April 4, 2018 | Author: Alok Samal | Category: Drinking Water, Dam, Groundwater, Water Supply, Flood



ACTI VI TI ES & ACHI EVEMENTS I NRURAL DRI NKI NG WATER SUP P LY AND OTHER AREAS Public Health Engineering Department Government Of West Bengal PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Sl No. Title Page No. 1 Status of Drinking Water Supply in West Bengal 1 2 Hydrogeology of West Bengal 2 3 Coverage of Habitation 3 4 Water Quality 4-5 5 School Water Supply 6 6 Urban Water Supply 6 7 Map showing Arsenic Affected Areas of West Bengal 7 8 Map showing Fluoride Affected Areas of West Bengal 8 9 Disaster Management 9-12 10 Coverage / Target of Habitations under Bharat Nirman 13 11 Coverage / Target of Quality Affected Habitations Under Bharat Nirman 14 12 Status of Implementation of Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes 15 13 Status of Arsenic Mitigation Schemes in West Bengal 16-17 14 Master Plan for Arsenic Mitigation 18 15 Summary of Ground Water Based Schemes under Master Plan 19 16 Summary of Surface Water Based Schemes under Master Plan 20 17 Major Surface Water based PWS Schemes Commissioned in Arsenic Affected Areas of West Bengal 21-23 18 Sustainibility Issues 24 19 Rainwater Harvesting Schemes 25-28 20 Water Supply Arrangements in Hilly Areas of the State of West Bengal 29-30 21 Utilisation of Stored Rain water in OCP 31-32 22 Potable Drinking Water in the islands of Sunderban 33 23 Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance 34-37 24 Other Important Activities of PHED 38-56 CONTENT HAND-OUT I N THE PRESS CONFERENCE OF SRI GAUTAM DEB, MI NI STER-I N-CHARGE OF HOUSI NG & PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPARTMENTS REGARDI NG WATER SUPPLY SCENARI O I N WEST BENGAL TO BE HELD ON 07.06.2008 AT THE CHAMBER OF HON'BLE MI C, 7th FLOOR NEW SECRETARI AT BUI LDI NG PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -1- Drinking water by presence of excess Arsenic, excess Fluoride and excess Chloride to of rural population and of the urban population of the State. 31% 53% The State Government is determined to provide safe drinking water to all the inhabitants of the state during the eleventh plan period. This would be achieved by tapping sustainable sources and implementing piped water supply projects wherever feasible and spot tubewells in other areas. Efforts are being made to increase the number of schemes based on non-conventional sources like rainwater, ponds, abandoned open cast mines and springs in hill areas. h e We s t B e n g a l Government is providing T adequate and safe drinking water to of the rural population. This has been achieved by implementing piped water supply schemes and spot sources. Similarly, of the urban population in municipalities (including KMD area) is covered by piped water supply scheme. Since , Piped Water Supply Schemes (PWSS) have received the much needed at t ent i on and support of the Government. Rural population coverage through PWSS was only in which is a s o n . A d v er s e geological conditions have resulted contamination of 90.41% 1068 4,98,443 80% 126 1977 0.70% 1977 3 5 . 8 8 % 3 1 . 0 3 . 2 0 0 9 STATUS OF DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN WEST BENGAL STATUS OF DRINKING WATER SUPPLY IN WEST BENGAL PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -2- COVERAGE OF HABITATION A comprehensive country-wide survey was conducted in 1991-92 to ascertain the status of drinking water availability on habitation basis. In the survey, habitations were identified in three categories, namely NC (Not Covered having supply of less than 10 litre per capita per day), PC (Partially Covered having supply of 10- 40 litre per capita per day) and FC (Fully Covered having supply of 40 litre per capita per day or above). Result of the survey for the State of West Bengal were as below Total Number of Habitation 79036 of which FC 45057 PC 31699 NC 2280  Acti on   pl an s  was  u n der tak en   to  cover   th e  NC   an d  P C   h abi tati on   on   pr i or i ty  basi s  an d  by  th e  year   2003- 2004  al l   su ch   h abi tati on  wer e cover ed.  M ean wh i l e  an oth er   h abi tati on   su r vey  was  con du cted  i n   th e  year   2003  to  assess  an d  r evi ew  th e  effects  of  effor ts  so  far   u n der tak en .  T h e  maj or   fi n di n gs  of  th e  su r vey  i n   th e  S tate  of  West  B en gal   was :-  Nu mber  of h abi tati on  h as i n cr eased to 96265 fr om 79036 du e  to for mati on  of n ew h abi tati on .  M an y  of  th e  fu l l y  cover ed  h abi tati on   h as  sl i pped  back   to  P ar ti al l y cover ed an d Not cover ed categor y du e to  S ou r ce goi n g dr y  S ystem ou tl i vi n g th ei r  l i fe  S ys t em  n ot   fu n ct i on i n g  for   i n ad equ at e  op er at i on   &     M ai n ten an ce  S ou r ces becomi n g qu al i ty affected.  PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B COVERAGE OF HABITATION -3- As per habitation survey 2003 the revised status of Habitation as on 1.4.2004 were as below:- Total Number of Habitation 96265 of which NC 9528 PC 25103 FC 61634 Since 1.04.05, habitations having problem was categorized as slipped back habitation and quality affected habitation. As on 1.4.05, there were 10608 nos. of slipped back habitations, and 18424 nos. of quality affected habitations. Coverage of these habitations has been taken up from 2005-06. WATER QUALITY The reliance of drinking water supply in the State is mainly on ground water. The ground water in some parts of the State is presently contaminated with excess Arsenic, excess fluoride and excess salinity. Arsenic in ground water in 8(eight) district is the major quality problem in the State. So far, the Sate Govt. has provided arsenic free potable drinking water supply to population of lakh (Census 2001), which constitutes around % of the total risk population, by various short, medium and long term measures. So far, the State Govt. has spent Crore towards arsenic mitigation measures out which Govt. of India's contribution are Rs. 692.66 Crore. It has been observed that a large nos of arsenic affected people both in rural & urban areas have recovered after consuming arsenic free safe drinking water. 103.94 62.41 Rs.1817.32 PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B WATER QUALITY -4- The State Govt. is now implementing the master plan and it has taken steps to cover all the arsenic affected and surrounding villages by arsenic free potable drinking water under the “Bharat Nirman” programme by the year 2011. The action plan envisages 349 nos. of Piped Water Supply Schemes in order to cover 3413 villages benefitting a design population of 165.90 lakh. The estimated cost of the works involved in Master Plan is Rs. 2503.64 Crores. Flouride contamination is a recent phenomenon in the State. As per sample survey conducted in this regard, 225 villages in 43 blocks of 7 districts were found to contain fluoride in ground water beyond permissible limit. Presently, a programme of testing of all the tubewells in identified blocks is being carried out under J oint Plan of Action with UNICEF. A Master Plan for coverage of all the fluoride affected habitations is under preparation. The ground water in coastal area in southern part of the state is saline in nature. The ground water is supplied here by judicious selection of non saline aquifer, restricting the rate of drawal and sometime by drawing water from non saline area through pipelines. Pond based water supply arrangement with proper treatment is gradually coming up in these areas. Membrane based desalination plant has also been installed in one area of North 24- Parganas District. PHE Department had taken up 262 rural piped water supply schemes in the saline belt of North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Purba Medinipur and Howrah Districts. 238 of them have been commissioned upto 31.03.2009. PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -5- SCHOOL WATER SUPPLY As per record there were 20908 nos. of sourceless schools in West Bengal. Out of these 17179 nos and 541 nos of source have already been created by PHE Deptt. And DGHC respectively upto 31.03.2009. Fund has been released to respective Zila Parisads for creating sources in the balance 3188 nos of Schools. The State Government is also ready to implement the “J almani “ programme under which all the Water Quality affected tubewells will be covered with stand alone water purification system. URBAN WATER SUPPLY There are 85 municipal towns in non-KMD part of the State. Piped Water Supply Schemes have been extended to each of them by the P.H.E. Department. However, there is deficiency in service level and also in coverage by distribution network. By 31.03.2009, population coverage in Non-KMD municipal areas has reached 88.60%. At present, major augmentation have been taken up in Kulti, J amuria, Siliguri and Raniganj municipalities. PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B SCHOOL WATER SUPPLY URBAN WATER SUPPLY -6- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -7- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -8- PHE Department is capable to take up the challenge of very quick restoration of flood damages to the water supply installations. The Department has already 