Pipe Support Material

March 18, 2018 | Author: Saiful Rizal | Category: Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Corrosion, Industries, Production And Manufacturing, Engineering



PETRA RESOURCES SDN BHD (172962-D) Suite 13.02, Level 4, Menara OBYU 4, Jalan PJU 8/8A, Bandar Damansara Perdana 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel: 03 - 7726 5576 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION PROJECT ENQUIRY NO DATE CONTRACT NO ATTN: TEL/FAX NO. MIRI CRUDE OIL TERMINAL PROJECT RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 26-Mar-15 CHO/2012/DFHD/193 REQUIRED DELIVERY DELIVERY POINT 4 WEEKS DAP LABUAN, PETRA LABUAN YARD PAYMENT TERM For packages RM 250K and less, payment term 60 days is applicable as per PETRA standard Term & Condition. BID VALIDITY 120 DAYS SUBJECT: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS PETRA RESOURCES SDN BHD ("PRSB") on behalf of PETRONAS CARIGALI SDN BHD ("PCSB"), solicits your URGENT and most competitive proposal. THE MATERIAL(S) SPECIFIED IN ATTACHMENT II ARE URGENTLY REQUIRED, please take note of the Delivery Date(s) stipulated as above for submission of BIDDER'S proposal. A) CLOSING DATE Bid Proposal must be received not later than 12.00 Hours (Malaysian Time) on 31-MARCH-2015 ("Closing Date"). Failure to submit your proposals within the stipulated date and time may result in your disqualification. B) SUBMITTAL OF BID BIDDER shall treat this RFQ and the enclosed documents as confidential and their contents shall not be divulged to any person or persons not directly concerned with preparation of the Bid Proposal Bidder is required to submit their proposals in two (2) separate sealed (A4) envelopes: 1. "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL (UNPRICED) " - 1 ORIGINAL (without bidder's letterhead, addresses, contact numbers, etc. Bidder to specify quotation reference ONLY) 2. "COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL (PRICED)" - 1 ORIGINAL Important Note: Must complete with our RFQ Ref. No., Work Order No. (as stated above), Tittle of Package and Company Name on the Envelopes. All proposals shall be submitted BY HAND OR BY COURIER to the following address:PETRA RESOURCES SDN BHD LEVEL 4, MENARA OBYU 4, JALAN PJU 8/8A, BANDAR DAMANSARA PERDANA 47820 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR Attn: Bid Secretary Important Note: I - Any Vendor Proposal / Submission other than Level 4, Menara OBYU, will lead to disqualify II - Any Vendor Proposal Submission after 1215hrs Vendor to return back to Level 4, Menara OBYU for submisson after 1400hrs Should you have any questions and clarification please contact the undersigned. for and on behalf of PETRA RESOURCES SDN BHD (172962-D) BID SECRETARY Attachment I: Enquiry Acknowledgement Form Attachment II : Schedule of Compensation (Technical) Attachment III : Bidder's Deviation and Exceptions (Technical) Attachment IV : Schedule of Compensation (Priced) Attachment V : Bidder's Deviations and Exceptions (Priced) Attachment VI : Documentation List Attachment VII : Sample Cover Of Envelope Attachment : Standard Term & Conditions without damage and in useable condition. please specify _____________________________________ (Note : The bidder is advised that PETRA is required by the CLIENT to report information on tender response) We confirm that.ATTACHMENT 2 Enquiry Acknowledgement Form ATTACHMENT I Upon receipt of the Enquiry Documents. Jalan PJU 8/8A. unable to meet technical specifications e. * or a. (Tick (√) whichever is applicable) * either we intend to submit a bona fide Quotation within the stipulated date and time in your RFQ documents.7726 5576 ATTN. : BID SECRETARY