PDGM.training Geolog

March 16, 2018 | Author: ali8621 | Category: Technology, Computing, Patent, Computing And Information Technology, Software



© 2007-2010 Paradigm Ltd. or its affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Paradigm Ltd. or its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, "Paradigm"). Paradigm assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.. The Copyright Act of the United States, Title 17 of the United States Code, Section 501 prohibits the reproduction or transmission of Paradigm˘2019s copyrighted material in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Paradigm. Violators of this statute will be subject to civil and possible criminal liability. The infringing activity will be enjoined and the infringing articles will be impounded. Violators will be personally liable for Paradigm˘2019s actual damages and any additional profits of the infringer, or statutory damages in the amount of up to $150,000 per infringement. Paradigm will also seek all costs and attorney fees. In addition, any person who infringes this copyright willfully and for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, or by the reproduction or distribution of one or more copies of a copyrighted work with a total retail value of over $1,000 shall be punished under the criminal laws of the United States of America, including fines and possible imprisonment. The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradigm Ltd. or its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively,"Paradigm") in the United States or in other countries: Paradigm, Paradigm logo, and/or other Paradigm products referenced herein. For a complete list of Paradigm trademarks, visit our Web site at www.pdgm.com. All othercompany or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Alea and Jacta software under license from TOTAL. All rights reserved. Some components or processes may be licensed under one or more of U.S. Patent Numbers 5,570,106; 5,615,171; 6,765,570; and 6,690,820. Some components or processes are patented by Paradigm and/or one or more of its affiliates under U.S. Patent Numbers 5,629,904; 6,430,508; 6,819,628; 6,859,734; 6,873,913; 7,095,677; 7,123,258; 7,295,929; 7,295,930; and 7,328,139. In addition, there may be patent protection in other foreign jurisdictions for these and other Paradigm products. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Printed October 26, 2010 Paradigm™ Value of Paradigm Training Intellectual capital is a vital asset for your corporation. It includes the possession of knowledge, experience, technology, and professional skills that provide your company with a competitive edge in the market. ParadigmTM Training is your premier partner in maintaining and improving the intellectual capital of your organization. Paradigm Training is an important part of your competitive edge. Paradigm’s training programs will help you:        1 . Empower your staff Increase productivity Reduce cycle time Build employee confidence and loyalty Keep and develop key performers Align employees to business unit goals and objectives Enable team development Paradigm training programs are a value-added core component of your business strategy. Training has never been more important in helping you meet the changing needs of a complex, constantly evolving business environment. Return On Investment of Paradigm Training Paradigm training programs are an investment in your company’s intellectual capital. Many companies focus on the “expense” of training. While it is true that training costs money and takes up valuable employee time, studies show that training provides a positive return on investment, sometimes as much as several hundred percent. Training increases the knowledge and skills of your employees, as well as contributes to their sense of being valued by the company. Both lead to a sharp increase in productivity and reduction in cycle time. Employee surveys indicate that appropriate and timely training programs are one of the best ways to ensure employee retention. Paradigm training programs will make your employees knowledgeable in the use of our products, allowing them to meet corporate objectives faster, using state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, although training may seem like a luxurious expense to some companies, it is, in fact, one of the soundest investments you can make. The question becomes, can you really afford not to make this investment? . . 2010 Training Catalog Value of Paradigm Training 3 Paradigm offers follow-up mentoring after scheduled course training to put classroom concepts into real world practicality. Paradigm training programs work best when they are integrated with your career development and performance management initiatives. Training only adds value when you have all the software and projects loaded and available to students upon completion of their training program.  . as well as the company. Our training programs include:  . Public courses on Paradigm products offered at our Training Centers worldwide Private courses on Paradigm products offered at our Training Centers or your site JumpStart training programs that reduce the learning curve for new users Customized Private Training programs that meet your specific business objectives Advanced Training programs that contain a complement of science and technology workflows Exponential Learning programs that include customer selected topics and delivered as follow-up mentoring      Paradigm Training Best Practices Paradigm highly recommends the following best practices to ensure the highest level results from our training programs.    4 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™ Paradigm Training Programs Paradigm offers training programs globally that will enhance your company’s intellectual capital and maximize your return on investment. Best results from our training programs occur when you have an internal infrastructure in place that supports the student’s application of what has been learned. . When Paradigm training programs are incorporated into individual career development plans. . Global (or large group) training programs should be customized to your specific corporate goals and objectives. Reinforcement strategies should be implemented upon the student’s completion of the course. it has a powerful effect on the performance and productivity of the individual. Paradigm will partner with you to plan and manage all training programs so that they are clearly linked to your desired business outcomes. Managers must support and encourage employees to attend training classes. 0 Rollup3. Learn to use the many features and utilities in 3D Canvas that are useful for regional scale interpretation in a 3D environment. For information about schedule and location of training courses contact Susan Lockhart. Learn principles of data management. and visualizing interpretation data. manage.com.0 System Administration and Data Management Course Acquire skills required to install and maintain the integrated environment provided by Paradigm’s Epos 3 Third Edition framework. Learn the basics of loading and managing well data in Epos 4. Epos Infrastructure Epos 3 TE System Administration Course Epos 4. Learn the basics of loading and managing well data in Epos 3 Third Edition Update1. Learn how to perform a basic data loading procedure. managing.0) Basic Structural Interpretation in 3D Canvas Learn how to use the tools and techniques for interpreting multi-survey 2D and 3D data in 2D and 3D environments. page 20 page 22 page 24 2010 Training Catalog Training List 5 . at training_info@pdgm. and visualize poststack seismic data. Acquire skills required to install and maintain the integrated environment provided by Paradigm’s Epos 4 framework. QC. Paradigm’s Global Technical Training Director. page 11 page 12 Data Management & Interoperability Loading and Management of PostStack Seismic Data Loading and Management of Well Data Loading and Managing Well Data Loading and Management of Interpretation Data Loading and Management of PreStack Data Learn how to load. Acquire the tools and techniques for interpreting horizons and faults across a large region encompassing multiple 2D and 3D surveys. page 14 page 15 page 16 page 17 page 19 Interpretation & Modeling Multi-Survey (2D-3D) Interpretation SeisEarth XV (Epos 3 TE U1) Multi-Survey (2D-3D) Interpretation SeisEarth XV (Epos 4. Learn the basics of loading.Paradigm™ Training List Paradigm offers a spectrum of training options to suit your needs. You can mix and match courses from the course catalog to create a customized workshop that meets your specific business needs. 2 . to custom courses designed around one of your current projects. from formal courses on our software in one of our training centers around the world. Introduces VoxelGeo users to VXPlot utilities for reservoir characterization. Learn to use the basic tools and features of VoxelGeo through visualization and interpretation workflows. page 26 page 28 page 30 page 32 page 34 page 35 page 36 page 38 page 40 Advanced Structural Modeling using GOCAD Kine3D-1 Introduction to GOCAD for Interpreters page 43 page 44 SKUA Fundamentals Modeling Reservoir Architecture using SKUA GeoSec 2D 5. Teaches an integrated best-practices interpretation workflow combining functionalities of several Paradigm products. Learn to perform a 3D time to depth conversion workflow (Epos 3 Third Edition Update1). Acquire advanced VoxelGeo skills.1 Basic VoxelGeo 3. Learn the basics of the GOCAD suite of tools. Create a velocity model and convert interpretation data from time to depth domain Acquire navigation skills in the SKUA suite. Learn to perform a 3D time to depth conversion workflow (Epos 4 Rollup 3).2 Prospect Generation Workflow page 47 page 49 page 51 page 56 Productive SeisX page 58 6 2010 Training Catalog . Learn to create reservoir grids from a structural model. Learn how to visualize seismic volumes and interpret horizons. Learn to model any 3D structure for a geologic and flow simulation model. and to create a structural model. Acquire basic mapping skills and learn to map interpretation data. Build complex structural models using Structural Framework Builder and Kine3D-1 tools. Foundation for all other SKUA training classes.Paradigm™ Basic VoxelGeo 4. Learn the basics of the GOCAD suite of tools.3D Time to Depth Conversion Workflow Explorer . and to create a structural model. Gain an understanding of Geostatistical mapping basics. Provides 17 exercises that can be used to build a customized 3 day course.1 Advanced Reservoir Characterization using VXPlot and VoxelGeo Explorer . porosity and permeability using pixel-based methods. and to create models for facies. Acquire tools and techniques for line based interpretation of 2D and 3D data in SeisX.0 VoxelGeo 3.3D Time to Depth Conversion Workflow iMap GeoStatistical Mapping and Well Parameters Gridding Introduction to GOCAD for Building Geologic Models Learn to use the basic tools in VoxelGeo for visualizing and interpreting 3D data. and typical workflows.1 . Guides students through recommended basic time to depth velocity analysis workflows.1 Geomage: Image Analysis Toolkit for Geolog 6. Project. page 60 page 62 page 64 page 65 Seismic Processing & Imaging Focus 5.Correlation Geolog 6. Teaches processing and interpretation of acoustic waveforms in Geolog.1 . Teaches how to use Geomage to create and process image logs.6.Determin Geolog 6.0 Basics Fundamentals of GeoDepth 3D GeoDepth 3D Basics Learn about the Focus working environment.0) Learn to use the FastVel application to perform automatic residual velocity analysis. (Epos 4.7 or 6.Determin Geolog 6. Learn methods for interpreting and modeling salt bodies using tools provided by 3D Canvas.1 . Connect.0. Learn to perform velocity model updating using the latest 3D grid tomography tools available in Epos4 Rollup3 page 66 page 67 page 68 page 70 FastVel: Automatic Residual Velocity Analysis 3D Grid Tomography page 72 page 73 Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Introduction to Geolog6 for Geolog 6.Paradigm™ Advanced SeisX StratEarth-Well Correlation Interpreting and Modeling Salt in 3D Canvas Interpreting and Modeling Salt in 3D Canvas and SKUA Acquire tools for advanced line based interpretation of 2D and 3D data in SeisX.7. Learn how to use Geolog6 as a tool for performing deterministic petrophysical well evaluations. Learn how to perform interactive correlation picking. Guides students through recommended basic time to depth velocity analysis workflows. Learn how to use Geolog6 as a tool for performing deterministic petrophysical well evaluations.0. page 75 page 77 page 78 page 79 page 80 page 81 2010 Training Catalog Training List 7 .1 .7. (Epos 3TEU1) Introduces new applications in GeoDepth v9.Full Sonic Wave Processing (SWP) Includes Geolog6 Basics and introduces students to the features of the Artist. Introduces the interactive and processing approaches to using Echos 1. Section.4 Echos 1.6. Learn a variety of techniques for interpreting and modeling salt bodies using tools provided by 3D Canvas and SKUA.7.7 Geolog 6. Learn to create 2D views (cross-sections and well section) and perform well correlation in StratEarth. and Well applications. Teaches the petrophysicist how to interpret log data from laminated shaly sand sequences.2 Basic Stratimagic 3. Learn to use Epos enabled Stratimagic by following a standard interpretation and facies analysis workflow. and report generation.1 . Introduces students to the Loglan programming language.6.2: Seismic Interpretation and Facies Analysis Basic Stratimagic 4. and log volume modeling. how to develop a module using the language.6.Paradigm™ Geolog 6. Learn to use Tcl to develop modules for log processing. Teaches the Formation Evaluation professional the Optimizing approach to Petrophysical Analysis. Learn the techniques and tools to perform synthetic log modeling.1 . information management. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the theory and application of Paradigm’s broad offerings in Reservoir Characterization. Learn the basics of the Loglan programming language. Learn the basics of the primary applications with hands-on exercises that illustrate most of their features and functions. drift analysis. Covers Multimin (probabilistic. database access.0 page 97 page 98 page 99 page 100 page 102 page 104 page 105 page 106 8 2010 Training Catalog . Learn the basics of the primary Geolog applications and work through a deterministic petrophysical workflow.1 . Introduces students to Log-based facies analysis. Guides students through numerous empirical rock relationships and theoretical rock models in a workflow to derive and evaluate the measured results for the Gassmann fluid substitution. and how to run the module from within Well or Project.1 . page 83 page 85 Geolog 6.Gassmann Workflow Learn how to generate a synthetic seismic trace.6.Introduction to Loglan Programming Geolog 6. or optimizing.Tcl Programming page 87 page 89 page 90 Geolog for Petrophysicists page 91 Geolog for Geologists page 93 Advanced Geolog page 95 Geolog Facimage Geolog Laminated Shaly Sand Analysis (LSSA) Probe: AVO Inversion & Analysis Log Based Modeling and Synthetics Calibration Integrated Reservoir Characterization Workshop Basic Facies Classification: SeisFacies 3.6. Guides students through a series of workflows for classifying seismic facies.6.Multimin Geolog 6.1 . Learn how to use Stratimagic by following workflows. Guides students through a basic AVO workflow.Geophysics Basics Geolog 6. petrophysical analysis) and Geolog programming using Loglan and Tcl. Advanced well planning and drilling engineering using Sysdrill 2009. Learn how to optimize decision making by assessing risk associated to a reservoir modeling study. Learn to create custom objects in GOCAD and implement interactivity with them. Guides students through practical Geosteering exercises and workflow processes. page 108 page 110 page 112 page 113 page 115 page 117 page 119 page 121 Well Planning & Drilling Introduction to Well Planning and Drilling Engineering Advanced Well Planning and Drilling Engineering Geosteer: Well Directional Steering Planning Wells using GOCAD Drill Planner Introduces you to well planning and drilling engineering using Sysdrill 2009. Learn to develop advanced interfaces with QT.1. Learn the theory and GOCAD LGR and Upscaler workflow. page 123 page 124 page 125 page 127 Development Programming in GOCAD Developer Kit Framework GOCAD Developer Kit: Implementing Gobjs and User Interfaces Get started creating your own application in GOCAD Suite development framework.Paradigm™ Rock Property Prediction using Stratimagic/SeisFacies 4. page 128 page 129 2010 Training Catalog Training List 9 . Learn to optimize trajectories and surface positions using Drilling Planner. Learn how to analyze the data in order to decide the modeling strategy (algorithm and input parameters) for facies. porosity.0 Stratimagic/SeisFacies. Learn how to use the GOCAD Reservoir Risk Assessment module for defining uncertainty models on reservoir data and analyzing uncertainty runs. and permeability. Learn how to create facies models using object based methods.1. Acquire key points of geostatistics to model reservoir properties.0 Advanced Data Analysis and Property Modeling using GOCAD Object Modeling using GOCAD Basic Geostatistics Reservoir Risk Assessment using GOCAD (Jacta) Uncertainty Management (Alea and Jacta) Reservoir Simulation Interface and Production Data Analysis using GOCAD Upscaling Geologic Models using GOCAD Introduces rock property prediction using Epos 4. Learn how to run flow simulations from GOCAD and to analyze results. configuration. and specialized onsite customization issues.Paradigm™ Geolog Site Administration Geolog Site Administration Covers Geolog installation. page 131 10 2010 Training Catalog . with exposure to ParadigmTM products. 3 . System Administrators and Data Managers responsible for maintaining Paradigm environments. Objectives Obtain a solid foundation for understanding the concepts and skills required to install and maintain the integrated environment provided by the Paradigm Epos® Third Edition framework and associated technical applications. licensing. and support Applications to Data-Connecting the user to the data Basic project and data management Use of utilities. 1 Contents         2 Overview of system architecture and terminology Details of components of the architecture Relationship of the components and how they work together Infrastructure requirements (systems. and network) Installation. storage. Six months experience as a System Administrator. and resources available to manage and maintain the system System troubleshooting Basic third-party connectivity Where to find additional technical resources Case studies     2010 Training Catalog Epos Infrastructure 11 . applications. .Paradigm™ Epos Infrastructure Epos 3 Third Edition System Administration Details Duration Prerequisites Who Should Attend? 3 days Unix background. . Day three covers third-party connectivity. 12 2010 Training Catalog . System Administrators and Data Managers responsible for maintaining Paradigm environments. Day one provides you with an in-depth overview of system administration including Epos architecture and installation.0 System Administration and Data Management Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 3 days Some familiarity with Linux or completion of a System Administration course (Unix and/or Windows). ..Paradigm™ Epos Infrastructure Epos 4. Objectives Obtain a solid foundation for understanding the concepts and skills required to install and maintain the integrated environment provided by the Paradigm Epos® 4. . 4 .. Some exposure to ParadigmTM products. 1 Contents             2 Epos Architecture and Installation System Architecture and Terminology Installation Procedure License Manager Launcher Applications and Scripts Paradigm Name Service Epos Users Enterprise Installations System Admin Utilities Epos Data Management Epos Databases Data Paths Continued on next page.0 data management.0 framework and associated technical applications. Day two teaches Epos 4. CORSER and GLDB Installing and Configuring Third Party Links Import Seismic Data Import and Export Interpretation Data Link and Transfer Well Data Workshop .Paradigm™               Files and Directories Project Upgrade Data Management Backup and Restore Data Security Troubleshooting Third-Party Connectivity Connectivity Overview ULA.WAM 2010 Training Catalog Epos Infrastructure 13 . . and ULA Import/Export utilities. and Deleting surveys Seismic data management Loading 2D seismic and 2D line data Creating a 2D survey Loading SEG-Y format 2D data Loading ASCII format 2D Line data Working with multi-survey data Loading seismic from third-party databases using ULA 14 2010 Training Catalog . The course follows a series of steps that make up a basic data loading workflow. BaseMap. Backing Up. . Section. Product Manager./Survey Manager and Seismic Data Manager. Project. Objectives Gain the skills needed to perform post-stack seismic data loading. learn about data management and data visualization utilities. and 3D Canvas 5 . Restoring. Session Manager) Creating a 3D survey QC the survey setup Loading 3D SEG-Y data QC the loaded 3D data Copying. new users SEG-Y. 1 Contents              2 Getting Started (Epos User.Paradigm™ Data Management and Interoperability Loading and Management of Post-Stack Seismic Data Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Geoscience background Geotechnicians (data loaders). ASCII. and about the applications required to load and QC data in Epos 4 Rollup 3. Objectives Learn the basics of loading and managing well data in Epos 3 Third Edition Update1. . new users. 3D Canvas) 6 . Well Markers Table. Interpreters ASCII. BaseMap. Project and Well Managers.Paradigm™ Data Management and Interoperability Loading and Management of Well Data Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Suggested: Epos® 3 System Administration Geotechnicians (data loaders). 1 Contents               2 Overview of the well database. creating a new project and well database Loading well locations from ASCII Files Loading checkshot data from ASCII Files Managing checkshots for Domain Conversion Loading logs from ASCII Files Loading logs from LAS Files Managing well log data Loading well markers from ASCII files Managing well markers Managing well lists Displaying well data in 3D Canvas Loading deviation surveys from ASCII files Working with a third-party well database Loading a new well database (ASCII and LAS files) 2010 Training Catalog Data Management and Interoperability 15 . Well Markers Table. . and ULA Import/Export utilities. SeisEarth®XV (Well Log window. SeisEarth®XV (Well Log window. Objectives Learn the basics of data loading. new users. . Students are guided through a series of steps that follow a basic data loading workflow. BaseMap. Project/Survey and Well Data Managers. data management. . There are also many self-paced exercises designed to reinforce learning. and data visualization utilities and applications required to load and QC well data in Epos® 4.0 Rollup 3. Interpreters ASCII. and ULA Import/Export utilities. 3D Canvas) 7 . 1 Contents           2 Launching the Session Manager and selecting the Epos User Creating a new project and new well database Loading and managing well locations and elevations Loading and managing checkshots Loading and managing well logs Loading and managing well markers Displaying well data Loading and managing deviation surveys Working with a third-party well database Workshop exercise: Loading a new well database 16 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™ Data Management and Interoperability Loading and Managing Well Data Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Basic familiarity with Paradigm products Geotechnicians (data loaders). data management and data visualization utilities. File Manager. Objectives Learn to load and manage interpretation data in 2D and 3D surveys and projects by being guided through a series of steps that follow a basic data loading workflow. Project Manager. Surface Table 8 .       2010 Training Catalog Data Management and Interoperability 17 . . Surface Table. ULA Import/Export.Paradigm™ Data Management and Interoperability Loading and Management of Interpretation Data Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Suggested: Epos® 3 System Administration Geotechnicians (data loaders). This course introduces data loading. new users ASCII Import/Export. Survey Manager.. and applications required to load and QC interpretation data in Epos 3 Third Edition Update 1. Follow along with demonstrations for each step and work on self-paced exercises designed to reinforce learning. .. 1 Contents  2 Getting started — Selecting a license — Creating a project — Creating a survey — Registering the survey on the PNS Loading 2D horizon and fault picks in ASCII formats Loading 3D picks in ASCII formats Loading grids in ASCII formats Loading fault outlines in ASCII formats Loading cultures in ASCII formats Loading slices in ASCII format Continued on next page. Paradigm™           Customizing ASCII formats Creating fault markers Creating fault outlines Gridding with fault outlines Managing interpretation data in the File Manager Creating contours Creating hardcopy files Interpretation data management exercises Exporting data to ASCII formats exercises ULA data export and import exercises 18 2010 Training Catalog . . in which data from various sources in different formats is converted to a format acceptable by the software system being used. . 1 Contents          2 Setting up the Epos® 3 environment and selecting the license Creating a new 3D project and a new 3D survey Loading data for a 2D and 3D survey using the SEG-Y Import/Export utility Loading data for a 2D and 3D survey using the ASCII Import/Export utility Customizing ASCIII format Performing QC of the loaded data in various ParadigmTM applications Creating a new 2D survey Loading pre-stack time data in SEG-Y format Additional exercises in which students learn about brick files and creating surveys during the loading procedure 2010 Training Catalog Data Management and Interoperability 19 . ASCII Import/Export. Surface Table 9 .Paradigm™ Data Management and Interoperability Loading and Management of Pre-Stack Data Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day none Geotechnicians (data loaders). Survey Manager. new users SEG-Y Import/Export. This is an essential part of every geophysical software package. Project Manager. Objectives Gain a comprehensive overview of the basic data loading procedure in Epos 3 Third Edition. Interpreters BaseMap. The 2. and 3D Canvas — Displaying data in these applications and setting display preferences — Creating well and line lists — Activating and deactivating well data — Displaying and creating culture — Displaying wells in the Section window — Loading and examining 2D and 3D seismic data in 3D Canvas — Restricting projects and surveys Continued on next page.5 days None New SeisEarth® users. 1 Contents   2 Create a new multi-survey project Examine the data in BaseMap. Section.5 day course includes optional steps for calculating seismic misties and tying wells to seismic data using shift/stretch/squeeze tools.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Multi-Survey (2D-3D) Interpretation SeisEarth XV Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2. . . 3D Canvas. 20 2010 Training Catalog .. Well Log window. Section 0 1 .. Students are guided through a series of steps that follow a basic interpretation workflow. Objectives Acquire the tools and techniques for interpreting multi-survey 2D and 3D data in 2D and 3D environments in Epos® 3 Third Edition Update 1. Paradigm™  Correct seismic misties (optional) — Displaying the uncorrected misties — Calculating initial misties — Examining local misties and apply global mistie corrections — Editing misties at individual intersections Calibrate wells to seismic data (optional) — Displaying well markers and horizon picks — Using Shift/Stretch/Squeeze to match markers to modify the time-depth relationship   Interpret faults using the Section window and 3D Canvas — Picking faults on 2D lines — Reassigning fault picks — Picking faults in 3D surveys — Deleting fault picks in 3D Canvas — Using mistie reports — Using FaultTrak Create a multi-survey T-surface — Editing the T-surface Interpret horizons — Manual picking in the Section window — Using the 3D Propagator — Using the 2D Propagator Perform gridding and contouring — Creating fault outlines in 3D Canvas — Gridding multi-survey horizon picks in BaseMap — Creating contours in BaseMap — Grid editing in 3D Canvas Examine seismic attributes — Extracting seismic attributes — Using the planimeter     2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 21 . 