Physics Handbook 1415

March 19, 2018 | Author: George Backhouse | Category: Bachelor Of Science, Academic Degree, Academic Term, Postgraduate Education, Lecture



This handbook is available in electronic format via the Department Moodle (virtual learning environment) pages. The online version includes live links to information sources. If you require a copy in large font or another format please contact the Undergraduate Programme Administrator. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this handbook is accurate and up-to-date. ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 These dates are correct at the time of going to print – please check on the University’s semester dates website for up-to-date information during the year: Semester 1 Dates New student arrivals Induction and Freshers' Week Teaching Period Saturday 20 September - Sunday 21 September 2014 Monday 29 September - Friday 12 December 2014 1-11 Christmas vacation Semester 1 revision/ assessment period Inter-semester break Monday 15 December 2014 - Friday 2 January 2015 12-14 Monday 5 January - Friday 23 January 2015 15-17 Semester 2 Dates Teaching Period Monday 2 February - Friday 27 March 2015 19-26 Easter vacation Monday 30 March - Friday 10 April 2015 27-28 Teaching Period Semester 2 revision/ assessment period Supplementary Assessment Period Monday 13 April – Friday 8 May 2015 29-31 Monday 11 May- Friday 29 May 2015 32-35 Wednesday 19 August- Friday 28 August 2015 47-48 Monday 22 September - Sunday 28 September 2014 Monday 26 January – Friday 30 January 2015 Week(s) 0 18 Week(s) The Degree Congregations are scheduled to take place during the period Tuesday 30 June – Thursday 2 July 2015. Further information will be available nearer the time on the following web page: Welcome to the 2014-15 academic session in the Department of Physics! This handbook is designed to give a comprehensive overview of the undergraduate degree programmes offered by the Department of Physics. It contains the key information you will need as an undergraduate student within the Department, so please familiarise yourself with its contents and keep it in a safe place, so that you can refer to it throughout the year. If you have any questions regarding procedural or other aspects of your course, do look in this handbook first; you may well find the information you need. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the handbook, please consult your tutor, your Director of Studies, the Undergraduate Programmes Administrator, or the Director of Teaching and Resources. Best wishes for a successful and enjoyable year with us! Dr Frances Laughton Director of Teaching and Resources September 2014 In the following pages a number of job titles are referred to; for the 2014-15 academic year the people who have responsibility for these positions are: Head of Department Director of Teaching and Resources & Chair of Department Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee Director of Studies for Years 1 & 2 Physics Director of Studies for Years 3 & 4 Physics Director of Studies for Maths & Physics Senior Tutor Placement Tutor Faculty of Science Placements Manager Study Year Abroad Tutor Departmental Safety Liaison Officer Departmental Library Liaison Rep Students’ Union Liaison Officer UG Programmes Administrator Prof Simon Bending Dr Frances Laughton [email protected] [email protected] Dr Gary Mathlin Dr Daniel Wolverson Dr Steven Davies Dr Gary Mathlin Dr Peter Mosley Ms Louise Oliver Dr Daniel Wolverson Dr Ashley Brewer Dr Sergey Gordeev Dr Frances Laughton Mrs Santina Kennedy [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] This handbook is available online on the Moodle course page for Physics students. It is also available in alternative formats on request; please contact the Director of Teaching and Resources should you require this. The details of the degree schemes in this handbook are correct at the time of publication. However, the Department of Physics and/or the University may, after due consideration and consultation, make changes to degree programmes, regulations, etc. for this and/or future academic years. If in any doubt, please consult the Director of Teaching and Resources. 1 ...............................................................................................18 Late submission of coursework ........................14 Assessment of units .......................................................................................................................4 4................................................................................24 Assessment regulations for Ordinary Degrees and other Exit Awards ....... 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF DEGREE PROGRAMMES ..........................................................................................9 3...................................................................................................................................................9 4...................................................................................... 9 Expectations and responsibilities ........................... 2 Full time BSc degrees ........1 2................17 4 4......................... plagiarism and cheating .................................................15 Department of Physics Feedback on Assessed Work Policy ............................................................................... 3 BSc degrees with professional placement year ........................10 4......................................................................................................................21 4..............................................14 4..................................6 4.........................3 3.......................................11 Changes in personal circumstances .......................................................26 Procedures for Academic Reviews (Appeals) .............. 6 Ordinary degree programmes .......11 Registration status ................................................ 6 Details of units .................................................................................................................................................7 4....20 Plagiarism detection and personal data ..2 3.....................24 Prizes and awards .....................................................................22 4........................................................14 Examinations ................................................................................................................................................................................................24 4.23 4.19 4..............15 Feedback to students on assessment ............................8 4........................................10 Language and Education options .....................................4 3...............................17 4.....................................5 2.......................................................................................................................21 Marks and credits ................................................................................................................................................22 Your programme and its components.................................16 3......................13 4..........................................23 Where to get detailed advice on assessment ........11 4.................6 3 3......3 4................. problems classes...2 2................................17 Guidelines for students about sitting examinations .............. 6 Units provided by other departments ......................... 3 BSc degrees with a study year abroad ........12 3............27 2 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................26 At risk students.............................................................................................................4 2......................................................................................................8 3....................................................................19 Academic integrity training and test .........................................................................17 Individual mitigating circumstances..................................................27 External Examiners ........................................16 4.... 2 2............................................................................................................................Table of Contents 1 UNIVERSITY-STUDENT PARTNERSHIP.......................................................18 Referencing............................................................................................................................................. 8 Timetables...................................................15 3.................. 6 How units build into programmes ...................................................................................................................................................................................12 Recommended texts.....5 3............................................18 Extensions for coursework submission deadlines..............12 4..3 2......25 Background to and broad aims of the degree programmes ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 4....... laboratories....................10 3................................................................................................13 3...................................................10 Choice of programmes and units................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 3................15 4..............................................................................................15 Coursework and its assessment . etc ... 14 The New Framework for Assessment: Assessment Regulations.... 7 Lectures.............................................................................................. 9 Missing classes due to illness ..............5 4..18 4...................11 3.................................................................................................7 3....................................................22 How your performance is assessed .............................................................. 4 BSc Ordinary degrees ...................6 3..................................................................................................................13 Natural Sciences / Mathematics & Physics units ................................. 6 Semesters and units .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 ASSESSMENT AND PROGRESSION..................................... and changing between programmes .................................................................................................12 Changes in academic circumstances ..................1 4............................................................................................ 4 MPhys degrees ............................ 5 COURSE STRUCTURE .........22 Supplementary assessment .14 3..................................................................................................................................21 Calculation of year mark ..................24 Generic Grade Descriptors ..................2 4............................10 Lines of communication .................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... and specific learning difficulties................................................................................. Teaching and Quality Committee .5 8................................................................................. 31 Overview .........................43 Careers Service .........................................................7 7 7..........................................................41 Mediation...................................................9 8....................40 Dealing with a problem involving the University................................................................. SUPPORT SERVICES AND KEY SKILLS..............................................................................31 Support while on placement.......................................................................................................................................................... long-term illness.............................................................................................................................................6 6.......................................................................................................29 PLACEMENTS ............................................................34 Unit questionnaires ........................................................................44 APPENDIX A: PROGRAMME STRUCTURES AND ASSESSMENT .......................39 Moodle...................................3 6...........................................4 8........................................................................................................................................34 Student representation .........................................................43 Academic study skills support and development..................................44 Recognition for extra-curricular activities: The Bath Award ..........................................................................28 Role of tutors .................37 Student representatives at Faculty and University level ...7 8 8...................................................................................................................6 8.. 77 11 APPENDIX C: ASSESSMENT OF NON-STANDARD UNITS ......................................1 5.............................................................................................................................................................. 109 3 .........................................................................................................................................16 8.............3 6 6...........6 7.................................................................................................................15 8.........2 7..................................................................... 103 12 APPENDIX D: RULES FOR ASSESSMENT AND PROGRESSION AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONFERMENT OF ORDINARY DEGREES ........................................31 MPhys Research Placements (unit PH40082) ...........................37 LEARNING RESOURCES........................................................................... 45 10 APPENDIX B: UNIT CATALOGUE............................................5 5..............................39 Computing facilities and IT skills ..........................42 Advice for students with disabilities......42 Equality and diversity ...................................17 9 ACADEMIC AND PERSONAL TUTORIALS............................ 28 Tutors and tutorials ......................................................35 Department Meetings and the Department Learning..............................2 5................................................40 International student advice .......................................41 Bullying................2 8...................................................31 Professional Placements (unit PH20040).......................1 7.........................................11 8..............................................................................4 7........................................ harassment and victimisation .............................1 6................................................................33 Assessment of MPhys Research Placements ......................................................................42 Pregnancy and Maternity .....................................................5 6..........................7 8..........................................................33 STUDENT SUPPORT AND REPRESENTATION..........................................................................43 Data Protection ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 8................................5 7..............................................................................................3 7.................32 Assessment of professional placements...............................41 Health and safety ...........................13 8.....3 8.............................................................................................12 8.....................................................28 Suggestions for activities within tutorials..............................44 Building on your skills using Personal Development Planning ...........8 8..............................37 Students’ Union ..............................................................................40 Student welfare and support ......4 6.............14 8............................................................31 Obtaining a placement ..................1 8.......35 Staff Student Liaison Committee ....................................................................................................................................................... 34 Student feedback on teaching ......................................................................................... 39 The Library ...........................................................................................................................................................................................2 6......................................................................... s.2A 3W 3.5A 3W 3.15 3W 4.valev w. Senior Lecturer 6651 Professor & Head of Department 5173 Professor 4711 Senior Lecturer 5237 Undergraduate Laboratory & Safety 6522 Coordinator Senior Lecturer 4808 Reader 4368 Senior Lecturer & Maths & Physics 6472 Director of Studies Technician & Technical Manager 6446 Lecturer 6307 Senior Lecturer & Departmental Library 5154 Liaison Representative Lecturer 6898 Reader 3132 Senior Lecturer 5467 Undergraduate Administrator 3673 Department Coordinator 5579 Professor 3042 Director of Teaching & Resources.1 3W 3.mosley a.17B 3W 2.jack r.4 g.k.16 a.2E 3W 2.3B 3W 4.williams 3W 2.40 3W 4.wadsworth a.1 3W 3.19 p.birks p.23 3W 5.19 Email prefix (@bath.como s.9 3W 3.17A 3W 3. Director of Studies 3321 (years 3&4 Physics) & Study Year Abroad Tutor Room 3W 5.da.19 3W 5.knight f.crampin e.b.17 a.r.14 3W 3.r.a.wolverson .1 3W 3.salmon d.Department of Physics Teaching and Admin Staff Name Dr Steve Andrews Prof Simon Bending Prof Tim Birks Dr Philippe Blondel Dr Ashley Brewer Dr Simon Crampin Dr Enrico Da Como Dr Steve Davies Mr Alan George Dr Andrey Gorbach Dr Sergey Gordeev Dr Adelina Ilie Dr Rob Jack Dr Dick James Ms Santina Kennedy Ms Jodie Knight Prof Jonathan Knight Dr Frances Laughton Dr Gary Mathlin Dr Peter Mosley Dr Alessandro Narduzzo Dr Alain Nogaret Prof Philip Salmon Prof Dmitry Skryabin Dr Peter Sloan Dr Paul Snow Mr Peter Sykes Dr Kei Takashina Dr Ventsislav Valev Dr William Wadsworth Prof Alison Walker Prof Nigel Wilding Dr Jennifer Williams Dr Daniel Wolverson Role Tel. Chair 4361 of Department Learning.2D 3W 3.mathlin 3W 4.20 a.5B 3W 3.h.2C 3W 3.2 3W 3.v.a.snow s.narduzzo a.c.laughton 3W 3.gorbach s.sloan p.r.walker n.davies 3W 4.6 3W 3.41 WH 3.ilie r.knight Teaching and Quality Committee & SU Liaison Officer Senior Teaching Fellow.r.blondel a.b.k.5C 3W 3.takashina v.brewer WH 3.16 3W 2.bending t.5 3W 2. Director of 6441 Studies (years 1&2 Physics) & Senior Tutor Lecturer & Placement Tutor 4567 Teaching Fellow 3324 Senior Lecturer 5609 Professor 3698 Professor 3178 Lecturer 4566 Senior Lecturer 6897 Electronics Laboratory Technician 5175 Academic Fellow 5395 Royal Society Research Fellow & Reader Royal Society Research Fellow & Reader 6946 Professor 3322 Professor 4164 Undergraduate Laboratory & 5369 Departmental Support Technician Senior Lecturer.3A 3W 4.j.kennedy j.gordeev 3W 4.james s.andrews s.j.4 d.11A 3W 3.wilding j. ext.skryabin p.nogaret p.sykes k. maintain a strong community and environment which enable honest and constructive feedback to each other.pdf The statement sets out the shared principles that support this commitment. deliver and participate fully in the highest quality learning and teaching experience. 1 . recognise the important role that research plays in the University Read the University-Student Partnership Statement: http://www. including working together in partnership to:       make your transition to University life as smooth as possible. The University-Student Partnership Statement has been developed collaboratively by the Students’ Union (SU) and University to set out the mutual commitment of staff and students and our collective expectations.bath. ensuring there is a close working relationship between students and staff. consider the broad co-curricular opportunities available beyond your academic encourage a continued University experience after graduation or completion of your studies through our Alumni network.1 University-Student Partnership The University and the Students’ Union (SU) have a longstanding commitment and culture of working in partnership to deliver the highest quality student experience. 2 . practical and computing skills. The Institute of Physics currently requires an accredited integrated MPhys/MSci degree for Chartered Physicist status. There are also more specific subject benchmark statements. It is not expected that all graduates will choose a career within mainstream physics. Accreditation allows our graduates to become members of the Institute of Physics.qaa.1 Background to and broad aims of the degree programmes The Department of Physics offers undergraduate degree programmes which lead to the qualification of Master of Physics (MPhys) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). for example the “M level” outcomes expected of an MPhys graduate.bath. Our programmes are designed to develop students’ awareness of the role of physics in contemporary applications. can be found at http://www. which covers core material in physics (theory and practical). or four-year programmes with a professional placement year or a study year abroad. with a three-year full time programme. mathematics and computing. or five-year programmes which also include a professional placement year. The way in which students register for a particular programme or change their registration during their course of study is described in chapter As part of their re-accreditation process. Astronomy and Astrophysics”. together with the skills of logical thought and a flexibility of mind that will help them continue their personal development throughout their subsequent career. which provide detailed information on the intended knowledge. and an ability to develop and adapt their knowledge and skills to unfamiliar situations and new challenges. which can be accessed online at which resulted in all of our programmes being successfully re-accredited. degrees in Mathematics and such as “Physics. the Institute of Physics carried out a site visit and review of the Department during the 2009/10 academic open minded. and the “H level” outcomes expected of someone receiving an honours BSc degree. Our degree programmes are fully compliant with the “Framework for Higher Education Qualifications” drawn up by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education (http://www. imaginative and creative. skills and attributes of a student completing that course. This framework prescribes graduates’ expected level of achievement and knowledge. All Physics undergraduate programmes share a common first two years. but we aim that all will leave with a good understanding of the fundamentals of the discipline. There are five MPhys The degree programmes are described in detail in the sections below. jointly with the Department of Mathematical Sciences. BSc degrees have a similar pattern.pdf). We aim to develop in our students the ability to think clearly and logically. the Institute of Physics will be carrying out a site visit and review of the Department during this academic year. students may choose between a four-year full time programme. The programme specifications for our degree programmes. and to be enquiring. BSc Physics graduates partially fulfil the IoP’s educational requirements for CPhys. We aim to cultivate physicists who combine a high level of numeracy with the ability to apply their skills and experience. Further details on all of our programmes are at http://www. good mathematical.qaa.html. All of our BSc and MPhys Physics programmes are fully accredited by the Institute of Physics. The Department also but will have to demonstrate equivalence to an accredited integrated Masters degree during the application process.2 Description of Degree Programmes 2. as part of their periodic re-accreditation four-year programmes which include a research placement or study year abroad. In addition. which introduce some current topics in computer science.3 BSc degrees with professional placement year There are two four-year BSc programmes which include a professional placement year. Students taking a degree with a professional placement year spend the third year of their degree programme (minimum period 44 weeks) pursuing a project in an approved company or research organisation. however. The year is assessed. During the professional placement year students are employees of the company/organisation and the great majority are paid for their work. or elsewhere. and particularly within science and technology. The professional placement year helps to develop the awareness. Placement years for the different BSc degrees are essentially identical. usually at rates similar to those of graduates. 2. Ultimately. BSc degrees in Physics lay emphasis on the fundamentals of the subject. but may also take place in mainland Europe. and students develop their programming skills through a second year unit and through their final year project.2. with an emphasis on the computational techniques used to model and simulate physical systems.2 Full time BSc degrees The three-year BSc programmes have the pattern: Common Years 1&2  Final Year with degree titles (and University codes): USPH-AFB01 BSc in Physics USPH-AFB05 BSc in Physics with Computing These programmes differ only in their allowed choice of final year units (see Appendix B). but does not contribute towards a student's degree classification. maturity and self-confidence that employers seek in graduates of any discipline. knowledge and skills that employers look for in a physics graduate. a professional placement year depends on a company offering a job to the 3 . Students are given a great amount of help and guidance in obtaining placements and the Department has close and long-standing relations with a number of organisations which run placement schemes. students may opt to take units from the Department of Computer Science. Most placements are in the UK. BSc degrees in Physics with Computing are aimed at developing an understanding of the role of computers in physics. These have the pattern: Common Years 1&2  Professional Placement Year  Final Year with degree titles (and University codes): USPH-AKB02 BSc in Physics with placement USPH-AKB06 BSc in Physics with Computing with placement The final years of these programmes contain the same allowed choice of final year units as those of the full-time BSc degrees above. Final year courses in simulation techniques and computational physics are central to these degree programmes. whilst offering students a wide range of final year options that are intended to develop the versatility. and for this reason placements cannot be guaranteed.5 MPhys degrees There are five MPhys degree programmes in Physics.student. Students taking a degree with a study year abroad spend the third year of their degree programme studying at an overseas university. In recent years. However. and the University of Bordeaux. More details about the 2.4 BSc degrees with a study year abroad There are two four-year BSc programmes which include a study year abroad. For BSc degrees. Purdue University. students have a good deal of freedom to choose their programme of study. 2. and the year abroad does not count towards their degree classification. students do receive a separate transcript for this year. Penn State University. These have the pattern: Common Years 1&2  Study Year Abroad  Final Year with degree titles (and University codes): USPH-AAB02 BSc in Physics with study year abroad USPH-AAB06 BSc in Physics with Computing with study year abroad The final years are again identical to those of the equivalent full-time BSc degrees. The aim is to allow students to gain knowledge of a foreign language and/or culture. students have studied at the University of Virginia. and to widen their experience as an undergraduate. professional placement year can be found in Chapter 6. with the following patterns: USPH-AFM02 MPhys (full-time) Common Years 1&2  MPhys Penultimate Year MPhys Final Year (including  semester-long research project) USPH-AFM04 MPhys with research placement Common Years 1&2  MPhys Penultimate Year MPhys Final Year (including 6 month research placement) USPH-AAM03 MPhys with study year abroad Common Years 1&2  Assessed Study Year Abroad MPhys Final Year (including  semester-long research project) 4 . the University of Vienna. and the Rules for Assessment and Progression and Requirements for the Conferment of Ordinary Degrees are given in Appendix D. The 5-year MPhys with professional placement and MPhys Physics with professional and research placements degree programmes are identical to the 4-year full-time MPhys and MPhys Physics with research placement programmes respectively. coherent. Students undertake a high-level research project on a physics-related topic. and contributes towards the final degree classification.6 BSc Ordinary degrees Finally. 5 . 2. full-time course and the other is the same degree but with a placement year. Students on the MPhys with study year abroad programme must take approved courses in physics of an appropriate level at their chosen overseas university. apart from the addition of a year-long professional placement after year 2. Further details are given in section 3. and broadly-based training in physics and are designed to give students a greater understanding and appreciation of the subject. there are two BSc Ordinary degree programmes (these programmes will not be available to students starting (or re-starting) year 1 from 2014/15 onwards). The MPhys with research placement programme includes a 6-month research placement that takes place within an external organisation from July of Year 3 to January of Year 4. They are encouraged to undertake research work within a research group at the host institution as well as attending formal courses. The research placement is assessed. The titles and University codes are: USPH-AFB09 BSc Ordinary degree in Physics USPH-AKB09 BSc Ordinary degree in Physics with placement These degrees were introduced for students who may find the intellectual standard and quantity of material in the final year of the Honours programmes too challenging.3. MPhys programmes are aimed at the most able and committed students who intend to practice the profession of physics or a closely related discipline in academic research or industry.USPH-AKM03 MPhys with professional placement Common Years 1&2  Professional Placement Year MPhys Penultimate Year  MPhys Final Year (including  semester-long research project) USPH-AKM04 MPhys with professional and research placements Common Years 1&2  Professional Placement Year MPhys Penultimate Year  MPhys Final Year (including 6 month research placement) The MPhys programmes allow students to study physics to a greater depth and breadth than is possible within the BSc programmes. One is a three year. Students registered for an MPhys degree who fail to reach a satisfactory standard in their second year examinations are required to change their registration to BSc. They provide a unified. For MPhys students the study year abroad contributes towards the final degree classification. The grids in Appendix A show the units which comprise the MPhys and BSc degree programmes described in Chapter 2. indicating the choices available on these different programmes. Each unit has an associated University code. Full details of the dates of the academic year are available at http://www. etc (as described in section 3. Education. their final year course consists of units worth 60 credits. for example. while all units within the final year of the MPhys programmes are compulsory. There are also units described as “Director of Studies approved Unit” where students can choose from the full range of units 6 . The programme must be agreed in advance by the Director of Studies. Details of the assessment procedures. The first two years of these programmes do not exist separately. with degree programmes built upon a set of individual courses. and approved by the Department Learning.bath. where x refers to the level of the unit. Most units are of value 6 credits. The units fit into a semester pattern. If.3 Course Structure 3.4 Units provided by other departments It can be seen from the grids in Appendix A that several units are provided by other Departments. students are required to transfer to an Ordinary degree. The remaining units will normally be drawn from the second year of the BSc Honours Physics programme. The final year of the BSc programmes and the penultimate year of the MPhys programmes consist of a combination of compulsory and optional units. Teaching and Quality Committee.3 Ordinary degree programmes The BSc Ordinary degree programmes do not appear on the grids in Appendix A.11). students may take an optional eleventh unit during years 1 and 2. units taken in the teaching period of a semester are examined in the associated assessment period. The teaching period of the second semester is usually split either side of the Easter break. by Computer Science (CM) or Education (ED). including the final year project (PH30036) and a number of other units from the final year of the BSc Honours Physics degree programme. 3. Each semester lasts for about 14 weeks.1 Semesters and units Degree courses at Bath are modular. In addition. 3. with the revision/assessment period occurring in January.2 How units build into programmes Degree programmes consist of a number of units (usually 10) taken in each The first semester has its 11 teaching weeks running from October to December. may be found in Chapter 4 and Appendix A. and the rules for progressing from year to year. of which 11 are teaching weeks and the remaining weeks form the revision/assessment period. including the system of credits and marks. as a result of their performance in Year 2. with the overall assessment for each year based on the marks obtained in 10 With a few exceptions (detailed below). In the first and second years all units are compulsory. the marks obtained do not contribute towards the overall year mark or degree classification. referred to as units. the first 2 letters of which show which Department delivers the unit. so that students usually undertake 5 units each semester. Units given by the Department of Physics have the code PHx****. In each semester you will take units to a value of at least 30 credits. as all students are initially registered for Honours degrees. 3. for example in Languages. Although credits are awarded for these courses and the marks appear on the students’ transcripts. Language units will not be allowed unless they are at an advanced level. it should not be assumed that it can be taken as “another approved unit”. For example. The level of detail given can vary from unit to unit. Even if a unit appears in the grids as an option in another named degree programme. laboratory work (PR) or essays (ES). Teaching and Quality Committee. we would not approve an additional nonmathematical science or engineering unit as a DoS-approved unit. coursework (CW). As well as the title and University code these describe the Aims and Learning Objectives of each unit and give an outline of their  It must be possible to accommodate the unit within any timetabling constraints. Explicit approval must be obtained.bath. Assessment may take place by means of examination (EX). but indicative of the content of the course.provided across the University. this means that a Level 1 or 2 unit cannot normally be approved in Semester 2 unless it is a Generally Available Unit. if you take ED30005 and ED30006. Students should ensure that they know the relative weighting of all forms of assessment for the units that they study. For example. Similar descriptions for units from other departments can be found at http://www. students on biology units will be assumed to have Biology A level or equivalent. Lecturers may choose which elements to emphasise or focus on within these guidelines. The only exception is that students on any of the Physics with Computing degrees must carry out a final year project which has a significant programming element. and one of these is therefore likely to be approved as a Director of Studies approved unit. The current list of Generally Available Units can be found in the University of Bath Programme and Unit Catalogues web pages at (http://www.  