Pharmaceutical Engineering

April 4, 2018 | Author: Priya Sharma | Category: Distillation, Filtration, Corrosion, Heat Transfer, Engineering



LESSON PLANKLESCOPH SMT.F.S.DASANAKOPPA SUBJECT: PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: PHARMACEUTICS CHAPTER: STOICHIOMETRY Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 05 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 05 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the unit processes and operations. Objective: a) To understand the Unit operations – Unit Processes b) To study the Basic laws & Special laws involved. c) To understand the inter-conversions, units, Dimensions and systems Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Unit operations by Brown. 3. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam Model questions: 2marks 1. Describe the principle of stoichiometry with suitable example. 2. Define „unit operation‟ and „unit processes. 3. Give the importance of unit operations in pharmaceutical engineering. CHAPTER: HEAT TRANSFER Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 05 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 05 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the Heat transfer process involved in designing the pharmaceutical plant efficiently and economically. Objective: a) To understand the Mechanisms of Heat flow- Conduction, Convection & Radiation b) To study the laws governing the mechanisms of Heat flow. c) To understand the Heat Exchangers & Heat interchangers. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2marks 1. Give characteristics of dropwise and film type condensations. 2. Define „overall heat transfer coefficient‟ and „individual film coefficient‟. 3. State and explain Stefan Boltzmann‟s law of heat transmission. 4. State and explain Fourier‟s law of heat transmission with equation. 5. Differentiate between a heat exchanger and heat interchanger. 5marks 1. Derive an equation for heat transfer by conduction through compound resistance in series. 2. Describe finned tube heat exchanger and its specific advantages. 3. Describe liquid heat interchangers. What are the advantages. 4. Explain the working of heat exchanger. 10 marks 1. Describe the construction, operation, advantages and disadvantages of a Multipass heater. CHAPTER: EVAPORATION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 05 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 05 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the Evaporation process applicable in the manufacture of bulk drugs and formulations. Objective: a) To understand the process and factors influencing the process. b) To study various equipments and their application. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1.Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2.Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3.Unit operations by Brown. 4.Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5.Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar MODEL QUESTIONS: 2 marks 1. Explain the term Evaporater capacity. 2. Define evaporation & distinguishing with other heat processes. 3. Explain the construction of calandria. Give its uses. 5 Marks 1. Elaborate the concept of multiple effect evaporation. What specific advantages it offer? 2. Describe the construction and working of flim evaporator of any one type. 3. Explain construction and working of a forced circulation evaporator 10marks 1. How do film evaporator function? Elaborate the answer with a neat sketch of one such evaporator. List the merits and demerits of film evaporator system. 2. Classify evaporators.Describe construction and working of a film evaporator. 3.Explain the terms “multiple effect evaporation”and “evaporator capacity.How many effects generally go into a multiple effect evaporator? 4.What do you understand by “multiple effect evaporator”? Describe one such evaporator. How do you feed such evaporator? CHAPTER: DISTILLATION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 08 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 08 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the Distillation process used in separation of volatile oils, purification & recovery of organic solvents and purification of drugs obtained from chemical process. Objective: a) To understand the process and various Distillation methods. b) Application of methods at various stages Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1.Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2.Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3.Unit operations by Brown. 4.Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5.Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2 marks 1 Describe raoult‟s law. What is its significance? 2 What are constant boiling mixtures? How they are separated? 3 Distinguish between drying and distillation? Explain differential distillation. 4 Define distillation. Mention its application as per I.P. 5 Differentiate between differential distillation and rectification? 6 Define ideal plate and relative volatility? 5 marks 1.Explain the relevant procedures for the separation of azeotropic mixtures. 2.Describe the principles and applications of steam distillation? 3.What are the constant boiling mixtures? Draw typical boiling diagram for constant boiling mixtures. 4.Describe the construction of a bubble cap coloum.What are its advantages? 5.Describe one fractioning column of your choice .List its advantages and disadvantages? 10 marks 1.Explain the principles and procedure of molecular distillation. What are its applications? 2.Differentiate between plate columns and packed towers. Describe the types of packing for rectifying coloumn. How is absolute alcohol made? CHAPTER: DRYING Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 07 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 07 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the drying process which is necessary in granules preparation, bulk drugs final processing and preservation of crude drugs. Objective: a) To understand the theory of drying. b) To understand the various equipments with mechanism. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector Reference: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions:2 marks 1.Distinguish between drying and evaporation. 2.Give suitable dryers: i] Granular free flowing solids ii] Wet bricks before sending to kilns iii] Sticky pastes iv] Food products like horlikes 3.Define critical moisture content and equilibrium content 4.Define bound moisture content and free moisture content 5.Mention the factors affecting the constant drying rate 6.Classify dryers giving suitable examples. 5 marks 1.Describe the drying rate curve for a nonporous granular solid 2.Explain the construction and principle of spray drying. 3.Describe drying rate curve. Explain its application 4.Explain principle and working of drum dryers. 5.Explain factors to be considered in the selection of suitable dryers 10 marks 1.Give the Principle & Construction of freeze dryer. Describe its application in pharmacy. 2.How do you classify dryers? Describe in detail the constant rate and falling rate periods. Add a note on critical moisture content. 3.Discuss the construction and working of spray dryers. Give the adv. and disadv. CHAPTER: SIZE REDUCTION AND SIZE SEPARATION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 07 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 07 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the process applicable for effective size reducing of crude drugs, in tablet formulation-content uniformity, flow property, dissolution. Objective: a) To understand the mechanisms of size reduction. b) To select the appropriate equipment for various types of drugs. c) Application of energy laws in size reduction. d) To study the various size reducing equipments. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector REFERENCES: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model question: 2 marks 1.It is essential to include a sieve in the size reduction equipment. Why? 2.Size reduction of a vegetable matter is essential for the extraction of crude drugs Explain 3.Ball mill is not useful for size reduction of fibrous materials. Explain? 4.List the special precautions to be taken while thermo labile substance are subjected to size reduction process. 5.Define Comminution/Size reduction. Give the laws governed in the size reduction. 6.Give the mechanisms involved in size reduction. 5 marks 1.Describe the factors that influence the selection of milling equipment for size reduction. 2.Explain with the help of diagram the construction and working of a ball mill. 3.Explain with the help of diagram the construction and working of a hammer mill. 4.Describe the mechanism of size reduction with suitable example of equipment. 5.List the laws governing size reduction. What is work index? 10 marks 1.Describe the construction, working, advantages, and disadvantages of fluid energy mill. 2.Describe the construction, working, advantages, and disadvantages of Ball mill. 2 marks 1.What are various grades of coarse powders? Define them. 2.Give the classification of fine powders with definations. 3.List the methods of sieve analysis used for testing the powders. Give their relative advantages. 5 marks 1.Explain the working of cyclone separator and its usefulness. 2.Explain various grades of powder official in pharmacopoeia. 3.Describe the specifications of standard sieves as per I.P CHAPTER: MIXING Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 05 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 05 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the mixing process in the various pharmaceutical processes like liquid, solid and semi solids. Objective: a) To understand the various mechanisms involved in mixing. b) To understand the mixing process steps. c) Application of statistical evaluation. d) Various mixing equipments. Resourses: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2 marks 1.Mention the equipment used for solid-solid mixing/ 2.List the equipment used for powder mixing in pharmaceutical industry? 3.Describe the mechanisms for liquid mixing. 4.What do you mean by vortex? How it is prevented? 5 marks 1.Explain the working of a mixer used mixing the dry powders before granulation? 2.Draw a neat labeled diagram of mixing tank with accessories for efficient liquid mixing. 3.Describe the principle,working and advantages of jet mixer. 4.What are reasons for vortex formation? What are the drabackwes of vortex? Suddest solutions for the problems of the vortex formation? 5.Describe the construction and working of a silverson mixer-emulsifier with the help of a neat diagram . CHAPTER: MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEM Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 06 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 06 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the application in pharmaceutical industry. Objective: a) To understand the various modes of transportation within the pharmaceutical industry. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) Industry visit Reference: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2 marks 1. Give the different conveyers used in Material handling system. CHAPTER: FILTRATION AND CLARIFICATION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 04 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 04 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the process involved in liquid manufacturing, sterile production and in effluent treatment. Objective: a) To understand the theory involved and mechanism in filtration b) To know the various filter medias and filter aids. c) To know the various filtration equipments. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector Reference: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2 marks 1.List the factories influencing the rate of filtration. 2.Write kozeny-Carman equation and give its application? 3.Distinguish between filtration and clarification? 4.What are filter aids? Give two examples? 5 marks 1.Explain the mechanisms of filtration. 2.What are filter aids? Name the filter aids commonly used in pharmacy practice? 3.Describe the construction and working of a rotary continuous filter. 4.Describe the construction and working of leaf filters? 10 marks 1.Explain the construction and working, advantages disadvantages of filter press? 