Personality Assessment



Personality Assessment Methods1. A 100-item true/false test of extraversion is constructed so that every True response is indicative of extraversion, and every False response is indicative of introversion. Mei Ling answers True to every item on the test. What can the test user conclude? A. Mei Ling is extremely extraverted. B. Mei Ling has well documented tendencies toward extraversion. C. Mei Ling may be extraverted. Content D. spilled milk D. 7. typically contain only one correct answer. John E. D. all questions asked by the examiner. D. D. An early projective test used what as projective stimuli? A. None of these 6. was the founding curator of the Hermann Rorschach Museum and Archives. C. the Rorschach Inkblot Test. In administering the Rorschach. clouds B. is meaningful. Mei Ling is clearly not introverted. this time from the constraints of cultural sensitivity. Color B. water C. increasingly developed or converted to be norm-referenced in nature. has meaning insofar as the mechanisms typically used for scoring. the process of asking and then re-raising questions. the term inquiry BEST refers to A. Jr. the semantic distinction between objective and projective tests A. the investigative process of the examiner. computer or online. 4." C. have a sound grounding in theory. Clarity 9. 8. created a Rorschach scoring system that he called "the comprehensive system. the process of re-administering the cards. 2. can be scored by machine. B. B. B. D. C. B. As concluded in Chapter 13. authored a book that reviewed several Rorschach scoring systems. the Form Interpretation Test. especially as it relates to the content of the items. should be abandoned because there is really no difference between them. symbols for astrological signs 5. Which of the following is NOT a category mentioned in the text by which a Rorschach response could be scored? A. is only meaningful to the extent that each relies heavily on self-report. Popularity C. Today. Projective instruments were originally developed in a spirit of rebellion against norm-referenced instruments. B. Exner. C. B. projective instruments are A.D. C. All of the above 3. Hermann Rorschach developed a test he called A. A. All of these . Objective tests of personality have in common with many objective tests of ability and achievement the fact that test items. D. C. more rebellious than ever given their continued independence from norms. D. Psychodiagnostics. the Object Discrimination Exercise. A. rebelling yet again. Sandor Ferenczi. D." 12. 23 C. B. C. . With regard to scoring the TAT. C. 18 B. None of these 15." B. an early study using pictures as projective stimuli for storytelling found differences as a function of A. Rapaport's inspiration for developing this test came from word association experiments initially conducted by A. this person created another inkblot test. latent stimulus demands. The Blacky Pictures Test C. 16. frequent plots. In an effort to address longstanding criticisms related to the psychometric soundness of the Rorschach test. Who was he? A. religion B. form demands. the testtaker's task is filling-in what the people in a cartoon-like stimulus might be saying or thinking. Carl Jung. The Children's Apperception Test-Human B. 42 14. online scoring services. The Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study D. B. Carl Jung D. it gets over the Rorschach. How many TAT cards are there in the published set? A. Some have said that different TAT cards have different "stimulus pulls. TEMAS D. it accepts tests like the Rorschach. Complete this Arthur Jensen quote: "The rate of scientific progress in clinical psychology might well be measured by the speed and thoroughness with which _____ A. age D. The Roberts Apperception Test for Children C.10. B. it rejects projective techniques as unreliable and invalid. Most examiners use the scoring manual written by Christiana Morgan. A. In this test." D. D. None of these 18. David Rapaport C. it understands the need for normative projective measures." C. Which test does NOT belong because it is a different type of test? A. Wayne Holtzman B. The Word Association Test was developed at the Menninger Clinic by David Rapaport and colleagues. C. Most examiners use independent. Hans Behn-Eschenburg 11. D. variations on the same theme." By this it is meant that different TAT cards have different A. gender C. The School Apperception Method 17. In 1907. race 13. Most examiners use the scoring manual packaged with the test. Sigmund Freud. 31 D. A. The Kent-Rosanoff Free Association Test B. Karen Horney. C. structured versus unstructured. All of these . 