May 1, 2018 | Author: gyan | Category: Lecture, Speech, Vocabulary, Conversation, Paragraph



Lovely Professional University, PunjabCourse Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits PEL 131 Communication Skills II 13654::Anudeep Kaur Bedi 1 2 1 4 Course Weightage ATT: 15 CA:30 MTT: 15 ETT:40 Exam Category: MID TERM- MCQ, END TERM – MCQS+ SUBJECTIVE Course Orientation KNOWLEDGE ENHANCEMENT, SKILL ENHANCEMENT, PLACEMENT EXAMINATION, Reference Books ( R ) Sr No Title Author Publisher Name R-1 ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE RAYMOND MURPHY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Relevant Websites ( RW ) Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features RW-1 PtcIydeDTFc Greeting and meeting people RW-2 Routine, talking about vacation . RW-3 krWneKlNwM Small Talk RW-4 Making a reservation RW-5 lesson Direct speech LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks) Weeks before MTE 7 Weeks After MTE 7 Spill Over (Lecture) 3 Detailed Plan For Lectures An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan. Week Lecture Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Other Readings, Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Live Examples Number Number Text/reference Relevant Websites, Demonstration/ books Audio Visual Aids, Case Study / software and Virtual Images / Labs animation / ppt etc. Planned Acquiring phrases Explaining vocabulary and associated com/watch?= and common errors vocabulary related to Week 1 Lecture 1 Meeting and Greeting People PtcIydeDTFc related to salutation social etiquettes Workbook and introduction (vocabulary and common errors related to salutation) (vocabulary and common errors related to self- introduction Explaining vocabulary and common errors Acquiring phrases and related to asking for associated vocabulary help, tenses and parts of related to social Week 2 Lecture 2 Meeting and Greeting People speech etiquettes Workbook R1 (vocabulary and common errors related to asking for help) (common errors related to tenses and parts of speech) Understanding the Explaining the usage of usage of connectors om/watch?v=ALQ1_Gjc connectors and transition and transition words Week 3 Lecture 3 R1 SFA words in routine in conversation Workbook Usage of connectors and transition words in conversation (related to routine) . Understanding the usage of connectors and transition words Week 4 Lecture 4 R1 in conversation Workbook Usage of connectors and transition words in conversation Explaining the usage of connectors and transition (related to shopping and words in shopping and vacation) vacation Understanding the http://www.oxfordonlin Elaborating the rules and usage of direct- usage of direct-indirect indirect speech in Week 5 Lecture 5 Engaging in small talk R1 speak-talk-video-lesson speech various situations Workbook (direct-indirect speech) Acquiring the om/watch?v=kkrWneKl Discussing the knowledge of small Week 6 Lecture 6 Engaging in small talk NwM importance of small talk talk Workbook (vocabulary and importance of small talk) . . Week 7 Lecture 7 Spill Over MID-TERM Presenting your ideas Elaborating the rules and Understanding the effectively usage of stress and usage of intonation Week 8 Lecture 8 R1 intonation and stress in language Workbook (introducing intonation and stress) (introducing dignitaries using positive adjectives) Discussing the usage of Learning the usage of adjectives in presenting adjectives in Week 9 Lecture 9 R1 ideas presenting ideas Workbook Presenting your ideas effectively (presenting ideas on product using positive adjectives) Explaining the techniques of paragraph writing and usage of Paragraph writing and power collocations in writing Understanding the Week 10 Lecture 10 point presentation R1 skills usage of collocations Workbook (introducing paragraph writing) (key elements of paragraph writing) (usage of collocations) Paragraph writing and power point presentation (do’s and don’ts of power point presentation Explaining the rules and ethics of presentation Learning the Week 11 Lecture 11 skills presentation ethics Workbook Familiarizing ideas and telephonic Explaining the manners etiquettes on making Making reservation and com/watch?v=oUv2Bc and etiquettes related to reservation and Week 12 Lecture 12 arrangements xAvjQ telephonic skills arrangements Workbook (telephone etiquettes) (vocabulary and phrases for making reservation and arrangements) Discussing the format Making reservation and and key points of formal Week 13 Lecture 13 arrangements R1 letter writing Acquiring vocabulary Workbook And phrases related to letter writing (formal letter writing- request and complaint letters) . Week 14 Lecture 14 Spill Over Week 15 Lecture 15 