PHP Bell
PHP Bell
March 19, 2018 | Author: Phabyus01 | Category:
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RPM WarningVoltage Regulator 42550-3 Valve Assy. PV3-044-2 Hydraulic Pump 42550-6 Valve Assy. Rotor Brake AA60321RA, R2A Hyd. Pump 41000870 Servo 41000310-1 ServoAssy. Assy. 1660, SGT220 Servo Assy. 164A168 Fuel Pump (Partial listing only)Valve 42550-3 Assy. Booster Fuel Pump 42550-6 Valve Assy. Valve AV16B1667D Fuel Shutoff AA60321RA, R2A Hyd. PumpPump 1C33-1 Aux Fuel 41000310-1 Servo Assy. Transmitter 391055-001 Fuel Quantity 164A168 Fuel 391046-144 Fuel Pump Quantity Indicators Fuel Booster 391055-001 Fuel Pump Quantity Transmitter AV16B1667D Fuel Valve 250F17-X Fuel Shutoff Flow Switches 205-075-642-001 1C33-1 Aux FuelIndicator Pump 217-01161 Torque Rev Current Relays 391055-001 Fuel Quantity Transmitter 8DJ81CAA1 Gas Producer Tach 391046-144 Fuel 157800 EGTQuantity IndicatorIndicators 391055-001 Fuel Quantity Transmitter C35D10 Air Mixing Valve 250F17-X Fuel Switches 2390-2 RPMFlow Warning Box 205-075-642-001 217-01161 Torque Indicator 217A-100A Oil Press Indicator Series Rev23081 Current Relays 8DJ81CAA1 Producer Tach 217-01161 Description Torque Indicator Starter Generators Part Number DescriptionGas 157800 Indicator 124623-01-14 Vertical Gyro OHC or Exchange InertiaInertia Reel Reel EGT C35D10 Air Mixing Valve 1704-1001-2 RPM Warning Box Altimeter Altimeter 2390-2 RPM Box 1375-1-9 RPMWarning Limit Detector Pressure Transducer Pressure Transducer 217A-100A Oil Press Indicator 700348-15 RPM Limit Detector Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator 217-01161 Torque Indicator A700AAP or ZC-7 Rev Current Relays Altimeter Altimeter 124623-01-14 Vertical Gyro PV3-044-08 Hydraulic Pump Relay Relay MS24149D1 1704-1001-2 RPM 41105930 ServoWarning Assy. Box HSI HSI 1375-1-9 RPM 41105930 ServoLimit Assy.Detector Horizon Director Horizon 700348-15 RPM 41105920 Director ServoLimit Assy.Detector Hyd Oil Temp/Press Ind. Hyd Oil Temp/Press Ind. Relays A700AAP ZC-7 Rev Current 41105950 or Servo Assy. Fuel Press Indicator Fuel Press Indicator PV3-044-08 Hydraulic Pump 41000870 Servo Assy. 206-075-190-X TOT Indicators 41105930 TOT Indicators Servo Assy. Accumulator Gyro GyroServo Vertical 41105930 41000970-1Vertical ServoAssy. Assy. 205-052-635-003 Pressure Transmitter Pressure Transmitter 41105920 Servo 206-062-625-003 41000870 ServoAssy. Assy. Engine Anti-ice Actuator 7U7467 Hyd SolenoidServo Engine Anti-Ice 41105950 Assy. 9A2640-2 Hyd Solenoid EGT Indicator OHC or Exchange Rate Gyro Rate Gyro Servo Actuator 41000870 1704-1009-1 RPM Assy. Sensor 6610-738-2571 Gyro Ind Gyro Ind Accumulator Cap Assembly Generator Generator 41000970-1StarterStarter Servo Assy. Vertical Fin. Assy. EGT Indicator 206-062-625-003 41000870 EGT Indicator Servo Assy.Assy. Stabilizer Engine Anti-Ice 9A2640-2 ITT Indicator Indicator Stabilizer Assy. ITT IndicatorEGT Actuator 1704-1009-1EGT Indicator RPM Sensor EGT Indicator Cap Assembly Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator 404-768-9090 Precision Heliparts Canada, Inc. 604-542-8820 Vertical Fin.Unit Assy. Clock Clock FAX 404-768-9006 #104 2677-192nd St. FAX 604-542-8829 http://www.heliparts.com Surrey, BC V3S-3X1 Canada http://www.heliparts.ca Temp Temp Ind Ind 16Stabilizer Assy. EHU-19/A Stabilizer Assy. RPM Limit RPM Detector Limit Detector RPMWarning Units Units 1704-1009-1 RPMWarning Lube Filter 1740001-03 Precision Heliparts, Inc. 404-768-9090 Lube Filter Precision Heliparts Canada, Inc. 604-542-8820 Bowl Assy. 1740839-04 Bowl Assy. 495 Lake Mirror Rd. Suite 800G FAX 404-768-9006 Unit #104 2677-192nd St. FAX 604-542-8829 16 Atlanta, GA 30349 http://www.heliparts.com Surrey, BC V3S-3X1 Canada http://www.heliparts.ca HSI/RMI 1783755-615 HSI/RMI TorqueTorque Transmitter 18-1814 Transmitter Vent Blower 19A2178 Vent Blower Static Static Inverter 1A250-1D Inverter Fuel Pump Cartridge 1C27-4 Fuel Pump Cartridge Fuel Pump Cartridge 1C27-10 Fuel Pump Cartridge Fred Ross, one of our experienced certified Aux Pump 1C33-1 Aux Pump Fuel Pump Assy. Assy. 1C35-1 Fuel Pump technicians, checks the retracting and Fuel Pump Assy. Assy. 1C36-1 Fuel Pump extending mechanisms on a Grimes Fuel Pump Assy. Assy. 1C38-1 Fuel Pump searchlight. This Special Landing Light test Fuel Pump Assy. Assy. 1C64-1 Fuel Pump fixture was custom built to OEM specifications Directional Gyro Gyro 200DC Directional Gyro Gyro 200DC(28) 505-0002-904 Directional Directional by Precision Heliparts engineers. Gyro-28V 200DCL 505-0010-902 Directional Directional Gyro-28V Directional Gyro Gyro 200DCL(28) Directional 204-075-861-001 204-076-055-001 204-076-006-001 204-076-055-101 204-076-036-005 204-076065-003 204-076-052-009 204-076-511-009 204-076-053-XXX 205-060-606-3 204-076-055-001 205-060-607-5 204-076-055-101 205-060-612-003 204-076065-003 205-061-622-003 204-076-511-009 205-061-633-007 205-060-606-3 205-061-633-009 205-060-607-5 205-061-633-011 205-060-612-003 205-061-635-XXX 205-061-622-003 205-070-033-001 205-061-633-007 205-070-283-001 205-061-633-009 205-070-284-003 205-061-633-011 205-072-277-XXX 205-061-635-XXX 205-074-001-001 205-070-033-001 205-075-158-001 205-070-283-001 205-075-170-001 ModelNumber 205-070-284-003 205-075-365-003 0106176-1 205-072-277-XXX 205-075-388-001 101420-11207 205-074-001-001 205-075-388-009 102-0075D 205-075-158-001 205-075-388-015 1042-17A 205-075-170-001 205-075-642-001 10420-11968E 205-075-365-003 205-076-023-005 110-077D1 205-075-388-001 205-076-029-011 111302-5 205-075-388-009 205-076-030-001 111303-4 205-075-388-015 205-076-031-003 124.043 205-075-642-001 205-076-036-10X 124.044 205-076-023-005 205-076-038-007 124.444-X 205-076-029-011 205-076-041-001 124623-01-14 205-076-030-001 205-076-056-107 130-020-X 205-076-031-003 205-076-099-007 13038 205-076-036-10X 205-375-002-101 140540-01-01 205-076-038-007 205-947-019-001 14609 205-076-041-001 206-010-455-001 150SGSeries 205-076-056-107 206-020-113-XXX 152B22 205-076-099-007 206-020-123-XXX 205-375-002-101 206-023-119-XXX 152B Series 205-947-019-001 157800 206-010-455-001 1589-XX Precision Heliparts, Inc. 206-020-113-XXX 16-101 495 Lake Mirror Rd. Suite 800G 206-020-123-XXX Atlanta, GA 30349 163B2D 206-023-119-XXX 1704-1001-2 Bell Capabilities Page 9 044 FuelOil Press Indicator Light Dimmer Power Supply 204-060-683-005 393004-1970 Fuel Quantity Indicator 111303-4 Director Horizon Dimmer Inverter 124.444-X 206-075-190-X TOT Indicators 124623-01-14 Vertical Gyro 204-060-762-XXX Various Linear Actuators. Suite 800G FAX 404-768-9006 Atlanta. Indicator 152XXXXX Series ITT Indicator 152B22 EGT Indicator 204-076-006-001 PV3-044-2 Hydraulic Pump 1C27-1 152XXXXX Series ITT Indicator 157800 EGT Indicator 152B33 Temp. 204-060-403-001 BYLB9272 Bleed Air Valve OH or Exchange 205-076-038-007 Servo Assy.044 Fuel Indicator 124. Inc.heliparts. Indicator 150SG Series Starter Generator 204-075-861-001 Voltage Regulator 152B33 Temp. BC V3S-3X1 Precision Heliparts Canada Canada. 