-1973 02:16:00 Case No.1985 Dasha at the time of admission . 1977.17 Birth details. 11:00 hours 1ST. 04:35 hours 1ST.Venus/Saturn Case Study.1979 Dasha at the time of admission .November 27.November 09.IS Birth details . 1973.07.March 06. Delhi Vimshottari dasha balance .16 Birth details .15 Ven Sat(R) Ket Sun .Ketu upto 26. Gorakhpur Vimshottari dasha balance .Mercwy!Jupiter Case Study.Rahu!Mercury Case Study .1979 Dasha at the time of admission . 16 Jup Moon Lag Mer Ven Mars Ket Ket Ven Lag Jup Mars Sun Mer Moon Taurus La9na Chart 06-03-1978 11:00:00 Case No.16 Mer Sun Ven Mars Sat Lag Rah Moon Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 25°19' 22°53' 21°05' 11° 34' 05°18' 12°11' 04°57' Sat 06°02' 19°48' Rah Sun Navamsha Chart Case No.Ket Jup(R) Virgo Lagna Chart 09-11-1977 04:35:00 Case No.17 Sat(R) Rah La9na Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 14°02' 21°44' 13°29' 28°48' 28°11' 02°51' 02°09' 02° 09' 13° 36' . this influence was seen in these cases on the dasha lords at the time of entrance examination.B. 5. Fifth house/lord was connected with either of the sixth/eight o the twelfth house/lord in 94% cases.tables no. If we analyse these influences from dasha running at the time o admission to M.3.17 Ket Jup Tabulation of various influences on areas important for decidin education Table no. 4 and 5 is a compilation of the data. 4.S. but taking dasha lords as lagna thi influence could be seen in 100% cases. Influence of Jupiter and Sun/Ketu on the fifth house/lor (bot from lagna and Mercury) was missing in one and tw case respectively. Affliction to Moon in 88% cases. 2. However. pages. Influence of the Sun/Ketu was seen on the dasha lords or fift from them in 100% cases while that of Jupiter was seen in 94 cases.B.Sun Sat(R) Lag Rah Moon Mer Mars Ven Navamsha Chart Case No. 2 and 3 show such influences on individual horoscopes while table no. 88% cases had an influenc o sixth/eighth/twelfth on fifth. . 6. Technical influence on fifth house/lord from lagna was 100% whereas that from Mercury was 88%. 2. Summary of findings in the above tables ' ~ I.4 and 5 are given in the forthcoming Note . 3. course. 2.Technic Technical al influence Affliction on fifth influenc Case to Moon lord! eon in Birth >tudy house fifth Chart from lord! Mercury house 1. 14. 4. 12. 6. 15. v v v X v v v v I v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v I X v v v v X v v X v v v X X X v v v v X v v I X v v v v v X v v v v v v X v v v v v X v v X v v X X v v v v X X v v X X v v v v v v X v v v v v X v v X v X X v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v I v X v v X v v v v v v v v v v X v v v I v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v X X X v v v v v X X v v v v . 11. 10. 7. 3. 5. 9. 17. 16. Table 2 Compilation of Data of seventeen Doctors Influence of Influence of Jupiter on Sun/ Ketu on Technical fifth house fifth house Influence on from from Lag X X \' Influence of Jupiter on 5th from Dasha Lords Influence o Sun/Ketu o Mer Lag Mer Dasha Lords 5th from Dasha Lords Dasha Lords Dasha Lords 5th fro Dash< Lords v v I v v v I I X X v X 8. 13. 11. 9. 6. 4. 7.J . X v v .J v v v I v v v v v v I . 5. Compilation of data of seventeen doctors Association of fifth with sixth house/ lord from lagna Association of fifth with eighth house/ lord from lagna X Case Study Association of fifth with twelfth house/ lord from lagna Association of dasha lords with the following from the lagna/ lakin dasha lords as lagna Sixth House or Lord Lagna Dasha Lord Eighth House or Lord Lagna Dasha Lord Twelfth House o Lord Lagna Dasha Lor 1.. v v X X v X v X X X v v X X v v X v X v v v X v v v X X X X I v I v v X v v v X v v v X I v X v v X X X X I X X v X v X X v v X X X v X v v 4 v v v X v v X v v v X v v v X v v v v v X v X v v X v X v v v v X v x· v I v v v X v v v I v v v v X X v v X ! I I v v I v v I X v . 14. 16.Table 3. 3. 13. 10. 17. 2. 15. 8. 12. Table 4 Compiled Data from Table Influence of Jupiter on fifth house from 2 Influence of Jupiter on !lfflictio Technical n to influence on fifth llloon in lord/ Birth house Chart Technical influence on fifth lord/ house from Mercury Influence of Technical Sun/ Ketu on Influence on fifth house from Influence o Sun/Ketu o Lagn a Mercury Lagna 5th 5th 5th Dash from Dash fron Mercur Dasha from Dash a a Dash Lords Dash a a Lords Lords Lord Lords Lords 15 17 15 12 14 14 07 16 16 12 14 17 12 Table 5 Compiled data from Table ~sociation 3 1:1f fifth with .ixth house/ lord from lagna Association of fifth with eighth house/ lord from lagna Association of fifth with twelfth house/ lord from lagna 11 Association of dasha lords with the following from the lagna/ dasha lords as lagna Sixth House or Lord Lagna 12 Dasha Lord 13 Eighth House or Lord Lagna Dasha Lord 15 takin~ Twelfth House or Lord Lagna 14 Dasha Lord 16 09 09 09 . The connection of fifth and tenth house wit th involvement of Venus promises professional course in the fie! o hotel management.Hotel Managemen Diploma. placed in fourth house and is aspecting the tenth hous of profession. 10th and Venus In birth chart. the role of jupiter is definitely come into play Thus Jupiter should make a relationship with the Lagna. tenth house and Venus in a horoscop of an individual for joining the hotel management course.. Therefore there should be (Position. He has successfully completed a three years course in hotel management in India and is presently working in a hotel at Dubai. Let us take an example before giving the final shape to the above parameters. The main significator for hotel Industry is Venus. Tenth hous or the Venus in a horoscope. PAC Link of 5th. graduation and post graduatio level course ar available in hotel management that has to be complete b a individual before joining this profession. Conjunction) relationshi of second house. Thus. This is a certified professio where education attained has a direct connection with the profession Therefore. In navamsha chart. lord) in the seventh house and i aspecting the second house. fifth and tenth lord Mars is associated witli fourth and eleventh lord Venus in the fourth hous . fourth house and the tenth house come into play. The person ofthischartwas born on September 11. Aspect Conjunction) link should be present in the horoscope that mean education acquired is to be put to use in the profession. fifth and •tenth lord Mar i associated with Venus (4' and I I . a connection between the house of education (fifth house and the house profession (tenth house) through PAC( Position. The aim of a hotel is to provide homely comforts and food to the customers so that the role of second house. In Dashamsha chart. 