PhoneWare Operator Directory - Installation and Support



BTS Product Marketing Guidelines for Installing PhoneWare Operator Directory ContentsPhoneWare Suite Overview .................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Pre-requisites ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Installing Operator Directory................................................................................................................. 3 Configuring the Installation................................................................................................................ 3 Installation Process .......................................................................................................................... 5 Cancelling Setup................................................................................................................................... 6 Uninstalling Operator Directory............................................................................................................ 6 Configuring the OPPI.INI File................................................................................................................ 7 Config Items........................................................................................................................................ 7 Logs ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Permissions ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Language...........................................................................................................................................10 Troubleshooting the Installation..........................................................................................................10 Operator Directory Data Files..............................................................................................................10 More Details.........................................................................................................................................10 Version Control....................................................................................................................................10 1 The Export facility provides the ability to export data from a phonebook to a file. PhoneWare Web Directory Search facilities from an Industry Standard Web Browser and designed to be used on a corporate (i. deletions) used by Operator Directory or Corporate Directory applications. which can then be used in another application. PhoneWare Phonebook Manager Based on a number of phonebooks.PhoneWare Suite Overview PRODUCT NAME PhoneWare Operator Directory DESCRIPTION Search and browse facilities used by switchboard operators to locate personnel and improve the service given to incoming calls. PhoneWare Import / Export Tool 2 .e. PhoneWare Web Layout Manager Provides system administrators with the ability to maintain the configuration of PhoneWare Web and manage screen layouts. Can be used in conjunction for call by name using BTS software drivers. allows management of SQL Server data (additions. company-wide) basis. updates. Not available to all PhoneWare users since access is by a different login. The Import facility is a System Administrator function and provides the ability to insert data into a phonebook from a set of comma separated files. N.exe Configuring the Installation Click Next to begin the setup: 3 . copy all setup files to an appropriate directory such as C:\PWINSTALL\OPD.Introduction These guidelines assume that you have a client machine with Windows NT 4. Pre-requisites You will need access to the PhoneWare Operator Directory setup files and should have read the "PhoneWare System Files" document.B. locate the directory where the setup. Using File Manager.0/ Windows 2000 and ODBC installed.exe file is held Double click on setup. Except where explicitly mentioned it is assumed that a SQL Server phonebook is being used. Installing Operator Directory If using floppy disks containing the setup files. (NB This option will only appear if the directory has not been configured on the system previously.Select the directory for PhoneWare data files.) Specify the type of installation: 4 . Specify the sort order of the installation: Installation Process When the installation starts. a Status bar will be displayed: Click Finish when prompted. 5 . The "uninstall" program will then run. In Windows 2000. and click on 'Remove'. Double click on 'Add/Remove Programs'. select the Operator Directory software. Uninstalling Operator Directory To remove the software installation on Windows 95/98 or NT 4.Cancelling Setup At any stage of the setup. click on 'Start' and go to Settings/Control Panel. go to Settings/Control Panel. The "uninstall" program will then run. 6 . The files copied at the beginning of the setup process will be removed.0. the user can choose to exit. select "Operator Directory" and then click "Change and Remove". 256000 Valid parity values: E. Interval between each dialled digit. PERSON 0 . group2.8. Config Items In general. Default: 10 A flag. Used in conjunction with the ISDX console. Syntax is : <baud>. Turn it on to increase phonebook switching speed.INI File When Operator Directory is run up. it references the OPPI. Default: group2 List of available CTI devices 10-65000 True/False LINE. hier4. Used to identify a group or hierarchy table which is used to hold presentation details about the CLI Popup windows for a given group of entries. ignores the site for extension CLI lookups in both the directory and lines table. This file holds details of the PhoneBook to connect to and other configuration information. which when set.Configuring the OPPI. the Permissions allow users access to different functions within the Client and the language is used to determine which language Operator will run in. 1.1000000 Text YES/NO Text CurrPhonebook FromSite IgnoreCallHandler InfoDB Index of Phonebook for searching Internal Name of site from which dialling is taking place. Specifying 0 disables BOP interaction. This might be useful for multiple site networks with a non-overlapping number scheme. 