204-031-920-003 41105920 Damper Magnetic Brake 204-060-200-XXX Starter 204-060-403-001 41105950 Various BYLB9272 Servo Assy.444-X 206-075-190-X TOT Indicators 130-020-X Pressure Transmitter 13038 7U7467 Hyd Solenoid 204-070-155-001 8DJ67FBC1 Dual Tach Indicator 124623-01-14 Vertical Gyro 13038 7U7467 Hyd 13068 HydSolenoid Shutoff Valve 204-070-907-001 XW21173 WindshieldWiperHyd Assy. 30349 http://www. 404-768-9090 495 Lake Mirror Rd. 1589-XX Voltage 16-101 Clock Regulator 1C27-1 157800 EGT Indicator 204-076-053-XXX 1660. R2A Hyd. Inc. 205-076-030-001 204-010-937-00X 41105930 047546-02 SGT520-X Servo Assy. Pump 1704-1009-1 RPMLimit Warning Units 163B2D Temp Ind Units 1704-1009-1 RPM 204-076-511-009 41000310-1 EHU-19/A Servo Assy.com 495 Lake GA Mirror Rd. Mirror Rd. 102-0075D Pressure Transducer 10420-11968E Altimeter 110-077D1 MS24149D1 Relay 204-010-937-00X SGT520-X Damper 1042-17A Voltage Regulator 110-077D1 MS24149D1 Relay 110324 Antenna 204-031-920-003 Damper 10420-11968E Altimeter 110324 Antenna KGS LT100 111302-5 HSI 204-040-760-013 047546-02 MS24149D1Filters 110-077D1 Relay KGS LT100 111302-5 HSI 111303-4 Director Horizon Dimmer Inverter 204-060-200-XXX Various Starter Generator Antenna 110324 111303-4 Director Horizon Dimmer Inverter 124. Magnetic Brake Assy 204-031-920-003 Damper Magnetic Brake 204-040-760-013 047546-02 Filters Assy. 204-060-200-XXX Various Starter Generator 204-010-932-00X 205-076-031-003 Servo Assy. 204-060-200-XXX 41000870 Various Starter Generator Precision Heliparts. V3S-3X1 Canada Unit #104BC 2677-192nd St. 163B2D Temp 1704-1001-2 RPMInd Limit Detector 162B3 MS28009-2 Oil Temp Ind 1704-1001-2 RPM Detector 204-076-065-003 AA60321RA.heliparts. GA 30349 http://www. GA Heliparts. Temp IndInd 16-101 Clock 204-076-055-101 42550-6 EHU-19/A Valve Assy.043 Hyd 124. Suite 800G FAX 404-768-9006 Atlanta..com Precision Inc.043 Hyd Oil Temp/Press Indicator 204-060-444-003 BYLB9272 Bleed Air Valve KGS LT100 111302-5 HSI Temp/Press Indicator 124. 604-542-8820 204-060-403-001 BYLB9272 Bleed Air Precision Valve 495 LakeHeliparts. 404-768-9090 Precision Heliparts Canada. Oil Temp Ind Fuel Pump 1589-XX Voltage Regulator 204-076-055-001 42550-3 MS28009-2 162B3 Oil Temp 163B2D EHU-19/A Valve Assy. RHTransmitter 130-020-X Pressure 13068 140540-01-01 RateShutoff Gyro Valve 13038 7U7467 Hyd Solenoid 204-070-907-002 XW2117336964 WindshieldWiper Assy. 30349 http://www. BC V3S-3X1 Canada http://www. 1740001-03 LubeWarning Filter 1704-1001-2 RPM Limit Detector 1740001-03 Lube 205-060-606-3 164A168 Fuel Pump 1740839-04 BowlFilter Assy 1704-1009-1 RPMAssy Warning Units 1740839-04 Bowl 205-060-607-5 Fuel Pump Booster 1783755-615 C-6H HSI/RMI 1740001-03 Lube Filter 1783755-615 C-6H HSI/RMI 205-060-612-003 AV16B1667D 18-1672-3 MIL-I-58099Fuel Shutoff Valve UH-1 Oil Pres Ind 1740839-04 BowlOil Assy 18-1672-3 Pres Ind 205-061-622-003 1C33-1 MIL-I-58099 Aux Fuel Pump UH-1 18-1814 3567758-6503 Torque Transmitter 1783755-615 C-6H HSI/RMI 18-1814 3567758-6503Fuel Quantity Transmitter Torque Transmitter 205-061-633-007 391055-001 19A2178 Vent Blower 18-1672-3 MIL-I-58099 UH-1 Oil Pres Ind 19A2178 Vent Blower 1A250-1D Static Inverter 205-061-633-009 391046-144 Fuel Quantity Indicators 18-1814 3567758-6503 Torque Transmitter 1A250-1D Static Inverter 205-061-633-011 391055-001 Fuel Quantity Transmitter 1C27-4 Fuel Cartridge 19A2178 VentPump Blower 205-072-262-001 1C27-4 Fuel Pump Cartridge 205-061-635-XXX 250F17-X Fuel Flow Switches 1C27-10 Fuel Pump Cartridge 205-072-262-001 205-072-262-001 1A250-1D Static Inverter Boom Actuator 1C27-10 205-070-033-001 217-01161 Torque Indicator Fuel BoomActuator Actuator 1C33-1 AuxPump PumpCartridge Boom 1C27-4 Fuel Pump Cartridge OHC or Exchange 1C33-1 Aux 205-072-262-001 205-070-283-001 8DJ81CAA1 Gas Producer Tach 1C35-1 FuelPump Pump Assy 1C27-10 Fuel Pump Cartridge 1C35-1 Boom Actuator 1C36-1 FuelPump PumpAssy Assy 205-070-284-003 157800 EGT Indicator Fuel 1C33-1 Aux Pump 1C36-1 1C38-1 FuelPump PumpAssy Assy 205-072-277-XXX C35D10 Air Mixing ValveFuel 1C35-1 Fuel Pump Assy 1C38-1 1C64-1 FuelPump PumpAssy Assy 205-074-001-001 2390-2 RPMWarning BoxFuel 1C36-1 Fuel Pump Assy 1C64-1 Fuel Pump Assy 200DC Directional Gyro 205-075-158-001 217A-100A Oil Press Indicator 1C38-1 Fuel Pump Assy 200DC 200DC(28) DirectionalGyro Gyro 205-075-170-001 217-01161 505-0002-904 Torque Indicator Directional 1C64-1 Fuel Pump Assy 200DC(28) 505-0002-904 Directional 200DCL 505-0010-902 DirectionalGyro Gyro-28V 205-075-365-003 124623-01-14 Vertical Gyro 200DC Directional Gyro 200DCL 505-0010-902RPMWarning BoxDirectional 200DCL(28) DirectionalGyro-28V Gyro 205-075-388-001 1704-1001-2 200DC(28) 505-0002-904 Directional Gyro 200DCL(28) Directional Gyro 200SGL Series Starter Generator 205-075-388-009 1375-1-9 505-0010-902 RPM Limit Detector 200DCL Directional Gyro-28V 200SGL Series Starter 201-0001 Rev “G” 700348-15 SignalGenerator Converter 205-075-388-015 RPM Limit Detector 200DCL(28) Directional Gyro 201-0001 Rev “G” Signal Converter 204-001-376-003 Brake Assy 205-075-642-001 A700AAP orMP498-3 ZC-7 Rev Current RelaysMagnetic 200SGL Series Starter Generator 204-001-376-003 MP498-3 204-010-937-00X PV3-044-08 SGT520-X Hydraulic Pump Magnetic Damper Brake Assy 204-001-376-003 205-076-023-005 201-0001 Rev “G” Signal Converter 204-010-937-00X SGT520-X Damper 204-001-376-003 204-031-920-003 Damper Magnetic Brake 205-076-029-011 204-001-376-003 205-076-029-011 MP498-3 Servo Assy. Damper 204-001-376-003 204-040-760-013 Filters Assy. LH 140540-01-01 Rate 14609 6610-738-2571 GyroGyro Ind 13068 Hyd Shutoff Valve 204-072-129-XXX Various Dual Tach Indicators 14609 6610-738-2571 Gyro IndGenerator 150SG Series Starter 140540-01-01 Rate Gyro 204-072-915-011 A60LT Cargo Hook 150SG Series Starter Generator 152B22 EGT Indicator 14609 Gyro Ind 204-075-705-045 80-0199-1 6610-738-2571 Master Caution Panel 152B22 EGT Indicator 152B33 Temp. Bleed Generator Air Valve Damper 205-076-036-10X 204-040-760-013 047546-02 Filters Assy.ca FAX 604-542-8829 http://www.043 Hyd Oil Temp/Press Indicator 124.044 Fuel Press Indicator 124623-01-14 Gyro 130-020-X Pressure Transmitter 204-062-520-003 AV16B1748D Oil Shutoff Valve 124.partial listing only Bell Support Capabilities .partial listing only Model Number Part Number Description Model Number Part Number Description Bell Capabilities (Partial 0106176-1 Inertia Reel Bell Support Capabilities -listing partialonly) listing only 0106176-1 Inertia Reel 080-22014-01 Dimmer Supply Model Number Part Number Description 080-22014-01 Dimmer Supply 101420-11207 