1977at 20:44:00 hours (1ST) at Jalandhar. Sun is the fifth lord from Lagna and is placed in own house with tenth lord Saturn Sun is also placed in the constellation of Venus who is second an seventh lord. Besides it' a management course. Aspect. fourth house. Navamsha chart confirm th promise of birth chart. lin of fifth. . tenth and Venus in all the three divisional charts (D I.Ket Lag Jup Mars Case Study-1 Birth Chart 11-09-1977 20:44:00 Ven Sun Sat Moon Mer Rah Male Lagna Sun Moon 11 ° 33' 25° 13' 03° 32' Mars Mercury Jupiter 12° 54' 14° 04' 09° 44' Venus 23° 09' Sat Saturn Rahu 00° 32' 21° 52' Moon Lag Rah Ket Ven Mars Navamsha Chart Mer Jup Sun Sun Ket Lag Dashamsha Chart Sat Rah Mer Mars Ven Mcon Jup and is aspecting the second lord (the Sun) and tenth house. D 9 &. _. Mahadash of Venus gave him an opportunity to join hotel managemen cours a Venus is connected with fifth and tenth houses or their lords in all th three concerned divisional charts (D I. the AD Lord. Saturn. Navamsha chart confirms the promise ofbirth chart. Venus is als the significator ofhotel industry."'])" 10) ili~-.. is tenth lord of distinction and i placed in the fifth house of education with fifth lord the Sun 1 Navamsha chart. which are to be seen for the service in hotel management Tenth lord (Saturn) is associated with fourth lord (Moon) and aspectin the second house. Saturn is placed in the tenth house and is aspectin . link of second. fourt and tenth houses or their lords and connection of Venus with tent house or tenth lord in all the concerned divisional charts promise professional career in the field ofhotel management. The Dasha -This person was born in the mahadash of Ketu which ran till 01/11/1982 and after that he got the dash a ofVenus for 20 Years. 1n Dashamsha chart. tenth lord Mars is placed in seventh house with fourth lord Venus and is aspecting the secon house. Venus. Now se the Dashamsha chart. Tenth lord Mars occupies the fourth house with fourth lor Venus and aspects the second lord the Sun. Jupiter is aspectin the tenth house in navamsha chart. is second and sevent lord placed in fourth house and is aspecting the tenth house of distinction Venus is also posited in the constellation of Mercury who is placed in the fifth house of education. The link ofdasha lords with fifth and tenth houses is a combination for success through competitiv examination. fourth and tent house is crystal clear. 1n Navamsha chart. D 9 and D 10).. Venus is connecting/influencing the houses second fourt and tenth. the MD Lord. tenth house or Venus Jupiter is associated with lagna lord Mars in birth chart. Jupiter is associated with lagn lord Moon in dashamsha chart. Again the connection of second. Venus is again associated with fifth and tenth lord Mars and is aspecting the tenth house. PAC link of :z-•. He joined the three year hotel management course in th vimshottari dasha of Venus/Saturn/Mercury (April 1996) at Bhopa through competitive examination and complete th cours successfully. PAC link of Jupiter with lagna.s inclination of this person in Venusian career.o'" and Venus Tenth house from Lagn obtains the aspect ofsecond and seventh lord (Venus) from the fourth house. tenth house has second lord the Sun and obtain the aspects oftenth lord Mars and fourth lord Venus from the fourt house. Venus is fourth an eleventh lord and is placed in the seventh house with fifth and tent lord Mars. 1n N avamsha chart.4••. The connectio o dasha lord Venus with second. placed in the fifth house of education with tent lord Saturn and is in the constellation of Venus. seventh. Venus is connecte wit tenth house or tenth lord in all the three concerned divisional chart and is capable to give professional rise in its dasha. i associated with tenth lord Saturn and is in the constellation of Venu who is aspecting the tenth house. ii. He joined service in Venus!MercuryNenus in September'I99 in a hotel at Dubai. the MD &. placed in the fourth house with tenth lord Mars and is aspectin the tenth house and second lord the Sun. The connection of dasha lord with 2nd. In Navamsha chart. In Dashamsha chart. Main significator for Hotel Management is Venus. In Navamsha chart.Venus is MD placed in the constellation of Venus. Mercury. Saturn is placed in the second house and is aspectin the fifth and tenth lord Mars and Karaka Venus. AD Lord Satur i again connected with fifth and tenth houses or their lords and Venu like MD Lord Venus. and tent house indicating income from hotel industry. is the secon an seventh lord placed in the fourth house and is aspectin th tenth house of profession. Venus is fourth and elevent lord. In Navamsh chart Mercury is placed in the second house and is receiving the aspec o fifth and tenth lord Mars. In this case. In Dashamsha chart. the AD Lord. Mercury is place i the sixth house of service. The fifth lord who is concerned with educatio mus b . AD Lord Saturn is also the fast friend ofMD Lord Venus.the fifth and tenth lord Mars and Venus. AD was also equally favourable for admission in the course like MD. the PD Lord. PD Lord. the parameters for studying Hote Management would be as under:i. Venus. the significator for hotel I Dashamsha chart. Mercur i placed in the second house and is receiving the aspect of tenth lor Mars from seventh house. lord and is placed in the seventh house of attainment of position wit tenth lord Mars. is the third lord (self-efforts) and sixt lord (competition). Mercury is placed in th sixth house of competition indicating success in competitiv examination passed for admission in hotel managemen course Th link of dasha lords with fifth and tenth houses and Venus in thre concerned divisional charts gave this person an entr hote management course through competitive examination. 