5(five) Mobile Treatment Unit in its possession which are utilized for supply of safe drinking water during disaster. Recently, a new Mobile Treatment Unit with the provision of instant packaging of treated water in polythene packet has been procured by PHE Department which will be extremely beneficial in providing and distributing safe drinking water to the suffering people during flood and other natural calamities. The Government of West Bengal has recently worked on a war footing in the flood affected areas of District Purniya , Bihar by distributing about 50000 drinking water pouches with the help of Mobile Treatment Unit. DISASTER MANAGEMENT PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B DISASTER MANAGEMENT -9- AI LA -On 25th May 2009, a cyclonic storm termed as Aila, thrashed the southern Bengal causing displacement of almost 3 million people from their homes and death tolls more than 200 people. Sunderbans being the coastal region have been affected most severely for the obvious reason. Not only there were human death but damage to the flora and fauna have also occurred to a large extent. Thousands of homes have been damaged and people took shelter in nearby schools and Panchayat offices. There was an acute shortage of food, drinking water and clothes. As the water was receding in some villages gastroenteritis began to rear its ugly head. To asses the extent of damage and for taking remedial measures thereof, officials of PHE Department. visited Cyclone hit areas in several occasions, and also stayed back in those areas in temporary any camps. Assessment of damage was not easier initially as the entire area was inundated by the flood water. However as the water started receding and the area became approachable, officials of PHED rushed over there and started working in full swing standing neck to neck with the civil administration and other line departments to combat this devastation. Assessment of damage in Aila affected areas of North 24 Parganas and South 24 parganas District have been made with respect to the extent of damages occurred to the different piped water supply schemes and its components. It is found that tube wells and pump houses have been inundated and submerged, power connection disrupted, damage to the distribution pipeline as well rising main have occurred due to uprooting of trees, breaching of ring bundhs, scouring of embankment, metal road, brick soling road, village road etc. Restoration work has been taken up on war footing basis as soon as the affected area become approachable and workable. Less affected portions of the piped water supply schemes have been restored fully but highly affected water supply schemes are still under restoration in some areas. PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -10- The district of Darjeeling was also severely affected by the cyclone storm Aila. Heavy landslides occurred as a result of incessant and heavy rainfall alone with gusty winds for which conduit systems of connection Springs and J horas Balason River as source were greatly damaged, pipelines of Neorakhola Water Supply schemes were completely damaged at many sections on account of landslides and uprooting of trees. Supply of pure drinking water is very much essential in the flood affected areas to prevent the death toll due to water borne diseases. PHED officials, therefore untiringly tried to restore all the damaged piped water supply schemes in those areas. Where the scheme is less affected it is restored by routine maintenance and where it is severely affected it requires special attention like disinfection and surging of big dia tube wells and spot sources, temporary restoration of pipelines by T-moods etc, installation of temporary diesel generator set, repairing of pump houses and pumping machineries, new installation of pumping machineries, supply of water through vessel mounted water tanks, cycle van mounted jaricans, distribution of water pouches made through mobile treatment unit etc all with a view to supply pure drinking water to the affected people as early as possible. PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -11- REMEDI AL MEASURES TAKEN I N RESPECT OF CYCLONE “AI LA” HI T AREAS OF WEST BENGAL PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -12- Sl.No. Item Total Nos. Temporary water supply arrangement in the affected areas (a)          Through Water Tank of 1600 ltr./1000 ltr./500 ltr. capacity 849 Nos. (b)          Through Polythene Jaricans of 10 ltr./5 ltr./2 ltr. capacity 1,28,700 Nos. (c)          Through Water Pouches of 500 ml capacity 28,37,630 Nos. 2 Disinfection of Spot Sources 10,254 Nos. 3 Raising of Hand Pump Tube wells 1,029 Nos. 4 Sinking of Temporary Tubewells 50 Nos. 5 Resinking of Tubewells 197 Nos. 6 Creation of Spout from different piped water supply schemes 55 Nos. 7 Supply of Halogen Tablets in the affected areas 8,18,000 Nos. 8 Supply of Bleaching Powder in the affected areas 259.60 M.T. 1 FI NANCI AL I NVOLVEMENT TOWARDS RESTORATI ON OF DAMAGED WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM I N THE CYCLONE “AI LA” HI T AREAS OF WEST BENGAL A total sum of Rs.1400.00 lakh have been sanctioned for those districts during 2009-10 for restoration works realted to cyclone damage. Restoration work for minor damages have already been completed and the restoration work for the components of water supply systems, damaged heavily, is under process. Post Aila, the PHE Department has already constructed140 nos. of tube wells with “raised platforms” in the districts North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas under Chief Minister's Relief Fund. PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -13- Particulars NC PC FC Total No. of Habitations as per Habitation Survey 2003 9528 25103 61634 96265 Coverage during 2004-05 2693 2906 5599 Balance as on 1.04.2005 6835 22197 67233 96265 Of which a) Slipped Back Habitations 656 9952 10608 b) Quality Affected Habitations 6179 12245 18424 Coverage during 2005-06 a) Slipped Back Habitations 225 2128 2353 b) Quality Affected Habitations 70 320 390 TOTAL 295 2448 2743 Coverage during 2006-07 a) Slipped Back Habitations 318 2342 2660 b) Quality Affected Habitations 35 344 379 TOTAL 353 2686 3039 Balance as on 1.04.2007 6187 17063 73015 Coverage during 2007-08 a) Slipped Back Habitations 0 1806 1806 b) Quality Affected Habitations 652 4186 4838 TOTAL 652 5992 6644 Coverage during 2008-09 a) Slipped Back Habitations 2 867 869 b) Quality Affected Habitations 572 1366 1938 TOTAL 574 2233 2807 Target of Coverage during 2009-10 (Prov) a) Slipped Back Habitations 45 986 1031 b) Quality Affected Habitations 1324 1765 3089 TOTAL 1369 2751 4120 Balance as on 1.11.2009 3485 5820 86960 Target of Coverage during 2010-11 (Prov) a) Slipped Back Habitations 66 1823 1889 b) Quality Affected Habitations 3526 4264 7790 TOTAL 3592 6087 9679 COVERAGE / TARGET OF HABITATIONS UNDER BHARAT NIRMAN PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -14- Particulars Arsenic Fluoride Salinity Iron Total No. of Habitations as per Habitation Survey 2003 6623 660 811 11257 19351 Coverage upto 2004-05 927 0 0 0 927 Balance as on 1.04.2005 5696 660 811 11257 18424 Coverage during 2005-06 250 55 85 0 390 Coverage during 2006-07 102 11 28 238 379 Coverage during 2007-08 72 8 4 4754 4838 Coverage during 2008-09 14 0 37 1887 1938 Balance as on 1.04.2009 5258 586 657 4378 10879 Target of Coverage during 2009-10 1493 166 187 1243 3089 Coverage / Target of Quality Affected Habitations PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -15- Sl. District No. No.of Pop No.of Pop % to Mouja ('000) Mouja ('000) Total Pop 1 Coochbehar 1139 2254 337 977.23 43.36 2 Jalpaiguri 734 2794 214 1118.73 40.04 3.a Darjeeling (DGHC) 290 579 282 545.98 94.30 b Darjeeling (Plains) 330 510 75 218.75 42.89 4 Uttar Dinajpur 1659 2147 144 277.53 12.93 5 Dakshin Dinajpur 1386 1306 186 311.17 23.83 6 Malda 1641 3050 588 1844.84 60.49 7 Murshidabad 1918 5134 268 1332.10 25.95 8 Nadia 1248 3625 254 1189.00 32.80 9 North 24 Parganas 1600 4083 707 1909.55 46.77 10 South 24 Parganas 2119 5821 1194 3633.47 62.42 11 Howrah 734 2121 330 1030.42 48.58 12 Hooghly 1897 3354 445 1051.71 31.36 13 Purba Medinipur 1777 4051 920 1413.14 34.88 14 Paschim Medinipur 8697 4576 338 502.55 10.98 15 Bankura 3565 2957 329 426.31 14.42 16 Purulia 2456 2281 247 352.95 15.47 17 Bardhaman 2488 4349 671 1899.13 43.67 18 Birbhum 2232 2757 313 687.43 24.93 TOTAL : 37910 57749 7842 20721.99 35.88 Commissioned Schemes District As on 31.03.2009 Total in the Status of I mplementation of Rural Piped Water Supply Schemes as on 31.03.2009 PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B STATUS OF ARSENIC MITIGATION SCHEMES IN WEST BENGAL Present Status of Arsenic Contamination: Groundwater in 79 blocks (out of 341 blocks in the state) in the district of Malda (7 out of 15 blocks), Murshidabad (19 out of 26 blocks), Nadia (17 out of 17 blocks), North 24-Parganas (19 out of 22 blocks), South 24-Parganas (9 out of 29 blocks), Howrah( 2 out of 14 blocks), Hoogly (1 out of 18 blocks) and Barddhaman (5 out of 31 blocks) is under the risk of Arsenic contamination. 