20K Altimeter ModelNumber Part Number Description 0106176-1 Inertia Reel 101420-11207 Altimeter 102-0075D Pressure Transducer 200SGLSeries Starter Generator 20K 080-22014-01 DimmerTransducer Supply 102-0075D Pressure 1042-17A Voltage Regulator 201-0001 Rev “G” Signal Converter 20K Altimeter 101420-11207 1042-17A Voltage Regulator 10420-11968E Altimeter 204-001-376-003 MP498-3 Magnetic Brake Assy.ca 604-542-8820 FAX 604-542-8829 http://www.Bell Support Capabilities . FAX604-542-8820 604-542-8829 Precision Inc. Inc.. Suite 800G FAX404-768-9090 404-768-9006 Unit #104 2677-192nd St.heliparts.heliparts. Atlanta.444-X 206-075-190-X TOTPress Indicators OHC or Exchange 204-060-762-001 65A124 Linear Actuators. Surrey. Heliparts Canada.heliparts.heliparts. SGT220 16-101 Clock 162B3 MS28009-2 Servo Assy. Vertical 212 124. Indicator Fuel Pump Cartidge 1C27-1 204-076-036-005 Rotor Brake Fuel Pump 157800 EGT Indicator 1589-XX Voltage Regulator OHC or Exchange 152XXXXX Series ITT Indicator Fuel Pump 204-076-052-009 41000870 Servo Assy. Unit #104 2677-192nd St. UH-1 124.com 14 Page 14 10 14 Surrey.ca . Inc. Surrey. 00 Exchange 205-070-491 206-070-491 Air Mixing Valve Air Mixing Valve Overhaul Time & Material OHC or Exchange Only $1195. Suite 800G Atlanta. Unit #104 2677-192nd St. Visa and MasterCard 4706-32 204-031-920-009 Particle Valves Main Seperator Rotor Damper OHC or Exchange Only $975.heliparts. International Customers: UPS or DHL for fastest We recommend and the most economical FedEx.00 Exchange 206206 Instrument Cluster Instrument Cluster OHC or Exchange Repair Time & Material 209-075-326 RPM Warning Boxes OHC or Exchange Repair Time & Material 30-231-9 Smoke/Fire Detector OHC or Exchange Repair Time & Material 204-070-907-XXX 204-070-907-XXX W/W Motor Assy.com . Precision Heliparts Canada.00 Exchange Various Grimes Master Caution Panels MasterTime Control Panels Repair & Material OHC or Exchange 204-001-376-003 204-001-376-003 Mag Brake Mag Time Brake& Material Overhaul OHC$1295. UPS or DHL shipping for fast and economical shipping. Surrey. W/W Motor Assy OHC or Exchange SX7EJ3SX7EJ3 Control Contactor ControlTime Contactor Overhaul & Material OHC or Exchange Only $1295.ca Page 11 13 Precision Heliparts. Inc.heliparts. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. BC V3S-3X1 Canada 604-542-8820 FAX 604-542-8829 http://www. Customers: We recommend FedEx. We accept AmEx. GA 30349 BELL SUPPORT WeARE areALWAYS alwaysINCREASING increasingOUR ourCAPABILITIES capabilities! WE CALL ABOUT ANY ITEM NOT LISTED Call about any item not listed! 404-768-9090 FAX 404-768-9006 http://www.00 or Exchange Only Exchange International . 495 Lake Mirror Rd. Inc.Bell Capabilities (Partial listing only)BELL 206-075-545 RPM Sensors FN PMA Replacements OHC or Exchange 204-075-705-045 130-020 & 418 Series Caution Panel PressureControl Transducers OHC or Exchange Overhauls & Exchanges 204-060-444-003 CabinTime Air Valve Overhaul & Material OHC or Exchange Only $1495.00 Exchange 209-072-433 209-072-433 Air Shutoff Shutoff Valve Air Valve OHC or Exchange CALL US FOR PRICES NOT LISTED. I. Link Deck Fittings Deck Fittings Tail Boom Assy. Stabilizer Assy. EGT Indicator RPM Sensor Cap Assembly Vertical Fin. Stabilizer Assy. Pylon Link Shaft Transmission Case Transmission Case Oil Pump Oil Pump Shaft Outer Race Freewheel Shaft Freewheel Housing Freewheel Cap Assy.Bell Capabilities (Partial listing only) ModelNumber 205-076-041-001 205-076-056-107 205-076-099-007 205-375-002-101 205-947-019-001 206-010-455-001 206-020-113-XXX 206-020-123-XXX 206-023-119-XXX 206-030-539-101 206-031-004-XXX 206-031-589-001 206-031-592-XXX 206-031-593-XXX 206-033-004-XXX 206-033-554-101 206-040-043-005 206-040-150-001 206-040-150-029 206-040-184-001 206-040-190-005 206-040-221-003 206-040-222-005 206-040-236-013 206-040-237-XXX 206-040-241-001 206-040-270-XXX 206-040-301-029 206-040-525-7 206-040-531-1 206-040-570-101 206-061-300-XXX 206-061-535-007 206-061-535-XXX 206-061-634-003 206-062-200-XXX 206-062-504-001 206-062-625-003 206-062-627-001 206-062-627-003 206-062-628-003 206-062-673-001 206-062-681-101 206-062-687-101 206-062-721-XXX 206-062-721-XXX 206-062-721-XXX 206-062-818-XXX 206-063-602-001 206-063-613-003 206-063-633-001 206-063-633-003 206-063-634-001 Part Number 41000970-1 41000870 9A2640-2 1704-1009-1 LB9-1301-1-1-V BSE-206-30G BSE-206-150G-1 475C-61N-XXX AV23B1117B 67A258 32005-026 32005-023 164A137 1C35-1 1C38-1 1C64-1 65AXXX 7185-7 7185-15 AE-8636-X 1C36-1 200-914-001 5707-3012 60637-1 Description Accumulator Servo Assy. 222 Particle Seperator Filters Dual Fuel Pump Assy. one of our technicians checks a Bell Dual Torque Indicator. Assy.com . Linear Actuators Linear Actuator.S.com y hgarcia@heliparts. Fuel Pump Assy. Longrange Linear Actuator. Ed Schmalz tests a King/Honeywell H. Trans. Oil Cooler Blower Oil Filter Housing Gear Shaft Case Spacer Ring Exhaust Stacks Fuel Pressure Trans. Llame a Juan P. Aft Housing Freewheel Assy. we can handle all your instrument requirements with our unlimited instrument rating. Servo Assy. Giraldo y Hafid Garcia a 404-768-9090 o envíe un email a jgiraldo@heliparts. gyro instruments or Pitot-static. Below. Isolation Mounts Tail Boom Assy. Whether it’s engine instruments. Drain Valves Starter Generator Shutoff Valve Engine Anti-Ice Actuator Tach-Generator Tach-Generator Fuel Boost Pump Fuel Pump Assy. Engine Oil Pres. Contáctenos en Español. Float Switch Fuel Quantity Indicator Fuel Quantity Indicator Venturi Fuel Pump Page 12 Above. Fuel Pump Assy. 00 Exchange 206-064-618-001 206-064-618-001 Gull Fuel Probe Fuel Probe 205-061-635-5 205-061-635-5 FuelFlow Flow Switch Switch Fuel OHC or Exchange Only $895.00 Most Part Numbers 2C27-3 2C27-3 Fuel Pump Fuel Pump Cartridge Cartridge OHC or Exchange $695.ca OHC or Exchange Six month standard warranty. BC V3S-3X1 Canada 604-542-8820 FAX 604-542-8829 http://www.00 Exchange OHC or Exchange 206-073-920 Cabin Blower 206-073-920 Overhaul Time & Material Cabin Blowers $1495.00 Exchange 206-063-640 206-063-640 Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Overhaul Time &Valve Material OHC or Exchange $1295.00 Exchange ES73127-2 Cabin Blower OverhaulES73127-2 Time & Material Cabin Blower $1495. Surrey. Inc.heliparts. Inc.00 Exchange 209-075-228-001 209-075-228-001 Voltage Regulator Volt Regulator OHCTime or Exchange Repair & Material Only $695.Bell Capabilities (Partial listing only) BELL 1589-1F 1589-1F VoltageRegulator Regulator Voltage or Exchange OnlyOHC $525. Unit #104 2677-192nd St.00 Exchange OHC or Exchange OHC or Exchange AV24BFuel Series AV24B Valve Fuel valve Overhaul Time & Material OHC or Exchange $1295. Suite 800G Atlanta.00 Exchange All pricing subject to change witnout notice.com BELL SUPPORT 206-075-477-101 206-075-447-101 Voltage Regulator/Bell Volt Regulator 407 OHCBell or Exchange 407 .00 Exchange 222-366-621-103 222-366-621-103 Fuel Filter Fuel Filter Assy OHC or Exchange $1095.heliparts. 