1 Contents  2 Getting started and data QC (Display the data in BaseMap. Objectives Acquire the tools and techniques for interpreting horizons and faults across a large region encompassing multiple 2D and 3D surveys. and attribute generation within the Epos® 4. . Self-paced exercises throughout the course reinforce learning. Students are guided through a workflow that includes data QC. 22 2010 Training Catalog . synthetic calibration to seismic data. and review functionality. gridding. and 3D Canvas and set display preferences) — Project/Survey setup and QC — Seismic data QC — Well data QC — Cultural data QC Data correction and calibration — Correcting seismic misties — Calibrating well to seismic  Continued on next page. 3D Canvas. performing mistie corrections. interpretation.. Section 1 1 .0 environment. contouring. Section. . Interpreters BaseMap. introduce new concepts..Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Multi-Survey (2D-3D) Interpretation SeisEarth XV Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days Students should have a general understanding of horizon and fault interpretation New SeisEarth® users. Well Log window. contouring. and map editing — Extracting map attributes  2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 23 .Paradigm™  Structural interpretation — Interpreting faults — Interpreting horizons Mapping — Creating and managing fault outlines — Gridding multi-survey horizons — Smoothing. VoxelGeo® 2 1 .. Participants are exposed to the software. infrastructure.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Basic Structural Interpretation in 3D Canvas: Reservoir Navigator/SeisEarth Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None New users. and basic procedures. 1 Contents  2 Project setup — Creating a new project — Examining survey information — Activating seismic files Examining the data in the Basemap — Displaying the project data — Working with culture — Creating a well list  Continued on next page. . 24 2010 Training Catalog . 3D Canvas. Objectives Follow a basic interpretation workflow that familiarizes students with the many features and utilities in 3D Canvas Epos® 3 Third Edition that are useful for regional scale interpretation in a 3D environment. so that after this course they should be able to begin interpretation work on their own. .. Well Log window. Interpreters BaseMap. and smoothing the grid Extracting and displaying interval attributes — Extracting interval attributes around the grid — Displaying the results Creating a “Model” — Using grid projection to create another grid — Creating and repairing T-surfaces. creating contours. and examining the results — Animation Appendixes — Getting started with multiple surveys in 3D Canvas — Connecting and sending data to VoxelGeo®      2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 25 .Paradigm™  Data visualization in 3D Canvas — Displaying objects in 3D Canvas — Setting global display preferences — Examining the seismic data — Creating an arbitrary section and saving a session — Displaying multiple attribute volumes — Creating a new attribute and merging volumes Interpreting faults and horizons — Using manual fault picking tools — Reassigning fault picks in 3D Canvas — Examining and correcting misties — Creating fault T-surfaces — Using FaultTrak — Propagating a horizon from seeds — Deleting a region of the propagated horizons — Using edge mode to fill in holes and extend the horizon — Using the Propagator — Color coding the horizon Gridding and contouring — Extracting fault horizons — Gridding horizon picks. 0 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None New VoxelGeo® users.. Interpreters VoxelGeo. 1 Contents  2 Getting started — Introduction to Epos and VoxelGeo environments — QC the Epos project — Getting started in VoxelGeo Basic volume visualization — — — — Preparing the display for visualization Focusing in on a target Volume visualization (optical voxel stacking) QC the visualization   Subvolume detection — Single seed detection — Multi-body detection — Formation sculpting Continued on next page. .Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Basic VoxelGeo 4. 26 2010 Training Catalog . 3D Canvas 3 1 .. Objectives Gain the skills needed to use the basic tools available in VoxelGeo 4. BaseMap.0 through visualization and interpretation workflows. This course introduces new VoxelGeo users to the Epos® 4. .0 and VoxelGeo environments. Follow along with demonstrations and work on self-paced exercises. Paradigm™  Structural interpretation — Interpreting faults — Interpreting horizons — Managing VoxelGeo interpretation Working with contours. and wells — Displaying contours and culture in VoxelGeo — Displaying wells in VoxelGeo Volume operations — Horizon flattening — Multi-volume visualization — Generating volume attributes   2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 27 . culture. Objectives Gain the skills needed to use the basic tools available in VoxelGeo® through visualization and interpretation workflows.1 Basic Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None New VoxelGeo® users. BaseMap.. 1 Contents    2 Introduction to Epos and VoxelGeo environments VoxelGeo basics Loading volumes into VoxelGeo — Manipulating the volume display Volume visualization (optical voxel stacking) — Customizing the initial display settings for optimal visualization — Creating a color table — Time-slab visualization (optical stacking) — Slab reconnaissance Subvolume detection and visualization — Seed-based subvolume detection — Single seed detection — Automatic multi-body detection Continued on next page.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling VoxelGeo 3. This course introduces new VoxelGeo users to the Epos® and VoxelGeo environments.   28 2010 Training Catalog . . VXPlotTM 4 1 . Well Log. Seismic Attribute Calculator. Follow along with demonstrations and work on self-paced exercises.. . Interpreters VoxelGeo. Paradigm™  Fault interpretation — Manual fault interpretation — Editing. displaying culture and wells — Creating an inter-well section and well traverse Formation sculpting (horizon-based subvolume detection) — Formation sculpting between two horizons and relative to a single surface — Formation sculpting for visualizing around a surface     Horizon-based volume flattening — Flatting the volume and examining the data. and erasing fault picks — Using FaultTrak Horizon interpretation — 3D Propagator (trace-shape correlation based auto-picker) — Manual picking tools Working with cultural data and wells — Creating contours. restoring the original volume — Time slab visualization on a flattened volume Calculating attributes — Calculating attributes on a time slab — Multi-volume visualization of attribute data — Extracting horizon and interval attributes in the BaseMap 3D Volume Crossplot — Crossplotting three attribute volumes and displaying the results   2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 29 . reassigning. 1 Basic. Seismic Attribute Calculator. . 30 2010 Training Catalog .1 Advanced Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days VoxelGeo® 3. 3D Canvas. . VXPlotTM 5 1 . Objectives Reinforces and improves the student’s ability to use VoxelGeo as a visualization and interpretation tool. Well Log. BaseMap.. or basic understanding of the VoxelGeo product VoxelGeo users. The course is divided into three parts:    1 Basic review of tools and workflows Using advanced features Exercises: Visualization and mapping strategies Contents  2 Basic review of tools and workflows — Data loading — Volume visualization — Subvolume detection — Fault interpretation — Horizon interpretation — Working with well data Continued on next page.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling VoxelGeo 3.. Interpreters VoxelGeo. This fast-paced course guides participants through a series of steps that follow a basic interpretation workflow. Paradigm™  Using advanced features — Multi-volume visualization — Seed detection — Volume attributes and crossplot — Working with gradients — Working with multi-survey Epos data — Creating animation (QuickAnimator) Visualization and mapping strategies — Isolating a fault-bounded target — Finding and mapping shallow drilling hazards — Volume reconnaissance — Using the VoxelAnimator — Thinking outside the box  2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 31 . . . 32 2010 Training Catalog . Contents  2 Workflow One: Crossplotting Angle Stacks — Crossplotting near vs.. Analyze these data types from a single dataset and combine the results to find potential prospects:      1 Angle stacks Synthetic seismograms Petrophysical data (well logs and volumes) Calculated volume (Poisson’s Ratio) Seismic facies volume The course is divided into a series of workflows addressing the different data types and objectives. Objectives Follow workflows for reservoir characterization. far angle stacks — Color-coding the crossplot and seismic sections — Examining the classified volume in VoxelGeo — Extracting and mapping geobodies in VoxelGeo — Calculating and crossplotting Interval Attributes in VXPlot — Crossplotting synthetic seismograms with angle stack volumes Continued on next page. .1 Basic. or basic understanding of the VoxelGeo product VoxelGeo users.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Reservoir Characterization using VXPlot and VoxelGeo Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day VoxelGeo® 3. An optional self-paced workshop is included at the end of the class which uses a different dataset to demonstrate how to use VXPlot tools to examine the effects of processing parameters. Interpreters VoxelGeo and VXPlot add-on 6 1 .   2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 33 .Paradigm™  Workflow Two: Crossplotting Petrophysical Properties — Crossplotting petrophysical logs and defining the region of interest — Marking volumes using well data — Calculating and crossplotting petrophysical properties Workflow Three: Crossplotting Seismic Facies — Crossplotting seismic facies and impedance volumes — Using VoxelGeo to examine and map target regions Workshop Exercise: Comparing Datasets — Using VXPlot to compare two stack volumes created using different velocity smoothing parameters to examine the effects of the processing parameters on the stack quality. Well Log window. . 1 Contents    2 Getting started Data loading Data preparation and QC — Includes creating a 3D model in the Map window Depth conversion for the first horizon — Includes mapping well velocity markers using GeoStatistical mapping Depth conversion for the second horizon Depth conversion for the horizons three through six Scaling the seismic cube to depth Model Builder Process examples Depth conversion workflows The Semivariogram window        34 2010 Training Catalog .3D Time to Depth Conversion Workflow Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None New Explorer users ASCII Import/Export. Well Markers Table. . and Vertical Functions window 7 1 .Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Explorer . 3D Canvas. Students are introduced to ParadigmTM applications and its flexible environment. The output is depth maps calibrated to wells. and walks students through data visualization and analysis to velocity preparation and depth conversion. Map window. Surface Table. The course begins with data loading. File Manager. Objectives Follow step-by-step through a procedure for 3D time to depth conversion in Epos® 3 Third Edition Update 1. so that after this course they should be able to design their own time-to-depth conversion workflow based on the specific structure of their data and experience. Well Log.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Explorer . . Data Managers. 3D Canvas. BaseMap. 1 Contents  2 Getting started — Getting Started in Epos 4.0 — Data Loading Data preparation and QC — Displaying and QCing grid and vertical functions data — Managing well data Time to Depth Conversion (each conversion uses a different method) — Time to depth conversion of the first horizon — Time to depth conversion of the second horizon — Time to depth conversion of the third horizon Building an interval velocity volume    2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 35 .3D Time to Depth Conversion Workflow Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Geoscience background New Explorer users ASCII Import/Export. Section. so that after this course they should be able to design their own time-to-depth conversion workflow based on the specific structure of their data and experience. Objectives Follow step-by-step through a procedure for 3D time to depth conversion in Epos® 4 Rollup 3. . Students are introduced to ParadigmTM applications and its flexible environment. Geostatistical Mapping 8 1 . 3D Canvas 9 1 . . 36 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling iMap Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days None iMap new users. Geoscientists who want to further their knowledge of ParadigmTM mapping capabilities.. participants should be able to:    1 Create and register surveys and projects Load ASCII files with interpretation data such as grids and picks Display interpretation and well data in 2D and 3D and change Display Elements parameters Create new grids using different interpolation methods and fine-tune interpolation methods’ parameters Edit grids both manually and using iMap map editing applications. Well Markers Assignment. . Map window. Objectives Explore basic features of the iMap application in Epos 3 Third Edition Update 1.. After this course. such as Smooth and Extrapolate Create and edit control points Create and edit contours Create fault outlines from fault markers Edit fault outlines Display overlayed data from different horizons Compare between different grid versions using Grid Statistical Analysis Compare between grids and well markers Create hardcopy output in different formats           Continued on next page. Well Markers Table. Well Manager. ASCII Import/Export. Students are guided through mapping basics and mapping interpretation data. and Editing Contours — Performing Gridding — Managing Grids using the File Manager — Displaying Grids in the 3D Canvas Window — Creating and Viewing Contours in 3D Canvas Step Three: Mapping Interpretation Picks — Importing ASCII Data — Opening and Viewing Picks — Creating and Managing Fault Outlines — Creating a Survey Boundary — Gridding Interpretation Picks — Adding Another Well Database to the Project — Preparing Wells using Well Markers Assignment. Displaying. the Well Manager Utility. and the Well Markers Table — Comparing Grids to Well Markers — Creating Hard Copy Output of Panel Displays in 3D Canvas and in the Map Window  2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 37 .Paradigm™ Contents   2 Getting Started Mapping Basics — Setting the Display in the Map Window — Working with the Open Map Dialog Box — Setting the Grid Display — Displaying and Editing Culture Data — Editing Grids — Creating Control Points and Control Point Editing — Working with Control Point Overlays — Editing Outlines — Creating.   