ENQUIRY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RFQ NO : RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 RFQ TITLE : SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS We acknowledge receipt of the above Enquiry Document and we agree to maintain confidentiality with regards to the Enquiry and the contents thereof. * or the following listed documents were not received/are damaged and unusable.com. Bidders are required to confirm receipt by completing this ENQUIRY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM and forwarding it within 24 hours (1day) by email to bidsecretary@penergy. Level 13.02. Menara OBYU 4. BHD. Bidder's Name Petronas License No. Authorized Signature Name Position Date : : : : : : Date of Expiry : Company Stamp : .my PETRA RESOURCES SDN. Selangor Tel: 03 . (172962-D) Suite 13. we do not intend to submit a Quotation because unable to quote within the stipulated date and time b. (Tick (√) whichever is applicable) * either we have received all of the documents listed in the Letter of Enquiry and in the contents pages of each Section. We confirm that. Bandar Damansara Perdana 47820 Petaling Jaya. not within our scope of supply/work c. unable to meet delivery requirement (delivery period / delivery terms) d. others. DN 50 STAINLESS STEEL - 120 PCS 6 U-BOLT U BOLT GUIDE C/W CORROSION ISOLATOR.RFQ Title SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS RFQ No. DN 50 Corrosion Isolator shall be non-metallic 1.4 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 19 LENGTH 4 I-ROD NON METALLIC CORROSION ISOLATOR (I-ROD). DN250. 10 MM THK ASTM A106-B - 5 PCS 12 PLATE SADDLE PLATE FOR PIPE.1/2" Half Round bar 18 MM thickness DURABLE THERMOPLASTIC - 6 PCS 9 PIPE STANCHION PIPE FOR ELBOW SUPPORT RESTING. SCH30 ASTM A106-B 6 M / LENGTH 2 LENGTH 10 PLATE BASE PLATE FOR STANCHION PIPE 350 X 350 X 12 MM THK ASTM 516-60/65/70 - 5 PCS 11 PAD REINFORCEMENT PAD FOR ELBOW DN300. RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 Project MIRI CRUDE OIL TERMINAL PROJECT UNPRICED Attachment II . 320 X 350 X 10 MM THK ASTM 516-60/65/70 - 14 PCS NO PACKAGE A PACKAGE B Delivery Period Product Country of Origin UNIT PRICE (RM) TOTAL PRICE (RM) . DN 300 Corrosion Isolator shall be non-metallic 1.Zi/Ni ELECTROPLATED + PTFE COATING - 30 PCS 7 BEAMS BEAM W6 X 15 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 2 LENGTH 8 I-ROD NON METALLIC CORROSION ISOLATOR (I-ROD). DN300.1/2" Half Round bar 18 MM thickness DURABLE THERMOPLASTIC - 340 PCS 5 U-BOLT U BOLT GUIDE C/W CORROSION ISOLATOR.Schedule of Compensation (Technical) Type Description Material Unit Length / Unit Area QTY Unit 1 BARS ANGLE BARS L75 X 75 X 6 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 10 LENGTH 2 BEAMS BEAMS W4 X 13 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 7 LENGTH 3 BARS CHANNEL BAR C4 X 5. DN 50 CS . VII & VIII.1/2" Half Round bar 18 MM thickness DURABLE THERMOPLASTIC - 340 PCS C.S 6M / LENGTH 2 LENGTH 16 Certification and Documentation (Certified True Copy By Authorized Third Party) Compulsory Documentation : Mill Certificate / Test certificate / Manufacturing Certificate / COA for length items BIDDER TO SUBMIT ATTACHMENT VII (MANDATORY) Bidder to submit 1 Original / Endorsed CTC by Authorized 3rd party Mill Cert / Test Cert / Manufacturing Cert upon delivery at Petra Fab Yard + 1 Original / Endorsed CTC by Authorized 3rd party Mill Cert to Petra Office 1 Lot - - 17 Transportation Charges By Airfreight (DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard) 1 Lot - - 18 Transportation Charges By Seafreight (DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard) 1 Lot - - STEEL MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES (FABRICATION ITEMS) 15 LINE