pennsylvania unv microelectronics Lec 1 Introduction

March 26, 2018 | Author: bay_gizemli | Category: Amplifier, Circuit Design, Simulation, Electronic Circuits, Electronics



ESE319 Introduction to MicroelectronicsIntroduction ● INSTRUCTOR: Kenneth R. Laker 1. Email: 2. Office: 3. Office hours: ● ● ● CLASS: LAB: TA: 1. Email: 2. Office: 3. Office hours: ● ● ● [email protected] 203E Moore Complex M & W 5:00 to 6:00 PM; Th 3:00 to 4:00 PM or by appointment M, W & F 11:00 AM – 12:00 N, 315 Towne Th 12:00 – 3:00 PM or F 1:00 – 4:00 PM, Detkin Lab (formerly RCA Lab) TBD TBD TBD TBD TEXT: Sedra/Smith Microelectronic Circuits – 6th Ed. (New) COURSE WEBSITE: + Blackboard SOFTWARE: 1. NI Multisim on all RCA Lab PCs (Student Edition available) 2010 Kenneth R. Laker, University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 1 Develop awareness of the causes of discrepancies between theoretical and practical circuit performance. Apply circuit CAD tools used to each of the design tasks in Outcomes c1 & c2 above. construct and test of semiconductor systems covered in class to relevant specs. Apply principles of differential amplifier analysis. Use of Computer Tools ● ● k1. a2. Apply High frequency models of BJT circuits. Apply principles of component-insensitive design of semiconductor systems. Design an op amp to specs and experimentally evaluate its performance. instability and oscillators.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Course Outcomes Theory and Analysis ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● a1. Apply concepts of feedback. c2. and AB power amplifiers. a6. Apply principles of Class A. a4. simulate. B. a3. and learn when these discrepancy causes are significant and when they are not. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 2 . Design and Practice ● ●  c1. Laker. a7. Design. 2010 Kenneth R. Apply basic analog filter concepts. including stability. a5. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 3 . If simulations show adequate performance. 2010 Kenneth R.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Analog Electronic Circuit Design ● ● ● ● ● Preliminary design inherently a pencil and paper exercise. Followed by simulation using theoretical models for “real” components. The design process is usually iterative. the designs are implemented and tested in the lab. We will follow this approach in the course. Laker. ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Design Cycle Evaluation Against Design Specs Analysis Simulation Evaluation Against Design Specs 2010 Kenneth R. Laker. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 4 . Are sensitive to temperature. 3. I. II. Insensitive to its operating environment. Laker. Vary widely in their performance characteristics from unit-to-unit. Maximize circuit robustness making it. Insensitive to component selection. Are highly nonlinear in their behavior. III. 2010 Kenneth R. I.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Analog Circuit Design II ● Real-world circuit designers 1. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 5 . Minimize the use of expensive components. II. 2. Recognize that semiconductor devices. jspx?id=875011&NEWCCLC=INeng 2010 Kenneth R. Laker.agilent.home.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Analog Low-Pass Filter Design University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 6 . Laker. 2. Give analytical results reasonably close to practice.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics 1. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 7 . Amenable to pencil and paper solutions. 2010 Kenneth R. 3. Compensate for transistor temperature sensitivity and inherent variability. ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Overall Course Grading Policies ● ● ● 2 Mid-term exams Final exam Homework 15 % each 30 % 10 % 1. Laker. 2010 Kenneth R.14 for Lab Policy. See slide 11 for Homework Policy. ● Laboratory 30 % 1. See slides 12 . University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 8 . com/agilent/editorial.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Actual Course Grading http://www. Laker.home.agilent. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 9 .jspx?id=875011&NEWCCLC=INeng 2010 Kenneth R. Laker. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 10 . 2010 Kenneth R.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Lecture Style ● ● ● Primarily Adobe Acrobat slides Classroom blackboard augmentation Student handouts ✔ ✔ Download slides from ESE 319 website. Suggestion: Print slides and bring to class for notetaking. 4. 3. 5. Graded homework returned by Monday or 5 days after turned in. Due on Wednesday. 2010 Kenneth R. All HW not turned in on-time. Copying or plagiarism of homework is a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity and can result in a “0” grade for the course. according to 2 & 3. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 11 . 2.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Homework Policy 1. will receive “0” grade. Laker. Up to 2 late turn-ins (by the following Wednesday or one-week after the original due date) are permitted with no penalty. the week after assigned. 6. Assigned by Friday of each week. Laker. data or report content from other lab groups. copying and plagiarism is NOT OK. 4.General 1. Lab Reports violating I. Student Groups: The standard lab group is 1 or 2 students. Submitting contrived or altered data. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 12 . a) Late Lab Reports are due 1 week after original deadline. 2. I. I. II. I. II. a) b) c) Copying of pre-lab. & II. 3. will receive “0” grade. Lab sessions missed due to legitimate absences must be made up. Any violation of the Code of Academic Integrity may result in zero grade for the Collaboration is OK. Each lab session lasts 3 hours and starts promptly. All Lab Reports are due the next lab session (usually 1 week). Pre-lab and Lab Notebook – individual. Copying material (other then schematics) from lab handouts or other sources into Lab Reports. I. III. Up to 2 excused late Turn-Ins will be permitted without penalty. 2010 Kenneth R. Lab Report Turn-in Policy.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Lab Policy . Lab Report . Do pre-lab assignment prior to the lab. I. . II. Pre-Lab work will be spot checked in lab. Individual Pre-Lab Preparation is very important. Read lab assignment in advance. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 13 . b) Circuit simulation(s). Lab Notebooks will be spot checked in lab and collected for instructor review at the end of the course. a) Pencil and paper circuit design. Read text sections relevant to the experiment. Lab Notebooks will be kept as in ESE 206 http://www.seas. 2010 Kenneth R. II.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Lab Policy – Pre-Lab Prep & Notebooks 1.upenn. Individual Lab Notebook for recording experimental data and observations is essential to preparing accurate Lab Reports. 2. Laker. III. relevant equations. Tables and graphs of measured data may be copied/printed and pasted from spreadsheet or some other math software. e) Experimental Data: present data results.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Lab Policy . Laker. experimental results and simulation results. Introduction: very brief summary description of experiment objectives. Schematics may be computer drawn or neatly hand-drawn or copied/printed and pasted from circuit simulator created graphics. Theory: ideal circuit behavior.Reports 5. including experimental and simulation data. Authors Names and Lab Section. Take photo(s) of your protoboard to show your experimental layout(s). Experimental Setup: descriptions/schematics of actual circuit(s) tested. III. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 14 . 2010 Kenneth R. pencil-and-paper design. theory. instrumentation used and setups for each test. Title of Experiment. IV. Lab reports are to be clearly written and word processor prepared. II. Group Lab Reports (Reports due at start of next lab) I. f) Discussion: discuss results and explain inconsistencies between design assumptions. Each report is to be organized as follows: a) b) c) d) Heading: Date. 10Sept10 ● BJT Introduction ● ● ● ● S&S sections 6. pages 351 . First Lab Meetings: Thursday 23Sep10.371 Don't forget to download the handouts! No lab this first week of class.ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Next Class/Lab Assignments ● Topic to be covered Friday. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 15 . Laker.1 and 6.2. Friday 24Sep10 (3rd week of class) 2010 Kenneth R. ESE319 Introduction to Microelectronics Explore and Have Fun! http://www. University of Pennsylvania (updated KRL 07Sep10) 16 .jspx?id=875011&NEWCCLC=INeng 2010 Kenneth Laker.
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