Petrie, Memphis (i)
March 20, 2018 | Author: Raquel Agrás |
NYUIFA LIBRARY 3 1162 04538694 4 BRITISH SCHOOL OF ARCHAEOLOGY EGYPT IN AND EGYPTIAN RESEARCH ACCOUNT FOURTEENTH YEAR, 1908 MEMPHIS I. BY W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE WITH A CHAPTER BY J. H. WALKER LONDON SCHOOL OF ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, W.C. AND n, BERNARD QUARITCH GRAFTON STREET, NEW BOND STREET, 1909 W. ^ tt ^ ~ A M .'"^ B. H. BLACKWELL Ltd. . R. . FLINDERS PETRIE Hon. W. D... F. (Scot. Hon. GOWER IN EGYPT STREET.D. WALKER LONDON SCHOOL OF ARCHAEOLOGY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.L.C. NEW BOND STREET. Ph. 1909 W. Litt. F.) MEMBER OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL GERMAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTHROPOLOGY. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WITH A CHAPTER BY Dr. 1908 BRITISH MEMPHIS I BY W.A. F.S.A.S. LL.SCHOOL OF ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT AND EGYPTIAN RESEARCH ACCOUNT FOURTEENTH YEAR. BERLIN MEMBER OF THE ROMAN SOCIETY OF ANTHROPOLOGY MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY EDWARDS PROFESSOR OF EGYPTOLOGY.. J.D.B. H. M.C.D. AND II.. BERNARD QUARITCH GRAFTON STREET.. WATSON AND VINEY.PRINTED BY HAZELL. LD. LONDON AND AYLESBURY ^^/-'V'-^^r^ . and J. GOWER STREET. *J. LONDON. ADDRESS THE HON. Prothero Dr. promises more costly than any other work cannot be suitably carried out without increasing the present income of the Active support is required to ensure the continuance of such work. Walker. i. Richmond W. students associated with his work in past years. Treasurer: c/o H.. and many is Prof. cotirse — Prof. This body Flinders Petrie. Strong Mrs.C. Reisner Macalister Honorary Director more Dr. S. which depends School. James Bryce Rt. A. T. the and the suitable that support has had for But it W. Rt. Gregory Foster G. Macan Mahaffy G. C.C. C. F. most valuable Egypt. at University College. Egypt to Egypt than it present makes it the even greater at in that also the basis of the excavations of Prof. HowoRTH Baron A. Newberry D. of training of Flinders Petrie students of England is in results.C..C. will necessarily be far The in land. G. AND EGYPTIAN RESEARCH ACCOUNT IPatron THE EARL OF CROMER. Q. Bonney Dr. Dr. A. G. Fleet Street. E. J. R. Etc. Hon. B. Bury *SoMERS Clarke Edward Clodd Prof. Prof Montague Walter Morrison Prof.M. Hogarth Sir H. Child's entirely antiquities not retained Bank. given to a British School excavation of the temples and city of Memphis. von Hugel *Miss Eckenstein Dr. is who great enterprise of the now been undertaken. GENERAL COMMITTEE Lord Avebury Walter Baily Henry Balfour Prof.Q. Boyd Dawkins Prof.. Green Dr. Percival Dr. BRITISH SCHOOL IN EGYPT. H. Freiherr von Bissing Members) {* Executive Ernest Gardner Percy Gardner *Prof. The by the Egyptian Government are presented to Public Museums. W. \^^2Wi *. Gowland Mrs. Milne — Mrs. The accounts are audited by a Chartered Accountant. Prof. TiRARD Prof. Headlam Hon. Pinches Hensley ( Chairmaii) Prof. SECRETARY. E. and published in the Annual Report. P. E. Prof. G.B. *Sir Robert Crum E..C. Dr. Frazer Alan Gardiner is in Secretaries of providing Greece and Italy . "W. T. Etc. G. during July. . it on personal contributions. W. R. Scott Moncrieff Robert Mono Sir C. Treasurer The need F. Q. —*(/« the only such agency.I. Haddon Jesse Haworth Dr. K. Goldie Sir G. Dill J. Dr. which has the Towry Whyte election) Hilda Petrie and *Dr.S. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. Price. after the Annual Exhibition. and each subscriber receives the annual volume.BRITISH SCHOOL OF ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT. RiDGEWAY Mrs. relation should be Sir W.. J. H. Honorary Page May W. . XXI 29. IV. 34.. I. 13 13 XXXIV PI. 21. Ear 7 43. Inscriptions. THE WEST HALL OF PTAH. II 5 CHAPTER tablets. . . etc.. The temple of Proteus and the foreigners 8. XII.. 16. XXXIII stone-working.. Lotus capitals 6 Pis. PI. i . Altar tablets. 8 45. VI . II 12 etc. Other foreign settlements 4 Outline of excavations 4 ID.. . . Reliefs.. Other . II site. X. 9 4 II PI. Temples of Hathor. XXV PI. PI. XXIV Columns. XIX 38.2 . 12 .. XXVIII . XVIII. 14.. 14 LI. Altar and endowment 6 41. 10 . Foundation deposit. PI. IX 6 . etc. 2.5 . . . THE RECORDED TEMPLES OF MEMPHIS. 9 10 CHAPTER V 32. Ill PI. 5 walls 6 . 37. Stele and 18.s. Pis. . 8 44. XVI... VII. 4. Khnum. Objects . LIII.. . stele. V. Detail of West Hall.. 15. Temples of Osiris. 12 . 40. VIII. XXII 27. PI. . 19. IV XIXth DYNASTY. PI.. Pis. Condition of remains The court. 15 LIV IS . Late sculpture. Small objects. XXXI. Lintel of Tetu 6 17. XXVIII. .. Circumstances of the work .. 23. XIII Pl. and Pis.. etc.. of Ptah.. SECT. 20. CHAPTER I 24.. ... XVII Pis. Building of Siamen.. . XI. . Hall.S.. XVIHth DYNASTY AND EARLIER. Its history 2 5. Size of the city i 3. XV. PI. . Small 7 42. of Apis XX Pi. XIV.. LI I Pis. Plans... THE MONUMENTS. 14 XLVI— Pis. 3 30.. XIX Pi. Great gate of camp 36. 10 XXVI 10 XXVII 10 THE TEMPLE OF MERENPTAH.. The skew front The colossi The passages and 1 3. CHAPTER State of the 12.. . 33. 11. tablets. Pis. PI. 9. Scarabs. 3 31. . .. Breccia statue.. Colossi. 7. PI..CONTENTS CHAPTER INTRODUCTION PAGE SECT.. I . Pis. PI. XXVII The town around The small objects. PI. from Athribis.. etc. CHAPTER VI THE LATER ANTIQUITIES.. 35.. XXIX 12 Gateway of Ranuser. 22. XXIII 28. 3 .. Inscriptions from Rifeh. 8 ... XLV 13 . statuettes. 26. PI. II III THE MONUMENT. Blue-glazed pottery. The temple The temple 6. Neit.. False doors. Views of West 25. XXXII 39. XXXV and Syrian. 48. Index etc. Persians PI. 49.. Altar of Amenhotep. By DR. THE TERRA-COTTA HEADS. Ramessu PI. . 50. Breccia statue. . VI .CONTENTS VI CHAPTER CHAPTER VII THE INSCRIPTIONS. XXXVI 15 53. Scythians. stele. . LIV . Endowment stele. Pis. PI. Babylonians.16 Date of the heads 47. WALKER. V PI. 17 57.s. XLI— XLIV J. LII . . Pl. H. 51. . etc. VIII steles. VIII— XVII Pi. XXXVIII XXXIX PL XL Pis. 17 59. 46. . XXXVII. Egyptians.. PI. Inscriptions of 17 58. XVIII II... .18 . PI. 19 20 20 20 21 23 . . XXVI . XXXII Pis. Ptah 16 56. 54. . 52. Greeks. PAGE SECT.. XVII Ith dynasty 16 55. PAGE SECT. — PI...18 . Coptic inscriptions. Indians. . .LIST OF PLATES WITH PAGE REFERENCES TO THE DESCRIPTIONS I. II. . this equals this would imply the use of a stadium of just . and 1300 along the sea (lengths of about 120 and 210 miles). The whole 150 stadia in size of the city is stated to have been circumference (Diod. if Greek 17^ miles. last the position of the British School of Archaeology seemed so solid that we ventured to attack so large a work. Mr. The plain was about 4 miles wide. stadia. Ward took charge of the considerable budget. was spent gether about three months of full work on the place. and fogs which abound at that time of year. and no subject there can be worked out in less than two or three years. But it will need a where build Mr. I LIBHAKY . by El Manawat. miles. the 150 would equal 24^ miles. damp Ptah temple and the Herr Schuler did some surveying. Probably a large part of this area consisted of gardens and fields belonging to the various villages. owing to the cost of labour on difficulties raised the information sides. leaving either 9 or 16 miles according to the stadium used. iv) . Mackay attended great fort. Gregg planned the small temple. the we can from ancient our guidance. winters). are nearly authorities all for that . was needful the Schuler accordingly went there Merenptah temple. from Dahshur to the north of Abusir. like the component villages and towns of London. I have to thank would be 8 In beginning to examine so great a city as it to soil. Memphis. Our excavations started at the end of January. make it all the more urgent to take the place in hand as the water has subsided. 26 were finished amid the rain. The latter is for the it 4J or apparently correct . making 8 miles long. now Kafr el Qala'. Mr. and the of private ownership. soon as we can. well on Jan. i. owing difficulties. in Herodoto-s. But as the delta is described as being 750 stadia at the side. and only and Strabo is unyields a few further points about 8 miles for the city. and the next year Sir William Garstin urged the desirability of At it. which were agglomerated to form the capital. tion. Miss Herford 2. To clear the I. Two the to I long hesitated about this excava- years ago Prof Maspero suggested it to me. opposite Dahshur and the north side would then be at the group of villages fortunately very brief about Memphis. A only time enough to sample various parts season is of such a site. so the two ends of the city I THE RECORDED TEMPLES OF MEMPHIS. the to the Wainwright drew many of the plates here publishedi Altoand Mr. CHAPTER it above . and other work drawings. is needful to glean all to south. length of the cemeteries along the desert suggests References the inscriptions. and went on till the first week in May.MEMPHIS I As we hope INTRODUCTION to be many for years on the site during the spring months (minor excavations else- The work at Memphis stands on a footing any previous excavations of mine. If this Egyptian measure was used. Diodoros mainly copied from Herodotos. London from Bow This would be the size of northern to Chelsea. 3 to begin building. sites is only possible to work for a few weeks after But the rapidly increasing constant and unchecked appropriation of the site by the peasantry. such a scale. and the account by remain to help us. mud. and from the Thames up to Hampstead. will occupy the quarters Ward and Herr Mr. and a fair beginning of this great undertaking was well started. The south side was probably at a fortress. for inking in several plates of pencil 500 cubits of 20'6 inches. different from temple as it alone would take probably twenty years. and I followed on before the middle of February our quarters Jan. the place of which is marked on the map. enclosure of the temple of Amen at Karnak.). colossus in front of the temple. a part of the veneration of animals The (Breasted. 99). but those cities and an entrance more to the east would only open on to the lake. I). signed the capitulation in palace. its Egyptian From the beginning Memphis was the from the river. Next Asychis "built the eastern propylaia to the temple of Ptah. position of the temple of Ptah as his statues have been found I). statues is Psametek (H. and therefore may yet be found. Egypt extends Roman Roman emperor. In front of the temple to the bull Apis. Rhampsinitos the ruined temples (Harris Pap. I (Ramessu life. and to have built a forecourt on the north. The temple of Apis was therefore the primitive settlement of the place. and covered. Sekhmet and and he made a new image. but this by far the : most" (H. yet he has preserved his notes of a circuit round all the gates of the temenos of Ptah though he did not .THE RECORDED TEMPLES OF MEMPHIS 3. ii. granite containing the triad of Ptah. When more is that until it is useless to the ancient constructions are dis- Several different parts of the temple of Ptah are mentioned by Herodotos. which Herodotos saw lying face up it was seventy-five feet long. In such a centre 4. government and trade. i. II) is said to have brought great stones temple (H. and probably could not inside the sacred — describe enclosure. civilisation. and the temples of nineteen gods are mentioned in various sources. 1 first each of twenty his four sons. propylaia of red granite the dedication of which Thus we have seen the at we eastern entrance. of these is of the map. and a temple in the midst of the temenos (B. great centre of as large blocks of red granite are lying about there. of granite below and limestone above. of 260). XlXth dynasty we the Sety work of the it XXVIth . 108). that though Herodotos divided his statements into their historical positions. and new Nefertum Also he rebuilt sacred bark for the processions. partly recovered. 176). The first building of the temple is attributed to Menes (H. he is This king succeeded Mcnkaura preceded Nitaqert of the Vlth probably Aseskaf of the IVth dynasty. The history of this capital of from the first king to the last Menes founded Memphis and the . John Makaukas. built the propylaia facing the south I This 153). which occupied as large a space as the traced Records. ii. and other styles of buildings. West Hall and the boundaries of his temenos have been on all sides during the past winter. IVth. The fine reliefs of the IVth dynasty are what would be appreciated by a Greek of the age of Pheidias and this description shews that such sculpture was still existing down to the Persian age. have been south of the XXVI propylaia. he placed two statues of thirty cubits of himself and cubits (H. 136). but make a . (PI. But it was eclipsed by the great establishment of Ptah. are only national episodes in the six In thousand years of of was natural that the gods of many different cities should have a home. dynasty ii. in the is certain. built the propylaia facing west. So the main entrance during the Persian age must have been that to the south. anything that was Incidentally Strabo . which is far the most beautiful and the largest for all the propylaia have sculptured figures. and it was eclipsed at the last by Alexandria. be built ii. should be stated that it is mainly copied from the map of Lepsius {Denkinakr. Upon the same base stood two colossi each twenty These we should e. it twenty-five of one of these now. iii). The oldest object of worship was probably it and others of his wife. ii. ii. For a few centuries Thebes shared its importance. marked on the map is (PI. the which preceded the higher theistic ideas. ii. Arabs the end of to the to (Amenemhat that Moiris the propylaia on the north (H. as colossi are XXVI known is to be would be probable that the dynasty would stand in Aahmes placed a advance of that of the XlXth. Ramessu III built a new temple in the court. read iii.xpect to feet high (H. Next we read governor. 9) as that shews the mounds when more complete than at present but the of Ptah is temenos inserted from recent measurements plotted on to the government survey of the fields. and set two statues before cubits high (H. Rec. of the statue Sesostris well-known colossus. The eastern front would naturally . and . In referring to the sketch map here provided. visible doubtless the as being the usual entrance to a temple The base 121). history. ii. One 10). it . This may have been the forecourt added on to the first building of Menes. Lastly we find that Ptolemy IV built the buried there. the " West Hall known. probably where XII III) built This was loi). marked on the probably where is plan. and its doorHe made a monolith shrine of ways of granite. an exact survey of the whole site will be prepared. surrounded with a peristyle and in which he fed is In place of pillars are colossi of twelve of figures. of Proteus is a temple called after the foreign Aphrodite" (H. and the camp. of Neit seems to have been to the wards to the north of Clearing in- we opened the larger part long by about 100 feet wide it.D. xvii. In this ground a great lintel was found two years during the clearances by the sebakh diggers and covered over after Mr. To the south is marked on the map the presumed . Merenptah . So it would naturally be between the two main sites of building. ago. This distinctly cubits camp shaped as a fortress-plan in the best examples. near Abusir (B. site. all The temple of Amen mentioned (B. the entrance to the Ptah temenos. sculptured by Merenptah. 