2001 Census population of these blocks is 166.49 lakh (out of state rural population of 577.35 lakh).Similarly, the population of urban areas with the risk of Arsenic contamination in groundwater is 120 lakh (out of State's total urban population of 224.86 lakh). Measures so far undertaken: So far, the Sate Govt. has provided arsenic free potable drinking water supply to population of 103.94 lakh (Census 2001), which constitutes 62.41% of the total risk population, by various short, medium and long term measures. STATUS OF ARSENIC MITIGATION SCHEMES IN WEST BENGAL -16- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -17- Rural Population Covered (Lakh) Short term 1. New hand pump fitted tubewells at deeper aquifer 8037 20.09 2. Ring wells 166 0.41 Total of Short term 20.5 Mediumterm 3.    Arsenic Treatment Unit (ATU) with existing hand pump fitted tubewells 2396 5.99 4.    Arsenic Removal Plant for existing ground water based Piped Water Supply Schemes ( PWSS) 12 1.9 5.    New Big diameter deeper aquifer tubewells for existing PWSS 8 1.2 6.    New ground water based PWSS 248 41.9 7.    Nadia Murshidabad ground water based PWSS 1 1.12 8.    4 nos. ground water based PWSS(Old Sub-Mission) 4 0.52 Total of Medium term 52.63 Long term 9. Surface Water Scheme for Malda 1 8.9 10. Surface Water Scheme for South 24 Parganas 1 16.28 11.  Surface Water Scheme for North 24 Parganas 1 4.65 12. Surface Water Scheme for Mahyampur 1 0.41 13. Surface Water Scheme for Balupur 1 0.47 14.Surface Water Scheme for Gour & Mahadipur(Aug) 1 0.1 Total of Long term 30.81 GRAND TOTAL COVERED RURAL POPULATION 103.94 Measures /Schemes Number PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Master Plan for Arsenic Mitigation: Over the years it has been experienced that the short and medium term mitigation measures have not sustained due various reasons. Therefore it was decided to prepare an action plan to cover all the arsenic affected villages of West Bengal with a long term solution of potable drinking water supply. With due consideration of the test results of all the Govt. tubewells, hydro geological studies, and efficacy of the various mitigation measures already implemented by the Govt., a master plan was prepared to cover 6623 nos of affected habitations in 3229 villages with a long term solution . District wise details of the Master Plan is furnished below: According to the Master Plan there are provisions of 349 nos of new schemes out of which 11 nos are Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Schemes and 338 nos are Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Schemes. The total estimated cost of the schemes comes to Rs. 2503.64 Crore. All the schemes have already been approved in the State Level Scientific Source Finding Committee. So far the number of sanctioned schemes under the Master Plan are 338 based on Ground Water and 10 based on Surface Water. -18- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DTE. GOVT. OF W.B W.Q.S.M. - Water QuaIity Sub Mission S.S. - State Share C.C - Community Contribution PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -20- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Major Surface Water Based PWS Schemes Commissioned in Arsenic Affected Areas of West Bengal Malda Water Supply Scheme Total Supply 75 MLD Design Population 14.31 lakh Capital Cost Rs. 131.48 Crore South 24 Pgns Water Supply Scheme Total Supply 145.31 MLD Design Population 29.51 lakh Capital Cost Rs. 325.37 Crore -21- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B North 24 Pgns Water Supply Scheme Total Supply 34 MLD Design Population 7.51 lakh Capital Cost Rs. 138.75 Crore Total Supply 5.23 MLD Design Population 0.73 lakh Capital Cost Rs. 1.48 Crore Balupur Water Supply Scheme,Dist. Malda -22- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Gour & Mahadipur Water Supply Scheme Total Supply 2.26 MLD Design Population 0.30 lakh Capital Cost Rs. 6.91 Crore -23- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Sustainability I ssues The Water Supply arrangement in West Bengal is primarily dependent on ground water. However, in recent past there is a paradigm shift from the use of ground water to surface water, wherever available, owing to increase in incidence of chemical contamination of ground water. The surface water is free from arsenic and therefore the surface water source will sustain to provide arsenic free water in the affected areas. The Master Plan for coverage of arsenic affected areas aims to benefit a population of 165.898 lakh. Out of the total population to be benefitted by implementation of new piped water supply schemes, 51% of the population will be covered based on surface water. Different other methodologies like use of spring water, use of sub-surface water of the river, use of impounded water in Dams and Barrage, use of abandoned coal mines, storage and use of pond water, use of roof top rain water etc. have been tried and successfully implemented at different parts of the State. Continuous efforts are being made to cover more and areas with such measures wherever possible. The Public Health Engineering Department has taken up a number of water supply schemes based on the impoundment of Water in bandhs and dams in the district of Bankura, Purulia, Barddhaman and Paschim Midnapore. The details of such schemes are given below: -24- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Rain Water Harvesting Schemes Pond Based Schemes - Rural areas of West Bengal have large number of ponds ranging from smaller capacity to moderate capacity. Rain water accumulated in a pond situated nearby any habitation, may be utilized by providing pond water based water supply scheme to supply drinking water to consumers living in the habitation. In this case, water from the pond is drawn with the help of double stroke hand pump and is treated in a Horizontal Roughing Filter having number of compartments followed by a Slow Sand Filter unit. The filtered water is supplied to the consumers after proper disinfection by pot chlorination method. Number of people to be benefited depends on the size and volume of the pond. Generally, a moderate pond is capable of supplying drinking water to about 1000 people @ 10 ltr per capita per day. Public Health Engineering Directorate has already constructed some Pond Based Water Supply Schemes in various districts depending on the availability of ponds. The list of such schemes is furnished below. List of Schemes based on Pond as Source of Water -25- Sl. District Block Name of Scheme Estd.Cost Population 2001 No. (Rs.lakh) Total 1 Dakshin Dinajpur Gangarampur Ramchandrapur 127.78 6,347 2 North 24 Parganas Basirhat Tyantra-Neora 60.83 4,283 3 North 24 Parganas Hingalganj Purba Dakshin 2.53 3,493 Charalkhali 4 South 24 Parganas Gosaba Dayapur (Phase-I) 2.56 1,000 5 South 24 Parganas Gosaba J ahar Colony 1.51 5,763 6 South 24 Parganas Gosaba J atirampur 1.45 3,002 7 South 24 Parganas Gosaba Tarapukur 1.69 1,351 8 Pas. Medinipur Binpur II Silda (Aug) 34.52 1,393 9 Pas. Medinipur Binpur II Tamajuri 21.30 1,393 10 North 24 Parganas Hingalganj Pukuriachak 2.64 2326 11 Birbhum Rampurhat-II Santoshpur 3.44 1339 12 North 24 Parganas Hasnabad Bhurkunda 12.82 1740 13 North 24 Parganas Hasnabad Uttar Akhartala 6.20 740 14 North 24 Parganas Hasnabad J amberia Abad 8.12 1050 15 North 24 Parganas Hasnabad Hular Chak 9.28 1160 16 North 24 Parganas Hasnabad Ghuni 10.30 1310 17 North 24 Parganas Hasnabad J amberia 6.42 760 Total 313.39 38450 PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -26- Implementation of such pond based schemes will also be useful where there is increasing evidence of contamination of ground water with arsenic, fluoride and salinity and also there is absence of perennial surface water source.In order to promote such schemes in large nos. the PHE Dept. and the Panchayat & Rural Development Dept. have jointly put forth an effort whereby it has been proposed that the Panchayat will identify the location and creation of rain water ponds under various programmes like NREGEA, IWDP, Hariyali etc. whereas the PHE Dept. shall extend all sorts of technical support i.e. design, drawing, specification, estimate and work schedule of etc. PHED has taken-up another large pond based water supply scheme at Belur Math in Howrah District with an estimate cost of 239.50 lakh. The scheme will benefit a total population of 4,99,0859 (49085+4,50,000 maxm floating pop in a day throughout the day in a year). The scheme is proposed to be commissioned within March 2010. POND BASED WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -27- Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting Schemes - PHE Department implemented some pilot schemes based on Roof Top Rain Water in Darjeeling hill area with a view to replicate the same in other districts also. Based on successful implementation of such pilot projects PHE Dept. Has taken up such schemes in the other districts of the State and also encouraged the efforts taken up by other Departments like Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management and West Bengal Pollution Control Board by releasing Rs. 263.14 Lakh in the year 2005-06. During 2008-09, 7 (seven) nos. Of roof top rainwater harvesting schemes were sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs. 52.40 lakh. The list of such schemes is furnished below. List of Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting Schemes S l . Di stri c t B l o c k Na m e o f S c h e m e E std .C o st No . (R s.l a kh ) 1 D a rje e ling K a lim po ng R e s i B uilding 2. 