A1800 ALPHA® meter Communication optionsProduct guide PG42-1012B Product guide i A1800 ALPHA Meter Contents 1 DNP 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Related documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 End user configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Time set mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Transmission delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Data link source address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Data link destination address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Source address validate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Data link confirmation mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Data link confirmation timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Data link retries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Application layer confirmation mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Application layer fragment size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Application layer confirmation timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Unsolicited mode enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Unsolicited response notification delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Unsolicited response retry delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Unsolicited response maximum retries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Minimum number of class 1 events for unsolicited response . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Minimum number of class 2 events for unsolicited response. . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Minimum number of class 3 events for unsolicited response. . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Programmable points and classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Binary inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Analog inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 DNP V3.0 Device Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 DNP V3.0 Implementation Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 DNP V3.0 Point List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Analog inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16 2 Modbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Related Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Supported Modbus Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Function 3: Read Holding Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Function 8: Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Unsigned integers (16, 32, 48, and 64 bits) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Signed integers (16, 32, 48, and 64 bits) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 Character strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 Time and date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 Exception Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Standard Modbus Exception Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 A1800 ALPHA meter Modbus Register Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 User Mappable 4x Registers (40001 - 40999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Block 1: Line Magnitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Block 2: System Angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Block 3: Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Product guide ii A1800 ALPHA Meter Block 4: Power Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Block 5: Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 Fixed (Unmappable) 4x Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 General Manufacturer Identification Block - A1800 ALPHA meter . . . . . . .2-5 General Manufacturer Identification Block - ACB Option Board . . . . . . . . .2-6 Elster Specific Product Identification Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6 Mode and Status Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Communication Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Current Register Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Previous Season Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 Previous Demand Reset Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 Tariff Data Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-24 Diagnostics (Function 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-25 Sub-Function 0 (0x00) Return Query Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-25 Sub-Function 10 (0x0A Hex) Clear Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-25 Sub-Function 11 (0x0B) Return Bus Message Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-26 Sub-Function 12 (0x0C) Return Bus Communications Error Count . . . . . . . .2-26 Sub-Function 13 (0x0D) Return Bus Exception Error Count. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-26 Sub-Function 14 (0x0E) Return Slave Message Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 Sub-Function 15 (0x0F) Return Slave No Response Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-27 Product guide iii Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability There are no understandings, agreements, representations, or warranties either expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, other than those specifically set out by any existing contract between the parties. Any such contract states the entire obligation of the seller. The contents of this technical manual shall not become part of or modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment, or relationship. The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notices in this technical manual are based on Elster Solutions, LLC experience and judgment with respect to operation and maintenance of the described product. This information should not be considered as all-inclusive or covering all contingencies. If further information is required, contact Elster Solutions, LLC. No warranties, either expressed or implied, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, or warranties arising from the course of dealing or usage of trade, are made regarding the information, recommendations, descriptions, warnings, and cautions contained herein. In no event will Elster Solutions, LLC be responsible to the user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to: damage or loss of use of equipment, cost of capital, loss of profits or revenues, or claims against the user by its customers from the use of the information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notices contained herein. Safety Information Installation, operation, and maintenance of this product can present potentially hazardous conditions (for example, high voltages) if safety procedures are not followed. To ensure that this product is used safely, it is important that you: • Review, understand, and observe all safety notices and recommendations within this manual. • Do not remove or copy individual pages from this manual, as this manual is intended for use in its entirety. If you remove or copy individual pages, crossreferences and safety notices may be overlooked, possibly resulting in damage to the equipment, personal injury, or even death. • Inform personnel involved in the installation, operation, and maintenance of the product about safety notices and recommendations contained in this manual. Within this manual, safety notices appear preceding the text or step to which they apply. Safety notices are divided into the following four classifications. Notice is used to alert personnel to installation, operation, or maintenance information that is important but not hazard related. Caution is used to alert personnel to the presence of a hazard that will or can cause minor equipment damage, property damage, or personal injury if the notice is ignored. Revisions to this Document The A1800 ALPHA Meter Communication Options product guide can be referred to by its document number: PG42-1012. Added “Programmable points and classes” on page 1-5. property damage. Danger is used to alert personnel to the presence of a hazard that will cause severe equipment damage. Each revision of this manual is designated with a letter. and a brief description of the changes made. Added point indexes 13.’ the second being ‘B. or death if the notice is ignored. . personal injury.’ and so forth. or death if notice is ignored. personal injury.0 Point List” on page 1-14. the date of release. and 15 to the first table for “DNP V3. The document number and its revision letter are located at the bottom of each page. property damage. The following table lists the revisions to this document.Product guide iv Warning is used to alert personnel to the presence of a hazard that can cause severe equipment damage. Revision A B Date 06 February 2008 21 April 2011 Brief Description First release of the document. 14. with the first revision being ‘A. 00 Data Link Layer • DNP V3.DESTINATION_ADDR ~. provides complete information on how to communicate with the A1880 ALPHA via the DNP 3.0 Basic 4 Document Set.00 Transport Functions • DNP V3.0 for the advanced communication board (ACB) installed on an A1880 ALPHA meter.DNP_PROTOCOL.0 Overview The purpose of this document is to describe the specific implementation of the Distributed Network Protocol (DNP).0 1 DNP 3. in conjunction with the DNP 3.DNP_PROTOCOL. This document.0 Subset Definition Level 2. various operating parameters may be changed by the end user. This implementation of DNP 3.0 protocol.LINK_CONF_MODE .SOURCE_ADDR ~.00 Data Object Library Configuration End user configuration Through the C12. The parameters that directly or indirectly configure the operation of DNP 3. and the DNP Subset Definitions Document.19 Reference Replace ~ with MT_221_DNP_PARAMS ~. The parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and are therefore preserved even when the A1880 is powered-down.DNP_PROTOCOL.TIMESET_MODE Transmission delay Data link source address Data link destination address Source address validate Data link confirmation mode Milliseconds None None None None 0 (0 Seconds) [>5000 ➙ 5000 milliseconds] 4 3 1 (on) 0 (never) [Greater than 2 ➙ 2 (always)] ~.00 Application Layer • DNP V3.Product guide 1-1 DNP 3.0 are listed in the table below and described in subsequent sections.XMIT_DELAY ~. Description Time set mode Range 0 (never requests time) 1 (request time from chan1) 2 (request time from chan2) 0-5000 0-65519 0-65519 0 (off) 1 (on) 0 (never) 1 (only multi-frame) 2 (always) Units None Default [out of range values] 0 [Greater than 2 ➙ 2 (request time from chan 2)] C12. with additional features described in this document.0 is fully compliant with DNP 3.SRC_ADDR_VALIDATE ~.DNP_PROTOCOL.18 (optical) interface of the A1880. Version 3. Related documents • DNP V3.DNP_PROTOCOL. UNSOL_RESP_MODE ~.UNSOL_RETRY_DLY 0-255 0-255 Retries Events ~. A similar configuration parameter should exist on the other computers to allow the A1880 time to turn off its transmitter after it has finished transmitting.20000 Units Milliseconds Default [out of range values] 3000 (3.LINK_RETRIES ~.19 Reference Replace ~ with MT_221_DNP_PARAMS ~.0 to 5. or else a “collision” will occur and data transmission will be corrupted.DNP_PROTOCOL. This parameter allows master computers. but only one transmitter can be active.Product guide 1-2 DNP 3. This parameter is intended for physical network environments using a multi-drop configuration such as RS485. and may range from 0 to 5000 (0.APPL_CONF_MODE Application layer fragment size Application layer confirmation timeout Unsolicited mode enable Unsolicited response notification delay Unsolicited response retry delay Unsolicited response maximum retries Minimum number of class 1 events for unsolicited response Minimum number of class 2 events for unsolicited response Minimum number of class 3 events for unsolicited response Frames Milliseconds 8 (2048 bytes) [0 Ù 1 frame. Data link source address. 