112).G.GATES AND TEMPLE-SITES OF MEMPHIS mentions a great hypostyle We 2i). clearly is now is covered with crops. Ptah. apparently the Asklepion of Greek times. This authorises our placing the sacred lake in the low ground between the Ptah temenos and the camp. said to be south sign usually translated wall. and the only indication of its position is our 530) finding in the south-west corner of the Ptah temenos .D. 7. i. is said to be north of the is . like that of was a sacred site and it has the not occupied by successive houses same system of modern fields shewing that the central part was all taken under cultivation at one time. This ground is abnormally low. — 176) — . 1098). which was named Ater (B. at the north end. The temple of Apis was of Memphis (B. We " made an when he built his southern aulS (or open court) for Apis. and well furnished. We have already seen that the propylaia of Psametek. it of the position read that Psametek propylaia north of the of the fortress. ii. has been appropriated by the cultivators and places the temple of Apis opposite to the propylaia in The fortress. from the sacred sycomore of the goddess (Pap. ii. whenever he appears.). 120 feet Strabo with a doorway of . Could that be recovered. The ground to the north of the camp (see map) was a mass of mounds and ruins in the time of Lepsius but. called to it by water (Harris Pap. worn by Amen. and the bark of Ptah went It was at Nehat. Rec. XXXII.D. 85). evidently leading further to a temple (see chap. is Proteus. as on PI. at the Qala' is a Kom el region strewn with early Greek pottery of the Vllth century onward. the Ptah temenos. v). B. we might trace a pre-Menite occupation of the site. like so much of the site. camp the court" (H. He then unhappily spends four pages about Helen and the Trojan war. But south of therefore farther south. and bounded by a great wall to the south. Strabo temple of Apis was near the temple in front of the sanctuary of Apis was a of Ptah court where he was exhibited. is iii. Rec. i. and as " mightily beautiful states that the Round about the temenos dwell the Phoenician Tyrians. best is agreeing with the description of the foreign camp. 1- . while it thus added a water defence on this side of the camp. Quibell had photographed Here we dug down. shewing that probably the fortification included the temples And of Apis. Ptah the temple of stated to have been south of the sacred lake is (B. I of a forecourt. . 223). i.G. 2). The Hathor temple lay to the south. as it was round the edges. much favoured by Ptolemy V (Rosetta inscription. then. 1222). shewing that it . 725). and saw a great gateway it. and the whole In this temenos place is called the Tyrian camp. a fragment of colossal upright feathers. hall at the sanctuary of Ptah was included in the White Wall (B. doubtful. and the court of Apis. for the thick walls. and in the court another sanctuary for the dam of Apis (S. iii. Imhotep was worshipped in a temple. verso p. Ptah for as . built opposite to the propylaia. in the time of Ramessu III. in position. whence all the enormous quantity of bricks were dug. Perhaps the building of Siamen may lead us to some Pa-hennu is the name of the Serapeum connection. (xvii. Sail. 31). learn that Memphis (XVII. are said to be south of the temple of Ptah we cannot then look due south for the temple of Proteus. and not gradually encroached upon. I have not succeeded in finding the river approach to it along the eastern side. 33)6. Here the locality. 1257). full 153). where a few lines more of topography would have been priceless to us. 5. and for the great artificial hill of the fort.G. had a spacious temple built by Aahmes and Diodoros who is a poor authority states that it was in the grove of Ptah (D. Whether that means in the temenos of Ptah is Isis (H. The temple 31). in the Tyrian described by Herodotos of Psametek.D. ii.D. as the sacred lake was the brickpit. not far at like those This suggests that his colossus was off. and it is named by 4. Such a position is the more likely.G. lying to the south of the temple of Ptah. so Neit The temenos of King or foreign quarter. The temple of Apis is the next point of importance. i.G. 240). or described farther points. (Br. We XXVIth to largely dynasty. iii. the temenos seems to have been direct north of the Ptah occupied by the lake. . If this were the site of the temple of the Tahutmes. where the nebcs 154 set in area. The temple of the Kabiri was entered by Cambyses. like shrine of Anubis. 146).D. 34a?) If of the lesser size. and on the west of the IV. to be expected that the foreign quarters should along the east nearest side. here (Roug6. . The on the north face tried to reach a corner deposit N. There a quantity of granite is building of late date. There Wall of Sebek be the temple of Anubis.G. Bahti or Fat (Mar. Nicholson and others. a very possible size for a foreign settlement. 37).D.G. are as follows the Great Gate and eastern line of the camp at T. of be Bast had a temple at Pa-penat {Mon.G. by the date of the temple. under the palms around all sides of the Ptah eastern temenos entrance of Ptolemy IV at the .D. though and he which we know The was correlated with the reign of Tausert. with the cartouche of Apries. Our exploratory work was at various Those already named. i. Some . where some blocks were found (PI. then the Kom would be east of the temple. 10. the land of Yah. The set is supposed by Lepsius to be either 40 cubits or 100 cubits in the side (Brugsch. As temples. The Aten was adored II. south of the temple. trees Aegy'ptolcgie. named Aper a temple here. The other parts of the to the river. and of the Apis site building Pithom above . 138). Temple at the Merenptah of . in a place named 46). on. described as north of the temple of Ptah. and the Hittite region might be about H. to Sebek. though probably also worshipped with Ptah in his temple. by the Hathor tablets. cxliii). Div. Sekhmct was at Fuat (B. 1 108). and Tahuti had a temple built by Ramessu Rec. and we should look for his shrine near the Apis region. as shewn in the map any description that we can trace.D. site are not connected with I) — : . Edfou.D. and by many pieces of prehistoric foreign pottery found here. Another foreign settlement by indicated name the It is supposed to be is Pa-ta-yaht. —a platform cellular A it. south of the temple of Tahutmes and I mound which of those lay east to the Kom we en Nawy. at about T on Kom. Not only was there a foreign settlement at the Kom 154 set en Nawy. The as being sons of Ptah. Apparently there was a we read of " the road of Anpu " principal long road remaining. in the place named Uafet. west of the Kom. 48rt) also in Ankh-taui. 9. as the " possibly this might is " also is an allusion named in the Harris papyrus. the would be about two-thirds the area of age (B. There were doubtless many other chapels and dependencies which have escaped record. it seems clear that we have the . How far these names refer to one temple is not known. The latter might be the name of the shrine only. say. but farther north there el been another. temple of Proteus before us. leading to the limestone temple (see building is that east of sacred lake. . 224). (Mariette. naming a settlement of the tion seems to have of an inscrip- Qala'. . date of Merenptah agrees well with the period indicated by The foreign Aphrodite whose temple Herodotos. XXVII). look north of the approach. as described. The structure of that mound was settled to have been like that of the forts of Naukratis. Osiris-Sokar had 8. by the early Greek pottery. all It is stated to be a quarter of Memphis. otherwise Kom me Sayce informed Prof. Roman or the Jews' quarter. Abydos. Ab. finding the Siamen Kom Helul for the pottery kilns and at the West Hall and the pond. Inscr. Other work not here described was a trial on the fort. PI. and sont grew (De Roug6. Sokar is probably a very early god. paved with red granite through Kom en Nawy. 175). We have now some clue to the number of temples that remain to be found in this great capital. Such seems the most likely site to agree with these data. along the east side on the west side. and north of the Ptah temenos.G. south of to support buildings portion of a court on the top contained a fragment of an immense column of white limestone. i. who burnt their images who the Kabiri were we cannot . Thus by the general position in the city. XXVIII).W. Hittites. not be clear lived a little before the Trojan war. Defenneh. . commerce was their purpose. and blocks of the work of Akhenaten were found by Sir Chas..THE RECORDED TEMPLES OF MEMPHIS Proteus came between Ramessu may his exact identification II and III. iii. will It be excavated next season. Khnum was worshipped in a temple near Memphis at Uafet (B. shewing that one of the palaces was of the mound has been added by extra at the walling. and his sacred ram at Hatut (B. 54). 373). as (B. but they are described and him (H. re-using red granite blocks of Amenemhat II and Aahmes-Si-Neit. but were stopped by water.G. was here would be the Egyptian Hathor and in the court of Merenptah we found the only known Memphite tablets of Hathor (PI. in the The actual remains of the colossi are described account of PI. as it had THE WEST HALL OF PTAH. besides thoroughly clearing part of the We Hall and Merenptah temple. If any efficient control of the site were allowed. until we may go below the Ramesside level. at the south then part of the temenos wall. We know of an axial avenue of large columns amid a field of lesser ones at Karnak. this side of the of the wall parallel to the hall . which are was cleared in front of the pylon. Here we may say that the two at the south side entrance were red granite standing figures. parallel the cultivation. but The passage its . and they were each found lying opposite to their respective pedestals. at the western entrance to the temenos. The arrangement of the front is a curious study of accommodation. The small block on the north of it is a smaller supplementary seated figure of Ramessu II. reason for the skew front will be seen map. as other remains. But here there is a colonnade of lesser columns around three sides and a field of sixteen large columns in the middle. XXIII. . or removing any of the palms which cover so much of the government land. shewn on the plan. and the remains of the statues. slightly more than the The letting down of the thickness years ex- the Egyptian govern- steps should be noticed . the greatest pedestal in the middle of the face was so wide that both sides could not be viewed at once. and part of the northern. II. as at Karnak. little and we only regret that so much of appropriated in the what we yet can in last trace is it To few generations. by At various times in the last cavations have been made by fifty end this. as far as the palms allowed thus the bases of the colossi were cleared. peculiar adjustments resulting from that. around West it. The body of the south half of the pylon was cleared over. this difference pylon. so there was not as much to discover. 13. nor extend below that structure in any and the only plan did not take account of the curious skew of the pylon front. but its The dwarf to the pylon face. of the pylon and hall were not much worked. The hall was cleared over all the southern The northern half half. Doubtless. The thus concealing boldly the confusion of angles. the south and . In our work about forty or fifty feet walls in front of the the colossi had to be adapted to this rivalry of angles a stranger did not reach the floor of the Ramesside building in is door was skew. as well But the extent of the official work hand of the southern either many granite part . and so each side was parallel to its adjacent pedestal.FOREIGN SETTLEMENTS AND PLAN OF WEST HALL was done clearing we have tested in the many camp. The scale of these pieces agrees with the sizes of the pedestals. I. and by a piece of the breast it was 35 feet high. was of limestone. The 12. and ignores the pylon But front. where the west side of the temenos not at right angles to the south side. entrance are parallel to the sight line into the The two great statues of Ptah were found here. parts of the site in the season. PI. base bore an alabaster 38 feet high. the larger columns were scheme appeared. The greatest probably seated. and carried a raised roof with a clerestory taller. parts. is passage sharply inclined to is hall. In this plan continuous outlines show existing parts. and previous excavation had gone lower there. see how first great an amount there is to be done. The temenos wall butts against a stone wall of the same width. is hall. down to unmoved stonework. but Thus fruitlessly. much more might be done by stopping the planting of more palms which is constantly going on. That one is curiously irregular in the wrong direction. even without displacing any of the cultivation. side On entrance stood a Their pedestals are between the that of the front of the pylon. Probably of the ground will be unoccupied in the future. CHAPTER 5 At and the main entrance frankly square with the hall and the line. Hence any hall that was square must be farther from the skew front at the north than at east to west. about The figure next to the main entrance figure. as it was more destroyed. and only one of the colossal pedestals remains. and broken outlines indicate probable restorations. to axial passage ment on the region where buildings remain above Now when to is The be thicker at the north end. or to the axis in the is PI. II. The columns in the hall shew an unusual arrangement. though a itself. is really rather is done so as get the pylon thinner at the south end. the first has been recover duty of archaeology Egypt. northern half of the pylon face has almost disap- peared. stone wall too II mainly put into the is appears as a skew in the hall little square with the front. direction of the sight line through the entrance. this The side doorway much skewed. about 22 feet high. nor of the many colossus. the pedestal main sight . to the Cairo Museum. It was removed. Ill. The breadths of the blocks agreed. perfectly cut These were parts of a granite Uah-ka it was The dedicated to Osiris of Ankh-taui and Ptah. in red granite. I found similar block near it I also searched. Vth Cairo Museum. of the Vth dynasty. . PI. IV. which appeared to have been re-used. were used in the core masonry of the pylon. a plan of the under side of the lintel and a copy of the inscription are added in the middle of PI. 1 8. The form is far split in two to use in building. the single outlines are the bases of columns an inner circle shews the lower drum of a column to be in place (see PI. and it is 497 deep back. 16. same name and titles (/. The doorway was about 41 wide. at the cost of the British School. Vth or Vlth dynasty inferior to the beautiful capital of the Amid in the ruins of the the . owing to difficulty of lighting. and pieces of tomb sculpture were used in foundations.THE WEST HALL OF PTAH The 14. III XVIIIth DYNASTY AND EARLIER. which had long been visible to all. . PI. were found parts of lotus capitals. with his ka name Sehotep-taui dX the side. the most complete of which is shewn on PI. wrought stone from Abusir and Saqqara. title. better than that of the Xllth dj'nasty. . and chief of prophets) occur on a Stockholm stele (15) with the name of Amenemhat III. XXI to XXIII. In the foundations. I saw a faint inscription of Ranuser. and the whole doorway was before us. will be seen in the account of Pis. On looking beneath it. In the northern side passage only two square blocks of foundations of columns are left. As I was not able to get a photograph before I left. from the lintel of a doorway. The lintel is 24 inches high. The earliest monuments found were blocks of stone that had been re-used by later kings of the XlXth Ramessu II had brought much pyramids and tombs of The basement of the walls of built of pyramid casing-stones of red granite. and one of 62' 40'. such as the block on dynasty. It seems to shew that some heavy mass stood there. The inscription of King Teta is shewn on PI. Another piece occurs These capitals had been accidentally in PI. Tombs were also robbed. Abusir. engraved inscription. The breadth of the whole lintel has been 104 inches. and 107 inches long the jambs are 28 by 48 inches in plan. table of offerings for a Ha-prince. and imperfect at the ends. 15. XXV. III. Amid lies the ruin of the north half of the West a large block of limestone. But the engraving of this block is so very fine that it seems to belong to the beginning of the Xllth dynasty.