PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15

March 26, 2018 | Author: Roberto Mnedez | Category: Capacitor, Mains Electricity, Computer Hardware, Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetism



Product Update Number: Medium Voltage Support – Technical Services Update Title: PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 Product Service Advisory PSA 2010-02-001 ForGe Control Users Original Issued By: Manzoor Memon Revised By: Robert Carriere Reviewed By: Najeeb Bohio Carlos Siri Fred Jason Date: February 02, 2010 December 08, 2010 Date: December 20, 2010 Products Affected PowerFlex 7000 VFD (7000A, 7000, 7000L) ForGe Control Only personnel who have been trained and understand the PowerFlex 7000 MV Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and Bulletin 1500 product line can work on this equipment. Appropriate PPE and applicable safety procedures must be followed at all times. Please refer to the attached sheet. Please submit any questions you have about this document to: Rockwell Automation Canada Inc. 135 Dundas Street Cambridge, Ont. N1R 5X1 Attn: Medium Voltage Support Phone: Fax: Email : 1.519.740.4790 (Option 1 for MV Technical Support) 1.519.740.4756 [email protected] Page 1 of 17 Product Service Advisory PSA 2010-02-001 ForGe Control Users PF7000_4thGen_GEN-15 Line Current Unbalance setting will be reverted back to the original requirements (5% trip. This detection scheme has been further modified in 8. after reading this Tech Note. changes were made in the processing of the Master (Line) Current Unbalance fault (set to a 3% trip level.1 sec delay). This alarm indicates that there exists a potential for capacitor failure.002 and greater.003 or greater. as described in the ForGe User Manual . please call your local RA office for clarification.003.003 up to 8.003 or greater). requiring a revision to the detection scheme. In a few cases. Some of the important steps are duplicated here for a quick reference. In firmware version 8. If any help or guidance is required. 1 sec delay). ANSWER: (details) IMPORTANT: This document is valid for PowerFlex 7000 VFD firmware revision 8. This new alarm ‘Line Cap Failure’ fault (Fault Code 136) provides alternating flashing messages of "Line Cap Failure" and “DoNotApplyMV” and does not allow a reset of the fault unless a specific code is entered.003 to avoid nuisance alarms. Per the Product Service Advisory (PSA 2010-02-001) it is mandatory to upgrade the firmware in all PowerFlex 7000 VFDs on the ForGe Control platform to the latest revision level (must be firmware Revision Number 8. The firmware enhancements and firmware upgrade/download instructions are explained below. 0. these new requirements generated nuisance alarms. requiring all necessary checks and troubleshooting steps to be carried out before re-energizing the VFD. a new alarm and detection scheme has been implemented to determine when the potential for capacitor failure exists. Please download and install firmware version 8. Note that in firmware version 8. This Tech Note also provides the necessary guidelines that must be followed in the event of tripping of the VFD on a fault where there is the potential for capacitor failure. Page 2 of 17 Product Service Advisory PSA 2010-02-001 ForGe Control Users PF7000_4thGen_GEN-15 . Make sure you have all the necessary hardware and firmware before proceeding to download the firmware. and provides instructions for upgrading the firmware.NOTE: The original Customer Letter mailed/posted refers to firmware version 7. for ForGe Control platform for Active Front End [AFE] rectifiers only.003 or greater).003 or higher. the VFD needs to be stopped and isolated from Medium Voltage.001. In firmware versions 7.002 and above.Component Definition and Maintenance chapter (chapter 5). the revised fault detection scheme created nuisance alarms. QUESTIONS: (problem/issue/product change/etc) What are the requirements for upgrading the VFD firmware? What steps need to be taken in the event of a VFD fault where there is the potential for capacitor failure? SUMMARY: This Tech Note explains the firmware upgrade requirements for a PowerFlex 7000 VFD on the ForGe Control platform (must be updated to Firmware Release Number 8. NOTE: To upgrade/download firmware. In a few instances. can you take the following steps to reset the Master Current Unbalance fault and clear the Fault Queue.002 and greater will be as follows: The "Line Cap Failure" (Fault Code 136) will be detected when a Line Current unbalance condition is detected AND a Line Neutral Over-Voltage condition is detected. looking for short circuits or signs of physical damage before attempting to reenergize the VFD. The VFD will prevent resetting the fault and clearing the Fault Queue. In the event of the VFD tripping on Master Current Unbalance fault (in the case of firmware revision 7.XXX). The Current Access will now change to Rockwell. press F10 to get to the Access screen (screen shots for reference only – actual data/detail shown may be slightly different).Changing Access level (F10) Figure 2 . follow the instructions outlined later in this document. scroll down to Rockwell by pressing the down arrow key and enter passcode 42426 and then press the Enter key.XXX) or in the event of the VFD tripping on Line Cap Failure (in the case of firmware revision 8.Entering the Passcode Figure 3 . From the Main screen. You must verify the integrity of Line Filter Capacitors (AFE rectifier VFDs only). 