You will not be permitted to take too many non-mathematical science or engineering units. This is followed by a listing of the content of the course. and students should be aware that these descriptions are not prescriptive. Other important information in the Unit Description is how the unit will be assessed.5 Details of units A complete listing of all units offered by the Department of Physics is given in Appendix  The unit marks must be available in time for our final year (and Year 3 MPhys) Programmes Board of Examiners. Note that pre-requisites might include A-levels not mentioned in the unit description but assumed for all home students in the other department. Note that “Generally Available Units” are designed so as to satisfy many of the conditions listed above automatically.  There should be little overlap with units that you have taken or will take. You will not be able to continue with your DoS-approved unit if there is a serious timetable clash. The contents of a unit are the same for all registered students.  The department delivering the unit must agree to you attending their unit. The aims and learning objectives of the units give the broad intent of the course. The Director of Studies will employ the following guidelines in granting approval for such units:  You must be able to meet any pre-requisites for the unit. and spend the appropriate amount of time working for these unit marks.bath.  It must be at an appropriate level. The only way to know absolutely what you need to know is to attend the lectures and 7 . followed by some typical tasks that students should be able to do when they have studied the unit.html. Any such choice must be approved in advance by the Director of Studies and agreed by the Department Learning. although you may hold strong views on which lecture format you prefer personally. and participate fully in the course. However. and that those lecturers who choose to do so are not obliged to make these notes available to students on the internet. You should also note that lecturers are not under any obligation to provide students with printed lecture notes. Contemporary Physics consists of a series of three 1-hour seminars. The Department believes that it is beneficial for students to encounter a variety of teaching methods and lecture formats. and the requisites listed in the unit description indicate the most important relationships between units. although the total number of whole-class lectures in a unit will always be close to 20. with three one-hour slots being timetabled each week during the 11 week teaching period. details are given in Chapter 4.or post-requisites that are listed. students should be informed well in advance of which classes they should attend. These units are essentially year-long courses and carry a single overall mark for the work carried out in both semesters. The MPhys Laboratory unit involves full-day laboratory sessions during Semester 2 of the penultimate year. Units which do not conform to this standard pattern include the Year 1 Laboratory and Information Skills unit and the BSc final year project unit. students should normally satisfy the pre-. such as “chalk and talk”.other classes. with lecturers providing background material for this. The Year 2 Laboratory and Information Skills unit involves 6 timetabled hours per week during Semester 1 and the first half of semester 2. and supports the autonomy of lecturers in determining which format they wish to use. 3. In the course of a unit students will normally be allocated about four problems classes if the class is divided. problems classes. Two of these are usually used for whole-class lectures with the third being available for problems classes or other learning and teaching activities. If in doubt. or eight if it is not. You may be expected to learn some of the material within the unit independently. In the final year (or the final two years of the MPhys programmes) the nonlecture slots may be used for problems classes. Again. Approximately eight of the timetabled hours in each unit are usually used for such non-lecture activities. lecturers should provide a timetable at the start of the unit showing how the available slots will be used. but they are also commonly used as “office hours” where lecturers are available to help individual students with the course. you should consult the Director of Studies. individual lecturers may decide to use the slots in a different way. in which topics are introduced which students subsequently research. co. Lecturers use a variety of formats for lecture delivery. and the Computational Physics units in the final year each consist of one lecture slot and a 2 hour computing laboratory each week. based around problems sheets which are handed out in lectures or the problem class. All units with this standard teaching pattern have a two-hour examination in the assessment period at the end of the semester. or PowerPoint presentations. more usually. These classes may involve either the whole group registered on the unit or. and the MPhys research project unit is undertaken by students on a full-time basis during semester 1 of the final year. To study a particular unit. etc The majority of units follow a common pattern of teaching and learning. and 8 . and indicating which parts of the unit are to be learnt independently. These consist of six timetabled hours per week during the teaching period. In the first and second years the slots not used for lectures are usually used for problems classes. You should remember that. The content of units build upon previous knowledge. laboratories. The Programming Skills unit in Year 2. In all cases. More information about these units may be found in Appendices B and C.6 Lectures. Several other units have a non-standard teaching pattern. in two 3-hour slots in Year 1 and in a single 6-hour slot for the final year project unit. half the group. student questionnaires regularly show that there is no general consensus among our students on a single “best format” for lecturing. overhead transparencies. in the hope that by investing extra time you can squeeze a few more marks out of the unit. 9 . and make sure you stick to this target for all units. the structure of the examination etc. We recommend that you decide at the start of each semester how much study time to devote overall (as stated above. including coursework-based ones. There can be a temptation to spend a disproportionate amount of study time on the coursework within these units. You are expected to attend lectures. and clarify them with the lecturer. The most common cause of poor performance and of academic failure is to fail to take this seriously. In private study. details of coursework. improving their clarity and supplementing them with material from Computational Physics.7 Timetables All students are issued with copies of their timetable. This is best done on the day of the with obvious consequences for the marks in these units. You should include study of past examination papers in your private study. for tutorials and laboratory classes. you will not do well if you just try to memorise answers to past questions without genuine understanding.8 Expectations and responsibilities University Regulations for students are available at this is far from being your total workload. In some circumstances you will be informed about changes in a unit by a notice on the departmental notice board. Industry Team Project and Communicating Physics. you will have around 25-30 contact hours with the lecturer(s) on a standard 6-credit unit. or with fellow students. revision etc. and are also accessible at http://www. this should be around 100 hours per 6 credits). Note down those points that you do not understand properly. such as the laboratory and project units. this extra time has to come from somewhere. private study time should normally consist of background reading. the timetable of lectures and problems classes. These can be obtained from the library loan desk. problem solving.bath. are usually made in lectures.students are given detailed information concerning the teaching and assessment arrangements at the start of each of these units. or by emails to your University email account. Copies are also displayed on the undergraduate notice boards in the Physics Square and online at http://go. all of which contribute to a student’s understanding of the unit. You must take the general overview of a lecture and personalise it to enable your learning and understanding of the As a guide. However. 3. However. or at the latest the following day. As outlined in the previous sections. This should help you to maximize your overall performance across all assessments. However. problem classes and laboratory sessions will take place. problems classes. Students sometimes find it particularly difficult to manage their time on coursework-based units. You should be aware that you are expected to spend a minimum of around 70 hours in private study for each unit in order to learn successfully. indicating when and where each of their lectures. 3. and more often than not it is the study time for your exam-based units that will suffer. Announcements about the unit. It is your responsibility to be aware of any such information provided in lectures and problems classes. changes to this timetable. Problem Solving Skills.bath. report it is essential that you look through lecture notes. it is expected that each unit should involve a minimum of around 100 hours of study. Contemporary Physics. your tutor. Spanish.bath. it is a University regulation that you access your University email account regularly. you should follow the guidance listed in the Individual Mitigating Circumstances section of this handbook (Section 4. computing etc.  You should see lecturers in practical.). assessment. The University will often communicate to you a range of important matters including registration. including problems sheets. and your University email account. Arabic. Russian. preferably before the next scheduled lecture in that subject.  Where appropriate.10 Lines of communication It is often necessary for students to be contacted or provided with information. students can opt to take units in Languages or Education. 3. It is your responsibility to check daily the appropriate undergraduate notice board in the Physics Square for any announcements. and French. including if you are out on placement or study abroad. Although marks obtained on these optional units appear on a student’s transcript they do not contribute towards the overall year mark. Spanish. 10 . Claverton French.  You should copy (and study) the lecture notes of someone who was at the missed lectures. and so have no effect on a student’s progression from year to year. via your University email account. and currently students can study Mandarin Chinese.11 Language and Education options In Years 1 and 2. German. as handouts are probably stored there.9 Missing classes due to illness If you are ill for a short period there are a number of actions you should take on your return:  You should see the lecturers in all lecture courses missed as soon as you return and obtain any missed handouts. So that you do not miss out on (and as a consequence fail to act on) important information. classes to ascertain what you should do in these areas about missed sessions. Because of public accessibility. and degree Japanese.3. Italian and Russian at more advanced levels. telephone numbers. The list of available language units can be found at http://www. German. The University of Bath. sometimes at short notice. Post addressed to individual students c/o The Department of Physics. Bath BA2 7AY will be delivered to the pigeon holes in Physics Square. unit-enrolment. You should also make sure that the Department is informed of any changes in outside contact details (University and parental address.html.7). Portuguese and Greek at a beginners level. including mobile etc. 3. the mailing of any items to you during vacations will be affected if the information that is held by the Department is not correct. the alphabetical pigeon holes (also in the Physics Square) for any mail. This is best done by going to the lecturer’s room. You therefore have a responsibility to ensure that your University email account can receive incoming mail and that you read your email regularly. Students wishing to contact members of staff can do so by email (see the preface for contact details) or by leaving a message in the Department office. the Department of Physics cannot accept responsibility for the safe delivery of post via the pigeon holes. in addition to the basic 10 units. For example. Polish. Language units are offered as a pair of linked units in both semesters. or by contacting the lecturer by email. Italian. all students register on one of the degree programmes described in Chapter 1. Details are given in the web links referred to in Appendix A.13 Registration status Note that only registered students may use the University’s facilities.12 Choice of programmes and units. but may only progress or transfer to the penultimate year of an MPhys degree programme if they meet the required standard in their second year examinations. If your Director of Studies allows you to change your unit However. You will be asked to select your units for the following academic year on-line during April (prior to the start of the Semester 2 exams). these cannot normally be changed. a number of important deadlines after which a change of degree programme cannot be made:  Students who wish to undertake a placement or a study year abroad (whether as part of a BSc or MPhys programme) should register on a relevant programme and inform the respective members of staff as early as possible within their second year (or their penultimate year.  You pre-registered on a unit but the unit was over-subscribed.html#ed). however. provided they obtain permission from the Director of Studies and complete the appropriate form. It is a requirement of University regulations that you register when asked to do so. in the case of the MPhys research placements).  Students can transfer from a BSc to an MPhys degree programme during Years 1 and 2. You will be asked to register online at the start of your programme of study and then to re-register at the start of every academic year thereafter until you have completed your programme. Once you have made your unit  You have not fulfilled the pre-requisite requirements for a pre-registered unit. Tuition fees for each academic year are payable at registration in full or in instalments. and your choices will assist with setting the timetable for the following year. such as email and the Library. each semester 3. By making your choices online this information is fed into the timetabling process. and changing between programmes At the start of their first year. (Note that failure to pay your fees at the appropriate time may result in you being unable to access University facilities.  Students who wish to change between different named BSc degree programmes must do so within two weeks of the start of their final year. or your degree certificate being withheld). However you may make a case to your Director of Studies to change your optional unit choices if you think you meet one or more of the following criteria:  You have changed degree programme and this requires a change of unit. there is a considerable amount of flexibility in the system and students are allowed to change their registration from one degree to another.  Your Director of Studies has advised you to alter a pre-registered unit choice for academic reasons.Education units are offered as single units in (http://www. 11 .bath. the deadline for making this change is Wednesday of the first week of teaching. There are. 3.  The withdrawal of a unit necessitates a change of a pre-registered unit choice.  You have a timetable clash with a pre-registered unit choice. 3. Please register any change of academic circumstance. Please submit the form to the Department or the Student Records & Examinations http://www.bath.bath. having formerly been registered on a programme without a placement. who will be able to advise you on implications for fees and on how to suspend any student funding you are receiving. if circumstances are such that you are not able to do If you change either your semester-time or home up-to-date. He/she will be able to advise you on an appropriate course of action.bath. a marriage certificate).ac. or withdrawing from your programme. please discuss your situation with the Director of Studies. Your personal tutor will also be able to provide support and guidance on matters relating to your programme. please ensure that you update your details online at www. Transfer from one programme to another within the same department Change of programme of study to a different department Further information can be found at: http://www. with the University using the appropriate form (see below) available from the Department Office: Change in circumstance Suspension/discontinuation of registration Change of optional units selected for the current academic year Take up a placement option.bath. you should consult the International Student Advisers in Student Services about the implications of suspending or withdrawing from your Changes in academic circumstances If you are considering suspending your studies. It is a University regulation that you attend personal and academic details for you. The financial implications of withdrawing from the University or suspending your studies can be significant so you should also consult with the Student Finance Office and Student Services.html http://www. then please contact the Director of Studies to discuss your situation and agree an appropriate course of action. transferring from one programme to another.html 12 Form Form CC2 Form CC4 Form CC4 Form CC4 Form CC5 .3. If you are an international student who holds a visa allowing you to study in the UK. including change of optional units.html http://www. It is important that the Student Records database (SAMIS) is kept up-to-date for all students.14 Changes in personal circumstances You must ensure that the University holds correct. If you change your name during your studies you must complete form CC1 (Notification of Change of Student’s Personal Circumstances) and provide proof of change (for (This entails a change of programme). 13 .17 Natural Sciences / Mathematics & Physics units The units PH10048.3. 3. PH10051. available at http://www. . Details of library holdings of recommended texts may be found using the on-line library catalogue WebCat.16 Recommended texts Lecturers on each unit draw up a list of recommended text books and notify students at the start of each lecture course. PH20060. The list of recommended texts for Physics units is at http://www. PH20063 and PH20067 are provided by the Department of Physics for students registered on the Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Physics degree programmes.bho/reading-list/ They correspond closely to other Physics units but include an additional laboratory element.bath.htm. Standard units also contain coursework. which carries 100% of the marks for the unit. 4.4 Assessment and Progression Important information For full details of the NFAAR-UG.bath.1 The New Framework for Assessment: Assessment Regulations Your programme is covered by the New Framework for Assessment: Assessment Regulations (NFAAR-UG).2 Assessment of units The majority of Physics units (i. The rules cover all areas of assessment. A description of the structure of the examination papers and some examination regulations are given in Section 4. so your work will be assessed according to its rules. In addition to the explanations we give below you can find full definitions at www. For information relating to your NFAAR-UG specifies the rules governing students’ progression from one stage of their programme to the next as well as for the award of degrees.3. This section summarises the University’s assessment framework for the type of programme you are undertaking.bath. visit: www.pdf). Complete information is available in the NFAAR-UG document (http://www. If at any time you are in doubt about how NFAAR-UG provisions apply to your please consult your Director of Studies. It explains the regulations that govern assessment and outlines how the University makes decisions concerning students’ progression through their programme and awards. details of this are given in Section 4. visit: http://www. The following units do not fit the standard pattern of teaching and assessment: PH10011 PH20021 PH20018 PH20040 PH20042 PH30024 PH30036 PH30089 PH30043 PH30055/56 Laboratory and Information Skills 1 Laboratory and Information Skills 2 Programming Skills BSc placement BSc year abroad Contemporary physics Final year project MPhys Laboratory MPhys year abroad Computational Physics A/B 14 . including supplementary assessment and the extent to which failure may be condoned.e.6) are assessed in the same those which follow the standard teaching pattern described in Section This section may contain terms unfamiliar to There is a two hour examination in the assessment period at the end of the although in most cases this does not contribute to the unit mark.html. to compare your performance with the ideal. In section B students choose 2 from 3 questions.  Students choose 3 from 4 questions.  The examination has two sections.PH30072 PH30080 PH30096 PH30099 PH40081/82 PH40083 Problem-solving skills MPhys project/placement preparation Industry team project Communicating Physics MPhys research project/placement Advanced problem solving Details of the assessment procedures for these units are given in Appendix C. A and B. and hence to improve their performance. i. The feedback you receive should enable you to evaluate the quality of your work. The lecturer(s) teaching a unit should inform students of the examination structure well before the examination.4 Coursework and its assessment Continuous assessment within most standard units is “formative”. The examinations for almost all standard lectured units during Years 1 and 2 will follow the first of these structures. Students are only permitted to use a basic scientific calculator provided by the University.e. enables approaches to learning that develop understanding of the subject. These might include “spot tests” or other informal testing in lectures and problems classes. together with any other material that is required for a particular examination. and written assignments. and provides lecturers and personal tutors with immediate feedback on students’ progress. 4.3 Examinations Standard units have a two hour examination which usually has one of the following three structures:  Students answer all questions on the exam paper. each of which is of 40 minutes duration. It also encourages students to keep up to date with lectures and problems sheets. i. students answer all of a set of short questions (typically 6 to 8) in 40 minutes. all examination questions are compulsory. such as past examination questions. to reflect on your 15 . so that you can further improve your learning. All examinations are closed-book. Students should also be informed of the schedule for setting and submission of coursework assignments. but students are provided with Tables of Physical Constants and a book of Mathematical Formulae. Formative coursework enables students to gain feedback on their knowledge and understanding. The purpose of feedback is to help you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses. Unit lecturers should inform students of the formative assessment method(s) that they will use at the beginning of each unit. to build on your successes.e. 4. 4. Each question is of 40 minutes duration. questions from problem sheets or essays. In section A. it does not contribute towards the unit mark.5 Feedback to students on assessment Feedback on assessed work is an integral part of the assessment process. For example. 3rd and final year units) who check the marking on the script. or whether there are issues in the way you set out your mathematical working. and may also include individual or group feedback in a written or verbal form. The feedback that you gain on formative assessments such as mock exams can be usefully thought of as “feed-forward”: since it is provided before the main summative assessment. The Director of Studies will particularly wish to hold such discussions with students who appear to be “at risk” (see Section 4.learning. you will also periodically receive more general feedback on your overall progress. to explain how marks have been arrived at. You are also advised that lecturers do not write many comments on exam scripts when they mark them. The nature and amount of feedback that is given will vary. assessments that do contribute towards the unit mark) will include the marks that you obtain for that item of assessment. in the presence of their Director of Studies or another member of staff. you are unlikely to be able to use this opportunity to gain detailed feedback on why you obtained a particular number of marks for a particular question. written or verbal. 16 . assessments that do not contribute towards the unit mark) is more likely to be informal and oral. You will receive feedback on your work and progress throughout the academic year in a number of different ways. but this process may help you to learn whether you are providing an appropriate amount of detail in bookwork questions. for example to the whole class. summarising performance on each question.e. depending on the nature of the unit and the type of assessment involved. which provides a formal record of your performance. These feedback sheets may include detailed assessment criteria. Students are also offered the opportunity to view their marked examination scripts after each semester. You should note that this process is solely for the purpose of receiving general feedback on your exam performance. and these reports may be found on the Moodle course page for your student year group. You also have the opportunity to request a discussion of your general progress with your tutor or the Director of Studies. and may be provided individually or to a group. laboratories and tutorials will provide you with regular feedback on your progress and enable you to clarify particular concerns. day to day interactions with staff and students in problems classes. and to understand what action you need to take to correct your mistakes and misunderstandings. This feedback is provided in the form of credit-weighted averages displayed on SAMIS and by your transcript. Continuing students receive general feedback on exams by means of a report written by the unit lecturers. and that no remarking will take place. it enables you to ascertain and reflect upon your current level of knowledge and understanding. As an example. and that most comments written on exam scripts will be directed towards the other members of staff (and the External Examiner in the case of 2nd. In addition to feedback on individual units. rather than being necessarily particularly detailed. and hence to improve your future performance. which may include tick-boxes or lists of feedback statements that may be highlighted by the lecturer as appropriate. Some units use pro-forma feedback sheets. Feedback can be formal or informal.e.23). The feedback that you can gain from this process is therefore more likely to be “big picture”. Feedback on summative assessment (i. You are provided with feedback on your level of achievement in each of the units studied during an academic year by viewing your unit results on SAMIS. and may be combined with individual written or verbal feedback. Feedback on formative assessments (i. To reflect upon and engage positively with the feedback provided to them on these assessments.  Within their role as project supervisors. in addition to any IMC guidance offered by your Department. to provide students with the opportunity to discuss their general progress on an individual basis. to provide students with the opportunity to undertake at least one piece of formative assessed coursework within each ‘standard’ lectured unit.e. to provide students with the opportunity for regular weekly contact to discuss progress.  to inform students of the methods of assessment and feedback that will be used within the unit at the beginning of each unit. to provide students with general feedback on performance in the unit’s examination.7 Individual mitigating circumstances Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMCs) are conditions which temporarily prevent you from undertaking assessment or significantly impair your performance in assessment: as  Within their role as Director of Full information and guidance on Individual Mitigating Circumstances and Assessment is available at http://www.6 Department of Physics Feedback on Assessed Work Policy Responsibilities of Physics staff with regard to feedback: Within their role as unit lecturers:  i. Definitions of IMCs can be found in “What are Individual Mitigating Circumstances” (www. Within their role as tutor: i. to provide feedback on their tutees’ draft laboratory ii. the measure of their severity is not about impact on you. to be aware of their tutees’ overall performance. and support and guidance offered through the Student Disability Advice Team 17 . ii. 4. It is strongly advised that you become familiar with the available guidance so that you are prepared should such circumstances arise. i.bath. and to provide feedback on students’ draft project reports. iii. iv. Responsibilities of students:    To attend all timetabled sessions within units and to undertake all assessments (both summative and formative) within units. You should make yourself familiar with these definitions. to provide their tutees with the opportunity to discuss their general progress on an individual basis. normally within three semester weeks following the submission deadline for the assignment.html. and to provide them with feedback on this formative assessment to enable them to ascertain their current level of knowledge and understanding and help them understand how they can improve their future performance. to mark work and provide feedback to students in a timely manner. but impact on your iii. To attend their tutorial sessions and to avail themselves of the opportunities for receiving feedback on their performance from their tutor.4. and to use this feedback to deepen their knowledge and understanding. 8 Guidelines for students about sitting examinations If you feel unwell shortly before taking an examination. Your Department will be able to advise you on how to submit an IMC claim. 4. Students should always bear in mind that they are ultimately responsible for the actions they take. if they are unfortunate enough to be ill around assessment time. If the Director of Studies is not available then advice can be sought from the Director of Teaching and Resources.7. If you know of an IMC before you begin an assessment or the Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre (http://www.bath. you will normally receive a mark of 0 (zero). You will need to submit evidence of how your circumstances affected the relevant assessment(s). If you submit a piece of work after the submission date (and no extension has been granted). The Director of Studies is the only member of staff who can give a student definitive advice as to whether or not to sit an examination in these circumstances.doc. as outlined in section the maximum mark possible will be the pass mark. please notify your Director of Studies in advance. 4.(www. or online at 18 . notify your Director of Studies within three working days of completion of the relevant assessment. or do not take. for example. Should you wish any IMCs to be taken into account by the Board of Examiners for Programmes when considering your progression or award classification.10 Extensions for coursework submission deadlines Requests for extensions to coursework submission deadlines should be made in writing using a Request For Extension Form. a medical certificate in the case of illness or the Head of Department or from a personal tutor. the unit lecturer or Director of Studies may grant an extension to a submission date (see Section 4. You should note that it is very difficult to obtain retrospective Medical Certificates and that doctors cannot be asked to provide a Medical Certificate for any illness about which they have not been consulted. You should only request a Medical Certificate for serious illness or at times when examinations or pieces of assessed work are compromised by ill health. you are advised to go to the Medical Centre as soon as possible.bath.bathstudent. which may be obtained from the Department Office. Medical Certificates are normally only issued after an illness of more than five working days.9 Late submission of coursework You will be expected to hand in all assessed coursework by a specified date. If you submit work more than five days after the submission date. You do not need to submit an IMC claim if you have already had an extension approved. In almost all circumstances students are encouraged to sit their examinations as scheduled. even if this involves special arrangements being made. unless you have been granted an extension or a panel has agreed that there are Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMCs). The form you should use to do this is available from your Department or from www.10 below) 4. If there are valid circumstances preventing you from meeting a deadline. This is to ensure equity amongst students and to enable staff to mark efficiently. There are several acceptable methods of referencing material.9. data. reporting on experiments that were never performed). by summarising it or quoting from it – you must reference the original If the coursework is subsequently submitted after the new approved submission date.bath. charts. Another form of plagiarism (and hence cheating) is auto-plagiarism or self-plagiarism. he or she will sign the form and indicate the new approved submission date. and may wish to consult with the Director of Studies. If the lecturer approves the request. This occurs when a student submits work (whether a whole piece or part of a piece) without acknowledging that they have used this material for a previous tables. If you use someone else’s pre-existing work – say. Guidance concerning referencing and plagiarism is available from several sources. it will be treated as late coursework.bath. or results from an unacknowledged and marks will be deducted as outlined in Section 4. 'Unfair means' here include:  cheating (for example. Forms should be submitted as soon as possible before the original submission deadline. Fully reference not only quotations. Students must not assume that the submission of a Request For Extension Form means that approval has been granted.doc. The unit lecturer or Director of Studies may ask you to produce supporting evidence. and so on. unauthorised use of notes or course material in an examination).bathstudent. and appropriate methods for referencing material are described in the laboratory sessions and other Physics units. Such references should then be included in a bibliography or reference list at the end of the piece of work. but also paraphrases and summaries.html. Be sure to use quotation marks when quoting from any source (whether original or secondary). maps.11 Referencing. 