PG Economics Brochure



School of EconomicsEconomics at Reading Postgraduate Economics at Reading Contents Welcome An international reputation Teaching and assessment Choosing your masters degree Outstanding career prospects Life at Reading How to apply and further information Our outstanding location 3 4 5 7 16 17 19 21 ‘In the changing economic climate, and given the policy changes that will inevitably follow from it, knowledge of economics is more central than it has ever been.’ Professor Uma Kambhampati Head of the School of Economics 2 Within the School of Economics we offer a range of specialist postgraduate masters courses. organisations and governments worldwide. never more so than now. The main Whiteknights campus is one of the most charming in the UK. Focusing on three broad but key areas – banking and finance. Combined with our outstanding location and cutting-edge facilities. before or after you apply. studying for your masters at Reading is a sound investment in your future career. please see page 19. international business. For further information on visiting us or meeting us in your home country. as well as the old favourites. it has fared well in national student surveys and a 320-acre parkland campus. agencies.Economics at Reading Welcome to the School of Economics at the University of Reading Economics lies at the heart of the modern world and remains a subject critical to both business success and effective policy making. understand and critically assess the forces that impact upon and shape today’s globalised economic world. established reputation. and international economic development and emerging markets – our masters courses will inspire you to engage with. coupled with its proximity to a lively town centre. ‘Students rate Reading highly. We wish you the best with your ongoing studies and career and look forward to welcoming you in the future. designed to address the emerging and future needs of businesses.’ The Sunday Times ‘Reading is academically sound with an innovative slant to its course portfolio. and the unique experience we provide.’ The Guardian 3 . is a winning combination. Please reflect on the information within this brochure and contact us with any questions. and welcome high quality PhD candidates from all over the world. Our research centres • The Centre for Euro-Asian Studies • The Centre for Institutional Performance • The John H. Stela Cani graduate 4 .’ and provide consultancy services to multinational organisations. we continue to enjoy an established reputation as one of the world’s premier centres for teaching and research in international business. With a history spanning three centuries. governments and international agencies. research and enterprise. is combination of vibrant at the heart of everything we do. research and enterprise. spanning six my studies I really believe leading research centres.Economics at Reading An international reputation The University of Reading We are ideally located. both within the School and at the University of Reading. in the thriving town of Reading. and housing economics. Dunning Centre for International Business • The Centre for Spatial and Real Estate Economics • The Economic Analysis Research Group • The International Centre for Housing and Urban Economics ‘My time at Reading Internationally-renowned was truly excellent. In line with the ever-changing global economic environment. we continue to build on our success. The School of Economics Established more than forty years ago. We offer a leading range of undergraduate degree and postgraduate masters courses. alongside a wide range of other awards for teaching. research expertise It offers a unique Research. just 25 minutes by train from central London. our focuses and strengths have continued to evolve. Established as a leading force in UK higher education. We are home to around 30 fullApproaching the end of time academic staff. we are world-ranked by The Times and consistently rated among the UK’s most research intensive institutions. academic expertise Our current expertise spans areas ranging from econometrics to macand excellence within a roeconomics. Our achievements have been recognised by twice winning the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher Education. strengthening our international reputation for quality teaching. banking and finance to development economics and supportive teaching and from emerging markets to spatial learning environment. Our ambitious multi-million pound investment programme is delivering twenty-first century facilities. the majority of whom are widely published that I have gained far and research active experts in their respective areas. Our staff also more than what I was undertake funded research projects initially aiming for. 10–11am Study skills 11–12pm Tutorial 12–1pm 1–2pm 2–3pm 3–4pm 4–5pm 5–6pm * where relevant Lecture 1 Lecture 1 Seminar* Seminar* 5 . Alongside the valuable input and support you will receive from your lecturers and fellow students throughout. The exam period is during the summer term. One module usually equates to 20 credits or 10 hours per week of work. allowing you to tailor your masters towards your individual needs and interests. applying your knowledge and abilities to real-world situations. which vary depending on your choice of degree. between April–June. Example timetable showing the average number of weekly hours spent in lectures/tutorials: Monday 9–10am Study skills Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Lecture 3 Lecture 3 Lecture 2 Lecture 2 Lecture 4 Lecture 4 Lecture 5 Lecture 5 Friday How we assess your progress You will be assessed through written assignments. upon enrolment you will also be assigned a personal tutor who you can meet with to discuss any issues or questions during your studies. whilst testing both your knowledge and your ability to apply concepts to real life situations. from application to graduation and beyond. The structure of your masters degree Each of our postgraduate courses feature a combination of core and optional modules. designed to develop your communication. group presentations and formal examinations. totalling 180 credits. presenting and other vital transferrable skills. You will also submit a written dissertation or an applied research project depending on your chosen course. leadership. You