22. the individual's superego. B. 21. None of these 20. that gauges duration." D. "in harmony with the world" to "danger to oneself and others. C. projective. personally invested versus personally distanced. Skinner. F. Each item of the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank is scored on a 7-point scale with points ranging from A. antecedent. present. the person drawn represents the person doing the drawing. B. were consultants in the development of the Szondi Pictures Test. the "there and then. transparent versus obscured. that is future-oriented. C. "typical" to "atypical.19. Carl Rogers. reality demands. B. 28. the environment. C. D. as traditional is to A. D. 24. Scott Lilienfeld and Bernard Murstein A. are on opposing sides when it comes to projective techniques. as past is to A." B. D. Harry Stack Sullivan. B. None of these 25. Questioning the utility of the projective/objective distinction." 26. of the "here and now. D. B. D. D. C. and the paper on which it is drawn represents A. D. According to Karen Machover's thought regarding the interpretation of findings of a Draw-a-Person test. 27. Ecological momentary assessment is essentially a behavioral record A. Cone argued that reliability and validity were both not relevant. B. consequence. Sign is to sample. B. that gauges duration." C. 23. B. A device that could be characterized as "auditory inkblots" was developed by A. that entails verbal input. of the past. D. C. have both written critiques of projective techniques. Weiner proposed that the dichotomy be changed to one labeled A. C. the individual's dreams and aspirations." B. ambiguous versus unambiguous. have both argued in favor of projective techniques. that is future-oriented. objective. Wayne Holtzman. C. Cone argued that reliability and validity were both relevant. of the "here and now. "need for therapy" to "extremely good adjustment. The timeline-followback procedure is essentially a behavioral record A. Bellak and Hersen argued that reliability and validity were both relevant." B. C. A. behavioral. Timeline-followback procedure is to ecological momentary assessment. To what extent are traditional psychometric standards applicable to behavioral assessment? According to your textbook. D. certain combinations of components of a score may usefully predict outcomes even if those components are uncorrelated. Which is NOT one of those advantages? A. B. D. the assessee records all the relevant behaviors but reports to the evaluator only selectively. The tests did not distinguish between clinical and nonclinical groups. Skinner had been working on. this orientation has been replaced by what might be termed A. 32. Most of B. D. "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. A document filed in the US Patent Office in June. the normative sample from Detroit was not representative. D. Why is it surprising that B. Skinner did not believe that mentalistic terms such as projection are scientifically useful. D. F. B. B. internal consistency seldom has any bearing on validity. Advocates for the disabled argued convincingly that these tests were biased against people with disabilities. maintain. Skinner's career was in the era before sound could be recorded and this test was one of his final accomplishments. According to your textbook. 37. the van Gogh approach. 36. The oracle-like. 31. C. 30. B. The sounds were considered offensive by some cultural groups. the Monet approach. Self-monitoring differs from self-report because in self-monitoring A. B. F. The internal consistency of TAT scores tends to be low. B. the graduate students collecting the data were poorly trained. Self-monitoring can be both a method of data collection and . C. in general. F. 34. Proponents of the TAT respond to this criticism by noting that A. 2011 claimed a patent for A. clinical orientation has been characterized as the third ear approach. C. Behavioral assessment can provide behavioral baseline data. D. Skinner developed the first auditory projective test? A. B. B. B. a wireless penile plethysmograph. 33. Insurance companies refused to reimburse clinicians for administering them. Behavioral assessment can be used to pinpoint environmental conditions that are acting to trigger. behaviors are recorded at the time and place in which they occur.29. F. B. Behavioral assessment has many advantages over other forms of assessment. C. Why did projective tests using ambiguous sounds eventually become unpopular with clinicians? A. Behavioral assessment can provide a record of the assessee's behavioral strengths and weaknesses across a variety of situations. the El Greco approach. The development of this test was an accidental product of a behavioral assessment for hearing that B. a behavioral assessment device that displayed duration of unwanted thoughts. C. D." 35. the norms over-pathologized nonclinical groups. the responses are not recorded. As a behaviorist. C. C. it is up to the assessee to decide what to report. C. or extinguish certain behaviors. statistics have no place when it comes to clinical judgment and the use of projective instruments. a handheld computer that automatically recorded feeling states. D. F. Controversy surrounding Exner's norms for