Pedagogy Mcqs or Mcqs on Education
Pedagogy Mcqs or Mcqs on Education
May 30, 2018 | Author: Mir Pasand Baloch | Category:
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Child Development
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PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on EducationChild Development and Pedagogy Question Paper Answers Teacher Eligibility Test 2011-2012 (D) reciprocate the good wishes to them www.JbigDeaL.com 1. Most important work of teacher is— (A) to organize teaching work (B) to deliver lecture in class (C) to take care of children (D) to evaluate the students 2. A teacher should be— (A) Honest (B) Dilligent (C) Dutiful (D) Punctual 3. Environmental education should be taught in schools because— (A) it will affect environmental pollution (B) it is important part of life (C) it will provide job to teachers (D) we cannot escape from environment 4. Navodaya Schools have been established to— (A) increase number of school in rural areas (B) provide good education in rural areas (C) complete ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ (D) check wastage of education in rural areas 5. At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because— (A) it develops self-confidence in children (B) it makes learning easy (C) it is helpful in intellectual development (D) it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere 6. Women are better teacher at primary level because— (A) they behave more patiently with children (B) they are ready to work with low salary (C) higher qualification is not needed in this profession (D) they have less chances in other profession 10. A student comes late in your class. Then you will— (A) inform to parents (B) punish him (C) try to know the reason (D) not pay attention there 11. When the students become failed, it can be understood that— (A) The system has failed (B) The teachers failure (C) The text-books failure (D) The individual student’s failure 12. It is advantage of giving home work that students— (A) remain busy at home (B) study at home (C) may be checked for their progress (D) may develop habit of self study 15. A teacher has serious defect is he/she— (A) is physically handicapped (B) belongs to low socio-economic status (C) has weak personality (D) has immature mental development 16. The success of teacher is— (A) high achievement of students (B) good traits of his/her personality (C) his/her good teaching (D) his/her good character 17. A Deepawali fair is being organized in your school. What would you like to do ? (A) only to visit the fair (B) to take part in function (C) to take a shop to sell something (D) to distribute free water to visitors 7. You have been selected in all the four professions given below. Where would you like to go ? (A) Teacher (B) Police (C) Army (D) Bank 18. The most important trait of a student is— (A) sense of responsibility (B) to speak truth (C) co-operation (D) obedience 8. What is most important while writing on blackboard ? (A) Good writing (B) Clarity in writing (C) Writing in big letters (D) Writing in small letters 19. The purpose of basic education scheme is— (A) universalization of primary education (B) to vocationalise the eduction (C) to fulfil basic need of persons through education (D) to make education compulsory for all 9. Some students send a greeting card to you on teacher’s day. What will you do ? You will— (A) do nothing (B) say thanks to them (C) ask them to not to waste money 20. You are teaching a topic in class and a student ask a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do ? (A) you will allow him to ask unrelated question (B) you will not allow him to ask unrealated question PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 1 ‘National Council of Educational Research and Training’ was established in— (A) 1961 (B) 1962 (C) 1963 (D) 1964 36. Nunn (B) Spencer (C) Froebel (D) Montessori 35. it is necessary— (A) to evaluate students continuously (B) to give high salary to teachers (C) to revise curriculum (D) to make good school building 23.(C) you will consider it indiscipline and punish him (D) you will answer the question after the class (B) discuss (C) tell stories (D) ask question 21. A teacher asks the questions in the class to— (A) use blackboard (A) keep students busy PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 2 . What will you do in leisure time in school ? You will— (A) take rest in teacher’s room (B) read magazines in library (C) talk to clerks in office (D) check home work of students 30. The purpose of new education policy is— (A) to provide equal opportunity of education to all www. Essay type test are not reliable because— (A) their answers are different (B) their results are different (C) their checking is affected by examiner’s mood (D) their responding styles are different 37. A teacher can motivate the students by— (A) giving suitable prizes (B) giving proper guidance (C) giving examples (D) delivering speech in class 31. The aim of National Council for teacher education is— (A) to open college of education (B) to promote research in education (C) to maintain standards in colleges of education (D) to provide grant to colleges of education 34. You will— (A) ignore the child (B) write to the guardian (C) go to meet him youself (D) start punishing the child 38.com (A) start giving tuition at home (B) remain at home till you get a job (C) take some another job (D) continue applying for teaching 22. To raise the standard of education. What is most important for a teacher ? (A) to maintain discipline in class (B) to be punctual in class (C) to remove difficulties of students (D) to be good orator 25. P. then you will— (A) ignore him (B) award less marks in examination (C) talk to his/her parents (D) rebuke him 33. A guardian never comes to see you in school.JbigDeaL. a teacher should— 39. To maintain interest among students in class. A teacher can develop social values among students by— (A) telling them about great people (B) developing sense of discipline (C) behaving ideally (D) telling them good stories 29.JbigDeaL. There is tension among villagers and you are teacher there. Why students should play games in school ? (A) It makes them physically strong (B) It makes work easier for teachers (C) It helps in passing time (D) It develops co-operation and physical balance 26. If you are unable to get a job of teacher.com (B) to improve the whole education system (C) to link the education with employment (D) to delink the degree with education 32. Family is a means