will complete up to 10 taught modules during your degree. This provides you with greater flexibility. which give you the opportunity to discuss and explore the subject material in depth with your lecturers and fellow students. How we teach you You will learn through an engaging mix of lectures and interactive tutorials. You will engage with the latest news and cutting-edge research. team working.Economics at Reading Teaching and assessment A high level of ongoing support You will enjoy a wide range of ongoing support. and learn from. and share different perspectives and experiences.Economics at Reading Listening to our students We value the opinions and continued input of our students. This ongoing feedback allows us to adapt and enhance our courses and the overall experience we provide. operating a Student/Staff Liaison Committee which seeks to provide a forum in which any issues can both be raised and openly discussed within the School. allowing you to network with. China ‘Studying at Reading was a great experience as it is one of the leading universities in the UK. further emphasising the international nature and relevance of your degree. This global dimension adds significant value to both the academic and social experience. A truly international experience In total we welcome around 100 postgraduate students on to our masters courses each year and we are proud of our friendly and inclusive international community. fellow students from a wide range of backgrounds. Throughout your studies you will be working in groups featuring students from all over the world. It is a consultative body and consists of both members of staff alongside student representatives. I met different people from a range of cultures and enjoyed an advanced academic education.’ Evangelos Venizelos graduate UK Thailand Based on the nationalities of our 2009/10 students Brazil USA/Canada Finland Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Italy Malawi Netherlands Pakistan Egypt Ukraine Czech Republic Bulgaria Nigeria Spain Turkmenistan India Taiwan Malaysia Turkey Saudi Arabia Vietnam Russia 6 . You will develop a critical understanding of both the theories and empirical research that are key to understanding financial markets. assets and institutions and how they apply to countries in Eastern Europe and Asia. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not available. You will also select up to 20 credits of optional modules. small business economics and at Reading Choosing your masters degree MSc Banking and Finance in Emerging Economies This masters course explores banking and finance in an international www. or the international equivalent. which includes a good understanding of core economics and quantitative methods. multilateral and bilateral development agencies and non-governmental organisations that work with transitional and emerging economies. development. financial development corporations. 7 . Please see page 19 for further information. spanning areas including international management and business culture. Start date October Fees £ Course content • Banking in transition economies • Economic development in emerging markets • Emerging economies and policies • Financial development in emerging economies • Financial markets • Fundamental economic methods • Microeconomics of banking • Research methodology • Quantitative research methods • Dissertation or Applied research project Your career This masters course is designed for graduates seeking a career in commercial and investments Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree. issues in globalisation and international business.200 (UK/EU students) £11. you will learn to to apply this knowledge within an institutional framework. with an emphasis on emerging economies.200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 pgbusiness@reading. In addition.reading. ac. 8 .uk www. issues in globalisation and international business.200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 pgbusiness@reading. focusing in particular on areas including international business strategy. Start date October Fees £5. regulation and key research methods. which includes a good understanding of core economics. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not available. You will utilise techniques and evidence in order to understand how industries are structured. You will also select up to 80 credits of optional modules.200 (UK/EU students) £11. how organisations behave within them and the impact of these factors on their performance. spanning areas including international management and business culture.reading.Economics at Reading MSc Business Analysis This masters course provides an advanced insight into business. where it is useful to understand the key economic principles that underpin the business environment and corporate decision-making. small business economics. the World Trade Organisation and or the international equivalent. Please see page 19 for further Core modules • Business analysis • Fundamental economic methods • International business strategy and environment • Quantitative research methods • Regulation • Research methodology • Dissertation or Applied research project Your career This masters course will prepare you for roles such as corporate manager. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. both at organisational and industry level. policymaker and consultant. Start date October Fees £5. development. issues in globalisation and international business. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. economies and business organisations in transitional countries.200 (UK/EU students) £ small business economics and strategy. with a focus on emerging markets.reading. with a good understanding of core business and economics. or the international policymaker and consultant. such as corporate Core modules • Business analysis • Business and management in emerging economies • Corporate management in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) • Fundamental economic methods • Interdisciplinary seminar on recent developments in Euro-Asia • Quantitative research methods • Research methodology • Dissertation or Applied research project Your career This masters course will prepare you for roles in emerging economies contexts. spanning areas including international management and business culture. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not www.Economics at Reading MA Business and Management in Emerging Markets This masters course provides you with an opportunity to engage with the particular problems encountered in political systems.200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 pgbusiness@reading. You will also select up to 70 credits of optional modules. where it is useful to understand the key economic principles that underlie the business environment and corporate decision-making. Please see page 19 for further information. 9 . Utilising both emerging theories and empirical research. you will examine the key issues in an international context. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree. You will develop a practical understanding of the application of this knowledge within an organisational framework. small business economics and strategy. governments and consumers in emerging economies. You will focus. Your career This masters course will prepare you roles such as policymaker. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not available.Economics at Reading MSc Economic Development in Emerging Markets This masters course combines theory and practice to provide you with a strong grounding in the subject.200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 pgbusiness@reading. Please see page 19 for further Core modules • Economic development in emerging markets • Emerging economies and policy • Fundamental economic methods • Interdisciplinary seminar on recent developments in Euro-Asia • New issues in globalisation • Quantitative research methods • Research methodology • Dissertation or Applied research project You will also select up to 80 credits of optional www. Asia and Latin It encourages you to analyse the strategic behaviour of organisations. in particular. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree. or the international equivalent.200 (UK/EU students) £11. Start date October Fees £5. spanning areas including international management and business culture.reading. issues in globalisation and international business. on recent developments in the emerging and transition economies in Europe. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. corporate manager and consultant where it is useful to understand the key economic principles that underpin both international business strategy and the role of multinational organisations in the processes through which national economies develop and grow 10 . which includes a good understanding of core economics. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not available. which includes a good understanding of core economics and quantitative www. Particularly roles in both the traditional banking and investment banking sectors but also in government agencies. issues in globalisation and international business. small business economics and Core modules • Banking and the macroeconomy • Financial markets • Financial regulation • Financial systems and institutions • Fundamental economic methods • International money and finance • Microeconomics of banking • Quantitative research methods • Research methodology • Dissertation or Applied research project Your career This masters course will prepare you for a wide range of roles within public and private sector organisations worldwide. or the international equivalent. Please see page 19 for further information. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree.200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 [email protected] at Reading MSc International Banking and Financial Services This masters course provides you with an understanding of the various components of. and financial services provided by. central banks and international financial NGOs. assets and markets which constitute the global financial system.200 (UK/EU students) £11. Start date October Fees £5. In addition. you will learn how to apply the theories related to financial systems to real world 11 . those institutions. spanning areas including international management and business culture. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency.reading. You will also select up to 20 credits of optional modules. You will explore key issues in a global context and develop a detailed understanding of the economic foundations of banking and financial markets. development. technology. or the international equivalent. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not available. You will examine both the collaborative and confrontational roles of multinational enterprises and the process of economic growth. with differing and specific needs. spanning areas including international management and business culture. regional integration and www.200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 pgbusiness@reading. Utilising key techniques and evidence. Please see page 19 for further information. corporate manager and consultant where it is useful to understand the key economic principles that underpin both international business strategy and the role of multinational organisations in the processes through which national economies develop and You will also select up to 50 credits of optional modules. development and transformation.Economics at Reading MSc International Business and Economic Development This specialist masters course explores the highly significant interdependence between international business and economic development. Start date October Fees £5. Core modules • Business analysis • Fundamental economic methods • Global strategy and implications of multinational enterprise • Industrialisation and the multinational enterprise • Quantitative research methods • Research methodology • Theoretical approaches to the multinational enterprise • Trade policies for developing countries • Dissertation or Applied research project Your career This masters course will prepare you for roles such as policymaker. competing on a global you will also develop an understanding of how MNEs. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree. trade and growth. 