«. Ill. the line of it passing over a pond and open fields. plan close together on the south-east Hall . form foundations for columns and limestone casingstones. A Ill. What place other columns bore cannot be traced. 17. but 108 and 1 14 long. In front of the west pylon lay a block of granite much finely It bears part of a long and (PI. we came on a large block of granite. with a fragment at the side of it bearing finely worked buds. XXV. The name office. V). West Hall were three blocks with very delicate hieroglyphs. two being one side and two to the other side. on the western side of the front court of the temple of Merenptah. but that has been cut make room Brussels for the title. Ill. and 38 inches high. XXI). to and found the fellow inscription of the other jamb. shewing to it for the excentric position of the columns. of about seven tons. which was partly copied defaced with difficulty owing to the battered condition. by the he was divine scribe of the record this is Ra-shepses an unusual . the West Hall was the . PI. The wide block of stonework at the north end of the pylon is evidently the stone buttment for the continuation of the temenos wall. The general aspect of the site. base) a broken outline shews the position inferred from others. now totally removed. figure has originally carried a bird in the hand. and is but very little now dynasty from This is probably therefore of the it is now at Manchester. mainly made of granite casing of a pyramid. Then looking at a re-used lintel. This block is away to now in the Museum. 48 deep back. This is probably a doorlintel from Teta's pyramid-temple at Saqqara. The group of blocks plotted on the have been a door jamb. side passage on the south is remarkable the inscription of Ranuser. is a foundation. In the main hall. and the details of the structure. shewing that it had been dedicated in the Sun-temple at Abusir. In the 8th column a long passage has been intentionally . having an angle of 53° 20' (see base Other such stones were inverted to of PI. While clearing the West Hall. To the east of the hall are scattered blocks which I have not succeeded yet in combining into any plan. CHAPTER THE MONUMENTS. of angles from 56' 40' to 57' 30'. A rare title of Ptah is mes uba. Rames and serfs dedicated his sister by Rames. Bak-ne-ra. and with the ears on each side of the head of Ptah. Tum Ra and Sebek. 20. Some The the guardian of the gate. flesh scribe and his sister Thent-ant. The earliest is a large tablet (PI. is . as it has not been filled in here. PI. reminding us of the name of It Memphis." " " disc. If a large number of objects are broken in two. The ears are considered below. the number of pieces that can be joined is to the total of the group. probably not a tenth of fit number has yet been found. and 38. to receive the prayer that and not are ears on put inscription (as S. refer to the tablets in their VIII." rendered probably to be beautiful . space after Bak-ne at The exact meaning of the ears has been looked One view is that they are ears in different ways. ." had about 376 ears. and prayed into. the by the offered is offerings of to Piy. 1904. No. IX." is not certain." . the other view . yet it is only twice found on other A portion of a stele of quartzite sandstone. Whether these phrases are requests to Ptah to 14. Nos. 6. below it. and a chance group of the whole is examined. encourage to sympathetic magic. lost. 30 is interesting for naming the ka of PI. We must translate. No. . No. but if regarded as the ear of the not recorded god. that he No. 19 No. 3 is dedicated by the overseer of the No. Nos." or spert " petition. 4 Uaat. 42) apart from the word prayer. which had been thrown away from a temple of the XVII Ith dynasty. or titles. deputy Aay. that these were the models of the god's ears made to receive and preserve the a god that jection prayers breathed into them. and 150 fragments have been so far recovered. is the the whole offerer. then. different prayers.. No. 30. lord of truth. and the and Again. PI. "the dwelling of the ka of Ptah. is name the only though low now is only half a sign high. 25. XV. would not have so many ears No. tablets is season. Ptah to hear. Now we have several such. the word prayer or erased. But only a small area of the ground has yet been cleared so deep. petition titular. hear prayer. and so probably always in the singular. then. 49. in the West Hall were found many tablets and fragments. 56) an Spiegelberg published example with a prayer this models of ears were thought to be ex voto offerings for recovery of (yRec. No. it might be thought to retain The obthe prayer for the attention of the god. as the group total is to the original total number. 15 has a may listen Amen. see PI. 25 shews that such tablets were made ready for purchase. as " Ptah hearer of prayer. 10. but from the work of I. and XII. p. PI. and likely to fit that . XIII) accounts for the work. It seems more likely. 10. . Now it use of a tablet with only an for is by hearing difficult is to see the and no figure or promoting a petition ear. PI. and is most delicately engraved. and probably refers to the specific prayer. to Trav. probably of signs. This is which had over no ears. 20 is by a . The X. IX) is met by an with account of a god 77 ears and 77 eyes. So as not a tenth of the pieces perfect tablets yet found will together.EARLY MONUMENTS AND EAR TABLETS It names a vizier {mer tint that) Ameny. giving the deadly power of the uraeus to the king is unusual." Beneath foundation the bed of sand of Ramessu II. PI. has the ka of Ptah. by stating that it is for the chief Ptahmes. Mahuati." were worshipped. We see. The inscription (see PI. PI. of these tablets were found in the south- west corner of the building site which is cut away by the pond such are Nos. with the name left blank. suten da liotep to Ptah made by prayer Inspector of the No. perhaps the use of the crown instead of the bee in the royal titles is rare. 11 has the two ears placed on stands as sacred objects. endowments of offerings to Amenemhat I. I and 2 and 3. 36). 7. it by so-and-so. adoring Ptah. About 40 19." so it does not refer to however. 6. 22. Among ear tablets should be noted No. general pyramid-temple {kknum-asut) of Senusert always followed by " made by so-and-so " and though this might refer to the tablet and not to the prayer. VII. The hawk 4. which kas had proves that gods dedicated by the scribe of Ra. and presided over by the winged XI. XIII. Tahutmes IV. lies in front The of the pylon. 8). 21 is by the door-keeper Huy. " Ptah listen to the prayer made tablets hence (33. is The same man. At the base. that the neha is many only to one. artist "producing Art. " prayer. like No. and bears an " adoration to No. the Ptah as adored. 48. We shall numbered order. 46) of Tahutmes I offering (For the reading Sekhmet to Ptah and Sekhmet. Amenhotep king's name VI. would be improbable. PI. 15. on (there are 376 49. subject of the figures of ears on partly explained by the instances found Previously sculptures or complaints. is seems to be of about the period it III. 7. but it is specific of the god. true ro)'al scribe. have been about 108 and 148 inches wide. in is of the true royal scribe. 22 inches wide The lower and the drum with the As this piece is we can roughly estimate the whole. but the . 42. An Aahmes appears also on the next tablet. near the west side of bed of it XIX. In the known . 41 has no inscription a lady adores Min. and shewing that Tahutmes IV had built now dug away. Usert. 35 figure of the offerer has been erased. 8 21. the miner or Sipairi (o). and Sekhmet is The dedication by the Hereditary Prince. facing Ptah 39 is the rudest of all the tablets. and the which must be early in the XVIIIth the stele to (c). which are remarkable. Rough copies of the names and titles are given at the base of PI. XVII. two alabaster after hemi-discs. Kharu. An inscription rolls to Ptah . chester. I) a with a Hathor head-dress. unusual form of altar of offerings. inscrip- XXII.THE MONUMENTS. PI. 33. 22. 36 gives the reading Sekhmet for it is dedicated by Rames. awaiting the discovery of more pieces in future. Philadelphia 11. The imperfect tablets have been left at Memphis. of the architrave. XIXth DYNASTY. foundation its is and left. University College 9. has the names of : on shewn XVIII. has the three vertical bands . . 24. West Hall two fragments of red granite They are parts of false doors. they rest For the columns and account of PI. Menat. in The large cartouches of Ramessu of alabaster has block II on both of the Kha-em-uas" on both of the son. . XX. being of hard limestone XIX. Amenhotep. royal sealbearer. . 38 shews the Theban triad of Amen. the and edges. 27. 13. 5. 43 is a private tablet shewing four women. . XV. we can see the names Huy. now entirely destroyed. names. Passing to the tablets without ears. 40 is dedicated to Ptah and Amen by Qen and Merenptah. others. and its seems to represent four at the foot of PI. PI. shewing the ram of Amen. PI. XX. XVI. 5. dress it is probably of the time of now at Dublin. shewn on notice of Apis. 41 46 sington New York . long 39 10. naming the scribe of Memphis (?) Mer-ra. 35. Mut. 23. 29 Museum. over the house of the elders Among like Memphis. At the west side : it is has the figure of Asthairt or Astarte. Copenhagen Edinburgh 17. This deposit contained a large green . This is the only family stele of the whole group though the inscriptions are rough. like the fighting goddesses of Syria. South Ken- Brussels . and holding a shield and patch of foundation deposit was discovered spear. Most were decayed. (PI. Rochdale . It now It is figure of No. Ramessu on one the finest deposit blocks that are now at Manchester. of Ptah consort the is DYNASTV AND EARLIER of the pond (see map. adored by the lady Nehati. and a pointed piece. 30. 31. No. 38 I. Over the region now occupied by the pond West Hall. PI. Manchester 34 4. British . lordly companion. 1-20. the being of Merenptah.40. Now at Manchisels. PI. 22. no. and Khonsu. PI. Meryt. It of bread laid on the slab. and is the disc with one wing and the uzat peculiar for eye placed at the top. XIX). IX. CHAPTER IV THE MONUMENTS. and proOn bably about half as much again in height. 33 has the figure of the god in relief. 6. . 28. 49. A-a A all with the king's square of alabaster and bronze plain models of knives. 47. and crowbar. along with many small model vases and cups of pottery. 21. and another. 14. Munich 2. Ray. the Metropolitan in the sculptures beneath Ramesside the foundation were also portions of some statuettes. 44. 36. the sand a foundation deposit was found. The lesser names on and the black granite tablet face. the inscription of "the high priest of Ptah. 22. 45. see the 24. is PI. It but one good preservation. 19. 21. and that of Khaemuas on the other face. piece. PI. 26. No. incised . 22 is one piece shewing parts of the square panel. Roma. PI. any future publication of to prevent confusion with We them. XV they are distinguished by letters baking. over the ground glazed tablet. 25. 42 is the most beautifully worked tablet. keeper of is From the Amenhotep III the palace. keeper of the granaries. there has been a building of Ramessu II. 32. axe. No. cartouche Ramessu Mery Amen. 18. These are some of the faces and edges present places of these tablets are as follows faces. of Amen should notice the adoration of the Hapy (G) which is the only quarryman (l). tablet of green glazed pottery has similar The Bristol 43 16. 12. were in the group. Dublin London. see soft limestone. Aahmes. there 31 is JiVIllTH XIV. 37 than later is also in relief. but the other names are doubtful. tion. 1 3. Only the 23. 37. Nana-uab (?). PI. was not found under the foundation and it the rest. New York. in Museum. found with the tablets. the royal name dynasty. XXIII 2 . the left. more smallest were were only half columns projecting from a wall. the longest of which (70 x 175 inches) is shewn in the last view. February. The pumping was continued by alternate pairs of men changing every quarter of an hour. and then pumped out the water to eight feet under the ordinary low level. four thus working by day and four by night. village of a just behind seen again taken from just is due to former excavations for the early statues of the pyramid age. basalt spout.XVIIIth— XIXth dynasty of inscription In the middle and the torus is MONUMENTS AND DETAILS OF WEST HALL and outer edge. and poured it out at a The water ran in fast. The whole length was occupied with figures of cities bearing offeringtrees are as far as the Ptolemaic entrance. lion's paw is is wall the distant which From those in the gap above the end of the wall. PI. in the pieces of inscriptions . The next view shews the clearing of one quarter of the pond. II. This is large inscription seems West of basalt. They were built with the bed of the rock vertical. temple noticed with pottery no. which covers the temple site of Ptah The village in the distance is This curious name appears to mean the hundred mortgages. passage is seen above on the left. were clearly of Ramessu II. looking across the water. are given on PI. There is no room for such chapels in the hall. and the These sections of the blocks. remaining. is seen in the seven which end each of them in a false door. The columns were of varying sizes. 25. A chain of boys handed up the mud in buckets and tins. to the hall in the foreground. as it was dug loose. PI. as also are pieces of a very on that the walls stone—had on the side of a Hall. Such engaged columns are unknown elsewhere. There seem to have been The Hall. by the pump seen in the middle. so it seems that we must suppose the false doors were the foci The painted of the worship of the king in the hall. The pylon. The boys are carrying the earth out from our excavations. The XXII shews the details of the bearing an or roofing. or core blocks in the pylon. resting on a basis of granite casing -stones taken from a pyramid. as the work went distance. XXII. The West Hall is The village is the nearest palm stem. which was possibly wider. and usually in two They have all been re-used for architraves. In PI. and the abacus cut away into a drum of a Ramesside engaged column. some building here made by Ramessu. fallen from the roof of the palm West the basement of has entrance-passage axial of a rubber-diaphragm type taking a four-inch hose trays. II. In the middle line of the plate is one of the dwarfwalls of granite that run out on either side of the The end of the entranceentrance before the pylon. which are probably those of the temple of the pyramid age. The outer sides of the West Hall were of basalt. and the largest 55-6 inches wide. 23 will be the objects of Merenptah. who afterwards pulled it down and re-used the material in the West Hall. On PI. Hall. sunk roll at least 32 inches width of the door. as at the foot of the previous Among the loose blocks is a palm capital plate. PI. The PI. XXIV. The parallel to such false doors in a chapels of Abydos. 