
March 24, 2018 | Author: jprerna | Category: C (Programming Language), Computer Network, C++, Relational Database, World Wide Web



PGDIT (Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology) Syllabus 2011 (Term 1) 2 Course Code: D C A P 4 0 1 Course Title: FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING COURSE CONTENTS: LABORATORY WORK: Implementation of C Programming Concepts (Operators, Data types, Control Statements, Functions, Arrays, Strings, Structures, Union, Pointers, File Handling) READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Ashok N. Kamthane, "Programming with ANSI & Turbo C", Pearson Education, Year of Publication: 2008 2. Byron Gottfried , “Programming With C”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 3. B.W. Kernighan and D.M. Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 4. E.Balagurusamy , “Programming in ANSI C ”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. 5. Behrauz A.Foruzan & Richard F.Gilberg , “ Computer science – A structure programming approach Using C ”, Thomson Asia , 2001. WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Pr.) ETE (Th.) 20 20 60 Sr. No. Topics 1. Introduction: ANSI C standard, Overview of Compiler and Interpreters, Structure of C Program ,Programming rules, Execution 2. Basics-The C Declarations: C Character Set, keywords, : Identifiers, data types, operators, constants and variables Operators & Expressions 3. Input/ Output in C: Formatting input & output functions. 4. Decision making statements – if, else if Control Statements: For, do while, while. Control transfer statements - break, continue. 5. Arrays and Strings: Defining arrays; I/O of arrays, I/O of string data; built-in library functions to manipulate strings, array of strings 6. Pointer: Introductions, Features, Declaration, Pointers and Arrays, pointers to pointers ,Pointers and strings, Void Pointers coping with angry customers. using listener cantered language . Interview Skills—[ types of interviews . Kinds of GD’s—to convey information or to instruct or solve problems or to take decisions B Reading Skills—skills we need to read successfully Reading Strategies / Techniques / Types: equipped with separate and adequate reading passages to practice the skill Comprehension of Written Texts : selecting information.“Raisin In the Sun” – Langston Hughes -“ways to kill a Man”—Edwin Brock C Writing Skills – to reinforce the grammatical structures Grammar – Subject – Verb agreement Basic sentence patterns . employer’s expectations. apt responses to acknowledge their efforts. Simple rules of pronunciation and intonation Formal oral presentations--. Unions & difference from Structures 9. establish rapport . Structures & Unions: Defining and processing structures. nested structures. apt responses to put them at ease. Files: Opening. Topics A Speaking Skills ---to enhance the basic speaking skills. one needs apt language and the correct pronunciation. passing arguments – call by value. recursive functions Storage Classes: Storage classes and their usage 8. types of questions. from varied streams of subjects] Aesthetic Reading Skill.) 20 80 Sr. Course Code: D E N G 4 0 1 Course Title: ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SKILLS WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.essential speaking elements needed to communicate with the customers—[apt questions to determine the context. point of view [ the texts are articles / editorials etc. identifying topic –shift. cause – effect. Linked List 3 COURSE CONTENTS: READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. denying requests. negotiating effectively. Functions: Defining and accessing a functions.7.. No. reading. Improving Informal Communication—speaking persuasively. function prototypes. mock interviews ] Working with Customers--. some standard questions . writing & Closing file 10. asking questions to understand their problems . managing conflicts Formal and regularly used expressions in given situations Group Discussions---.a detailed briefing of do' s and don’ts followed by GD's based on topics relevant to their field. Memory models.poem-.Power point presentations or presentations using other visual aids followed by actual practice of it. array of structures. Additional In C: Dynamic memory allocation. answering techniques. ) 20 80 5 Course Code: D C A P 4 0 2 Course Title: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS . Chandra. Oxford Publications. Determining working capital requirements. Meaning. 10. Theories of Capital Structure. Finance Functions: Investment. Pearson Education.D Writing skills --to enhance formally structured effective official writing Understanding Reports and Proposals Types of reports Structure and Layout of a Formal Report—writing the beginning / the body / end matter Business Reports Writing Short Reports Proposal Writing and Process Description Technical Proposals Writing Proposals Supplementary Parts / Appended Parts Citing sources Conditional sentences Subordinating Conjunctions Correlative Conjunctions One Word Substitutes 4 Course Code: D M G T 4 0 9 Course Title: BASIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 5. 