48 o f S E 2 D o P rim a ry T e a c he rs 4. 23 T ra ining Ins titute 3 D a rje e ling R e s i B ldg. o f S E 6. 78 a t L e wis J ubile e C o m ple x 4 K a lim po ng S t. P hilo m e na 4. 25 G irls ' high S c ho o l 5 K a lim po ng S t. G e o rge s 6. 25 B o y s ' H o s te l 6 K a lim po m g P ra na m i B a lik a 3. 55 M a ndir 7 B irbhum R a jna ga r L a ujo r J r. S c ho o l 26. 41 8 N a lha ti I S ulta npur N ive dita 26. 04 S c ho o l & G a ria pa ni ha b. 9 D o A s wa ni K r. H igh 26. 04 S c ho o l & B a nio r H a b 10 S uri I A dda S a ty a 30. 76 P ra s a nna high & P rim a ry S c ho o l, C ha ngo ria ha b 11 D o K a ridhy a S c ho o l & 19. 22 D a nga lpa ra (P t) PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -28- 12 Purulia Arsha Golaikocha 21.51 13 Do Arsha P.S., 48.28 High School & Forest Office 14 Bagmundi Nimma Madh. 10.15 School & Ranga Village 15 J halda II Taherbera 22.73 16 Do Khatanga J r. basic 32.00 & high School, Khatanga (Pt) Vill 17 Birbhum Suri I Karidhya High 2.94 School 18 Suri II Adda Satta 3.02 High School 19 South 24 Pgs. Budge Budge Amrita 5.06 Vidyalayam 20 Birbhum Suri I Sadar Hospital 12.42 21 Pas. Midnapur J hargram Eklabya School 11.81 22 Bardhaman Kanksa Eklabya School 11.89 23 Purulia Manbazar II Eklabya School 11.53 24 Bankura Khatra Eklabya School 5.54 Contd. From previous page... PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Water Supply Arrangement in Hilly Areas of the State of West Bengal PHE Department has taken up Neorakhola Water Supply Scheme in the hilly areas of Darjeeling district to supplement the additional requirement of drinking water in Municipal town, Deference installation at Purpindara, Algara and Pedong and to some enroute rural habitations for a design population of 81,385. The source of Neorakhola water supply scheme are two perennial water sources at Neorakhola and Dhaulakhola located at a distance of 72 kms and 65 kms respectively from Kalimpong town. The total length of pipeline is about 104 kms which passes through difficult hilly terrain and land slide prone areas. The PHE department continuously provides strict vigilance and provides immediate technical support towards restoration and repairing of damaged pipeline caused due to landslide or falling of trees. PHE Department has also taken up another ambitious scheme named as “Darjeeling Water Supply Pumping Scheme” popularly known as 'Balason Scheme' in the hilly district of Darjeeling to supply potable drinking water to the people of Darjeeling Municipality, enroute villages and consists through out the year. At present the people of Darjeeling are fed with the drinking water from Sinchal lake (twin lake South lake having capacity 13 MG built in 1910 and North lake having capacity 20 MG built in 1932) having its source from 26 nos. perennial springs (J hora) in Sinchal catchment area. In the lean period (J anuary to May) the people of Darjeeling faces acute drinking water crisis due to short supply of water to the Sinchal Lake from the springs (J hora). This problem of short supply of water will be met up by pumping water from Balason River to Sinchal Lake. -29- -1- -1- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Raw water from the river Balason near Ceder Tea Garden (Altitude-806 mtr.) shall be pumped to the Sinchal Lake (Altitude- 2262 mtr.). As the altitude difference between Intake point at Balason River and delivery point at Sinchal Lake is high enough, the water will be pumped in two stages for better design of pumping machinery etc. First the water will be pumped from Intake point at Balason river to Intermediate point at Kalej Valley Tea Garden (Altitude-1574 mtr.) in first stage and again it will be pumped from intermediate Pumping Station to Sinchal Lake (Altitude-2262 mtr.) in second stage. The entire rising main from intake to Sinchal lake via Intermediate Pumping Station will be double pipeline of 300 NB MS pipe, total route length is approx. 9.629 mtr.(x 2 nos.). Water from Sinchal lake shall be sent to Water Treatment Plant cum Booster Pumping Station at Sindhap lake area (Altitude-2237 mtr.) through 2 nos. 250 NB MS gravity main for treatment. After filtration and disinfection at treatment plant the potable water will be pumped by booster pump to the existing 2 nos. reservoir at St. Pauls (Altitude-2234 mtr.) and Rockville (Altitude-2157 mtr.) the clear water rising main from WTP at Sindhap to St. Pauls and Rockville reservoir will be 250 NB MS pipeline, separate single line for each reservoir. A part of the pipeline will be 200 NB considering design aspect. The potable water from St. Pauls and Rockvill reservoir will be supplied in the different area of Darjeeling by the Municipality through its existing distribution system. Expected date of commissioning of the “Darjeeling Pumping Scheme” is April 2010. -30- -1- -1- -1- -1- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Reincarnation of a Coal Mine by Utilization of Rain Water in Open Colliery Pit (OCP) In the Asansol coalfield area, lays an abandoned OCP named Gopalpur Alkusha OCP. Over the years rainwater accumulated in the pit to form a huge lake covering an area of about 4.2 hectares. From a coal mine of yesteryears Gopalpur Alkusha OCP turned into a lake to give the area a facelift. But the water of the area was of hardly any use to local people, except for bathing their livestock. Absence of suitable drinking water bearing strata did not allow for easy abstraction of ground water. The only source of water for the local people was a few rig bored tubewells. Then a revolutionary idea was struck upon. Why not purify the accumulated water at Alkusha and supply it to the people of the area? Accordingly it was decided to prepare a water supply scheme covering 14 mouzas adjoining Alkusha under Salanpur block of District Bardhaman. Permission of Eastern Coalfields Ltd., the lease holder of the area was sought and conditional permission was obtained. Finally, the Water Supply Scheme for Alkusha and adjoining mouzas took shape. The water is drawn from the lake by pump. The water is treated in adequately designed Package Filter units with Dual Media Filter. The raw water also contains trace of phenolic compounds beyond permissible limit. Such pollution in drinking water required further treatment by passing the water through a bed of Activated Carbon and finally followed by disinfection. The scheme has been fully commissioned during 2007-08 serving thousands of people of the area. -31- PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBLI C HEALTH ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Salient Features of the Scheme 1. Location : Gopalpur Alkusha, Block Salanpur, District Bardhaman 2. No. of Mouzas : 14(fourteen) 3. No. of Habitations : 14(fourteen) 4. Design Population (2001) : 15503 5. Command Area : 1993.75 Hectares 6. Population Density : 8 persons per hectare (Census 2001) 7. Rate of Supply : 10 litres per capita per day 8. Sanctioned Cost : Rs. 151.96 lakhs 9. Annual O&M Cost : Rs. 9.52 lakhs 10. Per Capita Cost on : Rs. 730 Design Population 11. Strategy for O& M : To be maintained by Benificiary/ Local Body -32- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PotabIe Drinking Water in the IsIands of Sunderban Dcliaic Islands of Sundcrlan arca consisis of 19 nos. of llocls in ilc disiricis of Noril & Souil 24 Paraganas. Po¡ulaiion ilrivcs in ilis fcriilc dclia ¡lain along ilc cnlanlncni of iidal clanncls and rivcrs. Tlc flooding of ilc Sundcrlan arca is vcry connon ¡lcnoncnon duc io crosion of cnlanlncni. During ilc flood, ¡rovision of safc and swcci drinling waicr is of uinosi ncccssiiy. Insiallaiion of a Fcvcrsc Osnosis Dcsalinaiion Unii nounicd on loai ¡rovcd io lc an c×ccllcni ircaincni ncilod for for ¡roviding safc and swcci drinling waicr inilc salinc affccicd arcas. SaIient Features 1. Plani Ca¡aciiy . 150l¡l 2. Fccd Waicr Qualiiy (TDS} . 5000 ¡¡n 3. Produci Waicr Qualiiy (TDS} . 500 ¡¡n 4. Produci Fccovcry . 40 % 5. Plani Cosi (Wiiloui Prc-Trcaincni} . Fs. 1.25 lall 6. S¡arcs &Consunallcs (1 ycar} . Fs. 0.45 lall Morcovcr,PHE Dc¡arincni is also aciivcly considcring io ¡rovidc safc drinling waicr ilrougl ¡i¡cd waicr su¡¡ly sysicn io all ilc inlaliicd Sundcrlan Islands ly convcrsion of Salinc ground waicr io swcci ¡oiallc waicr ly cn¡loying solar o¡craicd dcsalinaiion ¡lanis io lc aiiaclcd wiil iulcwclls ¡ro¡oscd io lc sunl inilosc arcas. A Masicr ¡laniowards ilc alovc is undcr fornulaiion. -33- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Water QuaIIty MonItorIng and SurveIIIance tbrougb Sub dIstrIct IeveI Water TestIng LaboratorIes 1.0 Background Waicr qualiiy las cncrgcd as a najor issuc in Wcsi Dcngal dcs¡iic fair aclicvcncnis in covcragc of rural ¡o¡ulaiion ly safc waicr su¡¡ly. Alilougl all ilc laliiaiions in ilc Siaic arc laving acccss io drinling waicr, c×ccss of arscnic, fluoridc and iron ¡oscs a najor ilrcai io connuniiy lcalil and gcncral wcll lcing of ¡co¡lc. Tlc issuc of waicr qualiiy icsiing and survcillancc was liglliglicd ai ilc naiional lcvcl in 2006, wlcn ilc Covcrnncni of India launclcd ilc NFDWQM&SP. Tlc ¡rogrannc ¡rovidcd a francworl for ilc in¡lcncniaiion of a Siaic Lcvcl Waicr Qualiiy Tcsiing and Moniioring Sysicn. Tlougl ilc naiional guidclincs rcconncndcd ilai ficld icsi liis lc uscd for icsiing waicr san¡lcs, yci ii was dccidcd ilai laloraiory lascd waicr icsiing will lc ado¡icd in ilc Siaic lascd on ilc sul-disirici lcvcl laloraiory infrasiruciurc alrcady availallc inilc Siaic. 