PIPE LINE PIPE / SCHEDULE 40 / 50mm a) Payment Term : Bidder to propose. IV. b) Total Price : Material & Seafreight ( DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard ) & Delivery in ( Weeks ) c) Total Price : Material & Airfreight ( DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard ) & Delivery in ( Weeks ) d) Bid Validity : 120 Days e) Bidder to state / specify product brand ORIGIN 1 2 3 Bidder to require to submit its proposal based on format Att II. V. Bidder shall be disqualified should bidder's submission is not in accordance to the given instruction. Bidder to comply payment terms back to back with PCSB except for packages RM 250K and less. DN 50 Corrosion Isolator shall be non-metallic 1. III. Failure to comply to this requirement may jeopadised bidder's proposal not to be further evaluated. Please refer below note Item 3 as a reference. This shall be mandatory requirement. payment term 60 days is applicable as per PETRA standard Term & Condition . VI.PACKAGE C 13 BARS ANGLE BARS L75 X 75 X 6 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6M / LENGTH 1 LENGTH 14 I-ROD NON METALLIC CORROSION ISOLATOR (I-ROD). please include it into Bidder's Commercial Proposal.Bidder's Deviation and Exceptions (Unpriced) Deviation/Exception No. Should there is any cost impact derived due to the Deviations and Exception. NOTE a. . Project RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 MIRI CRUDE OIL TERMINAL PROJECT Attachment III .RFQ Title SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS RFQ No. Reason of Deviation/Exception Cost Impact (RM) Please utilise Attachment IV for any commercial input. DN 50 Corrosion Isolator shall be non-metallic 1. DN 300 Corrosion Isolator shall be non-metallic 1. SCH30 ASTM A106-B 6 M / LENGTH 2 LENGTH 10 PLATE BASE PLATE FOR STANCHION PIPE 350 X 350 X 12 MM THK ASTM 516-60/65/70 - 5 PCS 11 PAD REINFORCEMENT PAD FOR ELBOW DN300.4 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 19 LENGTH 4 I-ROD NON METALLIC CORROSION ISOLATOR (I-ROD). RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 Project MIRI CRUDE OIL TERMINAL PROJECT PRICED Attachment IV .1/2" Half Round bar 18 MM thickness DURABLE THERMOPLASTIC - 6 PCS 9 PIPE STANCHION PIPE FOR ELBOW SUPPORT RESTING. DN300.Schedule of Compensation (Commercial) Type Description Material Unit Length / Unit Area QTY Unit 1 BARS ANGLE BARS L75 X 75 X 6 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 10 LENGTH 2 BEAMS BEAMS W4 X 13 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 7 LENGTH 3 BARS CHANNEL BAR C4 X 5. DN 50 CS . DN250. 10 MM THK ASTM A106-B - 5 PCS 12 PLATE SADDLE PLATE FOR PIPE. 320 X 350 X 10 MM THK ASTM 516-60/65/70 - 14 PCS NO PACKAGE A PACKAGE B Delivery Period Product Country of Origin UNIT PRICE (RM) TOTAL PRICE (RM) .Zi/Ni ELECTROPLATED + PTFE COATING - 30 PCS 7 BEAMS BEAM W6 X 15 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6 M / LENGTH 2 LENGTH 8 I-ROD NON METALLIC CORROSION ISOLATOR (I-ROD).1/2" Half Round bar 18 MM thickness DURABLE THERMOPLASTIC - 340 PCS 5 U-BOLT U BOLT GUIDE C/W CORROSION ISOLATOR. DN 50 STAINLESS STEEL - 120 PCS 6 U-BOLT U BOLT GUIDE C/W CORROSION ISOLATOR.RFQ Title SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS RFQ No. S 6M / LENGTH 2 LENGTH 16 Certification and Documentation (Certified True Copy By Authorized Third Party) Compulsory Documentation : Mill Certificate / Test certificate / Manufacturing Certificate / COA for length items BIDDER TO SUBMIT ATTACHMENT VII (MANDATORY) Bidder to submit 1 Original / Endorsed CTC by Authorized 3rd party Mill Cert / Test Cert / Manufacturing Cert upon delivery at Petra Fab Yard + 1 Original / Endorsed CTC by Authorized 3rd party Mill Cert to Petra