27. The pump was the body of which lies to temple buildings extended up trees the 26. shewn in the last view. distant view from near the colossus. probably of the Xllth dynasty. another The 40 inches. the end. XXI the plan of which West Hall. The colossi in front of the pylon are noticed in the description of the plan. upside is reversed here. through the sand bed of foundations. hence the lighting is The channel of the spout is seen on block In the view of the whole West upon them. The first is a are the views of the given in is PI. and name the god Ptah They seem therefore to have been part of Tanen. with the of the middle tree and third pond is to the left of it view to the from is above the Just to the right left. There are many pieces of engaged columns of hard pale drab limestone. but the increased thickness of the side has most likely determined the fracture. and —which were it probably of lime- a band of black basalt along the base and the top. The row of granite columns is down the northern side of the hall. the larger ones fully detached. We divided it by banks into halves and quarters. PI. added inscription of Merenptah. XXI II. the smallest 26-5 to 30-3 inches. till Mitrahineh. and the water was run off along a graded channel to a pond at the farther end of the village. The down in the ruin. the line of columns in the hall is the inner face of the pylon. looking across the temple site. halves. three sizes. XX. The diameters cannot be exactly fixed where only half but the of the column breadth was in one block sections given have the apparent diameter in inches put beside each of them. lower half. The A letters N to at the side of the sections refer to the inscriptions which belong to each block. the view of the pond which in is This pond in front of the pylon. and another of Ramessu III below that. the lower part has been built into a wall. XXV. PI. This base is built of blocks of basalt and the names of captive countries on the side are shewn in the next photograph. . The door of the shrine is represented as open. with traces of the Nile figures above them. The upper block is a relief carved northern divinity of the Nile plants is XXVI. the trunk 79 across at the These and other dimensions imply part. now in Munich. and side view foot is This implies a height of 75 to top of the knee-cap. corner of the temenos. PI. the back the slope across from left. and bearing the names of the king. a height of about 44 feet if standing. as described . The small columns of Ramessu II and III were found in the S. At chapel of Shabaka in the same region columns of the West Hall. PI. 86 inches is figuring of Set in place of Uazit for the colossi . was dated by the ka name of Shabaka on a block of stone. West lies Hall. and front view of the base of on which is lying a leg broken i8'i inches wide. that this . so that by The stone. an important building. The the top edge. Naharin. Kheta. erpat. of the ka royal ka this address to the royal . in . Mad. XXVI. The back that at the As the form. as engraved on the front of the pylon of the West Hall. The whole block is 38 inches high. 30. The face of the basalt fell away soon after being uncovered. XXVII. Probably 5 sculpture. away the brick walls almost they are here restored (solid black) town a long is leading paving of away from shewing the blocks east gate. That of Ramessu II was standing in place on one of the bases of the colonnade. of the person and a is Amarna el and II. 4 at II. 2. red The inscription first granite representing the upper part of the shrine of Ptah. The treatment on most Ramesside better than work. through the ruins. an inscription.W. . PI. the of an alabaster colossus piece weathered here placed it is in recognise the plate. the bottom is a view of the base of one of the which stood in advance of the pylon entrance. There inference. . Tell seated. PI. The class as the clustered column covered in the transcribed on is next photograph. The neck is 44 inches XIXth DYNASTY PI. but she was a lost. one of the is It found under Akhenaten (Davies. much so is difficult to left to right is to the is and in the shadow above that may be seen the neck and beard. It is difficult to photograph. is It is from a by Ram- on the north of the entrance to the 4 and are fragments of limestone works re-used 3 is now at Rochdale. 6 is the inscription on a column in the previous plate. been supposed to have been altered from some earlier subject. 5 at New York. and Mashuash. largest shoulder. The measurements of this plan were taken by Mr. the base of Lake was un- building east of the Sacred by the sebakhm diggers in recent years though they were not allowed to take the . was Not a single hieroglyph or graffito is to be found on any of the masonry. . The lower drum of a granite column : part of a scene of the funeral sacrifice of a bull 5 is by the sons of the deceased. and the figure has is of course been erased in later times. very unusual. which It date of these clustered columns rope binding owing temple of Merenptah. princess. The head of the god is on a is door jamb. as trees shade it from most of the sunshine. The hieroglyphs were finely executed in low relief. Ivo Gregg. the masonry of the evidently of the same inscription is is has. with rope-pattern binding The plan could not be followed farther than here shewn. The clustered column with the and name of Khaemuas was found re-used in 29. Oedesh. Probably the space marked and. 7 shews the cartouches of Set-nekht. The fragment . about 22 feet with the crown.THE MONUMENTS. is unknown before. The planned in PI. 28. is arm 33 smallest thick. with bordering bands sunk 50 to 58 from base. had been entirely removed for the photograph of the ruin is shewn at . of red granite. 407 long. 3. quartzite stele. lO shewn the are a red granite colossus. from The it. XXIV. the XXX. but the names were transcribed as soon as exposed reading from the right they are Asy. the plan of which is in Khaemuas to the as earth had been occupied with a cross wall. admirably 31. which had been brought down from cemetery as building material. not certain The : the palm trees. which had been reworked essu of like that is praiser of the king. wide. and 4'0 to 73 from west corner of the great temenos. or 38 feet if The across. small building in the south- wrought before it is the top of his sceptre. by Herodotos. figure XXV. from earlier Brussels. . PI. they dug entirely. Below that in the plate is the inscription on a block of basalt cornice. has a suten da some to Jiotep Ramessu II and gods It to the The name ix). and the scene of by some. hesy. . A XXVII. stone-work. Tasha Khilbu. is of these houses are later than the temple. an early feature. north of the of before passing to the small the outer court. In the first chapter we have already con- sidered the identification of the temple of Merenptah with the temple of Proteus in the foreign quarter. which we traced along most of the length of it. 32. as all the intervening ground is cut away . where it is marked " Late Wall "). They doubtless stand on the lower parts all of earlier The houses. three slabs of stone one behind the other. The re-used lotus capitals (PI. the streets and houses The whose position general direction of But parallel to the temple. lower than the base of this wall. XLIV. like the seems to have been a line of brick wall. It is exactly in line with the south wall of the temenos of Ptah and it probably ran on continuous from that (see PI. to relation the actual temple two points are fixed architraves merenptah temple of The little western side of the court Tyrian camp named by Herodotos. as the same ground Probably it is it the as level But was not it over the house ruins of lies rest of early Ptolemaic. are here marked by rows of dots. and over the middle of the outer court there was a thick layer of earth with remains from work- shops. west of the court. I. is of rough pottery the pattern which is is shaded of black. The outer gate of the forecourt was roofed by a The sculptured scenes lintel of about 16 feet long. the rough painted figures of pottery are at the top left hand in PI. Cypriote pottery is in PI. have to be entirely removed will in 1909. This dish with a pale drab facing with broad red filling. of Merenptah before Ptah. belonging to a time when rubbish was thrown into the court. These remains are glazed beads and waste beads. The relation of town we may note. These pellets may have been used to separate objects On the western side of the court were in the kiln. longest wall. But it cannot now be traced up to the temenos. perhaps shewing that ablutions were performed in the court. many unfinished scarabs in steatite. and thus was the enclosing wall of the are entirely later. and originally out Some washing troughs were found sunk in the ground. This lintel has been completely copied. chambers were built which completely filled up the area. At the back of the court was a doorway. XXVII. approximately the distance apart of ordinary steps. doubtless that of the temple. XXV) were found in the ground at the southcontained no buildings. objects. We now notice the The position of actual remains. 35. standing in place the second is the inner doorway to the temple. below the houses. is the jamb. here in . and great numbers of little pellets of burnt clay about a quarter of an inch across. has been buttressed and thickened along the north side. and will appear in a Its thickness is formed of two or future volume. the XXVIII. and a sloping way to the top on that side seems to be of original east design. The Egyptians and shored it up by therefore closed this gate. they could be traced. 33. and are entered on the plan in the " Outer but it must be remembered Court of Merenptah " . is now exactly known. and unfinished calcite beads (XXVIII. in foot- looking at running out the to edge of the plate. 14). A few of the more distinct of these were front (see plan). the British in photograph of . so as to give a sense of scale The the plan. It for defence against was therefore intended the south. and the whole was anciently in danger of falling. we sawed into three pieces. walls of brick. buttressing it in Behind it. measured. courtyard figs. of li . The small from objects Merenptah are shewn in PI. and it is now the They Parthenon. rest temple building. XXIX. and a piece of painted dish at the the bottom of PI. . the first lintel is of which was found two years before. Of . 13). that they have no connection with the temple. blocks of red granite with the name of Merenptah formed the foundations and the western door jamb stood in place about seven feet high. This. in order to reach the temple. work for the Greek garrison stationed in the foreign quarter. and all over the court. XXIX PI. The ground of the court was open. and the wall east of that seems Two great to belong to the temple by its direction. a defensive the plan. All this On Museum. upon it. roughly blocked (XXVIII. are cracked through. but before it was appropriated to civil use. the Over temple to the this 34. two large blocks of brickwork have been These superposed. being of limestone.XIxth dynasty monuments and plan CHAPTER V THE TEMPLE OF MERENPTAH. street where lines. the the great outer gateway of Merenptah. Ill) and column of Khaemuas (PI. XX. of which we found two foundation stones and one jamb. i of to 22 . the surrounding buildings is temple shewn in in the PI. probably built during a few centuries before the Ptolemies. occupied 185 inches in length and 42 inches in height. 21. about 50 for disc beads. expecting the middle of it . 8 of her of Sety . These scraps thrown out into the courtyard suggest that there was both alabaster inlaying and coloured tile work in the temple. king were on a few blocks of granite at Tanis. Hitherto the only sculptures of this The are noticed further on. Memphis. very unusual figure . the . one recess for 9 to 10 inches deep recess is the entrance . Beside the is a Roman lamp and PI. such as the the amulet. 1 of eyes. The a handle from a vase. No. spiral. 14. valuable These result. 4 of busts. disc Isis. i of the cowry. The any ordinary goods. not have been originally placed there. will be placed there were pieces of alabaster inlaying. is bolt 25 probably The measures. PI. 4 of aegis. PI. " probably foreign. Many moulds for glazed amulets were found amid the potters' stone lintels and jambs. and building and in are British now in Cairo Museum. 6 and 23 are apparently intended to hang on to a spout. amounting to just ten feet of solid white limestone. to the side single. To but it built of re-used blocks of sculptured the east lie three blocks of alabaster . when but is it all lintels is hoped that the whole building THE LATER ANTIQUITIES. i 5 to 16 inches wide. with and one piece of tile with large hieroglyphs. Greek department. objects described above. are .M. XXVIII. of bronze. is Mus. 13. the temenos was apparently a CHAPTER shewn on the next the lintels will be published next year.some of the small objects found in various parts. Hotep-hem. No. The hook at the top of the handle served to hang there it. lady of Nehat. 21 shews Hathor standing before Hathor cow the ears above are for " Hathor 26. 22. 8 of Ptah. The building of Siamen corner of the map. of the side The plan of the great gate shews camp. the lady of the Ta-nenuny. were found sickle flints. etc. for the 15. II. holder. ." a place Below is the dedication named the in " made by the nurse of the royal son. are perhaps for medicines. steatite playing a of Bast The lute. lintels XXXI). 36. XXIX. foundation of the gateway remained. by loops which carried the trunnions on the side of the lamp. In PI. 2 of Isis. 22 has " Hathor cow amid the lady of Heliopolite nome. lost there the sand bed of the in and horns. if of the foundation five is courses thick. and scarab blocks. The depth The shew the width. 11. The two during the later dynasties. 9 island and the pieces and onyx discs. The bronze lion (?).THE TEMPLE OF MERENPTAH 12 On vertical lines (B. and the calcite beads. mcs. or sling it from the ornamented with foliage 27. Others are hardly of Egyptian manufacture. 23-30. named by Herodotos No. Besides the objects figured in future. and The . to find a gate near but every part was proved to be shrine of Aphrodite continuous until we reached this corner. Beneath the upper course there runs a drain. they have no hole for hanging. 2iO. and are the only are probably such connected still tablets found at with 24. (PI. Man- Pittsburg. Hathor. being too small 27. 3 . This form of holder was to hang up the lamp. 14 each The XXXIV. scroll (Brit. close to the north-east corner of the it is as on The arch below finger. scarabs found in the court are 5 of Bes. waste in the courtyard not a single piece existed in any museum to obtain six lintels and many door jambs was therefore a piece of glazed tile Sekhmet. with sufficient traces of the wall along the south side. Their are solid. PL We I. 8 of scarabs. colour and glazed texture are remarkably pottery the 1st some of like Many dynasty. among the houses the court. the marshes. where all foreign pieces from this temple house. gate was being equal to the it The width of the entrance. is The chisel. is at the south-west was of mud brick. figure the — Hathor. doubtless from a cartouche. II. Copenhagen." the sacred sycomore of Memphis. filling appear to copy 16. work of the finest plate south-west of the late Ptah and irregular work. or the two walls were alike. for doubtless from a figure of found by some mason Ramessu of 28. 