Pdms Design

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ahmed Khan | Category: String (Computer Science), Graphical User Interfaces, Databases, License, Array Data Structure



PDMS DESIGNReference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 pdms1131/man31/doc1 Issue 181200 PLEASE NOTE: Cadcentre has a policy of continuing product development: therefore, the information contained in this document may be subject to change without notice. CADCENTRE MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this document, Cadcentre shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material. This manual provides documentation relating to products which you may not have access to or which may not be licensed to you. For further information on which products are licensed to you please refer to your licence conditions.  Copyright 1990 through 2001 Cadcentre Limited All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of Cadcentre. The software programs described in this document are confidential information and proprietary products of Cadcentre Ltd or its licensors. For details of Cadcentre's worldwide sales and support offices, see our website at http://www.cadcentre.com/location Cadcentre Ltd, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HB, UK Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction ...................................................................................................1-1 About the DESIGN Reference Manual ................................................................... 1-1 Organisation of the DESIGN Reference Manual ................................................... 1-1 Organisation of this Manual ................................................................................... 1-2 2 3 3.1 The Design Database Hierarchy ..................................................................2-1 Introduction to Attributes .............................................................................3-1 Attribute Types........................................................................................................ 3-2 4 4.1 Administrative and Reference Elements.....................................................4-1 Administrative Elements ........................................................................................ 4-2 World Element (WORLD)........................................................................................ 4-2 Site Element (SITE) ................................................................................................ 4-3 Zone Element (ZONE) ............................................................................................. 4-4 Group World Element (GPWL) ............................................................................... 4-5 Group Element (GROUP)........................................................................................ 4-6 General Text Element (TEXT) ................................................................................ 4-7 Ground Model Element (GRDMODEL) .................................................................. 4-8 Site Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY) ...................................... 4-9 Routing Plane Element (RPLANE) ....................................................................... 4-10 Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME) ........................................... 4-11 Datum Point Element (DATUM) .......................................................................... 4-12 5 5.1 Equipment and Civils Elements...................................................................5-1 The Main Equipment and Civils Elements ............................................................ 5-2 Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT) ...................................................................... 5-2 Process Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT) ......................................... 5-3 Structure Element (STRUCTURE)......................................................................... 5-4 Pipe Track Element (PTRACK) .............................................................................. 5-5 Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE) ......................................................... 5-6 The Primitive Modelling Elements ......................................................................... 5-7 Nozzle Element (NOZZ)........................................................................................... 5-8 BOX Element (BOX).............................................................................................. 5-10 Cylinder Element (CYLI) ...................................................................................... 5-11 CONE Element ..................................................................................................... 5-12 Snout Element (SNOU) ......................................................................................... 5-13 DISH Element ....................................................................................................... 5-14 Circular Torus Element (CTOR) ........................................................................... 5-15 Rectangular Torus Element (RTOR)..................................................................... 5-16 Pyramid Element (PYRA) ..................................................................................... 5-17 Slope-Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCY) .............................................................. 5-18 Extrusion Element (EXTRU) ................................................................................ 5-19 Contents-i 5.2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Contents 5.3 5.4 Solid of Revolution (REVO) ................................................................................... 5-20 Loop Element (LOOP) ........................................................................................... 5-21 Vertex Element (VERT)......................................................................................... 5-22 Polyhedron Element (POHE) ................................................................................ 5-23 Polygon Element (POGO)...................................................................................... 5-24 Drawn Line Element (DRAWI) ............................................................................. 5-25 Point Element (POINT) ......................................................................................... 5-27 Invisible Point Element (IPOINT) ........................................................................ 5-28 Tangent Point Element (TANPOINT) .................................................................. 5-29 Holes in Primitive Elements ................................................................................. 5-30 Negative Box Element (NBOX) ............................................................................. 5-31 Negative Cylinder Element (NCYL) ..................................................................... 5-32 Negative Cone Element (NCON) .......................................................................... 5-33 Negative Snout Element (NSNO) ......................................................................... 5-34 Negative Dish Element (NDIS)............................................................................. 5-35 Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTO) ........................................................... 5-36 Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTO)..................................................... 5-37 Negative Slope-Bottomed Cylinder Element (NSLC)........................................... 5-38 Negative Pyramid Element (NPYR) ..................................................................... 5-39 Negative Extrusion Element (NXTR) ................................................................... 5-40 Negative Solid of Revolution (NREV) ................................................................... 5-41 Loop Element (LOOP) ........................................................................................... 5-42 Vertex Element (VERT)......................................................................................... 5-43 Elements for Connecting Equipment to Steelwork .............................................. 5-44 Equipment Load Point Element (LOAP) .............................................................. 5-44 6 6.1 The Structural Elements...............................................................................6-1 The Structural Design Elements ............................................................................ 6-2 Structure Element (STRUCTURE)......................................................................... 6-2 Framework Element (FRMW)................................................................................. 6-3 Subframework Element (SBFR).............................................................................. 6-4 Primary Node Element (PNODE) ........................................................................... 6-5 Primary Joint Element (PJOINT)........................................................................... 6-6 Structural Section Element (SCTN) ....................................................................... 6-8 Generic Section Element (GENSEC) .................................................................... 6-10 Spine Element (SPINE)......................................................................................... 6-12 Spine Point Element (POINSP) ............................................................................ 6-13 Curve Element (CURVE) ...................................................................................... 6-14 Justification Line Datum Element (JLDATUM) ................................................ 6-15 Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM) ...................................................................... 6-16 Secondary Node Element (SNODE)...................................................................... 6-17 Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT) ..................................................................... 6-18 Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJ) .......................................................... 6-20 Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJ) ..................................................... 6-21 SubJoint Element (SUBJ) ..................................................................................... 6-22 Fitting Element (FITT).......................................................................................... 6-24 Compound Fitting Element (CMFI)...................................................................... 6-26 Subfitting Element (SBFI) .................................................................................... 6-28 Generic Fixing Element (FIXING)........................................................................ 6-29 Routing Plane Group (RPLG)................................................................................ 6-30 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Contents-ii Contents 6.2 Routing Plane Element (RPLANE) ....................................................................... 6-31 Panel Element (PANEL) ....................................................................................... 6-32 Panel Loop Element (PLOO) ................................................................................. 6-34 Panel Vertex Element (PAVE) .............................................................................. 6-35 Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJ)...................................................................... 6-36 Section Linear Joint Element (SELJ) ................................................................... 6-37 Section Vertex Element (SEVE)............................................................................ 6-38 Panel Fitting Element (PFIT) ............................................................................... 6-39 Panel Cofitting Element (COFI) ........................................................................... 6-40 Compound Panel Fitting Element (CMPF) .......................................................... 6-41 The Stress Analysis Elements............................................................................... 6-42 Load Case Descriptor Element (LCDE) ................................................................ 6-43 Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)..................................................................... 6-44 Nodal Load Element (NOLO)................................................................................ 6-45 Nodal Displacement Element (NODI) .................................................................. 6-46 Section Point Load Element (SPLO)..................................................................... 6-47 Section Distributed Load Element (SDLO) .......................................................... 6-48 7 7.1 The Piping Elements.....................................................................................7-1 The Main Piping Elements...................................................................................... 7-2 Pipe Element (PIPE) ............................................................................................... 7-2 Branch Element (BRANCH) ................................................................................... 7-4 Branch Head and Tail ............................................................................................. 7-7 Restraint Element (RESTRAINT) .......................................................................... 7-8 Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)........................................................................... 7-9 The Hanger Components....................................................................................... 7-11 Pipe Clamp Element (PCLAMP) ........................................................................... 7-11 Steel Clamp Element (SCLAMP) .......................................................................... 7-12 Hanger Element (HELEMENT)............................................................................ 7-13 Piping Components................................................................................................ 7-14 Attachment Point Element (ATTA) ...................................................................... 7-14 Bend Element (BEND) .......................................................................................... 7-16 Cap Element (CAP) ............................................................................................... 7-18 Closure Element (CLOS) ....................................................................................... 7-19 Coupling Element (COUPLING)........................................................................... 7-20 Cross Element (CROSS) ........................................................................................ 7-21 Duct Element (DUCT) ........................................................................................... 7-23 Elbow Element (ELBOW)...................................................................................... 7-24 Blind Flange Element (FBLIND) .......................................................................... 7-26 Filter Element (FILTER)....................................................................................... 7-27 Flange Element (FLANGE)................................................................................... 7-29 Fixed Length Tube Element (FTUBE).................................................................. 7-31 Gasket Element (GASKET)................................................................................... 7-33 Instrument Element (INSTRUMENT) ................................................................. 7-35 Lap-Joint Stub-End Element (LJSE).................................................................... 7-37 Olet Element (OLET) ............................................................................................ 7-39 General Piping Component Element (PCOMPONENT) .................................... 7-41 Reducer Element (REDUCER).............................................................................. 7-43 Standard Hook-Up Element (SHU) ...................................................................... 7-44 Tee Element (TEE) ................................................................................................ 7-46 Contents-iii 7.2 7.3 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Contents Trap Element (TRAP)............................................................................................ 7-48 Union Element (UNION) ...................................................................................... 7-50 Valve Element (VALVE)........................................................................................ 7-52 Vent Element (VENT) ........................................................................................... 7-54 Four-Way Valve Element (VFWAY) ..................................................................... 7-55 Three-Way Valve Element (VTWAY).................................................................... 7-57 Weld Element (WELD) .......................................................................................... 7-59 Index Contents-iv PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 1 Introduction 1.1 About the DESIGN Reference Manual The PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual describes all the DESIGN commands in detail. It also describes how the Design database is structured, the Design database elements and their attributes. DESIGN is normally used interactively. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides discipline-based applications which help you to create, check and report on the model. How to use the applications is described in user guides and on-line help. This manual is written for experienced users of PDMS DESIGN who need to use commands; for example, to write batch macros or to customise the GUI. If you are going to customise the GUI, you will also need to refer to the Cadcentre Software Customisation Guide and Cadcentre Software Customisation Reference Manual for information about PML, the Cadcentre programming language. 