10 500 .0 Seconds) [>60000 ➙ 60000 milliseconds] 3. Time set mode.UNSOL_RESP_EVT1 0-255 Events 25 ~. Zero indicates time is never requested.0 seconds) [0 ➙ 100 milliseconds] [>20000 ➙ 20000 milliseconds] 2 0: Disable (event data only) C12.UNSOL_RESP_EVT2 0-255 Events 50 ~.60000 Retries None ~.DNP_PROTOCOL. .DNP_PROTOCOL.APPL_CONF_TIMEOUT 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 0-20000 Milliseconds ~.60000 Milliseconds ~. this parameter may be set to zero. time to turn off their transmitter after transmitting a message.0 seconds). This parameter specifies the “network” address of the slave device (A1880) with respect to all other devices communicating on the same physical network.0 Seconds) [>60000 ➙ 60000 milliseconds] 0: Disabled ~.UNSOL_RESP_DLY 20000 (20.LINK_CONF_TO Data link retries Application layer confirmation mode 0-255 0: Disable (event data only) 1: Enable (event and multi-fragment) 1-8 500 . In these environments. or other computers on the same physical network. 1 indicates requests are made from channel 1 (if enabled).DNP_PROTOCOL. Transmission delay. many active receivers are allowed.UNSOL_MAX_RETRIES ~. In environments where this functionality is not needed.APPL_FRAG_SIZE ~. It is specified in milliseconds.UNSOL_RESP_EVT3 Note: Changes in any of these parameters causes a “cold” restart of the DNP 3. and 2 indicates requests are made from channel 2 (if enabled).DNP_PROTOCOL.DNP_PROTOCOL.0 Description Data link confirmation timeout Range 100 .DNP_PROTOCOL. Note: Value of 255 will cause infinite retries. This value specifies the minimum time after a data frame is received before a data frame is transmitted. inclusive.DNP_PROTOCOL.DNP_PROTOCOL.DNP_PROTOCOL.DNP_PROTOCOL. >8 ➙ 8 frames] 10000 (10.0 communication process.0 Seconds) [>20000 ➙ 20000 milliseconds] 5000 (5. Designates which DNP channel (if any) that the slave will request time from.DNP_PROTOCOL. This parameter has three possible values: • Specifies that data link confirmations never be used. If data link confirmations are used. i.Product guide 1-3 DNP 3.e. An out-ofrange value greater than 2 will set the parameter equal to 2 (always).. • Specifies that data link confirmations always be used. • Specifies that data link confirmations only be used for multi-frame fragments. Data link confirmation mode. the data frame will be re-transmitted the number of times specified by this parameter. It is intended to be used when data link layer confirmations are not used and when the master computer requires flow control in order to provide time to process the data within A1880 transmitted fragments. An out-of-range value of 0 will set the parameter to 100 (100 milliseconds). if a confirmation is not received or if the link is not reset within the time specified by this parameter. It is only when the master computer confirms the reception of event data that the A1880 will clear the event data from its event queues. Value 1 for this parameter is included for cases when the functionality of confirmations is desired for each frame.. and if the maximum number of retries have not been attempted. then the A1880 will attempt to retransmit the data frame. This parameter specifies the “network” address of the DNP Master station (not the A1880). This value specifies the data link layer confirmation time-out. The default value of zero indicates that no retries will be attempted. This parameter affects how the A1880 requests application layer confirmations when transmitting messages to the master computer. it was recommended that the application fragment size be reduced to the largest amount that will fit in a single data link . Application layer fragment size. Application layer confirmation mode. then another data link layer retry will be attempted. if the time-out specified by Data link confirmation timeout has elapsed without receiving a confirmation or without detecting the link reset. Source address validate. or the A1880 is transmitting a reset link frame. but application layer confirmations can only cover a whole fragment. the data-link frames are 255 bytes. If a confirmation is not received within the timeout specified by Data link confirmation timeout. If Data link retries is non-zero. This allows the master computer to use the functionality of application layer confirms as flow control. This parameter is used to specify the maximum size of an application layer response. i. this signifies a range of maximum application fragment size of 256 to 2048 bytes. and if the maximum number of retries have not been attempted. This is used when the A1880 is transmitting a data frame with a request for a data link layer confirmation from the master computer. or when the A1880 is transmitting a reset link frame.1 to 10. or when the fragment is a non-final part of a multi-fragment response . It is specified in units of milliseconds and may range from 100 to 10000 (0. When enabled the A1880 slave will respond only when it is specifically addressed and when the request comes from the master specifically designated with the destination address (above). Data link confirmation timeout. It has these possible values: • Disable: Specifies that an application confirmation will only be requested when a transmitted fragment contains event data.regardless of whether the fragment contains event data or not. If data link layer retries are enabled (see Data link retries). Data link retries. In these two cases. when the A1880 is transmitting a data frame with a request for a data link layer confirmation from the master computer. Its range is from 0 to 255 inclusive. the frame will be retransmitted. inclusive. Specifically. then a data link error is indicated. • Enable: Specifies that an application confirmation will be requested when a transmitted fragment contains event data. then an error is indicated.0 Data link destination address. It is valid only when the A1880 is acting as a data link primary. It is specified in number of data link frames and may range from 1 to 8.0 seconds).e. This value specifies the maximum number of data link layer retries. This address also designates where unsolicited messages from the A1880 should be sent (when unsolicited response is enabled). then the A1880 will request a confirmation from the master computer when transmitting data link frames. (Since. for the A1880.) In a technical bulletin recently published by the DNP Users Group Technical Committee. The reasoning behind this recommendation is that application layer confirmations are more robust and informative. and not all master computer DNP implementations correctly parse multifragment responses. constantly met. This parameter indicates whether unsolicited responses can be transmitted by the A1880. if the master is not confirming the unsolicited responses. • Class 2 events have been enabled by the master through function code 20 (decimal).5 to 60. It is specified in milliseconds and may range from 500 to 60000 (0.0 seconds). and the unsolicited response containing the corresponding event data.50 to 60. if “Disable”. Out-of-range values greater than 60000 will set the parameter to 60000 (60 seconds). Out-ofrange values less than 500 will set the parameter to 500 (500 milliseconds). and the time specified by the Unsolicited response notification delay has elapsed. A value greater than 8 will set the parameter to 8 (8 frames). unsolicited responses can be transmitted. an example large response message would be the response to a Class 0 scan when all scan type groups are enabled. and the number of class 3 events detected and not yet reported or confirmed equals or exceeds the value specified by Minimum number of class 3 events for unsolicited response. Out-ofrange values less than 500 will set the parameter to 500 (500 milliseconds). Specifies the time. if the master computer cannot handle multi-fragment responses. to delay after an unsolicited confirm timeout before retrying the unsolicited response. It is specified in units of milliseconds and may range from 500 to 60000 (0. Unsolicited mode enable. However. If these conditions are constantly being met. Therefore. the DNP implementation in the A1880 will respond with a multi-fragment response. . If unsolicited responses are allowed by this parameter. It is specified in milliseconds and may range from 0 to 20000 (0. and that data link layer confirmations are redundant and useless if all application layer fragments use only a single data link frame.0 layer frame (the value of this parameter would be 1). unsolicited responses cannot be transmitted. The destination of the unsolicited responses is specified by Data link destination address.0 seconds). it was recommended that data link confirmations not be used. and the number of class 1 events detected and not yet reported or confirmed equals or exceeds the value specified by MinMinimum number of class 1 events for unsolicited response. Unsolicited response notification delay. inclusive. This parameter is used to specify the maximum amount of time between the detection of an event. if a response message cannot fit in a single application layer fragment.0 seconds). by definition. of previous unsolicited responses. by the master. Or. An out-of-range value of 0 will set the parameter to 1 (1 frame). the master computer can still enable and disable unsolicited responses for specific event classes through use of function codes 20 and 21 (decimal). If the value of this parameter is “Enable”. Unsolicited response retry delay. and if the A1880 is not waiting for an application layer confirmation of an earlier response. Even if this parameter allows unsolicited responses to be transmitted. As part of the same recommendation. then an unsolicited response will be generated when any one of the following conditions are true: • Any number of events for classes enabled by the master through function code 20 (decimal) have been detected and not yet reported or confirmed. • Class 1 events have been enabled by the master through function code 20 (decimal). this