4th and lOth houses in all the three divisional charts indicate beginning of career in hotel management. In view of ongoing case study. In Dashamsha chart. dasha lords comes unde th PD lord and Mercury (AD lord) i influence ofVenus . Mercury. Venus is fourth and elevent . fourth. (Position Aspect. In this context. ht. fourth lord Jupiter is placed in the tenth house with tenth lord . The link between the fifth house and the tenth hous onl ensures practical utilisation of one's education. Case Study 2 This is a case study of female born on February 7. tenth lord Mercury is placed in the second hous with Venus and is receiving the aspect of fourth lord Jupiter from tenth house.4••. Navamsha confirms the promise of birth chart. Navamsha chart and Dashamsha chart is an essential condition for joining the hotel management. PAC (Position. In Dashamsh chart. The link of 5 10 houses and Venus shows inclination of this female towards Venusian career. This is a management course. Aspect. tenth house and Venus iv. Iff"" and Venus . She has worked in Delhi's top most five star hotels and is presently working in Catering Services of an Airline. PAC Link of 5th. from here th fifth lord Mars is placed in the tenth house and falls in the nakshatra of Venus. . connection of dash a lords with Venus and servic givin houses at the time ofjoining service in Hotel. v. Venus occupie th second house with the Sun (9' lord) and Jupiter (Lagna 4 lord) The direct link of5 10 houses is missing here.fluenced by Venus. therefore the link of Jupiter with Lagna. the link is established by Saturn wh associated with fifth lord Mars and is aspecting the tenth lord Mercur and Venus. 10th and Venus Fifth lord Mars occu pie own house and falls in the nakshatra of Venus. but Jupiter (4' lord) ha established the 5 IO link who is associated with nakshatra lord (Venus) of fifth lord Mars in second house and is aspecting the tenth house Link of 5 IO houses is also present in Moon Kundali. In N avamsha chart. Conjunction) link of fifth house.4". The connection of MD/ AD/PD lords with fifth house or tent house and Venus at the time joining hotel managemen course vii. fourth. the nakshatra lord of the fifth lord and the nakshatr rd ofthe planet(s) posited in fifth house. 1974 at 05:34:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi.Io· houses and Venus is present here I Navamsha chart. PAC link of:z'•. tenth houses and Venus in Birth chart. She has completed a three years course in hotel management at Delhi. and Conjunction) link of second.Here fourth lord Jupiter i placed in second house with Venus and is aspecting the tenth house The link of2'. I am taking the fifth house e fifth lord. Tenth house or Venus should be there. vi. 4'\ 10'\ houses and Venus is clearly visible in all .Mars Ket Sat IV!er Jup Sun Ven Case Study-2 Birth Chart Moon 07-02-1974 05:34:00 Female Lag Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 27° 06' 24° 19' 24° 43' 25°36' 12°13' 29°28' 03°07' 04°41' 03°58' Rah Mercury and is aspecting the second house and second lord Venus The connection of2nct. The connection of dash a lords with fifth and tenth houses or their lords and Venus in all three concerne divisional charts gave her admission in hotel managemen cours through competitive examination. fourt lhouse. . . Saturn is the fifth 1 lord and is aspecting own house. PAC link of Jupiter with lagna. is the sixth lord (service) and eleventh lord (income) placed in the second house 'of gains with bhagyesh the Sun an lagnesh Jupiter and is forming a powerful dhanayoga. theM I&. In navamsha chad. This combination also indicates succes through competitive examination. 10'" and Venus. Venus is placed in secon house (Libra the Mooltrikona sign of Venus) and is receivin th aspect offourth and seventh lord (Jupiter) from tenth house. and eleven! lord.:. link ofsecond house. as Venus is the sixth lor o competition.I l divlsional cha~ts (0 I. It is a st~~n ·· ' !association of2 .. . The Dasha.4 . 1n Dashamsha chart. Venus is also the Nakshatra lord of fifth lor o education(M~rs'). placed in the second house with tenth lord Mercury and i receiving the aspect of lagna and fourth lord Jupiter from the tent house of distinction. She joined service in a hotel at Delhi in May 1993 after completion of course in the vimshottari dash a of Venus/Moon/Mercury. Jupiter is placed in the tenth house and is aspectin the Venus in dashamsha chart. Jupiter is placed in the tenth house and is aspecting the Venu in navamsha chart. 1n dashamsha chart. D 9 8. ninth lord and eleventh lord in the second is a combinatio o fulfilment of one's ambition. Venus is again sixth.. Saturn is associated with fifth lord Mars and is aspectin th tenth lord Mercury and Venus.