of— (A) Informal education (B) Formal education (C) Non-formal education (D) Distance education 27. then you will— www. What will you do ? (A) You will inform “Gram Pradhan” (B) You will try to pacify them (C) You will report to police (D) You will keep distance from them 28. If a student does not pay any respect to you. Kindergarten system of education was contributed by— (A) T. The priority to girls education should be given (B) Encouraged to consult some other books on the subject because— (C) Suggested to talk with their teacher after the period (A) The girls are more intelligent in comparison than the (D) Suggested to follow the class room notes in order to get boys good mark in the examination (B) The girls are lesser in number than boys (C) The girls were badly discriminated in favour of boys in 45. The aim of education should be— (A) To develop vocational skills in the students (B) To develop social awareness in the students (C) To prepare the students for examination (D) To prepare the students for practical life 49. philosopher and guide (D) Maintains good discipline 48.com 42. The success of integrated education depends on— (C) When they commit some mistake. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed the past lesson plan of a topic because— (D) Only girls are capable of leading for social change (A) They can teach in a good manner without its help (B) The number of curious students is very poor in the class 54. The ideal teacher— (A) Teaches the whole curriculum (B) Helps his students in learning (C) Is a friend. they do not face any (A) The support of community challange from their students (B) The excellence of text-books (D) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they (C) The highest quality of teaching-learning material gain specialisation in it through experience (D) The attitudinal changes in teachers PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 3 . The problem of drop-out in which students leave their schooling in early years can be tackled in a better way through— (A) Reduction of the weight of curriculum (B) Sympathy of teachers (C) Attractive environment of the school 55.com (C) it is easy (D) it provide you more holidays 41.JbigDeaL. A time bound testing programme for a students should be implemented in Shools so that— (A) The progress of the students should be informed to their parents (B) A regular practice can be carried out 43. The essential element of the syllabus for the children (D) All the teachers remained out of school should be— (A) Literacy competencies 44. The best method of checking student’s homework is— (A) To assign it to intelligent students of the class (B) To check the answers in the class in group manner www. In context of the habit of Absenteeism of student— (A) The principal and parents should get worried (B) The officials of the schools should take action against them as per school’s discipline (C) The teachers should take it as a serious problem (D) They should be given less priority in the class room in relation to regular students (C) To check them with the help of specimen answer (D) To check by the teacher himself in a regular way 46. When the students try to solve the questions in some (B) Life-skills different way as taught by the teacher from (C) Numerical competencies prescribed books. then these students should be— (D) Vocational competencies (A) Discouraged to consult some other books on the subject 53. The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon— (A) Infrastructural facilities (B) Financial provisions (C) International support (D) The quality of teacher education 50. How the students should be motivated to get success in life ? (A) Selected study (B) Incidental study (C) Intensive study (D) Learning by recitation (D) Encouragement of the students 47.(B) maintain discipline (C) attract student’s attention (D) teach 40. To whom the responsibility of organisation of curricular (C) The students can be trained for final examinations activities should be stored with ? (D) The remedial programme can be adopted on the basis (A) The principal of the feedback from the results (B) The teacher who is appointed for this work (C) The teachers who take interest in it 51.JbigDeaL. You like teaching profession because— (A) it has less responsibility (B) you are interested in it www. Zakir Hussain (B) Dr. (C) (d) Advise him to take up vocational education www. (A) 44. (C) 43. (D) 31. (D) 59. (D) 47. (D) 15. You will 60. (B) 4. (D) 22. All of the following can be signs that a child is gifted. what prediction can we make about expression of the behaviour in identical twins reared apart compared to its expression in fraternal twins reared apart? (a) Fraternal twins will express the behaviour more similarly than identical twins. (C) 57. (C) 34. (d) Affective processes in development. (D) 51. (A) 28. (D) 49. (D) 56. (C) 3. (C) 42.JbigDeaL. (C) 40. A child has been admitted to your school who belongs to a back ward family/background from the cultural viewpoint. except (a) Early development of a sense of time (b) Interest in encyclopaedias and dictionaries (c) Uneasy relationships with peers. (B) 41. (D) 19. (B) Supervised study in Library (d) Range of reaction. (D) 21. (D) 6. (B) 45. (B) 55. (C) 26. (A) CTET Child development and Pedagogy MCQs 1. (A) 2. (D) 35. The best remedy of the student’s problems related with (a) Canalization. (C) 38. The idea of Basic Education is propounded by— (A) Dr. (c) Identical twins will express the behaviour more Page 4 . In order to develop the spirit of labour in students (a) The teacher himself should indulge in labour (b) The teacher should deliver lectures on the importance of labour (c) Students should be given opportunities to do labour from time to time (d) Students should be given examples of laboring people 5. (D) 58. (A) 7. (A) 9. learning is— (b) Discontinuity. A major strength of ecological theory is its framework for explaining (a) Environmental influences on development. (D) 50. (b) Biological influences on development. If heredity is an important determinant of a specific behaviour. (D) 60. The in-service teacher’ training can be made more effective by— (A) Using training package which in wellprepared in advance (B) Making it a residential programme (C) Using co-operative approach (D) Practising training followup procedures 4. (A) 8. there are many more (A) Prohibits all types of child labour upto 14 years of age students of backward of child background from the cultural viewpoint (B) Prohibits child labour in risk-taking works