the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach stemmed from the claim that A. a biofeedback device that can induce a desired emotion. D. the Pablo Picasso approach. Exner took great liberties when developing the norms making their validity questionable. Skinner did not believe in projective instruments but nonetheless believed there was a great market for this test at the time. Behavioral assessment can provide adequate explanations for apparently contradictory dynamics in motivation. increasingly become norm-referenced. the necessity for examinees to have a working knowledge of English. multicolored. the psychoanalytic concept of repression. objective D. 46. care must be taken to make certain examinees blacken the grids fully. The development of projective tests A. D. D. All of these 40. The stimulus cards of the Rorschach test are A. a method of increasing the generalizability of findings. behavioral 39. futile C. B. are relatively unstructured techniques. B. D. a type of projective instrument. C. All of these . is used widely by behavioral psychologists. B.A. projective tests have A. and impulses is known as A. All of these 43. cross-cultural bias. C. D. 42. spontaneous statements that the testtaker makes that are irrelevant to the card presented are not considered in the interpretation. 38. D. D. an inquiry may be undertaken after the first administration in an attempt to clarify what was reported being seen. white. conflicts. Projective tests are BEST characterized as _____ methods of personality assessment. Projective tests A. B. and red. are direct methods of personality assessment. The assumption that individuals provide structure to unstructured stimuli in a manner consistent with their individual needs. the defense mechanism of denial. an assessee's attempt to fake good or fake bad. was heralded by those employing actuarial prediction as a breakthrough in assessment techniques. A. B. the projective hypothesis. The Rorschach Inkblot Test A. In recent years. can be purchased as either a black-and-white or a multicolored set of cards. increasingly been criticized for being culturally loaded. D. None of these 41. "testing the limits" and asking specific questions of the examinee may invalidate the findings. achromatic. was originally developed with highly structured and comprehensive administration and scoring instructions. C. the stimulus-response hypothesis. and only with #2 pencils. indirect B. place great verbal demands on the test-taker. an intervention itself. None of these 45. C. B. C. was virtually ignored by legitimate test publishers for the last 25 years. C. a means of watching oneself on closed circuit television. The use of projective tests minimizes A. represented a reaction to attempts to assess personality using normative approaches. C. B. When administering the Rorschach Inkblot Test A. C. D. B. black. the need for payment by third parties such as insurers. 44. C. D. attempted to tap less and less unconscious content. B. B. C. it is important to note whether the individual responds to part of the inkblot or to the entire card. but only because these categories are sensitive to the present state of the respondent. B. is the product of a joint collaboration by psychologists from around the world. Unacceptably low levels of inter-scorer reliability on basic scoring categories among trained scorers has been observed. only subjective clinical judgment is utilized. 55. The Journal of Personality Assessment has published numerous studies attesting to the high split-half reliability of the Rorschach. there are too few inkblots to enable interpretation through the split-half method. C. B. 51. obtain additional information about stimuli that played a role in formulating the percept. B. B. D. despite its questionable validity. the interpretation of Rorschach responses. which statement is TRUE? A. ceased to be published in 2011. 49. Agreement with respect to how specific responses should be scored according to a certain scoring system does not necessarily imply agreement on the interpretation of a Rorschach protocol. C. Which statement is TRUE regarding the reliability of the Rorschach test? A. is an attempt to integrate the best features of the existing scoring systems. C. is taught in graduate psychology programs but is seldom used in professional practice. D. A. The split-half method appears to be a more feasible method for assessing reliability than test-retest procedures. results in some scoring categories that are deemed unreliable. the creativity of the assessee's responses will be a key determinant of the test user's vocational recommendations. When the Rorschach test is scored. the predictive validity of the Rorschach. responses by subjects may be too lengthy to adapt to split-half procedures.47. each inkblot is considered to have a unique stimulus quality. All of these 53. D. Assessing the reliability of the Rorschach using the split-half method is inappropriate because A. D. Published data demonstrate the potential reliability of Rorschach scoring but do not assure that Rorschach protocols are always reliably scored. Debate over the validity of the Rorschach has stemmed from inconclusive results of research examining: A. was the system recommended by Hermann Rorschach himself. B. Exner's Comprehensive System for scoring the Rorschach test A. B. the content of the response is of greater diagnostic value than the location cited in forming the perception. even for specific scoring systems. . D. 54. 