-th. is placed in the seventh house of attainment of position and is in the nakshatra ofMars.. D 10). the fifth lord ofeducation.She was born in the mahadasha of Mercury wh)c Iran till 31/10/1980 and thereafter she got the dasha of Ketu fo 7 IYears and then the dasha ofVenus upto 31/10/2007.1n navamsha chart. She joined th lthree years hotel management course in the vimshottari dash o I Venus/Venus/Saturn (May June 1990) at Delhi through competitiv 'examination and completed the course successfully. Venus. Venus. is vargottama eleventh lord of fulfilment ?fambition and is placed in the second house of gain with lagna lord Jupiter and ninth lord of luck the Sun. the MD Lord. tenth house or Venus Jupite is associated with Venus and is aspecting the tenth house in birt chart. AD Lord. tenth house and Venus in all the concerned divisional chart promises professional career in hotel management.. The connection of dasha lord Venus with lagn lord. Venus in it fth. the PD Lord.. Saturn. the AD Lord..4 ·and 10' house i dashamsha chart. Rahu' dispositor the Jupiter is associated with Venus and is aspectin th tenth house of profession. Case Study 3 This is a case study of female born on November 21. the AD Lord. iOth and Venus Fifth lord Jupiter occupie sixth house (Capricorn) owned by Saturn.. Venus is again sixth and eleventh lord. 0 and 0 IO charts and is placed in the tenth house ofdashamsh chart She joined t~le catering service of an airline at Delhi (June I996 in the vimshottari dasha of Venus!Rahu!Mercury. PAC Link of 5th. 10' and II . is tenth lord ofD I. . . Rahu is placed in fifth house. is placed in Lagna. Saturn is the disposito of Rahu and is placed in the eleventh house of income. Rashi involved in sixth house is Taurus which i owned by Venus who is associated with tenth lord Mercury an receiving the aspect of fourth lord Jupiter from tenth house 0 ashamsha chart. Venus is also the significcator for hotel and restaurant In navamsha chart. Venus is placed in the secon house (Libra) and is receiving the aspect of fourth lord Jupiter fro tenth house. Moon is also the elevent lor ofdashamsha chart. Rahu is in mutua aspect with fifth lord Jupiter. Moon.. Venus. In navamsha chart. She has completed a three years course in hotel management at Delhi. Jupiter is in "Uttarashadha a constellation of the Sun. The link ofmahadash lord Venus with 2"'. Jupiter and Mars. 1961 at 01:22:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi. Saturn aspects tenth lor (Venus) and second lord (Mercury). Mercury. the tenth lord of profession. It is a strong link of 5 .4 . place second house with seventh and tenth lord Mercury and is receivin the aspect offourth lord Jupiter from tenth house ofprofession. In Navamsha chart. Influence offour or more planet on Moon is a classical rajayoga. . IO . Venu is tenth lord and is in "Swati" a constellation ofRahu.. Venu is also receiving the aspect of second lord Satu~n.6 . is eighth lord of chance surprise placed in own house and is receiving the aspec of fou planets Sun. Venus is also connected with 2". fifth lord Saturn aspects second lord Mars .mahadasha is capable to give income/gains from servic in bote management. Rahu. Moon is placed in the nakshatr o Mercury. houses again show incom from hotel industry. The Sun is placed in the fourth hous wit fourth lord Mars and is aspecting the tenth house ofprofession. In dashamsha chart. Role Venu an Mercury has already been discussed above at the time of joinin service in hotel.. an Venus. the PD Lord. Rahu is placed in th sixth house of service. Moon Ket Jup Sat Case Study-3 Birth Chart 21-11-1961 01:22:00 Male Sun Mars Mer Ven Rah Lag Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 23°18'04°56' 14°45' 11° 39' 20° 52' 09° 04' Ven Jup Rah 18° 41' 02° 13' 28° 49' Mer Sat Navamsha Chart Moon Sun Ket Lag Mars Lag Mer Ven Ket I t Dashamsha Chart Sun Moon Sat l Rah Jup Mars rtenth house and Venus from fourth house. tenth lord Jupiter aspect . Navamsha confirm th I promise of birth chart. In dashamsha chart. PAC link ofJupiter with lagna. In dashamsha chart. Ketu is in "Dhanishta" a constellatio of Mars. Fourth lord Saturn is placed in its own house and is aspecting the tenth house. Second lord Mercury is in "Vishakha" a constellation ofJupiter.fifth -lord the Moori and Venus. Venus is posited in constellation of Rahu who is in mutua aspect with fifth lord (Jupiter) of education. is tenth lord of distinction. placed with sec on lord Mercury and is receiving the aspect ofMoon who is in constellatio of Venus. Mars aspects tenth house. secon lord Mars and Venus from fourth house. exalted in the sixth house of competition and is receivin the aspect of fifth lord Saturn. Navamsha confirm th promise of birth chart. Ketu's disposito th Saturn aspects tenth lord Venus. Venu is lagna lord. Ketu.. 10'" and Venus Tenth lord Venu associated with second lord Mercury in Libra (a mooltrikona sign o Venus).4'". It is a strong link of 2 . the MD Lord. Mar is in "Anuradha" a constellation of Saturn. occupies sixth hous of competition with fifth lord (Jupiter) of education. In navamsha chart. PAC link of Z"'. Fourth lord Mars is placed in the fourt house Scorpio (own house ofMars). Ketu is receivin th aspect ofVenus. Hence the inclination of this perso points towards Venusian career. Ketu is placed in the fourth house and is obtaining the aspect of tenth lord Jupiter from . Saturn aspects tenth lor Venus and second lord Mercury. Jupiter aspects tenth house. tenth house or Venus Jupiter is aspecting the tenth house in birth chart.. In navamsha chart. Venus occupie second house with fourth lord and obtains the aspect of tenth lor Jupiter from tenth house. In navamsha chart. In dashamsha chart. Ketu's dispositor the Mercury is placed in the seven! house of attainment of position. Jupiter is associate wit lagna lord Venus and is aspecting the tenth house in navamsh chart Jupiter is lagna lord. the AD Lord. and Venus in all three concerned divisional charts. Ketu also acts like Mars. Mars is the yogakaraka planet and i aspecting the tenth house. In dashamsha chart. placed in tenth house and is aspecting the Venus The Dasha She was born in the Mahadasha ofVenus which ran upto 04/ IO/ I979 and thereafter she got the dasha of Sun for 7 Years She joined the three years hotel management course in the vimshottar dash a of Venus/Ketu!Saturn (June July 1979) at Delhi throng competitive examination and completed the course successfully Venus. . Fourth lord Mercur located in the second house with Venus and is receiving the aspec of tenth lord Jupiter from tenth house. 