parameter must be set large enough to hold the largest response message. and that application layer confirmations be used instead. and will always request application layer confirms. the frequency of unsolicited messages is limited by the confirmation. the conditions will be. • Class 3 events have been enabled by the master through function code 20 (decimal). inclusive. Application layer confirmation timeout. This value specifies how long the slave DNP device will wait for an application layer confirmation from the master.Product guide 1-4 DNP 3. inclusive. Out-of-range values greater than 60000 will set the parameter to 60000 (60 seconds). and the number of class 2 events detected and not yet reported or confirmed equals or exceeds the value specified by Minimum number of class 2 events for unsolicited response. For the A1880.0 to 20. in milliseconds. Unsolicited messages contain only event data. The programming of these items must be performed using Metercat software. Programmable points and classes TheA1800 ALPHA meter includes a method to program the point indexes and classes for the binary input points (Object 1). if the A1880 is not waiting for an application layer confirmation of an earlier response. each of which can be mapped to a specific point index. there are 16 points defined in the range of 0 through 15. By default. Minimum number of class 3 events for unsolicited response. if the A1880 is not waiting for an application layer confirmation of an earlier response. an unsolicited response will be generated if unsolicited responses are enabled by Unsolicited mode enable. This value may range from 0 to 255. and analog inputs (Objects 30 and 32).0 Unsolicited response maximum retries. if the A1880 is not waiting for an application layer confirmation of an earlier response. This parameter specifies one condition under which unsolicited responses may be transmitted. The assignments for each of these points may be rearranged as desired with the limitation that a point index greater than 15 cannot be created. Specifically. and if the number of class 1 events detected and not yet reported or confirmed equals or exceeds this value. Specifically. Minimum number of class 2 events for unsolicited response. and if the number of class 3 events detected and not yet reported or confirmed equals or exceeds this value. This value may range from 0 to 255. 2. 22. Setting this parameter to 255 will cause infinite retries. counter points (Objects 20. Specify the maximum number of unsolicited response retries. This value may range from 0 to 255. Binary inputs. inclusive. however. an unsolicited response will be generated if unsolicited responses are enabled by Unsolicited mode enable. It is also possible to define a point index as undefined. inclusive. and if the number of class 2 events detected and not yet reported or confirmed equals or exceeds this value. This parameter allows you to specify up to 254 retries. 21.Product guide 1-5 DNP 3. See Unsolicited mode enable for more details on the generation of unsolicited responses. By default all binary inputs are class 1. Specifically. Minimum number of class 1 events for unsolicited response. Also. an unsolicited response will be generated if unsolicited responses are enabled by Unsolicited mode enable. See Unsolicited mode enable for more details on the generation of unsolicited responses. inclusive. the following combinations may be defined: Setting reference 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Class None 1 2 1 and 2 3 1 and 3 2 and 3 1. and 3 . This parameter specifies one condition under which unsolicited responses may be transmitted. See Unsolicited mode enable for more details on the generation of unsolicited responses. the class assignments may be changed. and 23). This parameter specifies one condition under which unsolicited responses may be transmitted. The class assignments may also be changed. There are 16 binary inputs defined. 2. & 3 Note: Assignments may not be different across the various analog input objects. There are 7 counters defined. Analog inputs. The assignments for each of these points may be rearranged as desired with the limitation that a point index greater than 6 cannot be created. Also. It is also possible to define a point index as undefined. each of which can be mapped to a specific point index. Also. if point index 21 is assigned to Line 1 VA / class 2. By default. By default. There are 41 analog inputs defined. all analog inputs are class 3. The class assignments may also be changed. For example. this will apply to all counter objects (20 to 23). there are 7 points defined in the range of 0 through 6. the class assignments may be changed. all counters are class 2. however the following combinations may be defined: Setting reference 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Class None 1 2 1&2 3 1&3 2&3 1. By default.Product guide 1-6 DNP 3. this will apply to all analog input objects (30 to 32). the class assignments may be changed. 2. however. By default there are 41 points defined in the range of 0 through 40. and 3 Note: Assignments may not be different across the various counter objects. . if point index 1 is assigned to Wh delivered / class 3.0 Counters. The assignments for each of these points may be rearranged as desired with the limitation that a point index greater than 40 cannot be created. It is also possible to define a point index as undefined. the following combinations may be defined: Setting reference 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Class None 1 2 1 and 2 3 1 and 3 2 and 3 1. For example. each of which can be mapped to a specific point index. The class assignments may also be changed. 0 Point List” on page 1-14. 07 and 08 (limited quantity). 1. in combination with the “DNP V3. and the “DNP V3. The table. variations 0. 07. (See “Application layer confirmation mode” on page 1-3) Timeouts while waiting for: Data Link Confirm: [ ] None [ ] Fixed at ___ Complete Appl. The read function code for Object 80 (Internal Indications). or Always. Frozen counters are supported (Obj 23. 16-bit and 32-bit Analog Change Events with Time may be requested (Object 32. For change-event object requests. 2. Static object requests sent with qualifiers 00. Static object requests sent with qualifiers 17 or 28 will be responded with qualifiers 17 or 28. 5.0 Subset Definitions Document. or 08. 01. request qualifier codes 00 and 01 (start-stop). will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01.0 DEVICE PROFILE DOCUMENT See also “DNP V3. Response: [X] None [ ] Fixed at ___ Others: [ ] Variable [X] Configurable (See “Data link confirmation timeout” on page 1-3) [ ] Variable [ ] Configurable [ ] Variable [X] Configurable (See “Application layer confirmation timeout” on page 1-4) [ ] Variable [ ] Configurable . variation 1 is supported. should provide complete application implementation details for including the A3/A1800 in any DNP environment. & 6). functions.0 Implementation Table” on page 1-9 Vendor Name: Elster Solutions Device Name: A1800 ALPHA Highest DNP Level Supported: For Requests: Level 2 For Responses: Level 2 Device Function: [ ] Master [X] Slave Notable objects.Product guide 1-7 DNP 3. (See “Data link confirmation mode” on page 1-3) Requires Application Layer Confirmation: [ ] Never [ ] Always [ ] When reporting Event Data (Slave devices only) [ ] When sending multi-fragment responses (Slave devices only) [ ] Sometimes [X] Configurable as: Only when reporting event data. 06. DNP V3. Fragment: [X] None [ ] Fixed at ___ Application Confirm: [ ] None [ ] Fixed at ___ Complete Appl. qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded. The read function code for Object 50 (Time and Date).0 DNP V3. or When reporting event data or multi-fragment messages.0 Device Profile The following table provides Device Profile Information in the standard format defined in the DNP 3.0 Implementation Table” on page 1-9): For static (non-change-event) object requests. and 17 and 28 (index) are supported in addition to request qualifier code 06 (no range). Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets): Transmitted: 292 Received: 292 Maximum Data Link Re-tries: [ ] None [ ] Fixed [X] Configurable from 0 to 255 (“Data link retries” on page 1-3) Maximum Application Fragment Size (octets): Transmitted: Configurable up to 2048 (“Application layer fragment size” on page 1-3) Received: 2048 Maximum Application Layer Re-tries: [X] None [ ] Configurable Requires Data Link Layer Confirmation: [ ] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [X] Configurable as: Never.0 Implementation Table” on page 1-9. variation 1 is supported. and/or qualifiers supported in addition to the Highest DNP Levels Supported (the complete list is described in the “DNP V3. Only for multi-frame messages. variations 3 & 4). 0 DNP V3.0 DEVICE PROFILE DOCUMENT See also “DNP V3. one or the other (attach explanation) Sends Unsolicited Responses: [ ] Never [X] Configurable (see “Unsolicited mode enable” on page 1-4) [ ] Only certain objects [ ] Sometimes (attach explanation) [X] ENABLE/DISABLE UNSOLICITED Function codes supported Default Counter Object/Variation: [ ] No Counters Reported [ ] Configurable (attach explanation) [X] Default Object 20 Default Variation: 5 [X] Point-by-point list attached Counters Roll Over at: [ ] No Counters Reported [ ] Configurable (attach explanation) [ ] 16 Bits [ ] 32 Bits [ ] Other Value: [X] Point-by-point list attached (see “Counters” on page 1-15) Reports time-tagged Binary Input Change Events when no specific variation requested: [ ] Never [X] Binary Input Change With Time [ ] Binary Input Change With Relative Time [ ] Configurable (attach explanation) Sends Static Data in Unsolicited Responses: [X] Never [ ] When Device Restarts [ ] When Status Flags Change No other options are permitted.Product guide 1-8 DNP 3. Sends Multi-Fragment Responses: [X] Yes [ ] No Sequential File Transfer Support: Append File Mode: [ ] Yes [X] No Custom Status Code Strings: [ ] Yes [X] No Permissions Field: [ ] Yes [X] No File Events Assigned to Class: [ ] Yes [X] No File Events Send Immediately: [ ] Yes [X] No Multiple Blocks in a Fragment: [ ] Yes [X] No Max Number of Files Open: 0 .NO ACK: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Count > 1: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Pulse On: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Pulse Off: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Latch On: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Latch Off: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Queue: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Clear Queue: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable Attach explanation if 'Sometimes' or 'Configurable' was checked for any operation.0 Implementation Table” on page 1-9 Sends/Executes Control Operations: WRITE Binary Outputs: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable SELECT/OPERATE: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable DIRECT OPERATE: [X] Never [ ] Always [ ] Sometimes [ ] Configurable DIRECT OPERATE . Reports Binary Input Change Events when no specific variation requested: [ ] Never [X] Only time-tagged [ ] Only non-time-tagged [ ] Configurable to send both. 28 (index) 1 1 (default1 ) Binary Input 1 (read) 00. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 17. 28 (index2) 2 0 Binary Input Change .Any Variation Binary Input Change without Time Binary Input Change with Time Binary Input Change with Relative Time Binary Output Status . 08 (limited qty) 17. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 17.Any Variation Request (A1800 will parse) Function Codes (dec) 1 (read) Qualifier Codes (hex) Response (A1800 will respond with) Function Codes (dec) Qualifier Codes (hex) 00. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. or all) 07. 28 (index) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 17. noack) 129 (response) echo of request 20 0 Binary Counter Any Variation 00. 28 (index) 1 (read) 00. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 10 1 129 (response) 00. 28 (index) 00. it will respond to the request variations identified below with entries in the response column. or all) 07. cl. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 00. 08 (limited qty) 17. 28 (index) 17. or all) 07. 28 (index2 ) 1 2 Binary Input with Status 1 (read) 129 (response) 00.0 Implementation Table The following table identifies which object variations.0 DNP V3. or all) 07. or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. Object Object Number 1 Variation Number 0 Description Binary Input . and qualifiers the A1800 ALPHA supports in both request messages and in response messages.Product guide 1-9 DNP 3. 01 (start-stop) 17. noack) 1 (read) 7 (freeze) 8 (freeze noack) 93 (freeze clear) 103 (frz. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 00. or all) 07. resp) 17. 08 (limited qty) 129 (response) 00. or all) 07. or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index2) 10 2 (default1) Binary Output Status 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. function codes. 01 (start-stop) 07. Note that while the A1800 ALPHA may parse many object variations. The italic areas represent functionality beyond that required by a DNP Level 2 device.Any Variation Binary Output 1 (read) 2 1 1 (read) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 17. 28 (index) . 08 (limited qty) 17. or all) 07. 28 (index) 10 0 1 (read) 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 08 (limited qty) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. 28 (index) 2 2 2 (default1) 3 1 (read) 1 (read) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. op. 28 (index2) 12 1 Control Relay Output Block 3 (select) 4 (operate) 5 (direct op) 6 (dir. 28 (index) 21 1 32-Bit Frozen Counter 1 (read) 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 129 (response) 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range) 07. or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range) 07. cl. 28 (index2) 21 0 Frozen Counter Any Variation 00. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. noack) 1 (read) 7 (freeze) 8 (freeze noack) 93 (freeze clear) 103 (frz. 28 (index) 00. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 129 (response) 00. cl. 28 (index2) 20 6 16-Bit Binary Counter without Flag 00. 01 (start-stop) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. 28 (index) 129 (response) 00. 01 (start-stop) 17. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 00. 28 (index2) 21 6 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. 28 (index) 00. or all) 07. 28 (index2) 21 9 (default1) 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. noack) 1 (read) 7 (freeze) 8 (freeze noack) 93 (freeze clear) 103 (frz. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17.Any Variation 1 (read) 129 (response) 00.Product guide 1-10 DNP 3. cl. noack) 1 (read) 00. or all) 07. cl. 28 (index2) 20 5 (default1) 32-Bit Binary Counter without Flag 00. 28 (index2) 21 2 16-Bit Frozen Counter 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. 28 (index) 00. 01 (start-stop) 17. or all) 07. 28 (index) 129 (response) 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range) 07. 28 (index) 00.0 Object Object Number 20 Variation Number 1 Description 32-Bit Binary Counter Request (A1800 will parse) Function Codes (dec) Qualifier Codes (hex) Response (A1800 will respond with) Function Codes (dec) 129 (response) Qualifier Codes (hex) 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index2) 22 0 1 (read) . 01 (start-stop) 17. 28 (index) 17. 28 (index) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range) 07. 08 (limited qty) 17. 28 (index2) 21 5 32-Bit Frozen Counter with Time of Freeze 16-Bit Frozen Counter with Time of Freeze 32-Bit Frozen Counter without Flag 16-Bit Frozen Counter without Flag Counter Change Event . 01 (start-stop) 1 (read) 7 (freeze) 8 (freeze noack) 93 (freeze clear) 103 (frz. noack) 1 (read) 7 (freeze) 8 (freeze noack) 93 (freeze clear) 103 (frz. 28 (index2) 20 2 16-Bit Binary Counter 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 17. 28 (index2) 21 10 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 17. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. or all) 07. or all) 07. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. resp) 17. resp) 17. or all) 07. 28 (index) 23 6 1 (read) 17. 08 (limited qty) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 28 (index) 30 0 1 (read) 07. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 23 2 1 (read) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 17. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 17. 08 (limited qty) 22 1 (read) 17. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 17. 28 (index) 00. or all) 07. 28 (index) 30 1 32-Bit Analog Input 1 (read) 00. resp) 17. resp) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. 28 (index2) 30 4 16-Bit Analog Input without Flag 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 17.0 Object Object Number 22 Variation Number 1 (default1) 2 Description 32-Bit Counter Change Event without Time 16-Bit Counter Change Event without Time 32-Bit Counter Change Event with Time 16-Bit Counter Change Event with Time Frozen Counter Change Event Any Variation 32-Bit Frozen Counter Change Event without Time 16-Bit Frozen Counter Change Event without Time 32-Bit Frozen Counter Change Event with Time 16-Bit Frozen Counter Change Event with Time Analog Input Any Variation Request (A1800 will parse) Function Codes (dec) Qualifier Codes (hex) Response (A1800 will respond with) Function Codes (dec) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 01 (start-stop) 17. 28 (index) 1 (read) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 23 5 1 (read) 06 (no range. resp) Qualifier Codes (hex) 17. 28 (index) 00. 08 (limited qty) 00. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 17. or all) 07. 28 (index) 23 0 1 (read) 23 1 (default1) 1 (read) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. or all) 07. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 08 (limited qty) 17.Product guide 1-11 DNP 3. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 06 (no range. or all) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 01 (start-stop) 17. 08 (limited qty) 129 (response) 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range.Any Variation 1 (read) . 28 (index2) 32 0 Analog Change Event . 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 00. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index2) 30 3 (default1) 32-Bit Analog Input without Flag 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. 28 (index) 22 6 1 (read) 17. or all) 07. or all) 07. or all) 07. 28 (index2) 30 2 16-Bit Analog Input 1 (read) 129 (response) 00. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 22 5 1 (read) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 00. or all) 60 1 06 (no range. resp) Qualifier Codes (hex) 17. 28 (index2) 50 1 (default1) Time and Date 1 (read) 2 (write) 129 (response) 00. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range.) 21 (dsbl.0 Object Object Number 32 Variation Number 1 (default1) 2 Description 32-Bit Analog Change Event without Time 16-Bit Analog Change Event without Time 32-Bit Analog Change Event with Time 16-Bit Analog Change Event with Time Analog Output Status . 01 (start-stop) 40 2 (default1) 17. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 17. op. 28 (index) 00. unsold. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 17. 28 (index) 129 (response) 00.) 21 (dsbl. 08 (limited qty) 17.) 60 3 Class 2 Data 1 (read) 06 (no range. unsold. or all) 07. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 28 (index2) 08 (limited qty) 17.) 21 (dsbl. or all) 07. 2. 28 (index) 32 4 1 (read) 17. or all) 07. 28 (index) 1 (read) 00. 28 (index) 51 51 1 2 Synchronized Time and Date CTO Unsynchronized Time and Date CTO Time Delay Coarse Time Delay Fine Class 0. and 3 Data Class 0 Data 129 (response) 130 (unsol. unsold.) 21 (dsbl. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. resp) 129 (response) 129 (response) 07 (limited qty = 1) 07 (limited qty = 1) 52 52 60 1 2 0 07 (limited qty = 1) 07 (limited qty = 1) 1 (read) 20 (enbl. 28 (index) 32 3 1 (read) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. or all) 07. unsold. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. or all) 07. resp) 17.Product guide 1-12 DNP 3.) . or all) 07. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range or all) 07 (limited qty = 1) 129 (response) 00. 01 (start-stop) 07. unsold. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. unsold. unsold. 08 (limited qty) 06 (no range. 08 (limited qty) 00. 1. 08 (limited qty) 20 (enbl. or all) 07. 28 (index) 41 2 16-Bit Analog Output Block 3 (select) 4 (operate) 5 (direct op) 6 (dir. or all) 07. noack) 129 (response) echo of request 50 0 Time and Date 1 (read) 00.) 60 2 Class 1 Data 1 (read) 20 (enbl. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range. 08 (limited qty) 17. resp) 129 (response) 130 (unsol.Any Variation 16-Bit Analog Output Status Request (A1800 will parse) Function Codes (dec) Qualifier Codes (hex) Response (A1800 will respond with) Function Codes (dec) 129 (response) 130 (unsol. 28 (index) 1 (read) 06 (no range. 28 (index) 40 0 1 (read) 07. unsold.) 1 (read) 06 (no range. or all) 32 1 (read) 17. or all) 20 (enbl. or 08 will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01. static (non-change-event) objects. . 01. 08 (limited qty) 17. 01 (start-stop) 17. 28 (index) No Object (function code only) No Object (function code only) No Object (function code only) 1 2 For 13 (cold restart) 14 (warm restart) 23 (delay meas) Default variations are responded when variation 0 is requested and/or in class 0. Otherwise static object requests sent with qualifiers 00.) 3 Functions 9 and 10 will be parsed but the clear operation will not occur. 07. 06. qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded. unsold. 08 (limited qty) Response (A1800 will respond with) Function Codes (dec) Qualifier Codes (hex) 20 (enbl.) 80 1 Internal Indications 1 (read) 00. 28 (index) 00 (start-stop) 129 (response) 00. or 3 scans. unsold. qualifiers 17 or 28 are only responded when a request is sent with qualifiers 17 or 28 respectively. (For change-event objects. 01 (start-stop) 06 (no range or all) 07. 4 Writes of Internal Indications are only supported for index 7 (Restart IIN1-7).0 Object Object Number 60 Variation Number 4 Description Class 3 Data Request (A1800 will parse) Function Codes (dec) 1 (read) Qualifier Codes (hex) 06 (no range. 28 (index2) 80 2 (write4 ) 01 (start-stop) 07. 1.Product guide 1-13 DNP 3. 2. or all) 07. 08 (limited qty) 17.) 21 (dsbl. Binary Input Points Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 1 Change Event Object Number: 2 Request Function Codes supported: 1 (read) Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (Binary Input without status) Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 2 (Binary Input Change with Time) Point Index Name/Description Default Change Event Assigned Class (1.Product guide 1-14 DNP 3.0 Point List The tables below identify all the data points provided by the A1800 ALPHA meter. 3 or none) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Status: Configuration Error Status: Self Check Error Status: RAM Failure Status: ROM Failure Status: Registered Memory Error Status: Clock Error Status: Measurement Error Status: Low Battery Status: Loss of Potential Status: Demand Overload Status: Power Failure Status: Temper Detect Status: Reverse Rotation TRueQ test: voltage sags TRueQ test: low voltage test TRueQ test: high voltage test . 2.0 DNP V3. 999.999. the frozen value is available in the corresponding Frozen Counter point. Summation 1 (WHrs Delivered) Current Register.999 999. Total Data Block. Total Data Block. Summation 6 (VARHrs Received) None Watt Hours Watt Hours VAR Hours VAR Hours VA Hours VA Hours 255 999. 10 (freeze and clear.Product guide 1-15 DNP 3.999 . Total Data Block. 8 (freeze noack). Total Data Block. 7 (freeze).999 999. Total Data Block. 9 (freeze and clear). Summation 3 (VARHrs Delivered) Current Register.999 999.999.999 999.999 999. Binary Counters Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 20 Change Event Object Number: 22 Request Function Codes supported:1 (read). Summation 2 (WHrs Received) Current Register.0 Counters The following table lists both Binary Counters (Object 20) and Frozen Counters (Object 21) along with the associated change event objects (Objects 22 and 23).999.999. When a freeze function is performed on a Binary Counter point.999. Summation 4 (VARHrs Received) Current Register. 3 or none) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Demand Resets Current Register. Summation 5 (VAHrs Delivered) Current Register. 2. Total Data Block. noack) will parse only Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 5 (32-Bit Binary Counter without Flag) Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Change Event without Time) Frozen Counters Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 21 Change Event Object Number: 23 Request Function Codes supported: 1 (read) Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 9 (32-Bit Frozen Binary without Flag) Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Frozen Counter Change Event without Time) Point Index Name/Description Units Full Scale(Rollover) Default Change Event Assigned Class (1. 001 1 Watt 1 Watt 1 VAR .1 Volts 0.1 Degree 0.1 Amps 0.0 Analog inputs The following table lists both Analog Input objects (30) along with the associated change event objects (32). 3 or none) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Frequency Line 1 Amps Line 2 Amps Line 3 Amps Line 1-N Volts Line 2-N Volts Line 3-N Volts Line 1 Current Angle Line 2 Current Angle Line 3 Current Angle Line 1-N Voltage Angle Line 2-N Voltage Angle Line 3-N Voltage Angle Line 1 Watts Line 2 Watts Line 3 Watts Three Phase (Total) Watts Line 1 VARs Line 2 VARs Line 3 VARs Three Phase (Total) VARs Line 1 VAs Line 2 VAs Line 3 VAs Three Phase (Total) VAs Line 1 Power Factor Line 2 Power Factor Line 3 Power Factor Three Phase (Total) Power Factor Watt Demand (Delivered) Watt Demand (Received) VAR Demand (Delivered) 0.01 Hz 0. Analog Inputs Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 30 Change Event Object Number: 32 Request Function Codes supported: 1 (read) Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 3 (32-Bit Analog Input without Flag) Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Analog Change Event w/o Time) Point Index Name/Description Resolution (1-count) Default Change Event Assigned Class (1.1 Degree 0.1 Volts 0.001 0.1 Volts 0.1 Degree 0.1 Degree 1 Watt 1 Watt 1 Watt 1 Watt 1 VAR 1 VAR 1 VAR 1 VAR 1 VA 1 VA 1 VA 1 VA 0.001 0.1 Amps 0.1 Degree 0.1 Amps 0.Product guide 1-16 DNP 3.1 Degree 0.001 0. 2. Product guide 1-17 DNP 3. 3 or none) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 VAR Demand (Received) VA Demand (Delivered) VA Demand (Received) Watt Maximum Demand (Delivered) Watt Maximum Demand (Received) VAR Maximum Demand (Delivered) VAR Maximum Demand (Received) VA Maximum Demand (Delivered) VA Maximum Demand (Received) 1 VAR 1 VA 1 VA 1 Watt 1 Watt 1 VAR 1 VAR 1 VA 1 VA .0 Point Index Name/Description Resolution (1-count) Default Change Event Assigned Class (1. 2. 0 .Product guide 1-18 DNP 3. Unsigned integers (16. TCP/IP). 48.modbus.modbus. No attempt is made here to describe the Modbus protocol itself. status and record data from the slave device. A subset of the sub-functions defined by the V1. string. For more information on the Modbus protocol. Function 8: Diagnostics Provides a minimal set of diagnostics for setting up a serial link to the device. Data Types This section defines the data types utilized by the A1800 ALPHA implementation of Modbus.1 Modbus specification is provided.1 (http://www. Supported Modbus Functions Function 3: Read Holding Registers Provides a method to read 4xxxx registers from the Related Documents • Modbus Application Protocol Specification V1. visit their Web site at http://www. only the definition of data objects (points) as related to the A1800 ALPHA meter and 64 bits) 15 UINT16 0 Register 31 UINT16 16 15 0 Register Register 47 UINT48 32 31 16 15 0 Register Register Register 63 UINT64 48 47 32 31 16 15 0 Register Register Register Register . This chapter applies to any version of the physical interface layer (ASCII. digital. Used to read various analog. 32.Product guide 2-1 Modbus 2 Modbus This document describes the Modbus protocol definitions used by the advanced communication board A1800 ALPHA meter. RTU. Product guide 2-2 Modbus Signed integers (16. 48. and 64 bits) 15 14 INT16 0 S Register 31 30 INT32 16 15 0 S Register Register + 1 47 46 INT48 32 31 1615 0 S Register Register + 1 Register + 2 63 62 INT64 48 47 3231 1615 0 S Register Register + 1 Register + 2 Register + 3 Character strings 15 String of size 1 0 Char 1 0 Register 15 String of size 2 0 Char 1 Char 2 Register 31 String of size 3 0 Char 1 Char 2 Char 3 0 Register (N*16)-1 String of size N Register + 1 Char 1 Char 2 Char 3 Char 4 Char N-1 Char N Register Register + 1 Register + (N/2-1) Time and date 31 Time 24 23 16 15 8 7 0 Hour Minute Second 0 Register 31 Date 24 23 16 15 Register + 1 8 7 0 Year Month Day 0 Register 47 Date_Time Register + 1 32 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0 40 39 Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Register Register + 1 Register + 2 . 32. Device is currently busy.01 Amp 0.01 Volt 0.01 Amp 0.01 Amp 0. 6 Slave Device Busy A1800 ALPHA meter Modbus Register Map User Mappable 4x Registers (40001 . forcing the Master to time-out and retry. or checksum error and does not respond. Register address is invalid Value in data field is invalid. CRC.Product guide 2-3 Modbus Exception Responses When the meter receives a message from a Modbus master one of the following actions will occur (assuming the slave device has been correctly addressed): • The Slave device determines the integrity of the message is good and responses normally.01 Hertz 0. • The Slave device determines the integrity of the message is bad due to parity. Base Register: 40001 Object Type: UINT16 Scale: x100 Register 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 Description Frequency Line 1 Current Line 2 Current Line 3 Current Line 1 Voltage Line 2 Voltage Scale (1 Count) 0. It also sends back an exception code indicating the nature of the problem. Standard Modbus Exception Codes The exception codes that may be reported by the A1800 ALPHA meter are listed in the following table: Exception Code 1 2 3 4 Name Illegal Function Illegal Data Address Illegal Data Value Slave Device Failure Description Function code is not supported. request may be retried later.01 Volt . Unrecoverable error when slave was attempting to perform requested operation. forcing a Modbus exception response.40999) Modbus registers 40001 through 40999 are user defined with the following factory defaults: Access: Function 3 (Read) Block 1: Line Magnitudes. • The Slave device determines the integrity of the message is good but its content prevents a proper response. The Slave device notifies the Master of the exception by setting the high bit of the returned function code. 1 Degree 0.01 VARs 0. Base Register: 40038 Object Type: INT16 Scale: x10000 .40025 40026 .40023 40024 .40021 40022 .01 VAs 0.40037 Description Line 1 Watts Line 2 Watts Line 3 Watts Total (System) Watts Line 1 VARs Line 2 VARs Line 3 VARs Total (System) VARs Line 1 VAs Line 2 VAs Line 3 VAs Total (System) VAs Scale (1 Count) 0.Product guide 2-4 Modbus Register 40007 Description Line 3 Voltage Scale (1 Count) 0.40021 40032 .40019 40020 . Base Register: 40008 Object Type: UINT16 Scale: x10 Register 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 Description Line 1 Current Angle wrt/ Line 1 Voltage Line 2 Current Angle wrt/ Line 1 Voltage Line 3 Current Angle wrt/ Line 1 Voltage Line 1 Voltage Angle wrt/ Line 1 Voltage Line 2 Voltage Angle wrt/ Line 1 Voltage Line 3 Voltage Angle wrt/ Line 1 Voltage Scale (1 Count) 0.40027 40028 .01 Watts 0.1 Degree 0.1 Degree 0.01 Watts 0.40023 40034 .01 VAs Block 4: Power Factors.40017 40018 .01 VAs 0.1 Degree 0.40015 40016 .40029 40030 .40035 40036 .01 Watts 0.1 Degree 0.01 VARs 0.01 VARs 0.01 Volt Block 2: System Angles.01 VAs 0. Base Register: 40014 Object Type: INT32 Scale: x100 Register 40014 .01 Watts 0.1 Degree Block 3: Power.01 VARs 0. 