495 Lake Mirror Rd. Page 13 15 Precision Heliparts. GA 30349 404-768-9090 FAX 404-768-9006 http://www.00 Exchange 1C27-4 1C27-4 Pump OverhaulFuel Time & Material OHC or Exchange $545.00 Exchange ES73103-2 Vent Blower ES73103-2 Overhaul Time & Material Vent $1495.00 Exchange 206-070-475 Defog Blowers 206-070-475 Overhaul Time & Material Defog Blowers $645. Precision Heliparts Canada.00Blower Exchange 51509-022R 51509-002R GCU GCU Repair Time & Material OHC or Exchange Only $895.00 Exchange OHC or Exchange 1C33-1 1C33-1 Aux Fuel Pump Auxiliary Fuel Pump Overhaul Time & Material OHC or Exchange $795. 800G Atlanta. Suite 800G 495 Lake Atlanta.XXX Dual Ammeter CSV1829-X Voltage Regulator 20087B Voltage Regulator Various Air Shutoff Valves 475-2Various Voltage Regulator Master Panels 20087B VoltageCaution Regulator 80-0381-3 AnnunciatorRPM PanelWarning Various Boxes Various Master Caution Panels Various RPM Sensors. Longranger Various22A656 Torque Indicator Instrument ClusterLongranger Rotor Tach-Gen. Inc. Precision Heliparts Canada. BC 2677-192nd V3S-3X1 Canada Unit #104 St.heliparts. Various Dual Tach Indicators 21-11328 Hydraulic Filter Assy . A5930-02 2” Turn & Bank 8534998 Oil Cooler Cluster Instrument 9550AN589 2” Turn & Bank 89-6337 Fuel Sump Drain Valve 8534998 Oil Cooler Various Various Clock SEL-019DR TOT 89-6337 FuelIndicator/OTemp Sump Drain Valve Various Inst VerticalTOT Speed SEL-019DS SEL-019DR TOTIndicator/OTemp Indicator/OTemp Instrument Cluster SEL-019DT TOT SEL-019DS TOTIndicator/OTemp Indicator/OTemp 10447N01T00 TOT 4309-3004 Torque Indicator SEL-019DT TOTIndicator/OTemp Indicator/OTemp SEL-019ED TOT 10447N01T00 Instrument Cluster TOTIndicator/OTemp Indicator/OTemp 206-351-0001 6502-1055 Indicator SEL-019ED TOTTach Indicator/OTemp 19A2501 Vent Fan Dual 1528-20024 TOT 6502-1055 DualIndicator Tach Indicator B55D10 Heater Air Mixing Valve VARIOUS Torque Indicator 1528-20024 TOT Indicator D55D10 Mixing Valve 32005-030 Tach-Generator.115 Oil Press/Temp Indicator 5021-XXXX TOT Indicators 124. 11-10899 Hydraulic Filter Assy.heliparts.935A OilPress/Temp Press/TempIndicator Indicator 5707-XXXX Fuel Quantity Indicators 124.heliparts. Primer Pump OHC or Exchange Precision Heliparts Canada. Various Dual Tach Indicator Rotor Brake Caliper Assy Master Cylinder Assy 6502-3046 Dual Tach Indicators Various Hydraulic Servos Rotor Brake Caliper Assy Various Tach Indicators 42C42631 Valve Various Hydraulic Servos Various TOT Indicators 22A656 Rotor 42C42631 ValveTach-Gen. GA 30349 Part Number Description Fuel ProbesDescription 850500-101 Part Number Description Various Fuel ShutoffHydraulic Valves Pump AP09V-01 Hydraulic 850500-101 HydraulicPump Pump 200798-1 Fuel Drain Valve AP09V-1-04 Hydraulic AP09V-01 HydraulicPump Pump Exhaust Stacks Various Hydraulic Servos AP09V-1-04 Hydraulic Pump P67-433 Manifold Assy.ca .com 22 22 449-2 Dimmer Supply 212-075-962-1 449-2 Dimmer Supply Swash Plate Assembly 206-010-450-129 212-075-962-1 OHC or Exchange Fuel Filter Assy Fuel306005 Filter Assy OHC 306005 or Exchange Press Transmitter Press50579 Transmitter OHC or Exchange 50579 164A221 Primer Pump 164A221 Prime Pump Assy. Press Indicator M5862AR-6A Cabin Blower SYLC50114 Linear 375C-8B Drain Actuator Valve Various Torque Indicators Oil Cooler Blower SYLC50114 Linear Actuator 9016-XXXX Fuel Pressure/Loadmeters SYLC50479 Linear Actuator Oil Cooler Blower 9009-XXXX Engine Oil Temp/Press 124. Solenoid Valve 1U1025-57 Hydraulic Various Dual Tach Indicators Master Assy Brake Cylinder Cyl.XXX Dual Ammeter 124. Various Tach Indicators 1079-1 Relief ValveFilter Assy.44O Fuel Quantity Indicator Various Oil Press/Temp Indicators Various Triple Tach Indicator 124. NewWarning VG204 Vertical Gyro Boxes Various RPM Directional Gyros 833-00106 Time Delay Relay VG204 Vertical Gyro Gyro Horizons 02289-5600-S939 Time 833-00106 TimeDelay DelayRelay Relay Various PS274A Power SupplyRelay 02289-5600-S939Fuel Pressure/Loadmeters Time Delay Various Fuel Pressure/Loadmeters 892121-0350 Fire Detection PS274A Power SupplyAmp 3809400-2 Gas Tach Various Trans Oil Temp/Press 892121-0350 FireProducer Detection Amp Solenoid Valve Gas Producer Tach Various3809400-2 TOT Indicators/with O temp GC-2778 Rotary Pump Solenoid Valve Various Dual Tach Indicators Hangar Rotary Pump VariousGC-2778 Gas Producer TachsBearing 475C-61R Drain Valves Hangar Bearing 9050-2001 Engine Oil Temp/Press Various Triple Tach 475C-61R Drain Valves Various Trans Oil Temp/Pres Indicators Various Triple Tach Various Triple TachIndicator Indicators 124. Press Indicator 32005-030 Tach-Generator.partial listing only ModelNumber Model Number 206-063-656-XXX 206-076-022-101 Model Number 206-063-640-XXX 206-076-030-101 206-076-022-101 206-063-650-001 206-076-030-111 206-076-030-101 206-064-300-XXX 206-076-031-XXX 206-076-030-111 206-064-613-001 206-076-034-001 206-076-031-XXX 206-064-618-001 206-076-034-003 206-076-034-001 206-070-241-XXX 206-076-034-101 206-076-034-003 206-070-242-001 206-076-035-101 206-076-034-101 206-070-243-XXX 206-076-036-001 206-076-035-101 206-070-263-005 206-076-037-001 206-076-036-001 206-070-264-005 206-076-047-003 206-076-037-001 206-070-265-XXX 206-076-047-001 206-076-047-003 206-070-265-011 206-076-047-101 206-076-047-001 206-070-265-101 206-076-062-XXX 206-076-047-101 206-070-266-XXX 206-076-191-001 206-076-062-XXX 206-070-267-XXX 206-076-373-001 206-076-191-001 206-070-268-005 206-351-0001-1 206-076-373-001 206-070-274-005 206-360-500-101 206-351-0001-1 206-070-274-101 206-360-503-103 206-360-500-101 206-070-275-005 206-375-005-101 206-360-503-103 206-070-278-005 206-375-006-101 206-375-005-101 206-070-351-001 206-375-007-101 206-375-006-101 206-375-007-103 206-070-399-003 206-375-007-101 206-375-009-101 206-375-007-103 206-070-473-001 206-375-010-101 206-375-009-101 206-070-475-005 206-375-012-101 206-375-010-101 206-070-491-013 206-375-013-101 206-375-012-101 206-070-491-101 206-375-200-103 206-375-013-101 206-073-461-001 209-062-002-001 206-375-200-103 206-073-913-001 209-062-010-001 209-062-002-001 206-073-920-001 209-062-214-001 209-062-010-001 206-075-185-XXX 209-062-502-101 209-062-214-001 206-075-186-XXX 209-062-780-001 209-062-502-101 206-075-187-XXX 209-070-262-001 209-062-780-001 206-075-188-XXX 209-070-262-XXX 209-070-262-001 206-075-189-XXX 209-070-263-XXX 209-070-262-XXX 206-075-190-XXX 209-070-264-XXX 209-070-263-XXX 206-075-364-005 209-072-433-XXX 209-070-264-XXX 206-075-447-XXX 209-075-228-001 209-072-433-XXX 206-075-447-101 209-075-325-XXX 209-075-228-001 206-075-456-101 209-075-326-XXX 209-075-325-XXX 206-075-545-XXX 