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LAM-PT09-02 RANCANGAN PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN MINGGUAN PROGRAM: Kursus: Minggu /Tarikh PISMP SEMESTER: ___4______ Kod: Tutorial (1 jam) MTE3107 TAHUN: Kredit: 2008 PLANNING AND TEACHING MATHEMATICS Kuliah (2 jam) (Management Week) • Briefing to students: - Course pro forma and learning outcomes of the course - Teaching and learning plans - Evaluations through project - Expectation of ISL and comprehensive portfolio - Reflective log - Reading materials involved • Explanation on ISL task. 3 (3 + 0) Topik & Kandungan Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan References: i. Mathematics Curriculum Specifications: Year1- Year 6 ii.Website: http://myschoolnet.p mate.htmPPK iii. Planning for Instruction” in Krulik et al. (2003). Teaching mathematics in middle school. A practical guide 1 Planning (16/6-20/6) mathematics lessons  Revisit Primary Mathematics curriculum • • Gather all the 6 years of printed/soft copy of Curriculum Specification for primary school Mathematics. In groups, prepare a scope and sequence chart for two topics from Y1Y6. • Present and share the work with other course-mates during For ISL task, topic 1 must be from the tutorial (W2). following choices: • Whole Numbers • Addition & Subtraction • Multiplication & Division • Money • Time • Shapes and Space Topic 2 can be chosen from any of A.yearly and semester Plan .Content . • Sources of information for planning . Malaysia Sekolah. (2002).“Elemen 9: Pengajaran & Pembelajaran” in Jemaah Nazir Sekolah (2004). Leson Plan /Reflectionblank/pro forma.Teaching Theories and Practices v. Standard Kualiti Pend. Universal teaching ii. “Sources of Information for Planning” &“Planning Phases” Freiberg & Driscoll (2005).LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (2 jam) Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan the remaining topics .daily plan • Form at and components of daily lesson plan • Mala ysian educational quality standards for planning a lesson. Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (2 jam) Impo rtance and preparation of . ‘Planning’ in Mooney.Preplanning . iii. Chap 5: 2 (23/6-27/6) Planning mathematics lessons  Preparing Scheme of work o yearly /Semester o weekly and daily o format: its component o Guideli nes • • Present ation of scope and sequence charts (ISL-W1) • Guidelin es for preparation of daily lesson plan • hoose a topic and prepare a daily lesson plan(individual work) • T o be used for tutorial (W3) 2 .Learner .Active planning Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan C Reference: i.weekly plan and . Deakin University iv. Marshal. C.Context • Plan ning phases . “Communication” in NCTM (2000). writing of learning outcome iii. E. use of resources v. Principles & 3 .learning environment • Importance of classroom management for effective T and L • Effective communication in T and L of mathematics .Enhancing learning of mathematics through communication .R. others: thinking skills. Mathematics a good beginning.Using mathematics to communicate ideas . et. remarks • Make arrangement for students to watch a recorded video on teaching mathematics in the primary classroom. J(2004) Mathematics for children:Challenging children to think mathematically(2nd ed) iv. 4th ed. 4th ed. • Students work in groups 2 – 4 and comment on class management and communication skills of the teacher in the video • Give appropriate suggestions for improvement Resource: Teaching video of your choice References: i. (2001) Helping children Learn Mathematics 3 Planning (30/6-4/7) mathematics lessons  Classroom management and communication • Managing a mathematics classroom . “Arranging & Managing the Classroom” in Troutman & Betty. moral values.Practices that promote communication in a mathematics classroom • Discussion and checking of daily lesson plan • Exchange the lesson plan (ISL-W2) with a friend and comment on the following aspect: i. format ii. matching of T & L activities with learning outcomes iv. “Classroom & Instructional Management Action Plan” in Freiberg & Driscoll (2005).pupils discipline .‘Managing the Learning Environment ‘ in Bobis.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (2 jam) On-going planning Post planning Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan Planning for Mathematics Instruction in Reys. ii. Universal teaching strategies.physical environment . (1991). p df (Micro-teaching Group Session Guidelines) 4 . “Practices that Promote Communication” in Kennedy & Tipps. (2004). Teaching primary mathematics. • Before micro Resource :Video Reference: http://www. • After micro teaching – Prepare a reflection based on the following aspects: What the students have learnt What skills to acquire to deliver a well planned lesson Catatan 4 (7/7-11/7) Planning mathematics lessons Micro and macro teaching • Differentiate between micro and macro teaching • Significance of micro teaching   Review video watched earlier and discuss suggestions of students in ISL-W3.brown. (1994). Guiding children’s learning of mathematics. 7th ed. Students are divided into groups to do micro teaching based on selected components from their lesson plan prepared in W2 & W3.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (2 jam) Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan Standards for School Mathematics v. et al.ed u/Administration/She ridan_Center/consult ing/Micro_teaching. vi. Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (1 jam) Tutorial (2 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) teaching – Preparation for micro teaching.