41017 Description Manufacture String Model String Hardware Version Hardware Revision Firmware Version Firmware Revision Serial Number String Data Type STRING STRING UINT16 UINT16 UINT16 UINT16 STRING 16 Byte String Notes 4 Byte String 8 Byte String .A1800 ALPHA meter. Register 41000 . This is essentially a direct image of the C12.40047 40048 .40059 Description Watt-hours. Access: Function 3 (Read) C12.40053 40054 . received VAR-hours.e.999.999.0001 0. delivered VA-hours.41001 41002 .999.40044 40045 . Base Register: 40042 Object Type: INT48 Scale: x1 Register 40042 . class amps <= 20).Product guide 2-5 Modbus Register 40038 40039 40040 40041 Description Line 1 Power Factor Line 2 Power Factor Line 3 Power Factor Total (System) Power Scale (1 Count) 0.999. etc. -8340 would indicate 0.999 (transformer rated.40056 40057 . received Scale (1 Count) 1 WattHr 1 WattHr 1 VARHr 1 VARHr 1 VAHr 1 VAHr Note: Energy values will roll over at ±99.40050 40051 .41005 41006 41007 41008 41009 41010 . Fixed (Unmappable) 4x Registers General Manufacturer Identification Block . i.19 Equivalence: ST-1 (A1800 ALPHA meter) Synopsis: Contains information related to manufacturer.834 leading.0001 0. negative are leading. received VA-hours.. delivered Watt-hours.999 (self-contained meters) or ±9.0001 0. Block 5: Energy. model. delivered VAR-hours.0001 Note: Positive values are lagging. of the A1800 ALPHA meter. revision.19 ST-1 table (General Manufacturer Identification Table) in the A1800 ALPHA meter. 41019 41020 . etc. of the ICP option board.41061 41062 41063 Description Smart Style Number Firmware SSPEC DSP Version DSP Revision SM Version SM Revision TRueQ Version TRueQ Revision Service Handler Version Service Handler Revision Current Key Configuration Option Board 1 Type Option Board 1 SSPEC Option Board 1 FW Group Option Board 1 Revision Option Board 2 Type Option Board 2 SSPEC Option Board 2 FW Group Option Board 2 Revision Data Type STRING BCD STRING UINT16 UINT16 UINT16 STRING UINT16 STRING UINT16 UINT32 STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 Notes 11 Byte String 3 Byte BCD 2 Byte String 2 Byte String 2 Byte String 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD . Access: Function 3 (Read) C12. Register 41018 .41056 41057 41058 41059 41060 .Product guide 2-6 Modbus General Manufacturer Identification Block . model.19 Equivalence: ST-1 (ACB) Synopsis: Contains information related to manufacturer.41041 41042 .41053 41054 41055 . Register 41036 .19 ST-1 table (General Manufacturer Identification Table) in the ACB option board.19 MT-1 table (Elster Specific Product Identification Table) in the A1800 ALPHA meter.ACB Option Board. This is essentially a direct image of the C12.41035 Description Manufacture String Model String Hardware Version Hardware Revision Firmware Version Firmware Revision Serial Number String Data Type STRING STRING UINT16 UINT16 UINT16 UINT16 STRING Notes 4 Byte String 8 Byte String 16 Byte String Elster Specific Product Identification Block. Access: Function 3 (Read) C12. revision.19 Equivalence: MT-1 (A1800 ALPHA meter) Synopsis: This is a direct image of the C12.41043 41044 41045 41046 41047 41048 41049 41050 41051 41052 .41023 41024 41025 41026 41027 41028 . 41071 41072 41073 41074 41075 .41091 41092 41093 Description Option Board 3 Type Option Board 3 SSPEC Option Board 3 FW Group Option Board 3 Revision Option Board 4 Type Option Board 4 SSPEC Option Board 4 FW Group Option Board 4 Revision Option Board 5 Type Option Board 5 SSPEC Option Board 5 FW Group Option Board 5 Revision Option Board 6 Type Option Board 6 SSPEC Option Board 6 FW Group Option Board 6 Revision Option Board 7 Type Option Board 7 SSPEC Option Board 7 FW Group Option Board 7 Revision Option Board 8 Type Option Board 8 SSPEC Option Board 8 FW Group Option Board 8 Revision Data Type STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 STRING BCD UINT16 UINT16 Notes 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD 2 Byte String 3 Byte BCD Mode and Status Block.Product guide 2-7 Modbus Register 41064 41065 .41081 41082 41083 41084 41085 . Register 41094 Description Mode • Bits 15 .41076 41077 41078 41079 41080 .41086 41087 41088 41089 41090 .19 ST-3 table (Mode and Status Table) in the A1800 ALPHA meter.3: Not Defined (0) • Bit 2: Meter Shop Mode • Bit 1: Test Mode • Bit 0: Metering Mode Data Type UINT16 .19 Equivalence: ST-3 (A1800 ALPHA meter) Synopsis: This is a direct image of the C12. Access: Function 3 (Read) C12.41066 41067 41068 41069 41070 . 2 : Not Defined (0) • Bit 1 : IIC Error • Bit 0 : EEPROM Error Current State of Latched Errors • Bits 15 .Product guide 2-8 Modbus Register 41095 Description Status Word 1 • Bit 15 : 0 • Bit 14 : 0 • Bit 13 : Reverse Rotation • Bit 12 : Tamper Detect • Bit 11 : Power Failure • Bit 10 : Demand Overload • Bit 9 : Low / Loss of Potential • Bit 8 : Low Battery • Bit 7 : Measurement Error • Bit 6 : Clock Error • Bit 5 : Nonvol Memory Error • Bit 4 : ROM Failure • Bit 3 : RAM Failure • Bit 2 : Self Check Error • Bit 1 : Config Error • Bit 0 : 0 Status Word 2 (Currently not defined) Occurrences • Bits 15 .6 : Not Defined (0) • Bit 5 : DSP Download Error • Bit 4 : Table CRC Error • Bit 3 : Spare Latched Error • Bit 2 : 32 KHz Crystal Error • Bit 1 : Tariff EEPROM Read Error • Bit 0 : Tariff EEPROM Write Error Data Type UINT16 41096 41097 UINT16 UINT16 41098 UINT16 41099 UINT16 .7 : Not Defined (0) • Bit 6 : Button Press Clear Data • Bit 5 : Button Press Demand Reset • Bit 4 : Time Changed • Bit 3 : Pending Table Activated • Bit 2 : Self Read Data Available • Bit 1 : Previous Season Data Available • Bit 0 : Demand Reset Data Available Current State of Resource Errors • Bits 15 . Profiling Set 1 Overflow • Bit 7: Pulse Profiling Overflow • Bit 6: Protected Tables Unlocked • Bit 5: ST-23 Write Warning • Bit 4: Event Log Overflow • Bit 3: End of Calendar Warning • Bit 2: Line Frequency Warning • Bit 1: TRueQ Log Overflow • Bit 0: Qualified Power Fail Current State of Latched TRueQ Warnings • Bit 31: TRueQ Warning [31] • Bit 30: TRueQ Warning [30] • Bit 29: TRueQ Warning [29] • Bit 28: TRueQ Warning [28] • Bit 27: TRueQ Warning [27] • Bit 26: TRueQ Warning [26] • Bit 25: TRueQ Warning [25] • Bit 24: TRueQ Warning [24] • Bit 23: TRueQ Warning [23] • Bit 22: TRueQ Warning [22] • Bit 21: TRueQ Warning [21] • Bit 20: TRueQ Warning [20] • Bit 19: TRueQ Warning [19] • Bit 18: TRueQ Warning [18] • Bit 17: TRueQ Warning [17] • Bit 16: TRueQ Warning [16] • Bit 15: TRueQ Warning [15] • Bit 14: TRueQ Warning [14] • Bit 13: TRueQ Warning [13] • Bit 12: TRueQ Warning [12 • Bit 11: TRueQ Warning [11] • Bit 10: TRueQ Warning [10] • Bit 9: TRueQ Warning [9] • Bit 8: TRueQ Warning [8] • Bit 7: TRueQ Warning [7] • Bit 6: TRueQ Warning [6] • Bit 5: TRueQ Warning [5] • Bit 4: TRueQ Warning [4] • Bit 3: TRueQ Warning [3] • Bit 2: TRueQ Warning [2] • Bit 1: TRueQ Warning [1] • Bit 0: TRueQ Warning [0] Data Type UINT32 41102 . Profiling Set 2 Overflow • Bit 8: Inst.24: Not Defined (0) • Bit 23: Sag Log Overflow • Bit 22: Line 3 Outage • Bit 21: Line 2 Outage • Bit 20: Line 1Outage • Bit 19: Line 3Sag • Bit 18: Line 2Sag • Bit 17: Line 1 Sag • Bit 16: Line 3 Missing • Bit 15: Line 2 Missing • Bit 14: Line 1 Missing • Bit 13: History Log Overflow • Bit 12: Service Current Test Failure • Bit 11: Service Voltage Test Failure • Bit 10: Demand Threshold Exceeded • Bit 9: Inst.41103 UINT32 .41101 Description Current State of Latched Warnings • Bit 31 .Product guide 2-9 Modbus Register 41100 . 41127 41128 .41129 41130 . Register 41105 41106 41107 41108 41109 41100 41111 41112 41113 41114 41115 41116 41117 41118 41119 41120 .41135 Description Port 1: Parity Errors Port 1: Frame Errors Port 1: Overrun Errors Port 1: Receive Buffer Overflow Errors Port 2: Parity Errors Port 2: Frame Errors Port 2: Overrun Errors Port 2: Receive Buffer Overflow Errors Host Port: Parity Errors Host Port: Frame Errors Host Port: Overrun Errors Host Port: Receive Buffer Overflow Errors Host Port: Transmit Retries Host Port: Transmit Failures Host Port: Receive Timeouts Network Port: Number of Received Packets Network Port: Number of Transmitted Packets Network Port: Number of Inbound Traffic Errors Network Port: Number of Outbound Traffic Errors Network Port: Number of Packets Lost Network Port: Number of Single Frame Collisions Network Port: Number of Receive Framing Errors Network Port: Number of Receive CRC Errors Notes .Product guide 2-10 Modbus Register 41104 Description Non-latches Warnings • Bits 15 .41121 41122 .41133 41134 . Access: Function 3 (Read) Synopsis: Provides information concerning errors at the communications physical layer. All counters will 'wrap-around' when overflowed.12 : Not Defined (0) • Bit 11 : MC Tamper Warning • Bit 10 : TC Tamper Warning • Bit 9 : Internal Meter Warning • Bit 8 : TRueQ Failure • Bit 7 : Extended Memory Option Board Expected but Missing • Bit 6 : ITM3 Option Board Missing • Bit 5 : ITM3 Option Board Self Test Error • Bit 4 : ITM3 Option Board Checksum Error • Bit 3 : ITM3 Option Board Battery Low • Bit 2 : Warning Locks Display • Bit 1 : Display Bad Item • Bit 0 : Tier Override Warning Data Type UINT16 Communication Status.41123 41124 .41131 41132 .41125 41126 . 19 Equivalence: ST-23 (A1800 ALPHA meter) Synopsis: Provides access to all current summations.42021 42022 .42042 42043 . received Not Defined Not Defined Demand WattHrs.42036 42037 .42024 42025 .42054 42055 . received VARHrs.Product guide 2-11 Modbus Register 41136 .42009 42010 . delivered WattHrs. received VAHrs. Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 2 (Max.42033 42034 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Data Type UINT16 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 .42030 42031 . Access: Function 3 (Read Only) C12.41139 Description Network Port: Number of Miscellaneous Receive Errors Network Port: Number of Miscellaneous Transmit Errors Notes Current Register Data. Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 3 (Max. and coincident values.42051 42052 .42039 42040 .42045 42046 .42012 42013 .42027 42028 . received VAHrs.42015 42016 .41137 41138 . delivered VARHrs.42006 42007 . delivered WattHrs. These values are defined as: Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Summation WattHrs. demands. received N/A N/A Coincident User Defined User Defined User Defined User Defined N/A N/A N/A N/A Register 42000 42001 . delivered VARHrs. received VARHrs. delivered VAHrs.42048 42049 . delivered VAHrs.42003 42004 .42057 Description Total Demand Resets Total: Summation 1 Total: Summation 2 Total: Summation 3 Total: Summation 4 Total: Summation 5 Total: Summation 6 Total: Summation 7 Total: Summation 8 Total: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 1 (Max.42018 42019 . 