209-075-365-003 209-075-326-XXX 206-075-606-XXX 209-075-370-001 209-075-365-003 206-075-607-101 209-075-372-003 209-075-370-001 206-075-676-XXX 209-075-387-001 209-075-372-003 206-075-677-XXX 209-075-395-001 209-075-387-001 209-075-652-003 206-075-678-XXX 209-075-395-001 209-076-023-001 209-075-652-003 206-075-680-XXX 212-040-184-001 209-076-023-001 206-075-681-XXX 212-040-600-005 212-040-184-001 206-075-682-XXX 212-061-501-001 212-040-600-005 206-075-705-001 212-070-108-XXX 212-061-501-001 206-075-706-XXX 212-070-109-007 212-070-108-XXX 206-075-707-001 212-070-116-XXX 212-070-109-007 206-075-708-005 212-070-116-XXX Precision Heliparts.partial listing only Bell Support Capabilities .115 Oil 124. Page 14 Unit #104 2677-192nd St.. VARIOUS Torque IndicatorL-4 M5861AD-1B Cabin Blower 92DR147 Diff.. Inc. L-4 19A2593 Vent Blower.com FAX 404-768-9006 http://www. Suite Precision Heliparts. Surrey.heliparts.XXX Voltmeter PS285Various Inverter Air Shutoff Valves 124. Various Hydraulic Servos 027-003-004 Fuel Qty Probe ACA767F415 Hydraulic Filter 11-10899 Hydraulic Filter Assy.BellSupport Capabilities (Partial listing only) Bell Capabilities .XXX Voltmeter 124. BC V3S-3X1 Canada 604-542-8820 FAX 604-542-8829 604-542-8820 http://www. Inc.ca FAX 604-542-8829 http://www. 21-11328 Hydraulic Filter Assy .442-2 TOT Indicator Various Oil Press/Temp Indicators Part Number 404-768-9090 FAX 404-768-9006 404-768-9090 http://www. Surrey..935A Oil Press/Temp SYLC50479 Linear ActuatorIndicator 9009-XXXX Trans Oil Temp/Press 124. GAMirror 30349Rd. Longrangers 375C-8B Drain Valve 92DR147 Diff. AD-A767-6 Hydraulic Various Altimeter 1U1025-57 Hydraulic Solenoid Valve 1079-1 Relief Valve 8000B12 Airspeed Brake Cyl. ACA767F415 Hydraulic Filter Various TOT Indicators AD-A767-6 Hydraulic Filter Assy. Inc. 495 Lake Mirror Rd. OHC or Exchange SEDL-329C Dual Tach Ind. OHC or Exchange 206-075-190 Series TOTs OHC or Exchange 206-070-264 Airspeed OHC or Exchange 222-875-022 Series Ng Tach OHC or Exchange 212-070-238-007 Altimeter OHC or Exchange 393008 Series Fuel Quantities OHC or Exchange 204-070-155-001 Dual Tachs OHC or Exchange 212-070-108 Triple Tachs OHC or Exchange Page 15 .Bell Capabilities (Partial listing only) 212-070-242 Ng Tach OHC or Exchange 206-070-266 Ng Tach OHC or Exchange 206-075-681 Rotor Tach OHC or Exchange 35260-1170 IVSI OHC or Exchange 206-070-275-5 Clock OHC or Exchange 206-075-189 Fuel Quantities OHC or Exchange 206-075-187w OP/OT Indicator OHC or Exchange 206-075-1862 Fuel Pressure Ind. XXX Various 20087B Various Various VG204 PS274A 892121-0350 3809400-2 GC-2778 Description DC Ammeter Torque Indicator Airspeed Dual Tach Indicator Airspeed. Hydraulic Filter Assy. L-4 Diff. Master Cylinder Assy. Longranger Instrument Cluster Oil Cooler Fuel Sump Drain Valve TOT Indicator/OTemp TOT Indicator/OTemp TOT Indicator/OTemp TOT Indicator/OTemp TOT Indicator/OTemp Dual Tach Indicator TOT Indicator Torque Indicator Tach-Generator. New Torque Indicators Fuel Quantity Indicators Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Servos Hydraulic Filter Assy. Hydraulic Servos Rotor Tach-Gen.XXX 124.Bell Capabilities (Partial listing only) ModelNumber 206-075-710-101 206-075-711-001 206-075-712-001 206-075-713-101 206-075-725-001 206-075-739-XXX 206-075-740-XXX 206-076-022-005 206-076-022-101 206-076-030-101 206-076-030-117 206-076-031-XXX 206-076-034-001 206-076-034-101 206-076-035-101 206-076-037-001 206-076-047-003 206-076-047-001 206-076-047-101 206-076-062-XXX 206-076-373-001 206-351-0001-1 206-360-500-101 206-360-503-103 206-375-005-101 206-375-006-101 206-375-007-101 206-375-007-103 206-375-009-101 206-375-010-101 206-375-012-101 206-375-013-101 206-375-200-103 209-062-002-001 209-062-010-001 209-062-214-001 209-062-502-101 209-062-780-001 209-070-262-001 209-070-262-XXX 209-070-263-XXX 209-070-264-XXX 209-072-433-XXX 209-075-228-001 209-075-325-XXX 209-075-326-XXX 209-075-365-003 209-075-387-001 209-075-395-001 209-075-652-003 212-040-184-001 212-040-600-005 Part Number 124. Press Indicator Drain Valve Linear Actuator Oil Cooler Blower Linear Actuator Oil Press/Temp Indicator Oil Press/Temp Indicator Voltmeter Dual Ammeter Air Shutoff Valves Voltage Regulator Master Caution Panels RPMWarning Boxes Vertical Gyro Power Supply Fire Detection Amp Gas Producer Tach Rotary Pump Hangar Bearing Page 16 206-062-721-117 65A238 Short Linear Actuator 65A238 Linear Actuator PNShort 206-062-721-117 OHC or Exchange 204-060-762-1 UH-1 Linear Actuator OHC or Exchange 214-001-347-5 Rotary Actuator OHC or Exchange 65A237 Long Actuator 206-062-721-115 OHC or Exchange . Rotor Brake Caliper Assy.935A 124. Hydraulic Filter Assy.443 AW2842AH001 20015-21122 SEDL-329C 8000B336 Various Various RR24050 850500-101 AP09V-01 AP09V-1-04 Various 11-10899 21-11328 AD-A767-6 1U1025-57 Various 22A656 8534998 89-6337 SEL-019DR SEL-019DS SEL-019DT 10447N01T00 SEL-019ED 6502-1055 1528-20024 Various 32005-030 92DR147 375C-8B SYLC50114 SYLC50479 124.115 124. Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Brake Cyl. Inc.heliparts.5 x 19.4 x 41. Inc. GA 30349 http://www. Precision Heliparts Canada. You also have an option to buy a hard case when shipping parts to us for repair. Surrey.ca http://www.2 cm) Call (404) 768-9090 For Great Discount Prices On All Sizes! PHP uses Pelican Hard Cases to ship delicate parts and to help protect your investment.9 x 20 cm) 1550 Series Cases Interior Dimensions: 18. Rd. Atlanta. Suite 800G FAX 404-768-9006 Atlanta.ca 206-070-475 206-070-475 206-070-475 206-070-475 206 206 AA& &&& Defog Defog Blower Blower 206A BBBDefog Blower 206 A B Defog Blower $645 $645 Exchange OHC orExchange Exchange $645 Exchange 22A690 22A690 Tach-Generator Tach-Generator 22A690 Tach-Generator 22A690 Tach-Generator Bell Bell 206 206 A A & & BBRotor Rotor Rotor Tachgen Tachgen Bell 206 A B Rotor Tachgen Bell 206A & & B Tachgen Only Only $425 $425 New Exchange Exchange Only $425 New Exchange OHC orNew Exchange Precision Precision Heliparts. Page 17 .heliparts.87” (54. Heliparts. #403-17768 #403-17768 65A 65A Avenue Avenue #403-17768 65A Avenue Surrey. 404-768-9090 404-768-9090 Precision Heliparts.com Atlanta.com Watertight! Crush Proof! Dust Proof! ™ 19 19 19 PELICAN ™ 1600 Series Cases Interior Dimensions: 21.43” x 14” x 7. 