7e. Principles and Practice. Inventory and Cash Management. Liquidity & Dividend Decisions. 6. Capital Budgeting: Analytical study of various methods of Capital Budgeting. Risk & Return Trade Off. Prasana. Capital Structure Decision: Understanding debt and equity. Financial Management. Dividend Policy: Determinants of Dividend Policy. Financing. 9. 2009. Time Value of Money: Basic Concepts 4. Break Even Analysis. Sources of Finance: Long term. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Cost of Capital: Concept and its significance. Working Capital: Concept and Significance. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Objectives and Scope of Financial Management 2. Weighted average cost of capital. 7. 3. Optimum Capital Structure. Sharan Vyupkesh. 3. Theories of dividend and Forms of dividend. 2. 8. 2009. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Reddy G. measurement of cost of capital of various sources of funds. Financial Management. Sudarshana. 2008. Shrivastava Rajiv and Mishra Anil. 4. Basics of receivables. Topics 1. Tata McGraw Hill. No. Medium term & short term. Financial management. Relational Languages: Tuple Relational calculus. Domain relational calculus. testing for Serializability Concurrency Control: Lock based protocols. Advanced SQL: Subqueries. Validation based protocols. DCL Commands. recovery with concurrent transactions. Embedded SQL. concurrent execution.COURSE CONTENTS: READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Choice of evaluation plans . DDL commands for creating and altering. SQL: Data Definition. BCNF. Recovery system: Failure classification. Weak levels of consistency 7. storage structure. ER Design issues. 3NF. log-based recovery. Timestamp based protocols. Set Operations. Serializability. database design process Normalization: 1NF. constraints. DML operations. Structure of Relational databases. join operation. 4NF. Transaction State. Basic structure of SQL Queries. Query by Example Database design and ER model: Overview of Design process. 5NF. Atomic Domains and first normal form. additional and extended relational algebra operations 2. Weak entity sets. measures of query cost. Recoverability. Implementation of Isolation. Database Architecture Relational Model. Aggregate Functions. Views. Joined relations. extended ER features 5. Creating tables.) ETE (Th. Implementation of atomicity and durability. Deadlock handling. Integrity constraints. Relational Database Design: Features. Functional dependency theory decomposition using functional dependencies. datatypes. selection operation. schema definition. WEIGHTAGE CA ETE(Pr. Nested subqueries. Insert and Delete operations. Transaction Management: Concept of Transaction. 2NF. NULL values 3. ER Diagrams. Database Fundamentals: Database systems. Entity relationship model. recovery and atomicity. Topics 1.) 20 20 60 Sr. failure with loss of nonvolatile storage 8. Complex queries. fundamental. estimating statistics of expression results. Authorization. sorting. Dynamic SQL 4. decomposition using Multivalued dependencies. No. evaluation of expressions Query Optimization: Transformation of relational expressions. buffer management. 6. Query Processing: Overview. PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle. W. performance tuning 6 ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1.S. 3. OS Structures. Operating System Structure: OS Services. scheduling algorithms. New Delhi. John Wiley & Sons. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Prentice Hall of India. Seventh Edition or Latest 2. Ivan Bayross. Deitel H. Distributed. Intraoperation parallelism. thread scheduling. BPB Publication. PCB. Gagne & Galvin. Parallel Databases: I/O parallelism. SQL. Date. Prentice Hall of India. operating system operations & Functions. BPB Publication. "Operating Systems. New Delhi. Cooperating Processes. Title: Database System Concepts. Multithreading. Type of Scheduling: Long term. Process Synchronization: Critical Section problem. Parallel. Tata Macgraw Hill. layered structure Virtual machines. 2. Application development and administration: web interfaces to databases. System Programs. 5. Operating system. Supervisor & User mode. 5. Short term & Medium term scheduling. M. Inter process Communication. Fourth Edition. Processes: Process Concept. RTOS etc. New Delhi. 2. Process Communication in Client Server Environment. WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. System Calls. Understanding SQL. Multiprocessing..) 20 80 Sr. Thread Libraries. Silberschatz. Addison & Weisely. Database Systems. Stalling. Elmasri & Navathe. 3. Kernel level & User level threads. Interoperation parallelism 10. Tanenbaum : Operating System : Design and Implementation. No. Multitasking. Introduction: Operating system Meaning. Martin Gruber. Operation on Processes. Fundamentals of Database systems. Prentice Hall. New Delhi. multi-processor scheduling algorithm.. Topics 1. J. Threading Issues 4.9. A. 5. 