38 2010 Training Catalog . mapping well properties. The first is a generic geostatistics workflow. . The final workflow. 1 Contents  2 Geostatistical Mapping Basics — Overview of basic geostatistical principles and terminology Geostatistical mapping basics workflow — Kriging a dense regularly spaced dataset — Kriging a sparse dataset — Performing probability analysis Map Based Time-Depth Conversion using Well Data — Well data QC and preparation — Building a velocity map from well markers using kriging with external drift — Performing time to depth conversion Continued on next page. Map window 0 2 . Well Log window.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling GeosStatistical Mapping and Well Parameters Gridding Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days iMap training course Geologists. is a depth structural mapping workflow that includes deterministic and statistical gridding of various well properties. Objectives Gain a comprehensive understanding of basic geostatistical principles and terminology by being guided through three workflows. GeoStatistical Mapping. Students then learn how to perform map based time-todepth conversion using well data. experienced Explorer users... and Geophysicists. . This workflow includes geostatistical well velocity gridding and depth uncertainty analysis. mapping experts. Paradigm™  Mapping Well Properties — Preparing the project — Data preparation and QC: well header parameters — Data preparation and QC: well intervals — Deterministic gridding of well properties — Creating maps using Grid/Picks mathematical operations — Geostatistical gridding of well properties — Creating SSXS and SSX basemaps — Creating final plots Optional (time permitting) — Additional kriging exercises — Gridding logs at a selected interval — Using MapLan for grid manipulations  2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 39 . Geologists. and data cleaning. analytic analysis. Progress through a series of practical exercises to build the grid from both an existing structural model in GOCAD and geologic knowledge of the field area. Map. 40 2010 Training Catalog . Continued on next page. Cross Section and Well Viewer Structural Framework Builder Stratigraphic Modeling & Fault Analysis 3D Reservoir Grid Builder Stratigraphic Modeling & Fault Analysis Reservoir Properties Objectives This course covers four topics that provide a comprehensive introduction to GOCAD:  1 GOCAD Fundamentals (1 day) Obtain a complete overview of the basic functionalities of GOCAD. GOCAD 3D. .  Introduction to 3D Reservoir Grid Building using GOCAD (half day) Start using a 3D Reservoir Grid Builder workflow quickly to create a stratigraphic grid.  Introduction to Structural Framework Builder in GOCAD (1 day) Learn how to create a subsurface model from horizon and fault interpretations in the Structural Framework Builder workflow. Note that this is not a comprehensive course covering the entire functionality of GOCAD.. This introductory course is the foundation for all other GOCAD training and is essential if the student wants to attend any other modular training. . and Reservoir Engineers who would like to learn the basics of GOCAD®. Progress through a series of comprehensive exercises designed to provide an opportunity to use GOCAD tools to perform data import.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling lntroduction to GOCAD for Building Geologic Models Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Modules 3 days None Geophysicists..       1 2 . display editing. See “Object Modeling using GOCAD” on page 112. all focused towards computing oil in place volume estimation. Objected-based methods are not addressed in this class.. Markers and Logs Visualizing Objects in the 3D Viewer Preparing Data for Modeling — Static and Dynamic Regions — Property Scripts and Facies Calculator — Geologic Features — Stratigraphic Column — Property Settings Analyzing Property Statistics — Histograms — Cross-Plots Checking Quality of Data in 3D and 2D — Maps — Cross-sections     Introduction to Structural Framework Builder using GOCAD 2   Manage fault and horizon data Define volume of interest Continued on next page. as that subject is taught in another course: Introduction to Object Modeling.. 2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 41 .Paradigm™  Introduction to Reservoir Property Modeling using GOCAD (half day) Progress through a series of comprehensive exercises designed to provide the tools to build facies and petrophysical models and post-process results. Contents GOCAD Fundamentals 1 2   Introduction to GOCAD Importing Data and Saving Project — Seismic Cube — Cultural Data — Horizon Interpretations — Fault Interpretations — Well Path. horizontal and vertical layering and tartan gridding) Manage complex fault geometry. and thickness maps) and geologic information Manage gridding resolution (for example. well markers.Paradigm™  Model faults and horizon surfaces — Create surfaces from interpretation data — Edit contacts — Fit to well markers Quality control the model — Visualize model slices in 3D viewer — Check quality on arbitrary cross sections  Introduction to 3D Reservoir Grid Building using GOCAD 3    Defining geologic information for modeling Define the reservoir grid extension (envelop) Create intermediate horizons from miscellaneous data (for example. using the stair-step method   Introduction to Reservoir Property Modeling using GOCAD 4  Creating facies model — SIS Creating porosity and permeability models — SGS Computing volumetrics Post processing multiple realizations — Compute summary statistics — Compute threshold probability — Compute 2D maps Analyze connectivity for one realization     42 2010 Training Catalog . like synthetic and antithetic faults. interpretation data. Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Advanced Structural Modeling using GOCAD Kine3D-1 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Modules 2 days Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models Geologists specializing in the structural modeling of complex structures. Map.   2 2 . Cross Section and Well Viewer Kine3D®-1 Objectives Learn to use the functionalities of Kine3D®-1 as a complement to the Structural Framework Builder in order to build robust structural models. . Learn how to use new input data coming directly from geologist measures (dip data) and interpretation (geologist cross-section and map drawings) so as to constrain fault and horizon construction. Introduce restoration concepts to ensure that the structural model created is coherent with region deformation hypothesis and can be balanced. . GOCAD 3D. 1 Contents   2 Introduction to the restoration and its applications Importing specific input data to Kine3D-1 — DEM object — Dip data — Map and cross-section pictures (relocation in 3D space) Building complex structures with reverse faults Building intermediate horizons compatible with flexural slip deformation mode Quality control of the structural model — Isopach thickness maps — Wulff Diagrams — Strain Analysis    2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 43 . Volume Interpretation Structural Framework Builder Stratigraphic Modeling & Fault Analysis Objectives This course covers four topics that provide a comprehensive introduction to GOCAD:  1 GOCAD Fundamentals (1 day) Obtain a complete overview of the basic functionalities of GOCAD.. Continued on next page. quality control of the structural model. 44 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Introduction to GOCAD for Interpreters Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 4 days Experience in Seismic Interpretation modules This course is designed for geophysicists who are already familiar with seismic interpretation and with velocity modeling to perform time/depth conversions and who would like to quickly understand how to apply these concepts using GOCAD®.     3 2 . analytic analysis. Learn how to convert interpretation data from time to the depth domain using that velocity cube. and computation of geophysical attributes. Progress through a series of comprehensive exercises that provide the tools to build and calibrate a velocity model. and data cleaning. Modules GOCAD 3D. display editing.  Seismic Interpretation using GOCAD (1 day) Focus on the visualization of seismic volumes. Progress through a series of comprehensive exercises designed to provide an opportunity to use GOCAD tools to perform data import. Map.  Introduction to Structural Framework Builder using GOCAD (1 day) Learn how to create a subsurface model from horizon and fault interpretations in the Structural Framework Builder workflow. This introductory course is the foundation for all other GOCAD training and is essential if the student wants to attend any other modular training. .  Velocity Modeling using GOCAD (1 day) Gain a global overview of the Velocity Modeling and Time/Depth Conversion tools available in the GOCAD Suite. Cross Section and Well Viewer Velocity Modeling. .. . Markers and Logs Visualizing Objects in the 3D Viewer Preparing Data for Modeling — Static and Dynamic Regions — Property Scripts and Facies Calculator — Geologic Features — Stratigraphic Column — Property Settings Analyzing Property Statistics — Histograms — Cross-Plots Checking Quality of Data in 3D and 2D — Maps — Cross-sections     Introduction to Structural Framework Builder using GOCAD 2    Manage fault and horizon data Define volume of interest Model faults and horizon surfaces — Create surfaces from interpretation data — Edit contacts — Fit to well markers Quality control the model  Continued on next page.. 2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 45 .Paradigm™ Contents GOCAD Fundamentals 1 2   Introduction to GOCAD Importing Data and Saving Project — Seismic Cube — Cultural Data — Horizon Interpretations — Fault Interpretations — Well Path. Paradigm™ Seismic Interpretation using GOCAD 3  Visualizing seismic properties in probes — Probe creation — Multi-property visualization Dicing and slicing through seismic cube — QC interpretation — Update fault modeling — Arbitrary volume Creating structural model from interpretation — Horizon and fault extractions — QC modeling by seismic Computing geophysical attributes    Velocity Modeling using GOCAD 4  Reviewing Velocity Modeling Workflow — From seismic data — From interval velocities — Calibration — Time Depth Conversion Importing and QC seismic data — SEGY seismic cube — Checkshot data Building velocity models — Data reconciliation — Error analysis and handling Depth conversion    46 2010 Training Catalog . . Cross Section and Well Viewer 4 2 . display editing. Geologists. 2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 47 .. Progress through a series of comprehensive exercises designed to provide the student with an opportunity to use the SKUA Suite of tools to perform data import. 1 Contents   2 Introduction to SKUA Importing Data and Saving Project — Seismic Cube — Cultural Data — Horizon Interpretations — Fault Interpretations — Well Path. and Reservoir Engineers GOCAD 3D. Markers and Logs Visualizing Objects in the 3D Viewer  Continued on next page.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling SKUA Fundamentals Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Modules 1 day None Geophysicists. and data cleaning. . . Map. analytic analysis. This introductory course is the foundation for all other SKUA training and is an essential prerequisite for any other modular training. Objectives Obtain a complete overview of the basic functionalities of SKUA®. Paradigm™  Preparing Data for Modeling — Static and Dynamic Regions — Property Scripts and Facies Calculator — Geologic Features — Stratigraphic Column — Property Settings Analyzing Property Statistics — Histograms — Cross-Plots Checking Quality of Data in 3D and 2D — Maps — Cross-sections   48 2010 Training Catalog . Map. Objectives Learn to model any 3D structure for geologic and flow simulation model (structural model. structural modeling. After an introduction to SKUA breakthrough technology.      Modules SKUA 3D. petrophysicists. . Background in geosciences SKUA® Fundamentals. progress through a series of comprehensive exercises designed to provide the opportunity to use ParadigmTM SKUA tools to perform data preparation.Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Modeling Reservoir Architecture using SKUA Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 3 days   5 2 . geologists. geologic grid and flow simulation grid construction. . regardless of the structural complexity of the reservoir. Cross Section and Well Viewer Structure and Stratigraphy Flow Simulation Grids Reservoir Properties* LGR and Upscaler* *These workflows are used to provide a global overview. or SKUA Base Module Geophysicists. geologic grid and flow simulation grid). experience in GOCAD®.. 2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 49 . and reservoir engineers interested in using SKUA modeling technology to build structural models and reservoir grids designed for property modeling and flow simulation. They are not part of the learning objectives and are not explained in detail. 