4 I 0 . Henc th profession of this person is most likely to be connected with hole management. associated with fourth. Saturn. The Sun is sixth lord of service. Sun. The Sun is in "Anuradha a 1 constellation of Saturn. is placed in the Cancer According Sage Parashara. The Sun is aspecting the tenth hous o profession. the PD Lord. The lord of Cancer. Rahu in Cancer gives very good results. is fifth lord and is formin th Shankh Yoga with sixth lord Saturn in sixth house of service (th combination of the fifth and the sixth lords is a Shankh Yoga). Rahu is placed in the sixth hous o service with sixth lord Jupiter and exalted Venus. fourth and seventh lord Mercury and the Venu from the tenth house. Jupiter. sixth house (Competition). In navamsha chart. Jupiter is placed in the sixth house (own house ofJupiter) with exalted Venus and is aspecting the tenth house In dashamsha chart. Jupiter and Rahu with sixth house. The dasha of Venus/Ketu/Saturn clearly indicates her admission in hote management course as the dash a lords are connected with fifth house (education). fourth house. is the lagna lord.ifi the career. In navamsha chart. the AD Lord. Jupiter is tenth lord and is the aspecting secon house. the MD Lord. is sixth lord of competition associated with fifth lord (Jupiter) of education and is aspectin th tenth lord (Venus) of distinction. the PD Lord.I tenth house. Saturn is placed in the seventh house of position. Saturn occupies sixth house of service an aspects tenth lord Venus. Ketu's dispositor the Mercury is associated with Venus in 'the second house. The Sun als aspects the tenth house of profession. Planet(s posited in seventh house of dashamsha gives boost. tenth house (distinction) an the karaka for hotel industry (Venus). In dashamsh chart. The Sun is eleventh lord of income and is placed in its own house with tenth lord (the Moon) of profession. The connectio of dasha lords the Sun. Rahu. Saturn is fifth lord of education and is aspecting the tenth house and Venus. jupiter is in "Uttarashadha a constellation of the Sun. jupiter is also aspecting the tenth house. . She Joined service in a hotel at Delhi in July 1982 after completio of course in the vimshottari dash a of Sun!Jupiter!Rahu. and ninth lord Mars and is forming a prominent Rajayoga in the fourth house. In dashamsha chart Rahu is placed in the tenth house with tenth lord Jupiter. In navamsha chart. In navamsha chart. In dashamsha chart. the Moon is placed in the ninth house of luck and i receiving the aspect of tenth lord Venus and Second and Eleventh lord Mercury. D-9 & D-IO) gave her a chance to join service in hotel management. tenth hous and Venus in all the three divisional charts (D-1. place in own house and is receiving the aspect of tenth lord Jupiter fro tenth house. Case Study . 1978 at 09:15:00 hours (1ST) at Delhi.4 He was born on February 20. H has completed a three years course in hotel management at Delhi and is Lag Ket Sun Ven Mer Jup Mars(R) Case Study-4 Birth Chart Moon 20-02-1978 09:15:00 Male Sat(R) Rah Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 25°06'07°35' 04°43' 29°23' 01°58' 02°31' 14°33' Rah Sat 03°15' 12°50' Mars Lag Ven Navamsha Chart Moon Sun Ket Mer Jup Ket Mars Sun Moon Jup Ven Mer Lag Dashamsha Chart Sat Rah . 4 ··. Mercur is fifth lord of education and is placed in the ninth house. In dashamsha chart.Fifth lord the Moon occupie own house (Cancer). AD Lord. PAC link of Jupiter with lagna. PAC link ofZ"'. Tenth lord Jupiter occupies four! house (Gemini owned by Mercury) with second and ninth lord Mars Jupiter also aspects Venus. 10th and Venus. the MD&.I 0 ·· and Yen us in all the three charts (D I link of2··. Moon is in "Pushyami" a constellation of Saturn. tenth house or Venus Jupiter is the lagna lord and is aspecting the tenth house and the Venu birth chart. PAC Link of5th.4··. second lord Jupiter is aspecting the fourth lor Venus and tenth lord Mars. It is a stron association of 2 ·. In dashamsha chart. Mercury. a hous . Fifth lord Mercury occupies ninth hous (Libra the mooitrikona sign of Venus) and the tenth lord Mars occupie fifth house. The connection of Venus with fifth and tent houses in all the three charts (D I. placed in the fourth house with tenth lord Jupiter and i aspecting the tenth house of distinction. Jupiter is associated with Venus and th tenth lord Mars is aspecting the Jupiter in dashamsha chart. 10" and Venus inclined this perso D 9 and D IO). 10 .4'". In navamsha chart. tenth lord Mar and Venus in navamsha chart. jupiter is aspecting the lagna lord Saturn. Here the link of fifth and tenth house missing. A strong link of5 ·. D 9 D 10) shows his inclination towards Venusian career. 10" and Venus has establishe by Jupiter who is associated with fifth lord Mercury and is aspectin th tenth lord Mars and Venus. is seventh lord of position. Jupiter's dispositor Mercury i als associated with Venus. Tenth lord Mars is aspecting the fourth house and fourth lord Venus. The Dasha -This person was born in the M ahadasha of Saturn which ran till 23/02/ 1995 and after that he got the dash a of Mercury for I7 Years.. fifth and tenth lor Mars aspects Venus. associated with Venus and is receiving the aspect oftenth lord Jupiter Mercury is in "Dhanishta" a constellation of Mars who is ninth lord o education. Saturn obtains the aspect of Venus. second lord the Sun is exalted in tenth house and is aspecting the fourth house. and Venus Tenth lord Jupiter is place in the fourth house with second lord Mars and is aspecting the Venus In navamsha chart. In navamsha chart. but