PEC8 - L9 - Magazine Article - Students - With Answers

March 21, 2018 | Author: Tamara Andrade | Category: Anger, Self-Improvement, Emotions, Adolescence



1PEC8 – LESSON 9 – MAGAZINE ARTICLE THE ART 1 OF BEING A TEEN 2 by Helena Justini Being a teenager is NOT easy. It takes a high degree 3 of dedication 4 and persistence 5 to be successful at this lifestyle. Over 7 the past several years, my friends Lucky (a.k.a.8 Lucy), Barkie (a.k.a. Barbara), and I have, we believe, perfected 9 the art of being a teenager, and we’re ready to help our less fortunate 10 colleagues 11 who don’t yet understand what it takes to achieve 12 the perfection 13 which we’ve attained 14. We’ve created 15 the following Manual 16 of Being a Teen, and suggest that you study it as you would study algebra or world history. 6 Learn it! Live it! Love it! [ 1 ] art [__2_] teenager [ 2 ] teen [_6__] achieving the result that you want. [ 3 ] degree [_8__] also known as. [ 4 ] dedication [_5__] continuing to do something even though it is difficult. [ 5 ] persistence [_7__] during a period of time. [ 6 ] successful [ 7 ] over [ 8 ] a.k.a. [_4__] the act of dedicating or the state of being dedicated; devotion. [_3__] the amount or level of a quality or feeling that something/someone has. [_1__] a special skill a person learns through study and experience. [ 9 ] to perfect [_13_] a state in which someone/something is the best possible. [ 10 ] fortunate [_16_] instruction manual. [ 11 ] colleague [_10_] having good luck; lucky; happy. [ 12 ] to achieve [_14_] to achieve. [ 13 ] perfection [__9_] to make something as good as it can possibly be. [ 14 ] to attain [_15_] to make something new or original that didn’t exist before. [ 15 ] to create [_11_] someone who you work with; fellow; partner; friend. [ 16 ] manual [_12_] to succeed in doing something or getting something, especially after a lot of work. RULE NUMBER ONE: CONSERVE 17 ENERGY Never, under ANY circumstances, exert 18 more energy than necessary to complete 19 an activity or utterance 20. The art of being a teen is the art of being lazy 21. [ 19 ] to complete [_21_] not inclined to work. similar 26 to this: “Helena Louisa de Almeida Justini!” Now answer her with a loud. for example love. Wait a few more minutes. [ 21 ] lazy [_17_] to preserve. exercise. [ 28 ] objective [_25_] complete name. [ 33 ] dining room [_36_] in a mechanical way. She’ll have to ask again and will probably begin her second request with your full 24 name 25. As soon as she yells 30 at the top of her lungs 31/32. [ 20 ] utterance [_18_] a) to work very hard and use a lot of physical or mental energy to do something. a machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control. … one’s lungs / … one’s voice = as loudly as you possibly can. [ 37 ] robot [_38_] a feeling that you experience. When you set the table. a room.. [ 18 ] to exert [_23_] to prefer to do or have one thing instead of another. your objective 28 isn’t to make her mad. Your mom asks you to set the table . forks. without any emotion 38. Don’t do it after she asks the first time. as in a house or hotel. or anger. study. More than one word wastes energy. . [ 34 ] wherever [_37_] [ 35 ] slowly [_32_] [ 36 ] mechanically [_33_] a machine that can do work by itself. [ 32 ] at the top of … [_34_] in any place that you choose. [ 24 ] full [_22_] to put the dishes. etc. [ 25 ] full name [_30_] to talk very loudly. Remember. especially in business or work.2 22 Example 1: It’s dinner time. “Okay 27!” But don’t set the table yet. You’re watching TV. at low speed. do if slowly 35 and mechanically 36. usually something that you do not want to do. [ 17 ] to conserve [_20_] statement. in which you eat meals. [ 38 ] emotion [_35_] in a slow way. to delay doing something until later. opposite of to waste. something that you plan to achieve. [ 22 ] to set the table [_19_] to finish doing or making something. even if you’re so bored you would actually rather 23 set the table. to use. slow = opposite of fast. sentence. But she’ll be mad anyway. [ 26 ] Similar [_28_] [ 27 ] Okay! [_29_] goal. purpose. [ 29 ] to procrastinate [_27_] OK! [ [ 30 ] 31 ] to yell Lung [_31_] [_26_] organ in your chest that fills with air when you breathe. to economize. knives. [ 23 ] would rather [_24_] complete. “THE TABLE HAS NOT BEEN SET! DINNER IS ALMOST READY! SET THE TABLE! NOW!” get up immediately and walk to the kitchen or dining room 33 or wherever 34 your family eats dinner. declaration. b) to exercise. mechanical = done without thinking. used for showing that you do not know where something is. like a robot 37. with some qualities in common but not exactly the same. fear. it’s just to procrastinate 29. SUB-RULE 39 If a question can be answered with a one-word 40 answer 41. always use the one-word answer. etc. onto the table. to dress in clothing. advertising. unkind. (informal spoken English) When will … ] ] ] ] the main room in a house where you usually relax in comfortable chairs and entertain guests. Ellie (or whatever 45 nickname 46 