4. Plagiarism occurs when a student 'borrows' or copies information. in addition to staff in the Department.bath. without quotation marks or any indication that the presenter is not the original author or researcher. requests are approved only when the form has been signed by the lecturer concerned or by the Director of Studies. plagiarism and cheating Presenting work that is not your own for assessment constitutes plagiarism. Examples include the Harvard system and the Numeric system. They include:  online student support and resources at http://www. Any student who is found to have used unfair means in an examination or assessment procedure will be penalised. This applies to all types of material – not only text. 19 . Note that the need for referencing also applies to web-based material. but also diagrams. You should briefly describe the circumstances which you feel support your request.  the Students’ Union Skills Training programme http://www. Completed forms should be passed to the lecturer responsible for the coursework. who will consider the request. appropriate references according to the type of work or image should always be given.bath.  fabrication (for and courses run by library  courses delivered by the Academic Skills Centre www.  the Library at uk/students/support/academic/index. This includes an understanding of plagiarism and other assessment offences. after this point.  self-plagiarism (duplication of one’s own and then re-take the test. Once you have accessed Moodle using your username and password. You can take the test as many times as necessary until you pass. you should undertake the mandatory test of understanding. clicking on the link entitled Academic Integrity Initiative will take you to the training module and test. Your Director of Studies will inform you about the arrangements for the training and the are confident that you have understood If you are accused of an offence. 4. To pass the test you will need to achieve a mark of 85%. if you have not passed the test.bath.pdf 20 .12 Academic integrity training and test All students registered on an award at the University are required to undertake training and a test aimed at providing a common baseline of knowledge and understanding of good academic writing practice. the Students’ Union’s welfare services are available to support you when your case is being examined. When you have completed the training tutorial – perhaps a couple of times . QA53 Examination and Assessment Offences. with no provision for reassessment or retrieval of that failure. please contact your Programme Administrator in the Department Office. you will not be able to claim ignorance of plagiarism or its consequences in mitigation.bho/index. and the skills necessary to reference your work appropriately.  unfair collaboration or collusion (representation of work produced in collaboration with another person or persons as the work of a single candidate). you will need to re-visit the training and/or look at the other guidance available to you via the Student Skills site www. Further information http://www. You will not be able to progress beyond the next progression point in your studies. If you do not pass the test. until you pass this falsification (for example.html. irrespective of your programme marks. Ultimately this means that. They may include failure of the assessment unit or part of a degree.html Once you have passed the test it will be assumed that you understand the concept of plagiarism and its consequences. Your Director of Studies will be able to confirm when the next progression point occurs for your stage of your The training can also be accessed directly at http://www. Proven cases of plagiarism or cheating can also lead to an Inquiry Hearing or disciplinary you will not be able to receive your award. as discussed above).uk/students/support/academic/academic-integrity/index.html .  plagiarism (as discussed above). Penalties for unfair practice will be determined by the Department or by the Faculty/School Board of Studies. If you do not have access to your own Department’s online test in Moodle.or as required by your Director of Studies. sets out the consequences of committing an offence and the penalties that might be applied. misrepresentation of the results of experimentation).bath.bath. You will find an online tutorial and test for this purpose on Moodle at http://moodle. The University’s QA Code of Practice. if you are found to have plagiarised in your work. ac. at its sole discretion. ii. programme details and the work submitted. The University. your name. Further information The University's procedures on Examination and Assessment Offences (QA53) are described at http://www. worth 6 credits each). comparison with databases of earlier work or previously available works to confirm the work is original.e. for these purposes. The University uses the JISC Plagiarism Detection Service. and the full-year 60-credit professional placement unit).uk/quality/documents/QA53. the service will be provided with. Turnitin.bath.3e) and may make. where you have re-used your own work and/or used other sources of information. usually 10 units. When you registered with the University. units also carry credits. Please note that. as can be seen in the unit descriptions in Appendix B. The service complies with European Data Protection legislation. and will only retain these for so long as remains necessary. This includes allowing the University to disclose such data to third parties for purposes relating to your studies. addition to databases of works used to ensure that future works submitted at this institution and others do not contain content from the work submitted. that you have referenced the material appropriately. It makes no judgement on the intention behind the inclusion of unoriginal work. The majority of units are worth 6 credits. or authorise third parties to make. copies of any such work for the purposes of: i. may submit the work of any student to the Plagiarism Detection Service (in accordance with Regulation 15. 21 . if at any time the University submits any of your work to the JISC Plagiarism Detection Service. the 3-credit Semiconductor Physics unit PH20015). email address. produces an 'originality report’. but some are worth more (for example. and will retain.pdf 4. and some are worth fewer (for example.14 Marks and credits The normal unit pass mark is 40%. As well as marks. assessment of the work. This service checks electronic. you gave it permission to process your personal data for a variety of legitimate purposes. You may ask for your personal data to be removed by contacting the University’s Data Protection Officer. the 12-credit laboratory units in Years 1 and 2. Students have to take units totalling 60 credits each year (i. The University will not make any more copies of your work than are necessary. Such data may be transferred by the Plagiarism Detection Service to countries worldwide (some of which may not be governed by EU Data legislation) in order for the work to be checked and an originality report generated in accordance with the proper workings of the Plagiarism Detection Service. you will be expected to make a declaration that the work is your own and.4. Personal data is retained indefinitely by the JISC Plagiarism Service upon submission of work.13 Plagiarism detection and personal data When you hand in a piece of assessed coursework. it simply highlights its presence and links to the original source. iii. text-based submissions against a large database of material from other sources and for each submission. certain personal data relating to you – for example. available at http://www. withdraw from the University. You can also access this information via links in your programme’s description in the Programme & Unit Catalogues. and other programmes. you might need to achieve a threshold mark in one or more component assessments in order to pass the unit overall. if one exists.e. which must be taken by all students on a particular programme of study. 4. Placement units form part of a stage and have a credit weighting. Failure in a DEU (even marginal failure) will prevent you from progressing (or completing) your although they will appear on a student’s transcript. Where stage repeats are possible within the set limits. The unit marks are weighted according to the number of credits they are worth. those units you may choose from a range of options). you will be required to either to repeat the entire stage or to transfer to a Designated Alternative Programme (DAP). The normal pass mark for a unit is 40%. the contribution of each unit’s assessment to the calculation of the Overall Stage Average (OSA) is normally directly proportional to the credit values of the unit concerned. Such units are called Designated Essential Units (DEUs). such as the MPhys Physics programmes (which lead to a Master’s degree but have an associated programme leading to a Bachelor’s degree). Only enhanced placement units contribute to the overall programme average (OPA) however. those units in a programme which must be taken by every student registered on the programme). Units with a status of “O” are optional units. there are links to the relevant appendices of the NFAAR-UG which state exactly how the assessment rules operate for each stage of your programme. This means that in the first year. and optional units (i. and each other unit contributes 10%. Within each stage of a programme.e. If you fail a stage. the Laboratory and Information Skills unit contributes 20% of the overall year mark. the repeating of any stage will be permitted once only. (i.4. The rules differ slightly between ‘Coexistent Master Programmes’. 4.bath. 22 .16 Your programme and its components Within your programme of study. At the end of the tables in Appendix A. Appendix A shows how our Physics and Physics with Computing degree programmes are structured in terms of the NFAAR-UG. Each table indicates the choice of optional units available to students on that programme. there are compulsory units. In some units. Note that the marks obtained in optional units in Education or Languages during Years 1 and 2 do not contribute to the year mark. Stages usually correspond to the year of study. Some placement units carry marks and some are just pass/fail.15 Calculation of year mark A student’s overall mark in each year (the Overall Stage Average (OSA)) is obtained by a weighted average of the marks for units he/she has taken in that year. Units with a status of “C” are compulsory units. or if you fail very All other years have a similar pattern. There are some units that you must pass in order to progress to the next stage of your programme and to achieve the normal award for the programme at the end.17 How your performance is assessed Programmes are divided into a number of parts and stages.html. for example. for the MPhys Physics programmes. Particular rules apply to failure of units.e. you will progress (or. this period will be 19 August to 28 August 2015.bath. Further information on supplementary assessment is provided in section 4. in the case of the final or might not be recommended for any award. overall mark in the following proportions: BSc honours degree programmes: Year 1 0% Year 2 32 % Final Year 68 % MPhys degree programmes: Year 1 0% Year 2 16 % Year 3 34 % Year 4 50 % Note that neither the BSc study year abroad nor the professional placement years within BSc and MPhys programmes contribute to the final degree In the case of the final stage. Stages in Part 1 are not included in the OPA calculation. reach any OSA requirement set in addition). and (ii) the marks you obtain for each unit. be recommended for an award). Your degree result is based on the calculation of your Overall Programme Average (OPA) based on the Stages in Parts 2 and 3 of your programme. you might be able to progress without supplementary assessment. Generally. It generally involves re-doing coursework or re-sitting an examination. for the MPhys Physics programmes.At the end of each stage a Board of Examiners will decide whether you have passed the stage. might be recommended for a lower exit award). without any opportunity for supplementary assessment. 23 . They are as follows:  If you fail any DEU units. if you pass each of your units (and. Each year’s mark contributes to the final. might be recommended for a lower exit award). after the final stage. you might fail the stage outright. achieve less than 35%). 4. in the case of the final stage. The contribution of each stage of the programme is set out in the table of assessment weightings and decision references in Appendix A. Follow the links provided in Appendix A to see a detailed description of the assessment rules for each stage of your programme. achieve 35%-39%). Each unit’s method of supplementary assessment is shown in the Unit catalogue on the web (http://www. Students undertaking supplementary assessments are likely to have to return to the University in the summer to re-sit examinations.  If you fail any non-DEU units badly (i. you might be recommended for a lower exit award.  If you fail only non-DEU units marginally (i.e.html). do not reach any OSA requirement set in addition). For the 2014–15 academic year. The outcome will depend on both: (i) your average mark in the stage. If you fail a large number of units (or.18 Supplementary assessment “Supplementary assessment” is the term normally used for an opportunity given to a student to retrieve failure before starting the next stage of a programme. you will have to undertake supplementary assessment  unless you have failed so many DEUs that you fail the stage outright (or. Whether you do progress will depend on the total credit value of the failed units and also on your OSA. you will have to undertake supplementary assessment  unless you have failed so many units that you fail the stage outright (or.18.  An ability to fully use well established methods and models of the discipline with a full critical analysis of their application. In such cases the pass mark is 70% and a mark below 60% is considered a bad fail. you will fail the stage (or. systematic and thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject.19 Where to get detailed advice on assessment If you are in doubt about the way in which any of the NFAAR-UG provisions apply to you will be able to progress onto the next stage of your programme. The Rules for Assessment and Progression and Requirements for the Conferment of Ordinary Degrees are listed in Appendix D. 24 . in the case of a final stage. rather than re-sitting the examination. 4.20 Assessment regulations for Ordinary Degrees and other Exit Awards The BSc Ordinary Degrees are not governed by NFAAR-UG.  Extensive evidence of wide reading beyond the material presented by lecturers. whether you may do so will depend on how many units you have failed (and in some cases also on your Overall Stage Average). These criteria should be interpreted in the light of particular assessment requirements (e. either a Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) or a Diploma of Higher Education (DiplHE). known as “mandatory extra work”. Each unit will have more specific marking criteria to add to the broad approach set by these generic descriptors and provide more detailed information.  If you fail supplementary assessment in a non-DEU badly.21 Generic Grade Descriptors The following generic criteria will provide you with general indications of the level of achievement needed for particular grades.  If you fail supplementary assessment in a non-DEU marginally. The outcomes of failing a supplementary assessment are as follows:  If you fail supplementary assessment in a If you leave your programme early you may be eligible for an exit award. for laboratory work) and the year of study. you might be able to may be recommended for a lower exit award). Work at the first class grade will typically demonstrate:  An excellent.bath.g. 4. Further information on these awards can be found at www. supplementary assessment may sometimes take the form of reworking an examination paper.  Ability to consistently solve accurately unseen. non-routine problems applying innovative solutions. please ask your Director of Studies in the first instance. These programmes will not be available to students starting (or re-starting) year 1 from 2014/15 onwards. If you pass all your supplementary assessments.In units where the original assessment is a written examination.pdf (for the CertHE) and you will fail the stage.pdf (for the DipHE).bath. 4.  Evidence of insight and originality of thought and approach.  No evidence of insight or originality and even routine methods are often mis-applied.  Good but incomplete skills in observing. recording and performing practical work.  Some evidence of insight and originality of thought and approach but mainly routine methods used. Work in a fail grade will typically demonstrate:  Little knowledge and understanding of even the most fundamental aspects of the subject with no grasp of large areas and little depth of understanding.  Significant deficiencies in observing.  Little evidence of reading beyond the material presented by lecturers.  Limited ability to solve even routine problems. Excellent skills in observing. recording and performing practical work which cast doubt on the quality of the results. recording and performing practical work.  No evidence of reading beyond the material presented by lecturers. 25 . Work at the lower-second class grade will typically demonstrate:  A good knowledge and understanding of the fundamental aspects of the subject but with some gaps in breadth or depth and some misconceptions.  Some ability to use well established methods and models of the discipline but with significant errors and no critical evaluation of the results.  No evidence of insight or originality and inability to apply even routine methods.  Ability to usually solve routine but rarely non-routine problems.  Ability to solve routine and some non-routine problems. recording and performing practical work which limits the quality of the results obtained.  Little evidence of insight and originality of thought and approach and even routine methods sometimes used erroneously. written) of ideas and information with ambiguities and errors.  Deficiencies in observing. Work at the upper-second class grade will typically demonstrate:  A good systematic and thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject but with some gaps in breadth or depth.  Some evidence of reading beyond the material presented by lecturers.  No ability to solve even routine problems. written) but with some ambiguities and errors. written) of ideas and information with many ambiguities and errors.  Little evidence of engagement with course materials.  Confusing and unclear communication (oral.  Excellent presentation skills (oral.  Good presentation skills (oral. Work at the third class grade will typically demonstrate:  Some knowledge and understanding of the fundamental aspects of the subject but with many gaps in breadth and limited depth and significant misconceptions.  Limited ability to deploy established models and techniques of analysis and enquiry leading to many errors and no critical evaluation of the results.  Very limited ability to use even straightforward models and techniques or to show any critical evaluation.  Some confusion in the presentation (oral. written) with no ambiguity and few errors.  An ability to use well established methods and models of the discipline but with some omissions and with limited critical evaluation. one for year 1 Mathematics & Physics. awarded for outstanding academic achievement: two for year 1 Physics. Students are invited (and encouraged) to nominate any of their lecturers for these awards. awarded for best performance in the Final Year. The Mary Tasker Award recognises excellence in teaching in the University. including pastoral support for students. reputation and work of the University and community. In this letter the student is required to:  Meet his/her tutor weekly and report progress. awarded for best performance in the First Year Laboratory. recording and performing practical work so poor as to make the results useless. which encourage and recognise significant contributions by staff to the academic lives of students. Skills in observing. The John Willis Award recognises accomplishment in research combined with a significant contribution to teaching. 4.  Attend all lectures and problems classes except in exceptional circumstances. 26 .  Presentation skills prevent clear communication (oral.  The Ayliffe Prize. Students are invited (and encouraged) to nominate themselves or a fellow student for this award. because of a poor performance in Semester 1) a contract is drawn up in the form of a letter to the student which must be agreed by him or her.22 Prizes and awards The Department of Physics awards nine prizes to students who perform particularly well in various categories. These are:  The Patrick Squire Prize.  Six BP Centurion Awards. awarded for best performance in the Second Year. Two BP Centurion Awards are also awarded to final year undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science on the basis of academic excellence and contributions to the life.23 At risk students For students who are repeating a year. There are also University of Bath Teaching Awards. written) of even straightforward ideas and information. Nominees should have demonstrated academic excellence together with a contribution to the life. two for year 2 Physics. academic reputations and general work of the University. The Chancellor’s Prize is awarded to the best final year undergraduate student across the University. 4. content or delivery.  Meet the Director of Studies at fortnightly intervals.  The David Bullett Prize. and one for year 2 Mathematics & Physics. The Leadership in Learning and Teaching Award recognises exceptional examples of leadership in learning and teaching. The Innovation in Learning and Teaching Award is intended for a member of staff who makes a significant contribution to innovation in curriculum design.  Submit practical reports and coursework assignments on time. or other students considered “at risk” by the Director of Studies (for example. 6) explain what to do if you are dissatisfied in this respect and are considering a formal or informal complaint or appeal. is not valid grounds for an academic review.bath. Students must provide the required information and The regulation also lays out the grounds under which a review request can be made. Department of All formal review requests must be submitted within the timescales set out in Regulation 17. in particular regarding their individual performance in assessments. or any other aspect of the properly exercised academic judgement of the examiners.htm). University of Exeter.pdf) All students should note that dissatisfaction with a mark or set of Complaints are dealt with under separate procedures: http://www. 27 .bath. Students considering a request for an academic review may first wish to informally discuss the matter with their Director of Studies or their Personal Tutor.pdf 4. including a completed AR1 form (http://www.24) and “Dealing with a Problem Involving the University” (Section 8. External examiners also make a valuable contribution to the enhancement of It is inappropriate for students to make direct contact with External Examiners.html. You can read the latest External Examiner’s report for your programme at www. Regulation 17 outlines the decisions and results that students can request to be Department of Physics.bho/index.25 External Examiners The University attaches great importance to the role of External Examiners as a key means of assuring that academic standards are at an appropriate level. University of Warwick. Students are also strongly advised to read the online guidance provided by the Academic Registry ( Independent guidance about the academic review process is offered by the Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre (http://www. Chapter 7 sets out how students can engage formally with the quality management process through which institutions consider and respond to External Examiners’ comments and suggestions. comparable to those of other higher education institutions and that assessment processes are rigorous and fair. The External Examiners for your programme are:   Professor Michael Allen.4.24 Procedures for Academic Reviews (Appeals) Students wishing to submit a request for an academic review should refer to Regulation 17 (www.bath.bath. Professor Robert Hicken. The sections of this Handbook on “Procedures for Academic Reviews (Appeals)” (Section including the procedures for changing tutors if necessary. The strength of the system relies on the development of a good and trusting relationship between tutor and student. they did not wish for this to be compromised by tutorials being forced to run with the same structure. You have an obligation to attend every tutorial. Tutorial groups usually consist of four or five students. with any problems/queries being brought up by students and answered by the other students and the tutor. Our departmental Senior Tutor (Dr Gary Mathlin) is responsible for allocating tutors. Tutorials are compulsory in Years 1 and 2. for varying reasons. If you should have reason to wish to change your personal and academic tutor. and this should not be impaired by intrusive formality. There is never a shortage of things to do at tutorials! 28 . whereby students and tutors can tailor the time to meet their individual needs. or to send apologies in advance if you have to miss a session. On these occasions the onus is on the tutor to direct the tutorial. students welcomed our informal tutorial system. they will be unable to provide you later with a reference for your career. although academic tutorials are not a University requirement.5 Academic and Personal Tutorials 5. for example using one of the suggested activities listed in Section 5. The Department values the academic and pastoral roles of tutorials highly. to be used at their discretion. discuss and develop the material presented in lectures and problems classes. and will normally last for the full 50 minutes allocated. Some viewed it as a way to have ‘silly’ questions answered easily. However. The same review found that the majority of students view the tutorial system as very important. and he explains the operation of the tutorial system to new undergraduates during their induction days. They also support departmental induction and skills development activities. Normally you can expect to retain the same personal and academic tutor throughout your undergraduate years at the University.1 Tutors and tutorials Every student is allocated a Personal and Academic Tutor when they first enter the Department. we invest a considerable amount of time and effort into them. this will be reported to your Director of Studies. Tutors meet their first and second year tutorial groups on a weekly basis.2 Role of tutors The conduct of tutorials is left to individual tutors and their tutees. and provide a personal contact and rapport in case of pastoral issues. However tutorials will sometimes ‘grind to a halt’ due to students having no questions. In an SSLC review of our tutorial departmental system. although additional meetings can be scheduled on an individual basis if requested by the student. Remember that if you do not get to know your tutor.  Tutorials should generally be student-led. 5. others as an important personal link to the Physics department or simply a way to meet other Physics students. they will help you to get the best out of your university experience and can guide you to sources of expert help – whether on academic progress or personal/welfare issues – when or as you may need it. If you fail on several occasions to meet with your tutor as expected. please contact the Senior Tutor to discuss the matter.3. The success of tutorials depends on commitment being shown by both tutors and tutees. Final year students and penultimate year MPhys students may be allocated a weekly slot for tutorials. tutors have a number of important roles in monitoring the progress of students and assisting them through their course:  Tutors should provide opportunities for students to query. usually by their tutor. social or other achievements each year. placement applications etc. both in the context of finding placements and after graduation. or written English. Pastoral  Tutors should spend part of each tutorial asking their tutees what they have spent their week doing outside of lectures (e.  Tutors will monitor their tutees’ attendance at tutorials and will notify the Senior Tutor of any issues of concern in relation to individual tutees.  Tutorials should continue within their standard weekly slot during revision week. including upcoming public lectures that may be of interest to students. 29 .  Tutors read drafts of laboratory reports in Years 1 and 2 and advise students in particular of any deficiencies in the structure. an informal setting such as a tutorial can therefore be a useful place to discuss these things.).  Tutors write references for their tutees. This allows the tutor to gauge their tutee’s attendance and performance. presentation. current departmental research and their tutor’s area of research.3 Suggestions for activities within tutorials The following are suggested activities that staff or students may like to initiate in tutorials.  Students who are undertaking a placement may be visited at their place of work. e. In this regard students should keep their tutors informed of any notable sporting. etc are channelled back to students via their tutors.g. and ensure that appropriate matters are recorded in the student’s file. Tutorials should combine pastoral and academic elements. 5. through the University Counselling Service. This enables the tutor and tutees to find out more about each other and general university life.  Tutors should familiarise themselves with any factors which may affect their tutees’ performance. For first and second year students this information can be difficult to come across and scientific language difficult to digest. how is life generally. whether any problems. laboratory reports. or the Welfare Office of the Students’ Union. and staff and students should feel free to pick and choose a good variety of activities from the lists below.  Marked coursework assignments. Tutors should provide opportunities for students to discuss current scientific developments. enabling tutors to offer appropriate guidance and to have early warning of any problems.  Once a semester tutors should arrange to see each of their tutees individually for a 10 minute appointment (within one of the regular tutorial slots) to discuss any issues that students might not want to voice in the group. If students have personal problems of a serious nature the personal tutor may be able to assist them to find appropriate counselling and advice. Tutors also give feedback on marked lab reports and provide suggestions for improvements.g. Tutors should ensure that tutees know that they are welcome to request a one-to-one meeting with their tutor at any time if they wish to discuss a personal issue which would not be appropriate to raise in the scheduled weekly tutorials. The tutor will also normally read a student’s placement report. or to initiate activities not specifically mentioned. accommodation. discussing the general ingredients of a model answer to an exam question. for the tutorial group to try to work on together. might provide science research updates from the University or the Department. so that the big picture emerges. or might mention upcoming scientific public lectures.the tutor might pick a random physics problem from everyday life or from a course text book. Generic skills  Presentation skills . 30 . and the tutor providing help where needed.trying to give students the ‘big picture’ of what a unit covers. as well as general report writing tips (eg.the group ‘brain dumps’ to the board about a topic. what makes a good graph.  Tutors should be aware of the information and resources on study skills.trying to give students the ‘big picture’ on how our programmes fit together.  Exam preparation . and possibly discuss (pre or post lecture) some of the themes and questions arising from it. Tutors might ask students to hand in a written solution to a problem or an exam question.  ‘Join the dots’ .students could be asked to prepare a 5-10 minute presentation about a topic of interest to them. and should direct students to these resources.  Discussing students’ laboratory reports.  Discussing problems sheets.tutors might introduce discussion topics on current scientific developments they are aware of (not necessarily related to Physics). plagiarism etc. and about how certain groups of our units in years 1 and 2 form ‘strands’ that feed into later units.  Providing an overview of current units . to be presented to the group from the board. that are provided for students by the University. scientific writing style). including any recent highlights of departmental research. might discuss what they have spent their week doing. the meaning of error bars. and its relationship to other units. Context and department  Providing an overview on our programmes . to be discussed within the group or returned with written feedback. research groups and their staff memberships. This could include chat about the tutor’s own research and a visit to the tutor’s research lab.  General problem solving ability . for example with students attempting problems on the board. why it has the structure and content that it does.  General discussion about the types of research taking place in the department.  Discussion about more general scientific developments . The tutor’s role is to help the students to fill in any gaps and make connections.Academic activities  Discussing units/lecture notes and providing help with specific problems. a professional placement) spend six months from July to December of their final year working on a high level Physics research project in an external organisation. Placements are coordinated by the Placement Tutor and the Faculty Placements Manager. As discussed in section 3.3 MPhys Research Placements (unit PH40082) MPhys students who choose the research placement option (either in addition to. 6. and is assessed in the same way as these projects. and are responsible for monitoring and supporting students while on placement. In addition. It has been our experience over more than forty years that this period in an external research or development organisation forms a significant part of our students’ personal and scientific development and training.2 Professional Placements (unit PH20040) All students have the option to spend a year of their BSc or MPhys degree programme working on a professional placement in a research establishment or in industry. many opportunities exist to acquire specialised skills that can be put to good use during the final academic year. experience and maturity when applying for graduate employment. or instead of. who liaise with students and prospective employers in the placing of students. mathematical and reporting skills are sought after. The research placement replaces the on-campus fullsemester research project undertaken by full time MPhys students. Students become a member of professional teams within their placement organisation.1 Overview Placements have been a major component of the undergraduate programmes at Bath since the foundation of the University. besides providing students with greater confidence. While the Placement Tutor and the Faculty Placements Manager will make reasonable efforts to secure a suitable placement for every student who seeks one. A number of students choose to explore opportunities outside science and engineering – particularly in the financial and management consultancy fields where problem solving. 