2.0 InstItutIonaI Arrangement and CapacIty BuIIdIng Tlc waicr qualiiy survcillancc ¡rogrannc in Wcsi Dcngal was dcvclo¡cd wiil s¡ccific oljcciivcs of sciiing u¡ a connuniiy lascd susiainallc noniioring and survcillancc sysicn. Aloui 36 PHED and 55 NCO nanagcd laloraiorics wcrc alrcady funciioning in ilc Siaic io icsi all ilc ¡ullic drinling waicr sourccs in ilc Arscnic, Fluoridc and oilcr loi s¡oi arcas only. In ordcr io c×icnd ilc faciliiy of waicr icsiing in ilc cniirc siaic, a widc nciworl of laloraiorics was ncccssary. NCOs wcrc considcrcd io lc ilc nosi a¡¡ro¡riaic sialcloldcrs for o¡craiing ilc laloraiory aciiviiics and nanaging ilc infrasiruciurcs undcr ilc icclnical & adninisiraiivc guidancc of ilc P&FD, PHED, NFHM & Zilla Parislad.Tlcrcforc, a ¡arincrsli¡ was forgcd anong diffcrcni sialc loldcrs lilc Pullic Hcalil Enginccring Dc¡arincni, Panclayai and Fural Dcvclo¡ncni Dc¡arincni, Naiional Fural Hcalil Mission (NFHM},ilc Panclayais and local Non Covcrnncnial -34- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Laloraiorics wcrc sci u¡ ilus lringing ilc ilc ioial no. of laloraiorics io 116. Eacl waicr icsiing laloraiory caicrs io aloui 3 CD Dlocls wiil a ca¡aciiy io icsi aloui 5000 waicr san¡lcs in a ycar. All ilc laloraiorics arc cqui¡¡cd wiil ilc rcquircd laloraiory cqui¡ncnis and glasswarc lascd on arca s¡ccific waicr qualiiy ¡arancicrs io lc icsicd. Tlc laloraiorics arc also cqui¡¡cd wiil con¡uicrs and lroadland faciliiy io disscninaic ilc icsi rcsulis ilrougl a wcl lascd a¡¡licaiion sofiwarc. Training is coniinuously in¡aricd io ilc Clcnisis, Dacicriologisis, and Laloraiory Assisianis ly ilc lcading insiiiuics lilc All India Insiiiuic of Hygicnc and Pullic Hcalil and oilcr cnincni ¡rofcssionals in ilis ficld. A siaic rcfcrral laloraiory las also lccn sci u¡ ai Dalslin Foy¡ur Waicr Trcaincni Plani siic wiil all siaic of ilc ari naclincrics and lal cqui¡ncnis. WHO, India las collaloraicd scvcral iraining ¡rogranncs ai ilis rcfcrral laloraiory in¡ariing iraining io various ¡ariici¡anis fron all ovcr ilc couniry.. In ordcr lring ilc waicr san¡lcs fronilc ficld, faciliiaiors lavc lccn cngagcd for cacl Cran Panclayai and iraincd adcquaicly. Tlcsc faciliiaiors also ¡lay a ¡ivoial rolc iowards slaring of icsi rcsulis wiil ilc CP and ilc uscrs and also lcl¡ iowards crcaiing awarcncss aloui waicr qualiiy in ilc connuniiy. Tlc CCDU undcr PHED along wiil ilc lcl¡ of NCOs nanaging ilc laloraiory also ¡lay a rcs¡onsillc rolc iowards gcncraiion of dcnand for icsiing of ¡rivaic waicr sourccs uiilizing ilc scrviccs of ilc noiivaiors worling undcr ilc saniiaiion ¡rogrannc. 3.0 MetbodoIogy To siari wiil, ilc NCOs collcci lisi of iulc wclls availallc wiil ilc PHED and Panclayai officials ai llocl lcvcl and u¡daic ilc sanc ilrougl ficld survcy. Waicr san¡lcs arc collccicd ly ilc faciliiaiors and lrougli io ilc laloraiory for icsiing. Tlc faciliiaiors arc also rcs¡onsillc io dcicrninc ilc LAT/ LONC of ilc drinling waicr sourccs wiil ilc lcl¡ of land lcld CPS insiruncnis along wiilcollcciionof oilcr rclcvani waicr sourcc daia. Saniiary survcy is also an in¡oriani and inicgral ¡ari of san¡lc collcciion. Tlc ¡roiocol for waicr san¡lc collcciion and icsiing follows ilc Siandard Mcilods for E×aninaiionof Waicr -35- and Wasicwaicr (20il Ediiion} ¡ullislcd ly APHA. 5% of ilc waicr san¡lcs arc scni io ilc dcsignaicd rcfcrral laloraiory of PHED. Tlc safc iulc wclls, wiil rcs¡cci io Arscnic and Fluoridc, arc ¡ainicd lluc. All ilc icsi rcsulis arc fcd in io ilc con¡uicr ilrougl wcl lascd a¡¡licaiion sofiwarc and can lc vicwcd onilc wcl insianily. 4.0 MonItorIng MecbanIsm All ilc Ai ilc siaic lcvcl a sc¡araic Siaic Lcvcl Moniioring & Su¡¡ori Unii las lccn sci u¡ io noniior and ¡rovidc onsiic land lolding su¡¡ori io ilc laloraiorics. S.0 FundIng In ordcr io co¡c u¡ wiil ilc lugc cסcndiiurc involvcd in ilc ¡roccss, an aiicn¡i las lccn nadc io nolilizc fund fron diffcrcni sourccs. Eסcndiiurc iowards lonorariun of ilc laloraiory ¡crsonncl, ¡ayncni of fcc io ilc faciliiaiors for collcciion of waicr san¡lcs is lcing lornc ly conccrncd Zilla Parislad oui of ilc fund availallc undcr 12il Financc Connission. Ncccssary funds for ¡rocurcncni of clcnicals for ilc laloraiorics arc lcing ¡rovidcd ly ilc Hcalil & Fanily Wclfarc Dc¡arincni. Sciiing u¡ of ncw laloraiorics, u¡ gradaiion of c×isiing laloraiorics, ¡rocurcncni and disiriluiion of clcnicals and glasswarc is undcrialcn ly PHED. Honorariunof laloraiory ¡crsonncl las lccn arrivcd in sucl a nanncr ilai lc carns lis salary ly icsiing a ccriain no. of san¡lcs in a nonil, nulii¡licd ly a fi×cd raic of icsiing ¡cr san¡lc (Fs. 70/-san¡lc}. Howcvcr, a fi×cd lonorariun is ¡rcscnily givcn io ilc lal ¡crsonncl con¡cnsaiing ilc slorifall, if any, ly ilc Zilla Parislad. Sinilarly, faciliiaiors arc also ¡aid on ¡cr waicr san¡lc collcciion lasis wiil a varying raic (Fs. 25/- io Fs. 55/-} dc¡cnding u¡on ilc disiancc covcrcd. Tlcrc is also a ¡rovisionfor collcciionof waicr icsiing clargcs ai ilc raic of Fc. 1.00 ¡cr fanily wlicl will uliinaicly ncci u¡ ilc annual rcquircncni of fund iowards salary of lal ¡crsonncl and san¡lc collccior. PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -36- 6.0 Outcome Dascd on ilc alovc dcccniralizcd waicr qualiiy noniioring sysicnilc Siaic Covcrnncni las alrcady icsicd aloui 1,32,262 drinling waicr sourccs in 79 llocls of 8 disiricis. All waicr qualiiy rclaicd daia las lccn fcd inio a na¡ in CIS ¡laiforn ¡rc¡arcd ly Dc¡arincni of Scicncc & Tcclnology. Tlc na¡s slowing ilc disiriluiion of iulc wclls along wiil oilcr infornaiion lilc locaiion, dc¡il of ilc iulcwcll, ycar of sinling, arscnic conicni cic. lavc lccn slarcd wiil all ilc sialc loldcrs wlicl lcl¡cd in ¡lanning for alicrnaic safc waicr su¡¡ly in affccicd arcas. Tlc Masicr Plan for Arscnic Miiigaiion wlicl is ¡rcscnily undcr in¡lcncniaiion ly PHED is also ilc ouiconc of ilc alovc waicr qualiiy survcy. Sinilarly, aloui 52,000 waicr san¡lcs lavc lccn alrcady lccn icsicd in 43 fluoridc affccicd llocls of 7 disiricis. Tlc na¡¡ing of fluoridc conianinaiion las also lccn con¡lcicd and ilc Masicr Planfor Fluoridc Miiigaiionis undcr ¡roccss. Fcncdial ncasurcs againsi lacicriological conianinaiion arc dirccily lcing ialcn u¡ locally wiil ilc lcl¡ of ilc Panclayai PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -37- Otber Important ActIvItIes oI PHED HospItaI Water SuppIy Scbeme and maIntenance oI HospItaI J HeaItb IsntItutIons PHE Dc¡arincni is involvcd in nainicnancc of 91 Hos¡iials/ Hcalil Insiiiuiions. Waicr Su¡¡ly Sysicn, nainicnancc of luildings and clccirical sysicn along wiil nainicnancc of saniiaiionsysicnis donc ly PHEDinilosc insiiiuiions. Lisi of Hos¡iials/ Hcalil Insiiiuiions Mainiaincd ly PHED .- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B 1. Indira Matri-O-Sishusadan, Paikpara (Full) 2. Bijoygar S.G. Hospital, 1adavpur (Full) 3. Chittaranjan Group of Hospital (W/S & Elecctrical) 1. Satyabala I.D. Hospital (Full) 2. Baltikuri Hospital (W/S) 3. Uluberia S.D. Hospital (W/S) 4. Howrah General Hospital (W/S) 5. T.L. 1aiswal Hospital (Full) 6. Laxikamal Hospital (Full) 1.Chandannagar Morgain Hospital (W/S) 3.Chinsurah Sadar Hospital (W/S) 4.Arambagh S.D. Hospital (W/S) 5.Uttarpara General Hospita (W/S) 6.Uttarpara Nurses Quarter(W/S) 7.Srirampore Walsh Hospital(W/S) 1.Panihati S. G. Hospital(Full) 2.Naihati S. G. Hospital (Full) 3.Bhatpara S. G. Hospital (W/S) 4.Bongaon S. D. Hospital (W/S) 5.Bashirhat S. D. Hospital(W/S) 6.Sagar Dutta Hospital (W/S) 7. Ashokenagar Hospital(W/S) 8.Barasat S. D. Hospital (W/S 1. Raidighi Hospital (Full) 2.1oka Sub-Qrts (W/S) 3. Diamond Harbour S. D. Hospital (W/S) Hooghly 2. Uttarpara Qrts. Hospital (W/S) North 24 Parganas South 24 Parganas Kolkata Howrah -38- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B 1. Berhampore Sadar Hospital (W/S) 2. 1.N. Roy Hospital, Berhampore (Full + W/S) 3.Beldanga Rural Hospital (Full) 4. Lalbagh Rural Hospital (W/S) 5.1angipara S.D. Hospital(W/S) 6.Kandi S.D. Hospital(W/S) 7.Berhampore S.G. Hospital(W/S) 8.Rao 1. N. Rao Hospital, Berhampore (W/S) 1. 