1. Only after testing and confirming the filter capacitors are in good condition. At the Access screen. Figure 1 .Current Access “Rockwell” Page 3 of 17 Product Service Advisory PSA 2010-02-001 ForGe Control Users PF7000_4thGen_GEN-15 . For testing the filter capacitors. the flashing messages as described above would appear on the Main screen as well as on the Alarm screen across the STATUS line.The detection strategy for this new alarm in firmware versions 8. Entering Setup screen (F8) Figure 7 . Figure 4 . Press F10 to exit the Access screen. press the Enter key. With the cursor on Parameters.Exiting Access screen (F10) Figure 5 .Selecting Parameters Figure 6 . At the Select Group screen.At the Select Group screen 3. Figure 8 – select LIST (F7) Figure 9 – select CODE (F5) Page 4 of 17 Product Service Advisory PSA 2010-02-001 ForGe Control Users PF7000_4thGen_GEN-15 . and then press F8 to gain access to the Setup screen. press F7 (List) and then F5 (Code).2. This will take you to the Select Group screen. Now enter 12345 and then press the Enter key. The parameter description “Debug Int 3” will appear on the screen.Entering the password “12345” 5. Press the Enter key again.XXX): At the Select Code screen. Figure 12 . The parameter description “Fault Lock Clear” will appear on the screen. For firmware major revision 7. Press the Enter key again. The cursor will disappear and the new value would be 12345.Entering the parameter#921 “Fault Lock Clear” Figure 11 . press F10 a few times to exit back to the Main screen. Figure 10 . enter 704 and press the Enter key. If you are prompted to save changes. The screen will change to the Modify Parameter screen. Now enter 12345 and then press the Enter key.Ignore Save prompt message (F10…) Page 5 of 17 Product Service Advisory PSA 2010-02-001 ForGe Control Users PF7000_4thGen_GEN-15 . enter 921 and press the Enter key. just ignore the message by pressing the F10 key.Entering the password “12345” For firmware major revision 8.Entering the parameter#704 “Debug Int 3” Figure 11 . At this point.XXX): At the Select Code screen.003 and greater 7.001 and greater (8. Figure 10 . The screen will change to the Modify Parameter screen. The cursor will disappear and the new value would be 12345. starting at minor revision 003 (7.4. or can be obtained from Medium Voltage Product Support. All firmware downloaded via this means is stored in non-volatile Flash memory. The firmware is packaged into a single executable file (with the extension . The following describes how to download new or updated firmware to the VFD using the DPM data port.6.exe).Clearing Fault Queue (F7) For detailed instructions on accessing the Terminal screens and resetting the faults or warnings and clearing the Alarm or Fault queues. Figure 13 .Accessing Alarm screen (F6) Figure 14 . you have 5 minutes to reset the fault and clear the Fault Queue. Note: If you don’t clear the Fault Queue. refer to ForGe User Manual – Operator Interface chapter (Chapter 3). The latest firmware files and the associated Tech Notes are available on http://www.Accessing Fault Queue (F9) Figure 15 .html and the Medium Voltage intranet site.ab. Failure to do so may result in equipment damage or render the drive temporarily When upgrading firmware it is imperative that you review all of the associated firmware release notes as they contain critical information that must be followed (please review applicable release notes in addition to any intermediary release notes). Page 6 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 . Downloading the VFD Firmware Introduction With the introduction of the PowerFlex 7000 Medium Voltage VFD. all VFD control functions are loaded on the Drive Processor Module (DPM) with firmware via a serial connection on the Drive Processor Module at data port J4. the next time you cycle the control power the VFD will fault again on power up. Now. essentially a cable with pins 2. Page 7 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 . Once that has been obtained. The system may also be placed into download mode from the VFD male connector for Drive Processor Module (Data Port-J4).Overview When the system is powered up. Preparation for Downloading Firmware Required • • Laptop running on Windows operating system A null-modem cable with