404-768-9090 495 495 Lake Lake Mirror Mirror Rd. Inc. Inc.7 x 35. Suite Suite 800G 800G FAX FAX 404-768-9006 404-768-9006 495 Lake Mirror Rd.heliparts.204-060-762-1 204-060-762-1 204-060-762-1 UH-1 UH-1 Linear Linear Actuator Actuator (Partial UH-1 Linear Actuator Bell Capabilities 22A656 22A656 Tach-Generator Tach-Generator 22A656 Tach-Generator 22A656 Tach-Generator Longranger Longranger 206-076-373-1 206-076-373-1 Longranger 206-076-373-1 Long Ranger 206-076-373-1 Only Only $675 $675 New New Exchange Exchange OHC orNew Exchange Only $675 Exchange Precision Precision Heliparts Heliparts Canada.heliparts. Inc.62” (46.43” x 16. Canada. BC BC V3S-5N4 V3S-5N4 Canada Canada Surrey.com http://www.heliparts.ca http://www.5” x 7. BC V3S-5N4 Canada 206-062-721-105 206-062-721-105 206-062-721-105 222 222 Linear Linear Actuator Actuator 222 Linear Actuator listing only) 206-073-913-1 206-073-913-1 206-073-913-1 206-073-913-1 Longranger Longranger Defog Blower Blower Longranger Defog Blower Long Ranger Defog Defog Blower $895 $895 New New Exchange Exchange OHC orNew Exchange $895 Exchange 604-575-0236 604-575-0236 604-575-0236 FAX FAX 604-575-0237 604-575-0237 FAX 604-575-0237 http://www. GA GA 30349 30349 http://www.heliparts. Inc. AC/DC 07148-11126-2 AP2V-81.041-1 VariousVarious C35D48Various 112090G5400-6 Various 91D75-1 124. Hyd.331 AccumulatorEGT Indicator Various Brake Actuators 42C42627 Valve Various AP2V-82.heliparts. Pump Servo Assy. Solenoid Valve Various Ng Tach Indicators OHC or Exchange 164A221 Primer Pump 404-768-9090 FAX 404-768-9006 http://www.Support Capabilities partialonly) listing only BellBell Capabilities (Partial-listing Model Number ModelNumber 212-070-122-XXX 212-061-501-001 212-070-160-XXX 212-070-108-XXX 212-070-161-003 212-070-109-007 212-070-182-XXX 212-070-116-XXX 212-070-238-XXX 212-070-122-XXX 212-070-239-001 212-070-160-XXX 212-070-241-001 212-070-161-003 212-070-242-XXX 212-070-182-XXX 212-070-244-001 212-070-238-XXX 212-070-714-001 212-070-239-001 212-073-927-001 212-075-036-101 212-070-241-001 212-075-037-XXX 212-070-242-XXX 212-075-067-XXX 212-070-444-001 212-075-139-001 212-070-714-001 212-075-418-XXX 212-073-927-001 212-075-420-XXX 212-075-036-101 212-075-514-001 212-075-037-XXX 212-075-562-003 212-075-067-XXX 212-075-962-001 212-075-139-001 212-076-004-003 212-075-418-XXX 212-076-004-005 212-075-420-XXX 212-076-005-XXX 212-075-514-001 212-076-006-007 212-075-562-003 212-076-007-003 212-075-962-001 212-076-008-001 212-076-004-003 212-076-010-001. Inc.480-3 449-2 42C42627 41000570-001 AP2V-82.com 24 18 Page Precision Heliparts Canada. Surrey. Valve Assy Audio Control Box Valve & Filter 124.heliparts.550-X Various4310-2004 Brake Actuators Oil Press/Temp. Unit #104 2677-192nd St.480-3 Various 449-2 G-5400-6 41000570-1 Various41000570-5 124. Suite 800G Atlanta.545 Altimeters Attitude Indicator Dual Fuel Quantity Climb Indicator Blower Motor OHC or Exchange Oil Temp/Press Indicator Temp Indicator Tach Indicators Tach Indicator Temp SensorITT Indicators Landing Light Attitude Indicator Step Blower Motor Actuators TOT Indicators Oil Temp/Press Indicator Clock Tach Indicators ITT Indicator ITT Indicators Dimmer Pwr Supply Landing Light Servo Assy.-101 212-076-004-005 212-076-015-001 212-076-005-XXX 212-077-200-001 212-076-006-007 212-830-018-001 212-076-007-003 214-001-347-XXX 212-076-008-001 214-075-150-001 212-076-010-001 214-075-186-001 212-076-011-001.015 VariousVarious VariousC35D48 Various112090 RC30VIL 91D75-1 Various124. Pump Servo Assy.-101 212-076-011-001. Pump Temp Control Box 07031-94214A Generator Control 41000720 Hydraulic Check Vavlve 124.041-1 ABU-5/A Various 124. Hyd.324-5 EGT Indicator 50579 Press Transmitter 18-1874126. Inc. BC V3S-3X1 Canada 604-542-8820 FAX 604-542-8829 http://www.307-5 Fuel Qty Indicator 78300000-XX Triple Torque Indicators 102200-11850 Encoding Altimeter 4706-32 78200000-XX Triple Tach Indicators 306005 Fuel Filter Assy. 495 Lake Mirror Rd.3318DJD150-XXXX EGT Indicator Dual Tach Indicators 124.-01 AP2V-81.550-X Oil 50579 Press TransmitterPress/Temp Indicator 222-375-077-105 Transducers 126.067-X 124.324-5 EGT Indicator A301-6 Audio Control Box 18-1874 RMI 124.067-X Various ABU-5/A 48088820-7 124. Indicator 124. Pump Relay.ca .-101 214-075-187-003 212-076-015-001 214-075-219-005 212-077-200-001 214-075-220-001 212-830-018-001 214-075-221-XXX 214-001-347-XXX 214-075-239-009 214-075-150-001 214-075-244-001 214-075-186-001 214-075-248-107 214-075-187-003 214-075-252-001 214-075-219-005 214-076-016-001 214-075-220-001 214-175-257-105 214-175-278-101 214-075-221-XXX 222-366-621-101 214-075-239-009 222-366-681-103 214-075-244-001 222-375-009-103 214-075-248-107 222-375-012-101 214-075-252-001 222-375-018-XXX 214-076-016-001 222-375-019-XXX 214-175-257-105 222-375-020-XXX 214-175-278-101 222-375-021-XXX 222-366-621-101 222-375-022-XXX 222-366-681-103 Precision Heliparts. Step Actuators Servo Assy TOT Indicators Servo Assy Clock Valve & Filter ITT IndicatorAccumulator 200SG Series Starter Generators Dimmer PwrValve Supply OHC or Exchange Servo Assy.-01 Hyd. GA 30349 Part Number Part Number Various 475C-61R Various VariousVarious VariousVarious VariousVarious VariousRC30VIL Various115. Indicator Torque Indicator Various7125-2 Relay.323 Ammeter. Indicator 124. AC/DC OHC or Exchange Rate Gyro 07148-11126-2 Temp Control Box 3911213-9009 MGT Indicators 07031-94214A Generator Control 124.-01 41000570-005 Various41000720 A301-6 48088820-7 Description Description Airspeeds Drain Valves Torque Indicators Triple Tach Indicators Torque Press Trans Triple Tach Indicator Hyd Press Indicators Oil Press/Temp Indicators Altimeters Airspeeds Climb Indicator Torque Indicators Temp Indicator Torque PressTach TransIndicator Hyd Press Indicators Temp Sensor 124.307-5 RMI Fuel Qty Indicator 102200-11850 Dual Tach Indicators Encoding Altimeter 8DJD150-XXXX 306005 Fuel Filter Assy 4310-2004 Torque Indicator 7125-2 164A221 Rate Gyro Primer Pump 571-2 RPM Limiter 3911213-9009 MGT Indicators LT-48B Dimmer Pwr Supply 124.323 Ammeter.-01 Hyd. SURGXFWLPSURYHPHQWWRSDQHOPRXQWHOHFWULFJ\URVLQ\HDUV .00 Exch. $3950. Inc.00 Exch. Precision Heliparts Canada. 1HZ0&. Most PN $1295. ● Optional Slip Indicator plug compatiable with most current gyros.14.00 Exch.00 Exch. 10-32 VDC input range. All pricing subject to change without notice.00 Exch. $2395.00 Exch. gyros.28 VDC lighting options. 1 BELL Distributor For MCI Gyros! Generation Gyro NewNew MCI Model 4300 Attitude Gyro offers Horizons the first significant New Generation Gyro Horizons product improvement to panel mount electric gyros in years. 5. New enhanced technology High stability Tungsten Rotors run at lower rotational speeds for enhanced stabilitycurrent and increased bearing life. 111302-5 HSI 111302-5 Overhaul Time &HSI Material OHCTime or Exchange Overhaul & Material $3950. hanced operating stability and increased bearing life. for enNewrotational enhanced technology High stability Tungsten Rotors run at lower rotational speeds speeds for enhanced operating stability and increased bearing life.0RGHO$WWLWXGH*\URRIIHUWKH¿UVWVLJQL¿FDQW 1HZ0&. 