only (b) Send a teacher to know more about the backward (C) Prohibits child labour during school hours only (D) Prohibits child labour by imposing the responsibility of cultural background of the child children’s education on the employers (c) Keep him in a normal class but will make special arrangements for teaching him.56. PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education 6. (D) 39. (A) 23. (D) 46. (D) 16. (D) 54. (b) There will be little similarity in the expression of the behaviour in either set of twins. keeping his special Answers: needs in view 1. (D) 12. Rajendra Prasad (C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Rabindranath Tagore (c) Cognitive development.com 11. The process whereby the genetic factors limit an individual's responsiveness to the environment is known as 58. (C) 20. (D) 53. (B) 32. The most important indicator of quality of education in (b) J B Waston a school is— (c) Hull (A) Infrastructural facilities of a school (d) Gesell (B) Classroom system (C) Text-books and Teaching-learning material (D) Student Achievement level 3. (A) 36. (C) 48. Child Labour Prohibition Act (1986)— (a) Keep him in a class in which. (A) Suggestion for hard work (c) Differentiation. (C) 29. (C) 17. (B) 5. (C) 30. (B) 10. except (a) Pavilov 57. (A) 33. (B) 37. (A) 25. (C) 27. All of the following advanced principles of child development that are closely allied to the stimulus response learning theory. (d) Easy retention of facts 7. (C) Suggestion for private tuition (D) Diagnostic teaching 59. (B) 18. 2. The reason why students run from school is (a) Lack of interesting class teaching work (b) Lack of interest in studies on the part of students (c) Not giving punishment to students (d) Callous attitude of teachers towards the problem 21. To nature and nurture acting separately. 12. The current view of childhood assumes that (a) Children are similar to adults in most ways. can PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education write cohesive sentences (c) Only those children who want to write for the newspaper of the class (d) All children 15. environment (b) Heredity. environment (c) Environment. 19. You find a student to be intelligent." (d) Childhood is a unique period of growth and change. the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to improve class discipline is to (a) Note specific infractions of class rules in the marking book (b) Evaluate his/her materials. To an interaction of nature and nurture. (a) Reproduction. due (a) (b) (c) (d) Most psychologists believe that development is Largely to nature. behavior (d) Development. The key difference between evolutionary and cultural change is that evolutionary change alters __________ whereas cultural change alters ____________. The normal twelve –year –old child is most likely to: (a) Have difficulty with gross motor coordination (b) Have anxiety feelings about pleasing adults (c) Confine his/her interests to the here and now (d) Be eager for peer approval 20. (c) Childhood is basically a "waiting period. (b) Children are best treated as young adults.similarly than fraternal twins. Of the following. Of the following. learning 11. as the rest of the class will do well anyway (d) Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on the test 13. Largely to nurture. methods and approaches to children (c) Consult the class and agree upon a graduated series of punishments (d) Call a parent – teacher meeting to discuss the situation 16. talkative person?" is concerned with which developmental issue? (a) Maturation (b) Continuity and discontinuity (c) Cultural universals versus cultural relativism (d) Nature and nurture 17. the main purpose of state certification of teachers is to (a) Monitor the quality of teacher training institutions (b) Provide for a uniform standard of entry-level teacher competency throughout the state (c) Exclude from the profession those not trained in pedagogy (d) Exclude from the profession those who are mentally unhealthy 10. The question "Will the shy child who never speaks turn into a quiet. In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test the teacher is best advised to: (a) Tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can (b) Ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answer them (c) Coach the below grade level readers. You will (a) Remain pleased with him (b) Not give him additional homework (c) Motivate him so that he can make more progress (d) Inform his parents about the fact that he is intelligent Page 5 . A child from a disorganized home will experience the greatest difficulty with: (a) Well structured lessons (b) Independent study (c) Programmed instruction (d) Workbooks 18. A normal child of twelve years of age is most likely to (a) Have difficulty with gross motor coordination (b) Have feelings of anxiety about pleasing adults (c) Confine his/her interests to here and now (d) Be eager for peer approval 14. Frobel‟s most important contribution to education was his development of the (a) Vocational school (b) Public high school (c) Kindergarten (d) Latin School 9. 8. shy adult or wilL the child become a sociable. (d) The behaviour will be expressed as similarly by identical twins as it is by fraternal twins. Creative writing should be an activity planned for (a) Only those children reading on grade level (b) Only those children who can spell and also. making toys of clay etc. (c) Passively developed structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development. (1) encourage children to search for knowledge (2) have all the information for the children (3) ability to make children memorize materials Page 6 . Knowledge of child psychology is a must for a primary teacher. 