you go by 47). used for saying that something happens at the same time as something else. to reply. newspaper. or obviously. He’ll respond 55. to start wearing something. immediately. anger 62 at your parents. [ 57 ] to blow a kiss [_57_] [ 58 ] promptly [_56_] to kiss your hand and pretend to blow or throw the kiss to someone. everything or anything that. and your coolest sneakers.3 42 Example 2: You’re going to the mall with your friends. because you’re telling the truth. no matter what. opposite of nice.” and then blow him a quick kiss 57 and promptly 58 leave. and you shouldn’t need to tell him where you’re going. in a simple way. to use a name for yourself that is not your real name. opposite of to take off (clothes). a daily publication containing current news. where’re ya’ goin’? 48” in a very friendly manner 49. “Hey. while. your favorite t-shirt. cruel. argue 65 with intelligence 66 and show no emotion. As 50 you’re heading for the door. answer. anything that is possible in a situation when we don’t know exactly what it might be. siblings. RULE NUMBER TWO: EMOTIONS ARE OVERRATED 59 Emotion is a waste 60 of energy in any situation that doesn’t involve 61 a boyfriend or girlfriend.) [ 39 ] sub-rule [_43_] [ 40 ] word [_44_] [ [ [ [ 41 42 43 44 answer to put on living room paper [_39_] [_40_] [_41_] [_45_] [ 45 ] Whatever [_42_] [ [ 46 ] 47 ] nickname to go by [_52_] [_50_] [ [ 48 ] 49 ] Where’re ya’ goin’? manner [_51_] [_47_] [ [ 50 ] 51 ] As Simply [_48_] [_49_] [ 52 ] Mean [_46_] [ 53 ] defensive [_53_] [ [ 54 ] 55 ] tone to respond [_55_] [_58_] showing that you are upset because you think someone is saying something bad about you. (informal spoken English) Where are you going? the way that you do something. right away. [ 56 ] When’ll … [_54_] attitude. . you should simply 51 answer “Out. etc. Okay … when’ll you be home? 56” While you’re opening the door. a secondary or subordinate rule. you probably don’t need to blow the kiss. a single unit of written or spoken language. He’ll ask. Unfortunately. to get to the front door. “Oh. or enemies 63. “Later. you have to walk through the living room 43. (I guess if you’re a guy. to be called. when. or the way that something happens an informal name that your friends or family call you that is not your real name. So you put on your best jeans. as to a question.” Don’t use a mean 52 or defensive 53 tone 54. But still. even if you are truly 64 mad. where your dad is doing something boring like watching the news on TV or reading the paper 44. a spoken or written reply. articles. You are going out. to answer. [ [ 73 ] 74 ] loudly to bug [_72_] [_71_] interest. [ 72 ] attention [_67_] a discussion in which disagreement is expressed. when we don’t know the exact name of a person in a situation. a debate. adversary. to debate. not as good or important as some people think or say it is. RULE NUMBER THREE: DISAGREE 75 SOFTLY 76 You know that emotion is a waste of energy. friend. overestimated. in high volume. really. money. remember to argue without emotion. [ [ 59 ] 60 ] overrated waste [_61_] [_65_] to include or affect. unsuccessful person. often in an angry way. 4. [ [ [ 64 ] 65 ] 66 ] Truly to argue Intelligence [_63_] [_64_] [_59_] rival. no matter who. . There’s a cute guy or girl nearby who you’re very interested in and you want to get his or her attention 72. Let THEM waste the emotional 80 energy. You’re playing with a puppy or a kitten. an angry disagreement between people. opposite of friend. [ 61 ] to involve [_62_] a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. 6. consideration. to talk about something with another person who doesn’t agree with you. You’re reacting 71 to a story or joke one of your friends is telling. any person who. [ 63 ] enemy [_60_] bad use. 3. enemy. to respond. very. perception. [ 62 ] anger [_66_] the ability to understand and think about things. In any disagreement 79 with them. I guess if you’re a guy. You’re telling a cool story or joke to one of your friends. 7. opponent. foe. a situation in which time. opposite of friend. to act in response to or under the influence of a stimulus. You’re listening to any song that you like a lot (make sure to sing along loudly 73 just to bug 74 anyone nearby).4 SUB-RULE In any argument 67 with ANYONE – family. [ 71 ] to react [ 74 ] (informal) to annoy or irritate a person. notice. 5. You’re watching an interesting TV show or a movie. anyone that. opposite of softly. when playing a cool video game or whatever. [ [ [ 68 ] 69 ] 70 ] foe whoever loser [_70_] [_68_] [_69_] opposite of winner. and to use what you learn. or energy is used without bringing any useful result. or foe 68 – whoever 69 shows emotion first is a LOSER 70! There are a few situations when you can show emotion: 1. Use this knowledge 77 to your advantage 78 in conversations with your parents. the state of being angry. 2. [ 67 ] argument [_73_] in a loud manner. concordant. all the facts that someone knows about a particular subject. consequently. 