2.Explain the theories of filtration. Give the factors affecting the process? CHAPTER: CRYSTALLIZATION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 06 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 06 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the process involved in purification of drugs, characterization of drug properties and to study the stability. Objective: a) To study the characteristics of crystal forms. b) To know the theory involved in crystallization. c) To study the various equipments involved. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2 marks 1. Define crystal,crystal lattice and crystal habit. 2. Ennumerate different type of crystal. 5 marks 1. Describe the working of agitated batch crystallizer 2. What is the caking of crystals? List the factors affecting and preventive measures for caking. 3. Describe the silent features of vacuum crystallizer. 4. Describe the different methods by which super saturation can be brought about. 5. Draw the solubility curves and explain its relevance in crystallization. 6. Describe the operation of a suitable crystallizer to produce large crystals. 7. What is the condition to be taken during crystallization to obtain large sized crystals? 10 marks 1. Discuss the Mier‟s super saturation theory of crystallization. What are limitations of Mier‟s theory? 2. Explain the construction principle working and advantage of vacuum crystallizer. 3. Give neat diagram, describe the construction and working of krystal crystallizer. Write its advantages and applications. 4. Draw a neat-labeled diagram of Swenson walker crystallizer discus the construction working, advantages and disadvantages. CHAPTER: HUMIDIFICATION AND DEHUMIDIFICATION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 06 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 06 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the application in capsule and parenteral manufacturing, preservation of pharmaceuticals and maintenance of sophisticated analytical equipments. OBJECTIVE: a) To understand the mechanism involved. b) To study the equipments involved. Resourses: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector Reference: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2 marks 1. What are humidity charts? Write their uses in pharmacy? 2. Draw a humidity chart and give its application? 3. Define the terms, humidity and dew point? 4. Differentiate between humidity and relative humidity? 5. What is the application of dehumidification/humidification? 6. Explain the principles of dehumidification. 7. Explain the principles of humidification. 8. Differentiate dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature. 9. What is application of air conditioning? 5 marks 1. Describe the important features of humidity charts? 2. Describe the working of a refrigerator? 3. What do the term dehumidification means? Write a note on applications of dehumidification? 4. With a neat diagram explain principle and working of air conditioners? CHAPTER: MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTIONS Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 05 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 05 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the selection of materials in the construction of pharmaceutical plant and equipments for pharmaceutical formulations and bulk drugs. Objective: a) To study the factors influencing the selection of materials. b) To study the various materials used in the plant construction. Resourses: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions : 2 marks 1.Write the usefulness of a glass lined equipment in pharmaceutical plant. 5 marks 1.Explain the importance of stainless steel in pharmaceutical industry? 2.Write a note on the utility of glass and stainless steel in pharmaceutical industry? 3.Describe steel as a material of plant construction. 4.Name five important plastics. Mention their application in pharmaceutical industry? 5.Describe various various types of iron as materials of construction? CHAPTER: CORROSION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 03 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 03 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the corrosion occurring in the pharmaceutical equipments and accessories. Objective: a) To study the various types of corrosion and factors influencing. b) To prevent and control the occurring of corrosion. Recourses: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector References: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 2 marks 1.Explain the terms “pitting corrosion” and galvanic corrosion” 2.Give the application of protective lining and coating with respect to corrosion control with suitable examples? 3.What is the role of plastics washers in the corrosion of metals? 4.Highlight the role of oxygen in the corrosion of metals? 5 marks 1.What is corrosion? Mention the factors that influence rate of corrosion? 2.Explain measures you suggest to check the problems of corrosion? 3.Write the electrochemical theory of corrosion? 4.Describe the biological corrosion and suggest the preventive measures? 5.Describe the mechanism of corrosion of iron? 6.Classify corrosion? CHAPTER: PLANT LOCATION Number of hours required as per RGUHS Syllabus: 03 Number of hours required as per lesson plan: 03 Prerequisite: Student needs to understand the criteria for plant location. Objective: a) To understand the various factors involved in selection of plant location. Resources: a) Black board and chalk pieces. b) OHP projector Reference: 1. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper & Gunn. 2. Introduction to chemical engineering by Badger & Banchero. 3. Unit operations by Brown. 4. Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles & Practice) by C.V.S Subrahmanyam. 5. Pharmaceutical Engineering by Paradkar Model questions: 5 marks 1.What are the possible industrial hazards? How can they be controlled? 2.What methods are employed for preventing the hazards of handling and use of poisonous chemicals in industry? 3.Explain industrial pollution and control.
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