25. If student is too shy to participate in the class. A Person believes that nurture strongly influences will (1) no bother (2) struck off her name (3) complain to the the development of his child. How will you bring a hyperactive child on the right path? (a) Make him sit in front of the class and keep a strict vigil on him (b) Allocate a seat for him in a corner of the class PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education 4. (b) Physical structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development. The current movement of behavior modification. you will (a) Not ask questions from him (b) Ask only those questions from him whose answers can be given by him (c) Not ask those questions from him whose answers are beyond his means and due to which. (b) Seeks to explain behaviour across the life span. If some students are not in a mood to study in the class. (d) Slowly developed structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development. give preference to none (4) you deal according to need 5. (4) Teaching skills 7.22. (1) Oration skill (2) Listening skills (3) Managerial skills. Discipline means: (1) strict-behaviour (2) severe punishment (3) obedience (4) going by the rules 3. That is because (a) It helps in making children disciplined (b) The examination result is improved (c) It becomes a convenient mode for motivating children (d) It helps the teacher in understanding the behavior of children 30. cleaning the blackboard. Organismic theories of development hold that (a) Psychological structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development. he may become objects of ridicule in the class (d) Ask questions from him only when he is keen to answer them 28. (c) Compares children to adults to senior citizens. social. He Principal (4) meet the parents and enwould not agree with the importance of: courage them . (b) Exposure to peers. (a) Genetic factors. In co-education you want't to : (1) make separate rows of boys and girls (2) you give preference to boys over girls (3) you. One of the basic priniclples of socializing Individuals is : (1) religion (2) caste (3) educational (4) imitation Directions (6-10) : Which of the' skills do you consider most essential for a teacher? 6. (c) Give him tasks of watering trees. Child development is defined as a field of study that (a) Examines change in human abilities. (d) Accounts for the gradual evolution of the child's cognitive. If any girl child does not corne to school regularly you 26. wherein tokens are awarded for correct responses. (d) The warmth displayed by the parents. you will (a) Force them to study (b) Tell those students to leave the class and enjoy (c) Warn them that they must study else you will report the matter to the Principal (d) Tell them some interesting things related to their interests or your own subject 23. 1. The term „identical elements‟ is closely associated (c) Thorndike‟s Law of Effect with: (d) Thorndike‟s Law of Exercise (a) Group instruction (b) Transfer of learning (c) Jealousy between twins Child Development and Pedagogy and below are (d) Similar test questions some questions on the same section. is a reflection of: (a) Herbart‟s Five Steps (b) Lock‟s Tabula rasa 24. and other capacities. Absenteeism can be tackled by : (1) teaching (2) punishing the students (3) giving the sweets (4) contacting the parents 2. (d) None of above 29. (c) The types of toys at home. 27. None of these (3) ability to raise possible actions from the texts (4) ability to help children from their own opinions on the text 10. 1440 d. Rs. (d) 13. Placing at the same position if it is inclined on to other side of a road.1980 b.1800 7. 4 : 5 . (a) 26. it reaches a point 9m above the ground. If monthly scores were given equal weightage and final scores are given double weightage . 3. 3 a. Rs. 75 and 85 in Mathematics monthly test. He earns a profit Answers: 1. 17 m b. 7. Let A = (x + 1)/(x – 1 ) and B = (x – 1)/(x + 1). 14. He should invest in these How would you encourage him to express himself? bonds in the ratio : (1) By orgariising discussions (2) By encouraging children a. Rs. (c) 5.1590 c. Good reading aims at developing: (l) understanding (2) pronunciation (3) sensitivity (4) increasing factual knowledge 13. Rs. Which of the following is not related to educational achievement? (1) Heredity (2) Experiences (3) Practice (4) Self learning point 12 m above ground. of 25% in this sale. 4. (b) 11. what are his average marks in Mathematics ? a. (d) 17. (d) 3. 1. (d) 15. Find the diameter of the wheel. (c) 22. 5 : 4 well ANSWERS 1. (c) 7. (c) 5. 0 9. What is the new product ? a. 5 : 2 to take part in classroom activities (3) By organizing educational games/ programmes in which b.2. (d) 14. 9. 5. (d) 24. 65 b. A sells a product having a printed price of Rs. (d) 4. 80 d. 1. (b) 25. (a) 27. Determine the value of A – B a.1) (2) ability to help children do all the exercises d. 2. 4. 5.(4) enable children to do well in tests 8. x/(x² . None of these 6. A wheel travels a distance of 22 km in 2500 revolutions. Instead of taking 35 as one of the multipliers. (c) 8.1) c. 3. he took 53. (1) to communicate well {2) to use difficult language (3) to impress students (4) to read out the textbook 2. what is the width of the road ? a. 23 m c. One of. 4x/(x² .4. none of these 11. Ashok had to do a multiplication.2160 ctet objective math sample paper d. 75 c. (d) 19. 3. 4. (d) 20. (c) 6. the product went up by 540. A person wants to invest his savings in these bonds in such a way that he received equal half yearly 15. (b) 16. 4. (c) 29. (1) identify gifted children (2) have an understanding of all children abilities (3) identify children with learning disabilities (4) none of the above Test of Numerical Ability for Forthcomming Exam 1. (a) 2. The rate of interest on two bonds is in the ratio of 4 : 5. 21 m 4. 1. A student secured 60. The primary duty of a teacher is to be responsible to his/her: (1) family (2) students (3) society (4) nation 14. 2. a.1728 c. 4. 10.children feel like speaking(4) By giving good marks to those who express them'selves d. 1.4 m PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 7 . If the length of ladder is 15 m. (d) 23. 13. 4. 1. (b) 18. 15. 2 : 5 c. 19 m d. (d) 28. As a result. A ladder on a road when inclined on a wall reaches a 12.400 at a discount of 10% on printed price. Success in developing values is mainly dependent upon: (1) government (2) society (3) family (4) teacher 3. What was the purchase price on which A purchased this product ? 11. (1) _ ability to help children understand texts thoroughly b. 8. 1050 b.the students of a class hardly talks in the class. 12. (d) 21. 2. (d) 30. (b) 10. (d) 12. (c) 9. interest from both the bonds. Find than twice the numerator by 1 ? the original strength of the class ? a. increased by 15% and the number o boys is increased What is the original fraction if its denominator is more by 50%. 600 10.000 Page 8 . A. None of these 18.80/kg and Rs. the number of girls exceeds the 9. 540 b. An investor invested a sum of Rs. What will be the new profits sharing ratio ? a. Rs. Rs. 10.70 d.000 b. B and C can fill the tank in 30 minutes.000 c. In a school. 3 : 4 : 5 d.16. Rs. 30 minutes d. 1/3 c. 13% d. 5. 8 inches d. Rs.065. 