1 Contents  2 Overview of SKUA — Introduction to SKUA technology — Run a simplified entire reservoir modeling study with Paradigm SKUA workflows  Preparing Data for Modeling — Geologic features — Stratigraphic column Continued on next page.. cross-sections) Building Flow Simulation Grid Architecture — Defining a volume of interest — Aligning grid along faults and surfaces — Modeling flow simulation grid  50 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™  Building Geologic Grid Architecture — Defining a volume of interest — Modeling fault network and horizons — Modeling geologic grid — QC model (slicer. 2 6 2 .. attaching surfaces. 1 Contents  2 Building a section from projected well and map (geological field) data — Getting started — Opening an existing project — Choosing a section view — Displaying projected well data and map data — Displaying dip data and stratigraphic tops data — Opening a new view — Making a surface — Honoring the data — Drawing a surface parallel to a dip node — Passing the surface through a well node — Dip domains and other dip data in the section — Constructing the rest of the section — Cleaning the section. . 2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 51 . .Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling GeoSec 2D 5.. and making regions — The completed section Continued on next page.2 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None New users of GeoSec® 2D GeoSec 2D 5. Objectives Build a customized 3 day basic course consisting of any of these 17 exercises (listed below). Paradigm™  Digitizing a depth section — Getting started. reference lines.. and choosing a section — Creating a component from regions — Using the transfer-flexural slip module — Changing the restored state template Fundamentals of extensional section restoration (linked fault system) — Extensional deformation algorithms — Components. setting up the new project.. and scaling the display — Preparing the section for depth conversion — Performing depth conversion — Examining the results  Entering and projecting 3D well data — Getting started — Projecting 3D well data Fundamentals of compressional restoration — Getting started. and slip surfaces — Vertical/oblique slip restoration: fault/horizon templates — Getting started — Vertical/oblique slip restoration: using fault slip fold module — Making a copy of the section growth — Restoring the right hanging wall — Decompacting the vertical/oblique slip restoration — Transferring the compacted fault template restoration to a horizon template — Forward modeling a restored state change — Scenario restoration Continued on next page. opening a new project.   52 2010 Training Catalog . setting up the stratigraphic column — On screen digitization — Digitizer setup and data input   Time to depth conversion — Getting started. creating a stratigraphic column — On screen digitization — Digitizer setup and data input Digitizing a time seismic section — Getting started. opening the project. opening the project. digitizer setup and data input — Completion of data entry     Continued on next page..Paradigm™  Advanced compressional restorations — Exercise A: Fold restoration — Exercise B: Horse restoration — Component construction — Component transfer — Problem and fix Advanced extensional section restoration (alternative methods) — Extensional deformation algorithms — Exercise A: Flexural slip restoration — Exercise B: Slip line restoration — Exercise C: Rigid block translation/rotation restoration Decompaction — Getting started and opening the project — Preparing the section for decompaction — Decompacting the section Selecting and projecting map and well data from a geological map — Getting started — Displaying geological map data — Creating a new section line — Creating a new section — Selecting map data — Projecting map data — Selecting and displaying map data — Examining the cross section — Projecting from section to map Digitizing and projecting geological map data — Digitizing a depth section: Getting started and setting up the project — On screen digitization — Hardware digitization . 2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 53 .. Paradigm™  Importing seismic data and interpretations using ULA — Getting started — Creating a project in GeoSec 2D — Configuring the ULA Import window — Initiating the ULA import process — Importing seismic data and interpretations — Additional information — Viewing GeoSec 2D sections — Viewing the project map Isostatic adjustment — Getting started and opening a project — Selecting GeoSec 2D sections — Selecting the stratigraphic column — Preparing the restored state section for decompaction — Decompacting the section — Preparing the sections for isostatic adjustment — Conducting isostatic adjustment Working in the RFC Epos® environment (GeoSec 2D + SeisEarth) — Opening the Session Manager — Opening a project and applications — Line selection. loading well markers.. and interpretation data — Picking horizons and faults in the Section window — Sending the interpretation data to GeoSec 2D — Enhancing the interpretation in GeoSec 2D — Sending the interpretation back to the Section window Trishear modeling — Exercise A: Trishear basics — Exercise B: Trishear modeling of fold bedding data along a topographic profile    Continued on next page. 54 2010 Training Catalog .. Paradigm™  Fundamentals of seismic image restoration — Introduction and data import — Opening the project and loading the background image file — Preparing the section for depth conversion — Creating components and capturing the components’ images — Performing depth conversion — Preparing the depth section for restoration 2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 55 . Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Prospect Generation Workflow Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Working knowledge of at least one of the products covered in the course: Stratimagic®.. and generate and map prospective geobodies. VoxelGeo®. . . Determine the area of interest by examining interval attributes in the BaseMap. 56 2010 Training Catalog . Use the volume crossplot in VoxelGeo to compare different attributes at the prospect. BaseMap. Create a regional structural framework using visualization and interpretation tools in 3D Canvas. VoxelGeo. use Stratimagic to perform a facies analysis on the prospect. Finally. 1 Contents  2 Step One: Using SeisEarth to Interpret the Regional Structural Framework — Using 3D Canvas to examine the amplitude volume — Picking faults — Picking a horizon using 3D Propagator in 3D Canvas — Examining seismic attributes with a horizon interval — Displaying the wells Continued on next page.. and then compare the facies with the locations of the prospective geobodies and faults using VoxelGeo and 3D Canvas. and use visualization and subvolume detection tools in VoxelGeo to examine and map the potential prospect. Objectives Learn an integrated best-practices interpretation workflow that combines the best tools and functionalities from a variety of Paradigm’s interpretation products in Epos® 3 Third Edition Update 1. and Stratimagic 7 2 . SeisEarth® XV Intermediate to Advanced users of ParadigmTM interpretation software 3D Canvas. Paradigm™  Step Two: Using VoxelGeo to examine and isolate the prospect — Sending the data to VoxelGeo — Examining the data in VoxelGeo — Extracting the prospect using subvolume detection — Crossplotting volume attributes for the prospect Step Three: Using Stratimagic to Calculate Seismic Facies at the Prospect — Sending data from VoxelGeo to Stratimagic — Displaying the VoxelGeo data in Stratimagic — Creating an interval for facies analysis — Generating the seismic facies map — Examining the facies map in VoxelGeo — Displaying the facies map in 3D Canvas  2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 57 . including interpreting faults and horizons and tying wells to seismic data using shift/stretch/squeeze tools. . Objectives Acquire the tools and techniques for line-based interpretation of 2D and 3D data in SeisX. Students are guided through a series of steps that follow the basic interpretation workflow. Fault Contacts and heave Polygons Continued on next page. .. 1 Contents  2 Getting Started — Configuration — Creating Projects — Projections  Basemap and Utilities — Creating and Modifying Maps — Creating and Modifying Culture — Displaying Horizons Displaying Seismic Data — Displaying 2D and 3D Data — Zooming Color Seismic Processing Faults — Picking and Modifying Faults — Displaying Fault Heaves..     58 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Productive SeisX Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 2 days None New SeisX users. Interpreters 8 2 . Paradigm™  Horizons — Picking Horizons — Picking Modes — 3D Horizon Auto Pickers and Cube Pickers — Horizon Computations — Gridding and Contouring — Extracting Amplitudes Wells — Editing and Adding Well Information — Deleting Wells — Deviation Surveys — Well Sets — Creating Synthetics and Well Calibration Printing   2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 59 . . 60 2010 Training Catalog . . 1 Contents  2 Getting Started — Configuration — Creating Projects Wells — Editing Well Tickets — Adding and Editing Formation Tops — Creating Synthetics and Well Calibration Fault Interpretation — Picking and Modifying Faults — Reassigning Faults — Fault Heave Polygons — Fault Cube Displays   Continued on next page. .. Interpreters 9 2 .Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Advanced SeisX Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 2 days None New SeisX users. Students are guided through a series of steps that expand on the basic interpretation workflow including depth conversion. seismic interval analysis and seismic attribute analysis. Objectives Acquire the tools and techniques for advanced line-based interpretation of 2D and 3D data in SeisX. Paradigm™  Horizon Interpretation — Picking and Removing Horizons — Smoothing Horizons — Transferring Horizons — Merging Horizons — Computing Horizons — Extracting Amplitudes Depth Conversion — Simple Methods — Average Velocity Method — Imported Velocity Method — Interval Velocity Method — TD Module Seismic Interval and Attribute Analysis — Calculating Attributes — Mapping Attributes   2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 61 . Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Introduction to StratEarth for Well Correlation Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 2 days None. Being familiar with the Epos® environment is recommended. This course is designed for geophysicists, geologists, subsurface modelers, and reservoir engineers who are interested in using StratEarthTM for creating 2D views (cross-sections and well sections) and performing well correlation. StratEarth and BaseMap 0 3 . . . Applications Objectives Learn to create 2D views (cross-sections and well sections) and perform well correlation in StratEarth. After an overview of StratEarth basic functionalities, progress though a series of comprehensive exercises designed to provide the opportunity to use StratEarth to design a well layout template, interpret markers and correlate the interpretation from wells to wells. Review also the management of 2D views in the time migrated domains, and print functionalities. 1 Contents  2 Overview of StratEarth — Introduction to StratEarth and Epos — Preparing Working Environment and Reviewing Project Configuration — Getting Started with StratEarth — Visualizing a Traverse as a Well Section — Visualizing a Traverse as a CrossSection Continued on next page... 62 2010 Training Catalog Paradigm™  Preparing Well Section View and Data for Correlation — Creating a Well Section along Reference Well — Adding Log in a Log Track — Editing Well Curve Attributes — Computing and Showing Facies in the Well Section — Correcting the Neutron Log — Editing Log Display Unit Managing Well Stratigraphic Interpretations in StratEarth Interpreting Markers on the Reference Well — Interpreting Major Horizons — Interpreting Stratigraphic Sub-Units — Showing Global Geologic Time Scale in the Well Section Correlating Interpretation from Well to Well — Preparing Well Section View — Correlating Horizons between the Wells — Correcting Correlation — Managing Missing Markers — Saving Correlation Checking Correlation in the Time Migrated Domain — Checking Correlation in the Time Migrated Well Section — Checking Correlation in the Time Migrated CrossSection — Editing Structural Interpretation Saving Hard Copies — Adding Legends and Comments — Editing CrossSection Headers and Axes — Saving the CrossSection View as a Graphic File — Printing CrossSection View      2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 63 Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Interpreting and Modeling Salt in 3D Canvas Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Prior experience with 3D Canvas is recommended. Geoscientists or users familiar with SeisEarth® who are interpreting and modeling salt bodies. SeisEarth, VoxelGeo® 1 3 . . . Objectives The Interpreting and Modeling Salt course covers several methods for interpreting and modeling salt bodies using depth migrated volumes and/or velocity volumes as part of a salt flood/sediment flood workflow. Salt and sediment flood workflows are usually performed to generate a depth migrated volume which can be used for structural interpretation in salt regions. In this course students interpret and model salt using two different datasets and generate velocity volumes which include the salt interpretation. These velocity volumes can then be used to generate a final depth volume using wave migration (wave migration is not covered in this course). The course primarily focuses on the 3D Canvas application from Paradigm™ Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos® 4.0. It covers a variety of techniques to interpret salt, create solid and geologic models, and update sediment velocity volumes to include the salt body and velocity. Students also learn how to generate a new velocity volume using constant velocities. Additional techniques for interpreting salt using Paradigm VoxelGeo are also covered in less detail. 