6. it is made clear to students at the start of the process that the availability of placements cannot be guaranteed.12. the interaction with industry and government laboratories can bring benefits to other areas of the Department’s activities. this is hard to achieve in as diverse an employment field as that of physicists by any other means. by the beginning of year 2 for professional placements. students wishing to undertake a placement must therefore be registered on a relevant degree programme as early as possible. and by the beginning of the penultimate year for MPhys research placements. The probability of securing a placement and the type of work carried out during the placement are mainly dependent on a 31 . before returning to the University for the final semester of their degree.6 Placements 6. A side benefit of the placement programme is that it provides the Department with a direct and continuous link to the activities and needs of potential and actual employers of our graduates.4 Obtaining a placement Placements are arranged during the second year (for professional placements) or the penultimate year (for MPhys research placements). particularly in the development of postgraduate research links. 6. council tax. Students are encouraged to keep in contact via e-mail or telephone. the Student Money Service explains how the placement period works with regard to tax. These reports are also uploaded to the Placements Moodle course. Students are encouraged to make enquiries of their own and to use family and other contacts. The long track record of our degree programmes. the Faculty Placements Officer and the student’s Personal Tutor. The POLO forms are submitted to the Placements Moodle course during the year. Further objectives will be set to help ensure that students are able to fulfil their full potential by the end of the placement year. After completing six months on placement. when the University requirements for the placement and the expectations of a commercial employer are stressed. 32 . This provides students with direct feedback on their progress. and are included in the appendix of the Placement Report written at the end of the placement. in order to ensure the professional level of the placement. that adequate supervision. All placements involve a competitive interview. students attend a briefing session with the Placement Tutor and/or the Faculty Placements Manager. safety and insurance measures are in place. 6. and that the employer understands the University’s requirements. usually via a web site or application form in response to an advertised opportunity. During the placement students will complete an initial Personal Objectives and Learning Outcome (POLO1) form. The student selects a range of possible employers. A dedicated Moodle course is used to advertise placements and store useful information such as how the placement scheme works.student’s academic performance to date. and there may be additional external factors outside the control of either the student or the University. The Department maintains a portfolio of potential placement providers in the UK and in several countries abroad. The main points of contact with the University while on placement are the Placement Tutor. the Placement Tutor and/or the Faculty Placements Officer may submit a curriculum vitae to personal contacts within an organisation for positions which are not generally advertised.5 Support while on placement Before leaving the University to embark on the placement. the Placement Tutor and/or the Faculty Placements Manager must be consulted before accepting a placement. despite a considerable increase in the competition for places from other institutions. where students have been before and what they worked on. and informs the objectives set for the following three months. This initial POLO form is intended to help students to start planning their personal development over the course of the placement. and the dedication of our Placement Tutors and Placements Officers have all played their part in enabling Bath students to be placed in high-quality environments. who discusses the student’s POLO1 form with the student. loan. with the advice of the Placement Tutor and/or the Faculty Placements Manager. and usually applies directly. However. At the end of the placement all students complete a final POLO form that allows reflection on their achievements and development. At the same time. the high quality of Bath students. this is the case for both professional and MPhys research placements. Students are visited by a member of staff during their placement. insurance etc. and their progress and performance with their supervisor/manager. In a minority of cases. students undertaking a professional placement will revisit their personal objectives and reflect on what has been achieved so far. Every three months. students ask their placement supervisor/manager to complete a Goals Objectives and Learning Form (GOLF). 33 . Further information on the assessment of professional placements may be found in Appendix C. during which students are required to give an oral presentation on their work. satisfactory performance is recorded on the student’s transcript.7 Assessment of MPhys Research Placements MPhys research projects and placements are assessed in the same way and carry the same weighting within a student’s Overall Programme Average. An MPhys Conference is held during the semester 1 assessment period. 6. At the beginning of year 4 they submit a written report on their professional placement year. and undertake a viva voce examination. Although the professional placement year does not contribute towards the degree classification awarded. Further information on the assessment of MPhys research placements may be found in Appendix C.6 Assessment of professional placements A Placement Conference is held at the end of the professional placement year. Students also submit a written report on their research placement.6. at which all MPhys students give a presentation on the work they carried out for their research project or placement. 1 Student feedback on teaching The University is an autonomous body governed by its members. mismatches in notation between courses. If you believe that any aspect of the course can be easily improved. timetabling problems in the delivery of units or in the deadlines for course assignments. This helps us to check that:  you have a clear idea of the aims and requirements of each unit you study. The University requires every Department to have a formal system through which students are invited to comment routinely. in confidence. feedback sessions etc. Minor problems. your Director of Studies. departmental working parties. There are also formal channels of communication consisting of interlocking systems for monitoring. by becoming active in the Students’ Union. not only your opinion on the unit you have studied. etc. and various kinds of feedback session.. as appropriate. Thus the University takes the views of students seriously. Informal views can be given to any member of staff. particularly to your personal tutor. We also use focus groups. The University is committed to reviewing and improving its practice. When we receive responses to questionnaires.2 Unit questionnaires The University is committed to reviewing and improving its practice. Departmental working parties. and those members include the undergraduates. we analyse them – especially any criticisms or suggestions they provide. Teaching & Quality Committee so that appropriate action 34 . maintaining and enhancing the quality of the degree programme. The main ways in which we seek feedback are through (a) surveys and (b) Staff / Student Liaison Committees (SSLCs).  the advice and feedback we provide on your work is helpful. immediate action is encouraged. thoughtfully. your Personal Tutor. There are however many other ways. perceived errors in marking. or by letting us know you have an interest in contributing to the Department and your programme. You will be asked to complete a questionnaire for each unit you have studied.  our resources are adequate. 7. and candidly.  our classroom teaching is effective and stimulating.7 Student Support and Representation 7. The normal route would be to approach the lecturer(s) providing the unit. or the Director of Teaching & Resources. and you may find yourself invited to focus groups. In particular. You can get actively involved in determining how your educational and student experiences are organised by becoming active in the Students’ Union or by letting the Department know that you are interested in contributing. Please complete each questionnaire fully. such as incorrect assumptions about previous knowledge. but also the reasons behind your opinion. The Director of Teaching and Resources then presents the results to the SSLC and to the Department Learning. can creep into the system and are best handled informally and immediately. You can also get actively involved in how your educational and student experiences are organised. Students play a vital role in this process via the use of unit questionnaires and their involvement in the Department Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC). The main means by which we seek your feedback is through questionnaires. Questionnaires and the SSLC (see below) are the most common ways in which the University seeks your feedback. upon the teaching they have received. please tell us.  gather student opinions and views to be used by the University and the Students’ Union. provide a central source of information on why we are “better at Bath”. The Department of Physics SSLC has a membership comprising three student representatives (i. The Better@Bath web pages (http://www. Officers of the Students’ Union represent students’ interests on University decision-making bodies. Please keep telling us what is going well and what needs to get better and we shall make clear how your comments on the programme and the wider student experience have been acted upon. In addition. A summary of student feedback and the actions taken are included in the Annual Monitoring Report for all of our programmes. Their role involves attending departmental meetings and also gathering information which is passed on to various University committees and departments. Teaching and Quality Committee.4 Staff Student Liaison Committee Each Department of the University has at least one Department Staff Student Liaison Committee (often abbreviated as SSLC). faculty or University committees you will be expected to represent the views of your fellow students and provide feedback following meetings. and properly implemented.bathstudent. faculty and University committees. Each SSLC produces an Annual Report briefly outlining their work and highlighting good practice. The results are also discussed at meetings of staff within the department. known as Student Academic Representatives (or ‘Academic Reps’). Student Academic Representatives also sit on the Academic Council of the Students’ Union. and the Director of Teaching and Resources can advise you on the opportunities and the responsibilities involved.e. If you are elected by fellow students to serve on departmental. 7. the key themes explored and the actions that have been taken as a  discuss common problems and interests affecting departments. a 35 . The Students’ Union reviews all these reports and prepares a summary report for the University highlighting issues which need to be addressed by the institution as a whole. Your feedback is important to both the University and the Students’ Union. which ensures that the actions taken are adequate.can be taken. and an equal or smaller number of staff members. The Students’ Union runs a full training programme for student representatives. This meets every three weeks during semester time in order to:  keep Students’ Union Officers and Representatives informed of developments throughout the University. two Physics students and one Mathematics and Physics student) from each academic year. There are many opportunities for elected student representatives. Details of these courses are available at www. with six or more elected student members.bath.3 Student representation As a student of the University you are automatically a member of the Students’ Union. SSLC and faculty representatives are elected at the beginning of every year through online elections. 7. This report is presented to the Faculty Learning. numerous elected student representatives play important roles on various departmental. Student anonymity is respected at all times during this  update Representatives on Students’ Union activities. com/education/academicrep/. two postgraduates.  commenting upon the results of.pdf.php?id=2160). An outline description of the election procedures is at http://www. such as Good Practice Discussions. Action can usually be taken quickly and the outcome reported back to students via the student representatives and the SSLC notice board (in the Physics Square). The SSLC meets at least twice in each semester and enables students to discuss problems raised by their year group or referred to the committee by the Department Learning. Usually.student on placement. The opinion of students is sought through the SSLC before any major changes are made to units or degree programmes. The purpose of the SSLC is to promote and support effective two-way communication between the Department and its students about all aspects of the student learning experience within the Department.bathstudent. and issues may be raised at the Faculty Teaching and Quality Committee. minutes of meetings and dates for future meetings are displayed on the SSLC Teaching and Quality Committee or the Department Meeting. staff members.  considering matters referred to it by the Department Learning. when the minutes of the Physics Department Learning. Teaching and Quality Committee are discussed. surveys of student opinion. the Director of Studies. the National Student individual members of staff. see http://www. including curriculum design. Online elections are held at the beginning of the year on www. For further information on becoming a Student Academic Representative. Where possible. Teaching and Quality Committee and Department Meeting. Details of the Student Representatives. issues are resolved by the Chair of the SSLC. and the Student Experience Survey. You should feel free to approach your departmental student academic representative at any time.  considering annually the operation of the Department’s academic and personal tutorial system. such as Unit Evaluations. a Natural Sciences student. located in Physics together with the Chair of the student Physics Society. and on the Physics SSLC Moodle course page (http://moodle. Contact details for your representatives are also available at http://www. 36 . Degree Scheme Reviews. and/or the Head of Department. Faculty and/or University committees should endeavour to represent the views of their fellow students and provide feedback following meetings.  making recommendations to the Department Meeting on academic matters. and contributing to the formulation of action plans in response along with the Director of Teaching and to elect both SSLC and faculty representatives. It is important to remember that any student elected by fellow students to serve on Departmental. whoever represents your year on the SSLC would be the first person to contact. SSLC reports to Department Meetings. This includes:  providing a forum for discussion between staff and students on matters relating to the student learning experience within the Department. and three members of academic External Examiners reports and Annual Monitoring of Programmes.  commenting upon proposed amendments to units and programmes.  considering matters referred it in the course of review and monitoring processes. Teaching and Quality Committee: normally one undergraduate and one postgraduate representative. This meets every three weeks during semester time in order to:  keep Students’ Union Officers and Representatives informed of developments throughout the University. 7. This board makes most decisions in relation to teaching and research and reports to Senate. If you are interested in representing student views at Faculty or University level. Teaching and Quality Committee. There is also provision for student membership of the Department Learning. Four student representatives (including at least one undergraduate and one postgraduate) are elected to sit on the Faculty of Science Board of Studies. The Faculty Learning. The Department Meeting convenes at regular intervals and includes all academic members of staff. Recommendations for significant changes to course The Department Learning.7 Students’ Union Student Academic Representatives also sit on the Academic Council of the Students’ Union. It receives the minutes of the SSLC and the Department Learning. Do feel free to approach your student academic representative at any time.  discuss common problems and interests affecting Departments.5 Department Meetings and the Department 37 . Teaching and Quality Committee is also charged with annual monitoring of the Physics degree programmes. and their assessment. please contact the Students’ Union Vice-President (Education): email [email protected]. 7. and student support mechanisms are also brought to the Department Meeting from the Department Learning. and Senate. This is normally the person who represents your year or degree scheme on the Departmental SSLC. Teaching and Quality Committee. Teaching and Quality Committee. including an online course in Moodle and additional sessions through the Skills-training programme. Teaching and Quality Committee is also required. the University Learning.6 Student representatives at Faculty and University level Beyond departmental level. assessment and feedback procedures. the next level of representation is the Faculty. University committees with student representation include the Council/Senate/Students’ Union Committee. Elections to many of these posts take place at the start of the academic year.  update Representatives on key issues. although formal approval at Faculty level by the Faculty Learning. Two students (one undergraduate and one postgraduate) are elected to this Committee. Teaching and Quality Committee. The Students’ Union runs a full training programme for student representatives. Teaching and Quality Committee Decisions about changes in units and degree programmes. which has a duty to ensure that views of staff and students are obtained and taken into account in making such recommendations.  gather student opinions and views to be used by the University and the Students’ Union. are made by the Department Learning. Teaching and Quality Committee considers all matters relating to taught programmes across several departments within the Faculty and makes recommendations to the Faculty Board of Studies. your Personal Individual problems are often more readily resolved in this 38 .uk/betteratbath Department of Physics SSLC : Outline election procedures are included in QA48 Staff/Student Liaison Committees: http://www.bathstudent.pdf Students’ Union Skills Training programme: You can discuss issues directly with a Election of academic representatives: http://www. also provides students with information and confidential or the Director of Studies. Further information Better@Bath: http://go.bathstudent. The Students' Union Advice and Representation Centre.bathstudent. described below.bath.php?id=2160 Student Academic Representation: Contact details of academic representatives: http://www.If you need to raise a concern.bath. remember there are various routes open to you. The machines print to laser-printers in the library for which there is a charge per page. Office programs such as word processing. They provide individual help to students and staff. including laptops for loan. adjacent to the Physics Square and on level 4. 8. Information our Subject Librarian is Karina Bradshaw (k. file storage.bath. You can order many further IT products through the shop. Further information Computing Services: http://www. These enable you to use specialist software.8 Learning Resources. Within the 3West building the Department of Physics has additional computing facilities available to students. the Library. Tutorials are provided in the self-help E-learning: www. and often give access to the more complex software used on your programme. both in the undergraduate laboratories and in the student workrooms. All new students receive library introduction sessions during the induction period.html.bath.bradshaw@bath. Resources available include a purpose-built 39 .uk/bucs/services/itpurchasing/) stocks popular products such as academic software. as well as teaching information and once registered. Computing Services can support you with your computing needs. Support Services and Key Skills Guide to Computing services: The Library The Library is open 24 hours a day and provides print and electronic materials and information services to support study and research across the University. are responsible for services to individual Departments and Schools. A Computing Services technician specialises in assistive technology support.2 Computing facilities and IT skills You will have been issued with a unique username and password to register With your username and password you can also register your laptop. The Library’s copy and print service includes black and white and colour photocopying. DVDs. and computer hardware. network cables and headsets. the internet. Prices are often lower than in high street shops. If you have a disability or learning difficulty.bath. Charges are kept as low as possible. The IT shop in the Library (http://www. wireless networking and laptop docking points and provides study areas for both quiet individual study and group work. you can use one of the thousand or so Computing Services student access workstations anywhere on campus.bath. For an explanation of library resources. Support is available from the Computing Services User Support Desk on level 2 of the Library or online at smart phone or similar for connection to the campus wireless network (which covers communal cafes and similar) or to around 150 student docking ports. known as Subject Librarians. laser printing and scanning. please see http://www. This forms your email address (username@bath. It houses over 520 networked Student welfare and support Most students find there are occasions when it can help to talk to someone about a personal problem or Moodle Moodle ( and can also support student interaction and is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used at the University of International student advice The International Student Advice Team is based in Student IT shop: www. The Student Services Centre in 4W is open from 09:30 to 16:30 throughout the year (01225 385538). This includes essential information on medical services and security and other facilities such as the Chaplaincy. It is used by academic departments to support learning and teaching at programme and unit and the Students’ Union website www. disability. It also provides information for students.Information for new users: Full details can be obtained from the Student Services.bath. Director of Studies. For the full range of services see For the full range of services see there is also a range of specialist University support services that you may be referred to. 8.bath. including a 'check and send' service for students wishing to send Tier 4 applications to the Home Office. who wish to change their programme or are experiencing problems with their programme. The Helpdesk can also be contacted via the Student Services Helpdesk tab on your personal student record ‘SAMIS’ page. health and well-being. which can be requested by logging onto Registration on– line (http://www. funding. Your two main contact points are the Student Services in 4W and the Advice and Representation Centre in the Students’ The 40 . your Personal Tutor.bathstudent. In many cases. or Resident Tutor will be able to help.bath. or can approach directly. and visa queries. However. suadvice@bath. It runs various “drop-in” sessions. The Student Services Centre can provide or direct students to advice on a range of issues including academic Information for users with a learning disability or difficulty: www. They provide a tailored prearrival and induction 8. It also provides letters confirming student status for a variety of purposes. A guide to the wide variety of support and information available to students can be found at www. The Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre deals with academic and welfare The Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre is open Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 in term time (from 10:00 on Fridays) and 10:00 to 16:00 during vacations (01225 386906. It provides a platform for the delivery of resources and online activities. including those wanting to submit individual mitigating circumstances. and advice and support for all international students. ranging from representation at academic reviews and appeals to housing and welfare These procedures are designed to ensure that your complaint will be dealt with in good faith and that you will not be penalised for to deal with them promptly. 8. there are student representatives on all formal decision-making committees – at programme. and impartial (http://www. you can seek help from the University’s Mediation Service. it is resolved as quickly as possible. For information on these procedures. When we receive a Dealing with a problem involving the University We want to ensure that. harassment and victimisation All employees and students are entitled to dignity and respect and to be free from unlawful discrimination.bath. As described above.pdf. If you do need to make a contractors to the University). If this fails to resolve the issue at hand.bath. C. As a result we can often resolve problems before they get to the stage where a formal complaint might be necessary. we will first seek to deal with it through informal discussion. Orientation and welcome events are organised for incoming exchange students in the first week of each semester.7 Bullying.Lacey@bath. phone and web based platforms or individual appointments can be made through the Helpdesk in the Student Services In 4 West. 8. advice via email. you can raise the complaint formally. there are procedures in place to deal with it. This is set out in the University’s policy.pdf.bath.html).uk/equalities/activities/mediation/index. For further information. a 'drop in' service. Student representatives help to anticipate problems offers or any form of harassment.bath. students and third parties (e. see http://www. or the Students’ Union Advice and Community Manager (01225 386906. bullying. 41 .Bertrand@bath. please see section 4. there are procedures for requesting a review of decisions concerning failure of a unit or part of a degree or failure to be able to progress to the next part of the degree. outlined at http://www.24 of this handbook on Procedures for Academic Reviews (Appeals).g.html available at http://www. This policy and procedure applies to all staff. when problems occur. and 8. and University level. victimisation. This service is confidential. if you have a problem concerning the University. Requests for mediation support should in the first instance be made either to the Mediation Service Manager (01225 non-judgmental.8 Mediation If you are involved in a disagreement or dispute. Dignity and Respect for Students and Staff of the University of Bath: Policy and Procedure for Dealing with Complaints. sexual The University’s practices are explained at religion or belief. First year students are told about safety issues in the induction period by the Departmental Safety Liaison or email equalsdiv@bath. nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins). or if you withhold permission to forward information to the relevant members of we strongly advise you to disclose this. Please speak to the Student Disability Advice and agree to conform to them.bath. transgender status. harassment and victimisation against anyone for reasons of age.html or email [email protected]. Staff within the Safety. and before starting Laboratory work students must sign that they have read these rules. gender. and specific learning difficulties If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty (such as dyslexia). 8. The current University policy and guidance on fieldwork is at http://www. This will enable us to assess your needs and make arrangements to support you.bath. . Any personal information you give when disclosing your disability will be treated in confidence and made available only to relevant members of staff and only with your permission. long-term Further information: http://www.9 Health and safety The University’s Health and Safety Policy is available at and also for eliminating unlawful discrimination. you may make it difficult for the University to provide suitable support to help you achieve your academic targets. The safety of students undertaking laboratory and project work in the Physics Department is of paramount importance. Written safety rules are set out in the first year Laboratory handbook. 42 . Before students start their final year projects they are provided with the Departmental Safety Handbook. Please recognise that if you don’t disclose your disability. Further information: http://www.bath.24/6) monitor the health and safety management of the University and advise on health and safety issues. Health and Environment Unit (WH 3.10 Equality and diversity Everyone at the University of Bath has a responsibility for promoting equality and fostering good relations between all members of the community. pregnancy and maternity. your Personal Tutor or Director of Studies as soon as possible – preferably before your course begins. Disclosure will not disadvantage you in any way. race (means colour. The new equality duty also covers marriage and civil partnership with regards to eliminating discrimination in employment.11 Advice for students with disabilities.bath. students and staff.bath.html and is also displayed throughout the campus.8. which gives details of the safety procedures associated with working in the research laboratories. Students are not under any obligation to inform their Faculty/Department/School or College if they become pregnant.12 Pregnancy and Maternity Being or becoming pregnant. The Careers Service (www. unless she informs them of her situation. University or partner organisation staff will not be able to take a flexible approach to an individual’s programme of study or offer her specific support. unseen disabilities like Epilepsy/HIV/AIDS/Chronic or completing a programme of information and support for a range of needs including:       Autism Spectrum Disorders/Asperger's Syndrome. be a barrier to applying for. starting. Disability Advisers are responsible for making applications for alternative arrangements for exams and assessments. In addition to providing support with developing your employability. the Service is also the best source of summer internships and graduate vacancies for Bath students.15am to 4. mobility impairments. Being in regular contact with several hundred major in Norwood is open from 9. A screening process is available if you feel you may have a specific learning difficulty/dyslexia. and guidance on how to make informed career Therefore. or decide to terminate a pregnancy while they are a Bath includes the Myfuture vacancies portal (https://myfuture.13 Data Protection The University’s Data Protection Guidelines may be accessed via the data protection website at have a child.bath. dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties. mental health. www.Student Disability Advice (www. guidance and support via Directors of Study.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f). if you think that. with lunch time closure from 1-2pm in vacations. The University is committed to being as flexible as possible in supporting students in these circumstances to ensure they have access to their programme of study. sensory impairments. practising aptitude tests.bath. Careers Advisers will provide help with writing your CV. terminating a pregnancy or having a very young child should not. guidance. 8. 43 .30pm. in itself. Students are able to gain advice. 8. because of a provides advice.bath. Disability advisers can advise students about support available and putting support into practice. you need alternative exam arrangements (such as extra time or the use of a computer) discuss this with a Disability Adviser without delay. and improving your interview skills. Personal Tutors and the University’s Student Services.14 Careers Service The University Careers Service can support you through the career planning process. succeeding in. 8.bath.html).uk/students/support/academic/index.  Self-access language learning to develop your language skills. For further information see www. Effective development of these skills will help you to become an independent learner and attain the very best results from your academic study here.html.  One-to-one tutorials to support you in your through the Careers Service.17 Recognition for extra-curricular activities: The Bath Award PDP is an important element of The Bath Award. The University provides information and tools to guide you through the process (http://www. 44 .  Academic integrity (  Courses to enhance English language proficiency for non-native speakers.  Mathematics and statistics support through Mathematics Resources Centre (MASH). you will need to develop subject-specific  Online self-study resources.  Employability skills. enhance your existing skills and also develop new ones for academic study. academic and wider skills support and development in a number of different ways. 8. and have access to. including CV writing and interview techniques. and career development. The Bath Award recognises and accredits the skills and achievements of students engaged in all types of extra-curricular activities. how to avoid plagiarism).g. 8. These include:  Subject-specific study skills support as part of your academic programme. You can find out more about the support we offer to help you study effectively and make the most of your time here by visiting www. You will  Study skills classes available to all students at all levels. It operates alongside your degree programme and aims to capture the extra-curricular achievements at university that you will find valuable in your future life and career.  Information and referencing skills through the Library. educational.bath.  Information technology skills through Computing Services. Many of these skills are transferable to the workplace so will also benefit you in your future career and beyond.16 Building on your skills using Personal Development Planning Personal Development Planning (PDP) is a process of recording and reflecting on your skills and experience which will help you to plan for your personal.15 Academic study skills support and development To succeed in your studies. details of these units can be found in section 3. so that a unit listed may not run or a new unit could become available that you are able to take. However. The tables show which units are compulsory or optional for each of the Physics degree programmes offered by the Department. as well as definitions of the abbreviations in these tables. based upon constraints such as staff availability. Students should not assume that the units which appear elsewhere in the grids as options on other named degrees are necessarily available as an “approved unit”. The Director of Studies will advise you about such matters should they arise and affect you. Please refer to Chapter 4 of this handbook for further explanation of NFAARUG. All choices under this category must be approved in advance by the Director of Studies. 45 . Note 2: In the final year of some degree programmes students have the option of a “Director of Studies approved unit”. it is possible that changes may be made in accordance with normal University procedures. Note 1: These grids are correct for the current academic year. Language and Education options are not included in the grids.9 Appendix A: Programme Structures and Assessment The Physics and Physics with Computing degree programmes offered by the Department are: Programme code USPH-AFB01 USPH-AKB02 USPH-AAB02 USPH-AFB05 USPH-AKB06 USPH-AAB06 USPH-AFM02 USPH-AFM04 USPH-AKM03 USPH-AKM04 USPH-AAM03 Programme title BSc (Hons) Physics BSc (Hons) Physics with Placement BSc (Hons) Physics with Year Abroad BSc (Hons) Physics with Computing BSc (Hons) Physics with Computing with Placement BSc (Hons) Physics with Computing with Year Abroad MPhys (Hons) Physics MPhys (Hons) Physics with Research Placement MPhys (Hons) Physics with Professional Placement MPhys (Hons) Physics with Professional and Research Placements MPhys (Hons) Physics with Year Abroad The tables on the following pages show the assessment weightings and references for NFAAR-UG (New Framework for Assessment: Assessment Regulations) decisions for the different stages in these programmes. group sizes and timetabling factors.11. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles. relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations.Programme code USPH-AFB01 Programme title BSc (Hons) Physics Award type Bachelor of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 3 years State if coexistent M-level programme No State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AFM02 MPhys Physics USPH-AFB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. 3 Yr3 3 AY S1 S2 Unit code Unit title Unit status 12 6 PH30036 Final year project PH30096 Industry team project O: Select 1 unit PH30072 Problem-solving skills C PH30024 Contemporary physics 6 PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30030 Quantum mechanics 6 PH30031 Simulation techniques PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity 6 ED30005 Science education in practice 6 ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30056 Computational physics B 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 PH40085 Nanoscience 6 PH40086 Photonics 6 ED30006 Issues in science education 6 ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 47 O: Select 3 units O: Select 24 credits 12 6 6 3 3 3 DEU status Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 3 . Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 11 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 12 Stage 2 32 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 3 68 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 48 .Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: Programme code USPH-AKB02 Programme title BSc (Hons) Physics with placement Award type Bachelor of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Thick sandwich Length 4 years State if coexistent M-level programme No State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AKM03 MPhys Physics with Professional Placement USPH-AKB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics with placement Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 49 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . Year 3 Part Stage 2 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr3 AY Unit title Unit status Credits Professional placement C 60 Unit code PH20040 3 Yr4 4 AY S1 S2 Unit code Unit title Unit status 12 6 PH30036 Final year project PH30096 Industry team project O: Select 1 unit PH30072 Problem-solving skills C PH30024 Contemporary physics 6 PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30030 Quantum mechanics 6 PH30031 Simulation techniques PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity 6 ED30005 Science education in practice 6 ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30056 Computational physics B 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 PH40085 Nanoscience 6 PH40086 Photonics 6 ED30006 Issues in science education 6 ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 50 O: Select 3 units O: Select 24 credits 12 6 6 3 3 3 DEU status Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 4 . Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 11 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 12 Stage 2 32 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 3 0% Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 4 68 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 51 .ac.bath. relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations.Programme code USPH-AAB02 Programme title BSc (Hons) Physics with study year abroad Award type Bachelor of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 4 years State if coexistent M-level programme No State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AAM03 MPhys Physics with study year abroad USPH-AFB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 52 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . Year 3 Part Stage 2 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr3 AY Unit code PH20042 Unit title Unit status Credits Study year abroad C 60 3 Yr4 4 AY S1 S2 Unit code Unit title Unit status 12 6 PH30036 Final year project PH30096 Industry team project O: Select 1 unit PH30072 Problem-solving skills C PH30024 Contemporary physics 6 PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30030 Quantum mechanics 6 PH30031 Simulation techniques PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity 6 ED30005 Science education in practice 6 ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30056 Computational physics B 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 PH40085 Nanoscience 6 PH40086 Photonics 6 ED30006 Issues in science education 6 ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 53 O: Select 3 units O: Select 24 credits 12 6 6 3 3 3 DEU status Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 4 . uk/registry/nfa/index.htm Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 11 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 12 Stage 2 32 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 3 0% Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 4 68 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 54 weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: http://www. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles. relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations.Programme code USPH-AFB05 Programme title BSc (Hons) Physics with Computing Award type Bachelor of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 3 years State if coexistent M-level programme No State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AFM02 MPhys Physics USPH-AFB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 55 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 11 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 12 Stage 2 32 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 3 68 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 56 .3 Yr3 3 AY S1 S2 Unit code Unit title Unit status 12 PH30036 Final year project PH30096 Industry team project O: Select 1 unit PH30031 Simulation techniques C 6 PH30055 Computational physics A C 6 PH30072 Problem-solving skills C 6 PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30030 Quantum mechanics 6 PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity CM30070 Computer algebra 6 ED30005 Science education in practice 6 PH30056 Computational physics B PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics 3 PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 CM30080 Computer vision 6 CM30173 Cryptography 6 O: Select 1 unit C O: Select 18 credits DEU status Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 3 12 6 6 6 3 3 Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles. relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 57 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status .Programme code USPH-AKB06 Programme title BSc (Hons) Physics with Computing with placement Award type Bachelor of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Thick sandwich Length 4 years State if coexistent M-level programme No State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AKM03 MPhys Physics with Professional Placement USPH-AKB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics with placement Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. Year 3 Part Stage 2 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr3 AY Unit title Unit status Credits Professional placement C 60 Unit code PH20040 3 Yr4 4 AY S1 S2 Unit code Unit title Unit status 12 PH30036 Final year project PH30096 Industry team project O: Select 1 unit PH30031 Simulation techniques C 6 PH30055 Computational physics A C 6 PH30072 Problem-solving skills C 6 PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30030 Quantum mechanics 6 PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity CM30070 Computer algebra 6 ED30005 Science education in practice 6 PH30056 Computational physics B PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics 3 PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 CM30080 Computer vision 6 CM30173 Cryptography 6 58 O: Select 1 unit C O: Select 18 credits 12 6 6 6 3 3 DEU status Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 4 . ac.Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 11 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 12 Stage 2 32 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 3 0% Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 4 68 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 59 . relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 60 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles.Programme code USPH-AAB02 Programme title BSc (Hons) Physics with Computing with study year abroad Award type Bachelor of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 4 years State if coexistent M-level programme No State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AAM03 MPhys Physics with study year abroad USPH-AFB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. Year 3 Part Stage 2 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr3 AY Unit code PH20042 Unit title Unit status Credits Study year abroad C 60 3 Yr4 4 AY S1 S2 Unit code Unit title Unit status 12 PH30036 Final year project PH30096 Industry team project O: Select 1 unit PH30031 Simulation techniques C 6 PH30055 Computational physics A C 6 PH30072 Problem-solving skills C 6 PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30030 Quantum mechanics 6 PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity CM30070 Computer algebra 6 ED30005 Science education in practice 6 PH30056 Computational physics B PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics 3 PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 CM30080 Computer vision 6 CM30173 Cryptography 6 61 O: Select 1 unit C O: Select 18 credits 12 6 6 6 3 3 DEU status Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 4 . uk/registry/nfa/index.htm Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 11 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 12 Stage 2 32 % Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 3 0% Main assessment: Appendix 19 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 20 Stage 4 68 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 62 .Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles.Programme code USPH-AFM02 Programme title MPhys (Hons) Physics Award type Master of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 4 years State if coexistent M-level programme Yes State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AFB01 BSc (Hons) Physics USPH-AFB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 63 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . PH30089 & PH30056) PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics 3 PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 64 Optional Units: Select 18 or 24 credits Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits 6 6 6 3 3 .2 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr S1 3 S2 Unit code PH30030 Unit title Quantum mechanics Unit status Credits Stage Part Year 3 C 6 Optional Unit: Select 0 or 6 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055. PH30089 & PH30056) 6 PH30055 Computational physics A PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30031 Simulation techniques 6 PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity ED30005 Science education in practice 6 ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 C 6 PH30080 MPhys project/placement preparation C 6 PH30056 Computational physics B 6 PH30089 MPhys/MSci laboratory Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055. bath.htm Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 15 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 16 Stage 2 16 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 3 34 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 4 50 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 65 .Part Stage 3 4 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr 4 Unit code Unit title Unit status Credits Year 4 S1 PH40081 MPhys research project C 30 S2 PH40073 Mathematical physics C 6 PH40083 Advanced problem solving C 6 PH40084 Advanced quantum theory C 6 PH40085 Nanoscience C 6 PH40086 Photonics C 6 Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 66 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles.Programme code USPH-AFM04 Programme title MPhys (Hons) Physics with research placement Award type Master of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 4 years State if coexistent M-level programme Yes State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AFB01 BSc (Hons) Physics USPH-AFB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. 2 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr S1 3 S2 Unit code PH30030 Unit title Quantum mechanics Unit status Credits Stage Part Year 3 C 6 Optional Unit: Select 0 or 6 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055. PH30089 & PH30056) 6 PH30055 Computational physics A PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30031 Simulation techniques 6 PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity ED30005 Science education in practice 6 ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 C 6 PH30080 MPhys project/placement preparation C 6 PH30056 Computational physics B 6 PH30089 MPhys/MSci laboratory Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055. PH30089 & PH30056) PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics 3 PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 67 Optional Units: Select 18 or 24 credits Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits 6 6 6 3 3 . Part Stage 3 4 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr 4 Unit code Unit title Unit status Credits Year 4 S1 PH40082 MPhys research placement C 30 S2 PH40073 Mathematical physics C 6 PH40083 Advanced problem solving C 6 PH40084 Advanced quantum theory C 6 PH40085 Nanoscience C 6 PH40086 Photonics C 6 Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 15 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 16 Stage 2 16 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 3 34 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 4 50 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 68 .bath. Programme code USPH-AKM03 Programme title MPhys (Hons) Physics with professional placement Award type Master of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Thick sandwich Length 5 years State if coexistent M-level programme Yes State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AKB02 BSc (Hons) Physics with placement USPH-AKB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics with placement Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 69 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles. Year 3 Part 2 Stage 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr3 AY Unit code PH20040 Unit title Professional placement Unit status Credits C 60 2 4 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr S1 4 S2 Unit code PH30030 Unit title Quantum mechanics Unit status Credits Stage Part Year 4 C 6 Optional Unit: Select 0 or 6 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055. PH30089 & PH30056) 6 PH30055 Computational physics A PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30031 Simulation techniques 6 PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity ED30005 Science education in practice 6 ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 C 6 PH30080 MPhys project/placement preparation C 6 PH30056 Computational physics B 6 PH30089 MPhys/MSci laboratory Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055. PH30089 & PH30056) PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics 3 PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 70 Optional Units: Select 18 or 24 credits Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits 6 6 6 3 3 . Part Stage 3 5 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr 5 Unit code Unit title Unit status Credits Year 5 S1 PH40081 MPhys research project C 30 S2 PH40073 Mathematical physics C 6 PH40083 Advanced problem solving C 6 PH40084 Advanced quantum theory C 6 PH40085 Nanoscience C 6 PH40086 Photonics C 6 Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 15 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 16 Stage 2 16 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 3 0% Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 4 34 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 5 50 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 71 . nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 72 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status .Programme code USPH-AKM04 Programme title MPhys Physics with professional & research placements Award type Master of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 5 years State if coexistent M-level programme Yes State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AKB02 BSc (Hons) Physics with placement USPH-AKB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics with placement Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles. relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. PH30089 & PH30056) 6 PH30055 Computational physics A PH30028 Condensed matter physics 2 6 PH30031 Simulation techniques 6 PH30032 Laser physics PH30101 General relativity ED30005 Science education in practice 6 ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 PH30077 Electromagnetism 2 C 6 PH30080 MPhys project/placement preparation C 6 PH30056 Computational physics B 6 PH30089 MPhys/MSci laboratory Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055.Year 3 Part 2 Stage 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr3 AY Unit code PH20040 Unit title Professional placement Unit status Credits C 60 2 4 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr S1 4 S2 Unit code PH30030 Unit title Quantum mechanics Unit status Credits Stage Part Year 4 C 6 Optional Unit: Select 0 or 6 credits (Students must select at least 12 credits in total from units PH30055. PH30089 & PH30056) PH30025 Mathematical methods 6 PH30035 Medical physics 6 PH30057 Stellar & galactic astrophysics 6 PH30078 Magnetism 3 PH30079 Superconductivity PH30087 Fluid dynamics PH30094 Planetary physics 3 PH30098 Networks 3 PH30099 Communicating physics 6 ZZ30004 Director of Studies approved unit 6 73 Optional Units: Select 18 or 24 credits Optional Units: Select 6 or 12 credits 6 6 6 3 3 . uk/registry/nfa/index.htm Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 15 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 16 Stage 2 16 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 3 0% Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 4 34 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 5 50 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 74 .ac.bath.Part Stage 3 5 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr 5 Unit code Unit title Unit status Credits Year 5 S1 PH40082 MPhys research placement C 30 S2 PH40073 Mathematical physics C 6 PH40083 Advanced problem solving C 6 PH40084 Advanced quantum theory C 6 PH40085 Nanoscience C 6 PH40086 Photonics C 6 Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: http://www. waves & optics C 6 PH10006 Electricity & magnetism C 6 PH10008 Mathematics for scientists 2 C 6 Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Unit code Unit title Unit status 2 Yr2 AY PH20021 Laboratory & information skills 2 C 9 DEU S1 PH20013 Quantum & atomic physics C 6 PH20016 Particles.Programme code USPH-AAM03 Programme title MPhys (Hons) Physics with study year abroad Award type Master of Science with Honours Mode of Attendance Full time Length 4 years State if coexistent M-level programme Yes State any designated programme(s) alternative USPH-AAB02 BSc (Hons) Physics with study year abroad USPH-AFB09 BSc (Ordinary) Physics Approving body and date of approval Faculty of Science Teaching and Quality Committee (30th Jan 2013) Unit code Unit title 1 Yr1 AY PH10011 Laboratory & information skills 1 C 12 DEU S1 PH10001 Introduction to quantum physics C 6 PH10002 Properties of matter C 6 PH10003 Electronics and data analysis C 6 PH10007 Mathematics for scientists 1 C 6 PH10004 Dynamics. nuclei & stars C 6 PH20019 Mathematics for scientists 3 C 6 PH20029 Thermal physics C 6 PH20014 Electromagnetism 1 C 6 PH20015 Semiconductor physics C 3 PH20017 Condensed matter physics 1 C 6 PH20018 Programming skills C 6 PH20020 Mathematics for scientists 4 75 C 6 1 S2 Unit status Credits Part Stage Normal period of study for this Mode Credits Year 1 DEU status Year 2 2 S2 DEU status . relativity & gravity C 6 PH10005 Vibrations. bath.Year 3 Part 2 Stage 3 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr3 Unit code AY Unit title PH30043 Unit status Credits C 60 MPhys year abroad Part Stage 3 4 Normal period of study for this Mode Yr 4 Unit code Unit title Unit status Credits Year 4 S1 PH40081 MPhys research project C 30 S2 PH40073 Mathematical physics C 6 PH40083 Advanced problem solving C 6 PH40084 Advanced quantum theory C 6 PH40085 Nanoscience C 6 PH40086 Photonics C 6 Assessment weightings and decision references Stage Weighting within programme NFAAR decisions reference See: Stage 1 0% Main assessment: Appendix 15 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 16 Stage 2 16 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 3 34 % Main assessment: Appendix 23 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 24 Stage 4 50 % Main assessment: Appendix 27 Supplementary assessment: Appendix 28 76 .uk/registry/nfa/index. origin of the periodic table. The uncertainty principle.  discuss wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle.  describe the energy changes in adiabatic and isothermal processes. Photons and the particlelike properties of electromagnetic radiation: the photoelectric effect. Mechanical and transport properties (9 hours): Derivation of mechanical (viscosity. Gases (3 hours): The ideal gas. Baryon and lepton number.  describe models of the atom. the ultraviolet catastrophe and Planck's theory of cavity radiation. Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. electrons and ions. X-rays. Atomic structure (6 hours): Structure of atoms. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  discuss evidence for the quantum nature of microscopic phenomena. X-ray scattering and Bragg's law. the origin of quantisation of energy and the origin of the periodic table. equipartition. inadequacies of classical models.  derive thermodynamic relationships and analyse cycles. Wave aspects of larger particles. PH10002: PROPERTIES OF MATTER (associated with unit PH10052 for NS/M&P students) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Students must have A-level Physics or Chemistry and A-level Mathematics (or equivalents) to undertake this unit. scattering of alpha-particles and Rutherford's model. Introduction to particle physics (5 hours): Quarks. the wave nature of light: Young's slit experiment. phase changes and critical points. The ideal solid (3 hours): Model potentials and equilibrium separations of molecules and Madelung crystals. mediators. strength) and transport properties (heat and electrical conduction) of gases and solids from 77 . 10 Appendix B: Unit Catalogue PH10001: INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM PHYSICS (associated with unit PH10048 for NS/M&P students) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: CW20 EX80 Requisites: Students must have A-level Physics and Mathematics (or equivalents) to undertake this unit. The four forces. the electromagnetic spectrum. Exchange particles. Simple crystal structures. The real gas. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  use simple model potentials to describe molecules and solids. Antiparticles. Avogadro's number. the Pauli exclusion principle and the Content: Balance between kinetic and potential energy (2 hours). atoms. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to gain insight into how the interplay between kinetic and potential energy at the atomic level governs the formation of different phases and to demonstrate how the macroscopic properties of materials can be derived from considerations of the microscopic properties at the atomic level. The Bohr model of the atom. molecules. An introduction to waves.  derive and use simple transport expressions in problems concerning viscosity. leptons.  solve simple problems for ideal gases using kinetic theory. Electron diffraction.  classify the fundamental particles of nature. Atomic orbitals. heat capacity of gases. Content: Waves and photons (7 hours): Classical versus quantum physics. neutrons. and to introduce our current picture of elementary particles and the forces between them. Feynman diagrams. First and second laws of thermodynamics (5 hours): Energy changes along different paths across P-V-T surfaces. xray diffraction (Braggs law). heat and electrical conduction. Compton scattering. The electromagnetic spectrum. to discuss the dual wave-particle nature of matter.  solve simple quantitative problems concerning the interaction of light with matter. Deficiencies of Bohr's model. kinetic theory. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to review the scientific developments which reveal the breakdown of classical physics at the atomic level. Wave-particle duality (4 hours): Black-body radiation. atomic mass units. elasticity. An introduction to the wavefunction and its interpretation. van der Waals model. to introduce the ideas of energy and angular momentum quantisation and the electronic structure of atoms. Quark model of hadrons. De Broglie's hypothesis. considerations of atomic behaviour. Qualitative understanding of viscosity (Newtonian and nonNewtonian) in liquids based on cage models. Diode circuits (1 hour): Diode models and applications. AC circuits (6 hours): AC voltage and current concepts (phase, rms value, amplitude, etc.). Capacitors and inductors as circuit elements. Phasors and phasor notation. Complex impedance. LCR circuits (resonance, Q factor, etc). Frequency dependence of circuits. Ideal operational amplifiers (2 hours): Simple applications. Negative feedback and its advantages. Transients (1 hour): Techniques for solving for transient waveforms in simple circuits involving inductors, capacitors, resistors and op-amps. PH10003:ELECTRONICS & DATA ANALYSIS Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Co PH10007, PH10011. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to provide a preparation for work in the undergraduate physics laboratory by discussing dimensions and units, developing an understanding of basic concepts in dc and ac electric circuits, and introducing basic ideas of error analysis, statistics and probability relevant to the understanding and interpretation of experimental data. PH10004: DYNAMICS, RELATIVITY & GRAVITY Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: CW10 EX90 Requisites: Pre PH10007 (or equivalent) After taking this unit the student should be able to:  apply dimensional analysis to expressions linking measurable variables;  use a systematic analysis method to calculate currents and voltages in passive dc circuits;  calculate the amplitude and phase of voltages and currents in ac circuits by means of phasor analysis;  analyse simple operational amplifier circuits from first principles;  apply the propagation of errors formula;  evaluate the standard error on a mean of experimental measurements;  apply least-squares fitting to experimental data;  write down expressions for the fundamental probability distributions and apply them appropriately. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to present students with a clear guide to the laws of dynamics and gravity, to strengthen their understanding of the universality of concepts from mechanics (from fundamental particles to billiard balls to planets) and to introduce them to relativity and relativistic mechanics. After taking this unit, the student should be able to:  conserve linear and angular momentum in collisions;  use vector notation and methods to solve problems in rotational dynamics;  appreciate the difference between orbital and spin angular momentum;  write down the essential results and formulae of special relativity;  describe the important special relativity experiments (real or thought);  solve simple kinematic and dynamical special relativity problems. Content: Dimensions & units (1 hour): Fundamental SI units, measurement standards, dimensional analysis. Probability and statistics (6 hours): Dealing with uncertainty and error. Propagation of errors. The standard error of the mean. Fitting a curve; leastsquares. Fundamental notation and the rules of probability. Probability distributions and densities for discrete and continuous random variables. Expectation values. Binomial, Poisson and Gaussian distributions. Interpolation and extrapolation techniques. DC circuits (5 hours): Kirchoff's voltage and current laws. Ideal voltage and current sources. Analysis of simple circuits using nodal voltage technique. Impedance matching; input/output impedance, maximum power transfer. Content: Newton's laws of motion (9 hours): Motion in 1D and 2D with constant and non-constant acceleration. Linear momentum, collisions, rockets. Work and energy; potential energy (potential wells and barriers), conservative and non-conservative forces. Circular motion. Rigid body rotation; moments of inertia, torque and angular momentum as vectors, equations of motion of rotating bodies, gyroscopes. Separation of orbital and spin angular momentum. Use of integration to find centres of mass and moments of inertia. 78 Gravitation (4 hours): Gravitational force and potential energy. Weight and mass. Circular orbits; Kepler's Laws; planetary motion. Escape velocity. Newtonian cosmology Special relativity (7 hours): Galilean transformation. Michelson-Morley experiment. Einstein's postulates. Simultaneity; time dilation, space contraction, invariant intervals, rest frames, proper time, proper length. Lorentz transformation. Relativistic momentum, force, energy. Doppler effect. General relativity (2 hours): Gravity and geometry. The principle of equivalence. Deflection of light; curvature of space. Gravitational time dilation. oscillations. Resonance, Q-factors. Coupled oscillations and introduction to normal modes. Wave motion as the limit of coupled oscillations. The wave equation (1D). Introduction to waves (8 hours): Transverse and longitudinal waves. Plane, circular and spherical waves. Waves on strings; sound, water, particle and light waves. Mathematical representation of 1D plane waves; wavefunction, amplitude, frequency, wavelength, wavenumber, speed, energy, intensity and impedance. The Doppler effect. Superposition; standing waves, beats, interference. Phase and group velocity; dispersive and non-dispersive media. Complex exponential notation. Mechanical impedance. Reflection and transmission at boundaries. The propagation of light (3 hours): Optical path length. Huygen’s and Fermat’s principles, Snell’s Law. Reflection and refraction. Lenses; the focal plane. Geometric optics for thin lenses. Aberrations. Principles of the telescope and microscope. Interference and diffraction (8 hours): Coherence. Young’s slits experiment. The Michelson interferometer. The Fabry-Perot etalon. Interference between N equally spaced sources. Fraunhofer diffraction as far-field case. Derivation of Fraunhofer pattern for single slit. Discussion of circular aperture, diffraction limits on optical systems, definition of resolution, Rayleigh criterion. The diffraction grating. Resolving power of the telescope and grating. PH10005: VIBRATIONS, WAVES & OPTICS (associated with unit PH10053 for NS/M&P students) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10007 (or equivalent) Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and mathematical treatment of waves, to explore various phenomena arising from the superposition of two or more waves, and to outline some of the general principles governing the propagation of light. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  analyse oscillating systems under different driving regimes;  apply the wavefunction for a one-dimensional travelling wave to problems involving mechanical, acoustic, water and electromagnetic waves;  state the principle of superposition and use it to solve problems involving the superposition of more than one wave;  define and derive the impedance of a mechanical wave and apply it to reflection and transmission at interfaces;  construct ray diagrams for use in solving simple geometrical optics problems;  outline the mathematical analysis of multiplebeam interference;  derive mathematical expressions for simple diffraction patterns and relate the limits imposed by diffraction to the performance of optical instruments. PH10006: ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM (associated with unit PH10051 for NS/M&P students) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10007 (or equivalent) Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism and to develop techniques used in the solution of simple field problems, both vector and scalar. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  state the basic laws of electricity and magnetism;  define scalar and vector fields and represent them graphically;  determine the forces due to electric and magnetic fields acting on charges and currents; Content: Simple harmonic motion (3 hours): Oscillations, including damped and forced 79    determine electric fields, potentials and energies due to simple, static charge distributions; determine magnetic fields and energies due to simple, steady current distributions; determine electric fields, e.m.f.s and induced currents due to varying magnetic fields.    Content: Introduction to scalar and vector fields (1 hour). Electrostatics (9 hours): Electric charge, Coulomb's Law, superposition of forces, electric charge distribution, the electric field, electric flux, Gauss's Law, examples of field distributions, electric dipoles. Line integral of the electric field, potential difference, calculation of fields from potentials, examples of potential distributions, energy associated with electric field. Electric field around conductors, capacitors and their capacitance, energy stored. Magnetism (7 hours): Lorentz force law, force on a current-carrying wire, force between currentcarrying wires, torque on a current loop, magnetic dipoles. Biot-Savart Law, Ampere's Law, magnetic flux, Gauss's Law in magnetism, examples of field distributions. Electromagnetic induction (5 hours): Induced e.m.f. and examples, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, energy stored in a magnetic field, self and mutual inductance, energy stored in an inductor. represent complex numbers in Cartesian, polar and exponential forms, and convert between these forms; calculate the magnitude of a vector, and the scalar and vector products of two vectors; solve simple geometrical problems using vectors. Content: Functions of a real variable (3 hours): Graphs of standard functions (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and hyperbolic). Domains and ranges. Composite functions. Inverse functions. Symmetries and transformations (reflections, rotation) of graphs. Differentiation (9 hours): Limits and continuity, differentiability. Review of differentiation. Higher derivatives, meaning of derivatives. Graphical interpretation of derivatives. Logarithmic, parametric and implicit derivatives. Taylor and Maclaurin expansions, standard series. Convergence of series; ratio test, limits, L'Hopital's rule. Numerical differentiation. Functions of two variables. Partial differentiation. Taylor expansion in two variables. Chain rule. Small changes and differentials, total derivative. Complex numbers (4 hours): Definition and algebra of complex numbers in x+iy form. Complex conjugate. Modulus and argument. Argand diagram, r exp(i) form. De Moivre's theorem. Solution of equations involving complex variables. Vector algebra (6 hours): Introduction to vectors; physical examples of scalar and vector quantities. Magnitude of a vector, unit vector. Cartesian components. Scalar product; projections, components, physical examples. Vector product; determinantal form for Cartesian components, physical examples. Vector definitions of lines and planes. Triple product. Introduction to vector spaces. PH10007: MATHEMATICS FOR SCIENTISTS 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Students must have A-level Mathematics (or equivalent) to undertake this unit. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to introduce basic mathematical techniques required by science students, both by providing a reinterpretation of material already covered at Alevel in a more general and algebraic form and by introducing more advanced topics. PH10008: MATHEMATICS FOR SCIENTISTS 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Certificate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10007 After taking this unit the student should be able to:  sketch graphs of standard functions and their inverses;  evaluate the derivative of a function and the partial derivative of a function of two or more variables;  write down the Taylor series approximation to a function; Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to introduce basic mathematical techniques required by science students, both by providing reinterpretation of material already covered at Alevel in a more general and algebraic form and by introducing more advanced topics. After taking this unit the student should be able to: 80  design and make a poster based on a physics project. Operational amplifiers. Methods of integration. planning. spreadsheet and data analysis to write two formal scientific project reports. elastic properties. PH10011: LABORATORY SKILLS 1 & Content: Techniques of measurement: Examples include use of oscilloscope. While taking this unit the student should be able to:  demonstrate the correct use of common laboratory equipment. The use of word processors. Solution of first order ODEs by integrating factors and separation of variables. Matrix multiplication. Inverse of a matrix. solve some first and second order partial differential equations by separation of variables. including hypothesis testing. Wave equation in one dimension. Special matrices. PC laboratory sessions: Introduction to PCs. Numerical solution of ODEs. design and carry out two physics projects consisting of small-scale experimental investigations. design of apparatus. find the general solution of first and second order ordinary differential equations and show how a particular solution may be found using boundary conditions. to perform statistical operations and data analysis. to produce technical reports. multimeters.  correctly follow written instructions for setting up and carrying out experimental demonstrations related to level 1 physics units. Further aims are to encourage the application of basic principles to unfamiliar areas of physics. change of order in integration. assessing published proposals and investigating novel phenomena. Multiple integral. Gaussian elimination. Meaning of integration. Resonant ac circuits. volume. Windows. Applications in the natural sciences.  use computer software packages for word processing. Determinants.  use a scientific log book for recording details of experimental procedure. Linear transformations. integrate functions using a variety of standard techniques. performing. Transpose of a matrix. operational amplifiers. Simultaneous linear equations. Combinatorial and sequential logic circuits. use matrix methods to solve simple linear systems. Content: Integration (6 hours): Review of integration. Applications of integration (area. Project: Two independent projects to simulate the processes of researching. Ordinary differential equations (8 hours): Origin of ODEs. such as oscilloscopes. and to introduce laboratory project work. Solution of PDEs by separation of variable. and to reinforce other course material through selfpaced laboratory demonstrations. introduction to computer data acquisition. Runge-Kutta methods. Electronics: Passive dc circuits on protoboard. Euler method. Filters. digital timer/counters and optical detectors. The use of spreadsheets. Matrices and determinants (6 hours): Introduction to matrices.  use a computer software package to simulate the operation of passive electronic networks and compare the results with the measured behaviour. ultrasonic waves in air. The use of information INFORMATION Academic year Credits: 12 Level: Certificate Assessment: PR100 Requisites: Co PH10003 Aims & Learning Objectives: The primary aims of this unit are to give the student confidence and competence in basic laboratory and information processing skills. analysing and reporting a small-scale experimental investigation. Two additional aims are to introduce the use of computer software 81 .     to simulate electrical circuits. etc). and present this at an open poster presentation. calculate the determinant and inverse of a matrix. vibrations of strings. The topics are chosen from a wide range of physics appropriate to first-year students. light sources and detectors. such as EXCEL. and to give students experience of presenting their work in the form of a poster. geometrical optics. photoelectric determination of Planck's constant. and the product of two matrices. experimental results and data analysis. Numerical integration methods. Complementary function and particular integral. the Michelson interferometer. Solution of simultaneous equations. such as WORD. Introduction to partial differential equations (2 hours): Origin of PDEs. Demonstrations: Examples include statistics of radiation counting.  plan. Solution of second order ODEs with constant coefficients. spectrum of atomic hydrogen. time-independent Schrödinger equation. superposition and measurement. to derive some individual solutions and to make use of them in a few important applications.  match electric and magnetic fields at boundaries between materials and explain the origins of Brewster's angle and total internal reflection. internet resources. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  explain the significance of the wavefunction in determining the physical behaviour of electrons. electrical circuits. including email. Plane wave solutions. Tunnelling through a barrier.  describe the origins of polarisation and magnetisation in materials.  describe how lasing action is obtained and maintained and outline the main properties of laser light. passive. superposition states. time dependence of the wavefunction. laser cooling of atoms. spherical harmonics. PH10008 (or equivalent). in a style similar to that of conference posters. PH20019 (or equivalent) Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce the Schrödinger equation and its solution in one and three dimensions. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to develop a vectorial description of electric. magnetic interactions and the exchange interaction. Radial solutions. Electron-electron interactions. s.d states. Many-electron atoms (3 hours): Pauli exclusion principle and shell structure. library and services for scientific purposes.  analyse in detail the propagation of vectorial plane waves in vacuum and in various materials. Motion in one dimension (6 hours): Eigenfunctions of the infinite square well. PH20013: QUANTUM & ATOMIC PHYSICS (associated with unit PH20060 for NS/M&P students) PH20014: ELECTROMAGNETISM 1 (associated with unit PH20061 for NS/M&P students) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10001/48. parity of solutions. stationary states. screening and exchange interaction. The harmonic oscillator. Bound states of the finite square well. A further aim is to provide an introduction to the operation of lasers. selection rules. Nomenclature for labelling atomic configurations and terms. PH10007 (or equivalent). and the simulation is tested against measured behaviour. Reflection and transmission at a step. Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10005/53.  list the distinguishing features of electromagnetic plane waves and write down a mathematical expression for a linearly or circularly polarised light wave. Observables. Zeeman effect. and to discuss the interactions responsible for the electronic structure of atoms.  show how quantisation arises from boundary conditions and calculate energy levels in simple model systems. magnetic and electromagnetic fields in infinite materials and at boundaries between materials. position. Angular dependence of solutions. probability distribution functions.  discuss the energy levels. energy levels. Orbital and spin angular momentum and their associated magnetic moments. Content: Basic assumptions of quantum mechanics (4 hours): Wave functions. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  derive and interpret Maxwell’s equations and their solution in vacuum. 82 .p. PH10006/51. taking into account screening. Motion in three dimensions (9 hours): The hydrogen atom. Spectra of many-electron atoms. PH10005/53. Spin-orbit coupling. angular momenta and spectra of atoms. Hund’s rules. width of spectral lines. Schrödinger’s equation. This will be judged by staff and students at an open presentation. Atomic spectra. radial Content: Introduction to Maxwell’s equations (7 hours): Derivation of integral and differential forms of Maxwell’s equations and continuity equation. momentum and energy. probability density and normalisation. Sequential SternGerlach. The wave equation in source-free vacuum. Motion of free particles. Computer packages for circuit simulation: standard computer software is used to simulate the behaviour of simple. Poster presentation: The students’ second project is presented in the form of a poster.  give examples of common optoelectronic devices for emitting. lightemitting diodes. B and k. Extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductors. band profiles. isotropy and homogeneity.  describe the physical processes involved in fission and fusion reactions and in stellar nucleosynthesis. lossy media and plasmas. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  discuss the basic concepts of semiconductor physics. Balance of drift and diffusion currents. Boundaries between media (4 hours): The general electromagnetic boundary conditions. Drift velocity. The Hall effect. Transport properties (2 hours): Electrical conduction and scattering of electrons and holes in solids. Obtaining and maintaining lasing action. spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. The Einstein relations. to describe properties and reactions of atomic nuclei and to discuss how these enable us to understand the origin of the Universe and the elements. diffusion. Biased p-n junctions. Radiation pressure. recombination length.  discuss binding in nuclei and explain the energetics and mechanisms of radioactive decay. Co PH20013 PH20015: SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS Semester 2 Credits: 3 Level: Intermediate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10007. spectral dependence. and define and perform simple calculations on cross section and centre of mass frame. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  describe the characteristics of the fundamental forces. general angle of incidence (Fresnel equations). Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to review our current picture of elementary particles and discuss the forces between them. solution in conductors.  apply decay laws to problems in particle and nuclear physics.  describe the liquid drop and shell models of nuclei and use them to calculate and interpret nuclear properties. susceptibility and polarisation / magnetisation. Brewster and critical angles. resistivity. P-I-N photodiodes. Cavity modes. Polarisation. PH10008 and PH20029.  describe the interactions between electrons and photons such as absorption.  calculate carrier concentrations and effective masses. junction capacitance. Electron and hole concentrations. and explain their physical principles of operation. depletion layer width. Birefringence. masses. depletion region width. Content: Basic properties of semiconductors (4 hours): Electrons and holes and their effective 83 . Electron-photon interaction in semiconductors (3 hours): Optical absorption in bulk semiconductors. relationships between E. The modified wave equation. Plane waves at a planar boundary. vector nature of electromagnetic waves. Characterisation of materials in terms of macroscopic parameters. Maxwell’s equations in infinite materials (6 hours): Concepts of linearity. detecting and modulating light. Coefficients of transmission and reflection. NUCLEI & STARS Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10001/48. photocurrent. PH20016: PARTICLES. The p-n junction (2 hours): The unbiased p-n junction. The properties of laser light. semiconductor statistics. circular and elliptical polarisation. stars and galaxies within it. wave plates. radiative and non-radiative transitions.  outline the basic principles of semiconductor device operation. reverse bias breakdown. and quote and use conservation laws to determine allowed particle reactions. Qualitative introduction to the ideal diode equation. dielectrics. Lasers (2 hours): Interaction between light and matter. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to explore some of the physics underlying the behaviour of electrons in semiconductor materials and the operation of simple semiconductor devices. Dipoles.Electromagnetic plane waves (3 hours): 3D plane waves. junction formation. Total internal reflection and evanescent waves. Impedance. Electromagnetic energy and the Poynting vector. donors and acceptors. Optical emission in semiconductors. Co PH20017. electron-hole recombination. Law of Malus. Hubble’s Law. neutrino oscillations). describe classical theories of diamagnetism. appreciate the difference between metals. The distinction between metals. PH10007. nuclei and the evolution of stars. Basic properties of intrinsic semiconductors. describe how crystalline structures vibrate. Radioactive decay. The origin of magnetic moments in solids. decays and reactions. nuclear spin. Content: Crystal structures (5 hours): Translational symmetry. Semiconductors (3 hours) Holes. Reactions. Nuclear fusion reactions. Unification of forces. cosmic ray bursts. A further aim is to develop the student's awareness of the sources of error in numerical calculations and the means of reducing them. and PH10008 (or Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce and develop structured programming skills in a high-level language as a tool for the numerical solution of physical problems. chain reactions. Classical and quantum theories of heat capacity. Cosmic background radiation and ripples therein.  describe how X-ray and neutron diffraction is related to the properties of the reciprocal lattice. delayed neutrons. PH10008. the condensation of particles. Stellar nucleosynthesis. X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of crystal structures. Stellar death. neutron stars. Spontaneous fission. Nuclear size and mass (isotopes and isobars). with an emphasis on crystalline. excited states. fission and fusion (5 hours): Centre of mass frame. discuss the factors that control the electrical conductivity of metals and semiconductors. Diffraction of waves in crystalline structures. Induced fission. lattices and basis. semiconductors and insulators. The Hall effect. Energy band diagrams and effective masses. The shell model. Scattering. and used in structural studies. paramagnetism. pentaquarks. Density of states and the Fermi sphere. halflife and mean lifetime. The effect of crystalline periodicity. Miller indices. electron and positron emission. Electrons in solids (7 hours): Classical Drude theory and its failures. the reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zones. Alpha decay. donors and acceptors. supernova. and the ferromagnetic properties of materials. PH20017: CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 1 (associated with unit PH20063 for NS/M&P students) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10005/53. Bragg law. beta-decay. K-capture. energetics and simplified tunnelling theory. Magnetism (3 hours): Magnetic susceptibility. Lattice dynamics (4 hours): Optical and acoustic vibrations.g. The liquid drop model and semi-empirical mass formula.  Content: Particle physics (4 hours): Conservation laws. Classical models of diamagnetism and paramagnetism. The Big Bang. Ferromagnetism and the exchange interaction. principles of fusion reactions. Separation of unified forces. Inflation theory. Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: CW40 EX60 Requisites: Pre PH10007 equivalent) After taking this unit the student should be able to:  know the ways in which crystal structures are described formally and relate structures in real space to those in reciprocal space. fission products. and the associated theories of heat capacity.     describe how allowed and forbidden energy bands arise as a result of crystal potentials and how the properties of electrons in allowed energy bands determine the electrical and optical behaviour. PH20018: PROGRAMMING SKILLS Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce students to the basic concepts and models of solid state physics. The cosmic connection (6 hours): Stellar evolution. PH20029. H-model of doped semiconductors. and why they have to be treated quantum mechanically.  explain the concept of density of states. give a qualitative description of the early stages of the Universe. electronic and magnetic structure. semiconductors and insulators. Quantum (Sommerfeld) theory. Cosmic nucleosynthesis. Phonons. After taking the unit the student should be able to: 84 . Recent developments in particle physics (e.  discuss why classical theories of electrons in solids fail. Particle decay laws. Formation of elementary particles. The nucleus (7 hours): Nucleon interactions and binding energy. Identities involving . Arrays. branching instructions and arrays. Divergence. modules. vector and conservative fields.  use and interpret vector integral theorems. lines. div and curl as 2 limits of integrals. definition of 2  . Tangential line integrals. files and directories in UNIX systems. Scalar and vector fields in Cartesian coordinates. Surface. Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems.  evaluate and interpret div and curl of vector fields in the above coordinate systems.  parameterise curves. Applications: Root finding.  visualise points. Spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates. Space curves. Introduction to UNIX: Drives.  and directional derivatives of scalar fields in the above coordinate systems. cylindrical polar and spherical polar coordinates. unit tangent vector. Generic control structures. It also aims to continue the development of students' problem-solving skills and their understanding of mathematical results. Content: Introduction to numerical analysis: Use of computers in numerical analysis. carry out the structured design of a computer program using flowcharts or pseudocode. Variable types. Conservative fields and potential functions. outline the advantages of using subprograms and write computer programs in a high level structured language using external subprograms. inheritances. Meaning and uses of  . Operators and precedences. Vector integral theorems. Syntax of the C language: Intrinsic functions of C. plane polar. structures in C. and to show how these may be used for different applications. write computer programs in a high level structured language including arithmetic expressions. Line. surface and volume integrals in the above coordinate systems. Normal modes of ball and spring systems. libraries. pointers.  calculate and interpret derivatives of vector functions of 1 variable. give examples of the introduction of rounding errors due to numerical techniques and methods for minimising such problems. Matrix diagonalisation. Essential UNIX commands and editing. physical interpretation. linking. Div and curl in Cartesian coordinates.  calculate the normal modes of coupled vibrational systems.  define scalar. div. Function evaluation via series expansion and look-up tables.  define and transform between Cartesian.  evaluate and interpret line. Content: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (6 hours): Revision of matrix algebra. use numerical techniques to solve physics problems. Grad. Applications: Transfer matrix and/or shooting methods. Maximum integer size. loops. Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field.  identify conservative fields and find their potential functions.      After taking this unit the student should be able to:  find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. Vector calculus (16 hours): Differentiation of vectors. flux and volume integrals in Cartesian coordinates. equations of motion. curl 2 and  in curvilinear coordinates. PH20019: MATHEMATICS FOR SCIENTISTS 3 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10007. planes and volumes in these coordinates. normal mode problems. Linear transformations. PH10008 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to introduce mathematical concepts and techniques required by science students. complex numbers. surface and volume integrals integrals in curvilinear coordinates. parameterisation of curves. loops and conditionals. Use of vector integral theorems. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/Hermitian matrices and their properties. Floating point round-off and truncation errors. Structured programming: Subprograms. Basic vocabulary of computers: Compilation. Stoke's and Green's theorems. 85 . Plane polar coordinates. describe methods for testing and debugging programs and apply these techniques to the student's own computer programs. 2  evaluate and interpret grad. Input and ouput.  as a vector operator. velocity and acceleration. The laboratory work in PH20021 is organised in three five-week sessions. data processing. Series solution of ODEs. analogue electronics. Linearity and superposition. Poisson and wave equations. Representation as a Fourier series. displaying an appropriate standard of presentation.  write detailed scientific reports describing experimental work. on various topics relating to physics and analogue electronics. Convolution. Linear equations of science (10 hours): Derivation of the diffusion equation as an example of how PDEs arise in nature. Solution by separation of variables in Cartesian. Harmonic synthesis. including Legendre polynomials and Bessel functions. and solve the resulting ordinary differential equations by series solution. Applications of Fourier series. instrumentation and measurement systems as found in a modern research environment. following written guidelines. Dirac delta function.  apply the separation of variables method to linear partial differential equations. recording details of experimental method and results to an appropriate standard. cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Complex form of Fourier series and coefficients. Students will routinely work in pairs but larger groups of four or five will be the norm in longer projects. structure.  prepare and deliver an oral presentation based on the group physics project and answer questions relating to the presentation. Fourier components. Transition to aperiodic functions (7 hours): The Fourier transform. These activities will be underpinned by workshops on writing and oral presentation skills and scientific computer packages. Solution of differential equations. x-rays. Boundary conditions. It also aims to continue the development of students’ problem-solving skills and their understanding of mathematical results. design and carry out a small-scale investigation into a subject relating to electronics instrumentation. Expansion of finite range functions.  recognise and solve some of the key equations which arise in the natural sciences. attention to detail and analysis. Content: Students will be introduced to devices. and use their properties to solve problems. and to show how these may be used for different applications.  plan. focussing on one-day 86 . Use of tables in evaluating transforms. written and oral presentation skills and the use of scientific computer packages.  use transform methods to solve differential equations. sampling theorem. Experiments will be drawn from topics encompassing optical physics. design and carry out a group project consisting of an experimental investigation. Content: Fourier series (5 hours): Periodic functions. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to develop further student confidence and competence in experimental laboratory skills. A combination of short benchmark experiments and longer open ended projects will be employed.  apply Fourier techniques to problems in the physical sciences. While taking this unit the student should be able to:  successfully conduct short experiments. A further aim is to reinforce elements of second level Physics units by providing experimental examples in these areas.  maintain a scientific log book. Integral definition and properties of the Fourier transform. Discrete amplitude spectra. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  evaluate Fourier series and transforms. style.  plan. Uses and applications of Fourier techniques in the physical sciences. instrumentation and ultrasonics.PH20020: MATHEMATICS FOR SCIENTISTS 4 PH20021: LABORATORY SKILLS 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20019 & INFORMATION Academic year Credits: 9 Level: Intermediate Assessment: PR100 Requisites: Pre PH10011 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to introduce mathematical concepts and techniques required by science students. electromagnetism. Introduction to Laplace's.  carry out simulations using PSpice of electric circuits incorporating transistors and operational amplifiers. Entropy. Low density limit. personal and interpersonal skills. In choosing the placement. Statistical mechanics (8 hours): Microstates and macrostates of an isolated system. The second law of thermodynamics. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  define and understand thermodynamic terms such as temperature. PH20029: THERMAL PHYSICS (associated with unit PH20067 for NS/M&P students) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Intermediate Assessment: CW10 EX90 Requisites: Pre PH10002/52. Systems in thermal contact with heat reservoir. whilst placed at an approved laboratory or other organisation. Maxwellian gas.  calculate averages. problem solving.physics experiments. Quantum gases (2 hours): Indistinguishability.  sound record keeping and report writing skills. equilibrium and the second law. PH20040: PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT Academic Year Credits: 60 Level: Intermediate Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Students should have taken an appropriate selection of Year 1 and Year 2 Physics units in order to undertake this unit. chemical potential.  good personal skills in planning and time management. Boltzmann and Planck distribution functions and apply them to simple models. reversibility. application to phase changes.  understand and apply the 1st and 2nd laws. Free energy minimisation. respectively. PH10007 and PH10008 (or equivalent). Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to develop a sound understanding of the concepts of classical thermodynamics and their application to physical processes and to introduce the concepts of statistical mechanics. 87 .  describe the Fermi-Dirac. Canonical ensemble. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are for students to undertake a professional work programme.  good oral communication and presentation skills. the university will try to ensure that the work programme offers adequate opportunities for the student to demonstrate competence in the following categories: Self-management and development. and electronics. an extended physics project. Equipartition theorem. and to develop transferable.  appreciate the need for a microscopic approach to thermal physics and demonstrate an understanding of the microstate formalism. including writing a report on the work carried out during the placement and the context of this work in terms of the organisation's overall strategy. showing how one builds from an elementary treatment based on a description of microstates to a discussion of Fermi and Bose systems. including making an oral presentation at the placement conference on the work being carried out. Communicating clearly and effectively. usually within physics or a related discipline. the Boltzmann distribution. Applying knowledge and Applying initiative in work problems. Classical thermodynamics (8 hours): Basic thermodynamic concepts. Content: Overview (1 hour): Macroscopic and microscopic approaches to thermal physics. density of states.  define entropy and the common thermodynamic potentials and understand their importance to phase changes. function of state. Analytical thermodynamics. heat capacities and other thermodynamic variables for simple models. Fermions and bosons. On completion of the placement year. equilibrium. Systems of weakly interacting constituents (2 hours): Ideal gas and indistinguishability. Managing tasks. relevant to a graduate physicist. the student should have demonstrated:  the ability to apply knowledge and skills gained at the university to a work programme in a professional context. Content: The content varies from placement to placement.  derive the appropriate thermodynamic potentials from the partition function of simple models. partition function. entropy. Systems with variable particle number (1 hour): Grand canonical distribution. Working with and relating to others. Bose-Einstein. Principle of equal a priori probabilities. decision making and team membership. who will introduce topics of current research interest. Content: It is assumed that the student will study courses equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits. multivalued functions. Cauchy's theorem and integral. orthogonality of eigenfunctions.  derive the Euler-Lagrange equation and solve problems using the calculus of variations.  in the case of students attending universities in countries whose language is not English. research and writing of reports. develop the ability to operate at a high scientific level in the language of the country concerned. Differentiation. PH30025: MATHEMATICAL METHODS Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20019 equivalent).  use superposition methods for inhomogeneous equations. 88 .  develop the ability to extract and assimilate relevant information from a wide range of sources. eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. to develop their literature searching and writing skills. Kramers-Kronig relations.  in the case of students attending lectures in a language other than English. While taking this unit. Content: This unit will be based on three seminars from Physics academics. in addition to developing their knowledge and understanding of physics and mathematics. and PH20020 (or Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to continue the development of students' mathematical knowledge and skills by introducing concepts and methods used in a mathematical description of the physical world. evaluation of real integrals. Superposition methods (8 hours): Sturm-Liouville theory. Content: Functions of a complex variable (10 hours): Functions of z. Students then research and write technical reports on each of these topics. PH30024: CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Students should have taken an appropriate selection of Year 1 and Year 2 Physics units in order to undertake this unit. the student and the Bath Director of Studies.  develop their communication skills and their ability to work and interact effectively in an environment in which cultural norms and ways of operating may be very different from those previously familiar. the student should:  demonstrate enhanced knowledge and understanding of physics and mathematics at an appropriate level. in doing so. Taylor and Laurent expansions. languages. Scattering theory.  solve problems in scattering theory. analytic functions. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  derive theorems of analytic functions and use them to evaluate integrals. improve their knowledge of the host language by attending classes therein. PH20042: STUDY YEAR ABROAD Academic Year Credits: 60 Level: Intermediate Assessment: OT100 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are for students to gain experience of living and studying in a University outside the UK and to develop the appropriate personal and linguistic skills. Green's functions. It may also be appropriate to include management. and one or two units in areas more related to the culture of the country in which the student is working. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to enable students to learn about some recent developments in Physics research and.  carry out literature searching methods for academic journals and computer-based resources in order to research the topics studied. but a sample study programme would typically include work in physics and mathematics. Cauchy-Riemann equations. Complex integration. Solution of inhomogeneous equations. Details of these are necessarily left to negotiation between the overseas university.While taking this unit the student should be able to:  demonstrate good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time for the planning. branch points and branch cuts.  develop structured report writing skills. Residue theorem. Examples using 1D and 3D operators. Point defects in thermal equilibrium.  set up the Schrödinger equation for model systems. spherical 89 . Surface energy. point defects and dislocations in crystals. Dirac notation. nearest neighbour bond model. the uncertainty principle. Polymers: Chemical structure. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  explain the relation between wave functions. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce areas of condensed matter physics that extend beyond the conventional domain of regular. momentum and angular momentum. LEED. and soft matter glasses in terms of simple models. Properties of Hermitian operators: real eigenvalues. UV and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. commutators. compare and contrast experimental probes of solid surfaces. adsorbates.  describe. Concentrated polymer solutions. Surface nets and unit meshes. epitaxial growth. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to show how quantum theory can be developed from a few basic postulates and how this leads to an understanding of a wide variety of physical phenomena. and diffusive properties of polymers. models for the conformations of polymers – freely-jointed chain. expectation values. Surface physics (6 hours): Clean and real surfaces. glasses. Angular momentum (4 hours): Definitions. energy operators. vibrational states and thermal conductivity of glasses. Colloids: Diffusion. momentum. time independent Schrödinger equation. Ladder operators. Measurements of a quantum system. Matrix representation of quantum mechanics. the work function.  use wavefunction. Stationary states. reconstructions. optical and mechanical properties of real crystals to their defects. PH20019 and PH20020 (or equivalent). Inclusion of constraints: Lagrange multipliers. PH20020 and PH20029/67. infinite. Ionic conductivity. sedimentation. Brownian motion and random walks. Colour centres. Compatible observables.  make quantitative estimates of the parameters that govern the behaviour of real solids. crystalline solids. operators and commutators. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Probabilities of measurements.  