42174 Description Total: Demand 4 (Max.42129 42130 . Indicating Demand) Total: Coincident 1 Total: Coincident 2 Total: Coincident 3 Total: Coincident 4 Tier 1: Summation 1 Tier 1: Summation 2 Tier 1: Summation 3 Tier 1: Summation 4 Tier 1: Summation 5 Tier 1: Summation 6 Tier 1: Summation 7 Tier 1: Summation 8 Tier 1: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 1 (Max.42066 42067 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Max.42156 42157 .42078 42079 .42150 42151 .42123 42124 .42102 42103 .42069 42070 .Product guide 2-12 Modbus Register 42058 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Max.42108 42109 .42099 42100 .42072 42073 .42096 42097 .42135 42136 .42153 42154 .42147 42148 .42093 42094 .42105 42106 .42144 42145 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Max.42171 42172 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Coincident 1 Tier 1: Coincident 2 Data Type INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 .42114 42115 .42141 42142 .42084 42085 .42132 42133 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 5 (Max.42120 42121 .42075 42076 .42081 42082 .42126 42127 .42165 42166 .42111 42112 .42117 42118 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Max.42162 42163 .42168 42169 .42138 42139 .42159 42160 .42087 42088 .42090 42091 .42063 42064 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 6 (Max.42060 42061 . 42219 42220 .42249 42250 .42198 42199 .42216 42217 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Max.42231 42232 .42204 42205 .42285 42286 .42189 42190 .42210 42211 .42201 42202 .42186 42187 .42180 42181 .42288 42289 .42270 42271 .42222 42223 .42258 42259 .42192 42193 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Max.42228 42229 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Max.42243 42244 .42230 42241 .Product guide 2-13 Modbus Register 42175 .42282 42283 .42261 42262 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Coincident 1 Tier 2: Coincident 2 Tier 2: Coincident 3 Tier 2: Coincident 4 Tier 3: Summation 1 Tier 3: Summation 2 Tier 3: Summation 3 Tier 3: Summation 4 Tier 3: Summation 5 Tier 3: Summation 6 Tier 3: Summation 7 Data Type INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 .42246 42247 .42267 42268 .42207 42208 .42252 42253 .42213 42214 .42276 42277 .42264 42265 .42237 42238 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Max.42195 42196 .42177 42178 .42234 42235 .42273 42274 .42291 Description Tier 1: Coincident 3 Tier 1: Coincident 4 Tier 2: Summation 1 Tier 2: Summation 2 Tier 2: Summation 3 Tier 2: Summation 4 Tier 2: Summation 5 Tier 2: Summation 6 Tier 2: Summation 7 Tier 2: Summation 8 Tier 2: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 1 (Max.42183 42184 .42225 42226 .42279 42280 .42255 42256 . 42342 42343 .42318 42319 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Max.42366 42367 .42330 42331 .Product guide 2-14 Modbus Register 42292 .42339 42340 .42333 42334 .42408 Description Tier 3: Summation 8 Tier 3: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 1 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Max.42378 42379 .42300 42301 .42393 42394 .42384 42385 .42303 42304 .42306 42307 .42327 42328 .42375 42376 .42363 42364 .42309 42310 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Data Type INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 .42315 42316 .42399 42400 .42405 42406 .42294 42295 .42336 42337 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Coincident 1 Tier 3: Coincident 2 Tier 3: Coincident 3 Tier 3: Coincident 4 Tier 4: Summation 1 Tier 4: Summation 2 Tier 4: Summation 3 Tier 4: Summation 4 Tier 4: Summation 5 Tier 4: Summation 6 Tier 4: Summation 7 Tier 4: Summation 8 Tier 4: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 1 (Max.42396 42397 .42357 42358 .42387 42388 .42381 42382 .42324 42325 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Max.42345 42346 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Max.42390 42391 .42369 42370 .42348 42349 .42351 42352 .42372 42373 .42354 42355 .42321 42322 .42297 42298 .42402 42403 .42360 42361 .42312 42313 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Max. 42411 42412 .42426 42427 . received Not Defined Not Defined Demand WattHrs. delivered VARHrs.43006 43007 .43018 43019 .42450 Description Tier 4: Demand 3 (Max.Product guide 2-15 Modbus Register 42409 . demands.42423 42424 . received VARHrs. and coincident values recorded during the last season change.42420 42421 .43009 43010 . These values are defined as: Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Summation WattHrs. Access: Function 3 (Read Only) C12. received VAHrs.42432 42433 .42444 42445 .42441 42442 .43012 43013 . received N/A N/A Coincident User Defined User Defined User Defined User Defined N/A N/A N/A N/A Register 43000 43001 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Max. delivered WattHrs. received VARHrs. delivered WattHrs. received VAHrs. delivered VAHrs.42417 42418 .43021 Description Total Demand Resets Total: Summation 1 Total: Summation 2 Total: Summation 3 Total: Summation 4 Total: Summation 5 Total: Summation 6 Total: Summation 7 Data Type UINT16 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 .42447 42448 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Max.43015 43016 . delivered VARHrs. Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Max.42438 42439 .43003 43004 .42414 42415 .19 Equivalence: ST-24 (A1800 ALPHA meter) Synopsis: Provides access to all current summations. Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Coincident 1 Tier 4: Coincident 2 Tier 4: Coincident 3 Tier 4: Coincident 4 Data Type INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 Previous Season Data. delivered VAHrs.42435 42436 .42429 42430 . 43132 43133 .43072 43073 .43036 43037 .43051 43052 .43117 43118 .43129 43130 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 6 (Max.43105 43106 .43087 43088 .43090 43091 .43096 43097 .43033 43034 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Data Type INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 .43048 43049 .43099 43100 .43138 Description Total: Summation 8 Total: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 1 (Max.43069 43070 .43120 43121 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 5 (Max.Product guide 2-16 Modbus Register 43022 .43027 43028 .43024 43025 .43039 43040 .43030 43031 .43060 43061 . Indicating Demand) Total: Coincident 1 Total: Coincident 2 Total: Coincident 3 Total: Coincident 4 Tier 1: Summation 1 Tier 1: Summation 2 Tier 1: Summation 3 Tier 1: Summation 4 Tier 1: Summation 5 Tier 1: Summation 6 Tier 1: Summation 7 Tier 1: Summation 8 Tier 1: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 1 (Max. Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 2 (Max.43045 43046 .43042 43043 .43054 43055 .43126 43127 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 3 (Max.43057 43058 .43093 43094 .43066 43067 .43084 43085 .43111 43112 .43102 43103 .43081 43082 .43078 43079 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Max.43123 43124 .43108 43109 .43114 43115 .43063 43064 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 4 (Max.43135 43136 .43075 43076 . 43218 43220 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Coincident 1 Tier 1: Coincident 2 Tier 1: Coincident 3 Tier 1: Coincident 4 Tier 2: Summation 1 Tier 2: Summation 2 Tier 2: Summation 3 Tier 2: Summation 4 Tier 2: Summation 5 Tier 2: Summation 6 Tier 2: Summation 7 Tier 2: Summation 8 Tier 2: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 1 (Max.43227 43229 .43224 43226 .43242 43244 .43248 43250 .43254 Description Tier 1: Demand 3 (Max.43192 43193 .43201 43202 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Max.43230 43232 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Max.43156 43157 .43233 43235 .43207 43208 .43141 43142 .43195 43196 .43174 43175 .43239 43241 .43144 43145 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Max.43204 43205 .43221 43223 .43189 43190 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Max.43165 43166 .43180 43181 .43210 43211 .Product guide 2-17 Modbus Register 43139 .43215 43217 .43183 43184 .43245 43247 .43168 43169 .43236 43238 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Max.43212 43214 .43150 43151 .43159 43160 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Max.43251 43253 .43162 43163 .43177 43178 .43147 43148 .43186 43187 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Max.43171 43172 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Data Type INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 .43198 43199 .43153 43154 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Max.43263 43265 .43257 43259 .43285 43286 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Coincident 1 Tier 3: Coincident 2 Tier 3: Coincident 3 Tier 3: Coincident 4 Tier 4: Summation 1 Tier 4: Summation 2 Tier 4: Summation 3 Tier 4: Summation 4 Data Type INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 .Product guide 2-18 Modbus Register 43256 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Coincident 1 Tier 2: Coincident 2 Tier 2: Coincident 3 Tier 2: Coincident 4 Tier 3: Summation 1 Tier 3: Summation 2 Tier 3: Summation 3 Tier 3: Summation 4 Tier 3: Summation 5 Tier 3: Summation 6 Tier 3: Summation 7 Tier 3: Summation 8 Tier 3: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 1 (Max.43360 43361 .43369 43370 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Max.43330 43331 .43278 43280 .43300 43301 .43260 43262 .43312 43313 .43363 43364 .43345 43346 .43288 43289 .43309 43310 .43272 43274 .43306 43307 .43318 43319 .43282 43283 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Max.43266 43268 .43321 43322 .43354 43355 .43291 43292 .43269 43271 .43351 43352 .43348 43349 .43366 43367 .43327 43328 .43297 43298 .43315 43316 .43303 43304 .43357 43358 .43336 43337 .43339 43340 .43294 43295 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Max.43342 43343 .43275 43277 .43333 43334 .43372 Description Tier 2: Demand 6 (Max.43324 43325 . Access: Function 3 (Read Only) C12. delivered VARHrs.43438 43439 . and coincident values recorded during the last demand reset. delivered VAHrs. received N/A Coincident User Defined User Defined User Defined User Defined N/A N/A N/A . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Max. received VARHrs.43432 43433 .43417 43418 .43387 43388 .43396 43397 .43393 43394 .43414 43415 .43384 43385 . delivered WattHrs.43423 43424 . demands.43405 43406 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Max.43447 43448 .43408 43409 . received VAHrs. delivered VARHrs.43375 43376 .43429 43430 .43435 43436 .43381 43382 .43426 43427 .43450 Description Tier 4: Summation 5 Tier 4: Summation 6 Tier 4: Summation 7 Tier 4: Summation 8 Tier 4: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 1 (Max.43441 43442 . received Not Defined Demand WattHrs. delivered WattHrs.43378 43379 . received VAHrs.43420 43421 .43444 43445 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Max.43411 43412 . These values are defined as: Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Summation WattHrs.Product guide 2-19 Modbus Register 43373 .43399 43400 .43402 43403 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Max. received VARHrs. Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Max.43390 43391 .19 Equivalence: ST-25 (A1800 ALPHA meter) Synopsis: Provides access to all current summations. Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Coincident 1 Tier 4: Coincident 2 Tier 4: Coincident 3 Tier 4: Coincident 4 Data Type INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 Previous Demand Reset Data. delivered VAHrs. 