1.2 Organisation of the DESIGN Reference Manual The DESIGN Reference Manual has four parts: • Part 1, General Commands, describes general DESIGN commands, which are used, for example, for setting up the display, and querying and navigating around the Design database. In particular, it describes how to use the command syntax graphs, which are used to show all the options available for each command. • • Part 2, Creating the Model, describes the commands for creating database elements and setting their attributes. Part 3 (this volume) contains details of all the elements which can be created in the Design database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes. Part 4, Utilities, describes the DESIGN Utilities for data consistency checking and clash detection, and for exporting DESIGN data to programs such as REVIEW. • PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Partt 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 1-1 Introduction 1.3 Organisation of this Manual Chapter 2, The DESIGN Database Hierarchy, shows all the Design database elements arranged as a hierarchy. Chapter 3, Introduction to Attributes, describes the different types of attributes that Design database elements can have. Chapter 4, Administrative and Reference Attributes, describes the Design elements which do not have any graphical representation (Sites, Zones, etc), and shows where they are described in the rest of the manual. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 are the reference chapters for Equipment and Civils Elements, Structural Elements and Piping Elements respectively. Note: For a comprehensive list of PDMS attributes and pseudo-attributes, see the Cadcentre Software Customisation Reference Manual. 1-2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 2 The Design Database Hierarchy This chapter shows the hierarchy of all the elements available in the Design database. WORLD SITE GROUP WORLD GROUP ZONE BOUNDARY DRAWING GROUND Model POINT INVISIBLE POINT TANGENT POINT POINT INVISIBLE POINT TANGENT POINT POLYGON POINT INVISIBLE POINT STRUCTURE PIPE EQUIPMENT HVAC ROUTING BOUNDARY PENALTY PIPE PLANE VOLUME TRACK POINT INVISIBLE POINT TANGENT POINT RESTRAINT DATUM See Figure 2-2 See Figure 2-6 See Figure 2-2 Figure 2-1 The top levels of the Design database hierarchy PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 2-1 The Design Database Hierarchy ZONE EQUIPMENT PIPE HVAC RESTRAINT Design primitives NOZZLE SUBEQUIPMENT BRANCH BRANCH HANGER See Figure 2-5 Design primitives NOZZLE Piping components HVAC components SCLAMP PCLAMP HELEM See Figure 2-5 See Figure 2-3 See Figure 2-4 Figure 2-2 The Equipment and Piping (including Hangers and HVAC elements) hierarchy ELBO BEND REDUCER FLANGE WELDOLET BLIND FLANGE STANDARD HOOK-UP THREE-WAY VALVE FIXED TUBE LENGTH FOUR-WAY VALVE LAP-JOINT STUB END DUCTING ATTACHMENT POINT INSTRUMENT GENERAL PIPE COMPONENT TEE GASKET FILTER CAP UNION CROSS VALVE VENT COUPLING WELD TRAP CLOSURE Figure 2-3 Piping components AHU BATTERY BCRO COWL DAMPER FLEX GASKET GRILLE HACC HFAN HSADDLE IDAM MESH Air handling unit Branch connector Flexible bend or tube Access panel Centrifugal fan Internal damper OFST PLATE PLENUM SILENCER SKIRT SPLITTER STIFFENER STRT TAPER THREEWAY TP TRNS Offset Straight Test point Transformation Figure 2-4 HVAC components 2-2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Design Database Hierarchy These all have negative equivalents which can be owned by positive primitives: CYLINDER BOX PYRAMID SNOUT CONE DISH CIRCULAR TORUS RECTANGULAR TORUS SLOPE-BOTTOMED CYLINDER Other positive primitives: POLYHEDRON which can own POLYGON Other negative primitives: EXTRUSION which can own LOOP which can own VERTEX EXTRUSION which can own LOOP which can own VERTEX SOLID OF REVOLUTION which can own LOOP which can own VERTEX SOLID OF REVOLUTION which can own LOOP which can own VERTEX Figure 2-5 Design primitives STRUCTURE SUBSTRUCTURE DRAWING FRAMEWORK POLYHEDRON LOAD CASE ROUTING PLANE DESCRIPTOR GROUP ROUTING PLANE design primitive DRAWING PENALTY VOLUME ROUTING PLANE optional SUBFRAMEWORK POLYGON SECTION GENERIC SECTION PRIMARY NODE PANEL PANEL LINEAR JOINT See Figure 2-7 See Figure 2-8 See Figure 2-9 See Figure 2-10 Figure 2-6 The top-level Structural elements hierarchy PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 2-3 The Design Database Hierarchy SECTION SECTION DISTRIBUTED LOAD SECTION POINT LOAD SECONDARY NODE FITTING SECTION COMPOUND LINEAR JOINT FITTING SUBFITTING SECTION VERTEX SECONDARY JOINT SECONDARY COMPOUND JOINT RELEASE NODAL DISPLACEMENT NODAL LOAD SUBJOINT Figure 2-7 The hierarchy under Sections GENERIC SECTION SPINE JLDATUM PLDATUM POINSP CURVE FIXING Figure 2-8 The hierarchy under Generic Sections PRIMARY NODE PRIMARY JOINT RELEASE NODAL LOAD NODAL DISPLACEMENT PRIMARY COMPOUND JOINT SUBJOINT FIXING Figure 2-9 The hierarchy under Primary Nodes 2-4 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Design Database Hierarchy PANEL PANEL LOOP PANEL LINEAR JOINT PANEL FITTING COFITTING COMPOUND PANEL FITTING SUBFITTING negative design primitives PANEL VERTEX PANEL VERTEX Figure 2-10 The hierarchy under Panels PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 2-5 3 Introduction to Attributes All the Design attributes can be queried and set by the user. However, many are automatically set as a result of DESIGN commands. Only the attributes that you would normally set explicitly are described in full. The ones that are set automatically are of interest because you can report on them. Note that some attributes are used exclusively by PDMS modules other than DESIGN. These are not described here. Attributes can be divided into two categories: 1. General attributes occur throughout the database; they are common to most elements. For example, OWNER (every element in the Design data has an owner), POS (position), ORI (orientation), BUILT (true or false, indicating whether it has been constructed on site or not). Special Attributes belong to particular elements or classes of elements and have specific meanings for those elements; for example, FLOWD (flow direction) in a Branch. 2. The special attributes are either self-explanatory or are explained in the context of the element under which they appear in this chapter. The general attributes are best considered in terms of their effect on the Design Model, so their meanings and applications are described in the earlier chapters. Note: Some special attributes are only used for drawing control within ISODRAFT or DRAFT. How the settings of these attributes are applied is described in the ISODRAFT or DRAFT Reference Manual. For a comprehensive list of all PDMS attributes and pseudoattributes, see the Cadcentre Software Customisation Reference Manual. In addition to their standard attributes, elements may have one or more userdefined attributes (UDAs). These are set and used in the same way as standard attributes, except that the UDA names are distinguished by being prefixed with a colon (:) character. For further details, see the LEXICON Reference Manual. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 3-1 Introduction to Attributes 3.1 Attribute Types The following is a list of all the Design attribute types. Name Attribute Every element except the WORLD can be given a name. All names start with a slash / and consist of any number of name parts separated by further slashes. The maximum length is 51 characters. A name part consists of any string of characters, letters, or digits, with the exception of $ or @. If the STAR command (qv) has been used, the * character has special significance. The names given to elements are purely for your convenience and have no meaning in the system. Examples: /HX42 /HX42/NOZ1 /16/23/NH4/H21/N4 /AREA3 Real Attribute A real attribute holds a single real number (e.g. 25.5, -0.057, 25683.5, etc.). Real attributes are generally used to store dimensions (e.g. DIAM, XLEN, etc.). Integer Attribute An integer attribute holds a single integer or whole number (e.g. 1, -2, 4000, etc.). Integer attributes are used in Piping Components to identify connection points (ARRIV, LEAVE); in Equipment Primitives to identify obstruction levels for clash detection (OBSTR); etc. Reference Attribute A reference attribute holds a reference to another element. The attribute holds the internal system reference number, e.g. =12/106, and not the name of the element. Reference attributes are used to forge logical links between elements. For example, the SPREF attribute is used to link a Piping Component element in the Design to a Specification Component in a Specification. Note that a reference attribute may be restricted to storing the references of particular types of element (e.g. the SPREF reference of a Piping Component may only contain the reference to a Specification Component element, i.e. an element of type SPCOM). The restrictions on individual reference attributes are shown in brackets with each attribute. Logical Attribute A logical attribute is either TRUE or FALSE. An example of its use is the BUILT attribute in a Pipe which is needed to indicate whether the Pipe has been constructed on site or not. Word Attribute A word attribute holds a string of up to four characters. Word attributes are used, for example, to indicate the direction of flow in a branch (FORW, BACK) etc. 3-2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Introduction to Attributes Text Attribute A text attribute holds a string of up to 120 alphanumeric characters (e.g. ’HP STEAM’). This string must be input between closing single quotes or, optionally, between vertical bars (useful for entering imperial units, e.g. |4’6|). Real Array Attribute A real array attribute holds more than one real number. For example, the position attribute (POS) consists of three real numbers and represents the X, Y and Z coordinates which define the position of an element. Integer Array Attribute An integer array attribute holds more than one integer. For example, the LEVEL attribute consists of two integers and is used to control the level range of drawing detail. Reference Array Attribute A reference array attribute holds more than one reference to another element. For example, a connection reference array (CRFA) is used to hold the connection links of a four-way valve (VFWA) or a CROSS. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 3-3 4 Administrative and Reference Elements There are a number of elements in the Design Model whose range of applicability is not confined to either Equipment, Piping or Civils. These include administrative elements (e.g. WORLD, SITE, ZONE), and elements which refer to restrictions and constraints set by the user (e.g. Penalty Volume, Routing Plane). The elements and their attributes and Members are explained in this section. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 4-1 Administrative and Reference Elements 4.1 Administrative Elements World Element (WORLD) Description: Administrative Element The WORLD is the topmost level of the design hierarchy within which all other elements exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to, say, a ZONE or a BOX. Its existence is controlled outside DESIGN by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS. /* false Attributes: Name Lock Legal Owners: Legal Members: None SITE, GPWL, TPWL 4-2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Administrative and Reference Elements Site Element (SITE) Description: Administrative Element The SITE is one level below WORLD and is the most significant element that can be created, deleted, copied or moved. Each SITE may represent a geographical or administrative division of the plant. /name false /* E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0 unset Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Function Purpose Number Area Module Legal Owners: Legal Members: WORL TEXT, ZONE, BOUN, DRAWI, GRDM, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 4-3 Administrative and Reference Elements Zone Element (ZONE) Description: Administrative Element The ZONE is the administrative element at the third level down the hierarchy. It may represent a geographical or administrative division of the plant and can directly own Equipment, Civils and Piping elements. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0 unset Nulref Pipe Specification Nulref Insulation Specification Nulref Trace heating Specification 0 DRAFT union (common edge) setting Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Descript Function Purpose Number Area Module Pspec Ispec Tspec DUnion Legal Owners: Legal Members: SITE TEXT, BOUN, EQUI, PIPE, STRU, PTRA, PVOL, DRAWI, RPLA, DATU, REST, HVAC, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS 4-4 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Administrative and Reference Elements Group World Element (GPWL) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Descript Function Purpose Administrative Element This is a subsidiary World that contains only GROUPs and is owned by the main WORLD element. /name false /* unset unset unset 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Legal Owners: Legal Members: WORL GROU PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 4-5 Administrative and Reference Elements Group Element (GROUP) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Descript Function Purpose Administrative Element You may define as a GROUP any collection of elements in the database, assembling these elements as a single GROUP unit. /name false /name unset unset unset 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Legal Owners: Legal Members: GPWL None (but it can have offspring of any element type) 4-6 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Administrative and Reference Elements General Text Element (TEXT) Description: Administrative Element TEXT is a general element that can occupy most positions in the hierarchy. It can be used to store additional information about an owning or adjacent element. /name false /name unset None SITE, ZONE, EQUI, STRU, PTRA, PIPE, BOUN, DRAWI, GRDM, SUBS, BRAN, REST, SUBE, FRMW, SBFR Attributes: Name Lock Owner Stext Up to 120 characters of text Legal Members: Legal Owners: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 4-7 Administrative and Reference Elements Ground Model Element (GRDMODEL) Description: Reference Element Basic shapes and features in the site can be represented by Ground Models. These may be natural occurrences like mounds or slopes. Each Ground Model element is built up in exactly the same way as POHEDRONS (polyhedrons) which are described elsewhere. Restrictions on the form of Ground Models mean that they are of limited use. Complex surface profiles are better approximated by a ‘dummy’ STRUCTURE containing any of the basic shapes. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 unset 120 character text unset 120 character text Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Descript Purpose Legal Owners: Legal Members: SITE POGO, TEXT 4-8 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Administrative and Reference Elements Site Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY) Reference Element Description: For site layout features such as fences and roadways it will often be sufficient to restrict modelling to lines and arcs laid out on a surface. The BOUNDARY element allows this method of modelling by positioning member POINTS, IPOINTS (invisible points) and TANPOINTS (tangent points) to describe the required outlines. The BOUNDARY can be thought of as a ‘high level’ basic element (its identical low-level equivalent is the DRAWING, which can belong to EQUIPMENT, STRUCTURES etc.). The BOUNDARY has the normal drawing LEVEL attribute of a primitive, but no OBSTRUCTION (as it is composed entirely of lines). /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Descript Function Purpose Legal Owners: Legal Members: SITE, ZONE POIN, TANP, IPOI, TEXT PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 4-9 Administrative and Reference Elements Routing Plane Element (RPLANE) Description: Reference Element This is a planar element that has special significance in pipe routing (see Part 2 of the DESIGN Reference Manual), but may be used as a general reference plane. See Part 2 of the DESIGN Reference Manual for maore information about routing planes in Pipe routing and in Steelwork Structures. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 1 unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0mm 0mm Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Descript Function Purpose Xlength Ylength Z YLEN Y X XLEN Figure 4-2 Legal Owners: Legal Members: Special Attributes of RPLANE Elements ZONE, PTRA, EQUI, STRU, SUBS, SUBE (plus RPLG in Steelwork applications). None 4-10 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Administrative and Reference Elements Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME) Reference Element Description: This is a BOX-like volume that has a special significance to the piperouting function of DESIGN (see Chapter 13). DESIGN can determine whether to treat a PVOL as a Preferred or Penalty Volume, depending on the relative values of the WEIGHT attribute. Penalty Volumes are generally used for roads, access ways etc. /PVOL name false name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 2 0mm 0mm 0mm 1 1 1 Three integers indicating whether the PVOL is a Penalty or Preferred volume Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Xlength Ylength Zlength Weight Z Y X ZLEN YLEN XLEN Figure 4-3 Legal Owners: Legal Members: Special Dimensional Attributes of PVOL Elements ZONE, PTRAC, STRU, SUBS, EQUI, SUBE None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 4-11 Administrative and Reference Elements Datum Point Element (DATUM) Description: Reference Element This point can be used as a reference position against which other elements are located. It is shown as a set of axes with a local North pointer. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0mm Length of the datum symbol axes; see Figure 16-4. unset A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. unset Text used to amplify the element’s identity when used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Descript Function Purpose Height Skey Stext HEIGHT Figure 4-4 Legal Owners: Legal Members: Special Attribute of DATUM Element ZONE None 4-12 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5 Equipment and Civils Elements This section describes the elements of the Design hierarchy that are available for modelling all non-piping (routed) items. The elements mentioned only take on a physical appearance from the primitive shapes that they own. The purpose of these elements is therefore to represent assemblies of primitives that provide convenient and manageable items of plant - structures, pumps, vessels, columns, stairways etc. In addition, they possess different Special Attributes that can hold information relevant to their function, construction status etc. This information can be reported on, in a chosen format, using the standard PDMS reporting utilities. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-1 Equipment and Civils Elements 5.1 The Main Equipment and Civils Elements Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT) Description: Main Equipment/Civils Element The EQUIPMENT element represents process vessels, storage vessels, heat exchangers, pumps and any other predefined item that is part of the plant. The unique feature of this element is that it may own NOZZLEs in addition to the normal primitive shapes. Pipework can be connected to the Nozzles, thus making EQUIPMENTs intrinsic to the process system. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0 Design Code (text). Paint Specification (text). Insulation Specification (text). This does not directly control insulation, but may be used to indicate insulation requirements for all connecting Pipes. It must refer to an existing Specification. Inspection Schedule (text). A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. Steel reference; e.g. a pointer to an associated substructure representing a vessel support. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Descript Function Purpose Number Area Dscode Ptspec Ispec Insched Skey StlRef Legal Owners: Legal Members: ZONE TEXT, NOZZ, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, DISH, CONE, SNOU, CTOR, RTOR, SLCYL, POHE, DRAWI, PVOL, RPLA, SUBE, NBOX, NCYL, NSLC, NSNO, NDIS, NCON, NPYR, NCTO, NRTO, LOAP, EXTR, NXTR, REVO, NREV, RULS, NRUL, PANE, MNOZ, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS 5-2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Process Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT) Main Equipment/Civils Element Description: The SUBEQUIPMENT element is similar to the EQUIPMENT element, except that it is owned by an EQUIPMENT element and cannot itself own SUBEQUIPMENT elements. Attributes: /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0 Design Code (text). Paint Specification (text). Insulation Specification (text). This does not directly control insulation, but may be used to indicate insulation requirements for all connecting Pipes. It must refer to an existing Specification. Insched Inspection Schedule (text). Skey A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. Desparam Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between the Catalogue and the design. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Descript Function Purpose Number Area Dscode Ptspec Ispec Legal Owners: Legal Members: ZONE TEXT, NOZZ, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, DISH, CONE, SNOU, CTOR, RTOR, SLCYL, POHE, DRAWI, PVOL, RPLA, SUBE, NBOX, NCYL, NSLC, NSNO, NDIS, NCON, NPYR, NCTO, NRTO, LOAP, EXTR, NXTR, REVO, NREV, RULS, NRUL, PANE, MNOZ, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-3 Equipment and Civils Elements Structure Element (STRUCTURE) Description: Main Equipment/Civils Element The structural framework of the plant (for example, buildings, pipe racks, equipment racks) can be modelled on a simple level using the same basic set of primitive shapes available for Equipment (the main difference being that such elements cannot own Nozzles). The principal feature of the STRUCTURE element is its ability to own SUBSTRUCTURES as well as primitive shapes, Routing Planes and Penalty Volumes. This enables, say, a rack to be further divided into beams and columns. (See also Section 6.1 for the use of this element in designing Steelwork Structures.) Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Skey /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false unset A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which will be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. Legal Owners: Legal Members: ZONE SUBS, TEXT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, DISH, CONE, SNOU, CTOR, RTOR, SLCY, POHE, DRAWI, PVOL, RPLA, NBOX, NCYL, NSLC, NDIS, NSNO, NCON, NPYR, NCTO, NRTO, (plus FRMW, RPLG, and LCDE in Steelwork applications) 5-4 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Pipe Track Element (PTRACK) Description: Main Equipment/Civils Element The Pipe Track is a type of STRUCTURE along which pipes are to be routed. It is a special element for the automatic pipe routing function of DESIGN; it cannot own SUBSTRUCTURES. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Legal Owners: Legal Members: ZONE TEXT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, DISH, CONE, SNOU, CTOR, RTOR, SLCY, POHE, DRAWI, PVOL, RPLA, EXTR, REVO, RULS, PANE, TMPL, SPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-5 Equipment and Civils Elements Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE) Main Equipment/Civils Element Description: Minor structural elements such as beams, columns, walls, ladders and staircases can be modelled with the standard set of basic primitive shapes within a SUBSTRUCTURE element. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0 unset Can be used as description of, say, steel section being used (e.g. 200 x 200 uc). 0mm Can indicate length of element; say the column height. It has no physical significance - the real dimensions of the member are modelled with primitives. unset A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Descript Function Purpose Number Area Profile Length Skey Legal Owners: Legal Members: STRU TEXT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, DISH, CONE, SNOU, CTOR, RTOR SLCY, POHE, DRAWI, PVOL, RPLA, NBOX, NCYL, NSLC, NDIS, NSNO, NCON, NPYR, NCTO, NRTO, EXTR, NXTR, REVO, NREV, RULS, NRUL, PANE, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS 5-6 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements 5.2 The Primitive Modelling Elements This section describes the elements that give the Equipment and Civils items a real physical shape. They comprise standard solid shapes and a special Component of EQUIPMENT items - the NOZZLE. These elements can all be positioned and oriented within their owning item; in order to facilitate this, they possess standard positioning points (p-points) which also allow connection operations. This comprehensive set of geometric shapes forms the physical information from which non-piping items are constructed. Each shape has a set of special attributes that give it a physical appearance, e.g. CYLINDER has attributes DIAMETER and HEIGHT. All the primitives contain the attributes LEVEL and OBSTRUCTION which allow them to be selectively drawn in DESIGN or DRAFT, or clash checked in DESIGN. (DRAWI does not have an OBSTRUCTION as it can only contain lines). PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-7 Equipment and Civils Elements Nozzle Element (NOZZ) Description: Primitive Element NOZZles are significant to the Design because they provide the link between an EQUIPMENT (which owns them) and a Pipe (BRANCH) which is connected to each one. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text Nulref Provides physical description of NOZZLE directly 0mm Nulref Catalogue. If unset, NOZZLE has no geometry. Controls height of NOZZLE stem (assuming normal Catalogue conventions are followed). See Figure 16-5. (Connection Reference) Usually set automatically when a BRANCH is connected to a NOZZLE. Stores name of connected BRANCH. If unset, NOZZLE is not connected to anything. Can hold relevant temperature rating. Can hold relevant pressure rating. Text describing type of fluid handled. (Insulation Spec) Does not directly control insulation, but may be used to indicate insulation requirements. It must refer to an existing Specification. These allow the Nozzle definition in the Catalogue to include Parameterised angles and dimensions which may then be set from the design attributes. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Descript Function Purpose Catref from Height Cref Temp Pressure Duty Ispec -100000 0 unset Nulref 90 0mm Angle Radius Desparam unset 5-8 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Y Z P2 P0 X P1 Figure 5-5 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The NOZZle Element EQUI, SUBE None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-9 Equipment and Civils Elements BOX Element (BOX) Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Obstruct Level Xlength Ylength Zlength Primitive Element /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 2 0 10 0mm 0mm 0mm Figure 5-6 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The BOX Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL 5-10 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Cylinder Element (CYLI) Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Obstruct Level Diameter Height Primitive Element /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 2 0 10 0mm Diameter 0mm Axial height DIAM P1 Z P0 Y HEIGHT X P2 Figure 5-7 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The CYLInder Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-11 Equipment and Civils Elements CONE Element Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Dtop Dbottom Height Primitive Element /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter of top surface 0mm Diameter of bottom surface 0mm Axial height DTOP P1 Z P0 X Y HEIGHT P2 DBOTTOM Figure 5-8 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The CONE Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL 5-12 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Snout Element (SNOU) Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Dtop Dbottom Xoff Yoff Height Primitive Element /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter of top surface 0mm Diameter of bottom surface 0mm Displacement of axes along X-axis 0mm Displacement of axes along Y-axis 0mm Perpendicular distance between surfaces The origin of the Snout is at the mid-point of the line joining the centres of the top and bottom surfaces and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom surfaces. DTOP P1 Z HEIGHT P0 X Y YOFF XOFF P2 DBOTTOM Figure 5-9 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The SNOUT Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA,SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-13 Equipment and Civils Elements DISH Element Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Diameter Height Radius Primitive Element /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter of base 0mm Maximum height of dished surface above base 0mm If radius is zero, dish is drawn as section of sphere. If radius is greater than zero, dish is defined as half of an ellipsoid: The origin of the Dish is at the centre of the base, and the Z-axis lies along the normal to the base. Figure 5-10 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The DISH Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA,SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL 5-14 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Circular Torus Element (CTOR) Attributes: Name Lock Obstruct Position Orient Owner Level Rinside Routside Angle Primitive Element /name false 2 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 0mm Inside radius 0mm Outside radius 90 Subtended angle (max. 180 degrees) The origin of the Circular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane. Figure 5-11 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The CTOR Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA,SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-15 Equipment and Civils Elements Rectangular Torus Element (RTOR) Attributes: Name Lock Obstruct Position Orient Owner Level Rinside Routside Height Angle Primitive Element /name false 2 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 0mm Inside radius 0mm Outside radius 0mm Height of rectangular section 90 Subtended angle (max. 180 degrees) The origin of the Rectangular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane. Figure 5-12 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The RTOR Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA,SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL 5-16 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Pyramid Element (PYRA) Attributes: Name Lock Obstruct Position Orient Owner Level Xbottom Ybottom Xtop Ytop Height Xoff Yoff Primitive Element /name false 2 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 0mm Dimension of bottom parallel to X-axis 0mm Dimension of bottom parallel to Y-axis 0mm Dimension of top parallel to X-axis 0mm Dimension of top parallel to Y-axis 0mm Height between top and bottom surfaces 0mm Displacement of axes along X-axis 0mm Displacement of axes along Y-axis The origin of the Pyramid is at the mid-point of the line joining the mid-points of the top and bottom surfaces, and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom faces. P1 XTOP YTOP Z Y HEIGHT X P0 YOFF XOFF XBOTTOM P2 YBOTTOM Figure 5-13 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The PYRA Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-17 Equipment and Civils Elements Slope-Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCY) Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Diameter Height Xtshear Ytshear Xbshear Ybshear Primitive Element /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter 0mm Height along axis, between P1 and P2 0 Inclination of top face to X-axis 0 Inclination of top face to Y-axis 0 Inclination of bottom face to X-axis 0 Inclination of bottom face to Y-axis The origin of the Slope-bottom Cylinder is at the mid-point of the axis (midway between P1 and P2) and the default orientation is with the axis on the Zaxis. P1 XTSH YTSH P1 Z X Y Z P0 HEIGHT P0 DIAM XBSH YBSH P2 SOUTH ELEV. P2 WEST ELEV. Figure 5-14 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The SLCY Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL 5-18 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Extrusion Element (EXTRU) Description: Primitive Element The EXTRUSION can be used to represent any volume of uniform cross-section. It is defined by sweeping a profile representing the extrusion’s shape (LOOP) through a given distance (equivalent to the extrusion thickness). /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 2 0 Distance through which LOOP is extruded in Z direction to form Extrusion (i.e. extrusion thickness). Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Height Z axis of EXTRU Height of EXTRU Origin of EXTRU =Loop (LOOP) =Vertex (VERT) Figure 5-15 Legal Owners: Legal Members: Defining an EXTRUsion EQUI, SUBE, PJOI, SJOI, FITT (see also section 17.3.1) LOOP, NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-19 Equipment and Civils Elements Solid of Revolution (REVO) Description: Primitive Element The Solid of Revolution represents any shape which can be generated by sweeping a constant cross-section profile through an angle about an axis. The profile is represented by a LOOP, in the same way as for an Extrusion, but in this case the profile is swept about an axis rather than along a linear path. The swept angle must be in the range -360 to +360 degrees, 360 degrees giving a solid which is axially symmetrical. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 2 0.0 Subtended angle through which the 2D loop is swept around the X axis to create the 3D solid. Y Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Angle =Loop vertex Origin Angle Z X Figure 5-16 Legal Owners: Legal Members: Defining a Solid of REVOlution EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, TMPL LOOP, NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL 5-20 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Loop Element (LOOP) Description: Primitive Element The LOOP represents a 2D profile which defines the shape of an Extrusion or Solid of Revolution. It is defined as a set of edges linking adjacent points represented by Vertex (VERT) elements. /name false /name EXTRU, NXTR, REVO, NREV VERT Attributes: Name Lock Owner Legal Owners: Legal Members: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-21 Equipment and Civils Elements Vertex Element (VERT) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Fradius Primitive Element A VERT element defines each vertex of a Loop. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm 0 Fillet radius of Loop at vertex position. +ve radius curves away from vertex; -ve radius curves towards vertex; zero radius gives point only. Legal Owners: LOOP 5-22 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Polyhedron Element (POHE) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Primitive Element This free-form element can be built into any shape by assembling a number of member POLYGONS. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 2 Polyhedrons must be constructed so that they have no re-entrant corners. If a polyhedron contains a re-entrant corner, it must be split into two or more legal polyhedrons. 