4. Val Occardi. Milankovic. Addison Wesley. BPB Publication. Intraquery parallelism. multiprogramming. Publishers: Tata McGraw Hill. 3. New Delhi. 2nd edition. Deadlock . Scheduling: scheduling criteria. semaphores. Threads: Concept of Thread. 4. "Operating System Concepts". Types of OS: Single-processor system. 7 Course Code: D C A P 4 0 3 Course Title: OPERATING SYSTEMS COURSE CONTENTS: READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. 2nd edition. Interquery parallelism. monitors. 6. Relational Database: Theory & Practice. "Operating Systems". C. Author: Silberschatz−Korth−Sudarshan: Database System Concepts. File Management: File concepts. segmentation. avoidance. Free space Mgt. program threats. Contiguous memory allocation. System Protection: Goals of protection. 2. No. Case studies Windows OS.characterization. paging. Reference Variables Review of Functions. 8. I/O & Secondary Storage Structure: I/O H/W. demand paging. directory structure. Scope Resolution operator. firewalling to protect systems and networks. Function Overloading. RAID structure. 6. Expressions. 9. Disk Scheduling. Performance issues 7. Beginning with OOP Language: Review of Tokens. thrashing. member dereferencing operator. access methods. capability-based systems 10. Access control and revocation of access rights. Default Arguments . file sharing. Virtual memory. implementing security defenses. Kernel I/O subsystem. Page replacement & Page Allocation algorithms. Operators & Control Structures. swap-space management. Directory Implementation. Review: Review of basic concepts of object-oriented programming & Introduction of OOP Languages. user authentication. Comparison between procedural programming paradigm and object-oriented proramming paradigm. Memory Management: Logical & Physical Address space. disk management. file system mounting. Application I/O Interface. protection. Inline Functions. Handling of deadlocks . Allocation methods.deadlock prevention. detection. Swapping.. Access matrix and its implementation. cryptography as a security tools. System Security: Security problem. Topics 1. recovery from deadlock. system and network threats. Linux or any other OS PGDIT (Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology) Syllabus 2011 (Term 2) 2 Course Code: D C A P 4 0 4 Course Title: OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. . rules for overloading operators. forms of inheritance. and protected Classes. Overloading of unary operators and various binary operators with friend functions and member functions Type conversion – basic type to class type.) 20 20 60 3 READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Destructors. order of execution of constructors and destructors Virtual functions & Polymorphism: virtual functions. Addison Wesley New York. Implementation of Concepts of OOP using C++ covered in the syllabus WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Pr.Year of Publication: 2005. Defining member functions. Unformatted I/O Operations. "Object Oriented Programming with C++". Topics 1. Author: Herbert Schildt.) ETE (Th. dynamic memory management new and delete operators. abstract classes. Console I/O: concept of streams. accessing class Members.Object oriented programming in C++. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Constructors & Destructors: Need for constructors and destructors. defining derived classes. dynamic constructors. the static objects. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup . Access specifiers – public. No. Waite Group Lafore R. Overriding member functions. J Marget A. class type to basic type. accessing address of a variable. Inheritance: Introduction. 4. Galgotia. the const keyword and classes. Pointers & Dynamic Memory Management: understanding pointers. Classes & Objects: specifying a class. Writing. virtual base class. Static members. private.3. this pointer 9. pointer to a function. its members. Robert Lafore. Managing output with manipulators 10. pure virtual functions. Operator Overloading & Type Conversion: Defining operator overloading. copy constructor.Publishers: Tata Mc Graw Hill. introduction to polymorphism 8. Command line Arguments LABORATORY WORK: Sr. local classes 5. Appending. objects and memory allocation 4. hierarchy of console stream classes. Waite Group Lafore R. declaring & initializing pointers.The Annotated C++ reference manual. Working with Files: Opening. Processing & Closing difference type of files. Friend Function & its usage Empty classes. creating class objects. 3. nested classes. class type to another class type 7. 2. . Ambiguity in multiple and multipath inheritance. constructors and destructors with static members 6. Reading.Title: Teach Yourself C++. Pointer to a pointer. Requirements Management. An Agile view of Process : What is Agility. Software Myths. 5. Balagurusamy. Architectural Design: Representing the system in Context. Refinement. Functional independence.oriented software. The Capability Maturity Model Integration. A generic view of Process : Software Engineering-A Layered Technology. Requirements Management . Process Models : Prescriptive Models.) 