a 9-pin female connector for the laptop serial port. 3 and 5 is all that is required. (A serial cable with pins 2-3 swapped at one end will also work) Latest copy of the VFD firmware file (filename. from the main screen selecting UTILITY-TRANSFER-SYSTEM will place the VFD into download mode. Although the above cable will work. This can only be accomplished if you have obtained a minimum of ‘ADVANCED’ level access.exe) VFD Access level must be at least ‘Advanced’ or higher (Service or Rockwell). then the entire system will drop into a download mode. and a 9. the VFD executes the Application Code contained in the on-board flash memory. • • Here is a typical pin out of a complete null-modem cable. If it does not have valid firmware. In the download mode the system is waiting to receive a firmware download via the serial data port J4 on the DPM. and saved to any other external source such as the Flash Card. F7 (TRANSFER). Press F10 again to EXIT. Use the Up and Down arrows to select the character. You should now be on the following screen: In order to save parameters to the Operator Interface Terminal. The parameters should now be saved to NVRAM. Press the Enter key when finished. and then F5 for NVRAM.Saving Original Settings Ensure the parameters are saved to NVRAM. Then press F4 (DRV>CRD). Page 8 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 . Remove the back cover and insert the card in the slot on the terminal. you must first insert the card in the terminal. DriveTools. and then use the Right arrow to go to the next character. and F8 for YES. Press F2 (UTILITY). It can only go in one way. Press F10 to Exit. and highlight Advanced. or printed to a hardcopy. and F4 (PARAMETERS). press F5 (DRV>MEM). or enter the password value (if password required) and you should have Advanced level access. and saved to the Operator Interface Terminal. Press Enter. To save to the Flash Card. Saving to the card means that you will have to choose a file name. Press F5 for SAVE. To save to the Operator Interface Terminal and Flash Card. Press F10 (Access). Ensure the VFD is stopped. and the E-Stop is pressed. and a screen will appear telling you that you are in download mode. There are two status LEDs (D9 and D11) on the DPM. and the parameters will be transferred to the card. which provides indication of the programming process. You will not be able to do this if the VFD is running. The following illustrates the states of the LED: Solid Green – when both LEDs are solid green. you should be in the UTILITY – TRANSFER screen. Press F10 to EXIT.Press F8 for YES. After putting the VFD in download mode. This is just a precaution. Flashing Green – when either D9 or both LEDs are flashing the board is in download mode. the following is displayed on the VFD terminal: If you press any Key after this message the Terminal will show: COMMUNICATION ERROR Page 9 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 .xxx and later will not allow you to attempt a download while running. Download Mode To place the VFD in download mode. This time press F9 for SYSTEM. the application firmware is running. as all versions of firmware 7. The following screen will be displayed: Page 10 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 . Locate the PowerFlex 7000 Medium Voltage VFD firmware (example of an executable file: “PF7KSupport7004A. The executable program will open the following screen: 3.Method to Download Firmware The following illustrates how to download firmware on the PowerFlex 7000 VFD. just select the checkbox across firmware and click OK. Therefore. Double click on the file to download the firmware. The method involves two steps. Connect your laptop to the DPM data port J4. attempting connection to the VFD. This will start the process of the downloading of firmware. The DPM are preloaded with Bootcode. which are explained below: 1.exe”) 2. The completion of the download is displayed on the screen as shown. After downloading new firmware. IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO REVIEW ALL FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTES FOR CRITICAL CHANGES. To reload the parameters from the Operator Interface. Page 11 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 .The progress of the download is continuously displayed on the screen as shown. once again obtain ADVANCED level access. Reloading the Parameters IT IS IMPORTANT TO REFER TO THE PRODUCT SAFETY ADVISORY BEFORE UPGRADING FIRMWARE. and the difference is that you will first get a screen asking you to choose from all the available parameter listings on the card. the Drive boots automatically. Then follow the same steps to get to the UTILITIES (F2) -> TRANSFER (F7) -> PARAMETERS (F4). You can also transfer from the Card to the VFD using F2 (CRD>DRV). and you can press F8 for YES. The parameters will then be transferred. Then choose F3 (MEM>DRV). This will prompt you for confirmation. via software or as a hardcopy. and press Enter.002 and higher. 