7 polygons, but re-entrant corner - not allowed BAD GOOD 4 polygons, no re-entrant corners Figure 5-17 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The POHE Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, SUBE POGO PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-23 Equipment and Civils Elements Polygon Element (POGO) Description: Primitive Element This element can belong to a Polyhedron (or Ground Model) and is the definition of a face of the owning solid shape. The face is defined by positioning member points which define its boundary. /name false /name 0 10 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Level The sequence of points in the Member List must correspond to the anticlockwise sequence of points when the external face of the polygon is viewed. If an IPOI (invisible point) is included as a Member of the POGO, the side formed by the IPOI and the previous point will be invisible. POIN POIN IPOI POIN POIN Figure 5-18 Legal Owners: Legal Members: POHE, GRDM POIN, IPOI The POGO Element 5-24 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Drawn Line Element (DRAWI) Description: Primitive Element DRAWI is an element which may be used to produce a symbol or shape on a drawing not normally catered for elsewhere in PDMS. If, for example, it were necessary to show a company name in large letters painted on the side of a tank, the letters could be built up as DRAWI elements which would be members of the EQUIP containing the tank. Commonly used to show the centreline of a beam or column. Attributes: /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 unset A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. Lissue false Status flag showing if drawing has been issued or not. Wmax 0 Maximum weld number used in ISODRAFT. Pmax 0 Maximum part number used in ISODRAFT. Smax 0 Maximum spool number used in ISODRAFT. Jmax 0 Maximum joint number used in ISODRAFT. Revision 0 Current revision number used in ISODRAFT. Splp unset Spool prefix text used in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Skey PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-25 Equipment and Civils Elements The Figure 5-19 shows lines and curves drawn between Points (P), Tangent Points (T) and Invisible Points (I) for Boundaries and Drawings. Figure 5-19 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The DRAWI Element EQUI, STRU, SUBS, PTRA, ZONE, SITE, SUBE. POIN, TANP, IPOI, TEXT 5-26 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Point Element (POINT) Description: Primitive Element This element is positioned to describe a point in a line (when its owner is a BOUNDARY or DRAWING) or a vertex on a plane shape (when its owner is a POGON). /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm /name Attributes: Name Lock Position Owner Legal Owners: Legal Members: DRAWI, BOUND, POGO None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-27 Equipment and Civils Elements Invisible Point Element (IPOINT) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Position Owner Primitive Element This element is positioned to allow a break in a line. /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm /name Legal Owners: Legal Members: DRAWI, BOUND, POGO None 5-28 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Tangent Point Element (TANPOINT) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Position Owner Primitive Element This element allows a smooth curve (second order Bezier) to be drawn between two points in a line. /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm /name Legal Owners: Legal Members: DRAWI, BOUND None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-29 Equipment and Civils Elements 5.3 Holes in Primitive Elements Holes of any shape can be created in a primitive by creating a ‘negative’ primitive owned by the ‘positive’ primitive within which the hole is to appear. Any type of positive primitive may own any type of negative primitive. The negative shapes have position, orientation and dimensions which govern how they penetrate their owner. Holes can pass either partially or completely through their owners, but special rules should be observed when penetrating the surface of a primitive. 5-30 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Box Element (NBOX) Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Obstruct Level Xlength Ylength Zlength Primitive Element /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 2 0 10 0mm Dimension parallel to X-axis 0mm Dimension parallel to Y-axis 0mm Dimension parallel to Z-axis These are as for BOX, but note that the Zlength dimension must be the penetrating dimension for a hole which breaks the surface of its owning primitive. 25 mm 25 mm OWNING BOX NBOX ZLEN Figure 5-20 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The NBOX Element EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-31 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Cylinder Element (NCYL) Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Diameter Obstruct Level Height Primitive Element /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0mm 2 0 10 0mm This dimension must be the penetrating dimension for a hole which breaks the surface of its owning element. 25 mm 25 mm OWNING BOX NCYLINDER HEIGHT Figure 5-21 Legal Owners: Legal Members: The NCYL Element BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None 5-32 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Cone Element (NCON) Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Dtop Dbottom Height Primitive Element /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter of top surface 0mm Diameter of bottom surface 0mm Axial height Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-33 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Snout Element (NSNO) Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Dtop Dbottom Xoff Yoff Height Primitive Element /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter of top surface 0mm Diameter of bottom surface 0mm Displacement of axes along X-axis 0mm Displacement of axes along Y-axis 0mm Perpendicular distance between surfaces The origin of the NSnout is at the mid-point of the line joining the centres of the top and bottom surfaces and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom surfaces. Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None 5-34 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Dish Element (NDIS) Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Diameter Height Radius Primitive Element /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter of base. 0mm Maximum height of dished surface above base. 0mm If the radius is set to zero, the dish is drawn as a section of a sphere. If the radius is greater than zero, the dish is defined as half of an ellipsoid. The origin of the NDish is at the centre of the base, and the Z-axis lies along the normal to the base. Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-35 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTO) Attributes: Name Lock Obstruct Position Orient Owner Level Rinside Routside Angle Primitive Element /name false 2 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 0mm Inside radius 0mm Outside radius 90 Subtended angle (must not be greater than 180°) The origin of the NCircular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane. Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None 5-36 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTO) Attributes: Name Lock Obstruct Position Orient Owner Level Rinside Routside Height Angle Primitive Element /name false 2 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 0mm Inside radius 0mm Outside radius 0mm Height of rectangular section 90 Subtended angle (must not be greater than 180°) The origin of the NRectangular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-37 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Slope-Bottomed Cylinder Element (NSLC) Primitive Element Attributes: Name Lock Position Orient Owner Level Obstruct Diameter Height Xtshear Ytshear Xbshear Ybshear /name false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 2 0mm Diameter of cylinder 0mm Height along axis, between P1 and P2 0 Inclination of top face to X-axis 0 Inclination of top face to Y-axis 0 Inclination of bottom face to X-axis 0 Inclination of bottom face to Y-axis The origin of the NSlope-bottom Cylinder is at the mid-point of the axis (midway between P1 and P2) and the default orientation is with the axis on the Zaxis. Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None 5-38 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Pyramid Element (NPYR) Attributes: Name Lock Obstruct Position Orient Owner Level Xbottom Ybottom Xtop Ytop Height Xoff Yoff Primitive Element /name false 2 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U /name 0 10 0mm Dimension of bottom parallel to X-axis 0mm Dimension of bottom parallel to Y-axis 0mm Dimension of top parallel to X-axis 0mm Dimension of top parallel to Y-axis 0mm Height between top and bottom surfaces 0mm Displacement of axes along X-axis 0mm Displacement of axes along Y-axis The origin of the NPyramid is at the mid-point of the line joining the midpoints of the top and bottom surfaces, and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom faces. Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-39 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Extrusion Element (NXTR) Description: Primitive Element The NEGATIVE EXTRUSION can be used to represent any negative volume of uniform cross-section. It is defined by sweeping a profile representing the negative extrusion’s shape (LOOP) through a given distance (equivalent to the extrusion thickness). /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 2 0 Distance through which LOOP is extruded in Z direction to form Negative Extrusion (i.e. negative extrusion thickness) - see Figure 16-22. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Height Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE, LOOP Z axis of NXTR Height of NXTR Origin of NXTR =Loop (LOOP) =Vertex (VERT) Figure 5-22 Defining an NXTR Element 5-40 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Negative Solid of Revolution (NREV) Description: Primitive Element The Negative Solid of Revolution represents any negative shape which can be generated by sweeping a constant cross-section profile through an angle about an axis. The profile is represented by a LOOP, in the same way as for a Negative Extrusion, but in this case the profile is swept about an axis rather than along a linear path. The swept angle must be in the range -360 to +360 degrees, 360 degrees giving a volume which is axially symmetrical. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 2 0.0 Subtended angle through which the 2D loop is swept around the X axis to create the 3D shape. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Angle Y =Loop vertex Origin Angle Z X Figure 5-23 Legal Owners: Legal Members: Defining an NREV Element EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS, PJOI, SJOI, FITT, BOX, CYLI, PYRA, CONE, SLCY, CTOR, RTOR, SNOU, DISH, REVO LOOP PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-41 Equipment and Civils Elements Loop Element (LOOP) Description: Primitive Element The LOOP represents a 2D profile which defines the shape of an Extrusion. It is defined as a set of edges linking adjacent points represented by Vertex (VERT) elements. /name false /name EXTRU, NXTR, REVO, NREV VERT Attributes: Name Lock Owner Legal Owners: Legal Members: 5-42 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Equipment and Civils Elements Vertex Element (VERT) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Fradius Primitive Element A VERT element defines each vertex of a Loop. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm 0 Fillet radius of Loop at vertex position. +ve radius curves away from vertex; -ve radius curves towards vertex; zero radius gives point only. Legal Owners: LOOP PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 5-43 Equipment and Civils Elements 5.4 Elements for Connecting Equipment to Steelwork Equipment Load Point Element (LOAP) Description: Primitive Element The Equipment LOAP element provides a link between an Equipment item and a Steelwork Structural item. The CREF attribute of a LOAP and the CREF attribute of a Fitting (see Section 17.3.1) may point to each other to indicate interconnection between them. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm unset 120 character text Nulref Connection reference. Points to a reference which identifies the Steelwork Fitting to which the Equipment item owning the LOAP is to be attached. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Descript Cref Legal Owners: Legal Members: EQUI, SUBE None 5-44 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6 The Structural Elements This section describes those elements which allow you to design logically interconnected steelwork or concrete structures. The elements have been subdivided into two types: those representing administrative classifications or tangible components used during the design of the structure; and those used solely for stress analysis purposes on the assembled interconnected structure. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-1 The Structural Elements 6.1 The Structural Design Elements Structure Element (STRUCTURE) Description: Structural Design Element The Structure element has already been described in a different context under the heading ‘Equipment and Civils Design Elements’ (see Chapter 5). However, the hierarchy below the Structure element also allows for member elements which are specifically used for Structural Steelwork design. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0 unset A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. 0 DRAFT union (common edge) setting Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Descript Function Purpose Number Area Skey DUnion Legal Owners: Legal Members: ZONE FRMW, RPLA, RPLG, LCDE, TEXT, CYLI, SLCY, SNOU, BOX, DISH, CONE, POHE, PYRA, CTOR, RTOR, DRAWI, PVOL, SUBS, NBOX, NCYL, NSLC, NSNO, NDIS, NCON, NPYR, NCTO, NRTO, EXTR, NXTR, REVO, RULS, NRUL, PANE, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS 6-2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Framework Element (FRMW) Description: Structural Design Element The FRMW element provides a convenient administrative element for structural design modelling. A number of the attributes set at FRMW level will cascade down through the design hierarchy as member elements are created during the steelwork design process. /name false /name false false unset unset unset 0 Nulref Nulref 0 Nulref 0 unset unset unset 0 STRU SBFR, SCTN, PNOD, PANE, TEXT, PALJ, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS Attributes: Name Lock Owner Shop Built Descript Function Purpose Number 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text The following attributes have functional significance at FRMW level: Stspec Matref Grade Ispec Firesist Ptspec Insched Skey DUnion Structural Specification. Used to allocate the correct functional specification to selected components. Material Reference. Material Grade. Insulation Specification. Fire Resistance. Paint Specification (text). Inspection Schedule (text). A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. DRAFT union (common edge) setting. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-3 The Structural Elements Subframework Element (SBFR) Description: Structural Design Element The SBFR element allows you to further subdivide a FRMW into more manageable administrative portions for structural design modelling. As for FRMW, some attribute settings will cascade down to member elements. /name false /name false false unset unset unset 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Shop Built Descript Function Purpose Number 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text The following attributes have functional significance at SBFR level: Stspecific Nulref Structural Specification. Used to allocate the correct Matref Grade Ispec Firesist Ptspec Insched Skey Nulref 0 Nulref 0 unset unset unset 0 DUnion functional specification to selected components. Material Reference. Material Grade. Insulation Specification. Fire Resistance. Paint Specification (text). Inspection Schedule (text). A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. DRAFT union (common edge) setting. Legal Owners: Legal Members: FRMW SCTN, PNOD, PANE, TEXT, PALJ, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS 6-4 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Primary Node Element (PNODE) Description: Structural Design Element The PNODE is a fundamental ‘analytical’ point of connection between Sections in an interconnected steelwork structure. Its position is used to define the placing of Sections within the design model and as a reference point for stress analytical calculations on the interconnected structure. Its position is defined relative to the coordinate system of the parent Structure (cf. the Secondary Node element, whose position is defined relative to an owning Section). Attributes: Name /name Lock false Owner /name Level 0 10 Descript unset Function unset Purpose unset Number 0 Nposition E 0mm N Fixty 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text 0mm U 0mm Node Position. Fixity. Text defining the degrees of freedom of movement under the influence of applied forces or moments (for stress analysis purposes). GTSTRUDL, for example, recognise two settings: Free or Support. Free Legal Owners: Legal Members: FRMW, SBFR PJOI, RELE, NOLO, NODI, PCOJ, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-5 The Structural Elements Primary Joint Element (PJOINT) Description: Structural Design Element The PJOINT is used to make a logical connection between a Section’s start or end and a Primary Node. Its position is defined relative to that of a PNOD (cf. SJOINT element). It allows you to model, indirectly, physical connections between Sections. /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines position of Joint with respect to that of owning PNOD (i.e. Joint-to-Node offset). U Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Joint (depends on definition of Joint in Catalogue). 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Joint’s Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Joint (depends on definition of Joint in Catalogue). 0mm Specifies length by which a Section attached to the Joint should be reduced or extended to allow for fitting geometry. U Cutting Plane Direction. Defines direction of plane which forms cut end of a Section attached to the Joint. Nulref Connection reference. Points to an attached Section. unset Joining Line. Defines position of Joint with respect to the p-lines of an attached Section. false Defines Joint dominance. 0 Material Grade. Nulref Insulation Specification. 0 Fire Resistance. Nulref Insulation Reference. Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Joint component in Catalogue. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Purpose Number Delposition Opdirection Bangle Cutback Cutplane Cref Jline JFree Grade Ispec Fireresist Inreference Spref 6-6 The Structural Elements Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Joint component as defined in Catalogue and physical Joint as incorporated into the design. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PNOD TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-7 The Structural Elements Structural Section Element (SCTN) Description: Structural Design Element A SCTN represents a linear component such as a beam, column, strut etc. It has a uniform cross-section along its length, defined by reference to a Catalogue PROFILE element, while its length is a derived property (not stored in an attribute) which is determined by the Section’s start and end positions. /name false /name unset false false unset unset 0 0 E Attributes: Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Bangle Drnstart 120 character text 120 character text Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Section’s Z-axis. Start Direction. Direction of normal to Section’s endcutting plane at its start (set automatically by STRING command). Drnend E End Direction. Direction of normal to Section’s end-cutting plane at its end (set automatically by STRING command). Posstart E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Start Position. Coordinates of start of Section’s Neutral Axis (set automatically by STRING command). Posend E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm End Position. Coordinates of end of Section’s Neutral Axis (set automatically by STRING command). Joistart Nulref Reference to connected Joint (if any) at Section’s start (set automatically when start is connected to a Joint). Joiend Nulref Reference to connected Joint (if any) at Section’s end (set automatically when end is connected to a Joint). Jline 0 Joining Line. Defines p-line on which origins of connected Joints are to be positioned. JustPline unset Justification pline. Identifies pline to be used as datum for aligning SCTN with another element. MemLine unset Member line. Identifies pline to be used to represent SCTN for drawing, dimensioning, etc. Ctystart 0 Start Connection Type. Defines type of Joint connection (Joint’s CTYA) to which Section’s start is connected. 6-8 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Ctyend 0 Srelease Erelease Grade Matref Ispec Firesist Inref Spref 0 Nulref Nulref 0 Nulref Nulref Antype unset Desparam unset End Connection Type. Defines type of Joint connection (Joint’s CTYA) to which Section’s end is connected. Start Release. Defines how Section’s start may move under effect of applied forces and moments. End Release. Defines how Section’s end may move under effect of applied forces and moments. Material Grade. Material Reference. Insulation Specification. Fire Resistance. Insulation Reference. Specification Reference. Defines cross-sectional geometry of Section. Must refer to existing Profile in Catalogue. Analysis Type. For stress analysis purposes only. Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to store additional data related to Section; e.g., positions of ancillary items (like web stiffeners) or additional Joint dimensions. Legal Owners: Legal Members: FRMW, SBFR SNOD, FITT, SPLO, SDLO, CMFI, SELJ, NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-9 The Structural Elements Generic Section Element (GENSEC) Description: Structural Design Element A GENSEC can represent any component whose geometry is defined by sweeping a 2D profile along a linear or curved path (its SPINE element). It has a uniform cross-section along its length, defined by reference to a Catalogue Profile element. In its simplest form, where the Spine is defined as a line between two fixed points, the GENSEC can be used as an alternative to the SCTN element. In its more general form, where the Spine consists of a sequence of straight and/or curved segments, it can represent curved beams, curved walls, etc. /name false /name unset false false unset unset unset 0 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Purpose Number Bangle Lmirror Position Orient Joistart Joiend Jlnstart Jlnend JusLine MemLine Ctystart 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Ctyend Srelease Erelease Grade Matref Beta Angle. Orientation of profile about direction of Spine, measured clockwise from YDIR of Spine. false Mirror flag. If true, mirrors profile geometry about Y axis (equivalent to flipping a linear section). E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U Nulref Reference to connected Fixing or Joint at start. Nulref Reference to connected Fixing or Joint at end unset Start Joint pline. Aligns attached joint at start. unset End Joint line. Aligns attached joint at end. unset Justification pline. Identifies pline to be used as datum for aligning GENSEC. unset Member line. Identifies pline to be used to represent GENSEC for drawing, dimensioning, etc. unset Start Connection Type. Defines type of Joint connection (Joint’s CTYA) to which start is connected. unset End Connection Type. Defines type of Joint connection (Joint’s CTYA) to which end is connected. Start Release. For stress analysis purposes only. End Release. For stress analysis purposes only. 0 Material Grade. Nulref Material Reference. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-10 The Structural Elements Ispec Firesist Inref Spref Nulref 0 Nulref Nulref unset unset Antype Desparam Insulation Specification. Fire Resistance. Insulation Reference. Specification Reference. Defines cross-sectional geometry of GENSEC. Must refer to existing Profile in Catalogue. Analysis Type. For stress analysis purposes only. Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to store additional data related to GENSEC; e.g. positions of ancillary items. Legal Owners: Legal Members: FRMW, SBFR, WALL, TMPL SPINE, JLDATU, DDSE, DPSE, LNKS, PORS, TMPL End POINSP CURVE PROFILE Start POINSP CURVE = SPINE = POINSP Figure 6-24 Defining a GENSEC PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-11 The Structural Elements Spine Element (SPINE) Description: Structural Design Element A SPINE defines the path through which a cross-sectional Profile must be swept to generate a GENSEC. The route of the Spine is defined by a sequence of Spine Points (POINSP): one at the start, one at the end, and one at each change of direction. Each segment linking adjacent Spine Points can be either a straight line or an arc of a circle: the latter is achieved by the insertion of a CURVE element (see Figure 16-24). /name false Attributes: Name Lock Owner Ydir Drnstart Drnend /name U Local Y axis direction. Defines orientation of cross-section profile at start of owning GENSEC. Start Direction. Direction of normal to end-cutting plane at first Spine Point. End Direction. Direction of normal to end-cutting plane at last Spine Point. Legal Owners: Legal Members: GENSEC POINSP, CURVE 6-12 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Spine Point Element (POINSP) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Structural Design Element A POINSP element defines the start and end of a Spine path, and any location along the path at which there is a change of direction. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Legal Owners: Legal Members: SPINE None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-13 The Structural Elements Curve Element (CURVE) Description: Structural Design Element A CURVE element defines a segment of a Spine path. It defines the geometry of the Spine between the POINSPs either side of it in the members list. Attributes: /name false /name unset Curve Type: LINE, RADI, THRU, BULG, FILL, CENT. (See Section 10.13.3.) Position E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Defines a critical position for the Curve, depending on the Curve Type setting. Radius 0 mm Radius value (for types RADI, FILL, CENT). Radsetflag true If True, Radius is fixed; If False, limiting radius determined by positions of adjacent Spline Points. Bulge 0 Bulge factor (for type BULG only). E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Cpos Conditioning Point. Selects, for example, plane of Curve or one from set of possible Curves (for types RADI, BULG, CENT). Zdir U Name Lock Owner CurTyp Legal Owners: SPINE Legal Members: None 6-14 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Justification Line Datum Element (JLDATUM) Structural Design Element Description: Defines the frame of reference for its member PLDATUM elements based on the pline system of its owning GENSEC. (Replaces the function of the SNODE used by SCTNs.) /name false /name 0 10 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Level Number Descript Function Purpose TPRef Drawing level to control displayed symbol. 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Reference to a POINSP of owning GENSEC. Sets start position from which interpolated points are derived. Reference to a POINSP of owning GENSEC. Sets end position from which interpolated points are derived. Distance along JUSL or NA pline from PKDIS, measured in direction from TPREF to HPREF. Proportional position between TPREF and HPREF. unset unset unset Nulref Nulref 0mm 0 HPRef Zdist Pkdist Legal Owners: Legal Members: GENSEC PLDATUM PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-15 The Structural Elements Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM) Description: Structural Design Element Defines the frame of reference for its members based on the nominated pline (POSL) system of its owning JLDATUM. Used to position Fixings, Joints or Fittings along a GENSEC. /name false /name 0 10 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Level Number Descript Function Purpose Posline Drawing level to control displayed symbol. 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Positioning Line. Pline of GENSEC along which Zdistance is measured to obtain origin for frame of reference. Defines direction of Y axis relative to axial system of JLDATUM. unset unset unset unset U Ydirection Legal Owners: Legal Members: JLDATUM FIXING 6-16 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Secondary Node Element (SNODE) Description: Structural Design Element The SNODE is a fundamental ‘analytical’ point of connection between Sections in an interconnected steelwork structure. Its position is used to define the placing of Sections within the design model and as a reference point for stress analytical calculations on the interconnected structure. Its position is defined relative to an owning Section (cf. the Primary Node element, whose position is defined relative to the coordinate system of the parent Structure). /name false /name 0 10 unset unset unset 0 0mm Free Attributes: Name Lock Owner Level Descript Function Purpose Number Zdistance Fixty 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Node position defined in terms of distance along Z-axis of its owning Section. Fixity. Text defining degrees of freedom of movement under influence of applied forces or moments (for stress analysis purposes). GTSTRUDL, for example, recognises two settings: Free or Support. Legal Owners: Legal Members: SCTN SJOI, RELE, NOLO, NODI, SCOJ, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-17 The Structural Elements Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT) Description: Structural Design Element The SJOINT element is used to make a logical connection between two Sections in an interconnected steelwork structure. Its position is defined relative to that of a SNOD (cf. PJOINT element). /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines position of Joint with respect to that of owning SNOD (i.e. Joint-to-Node offset). 0 Positioning Line. Defines position of Joint’s origin with respect to Section’s p-lines. Derived from Catalogue Joint; usually set to NA (Neutral Axis). 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Joint’s Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Joint (depends on definition of Joint in Catalogue). 0mm Specifies length by which a Section attached to the Joint should be reduced or extended to allow for fitting geometry. U Cutting Plane Direction. Defines direction of plane which forms cut end of a Section attached to theJoint. Nulref Connection reference. Points to an attached Section. 0 Joining Line. Defines position of Joint with respect to p-lines of an attached Section. 0 Material Grade. Nulref Insulation Specification. 0 Fire Resistance. Nulref Insulation Reference. Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Joint component in Catalogue. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Delposition Posline Bangle Cutback Cutplane Cref Jline Grade Ispec Firesist Inref Spref 6-18 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Desparam unset JFree unset SNOD Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Joint component as defined in Catalogue and physical Joint as incorporated into the design. Defines Joint dominance. Legal Owners: Legal Members: TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-19 The Structural Elements Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJ) Structural Design Element Description: The Primary Compound Joint is used where two or more attached sections are connected at a common Primary Node (representing, for example, a gusset plate). It owns a separate SubJoint for each connection. /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines position of Joint with respect to that of owning PNOD (i.e. Joint-to-Node offset). U Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Joint (depends on definition of Joint in Catalogue). 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Joint’s Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Joint (depends on definition of Joint in Catalogue). 0 Material Grade. Nulref Insulation Specification. 0 Fire Resistance. Nulref Insulation Reference. Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Joint component in Catalogue. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Joint component as defined in Catalogue and physical Joint as incorporated into the design. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Delposition Opdirection Bangle Grade Ispec Fireresist Inref Spref Desparam Legal Owners: Legal Members: PNOD SUBJ, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS 6-20 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJ) Structural Design Element Description: The Secondary Compound Joint is used where two or more attached sections are connected at a common Secondary Node (representing, for example, a gusset plate). It owns a separate SubJoint for each connection. Attributes: /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines position of Joint with respect to that of owning SNOD (i.e. Joint-to-Node offset). Bangle 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Joint’s Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Joint (depends on definition of Joint in Catalogue). Posline 0 Positioning Line. Defines position of Joint’s origin with respect to Section’s p-lines. Derived from Catalogue Joint; usually set to NA (Neutral Axis). Grade 0 Material Grade. Ispec Nulref Insulation Specification. Fireresist 0 Fire Resistance. Inreference Nulref Insulation Reference. Spref Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Joint component in Catalogue. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey Catalogue and physical Joint as incorporated into the design. Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Delposition Legal Owners: Legal Members: SNOD SUBJ, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-21 The Structural Elements SubJoint Element (SUBJ) Description: Attributes: Structural Design Element The SUBJ is used to make a logical connection as part of a Primary or Secondary Compound Joint. /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines offset of SubJoint with respect to position of owning Compound Joint. Bangle 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Joint’s Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Joint (depends on definition of Joint in Catalogue). Arrive 0 P-point of owning Compound Joint at which origin of SUBJ is positioned. Zdirection U Orientation of Z axis. Cutback 0mm Specifies length by which a Section attached to the Joint should be reduced or extended to allow for fitting geometry. Cutplane U Cutting Plane Direction. Defines direction of plane which forms cut end of a Section attached to the Joint. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Points to an attached Section. Jline unset Joining Line. Defines position of Joint with respect to the p-lines of an attached Section. Grade 0 Material Grade. Ispec Nulref Insulation Specification. Fireresist 0 Fire Resistance. Inref Nulref Insulation Reference. Spref Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Joint component in Catalogue. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Joint component as defined in Catalogue and physical Joint as incorporated into the design. JFree unset Defines Joint dominance. Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Delposition 6-22 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: PCOJ, SCOJ TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-23 The Structural Elements Fitting Element (FITT) Description: Structural Design Element A FITT can be used to represent any item which is attached to the Structure but which does not form an integral part of it. It may be used to indicate such things as the presence of a connected implied load, such as a pipe hanger attachment, or an ancillary item such as a web stiffener or a flange plate. • A FITT is positioned along the Z axis of its owning Section, in the same way as a Secondary Node. Attributes: Name /name Lock false Owner /name Gtype unset Shop false Built false Descript unset Function unset Number 0 Zdistance 0mm Delposition 120 character text 120 character text Fitting position defined in terms of distance along Z-axis of its owning Section. E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines offset of Fitting with respect to position of Node. Positioning Line. Defines position of Fitting’s origin with respect to Section’s p-lines. Derived from Catalogue Fitting; usually set to NA (Neutral Axis). Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Fitting’s Origin Plane direction. Partly defines orientation of Fitting (depends on definition of Fitting in Catalogue). Connection reference. Points to a reference which identifies a connected Hanger, an Equipment Load Point, etc. Material Grade. Insulation Specification. Fire Resistance. Insulation Reference. Material Reference. Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Fitting component in Catalogue. Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Fitting component as defined in Catalogue and physical Fitting as incorporated into the design. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Posline 0 0 Nulref 0 Nulref 0 Nulref Nulref Nulref Bangle Cref Grade Ispec Firesist Inref Matref Spref Desparam unset 6-24 The Structural Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: SCTN RELE, NOLO, NODI, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-25 The Structural Elements Compound Fitting Element (CMFI) Description: Structural Design Element A CMFI can be used to represent a penetration at which one or more elements (Pipes or Sections) pass through a hole in a Section. The position of each individual penetrating item is represented by a Subfitting (SBFI) element owned by the CMFI; the CMFI is primarily an administrative element used to position a group of SBFI. A CMFI is positioned along the Z axis of its owning Section, in the same way as a Secondary Node. Attributes: /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0mm Compound Fitting position defined in terms of distance along Z-axis of its owning Section. Delposition E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines offset of Compound Fitting with respect to position derived from ZDIS and POSL Posline unset Positioning Line. Defines Section p-line along which origin of Compound Fitting is positioned. Derived from Catalogue Fitting; usually set to NA (Neutral Axis). Bangle 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Fitting’s Origin Plane direction (Z axis). Partly defines orientation of Fitting (depends on definition of Fitting in Catalogue). Grade 0 Material Grade. Ispec Nulref Insulation Specification. Firesist 0 Fire Resistance. Inref Nulref Insulation Reference. Matref Nulref Material Reference. Spref Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Fitting component in Catalogue. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array, used to convey data between Fitting component as defined in Catalogue and physical Fitting as incorporated into the design. Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Zdistance 6-26 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: SCTN SBFI, RELE, NODI, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS, NOLO PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-27 The Structural Elements Subfitting Element (SBFI) Description: Structural Design Element A SBFI can represent a single penetration at which a Pipe or Section passes through a hole in a Panel or Section. Multiple penetrations are represented by a group of SBFIs (one for each penetrating item) owned by a common Compound Fitting (CMFI) or Compound Panel Fitting (CMPF) element. Attributes: /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines offset of Subfitting with respect to owning CMFI or CMPF. Bangle 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Fitting’s Origin Plane direction (Z axis). Partly defines orientation of Fitting (depends on definition of Fitting in Catalogue). Arrive 0 P-point of owning Compound Fitting at which origin of SBFI is positioned. Zdirection U Orientation of Z axis. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Points to a reference which identifies a connected Hanger, an Equipment Load Point, etc. Grade 0 Material Grade. Ispec Nulref Insulation Specification. Firesist 0 Fire Resistance. Inref Nulref Insulation Reference. Matref Nulref Material Reference. Spref Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Fitting component in Catalogue. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Fitting component as defined in Catalogue and physical Fitting as incorporated into the design. Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Delposition Legal Owners: Legal Members: 6-28 CMFI, CMPF TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Generic Fixing Element (FIXING) Description: Structural Design Element A FIXING can represent any fitting or joint owned (indirectly) by a GENSEC. It serves a similar function to elements such as FITT, CMFI, SBFI, PCOJ, SCOJ, but in a more generalised way. Attributes: /name false /name unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U Nulref Connection reference. Points to a reference which identifies a connected Hanger etc. (when representing a fitting) or attached section (when representing a joint). Cfra unset Connection reference array. Ispec Nulref Insulation Specification. Firesist 0 Fire Resistance. Inref Nulref Insulation Reference. Matref Nulref Material Reference. Spref Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Fitting or Joint component in Catalogue. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Fixing component as defined in Catalogue and physical Fixing as incorporated into the design Cutback 0mm Specifies length by which Section attached to Fixing should be reduced or extended to allow for fixing geometry. Cutplane U Cutting Plane Direction. Defines direction of plane which forms cut end of Section attached at the Fixing. JFree false Defines joint dominance. Jline unset Joining Line. Defines position of Fixing, used as a Joint, with respect to plines of attached Section. Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Position Orient Cref Legal Owners: Legal Members: PLDATUM, FIXI, PNOD FIXING, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-29 The Structural Elements Routing Plane Group (RPLG) Description: Structural Design Element The RPLG is a grouping element whose members may be Steelwork RPLANEs (see next entry), as opposed to the Piping RPLANEs described in Chapter 7. /name false /name unset Attributes: Name Lock Owner Function 120 character text Legal Owners: Legal Members: STRU RPLA 6-30 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Routing Plane Element (RPLANE) Description: Structural Design Element The RPLANE is a planar element that may be used as a construction guide (e.g. for representing setting-out or grid lines) when defining the positions of other steelwork elements. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U 0 10 1 unset 120 character text unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0mm 0mm Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Level Obstruct Descript Function Purpose Xlength Ylength Legal Owners: Legal Members: RPLG, STRU (in the current context) None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-31 The Structural Elements Panel Element (PANEL) Description: Structural Design Element The PANEL element is used to represent sheet materials (walls, floors, decking, etc.) used to clad the structure. It is defined by sweeping a profile representing the panel’s shape (the Panel Loop. PLOOP) through a given distance (equivalent to the panel thickness) see Figure 6-25. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U unset false false 0 10 2 unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 Nulref Specification reference. Nulref Material reference. 0 Material grade. Nulref Insulation specification. 0 Fire Resistance. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Gtype Shop Built Level Obstruct Descript Function Number Spref Matref Grade Ispec Firesist Z axis of PANE Height of PANE Origin of PANE Figure 6-25 Defining a PANE = Panel Loop (PLOO) = Panel Vertex (PAVE) 6-32 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: FRMW, SBFR PLOO, PALJ, PFIT, COFI, CMPF, NBOX, NCYL, NCON, NPYR, NSLC, NCTO, NSNO, NRTO, NDIS, NXTR, NREV, NRUL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-33 The Structural Elements Panel Loop Element (PLOO) Description: Structural Design Element The PLOOP represents a 2D profile which defines the shape of a Panel. It is defined as a set of edges linking adjacent points represented by Panel Vertex (PAVE) elements. /name false /name 0 unset Nulref Nulref PANE PAVE Attributes: Name Lock Owner Height Sjust Spref Matref Distance through which PLOO is extruded in Z direction to form Panel (i.e. panel thickness). Surface Justification. Defines justification plane (top, centre or bottom of panel). Specification reference Material reference Legal Owners: Legal Members: 6-34 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Panel Vertex Element (PAVE) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Position Number Bangle Fradius Structural Design Element A PAVE element defines each vertex of a Panel Loop or each connected end of a Panel Linear Joint. /name false /name unset false false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm (Note: the Up coordinate is ignored) 0 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Z-axis. 0 Fillet radius of Panel Loop at vertex position. +ve radius curves away from vertex; -ve radius curves towards vertex; zero radius gives point only. Nulref Nulref unset Nulref unset Specification reference Material reference Master vertex Design Parameters. 100-fold real array, used to convey data between item as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Attached connection type. Spref Matref Date Mvertex Desparam Ctyattached unset Legal Owners: Legal Members: PLOO, PALJ NOLO, SPLO, NODI, RELE, SDLO PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-35 The Structural Elements Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJ) Description: Structural Design Element A Panel Linear Joint is used to connect two Panels together. The start and end of the PALJ are defined by two Panel Vertex (PAVE) points. Logical connections from the attached Panel are made by setting Master Vertex (MVERT) attributes of two of the Panel’s PAVEs to point to the corresponding PAVEs on the linear joint. /name false /name false false unset unset unset 0 Nulref Nulref unset unset Attributes: Name Lock Owner Shop Built Gtype Descript Function Number Spref Matref Date Sjust 120 character text 120 character text Specification reference Material reference Surface justification. Defines justification plane (top, centre or bottom of panel) for positioning joint. Legal Owners: Legal Members: SBFR, PANE PAVE 6-36 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Section Linear Joint Element (SELJ) Description: Structural Design Element A Section Linear Joint is used to connect a Panel to a Section. The start and end of the SELJ are defined by two Section Vertex (SEVE) points. Logical connections from the attached Panel are made by setting Master Vertex (MVERT) attributes of two of the Panel’s PAVEs to point to the corresponding SEVEs on the linear joint. Attributes: /name false /name false false unset unset Function unset Number 0 Spref Nulref Matref Nulref Date unset Name Lock Owner Shop Built Gtype Descript 120 character text 120 character text Specification reference Material reference Legal Owners: Legal Members: SBFR, PANE SEVE PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-37 The Structural Elements Section Vertex Element (SEVE) Description: Attributes: Structural Design Element A SEVE element defines each connected end of a Section Linear Joint. /name false /name unset false false 0 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Z-axis. E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Delta position. Defines offset of SEVE with respect to owner. Fradius 0 Fillet radius at vertex position. +ve radius curves away from vertex; -ve radius curves towards vertex; zero radius gives point only. Posline unset Position line (p-line on which vertex is located) Zdistance 0mm Vertex position defined in terms of distance along Z-axis of Section. Spref Nulref Specification reference Matref Nulref Material reference Date unset Mvertex Nulref Master vertex. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array, used to convey data between item as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Ctyattached unset Attached connection type. Name Lock Owner Gtype Shop Built Number Bangle Delposition Legal Owners: PLOO, PALJ 6-38 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Panel Fitting Element (PFIT) Description: Structural Design Element A PANEL FITTING can be used to represent any item which is attached to a Panel. It may be used to indicate such things as the presence of a penetrating item or an ancillary item such as an inspection cover, doorway etc. • A PFIT is positioned relative to the origin of its owning Panel. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Position with respect to the Panel’s origin. unset false false unset 120 character text unset 120 character text 0 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Z axis. unset Surface justification. Nulref Connection reference. Points to a reference which identifies a penetrating item etc. unset Connection reference array. 0 Material Grade. Nulref Insulation Specification. Nulref Insulation Reference. 0 Fire Resistance. Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing component in Catalogue. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical Fitting as incorporated into the design. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Gtype Shop Built Descript Function Number Bangle Sjust Cref Crfa Grade Ispec Inref Firesist Spref Desparam Legal Owners: Legal Members: PANE TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-39 The Structural Elements Panel Cofitting Element (COFI) Description: Structural Design Element A PANEL COFITTING is used where a fitting or penetration spans the junction between two or more panels. One panel owns a PFIT, while the others each own a COFI. Each COFI refers back to the associated PFIT via its PFRE (PFIT Reference attribute). Attributes: Name /name Lock false Owner /name Pfreference Nulref PFIT reference. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PANE None 6-40 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Compound Panel Fitting Element (CMPF) Description: Structural Design Element A CMPF can be used to represent a penetration at which one or more elements (Pipes or Sections) pass through a hole in a Panel. The position of each individual penetrating item is represented by a Subfitting (SBFI) element owned by the CMPF; the CMPF is primarily an administrative element used to position a group of SBFIs. Attributes: /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Position with respect to the Panel’s origin. Gtype unset Shop false Built false Descript unset 120 character text Function unset 120 character text Number 0 Bangle 0 Beta Angle. Angle of rotation about Z axis. Sjust unset Surface justification. Grade 0 Material Grade. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Ispec Nulref Insulation Specification. Firesist 0 Fire Resistance. Inref Nulref Insulation Reference. Matref Nulref Material Reference. Spref Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing Fitting component in Catalogue. Name Lock Owner Position Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between Fitting component as defined in Catalogue and physical Fitting as incorporated into the design. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PANE SBFI, TMPL, DPSE, DDSE, PORS, LNKS PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-41 The Structural Elements 6.2 The Stress Analysis Elements This section defines those elements which are accessed only during stress analysis of an interconnected steelwork structure. For further details of the ways in which their settings are extracted for use by separate stress analysis packages, see the SAINT Reference Manual. 6-42 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Load Case Descriptor Element (LCDE) Description: Stress Analysis Element The LCDE element allows you to supply a detailed description of the types of loading case that are to be considered as being applied during stress analysis of the Structure. Any element without a LCDE will be ignored during stress analysis. /name false /name 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Lcase Stext unset STRU None Load Case Number. A reference number which identifies a given descriptive text (Stext). The same number is assigned to the LCAS attribute of any of the following elements to which the corresponding description applies. Holds the descriptive text used to describe the Load Case associated with a given Load Case Number. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-43 The Structural Elements Nodal Release Element (RELEASE) Description: Stress Analysis Element The RELE element is used to define how a stressed structure may flex under the influence of applied forces or moments. Its attribute settings control both directional and rotational movement at its owning Node. The Release directions are specified relative to a locally defined axis system. /name false /name unset Attributes: Name Lock Owner Descript Nrelease 120 character text Nodal Release. Holds a ‘coding’ integer which defines the settings (DX, DY, DZ, RX, RY, RZ) for permitted directional and rotational movement of the Node under the influence of applied forces and moments. Laxes Y is N and Z is U Local Axes. Orientation of RELE axes relative to those of Structure within which owning Node is positioned. Dflfactors 0 0 0 Directional Force Load Factors. Represent ‘translational spring’ values (restoring forces) in X, Y, and Z directions. Rflfactors 0 0 0 Rotational Force Load Factors. Represent ‘rotational spring’ values (restoring moments) about X,Y,Z axes. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PNOD, SNOD None 6-44 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Nodal Load Element (NOLO) Description: Stress Analysis Element The NOLO element is used to apply forces or moments to its owning Node. The forces and moments are specified relative to a locally defined axis system (LAXES). /name false /name unset 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Descript Lcase Laxes Force Moment 120 character text Load Case Number. A reference number which identifies a given descriptive text (Stext). The same number is assigned to the LCAS attribute of any of the following elements to which the corresponding description applies. Y is N and Z is U Local Axes. Orientation of NOLO axes relative to those of Structure within which owning Node is positioned. 000 Defines force to be applied in each of X, Y and Z directions. 000 Defines moment to be applied about each of X, Y and Z axes. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PNOD, SNOD None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-45 The Structural Elements Nodal Displacement Element (NODI) Description: Stress Analysis Element The NODI element allows you to apply directional or rotational displacement results or preconditions to a Structure. The displacements are specified relative to a locally defined axis system. /name false /name unset 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Descript Lcase 120 character text Load Case Number. A reference number which identifies a given descriptive text (Stext). The same number is assigned to the LCAS attribute of any of the following elements to which the corresponding description applies. Laxes Y is N and Z is U Local Axes. Defines orientation of NODI axes relative to those of Structure within which owning Node is positioned. Displace 0mm 0mm 0mm Defines linear displacement in each of X, Y and Z directions. Rotation 0 0 0 Defines rotational displacement about each of X, Y and Z axes. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PNOD, SNOD None 6-46 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Structural Elements Section Point Load Element (SPLO) Description: Stress Analysis Element The SPLO element allows you to apply forces or moments at given points on the Neutral Axis of a Section. The forces and moments are specified relative to the axis system of the parent Structure. Attributes: Name /name Lock false Owner /name Descript unset Zdistance 0mm 120 character text Position at which forces or moments are to be applied, expressed as distance along Neutral Axis measured from Section’s start point. Load Case Number. A reference number which identifies a given descriptive text (Stext). The same number is assigned to the LCAS attribute of any of the following elements to which the corresponding description applies. Defines force to be applied in each of X, Y and Z directions. Defines moment to be applied about each of X, Y and Z axes. Lcase 0 Force Moment 000 000 SCTN None Legal Owners: Legal Members: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 6-47 The Structural Elements Section Distributed Load Element (SDLO) Description: Stress Analysis Element The SDLO element allows you to apply forces or moments distributed over a specified length of the Neutral Axis of a Section. Stress analysis calculations assume a linear interpolation of such a force or moment over the specified part of the Section. The forces and moments are specified relative to the axis system of the parent Structure. /name false /name unset 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Descript Lcase Szdist 0mm 0mm 000 000 000 000 0mm SCTN None Ezdist Sforce Eforce Smoment Emoment Width 120 character text Load Case Number. A reference number which identifies a given descriptive text (Stext). The same number is assigned to the LCAS attribute of any of the following elements to which the corresponding description applies. Start position of length over which force or moment is to be applied, expressed as distance along Neutral Axis measured from Section’s start point. End position of length over which force or moment is to be applied, expressed as distance along Neutral Axis measured from Section’s start point. Forces to be applied at SZDI position. Forces to be applied at EZDI position. Moments to be applied at SZDI position. Moments to be applied at EZDI position. Legal Owners: Legal Members: 6-48 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7 The Piping Elements This section describes those elements of the Design hierarchy that allow Piping to be modelled. These include all routed items - pipes, ducting, cable trays and hangers. The elements described here obtain most of their physical appearance from the PDMS Catalogue, although unique attributes such as position are held in the Design hierarchy. The basic Components of a route are organised into a sequence which represents its Head-to-Tail logic. It is therefore important with these elements to control their location within the hierarchy carefully (as achieved by the routing commands). PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-1 The Piping Elements 7.1 The Main Piping Elements Pipe Element (PIPE) Description: Main Piping Element The PIPE is an administrative owner of one or more two-ended BRANCHes. Usually a PIPE will include a principle BRANCH routed between two NOZZLES, with subsidiary BRANCHes for control loops, bypasses to spare pumps etc. The PIPE contains functional attributes of three types: • Those which are used directly from the PIPE element (by modules such as ISODRAFT) as a collective attribute for all the BRANCHes in the PIPE, e.g. Pipe Spec (PSPE). Those which have no direct significance at PIPE level, but which are cascaded downwards to member BRANCHes (or even Components) where they perform a particular function, e.g. TEMPERATURE - only used by Branch for insulation, stressing etc. Information attributes that can only be reported on, e.g. BUILT. /name false /name false false unset unset unset -100000 Nulref Nulref Nulref unset -1 • • Attributes: Name Lock Owner Built Shop Descript Function Purpose 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Temperature rating. Used by the detailing interfaces. Pipe Specification. Used by modules such as ISODRAFT, which places it in the title block of the isometric. Insulation Specification. Used by ISODRAFT. Trace heating Specification. Used by ISODRAFT. Paint Specification. Used in ISODRAFT. Revision. Used by ISODRAFT, which automatically increments value and places it in isometric title block. The following attributes have functional significance at PIPE level: Temp Pspec Ispec Tspec Ptspec Revision 7-2 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements The following attributes only have a functional significance below PIPE level and are cascaded from the PIPE setting: Lntp Erection Pressure Matref Fluref Casref 0 0 0 Nulref Nulref Nulref unset unset unset 0 0 0 0mm unset Line Type Identification Erection Class Pressure rating Material Reference Fluid Reference Case Reference Design Code (text) Inspection Schedule (text) Fluid flowing through pipe (text) Cost Centre Cost Class Safety Class Nominal Bore (no physical significance) A code which indicates the symbol and annotating text which is to be shown when the element is used as a reference datum for ISODRAFT dimensions. Status flag showing if drawing has been issued or not. Maximum Weld Number used. Maximum Part Number used. Maximum Spool Number used. Maximum Joint Number used. Drawing reference. The following attributes are used to store information: Dscode Insched Duty Ccentre Cclass Safclass Bore Skey The following attributes are used by the Spooling application only: Lissue Wmax Pmax Smax Jmax Drrf Cdrg Cnumber Carea Splp Legal Owners: Legal Members: false 0 0 0 0 Nulref unset unset unset unset Spool prefix text. ZONE BRAN, TEXT, REST PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-3 The Piping Elements Branch Element (BRANCH) Description: Main Piping Element The BRANCH is the key element for all routed piping in the Design model. It represents a two-ended entity whose route is defined by its Head, Tail and the sequence of Components (Members) between. A BRANCH Head or Tail may be connected to NOZZLEs, multi-way Components such as TEEs, or other BRANCH Heads or Tails. Alternatively, a Head or Tail may be positioned explicitly in space. (All the commands which control the Head and Tail attributes are described in Chapter 11.) The remaining BRANCH attributes are for: • • Functional use Information storage /name false /name false false Attributes: Name Lock Owner Built Shop Descript unset Function unset Purpose unset Shop fabricated flag. Cascades to Component level to indicate shop or site fabrication for ISODRAFT. 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text The functional attributes of BRANCH are as follows: Can be set automatically by ISODRAFT to indicate that Branch has been detailed. Lstressed false Logical Stressed. Can be set by stress analysis programs to show that Branch has been stressed. Flowd unset Flow Direction. Used by ISODRAFT. Hstube Nulref Head Specification Tube. Describes Tube from Branch Head to first Component. Pspec Nulref Pipe Specification. Used by Selection process to search automatically for correct specification for Branch and its Components. Ispec Nulref Insulation Specification. Cascades to Component level to indicate insulation requirements for each Component. Temp -100000 Temperature. Used to determine insulation thickness for each insulated Component of the Branch, or for stress analysis. Lntp unset Line Type Identifier. Used by ISODRAFT to indicate if Branch is jacketed. Erection 0 Erection Class. Indicates wastage grouping for ISODRAFT. Detail false 7-4 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Pressure Matref Fluref Casref Tspec Ptspec Splh Hdmtype 0 Nulref Nulref Nulref Nulref unset unset unset Hdmfarray unset Tdmtype unset Tdmfarray unset Branch internal pressure rating. Used for stress analysis. Material Reference (SOLID). Used for stress analysis, to override material specification for Branch. Fluid Reference (FLUID). Used for stress analysis, to override fluid specification for Branch. Case Reference (GROUP). Indicates current stressing case for stress analysis programs. Trace heating Specification. Overrides PIPE tracing for ISODRAFT (text). Paint Specification. Overrides PIPE paint specification for ISODRAFT (text). Holds spool number for Branch Head Tube, for use by ISODRAFT’s Repeatability function. Head dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Head dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to set names of reference elements for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Tail dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Tail dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to set names of reference elements for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Design Code (text). Inspection Schedule (text). The fluid flowing through the pipe (text). Cost Centre. Cost Class. Safety Class. The Information attributes of BRANCH are as follows: Dscode Insched Duty Ccentre Cclass Safclass unset unset unset 0 0 0 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-5 The Piping Elements The following attributes are used by the Spooling application only (for use by ISODRAFT): Lissue Wmax Pmax Smax Jmax Drrf Spsp Mtoh Ptnarray Jnum Joip false 0 0 0 0 Nulref unset unset unset unset unset Status flag showing if drawing has been issued or not. Maximum Weld Number used. Maximum Part Number used. Maximum Spool Number used. Maximum Joint Number used. Drawing reference. Spool prefix text. Material take-off. Part number array. Joint number. Joint prefix. Head and Tail Attributes (see next section for further details): Lhead Ltail Hbore Tbore Hconn Tconn Href Tref Hpos Hdir Tpos Tdir false false 0mm 0mm 0 0 Nulref Nulref E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm E E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm E PIPE ELBO, BEND, TEE, VALV, REDU, FLAN, CROSS, GASK, DUCT, VENT, FTUB, SHU, COUP, CLOS, OLET, LJSE, CAP, FBLI, VTWA, VFWA, TRAP, FILT, WELD, PCOM, UNION, INST, ATTA The following elements are used for the HVAC design application only: TAPE, TRNS, STRT, OFST, PLEN, PLAT, THRE, BRCO, MESH, GRIL, COWL, DAMP, HFAN, SILE, BATT, AHU, STIF, HACC, HSAD, IDAM, TP, SPLR, SKIR, FLEX Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-6 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Branch Head and Tail Keywords: Main Piping Element HREF TREF HPOS TPOS HDIR TDIR HCON TCON HSTUBE HSROD When a BRANCH (or HANGER) is created, a Head and Tail are immediately available to represent the two ends of that item. The Head and Tail are special because they are not separate Design elements but rather attributes of the BRANCH (or HANGER). This is because they are always required, being the minimum information necessary to describe a two-ended entity. If the Head and Tail are set up with no intermediate Components, the content of the Branch will be one piece of straight Tube (or Rod) running between them. When the BRANCH (or HANGER) is created, the Head and Tail have no position, orientation, bore or connection type. These can be set collectively by connecting to another BRANCH or a NOZZLE, or individually if positioning the BRANCH in free space. They can also be referred to collectively as the PH and PT (or HH and HT) respectively. The Head and Tail attributes of BRANCH (and HANGER) are as follows: Href,Tref The name of the element to which the Head or Tail is connected (e.g. a Nozzle, a Tee in another Branch, or another Branch Tail). Hpos,Tpos The Head or Tail position in Zone axes (PIPE has no POS attribute). Hdir,Tdir The Head or Tail position in Zone axes (PIPE has no ORI attribute). Hcon,Tcon The connection type of the item to which the Head is connected (e.g. the flanged face of a Nozzle). Description: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-7 The Piping Elements Restraint Element (RESTRAINT) Description: Main Piping Element The area of the hierarchy owned by the RESTRAINT element is provided to allow modelling of pipe supports and hangers. The RESTRAINT is an administrative element which can own HANGER elements in convenient groupings. It is analogous to the PIPE element. /name false /name unset unset unset 0 0 Nulref Nulref ZONE, PIPE HANG, TEXT Attributes: Name Lock Owner Descript Function Purpose Number Area Hspec StlRef 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text Hanger Specification (SPECI). Cascaded to the HANGER element, which uses it for hanger selection. Steel reference; e.g. a pointer to an associated substructure. Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-8 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER) Description: Main Piping Element The HANGER is a two-ended entity which is routed between a BRANCH and supporting steelwork. It is analogous in many respects to the BRANCH element and can own Components routed between a Head and Tail. The Head or Tail can be connected to a piping attachment point (ATTA) or positioned specifically, e.g. on a supporting member. Its attributes can be classified as follows: • • Functional and Information attributes for the complete HANGER (described here). Head and Tail attributes (already described). /name false /name false unset unset unset 0 0 Attributes: Name Lock Owner Built Descript Function Purpose Number Area 120 character text 120 character text 120 character text The functional and information attributes of a HANGER are as follows: Lhead Ltail Hpos Tpos Hdir Tdir Href Tref Hconn Tconn Hbore Tbore Hspec Hsrod Htype Nload false true E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm E E Nulref Nulref 0 0 0mm 0mm Nulref Hanger Specification (SPECI). Used by Selection process to search correct Specification automatically for HANGER and its Components. Nulref Head Rod Specification. Describes Rod from HANGER Head to first HANGER Component. unset Hanger Type (information only). 0 Nominal Load (information only). PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-9 The Piping Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: RESTR PCLA, PCLI, PLUG, SHOE, UBOL, POST, TRNN, HELE, HROD, EYRD, RCDL, TRNB, WASH, CLEV, EYNT, HPIN, HNUT, VSPR, SWBR, SNUB, SCLA, SLUG, BWLD, BBLT, SOST, STLS, SPAC, WPAD 7-10 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements 7.2 The Hanger Components Pipe Clamp Element (PCLAMP) Description: Attributes: /name false /name unset false false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing component in Catalogue. Lsrod Nulref Leave Rod specification. Angle 90 Arrive 1 P-arrive. Leave 2 P-leave. Posflag false Shows if element has been positioned. Oriflag false Shows if element has been orientated. Height 0mm Nload 0 Nominal load. Currently has no special significance. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Name Lock Owner Gtype Built Shop Position Orient Spref Hanger Component Component for pipe clamps. Legal Owners: Legal Members: HANG None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-11 The Piping Elements Steel Clamp Element (SCLAMP) Description: Attributes: Hanger Component Component for all connections to supporting steelwork. /name false /name unset false false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing component in Catalogue. Lsrod Nulref Leave Rod specification. Arrive 1 P--arrive. Leave 2 P-leave. Posflag false Shows if element has been positioned. Oriflag false Shows if element has been orientated. Angle 90 Height 0mm Nload 0 Nominal load. Currently has no special significance. Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Name Lock Owner Gtype Built Shop Position Orient Spref Legal Owners: Legal Members: HANG None 7-12 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Hanger Element (HELEMENT) Attributes: Hanger Component /name false /name unset false false E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U Nulref Specification Reference. Must refer to existing componen in Catalogue. Lsrod Nulref Leave Rod specification. Arrive 1 P-arrive. Leave 2 P-leave. Posflag false Shows if element has been positioned. Oriflag false Shows if element has been orientated. Angle 90 Height 0mm Radius 0mm Desparam unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Nload 0 Nominal load. Currently has no special significance. Name Lock Owner Gtype Built Shop Position Orient Spref Legal Owners: Legal Members: HANG None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-13 The Piping Elements 7.3 Piping Components Attachment Point Element (ATTA) Description: Piping Component The ATTACHMENT point has three main applications: • To allow pipe HANGERS to be connected to a point in the BRANCH • To indicate a special point on the BRANCH which can be dimensioned, labelled, etc. • To allow forces, moments, etc. to be applied to the BRANCH during pipe stressing. The ATTA is created, selected and consistency-checked in the same way as other Components. However, it is ignored as an in-line fitting by the CONNECT command and is ignored by the reporting utility when listing tube lengths. Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Cstref /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Nulref Constraint reference. Points to constraint (force/stiffness) vectors in Properties Catalogue for stressing purposes. As far as stress analysis is concerned, this is the Hanger; no account is taken of the physical Hanger model. 7-14 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Cref Nulref Laxes Attype Connection reference. Bears name of a Hanger that has been connected to it. As far as ISODRAFT is concerned, this identifies the Hanger; no account is taken of the physical Hanger model. Y is N and Z is U Local axes. Allows constraint vectors at that point to be rotated independently of normal orientation. 0 Attachment type. Code used by ISODRAFT to indicatethe role of the ATTA as follows: Setting ATTY to ‘XXXX’ indicates to ISODRAFT that the ATTA marks a user-controlled pipe splitting point • Setting ATTY to ‘CCCC’ indicates to ISODRAFT that the ATTA represents a general comment • Setting ATTY to ‘CCNN’ indicates to ISODRAFT that the ATTA represents a non-dimensional comment • Setting ATTY to ‘FLOW’ causes ISODRAFT to plot in-line flow arrows Stext unset Used by ISODRAFT to generate information note. Lend false Logical End. Flag used in stressing to indicate breakpoint of legally stressable network. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Dmtype unset Dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Dmfarray unset Dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to set names of reference elements for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFTmaterial lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None • PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-15 The Piping Elements Bend Element (BEND) Description: Piping Component Used where a bend is made in tubing. As the Implied Tube must be straight, it is necessary to insert such a ‘Component’ where any change of direction occurs. (This is not the same as an ELBO, which is a separate catalogue component.) Attributes: /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Loffline true Logical offline flag. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Dmtype unset Dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Dmfarray unset Dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to set names of reference elements for ISODRAFT referencedimensioning. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam 7-16 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements MtoRef unset Mtoxarray unset Ptno 0 Ptnt 0 Ptnbarray unset Jnum unset Joip unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-17 The Piping Elements Cap Element (CAP) Description: Attributes: Component for capping a pipe. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno unset Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt unset Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-18 BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Closure Element (CLOS) Description: Attributes: Component for piping closure. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno unset Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt unset Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-19 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Coupling Element (COUPLING) Description: Attributes: Component for full or half couplings. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno unset Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt unset Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-20 BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Cross Element (CROSS) Description: Attributes: Piping Component Multi-way component for straight cross or reducing cross. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Loffline false Logical offline flag. unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spln Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Dmtype unset Dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Dmfarray unset Dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to set names of reference elements for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-21 The Piping Elements MtoRef unset Mtoxarray unset Ptno 0 Ptnt 0 Ptnbarray unset Jnum unset Joip unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-22 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Duct Element (DUCT) Description: Attributes: Piping Component General component for rectangular HVAC ducting straights. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno unset Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt unset Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-23 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Elbow Element (ELBOW) Description: Attributes: Component for elbows and returns. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Dmtype unset Dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Dmfarray unset Dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to set names of reference elements for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam 7-24 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Mtoxarray unset Ptno 0 Ptnt 0 Ptnbarray unset Jnum unset Joip unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-25 The Piping Elements Blind Flange Element (FBLIND) Description: Attributes: Component for blind flanges Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno unset Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt unset Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-26 BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Filter Element (FILTER) Description: Attributes: Component for filters. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-27 The Piping Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-28 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Flange Element (FLANGE) Description: Attributes: Component for all classes of flange Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Height 0mm Loose false Used by ISODRAFT to indicate where flange is to be supplied loose. (ISODRAFT will add length of extra pipe and increase indicated cut length to allow for field fitting.) Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-29 The Piping Elements Jnum Joip unset unset BRAN None Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-30 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Fixed Length Tube Element (FTUBE) Description: Piping Component This component is for stubs or tube of minimum allowed length. It is easier to specify these as Components from a Specification where the minimum lengths are stored. However, unlike Implied Tube, the reporting utility does not currently add these lengths when totalling Tube for a BRANCH. Attributes: /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-31 The Piping Elements Jnum Joip unset unset BRAN None Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-32 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Gasket Element (GASKET) Description: Attributes: Component for gaskets. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-33 The Piping Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-34 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Instrument Element (INSTRUMENT) Description: Attributes: Piping Component Component for in-line instruments (flow measurement, etc.). /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Loffline false Logical offline flag. unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spln Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-35 The Piping Elements Jnum Joip unset unset BRAN None Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-36 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Lap-Joint Stub-End Element (LJSE) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Piping Component Component for lap-joint (or ‘Van Stone’) flanges. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Nulref Connection reference. 0mm false Used by ISODRAFT to indicate where flange is to be supplied loose. (ISODRAFT will add length of extra pipe and increase indicated cut length to allow for unset unset unset unset unset 0 unset unset unset fitting.) Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. 7-37 Cref Height Loose field Spln Splt Spsp Cmpx Dpfn Dpgrid Mtoc Mtot MtoRef Mtoxarray unset Ptno 0 Ptnt 0 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Ptnbarray unset Jnum unset Joip unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-38 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Olet Element (OLET) Description: Attributes: Component for olets of all types. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Loffline false Logical offline flag. unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spln Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Dmtype unset Dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Dmfarray unset Dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to set names of reference elements for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-39 The Piping Elements MtoRef unset unset 0 0 unset unset unset Mtoxarray Ptno Ptnt Ptnbarray Jnum Joip Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-40 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements General Piping Component Element (PCOMPONENT) Piping Component Description: Attributes: /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Loffline false Logical offline flag. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Element for any type of component not covered by the other classifications. 7-41 The Piping Elements Ptnt Ptnbarray Jnum Joip 0 unset unset unset Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-42 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Reducer Element (REDUCER) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. Piping Component Component for all classes of reducers, swages, inserts etc. false false Nulref Nulref unset Nulref unset unset unset unset unset 0 unset unset unset unset 0 0 unset unset unset Cref Spln Splt Spsp Cmpx Dpfn Dpgrid Mtoc Mtot MtoRef Shows if element has been positioned. Shows if element has been positioned. Insulation specification. Trace heating specification. Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Connection reference. Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Mtoxarray Ptno Ptnt Ptnbarray Jnum Joip Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-43 The Piping Elements Standard Hook-Up Element (SHU) Description: Attributes: Piping Component Component for general usage by items not covered by the other Component types. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam 7-44 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Jnum Joip unset unset BRAN None Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-45 The Piping Elements Tee Element (TEE) Description: Attributes: /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Crfa unset Connection reference array. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Loffline false Logical offline flag. unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spln Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Dmtype unset Dimension type is a 2-fold word array used to set dimension format for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Dmfarray Component for all classes of tee, lateral, set-on branch, stub-ins, etc. unset Dimension array is a 2-fold reference array used to names of reference elements for ISODRAFT reference dimensioning. Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. set unset unset 0 unset Cmpx Dpfn Dpgrid Mtoc 7-46 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Mtot MtoRef unset unset unset 0 0 unset unset unset Mtoxarray Ptno Ptnt Ptnbarray Jnum Joip Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-47 The Piping Elements Trap Element (TRAP) Description: Attributes: Piping Component Component for all classes of separators, strainers, screens and driplegs. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam 7-48 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Jnum Joip unset unset BRAN None Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-49 The Piping Elements Union Element (UNION) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Piping Component Component for any class of union, connector or bushing. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Nulref unset unset unset unset unset 0 unset unset unset unset unset unset unset unset unset Connection reference. Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Cref Spln Splt Spsp Cmpx Dpfn Dpgrid Mtoc Mtot MtoRef Mtoxarray Ptno Ptnt Ptnbarray Jnum Joip 7-50 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-51 The Piping Elements Valve Element (VALVE) Description: Attributes: Component for all classes of two-way valve. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref Nulref Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam 7-52 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Jnum Joip unset unset BRAN None Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-53 The Piping Elements Vent Element (VENT) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Piping Component Component for vents. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Nulref unset unset unset unset unset 0 unset unset unset unset unset unset unset unset unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Connection reference. Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Cref Spln Splt Spsp Cmpx Dpfn Dpgrid Mtoc Mtot MtoRef Mtoxarray Ptno Ptnt Ptnbarray Jnum Joip Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-54 BRAN None PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Four-Way Valve Element (VFWAY) Description: Attributes: Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam Piping Component Component for all classes of four-way valve. /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset unset 90 0mm 0mm unset unset unset unset unset 0 unset unset unset unset 0 0 unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Connection reference array. Crfa Angle Radius Height Spln Splt Spsp Cmpx Dpfn Dpgrid Mtoc Mtot MtoRef Mtoxarray Ptno Ptnt Ptnbarray Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-55 The Piping Elements Jnum Joip unset unset BRAN None Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-56 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Three-Way Valve Element (VTWAY) Description: Attributes: Component for all classes of three-way valve. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Cref unset Connection reference. Angle 90 Radius 0mm Height 0mm Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-57 The Piping Elements Legal Owners: Legal Members: BRAN None 7-58 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 The Piping Elements Weld Element (WELD) Description: Attributes: Component for itemised welds. Piping Component /name false /name E 0mm N 0mm U 0mm Y is N and Z is U false false Nulref Specification Reference. Nulref Leave tube specification. 1 P-arrive. 2 P-leave. false Shows if element has been positioned. false Shows if element has been positioned. Nulref Insulation specification. Nulref Trace heating specification. unset Design Parameters. 100-fold real array used to convey data between component as defined in Catalogue and physical item as incorporated into the design. Angle 0 Height 0mm Allowance 0mm Field-fit weld allowance for use by ISODRAFT. Loffline false Logical offline flag. Spln unset Spool number for component, for use by ISODRAFT. Splt unset Spool number for component’s leave tube, for use by ISODRAFT. Spsp unset Spool start/end specification for use by ISODRAFT. Cmpx unset Component exclusion text for use by ISODRAFT. Dpfn unset Detail plot file name for use by ISODRAFT. Dpgrid 0 Detail plotfile grid area for use by ISODRAFT. Mtoc unset Material take-off for Component in ISODRAFT. Mtot unset Material take-off for Tube in ISODRAFT. MtoRef unset Reference array holding up to 4 additional SPREFs giving extra detail and material texts for the item on ISODRAFT material lists. Mtoxarray unset Extra mto part numbers array for ISODRAFT. Ptno 0 Part number for component in ISODRAFT. Ptnt 0 Part number for tube in ISODRAFT. Ptnbarray unset Part number array for bolt sets in ISODRAFT. Jnum unset Joint number in ISODRAFT. Joip unset Joint prefix in ISODRAFT. Name Lock Owner Position Orient Built Shop Spref Lstube Arrive Leave Posflag Oriflag Ispec Tspec Desparam PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 7-59 The Piping Elements Wldn Wldp 0 unset BRAN None Weld number in ISODRAFT. Weld prefix in ISODRAFT. Legal Owners: Legal Members: 7-60 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Index Attachment Point element, 7-14 Attributes types, 3-2 user-defined, 3-1 Bend element, 7-16 Blind Flange element, 7-26 Boundary element, 4-9 Box element, 5-10 Branch element, 7-4 Cap element, 7-18 Circular Torus element, 5-15 Clamp element piping, 7-11 steelwork, 7-12 Closure element, 7-19 CMFI element, 6-26 CMPF element, 6-41 Cofitting element, 6-40 Compound Fitting element, 6-26 Compound Joint primary, 6-20 secondary, 6-21 Compound Panel Fitting element, 6-41 Cone element, 5-12 Coupling element, 7-20 Cross element, 7-21 Curve element, 6-14 Cylinder element, 5-11 Datum Point element, 4-12 Dish element, 5-14 Drawn Line element, 5-25 Duct element, 7-23 Elbow element, 7-24 Equipment element, 5-2 Equipment Load Point element, 5-44 Extrusion element, 5-19 Filter element, 7-27 Fitting element, 6-24 Fixed Length Tube element, 7-31 FIXI element, 6-29 Fixing element, 6-29 Flange element, 7-29 blind, 7-26 Four-way Valve element, 7-56 Framework element, 6-3 Gasket element, 7-33 Generic Fixing element, 6-29 Generic Section element, 6-10 GENSEC element, 6-10 Ground Model element, 4-8 Group element, 4-6 Group World element, 4-5 Hanger element, 7-9, 7-13 Instrument element, 7-35 Invisible Point element, 5-28 JLDATUM element, 6-15 Joints primary, 6-6 secondary, 6-18 Justification Line Datum element, 6-15 Lap-Joint Stub-End element, 7-37 Linear Joints PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Index-1 Index panel, 6-36 section, 6-37 Load Case Descriptor element, 6-43 Load Point element, 5-44 Loop element, 5-21, 5-42 Negative Box element, 5-31 Negative Circular Torus element, 5-36 Negative Cone element, 5-33 Negative Cylinder element, 5-32 Negative Dish element, 5-35 Negative Extrusion element, 5-40 Negative Pyramid element, 5-39 Negative Rectangular Torus element, 537 Negative Slope-bottom Cylinder element, 5-38 Negative Snout element, 5-34 Negative Solid of Revolution element, 541 Nodal Displacement element, 6-46 Nodal Load element, 6-45 Nodal Release element, 6-44 Nodes primary, 6-5 secondary, 6-17 Nozzle element, 5-8 Olet element, 7-39 Panel Cofitting element, 6-40 Panel element, 6-32 Panel Fitting element, 6-39 Panel Linear Joint element, 6-36 Panel Loop element, 6-34 Panel Vertex element, 6-35 PCOJ element, 6-20 Penalty Volume element, 4-11 Pipe Clamp element, 7-11 Pipe element, 7-2 Pipe Hanger element, 7-9 Index-2 Pipe Track element, 5-5 Piping Component element general, 7-41 PLDATUM element, 6-16 Pline Datum element, 6-16 POINSP element, 6-13 Point element, 5-27 Polygon element, 5-24 Polyhedron element, 5-23 Primary Compound Joint element, 6-20 Primary Joint element, 6-6 Primary Node element, 6-5 Pyramid element, 5-17 Rectangular Torus element, 5-16 Reducer element, 7-43 Release element, 6-44 Restraint element, 7-8 Routing Plane element, 4-10, 6-31 Routing Plane Group element, 6-30 SBFI element, 6-28 SCOJ element, 6-21 SCTN element, 6-8 Secondary Compound Joint element, 621 Secondary Joint element, 6-18 Secondary Node element, 6-17 Section Distributed Load element, 6-48 Section element, 6-8 Section Linear Joint element, 6-37 Section Point Load element, 6-47 Section Vertex element, 6-38 Site element, 4-3 Slope-bottom Cylinder element, 5-18 Snout element, 5-13 Solid of Revolution element, 5-20 Spine element, 6-12 Spine Point element, 6-13 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Index Standard Hook-up element, 7-44 Steel Clamp element, 7-12 Structural Section element, 6-8 Structure element equipment etc., 5-4 steelwork, 6-2 Subequipment element, 5-3 Subfitting element, 6-28 Subframework element, 6-4 Subjoint element, 6-22 Substructure element equipment etc., 5-6 Tangent Point element, 5-29 Tee element, 7-46 Text element, 4-7 Three-way Valve element, 7-58 Torus element circular, 5-15 rectangular, 5-16 Trap element, 7-48 Union element, 7-50 Userdefined attributes, 3-1 Valve element, 7-52 four-way, 7-56 three-way, 7-58 Vent element, 7-54 Vertex element, 5-22, 5-43 Weld element, 7-60 World element, 4-2 Zone element, 4-4 PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 3: Elements and Attributes Version 11.3 Index-3 -
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