Personality Types



Personality Types God could have made us all Sanguines.We could have lots of fun but accomplish little. He could have made us all Melancholies. We would have been organized and charted but not very cheerful. He could have made us all Cholerics. We would have been set to lead, but impatient that no one would follow! He could have made us all Phlegmatics. We would have had a peaceful world but not much enthusiasm for life. We need each temperament for the total function of the body. Each part should do its work to unify the action and produce harmonious results. -Florence Littauer PERSONALITY Types of Personality: y The Sanguine is the popular person who wants to have fun out of every situation and be the life of the party. Sanguine love to talk. The Choleric is the powerful person who wants to take control of every situation and make decisions for others. Choleric love to work. The Melancholy is the perfect person who wants everything done in order and done properly and who appreciates art and music. Melancholies love to analyze. The Phlegmatic is the peaceful person who wants to stay out of trouble, keep life on an even keel, and get along with everybody. Phlegmatics like to rest. y y y It is amazing how quickly we can learn to spot these people and therefore know how to approach them correctly. The Sanguines are the easiest to spot because they make grand entrances, love attention, attract people with their magnetism, exude charisma, and tell funny stories. What they want to hear from you is how attractive they are, how you like their hair, make-up, dangling rhinestone earrings, or anything else they have put on to ensure that you notice them. They live for the externals and want you to get excited over their clothes, sense of humor, or new red sports car. If you are a Melancholy, you will not naturally be Everyone loves the low-key nature of the inoffensive Phlegmatic. and though they aren t loud like the Sanguine. in turn. or get to deeply involved like the Melancholy. If you are a Phlegmatic you get worn out just watching these people. business. their speed in problem solving. but they love praise for their accomplishment. wisdom. their loyalty to God.given to praising the obvious and will feel that to laugh at the Sanguine s jokes and stories will only encourage them to babble on. They. They don t need a lot of praise like the Sanguine. whose idea of value is wrapped up in how much is accomplished in a given day. Since Sanguines and Cholerics say whatever comes to their minds without weighing their words. They do appreciate being noticed once and a while. blend in with the wallpaper. The Phlegmatic Peaceful Person is amiable. They often marry Sanguines who can t find their way inside these deep virtues and who keep telling them how cute they look. The Choleric Powerful Person is easy to spot because he walks with authority and appears to be in charge of everything. These people are usually quiet. Such people don t want to waste much time on trivial activity with no obvious results or converse with people w ho have nothing to say of any consequence. and spiritual values. we are giving out silver boxes that nobody wants. They laugh with those who laugh and cry with those who cry. and being told they are of value and their opinion is respected. They often lean while standing and sit in comfortable recliner chairs if at all possible. being included in conversations that they won t push into on their own. easy to get along with. and relaxed. They don t need to be affirmed on their looks. I understand you. Since they often marry Cholerics. and are usually right. or country. they don t get appreciated for their quiet and gentle spirit. nor do they want to be in charge like the Choleric. tell them how amazed you are at how much they accomplish in a very short time. and their sense of fair play. can quickly assess what needs to be done. and a little ill-at-ease in social situations where they don t know everyone. They consider compliments on clothes and external niceties to be trivial and want to hear about the inner virtues of integrity. These people fit into any situation. their constant goal setting. When we don t understand these differences. reserved. They may never have noticed you before but they will suddenly see you as a person of great discernment. they often deflate the Melancholy who is waiting for someone to hand him a silver box that says. they do have a witty sense of humor. . The Melancholy Perfect Person is usually very neatly put together and intellectual looking. They would rather talk quietly with one person in depth than banter with a group. mother. but if you want them to be impressed with you. and modify their personality to get along without conflict. They accomplish more than any of the other personality types. church. They are frequently telling other people what to do and pointing out the dummies of life. The Melancholy is very sensitive and easily hurt and tends to take what others say in humor as personal and hurtful. In her enthusiasm. Because of her bubbly personality. Miss Phlegmatic has some natural inner beauty. Most of the time she is easy to get along with and cheerful. She is sure of her ability to handle any situation and can motivate others to action. the way to develop a calm spirit of inner beauty (Philippians 2:13). she often appears phony and comes on too strong. she may exaggerate the truth. Compassion for others is an area she needs to improve. Table of Equivalents for the 4 Personality Types Be swift to hear. Choleric ~ The choleric young woman is an extrovert. It is hard to rouse her to action. A melancholic personality is often very gifted with intellect and talent. Phlegmatic people are conservative and usually neat. loving. She is often sad and unhappy. For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. waste time. She can work on calmness and on controlling her tongue. The words of James (James 1:19) may be helpful: slow to wrath. Miss Choleric will have to work at developing the calm spirit of inner beauty. She will find help in God s Word. Be kindly affectionate one to another in honor preferring one