1.N.M. Hospital, Kalyani (Full) 3.N.S. Sanatorium, Kalyani (W/S &Sanitation) 4.Family Welfare Traning Centre, Kalyani (Full) 5.Rural Training Centre, Kalyani (Full) 6.State Ayurbedic Pharmacy, Kalyani(Full) 7.Dr. B.C. Roy Chest Sanatorium, Dhubulia (Full) 8. Saktinagar Hospital, Krishnanagar (W/S) 9.Sibananda Matri Sadan Hospital, Krishnanagar (W/S) 10.Nabadwip Hospital (W/S) 11.Pharmacy Traning Centre, Kalyani (Full) 1. Midnapore Sadar Hospital(W/S) 3.Ghatal S.D. Hospital(W/S) 4.Kharagpur S.G. Hospital (W/S) 5.Digri T.B. Sanatorium(W/S) 6.Digha S.G. Hospital (Full) 7.Contai S.D. Hospital (W/S) 8.1harhtamS.D. Hospital (W/S & Electric) 9.Hijli P.H.C. (W/S) 1.Bankura Sammilani Medical College (W/S) 2.Gouripur Leprosy Hospital (W/S) 3.Peordoba Leprosy after care Colony (W/S) 4.Bishnupur S.D. Hospital(W/S) 6.Raghunathpur S.D. Hospital (W/S) 7.Purulia Sadar Hospital (W/S) Nadia Murshidabad 2. Ranaghat S.D. Hospital Midnapore 2.Tamluk S.D. Hospital Bankura Purulia -39- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B 1 . B a lla v pur R ura l H o s pita l, R a nig a nj(W /S ) 2 . As a ns o l S . D . H o s pita l(W /S ) 3 . K a twa S . D . H o s pita l (W /S ) 4 . L. M . H o s pita l, B urdwa n(W /S ) 5 . N urs e s Tra ining Ce ntre , B urdwa n(W /S ) 6 . B . C. H o s pita l, B urdwa n(W /S ) 7 . K a lna S . D . H o s pita l(W /S ) 8 . R ura l Tra ining Ce ntre , B urdwa n (W /S ) 1 . S . G . H o s pita l , Cha ncha l(W /S ) 2 . M a la S a da r H o s pita l(W /S ) 3 . R a ja S a ra t Cha ndra T. B . H o s pita l (W /S ) 1 . R a mpurha t S . D . H o s pita l(W /S ) 2 . S uri S a da r H o s pita l (W /S ) 3 . B o lpur S . D . H o s pita l(W /S ) 4 . M ura ro i H o s pita l (W /S ) 1 . R a ig a nj S a da r H o s pita l(W /S ) 2 . Is la mpure S a da r H o s pita l(W /S ) 1 . B a lurg ha t S a da r H o s pita l(W /S ) 1 . 1 a lpa ig uri S a da r H o s pita l(W /S ) 3 . M a lba za r H o s pita l(W /S ) 4 . B irpa ra H o s pita l(W /S ) 5 . B ha tiba ri H o s pita l(W /S ) 1 . M . 1 . N . H o s pita l, Co o chbe ha r(W /S ) 2 . 1 . D . H o s pita l, Co o chbe ha r(W /S ) 3 . D inha ta S . D . H o s pita l(W /S ) 4 . To o fa ng unj S . D . H o s pia l(W /S ) 1 . S ilig uri S . D . H o s pita l(W /S ) 2 . N a x a lba ri H o s pita l(W /S & Ele ctric) B irbhum C o o c hbe ha r D a rje e ling 2 . Alipurdua r S . D . H o s pita l(W /S ) 1 a lpa ig uri B urdw a n N o rt h D ina jpur S o ut h D ina jpur M a lda -40- OperatIon MaIntenance oI DraInage JSewerage and Water SuppIy Scbemes PHE Dc¡arincni, aficr con¡lciing in¡lcncniaiion of 21 waicr su¡¡ly and drainagc sclcncs for oilcr Dc¡arincnis, las io coniinuc o¡craiionand nainicnancc of ilc sclcncs as ilc sclcncs lavc noi lccnialcnovcr ly ilc owing Dc¡arincni. SCHEMES BELONGING TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS UNDER CHARGE OF MAINTENANCEBY PHEDEPARTMENT HousIng Department Fcgcni Esiaic W/S, ASTA W/SSclcnc Urban Dev. Department Darui¡ur Townsli¡ W/S, Cossi¡orc DunDunDrainagc Paii¡ulur Scwcragc, Daranagar Kanarlaii W/S Kalyani W/S, SouilDunDunW/S. Home Department Halisalar NVF W/S, Pool Car Carragc W/S P &D Department Covcrnors Esiaic W/S, Digla W/SSclcnc H&F.W. Department Ccniral Conlincd Lal W/S Home PoIIce Department Lallazar W/S R.R. Department TiiagarlWoncn's Honc W/S, ganguli DaganPoddar Parl WJS &Scwcragc Sclcncs Plulia W/S, Halra W/S, Cuslara W/S, Md.Dajar W/S, Alncd¡ur W/S. PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -41- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B PHED ActIvItIes In New Town KoIkata Project Tlc Ncw Town Kollaia Projcci las lccn ialcn u¡ for an arca of aloui 3075 Ha con¡rising of aciion arca I, II &III io acconnodaic a ¡o¡ulaiion of 7.50 lall. Tlis iownsli¡ las conc u¡ undcr ilc aus¡iccs of Wcsi Dcngal Housing Infrasiruciurc Dcvclo¡ncni Cor¡oraiion Lid. (WDHIDCO}. Tlis iownsli¡ is dcvclo¡cd in ilrcc ¡lascs viz. Aciion Arca I (677 Ha}, Aciion Arca II (Aloui 1260 Ha} & Aciion Arca III (Aloui 641 Ha}. A¡ari fron Aciion Arca-I, II & III anoilcr arca viz. Aciion Arca-IV wiil an arca of aloui 500 Ha is in ¡i¡clinc. Tlis iownsli¡ will lavc all nodcrn faciliiics lilc drainagc and scwcragc sysicn, scwagc ircaincni ¡lani, waicr ircaincni ¡lani, solid wasic dis¡osal sysicncic., wlicl is lcing c×ccuicd ly PHED, Covi of Wcsi Dcngal. Oui of ilcsc, diffcrcni worls of PHEScrviccs in Aciion Arca-I is in ilc con¡lciion siagc. Sinilar worl in Aciion Arca- II las also lccn siaricd in sonc arcas lilc Aciion Arca-IID, IIC, IID, IIF &IIC. Ai ¡rcscni, considcrallc ¡rogrcss in Aciion Arca-IID, IIC & IID las lccn aclicvcd and worls in Aciion Arca IIF & IIC lavc siaricd wlcrc a ¡oriion of worl froni las lccn rcccivcd ly ilc PHE Dirccioraic. Aciion Arca III will also lc dcvclo¡cd in ¡lasc wisc. Dcsign and ¡lanning of ilc diffcrcni scrviccs for Aciion Arca IIID & IIIClavc lccncon¡lcicd. Worls inilosc arcas will lc ialcnu¡ aficr rcquisiic icndcr fornaliiics. Drinling waicr will lc su¡¡licd in ilc cniirc iownsli¡ ilrougl a 100 MCD waicr ircaincni ¡lani io lc consirucicd in fivc ¡lascs, ialing raw waicr fron rivcr Canga. Consiruciion of firsi ¡lasc of waicr ircaincni ¡lani is undcr ¡rogrcss. Ai ¡rcscni, an inicrin waicr su¡¡ly lascd on ground iulcwcll las lccn in usc for drinling waicr. -42- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Considcring availaliliiy of vasi arca of waicr rccycling rcgion in ilc viciniiy of Aciion Arca I, scwagc gcncraicd in Aciion Arca I will lc ircaicd ly anacrolic ¡ond followcd ly faculiaiivc ¡ond. Aficr ircaincni, ilc ircaicd cfflucni will lc uscd for ¡isciculiurc. So ilc scwagc gcncraicd in Aciion Arca I will lc scni io Dilcr Dlcry ilrougl 6 nos. scwagc lifiing siaiions. All ilc scwagc lifiing siaiions lavc alrcady lccnconnissioncd In Aciion Arca III ilcrc is no sucl dis¡osal faciliiics ncarly. As sucl ilcrc is no oilcr o¡iion lui io go for scwagc ircaincni ¡lani, wlcrc scwagc will lc ircaicd and disclargcd inio Dagjola Canal. Prcscnily scaiicrcd lousing las lccn consirucicd and io caicr ilc inncdiaic nccd iwo ¡oiallc Scwagc Trcaincni Plani las lccninsiallcd caclai AciionArca IIDand IICrcs¡cciivcly. For Aciion Arca III, ¡ari of scwagc will lc scni io Dilcr Dlcry and rcsi will lc disclargcd inio Dagjola Canncl aficr rcquisiic ircaincni in ilc scwagc ircaincni ¡lani. Prcscnily as a ¡oriion of nass lousing will lc o¡craiivc condiiion wiilin a slori ¡criod io 0.5 MLD Scwagc Trcaincni Plani will lilcly io lc ialcn u¡ ly Pullic Hcalil Enginccring Dic. io ircai ilc scwagc gcncraicd fron ilc arca. -43- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Ganga ActIon PIan (GAP Pbase-I &II) Tlc PHE dc¡arincni las lccn cnirusicd wiil in¡lcncniaiion of Canga Aciion Plan (CAP} Plasc-II ¡rogrannc in four non-KMD nunici¡al iowns Jiaganj-Ajinganj, (1.39 MLDca¡aciiy STP}, Kaiwa, (2.30 MLD ca¡aciiy STP}, Dianond Harlour (0.52 MLD ca¡aciiy STP}, and Murslidalad (1.90 MLD ca¡aciiy STP}, on ilc Fivcr Canga. Dciailcd Projcci rc¡oris (DPF} for all ilc sclcncs lavc lccn sulniiicd io ilc KMDA ilc Nodal Agcncy for CAP inWcsi Dcngal for oliaining a¡¡roval of Covi. of India. Anong ilc alovc, ilc worl of Jiaganj-Azinganj Munici¡aliiy lavc alrcady lccn con¡lcicd and connissioncd. Tlc worl of Canga Aciion Plan Plasc-II undcr Kaiwa Munici¡aliiy is alnosi rcady for connissioning. Sinilarly ilc worl of CAP undcr Dianond Harlour Munici¡aliiy is cסccicd io ilc fully connissioncd ly 31.03.2010. Tlc worl undcr Murslidalad Munici¡aliiy las alrcady lccn connissioncd and ai ¡rcscni ii is undcr irial run. Undcr Canga Aciion Plan (Plasc-I}, PHEDlas consirucicd and connissioncd Scwcragc and drainagc sclcncs (Scwagc Trcaincni Plani-STP} ai Kalyani, (11.00 MLD ca¡aciiy STP}, Dcrlan¡orc, (3.70 MLDca¡aciiy STP} and Naladwi¡, (10.00 MLDca¡aciiy STP}, siics, wliclarc now lcing nainiaincd ly PHED. -44- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B CommunIcatIon and CapacIty DeveIopment UnIt (CCDU),PHED,GOWB IntroductIon Tlc Siaic lcvcl connunicaiion & ca¡aciiy Dcvclo¡ncni Unii (CCDU} undcr Pullic HcalilEnginccring Dc¡arincni was crcaicd in C.O. No. PHE/Esii/3128/2E-97/2004 daicd 10.11.04. Ii lad siaricd iis funciioning wiil a full iinc E×ccuiivc Dirccior w.c.f. 24.12.2004 fronPHEDc¡arincni and ilcn wiil is sc¡araic officc ai DilaslDlavanw.c.f. 24.01.2005. CCDU was crcaicd for ¡ronoiing ilc rcforn iniiiaiivcs iniroduccd inilc scciors of Fural W a i c r s u ¡ ¡ l y & Saniiaiion viz. Swajaldlara and ioial Saniiaiion Can¡aign (TSC}. During 2009-2010, Swajaldlara and Waicr Qualiiy Moniioring, Survcillancc Progrannc lavc lccn ilc ¡rioriiy scciors for in¡lcncniaiion cffcciivcly ai ilc connuniiy lcvcl. Tlc following arc ilc ¡rograns of CCDU ilai nay lc sunnarizcd lricfly as lclow . 1} Moniioring and survcillancc of qualiiy of all drinling waicr sourccs inilc Siaic, ai lcasi oncc a ycar. 2} Dcccniralizaiion of drinling waicr qualiiy noniioring, survcillancc ilrougl ilc nciworl of waicr icsiing laloraiorics all ovcr ilc Siaic. 3} Insiiiuiionalizaiion and involvcncni of PFI and connuniiy ¡ariici¡aiion in drinling waicr qualiiy survcillancc ¡rogrannc. 4} Ccncraiion of awarcncss anong ilc rural ¡co¡lc aloui ilc waicr qualiiy issucs and ilc ¡rollcn rclaicd io waicr lornc discascs. 