3. and the VFD will be ready to run.003 to 8.00 sec Recommended Setting 0. IMPORTANT: 1.05 pu 1. You should then press F5 (NVRAM) from Main Menu Screen. press the F10 (EXIT) key to get back to the main screen. This can be verified after cycling the control power. and this should be understood from reviewing the release notes beforehand.03 pu 200 msec 0.100 sec 2. Once the parameters are transferred. Then cycle control power. At this point you may also want to save the parameters to the Terminal.05 pu 1. New parameters may need to be changed for the specific VFD application.05 pu 1.00 sec 0.03 pu 200 msec 0. Page 12 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 . For firmware revisions 8.Select the one you want using the arrow keys. and the VFD should come up with no faults or warnings. the Line Current Unbalance Trip and Delay can be left at their default values: Parameter Group Drive Protection Drive Protection Drive Protection Drive Protection Drive Protection Linear Number 108 109 868 869 871 Parameter Description Line CurUnbalTrp Line CurUnbalDly LineCurUnbal Lvl Cap Trip Dly CapNeutVolt Lvl Default Setting 0.03 pu 0. the Flash Card. Make sure you save all above changes to NVRAM. Then you can press F8 for Yes and transfer the parameters.00 sec 0. the parameter P868 ‘LineCurUnbal Lvl’ can be increased to 5% if there are nuisance trips. and save the parameters to NVRAM.10 pu Recommended Setting 0.10 pu NOTE: For 7000 A-Frame (Bulletin Number: 7000A) drives. For firmware revisions 7. It is important to go through the parameters and ensure the settings are proper for the VFD.001 you need to ensure that the Line Current Unbalance Trip and Delay are set as shown in the following table: Parameter Group Drive Protection Drive Protection Linear Number 108 109 Parameter Description Line CurUnbalTrp Line CurUnbalDly Default Setting 0. This will provide a record of the new settings. It is recommended that you should use this method since it avoids the chance of creating re-torque issues because you don’t have to disconnect the capacitors unless the readings are off by 15% or more. Perform visual inspection to ensure there is no oil leak or bulge in any of the capacitors. 4. Verify that all circuits are voltage free using a hot stick or appropriate voltage-measuring device. In this method. The first method is simple. easy. 3. The second method involves disconnecting all capacitors from the circuit. Ensure there is no power to the equipment before testing the capacitor. Verify the load is not running due to process. 2. If the difference between the highest and the lowest readings is below 15% then all capacitors are in good condition. and testing each capacitor individually by applying 120V across each phase-to-neutral and measuring the current in each phase. you would need a digital multimeter (DMM) to measure the capacitance in micro-Farad (µF) across each phase-to-neutral of the capacitors. First Method: 1. 5. Failure to do so may result in injury or death. Verify that there is no voltage present on the capacitor by using a hot stick or any other appropriate voltage-measuring device. For accurate measurements. A freewheeling motor can generate voltage that will be back-fed to the equipment being worked on. This method is most accurate and can be used to confirm the integrity of the capacitor when the readings from the first method appear to be unsatisfactory. ensure the main power has been disconnected before working on the capacitor. Using a DMM measure the capacitance across each phase-to-neutral of capacitors without removing any connections. Follow appropriate safety steps to isolate the equipment from medium voltage. and takes least amount of time to check the capacitors. To prevent electrical shock.Testing Filter Capacitors Two methods of testing/checking the capacitors are explained below. Rockwell recommends that you should use one of the DMMs given in Appendix A. Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 Page 13 of 17 . 2. 8. Verify that all circuits are voltage free using a hot stick or appropriate voltage-measuring device. (Refer to “Filter Capacitor Replacement” guidelines in ForGe User Manual . Before disconnecting the capacitors. Ensure there is no power to the equipment before testing the capacitor. 9. ensure the main power has been disconnected before working on the capacitor. Verify the load is not running due to process. Second Method: 1. Page 14 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 .6. If more than one capacitor is used in the circuit. 1. note the location of all the cables and mark them accordingly. Verify that there is no voltage present on the capacitor by using a hot stick or any other appropriate voltage-measuring device. A freewheeling motor can generate voltage that will be back-fed to the equipment being worked on. then you might have a bad capacitor. 