6/13 b. a. Rs. The price per kg at which he sold the mix to the customer is : a. 10% b. 5/11 d.24. is Rs. B and C were partners sharing profits in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4 : 6. Rs.5. 1 b. What is the rate of interest ? a. The amount on a certain sum for 3 and 4 years at a certain rate of compound interest are Rs. 24 minutes c.18250.a.5. 12 inches b. None of these 17. Rs. In an examination A gets 40% of total marks and B gets 80% of that of A. 18 minutes b. How much money was invested in company X ? a.8 m c. None of these 19. What is the length of the left out portion. 12% c. If the number of girls is denominator is increased by 3. 4 15.4200.000 d. 4 : 5 : 6 b. 2 c. None of these PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education 16. how many of these four students passed the examination ? a. find the original price of the vehicle (in rupees). If the overall loss was Rs. there would be 15 boys more than girls. 720 d.60/kg respectively. 600000 c. If the numerator of a fraction is doubled and the number of boys by 60. 650000 d. 400000 b. 36 minutes 11.500 b. He then mixed them in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 by weight and sold the same to a customer at 50% profit. a.000 in the form of dividend and interest from these two companies.10 respectively. A rod of length 300 inches is to be cut into three pieces of integer length such that length of the first piece is square of the second and that of the second is square of the third.2. 2. 3/7 a. All the three taps are opened simultaneously and after 10 minutes.50. A dry fruit seller purchased 3 kinds of nuts at the rate of Rs. D died and his share was distributed equally among the surviving partners.20.100/kg. Rs.b. If the required pass percentage is 36. 30 inches 12. 45 minutes and 60 minutes respectively. if the left out portion has to be the least ? a.a. How much time does tap D take to empty a full tank ? a. 24 inches c.4. The difference between the compound interest and simple interest on a sum of money at the rate of 10% p.50 and Rs.4.08.000 d.000 c. for 2 years is Rs. Rs. Rs. None of these 8. 2 : 3 : 4 c.20988. None of these 13. D gets 45% of A‟s and C‟s marks taken together. 360 c. The difference between simple interest and compound interest on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 10% p. Three taps A.110 b.90 c. tap C is closed and another tap D is opened. the new fraction is 3/5. The sum is : a. A vehicle changed hands 3 times and at each time the loss to the earlier owner was 10%. Company X‟s share yields 24% in cash each year and the rate of interest on company Y‟s debentures is 16%. None of these 14.10 lakhs in shares of company X and of company Y. Find the principal amount.6 m d. It took another 20 minutes to fill the tank. He received a total of Rs. C gets 60% of A‟s and B‟s marks taken together. 3 d. the moneylender (b) The nights are longer & days are shorter deducted Rs. We have days and nights because of: (a) Earth‟s rotation (b) Earth‟s revolution (c) Sun‟s rotation (d) Sun‟s revolution 2. 402 c. In spring which of the following occurs? 24. What is the rate of interest at which Y has (d) None of the above borrowed the money ? 6. Sanjay has a sugar cube in her mouth. B 11. c 9. D 6. 5 Y b. 24% of his tongue. 27. c 15. A sum of Rs. his remaining debt is Rs. A man pays off 3/20 of his debt every month . b 17. clay & gravel 23. A human body consists of ________ number of sum at a certain rate of interest for 2 years is equal to bones 55% of the simple interest on the same amount at the (a) 205 same rate of interest for twice the time period. b 23. 435 (b) Coconut c. The combination of which of the following soils is c. sand & gravel (b) Humus. 627 b. The tail of flying birds acts as rudder. 20% 8.4000 was lent partly at 6% and partly tail acts as: at 8% simple interest. At (c) Sand. If the interest received after one (a) A part of the body which is beautiful year is Rs. 20% the cause of rainfall b. a 19. 500 (d) Neem 5. 1 : 2 best for plant growth d. a16. What is the three digit number which is a 2 more than a perfect square and 2 less than a perfect cube ? a. c 2.1000 from a moneylender (a) The days are longer & nights are shorter for a period of one year.000 20. b 7. 400 (a) Mango b.b. humus & gravel the end of 6 months. 20 Y PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 9 . 10. will the cube be d. b 22. d 14.000 d. d 4.290. If the interest compounded annually on a certain 7. 123 d. C 21. c 25. find the ratio in which the money was (b) A part which wards off flies and mosquitoes lent. d 13. 5. (d) Humus. d 18.200 as interest charges and gave Rs.Y to whitewash the 4 walls of a room. By this statement we can understand that the 22. b 12. However. Which of the following plays an important role in a. None of these (a) Clay. b 3.5% (a) Evaporation c.5% (c) Both evaporation & condensation (c) Filteration 25. 3 : 2 3. b 24. b 8. 22. None of these sweetest? (a) Front 21. how much would it cost(in rupees). None of these ANSWER 1.500 c. 25 Y² d. 25 Y c. 2 : 3 (d) A part which helps the bird take off b. find the (b) 206 rate of interest. d 5.800 to (c) Days and nights are of almost equal duration him. 15. if all the dimensions were to be 5 times the original dimensions ? a. 25% (b) Condensation d. 12% (d) 208 b. (c) 207 a. in which part c. c 20. 450 (c) Tamarind d. (c) A part which guides the bird while flying a. sand & clay How much amount (in rupees) has he cleared off every 4. b ctet test paper Environmental Science (EVS) for Paper-I Environmental Science (EVS) for Paper-I (MCQ) Teacher Eligibility Test (Practice Paper 01) 1.272. Y wanted to borrow Rs. If it costs Rs. a 10. Which of the following does not belong to the group month ? formed by the other trees? a. During breathing which gas is most required by us? (a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Carondioxide (d) Nitrogen 8. (b) 8. (c) 3. Cows have strong grinding teeth at the back of the mouth. (b) 3. The process of solid changing into liquid upon the supply of heat is called: Page 10 . (c) 9. The nature of relationship between condensation & evaporation is: (a) They are the same (b) They are opposite (c) They are similar but not in all respects (d) None of the above 24. (c) ctet and bihar tet sample paper Environmental Science Paper-2 (a) Eyes (b) Kidneys (c) Lungs (d) Skin 7. (b) 5. During summer the earth is (a) Closer to the sun (b) Away from the sun (c) Closer to the moon (d) Away from the moon 2. (a) 2. Non-green plants like mushroom can’t make their own food because: (a) They are too small (b) They lack chlorophyll (c) They lack photo-tropism (d) They lack roots to suck water 3.