20 20 60 Sr. Software Engineering Practice : The Essence of practice. Design modeling principles Construction practice : Coding principles and concepts. The RAD model Evolutionary Process models: Prototyping. Process Assessment. Planning practices. Modeling practices: Analysis modeling principles. Design Classes 6. Information hiding. Lippman F. Requirements Engineering: A Bridge to Design and Construction. Refining the Architecture into components. System modeling with UML Creating an Architectural Design: Data design: Data design at the Architectural level & component level. No.5. E. The Concurrent Development model.C++ Primer. The Waterfall model. Validation. test strategies for object. System Simulation. Agile Process models : XP. Elicitation. . "Object Oriented Programming with C++". Introduction to Software Engineering: The Evolving Role of Software. Fault based testing. AM Requirements Engineering : A Brigade to design & construction.Testing strategies for conventional software. 8. Topics 1. Addison Wesley 6. Testing principles Design Engineering: Design process & Design Quality. Incremental Process Models : The Incremental model. Process Patterns. ASD. Negotiation. A final comment on evolutionary Processes. negotiation. Software. Testing Tactics: Black-box testing & white box testing. Tata McGraw Hill 4 COURSE CONTENTS: Course Code: D C A P 4 0 5 Course Title: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Pr. Defining Archetypes. B. Requirements Engineering tasks: Inception. 2.Boundary value analysis. 4. Testing Strategies: . A process framework. 3. System Engineering : The System Engineering Hierarchy: System Modeling. Modularity. Specification. Crystal. Refactoring. Scrum. Validation. 7. Design Concepts: Abstraction .) ETE (Th. Elicitation. system testing. System modeling: Hatley-Pirbhai modeling. Describing installations of the system. Core Principles. Requirements Engineering Tasks: Inception. The Spiral model. DSDM.flow-graph testing.equivalence partitioning. Elaboration.Architecture. patterns. FDD. Specification. validation testing. Describing installations of the system 5 LABORATORY WORK: READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Tata McGraw Hills 2003 3. Finalizing the SRS Document based upon the information gathered and analysis of the same. network software. 2nd Ed. "Computer Networks". Doughlas. Developing Test Cases and Test Plan. Topics 1. 6. Pressman. R. Year of Publication: 2009. “Computer Networks and Internets”. Network hardware. Black U. Tananbaum. Stallings. 6 Course Code: D C A P 4 0 6 Course Title: COMPUTER NETWORKS COURSE CONTENTS: READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Jalote. 99 WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. 6. Practical to show how to create an information gathering document. Laura Chappell (Ed). “Introduction to Cisco Router Configuration”.Building the Analysis Model: Requirements Analysis: Overall objective and philosophy. W. Title: Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach Publishers: McGraw Hill. Example networks . Modularity. Comer E. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Refactoring. Data modeling concepts: Data objects. Architecture. Defining Archetypes. Data attributes. Fairley. Pearson. "An Integrated approach to Software Engineering". Design Engineering : Design Process and Design quality. Refinement. Creating an Architectural Design : Data design: Data design at the Architectural level and Component level. “Software Engineering Concepts”. “Data and Computer Communications”. Introduction to Computer Networks: uses of computer networks. Cardinality and Modality 9. Narosa. 5. Standards and Interfaces”. No. Analysis rules of Thumb. Topics 1. “Computer Networks-Protocols. Functional independence.S. patterns.. Tata McGraw Hill. Design concepts: Abstraction.) 20 80 Sr. 2002. No. Techmedia. Information hiding. Sr. Fourth edition. Pearson Education. Update. 6th edition 2. Domain Analysis. How to Create Use Cases. How to Create ER Diagrams. 2. Various Tools available for CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering). A. Forouzan. Reference models. 3. 2000 5. 2. Pearson. Relationships. 4. Design classes 10. Analysis modeling approaches. 7th Ed.. Architectural Design: Representing the system in Context. Refining the Architecture into Components. 2nd Ed. 4. Delhi. PHI 1996 4.S. 1997. R. Pearson Education. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 3. P. 2. Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville. Behnouz A. “Data Communication and networking”. Questionnaire. System Analysis & Design.TCP Application Layer: DNS . The World Wide Web. Routing Algorithms. Galgotia Publications Course Code: D C A P 4 0 9 Course Title: ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. wireless LANs. Robert J. Tools for . Author: James A. Bluetooth. network Layer in the Internet. The internet transport protocols: UDP. Testing Project Feasibility. Jacobson. Analysis: Preliminary Investigation. Ethernet. Transport Layer: Transport Service. Cable television 5. Elementary data link protocols.A Case Study Approach”. Guided Transmission Media.3. Senn. Managing the application development portfolio-Information system Planning. Physical Layer : Theoretical Basis for Data Communication.Title: Analysis and Design of Information Systems.Year of Publication:2004 2. Elements of Transport Protocols. Introduction to information systems development –System Analyst. Internetworking. 9. “System Analysis and Design. “The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual”. “System Analysis and Design Methods”. Publishers: Tata Mcgraw Hill. Topics 1. Implementation and Evaluation 2. Error Detection and Correction 6. Public Switched Telephone Network. 3. No. Network Layer: Design Issues.E-mail.) 20 80 Sr. 5. 4. Example Data Link Protocols 7. Object Tech Series. Whitten. Grady Booch. Tools for System Requirements: Requirement Determination. Data Link Layer Switching. Protocol verification. Handling infeasible projects 4. Wireless Transmission. The Mobile Telephone System. Categories of Information Systems. Record Review. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Elias M Awadh.Network Security Cryptography 7 COURSE CONTENTS: READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Observation. Conducting the investigation. Data Link Layer: Design Issues. Sliding – Window protocols. Types. Multiple Access Protocols. Activities. Congestion Control Algorithms. Managing project review & Selection Information Systems & User-groups Committee Methods 3. Fact-finding techniques: Interview. Multimedia . The Medium Access Control Sub Layer: The Channel Allocation Problem 8. System Development Strategies. Communication Satellites 4. James Rambaugh. Bentley and Barlow. “System Analysis & Design”. CBS. Quality of service 10. Thierauf. Scope of Study. Tata Mcgraw Hill. Setting and Getting date object in a web page. Client server architecture model for web requests. Data Types. How to use forms in JavaScript . DIV and SPAN. Teach Yourself ASP in 21 Days: Sams publishing. Data Flow Tools. Events handling through JavaScript. WWW. Control. using multiple windows for web pages 3. homepage. singular and paired tags. Computer Aided System Tools:. Features.documenting Procedures and Decisions: Decision Trees. Loops. URL 2. test formatting. hyperlinks. design of files & Use of Auxiliary storage devices Systems Engineering & Quality Assurance:-Design Objectives. Teach Yourself HTML 4 With XML.Role. 4. Title: Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML. 3. Dialog boxes. 5.Objectives. Design of Online dialogues & its interface. No. Internet Fundamentals: Introduction to Internet. DHTML. Variables. Cascading Style Sheets: Style tag. Internal and External stylesheets. Database Interaction. Creating and using Classes. Prototype Example. New Delhi. Structured Analysis Development Strategy:. HTML Black Book: Galgotia Publications. web page. tables. 9. Web server. Creating static web pages: HTML document structure.Stephine Cottrell Bryant. Scripting Language Java Script programming. applying style on text and images 4. Design of Software & Documentation. Element of Design: Output. Analysis To Design transition. Using Timer in web page. Input validation. website. Web browser. 2. Operators. DHTML and Java Script . Features. functions. Types. Topics 1. Categories. creating lists. hypermedia. JavaScript. Application Prototypes: Purpose. Files. Data Dictionaries. audio and video. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 6. Design Input and Control: Objectives Capturing input data. adding images. HTTP. DOM Model. CASE Tools. Needs. Tools. WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Pr. Input. Decision Tables. Program Specifications. Steps. Design of Computer output: Objective. String Manipulation functions. Publishers: BPB publications. 5.) 20 20 80 Sr. Tools for Structured Design: Data Flow Diagrams. 10. Arrays. Structured English 5. Procedures. 8. 8 Course Code: D C A P 4 0 8 Course Title: WEB PROGRAMMING CO COURSE CONTENTS: READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. forms. Use.) ETE (Th. An Introduction to Apache : Tata McGraw Hills. frames. Author: Bayros Ivan. 7. hyperlinks. Application. ASP file system. ASP Cookies and Caching Procedures.6. data. #include. output. loops and case statements and arrays 7.asa file. Server. installing IIS. ASP variable. ASP operators. Caching: page. send e-mail. ASP: introduction to asp. fragment. building and processing web forms 8. Recordset objects 9. ASP Web Forms: Introduction to CGI. Database Connectivity: Open and Close a connection. 10. ASP Objects: Response. deleting and updating the database records Building Database Applications Using ActiveX Data Objects . Purpose of Global. inserting. Cookies. Client side and server side scripting. Session. conditional. Request. reading from the database.
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