pelè word.docx

March 17, 2018 | Author: George Mamani Ccori | Category: Fifa World Cup Tournaments, Fifa, Fifa World Cup, Fifa Competitions, Association Football



His farnily name is Edson Arantes doMascimerito, 1›ut people call hirn “Pelé.” Ho is the number one player in the story of soccor. In 1,363 gaines, he scoied I ,264 goals. With Drazíl, he won the World Cup* three times. ue visited eighty—night countries, and his picture was in every newspaper. But Pelé is not only a fanious soccer player. He knows Spanish, Italian, English, and French. He writes music, and he works Por thc l3raziliari povernmcnt. Today, Pelé is fairious. In 1'95( , ne was a boy of tcn with no shoes. This is his story. Early Years Edsoia Arantes do Masciiaaento carrie into the world on the night of October 23, 1940. His faniily callcd him Dico. They lived in a small house in TYés Cora¿óes, Drazil. “Dico has socccr playci ’s logs,” his father said. “He’s going to be a doctor, not a soccer playor,” Dico’s mother, Celeste, said. Ccleste was angry. Dondinho, Dico’s father, was a socc er }›layer, init he didn’t rnake iaaucli money. Flondinho snaílecl. There were problemas in the too. and the faivily had thc samc iiioiicy )›i ‹›1 le int.iriru. talkecl to Doiidinho. In 1944 the manager oí Bauru A ticti‹c›. Do you want the jet»?” l9ondinho said yes. too. hut UA MTY’5 work in the town.ily pt. “We want a ‹a‹›‹›cl so‹cer player.iycci soccer.” the irían said. faiaiily about soccer. He ‹›i . brit there was a lot ‹›l love in the house. a 1»g soccer clrib. and the tammy iiiov« l t‹› l J. The manager was wrong about one thiii‹a. “lt’s not iiiuch moia ey. Tlici c was no work for Dondinho in the towia. ” he said. Alter the final. He often wont there ari‹1 lookcd at the airplanes. things werc difficult for the faiiuly. His friends started to call hiin “Pelé. Their “football” was an old newspaper.” “Where docs the name coirie from?” people often ask. Celostc wasn’t happy about this.” he said. they can’t call you ‘the team with no shoes.” Llondinho said one day. LIc A I'íew Name In 1951. “There’s no nioncy in the ganac. He wasn't a good student.” Dico saicl. Dico. In the afternoons. He cleaned thc buil‹1ing and answered the telephoiac.” Thcy vvanted to play in Buitre A//c/íro’s chaiaipionship for young teatros. Dico sniilod. Pelé cIoesn’t know. S›cplci nbci‘". a street near Dico’s house. Everiings and weekerids. Little Dico played a lot of soccer. an airplaric carrie down neai the school. but he didn’t want to be a soccer player. ho was with Dondinho.’ ” diiirr/jní/i/tu played very well and won the chaiai¡›ionship. “OK. Pelé started a club. I’m giving you a new name—u11ci ignición. It was at Dauru station. “What do you want to ‹ro?” “I want to work with airplanes. He wantcd to work at the airpoit. People called theiii “the The iiiipoi tant thing for Dico now was soccer. Ho clcaned shoes. “How. But school is important for that. In that year. in 1948. “In ten years. His iriothcr was right. Later that year. with his friends.” she said. But Dice’s first y ob wasn’t in a soccer stadiuni or an airport. Hondiriho looke‹i at his son and smiled. teana with no shoes. But then. but the shoes were a problena. But ‹›iac day. After two years. One day. “You played a beautiful gaiiie. Dico and his friends went to the doctor’s office and lookcd in one of the windows. . and Dico was a vcry good student.” said his father. “Today.But Dico was happy iii Bauru with his now friends. In the afternoons. a father of one of the playera cauac with shoes for the team. Dondinho started work in a doctor’s officc. Dico often visitod his fathcr. They played their first gamc of soccer in Ren Ruben Erradu. Dondlnho was his soccer teachei. He loved soccer. hc played with his friends. Dico iacvcr