48. D. C. Exner's Comprehensive System for scoring the Rorschach test A. has been found to be more reliable for research use than for use with clinical populations of multicultural origin. The highest degree of inter-scorer agreement generally occurs for the determinants of form and movement. encourage subjects to change responses that are unacceptable. The Rorschach test A. to provide extended time for observing the subject under the stress of having to recall initial responses. B. D. the effectiveness of the Rorschach in differentiating between clinical groups. to give the examiner the opportunity for verbal interaction with the subject. D. C. Inter-scorer reliability has been shown to be much higher among expert Rorschach users who also have access to background information on the examinee. C. continues to be a widely used clinical tool. With respect to inter-scorer agreement on the Rorschach. Inter-scorer reliability with respect to final interpretations made from Rorschach protocols tend to be significantly higher than inter-scorer reliabilities for individual scoring categories. was extensively studied and found to be unreliable. since no scoring or interpretive guidelines are available. 52. The purpose of the inquiry stage of the administration of the Rorschach test is to A. C. 50. stimulus cards are presented twice and possibly three times. B. is neither widely taught in graduate psychology programs nor widely used in professional practice. a maximum of twenty cards is presented. are considered to be the earliest form of personality assessment. 64. D. The Children's Apperception Test (CAT) depicts ________ in its pictures. are usually based on cognitive theories of personality. are based on the premise that certain key words represent areas of conflict. . C. The Children's Apperception Test. The Thematic Apperception Test. Wundt. the Holtzman Inkblot Test C. was initially conceived as part of an all-consuming. the Draw-A-Person Test B. Of the following projective tests. which is the MOST widely used? A. which is the MOST widely used? A. C. D. the number of cards presented is left to examiner discretion. has been heavily criticized for being standardized only on populations with psychiatric disorders that have a low prevalence. employ normative databases with samples matched to U. D. may be photos. drawings. In the administration of the TAT A. A. the Thematic Apperception Test D. Word associations are the result of the individual's life experiences and personality. C. Jung. paintings. D. only cats interacting with other cats B. An assumption inherent in the TAT is that assessees A. animals C. or etchings. all stimulus cards are presented to all subjects. utilize only "traumatic" stimulus words. must depict human beings in some situation. 59.C. C. Pictures as projective stimuli A. are unaware of the significance of their responses. C. C. B. inanimate objects 61. census data. Galton. The Make-a-Picture Story Method. B. B. are aware of the significance of their responses and have a desire to manage a favorable impression. "last ditch effort" to keep the Exners in-laws from having the Myers-Briggs clan as in-laws. 63. D. B. C. are aware of the significance of their responses. D. Of the following projective picture-story telling tests. The Roberts Apperception Test 58. 62. B. B. B. Word association tests such as that developed by Jung A. Words are inherently emotionally charged and therefore a good source of psychological data. Kraepelin. the Rorschach Inkblot Test 57.S. humans interacting with animals D. in an attempt to diagnose associative disturbances. did not watch a CSI-Miami re-run the night and are simply re-hashing the story. The earliest attempt at investigating associations subjects made to unrelated stimulus words is attributed to: A. Associations to words are chance happenings. All of these 60. D. 56. The use of words as projective stimuli is based on which assumption? A. D. Word associations exhibit high test-retest reliability. a minimum of ten cards must be presented. Skinnerian hypothesis. difficulties in administering projective tests. C. Projective techniques continue to enjoy widespread clinical acceptance despite their questionable psychometric soundness. B. D. form. B. and validity. Multiple-choice tests must be used with projective methods if accurate interpretations are to result. Scoring