describe the principal structural and relaxational properties of solid. Soft condensed matter (10 hours): Introduction and overview: Characteristic features. Self diffusion. PH30030: QUANTUM MECHANICS Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20013/60. time dependent Schrödinger equation. Introduction to amorphous solids (3 hours): Topological disorder. PH30028: CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS 2 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20017/63. Surfactants: Chemical structure and self-assembled structures. the Stokes-Einstein relation. relaxation time and viscosity. crystals and Content: Concepts and postulates of quantum mechanics (8 hours): The wavefunction and its interpretation. excluded volume effects. expansion in a complete set of eigenfunctions. Effect on electronic. Observables and operators: position. Content: Real solids (3 hours): Defects in crystals.Calculus of variations (4 hours): Euler-Lagrange equation: derivation and examples. liquid.  describe the structure and properties of amorphous solids. Dirac and matrix representations of quantum mechanics. the scanning tunnelling and atomic force microscopes. operators and experimental observables. Determination of glass structure. Spreading of a Gaussian wavepacket. Glass: Glass forming systems.  derive eigenstates of energy. freely-rotating chain. examples. collapse of the wavefunction. Reciprocal nets and diffraction. Interacting colloid particles: phase behaviour.  describe the structure. optical and mechanical properties. simple models of the glass transition. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  relate the electronic. PH20019. Short range order. colloids and liquid crystals. Time evolution of the wavefunction. UHV. orthogonal eigenfunctions.  apply approximate methods to more complex systems. Auger. phase behaviour. The unit builds on unit PH20013/60 by providing a more formal and mathematical approach to quantum mechanics. The finite difference method (4 hours): Review of ODE solutions. time-bandwidth product for pulses. gain clamping.  discretise a differential equation using grid and basis set methods. spherical waves.  compare the properties of different materials for use in practical lasers. Importance of boundary conditions. Introduction to computational methods for matrix problems (3 hours). Resonators with parallel or curved mirrors. absorption. frequency chirp. Modelocking. Examples.  use the simulation schemes to solve simple examples by hand. Pulse spreading caused by group velocity dispersion.  analyse continuous and pulsed lasers and discuss how laser pulses are formed. Conditions for oscillation (2 hours): Gain in 3 and 4 level systems. atomic transitions. Time-dependent perturbation theory: Fermi's golden rule. 90 . laser efficiency. solid state. Applications. Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo methods (6 hours): Examples of N-body problems. Frequency conversion (2 hours): second-harmonic generation. Content: Construction of a mathematical model of a physical system (4 hours): De-dimensionalisation. PH20014/61. Applications. and PH20020 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to provide the theoretical background for what is required for laser action and then to show how this is achieved in real lasers. gain saturation. Pulsed lasers (5 hours): Q-switching. Segmentation. lineshape and broadening mechanisms. phase-matching. Computer experiments. semiconductor and fibre lasers. After taking this unit the student should be able to  de-dimensionalise an equation representing a physical system. variational approach to solution of PDEs. order of magnitude estimate of relative sizes of terms. Examples of pulsed lasers. Types of gain medium (6 hours): Examples of specific lasers and pumping mechanisms: gas. Dispersion. random number generation and importance sampling. Optical modes in resonators. The basic MD strategy. Rayleigh length. stability criterion. Pauli spin matrices. Spin angular momentum. spontaneous and stimulated emission. (or After taking this unit the student should be able to:  understand how light interacts with atoms in excited states.  outline the essential features of each of the simulation techniques introduced and give examples of their use in contemporary science. Examples.  theoretically design simple laser resonators. and how this can lead to stimulated emission and lasing. Identical particles (2 hours): Symmetry relations for bosons and fermions. and to introduce major techniques of computational science used to find approximate solutions to such models.harmonics. selection rules. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to identify some of the issues involved in constructing mathematical models of physical processes. dye. cavity Q factor and lifetime. PH20020 (or equivalent) PH30031: SIMULATION TECHNIQUES Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20019 equivalent). Boundary conditions. ensembles and averaging. Applications in statistical mechanics. beam waist. Pauli exclusion principle. output power in lasers above threshold. Solutions of the Schrödinger equation in 3D (3 hours): Separation in Cartesian and spherical polar coordinates. introduction to laser cavities. The finite element method (3 hours): Illustration of global. The basic MC strategy. Construction of difference equations from PDEs. Gaussian beams. including the hydrogen atom. Discretisation (2 hours): Grids and basis sets. Boundary conditions. PH30032: LASER PHYSICS Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20013/60. lasing threshold. Approximate methods (5 hours): Stationary states: non-degenerate and degenerate perturbation theory. gain and population inversion. Content: Interaction of light with matter (2 hours): Introduction. phase front curvature. Discretisation errors. Optical beams and resonators (5 hours): Ray vectors and matrices. The need for computed solutions. Simulated annealing. Principles of dosimetry. radionuclides and ultrasonic waves. Expectations. PH30036: FINAL YEAR PROJECT Academic year Credits: 12 Level: Honours Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Students should have taken an appropriate selection of Year 1 and Year 2 Physics units in order to undertake this unit.  relate the quality of medical images to the physical principles underlying the equipment associated with their production. Clinical applications and treatment planning. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to provide students with the opportunity to investigate an aspect or application of physics. computed tomography. demonstrate good practical skills in the construction of apparatus and circuits and in data measurement and analysis. Radiotherapeutic techniques (3 hours): Teletherapy. neutrons. Physiological measurement (4 hours): Bioelectric potentials: cardiac. write and test computer programs to simulate the physical system under study. Near field and far field. Pulse-echo and Doppler methods. for both diagnosis and therapy. use. Attenuation. focused fields and pulsed fields. PH30035: MEDICAL PHYSICS Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10007. signal processing. magnetic fields. Imaging system design.  for a computational project. Ultrasonics (5 hours): Generation and description of ultrasonic fields. fluoroscopy. measurement and evaluation. style of lectures.  develop an awareness of the magnitude of physiological signals obtained from the human body. Radiation protection. using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Content: Final year projects offered cover a wide range of physics and most reflect the research or teaching interests of academic staff. radionuclide production and radiopharmaceuticals. ionising radiations and magnetic resonance imaging. 91 . and heavier particles. therapy.  demonstrate some innovation and initiative. and interpret the results from these programs. electrons. and to develop experimental and/or computational skills complementary to those developed in lecture courses. the student should be able to:  research the background to the project using academic journals. interpretation: flow and pressure measurement. Generation and character of therapy beams of ionising particles. electrons. neurological. Generation and character of photon beams.  for an experimental project. Radionuclide dosimetry. and function. lecturers. plain radiography. radiation detection and measurement. Students must have A-level Physics in order to undertake this unit.  describe the physical principles underlying specific areas of medical imaging and ionising radiation therapy.  describe the principles of measurement of physiological actions. Radiodiagnostic techniques and equipment. SPECT and PET techniques.Nuclear medicine (5 hours): Radioactivity. Careers in Medical Physics and Engineering. and associated means of signal processing and interpretation. Arrays. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to introduce the application of physics and engineering to medicine. nuclear transformations. Equipment. Clinical applications. absorption and scatter of tissue. Hospital environment and patient focus. clinical practice. brachytherapy. muscular sources: transducers. PH10008.  demonstrate industry and motivation in carrying out the project.  perform basic calculations on medical applications of ultrasound. radio frequency radiation. gamma rays. Structure of course. X-ray imaging and MRI (5 hours): Physical properties of body tissues. textbooks and computerbased resources. absorption and scattering processes in tissue. Content: Introduction to course: Introduction to applications of physics and engineering to medicine. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  outline the diagnostic and therapeutic uses of x rays. While taking this unit. Projects may be related to the Department's externally sponsored research projects (funded by the Research Councils. Production of cross-sectional images of tissue properties. as well as a basic understanding of the theory and background to the project. safety. imaging and non-imaging. design. Details of these are necessarily left to negotiation between the overseas university. three-body problems.  explain the methodology.public companies. symbolic. constants. ordinary differential equations. develop the ability to operate at a high scientific level in the language of the country concerned. energy levels/bands. in addition to developing their knowledge and understanding of physics and mathematics. While taking this unit. Computer algebra packages as a scientific computer environment: Problems solved effectively in this environment and those that are not. Lorentz equations. integration. logistic map. orbit prediction. 92 . Practical introduction to Maple: Data structures. Dynamics of non-linear systems. loops. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  identify the strengths and weaknesses of a computational approach to modelling. Programming. Standard functions. with the development of undergraduate experiments. Electrons in molecules and solids. numerical. PH30055: COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre PH20018 (or equivalent) and an appropriate selection of level 1 and 2 physics units.  construct Maple worksheets to analyse physical problems. generation. or with the investigation of topics relating to physics education. chaotic motion. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce students to the practical use of computer modelling as a complement to theoretical and experimental solution of physical problems. Exercises and projects based upon construction of Maple worksheets: Examples may include: Bound state problems in quantum physics by shooting method. and UK government or EU agencies). Content: Introduction to computational modelling as a means of gaining physical insight: Contemporary applications of computer modelling. arrays and sets. bonding/antibonding. systems of equations. Planetary dynamics. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are for students to gain experience of living and studying in a University outside the UK and to develop the appropriate personal and linguistic skills. relevant issues and output of the investigations performed. the student and the Bath Director of Studies. functions.  develop their communication skills and their ability to work and interact effectively in an environment in which cultural norms and ways of operating may be very different from those previously familiar. and to explore topics in physics that lend themselves to computational modelling.  in the case of students attending lectures in a language other than English. random walkers. Solving equations.  use computational modelling to perform indepth investigations into selected topics. the student should:  demonstrate enhanced knowledge and understanding of physics and mathematics at an appropriate level. variables. PH30043: MPHYS YEAR ABROAD Academic Year Credits: 60 Level: Honours Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Years 1 and 2 of physics degree programmes. Basic calculus. Linear Algebra. normal modes. logic. to introduce a contemporary package available to the modeller. but the programme of study must provide opportunities for the student to gain the essential pre-requisite knowledge for year 4 of their MPhys programme. differentiation. time-series analysis. improve their knowledge of the host language by attending classes therein. limit Content: The student will study courses equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits. Fractals. basis set expansion. Coupled oscillators. Graphics. linear combination of atomic orbitals. Data i/o.  prepare for their research project in year 4.  demonstrate a practical knowledge of the Maple computer algebra system. diffusion limited aggregation. expressions. characterisation via fractal dimension. lists. limits.  in the case of students attending universities in countries whose language is not English. procedures. Stochastic systems. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to explore the physical processes that lead to the formation and evolution of stars and to the structure and chemical evolution of galaxies. Two projects are assigned to each student from the following 4 topics: Lattice-based simulations: Diffusion limited aggregation as a physical model for growth processes. structural information including pair correlation function g(r). After taking the unit. classification of galaxies. 93 . Galactic astrophysics (9 hours): The Milky Way galaxy (MWG). Importance sampling. Galactic rotation. PH30057: STELLAR & GALACTIC ASTROPHYSICS Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10001.  solve order of magnitude problems on any part of the syllabus. chaos. Angular momentum and magnetic field problems. Chemical evolution and star formation histories of galaxies. specific heat. spectral line shapes.  outline applications of two of the following 4 topics: diffusion limited aggregation. Effects of varying the growth rule. Revision of Monte Carlo methods.  describe the physical processes occurring in the inter-stellar medium. The masses of galaxies. language and architecture. dark clouds. HII regions. luminosities. Revision of elementary statistical Content: Observational background (4 hours): Stellar distances. r). susceptibility. Numerical solution of equations of motion. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  identify issues which influence the choice of programming environment. The interstellar medium of the MWG. formation and evolution of galaxies. Application to multi-particle 2d Lennard-Jones system. Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics: The Ising model. Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. HH objects. Stellar astrophysics (9 hours): Components of the ISM. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  describe the structure and dynamics of galaxies and how they are related. percolation threshold. PH20013. not on programming. and polymers and protein folding  for each topic outline the physics and computational issues and explain the methodology and output of the simulations performed. This model captures an essential feature of protein structures. students will gain greater understanding of the models in the topics and their underlying physics. Calculation of observables. the Ising model. magnetisation. Investigation of properties of clusters formed by DLA. pressure. Potential cut-off. PH30056: COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre PH20018 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to provide students with experience in the application of some of the techniques widely used in the simulation of physical systems. including interfacing to a 2d graphics package. Obtaining information about the ISM. The aim is to explore move types and interactions between the chain components. counting physics. Molecular dynamics: Overview of contemporary applications.  outline the key steps in the formation and evolution of galaxies. magnitudes. diffusion coefficient. Markov states. Metropolis algorithm. temperature. T-Tauri stars. energy density.  write and develop C# code for computer simulations. Content: C# programming basics. Percolation. Stellar dynamics. namely the core of a folded protein typically consists of residue with hydrophobic side chains which cluster together and exclude water. and to develop their ability in using computers in physical modelling. masers. Spin correlation function. Red shift. Galaxies and the large scale structure of the Universe. External galaxies. Polymers and Protein Folding Hydrophobic-polar protein folding model on a 2d lattice. PH20016/76. Programs are written in C#. The emphasis will be on the application and interpretation of the techniques.cycles. Computation of thermal averages.  discuss in detail how stars form from gravitational collapse of dense gas clouds. molecular dynamics. interstellar reddening. Stellar classification. Galaxies. Black holes. galactic structure. cluster algorithms. Large scale structure of the Universe. Optical depth. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  describe dipole radiation using magnetic vector potentials.  derive expressions for the real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric constant of a dipole oscillator. near and far fields. A further aim is to introduce the interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter.  explain the basic features of guided modes in metallic. luminescence and scattering within materials. dielectric and fibre waveguides. Late stages of stellar evolution. Colours in the natural world (1 hour). Supernovae. After taking this unit the students should have acquired a sound understanding how to apply the mathematical tools put at their disposal to a general physical or engineering problem. Lattice vibrations (2 hours): Reststrahlen and inelastic scattering of light. Guided waves (6 hours): Metal and dielectric waveguides. navigation and communication. optical fibres. Groups then tackle separate specific mission statements. PH30077: ELECTROMAGNETISM 2 PH30072: PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS Aims & Learning Objectives: An aim of this unit is to provide a mathematical framework for the description of the radiation. complex index and complex dielectric constant.  apply the Lorentzian dipole model to represent various physical resonances. reception and guidance of electromagnetic energy. focussing particularly on processes of absorption. Collapse processes. 94 . semiconductors. scattering. The students will be acquainted with the theoretical description of this problem and the different parts of physics involved in a number of preliminary theoretical assignments. PH20017/63. Content: The project concerns the design of a space mission. Special topics include mission preparation.  demonstrate the ability to produce a report and presentation on a small research project or design study. propulsion. Radiation (3 hours): Electromagnetic potentials.  outline the main physical principles underlying Raman and Brillouin scattering.  formulate a complex physical problem to build a model using advanced mathematics. Hydrostatic equilibrium. glasses. Introduction to Fourier optics. Fraunhofer diffraction. Formation of molecules.  appreciate how different parts of classical and modern physics come together in real-world problems. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  demonstrate an enhanced ability to solve problems in physics. Star formation. frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant. Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20014/61. Zero-age main sequence stars. Stellar remnants. on-board electricity generation. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to enhance the problem-solving and self-directed learning skills of BSc Physics students. Continuum emission. Application to crystalline insulators. Evolution of protostars. Preparation of a final portfolio including a short presentation on the conclusions of the mission design will conclude the work. radiation from a Hertz dipole. Dust grains. and metals (including plasmons). Evolution off the main sequence. Optical processes in materials (2 hours): Absorption. Work will be conducted in groups under the facilitation of an academic. Working in small groups. Classical Lorentzian model of optical materials (5 hours): Dipole oscillator model for atomic absorption. Molecular outflows. cruise phase and encounter. resonant frequency and linewidth of atomic absorption lines. Content: Transform methods in optics (3 hours): Review of wave theory of light. retarded potentials. the students will have to apply knowledge acquired during their study to the tackling of a comprehensive physical problem. transmission. PH20020 (or equivalent). Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: OT100 Requisites: An appropriate selection of level 1 and 2 physics units. emission. Radiatively excited regions. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. soft and hard magnetic materials. Two fluid model. Meissner effect. superconductivity in technology and the research laboratory. analysis and management of bibliographic information. GMR. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  demonstrate a basic understanding of the origin and types of magnetic order. Other forms of dissemination: conferences. PH20029/67. and illustrate contemporary applications of related phenomena. Magneto-optical phenomena. M-H hysteresis curves. applications. Cooper pairs.  Content: Basic phenomenology. Content: Scientific literature: Types of scientific papers (primary. PH20029/67.  write a proposal for their research project or placement.  describe and explain the origins of magnetic microstructure. High Tc superconductivity. critical magnetic field. press releases. BCS model and the energy gap. review. Itinerant magnetism. Thin film magnetism. isotope effect. Type I and type II superconductors. para-. PH20013/60. Tunnelling in superconductors. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to provide MPhys students with an insight into the practice of research. Dynamic effects: magnetization reversal. coherence length. PH30080: MPHYS PREPARATION PROJECT/PLACEMENT Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Post PH40081/82 Content: Microscopic origins of magnetism.PH30078: MAGNETISM Semester 2 Credits: 3 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10006/51. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to explain the basic properties of superconductivity. PH30079: SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Semester 2 Credits: 3 Level: Honours Assessment: CW20 EX80 Requisites: Pre PH10006/51. spin resonance. Contemporary applications of magnetism.  engage in peer review of these proposals. critical temperature. The exchange interaction. anti-ferro and ferrimagnetism. spin valves. citations. Scientific journals: pecking order. Demagnetising fields and crystalline anisotropy. electron phonon interaction. Google Scholar). Domains and magnetic microstructure. Magnetic ordering. e-print servers.  explain the magnetisation process and hysteresis. vortex states and critical currents. PH20017/63. web pages. Heisenberg model. etc) and their purpose. impact factors. Applications of type II materials. coercivity. the Josephson effect. Microscopic theory. Magnetoelectronics and spintronics. SQUIDS. While taking this unit the student should:  use bibliographic tools to research and analyse the development of a current hot topic in Physics. PH20017/63.  apply fundamental knowledge of superconductors to applications of 95 . PH20013/60. and illustrate contemporary applications of related phenomena.  write a report on this topic in the style and format of a journal paper. ferro-. Case study of the development of a recent hot topic in physics. Other non-conventional superconductors. Kerr effect and applications. penetration depth. The process of publication: editors.  describe magneto-optical effects and how magnetism impacts upon transport properties. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to explain the basic properties of magnetism. the peer review process.  research the scientific background to their research project or placement. Ethical issues in research: After taking this unit the student should be able to:  describe the basic properties of superconductors. and understand the academic or business context in which it will take place. zero resistance. Searching the scientific literature (Web of Science. conference. referees. make quantitative estimates of the parameters that govern superconductivity. and to enable them to prepare for their final year project or placement. Ginsburg-Landau theory. e. displaying an appropriate level of content. uses of research. incompressible flow. Examples including vortex flow. Critical path analysis.  explain and interpret mathematically the terms: steady and non-steady flow.  perform a dimensional analysis of the NavierStokes equation and interpret the Reynolds number. ‘milestones’. waves on deep water. local rotation and local shearing. potential flow. Navier-Stokes equations. Estimation and justification of resource requirements. Acceleration of a fluid packet. pressure gradient. Content: Two experiments are chosen from a number offered.  modify or develop apparatus and/or advanced techniques of data analysis. Representation of project plans (Gantt charts). time management and multi-tasking. plagiarism and fraud. Dedimensionalisation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Circulation theorem. gravity. in consultation with members of staff.  solve simple potential flow and laminar viscous flow problems. Local nature of fluid motion. Acknowledgement of assistance. The peer review process.  derive and use Bernoulli’s equation. Boundary conditions. 96 . Data Protection Act.  show initiative in developing and performing the experiments. Reynolds Number. Recordkeeping and transparency. the process of obtaining patents. style and structure. ‘risk management’.  keep a laboratory logbook. Intellectual property and ownership of results. steady and non-steady flows. Non-viscous flow: Bernoulli’s equation. Health and Safety legislation. Publication versus patents. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and equations of fluid dynamics.Nature of research. rotation and shear. streamlines and pathlines. Boundary layer flow.  demonstrate enthusiasm. ‘incremental’ versus ‘adventurous’ and identification of these within a project. viscosity. Content: Introduction to fluid dynamics: Definitions. Forces on a fluid. Drag on a moving object. most reflecting the research interests of academic staff. displacement.  derive the continuity and Euler equations. Irrotational flow. Separation and the transition to turbulence. rate of change of the velocity pattern.  be able to consider and to propose further extension or development of the experiments performed.g.  prepare and deliver oral presentations on one of the experiments and answer questions relating to the presentation.  use appropriate methods for signal reduction and data analysis. Viscous flow: Laminar flow. shared authorship. laminar flow. ‘feasibility’. While taking this unit the student should be able to:  become familiar with the safe and effective use of advanced equipment.  carry out a survey of research literature and other resources. Equations of motion for a fluid: Continuity equation. analysis and interpretation through performing two extended experiments with research-grade apparatus. industry and motivation in carrying out the experiments and managing the available time. to provide background material for the reports. flows in pipes and channels. ‘objectives’. Preparing project proposals. Project planning: Defining a research problem. incompressible flows. Properties of potential flows. Estimation of timescales. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  analyse a two-dimensional flow in terms of displacement. irrotational flow. PH30089: MPHYS/MSCI LABORATORY Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre PH20021 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to develop skills involved with data collection.  write a detailed technical report on one of the experiments. PH30087: FLUID DYNAMICS Semester 2 Credits: 3 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH20019. flow past a cylinder. ‘aims’. Common concepts.  demonstrate industry. problem-solving. innovation and initiative. PH20019. The unit aims to develop experimental and/or computational skills complementary to those developed in lecture courses. from the magnetosphere to the core. Electromagnetism and remote sensing.  synthesise their knowledge and understanding of physics and/or mathematics to formulate a solution to a real-life problem posed by an industrial ‘client’. as appropriate to the project. Moon (formation and in-depth mapping). comets. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  describe current knowledge of the constituents of our own Solar System. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to provide students with the opportunity to investigate an aspect or application of physics or Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to explain the basic properties of networks and how 97 . The students will have to apply their knowledge of physics and mathematics to the tackling of these problems. Convection in planetary interiors (telluric planets. While taking this unit the student should be able to:  research the background to the project or design study using academic journals. PH20014. which will involve experimental investigation or modelling of an application of physics or mathematics. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to give an overview of our current picture of planetary physics. It aims to give students an insight into the application of physics and/or mathematics within an industrial/commercial setting and to enable them to gain a better understanding of career opportunities available to them. Europa and Io. Jupiter-sized planets in the solar system and elsewhere. Helioseismology and links with acoustics. communication. The students will be acquainted with the project brief by the client and work on the project under the facilitation of an academic. a copy of which is provided to the industrial client. Assessment is carried out by means of an oral presentation and a written report. Mars (gravity studies. computational and/or analytical skills. self-directed learning and project management. icy bodies. gas giants. landers.  work successfully within a team. PH30094: PLANETARY PHYSICS Semester 2 Credits: 3 Level: Honours Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre PH10004. limits and accuracies.  quantify the variations of planetary parameters and explain their significance. motivation. Neutron mapping (Mars/Moon/Earth). textbooks and other text-based and computer-based resources. Applications presented will be taken from: Venus (from the magnetosphere to the core). Content: Industry team projects are carried out in teams of 4-6 students in response to real-life scientific problems posed by an industrial client. PH30096: INDUSTRY TEAM PROJECT Academic Year Credits: 12 Level: Honours Assessment: OT 100 Requisites: An appropriate selection of year 1 and year 2 Physics and Mathematics units. instruments).  explain the physical processes determining a planetary environment. Telluric planets. both in our solar system and beyond.  explain the tools of current and future planetary exploration. Moments of inertia.mathematics in response to a ‘real-life’ scientific problem set in an industrial or research context.  prepare and deliver an oral presentation and write a report on the outcomes of the work. Examples of recent planetary missions.  describe the latest advances in our knowledge of exoplanetary physics. Magnetic fields and planetary physics. quantifying their advantages.  demonstrate good experimental. gas giants). neutron mapping. Content: Review of the planetary bodies in the Solar System and other systems. and to enhance transferable skills such as teamworking. The tools of planetary exploration and their underlying physics (satellites. gravity and orbital mechanics. PH30098: NETWORKS Semester 2 Credits: 3 Level: Honours Assessment: EX 100 Requisites: Pre PH10008. large asteroids and comets. presence of water and other useful elements). PH20029. contexts and audiences. video or webpage). the students will identify and carry out several physics communication tasks. biological.g.  engage in outreach activities that involve interaction with children. technological. While taking this unit the student should be able to:  explore and use different methods and media for effective physics communication. 98 .  explain methods for calculating more complex measures of network structure. and to illustrate contemporary uses of networks in various disciplines. or visual media (e. Students taking this unit will be required to have a satisfactory DBS check. and exploring a range of methods and techniques for physics outreach and widening participation.g. PH20029/67. Working individually and in teams. critically evaluate their work using a variety of techniques. Erdös-Rényi random graph. Students will design. develop their potential as communicators and explore the media and contexts with which they are most at ease. give an oral presentation and prepare an evaluative portfolio. PH20016. Students will have the opportunity to get involved in activities with schools and will interact with pupils and teachers. exploring the role of science teachers.g. including descriptive and reflective commentaries on the activities carried out. terminology and definitions. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to train students in various aspects of physics communication. more structured settings (e.  define. school pupils and adults. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims are to provide an understanding spacetime in general relativity. local and global measures of network structure. public hands-on outreach events.  After taking this unit the student should be able to:  describe uses of networks in at least 2 different areas of science and technology. Content: Empirical examples of networks. PH20020 (or equivalent).  develop awareness of child protection issues and health and safety at interactive events. Students will also be encouraged to research and take into account relevant aspects of the pedagogy of physics. of this unit of curved on metrics holes. both static and dynamic. It aims to enhance students’ transferable skills. PH30101: GENERAL RELATIVITY Semester 1 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: EX 100 Requisites: Pre PH10004 (or equivalent). demonstrate initiative. PH30099: COMMUNICATING PHYSICS Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Honours Assessment: CW80 OT20 Requisites: An appropriate selection of Year 1 and Year 2 Physics and Mathematics units. Network analysis. structure and demonstrate hands-on activities from the STEM disciplines.they are measured. teamwork. information. GCSE and A-level pupils to the general public. creativity and industry. Network models. taking part in events at local or national level. site percolation.  