Pfister FRW

March 26, 2018 | Author: jmpbarros | Category: Cement, Fly Ash, Industries, Nature, Engineering



Product BrochureProduct Brochure Rotor Weighfeeder Pfister FRW / SRW Highly accurate and reliable gravimetric feeding of pulverised fuel Whether kiln feeding, additive feeding to the raw or finish mill or cement pre-loading, the robust design of the Pfister FRW is ideal for dosing powdered bulk materials such as raw meal, fly ash, bypass dust or cement products with high dosing constancy and precision. Due to the integration of weighing and dosing the system is easy to operate and thus extremely reliable. Pfister FRW + ProsCon®: the innovative solution for metering powdered materials. industrial weigh- ing equipment and is part of the FLSmidth General Principle The Pfister FRW is used for extracting fine grained bulk material out of a storage silo and feed it with high accurate feedrate on an airslide or any other transport media. Historic Pfister scale.700 systems are in operation world-wide. Ludwig Pfister. FLSmidth Pfister developed the Pfister FRW for non-explosive pulverised material.040. 2/17 IB.00-d-GB . The Rotor Weighfeeder technology was invented by FLSmidth Pfister in 1984 to feed pulverised coal to the cement burning process and it is now time tested and state of the art technology.Contend How does the system work? What are the benefits? What are the dimensions? How ist the system installed? What applications are there? What are the technical facts? Is there further information? Pages Pages Page Pages Pages Page Page 3-4 5-7 8 9-10 11-14 15 16 History FLSmidth Pfister has more than 110 years of experience in manufacturing group since 1998. Since the first installation in 1997.040. The application for rotor weighfeeder FRW.00-d-GB IB.pfister. All Pfister weighfeeders are Engineered Designed Assembled Tested in Augsburg—Germany The usual bulk materials raw meal cement fly-ash slag additives other fine or pulverised materials The usual applications kiln feed cement blending mill feeding (fine grained materials) Mill feeding and Kiln feeding. founder of the company in 1894. More than 1. Out of the long experience. more then 200 systems have been installed world-wide for different applications and materials. At the outlet. 2: bulk material inlet.5% for short. angular speed of rotor is controlled invers to rotor weighfeeder loading. the rotor weighfeeder achieves a highly accurate compensation of variation in rotor loading and material density. That means that the rotor weighfeeder measures real kilograms and is therefore a true scale.040. The rotor is driven by a variable speed drive ing (5) . 7: Pfister CPI control box. 4: variable speed drive. (6) The third point is suspended with a towbar at a load cell which weighs the gra1 vimetric bulk material content inside the IB. Less material in the rotor results in a higher angular speed. 1: rotor wheel.040.00-d-GB .00-d-GB www. 10: suspension frame. 5: rotor housing. 6: tow-bar to load cell. 3: outlet. 8: airsupply for purge air.and longterm. This results in an extremely accurate feedrate with variations of less then ±0. With this principle. 3 5 The Weighing Electronics ProsCon® The electrical controller calculates the required speed of the motor for the time of the discharge.Function Principle How does the system work? The Function Principle The pulverised material is transported in the chambers of the rotor wheel the feeder from the inlet outlet (3) (2) (1) inside 10 2 A 8 7 4 A 9 6 towards the . so-called prospective control ProsCon®. A-A eccentric weighing axis. The loading of the rotor in relation to the angular section is stored by the weighing electronics. The speed of the rotor is controlled inverse to the loading of the rotor at the outlet. 3/17 IB. It uses the set feedrate and the measured bulk material mass for the calculation of the angular speed of the rotor (see chart).pfister. To achieve high accurate feeding. the chambers are (4) completely emptied. more material in a lower speed. It is suspended on a eccentric weighing axis A) through the middle of inlet and outlet. At the outlet. 