criteria for the Rorschach include A. This fact has been used by critics of projective techniques to support which argument? A. location. C. and validity. are not vulnerable to "faking. and popularity. reliability. polarity. provide little opportunity for respondents to verbalize what they think of the drawings. emphasis is placed on the artistic skill of the drawer. The more ambiguous the stimuli. projective hypothesis. B. content. There is a direct and positive correlation between the ambiguity of the stimuli and the amount of information the subject reveals about his or her personality. All of these 70. are based predominantly on cognitive theories of personality. Murstein questioned which of the following assumptions concerning projective methods? A. subjective hypothesis. the most critical variable is the length of time required to complete the drawing. the situational variables that affect projective test results. All of these 66. Figure-drawing tests A. B. C. Projection on a grand scale has been referred to by clinicians as "IMAX projection. D. B. D. only what the individual perceives in the blot." D. D. the low reliability of projective tests. determinants. 75. There is a commonality of response to projective material. C. B. form. what the individual perceives in the blot and how he or she perceives it. D. Subjects are unaware of what they are disclosing. content. D. C. D. Critics have attacked projective tests for all of the reasons listed below EXCEPT which of these? A. form. whether or not the test user would have responded in the same way. C. the more the subject reveals. B. determinants. Sentence completion tests A." 72. reliability. Responses to projective material are the result of stimulus-response models of behavior. nationally representative standardization samples are frequently used. None of these 68. When interpreting a person's response to an inkblot test. C. B. D. projectile hypothesis. Which statement is TRUE regarding projective techniques in general? A. accuracy. C. accuracy. None of these 67.65. The assumption that individuals will supply structure to unstructured stimuli in a manner consistent with their own conscious and unconscious concerns underlies the A. There is a parallel between behavior obtained on a projective test and behavior displayed in social situations. it is important to interpret A. The strongest psychometric aspect of the Rorschach is its . B. All of these 74. the assumptions inherent in the use of projective tests. 73. are not scored by means of any formal scoring system. D. content. Projection has been shown to be greater for stimulus material that is familiar to the subject. 69. B. When interpretations about personality are derived from analysis of figure drawings A. C. Projective material is not as ambiguous as proponents claim. C. may be affected by the drawing ability of the testtaker. and popularity. Different testtakers may evidence similarities in response themes to the same projective stimuli. 71. usually have a high degree of face validity. Beck D. Switzerland? A. C. which one served as the curator of the Hermann Rorschach Museum and Archives in Bern. Scoring of Rorschach responses based on the Comprehensive System is probably A. B. impulsive. stomach C. a large person extending off the page B. C. restless.A. to increase the number of responses given by examinees to each blot by expanding the inquiry period." what type of drawing on the Machover Draw-A-Person Test could that child reasonably be expected to produce? A. assessees will display their level of creativity while composing a story. and impulsive. internal-consistency split-half reliability for odd and even items. depressed. D. Klopfer B. D. None of these 84. 80. B. water D. B. the number of unusual features in the drawings. A principle underlying interpretation of TAT responses is A. Scores on the Draw-A-Person: Screening Procedure for Emotional Disturbance (DAP: SPED) are based on A. 79. inter-rater reliability with respect to scoring categories. Of the following persons. B. 78. The Comprehensive System for interpreting the Rorschach was developed A. D. Which of the following words is most likely to be considered "traumatic" on a word association test? A. a testtaker draws a person with extremely large ears. to increase the validity of the test by determining common responses. 