Spill Over Scheme for CA: CA Category of this Course Code is:A0404 (4 out of 4) Component Weightage (%) Test 25 Test 25 Test 25 Presentation 25 Details of Academic Task(s) Academic Task Objective Detail of Academic Task Nature of Academic Academic Task Marks Allottment / Task Mode submission (group/individuals) Week To assess the English language writing Salutation, self- introduction, asking for help, routine, usage of Test 1 skills of the students connectors and transition words Individual Offline 30 3/4 Test 2 Individual Online 30 5/ 6 To train the students in the placement model of testing Common errors, direct-indirect speech, vocabulary , shopping and Verbal ability skills vacation Test 3 Individual Offline 30 9 / 10 To assess the listening, speaking, reading and writing Usage of intonation and stress, usage of positive adjectives related skills of the students to dignitaries and products Presentation Individual Offline 30 11 / 12 To assess the presentation skills of the students Oral presentation Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage) Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis, problem solving test, role play, business game etc) Orientation to the course, power point presentation on zero lecture, Meeting and greeting people (writing on salutation and self- Tutorial 1 introduction) Workbook Meeting and greeting people(speaking on self –introduction) Tutorial 2 Workbook Tutorial 3 Meeting and greeting people(writing and speaking on asking for help) Workbook Tutorial 4 Meeting and greeting people (grammar- mcqs on common errors) Workbook Usage of connectors and transition words in conversation (writing and Tutorial 5 speaking on routine) Workbook Usage of connectors and transition words in conversation(grammar- mcqs Tutorial 6 on connectors and transition words) Workbook Usage of connectors and transition words in conversation(writing and Tutorial 7 speaking on shopping and vacation) Workbook Tutorial 8 CA1 Test Tutorial 9 Engaging in small talk (direct-indirect speech) Workbook Tutorial 10 Engaging in small talk (writing on short conversations) Workbook Tutorial 11 Engaging in small talk (speaking on short conversations) Workbook Tutorial 12 CA 2 Test Tutorial 13 REVISION Workbook Tutorial 14 REVISION Workbook After Mid-Term Tutorial 15 Workbook Presenting your ideas effectively(Mcqs on stress and intonation, writing on introducing dignitaries using positive adjectives) Tutorial 16 Workbook Presenting your ideas effectively(speaking on introducing dignitaries using positive adjectives) Presenting your ideas effectively (writing and speaking on presenting ideas Tutorial 17 on product using positive adjectives) Workbook Tutorial 18 Presenting your ideas effectively( mcqs and exercise on adjectives) Workbook Tutorial 19 CA- 3 Test Tutorial 20 CA- 3 Test Tutorial 21 Workbook Paragraph writing and Power point presentation (writing on paragraph writing , mcqs and exercise on Collocations) Tutorial 22 Paragraph writing and Power point presentation (group ppt) Workbook Tutorial 23 CA -4 Test Tutorial 24 CA -4 Test Making reservation and arrangements(writing on making reservation and Tutorial 25 arrangements, mcqs on telephone etiquettes Workbook Tutorial 26 Workbook Making reservation and arrangements(letter writing) Tutorial 27 REVISION Workbook Tutorial 28 REVISION Workbook Detailed Plan for Practical Practical No Broad topic (Subtopic) Other Readings/Resources Learning Outcomes Learning the importance of listening Practical 1 Video 1 – The Power of Listening Media file and workbook skills Practical 2 Video 1 - The Power of Listening Learning the importance of listening workbook Practical 3 Video 2- Brave Learning to use contractions Practical 4 Video- 2 - Brave workbook Learning to use contractions Practical 5 Video3 – The Magic roundabout Media file and workbook Understanding the usage of idioms and proverbs Practical 6 Video3 – The Magic roundabout Understanding the usage of idioms and workbook proverbs Practical 7 Revision Revision Revision Practical 8 Video4- World Tourism Learning stress and intonation Media file and workbook Practical 9 Video4- World Tourism workbook Learning stress and intonation Practical 10 Video5- Making Reservation ELT Media file and workbook Learning making a reservation Practical 11 Video5- Making Reservation ELT Learning making a reservation workbook Understanding the usage of narrative Practical 12 Video6- The Mystery Story Media file and workbook tenses Practical 13 Video6- The Mystery Story Understanding the usage of narrative workbook tenses Practical 14 Revision Revision Revision An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan .
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