talked about a y ob with aírplaiaes again. you’rc going to be a young mm. Dico was the riuiaibei one young player in Bauru. The naan from tlac airplane was dead. Dico started school. only stayed in School becauso he wanted a job at the airport. After some weeks. Munce was a very famous club in Brazil. But one day. ho had a good friend on the team. Pelé finished school and started to work in a shoc factory. In 1953. “He’s a very good soccer player. Valdeniar moved away. His name was Zito. Vasconcelos. He wanted to talk to the family. In the winter of the new year. but she said yes.Valdeiriar de Brito Bam u A tlétí e 1i‘ked Pelé’s “beautiful gairic. Baquinho. Pelé was happy.” Hondinho and Pelé were happy. Some clays later. Dondinho and Pelé went to Saiatos on the train. a fanious man in Brazilian soccer. . had an injury.” Polé said. “Your son is fifteen now. “The Mnno› players aren’t going to like me. Pelé was very sorry. Pelé played well. he played for Buqr i bo. Tlicy wanted hma for the club’s new tcani of young pIz jcrs . Polé wasn’t in the first team. 1954 was a bad year. The team riiaiiager was Valdeiiiai de Brito. and the club was ha¡›py with its new player. At weekends. Valdenaar carrie to Pelé’s housc. He can try for a y ob with 6nn/o . Valdeniar was a good manager and a good teacher. Alter this. But there was no problem. 1³e1é was very happy.” too. a first team player. One yeai later. too. Baquiiilio won the Bauru young team chaiiapionship. but he didn’t like the ncw manager.” he said. Celeste didn’t like it. . Gilmar Mazzola . Castilho . The team were vcry happy. I3razil didn’t start well. . 1956. Pe1é scored cight goals. Then they beat Russia 2—0. The 1958 World Cup gaines were iii Swcden. the names of the new Brazilian World Cup team werc on the radio: “.” the manager said. In Junc. he was famous. . He scored his first goa1 for them on September 7. Brazil won 5—2. out Peli scored a goal. Brazil won thcir first pames with no probleriis. Late in 1957. . and Sweden scored first. Pelé played very well.” said Pelé. Pelé played well and stayed in the first team. Alter that. they played in the Maracaria Charnpionship. but it was a difficult gaiaae. But . Valdeiriar. 1957. The gariie with France wasia’t difficult. . and Pe1é scored three goals. “They want mc?” He was only seventecn. too. “Thank you. he started to score a lot of goals. The World Cup Gaines “ rte/é! Pr//! rte/é!” called the Brazilian soccer fans. Suddenly. How they were in the final with Sweden. and Brazil won 1—0. PELE !” “Can that be right?” Pe1é asked. Wales were a stroiag team. .“Let's put young Pelé in the first team. The managers of the Brazilian team listened. . they had Por ty—tliree. Alter this. Then they played Peru in the Jalisco Stadiuiai . Usually. and they beat Czechoslovakia 3—1 in the final. Brazil went hoiiie. . and Pelé scored two goals. Srazil went to the gaines with twenty—two players. with Uruguay.then. Di azil were the chaiaapions. the world claaiiipioris. tlicn they played E • land. and Pelo was wry happy for the team. 1³e1é didn’t play in the later gentes of the 1 962 World Cu¡› in Chile. there was only one game. In 197H. In England. Pete doesn’t like ieiiienabei ing this chainpionship. before the final. He watclied his tenii. Two of those goals were Pelc’s. Brazil scored live goals. The team went to Mexico City and waited for the final with Italy. the World Cup chanapionsliip was in Mexico. Pelc scored six goals in his first World Cup. In an carly ganae. The clay alter that qaiiic. but ne was the old iaian of the Braziliari tcaiia. The 196»6» World Cup was in Englarid. Pelé was only twenty—ninc. they beat Roiaiaiaia 3—2. and Brazil won 5—2. Pelé xvasri’t oiily famous in Brazil. Drazil were the champions again. This was bad for the team. They beat Czechoslovakia 4 —l . because he had ari iiijury. and Diazil won l—II. It was difficult. bccause therc were new playera in evcry ganae. I×I ow. but Brazil won 3—1. Por tu qa1 beat theni 3—1. and they won 4—2. 