another. . optimistic. She is apt to dominate the conversation or talk too much about herself. efficient.find it difficult to praise the constant projects of the Choleric because it wears them out just thinking of them. and depression characterize Miss Melancholic. Miss Melancholic will have the most work for the Holy Spirit to do in developing qualities of inner beauty in her life. Romans 12:10 says. and forget obligations. Her personality perhaps has more weaknesses than strengths. She is quick tempered and easily angered. and dependable. seasoned with salt. particularly in Colossians 4:6. The Christian young woman who identifies with this personality type can find in God s Word the means of Christian growth. teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. and confident. (Some of the above information was taken from Silver Boxes by Florence Littauer. Phlegmatic ~ The phlegmatic is a super introvert. slow to speak.) Sanguine ~ A young woman with a sanguine temperament is warm. Melancholic ~ Gloominess. She will find help in such verses as Colossians 3:15 and 16: And let the peace of God rule in your hearts Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Choleric temperaments are irritated easily. hopeful. She at times is selfish and stubborn. irritability. Let your speech be always with grace. that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Miss Sanguine has more natural inner-beauty qualities than the other temperaments. cheerful. She is selfdisciplined and usually finishes the projects she starts. singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. She is very slow and easy-going. direct Weakness: Argumentative. The lion is good at making decisions and is very goaloriented. hard time expressing grace Otter. Has deep relationships. Looks for appreciation. Because lions are thinking of the goal. difficult assignments. Very caring. but usually only a couple of close friends.Good at making friends. affirming . Wants to be loved by everyone.) The otter personality is like Tigger in Winnie The Pooh. they can step on people to reach it.Hippocrates Humors Choleric Biblical Characters Smalley Animals DiSC 100 Acre Wood Characters Charlie Brown Characters Personality Types Paul Lion Sanguine Phlegmatic Peter Otter Abraham Golden Retriever Melancholy Moses Beaver Conscientousness Eeyore Dominance Influence Steadiness Rabbit Tigger Pooh Lucy Snoopy Charlie Brown Linus Here is a description of the four personality types based on Gary Smalley s writings: Lion. Works best in a limited situation with a steady work pattern. (Jobs are not often done well. strong. positive Weakness: Talks too much. They love to goof-off. calm. They enjoys being popular and influencing and motivating others.) Otters like to hurry and finish jobs. Lions must learn not to be too bossy or to take charge in other s affairs. Biblical Example: Paul Case Study: Acts 9:3-19 Strength: Goal-oriented.This personality likes to lead. They enjoy challenges. (They are notorious for messy rooms. follow through with discipline Golden Retriever. but not deep relationships. Biblical Example: Abraham Case Study: Genesis 12-22 Strength: Accommodating. Otter personalities love people. Very loyal. and opportunity for advancement.Otters are very social creature. Can be very sensitive. Retriever personalities do not like big changes. open. Lions can be very aggressive and competitive. too dictatorial Limitation: Doesn t understand that directness can hurt others. Biblical Example: Peter Case Study: John 21:1-22 Strength: People person. They look for security. too permissive Limitation: Remembering past commitments. Otter can sometimes be hurt when people do not like them. Otter personalities usually have lots of friends. Lion Likes authority Confident Firm Enjoys challenges Problem solver Bold Goal driven Strong willed Self reliant Persistent Beaver Takes charge Determined Enterprising Competitive Productive Purposeful Adventurous Independent Controlling Action oriented Enjoys instructions Consistent Reserved Practical Factual Perfectionistic Detailed Inquisitive Persistent Sensitive Accurate Controlled Predictable Orderly Conscientious Discerning Analytical Precise Scheduled Deliberate Let s do it now! Double the number chosen:___ Otter Enthusiastic Visionary Energetic Promoter Takes Risks Motivator Very verbal Friendly How was it done in the past? Double the number chosen:___ Golden Retriever Sensitive feelings Calm Non-demanding Avoids confrontations Loyal Even keeled Gives in Indecisive . too perfect. Instructions: In each box chose the words that best describe your personality. indifferent. Beaver personalities are very creative. Limitation: Seeing the optimistic side of things. Desire to take their time and do it right. Biblical Example: Moses Case Study: Exodus 3-4 Strength: High standards. .Organized. holding others accountable Beaver. expressing flexibility Personality Inventory Here is a small test to take to find out what your personality is .Weakness: Indecisive. . They need reassurance. Double the number of words you chose and record that number. unable to express emotional. Beavers think that there is a right way to do everything and they want to do it exact that way. Beavers do not like sudden changes. respect Weakness: Unrealistic expectations of self & others. order. too soft on other people Limitation: Seeing the need to be more assertive. They desire to solve everything. . . .Mixes easily Fun-loving Spontaneous Creative-new ideas Optimistic Infectious laughter Enjoys popularity Likes variety Enjoys change Group oriented Initiator Inspirational Enjoys routine Warm and relational Adaptable Thoughtful Patient Good listener Dislikes change Dry humor Sympathetic Nurturing Tolerant Peace maker Trust me! It ll work out! Double the number chosen:___ Let s keep things the way they are. Double the number chosen:___ You can print this page and graph your score on the following chart . Once you are done scoring you will want to know what your score means. For a description of the meaning of each of these four personality strengths and weaknesses. go to Personality Types.
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