outline the key features of some simple network models. such as science fairs and IOP events). creativity. social. epidemics on scale-free networks. exponential random graphs. work successfully within a team. small-worlds. quantify and interpret some simple measures of network structure. presentations within school lessons). independent lifelong learning and project management. a poster. Processes on networks. Training will be provided on how to present to audiences ranging from primary school children. taking into account aims. based that describe static and rotating black some appreciation of quantum gravity.  account for the different predictions of general relativity and Newtonian gravity. Content: Students will explore techniques of communicating physics. elementary graph theory. with After taking this unit the student should be able to:  deduce the motion of particles and light from given spacetime metrics. synchronisation. It aims to give students the opportunity to participate in several communication events. flow networks.     design and carry out specific public engagement activities aimed at communicating the excitement and fun of physics. particularly relating to communication. which may include informal and interactive contexts (e. scale-free networks. the equivalence principle. Landau theory. the ergoregion. appreciate the problems of interfacing general relativity and quantum theory. The Kerr metric: rotating black holes. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to provide students with the opportunity to investigate in depth some aspect or application of physics.  define critical exponents and discuss scaling relations and universality classes.  use symmetries to derive conservation laws. perihelion advance.  analyse nonlinear field models using methods of classical mechanics. examples. After taking the section on classical mechanics the student should be able to:  show proficiency in using the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations to solve problems in classical mechanics. the aim is for students to gain a quantitative understanding of the principles that govern first and second order phase transitions. the event horizon. the singularity. For the section on phase transitions. and interpret the results from these programs.  explain the properties of static and rotating black holes. Content: Gravity and relativity: review of special relativity and Newtonian gravity. Weiss theory. Statistical mechanics of phase transitions. geodesic equations of motion. 99 . related to the research interests of physics academics. Hawking radiation. For the section on classical mechanics. Mean field theories. write and test computer programs to simulate the physical system under study.  formulate and analyse equations of motion for systems of oscillators.  describe the principles of real-space renormalisation. the aim is for students to understand and apply the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics. Hamilton’s principle. classification of phase transitions. Content: A high-level research project. Classical field theory. examples based on the Ising model. Introduction to scaling and the renormalisation group. Non-linear wave equations. where a mathematical treatment is essential fully to appreciate the subject. to develop experimental and/or computational skills complementary to those developed in lecture courses. the classical tests of GR.  for an experimental project. Van der Waals theory. Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics. frame dragging. as well as a thorough understanding of the theory and background to the project. demonstrate good practical skills in the operation of research equipment and in data measurement and analysis. The Schwartzschild metric: orbits.  demonstrate innovation and initiative. (or Semester 1 Credits: 30 Level: Masters Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre PH30080.  for a computational project. design. curved spacetime. Content: Phase transitions: Phenomenology. equivalent). Linear and non-linear dynamics. as well as good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time to the project. While taking this unit the student should be able to:  demonstrate industry and motivation in carrying out the project. After taking the section on phase transitions the student should be able to:  perform mean field calculations of phase transitions. deflection of light. and to give students first-hand experience of innovation and/or research. Symmetry and conservation laws. Classical mechanics: Calculus of variations. current theories of everything PH40081: MPHYS RESEARCH PROJECT PH40073: MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Masters Assessment: EX 100 Requisites: Pre PH10004 PH20029/67. Quantum gravity: black hole thermodynamics. static black holes. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to develop students’ understanding of some fundamental aspects of Physics. Dipole-dipole interactions and van der Waals forces. to develop experimental and/or computational skills complementary to those developed in lecture courses. Long problems: Surface tension of water. such as developing physical imagery to link physical intuition and logical reasoning. Electromagnetism. Thermal Physics.  confidently apply knowledge of Mechanics. demonstrate good practical skills in the operation of research equipment and in data measurement and analysis. as well as good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time to the project. Ramsey interference. Vibrations and Waves. design. and interpret the results from these programs. make and justify good approximations in calculations. Formation of interstellar hydrogen. electromagnetically induced transparency and laser cooling. Content: A high-level research project on a physicsrelated topic within an external organisation. PH40084: ADVANCED QUANTUM THEORY Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Masters Assessment: EX 100 Requisites: Pre PH30030. Rabi oscillations. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to increase the breadth and depth of students’ knowledge and understanding of quantum physics. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to solve advanced problems from the real world by calling on knowledge from areas which are generally taught separately in the Physics curriculum.  demonstrate enthusiasm. Incandescent lamp (2 parts). in both fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics and modern applications of quantum theory.  for a computational project. Thermal Physics. PH40083: ADVANCED PROBLEM SOLVING Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Masters Assessment: EX50 CW50 Requisites: An appropriate selection of level 1.  outline and critically assess the following major applications of coherent light-matter interactions. apply systematic methods to general problem solving.  explain optical absorption and refraction using a quantum framework.  demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the realm of quantum optics and its major applications and frontline research. Lorentz After taking this unit the student should be able to: 100 . and to give students first-hand experience of innovation and/or research in an external organisation. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  explain in detail the salient differences between classical physics and quantum physics.  Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to provide students with the opportunity to investigate in depth some aspect or application of physics. industry and motivation in carrying out the project.  discuss the principles of quantum cryptography and computing.  use and apply Dirac formalism to light-matter optical phenomena. Content: Relativistic quantum mechanics (10 hours): Inertia principle and invariance under Lorentz transformation. Lamb shift. 2 and 3 physics units. Klein-Gordon equation. The unit aims to develop analytical problem solving skills and a deeper level of overall understanding.  demonstrate innovation and initiative.  for an experimental project.  give a mathematical description of the quantum principles of vector states. Hilbert space and quantum interference. Content: Topical problems: Mechanics. write and test computer programs to simulate the physical system under study. Electromagnetism and Quantum Theory to solving real world problems. Dirac equation. as well as a thorough understanding of the theory and background to the project. Dirac sea. Vibrations and Waves.PH40082: MPHYS RESEARCH PLACEMENT  Semester 1 Credits: 30 Level: Masters Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre PH30080. While taking this unit the student should be able to:  apply knowledge and skills gained at the university to a research project in a professional context. such as graphene and carbon nanotubes. Applications. chemical. optical tweezers. Mechanisms of charge transport for weak and strong coupling. EPR paradox. Atomic fine structure. Bose-Einstein condensates. Magnetic properties of nanoparticles. quasi-1D and 1D systems. using scanning probe microscopies. Klein tunnelling. Confinement effects (nanoribbons).  apply taught formalisms to the analysis of quantum/physical phenomena that arise at the nanoscale. Bell’s inequalities. Probing and manipulation at the nanoscale – The Lab on a Tip (6 hours): 1. Quantum light-matter interaction. charge-transport and magnetic properties of materials. Spin in external fields (4 hours): Spin 1/2 in a magnetic field: interferences of spin waves: 4 spin periodicity. Content: Nanotechnology .  give a detailed explanation of the physical principles of single-molecule devices. Electron confinement: Quantum Corrals. Quantum information. the “physics under the 101 .e. 0D systems (3 hours): Electronic structure of 0-D systems.Graphene: Bonding and Electronic structure (Dirac cones and linear dispersion). explain and derive representative properties of topical nanoscale nanomaterials. Density matrix. Stacking layers (monolayer. ESR. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  demonstrate a thorough understanding of the impact of the nanoscale on the electronic structure. Landau quantisation (4 hours): Orbital quantisation in high magnetic fields. and their capabilities. Impact of the nanoscale on physical properties (1 hour): Scaling laws. describe and critically assess the merits and limitations of “top-down” and “bottom-up” nanofabrication techniques. Carbon Nanotubes: Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Semiconducting/Metallic. Bohr complementarity principle. critically analyse and compare techniques for probing the nanoscale directly. Conductance quantisation.  describe the basic properties of quasi-1D and 0D systems. NMR. Quantum optics (10 hours): Wave-particle duality of the photon. describe. i. with sub-nanometer resolution. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and associated Quantum Phenomena: STM imaging. magnetic properties. electrical. articulate public concerns and the benefits of nanoscience and nanotechnology. AFM application in material/life sciences.transformation of spinors. Band structure. 2. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): Magnitude of forces at the nanoscale & how to measure them. electronic structure with atomic resolution. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to outline properties of materials at the nanoscale.    microscope’s tip”. graphite). manipulation of atoms and molecules. Electromagnetically induced transparency. Novel Carbon-based Nanomaterials (4 hours): 1. visualisation and probing of nanostructures. 1D Quantization. Plane wave spinors. Quasi-1D systems (4 hours): Electronic structure of 2D.g. and solve representative problems in the field. Shubnikov de Haas effect. prospective applications and potential impact. Optomechanical effects. Electrical transport in quasi-1D conductors. explain. Electrical transport in 0-D. ‘Bra’s and ‘Ket’s. Applications. BüttikerLandauer formalism. atomic traps. bilayer. Classical light-matter interaction. to describe methods for the fabrication. Molecular systems (3 hours): Molecular orbitals. Subbands and transverse modes. PH40085: NANOSCIENCE Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Masters Assessment: EX 100 Requisites: Pre PH30030. 2. selfassembly). Aharonov-Casher effect. Atomic clusters.what is it? (1 hour): Advantages. (e. Quantum Hall effect. Rabi oscillations. magneto-oscillatory effects. spectroscopy. de Haas-van Halfèn effect. Principles of quantum mechanics (4 hours): State vector. Coulomb blockade.  describe. Spin in an electric field: Rashba coupling. Quantum entanglement. and to give some examples of their possible applications. Single-electron transistor. How to construct an STM. Nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac equation: origin of the spin and spin-orbit coupling. spin transistor. Raman and Brillouin effects. nonlinear phase modulation. directional coupling. Transmission and reflection characteristics of periodic optical waveguides. supermodes. photonic crystal band structure. parametric frequency conversion. One-dimensional photonic crystals. nonlinear Schrödinger equation.and threedimensional photonic crystals. phase-matching. mode excitation and propagation. saturation effects. transitions. solid. PH30077. scalar wave equation. Nonlinear refractive index.  describe in detail the properties of coupled waveguides and waveguide transitions. Nonlinear optics (11 hours): Linear and nonlinear susceptibilities.generation.  explain the physical origins and implications of loss and dispersion in practical waveguides. chromatic dispersion. After taking this unit the student should be able to:  discuss the properties of waveguide modes as solutions to the scalar wave equation. phase-matching. photonic band gap. Second harmonic 102 .  demonstrate an understanding of the quantum mechanical origin of optical nonlinearities. group velocity dispersion. PH30030.  discuss and mathematically describe nonlinear effects in optical fibres. Nonlinear optics in fibres. leakage and bending loss. A further aim is to describe how these interactions may be manipulated and enhanced by means of periodically patterned and microstructured optical waveguides.  describe the unique properties of photonic crystal fibres. Index guiding fibres. Content: Optical waveguides (6 hours): Waveguide modes. PH40086: PHOTONICS Semester 2 Credits: 6 Level: Masters Assessment: EX 100 Requisites: Pre PH20017/63. Short pulses and solitons in optical fibres.and hollow-core photonic bandgap fibres. Nonlinear beam propagation. Lorentz oscillator model and nonlinear wave mixing. Two. focusing and defocusing nonlinearities. Photonic crystals (5 hours): Photonic crystal fibres. filamentation. four-wave mixing. Bloch theorem. Coupled modes. defects in photonic crystals. Optical supercontinuum.  discuss the meaning and applications of the phase matching conditions in frequency conversion.  give a detailed explanation of the basic properties of photonic bandgaps and defects in 2 D and 3 D photonic crystals. endlessly single mode fibres. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to develop students’ understanding of the fundamental physics underlying both linear and nonlinear interactions of light with matter. structure and grammar and a reasonable display of initiative and analysis are expected as standard. scientific detail and analysis. presentation. circuit simulation packages). The assessment of these elements is given below. Assessment is based upon the quality and clarity of the presentation and the student’s response to questions on the work.5 7. based on their attendance and an evaluation of the care and aptitude with which they perform the experimental work. Laboratory reports are critically assessed for their structure.5 20 20 15 20 10 . In semester 2 there is a workshop on oral presentation skills followed by an assessed presentation of the group project. and a poster presentation of a project. Each block consists of 4 laboratory days. Students maintain a scientific log book. demonstrations.5 Project 1 (S1) Assessed by project report* 20 Project 2 (S2) Assessed by project report* 20 PC laboratory coursework (S1) 5 Poster presentation of Project 2 (S2) 2. with students spending one laboratory day on each of the Physics and Electronics experiments. PC laboratory sessions (including the use of spreadsheets. and a group project). including questions 103 % of unit mark 7. electronics. assessed by the student’s tutor) PH20021 Laboratory and Information Skills 2 This unit consists of three blocks (Physics experiments. data and error analysis. Electronics experiments. project work). word processors. % of unit mark Laboratory work done (S1 and 2) Assessed by log book marking 52. and 4 laboratory days on the group project.11 Appendix C: Assessment of Non-standard Units PH10011 Laboratory and Information Skills 1 This unit consists of several distinct components including laboratory work (techniques. The assessment scheme for the year 2 laboratory unit is as follows: One-day physics experiments One-day electronics experiments Physics 4-week group project Logbook/performance mark Students write a short (2-page) report on each experiment Full report on one of the experiments (student’s choice) Logbook/performance mark Logbook/performance mark Individual project report Group oral presentation.5 (*10% of project mark is allocated to a draft report. Good presentation. recording details of experimental method and results to an appropriate standard. Assessment is also carried out of students’ logbooks and general performance. Each student submits one laboratory report on a Physics experiment and one on their group project. supporting lectures (including graph plotting. project planning and report writing). Students research and write technical reports on each of these topics. two pieces of coursework.  Using initiative. testing ability to design algorithm given a mathematical problem and to construct an appropriate flow chart and pseudocode (or C code). Through these three tasks students will be expected to demonstrate development leading to competence in the following areas:  Managing themselves. Satisfactory overall performance is required across all three tasks for the student to pass the unit. Satisfactory overall performance is required across all three tasks for the student to pass the unit. An oral presentation given by the student at the departmental Placement Conference. Satisfactory completion of a personal development programme during the placement year structured around the Personal Objectives and Learning Outcomes (POLO) forms and Goals.PH20018 Programming Skills There are two elements to the assessment of this unit:  Examination. 3. 2.  Applying knowledge. 60%  Assessed work. 104 . with the lecturers holding technical surgeries to answer any questions students may have.  Teamwork. with marks for both scientific content and quality of writing and presentation. 2. A transcript for the year from the host university. Objectives and Learning Forms (GOLF).  Communicating effectively. 40% PH20040 BSc Placement Assessment of this unit is based on the following three assessment tasks: 1. A report written by the student at the end of the placement on the work carried out during the year. 3.  Managing tasks. A short report from the student on his/her experiences. Each report is assessed by the lecturer concerned according to a set marking scheme. PH30024 Contemporary Physics This unit is based around three seminars from speakers who will introduce topics of current research in Physics. Each report is weighted equally. testing (i) comprehension of the C language and (ii) ability to use numerical methods to solve problems in physics. indicating satisfactory performance. An oral presentation given by the student at the departmental Placement Conference. PH20042 BSc Year Abroad Assessment of this unit is based on the following three assessment tasks: 1. assessor and a chair. they prepare a written report on one of the two experiments performed. The supervisor and assessor award marks for the project in the following way: Project Supervisor General performance of the project Report Project Assessor Report Student’s performance at viva Mark out of 50 50 100 50 50 100 The moderating of marks occurs after the viva. and (e) ideas for extension of the experiment. which normally falls between the marks of the supervisor and assessor. Laboratory performance is assessed on the basis of enthusiasm and commitment. when the chair will lead a discussion with the assessor and supervisor of the marks they have awarded. 50%  Oral presentation on the other experiment performed.PH30036 Final Year Project In this unit students work (usually in pairs) on an extended project which spans both semesters. In any one year a small number of chairs are used. in order to produce the overall mark for unit PH30036. Students must give an oral presentation on their project to their assessor around week 11 of semester 1. so that they see sufficient projects to be able to have a moderating role. and an oral presentation on the other experiment. 105 . The result will be an overall mark for the project. time management and discipline. PH30089 MPhys/MSci Laboratory Students work singly or in pairs in this unit to perform two extended experiments. Each project has a supervisor. layout and clarity of presentation. The assessor has the leading role in questioning students during the oral examination. This mark will then be scaled to produce 90% of the unit mark. There is also a 30 minute oral examination attended by the student. supervisor. (c) critical sense and insight. 25%  General laboratory performance 25% Reports are assessed on (a) scientific content. careful and effective use of equipment and resources and the maintenance of a well-kept log book. and an assessor is appointed for each student early in semester 1. (b) style. and combined with the mark gained from the presentation at the end of semester 1. this presentation forms 10% of the mark for the project unit. The marks for the units are awarded as follows:  Written report on one of the experiments performed. Assessors visit the student at their workplace during the year and monitor the progress of the project. bibliography). Students write an extended report on their project towards the end of the second semester which is marked independently by the supervisor and assessor. (d) evidence of background reading (references. normalised to ensure. that a student 10th in a class of 20 abroad obtained a mark comparable with a student 25th in a class of 50 at Bath. Assessment is based on a number of elements. as described below:  Facilitator assessment of preliminary assignments (individual mark)  Two multiple choice tests (individual mark)  Presentation (group mark)  Mission design report (group mark) 20% 2  15% 15% 35% PH30080 MPhys project/placement preparation This unit aims to provide an insight into the practice of research. and their level. The number of students and the rank order of the student in each class. as will assessments of student research projects. technical achievement. and to provide a preparation for MPhys students’ research projects or placements in year 4. interpretation and correctness. The marks or grades that the student obtains. 106 . Analysis of a current “hot topic” in Physics. to be written in the style and format of a journal publication (40% of the unit marks. students first complete seven preliminary problem solving assignments representing different phases of a space mission. In order to allow for varying failure rates between countries. based on separate specific mission statements for each group. Students following courses entirely unlike any courses in the Department of Physics will be given special consideration.PH30043 MPhys Year Abroad When assessing the performance of each student who has spent a study year abroad the examiners will take into consideration: 1. PH30072 Problem-solving Skills This unit aims to enhance students’ problem-solving and self-directed learning skills. The assessment for the unit consists of the following elements: i. for example. A viva voce examination on some of the material studied abroad will normally be carried out on the student’s return to Bath. For each of the larger assignments students are issued with a detailed specification of the project and the marking scheme appropriate to the assignment – typically these are based upon the four criteria of presentation. 2. 3. These form the basis for the design project that the groups undertake during the remaining four weeks of the semester. “class size” may be equated with “number of students within the class successfully completed the course”. The student may then be given the same percentage mark as a student of the same rank order on a similar course at the University of Bath. PH30055/56 Computational Physics A & B The emphasis on these units is for students to gain practical experience of computational modelling of physical systems. where 10% are for the quality of the writing and presentation. The coursework assessment involves a mixture of small exercises to monitor progress (PH30055) and larger assignments (two in each of PH30055 and PH30056). Working in groups of around five or six. and 30% for the discussion and analysis of the hot topic). The number of courses taken. and another at the end of the semester 2 assessment period. and panels consisting of the unit coordinator and students on the unit are convened to assess the proposals (60% of the unit marks. An assessor is appointed for each project early in semester 1. develop their potential as communicators and explore the media and contexts they are most at ease with. one around the end of semester 1. where 40% are for the quality of the student’s research proposal. and 10% for the student’s participation at the panel). It aims to give students the opportunity to participate in several public engagement events. It aims to enhance students' transferable skills. PH30096 Industry Team Project Industry team projects are carried out in teams of 4-6 students in response to real-life scientific problems posed by an industrial client.ii. 107 . Students apply their knowledge of physics and mathematics to the tackling of these problems. Students write an individual report on their project towards the end of the second semester. creativity. There are also two oral presentations. The unit is assessed as follows:  General performance Marked by Academic supervisor  Mid-term oral presentation Assessor 10%  Final oral presentation Assessor 15%  Individual project report Academic supervisor 25%  Individual project report Assessor 25% 25% In assigning the general performance mark. Assessors visit the student at their workplace during the year and monitor the progress of the project. particularly relating to communication. Each student team also provides an executive summary of the project outcomes to the industrial supervisor. performance in the oral presentations. the academic supervisor will take into account feedback received from the industrial supervisor on the overall team/student performance. and this is marked independently by the academic supervisor and assessor. 10% for the referee reports written by the student. which involve experimental investigation or modelling of an application of physics or mathematics. and work on the project under the facilitation of an academic supervisor. The students are acquainted with the project brief by the client (the industrial supervisor). independent lifelong learning and project management. Each proposal is refereed by two students on the unit and one academic member of staff. Research proposal for the research project or placement that the student will undertake in year 4. and the executive summary. teamwork. PH30099 Communicating Physics The aim of this unit is to train students in various aspects of physics communication. The unit is assessed as follows: Weighting  Ideas ‘pitch’ Peer assessment 5% Staff assessment 5%  General progress Staff assessment 10%  Activities Reviewer assessment of Activity 1 5% Reviewer assessment of Activity 2 5% Portfolio 1 25% Portfolio 2 35% Peer assessment of activity 2.5% Staff assessment of activity 5%   Portfolio Departmental event “Ignite” presentation 2.5% PH40081 MPhys research project / PH40082 MPhys research placement Both of these units are assessed in the same way. The supervisor (whether within the department or at the placement organisation) assesses the student’s performance during the course of the project or placement. An assessor is appointed for each student early in semester 1. Students write a report in the style and format of a journal paper on their research project or placement, and give an assessed oral presentation at the MPhys Conference. There is also a 30 minute oral examination attended by the student, assessor and a chair. Marks are assigned as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. Supervisor’s marks (20%): The supervisor assesses qualities such as the student’s industry and motivation, time management skills, innovation and initiative, and level of technical skills (e.g. experimental/computational). Report (15%): The assessor and chair assign marks for the quality of presentation of the report. Oral presentation (10%): The assessor and chair assign marks for the quality of presentation of the oral presentation. “The physics” (55%): At the end of the viva, the assessor and chair assign marks for the level of understanding and analysis demonstrated by the student in the report, the oral presentation and the viva. 108 12 Appendix D: Rules for Assessment and Progression and Requirements for the Conferment of Ordinary Degrees Note: The terms C1, C2, Part 1 and Part 2 referred to in this document carry the same meaning as the definitions given for these terms within the University’s New Framework for Assessment: Assessment Regulations (NFAAR) ( 1. Progression to BSc (Ordinary) Degrees 1.1. Students may only enter the BSc (Ordinary) degree programmes as a result of being transferred from a BSc Honours degree programme, due to having narrowly failed to satisfy the requirements for progression to the next stage of this programme. There is no direct entry to the BSc (Ordinary) degree programmes. 1.2. There is no entry to the BSc (Ordinary) degree programmes at the end of Part 1, and these programmes are therefore not named as Designated Alternative Programmes to any Honours degree programmes at the end of Part 1. 1.3. Students may be transferred to the BSc (Ordinary) degree programmes at the end of Part 2, following either the main round or the supplementary round of assessment. 1.4. After due consideration of the results by the Board of Examiners for Programmes, and subject to proper consideration of any relevant mitigating circumstances, the transfer criteria from Honours degree programmes to Ordinary degree programmes in the main round of assessment at the end of Part 2 are as follows: i. A student will only be transferred onto an Ordinary degree programme if they are not permitted under NFAAR to proceed to the next stage of an Honours degree programme or to undertake supplementary assessment. ii. A student will be permitted to transfer onto an Ordinary degree programme if they have achieved an overall stage average (OSA) of at least 35.00%, and have passed (P1) units worth at least 24 credits, and have condonable (C1) fails in remaining units worth at least 6 credits. iii. Under the provisions of NFAAR, a student fulfilling the criteria outlined in (ii) above cannot be compelled to transfer onto an Ordinary degree programme, and will be offered the option to transfer onto an Ordinary degree programme or to repeat the whole stage of their Honours degree programme. iv. A student who is transferred onto an Ordinary degree programme will have all condonable (C1) fails in Part 2 units condoned by compensation. 1.5. After due consideration of the results by the Board of Examiners for Programmes, and subject to proper consideration of any relevant mitigating circumstances, the transfer criteria from Honours degree programmes to Ordinary degree programmes in the supplementary round of assessment at the end of Part 2 are as follows: i. A student will only be transferred onto an Ordinary degree programme if they are not permitted under NFAAR to proceed to the next stage of an Honours degree programme. ii. Under the provisions of NFAAR, such a student cannot be compelled to transfer onto an Ordinary degree programme, and will be offered the option to transfer onto an Ordinary degree programme or to repeat the whole stage of their Honours degree programme. iii. A student who is transferred onto an Ordinary degree programme will have all condonable (C1 and C2) fails in Part 2 units condoned by compensation. 1.6. Any student who is transferred at the end of Part 2 onto a BSc (Ordinary) degree programme that includes periods spent on placement or study abroad will be registered on this Ordinary degree programme throughout the placement or study abroad periods, and not on their original Honours degree programme. 109 2. Programme of Study 2.1. The award of a BSc (Ordinary) degree requires at least 150 credits in total, of which at least 30 must be at H-level. 2.2. Periods spent on placement or study abroad within a BSc (Ordinary) degree programme will be classified as standard for assessment purposes (as defined by NFAAR at In other words, any placement or study abroad periods within BSc (Ordinary) degree programmes include a mechanism for assessing whether the placement or study abroad period has been satisfactorily completed for the award of credit, but these periods do not contribute to the student’s degree classification. 2.3. BSc (Ordinary) degree students will be required to complete a programme of study in their final year consisting of units to a value of 60 credits, with at least 30 of these credits being at H-level. Each student’s programme of study must be individually approved in advance by the Director of Studies. 2.4. In approving a student’s programme of study, the Director of Studies will take into account the number of credits already gained by the student in year 2 of their programme. Students may repeat units that they had previously taken in year 2 of their programme (up to a maximum of 30 credits), but they are not permitted to repeat units for which they have already been awarded credit due to the student having previously passed or achieved a condonable (C1 or C2) fail in these units. 3. Award of BSc (Ordinary) Degrees 3.1. The Overall Programme Average for the BSc (Ordinary) degree programmes is calculated as a the highest credit-weighted average of the unit marks obtained for units of total value 90 credits taken during year 2 and the final year, where at least 30 of these credits must be derived from H-level units, and the remainder are derived from I-level units. 3.2. After due consideration of the results by the Board of Examiners for Programmes, and subject to proper consideration of any relevant mitigating circumstances, a BSc (Ordinary) Degree will be awarded to students who achieve unit marks of at least 40% in all of their final year units. Students who do not achieve unit marks of at least 40% in all of their final year units will also be awarded a BSc (Ordinary) Degree provided that they achieve all of the following: i. An Overall Programme Average of at least 40.00%; ii. Unit marks of at least 40% in final year units worth at least 30 credits; iii. Unit marks of at least 40% in H-level units worth at least 15 credits. 3.3. After due consideration of the results by the Board of Examiners for Programmes, and subject to proper consideration of any relevant mitigating circumstances, students on an Honours degree programme who fail to meet the NFAAR criteria for award of an Honours degree at the end of Part 3 may be transferred to a BSc (Ordinary) degree programme, provided that one is named as a DAP for the Honours programme. The Overall Programme Average for such students will be calculated as described in paragraph 3.1 above, and a BSc (Ordinary) degree will be awarded to students who have achieved all of the criteria listed in paragraph 3.2 above. 3.4. A BSc (Ordinary) Degree with Merit will be awarded to students who achieve an Overall Programme Average of at least 70.00%. 110 111 .
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