both fifth and tenth lords come under the influenc o Venus.presently working in a five star hotel at Delhi. towards career in hotel management. He joined the three years hotel management cours the vimshottari dasha of Mercury/Mercury/Mars (June I996) at Delh through competitive examination and complete th cours successfully. Mars is tenth lord and is aspecting the fourth house. is vargottama eighth lord. Mar is tenth lord placed in the fifth house and is receiving the aspec o Jupiter from the house ofVenus. . Mercury is placed in the eigh house of surprise/chance. the PD Lord. Mars is in "Punarvasu a constellation of Jupiter. placed in the fourth house with tenth lord Jupite and is aspecting the tenth house of profession. placed in ninth house and is aspectin th Venus. placed in the ninth house with second and eleventh lord Jupiter and is receiving the aspect of lagn lord Saturn forming a powerful dhanayoga in the house of Venus (Libra). Mars is the tenth lord an is placed in the fifth house of education. The dasha of Venus i Aquarius sign aspected by the Jupiter is a good period for entry in hote management. in Aquarius sign and is aspected by the Jupiter I dashamsha chart. placed in the twelfth house and is constituting a Vipreeta rajayoga. In dashamsha chart. is second lord (gains and ninth lord (luck). fourth lord Venus and Jupiter. is the seventh lord of attainment of position (Pada-prapti). Rahu is placed in the seventh house ofPada-prapti. Mars. Venus is again placed. Mercury is in "Dhanishta" a constellation of Mars Mars is second lord (gains) and ninth lord (luck). Jupiter is the tenth lord and is aspectin th tenth house and Venus from the fourth house. He joined service in a hotel at Delhi in June 1999 after completio of course in the vimshottari dash a of MercuryNenus/Mars. Mars is in "Punarvasu a constellation of Jupiter. the MD Lord. the PD Lord. Venus is eleventh lord of gains and is receivin th aspect oftenth lord Mars. In navamsha chart. Venus is in "Sathabhishaj" a constellation ofRahu.owned by Venus. In dashamsha chart. placed with tenth lord Jupiter in the fourth hous and is aspecting the tenth house of distinction. Mar Is the fifth and tenth lord. Venus is receiving the aspect of tenth lord Jupiter. Venus. In navamsha chart. the AD Lord. Mercury. In navamsha chart. Mercury is fifth lord. Jupiter is tenth lord and is aspectin th tenth house and Venus. Mars. associated with Venus and is receiving the aspect of tenth lord Jupite from fourth house. is ninth lord of education (5 1h from 5'h house). Mercury is giving a Vipreeta rajayoga (twelfth lord placed in eighth house) and is aspected by the Jupiter who is in tur associated with Venus. In dashamsha chart. placed with tenth lord Jupiter in the fourth house and is aspecting the tenth house of profession. In dashamsha chart. Th connection of dasha lords with tenth house or tenth lord and Venu indicates beginning of his career in hotel management. In navamsha chart. Connection of dasha lords with tenth house and Venus indicate selection and joining the hotel management course. 4 ·. She has completed a three years course in hotel management at Delhi. Rahu. She joined the three years hotel management course in th vimshottari dasha of RahujVenusjSaturn (June July 1997) at Delh through competitive examination. lt is strong fifth lord Saturn is placed in the house ofJupiter who is in turn place in the tenth house and is aspecting the Venus. The towards hotel management. house. 10' and Venus. PAC link of Z'd. Tenth house or Venus- Jjlpiter is aspecting the tenth house in birth chart. 10.4 · 10 occupies the fourth house. lt is a strong link of 2". the MD Lord. 1n navamsha chart. 1n navamsha chart. In dashamsh chart fifth and tenth lord Mars is exalted in the fourth house and is aspectin the tenth house and Venus.Case Study 5 This is a case study of female born on October 20. the Sun an fourth lord Venus. Rahu is in "Poorva Phalguni" a constellation ofVenus. Jupiter is placed in the tenth house and is aspecting the secon house. 10 ·and Venus shows her inclination and Venus. Rahu's disp. 10th and Venus Fifth and tenth lord Mars is in "Aslesha" a constellation of Mercury. The Dasha -This person was born in the Mahadasha. 1979 at 23:45:00 hours (1ST) at Calcutta. PAC Link of 5th. Jupiter is placed in the tenth house and is aspecting lagna lord and Venus in navamsh chart. and Venus show her inclination towards Venusian education and profession..4'•. 1 dashamsha chart. Tenth lord. Navamsha and dashamsha charts confirm the promise of birth chart. second lord Mars. the Moon is in mutual aspect with Venus. Rahu . PAC link of Jupiter with Lagna.ofMar which ran till 22/08/1983 and after that she got the dasha ofRahu for 16 Years. Tenth lord Mars has exchanged house with fourth lord Venus Fourth lord Venus occupies the tenth house whereas tenth lord Mar association of2" . Mercury is associate wit second lord the Sun and fourth lord Venus and is aspecting the tenth link of 5''. is place the second house.ositor the Sun is placed in the fourth house with fourth lord Venus and is aspecting the tenth house. In navamsh chart. Iff. the Sun is placed in the other sig (Scorpio) of tenth lord Mars who is aspecting the tenth hous an Venus. and Venus Here tenth lord Mar i placed in the lagna and is aspecting the second lord. second lord. fourth house and Venus from tenth house Second lord Mars is exalted in the fourth house and is aspectin th tenth house. Second lord. the Sun is placed in the fourth hous with fourth lord Venus and is aspecting the tenth house. The connection of 5". Jupiter is aspecting the lagna in dashamsha chart.. th . Rahu's disposito .Ket Case Study-5 Birth Chart 20-10-1979 23:45:00 Female Ven Sun Mer Lag Mars Sat Rah Jup Moon Lagna Sun Moon 12°51' 03°11' 29°21' Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus 21° 16' 