12 . issues in globalisation. which includes a good understanding of core economics and quantitative interface with national or regional economies. and the World Trade Organisation.200 (UK/EU students) £11. small business economics and Core modules • Business analysis • Corporate finance • Financial markets • Fundamental economic methods • International business strategies • Microeconomics of banking • Quantitative research methods • Research methodology • Theoretical approaches to multinational enterprise (MNE) • Dissertation or Applied research project Your career This masters course prepares you for a wide range of roles.200 (UK/EU students) £ (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 pgbusiness@reading. marketing or sales functions of large multinationals. You will examine multinational organisations and develop a strong understanding of the key economic issues – underlying financial markets. In addition. spanning areas including international management and business culture.Economics at Reading MSc International Business and Finance This masters course provides you with an in-depth knowledge of the interrelationships between the areas of finance and multinational organisations.reading. It is also well suited for graduates looking to pursue a career in the finance. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not available. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree in Economics. development. or the international equivalent. primarily within banking and financial organisations worldwide. issues in globalisation and international business. which includes a good understanding of core economics and quantitative methods. assets and institutions. 13 . You will also select up to 20 credits of optional modules. Please see page 19 for further information. with a specific emphasis on their interrelationship with international business Start date October Fees £5. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. you will learn the basic theories which underpin financial systems. Start date October Fees £5. which includes a good understanding of core economics. economic policy and strategy. Your career This masters course will prepare you for roles such as policymaker and consultant where it is useful to understand the key economic principles that underpin the processes through which national economies develop and grow. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. banking and transition The staff were so helpful and I hope one day to go back’ Mutengo Sindano graduate 14 .ac. Core modules • Development policy Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not available. spanning areas including international management and business culture. financial development. ‘I enjoyed each and every bit of my time at Reading and the great interaction with students from all walks of www.reading.Economics at Reading MSc International Economic Development This specialist masters course closely examines the process of economic development in an international context and will aid you in developing the skills and expertise required to work as a professional economist in a developing country. Please see page 19 for further information. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree. or the international equivalent. issues in globalisation and international business.200 (UK/EU students) £11.200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 [email protected]/economics/pg • Fundamental economic methods • Macroeconomics for developing countries • Microeconomics for developing countries • Quantitative research methods • Research methodology • Trade policies for developing countries • Dissertation or Applied research project You will also select up to 70 credits of optional modules. 200 (International students) Scholarships available • Dean’s Scholarship Contact us Tel +44 (0)118 378 6205 pgbusiness@reading. small business economics and strategy. issues in globalisation and international business. or the international equivalent. Core modules provide a critical understanding of current theories and empirical research in these fields of knowledge. Entry requirements You are expected to have obtained a UK upper second class honours degree.reading. Key facts Duration 12 months (full-time) 24 months (part-time) Distance learning is not Core modules • Financial markets • Fundamental economic methods • International money and finance • Macroeconomics for developing countries • Microeconomics for developing countries • Microeconomics of banking • Quantitative research methods • Research methodology • Dissertation or Applied research project Your career This masters course will prepare you for roles such as policymaker. You will also select up to 40 credits of optional modules. you will learn to evaluate alternative theories and methodologies and to make judgments on their applicability to complex issues in a global context. 15 . You will also explore the place of developing countries in the global economy. which includes a good understanding of core economics and quantitative methods. In addition. corporate manager and consultant where it is useful to understand the key economic principles that underpin international banking and finance and the role of these in the processes through which national economies develop and grow.Economics at Reading MSc International Finance and Economic Development This specialist masters course will assess the role played by finance in facilitating as well as blocking economic Start date October Fees £ www. spanning areas including international management and business culture.200 (UK/EU students) £ Please see page 19 for further information. Students whose first language is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency. economics is consistently ranked among the top 5 degree subjects. In the UK. Graduate destinations A masters degree in economics can help you to advance your career in many Careers Advisory Service Our award-winning Careers Advisory Service is open all year round and provides a high level of ongoing support and information to students and alumni. On-campus events ranging from career fairs and employer-run workshops to CV advice sessions and mock interviews help to build your confidence and skills and provide you with 16 . recognising both the value and quality of a degree from the University of Reading and the specialist knowledge and expertise our graduates can When looking to progress throughout your career you will benefit from our leading international reputation for teaching and research excellence. working towards a PhD. making studying for your masters degree in economics at Reading an excellent investment in your future career. and from our status as a world-ranked university (The Times). an invaluable edge when entering the highly competitive graduate job market. Our economics graduates are highly sought after by employers worldwide.’ The Financial Times Further information More on our award-winning Careers Advisory Service www.reading. The Independent Further academic study A number of our graduates each year continue along an academic path. The most common sectors our graduates enter are: • Banking • Accountancy and taxation • Business/management consultancy • UK and overseas governments • International agencies Recent graduate destinations include: ‘Reading has a thriving economy. Each of our masters courses provides a strong grounding for future doctoral study and we offer full studentships and additional sources of funding to leading PhD candidates. expected to grow faster than any other town or city including London. based on average graduate starting salaries. dentistry and chemical engineering.Economics at Reading Outstanding career prospects Economics graduates’ earnings potential is bettered only by those studying medicine. . houses over a million items. is home to outstanding indoor and outdoor facilities including an 89-station fitness studio. 18 . allweather hockey and football pitch. with many of our postgraduate students choosing to live in one of ten University-owned halls of residence. both of which have plenty to offer. a full-size. an aerobics. There is something for everyone and you won’t have to go far to find it. The sports centre also offers a wide choice of exercise classes. are guaranteed a place in halls. as you might expect from Library and study facilities Our students spend much of their time on campus learning and studying. dance and martial arts studio. multi-purpose indoor courts. just 25 minutes by train from central London. group study rooms. opened in 2006 by British Olympic rower and Reading alumnus James Cracknell. with some of the best-equipped facilities of any UK university and over 50 clubs. And. circuit training and fitness courses. including a wide range of texts spanning all areas of business and management. Online tools including Blackboard are used to provide you with additional learning materials throughout your studies. You will also find silent study areas.Economics at Reading Life at Reading We are ideally located in the thriving town of Reading at the heart of the employment-rich Thames Valley. squash courts and hard and grass tennis courts. providing an enjoyable environment in which to study and relax. which has recently undergone a major refurbishment. A variety of accommodation is available ranging from a self-catered room with shared bathroom facilities to an en-suite. Our main library at the centre of campus. PC suites and a café for when you need a well deserved break. IT facilities Across campus you will also enjoy 24-hour PC and wireless internet access and benefit from a wide range of high quality lecture theatres and teaching rooms. providing nearly 4. Accommodation Reading prides itself on being a residential university. Sport at Reading The University of Reading is a great place for sporting enthusiasts. Our students thoroughly enjoy life at the University and living in Reading. and each hall has its own distinctive character. equipped with the latest technology. We provide a wide range of leading facilities and services to help you excel throughout your degree. Our on-campus sports centre. Postgraduate students who apply and accept an offer of a place by the appropriate deadline.000 rooms. fully catered room. rugby and cricket pitches. Whether you are a complete beginner or a serious player you can participate in your favourite sport. All rooms feature broadband internet access. All halls of residence are conveniently located on bus routes and within a mile of the centre of campus. usually 1 August. reading.’ The Financial Times 19 . And. The Students’ Union also runs a wide range of clubs and societies. you are guaranteed a great time.Economics at Reading a University situated close to the River Thames. Its lively riverside setting is ideal for relaxing. features shops. bars and restaurants and a multiplex Students’ Union At the centre of campus is our popular Students’ Union. which also serves as a voice for the student community. outdoor theatre and the Madejski Stadium. ranging from martial arts and music to international and degree subject related groups. visit friends and family around the country.reading. the University has a full range of services in place to care for your health and wellbeing. Further information Life at Reading Our local amenities include the concert hall. Reading also has a vibrant live music scene. A wide range of advice and support services are provided by the Students’ In addition. you can receive support to set up your own club or society. home to Reading Football Club and the London Irish rugby team. A purpose-built medical centre provides a full NHS service. including a dental practice and counselling service. students need never leave. With so much going on. or explore the UK you will be ideally located. if you can’t find anything that grabs your attention. So. around a mile from campus. Host to a world-famous rock festival. ‘With outstanding sports facilities on the main Whiteknights campus. whether you want to spend a day in the capital. shopping and a readymade social life. Reading itself offers some of the best retail and entertainment experiences in the UK. day and Accommodation Open day dates www. watersports receive a strong focus too. organising a series of campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness of key issues.reading. A hive of activity. The Oracle Centre. it provides easy access to Sport at Reading Off campus we have boathouses and a sailing and canoeing club. quality accommodation and all facilities within walking distance. Reading and the surrounding area Reading is situated at the hub of the UK rail and road network and is just 25 minutes by train from central London. provided by a participating bank. Interest is suspended for the duration of your studies. Certain courses have additional requirements.Economics at