9: weighing bearing. Pfister FRW. the material falls out of the feeder by gravity. The gravimetric measuring value provides information on the bulk material mass in the rotor weighfeeder before the material leaves the feeder. The rotor hous- cover the rotor and provides a com(A- pletely closed and dust tight system. With the proactive Pfister rotor weighfeeder. 5: Pfister CPI. (Profi-Bus DP. not the other way round.pfister. Device Net) Analog/Digital-Hardwired Interface. the material mass is measured before it leaves the rotor weighfeeder.040. Network-Interface.00-d-GB www. T M 5 process interface CPI CAN 6 feeder controller CSC FC Motor Control Center To plant control system Electronic control 1: pre-bin. Reactive. That means that the speed of the rotor is adjusted before the material gets discharged into the system. 6: Pfister CSC Reactive Control Compared to Pfister’s Proactive Control Strategy Other feeders are based on a reactive control (follow-up) rather then a proactive control. The measured deviation is already sent to the process. Pfister Prospective Control ProsCon® (Forward looking / pro-active) 4/17 IB. 3: flow-control gate or star-feeder. Deviations in feedrate is measured and the prefeeding is adjusted. This also requires a very fine and sensitive pre-feeding device. 2: shut-off gate.00-d-GB . Follow-up Control. 4: rotor weighfeeder FRW.040.Function Principle Pfister Rotor Weighfeeder Controller All data are collected in the: Pfister CPI—Can Process Interface (at feeder and transferred via CAN-Bus to the: Pfister CSC—Can System Controller (in MCC (6) (5) 1 ) 2 3 Power supply ) M 4 The communication between the Pfister CSC and the plant control system can either be via: Serial-Interface (ModBus RTU). 4: material extraction devices. It is not necessary to have a highly accurate and constant pre-feeding. Smart design with only one moving part. Less necessary height of the pre-bin. 6: aeration bottom. It is no additional dedusting necessary. 5: rotor weighfeeder.Benefits What are the benefits? Benefits in Installation Because of. the system is extremely reliable and problem free.00-d-GB . The rotor weighfeeder is an advanced mechatronic system..1 meters. Feedrate 160 t/h. Only steel in contact with bulk material. The communication to the local plant control system is flexible and works absolutely IB. Less wear because of slow speed of the rotor. The special installation shown on the right is running since 7 years without any problems. 5/17 IB. Only one bearing which is additionally purgeair sealed. It is designed for a feedrate of 160 t/h with a total height of only 5.1m.040.. Compact design with minimal installation height. Less Maintenance and Longer Operation Hours Because of. 4 to 8 rounds per minute.00-d-GB www. Optional remote process display RPD.040. the rotor wheel inside. However it is very simple to operate. 2: pre-bin. total height 5.pfister. 1: pre-bin filling. Special pre-bin and Pfister FRW. 3: pre-bin content measuring. No rollers or idlers. All measuring parts and the motor are located on the outside of the system. Less parts reduce maintenance work. Simple and intuitive operation... It is not necessary to clean the rotor weighfeeder since no spillage is possible. Pleas see standard under chapter “Installation”. Completely dust tight. Because of the minimal amount of parts. That means comparing the static weighing of the pre-bin with the continuous gravimetric weighing of the rotor weighfeeder.. Highest possible amount of filler in the cement..040. with steady quality.00-d-GB www. The mixing ration is more accurate and therefore closer to the allowed limits. The feedrate gets adjusted before material leaves the feeder.. Proactive rather then reactive dosing and feeding. the rotor weighfeeder supplies its high dosing-accuracy in a range from 10% to 100% of maximum feedrate. for example fly-ash or limestone. not the other way round.pfister. High accuracy of feeding prevents overfeeding and cyclone block-ups. Because of the short pass-through time of the raw-meal through the pre-heater. This is especially necessary for cement blending or mill-feeding if mixing-ratio or the overall load needs to be changed immediately. 