5} Pronoiional scrviccs for susiainallc Swajaldlara Sclcncs ai ilc connuniiy lcvcl following ilc rcviscd guidclincs of Swajaldlara ¡rc¡arcd ly Covi. of India. -45- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Two siraicgics lavc lccn undcrialcn io ¡ronoic owncrsli¡ of Swajaldlara and crcaic a culiurc of waicr qualiiy icsiing in availallc laloraiorics, iis rcncdial ncasurcs for awarcncss gcncraiion ly way of HFD & IEC aciiviiics ilai includc ca¡aciiy luilding of ilc funciionarics ai all lcvcls, Cran Panclayci and s¡ccially ccononically laclward grou¡.I Ii is no c×aggcraiion io say ilai safc drinling waicr su¡¡ly in Wcsi Dcngal undcr ilc Pullic Hcalil Enginccring Dc¡arincni las ¡rovidcd a conncndallc worl Surfacc waicr su¡¡ly fron Canga rivcr las also crcaicd a lisiory in¡roviding Fluoridc and Arscnic frcc waicr in ilc disiricis affccicd ly sucl clcnical con¡oncnis in Wcsi Dcngal wlcrc connuniiy ¡ariici¡aiion was considcrcd as ilc ccniral focus of ilc ¡rogrannc. Nccdlcss io say, ilai ilc c×ccllcni worl on scicniific innovaiion in ¡roviding safc drinling waicr las lccn donc ly Pullic Hcalil Enginccring Dc¡arincni in coordinaiion wiil PFI, WD, Ii las lccn sirongly fcli ly P&FD, PHE Dc¡arincni and Hcalil & Fanily Wclfarc Dc¡arincni of Covi. of Wcsi Dcngal ilai Pco¡lc's Pariici¡aiion vis-à-vis connuniiy owncrsli¡ is ilc lcy facior for susiaining WQM&Siniiiaiivc and susiainallc Swajaldlara. Dasic assun¡iion of ilc oljcciivc, as visualizcd ly Covi. of India for aclicving ilc iargci of rcacling oui io connuniiy ¡co¡lc wiil safc drinling waicr, is io involvc ¡co¡lc ai ilc connuniiy lcvcl and ¡aying aiicniionio dcnand rcs¡onsivc connuniiy. Tlcrcforc, ilc raiionalc of waicr su¡¡ly sysicn is io idcally nalc ilc conccrncd ¡co¡lc (ilc ¡rovidcr} wlo arc ai ilc dclivcry and undcrsiand and rccognizc ilc faci ilai ¡co¡lc's (rcccivcd} ¡ariici¡aiionnccds norc and norc aiicniion. -46- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Worl donc during ilc ycar During ilc ycar 2008-09, CCDU organizcd a nunlcr of iraining and worlslo¡ ai ilc Siaic and disirici lcvcl and ¡roduccd / ¡ullislcd IEC naicrials for luilding awarcncss onWQM&Sand Wwajaldlara. Pur¡oscs of ilc aciiviiics wcrc io . 1. Slarc ilc lcy concc¡i of Fcviscd Swajaldlara guidclincs and Waicr Qualiiy Moniioring &Survcillancc. 2. Ensurc Pco¡lc's Pariici¡aiion vis-a-vis cnsuring connuniiy owncrsli¡. 3. Iniroducc ilc Modificd guidclincs ¡rc¡arcd joinily ly PHED, P&FD, and H&FWDrcgarding WQM&SProgrannc. 4. Providc innovaiivc and affordallc icclnical soluiion for niiigaiing Arscnic and Fluoridc inilc Siaic. 5. Ncccssary for alicrnaiivc waicr sourcc ly larvcsiing rain waicr and waicr conscrvaiion for ncciing ilc growing dcnand of ¡o¡ulaiion and agriculiurc / indusiry Eic. CCDU las also idcniificd sonc iasls as a ¡ari of HFD&IEC siraicgy wlicl arc as follows. Training Nccd Asscssncni (TNA} of diffcrcni sialcloldcrs donc in ilis arca, iraining nccds lavc lccn lroadly idcniificd. A landy nanual las io lc ¡rc¡arcd for CP lcvcl faciliiaiors wlo arc cסccicd io lay a vcry in¡oriani rolc inWQM&SProgrannc. Idcniify Fcsourcc Pcrsons for ¡roviding clariiy on ilc suljccis and inviicd for ilc iraining scssions. Idcniify Training Insiiiuic wlicl can ¡rovidc ncccssary infrasiruciurcs for iraining (Adninisiraiivc Training Insiiiuic, ATI, Sai Lalc, Kollaia} Prc¡arcd iraining naicrials for faciliiaiing iraining Prc¡arc ¡rogrannc sclcdulc for iraining. Eסlorc ncw Training insiiiuic for naling convcnicnccs io all ¡ariici¡anis. Esiallisl coniacis and connunicaiions wiil all ilc Disiricis of Wcsi Dcngal. -47- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Conduci and Faciliiaic Scnsiiizaiion¡rogranncs ai ilc Zilal Parislad as wcll Malaluna / Sul divisional lcvcls onWQMS&IP. Providc fund su¡¡ori for organizing Scnsiiizaiion Progranncs io Zilla Parislad. Organizc and Conduci ccniral lcvcl iraining on Concc¡iual, Hunan and Tcclnical slill dcvclo¡ncni for disirici lcvcl iraincrs. Organizc / Su¡crvisc and ¡rovidc fund for MELA for awarcncss gcncraiion/ IECcan¡aign. Organizc cסosurc visii io ilc ficld focusing on ilc issucs of Connuniiy Pariici¡aiioninsaniiary survcy. Visii io Panclayai and Covi. / NCO's insiiiuiions for cסloring ilc µossíhílítíes o1 1uture collahoratíon Prc¡arc aciion¡lanfor inicrinaciiviiics onIECcan¡aign. Iniiiaic a ¡roccss of ¡rc¡aring aciion ¡lan on siari u¡, connunicaiion, ca¡aciiy dcvclo¡ncni, waicr icsiing and survcillancc for wlicl fund las lccn ¡rovidcd io all disirici Panclayais (Zilla Parislad}. Iniiiaic dialoguc wiilZilla Parilsad rcgarding alicrnaiivc waicr sourcc lilc rainwaicr larvcsiing and waicr conscrvaiionas a crucial agcnda. Organizc worlslo¡ on WQM&S for scnior officials of Disirici Adninisiraiionand Zilla Parislad. Aci as rcsourcc ¡crsons in ilc scnsiiizaiion ¡rogrannc organizcd ly Zilla Parslad. Aiicnd and ¡ariici¡aic in a s¡ccially dcsigncd ¡rogrannc on susiainaliliiy of Swajaldlara nodcraicd and guidcd ly Honorallc MOS, PHED, Covi. of Wcsi Dcngal. -48- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B A scrics of visiis nadc ly ilc CCDU icanio slarc ilc vicws of Covi. of Wcsi Dcngal so ilai ilc connuniiy ¡co¡lc lcconc norc and norc inicrcsicd in waicr icsiing as ¡cr guidclincs ¡rc¡arcd ly ilc Siaic Dc¡arincnis ilai includc o¡craiionand nainicnancc of ilc sysicn. CCDU ican aiicndcd a nunlcr of ncciings ai various lcvcls for csiallisling linlagcs wiil diffcrcni acadcnic insiiiuiions, lcy rcsourcc ccnircs and organizaiions conccrncd for waicr rclaicd ¡rogrannc. Major suljccis of ilc iraining ¡rogrannc wcrc sclcdulcd on social nolilizaiion, icclnical o¡iions, waicr qualiiy noniioring and cnvironncnial ¡ronoiiononlcaliland lygicnc. Tlc coursc curriculun covcrcd a rangc of io¡ics undcr cacl suljcci lcad wlicl includcd dclilcraiions on ilc rolc of connuniiy in ¡lanning and in¡lcncniaiion, conscrvaiion of waicr and rain waicr larvcsiing, cnginccring as¡ccis of dcsigning undcrground / surfacc sourccs / siorcd waicr and rainwaicr. A¡ari fronilis, during ilc ycar, s¡ccial inicrvcniion of CCDU, PHED nadc sonc ¡osiiivc sic¡s in aclicving ilc Mission of Naiional as wcll as Siaic iargci io scnsiiizc ilc connuniiy on Swajaldlara and Waicr Qualiiy, Moniioring &Survcillancc Progrannc and aciivaic ilc waicr icsiing ials ly dcvclo¡ncni slills and ca¡aciiy o ilc Dacicriologisi, clcnisis and Faciliiaiors for waicr qualiiy icsiing. A s¡ccial drivc was undcrialcn io aciivaic Susiainallc Swajaldlara, as rccn¡lasizcd ly Naiional as wcll as Siaic Covi. ai ilc Disirici lcvcls. Undcr ilc lcadcrsli¡ of Honorallc MOS, PHED, WDa icanof scnior officials including icclnical as wcll as adninisiraiivc lcads was consiiiuicd in coordinaiion and Zilla Parislad, lcc¡ing in vicw ilc Swajaldlara lccanc a ¡ari and ¡arccl of day io day io lifc siiuaiion ilai would clangc ilc qualiiy of connuniiy. Tcan visiicd all ilc disiricis of Wcsi Dcngal and inicracicd wiil local officials rcgarding ilc fuiurc of Swajaldlara, as ncniioncd fund for ilc said ¡ur¡osc nay noi lc a najor consiraini facior, lui suljcci io lavc icclnically vciicd and uiilizaiion ccriificaic of fund rclcascd. Ii was also said ilai Aiicn¡i slould lc nadc io crcaic snall sizc waicr su¡¡ly sysicns wlicl could lc affordallc fron nanagcncni ¡oini of vicw and icclnically a¡¡ro¡riaic lcc¡ing in nind iis o¡craiion and nainicnancc in figurc ly ilc connuniiy for wliclno fund would lc availallc fronCovi. sidc. -49- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Following arc ilc aciiviiics accon¡lislcd ly CCDU, PHED. 1.Prc¡arcd a con¡rclcnsivc Training Calcndar for sysicnaiic a¡¡roacl in luilding ca¡aciiy and undcrsianding ilc in¡oriancc of waicr qualiiy icsiing fronwaicr icsiing laloraiorics locaicd in various disiricis of Wcsi Dcngal. 2. Con¡rclcnsivc iraining ¡lan for on linc cniry donc ly ay of funding / noniioring, and ncciing cic. 3. Slarcd ilc lcy concc¡i of Waicr Qualiiy, Moniioring, Survcillancc and In¡rovcncni ai all conccrncd lcvcls. A landy nanual las lccn ¡rc¡arcd for ilc faciliiaiors wlo arc cסccicd io ¡lay a vcry in¡oriani rolc in WQM&S¡rogrannc. 4. Conducicd / Organizcd Siaic lcvcl iraining / oricniaiion ¡rogranc for scnior officials of CO/NCO. 5. Acicd and Faciliiaicd as rcsourcc ¡crson in ilc oricniaiion ¡rogrannc ai ilc disirici lcvcl for faciliiaiors / Zilla Parislad ncnlcrs. 6. Prc¡arcd IEC naicrials for ¡ariici¡aiing in Naiional / Siaic Lcvcl / Dlocl Lcvcl Mcla / E×liliiion. 7. Organizcd scnsiiizaiion / oricniaiion ¡rogrannc for ilc Sccrciarics of NCO Managcd Lals and assisicd for finalizing ilc agrccncni / MOU lciwccnPHEDand NCOlals. 8. Prc¡arcd incc¡iion rc¡ori for UN Haliiai on Waicr & Saniiaiion ¡rogrannc insclccicd rural ¡rinary sclools of Wcsi Dcngal. 9. Prc¡arcd scri¡i for Droad casiing ilrougl Prasar Dlaraii & Doordarslanfor awarcncss gcncraiion. 10. Scrics of fornal and infornal visiis nadc ly CCDU icanio slarc ilc vicws of Covi. of Wcsi Dcngal so ilai ilc connuniiy ¡co¡lc lcconc norc and norc inicrcsicd in waicr icsiing as ¡cr guidclincs ¡rc¡arcd ly PHED. P&FDand H&FWDc¡arincni. 11. Visiicd sonc of ilc Prinary Sclools for iniroduciory iall on PHED and UN Haliiai Piloi ¡rojcci rclaiing io cnlanccncni of Waicr and Saniiaiion faciliiics for sclool clildrcn ai Tali Munici¡aliiy, Hasnalad Dlocl (N} 24 Pgs. Kaldcc¡ Dlocl (S} 24 Pgs. Eic. 12. Cuidcd ilc ouisourccd agcncy for Fa¡id Siiuaiional Asscssncni as ilc ¡rinary iasl for sclool s¡ccific worl ¡lanas and wlcnrcquircd. 