25°58' 10°20' 18°04' Ven Saturn Rahu 28°31' 13°58' Mer Ket Jup Navamsha Chart Mars Rah Sat Lag Sun Moon Ven Sat Ket Mer Moon Dashamsha Chart Lag Rah Sun Jup Mars is "Vargottama". placed in the eleventh house of fulfilment of ambition and is aspecting the fifth house of education. as the seventh lord forms a Rajayoga with ninth lord Jupiter in the second house of learning. In dashamsha chart. Saturn is placed in the eleventh house (Taurus owned by Venus) and is aspecting the fifth house. In navamsh chart. navamsha chart and dashamsha chart) has been found (iii) link of Jupiter with Iagna/lagna lord. (iv) In all cases. in the house ofVenus. Venus is also obtaining the aspect of fifth and tenth lord Mars from lagna I navamsha chart. the Moon and exalted Jupiter from the tenth house. Venus is exalted in the sixth house of competition and is receiving the aspect oftenth lord. the Sun and is aspecting the tenth house of distinction. (v) The dasha (mahadasha. tenth house/tent lord or Venus in all the three charts (birth chart. the PD 1 Lord. 1 1 Observation All the five cases have been examined by using the sam parameters. Rahu is placed in the sixth house of competition. tenth houses and Venus has been found to be operating at the time ofjoining the service in Hotel. antardasha. The connection of dash lords with fifth and tenth houses or their lords and Venus in all thre 1 concerned divisional charts(D I. dasha lords have some connection with either th fifth house/fifth lord and the tenth house/tenth lord and Venus in birth chart as well as divisional charts at the time of joining Hotel Man a gem en t course. pratyantar dasha) associate with second. Venus is placed in the tenth hous and is obtaining the aspect offifth and tenth lord Mars. tenth house and Venus in all the three charts (birth chart. D 9 and D 10) gave her admission in hotel management course through competitive examination.~n is placed in the lagna. Saturn is in "Uttara Phalguni a constellation of the Sun who is placed in the fourth house with four! I and eleventh lord Venus and is aspecting the tenth house. In dashamsha chart. the A Lord. navamsha chart and dashamsha chart) has been found. is fourth and eleventh lord. Aspect and Conjunction) link of second house fourth house. . (ii) (Position. placed in the fourth house with second lord. Venus. fourth. The observations of these cases are as under: (i) Fifth house/fifth lord and tenth house/tenth lord hav bee found under the influence of the Venus. Rahu's disposito the Jupiter is placed in the fifth house of education. Saturn. Saturn is fifth lord of education and is aspecting own house I dashamsha chart. He has successfully completed Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) in India. Thus. My technique was based on the analysis of 1. the boy has already been applied for selection in Master of Engineering in USA. I asked an officer in my unit who knows astrolog als . The . What similarities 1 have foun i the horoscopes prepared by Uttaranchal astrologers. One day. 3. father of this boy again contacted me to give astrological guidance for the selection of his son in a Master degree course in civil engineering in USA. At that time. Birth Chart 2. second cycle upto 72 year an third up to 108 years. boy was selected in August 2003 as predicted by me. I used a different technique for predicting the education in a foreign country and I told him that his son is definitely going to be selected in engineering course in USA. Himachal and Jammu. 1 ha occasions to analyse many horoscopes prepared by the astrologer o Uttaranchal. In May 2003. th firs cycle will run upto 36 years. Birth Chart (with degrees of planets and Lagna) 2. The case study for his selection has also been published in one of the issue of Journal of Astrology under the title "Engineering Vocation -A case study ofprediction". 1 would like to explain the reasons why did 1 choos thi two-fold analysis based on Yogini dasha and Varshphala(Tajak). Varshaphala (with Muntha and Varshesh). Varshaphala (fajak) 3. As told by him. they prepare following charts and Yogini dasha in almost every horoscope 1. Yogini dasha Now.Study Abroad Case Study I This is the case study of an engineering student to whom I have given a prediction in March 1999 for his selection in Bachelor of engineering (Civil Engineering). Yogini Dasha (in many cases. the Yogini dash ha bee mentioned for all the three cycles). 1t means Yogini dasha shoul be repeated after completion of p~evious cycle. It will give you a different reference point which is based on attainin the same longitude by the transiting Sun as the natal Sun i a horoscope. its progression based on the lords of Yoginis afte completion of first and second cycles and progression of Lagna usin different reference points for remaining two cycles.Lag Ket Case Study 1 Lagna Chart 09-12-1980 11:43:00 Male Sun Mer Ven Rah Mars Moon Sat Jup Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 06°52'23°45' 12°44' 19°32' 11°39' 13°35' 25° 12' 14°46' 18°33' Rah Sat(R) Moon Varshaphala Tajak 10-12-2002 03:13:09 Sun Ket Lag Mars Ven Jup(R) Muntha Mer belongs to Uttaranchal. Why the astrologers of UP hills prepar Varshaphala along with Birth chart and Yogini dasha? He gav m enough hints for interpreting the results of Yogini dash usin Varshaphala. 3. Now see the peculiarities of Varshaphala: • 1. Progression of planets as per their natural movemen wit . Muntha (birth lagna in progression). 