Office 1 Lot - - 17 Transportation Charges By Airfreight (DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard) 1 Lot - - 18 Transportation Charges By Seafreight (DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard) 1 Lot - - STEEL MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES (FABRICATION ITEMS) 15 LINE PIPE LINE PIPE / SCHEDULE 40 / 50mm a) Payment Term : Bidder to propose. VI. Bidder shall be disqualified should bidder's submission is not in accordance to the given instruction. payment term 60 days is applicable as per PETRA standard Term & Condition . This shall be mandatory requirement. Bidder to comply payment terms back to back with PCSB except for packages RM 250K and less. b) Total Price : Material & Seafreight ( DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard ) & Delivery in ( Weeks ) c) Total Price : Material & Airfreight ( DAP Labuan @ Petra Fab Yard ) & Delivery in ( Weeks ) d) Bid Validity : 120 Days e) Bidder to state / specify product brand ORIGIN 1 2 3 Bidder to require to submit its proposal based on format Att II.PACKAGE C 13 BARS ANGLE BARS L75 X 75 X 6 ASTM A36 OR EQUIVALENT 6M / LENGTH 1 LENGTH 14 I-ROD NON METALLIC CORROSION ISOLATOR (I-ROD). III. Failure to comply to this requirement may jeopadised bidder's proposal not to be further evaluated. IV. V. DN 50 Corrosion Isolator shall be non-metallic 1. Please refer below note Item 3 as a reference. VII & VIII.1/2" Half Round bar 18 MM thickness DURABLE THERMOPLASTIC - 340 PCS C. Cost Impact (RM) .Bidder's Deviation and Exceptions (Priced) Deviation/Exception No. Reason of Deviation/Exception NOTE a. Project RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 MIRI CRUDE OIL TERMINAL PROJECT Attachment V . please include it into Bidder's Commercial Proposal.RFQ Title SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS RFQ No. Should there is any cost impact derived due to the Deviations and Exception. 8 Operation & Instruction Manual (If applicable) N/A 1.9 Maintenance Manual (If applicable) N/A 1.15 1 Softcopy Of MDR N/A 1.5 Catalogue N/A 1.6 As-Built Drawing N/A 1.2 Mill Certificate / Test Certificate / Manufacturing Cert 1. Vendor must comply / provide all documentation above.13 Factory Acceptance Test Report (FAT) N/A 1.11 Recommended Maintenance Schedule (If applicable) N/A 1.4 Material Documentation / Inspection Report N/A 1.16 Letter / Certificate Of Warranty N/A 1. If no comply will lead to disqualified 2.14 Final Documentation ( MDR ) N/A 1.  The documentation list table shall form part of bidder’s proposal. .RFQ Title : SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS RFQ No. : RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 Project : MIRI CRUDE OIL TERMINAL PROJECT Attachment VII – Documentation List Table of Contents Description Index Bidder To Tick (/) If Applicable 1. 1.18 Any Relevant Drawings N/A N/A Note.1 QA/QC Documentation / Quality Plan 1.12 Factory Acceptance Test Procedure / Report N/A 1.7 Engineering Data Sheet N/A 1.3 Certificate of acceptance 1.10 Recommended Spare Part List N/A 1.17 Technical Spec Datasheet N/A 1. MALAYSIA TECHNICAL PROPOSAL – 1 ORIGINAL & 1 COPY COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL – 1 ORIGINAL & 1 COPY Attn: Bid Secretary MIRI CRUDE OIL TERMINAL PROJECT RFQ NO.4.JALAN PJU 8/8A BANDAR DAMANSARA PERDANA.47820 PETALING JAYA.ATTACHMENT IX – SAMPLE COVER ENVELOPE ADDRESS TO: LEVEL 4.MENARA OBYU.00 hours .SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN. : RFQ/PRSB/PCSB/MCOT/15-12 TITLE OF PACKAGE : SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PIPE SUPPORTS COMPANY NAME & STAMP : CLOSING DATE : 31-MARCH-2015 @ 12.
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