44075 44076 .44006 44007 .44087 44088 .44042 44043 .44009 44010 .44018 44019 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 5 (Max. Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 3 (Max.44021 44022 .44078 44079 .44039 44040 .44030 44031 .44054 44055 .44066 44067 .44003 44004 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 6 (Max. Indicating Demand) Total: Coincident 1 Total: Coincident 2 Total: Coincident 3 Total: Coincident 4 Tier 1: Summation 1 Tier 1: Summation 2 Tier 1: Summation 3 Tier 1: Summation 4 Data Type UINT16 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 .44102 Description Total Demand Resets Total: Summation 1 Total: Summation 2 Total: Summation 3 Total: Summation 4 Total: Summation 5 Total: Summation 6 Total: Summation 7 Total: Summation 8 Total: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 1 (Max.44051 44052 .44084 44085 .44090 44091 .44063 44064 .44072 44073 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 2 (Max.44069 44070 .Product guide 2-20 Modbus Item 8 Summation Not Defined Demand N/A Coincident N/A Register 44000 44001 .44081 44082 .44045 44046 .44027 44028 .44096 44097 .44093 44094 .44033 44034 .44099 44100 .44060 44061 .44036 44037 .44024 44025 .44015 44016 .44057 44058 .44012 44013 . Indicating Demand) Total: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Total: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Total: Demand 4 (Max.44048 44049 . 44189 44190 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 2 (Max.44159 44160 .44141 44142 .44201 44202 .44126 44127 .44168 44169 .44212 44214 .44165 44166 .44105 44106 .44111 44112 .44120 44121 .44147 44148 .44171 44172 .44180 44181 .44138 44139 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 6 (Max.44198 44199 .44195 44196 .44129 44130 .44215 44217 .44183 44184 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Data Type INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 .44135 44136 .44162 44163 .44144 44145 .44218 Description Tier 1: Summation 5 Tier 1: Summation 6 Tier 1: Summation 7 Tier 1: Summation 8 Tier 1: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 1 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 4 (Max.44150 44151 .Product guide 2-21 Modbus Register 44103 .44210 44211 . Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Coincident 1 Tier 1: Coincident 2 Tier 1: Coincident 3 Tier 1: Coincident 4 Tier 2: Summation 1 Tier 2: Summation 2 Tier 2: Summation 3 Tier 2: Summation 4 Tier 2: Summation 5 Tier 2: Summation 6 Tier 2: Summation 7 Tier 2: Summation 8 Tier 2: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 1 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 5 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 1: Demand 3 (Max.44132 44133 .44174 44175 .44186 44187 .44204 44205 .44114 44115 .44153 44154 .44177 44178 .44123 44124 .44117 44118 .44156 44157 .44207 44208 .44192 44193 .44108 44109 . 44275 44277 .44269 44271 .Product guide 2-22 Modbus Register 44220 .44224 44226 .44257 44259 .44263 44265 .44221 44223 .44230 44232 .44312 44313 .44336 Description Tier 2: Demand 2 (Max.44333 44334 .44291 44292 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 3 (Max.44248 44250 .44245 44247 .44297 44298 .44309 44310 .44251 44253 .44227 44229 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 5 (Max.44272 44274 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 3 (Max.44254 44256 .44233 44235 .44330 44331 .44266 44268 .44285 44286 .44239 44241 .44294 44295 .44327 44328 .44306 44307 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Data Type INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 2 (Max.44321 44322 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Coincident 1 Tier 2: Coincident 2 Tier 2: Coincident 3 Tier 2: Coincident 4 Tier 3: Summation 1 Tier 3: Summation 2 Tier 3: Summation 3 Tier 3: Summation 4 Tier 3: Summation 5 Tier 3: Summation 6 Tier 3: Summation 7 Tier 3: Summation 8 Tier 3: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 1 (Max.44260 44262 .44300 44301 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 4 (Max.44242 44244 .44236 44238 .44278 44280 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 4 (Max.44324 44325 .44315 44316 . Indicating Demand) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 2: Demand 6 (Max.44303 44304 .44318 44319 .44282 44283 .44288 44289 . 44438 44439 .44420 44421 .44450 Description Tier 3: Demand 5 (Max.44408 44409 .44405 44406 .44345 44346 .44354 44355 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 6 (Max.44369 44370 .44435 44436 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 5 (Max.Product guide 2-23 Modbus Register 44337 .44357 44358 .44423 44424 .44342 44343 .44432 44433 .44360 44361 .44339 44340 .44441 44442 .44402 44403 .44426 44427 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Date/Time) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 3: Demand 6 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 3 (Max.44399 44400 .44387 44388 .44348 44349 .44375 44376 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 4 (Max. Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 2 (Max.44396 44397 .44372 44373 .44384 44385 .44429 44430 .44393 44394 .44381 44382 .44366 44367 .44414 44415 .44390 44391 .44417 44418 . Indicating Demand) Tier 3: Coincident 1 Tier 3: Coincident 2 Tier 3: Coincident 3 Tier 3: Coincident 4 Tier 4: Summation 1 Tier 4: Summation 2 Tier 4: Summation 3 Tier 4: Summation 4 Tier 4: Summation 5 Tier 4: Summation 6 Tier 4: Summation 7 Tier 4: Summation 8 Tier 4: Demand 1 (Date/Time) Tier 4: Demand 1 (Cumulative Demand) Tier 4: Demand 1 (Max.44447 44448 .44378 44379 .44444 44445 .44411 44412 .44351 44352 . Indicating Demand) Tier 4: Coincident 1 Tier 4: Coincident 2 Tier 4: Coincident 3 Tier 4: Coincident 4 Data Type INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 DATE_TIME INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 INT48 .44363 44364 . 5. and Previous Demand data tables (Sec.2. 5. Season identifier at time of demand reset Units 0-8 0-6 0-4 0-4 Data Type UINT16 UINT16 UINT16 UINT16 INT16 DATE_TIME UINT16 DATE_TIME UINT16 . Access: Function 3 (Read Only) Synopsis: Informational data with respect to the Current Register. 5.6. Register 45000 45001 45002 45003 45004 45005 .8).2.2.45011 45012 Description Number of valid summations Number of valid demands Number of valid coincidents Number of valid tiers Data Scale Time / Date stamp when season changed Previous season identifier Time / Date stamp when demand reset occurred.7.Product guide 2-24 Modbus Tariff Data Information.45007 45008 45009 . Previous Season. Sub-Function Code Hex 0 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F Decimal 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 Return Query Data (Echo) Clear Counters Return Bus Message Count Return Bus Communication Error Count Return Bus Exception Error Count Return Slave Message Count Return Slave No Response Count Name Sub-Function 0 (0x00) Return Query Data • Request: Function: 8 Subfunction: 0 Data: Any Value • Response: Function: 8 Subfunction: 0 Data: Same as sent This is essentially a Modbus packet echo (loopback).Product guide 2-25 Modbus Diagnostics (Function 8) The A1800 ALPHA meter supports a minimal set of diagnostic support via Modbus Function 8. Sub-Function 10 (0x0A Hex) Clear Counters • Request: Function: 8 Subfunction: 10 Data: 0 • Response: Function: 8 Subfunction: 10 Data: 0 Clears the counters used for sub-functions 11 through 15. . Modbus reset.Product guide 2-26 Modbus Sub-Function 11 (0x0B) Return Bus Message Count • Request: Function: 8 Subfunction: 11 Data: 0 • Response: Function: 8 Subfunction: 11 Data: Counter Value Returns the total number of received messages since the last power-up. or Clear Counters operation. or Clear Counters operation. Sub-Function 12 (0x0C) Return Bus Communications Error Count • Request: Function: 8 Subfunction: 12 Data: 0 • Response: Function: 8 Subfunction: 12 Data: Counter Value Returns the total number of CRC errors encountered by this device since the last power-up. Sub-Function 13 (0x0D) Return Bus Exception Error Count • Request: Function: 8 Subfunction: 13 Data: 0 • Response: Function: 8 Subfunction: 13 Data: Counter Value Returns the total number of bus exceptions returned by this device since the last power-up. . these messages do not necessarily have to be addressed to this slave device. Modbus reset. or Clear Counters operation. Note. these CRC errors do not necessarily have to be associated with messages addressed to this slave device. Note. Modbus reset. Product guide 2-27 Modbus Sub-Function 14 (0x0E) Return Slave Message Count • Request: Function: 8 Subfunction: 14 Data: 0 • Response: Function: 8 Subfunction: 14 Data: Counter Value Returns the total number of received messages which have been addressed to and processed by this device since the last power-up. Modbus reset. or Clear Counters operation. or Clear Counters operation. Sub-Function 15 (0x0F) Return Slave No Response Count • Request: Function: 8 Subfunction: 15 Data: 0 • Response: Function: 8 Subfunction: 15 Data: Counter Value Returns the total number of received messages which have been addressed to this device but have not been processed (normal or exception response) since the last power-up. . Modbus reset. Product guide 2-28 Modbus . . electronic. Its offerings include distribution monitoring and control. Elster 208 S Rogers Lane Raleigh. networking and software solutions. mechanical. REX. gas and water measurement and control providers. gas. transmitted. Printed in the United States of © 2011 by Elster. . and numerous related communications and services . water and multi-utility applications for residential. operational efficiency and conservation. photographic or otherwise. NC 27610-2144 United States T T F +1 800 338 5251 (US toll free) +1 905 634 4895 (Canada) +1 919 212 4801 support@us. with more than 200 million metering devices deployed over the course of the last 10 years.About Elster Elster (NYSE: ELT) is one of the world's largest electricity. and transmission and distribution applications. processed or recorded by any means or form. No part of this software or documentation may be reproduced. Other products and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.elster. ALPHA Plus. Elster has one of the most extensive installed revenue measurement bases in the world. advanced smart metering. Its products and solutions are widely used by utilities in the traditional and emerging Smart Grid markets. or be released to any third party without the express written consent of the Elster. It sells its products and services in more than 130 countries across electricity. ALPHA.elster.key components for enabling consumer choice. commercial and industrial. translated to another language. All rights reserved. demand www. and EnergyAxis are registered trademarks and Metercat and AlphaPlus are trademarks of Elster.
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