2. Lagna of Varshaphala (This is based on the solar return). Mars is the fifth and twelft lord Saturn is the third lord. Mars is seventh lord and is placed in the lagn with lagna lord. Read the results of Yogini dasha in the birth chart. lords of Yoginis are required to be progresse different ways. Mars and Saturn are mutually placed in 4110 positio which is an excellent position of dasha lords for giving favourabl results. Venus. From Muntha (Sagittarius). the scheme of analysis of Birth chart and Varshaphal using Yogini dasha would be as under: 1. Mercury from third house (movemen fro residence). Muntha and Munthesh. Saturn is fifth lord (education).2003.11.2003 to 15. In Varshaphala. Mercury Notice the connection of dasha lords with fifth house and twelfth . He got selected for engineering course in USA and left India o 02. Mars is fifth and twelfth lord and Saturn is third lord and is aspecting the sevent an twelfth houses. Mars is again the fifth lord while Saturn is placed in twelfth house and is aspected by the twelfth lord. ninth house (long journey an twelfth house (foreign country). third house (movement from residence) seventh house (residence abroad).04. Draw your final conclusion Use Parashari aspects of planets and no need to calculat separate Yogini dasha for Varshaphala. From Munthesh (Jupiter).08. Mars and Saturn are mutually placed in 5/9 position whic is again an excellent placement of dasha lords for producing favourabl results. fifth house (education) tent house (professional study). 3. From mahadasha lord Mars. placed in th ninth house (long journey) and is receiving the aspect of twelfth lor (foreign country). Mars is third and tent lord and is aspecting the fifth house of education.reference to progressed lagna (Muntha) and Lagna at the time of solar return. placed in seventh and is aspecting the nint house and tenth lord. Do it for first cycle ofYogini dasha only or upto the age 36 years For interpretation of results of Yogini dasha for the secon an third cycles. Let us analyse the chart of this boy using above technique The houses to be considered are. 2. Saturn is twelft lord of foreign country and is aspecting the fifth house and fifth lord (Mercury) of education. Therefore. Mercury. In Birth chart.2003 in the Yogini dasha ofBhramari(Mars)/Ulka(Saturn) runnin from 10. Interpret the results of Yogini dasha with reference to Lagn o Varshaphala. . Muntha and Munthesh. "~~ r. He got selected for Master of Business Administration(MBA) course in UK after completing his graduation in commerce(B.2003.) and left India on 27.Com.2004. In Birth chart. 11.~ .2002 to 29.v"'t.. Rahu. is placed in ninth house with fifth lor (Saturn) and is aspected by the ninth lord (Venus) and thir lor MOOII Case Study 2 Lagna Chart Mars Mer Ket Rah 12-01-1981 06:56:00 Male Sat Jup Lag Sun Ven Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu 22° 32' 28° 10' 10° 19' 15° 56' 05°24' 16°32' 07°22' 16°09' 17°24' Moon Sat(R) Rah Varshaphala Tajak Jup(R) 12-1-2003 22:26:05 Mars Ket VEn Sun Mer Mnutha Lag . Venus is associated with nint lord (the Sun).house "tram ~Varshaphala Lagna. ·. I have given similar type ofprediction to this boy also using same technique in 2003.~-~·· Case Study 2 This chart belongs to a MBA student. ": .05.07. Rahu is aspected by Mars (fifth and twelfth lord and Mercury (seventh and tenth lord).. He was then running the Yogini dasha of Sankata(Rahu)/Siddha(Venus) from 07. In Varshaphala. (Mars). Venus is aspected by fifth lord (Saturn) and exalted Jupiter From Munthesh (Venus). fourth house Also notice the placement of twelfth lord (the Sun) i with Lp. Venus is twelft lord and aspected by the exalted fifth lord (Jupiter). Rahu is placed in seventh house and i aspected by the seventh and twelfth lord (Venus). From Muntha (Libra). Rahu is again associated with fifth lor (Saturn).gna lord (Mercury). with fifth. Venus is ninth lord and is aspected by thefifthlord (Saturn) an exalted Jupiter. ninth and twelfth . Notice the connection of dasha lords houses. Sc Operations Research • M.Sc Chemistry • B .Sc Geology • M.Sc Botany • B.Sc Biotechnology • M.Sc Nursing • B.Sc Geology • B.Sc M.Sc Bioinformatics • M.Sc Microbiology • M.Sc Applied Mathematic &.Sc Applied Chemistry • B.Appendix- Streams ofEducation I (A) Science Related Courses Bachelor Courses • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc Electronics • B .Sc Nautical Science • B . informatics • M.Sc General) • B.Sc Biochemistry • B .Sc Geo-lnformatics • M.Sc Zoology • M.Sc Bioinformatics • B.Sc Environmental Science • B .Sc Biotechnology • B .Sc Criminology and Forensic Science • B.Sc Psychology • B.Sc Botany • M. 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Information Science (ELISe) Master Courses Post Graduate Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technolog PostGraduate Diploma in Tour Travel Management Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism Administration Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism Management Master of Library 8" Information Science (MUSe) Certificate Courses Certificate Course in Library 8.Bachelor ofTourism Studies (BTS) B.A Tourism Management M. Hospitality Management Masters Courses 'Post Graduate Diploma in Tourism Hote Management Post Graduate Diploma in Travel 8KTourism Management Master of Hotel Management (MHM) Master of Tourism Management M. Diploma in School Administration • Post Graduate Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education • Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education • Post Graduate Diploma in Consumer Protection Law • Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law • Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Right • Post Graduate Diploma in . 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Social Science Music Mathematics Geography Population Studies Polic Administration.A. in Economics. Pass/Hons. Sociology Psychology. other India an Foreig Languages. History. Co-operation Astrology. Hindi. Philosophy Public Administration Politica Science. English. Sanskrit &.A.Post Graduate Diploma Courses • Post Graduate Diploma in Banking Finance • Post Graduate Diploma in ECommerce (W) Arts Related Courses B.
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