12. and enough the . chester. probably for straining wine (B. lotus seed. searched along the whole eastern camp. and what purpose we cannot say. was West Hall. bases of the colonnade are of varying sizes may upon one stood a column of Ramessu II. 5 is a of alabaster. cone shells . lotus cup. and contained stone columns. 164 into the recesses. are XXVIII some PI. as the Taurt head.). in PI. have .M.). It I. is 164 wide and 144 wide. belonged to a door of a model shrine. North of that was a chamber stone. as being here. that XXX." Both of these tablets are in Manchester but all the objects and pottery with foreign connection are in the British Museum. Philadelphia The VI will been excavated. five on the north Here the 38. strainers The cones of blue pottery.). 4. shewing that such sickles were in use of of 17-20. 71. probably of some may be rough work to discriminate in age of an earlier date. Below is a block with an Agathodaimon in relief. p the one side a figure of the high priest of Memphis. but The majority one-third Merenptah temple. at Memphis. almost equalling the style of Sety I and it shews how well the Memphite school was maintained. . The breccia statue is of now measures 29J inches. elder of the elders. is at Brussels. The animal. PI. 70. . The figure of the offerer and the inscription seem as if cut on a reworked surface. and his father was not a king. which is Greek work and in dark green jasper of the XXVIth dynasty are difficult age. usual schist . The high ofificial behind the king is Ankh-ef-ne-mut. in all and shew various grades of work from simple outline to the finest The elaboration.FOREIGN AND LATER ANTIQUITIES northern has cartouches of Ramessu II with si ankk at the cartouches of Sheshenq is . as 33. 6 and 7 be thus dated. the whole figure must 13 name is how many but probably No. PI. son of the prince Auy. 72. we omit the rings. The figure opposite to this is probably that of the son. for the Hereditary prince. if in are seven of the of . size. Metropolitan Museum. of a later date. . is now in this plate are also dynasty. belt The and back are belt has the dedication to Ptah and to Sokar. 4. which was filled up with later houses. It will be published next year. A very few are as old as the Xllth dynasty . ne ur kherp uba. The slab here shewn is half of the lintel. Other large blocks of foundation also belong to some building which has now been entirely destroyed. probably i. The XVIIIth dynasty produced 3. 21. Shane-ba. and therefore belong to a late date. so fine work. 12. 28 can be safely put there. it . which has a similar scene on the other half. . 17. The scarabs were found partly scattered in the general excavations. XXXIII. London. speeches of the arranger of the official the gods. offering to Osir-hapi. and perhaps but the rest with Men-kheper-ra are probably 82 may . First is a curious stele. After this we can only date ()l of Siamen. XXXI PI. two pieces of inscriptions that .king's father. In the column is a trace of a cartouche which can hardly be any other than that of Nekht-hor-heb. PI. These blocks are higher up than the colonnade. 2. anatomy. The rest the same 104. 58. have been 38 inches high. with also the erpa em ab who (?) is of his heir. may belong It is to the decide difficult to XlXth dynasty . XXXIV. it 39. XXXth . or amulet. The head of Hathor is now at Munich." The title her zed medu. life but conventional in the on the XXXII. 41. and the piece of a house model at University College. vizier. The uncle therefore could only claim royal relationship through his nephew. the royal brother of the . and one are of pottery or soft however. with cartouches of the king between the scenes. have been brought from the Apis temple. given in The inscriptions the next plate. Museum Kensington four best are South in the piece with si ra . The style of work would agree belong to Isis The deceased was devoted figure On The New York. . 9 and 10. They name Osiris lord of Rustau. the back inscription is Hap-amu. as 69. 75." seems new to us it . and had a sliding door in front. . and probably the with this date of the stele. while only Osiris and on a sufficiently large scale in the plate. the same in made of the from the rest. 23. and not brother of a king Nekhthor-heb was the first of his dynasty. " over the speaking of words. The pieces are trial quartzite. 26. " over the speaking of words. 29 is of intended for Ramessu VI. The southern block has side. along with a trial piece of a kheper beetle in limestone. Of the Hyksos age there may be 8. but rather more than half came from the Merenptah temple court. those The proportion is. The block seems XXXI. his mother Tahayba. or be later imitations. bought 40. The middle of worn away by rubbing. University College. son of Khred-ne-mut and Sha-ne-ba Hor. the middle in I at . all. The edge of the hole is gnawed. general. it well original to third : the Hathor of Tep-ahu (Aphroditopolis). and arc probably from tombs. This explains how Hap-amu was royal brother of the king's father. . 5. above. entirely here divided across the middle. in order to keep It is were re-used in the temple. shrine or hutch seems as There is a little air if for keeping a small hole at the back. XXIst dynasty 103. 20. to The of Siamen has been noticed lintel It is of far better work than has generally been credited to the XXIst dynasty. which paste. and an milt ef named Ankh-ef-nc-amen name priest. may mean red jasper. or rather over half It is carefully finished. which suggests that a shrew mouse was now in It was bought at Memphis kept in it. And this high position explains his having the greatest administrative titles. 27. . and diagonal holes at the corners to pin it back It seems to have been a house charm into a wall. Set-nen-nefer-tum. 16 (Amenhotep III). kiln and pieces of blue glazed pottery found in it. and rejoined before the glazing. drilled. was thought worth while to mend such a figure. The crown has been broken off.C. a very unusual object. such were contemporary with the triangular handles. and give I. uary. as shewing that it then been used later as a rubbish hole for wasters by working for moved from other kilns. is now at New is in white The examples York. and by attached objects. to most museums connected with the work. beyond the Kom Hellul. This could not be for out-draught as and therefore it seems that it faces the usual wind to the upper part of the kiln. Herford is have to thank Miss I The inking in these drawings. The name of a queen pieces can be recovered. from tube drills. group of lamps. A one group. is The piece at of black Greek pottery. At the back making at out ready to be of it as thousands of drill cores are seen three vases broken the right is a vase roughed and in front are five cores Some examples have been sent . The group of pottery kilns and waste lies to the south end of Memphis. for XXXV to XLIV 42. was of coarse brown and yellow pottery. fusing to a The jars are shewn by their dirty yellow-green. . it doubtless from a statue of is it stone that has survived. large quantity of pottery while clearing the temple of Merenptah. some time myself. mask of a the glazed pottery figures. to have been stood Such jars were mouth upwards in the furnace. and are as early as Such a date quite accords with the dates of the rough lamps found at Ehnasya. British is also now lime- in at Manchester. 97 F 37 These are all debased types and we P 86. of different types. and there is one odd one in Other lamps found with the middle of each group. These pieces are from the architrave of the entrance added to the east side of the temenos of Ptah. now that learn fairly 200 . XLVI 1 1 found with them is rather earlier than the pottery of the Ilird century Ehnasya. that the wasters had been I carefully verified. XLVI I also contains a belonging to about 200 A. the pottery was the PI. fusion. The Ptolemaic this is The now trial off) and portraits are rare in stat- apparently the only such This pieces were The Munich. hand of the group this XLIX. in course of at Memphis. and PI. give a date of about 300 B. . the character of Physkon.u The later antiquities are always of pottery. It examples that Memphis is of the scarabs sold in Cairo. So this may be taken given in this plate as the . . but more than halfway up there was an arched opening to the west. The handles belong to the lamps with which they are placed. alabaster vase-working shew on what a great scale was practised are found. is was found It in the earth at the south gateway of the pylon before the site is West Hall it is now in the The limestone head was found . . PI. 92 J .D. and These are the period. out from the kiln view of the kiln is given in the about six feet square and eight . about two feet wide. The statuette of Nefertum is curious. at these are of the following types. pieces of the red granite architrave of the pylon of Ptolemy IV much They will are on a smaller scale than the other objects here. published in Roman Ehnasya :— A 40 B 30. 43. as third line has been added it but slightly is and roughly cut. PI. The plate.D. probably of early Ptolemaic age. Two granite capitals were also found. has a band of palmetto pattern around the edge. The green glazed It altar of offerings in perfect condition. 85. while the first two lines are deep and clear. . admitted the air was glazed pottery were cj'linder The supports for the The body jars 10 inches wide and 7J inches high. on the at Athribis of a temple built by Ptolemy Physkon by the uraeus (broken that of a king. PI. and of these two kings the title Theos can only belong The to Ptolemy IV. from and Athribis. The mask we have already named as being found The rest of the plate shews the with the lamps. It was a pit feet deep no hole was traced in the lower part. We opened one kiln which had been abandoned. while the pottery on PI. where the road from Bedrasheyn now enters the mounds. XLV. beginning of a corpus satyr on PI. pottery. where they were baked. 93 E 55. obvious from these is the source of a large part Plates are noted in the next chapter. probably The may designs well be copies of moulds of the time of Hadrian. XLVI only figures well dated to a late the lower of early Ptolemaic left With large series thus dated. be published more fully when it seen is if other The restoration is that suggested by Prof Sayce. The drawings of the forms are on the next plate. and it. made A. XLIX. The marble piece of a Greek funeral stele it . found of in XLVI. if broken in modelling. and first a definite standard for comparison. Arsinoe can only belong to one of the queens of Ptolemy II or to the queen of Ptolemy IV. are Museum. to the The forms are was east all and the two Greek vases. 6. at a date after the erection. S. at as . placed mouth downwards in the time of the XVIIIth . the base of the plate. South Kensington. ence. They PI. 26. made and not part of a larger object. . us the had before we gradually was it realised that see races. 25. PI. jar. . We may add here the destination of some other outlined letters being and nome of long .PTOLEMAIC AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. University College. is perhaps 15 is 14 late. are at The glass bottles 24. 525 to 405 B. moulded but variety of the Scythian group of about pottery solid. tweezers. and must have been only ornamental. XXXIX." It is on the edge of a slab of marble. and other examples to most of the other museums concerned. 26 I had long Brussels." Nos. at Brussels. 10 is 12 a roughly cut block found at Memphis. 12 at The parchment and papyrus docu- Oxford. 8 In XXXVII B. 29.C.C. xo at Cairo. and the few moulded hollow figures 300 B. Cecil Smith remarked it of probably gives the correct name of the group of the 4 Nile with children around. The inscriptions 7 and 14 are at Brussels. . ka his bark. 3 at York. 14 has not been engraved in the lower part. 3 is XL. 23. 62). of is when a spur. 11. 4 and 16 seem as if they were ceremonial crosses to be held by the loop and used in giving a blessing. supposed to be modern flower button-hole tubes. Rifeh. LI II. The XLIV. found at Athribis . bought at Memphis. apparently belonging to the Above and In Gizek at XXIX. the left only in red paint. dolls 21. — — VII THE TERRA-COTTA HEADS. 15 at Munich. Many LI I. which were not drawn in Egypt in time for PI. PI. CHAPTER these is Phibamon. 11 at all at i the Bodleian Library. among found the volume on that The material is stated at The date is probably from the site. The pieces of a large with yellow designs. are moulded and made hollow. not removed. PI. Graeco- South Kensington. horseman (46). Brussels. and the archaic Greek (56) which is of the Vlth century B. some of the at University College. it could be pushed aside girdle pendants were probably from the 18 strips feet. 18). 9 and 10 are tracings from ink writing on plastered walls. with a pick point hinged between them. are here restored It is of course Cufic. at Cairo. is a fish-harpoon. but varied up to an inch high Roman in use. PL In College. The dishes were stacked face down. 8. the scene of Auletes Edinburgh. and some lintel at Museum. now is round and covered with a could have no strength. 14 In PI. different figures of more than a dozen XXXV Pis. is i at New 4 at University College. Nilos Gonimotatos. A very rough and these may well be about 200 B. with the dedication " In the name of the Father and of the Son is chair legs are at South Kensington. probably a leather.. most of the other heads.C. 11 and 16 at New York. when seen in dealers' hands but finding three such here at Athribis. to date of these models is Persian figures (16. so that and of the Holy Ghost. Nos. 5 and 6 are in the British Museum. LI shews the small objects obtained at Athribis. 6 at Philadelphia. 16 at to stand alone.C.C. PI. IS perhaps a separate figure of an eagle is 3 Fig. are Oxford. from 300 to 200 B. and only foreigners was not even thought of. a most out-of-the-way place. an inscription from a wooden found at Rifeh. to the for a chalice. It was doubtless the base of a group sculpture and as Dr.C. 13 at Dublin. 2 at University In PI. 13. scribe 45. dynasty {Tell el Ainarna p. things. 9 at Brussels. 10 at New York. probably indicated by the made during the Persian occupation. which are solid modelled figures. a pair of requisite : such for extracting thorns a curious chain made No. IVth Vlllth century. coiled vegetable paste glazed In Athribis. The inscription i is a dedication by " Alexander the Rhetor to the most prolific Nile. are modelled in solid Only about half a dozen Greek figures. Such cones were about half an inch high in Ptolemaic times. 46. New York. 2 and 9 at Munich. a is lid. i. Nos. Graeco-Roman'Department. and the clay. The taste for representing . was found with the like We may then probably date the great majority. it The to prove their Roman age. pieces of painted and it pottery were seemed desired by different authorities that they should be published for referThey have all been traced by Miss Murray. are mostly in the British Roman Department. to about 500 to 300 B. seems PI. ments. L shews the forms of the dishes and jars The best set went to these wasters. supported apart by four cones of pottery between each. Indian woman (36). These.worker's knife. 2 OBJECTS FROM ATHRIBIS The finding of the foreign quarter of Memphis was one of the main objects of the opening campaign But the discovery of the portraits of the there. London. and fragments. i is at Rochdale. one over the other. Munich and the Bristol. 