“Language and Mathematics” in Booker. 3rd ed. • Form groups of two. and Homework in Lang.R. Seatwork. ‘Engaging Learners. Discussion.H. You may refer to • In groups of two. Questioning. choose a mathematics topic and elaborate how you can use questioning techniques learned to deliver the concept involved.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (1 jam) Tutorial (2 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan Minggu /Tarikh 6 (1/7-25/7) Topik & Kandungan Mathematics teaching Methods and techniques   Discovery and investigation Questioning and Kuliah (2 jam) • What is discovery and investigation techniques • Advantag es of discovery and investigation Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan Reference: i. surf the Internet to find more information about the techniques discussed during lectures and 5 . ’Questioning’ pp. download at least one lesson plan that demonstrate the technique learnt Downes. • Compile a set of questions that can promote higher order thinking and can be use in a mathematics class to teach a chosen concept.Teaching Theories and Practices Mathematics teaching Methods and techniques    7 (28/7-1/8)  Practical work Expository Laboratory Demonstration • What is practical work.T.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan discussion Kuliah (2 jam) techniques • Use of questioning and discussion in teaching and learning process Tutorial (1 jam) article ‘Teaching Mathematics Concepts’ (W14) for ideas. Reference: • Demonstrate the activities (ISL – W 7) to the class .(1993). expository. laboratory demonstration • Advantages and disadvantages of these techniques and their appropriate uses. • Present your work to the class Amali ISL (2 jam) examples. 100-102 Mooney. • In group of two surf the Internet and ‘Exploring reality using data handling’. Strategies and Methods for Effective Teaching. (2002). Print at least one article to be included in your portfolio. Catatan (2006) Models. ii.C. 6 . Choose a mathematics topic and elaborate how you can teach using cooperative and collaborative learning • 8 (4/8-8/8) • • • • • In group of twos. • Advantage and disadvantages of this technique in T and L • Examples Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan Reference: • Form groups of four.Roger Johnson .D.georgeja cobs.’The Collaborative Learning Strategy ‘ in Lang.H. http://kaganonline. Strategies and Methods for Effective Teaching.David Johnson . surf the Internet and search some websites that support cooperative and collaborative learning.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Mathematics teaching Methods and techniques  Cooperati ve and collaborative learning Kuliah (2 jam) • What is cooperative and collaborative learning • Principle of cooperative learning.Spencer Kagan List the features of these sites that are relevant for teaching of mathematics in class Share your findings with the class.R. Use the following names key words in your search: . i. Resources :http://www.’ Cooperative Learning’ in Johnson. (2006) Models.html 9(11/8-15/8)School Based Experience • 10(18/8-22/8) Mid-Semester break • • 7 .co m/Newsletter/FrntPa ge.(1994) The Nuts & Bolts of Cooperating Learning . (2004). theory and classroom practice.W.“Could we enhance learning through optimum sequencing?” in Orton (1987). Learning. ‘Learning and • Thorndike’s Law of Behaviouri Exercise & Law of Effect • Skinner’s operant conditioning & programmed learning • Gagne’s hierarchies of learning • Presentation on implications of behaviourism in the learning of mathematics (ISL W11) • In groups. iv .G. 8 . ‘Theories of Learning ‘ in Module KDPM MT-Mojor Unit 6. ii.M. Issues. BPG.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Learning Mathematics  sm • Kuliah (2 jam) What is behaviourism Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan Reference i. Guiding Children’s learning of Mathmatics(10th ed): iii. Learning mathematics.L. 11 (25/8-30/8) Teaching Mathematics ‘ in Cathcart. discuss the implications of behaviourism in the learning of mathematics • Present outcomes of discussion in tutorial. (2000). ‘Teaching. Learning Mathematics in Elementary and Middle schools. and Equity in Elementary Mathematics ‘ in Kennedy. freeonline. J. Richard Skemp& David Ausubel. T H (2005). Deakin Univ. . • Present findings in Reference: i. ‘Constructivist Learning Versus Constructivist ‘ by Gough. • Keep the writing in your portfolio Reference: i. Learning Mathematics  13 (8/9-12/9) Humanistic approach • What is humanistic approach of learning mathematics? • Implications of humanistic approach in learning mathematics • In a group of four. discuss the implication of cognitivism In the learning of mathematics (ISL.W12 ) • 12 (1/9-5//9) • In groups of four. htm ii. find out the contributions of the following psychologists: Zoltan Dienes.Getting Ready to Teach Mathematics. Jerome Bruner Comparing cognitive and constructivist learning Form groups of four.garysturt. choose a mathematics topic and share with the class how you incorporate humanistic approach to teach your students • • Read Article X Make short note to show your understanding and write a short reflection on what you have learnt.