13. Prc¡arcd ilc final rc¡ori on Fa¡id Siiuaiional Asscssncni of PHED and UNHaliiai ¡rojcci draficd ly ouisourccd NCO.. -50- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM (SCADA) INRURAL PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME, FIRST ININDIA. A¡ari fronilc corc sclcnc in Souil 24 Parganas (Dalslin Fai¡ur} surfacc waicr lascd waicr su¡¡ly ¡rojcci for arscnic cffccicd arca of souil 24 Pgs, Pullic Hcalil Enginccring Dirccioraic, Covi. of Wcsi Dcngal las sciu¡, a nodcrn waicr icsiing laloraiory and Ccniral noniioring unii cqui¡¡cd wiil SCADA sysicnalong wiil ¡rccision on linc cqui¡ncni lcl¡ing in ilc waicr su¡¡ly nanagcncni, waicr qualiiy conirol and lcc¡ing consiani vigilancc ccnirally ovcr all ilc in¡oriani ¡lani and naclincrics disiriluicd ovcr a largc arca. Pullic Hcalil Enginccring Dc¡arincni (PHED}, Covi. of Wcsi Dcngal las in¡lcncnicd ilc SCADA Sysicn in any Fural ¡i¡cd waicr su¡¡ly sclcnc for ilc firsi iinc in INDIA. Laicr on PHED las also in¡lcncnicd ilc SCADA sysicn in ilc Noril 24 ¡arganas Surfacc Waicr Dascd Waicr Su¡¡ly Sclcnc for arscnic affccicd arcas in ilc ºMangal Pandcy Waicr Trcaincni Plani". " SCADA" i.c., Su¡crvisory Conirol and Daia acquisiiion sysicn is a siaic of ilc ari in clccironic icclnology. Tlis is lasically an clccironic su¡crvisor wlo collccis daia fronficld scnsors and dcviccs ilrougl rcnoic icrninal uniis. Tlc SCADA consolidaics ilcsc daia and iransfornilc daia inio dynanic icsi, alarn, gra¡lic dis¡lays and conirol signals. Ii givcs uscr acccss io rcal iinc infornaiion, lcl¡ing ilcn io nalc lciicr dccisions, if any ilai occur for in¡rovcd qualiiy, ¡roduciiviiy and ¡rofiialiliiy. Tlc sofiwarc dcvclo¡cd for ilis casc lascd on diffcrcni siaiions, sucl as raw waicr ¡lani, filicr lousc, sludgc ¡un¡ lousc, sulsiaiion, and clcar waicr ¡un¡ lousc. Tlc FTU and PLC lascd sysicns arc worling on local arca nciworl. CLEAF WATEF PUMP HOUSE Tlc SCADA ¡iciurc/¡agc of clcar waicr ¡un¡ lousc rc¡rcscnis ilc aciiviiics of Clcar waicr ¡un¡ lousc and noniiors waicr qualiiy ¡arancicrs onlinc. Fron ilis ¡agc ilc siaius of ilc ilrcc nos. clcar waicr ¡un¡s, iwo nos. laclwasl rcscrvoir ¡un¡s arc availallc, wlcilcr ilcy arc in OFF/ON or TFIP Modc. Toial running lours of ilcsc ¡un¡ arc also availallc. Onlinc clcar waicr ¡H and iurlidiiy valucs and raic of disclargc of ilc clcar waicr for disiriluiion. Fron ilis ¡agc ilc rcsidual Cllorinc in ilc clcar waicr is also noniiorcd coniinuously onlinc. Fcscrvoirs waicr lcvcl valucs arc also olscrvcd onlinc fronSCADA Pagc. -51- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B FAW WATEF PUMP STATUS Tlc raw waicr ¡agc givcs ilc siaius of ilrcc raw waicr ¡un¡s, wlcilcr ilcy arc in ON/OFF or in TFIP siaius. Tlc colour of ilc ninic rc¡rcscniing ilc raw waicr ¡un¡s in ilis SCADA Pagc clangcs accordingly wiil ilc siaius of ilc ¡un¡s. Tlc ¡un¡ running lours for cacl ¡un¡ arc also lcing noniiorcd in ilis ¡agc io alcri o¡craior rcgarding nainicnancc duc sclcdulcd of ilc ¡un¡. Tlcrc arc iwo flow indicaiors arc giving onlinc raw waicr flow valuc io ilc clarifloculaior in M3/H. Tlc ioial cunulaiivc raw waicr flows arc also availallc froniwo sc¡araic flow ioialiscr in ilc SCADA Pagc. SLUDCE WATEF PUMP STATUS Tlc SCADA ¡iciurc of ¡agc 'Sludgc ¡un¡ lousc' noniiors ilc aciiviiy of iwo sludgc ¡un¡s and iwo sludgc agiiaiors, ilc sludgc ianl waicr lcvcl and ilc cunulaiivc o¡craiing lours of ilc ¡un¡s and agiiaiors. SCADA LOCSDATA OF LADOFATOFY ANALYSIS Tlc waicr san¡lcs arc ialcn fron various ¡oinis of ilc ¡lani sucl as froninlci wclls, clarifloculaiors, filicr lcds, clcar waicr ianl, disclargc cnd and various disiriluiion ¡oinis for laloraiory analysis. Tlc laloraiory analysis arc nadc round ilc clocl for ¡lysical, clcnical and lacicriological qualiiy using laicsi analyiical insiruncnis sucl as ¡H ncicr, conduciiviiy ncicr, UV S¡cciro ¡loioncicr, aionic alsor¡iion s¡cciro¡loioncicr, iurlidiiy ncicr and oilcr lacicriological and clcnical icsi faciliiics. Fron sucl analysis, diffcrcni dosing raics for cllorinc, alunand ¡oly-clccirolyic arc sclccicd for ¡roduciionof lcsi qualiiy drinling waicr. -52- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B Tlc SCADA las s¡ccial icrninal ¡agc for logging day-io-day analyiical daia dcrivcd fron laloraiory analysis. Tlis icrninal is a ¡ari of SCADA cnvironncni. Daily, wcclly and nonilly iallc daia cniry forns arc rcquircd io fill u¡ in sclcdulc iinc. Tlis daia can lc rciricvcd any iinc and SCADA will gcncraic rc¡ori in¡rcscrilcd forn. TYPICAL DAILY FEPOFT FAPIDCFAVITY FILTEF THEBENEFITS OF SCADA Fcduccd nanual daia collcciion ilrougl On linc insiruncniaiion and noniioring. In¡rovc qualiiy conirol and rcducc ¡roduciioncosi. Hisiorical daia is siorcd via ODDC io a siandard daialasc fornai allowing officc cnvironncni nani¡ulaiionand rc¡oriing daia. O¡cn arcliicciurc conniincni (Microsofi Windows NT, ODDC, Eilcrnci} assurcs long rangc vialiliiy of ilc sysicn. Individual con¡oncnis or vcndors canlc rc¡laccd wiiloui cniirc sysicnovcrlaul. Auionaicd daily, wcclly and nonilly rc¡ori gcncraiion for cnvironncnial con¡liancc daia. PLC lascd FTU ¡rovidc cסandcd ¡un¡ conirol ca¡aliliiy as wcll as incrcascd acccss io daia. Usc of siandard PLC con¡oncnis guaranicc CE Fanuc s¡arc ¡aris and su¡¡ori for ai lcasi fificcnycars. Usc of nainsircanicclnology ¡rovidcs for cosi cffcciivc ¡rojcci inicgraiion scrviccs and allows for sysicngrowiland nainicnancc ly o¡craiors. In¡rovcd infornaiion aciing as ilc lasis for un¡rcccdcnicd ¡roccss in¡rovcncnis inicrns of clcnical usagcs and noniioring. Un¡rcccdcnicd ¡oicniial for cסansion io lciicr nanagcd sysicn ¡crfornancc and su¡¡ori sysicn¡lanning for growing connuniiy of waicr cusioncrs. Now SCADA can lc olscrvcd fron any rcnoic locaiion sin¡ly ly dial u¡ conncciionilrouglnodcnand Inicrnci cסlorcr of ilc rcnoic con¡uicr. -53- TREATMENT OF BRACKISHGROUNDWATER PHEDlas ialcn ncasurcs of su¡¡lying safc and ¡oiallc drinling waicr in ilc lraclisl arcas ly ircaincni of lraclisl groundwaicr wiil suiiallc icclnology, c.g. dcsalinaiion. Tlc PHED las in¡lcncnicd onc sucl ¡rojcci ai Abad KuIIadanga, Dlocl- Hasnalad, Disirici-Noril 24 Paraganas, wlcrc ircaincni of lraclisl groundwaicr is cffccicd ly a dcsalinaiion ¡lani, lascd on ilc icclnology of CSMFI, Dlavnagar, Cujarai, insiallcd on ilc iulc wcll, drawing lraclisl groundwaicr. Tlis sclcnc is running succcssfully, lcncfiiiing a ¡o¡ulaiion of 2932 (Ccnsus, 2001} covcring 7 laliiaiions and 1 villagc ai an csiinaicd cosi 42.26 lalls. Also, sclcncs lilc Doai Mounicd DcsalinaiionUniis, lascd on Fcvcrsc Osnosis (FO} icclnology lavc also lccn in¡lcncnicd ly PHED in ilc Dcliaic Island of Sundcrlan Arca. Sucl iy¡cs of sclcncs arc ¡ro¡oscd io lc rc¡licaicd and scalcd u¡ in ilc salinc arcas of ilc siaic. PHED is now considcring ¡i¡cd waicr su¡¡ly sclcncs in ilc Dcliaic Islands of Sundcrlan Arca ly convcriing ilc lraclisl groundwaicr/salinc rivcr waicr io swcci waicr ly ncans of a¡¡ro¡riaic dcsalinaiionicclnology. PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -54- SuccessIuI PerIormance oI an ArsenIc RemovaI PIant A glolally rc¡uicd con¡any nancd ºSevern Trent ServIces" las insiallcd a ficld dcnonsiraiion of Arscnic Fcnoval Plani in Halra Munici¡aliiy nainiaincd ly PHED in ilc disirici of Noril 24 Parganas. Tlc Arscnic Fcnoval Plani is lascd on ilc adsor¡iion icclnology wiilFcrric O×y-lydro×idc ncdia. Tlc ca¡aciiy of ilc ¡lani is 6,000 gallons ¡cr lour and ii is running for norc ilan lasi iwo ycars. Tlcrc arc 3 uniis in ilc ¡lani wlcrc ilc 1si unii rcnovcs iron and ilc 2nd & 3rd uniis rcnovc arscnic. Tlc raw waicr lcing ircaicd found io lavc a na×inun of arscnic conicni and iron conicni of 0.90 ng/l and 1.11 ng/l rcs¡cciivcly. Aficr ilc firsi clanlcr ilc iron conicni concs down io DDL and ilc arscnic conicni of ilc final cfflucni concs down io DDL. Tlc ¡lani las givcn ¡crsisicni rcsuli sincc insiallaiion. Arscnic conicni in ilc laclwasl waicr was also found io coniainArscnic lclow ilc ¡crnissillc linii of 0.05 ng/l. Tlc ncnlcrs of ilc 'Arscnic Tasl Forcc' consiiiuicd ly Covi. Of Wcsi Dcngal found ilc ¡crfornancc of ilc ¡lani io lc saiisfaciory. Tlcrc is no clangc is ilc arscnic conicni of ilc oui¡ui waicr during ilis ¡criod wlicl is indicaiivc of good qualiiy of ilc ncdia. PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -55- DIstrIct DrInkIng Water SecurIty PIan Tlc rcviscd Naiional Fural Drinling Waicr Progrannc (NFDWP}, issucd ly Fajiv Candli Naiional Drinling Waicr Mission, Dc¡arincni of Drinling Waicr Su¡¡ly las a focus on adcquaic waicr su¡¡ly in qualiiy and quaniiiy for ncciing ilc nininun nccd of drinling waicr for all ilc rural ¡o¡ulaiionona susiainallc lasis. Tlc guidclinc sircsscs ilc nccd io slifi fron ilc convcniional norns of liircs ¡cr ca¡iia ¡cr day (l¡cd} norns io cnsurc drinling waicr sccuriiy for all in ilc connuniiy. Wlilc iniiiaiing ilis novc fron l¡cd io drinling waicr sccuriiy ai ilc Siaic, Disirici and Villagc lcvcls, ii is in¡oriani io cnsurc ilai ilc nininun rcquircncni ai ilc lousclold lcvcl for drinling and cooling nccd and also ilc nccd for oilcr sinilar lousclolds is nci. In ilis ncw a¡¡roacl/slifi in ilc Naiional Cuidclinc, ilc Covcrnncni slall ¡lay ilc rolc of a faciliiaior and Siaic Covcrnncni and/or iis agcncics/¡ullic uiiliiics would slouldcr ilc rcs¡onsililiiy of lull iransfcr of waicr u¡ io ilc doorsic¡ of villagc aficr cnsuring ligl qualiiy of waicr su¡¡ly for drinling and cooling as ¡cr ilc ¡rcscrilcd ¡oiallc siandards and for oilcr lousclolds nccds, aficr nainiaining ilc accc¡iallc siandard. Tlc Siaic Covcrnncni las undcrialcn ilc worl of ¡rc¡aring ilc aforcsaid 'Disirici Drinling Waicr Sccuriiy Plan' on ilc lasis of rainfall, lydro-gco-nor¡lology, groundwaicr availaliliiy, surfacc wai cr avai l ali l i i y, ¡r cscni si ai us of covcr agc, clcnical/lacicriological conianinaiion of drinling waicr sourccs, ga¡ lciwccn dcnand and availaliliiy of drinling waicr, sourcc susiainaliliiy and fuiurc coursc of aciion iowards conjunciivc usc of waicr. PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B -56- PUBL¡C HEALTH ENG¡NEER¡NG DEPT. GOVT. OF W.B
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