(b) Middle (c) Rear (d) Sides 9. (d) 4. etc. How many muscles are there in a human body? (a) 600 (b) 700 (c) 800 (d) 900 6. Most of the reptiles like snakes. (a) 7.test paper (EVS)-3 Evironmental Science (EVS) for Paper-I (MCQ) Teacher Eligibility Test (Practice Paper 03) 21. Flamingos have ______ kind of feet (a) Perching (b) Wading (c) Webbed (d) None of these 10. (b) 8. but they cannot eat the flesh of the of other animals. How much time does the earth take to complete one rotation? (a) 24 hrs. When some sugar is dissolved in a glass of water. We slip very easily on a wet floor because (a) Water reduces the friction (b) Water increases the friction (c) We slip because we lose our balance (d) None of the above 25. The mosquito repellent (coils. (c) 7. The tomato plant falls under the category of: (a) Herbs (b) Shrubs (c) Trees (d) Grass ANSWERS 1. (b) 1 day (c) 1 year (d) Both A & B 5. Which Indian scientist has got a Nobel Prize for his contribution in physics? (a) Rabindra Nath Tagore (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Albert Einstein (d) Hargovind Khurana 22. (b) 2. (a) Environmental Science (EVS) for Paper-I (MCQ) Teacher Eligibility Test (Practice Paper 02) 1. (b) 10. crocodiles. (d) 5. (c) 6. the water level: (a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains the same (d) None of the above 23. mats and liquids) that we generally use in our homes are: (a) Pesticides (b) Fertilizers (c) Sedatives (d) Insecticides 10. (a) 6. (c) 4. This is because: (a) They do not need to eat the flesh (b) They don‟t have strong grinding teeth at the front (c) They don‟t have long sharp pointed teeth (d) They dislike eating flesh ANSWERS 1. (d) 10. Which part of the body controls all the other organs? (a) Heart (b) Eyes (c) Brain (d) Stomach 9. Which of the following is not a part of the excretory system? PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education ctet/Bihar tet. (a) 9. eat their food by: (a) Tearing its flesh (b) A process called cud chewing (c) Swallowing it as a whole (d) Sucking its blood 4. Her reaction to his proposal was ………. (d) 22. 6–10) In each of the following sentences four words or phrases have been bold. Ans : (B) CTET SAMPLE PAPERS FOR ENGLISH Directions—(Q. None of these 2. Our sun is: (a) Planet (b) Satellite (c) Comet (d) Star ANSWERS 21. (D) Ans : (B) 7. 4x/(x² .1) d. for (C) each individual is born (D) with his characteristics traits. Only one bold part in each sentence is not accepted in standard English. (c) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (a) 27. x/(x² . He went to the library ……… to find that it was closed.1) c. (A) inevitable–vehemently (B) subtle–violently (C) clever–abruptly (D) sympathetic–angrily Ans : (A) 4. Choose the word or set of words that best completes the sentence meaningfully. race and religion. (A) seldom (B) never (C) only (D) solely Ans : (C) 2. His ……… directions misled us we did not know which of the two roads to take. (c) 23. Ans : (A) 8. (C) or (D) in your as answer. 6. It is foolish to be expecting (A) one person to be like another (B) person. He managed to board (A) the running train (B) but all his luggages (C) was (D) left on the station. 0 b. Instead of taking PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 11 . (d) 3. (D) Ans : (D) 9. She rejected it ………. It would be difficult for one so ……… to believe that all men are equal irrespective of caste. Determine the value of A – B a. (A) tentative (B) tenuous (C) consistent (D) restrictive Ans : (B) 10. (A) complicated (B) ambiguous (C) narrow (D) fantastic Ans : (B) 5. our lungs have to: (a) Contract (b) Expand (c) Be still (d) None of the above 27. 1. Our head is made up of only one movable bone. (A) emotional (B) democratic (C) intolerant (D) liberal Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. (c) 26. Ans : (C) CTET OBJECTIVE MATH SAMPLE PAPER Test of Numerical Ability for Forthcomming Exam 1. Ashok had to do a multiplication.(a) Condensation (b) Evaporation (c) Melting (d) Boiling 26. (B). I have not come across very (A) few (B) people who (C) think of thing beyond (D) their daily work. (a) 25. When we exhale. Let A = (x + 1)/(x – 1 ) and B = (x – 1)/(x + 1). Paper is mainly made up of: (a) Cellulose & starch (b) Polythene & cotton (c) Bamboo & grass (d) Sunflower & Maize 30. 1–5) Each sentence has one or two blanks. The young ones of the frog are called: (a) Young frogs (b) Frog cubs (c) Puppies (d) Tadpoles 29. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so ………that they can disappear at any moment. it is called: (a) Skull (b) Cranium (c) Jawbone (d) Collarbone 28. The tendency to believe (A) that (B) man is inherently dishonest is something (C) that will be decried. (b) 24. Identify that part and mark its letter (A). Gaze for a thing (A) that are not (B) available easily (C) in the country is a universal phenomenon. 1 a.2160 years at 10% p. Rs. Rs. 30 inches a. A wheel travels a distance of 22 km in 2500 c.18250. None of these marks taken together. A ladder on a road when inclined on a wall reaches a b. 5. the new fraction is 3/5. C gets 60% of A‟s and B‟s d. If the length of ladder is 15 m. 17 m minutes. 13% of 25% in this sale. none of these d. 6/13 point 12 m above ground. A sells a product having a printed price of Rs. He should invest in these d.000 7. Rs. Rs. Rs.400 b. Three taps A. None of these which A purchased this product ? a. 30 minutes interest from both the bonds.24. Rs.000 c.5. It d. What was the purchase price on d.1590 c. If the numerator of a fraction is doubled and the denominator is increased by 3. 75 12. 1/3 if it is inclined on to other side of a road. If the required pass percentage is 8. 5 : 2 11. is Rs.4. In an examination A gets 40% of total marks and B c. Rs. None of these a. The difference between simple interest and b. the product went up by 540. d. The sum is : d. 21 m took another 20 minutes to fill the tank.4200. 36 minutes bonds in the ratio : a.4 m b. What is the new product ? a.2. he took 53.8 m 14. 2. 75 and 85 in Mathematics a. A student secured 60.000 d.20988. what is the width of the road ? 10. What is the rate of interest ? a. what are his average marks in Mathematics ? d. Find the diameter of the wheel. 12% at a discount of 10% on printed price. None of these 9. 5 : 4 square of the third. 1. a. 24 inches weightage and final scores are given double weightage c. 10% 6.35 as one of the multipliers. 4 PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 12 . What is the original fraction if its denominator is more than twice the numerator by 1 ? a. 19 m minutes. 