44. Cairo and the South Kensington Museum. XIII. XIX PI. XXXVIII. at figures are at Brussels. as far as possible. prominent. It need not that be supposed that the old Sumerian stock was un- mixed . 27 and 28 the fullest source for comparisons. and on to Greek times and they hardly belong to the general on a couch. which has the same form of forehead and lips. with some southern mixture. and the artificial navel line. as Sumerian by Dr. The mover great promoting in this foreign By that' es- mixture was the Persian empire. and only a slightly thicker nose. Akad. PI. but rather that the type belongs to the land and the climate. XXXIX. 35 The is figures of Indians are a Tibetan type. the detail of the is The being precise. Persian is the most vigorously modelled head of carefully finished. this type is seen in the Nestorian Christians from Babylonia. It may be regarded as a Semitic Babylonian. . like the horseman on the Sidon sarcophagus (17). PI. sub-aquiline nose. XXXVII. are Of Egyptians. whereas out of 44 others there figures are women are only 3 foreign women and 3 Greek women. and close Egyptian by the hair dressing. and masses of men were moved from land to land in the army. who are likely to have had less Arab mixture than the Muhamedans. Egyptian figures of a 5 to 13 are the regular these. well-fed women of Middle when Khnum-hotep at of the hair at work Egypt is large earring of is seen Beni-hasan. with hair. are all Indian but the band round the breast. of these distinctions the Persian well shewn No. sturdy like the the swathing up . is . sometimes with a child. as the racial type was supposed to have died out with the Turanian language. 16 we see the Persian Great King. in Orissa.C. 48. No. 50. It seems probable that they are mixed Graeco-Egyptian artists. to keep off heat and dust. XXXVI. but sturdier and fatter owing to a settled life. 20 history. 84). found in on figures the foreign quarter. Meyer {^Berl. the old type of skull has entirely regained its dominance. 2 certainly Egyptian. he despised the barbarian too much but there is a Greek ability about many of these in for the . They the technical detail. are all strange and 37 and 39 are seated cross-legged with drapery round the waist 38 and 40 have the lack a comparison. within a thousand years of a mixture. may perhaps be compared with the type of It Khammurabi (25). and almost effeminate. {Zeit. Assyr. The type is that of the Semite. the cavalry officer. 26 is a peculiar type. and the loose lock of hair. This points to the immigrants being mainly men and perhaps the Egyptian women were those living curly hair. Yet Dr. seem to be artificially flattened heads. No. 22 is of the old Sumerian shewn by the limestone head from Babylonia (21). XXXVIII. and has subdued and unified all the mixture that was put into it. xxii. . probably all No. in and disc may be his on the front seen on In bushy . 199). PI. class of these ethnic No. On the head is the lion's Herodotos scalp. PI. magnificent creation the world-peace was from the Indus to the Balkans. Perhaps coinage would be Nos. trade was encouraged. The face is delicate. in the foreign quarter. and some of the best and most characteristic work This was not a subject was spent on foreign figures. III) from Memphis is so close that they must be accepted as the same race. And 24 is another Sumerian type. in the slight brow and refined eyes. cavalry coloured are parts flesh ears red. . 14 is . each figures The high-bred Aryan type of is this head. 49. This has surprised Assyriologists. It probably represents the Syrian or Jewish trader. close-fitting tiara. neck. 18 is kings. . as shewn by a limestone head from Tell Loh These limestone heads have been recognised (23). from the high flat forehead. . probably a regimental badge. Pinches has remarked or Akkadian type. woman Such were made as early as the XVIIIth dynasty. the amulet hung round the found head. and the resemblance of the pottery heads 1906. the in and 3 tomb of are of 4 the southern type with prognathous face. roads were made. unless some closer resemblance may be found in the Persian empire. and the hair black. tablished by so that Scythian and Indian fought side The Greece. . as shewn in the chief of the Amu at Benihasan (19). and the face is of the higher-class type. before 2000 B. XXXV PI. with the face swathed mentions of the It all. Likewise in Egj'pt. No. the work of are almost all The 47. is I The types. as . and the short. possibilities of peaceful side in commercial settlement had never been so extensive before. Here are grouped together the various types for which no satisfactory connection has yet been observed. different races.THE TERRA-COTTA HEADS i6 foreigners is known throughout Egyptian well Greek. which is of also There is an ape on each side of the Aryan Punjabi type the attitude an 36 with the hip raised high on one side. 15 would be probably Egyptian by the hair but the type is It is remarkable that all the Egyptian not familiar. the arms bent. Abhandlungen. " that on their heads some of them wore brazen and wrought steel ornaments" (vii. all shew that we have here the Sacae cavalry of the Persian army. To date these solid modelled figure. some later heads are kept at University College. study with others that may be found. to the IlIrd republican busts. hollow moulded Attys type of face and that age xvii. but not apparently grotesque.C. 3 .C. etc. 41.. Greek distinctively 56 . head are peculiar. which translation. SUMERIAN. ance in earlier days. as that empire. 6g. may be 55 XLI 1 PI..C. Bactrians. in 50 should be compared with a glazed head found at usual type Medes.) rising handles of craters with Bacchic heads Hyksos Cities are usual elsewhere {Naukratis XIX The D). to stay in Greece. These western attitudes are familiar in Indian art. Nippur at and the in Aswan diflficulty in connections there seems no accepting the Indian colony in Memphis Ptolemaic queens XLI I. is of figure. Such are All of the foregoing often found in Ptolemaic sites. Roman the like is the wizen faces of the kinyra. For comparison see the head of a Scythian. 35.C. rosette. Their origin and Plates types here with . Dr.. Hyksos and horses and seated figures of the " on the Indian colony. 66. perhaps a Macedonian. owing to which The magnistone monuments were not yet erected. The group for at the top left is of painted and yellow colours. 17 . By 53. 36.AND SCYTHIAN PERSIAN. H. in accord with the general dating of the other figures. 46. Naukratis. The roughest of them. it . London. XLVI. as bearing Scythians belong to the second Persian occupation. from the silver vase found at Koul-oba in the Crimea. as early as 425 Egypt. ment. little are figures These are 1. about 500 B. XL. These temple. all Israelite Cities 342 to 332 graceful other portance of such tangible remains of India. style " at the bottom left hand. to the Persians Immortals. well Greek works. Pl. lion's XLV 42 i. and seem to be Merenptah come from the time. but solid. ficent stone pillars and carvings of Asoka prove that a long growth of art and skill had preceded them and the account of the country at the time of Alexander shews that a high civilisation existed then. points also to the growth of Indian ideas. CHAPTER VIII THE INSCRIPTIONS. and is dated therefore It seems not improbable that these to about 300 B. This inscription is unfortunately in too fragmentary a condition to allow of any running It contains a list of endowments. sacrificing. The 52. the bushy beard. B. B. 37-40. PI. and the riding on horseback. was found with the pottery in PI.C. is The snow-man known Yehudiyeh. And the introduction of asceticism. V. also is a the Syrian known. J.C. WALKER. early Greek. therefore Indian civilisation was not of much import- But that is merely a result of the early prevalence of wood-work. as being due to the Persian intercourse from 525 to figures. with black. and therefore intermediate between the modelled solid figures and the moulded hollow figures. Sacae. ii. The im- Greek a Greek of 57. of figures. and Indians. is hair. he took the Persian These heads seem PL XLI. The The 405 B. to LIV are already described in the previous chapter. already in a communal form by 340 B. and when Mardonius picked the flower of the army The contact of the Persian empire. and a scarf over the left shoulder. as 64. of India with Europe dates then to the early years 47 and as the Fratres Arvales. red now Museum. . type. made by modelled hollow.. The other extreme of the Persian 51. published enlarged. Settlements of Indians Babylonia. They are pre-classic Mediterranean work of pottery. will be obvious to all students.. most of which can hardly be Two of them are also identified as distinct types. 6"]. in be more to with the toga worn over the head. Now there has been a strong feeling that as dated material has not been obtained in India before Asoka. INDIAN knees raised. rather the Egyptian version of an is it .. and the coins 11). Naukratis in in some of 48 recalls Roman figures. to the {Nauk. PL XLIV. These figures are all moulded.C. the India subject was the most populous province of and yielded 360 talents of gold yearly. As early as Darius. empire is seen in the figures of Scythians. the thunderbolt. and the spread of Indian ideas in the West. The Indians fought in Greece with Xerxes 480 B. In view of these papyri appear B.C. Here are PI. 53. archaic the of is the instrument played upon 57 to 60 are rougher Vth century . Graeco-Roman Depart- in the British of heads at the top right shew the The group examples. 52. The tall pointed hood. are a class well at various other sites (Tell el YAY^T) yet unknown. B. and the century seems therefore the most reasonable result.C. has written In line \ nefert with a four-sided determinative it may mean that the good square supports preceding is a 9." In lines 8 and 9 the scribe has probably misread the title of Ptah. Methen begins his list by saying that he had 12 domains provided for him. and the 2nd day appeared (probably w ra ^ <=z> to be supplied. Above the place where one should be... which a is title of TT Ptah. who comest forth . In line 5. PI. his titles . containing trees of various kinds. temple at his When Luqsor.. 54. domains. situated in different "(I) .. with titles. recog- sign is obscure. 40 birds of one kind are mentioned. and 100. . has turned his back upon evil. Amenemhat. with his divine cycle following him. and for t) 7'^^^w.. and 50 portions of divine provisions of (?) " for the Upper and Lower Egypt Amenemhat King I. The aroura of land was a measure from my body. In the square there must have been the King's two cartouches. ..' " the name now the I.u-. Sebek lord of . very similar list. He the reign of Seneferu. (10) Their . and a mortuary offering of lOO loaves every day. first four That of Amenemhat I is Ka nefer. . . good god was fixed. ." In line 6. . in front of this sanctuary cedar for great were given to him may built for their excellent be prepared (?) for his him a new temple .THE INSCRIPTIONS i8 are given to perpetuate the of mortuary service of truly squared workmanship consist the ritual of the temple of Ptah " for service offerings for the deceased. lord of the Above the other. body." more magnificent than any future king The King is smiting a foreign 55. who died in two lands. Amen comes. D'Orbiney. and a lake. eldest daughter H (6) Amen. (8) Crowned with the nemes crown. ")." In line 10 is the name. of establishing the crowns upon his head. a special kind of cake used in offerings. of Amenemhat II Klierp. all of this like monument for his namely the making for his . very nearly equal to Lo. II. states that he received as a reward 200 arouras of land from the King. new word objects have . were farms from 5-6) lines . the in Thou art my from forth of face my heir so exist. the Vezier and Chief Judge Ameny. and of making long his span He life . etc. Here in line 2 the number of domains mentioned is 13. followed by the number 12. lord two lands. Several good examples of these endowments exist. and then 5 arouras of land are mentioned. the earliest occurring in the biography of Methen. I (?). . chamber (? 9~ •&. a tabernacle (?) (12) and a middle cedar.000 of ash grain. . and There was made for it a spacious hall. . They are collected together for the purpose of giving to thee . as nise thee as son.. The next ^ ths of an acre. is "The good god. him of a stele. required for the mortuary offerings were procured. from the table of provisions. called ' the It is interesting to find of the pyramid of Senusert I. its columns of . from the mother of the King's children. • who comest thou (4) (3) • existed. of the owner of the stele.. day dawned. .. " the superintendent of the city. as in Pap." followed by the cartouche with part of the King's name. for Q'^[jf][l names of the pyramids of the kings of the Xllth dynasty are known.... PI. " Son of the sun. wines. The inscription here contains a Methen. These to that of VI. together with 1000 cakes and loaves and 100 des jars of beer. . over the great house of his noble." Below the square. or else a Hst of gifts be- in stowed upon the noble by the King. is named.. of Senusert I K/tenem asut. for the purpose to the . . and bed grains of incense for burning in censers.. nomes. He desired that he should be . In line 3 occur the determinatives of provisions. enemy before Ptah.. in front of him.. with their trees and a lake (?). their capitals of electrum. " Endowed with . he has watched over the whole circumference of of all The lands in one place. VIII. or that they my my son.. A large house was also presented to him with a garden. 3. and 50 of another kind. . (5) He proceeded to the Royal house and placed him at the head of it. real worked with precious stones from Syria. used in later times. 4 at their corners. and in line 7 "a great quantity of aa birds and 30 other birds. offerings each . with his son Palace. a loaf of bread. of real glorious the house of birth.. making He father Ptah. has (9) He made as father Ptah South-of-his-wall. In line 4 biat cakes are mentioned. (2) lord of the . behold which the of stock food.." of the two lands. and of Senusert II Hotep.-i. vegetables. . in order that a processional path (11) name carved out of hard quartzite stone. in the city of the pyramid of Senusert protection of the places... a cake and a jar of wine or beer followed by " pleasant provisions for the altar table of Anubis upon-his-hill. and has driven out His laws are firm in presenting deceit from the land. every land They doubling their means of subsistence. (7) He does that which satisfies thee. with a space blank for the PI. "The lady of the house." B. beloved Ptah stands the goddess Astarte. On the right Ptah South-of-his-wall. Merenptah offering before a table of offerings. of Ptah are his usual formula offering to Ptah. a span of life. full of joy every H." Huy. the great one of might. lord " of earth. whilst the left.. daughter ." " lady of heaven. . Ptah lord of 25. is " is titles. and his wife " the lady of the house. to the Ka of the lady of the house Tent-an.. Ptah-mes. 36. common span . Henut. . Ptah. mighty Gods." the King give of . " Every protective Beneath is the figure of a man. L. "His sister Huy. Ba-en-Ra.. . " an offering table to Ptah. prosperity and health. " Made by Tha ." G. Amen-Ra two lands " and Ptah lord of truth the " " " "The 40. Kha. scene with Ptah. . with its component letters one below the other. in- Three ears 18. . two ears are represented whilst In the narrow space in the lower line. name Ra-mes the name 12. house. son of The King of Upper and Lower Egypt. lord of truth. Amen-mes. A man 31. lord of truth. Ari-nefer." with indistinct X. . 