5. You’ll want to run out of the room screaming 102. Watch TV with your parents. PROBLEM: You saw a cool pair of jeans or a shirt at the mall. But trust 103 us. 2. able. and put all your dirty clothes in the hamper 93 on a nightly 94 basis 95. [ [ [ 75 ] 76 ] 77 ] to disagree Softly knowledge [_79_] [_80_] [_81_] a conflict or difference of opinion. You’ll need to show interest in what they are doing and temporarily 104 participate 105 in their lifestyle. You’ll need to answer your parents’ questions with full sentences 88. Offer to serve Mom and Dad a nice beverage while they’re watching TV after dinner. Or maybe you want a music player or a new smartphone 87. Or you need a new pair of sneakers. insecurity. You’ll need to keep your room clean. in low volume. risk. opposite of loudly. before now. food. pleasant. and help Mom and/or Dad wash the dishes after dinner. using a pleasant 89 demeanor 90. the state or fact of knowing. RESOLUTION: 1. [ [ 78 ] 79 ] to one’s advantage disagreement [_75_] [_77_] to have a different opinion. as a consequence or result of something you have just mentioned. [ 82 ] section [_84_] [ [ [ 83 ] 84 ] 85 ] agreeable proactive thus [_86_] [_82_] [_85_] controlling a situation by doing something before a problem develops. but you want Mom to spend more money this time.5 RULE NUMBER FOUR: GET WHAT YOU WANT ATTENTION! DANGER 81! WARNING! The following section 82 requires that you exert energy. Give Mom and Dad (and your siblings. and other things from the table . (I know. feeling or expressing a lot of emotion. making someone more likely to succeed in a soft manner. clear the table 96 after dinner without being asked. if you have any) more hugs 92 and kisses. this sounds exhausting 97. [ [ 86 ] 87 ] previously smartphone [_87_] [_83_] a mobile phone that also works as a small computer. You’ll be frustrated 98 beyond 99 belief 100/101. [ [ 80 ] 81 ] Emotional Danger [_78_] [_76_] to one’s benefit. 4.. in this way. opposite of to agree. (Optional 91) Don’t get into big fights with your siblings (if you have any) for a while. You’ll need to set the dinner table without being asked. too. be agreeable 83. [ 89 ] pleasant [_91_] available or possible if you want. part of something. a situation in which something unpleasant might happen. 6. 7. but not obligatory or mandatory. Laugh at your dad’s jokes (this is EXTREMELY important).) [ 88 ] sentence [_95_] used for saying how often something happens. show emotion. to remove the dishes. 3. [ [ 90 91 ] ] demeanor optional [_94_] [_96_] every night. before the time you are discussing. and be proactive 84! Thus 85 you must break all of the previously 86 mentioned rules to make this work. 8. willing or ready to agree. make your bed every morning before leaving for school. for the moment. conduct. . Your determination 112 will be rewarded 113! Match the columns: [ 106 ] length [_109_] a person’s characteristics or aspects that make him/her behave in a particular way. your parents’ personalities 109 will determine 110 how long it’ll take to get what you want. confidence.6 after a meal. to control what something will be. [ [ [ 102 ] 103 ] 104 ] to scream to trust temporarily [_105_] [_100_] [_101_] to take part. to believe. [ [ [ 111 ] 112 ] 113 ] upon determination rewarded [_112_] [_110_] [_107_] resolution. [ [ [ 98 ] 99 ] 100 ] frustrated beyond belief [_97_] [_103_] [_102_] something that makes you exhausted or tired. the way you look and behave. large basket to put dirty clothes in until they can be washed. duration. [ [ 109 ] 110 ] personality to determine [_111_] [_113_] on or onto something. question. decision. nice. [ 105 ] to participate [_104_] for only a limited period of time. conclusion. b) used for saying that something cannot be done. unbelievable. purpose. b) so surprising that you can't believe it. faith. trust. group of words that express a statement. enjoyable or attractive in a way that makes you feel pleased and satisfied. superior to. [ 92 ] Hug [_88_] [ [ 93 94 ] ] hamper Nightly [_90_] [_93_] [ 95 ] Basis [_89_] [ 96 ] to clear the table [_92_] the action of putting your arms round someone to show your love or friendship. [ [ 107 ] 108 ] to perform variable [_106_] [_108_] amount (of time). The length 106 of time you’ll have to perform 107 these activities will be variable 108. to make a loud high cry (noise) because you are hurt. to define. compensated. behavior. a) used for emphasizing how bad something is. Other times it’ll depend upon 111 how much money you want them to spend. You’ll be exhausted. or excited. utterance. something that changes often and is different depending on the situation. agreeable. to be confident that someone/something is true. disappointed. inconstant. phrase. but don’t give up. to influence. to do. to execute. or instruction. to be involved. [ 97 ] exhausting [_98_] having feelings of dissatisfaction. Often. [ 101 ] beyond belief [_99_] a) exceeding. frightened. to receive some kind of benefit because of something you did. conviction. recompensed.
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