6/17 IB. High measuring load.00-d-GB . If the pre-bin is placed on load-cells.Benefits High Accuracy in Dosing Because of… No influence of pre-bin extraction property on the dosing quality. the closer the whole process can be operated to its best performance. Higher Accuracy in Dosing for Cement Blending Results in. it is easily possible to perform online-calibration. The design enables a high material layer and therefore a high measuring load in the weighing section. Higher Accuracy for Kiln Feed Results in. More accurate cement/filler mixture. The material mass in the rotor weighfeeder is around ten times higher then with a traditional belt weighfeeder. Possibly visible improvement of output. Immediately Adjustable Feedrate Because of its design. Air-flow or the flow characteristics of the bulk material have no influence on the dosing quality. The ProsCon® control strategy ensure virtually no reaction time in changes of the IB. The more accurate and stable the feeding into a continuous process.. No shooting or relative movement of the bulk material possible. This redundant principle give highest accuracy and optimal calculation of total throughput.040. Smoother operation of the whole process. it is necessary to have a high sort-term accuracy. Easy online calibration. pressure and emission characteristics of the whole cement burning process. 040. All maintenance measures carried out by experienced Pfister specialists.00-d-GB www. Pfister CSC in MCC Pfister CPI at feeder Online trouble shooting with optional modem 7/17 IB. Modern Maintenance Management reduces wear FLSmidth Pfister—Augsburg Technical Assistance by Telesupport With WWW Modem on site an optional modem. Maintenance contracts are available. Reduce overall service cost. less overall downtimes. control logic and sensoric interface. experienced FLSmidth Pfister technicians have remote access to controller parameters.Service and Support Modern Maintenance Management FLSmidth Pfister’s experience in maintenance management has been helping cement plants to make the cement production process more efficient for many years. Replacement of crucial parts at the right IB.040.pfister. This makes online help possible for trouble shooting and interpreting events and system messages.00-d-GB . Regular check-up support. The Benefits of MMM: Cost saving pre-planning of kiln outages. Support in spare parts management. Dimensions What are the dimensions? Rotor Weighfeeder Pfister FRW / SRW Series Type Pfister FRW 4. Rotor Weighfeeder Dimensions Here: Type Pfister FRW 4.18 Pfister FRW 4.20 Pfister FRW 4.00-d-GB www.14 Pfister FRW 4.000 kg 3.900 kg 9.) (approx.040.300 kg 4. 8/17 IB. Feedrate max.040. Pfister FRW 4.18.900 kg 6. max.200 kg 60 t/h 180 t/h 350 t/h 480 t/h 700 t/h *feedrate depending on bulk material density.00-d-GB IB.) Weight . 350 t/h Side view. Top view.pfister.) Feedrate* 40 t/h 120 t/h 300 t/h 450 t/h 600 t/h Feedrate* (cement. max.22 Rotor Ø 1000 mm 1400 mm 1800 mm 2000 mm 2200 mm (min.) Height 1470 mm 1700 mm 1700 mm 2000 mm 2200 mm (raw meal.18.10 Pfister FRW 4.18. Pfister FRW 4. 2: pre-bin content measurement units. 3 4 5 flow-control gate star-feeder Installation of Pfister FRW with material extraction devices star-feeder or flow-control gate. 9/17 IB. . 5: bulk material dosing with Pfister FRW.Installation How ist the system installed? 2 1 Typical installation of Pfister FRW.040. . 4: pre-bin bulk material extraction devices.00-d-GB www.Star-feeders for feedrates between 0 t/h and maximum 30-35 t/h.040. 3: pre-bin bottom aeration. Pfister supplies: 1: pre-bin IB.Flow-control gates start from feedrates of minimum 3 t/h.00-d-GB .pfister. 040.040. In this case without pre-feeding device. .de IB.00-d-GB www.Installation Cement Blending Pre-ground clinker Fly ash Limestone meal Installation of three Pfister SRWs for online cement blending.pfister. In this special case it is not necessary to use a pre-feeding device because of small feedrates. 