1891. the hearer of petitions" " made by the scribe Mahui. lord of truth. the tablet is the winged disc On Edfu. " Ptah lord of truth. twice beautiful Ptah [lord of] truth is the Ka the great throne. Ka " . grant a happy scribe Ka the the of for day body. titles. every day." N. the lady of the house. . all people." life.' . ."probably Tha-hap-amu in XXXH. made by ." XII." XV. . . [Sekhemet] [Ra-mes].Z. PI. the beloved of " The Horus.." 38. A man named Ra-mes. " Made P. taui). beloved of him. K." left tendent of constructed in the same manner as is Many name. his in fill of the owner to be filled in. ". mistress of all the gods. . Erman. name 30. .. PI. creator of [art]." Behind the adoration their rulers to goddess Sekhemet there was probably beloved of [Ptah] to the of . Hapy-ankh adoration to health of with conjunction in life. to . the creator of art.. 38). " The goldsmith (?). officer making of offerings to the . upon face. lord of Memphis {ankh- Below is "Ptah." lord of the thrones of Khonsu " behind him. the lady of the house Tent-an. written from is " line. the ".. in order that he made The glorious god.. ushabti figures are found. In the centre at to Ptah in his shrine. May the great one of might." the " the top of the good left is god of the cartouche of lord of the two lands. (cf." is offering to Ptah and Sekhemet. . the hearer of Ptah. Men-Kheperu-Ra. . Amen King of the diadems. in shrine. with and " Sekhemet beloved of scribe. XI. of Ptah . of Ptah. the man's that of Beneath blank.. without diminution . Behind of Amen. giving ." M. A Ptah." The woman kneeling before the offering tables. "O 10... A.XllTH AND DYNASTY INSCRIPTIONS XVIIITM Behind the King." PI. . Amen-Ra lay. 20. IX. ." " His sister. p. is " giving Ptah and Sekhemet. the lady of the like Ra." gods Na that he may Ptah. good for the scribe of Ra deceased. [lord of] heaven." J. PI. lord of heaven. . A man named Ra-mes." life annulet of like Ra. The common formula the " XIII. . to Ptah South-of-his-wall. Ptah. lord of 15. XIV." hall 23. face. " Made by the necropolis-workman his son Neb-her." Am-user and by the of the . " Giving adoration to thy Ka. Four " Merenptah. " (?) Horus of the [Guardian] of the gate.. In front and below." are kneeling 37. his and behind the shrine stands Sekhemet. "Made by Ria." ." lord " space following 19 " . Amen . to the within to South-of-his-wall. mery. listen to the petitions by. " Giving adoration to Ptah-Sokar for his Ka. . evidently for the purpose is left of allowing the purchaser of the tablet to — The Horus mighty bull. . The name of left scription reads from right to occupy the upper " *? is of beautiful truth." A similar 4. Thothmes [beloved of] Ptah lord of truth.. PI. A." The officer the singer of North. and his son Sa-pa-ir. lord of the bull.. Ptah." . PI. Sekhemy. with and a following . ... made by Ptah. to be supplied. beloved of Here the name Sekhemet is correctly spelt Ptah." O. Made by the superintendent of the serfs Ra-mcs. . that he may grant pleasantlife within his house to the Ka of the superin- ness of . Down the right side of tablet."' ." "The Neh-neh (?). listen to the prayer.. in the to right. name the is written. beloved of his city. " overseer of the stone-workers The man on the right is " the doorkeeper lay. may grant . . 21. " gods are named. Hery. "Adoration to the Ka of Ptah. Inscription on 49. Uia. uniter of the diadems. son of the sun. " Giving F. Hert." E." of the two lands. whose titles may be supplied as " scribe of the house of of the two lands. Probably ¥ centre." and name of the " (?) ." the common formula to petitions. of life. PI." The praiser (?) of Horus_ C... that she may grant life. King of the two lands. of the Ka his city. left. the lady of the house. Turn. " D." . and his sister kneeling. his sister. of the scribe of the house man on the left. beautiful of of . with King give an South-of-his-wall. is a censer with with his Three men. The two cartouches of Set-nekht." the In XVIII." in front of him. see for XX Aihribis. . a very clear representation of this shrine. the great one. XVI. and of Ptah and Sekhemet. merer Amen. the name of one of the seated men and on the right apparently is the name of the other man. and below it the same signs stability sun. the one in Memphis. " May they grant the receiving of cakes. to the of 2. these same the name. " Thothmes. which On frequently represent the sun and the moon.. Min is frequently figured with a peculiar shrine and trees behind him . in . "." Although a noble might be "the King's brother. above it the alphabetical signs nr occur." and mery Ra. its Thy name . lord of truth. general of the army." On left of middle. he whose brother is the King of Upper Egypt... "May the of the King god. . lord of diadems." as the second part might read.. beloved of Ptah.. beautiful the who is on the great [thrne]. hereditary scribe Amen. man " Khar. beloved of the . PI. PI. his truly loved one. the royal scribe deceased." 7. Inscription with cartouches of I. in the order that he may grant (5) a happy lifetime in beholding his glories every day. . lady of heaven and mistress of that she may the gods. the titles the . consisting of people and 6." lands." XXXII. Ka and on each side the two uzat eyes. the Royal Ka. endowed with life. but the strange arrangement of signs does not look like a man's name. of face. great superintendent of the house in Memphis. cemetery on the west of Memphis and a burial in the to the Ka of (3) the hereditary prince. the treasurer confidential friend. circumference two arms. 58. II. who adorns Ptah and does the things which please him in the great place . Nehi. . A woman offering before Min." Q. Ary. the the great Tha-hap-amu." On right of middle.." (i) Altar of Amenhetep.. Beneath is a woman kneeling. and XXIII. the lady of the house." Kiy. May they grant a spending of years with pleasure the middle In 43." R. " The officer PI. " all All . as well as all life. of titles and Mut. There are two trees behind the god. used in this inscription It ^ 1 is evidently formed on the plan of the title. beloved prince. it is impossible that he could style himself " the father of the King of the I therefore North. Rat. " Sct-nekht." punning order.. and power of Anmutf. and the King of Lower Egypt. Amen-Ra 42." as the first part of the title might read. the great . the great one of ones.. " The worthy one before Sokaris. " The hereditary prince. 41. Names and 45. .PI." the lady of the house. before "Ahmes" " a table The woman daughter Meni. Ka .. Amenhetep King give an offering table the King of the gods. deceased. and titles May the repeated. named is Muy. other the is scribe named named " named is " offerings. the Royal Ka.." is On the back. god. ". . A new title for a nobleman is " User-khau-Ra. the singer of Amen. the of the hereditary prince. form of a ram with a fan behind him." 56. have pacified the two I lands. deceased. PI." overseer the Meryt " of the and "his son Rama. . Setep-en-Ra. in order grant (2) a good funeral after old age." a titles the . " the eyes of the King of Upper Egypt. the left occurs the name Ahmes. or Usert. lord of the two User-maat-Ra. of the hereditary prince the in other hand. and a vase with water flowing out XVII. and the ears of the King of Lower Egypt. which nobles frequently gave themselves in their biographical inscriptions. of heart to In the centre the signs appear to be arranged in a of Smiter of the Asiatics." "his is seated seated is Renanen. The middle space is left blank. give the "The royal an offering table to Sekhemet.. distinct man The third sister. he the King of Upper Egypt. like Ra. before an offering table " made Ramses by the lady of the house. as the translation. the (7) the royal scribe. all (4) May to Ptah. below the sign of the sun's orbit. is The woman Syrian. Amen-Ra named Huy with indistinct and name of the second are in- whom of first Naynaka. holds a dish with burning incense in one hand. with food standing on the The woman rn. Ra-messu-mery- the middle of the belt. deceased.. without ceasing (6) for the Ka of the King of the North. the embrace of his in mery Amen. " suggest. which come forth from the presence." " 44." XXVI. Pis. reversed. . deceased.. followed by "(i) offering table Memphis {ankh to Ptah taut). the sign representing the orbit of the is 57." with " his sister the Beneath is the guardian. setep-en-Ra. Amenhetep. " The hereditaiy prince.THE INSCRIPTIONS 20 ". lord of to Sokaris-Osiris. Tha- whose brother whose father is hap-amu. and whose father is the King of Lower Egypt. man named whilst a left. with the meaning of its of " brother " in monk. von spelt meaning • Coptic cross probably is PI. Hage. May his Kingdom be like Ra in heaven. and by the Greeks Theodosiopolis.. PI... .. 7. Panaho.S. desires their Ka (3) his altars.. Our father Apa Apa John. .A. though list of alphabetical names given to Crum. 1007. in on the Canopic branch of the Nile. 12. unless nesouo is an epithet of Touho." Dr."The good God. "I Apollo "Isaac according to their PI." . the inscription translation the LH. To the most prolific Nile. 21 No the memory of the deceased other case seems to be known nfincori and occurrence at the top as here. p. all the holy 1 Remember Apa ones. the God. No. The saint Apa Pgol (?) the saint Apa . . Our father Apa John. p. gods. 36 and 133. xv. was near Terenuthis. . in it. . Offerings increased exceedingly the beautiful wall. Micha . see P. . the 15th year. The Father." Lower Egypt. greek. Tombstones." with the name following." name of the Holy Ghost. [Apoljlo. "The Father. Apa Joseph. 179. p. erected the " ael " Victor. and others in his Catalogue of the British Museum Coptic Manuscripts. and the Son. Apa Anoub. . an interesting list Athyr. where the man who fact.. is connects the word with ga8. called by the Arabs Taha. 7 on PI. He whose for ever. Apa Remember my brother. The " the learned man. The apostolic fathers. like Raphael. which also Lemm account is sakha. . Christ see Recueil de Travaux. workmen. . seated on a throne with four long-winged is figures standing by His side. the man Son. not them the etc. 24 . . who put up this stone in memory of his namesake. the the sense of " possessive value for neri or ha. and 24 figures seated.. The names (?). LHI. lord of the tomb.. Our father Apa Apollo. p. 418. day of .B. 59. Apa Amen. man Indiction. Peter. The Saint Apa Pgol all Remember the soul of Pasanshenoute. Apa John. where Victor. the died on the 4th day of Phamenoth. each of a letter of the Coptic alphabet. teresting suggestion to me. in the deserted Monastery of Amba Samaan. Remember Apa Abraham. . riAcon are both commonly used. first amongst the living Kas!' is 9. 14. making a monument in the temple of Ptah. 1899. in peace. . father the Holy Ghost. Hage. for eort at the end of the line. . LIV. (2) our Mother (4) (6) . Amen. Coptic and Greek. " I. (5) . 249. (2) . forming a Victor.. . in Crum. Nos. It was a mountain near Apollinopolis Parva in Upper Egypt. Greek inscriptions. the .and COPTIC INSCRIPTIONS XIXth dynasty." . and suggests the reading nncon e[ATp]e neBCOM "the monk Hatre." without any The most striking the formula ArioK OACori. man of Panaho. the Holy [Ghost ?] . 3. Coptic Ostraca. Tha-hap-amu. The 13th peace. our mother Eve. (3) (7) (?). The sakho Phaebammon. " I. The Rhetor Alex- ander. or teacher. British Museum Catalogue of Coptic identical. ending man — stone to added on to the father Apa Apollo." For several instances of the word sakho. was the of . 10." .. and the prophets and the martyrs. lived. it brother the the . Apa Peter. and the Holy of these figures frieze below. Our father Apa Peter. "of the skilled Father." are formed. records this with the termination of Touhone- Touhonesouo seems to be the name of the town where the deceased Victor lived. and of the 5. of He died on the . King of Upper Egypt. father of 15. the man of (?) Sir Herbert Thompson has made a most in16." In connection with the 24 elders.. concerning the Amen. He Funeral offerings to . Apa Thomas. proof of this is in monk. of the deacon names of occurs. and the Our Father Adam. and whose father is King of Lower Egypt. "The good God. 366. souo He (?). . is mentioned in Zoega. There is a part of a similar. LHI." ." .... MSS. In the middle of " The is written.. thus names of the archangels Michael. and all the [Remember] the who has soul died in peace. and this for the spelling in this inscription.. "Our (?). Our Lady Mother Mary. . shrines were placed upon . and of the Son. . may Two examples of the word occur. in Amen. and all the righteous children. The patriarchal fathers." loving John. Our Ghoit. at his brother. first line He proposes con of tombstone No. the the . The twenty-four elders. Several such additions are known. brother holy ones. raised ." the bottom of a tombstone. " Jesus Christ. Tahnou (i) " . and the Holy Ghost. the chapel of Horus (?). god. Apa Pamoun. The Saint Theodorus " 11. Our Coptic inscriptions. our father (8) " (9) Our father Apa Apollo." In the " 4. which was a town in middle Eg)'pt. He died on the 4th day of hoi)' ones. . 7 Basalt outside of 19 Ancient authorities. 13 21 position Apollo. 12 Thomas. Am -user. hall. 13 11. arrangement 23 of. bull. 4 Ater. 21 Brick John. 16 13 Asklepion. 3 1 21 Peter. 19 Bacchic handles. 8 7. 3 Colossi. 3 Athribis. 13 Ankh-taui. 20 Aay. 14. 5. 20. 16 Alabaster colossus. i Ankh-ef-ne-amen. Bahti. 3 I. 20. 9 12 Ankh-ef-ne-mut. Joseph. 14 Ary. 12 of. 21 16 1 Breccia statue. 20 Aryan Punjabi head. temple of Osiris Sokar. 20 Buttressing of cracked gateway. Bottles of glass. 2. 4 7. 5 . 20. 8. of. 4 Ari-nefer. 21 Pgol. foreign. 14 Amen. 19 Columns. 2 18 Auy. 8. 10 Aper. Akkadian heads. king. 4 Aphrodite.2 Amenhotep. Arsinoe. 12 Amenemhat 3 Astarte on tablet. 21 Brother of the king. 2 Apries. 13 Bast playing officers. antiquities from. Badge of cavalry 18 Bak-ne-ra. 5. 21 Calcite beads. 21 Pamoun. 14 Anubis Bolt of bronze. 9 Colossus. 3 position of temple. 3. 4 Aahmes. 8. 17 Ameny. 21 Captive countries. 19 Aten adored. 4. 3. 10 Alexander the Rhetor. pit. private. 7 Agathodaimon on block.INDEX Aahmes II. 1 Attys. 4 Apa Abraham. 4 Victor. 8 temple i 5 15 Chisel. 2 Apis Chain of bark. 21 Cambyses. 21 Altar of offerings. 6 temple. Anoub. 4 Centre of civilisation at Memphis. ram of. 12 shrine. 15. 2 inlaying. lute. name of Sacred Lake. 4 Blue glazed pottery. 20. Asychis built propylaia. 20 Amen-mes. small. glazed. Ceremonial crosses. 17 temple. 2. Aseskaf.4 111. . of. 4 Khred-ne-mut. 2 8. 14 craters. 1. 19 her zed niedii. 12 Gate of camp. 4 of gods. 17 colony in Memphis. 12 9 Cones of blue pottery. 4 1 heads. 1 1 Herford. 2 Handles of Hapamu or temple. 10 Greek archaic head. 12 Diodoros. 14 i. 2 Egyptian figures all women. 17 pottery. Hatut. clustered. 15 Ka Granite colossi. 3 tablets 1 Hatre. 13 Hutch for mouse. 19 False doors of granite. 3 Island figure. 8. 12 Eagle of bronze. 3 Exploratory work. 10. 1 of Tepahu. 21 Kinyra played on. 3 Foundation deposits. 4. 14 Hery. 17 16 . 12 engaged. 18 House charm. contact with Europe. of. 15 Coronation stele. 13 Kiln for pottery. 17. 13 Coptic pottery. Jews' quarter. temple Khaemuas. 21 Crosses. 17 Fuat. 3. of. 1 Ears on tablets. 4 Isis Funeral sacrifice. 4 Indian civilisation. 8 Eastern propylaia. 13. 7 of kings adored. portrait heads 3 of. 19 i Drill cores. heads of. 8 Imhotep temple. Isaac. 3 Glazed tile of Sety II. 17 Thahapamu. heads. 18 temple. 9 sizes. 15 Foreign Aphrodite. Mr. 12 of Hotep-hem. 12 of rough pottery. 21 10 temple. 4. Miss C.INDEX 24 Columns. hall. 10 Kabiri temple. 