1200. hier5 -1 NONE 0 iSDX 1 SOPHO 2 TAPI 3 TMB 0 .11. Permissions and Language. O.15. it is assumed to reside in the same directory as the exe file. 300. 600. 128000. 2 Yes/No 8.INI file in the PhoneWare INI directory. 38400. 9600. Carrying out a search at the user interface resets the timeout value. <none>. <stop bit> Default: 9600. Default: 0 It allows the serial data unit to be set for the comm port configured by BOPSerialPort configuration item. 8 Valid stop bit values: 1.N. <parity>.10. 2400. group3. The Config Items determine how Operator is to work. Default: Yes Font size of the extension number as shown on the business card. as entered in the user interface Options Dialogue Box Flag for whether Operator should exit when requested by call handler.1 Permitted Values 1 . turn it off to save memory. S Valid data bit values: 4. 14400. This INI file contains three sections: Config Items.12. this config items determines whether Operator uses the CLI information associated with that line or a person whose directory record has the presented number assigned as their extension. 6. <data bit>.2000000 BCLayout BOPSerialPort Text 0-4 BOPSerialPortSetting Valid baud rates: 110.9. The following config items are available: Config Item ApplicationTimeoutinMinutes Description This allows a value to be set which indicates the number of minutes of user inactivity before the application initiates a shutdown. 19200. Name of current Business Card layout The COM port chosen to be used to communicate with an iSDX Blind Operator Port. these are managed by the software. Default: 8 Filename of a . hier1.1000000 group1. but you may need to set some at installation. Either a full pathname or just a file name. In the latter case. 14. who don't wish to limit CLI lookups to the Operator's site. Default: No Index of Database used for storing info page list 7 .13. hier2. 28800.5.18 Text CachePhonebooks CardExtnFontSize CardIcon CharSendIntervalMS CLIIgnoreSite CLILineDescriptorType CLIPhonebook CLIPopupPresentationGroup Table CTIDevice A flag for whether the phonebooks used should be cached. Default:0. Default: FALSE When a CLI event is presented to Operator.17.16. Default: PERSON An internal list index of phonebooks which is used for CLI lookups. N. hier3.ICO file to be displayed on the business card. 7. 5. 56000. M. InfoDir InfoPage ISDXTraceOn Layout LayoutDB MaxMatches NextDbDBN NextDbDSN NextDbName NextDbPwd NextDbSpecies NextDbUID NumSearchFields NumViewFields PokingSearchField Pathname where info pages are to be stored (NB must include a trailing backslash) Indicates the current Info page selection. Alternatively. Determines whether to switch to the call handler application on startup A comma delimited list of field indexes for the fields shown in the grid.INI [Log] LogFileName=f:\shared\machine1. Directory Path Text True/False Text 1 – 1000000 5 – 250 Text Text Text Text Text Text 1 . The value 'LINKEDN' indicated the end of the chain. All the log files may be written to this machine. Default: FALSE Name of current layout Index of Database used for storing layouts Maximum number of matches returned by a search. The number of fields in SearchFields. This feature is especially useful where dial-up access is only available on a single machine. Text Logs To specify a different Log File to the default one.100000 59 Group 1 60 Group 2 61 Group 3 65 Hierarchy 1 66 Hierarchy 2 67 Hierarchy 3 68 Hierarchy 4 69 Hierarchy 5 Text 10 . Its purpose is to record to the log file any characters received at and transmitted from the serial port configured by the configuration item BOPSerialPort. Default: Service Sets the index of the current sorting field. Default: 50. The next user password in the chain. Used in conjunction with the ISDX console. This item is only used when either the LAYOUT or LAYOUTGEN permission is denied.) that several operators may use the same copy of the executable (stored on the server) and still each maintain a separate unique log file. 'INI' or 'ATODBC'.10000 Text Text Text Yes/No Text PrimaryViewName ReleaseDelayMs SearchFields SecondaryViewName SortField SwitchCallHandler ViewFields ViewFieldWidths Used to set the first view name of the Alternate Views. Permissions 8 . Next User Name in the chain. This item is only used when either the LAYOUT or LAYOUTGEN permission is denied. so that service/support may gain easy access to help fault-find any problems. Default: 66. Nominates a string field which will be set with program determined data when the shortcut CmdPokeData is triggered. This item is only used when either the LAYOUT or LAYOUTGEN permission is denied. if individual executables are being run on the client machines the log files may be written to the server machine. This item is only used when either the LAYOUT or LAYOUTGEN permission is denied. This item is only used when either the LAYOUT or LAYOUTGEN permission is denied. This indicates the type of database NextDbName is.g.100000 1 . It can be 'JET'. A comma delimited list of field widths for the fields shown in the grid. If the NextDbSpecies is set to 'ATODBC' this item indicates the database name. If the NextDbSpecies is set to 'ATODBC' this item indicates the database Data Source Name Names the next Configuration repository database path and filename in the chain. Default: Staff This set the delay (in milliseconds) between the last dialled digit and the release character being sent by Operator Directory: Default: 200 A comma delimited list of field indexes for the search criteria Used to set the second view name of the Alternate Views. expressed in the multiples of the width of a lower case 'y' character in the current font.log This means (e. add the following section to OPPI. ATODBC is an Access Database used to connect to SQL Server via attached ODBC. Default: 1 The number of fields in ViewFields. layout-related items on View menu. When an unhandled error occurs. i. . . 