1×Iow. It was a very inteiestinq game. “Dut I don’t like soccer. alter the game. and you Enw tn. Pelé quickly scored a very good goal. and he looked at her.” thc girl said. Alter the game. but then Drazil scored three times. His name was Pelé. l³elé sniiled. “Are you from the town?” “Yes. They won 4—1.” Then. “How many players in the world can say.” Pelé said. A Diff icult Girl It was a Saturday night in 1958. the walked away. . 1970. “Who was that?” Zito asked. Pelé said goodbye to World Cup soccer. “A difficult pirl. Peo]›1e were very sorry. There was only one man. “You’re the famous Pelé.The 1970 World Cup final started in the Aztec Stadium on the afteriaoon of June 21.” Zito said. ‘I won three World Cups’?” they asked.” There was a young white girl at the hall game. “Let’s go and watch. There was only one answer. Pelé and Zito were in Santos again. “There’s a girls’ hall game in the stadium. alter the World Cup. She looked at Pelé rriany tinaos. play for “That's right.” he said.” she said. There was a goal from Italy. name. 1974. He talked to lier friends.” That same week. Alter a short time. and 1965. he wanted to be howe in Brazil with his family. 1974. this was difhcult for Pelé. they were the number one club in Drazil and the worlcl. 1963. 1963. and 1968. Pelé’s Years with Santos Pete played for 5unios hoiri August. He didn’t like staying in hotels all the time. “She works in a music store. in February. But come to my house one afternoon. 1965. “I’m only fourteen. Pelé . they married. 1962.” Pelé was a visitor at Rosemeri’s house for seven ' years. They talked for soiaae tinae. They won the South American Club Chanapionship in 1962. The game was with Ponte Prew. 1964. The “boy with no shoes” and the “difficult girl” were very happy. They won the Brazilian Cliampionship in 1961. Rosemeri was there.” they said. Pelé went to the store.” brlt he didn’t know hcr Pelé and the Santos team visited many countries and played a lot of gaines. Pelé’s final game for Suelos was on October 2. “Can you como out with me sometinaes?” “I’m sorry. And they won the World Club Championship in the same years.” Roseirieri said. then Pelé asked. Then. 1956 to October. I don't go out with boys. “Her name's Rosemeri Cholby. In those years. Pelé likcd the “difflcult girl. Soirietiiries. and he walkod away from the game.” called the fans.stopped playing. Many people in Brazil were unhappy about this. Uco Con Cosmos. ble had the hall in his hands and looked at the fans in the stadium.000. “Pelé is only going for the money.700. ue )of was for $4.” they said. But they were wrong. ‘We love you. Pelé went to New York for a job with an American team. “Thank you.” he said. After Suelos. Pele wanted to make soccer . in 1995.famous in the D. After Soccer Pelé didn’t stop working. He worked for IMICEF.S. too. 1977.* and talked with governnaents about the problema of the world’s children. and his new team were very happy. Pelé: Soccer Champion of the World. Pelé stayed with Uco Con Cosmos for three years.” *UINICEF: Workers for UINICEF ‹io good thiiigs for children with problerns. He scored a good goal and said goodbye to soccer. It was with his old club. Then. But the world’s soccer fans remember hini for his two good feet. He did this. he started to work for the Brazilian government. He wasn’t only a good soccer player and teacher. . He loved young people. and say: “Thank you. and then for S›antos. Mnnos. His final game was on October 1. Pelé played for his new team.
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