1 Contents    2 Interpreting the top and base of salt using tools in 3D Canvas Creating a solid model Updating velocity volumes and generating new velocity volumes using your solid model in 3D Canvas Interpreting salt from velocity volumes in 3D Canvas and VoxelGeo Using optical voxel stacking in VoxelGeo to aid salt interpretation   64 2010 Training Catalog .0 and covers a variety of techniques to interpret salt. The course integrates SKUA and SeisEarthXV from Paradigm™ Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos® 4. SeisEarth® and SKUA 2 3 . These velocity volumes can then be used to generate a final depth volume using wave migration (wave migration is not covered in this course).Paradigm™ Interpretation and Modeling Interpreting and Modeling Salt in 3D Canvas and SKUA Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Prior experience with 3D Canvas and/or SKUA® is recommended. Salt and sediment flood workflows are usually performed to generate a depth migrated volume which can be used for structural interpretation in salt regions. Objectives The Interpreting and Modeling Salt course covers several methods for interpreting and modeling salt bodies using depth migrated volumes and/or velocity volumes as part of a salt flood/sediment flood workflow. Geoscientists or users with access to SKUA and 3D Canvas who are interpreting and modeling salt bodies. create geologic models. In this course students interpret and model salt using two different datasets and generate velocity volumes which include the salt interpretation. . 1 Contents     2 Interpreting the top and base of salt using tools in 3D Canvas Creating and editing T-Surfaces in 3D Canvas Surface editing in SKUA Using SKUA to create a geologic model from your Epos interpretation and generate a velocity volume Interpreting salt from velocity volumes in SKUA  2010 Training Catalog Interpretation and Modeling 65 . and update sediment velocity volumes to include the salt body and velocity. 4 3 3 .4 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None Experienced seismic data processors. . Objectives Learn to work efficiently with Focus and become familiar with the Focus working environment. and Production windows Surface consistent signal processing — Surface consistent deconvolution solutions — Surface consistent amplitude scaling       66 2010 Training Catalog . new Focus users Focus 5. 1 Contents   2 Introduction and version enhancements Getting Started — PPM. Compare. Follow examples that acquaint the student with the major windows.Paradigm™ Processing & Imaging Focus 5. Focus Session Manager Data I/O and Epos® datasets — Tape utility Land geometry definition — Spreadsheet utility 3D marine navigation geometry — Additional modules used in marine processing Viewing data Building a job flow — Interactive. . 1 Contents                2 Getting Started in Echos 1. new Echos users Echos™ 1.0 Epos Data Management Echos Orientation and Data I/O Land Geometry Marine Geometry View Data and Interactive Job Building Amplitude Corrections/Signal Processing Signal Enhancement/Noise Elimination Picking First Breaks and Static Solutions Floating Datum Processing Velocity Analysis ETA Analysis Residual Statics Data Regularization. DMO and Post-Stack Processing Migrations 2010 Training Catalog Processing & Imaging 67 . and the wide range of modules available in Echos.0.0 Basics Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None Experienced seismic data processors. windows-based system. Echos is a workstation-based processing system that combines interactive and batch. .Paradigm™ Processing & Imaging Echos 1.0 Echos 1. Objectives Learn about the interactive and processing approaches to using Paradigm™ Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos® 4. .0 4 3 . pre-stack and post-stack processing in one unified. as well as theoretical considerations and practical hints regarding each step. including operational information about each application.. 68 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™ Processing & Imaging Fundamentals of GeoDepth 3D Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 5 days Some familiarity with ParadigmTM products New GeoDepth® users. Earth Domain Imaging Migrations (3D Kirchhoff PSTM. Objectives Gain a comprehensive understanding of the recommended basic time-to-depth velocity analysis workflows in GeoDepth 3D (Epos® 3 Third Edition Update1).. 1 Contents  2 Setup. 3D Canvas. Students also follow a depth model refinement workflow. 3D Kirchhoff PSDM).Velocity Navigator. and a layer-based model building workflow. This course offers two alternatives for building the initial model: an interval velocity driven time migrated model-based workflow. . . Constrained Velocity Inversion 5 3 . FastVelTM. Each workflow has a detailed step-by-step description. data loading and QC — 3D survey setup and QC — Seismic and velocity data loading and data QC — Interpretation data loading and QC — Preparation of velocity data Continued on next page. Geophysicists GeoDepth 3D . Paradigm™  Initial Velocity Model Building — Option 1: Initial time migrated interval velocity model creation using Constrained Velocity Inversion (CVI) — Creating an initial interval velocity volume with CVI — Target line 3D Pre-Stack Curved Rays time migration — Residual velocity analysis and model update with FastVel and CVI — Option 2: Initial depth model building via coherency inversion — 2D coherency inversion — 3D coherency inversion and map migration 3D Pre-Stack Depth Migration and Depth Model Refinement — Velocity volume creation — 3D pre-stack depth migration — Depth domain residual velocity analysis — Updating the velocity model with Horizon Based tomography — QC of tomography output depth maps in 3D Canvas — Final depth migration — Evaluating the final velocity volume  2010 Training Catalog Processing & Imaging 69 . Teaches two alternatives for building the initial model. as well as theoretical considerations and practical hints regarding each step.0 in Paradigm’s Rock & Fluid Canvas TM 2009 | Epos ® 4. FastVelTM. Objectives Introduces new applications in GeoDepth v9.Paradigm™ Processing & Imaging GeoDepth 3D Basics Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 5 days Some familiarity with ParadigmTM products New GeoDepth® users. Guides students through recommended basic time-to-depth velocity analysis workflows. Setup. .. and a layer-based model building workflow. using GeoDepth. Data Loading and QC (1 day) — 3D survey setup and QC — Seismic and velocity data loading and data QC — Interpretation data loading and QC — Preparation of velocity data Initial Velocity Model Building Workflows (1.0 release. 3D Kirchhoff PSDM). Geophysicists GeoDepth 3D . .5 days) Workflow 1: Initial time migrated interval velocity model creation using Constrained Velocity Inversion (CVI) — Creating an initial interval velocity volume with CVI — Target line 3D Pre-Stack Curved Rays time migration — Residual velocity analysis and model update with FastVel and CVI Continued on next page. Constrained Velocity Inversion 6 3 . 3D Canvas. and time and depth migrations. including operational information about each application.. an interval velocity driven time migrated model-based workflow. 1 Contents  2 Introduction. Each workflow has a detailed step-by-step description.Velocity Navigator.  70 2010 Training Catalog . This is followed by a section describing a depth model refinement workflow. Earth Domain Imaging Migrations (3D Kirchhoff PSTM. Paradigm™ Workflow 2: Horizon-based initial depth velocity model building — Preparation for horizon-based model building — DIx conversion and Map Migration  3D Pre-Stack Depth Migration and Depth Model Refinement (1.5 days) — Velocity volume creation — 3D pre-stack depth migration — Depth domain residual velocity analysis — Updating the velocity model with Horizon Based tomography New Features (1 day) — 3D Kirchhoff Travel Time Computation — Creating Structural Attributes — Automatic Image Picking — Extracting Pencils — Preparing for Anisotropic 3D Grid Tomography — Anisotropic 3D Grid Tomography  2010 Training Catalog Processing & Imaging 71 . . . Geophysicists FastVel 7 3 . FastVel’s Automatic Residual Velocity Analysis Interactive window (Epos® 3 Third Edition) performs residual velocity analysis automatically using both standard NMO correction and 4th order NMO correction.Paradigm™ Processing & Imaging FastVel: Automatic Residual Velocity Analysis Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day Some familiarity with ParadigmTM products. This is performed interactively for selected gathers and it has display features that enable detailed QC. setting the window display. Objectives Learn to set parameters in FastVelTM to obtain optimal results. 1 Contents    2 Overview of Residual Moveout Correction in 2nd and 4th order Getting started Performing automatic residual velocity analysis — Launching FastVel. particularly ProbeTM Probe and GeoDepth® users. and setting parameters — Analyzing the performance by viewing several gathers — Running the analysis in batch mode — Stacking the data with a new velocity filed and comparing it — Filtering the residual velocity field — Refining parameters Performing automatic residual moveout analysis in depth FastVel on original time gathers Automatic residual moveout correction in 2nd and 4th order Technical information     72 2010 Training Catalog . 3D Tomography..0 Rollup 3. Geophysicists GeoDepth 3D. Tomography Facilitator. .Paradigm™ Processing & Imaging 3D Grid Tomography Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days GeoDepth® 3D Basics course (suggested) GeoDepth® users. .. 1 Contents      2 Launching GeoDepth 3D and reviewing input data Structural Attribute Volume Creation and QC Automatic Image Picking Pencil Extraction Preparing for Tomography — Creating a formation volume — Launching 3D Grid Tomography — Performing QC RMO Auto-Pick — Displaying RMO Autopicks in FastVel — Performing Ray Tracing for QC — Displaying Ray Paths in 3D Canvas Running 3D Grid Tomography — Building and Solving the Tomography Matrix — QCing the Tomography Results Continued on next page. Objectives Learn how to perform velocity model updating with the latest 3D Grid Tomography tools available in Epos 4. Students should have experience with seismic data processing and interpretation and prior knowledge of GeoDepth applications. FastVel 8 3 .  2010 Training Catalog Processing & Imaging 73 . Paradigm™  3D Grid Tomography on your own — Structural Attribute Volume Creation & QC — Automatic Image Picking & QC — Pencil Extraction & QC — Preparing for Tomography — Building the Tomography Matrix — Solving the Tomography Matrix — QCing the Tomography Results 74 2010 Training Catalog .    Continued on next page. view and modify well data in text (table) format using Well's Text tool. Project. Section. and the various track types used in a layout. and various file transfers such as project to project.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Introduction to Geolog6 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days None All Geolog® users. Artist 9 3 . interactive correlation picking.1 Basics: Provides a general grounding in the primary Geolog applications. and generate and modify data using a series of utilities designed for specific tasks..7 Basics/Geolog 6. with hands-on exercises that illustrate most of their features and functions. Objectives Learn the general basics of Geolog 6. view and modify well data using the graphical interface. and applying geologic drawing tools and line styles to cross-sections. specifically new users Connect. use the menus..7. Well. Section: Learn detailed procedures for displaying vertical and deviated wells. Connect: Guides students through loading and unloading data using different file formats. Well: Students learn the basics of using the Well application by being guided through a typical workflow and procedures so that they become familiar with Geolog's Well interface. 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 75 .7. Participants learn how to create their own layout. open Geolog applications and document views within the applications. .7 or Geolog 6.1 primary applications. . and manage their working projects. 1 Contents  2 Geolog 6. Students learn how to start Geolog. tool bars and other functions common throughout Geolog. and quickly and easily locate the same data in different document views. Students learn how to prepare the data for processing in the current working session.Paradigm™  Project: Learn the basics of the program by being introduced to Geolog's Project interface. or a subset of. plot their map to a file or plotter/printer. the data in their project using the Catalog. use mapping tools to display data in various formats. view and search all. modify project data using the Catalog tools. become familiar with mapsheets (basemaps). Artist: Students learn how to open new and edit existing pictures. format mapsheet displays. use variable and static text to create a header for use in Geolog layouts. This course is designed for new users of the Artist application. insert and edit objects on a mapsheet. and create a display montage for use at their site. display and position graphic objects.  76 2010 Training Catalog . processing. run programs for dip/bed boundaries analysis.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Geomage: Image Analysis Toolkit for Geolog 6. or enhancing wellbore images. new users of Geomage Geomage 0 4 . perform image log enhancement techniques. . and fracture analysis. . Objectives Learn to use Geomage which is an advanced analysis tool kit allowing users to process.that may include Facimage. all Geolog users. apply speed corrections to raw image logs. 1 Contents             2 Geomage overview Loading well data Displaying image logs in layout Data quality check Speed correction Image generation Image processing Dip computation Automatic texture detection (Auto Texture) Automatic detection of fractures (Auto Fractures) Image utilities Borehole imaging tools 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 77 .7 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days A working knowledge of Geolog® Geoscientists interested in using. enhance. Individual modules allow the user to create image logs in a standardized image format. The software supports virtually all currently available tools. and analyze vendor specific image tools and logs. texture analysis . 