83. mother 81. Inter-rater reliability based on coding categories is low. to create a system that incorporated all of the best features of other systems. the protagonist in the story will express the exact same personality traits as the person telling the story. more demanding than other systems since a knowledge of all other systems is required. B. paranoid. In evaluating a child who is described by a referral source as "fidgety. C. C. more psychometrically sound than those based on other systems. a person of average size drawn in the middle of the page D. None of these 85. the story that the child or the adult tells about the drawing. just as psychometrically sound as those based on other systems. D. the speed with which the drawings are completed. C. C. assessees will identify with someone in the story and indirectly express their own needs. How is the TAT similar to the Rorschach? A. Inter-rater reliability based on coding categories is high. a person drawn in an "x-ray" perspective 82. D. Piotrowski C. One hypothesis the test user might reasonably entertain on the basis of this drawing is that this testtaker is MOST probably A. less psychometrically sound than those based on other systems. D. On the Machover Draw-A-Person Test. All of these 77. test-retest reliability over a short period of time. C. inter-rater reliability with respect to interpretations. B. A major criticism of the Draw-A-Person: Screening Procedure for Emotional Disturbance (DAP: SPED) is that . the protagonist in the story will have the exact same personality type as the person telling the story. anxious. Test-retest reliability is high. 76. D. dance B. B. a small person drawn in the left-hand corner of the page C. Inter-rater reliability based on interpretation is high. It has a high degree of internal consistency reliability. There exists a mixture of favorable and unfavorable reviews of the Rorschach's contributions to psychological assessment. Mooney Problem Checklist. D. what conclusion can reasonably be made about the Rorschach test and its contribution to psychological assessment? A. it lacks standardized instructions for administration. D. as a whole.A. Which group. academicians D. Rorschach-based interpretations have little reliability and even less validity. C. Rorschach's own Psychodiagnostics system B. It has a high degree of test-retest reliability. Sentence Completion Test. C. D. all types of reliability are low. 10 C. C. 86. clinical and counseling psychology graduate students B. D. 92. 15 D. Exner characterized the Rorschach as A. probably holds the LEAST favorable view of the Rorschach? A. All of these 87. 90. D. an objective test. B. Of the following. It has a high degree of inter-scorer reliability. an artistic potpourri. Which of the following is TRUE of the reliability of the Rorschach using the Exner scoring system? A. Word Association Test. the Neptune Society . No single tool of psychological assessment has undermined the credibility of behavioral science more than Hermann Rorschach's test. Objective methods of personality assessment may include which of the following item formats? A. the projective technique that is MOST frequently taught in counseling psychology programs is the A. None of the above is true. C. 18 91. multiple-choice B. None of these 88. Rorschach. B. matching D. it has poor reliability. clinicians C. C. it has weak validity. the Exner system 89. Based on several review articles cited in the text. B. a projective tool. Which of the following is the most widely used and widely taught scoring system for the Rorschach? A. the Klopfer system D. its standardization sample is inadequate." B. 93. Rorschach-based interpretations represent the essence of "scientifically informed psychological assessment. A total of how many Rorschach cards are initially presented to the testtaker? A. B. true-false C. 5 B. the Piotrowski system C. pre-set. Inter-rater reliability has ranged from adequate to very high. formal prediction. empirical methods. D. An actuarial approach to personality assessment relies on A. B. the Word Association Test 97. 100. inter-scorer B. the Hand Test 98. the TAT C. applicability to research settings. . clinical prediction. norms. empirical prediction. the MMPI-2 B. Which of the following types of reliability estimates is appropriate for use with the TAT? A. internal consistency C. the Roberts Apperception Test C. the Thematic Apperception Test B. Inter-item consistency has ranged from moderately acceptable to acceptable. standardization. C. adaptability to computer usage. D.94. D. flexibility and potential for using novel data. D. C. B. split-half 96. All of these 99. and formal rules to formulate descriptions and make predictions is referred to as A. The integration of data from statistical procedures. Split-half reliability has been found to be adequate. test-retest D. C. B. 95. the Rorschach D. Test-retest reliability has been found to be adequate. Which of the following is TRUE of the reliability of the TAT? A. B. uniformly applied rules and procedures. C. The major advantage of clinical prediction is its A. Which of the following personality tests was cited in your textbook as LEAST recommended by training directors of APA-approved programs in clinical psychology? A. the Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study D. actuarial prediction. Which of the following uses cartoon figures as its projective stimuli? A. reliance on correlational research.
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