214-075-220-1 RMI 214-075-220-1 RMI Overhaul Time & Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $895.00 Exch.00 Exch. RCA15BK Series DGs RCA15BK DGs Overhaul TimeSeries & Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $1150. GH206 Horizon GH206 Overhaul TimeHorizon & Material OHCTime or Exchange Overhaul & Material $2995.00 Exch.00 Exch. Optional Slip Indicator Directly plug compatible with most current MCI 4300 Gyro Aim/Jet 500 Series Horizons Aim/Jet Series Horizons Overhaul500 Time & Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $1295. Inc. $1150. $895. $1295. for Precision is an approved service center Precision Heliparts is an approved service Precision Heliparts is an approved service center for 4300 Series Gyros! center for 4300 Series Gyros 4300 Series Gyros! .00 Exch. 111303-4 Horizons 111303-4 Overhaul TimeHorizons & Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $3550. 10-32 VDC input range.0RGHO$WWLWXGH*\URRIIHUWKH¿UVWVLJQL¿FDQW ● NewSURGXFWLPSURYHPHQWWRSDQHOPRXQWHOHFWULFJ\URVLQ\HDUV enhanced technology ▬ High stability Tungsten Rotors run at lower . $2995. 5.00 Exch. ● 7500 hour MTBF moreoperating than doubles industry standard. $3550.00 Exch.Bell Capabilities (Partial listing only) PrecisionBELL Is Your No. hour MTBF more than doubles current industry standard. 206-070-274-5 Turn & Bank 206-070-274-5 & Bank Overhaul Time Turn & Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $695.00 Exch. 7500 hour MTBF more than doubles current industry standard.00 Exch. 604-542-8820 TARSYNS TARSYNS OHCTARSYNS or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material Overhaul Time & Material Call for pricing! Call for pricing! Precision Heliparts. 214-075-244-1 Rate Gyro 214-075-244-1 Gyro Overhaul Time &Rate Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $2395. $1150.00 Exch.00 Exch.28 VDC lighting options. ● 10-32 VDC7500 inpunt rand.14.00 Exch. Most PN Aim/Jet 200DC DG Aim/Jet 200DC DG Overhaul Time & Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $1295.26 VDC lighting options. 5.Page 19 All pricing subject to change without notice.14. $695. RCA26BK Series Horizons RCA26BK Series Horizons Overhaul Time & Material OHC or Exchange Overhaul Time & Material $1150. 404-768-9090 BELLSUPPORT SUPPORT BELL Optional Slip Heliparts Indicator Directly plug compatible with most current gyros.00 Exch.00 Exch. 550-X 30230-1165 222-375-077-105 78300000-XX 4300-XXXX 78200000-XX 129222 Various Various Various PW-28D-13FL-4 124. Transducer Gyro Horizons GH-222 Director Horizon HSI Wiper Motor Assy FireControls Alarm Control Generator LightingRotor PwrTach-Gen.ca G5400-6 Landing Light OHC or Exchange 206-076-031 TARSYN Hydraulic Actuator OHC or Exchange Bell 407 Fuel Qty. 407-375-006-101 42D218 OHC or Exchange Pressure Switch Carry 407 Instruments! 495 Lake Mirror Rd.heliparts.partial listing only ModelNumber Model Number 41000870 Precision41001140-001 Heliparts Canada. ASH450-1 Static Inverter 90090005-01 Fuel Quanity Indicator 18-1842-7 Pressure Transmitter 90090004-04 Fuel Press Ammeter Ind. Surrey. GA 30349 25 Page 20 BELL SUPPORT 222-375-023-XXX 222-375-009-103 222-375-024-101 222-375-012-101 222-375-027-XXX 222-375-018-XXX 222-375-030-001 222-375-019-XXX 222-375-030-101 222-375-020-XXX 222-375-033-XXX 222-375-021-XXX 222-375-041-001 222-375-022-XXX 222-375-060-XXX 222-375-023-XXX 222-375-065-101 222-375-024-101 222-375-071-XXX 222-375-027-XXX 222-375-077-113 222-375-030-001 222-375-077-XXX 222-375-033-XXX 222-375-562-001 222-375-041-001 222-625-001-101 227-28-5 222-375-060-XXX 22A690 222-375-065-101 23032-Series 222-375-071-XXX 23046-Series 222-375-077-113 23064-Series 222-375-077-XXX 23081-Series 222-375-562-001 233375-X 227-28-5 233565 22A690 2587193-43 23032-Series 2587451-3 23046-Series 2593996-333 23064-Series 2C27-1 or -3 23081-Series 2850-0017 233375-X 30-231-9 233565 30-326ET1 2587193-43 30E20-61A 2587451-3 3030083 3252011-0102 2593996-333 35260-1170 2C27-1 or-3 3571281-8102 2850-0017 3567401-XXXX 30-231-9 384178-091 30-326ET1 393004-051 30E20-61A 393008-XXX 3030083 4000397-2 3252011-0102 4020936-903 35260-1170 407-375-009-101 3571281-8102 407-375-016-103 3567401-XXXX 407-375-021-107 384178-091 41000870 393004-051 41001140-001 41103650-009 393008-XXX 41103750-017 4000397-2 4020936-903 412-075-008-XXX 407-375-016-103 412-075-009-105 407-375-021-107 412-075-010-XXX 407-375-007-105 412-075-101-101 407-375-006-101 412-075-205-101 407-375-007-107 412-375-006-101 407-375-001-105 418-XXXX 407-375-003-107 42D218 AV24B1179 Fuel Shutoff Valve OHC or Exchange 404-768-9090 FAX 404-768-9006 http://www.VRODWLRQ$PSOL¿HU 9813-25-XX Dual Torque Indicators 10612B03Y03 Signal Conditioner 20015-11187 Airspeed RPM Sensor Indicator Various Triple Tach Indicators 90090004-03 Fuel Press Ammeter Ind. Supply 206A&Bs Starter-Generator Triple Torque Indicators Engine Starter-Generator Oil Pres.545 78300000-XX 20020-XXXXX BAS-222-250G 30230-1165 BAS-222-30G . Transducer Starter-Generator Director Horizon FuelControl Shutoff Valves Fire Alarm 2350-0005 Valve Rotor Tach-Gen. Unit #104 2677-192nd St. 206A&Bs Slaved Directional Gyro Starter-Generator DG-312 Slaved Directional Gyro Starter-Generator TARSYN Starter-Generator Fuel Pump Cartridge Starter-Generator 42650000-2500 RPM Limit Detector Fuel Shutoff SmokeValves Detector 2350-0005 Valve Fire Warning Amp Slaved Directional Gyro Starter Generator DG-312 Slaved Directional Gyro EL4800-6 Trim Compensator AAU-32/A Encoding Altimeter TARSYN 2” IVSI Fuel Pump Cartridge MU-1 Ng Tach Indicator 42650000-2500 RPM Limit Detector 130-020-X Press Transmitter Smoke Detector Fuel Quantity FireWarning Amp Selector Switch Fuel Quantity Indicators Starter Generator Fuel Quantity Indicators EL4800-6 Trim Compensator Rotor Brake Caliper Assy AAU-32/A Encoding Altimeter TARSYN-555 IVSI 10611T01Y00 Fuel Probe MU-1 Ng TachSignal Indicator 10612B03Y03 Conditioner 130-020-X Press Transmitter RPM Sensor We Fuel Quantity Selector Hydraulic ServosSwitch Fuel Quantity Indicators Scas Actuator Servo Assy Fuel Quantity Indicators ServoCaliper Assy Assy.com .545 LT-48B 20020-XXXXX 124.heliparts. Transducer IVSI Fuel Pres.-125G 4300-XXXX 7000850-571 129222 2313M-427-1 Various PW-28D-13FL-4 78300000-XX BAS-222-250G BAS-222-30G . Ind. 604-542-8820 FAX 604-542-8829 http://www. Transducer Starter-Generator Fuel Pres. Inc. APTE-130-1000-75G Pressure Transducer 90090001-02 MGT Indicators Pressure Transmitters 90090002-02 Torque Pressure IndicatorSwitch Hydraulic Servos Scas Actuator Precision Heliparts.-125G GH-222 Description Description MGT Indicators RPM Limiter Quantity DimmerDual PwrFuel Supply AirspeedsIndicator Oil Press/Temp IVSI Transducers RPM Limit Detector Triple Torque Indicators Gyro Horizons Triple Tach Indicators HSI Ng Tach Indicators Generator Controls MGT Indicators Lighting Pwr Supply Dual Fuel Quantity Triple Torque Indicators Airspeeds Engine Oil Pres. BC V3S-3X1 Canada Part PartNumber Number Various 571-2 124. Inc.Bell (Partial listing only) Bell Capabilities Support Capabilities . Rotor Brake TARSYN-555 . Suite 800G Atlanta. Suite 800G800G FAX FAX 404-768-9006 Atlanta. 