Reading How to apply and further information Postgraduate fees Fees for 2010/11 are detailed below and apply to those masters courses detailed in this brochure only.0 from a recognised institution. Good bachelors degree with a GPA of 3. Good bachelors degree from a recognised institution. Good bachelors degree from a recognised institution. • UK/EU students: £5. Good four year bachelor of science/engineering degree or a good master of science/engineering from a recognised institution.000. borrowing between £300 and £10. Good honours degree from a recognised institution. Please submit your application or contact our admissions office for a formal decision. International qualification requirement China Hong Kong India Japan Malaysia Nigeria Pakistan Singapore Taiwan Thailand USA Good four-year degree from a recognised institution. Postgraduate funding All applicants holding an offer of a place will be automatically considered for a Dean’s Scholarship. in their undergraduate degree.200 Career Development Loan UK applicants can apply for a government-sponsored Career Development Loan. 20 .200 • Overseas students: £11. Good second class degree from a recognised A range of university-wide and external sources of funding may also be available. Awards are usually made to students who have achieved a firstclass honours. For further information please visit: www. Good four-year bachelors degree from a recognised institution. with the loan repaid normally following graduation. please see individual pages for details. The table below provides an outline of equivalent international Entry requirements You are generally expected to have obtained a UK upper second-class honours degree. or the international equivalent. First-class (or 60%) in a three-year bachelor degree. Good honours degree from a recognised institution. or the international Applicants’ work experience may also be taken into consideration. South Korea Good bachelors degree from a recognised institution. Good honours degree from a recognised Hong Kong institution. English language courses We offer both pre-sessional (taken before commencing your degree) and in-sessional (taken during your degree) language courses. along with the documents as outlined on this page. letter from bank.Economics at Reading Qualification title International English Language Test Score Test of English as a Foreign Language (paper-based version) Test of English as a Foreign Language (internet-based version) Test of English for Educational Purposes Qualification short name IELTS TOEFL (paper-based) TOEFL (internet-based) TEEP Score required 6. RG6 6UD United Kingdom Alternatively. Please contact us at any stage if you have any questions: pgbusiness@reading. per form. English language requirements If your first language is not English. designed to prepare you for academic study if English is not your first Whiteknights. employer. The table below provides an outline of acceptable tests and the appropriate level required for entry. If successful you will receive an offer letter outlining any entry criteria which you will be required to meet and be asked to confirm your acceptance of this offer. We are unable to assess incomplete applications so please take care to include all relevant documents. we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt.5 Return your completed application form and documents to: Postgraduate Admissions Office School of Economics University of Reading.reading.5 570 88 6. Your application will then be reviewed by the appropriate academic programme your application and accompanying documents can be submitted as attachments via email. family) • English Language certificate (if your previous degree was not studied in English) • Two confidential references in sealed envelopes (at least 1 academic reference) After you apply When we receive your application form. 1 Complete all sections of the application form 2 Ensure that you have signed the application form 3 Make sure that you have included the following: • Two copies of your completed application form • Full academic transcript of all previous degree courses • Copy of your degree certificate(s) (if applicable) • Document confirming funding (e. Reading. using the address below. you will be required to provide evidence of proficiency. You can apply for a maximum of three courses 21 . Please contact the international office for further information: How to apply Please download a postgraduate application form from our website and return it fully completed. Help and further information If you would like to find out Disclaimer The University of Reading is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. Programmes or modules may be altered or withdrawn without notice and assessment arrangements may be changed. Please see www. Overseas students can find out more by meeting us at an education fair in your home country. or have any questions. Whilst the University of Reading makes every effort to ensure that the contents and statements made in this publication are fair and accurate. or pay us a visit. For details of any changes made since publication. You will also find further useful information on our website: Tel +44 (0)118 378 6025 Fax +44 (0)118 378 4029 www. The centre of London is only 25 minutes by train.reading. errors or subsequent changes. and easily accessible from the M3. 22 M40 and M25. please refer to our website. We couldn’t be easier to find or in a better location. We’re just off the M4 motorway at junction 11. The statements made and information provided are a general guide and there may be changes following publication which affect the contents.Economics at Reading Our outstanding location Our postgraduate masters programmes are based at our main Whiteknights campus in for further information. please feel free to contact us by telephone or e-mail. and Heathrow. You are invited to join us at our postgraduate open day or to arrange a visit at a time convenient for you. or by visiting one of our overseas representatives. 30 minutes by car or public transport. it can accept no liability for omissions. . please contact: School of Economics University of Reading Whiteknights Reading. RG6 6UD United Kingdom [email protected] at Reading For more .uk Tel +44 (0)118 378 6025 Fax +44 (0)118 378 4029
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