1 Contents     2 Introduction to Correlation features and workflow Creating a new Project Well. and adding interpreted geological surfaces. This course guides students through the process required to enable this to happen. and Petrophysicists Well and Project 1 4 . creating and editing stratigraphic interpretation schemes. Reference Set and Project Scheme Loading and editing an existing Project Well Customizing a Correlation view by defining wells. . Objectives Acquire the skills necessary to perform interactive correlation picking. loading and modifying an existing Project well. Geologists. Students should also have a good understanding of log manipulation and interrogation. setting datum and display range Inserting and editing picks Stratigraphic cross-section (flattening) Creating a section line in Mapsheet Calculating TVD/TVT/TST Creating a Structural Cross-Section using TVT      78 2010 Training Catalog . and Project applications. Connect.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Correlation Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day Proficiency in using Geolog® Well. . creating a Project well. Geophysicists. 1 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day A working knowledge of the Geolog®6 software. porosity. saturation and lithology determination are included. . All common techniques for shale/clay volumes. Petrophysicists Well and Loglan 2 4 . .Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Determin . 1 Contents           2 Determin Overview Using the Evaluate module Xplot Functions Deterministic Petrophysical workflow evaluation Using the Precalc module Borehole corrections Parameter picking Analysis Multi-well analysis Creating a new Loglan program 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 79 . Students are also introduced to Loglan.6. Objectives Learn how Geolog6 can be used as a tool for performing deterministic petrophysical well evaluations.Geolog 6. Interactive parameter picking and multi-zone/multi-well analysis provide a rapid workflow for the formation evaluation. and of basic Petrophysics Geologists. the Geolog programming tool. 7. Determin is a comprehensive suite of individual deterministic modules that allow the analyst to apply all the major modern petrophysical models in the traditional analysis methodology. the Geolog programming tool. 1 Contents       2 Determin Overview Using the Evaluate module Geolog’s Frequency application Geolog's Xplot application The different types of Xplot functions supplied with Geolog The tools supplied in Geolog for the picking and application of petrophysical parameters The workflow through a typical deterministic petrophysical evaluation using Geolog Multiwell processing using Geolog's Well application An overview of Loglan. Petrophysicists Well and Loglan 3 4 . . Geolog's programming tool    80 2010 Training Catalog .1 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day A working knowledge of the Geolog®6 software. Objectives Learn how Geolog6 can be used as a tool for performing advanced deterministic petrophysical well evaluations.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Determin . . saturation and lithology determination are included. Students are also introduced to Loglan. All common techniques for shale/clay volumes. Interactive parameter picking and multi-zone/multiwell analysis provide a rapid workflow for the formation evaluation.Geolog 6. porosity. and of basic Petrophysics Geologists. ...Geolog 6.1 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day Experience with basic Geolog functionality and module processing Geophysicists. . Objectives This is an advanced class intended for Geoscientists concerned with processing and interpretation of acoustic waveforms in Geolog. At the end of this course students should be able to:  1 Review waveform data provided by vendor for preparation and proper processing Process and review filtered waveforms Perform semblance processing with automatic label picking of sonic logs Process dispersion corrections Process travel time and mechanical properties     Contents  2 Well Data review — Acoustic Waveform Processing Workflow Data Preparation — Waveform Packing — Creating Specification Files — Load Specification File — Viewing Acoustic Waveform Data in Array Sonic View — Waveform Unpacking — Loading Start Time Continued on next page. Petrophysicists Well 4 4 .  2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 81 .7.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Full Sonic Wave Processing (SWP). Paradigm™ — Remove Bad Receivers — Reverse Receiver Orders — Create Other Attributes — Log Checklist  Pre-Processing — Frequency filter — Time-Average filter — Depth-Average filter — F-K Filter Slowness Processing — Semblance processing — Semblance display Post Processing — Dispersion Correction — Travel Time — Array Sonic Re-Processing — Mechanical Properties   82 2010 Training Catalog . 1 Contents            2 Overview Data Preparation Methods of generating a WellTie Creating a Seismic Toe Filters ... . This is the first part of the Geophysics training manual set and should be completed before the Geophysics Gassmann Workflow course.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Geophysics Basics Details Duration Prerequisites 1 day A good working knowledge of Geolog®6 and a good understanding of log manipulation and interrogation are required. Who should attend? Applications Geophysicists. Objectives Learn how to generate a synthetic seismic trace. The Geolog6 tools for performing wellties.design and application Synthetic Module Generating an AVO synthetic Model well Pore Pressure Extending the wire set to match the checkshot set Depth to time conversion Continued on next page. displaying results and other geophysical utilities will be examined in this introductory course. applying filters. The various modules and their capabilities are studied in a logical series of steps. Geoscientists Well 5 4 . making synthetic seismic traces. . which the geoscientist uses to create the synthetic. 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 83 . creating AVO synthetic. Paradigm™    Synthetics for a vertical well TVD synthetics for a deviated well Sources of errors in well to seismic ties 84 2010 Training Catalog . Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Gassmann Workflow Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day Intro to Geolog®6, Geophysics Basics Geophysicists Well 6 4 . . . Objectives Follow numerous empirical rock relationships and theoretical rock models in a workflow to derive and evaluate the measured results for the Gassmann fluid substitution, as the Gassmann fluid substitution depends heavily on correct rock property measurements. The theoretic rock models include effective medium models and contact models, which predict the physical behavior and trends of the rock. The theoretic models are guidelines in evaluating and estimating the rock properties. The empirical relationships in Geolog includes the most commonly used velocity-porosity and density-porosity models. All necessary input required by the Gassmann equations can be derived or evaluated from the above models/ relationships. The two Gassmann models in Geolog include the clean sand and shaly sand models. The former assumes the rock constituents are mainly sand, whereas the latter assumes a fairly big amount of shale contents. The clean sand model can be used for mixed mineralogy by using an effective average modulus of rock matrix mixture. 1 Contents      2 Overview Data preparation Fluid properties Empirical relations Solid grain properties Continued on next page... 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 85 Paradigm™       In-situ rock properties Effective medium models Contact models Krief's Relation and critical porosity model Gassmann model Bounds 86 2010 Training Catalog Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Multimin Details Duration Prerequisites 2 days To gain the most from this training course, the following prerequisites are required:  7 4 . . . A working knowledge of the Geolog® system and its conventions, the methods to import data into the software, and the way data is stored. A working knowledge of the methods used in Geolog to perform basic preparation tasks for petrophysical data including:  — depth-matching, editing and despiking for petrophysical logs — environmental corrections — data displays — crossplotting  A general understanding of petrophysics, including the concept of response equations for tools, and the methods used to calculate shale volumes, porosities and water saturations. An appreciation of cation-exchange based methods for water saturation determination would be beneficial, as would an understanding of mineralogy effects on tool responses. Grounding is given in the ParadigmTM theoretical tutorial, "Probabilistic Petrophysics - Optimizing Methods in Formation Evaluation". This tutorial is based on the Multimin Technical Reference documentation. An understanding of the detailed mathematics is helpful, but not essential.  Who should attend? Applications Petroleum geologists, engineers, and petrophysicists Connect and Well Objectives Provide the formation evaluation professional with an understanding of the theoretical basis of the optimizing approach to petrophysical interpretation, a good understanding of how to create models in Multimin, and how to run optimizing evaluations within the Geolog environment. Multimin is a software program that provides advanced formation evaluation answers. The program is based in the probabilistic, or optimizing, approach to modeling wireline and rock data. 1 Continued on next page... 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 87 Paradigm™ Contents     2 Introduction to Multimin Model creation Model verification Model optimization 88 2010 Training Catalog . and executed within Geolog. Project 8 4 . and to perform log processing and many other applications.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Introductory Loglan Programming Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Basic knowledge of Geolog® Well and Project modules Geolog users and programmers Well. It allows users to develop their own modules which are easily accessible from Geolog's Well or Project applications. how to develop a module using the language. . and how to run the module from within Well or Project. Loglan is a fully functional programming language which is written. compiled. 1 Contents    2 Introduction to Loglan programming language Developing modules in Loglan Executing modules in Loglan 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 89 . Objectives Learn the basics of the Loglan programming language. . . Objectives Gain the skills necessary to develop programs using Tcl commands and Geolog extensions to create applications that complement the functionality of Geolog6. Tcl. 1 Contents     2 Introduction to Tcl programming language Geolog extensions Tcl program creation Tcl program testing 90 2010 Training Catalog . database access. 9 4 . is a platform independent easy-to-learn scripting language that is an integral part of Geolog6.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Tcl Programming Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 1 day Basic familiarity with ParadigmTM products Geolog®6 users and programmers who wish to develop modules for log processing. information management and report generation. . the Tool Command Language. tool bars and other functions common throughout Geolog.  Well Learn the basics of using the well application by being guided through a typical workflow and procedures that familiarize the student with Geolog’s Well interface and the various track types used in a layout. open Geolog applications and document views within the applications. 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 91 . Artist. Geoscientists Well. Connect. Loglan 0 5 . Students are then guided through the deterministic petrophysical workflow and introduced to the Loglan programming language.  Connect Go through loading and exporting data using different file formats and various file transfers such as project to project. use the menus. Continued on next page. with hands-on exercises that illustrate most of their features and functions. and manage their working projects. Project. . Participants learn how to create their own layout. 1 Contents  2 Geolog® Basics Gain a general grounding in the primary Geolog applications. Objectives Gain a comprehensive overview of the general basics of the primary applications. view and modify well data using a graphical interface and generate and modify data using a series of utilities (modules) designed for specific tasks. view and modify well data in text (table) format using Well’s text view.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Geolog for Petrophysicists Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 4 days None Petrophysicists. Geologists. This course is designed for new users of the software.. Learn to start Geolog.. . Loglan is a fully functional programming language which is written. or a subset of.  Determin Learn how Geolog can be used as a tool for performing deterministic petrophysical well evaluations. porosity. 92 2010 Training Catalog . become familiar with mapsheets (basemaps). saturation and lithology determination are included. Interactive picking using crossplot and frequency plot and multi-zone/multiwell analysis provide a rapid workflow for the formation evaluation. view and search all. the data in a project using the Well Catalogue view. compiled and executed within Geolog. format mapsheet displays.Paradigm™  Project Learn how to prepare the data for processing in the current working session. All common techniques for shale/clay volumes. use mapping tools to display data in various formats. It allows users to develop their own modules to perform log processing and many other applications.  Loglan Gain basic skills necessary for creating and running a Loglan module. Geoscientists Well. .  Well Gain an understanding of the basics of using the Well application by being guided through a typical workflow and procedures in order to become familiar with Geolog’s Well interface and the various track types used in a layout.. tool bars and other functions common throughout Geolog. open Geolog applications and document views within the applications.  