9 .xls. (Adding 'NO' before the permissions negates the permission. Enable Configurable Business Card Editor. it is hoped that testing will demonstrate that it is sufficiently useful that it be granted by default in subsequent builds. allow them to be edited Allow viewing of Information Pages in a Web Browser Allow viewing of Information Pages in a Web Browser and the ability to add/amend/delete the list of Information Pages. allow them to be created If info pages are available (ie INFO permission is granted). These permissions are determined in the OPPI. If granted. allows it to edit general visual characteristics (also controls layout related items on View menu). [Permissions] Permissions= -DEBUG -NOSPLASH. Perform full procedure tracing to log file (defaults to denied). Non Evaluation mode. When granted it makes available the option to change language from the menu of Operator Directory [Tools/Change Language]. The following permissions are available: Permission ALTVIEW ATT BUSCARD CHNGLANG CLIPOPUP CONSOLESEARCH DEBUG ERRTRACE Description Install Alternate Views (default) specifies that the user wishes to re-use the existing attached table file. If granted on the command line.doc. Using this option substantially affects the performance of the application and also leads to very large log files.gif etc. the current state of this buffer is copied to the log file just before the details of the error. If either LAYOUT or LAYOUTGEN are suppressed. this permission causes all subroutine invocations to be logged to an internal buffer capable of holding the details of the last 100 procedures to be executed. which can be useful to D&D in tracking it down.) The domestic version of Operator has the following built-in permissions: NOTAPI NOSOPHO NOCHNGLANG The Philips version has the following built-in permissions: NOTAPI NOISDX NOTMB NOCHNGLANG. ATT. causes Operator to use a single static ODBC connection to increase performance. this permission overrides the ERRTRACE permission. It is also likely that common errors will have a recognisable ‘signature’ which can be recognised by support personnel. Although this permission is currently denied by default. It is recommended that it only be used in special circumstances.Permissions are used to hide the more advanced customisation features of Operator Directory from users for whom they are inappropriate. For Schema 210 and above this allows the user to change the details displayed on the Business Card and to save these various Business Card Layouts.PBA. Evaluation mode provides a different splash screen and a config chain limited to a single root. Install TAPI telephony service provider Install Telephony Message Broker telephony service provider FULL FULLTRACE GRIDALTSEARCH INFO INFOCREATE INFODELETE INFOEDIT INFOWEB INFOWEBADMIN ISDX LAYOUT LAYOUTFIELDS LAYOUTGEN MSGEDIT OPTIONS SOPHO SPLASH STATIC TAPI TMB They are written as. Change Language. allow them to be deleted If info pages are available (ie INFO permission is granted).) Install iSDX telephony service provider Show Layout menu.. and layout toolbar button If layout dialogue is available (ie LAYOUT permission is granted). This provides the Related Searching functionality whereby a user can click on a field in the results grid and a new search is triggered using the clicked item as the search criteria. this permission causes the name. If granted on the command line. (Note that this can be used for most file extensions . Show info pages tab and menu If info pages are available (ie INFO permission is granted). Show debug features (defaults to denied) Perform preerror procedure tracing to log file (defaults to granted).pb.e. allows it to edit field lists If layout dialogue is available (ie LAYOUT permission is granted). type and associated filename of every procedure to be entered in the log file as it is executed. then layout information is saved to the config chain. Install CliPopup support Permit lookups on console dialled numbers using the CLI lookup mechanism. for example. This provides additional contextual information about the fault. setting to NOATT specifies that the user wishes to always delete the Attached table. not to the layout table Show message editor menu item and toolbar button Show Tools/Options menu and toolbar button Install Sopho telephony service provider Show splash screen (defaults to granted) When granted.INI file. Version Control When 6/8/98 3/9/99 6/9/99 10/11/99 14/08/00 20/10/00 15/02/01 Who What ABM Existing version numbered as first unreleased ABM Removed references to 16 bit Removed references to Windows NT 3.ATI C:\bts\phoneware\attach\ More Details For details on the operation of PhoneWare Operator Directory. ABM Corrected more Config Items. Operator Directory Data Files Operator Directory uses the following files: File OPPI.INI OPPIEN32. The full list of options is: Danish Dutch English French German Italian Portuguese Spanish Swedish DA NL EN FR DE IT PT ES SV Troubleshooting the Installation Please note the Windows Login the customer is using must have read/write permissions on the directories containing the log file.PBA Default Location C:\bts\phoneware\ini\ Philips directory C:\bts\phoneware\attach\ Usage Configuration file Log file Used to connect to a SQL Server Database (You will need to edit the NextDBName to use this directory for a SQL Server entry) Index of *. or not run at all.PBA) path. Display=EN displays in English language. If this is not the case then Operator Directory will either run without logging.PBA files *. Corrected Linkage Config Items. and NextDbName (ATT.5x ABM Additions to installation information.Language This option is only enabled if the permissions CHNGLANG is allowed. please refer to the PhoneWare Operator Directory Getting Started Guide or see the on-line Help File. ABM Updated for Windows 2000 ABM Updated for version 475 ABM Updated for version 477 Version 0-1-0 1-0-0 1-1-0 1-1-1 1-2-1 4-7-5 4-7-7 10 .LOG *.
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