604-542-8820 Precision Heliparts Canada. Inc. Transducer MS16071-12 Voltage Regulator MS16071-12 Regulator Static Inverters Voltage Regulator Voltage Regulator EM608 Cabin Blower Fuel Shutoff Valve EM608 Cabin Blower AssyAssy EM614-2 Cabin Blower B55D10 Fuel Shutoff Valve B55D10 EM614-2 Cabin Blower AssyAssy B55D10 Heater Air Mixing Valve M6921W-1B Cabin Blower Assy Heater Air Mixing Fuel Shutoff Valve M6921W-1B Cabin Blower Assy Heater Air Mixing OHC Valve or Exchange Search/Lndng Light Heater Air Mixing Valve Search/Lndng Light Valve Digital Clock XBYLB7839 Bleed Air Shutoff Valve Digital Clock MU-1 Indicator MU-1 TachTach Indicator Audio Control Box 6041H215 Relay 6041H215 Relay Audio Control Box MS25454-3 Vert Speed Indicator MS25454-3 Speed Indicator C2300L4-24B MagneticVert Compass Various Directional Gyros Various Gyros Remote Directional Circuit Breaker Various Attitude Gyros Various Attitude Gyros Various Voltage Regulator Blower Blower MS16071-12 Voltage Regulator Overtemp Indicator Overtemp TOTTOT Indicator Voltage Regulator Relay RelayAssy. 26 26 Surrey. Unit #104 2677-192nd St. Part Number Description Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve Description Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve Servo Assy. BC V3S-3X1 Canada 604-542-8829 FAX FAX 604-542-8829 http://www. 212-061-501-001 Drain Valves 212-061-501-001 Drain Valves 9813-25-XX Dual Torque Indicators TOT Indicator Indicator AirspeedTOT Indicator ITT Indicator ITT Indicators Indicator Various Triple Tach 50579 Hyd Press Transmitter 50579 Hyd Press Transmitter ASH450-1 Static Inverter Generator Control Generator Control 18-1842-7 Pressure Transmitter Generator Control Generator Control APTE-130-1000-75G Pressure Transducer Annunciator Annunciator Lite Lite AssyAssy Pressure Transmitters Annunciator Lite Annunciator Lite AssyAssy Solenoid Valve 13068 Solenoid 13068 HydHyd Solenoid 4706-32 4706-32 Solenoid Valve 446000428-00 VSI 446000428-00 VSI Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve 206-061-634-003 Drain Valves Control OHC or Exchange Fire Fire Control AmpAmp Triple Indicator 212-061-501-001 Drain Valves Triple TachTach Indicator Search/Lndng TOT Indicator Search/Lndng LightLight SM20ACD200A21 Contactor ITT Indicator SM20ACD200A21 Contactor Andrea Audio 50579 Hyd Press Transmitter Andrea Audio BoxBox A700ZC-7 Reverse Current Relays Generator Control A700ZC-7 Reverse Current Relays A718AAP Reverse Current Relay A718AAP Reverse Current Relay Generator Control Control Relay Control Relay Annunciator Lite Assy.Bell Support Capabilities .ca http://www. Oil Pres. 3571261-8101 Ng Tach 3571261-8101 Ng Tach Indicator Mastercard Digital Clock Voltage Regulator Mastercard andand VisaVisa Voltage Regulator MU-1 Tach Indicator Wiper Converter Wiper Converter AssyAssy 6041H215 Relay 162B3404-768-9090 404-768-9090 Oil Temp Ind Precision Heliparts Canada. Transducer 446000428-00 VSI Static Inverters StaticAmp Inverters Fire Control 50579-3 50579-3 Fuel Shutoff Valve Fuel Shutoff Triple Tach IndicatorValve Hyd. 3252011-0101 Encoding Altimeter 3252011-0101 Encoding Altimeter Annunciator Lite Assy.Actuator Linear Actuator American Express.heliparts. Relays Control Relays gladly accept: We We gladly accept: M6921W-1B CabinBlowerLinear Assy.partial listing only Bell Capabilities (Partial listing only) Description Model Number Part Number Model Number 4706-13 4706-13 Model Number 4706-32 4706-32 41103650-009 475C-61N-XXX 475C-61N-XXX 41103750-017 475C-61R 475C-61R 412-075-008-XXX 5029-30XX 5029-30XX 412-075-009-105 5032-30XX 5032-30XX 412-075-010-XXX 50579-3 50579-3 412-075-101-101 51509-002R 51509-002R 412-075-205-101 51539-002N 51539-002N 412-375-006-101 75-0285-XXX 75-0285-XXX 418-XXXX 75-0286-XXX 75-0286-XXX 4706-13 7U7467 7U7467 4706-32 843-67-6 843-67-6 475C-61N-XXX 892121-0350 892121-0350 8DJ131LAV1 475C-61R 8DJ131LAV1 930-500-XXX 5029-30XX 930-500-XXX A1077V 5032-30XX A1077V A301-6-X 50579-3 A301-6-X A700AAP 51509-002R A700AAP A718AP A718AP 51539-002N A772XT A772XT 75-0285-XXX AAU-32/A AAU-32/A 75-0286-XXX APTE-138-(XXX)G APTE-138-(XXX)G 7U7467 APTE-139-1500SG APTE-139-1500SG 843-67-6 ASH-Series ASH-Series 892121-0350 AV24B1119B AV24B1119B 8DJ131LAV1 AV24B1179B AV24B1179B 930-500-XXX AV24B1265AR AV24B1265AR A1077V B55D10 B55D10 A301-6X BYLB9272 BYLB9272 A700AAP C-1611D C-1611D A718AP C-824A C-824A A772XT C2300DL4B C2300DL4B AAU-32/A C400B3N-001 C400B3N-001 APTE-138-(XXX)G CR2795B105A1 CR2795B105A1 APTE-139-1500SG CSV1152-12AB CSV1152-12AB ASH-Series CSV1829-X CSV1829-X ES73073-1 AV24B1119B ES73073-1 ES73103-2 AV24B1179B ES73103-2 ES73127-2 AV24B1265AR ES73127-2 G6250-4 B55D10 G6250-4 M803B-20/5V BYLB9272 M803B-20/5V MIL-I-25623 MIL-I-25623 C-1611D MS24171D1 MS24171D1 C-824A RC-30-V RC-30-V C2300DL4B RCA15BK-Series RCA15BK-Series C400B3N-001 RCA26BK-Series RCA26BK-Series CR2795B105A1 S-6078EC-10 S-6078EC-10 CSV1152-12AB SEL-019AU-2 SEL-019AU-2 CSV1829-X SM20ACD200A21 SM20ACD200A21 ES73073-1 SM20ACD300A21 SM20ACD300A21 ES73103-2 SX7EJ-(X) SX7EJ-(X) ES73127-2 SYLC9548-1 SYLC9548-1 G6250-4 MU-1 MU-1 M803B-20/5V VR1010-24-1A VR1010-24-1A MIL-I-25623 XW21173-369-64 XW21173-369-64 MS24171D1 MS28009-2 Precision Heliparts.ca . GA 30349 http://www. GA 30349 http://www. EM608 CabinBlower Relay Relay EM614-2 CabinBlowerControl Assy. Transducer BAS-212/412-1500SG Hyd. 206-061-634-003 Drain Valves 206-061-634-003 Drain Valves Servo Assy. BC V3S-3X1 Canada Page 21Surrey. Inc.com Unit #104 2677-192nd St. Inc. Suite 404-768-9006 495 Lake Mirror Rd. OilVoltage Pres. Pressure Transducers Pressure Transducers 13068 Hyd Solenoid BAS-212/412-1500SG Oil Pres. 604-542-8820 Part Number 495 Lake Mirror Rd.heliparts. Press Transmitter Shutoff Valve FuelFuel Shutoff OHC or Exchange Search/Lndng Light Valve Shutoff Valve FuelFuel Shutoff Valve SM20ACD200A21 Contactor Heater Air Mixing Valve Heater Air Mixing Valve Andrea Audio BoxAir Shutoff XBYLB7839 Bleed Valve XBYLB7839 AirRelays Shutoff Valve A700ZC-7 Reverse Bleed Current Audio Control Audio Control BoxBox A718AAP Reverse Current Relay Audio Control Audio Control BoxBox Control Relay Magnetic Compass Magnetic Compass 3252011-0101 Encoding Altimeter Remote Circuit Breaker Remote Circuit Breaker Pressure Transducers Various Voltage Regulator Various Voltage Regulator BAS-212/412-1500SG Hyd.partial listing only Bell Support Capabilities . Search/Landng LightIndicator American Express. Inc. Press Transmitter Hyd.com Atlanta. Precision Heliparts.heliparts.heliparts.Hyd.
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