23 m the three taps are opened simultaneously and after 10 c.1800 a. 2 b. Find the principal amount. B and C can fill the tank in 30 a. Placing at the same position c.5. All b. The rate of interest on two bonds is in the ratio of 4 : a. A rod of length 300 inches is to be cut into three b. 1050 b. 65 b. 4 : 5 piece is square of the second and that of the second is d.20.000 revolutions. The amount on a certain sum for 3 and 4 years at a c. 18 minutes 5.a. Rs. Rs. If monthly scores were given equal b. The difference between the compound interest and 36.500 b.a.50 and d. A person wants to invest his savings in these bonds b. How much time does tap D take to empty a full tank ? 4. 3 c. None of these Rs. 5/11 point 9m above the ground. 45 minutes and 60 minutes respectively. Rs. 80 certain rate of compound interest are Rs.1728 compound interest on a certain sum of money for 2 c. D gets 45% of A‟s and C‟s marks taken together. 24 minutes in such a way that he received equal half yearly c.16.50. 12 inches monthly test. for 2 years is Rs. As a result.000 b. if the left out portion has to be the least ? 5. What is the length of the left out portion. 3/7 3. He earns a profit c.6 m gets 80% of that of A.10 respectively. 1440 d. it reaches a d. 2 : 5 pieces of integer length such that length of the first c. 8 inches .1980 13. tap C is closed and another tap D is opened. how many of these four students passed the simple interest on a sum of money at the rate of 10% examination ? p. c 20. if all the dimensions were to be 5 times the original dimensions ? a. b 8. 123 CTET Social Science for Paper-II d. 2 : 3 b. A sum of Rs. 20% 18. If the overall b. 5 Y b. How much amount (in rupees) has he cleared off every month ? 17. None of these 21. 22. c 25. Rs. If the number of girls is increased by 15% and the number o boys is increased by 50%. Company X‟s share yields 24% in cash each year and the rate of interest on company Y‟s debentures is 16%.5% ratio of 2 : 3 : 4 : 6.60/kg respectively. 400 rate of Rs.110 for a period of one year. 5. b 7. b 17.100/kg. The d.Y to whitewash the 4 walls of a room.500 ANSWER c. 25% distributed equally among the surviving partners. 19. b 23. 20% loss was Rs. 25 Y² d. d. Find the original strength of the class ? a. 27. b 24. 10. find the ratio in which the money was lent. In a school. d 14. 4 : 5 : 6 25. None of these a. c 2. B and C were partners sharing profits in the b. 24% (in rupees). If the interest compounded annually on a certain b. c 15. None of these borrowed the money ? a.272. 12% the loss to the earlier owner was 10%. c 9. 435 He then mixed them in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 by weight c. How much money was invested in company X ? a.1000 from a moneylender a. A. 10. how much would it cost(in rupees).800 to c. 1 : 2 d.000 b. 600 16. there would be 15 boys more than girls. What d. 400000 b. b 22.08. 500 price per kg at which he sold the mix to the customer is : 24. the number of girls exceeds the number of boys by 60. b 11. 720 d.4000 was lent partly at 6% and partly at 8% simple interest. 402 c. a 10.065. 360 c. A man pays off 3/20 of his debt every month . d 5. a 19. However.000 in the form of dividend and interest from these two companies. the moneylender b.200 as interest charges and gave Rs. 15.290. If it costs Rs. 650000 d.000 6. 25 Y c.15. b.90 deducted Rs. find the original price of the vehicle c. a 20. his remaining debt is Rs. a.4.2. An investor invested a sum of Rs. What is the rate of interest at which Y has d. 540 b. d 13. A dry fruit seller purchased 3 kinds of nuts at the a. c than a perfect square and 2 less than a perfect cube ? 21. b a. A vehicle changed hands 3 times and at each time a.10 lakhs in shares of company X and of company Y. Rs. None of these same rate of interest for twice the time period. b 3. 2 : 3 : 4 sum at a certain rate of interest for 2 years is equal to c. He received a total of Rs. Rs. None of these PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 13 . find the rate of interest. 3 : 2 c.5% will be the new profits sharing ratio ? a. d 18. 3 : 4 : 5 55% of the simple interest on the same amount at the d. What is the three digit number which is a 2 more 16. 450 and sold the same to a customer at 50% profit. If the interest received after one year is Rs. d 4. Rs. d d. None of these 23. b 12. 600000 c. D died and his share was c. 627 b. At the end of 6 months. Y wanted to borrow Rs.000 1.80/kg and Rs.70 him. 20 Y 22. Which pairs are correctly matched? Select the correct alternative. French Revolution and Chinese Revolution 4. The first one involved English Government against its thirteen colonies. Which of the following Revolutions is related to the thirteen English Colonies? 1. III C. II 3-4 Direction: Read the following statement and answer the questions that follow. The passage is referring to two revolutions. c and d 6. Arrange the following Indo-Pak events in correct chronological order.Hague 3. IV D. The towns in Canadian prairies developed after the construction of Canadian Pacific Railway. D B A C 4. a and d 2. I C. which played an important role in the making of the modem world. Tipu Sultan IV The Local Self Government Which of the following indicates the correct matching PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education C. b and c 3.Washington 4. wreck 4. Industrial Revolution 4.Cembeti Sridharlu Naidu 1. Australia 5. French Revolution 10. 7th person is Indian 4. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? 1. not much of a change 11. Brahmo Samaj . III 3.Dayanand Saraswati b.Syed Ahmed Khan e. China 2. American Revolution and French Revolution 3. Ill D. From the above statement.Sample Questions in Social Sciences 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. get toppled 2. Simla Agreement D. A IV B. A. a. A B C D of the above 7 1. Aligarh Movement . Read the following statements A. Russian Revolution 2. II 2. 8. WHO . Which of the following are these? 1. Creation of Bangladesh B. Veda Samaj . The Renaissance emphasized the value of reason and scientific temper in life. Ramakrishna Mission . II D. 8th person is Indian 8-9. A volcano erupts on the ocean floor and a ship is located on the oceanic surface very close to the epicentre. B. B A C D 3. United Kingdom 4. The Industrial Revolution in England led to the decline of Cottage Industries in India. Most of the Cities of India were connected by Page 14 . III 7. A II B. Arya Samaj. The Modern Age suddenly came into existence b. I 4. Which one of the following conditions will the ship face? 1. Lord Ripon III The French Revolution D. a. American Revolution 3. a and b 2. ICJ . The later part of the eighteenth century saw two revolutions. 