10/17 IB. Pfister SRW in the cement blending installation.00-d-GB . the feeder is directly extracting out of the bulk material silo. 2: shut-off gate. 5: rotor weighfeeder.040.040. 1: concrete pre-bin. 5: aeration pipes. 2: extraction box. 1: Pre-bin. 6: aeration pipes 1st Installtion in 1996 for Kiln-Feed at a Cement Plant in Germany 1 2 5 3 4 Pfister FRW for kiln feed.Applications Application for Kiln-Feed at a Cement Plant in Romania 1 2 6 3 4 5 Pfister FRW with pre-feeding devices.00-d-GB .00-d-GB www. 11/17 IB. 3: extraction devices.pfister. 4: rotor weighfeeder. 4: discharge IB. 3: flow-control gate. Applications Replacement of a 25 Years Old Pfister Belt Weighfeeder for Kiln-Feed at a Cement Plant in Lybia New Installation: Pfister FRW with for 120 t/h.040. Old Installation: Pfister Belt weighfeeder.00-d-GB www. Application for Cement-Blending at a Cement Plant in Germany 12/17 IB.00-d-GB IB.pfister. 040. Feedrate 250 t/ IB.Applications Replacement of an old feeding system in Spain New Installation: Pfister FRW 4.00-d-GB www.040.pfister.00-d-GB . Application for Feeding Mill Residues back into the Cement Mill in Austria 13/17 IB. 3: flow-control gate.00-d-GB www. 14/17 IB.00-d-GB .Applications Application for Slag Dosing 1 4 3 2 5 Pfister FRW for slag dosing. 4: discharge spout. 5: rotor weighfeeder.040. 1: diverter IB. 2: shut-off gate.040.pfister. Feedrate: Feedrange: Accuracy: IB. designed.Applications What are the technical facts? Pfister FRW / SRW Application: Highly accurate. (Profi-Bus DP.040. Electronic Controller: Pfister CSC controller with proactive control strategy ProsCon® Design: The rotor weighfeeder is engineered. gravimetric feeding of all kind of pulverised bulk materials.0 t/h to 700 t/h 10% to 100% ± 0. assembled and tested in Germany.pfister. Electronics Temperature Range: Standard: With heater : * 0°C to +40°C -20°C to +40°C 0°C to +55°C Certification: DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 With cooler*: *installed in local electric cabinet Interface to Plant Control System: Serial-Interface (ModBus-RTU).00-d-GB . DeviceNet) Analog/Digital-Hardwired Interface.040.5% over the complete feedrange 15/17 IB.00-d-GB www. Network-Interface. 00-d-GB .htm Product animations http://www.htm Brochures Brochures.00-d-GB Pfister DRW Pulverized fuels Pfister FRW Powdered products Pfister TRW-K Crushed raw coal Pfister TRW Coarse products Pfister VRW Powdered products Pfister TRW-S Alternative fuels 16/17 Product datasheets Special-interest articles To see to the contend of your interest please click on the links below on our website: Press articles http://www. pfister. +1 610 2645110 F.P.c.400 067 India T.00-d-GB . Quentin Fallavier France T. +33 474 955544 F. Brazil T. 2158 Avenue C.490 Jundiai S. +86 532 877 60380 F. PA18017-2148 Technology Department: engineering@pfister. T. China C-3A15. + 91 22 2868 2311 F. +49 821 7949 0 FLSmidth Pfister GmbH China Western Part of Songshan Road Qingdao Airport Industrial Zone Chenyang District 2661g09 Qingdao P. +60 3 7728 2039 F. R. +60 3 7727 2039 pfismal@streamyx. +1 610 2645537 [email protected]. Govt. Sales Department: [email protected] IB. 905 .040.040. +33 474 945075 pnl@pfister. 51 13. Centre Wing Metropolitan Office Suite Metropolitan Square. 124. 70 86165 Augsburg Germany T. + 91 22 2868 2145 [email protected] FLSmidth Pfister Ltda. +55 11 45266744 F.. +49 821 7949 524 www. +86 532 877 56852 [email protected] FLSmidth Pfister GmbH 6.Contacts Contacts FLSmidth Pfister GmbH Staetzlinger Str. Jalan PJU 8/1 Damansara Perdana 47820 Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia Branches offices & joint ventures FLSmidth Pfister Inc.j. Suite 201 FLSmidth Pfister GmbH Malaysian Branch Transweigh India Ltd. Rue de Bretagne 38070 IB.201 17/17 Service Department: service@pfister. ABCD.00-d-GB www. Rua Vigário J. Industrial Estate Kandivli (W) Mumbai . +55 11 45875711 pfister@pfister-la.
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