2 Hittites. 8. 4 Hotep-hem. 13 model. 7. Fat. i. early. early. 3 Gregg. 7. 12 Gods of Memphis. 1 20 Khnum Hage. 15 Cypriote pottery. ceremonial. 4 Henut. 1 Cufic glazed pottery. 4 lay. epithet of Nile. lo Hathor Aphrodite. Herodotos. 16 Egyptians. 16 Huy. 17 4 Foreigners. 3. 16 1 Fortress plan hieroglyph. head Gonimotatos. 12 Gateway of Merenptah. 2 Jewish trader. 10 Kafr el Qala'. of Nehat. 17 Fish-harpoon. 19 History of Memphis. 13 19 7. i Karnak.2. Hert. Endowment Hypostyle stele. Kharu. 8 Inscriptions translated. 5. 20 Offering of bread Kom Offerings. of.i42 20 II. 2. 12 of 200 A.3 Mitrahineh. 6.. empire.17 of pottery. 12. 7 4 Pa-ta-yaht. 10. 13 prolific. spout. 14 of 300 Menat. 20 of.C. 4 Pellets of burnt clay. 2. Pasanshenoute. 7. 2 Nurse of royal son. 15. 5 Lion of bronze.. 9 Pottery figures painted. 9 capitals. 3 V. 8 8. 20 Ray. 16 Great King. 16 Makaukas. Merenptah. 19 Ncfertum statuette. 21 Physkon. 14 el Onyx rolls. 14. 12 Mer)-t. 15. 14 Ram of Amen. 9 Moiris built propylaia. Persian cavalry t 1 Macedonian head. 18 Ptahmes. 21 1 scalp a badge. 2 Measures. Ptah. Mask Pond. 14 or Mahui. 2 of. P. 8 Renanen. 8. 9. 2. 18. statue of. greatness Phibamon. 14 Pumping for amulets. 6 Rat. 19 III. 13 Nana-uab. 8 Ouartzite. Leather-worker's knife. Mackay. Mahuati. Nehati. 11. 7. 4 Lamp and holder. 12 \Ar4!6. 6. 2. 8. temenos 1 9 temple 19 20 Methen. temenos 2 of. B. 8 Naynaka. 20 Rhampsinitos. head Phoenician Tyrians. 10 Nehi. 14 Mer-ra. 17 r i officer. 20 Menes founded Memphis. inscription Psametek 1. 9 Pyramids. Nehat. 19 most 8. at. 21 Northern propylaia. 12 Museums Muy. 20 Nile. 1 Lamps Pa-hennu. Proteus. temple London compared in size. 9 Qen. of. gateway of. clearance of.9.anuser. 12. 6 paw Lion's Pa-penat. 16 Lotus 3 9 Panaho. 2 Moulds 15 Ptah Tanen. 19 . 15 water.. tablet 3 Piy. Primitive settlement. table Qala'. 16 of. Mr. 3. 8 or Meni. 4. casing from. 6 disc. 2 IX. 6 Nehneh. 18 1 of.D. 12 Rames. 6. the Serapeum. 8. 3 Hellul. 19 Ptolemy IV. 3. 20 Neb-her. i Palm 5 Limestone casing-stones. receiving objects. 3 Nekht-hor-heb. 7 John. i of. 21 colossus. 8 Ramessu Neit temple. 2 20 . 2 . Ra-shepses.INDEX 25 Kiy. capital. 12 Osiris-Sokar temple. a teacher. 17 Rope binding on columns. 2 Trial pieces. 21 Sesostrls. Uafet. i 1 1 2. 19 Sickle flints. 13 Tahuti temple.. colossal. s South propylaia. 19 Sekhmet. i Steatite discs and scarabs. iS Touho. 14 Set figured. 21 Set-nekht. 2 White Wall fortress.. 21 Tahayba. XVIIIth dynasty. Roman 20 in kilns. 10. with ears. 14 5 propylaia. Walson £• Viney. 15. 15 i Scythian figures. 10 1 Tahutmes 2 I. reading of name. 17 Sacred Lake. building Uia. Waste beads. 9 Sipairi. a fortress. Mr. 17 of. Ta-nenuny. 4 Scarabs found.'. 14 Views of West Hall. 7 unfinished. J. Washing troughs. 7 statue. 6 Sha-ne-ba. 2 I. 12 Stilts for kilns. 13 8. 20 Tweezers. 7 IV. 7 Theodores. 3 Strainers. Spur. London and Aylesbury.. 10 Trinity. 2 Wasters from 1 Sumerian heads. 19 Terra-cotta heads. 16 Semitic head. 4 II. 15 Walker.'7. 4 Sekhemy. 3 PriiiUd by Hazell. 20 12 Vase working. 12 Street lines. 4 I. dedication. 12 Shabaka chapel. 19 Size of Memphis. 8 Supports Roma. 12 1 Tent-an. Skew Usert. 6 West Hall. Rubbish thrown in court. Syrian head. 16 Sun-temple at Abusir. 8. 3 Sakho. Prince. Wall enclosing camp. 13 Schuler. 1 hieroglyph. lintel Sebek. 2 Tibetan head. '1 . tile. 8 temple. 14 heads. 7. 12. of. 13 Siamen. 17 in Egypt. Herr. 15 Set-nen-nefer-tum. Tablets of pyramid of. 16 Senusert 7 Taha. Dr. Li. i front of hall. kilns. Mr. 2 Wainwright.INDEX 26 Rolls of bread offered. 6 Tha-hap-amu. 10 Uah-ka. 20 Teta. Ward. Stadium i H. 13 Sety Uaat. 13. 3 Statues. 15 Strabo. Thent-ant. 8 Sacae figures. 16 8. 1 . ^\ F.000 MEMPHIS. . 10. SKETCH MAP.P. 'ai-M m^^ mi ^-^^* LIBHARY .NEW YOF. i i 'W / ^cS- <w i «| ilfill ^ V7//Y.^^:^^^^^. RAMESSU II.P I iff METRES .^:^^^^^^^^^^:^?^?^- I -1 1— ' I ' F.'/X//Ji'^ i> ^W IP" ^V/// YA % Yy w v/// m m m t '^^^^J^^Z^^^^^. PLAN OF WEST HALL. -^^^^^^^^^MMz.1 :300 MEMPHIS. i\tVV \Va\'lii\ Sii: LIBfi/ . MEMPHIS. . REUSED III. SCULPTURES V-Vl DYNASTIES. IN TEMPLE OF PTAH. GRANITE JAMB OF RANUSER. LINTEL OF TETA. i^i^W . . F.P. XII DYN.1 :4 MEMPHIS. RED GRANITE ALTAR OF UAH-KA. ? IV. Lt^ . 3:10 MEMPHIS. XII DYNASTY. ENDOWMENT STELE. . LIBRARY . fill ::^ ril*e li^-n? n \_in |IlT^i!^S^.3l^U /S/V-' -^y^/N I I I t — C-W . tl^tiCVi (XV\/\ iii< A_M-4r I n y l^kJlv^ !i. I •V.^W\A/\ XVIII DYN.^eT^2lf^ m&i'^k S :. 10 QUARTZITE STELE.3 : MEMPHIS.•- !i/!f /\- l^L-iJ iiri:..:^l5 l^fL^?VBM>m^[f.^ I I D I. ? VI. :^/ J L W:. WLW YU^rv b LIBRARY . MEMPHIS TABLETS OF XVIII DYNASTY. VII. 46 . . TABLETS OF TAHUTMES IV. .1:2 MEMPHIS. VIII. UBRARV . Si 'M ~m^ i^-.\9: ^ <•< m >5->>. r ]^S^ <o ^iri f>. lii^ .->lt . \: i ^P V ') ^rrsf^i >?^.i^gj/.:)• Ml ^ :t.. '>£^ <i.n. Xi> ^ M m ='.- "^m ..] U I-' i..y i». >v.-#.(>^^ /.^.-'.-_ ...r. IX.> '\ ^ <s ^ (>- .XV n f^:^ M t^I m "^^1^^ PL.. . :3 XVIII DYNASTY.:'^ "^w-' '^^^J:: imi v-^ .«^_ [T'ilf'r } ^/ < '^^ mm^ >i< >•:'.^^^7 *f^. p /: ^^^ . m ^*^ m^ SEE fAi 1^^" . 'v: « "I0*^.. V.. ^^-- 9^... 49 i'^ •^rj' f-^^ ^: ^ .iA .<x^'r'f' — ?.tA ''^^.^' :-•< fi. /-^"^Xv .1 EAR TABLETS OF MEMPHIS. XIII.<ii^. . IX PL. 1:2 PL TABLETS OF 1 AND 2 EARS.MEMPHIS.IX Pi. IX . . . P.P. XI. .1 : 2 MEMPHIS. TABLETS OF 2 TO 5 EARS. NEW .nv^:. YOl^KU.^ LIBRA.o'.HY . PL IX 24 F. TABLETS OF 4 TO 10 EARS.P .1:2 MEMPHIS. . 1 :2 MEMPHIS. TABLETS WITH MANY EARS. a c^ I D On 4- •) XIII. PL IX. 1%^ mi ^n j-^iy ' -^ // a i—ia TO U i j ^J^A p=^ (1 If /^.^.^ F. P. I NEW YORK 1 : 2 MEMPHIS. TABLETS OF PTAH. XIV. NEW YORK UNIVLf.SlTY LIBRA.^Y A P — I . E IB ctA U O frtrs XT H II 717 ^o -. ja LI^H^L'^'^ ^l^rxc^^ti^^x i^r^ TtT 21 ffii . F j^a:^ I In PP TABLETS OF PTAH AND OTHER GODS. rr i XV. R .a.1 :2 MEMPHIS. li: li I 21 1 r. SHlii^iiM LI BR' .NEW VL: '"''. P. TABLETS OF AMEN AND PRIVATE. XVI. PI. .1 : 2 MEMPHIS. VI F. NEW YOSK Ur . XVII TABLET OF HUY. G^-W. .1!2 MEMPHIS. NEW • YO.S!TY LibhArir .'''.^!' i'^:". X D ^:i/ c^ D n "^ V Pl...^. IX ^A Q^ r<i c^ ^O/tLO c::::) J K>1 ^ ^::^ DO ^JD^. ..W. XVIII.\ G.^=MV) tM^Snll ^=i ^njiAfuu^ a^^^ tA . — /-N //\^ '>. 2 o r -<^ ALTAR OF AMENHOTEP (BASE OF m ^_ At t^ ^^'9' /^f^. M°Q^.i^ Q ^ y^ ?} n . C.1: MEMPHIS.^^^^ Llo D /I ^¥^^n '^^llf^sU] .. MEMPHIS. DEPOSIT OF RAMESSU II. FOUNDATION DEPOSITS AND STATUE. XIX. AND KHAEMUAS STATUE OF RAY. NEW YORK UN LIBRARY O '\7' |:6 ^ 10 "v? /^A17 16 12 11 XX. r.POTTERY OF TAHUTMES MEMPHIS. P. DIAM. \b _ J columns 2. IV. . 13 14 19 r~]20 15 GW. ^^ S7^ FALSE DOORS.2.d -^ 6 sr-6 I'l?" NS 'i _ INSCMPTIOMS ON I Granite False Doo SECTIONS ^A E NT OF Cranite False Door.: 3 3 2. 21 22 |:3o iM 16-J< --J /I h /2i -1 M 2.+3C INS r. F^a messu H- — _ f//A ^ Tr AG EnC)AOe.7-4-( S I t 30'3e I I t 40 <. FOREIGN BOWL.1 Fragment ^ 41 ^ ' OF -50 <— I ^9m^ ^*^^ . NEW Y01» mm\m> . I OUTSIDE OF WEST COURT.-..MEMPHIS. VIEW ACROSS TEMENOS OF PTAH IN WINTER.t. . AND VIEW LOOKING EAST.lORTH TEMPLE OF PTAH. BASALT FOOT. POND ON SITE OF - i_t I V I I- I 1 \JI . AUKOSS WEST COURT LOOKING NORTH. XXI.L^ i_' V_l TEMPLE OF PTAH. . V^\»: • ^'r ! . ADDED INSCRIPTION OF MERENPTAH. WEST HALL OF RAMESSU XXII. . GRANITE COLUMNS IN WEST HALL. PALM CAPITAL CONVERTED INTO ENGAGED COLUMN.MEMPHIS. II. ENGAGED COLUMN OF LIMESTONE. MAIN DOOR WAY. GRANITE DWARF WALL OF ENTRANCE. .1 imAHY • . XXIII. SCULPTURE OF RAMESSU II.MEMPHIS. WEST HALL. PART OF «i_«ortoidR COLOSSUS. DOORWAY AND FRONT OF GRANITE COLOSSUS. . -_ .NEW Y. 1:6 SCULPTURES OF RAMESSU II. XXIV.MEMPHIS. . . . II. RAMESSU CAPITALS AND WALLS OF &HABAKA. WEST HALL. XXV. COLUMNS OF XVIII-XIX DYNASTIES. GRANITE COLUMN.MEMPHIS. sirv LIBf?AKY j .NEW Yci»K uNivir. OW / C^DDC See Colum n on Pl-.XXV. SCULPTURE. XIX DYNASTY. XXVI .1:4 MEMPHIS. S!TY l.^ ^'. . i .VPRK r^MV"'. 2. . I^ BUILDING / OFSHABAKA ' CAPITAL PLAN OF TOWN AROUND MERENPTAH TEMPLE. F. -# ^ p I y I N EAST OF PTAH TE^AENOS I PA BUILDING IN S-W. .oo SACRED LAKE r. 800 AS.P. i E ^ R J H P f\ V I N G F.OF 1:40 XXVII.MEMPHIS.P. 2 i c •y/. ETC. . FLLnt F.2:3 SiickLei. P. . MEMPHIS. 1-22 TEMPLE OF MERENPTAH. 23-30 GENERAL. XXVIII. . CYPRIOTE POTTERY. POTTERY. . XXIX. TEMPLE OF MERENPTAH. JAMB. TEMPLE OF MERENPTAH ROMAN LAMP.MEMPHIS. y^r^ ^' . I :zo -J o r. M S • W- OF PTAH TEME NOS. BUILDING I OF S A I M EN i:zo I BLOCn OF CHAMBER ALAbfiSTEP. or SHESHENq^ 110 I FOUNDATIONS m o BUILDING I 1 HA/^ZSSUII 0.1 : MEMPHIS. .p. 200 XXX. PLANS. FOUNDATION or REUSED STONE I i y////// GREAT GATE OF THE '/// s\\\ Uj CAMP LIMESTONE B RICK WALL BLOCK. . XXXI. . SCULPTURE XXl-XXX DYNASTIES.MEMPHIS. AGATHO-DAIMON HOUSE AMULET •AORKMEN'S HUTS. . B ITT] INSCRIPTION OF HAP-AMU.MEMPHIS. ETC. . XXXII. | I .ii/ LIBRARY .NEW YOfiK Ui\!'/L^-. SHRINE FOR SHREWMOUSE? LATE SCULPTURE. LIMESTONE HEAD OF HATHOR. . PART OF MODEL OF HOUSE.MEMPHIS. XXXIII. L • LIBRARY . 1 :1 FP. . . 2 : 3 MEMPHIS. XXXV. TERRACOTTA HEADS OF EGYPTIANS. . . PERSIAN CAVALRY OFFICER SEMITIC SYRIAN XXXVI. FROM SIDON SARCOPHAGUS AMU FROM 8ENIHASAN TOMB.2 : 3 MEMPHIS. . PERSIAN GREAT KING. TERRACOTTA HEADS OF FOREIGNERS. ary | .3l!7 lib.NEW YORK UNIVtf^. 2 : 3 MEMPHIS. XXXVII . TERRACOTTA HEADS OF FOREIGNERS. l.Y . TERRACOTTA HEADS OF FOREIGNERS.2 : 3 MEMPHIS. XXXVIII . . TERRACOTTA FIGURES OF INDIANS. .2 : 1 : 3 MEMPHIS. XXXIX. . 421 SCYTHIAN KOUL-OBA VASE XL.2 : MEMPHIS. . 3 TERRACOTTA FIGURES OF SCYTHIANS. . 2 : 3 MEMPHIS. XLI. . ITALIAN AND GREEK. TERRACOTTA HEADS OF FOREIGNERS. NEW YOisK n j^- LIBRARY . TERRACOTTA HEADS OF GREEKS. XLI I.2 : 3 MEMPHIS. . WEW YORK LIE UNlVEr.SliY ASY . 2 : 3 MEMPHIS. TERRACOTTA HEADS OF GREEKS 61 . . XLIV. . COLOURED POTTERY FIGURES. TEMPLE OF MERENPTAH.1:4 1-6 MEMPHIS TERRA COTTA FIGURES. . PTOLEMAIC SCULPTURE. GREEK STELE. AND DRILL CORES. . ETC ALABASTER VASES BROKEN IN WORKING.MEMPHIS. XLV. NEW • Yos.AftY . V Lie .. XLVII).1 : 6 MEMPHIS.C XLVI. . ABOUT 300 B. POTTERY WITH AMULETS (Pl. NEW li3RAP" . FOUND WITH POTTERY. PL.D. 300 PL. GROUP OF GLAZED POTTERY. XLVIIl. 2:3 DATED GROUPS. . FOUND WITH POTTERY. GROUP OF LAMPS. ABOUT 200 A. XLVL .iBOUT ORIGINAL HANDLES. B C. SIX W ITH XLVII.MEMPHIS. NEW YOr»K UNIVcfiSITi' mm %::i LIEflACY cooEvE . 9 200 A.D.W.1:6 POTTERY WITH LAMPS MEMPHIS. 1 y T . XLVIi). . XLVIII.3 (Pl. I 1 3 10 15 fl444«<«44tM4l'««4«4«t4'rf(. .\|44t4 44«t«i 144 44(41 4 4«4M'44'4 4414*444] \441444«44l444<«*«44»44444t 44411 14 t444U (^^^^^ 22 C.? 9. '^(nm. LIBRARY I .NEW YOSK UNIVtf.SlTY v|jn. PART OF VASE. BOWLS AND DISHES FROM KILN. ROMAN. XLIX. PTOLEMAIC AND ROMAN GLAZED POTTERY. SPHINX.MEMPHIS. . ^=.i!Mtwc.! MPW vrr.'.:. r ' . il3 GLAZED POTTERY FROM KILN.1:3 MEMPHIS. . NtW YORK m^ UNlVEf.SlVY im^i K^SE LIBRARY • . t-7 BRONZE. 8-17 IRON. 2 COPTIC OBJECTS. LI.1: ATHRIBIS. 29-30 POTTERY. . 21-23 BONE. 18 BARK. 19-20 WOOD. P. r. 24-28 GLASS. . rrc^^ydv ^ I ATHRIBIS.1:4 RIFEH. COPTIC POTTERY. no^N MAM . -l^ B^A^ Lll. INSCRIPTION. RK UNIVr/nSITY . 1 :4- GREEK, LATIN. AND COPTIC INSCRIPTIONS. Nl AOUirON I Lllf. MUJW^AAESANLPocPHT^ Mc rn. p h. i 5 •jfNOlWiTITO Ai/irt 6l M t-m p h i nPCKlDT TrKTW nwi s Mem p h Li F. HNCONtV £nfB£bN nAKoATNC rcoAI£T©r? OYHt^Kioi T NXoOCtMA Ay ma pi a T n MAAy ga M 4> >ri. & a-LcL. p K If 2 hn£n idTg nAispi aPXKC I Z-h. n An e T PlET^^T^nyo, foxnoc wxoAnoCAi NTEI^HXHMMAIAI rr^ev'5?Hrob CM » B olLu z ZHNOviPHNHn.^MHI e,/l S (X t u 2. ^,/i 10 \/v<///^\7/ly} Ba-Li/ze h. & a- L u ZL e^ h. I R \ fif-yi/ yr\'\i\( llNlVcr COPTIC INSCRIPTIONS. 1:4- ^ noytttta \2. \ fAeoCApjTT ^eevnatta ABrA^AMTTpM TTANAio^t| N.CoHTooy MUN ) \ S (X. £. Lf 2 o/t 14- f eMwoerrwey o N-^l^n ^9d, I '^7 ^-/?, (2) V? mn LIV. «R: . 28 A STUDENT'S HISTORY OF EGYPT. 2s. BIAHMU. 255. 43 4° pl-. with 69 extra plates. Macmillan. Murray. 56 MEMPHIS. Quantch. GIZEH AND ATHRIBIS. Part E.. KAHUN. 48 pl.i WORKS BY W. Quaritch.)* (Out of print. pl. 25.. EHNASYA. Methuen. 54 Quaritch. 37 25^RELIGION AND CONSCIENCE IN EGYPT. 105. Egyptian 63^. 40 xs. DENDEREH. Quaritch. TELL EL HESY (LACHISH). Quaritch. QuariUh. 37. 2. 32 1887. XlXth to TRANSLATIONS OF EGYPTLA..) ROYAL TOMBS OF EARLIEST DYNASTIES.?. pl. DIOSPOLIS PARVA. (Out of ILLAHUN.) HAWARA. 63 35 additional 81 pl. 86 SIX TEMPLES AT THEBES.)* 16.) TEN YEARS' DIGGING IN EGYPT. NAUKRATIS I. 255. London... Methuen. plates. M. Part QURNEH. (Out of print. MeHaien. (Out KAHUN. Quaritch. 68 pl.) Quantch. (Out of print. Quaritch. MEMPHIS. . 6d. pl-. ROYAL TOMBS OF FIRST DYNASTY. MEDUM. Alexander IVatt. 26 With down to the Dynasties. 6s. /ohn Murray. ^s.S. HISTORICAL SCARABS.) Of works marked * a few copies can be had on application to the Author. by Tristram Ellis. 33 pltd. I. P'-. 25^. Methuen. Part III. THE PYRAMIDS AND TEMPLES OF GIZEH. TELL EL AMARNA. Dartmouth Park Hill. io:r... Quarltch. pl. HYKSOS AND ISRAELITE CITIES. ABYDOS. A SEASON IN EGYPT. . 25. Part II. 2 ROMAN EHNASYA. GUROB. pl. RACIAL PORTRAITS.. 25^- PERSONAL RELIGION IN EGYPT BEFORE CHRISTIANITY. . Methuen.)* 10s. 2 vols.. Quaritch. . 38 pl.IV.. 255. 255-. 6^.. 45 64 pi. 1903. AND ARSINOE. KOPTOS..-. Constable. 5J-. RELIGION OF ANCIENT EGYPT. Quaritch. pl. pl-.) Monuments.. 6s. RIFEH. DESHASHEH.. zs. SYRIA AND EGYPT. (Out of print. illustrations 5th ed. 19 pi. RESEARCHES IN SINAL 186 illustrations and 4 plans. 40 additional plates. Part II. FLINDERS PETRIE. Quaritch. 36 (Out of pl. 25^. HIEROGLYPHIC PAPYRUS FROM TANIS. M.T. 190 photographs from print.?. NAQADA AND BALLAS. II. {In preparation) pl. Quaritch. ^os. 66 blocks.. icr. University College. I. ABYDOS. pl. AND HAWARA. 6d. (Out of print. 64 METHODS AND AIMS IN ARCHAEOLOGY. Nebesheh and Defenneh. 21.^. 25. Quariuh. each. of print. XVIth Dynasty. {In preparation. Quantch. Quaritch. 25^. 1881-1891. I. 10 pl. N. bd Harper. 2s.N TALES. io. 3^. XXXth 10s. 45^.r. print.?. 255. . 6d.. with 48 extra plates..) print. Part I. 11. DECORATIVE ART IN EGYPT. AND GUROB. XVIIth and XVIIIth Dynasties. in leather. pl. (Out of (Out of pl. 6d. TANIS TANIS 25^^.. Part Quaritch.) print. . . . . . J. (Out of 43 plates.^. XII.y. 355.f. by . . Caulfeild. at Goiver the Street. M. i6. ATHRIBIS. AND net. E.C. plates. II. by W. Garrow Duncan. Or:P. net. 1906. 40 plates. by Murrav. 1900 1901 J. Subscriptions Secretary. QURNEH. 25^- plate. I. net. 1904.) of One Guinea for the Annual Single Volumes. Walker. EL KAB. 54 print. Flinders Petrie and J. a. XV. M. Petrie. {In preparation. Margaret A. M. THE OSIREION. print. by . 39 plates (4 coloured VI. 37 net. LoAT. RIFEH. MEMPHIS JCVI. MAHASNA.) net. V. Petrie. volume with 109 plates. Edwards Library. DALLAS. III.) E.) los. 43 plates. 505. are received by the Hon. I. J. University College. B. Petrie. Flinders .. 20^-. Walker and E. (Out of net. by F. XVII. ids. GUROB. fief.'^. by W. Garstang. or Tivo Guineas for the Double Vobinies. H. IV. H. Ouibell. 1899. Green 11. M. (Out of VIII. by W. print. text . Funoers double volume In net. SAQQARA MASTABAS 1905 by Hilda Petrie. p. net.) (Out of X. M. Garstang and Kurt KINGS. 64 plates. 1908. Knobel. net. joint in F.ELL. plates. (Out of E. plates. TEMPLE OF THE 24 IX. and 20 photographic). by obtainable (Out of print. J. Flinders 25. by volume NAQADA AND BALLAS.. by GIZEH neL Ouibell. M. THE RAMESSEUM. M. Flinders by 1909. Setiie. 1896. A. by A. 1898 I. 25. St. II. by print. net. J. J.) . 1908. 56 plates.) Petrie and XIII. M. EL ARABAH. and 1903 . 1897 by . London. where also copies of the above ivorks can be obtained. J. Petrie.. G. 1907 In double and (This latter out of print. 1895. w. J. W. by L. Ouibell. MEMPHIS 40 plates. 40 F. {In preparation) {In preparation. 2i. W. HYKSOS AND ISRAELITE CITIES. 43 plates.?.^s.PUBLICATIONS 0¥ THE EGYPTIAN RESEARCH ACCOUNT I.$-. 1909 II. HIERAKONPOLIS HIERAKONPOLIS VII. 25. 20^. W. by W. E. net. by 1902. XIV. XI. IV.) print. Murray.) SAQQARA MASTABAS with 94 plates. 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