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Learning Mathematics  Cognitive and constructivist Kuliah (2 jam) Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan • What is cognitivism? • Constructivist • approach and contributions of Jean Piaget. ii. http://www.’Constructivist Approach to learning of Mathematics’ in Gan. Article X : (Humanistic Mathematics Teaching Can make a Difference) 9 . or techniques that you have learnt) • 14 (15/9-19/9) In groups. and algorithm/procedure found in the two topics in the scope and sequence chart presented in W2 tutorial. “Students’ role in discourse” in NCTM (1991).V. 15 (22/9-26/9) Mathematical knowledge of teaching • Doing mathematics • Doing mathematics through materials • Doing mathematics through discourse and making conjectures . concepts and algorithm/procedures to students (use teaching aids. • How you can promote discourse and making conjectures among students? Elaborate with examples.S. Professional standards for teaching mathematics • Each group choose a topic and demonstrate how to teach the factual information. “Using materials to develop mathematical thinking” in Booker et al. • Discuss how to teach the different types of knowledge in ONE of the topics.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Kuliah (2 jam) • Types of mathematical knowledge . ‘Teaching Mathematics Concept’ in Souviney.Creating an environment that • Presentation of ISLweek 15 Read article (ii) • Make a graphic organiser about what you read.’The role of Algorithm’ in chapter 2 . 3rd ed. (2001) Teaching Elementary and Middle School mathematicsRaising the Standards. Learning to Teach Mathematics(2nd (2004) Teaching primary mathematics.conceptual knowledge . ii.4 iii.25.L. Chap .). make a summary of the factual information. • Share this finding with course- 10 .Encouraging discourse among primary school children . Sgroi. • Share the summary with your course-mates.Factual knowledge .Mathematics for Primary Teachers. concept.3237 Reference: i.pp.procedural knowledge (algorithm) • Ways of teaching the three types of knowledge in mathematics Tutorial (1 jam) ISL (2 jam) Topik & Kandungan Mathematical knowledge of teaching    Factual information Concept Algorithm Amali Catatan Reference: i. ii. RJ (1994). make a graphic organizer to show what you have read.Hari Raya Puasa Enhancing learning mathematics Learning styles and individual differences  Social context of teaching and learning mathematics  17 (6/10-1/10) Aspects of individual differences that impact the learning of mathematics . 11 .preferences & attitudes . References: i ‘Teaching for Diversity ‘ in Lang.gender-related differences . • Check from the relevant websites about Multiple intelligence and download relevant inventory that can be used to identify ones intelligences. R. Strategies and Methods for Effective Teaching.(2006) Models. ii. theory and classroom practice. • Discuss how the outcomes can help you to plan a math lesson.(i). H.ethnic & cultural differences • Dealing with individual differences in the teaching of mathematics • Applicatio n of multiple intelligences to meet the needs of different learning styles • • Carry out the activities prepared during ISL W 17 and identify the multiple intelligences involved in the activities.mathematical ability .LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (2 jam) promote making conjectures Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) mate during tutorial. “Why do some pupils achieve more than others?” in Orton (1987). Learning mathematics.learning styles . Catatan W16 .spatial ability . The inventory will be used during tutorial W17. (ii) and (iii). Issues. Keep your work in the portfolio. • In groups of 2. s/ 101kidz. Music. music and dramas  Recreation mathematics • Enhancin g mathematics learning through creative art such as stories. poems.htm http://www. Instructional games for basic skills in mathematics.LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Kuliah (2 jam) Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan 18 (13/1016/0) Enhancing mathematics learning  Creative art in mathematics o Stories . us/srhoton/numbe r.k12. dramas. mathematics games or recreation. Integrating mathematics across the curriculum. search for References: i. “Gulliver’s Travels” & “Origami. • Present and share your work during tutorial • • http://scott. Relevant websites: materials and prepare a mathematics learning activities that incorporate stories. poems. iii. music and dramas • Enhancin g mathematics learning through games and recreations.html 12 . music. • In pair. • Presentations of work done during ISL week 18. Gan (2003). “Quilting across the Curriculum”. ii. and Math” in Martin (1996). Issues and Innovative Practices .LAM-PT09-02 Minggu /Tarikh Topik & Kandungan Enhancing learning mathematics • Project based learning 19 (20/1024/10) • Kuliah (2 jam) What is project based learning • Character istics of good project to promote mathematical thinking • Formulat e a mathematics projects Tutorial (1 jam) Amali ISL (2 jam) Catatan Reference: i. • Presentation of websites and example of mathematics project. • In group of 2.Managing Project Work in schools. ‘Making Project work:Structuring learning’ & ‘Coaching and Facilitating project Work ‘in Ho Boon Tiong (2004). surf the Internet to find out the following: i) Websites of project-based Learning • List at least one example of mathematics project that is relevant for used in class W20 (27/1031/10) Revison Examinations Examinations W21 (3/11-7/11) W22 (10/1114/11) Tandatangan pensyarah ________________________________________ (Nama: ) Tandatangan Ketua Jabatan _________________________________________ (Nama: ) 13 . LAM-PT09-02 Tarikh: ___________________ Tarikh: ________________________ Draft prepared by : Pn. Teh Kim Hong (IP Persekutuan) & Pn. Miri) 14 . Repiah bt Singah (IP Temenggong Ibrahim) Edited by : En. Gan Teck Hock (IP Sarawak.
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