4. 3. To prevent electrical shock.Component Definition and Maintenance chapter (chapter 5) for using proper torque when reconnecting the capacitors). If the difference between the highest and the lowest readings is off by 15% or more. Disconnect power cables from the capacitor terminals on all four bushings and isolate them from the capacitor. (Refer to “Filter Capacitor Replacement” guidelines in ForGe User Manual . Perform visual inspection to ensure there is no oil leak or bulge in any of the capacitors.Component Definition and Maintenance chapter (chapter 5) for using proper torque when reconnecting the capacitors) Repeat step 5 to check each capacitor separately to confirm which one is defective. Failure to do so may result in injury or death. then you would need to isolate each of them and check them separately to identify which one is defective. Note the location of all the cables and mark them accordingly. Disconnect power cables from the capacitor terminals on all four bushings and isolate them from the capacitor. 7. g. If it is outside this range then the capacitor must be replaced. 50Hz. f = frequency of the applied voltage. The capacitor will charge during this test so care must be taken to prevent a shock or injury.the capacitor under test is rated at 400kVAR.5. I = 1.861A Calculate the capacitance using the first reading. Now.14 × 50 × 106. Page 15 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 . In this case: V = 200V. Phase . Switch on the test power and measure the test voltage and current drawn by the capacitor. calculate the capacitance from the measured values of test voltage and current. e. across a phase and the neutral of the capacitor. 6. the calculated capacitance value for each of the three readings should be within +15% of the capacitor nameplate micro-Farad. you can calculate the capacitance for the remaining two measurements for L2-N and L3-N.7 µF Where.95 C= 1 C=1 2π f Xc 2 × 3.2OF. for instance 110V or 220V. 6600V. For a good capacitor. 29.87 = 106. You are using 200V. 50Hz test power and have recorded the values of voltage and current for each test as given in the table below. Similarly.866A L3-N 200V 1. Example: An example is given below to illustrate how the capacitance value is calculated.Neutral Test Voltage Measured Current L1-N 200V 1.87 for L1-N Xc = V/I = 200/1. When moving the test connections from one phase to the next. wait for at least five minutes until the capacitor is discharged.95 C = 29.87A L2-N 200V 1. . Repeat the test for all three phases and note down the test voltage and current. Using a hot stick or other voltage-measuring device verify that the capacitor is fully discharged before touching it. Connect a low voltage single-phase test power. BK Precision LCR/ESR Meter.fluke.bkprecision.] Fluke 12 (Figure 18) Fluke 29 (Figure 19) Fluke 87V (Figure 20) Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Page 16 of 17 Figure 20 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 .] Fluke 179 (Figure 17) … [www. 5.Appendix A Recommended Digital Multimeters (DMM) to be used for checking filter capacitors 1. 4. Model 885 (Figure 16) … [www. the copy of latest VFD settings must be sent to MV Tech Support by e-mail at [email protected] or greater). minor revs 001 and 002). After upgrading the firmware. Added information pertaining to new firmware release (major rev 8. 2.Component affected: None Product affected: PF7000 ForGe VFDs (7000A.0 3. 2010 March 25. 2. Reloading Parameters and Testing Filter Capacitors Corrected PSA and documentation references. 2010 for record and future reference. Edited for clarity and consistency. Description Original document Corrected null modem pin assignment Corrected LED status under Download Mode Deleted “Setting Elapsed Time” Added a method for testing filter capacitors Edited a few paragraphs in the Tech Note April 27.0 Fred Jason Reviewed Downloading Firmware. 3. minor rev 003). 2010 7. 2010 October 15. 1. Factory Corrective Action: Not required Required Field Action: It is mandatory that the firmware in all medium voltage PowerFlex 7000 VFDs with ForGe Control platform be upgraded to the latest version (8. 3. 2010 8. Revised parameter settings table.0 Author Manzoor Memon Manzoor Memon Manzoor Memon/ Fred Jason 1.0 2. 7000. 2010 February 19. 2. Added information pertaining to new firmware release (major rev 8. 7000L) with AFE rectifier.0 Carlos Siri Fred Jason Robert Carriere December 08. Edited a few paragraphs in the Tech Note. Edited for clarity and consistency. Edited a few paragraphs in the Tech Note. Page 17 of 17 Product Service Advisory PN2010-01-010 PF7000_4th Gen_GEN-15 .0 5. 2010 1. 2. Document Revision History: Date Revision February 02. 1. 1. 2010 May 3.rockwell.0 6.0 Robert Carriere December 20.
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