6th person is Indian 3. American Revolution and Chinese Revolution 4. UNESCO . ILO . Col.Raja Ram Mohan Roy d. A I B. A II B. Tashkant Declaration C. c. a. Most of the people settled in these colonies had come from England.Paris 2. Bangladesh 3. Lahore Declaration Which order is correct? 1. 3. I D. Some persons and events are stated below: A.Vivekananda c. drift away 3. it is inferred that in the world population almost every 1.London 2. Olcott II Duel Government in Bengal C. a and c 4. Stated below are some statements. Warren Hastings I Theosophical Society of India B. Russian Revolution and French Revolution 2. "India with over 2 percent of the world's geographical area is inhibited by 16 percent of the world population". Which statements are true? 1. A C D B 2. b and c 9. d and e 4. 5th person is Indian 2. b and e 3. IV C. Which of the following countries fits in a completely reverse position explained in the above statement? 1. Increased human activity yourself. 5 3 The answer key gives the clue. Rainfall is scanty b. So the answer is c. Both A and B are true 4. a. which implies that every 6th person is an Indian. Therefore. which shows the correct matching. You have to find out which revolutions the passage is referring to. Given below is the scale. plateaus 4. Therefore alternative 3 is the answer. Col. alternative 2 is correct which shows that statements b and c are true. the answer is alternative 4. The a. Troposphere 3. Olcott with Theosophical Society of India. 3 2 16% of the World Population means 1/6th of the population. inner in the passage. 80% of forests have been cleared. So the 1.No. 14 2. Mesosphere. B is false 2. 7 2 In this question you have to reason out which statements are true. outer core and inner core represented by the settlers were from 1. Stratosphere. Troposphere 13. Read the following: as it was important in shaping the modern world. and ILO not at London. Large scale urbanization 10 4 The rest of the questions you may reason out 3. UNESCO at not at Washington. Increasing industrialization answer is 2.4 and 5 respectively. Ionosphere. A is true. creation PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 15 . You will realize that their colonies were the following scales represents the correct pattern of located in America. deserts 3. A is false. coasts 2. Lord Ripon with the Local Self Government and Tipu Sultan with the French Revolution. Russian Revolution and b.railways after these had already developed. Stratosphere. and the second one is French Revolution 15. Very little vegetation is found Which of the following regions has all these features? 1. Given below are some characteristics of a region. Mesosphere. It involved 13 English Colonies. Tashkent Declaration in 1966. So one measurement? Revolution is American Revolution. 8 2 This question is based on a given passage. outer mantle. only. Difference between day and night temperature is high c. 3 Lahore Declaration took place in 1929. 4. sea levels. Troposphere 2. The answer therefore is at alternative 3. WHO is not at Paris. Therefore alternative 2 is the answer. plains of Bangladesh in 1971. and Shimla Agreement in 1972.2. 2 International Court of Justice is located at Hague. Mesosphere. For the first 14. 2. Both A and B are false 12 12. as the Modern Age could not come into existence suddenly. which shows in sequence revolution the hint is given the limits of crust. Global warming will trigger a devastating rise in alternative 2. Stratosphere. 9 2 This question is related to the first question. Which one of the following is correct? 1. Which of England. B is true 3. Ionosphere. 6 3 Warren Hastings was associated with dual Government in Bengal. 4 4 Australia has a large area of land but is sparsely populated.3. Key Rationale 14 1 15 3 1. Hence. Mesosphere. Which one of the following sequences of the atmospheric layers will a space shuttle encounter while returning to the earth? 1. You Which of the following best explains all of the can reason it out because the above? 13 colonies mentioned here were in America. Large scale mechanizatio 11 3 12 1 Solutions to Questions on Social Science 13 2 Q. Here the first statement is not true. A quarter of world's mammals are at risk of the Chinese Revolution took place in 20 th Century extinction. Stratosphere. Ionosphere. Troposphere 4. where mantle. Ionosphere. All the other three countries are thickly populated. Feudalism centered round: (a) Art (b) Business (c) Land (d) Surgery PEDAGOGY MCQs/MCQs on Education Page 16 . Right to equality in our Constitution has abolished the practice of: (a) Child Labour (b) Untouchability (c) Gender discrimination (d) All of these 27. The fundamental duties have been included in the Constitution under the: (a) Article 351 (b) Article 72 (c) Article 51A (d) Article 65 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. Bronze was made by mixing: (a) Copper and Manganese (b) Copper and zinc (c) Copper and lead (d) Iron and Tin 30. (b) 28. The Council of Ministers at the centre is responsible to: (a) The President (b) The chief Minister (c) The Supreme Court (d) The Lok Sabha 25.ctet social Science for Paper-II (Practice Paper 03) Social Science for Paper-II Teacher Eligibility Test Teacher Eligibility Test (Practice Paper 03) 21. (c) 30. The fall of the Czar. Burma was captured by (a) America (b) Britain (c) Russia (d) Portugal 24. “Workers have nothing to lose but their chains” was said by: (a) Hitler (b) Napoleon (c) Karl Marx (d) Stalin 22. (d) 25. (b) 23. Nicholas II (USSR) is known as the: (a) Industrial (b) February revolution (c) Red revolution (d) Social revolution 23. The earliest language of the Aryans was: (a) Sanskrit (b) Urdu (c) Tamil (d) Afghani 29. (b) 24. (c) 26. (c) 22. (a) 29. A new language developed in India during the Medieval age: (a) Urdu (b) English (c) Dutch (c) Spanish ANSWERS 21. Documents Similar To Pedagogy Mcqs or Mcqs on EducationSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextPedagogy Mcqs or Mcqs on EducationChild Development and Pedagogy for CTET ExamEducator NTS BookThe Mcqs of PedagogyLatest Top 100 Solved MCQs Education Child Development Pedagogy MCQs for NTS AEOS and Educator Jobs 2016 Must Prepare NowTET Child development and Pedagogy MCQs.docEducation MCQs, B.Ed. 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