Connect Load and export data using different file formats and various file transfers such as project to project. Students are exposed to the Section and Correlator applications.. Learn about the Wellpath view. Objectives Learn the general basics of the primary Geolog® for Geologists applications. tools designed for cross-section creation and interactive correlation picking. Project. Learn how to create a customized layout. Connect. use the menus. Section 1 5 . TVD calculation and the importance of this step for dip picking. Continued on next page. 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 93 . Artist. view and modify well data using a graphical interface and generate and modify data using a series of utilities (modules) designed for specific tasks. This course is designed for new users of the software. Xplot view.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Geolog for Geologists Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 4 days None Geologists. Learn to start Geolog. view and modify well data in text (table) format using Well’s text view. . and manage working projects. frequency plot view and multi-well log analysis. 1 Contents  2 Geolog Basics Gain a general grounding in the primary geolog applications. with hands-on exercises that illustrate most of their features and functions. use mapping tools to display data in various formats. view and search all. 94 2010 Training Catalog .  Artist Learn how to open new and edit existing pictures.Paradigm™  Project Acquire the skills necessary to prepare the data for processing in the current working session. and adding interpreted geological surfaces. format mapsheet displays. creating and editing stratigraphic interpretation schemes. use variable and static text to create a header for use in Geolog layouts and create new fill and marker patterns. loading and modifying an existing Project well. or a subset of. the data in a project using the Well Catalogue view. display and position graphic objects.  Section Gain an understanding of the procedures for displaying vertical and deviated wells. interactive correlation picking and applying geological drawing tools and line styles to cross sections. become familiar with mapsheets (basemaps).  Correlator Progress through the workflow for performing interactive correlation picking: creating a Project well. well partitioning on horizontal wells. Objectives Gain a comprehensive overview of Multimin (probabilistic. Learn the basics of the Loglan programming language. 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 95 . . a good understanding of how to create models in Multimin and how to run optimizing evaluations within the Geolog environment. or optimizing. such as bad hole. Continued on next page. Loglan. Tcl 2 5 . The program is based on the probabilistic. and how to run the module from within Well or Project.. or optimizing.. heavy minerals and secondary porosity. petrophysical analysis) and Geolog programming using Loglan and Tcl. easily accessible from Geolog’s Well or Project applications. to perform log processing and many other applications.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Advanced Geolog Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 5 days Basic Geolog® knowledge Experienced Geolog users Well. 1 Contents  2 Multimin Multimin is a software program that provides advanced formation evaluation answers. The formation evaluation professional will gain an understanding of the theoretical basis of the optimizing approach to petrophysical interpretation. . compiled and executed within Geolog. It allows users to develop their own modules. Students will work through several exercises highlighting different modelling challenges. approach to modelling wireline and rock data.  Loglan Loglan is a fully functional programming language which is written. how to develop a module using the language. Learn how to develop programs using Tcl commands and Geolog extensions to create applications that complement the functionality of Geolog.Paradigm™  Tcl Programming Tcl. is a platform independent easy-to-learn scripting language that is an integral part of Geolog. the Tool Command Language. 96 2010 Training Catalog . . . Geolog users. 1 Contents    2 Define Objectives Data Preparation Basic Workflow — Create a Facimage Project — Insert a Cluster Model — Facies Propagation Features Training Data Comparing MRGC Electrofacies to a Lithology Log Similarity Modeling Log Prediction Electrofacies Ordering -CFSOM NMTR T2 Electrofacies Synthetic Clustering         2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 97 . Introduces the progressive integration method as proposed by Rabiller.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Geolog Facimage Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Background in geosciences. new Facimage users Facimage 3 5 . Objectives Provides Geolog users who are new to the Facimage module with hands-on exercises that guide students through step-by-step procedures for creating electrofacies models and propagating these models on multiple wells. Focuses on Facimage MRGC (Multi Resolution Graph Based Clustering) and KNN (KNearest Neighbor) approach. Ye and Leduc. some prior experience with Geolog® is recommended. This course uses the ParadigmTM implementation of the Baker Atlas Laminated Shaly Sand Analysis model (LSSA) in Geolog. The second day is a practical hands-on session covering interpretation technique and parameter picking.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Geolog Laminated Shaly Sand Analysis Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days A working knowledge of the Geolog®6 software and of basic petrophysics. . The first day covers tool and interpretation theory. 1 Contents  2 Theory — Introduction .why measure Rv and Rh? — Conventional techniques for interpreting thin beds — Comparing different methods of obtaining Rv and Rh — Data QC — Introduction to tensor petrophysics — The LSSA interpretation model Practical — LSSA in Geolog — Data requirements — Data displays — Parameter picking and checking  98 2010 Training Catalog . Objectives Gain the skills necessary to interpret log data from laminated shaly sand sequences. . Geologists and Petrophysicists Laminated Shaly Sand Analysis model in Geolog 4 5 . where horizontal and vertical resistivity data is available. VoxelGeo® 5 5 .Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Probe: AVO Inversion & Analysis Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 3 days Basic familiarity with ParadigmTM products New ProbeTM users. Crossplot. Well Log window. Geophysicists AVO Inversion & Analysis. . Geometry View. Log based modeling and synthetic calibration utility. Objectives Learn a basic AVO workflow (Epos® 3 Third Edition) using a synthetic dataset. . Gain an overview of the Probe application and its features. 1 Contents          2 Introduction to Probe features and workflow AVO QC and data preparation Performing simplified AVO inversion Analyzing the well logs AVO inversion creating AVO attribute volumes Creating synthetic seismograms Crossplotting Viewing the crossplot results in VoxelGeo Technical Information.AVO Inversion principles 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 99 . and log volume modeling. Use wavelets stored with the seismic file to generate a synthetic. Students learn to:   1 Modify the time-depth relationship by matching well markers to seismic data Use drift analysis to correlate well velocities from time-depth relationship with velocities from sonic logs. Log Based Modeling and Synthetics Calibration Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day Basic familiarity with ParadigmTM products New ProbeTM and VanguardTM users. 100 2010 Training Catalog .. Section window . Objectives Acquire the techniques and tools to perform synthetic log modeling. Students are guided through a series of exercises.Offset modeling Continued on next page.    Contents     2 Introduction to synthetic modeling Well to seismic calibration workflow Tying well markers to seismic Using Zero. Geophysicists AVO Inversion & Analysis Log based modeling and synthetic calibration utility. Well Log window. Perform fluid substitution and log volume modeling to generate a synthetic gathers and angle stacks.. . Perform log based modeling and use drift analysis to modify the time-depth relationship.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 6 5 . Perform log based modeling to generate non-zero offset synthetic data. drift analysis. each exercise being a complete workflow for calculating and using synthetic log data in Epos® 3 Third Edition Update 1. Paradigm™   Using Non-Zero Offset modeling Using fluid substitution to generate synthetic gathers 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 101 Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Integrated Reservoir Characterization Workshop Details Duration Prerequisites 5 days Basic familiarity with the Epos® well database and general functionality of the AVO Inversion & Analysis window and/or the Reservoir Imaging window. We recommend that students attend one of these courses before taking this course: Probe or VoxelGeo. ProbeTM and VanguardTM users, Geophysicists AVO Inversion & Analysis, FastVelTM, Well Log window, Reservoir Imaging, IFP Inversion, and VoxelGeo®. 7 5 . . . Who should attend? Applications Objectives Gain an overview of the ParadigmTM integrated reservoir characterization workflow that incorporates geophysics, petrophysics, and modeling. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the theory and application of Paradigm’s broad offerings in Reservoir Characterization. After this course, students should be proficient in carrying out the workflow, from data conditioning and petrophysics analysis, to reservoir property interpretation and modeling. Participants also gain an understanding of the dependencies of different data and technologies on the integrity of the reservoir characterization model. 1 Contents  2 Exercise 1: Log Generation and Analysis — Generating Rock Physics Logs — Analyzing Logs — AVO Analysis using Synthetics (Optional) — Fluid Substitution (Optional) Continued on next page... 102 2010 Training Catalog Paradigm™  Exercise 2: Seismic Data Analysis and AVO Inversion — Prestack Data QC — Prestack Data Flattening – Interactive Mode — Running AVO inversion — Generating Residual Moveout Volume — Running CVI — AVO Inversion Exercise 3: AVO Attributes (Angle Stack) Interpretation using Crossplot — Angle Stack Crossplot — Color-Coding the Crossplot — Visualizing the Prospects in D — Crossplot AVO Attribute Maps — Validating the AVO Prospects with Prestack Data Exercise 4: Seismic to Well Calibration — Synthetic Generation and Calibration — Time to Depth Calibration — Wavelet Analysis of Angle Stacks Exercise 5: Background Model Building for Inversion — Smoothing Logs — Structure Map QC and Evaluation — Geostatistical Volume Creation Exercise 6: Simultaneous Inversion & QC — Simultaneous Inversion — Inversion Result QC Exercise 7: Derivative Attribute Generation — Generating a Derivative Attribute Exercise 8: Impedance Attribute Interpretation — Interpreting Impedance Attributes       2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 103 Attribute Calculations.2 and Getting Started Single volume trace classification (neuronal classification) Multi attribute block classification (hierarchal clustering) Multi attribute block classification with PCA (hierarchal clustering) Multi attribute block classification (hybrid clustering) Multi attribute block classification (manual method) Multi attribute block classification (imported seed method) Multi attribute block classification with zonation Neural classification with PCA Calibration Sending Stratimagic volumes to Epos® Visualization of Facies in VoxelGeo 104 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Basic Facies Classification: SeisFacies 3. and their own experience. Objectives Follow step-by-step through a series of workflows which highlight generic procedures for classifying seismic facies based on trace shape.2 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day Basic familiarity with Stratimagic® Stratimagic users Stratimagic. type of reservoirs. 1 Contents             2 Overview of SeisFacies 3. NN Log Prediction. StratQC 8 5 . . SeisFacies. Students learn about the SeisFaciesTM flexible environment for facies classification. samples. NexModel. and attribute maps. . so that after this course they should be able to design their own facies classification workflows based on the type of data. NN Log Prediction. and working knowledge of the workstation and its built-in functions. Who should attend? Applications Objectives Obtain the skills necessary for using Stratimagic’s modular interface in workflows. Interpreters Stratimagic. SeisFaciesTM. StratQC 9 5 . . NexModel. New Stratimagic® users. 1 Contents         2 Creating a Stratimagic project and database Reviewing the seismic and well data Interpreting horizons Interpreting faults Horizon-based data visualization Defining an interval Facies classification Correlating well data to seismic facies 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 105 .Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Basic Stratimagic Seismic Interpretation and Facies Analysis: Stratimagic 3. Attribute Calculations. Follow demonstrations and work on self-paced exercises. basic experience in 3D seismic interpretation.2 Details Duration Prerequisites 2 days Working knowledge of basic Unix commands and directory structures. . Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Basic Stratimagic 4.0 0 6 ..  106 2010 Training Catalog . By the end of the course.0 software to the Stratimagic 4. Objectives This course is designed to introduce new and experienced users of ParadigmTM Rock & Fluid CanvasTM 2009 | Epos® 4. Interpreters Stratimagic 4. . .0 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Basic experience in 3D seismic interpretation New Stratimagic® users.0 application (Epos Enabled). The course follows a standard interpretation and facies analysis workflow which uses Epos data and integrates Stratimagic tools with standard Epos data management and visualization tools. you should be able to perform the following tasks:       1 Open and view Epos data in Stratimagic Interpret horizons and faults in Stratimagic Generate horizon attributes Create intervals and generate interval attributes Create and analyze facies maps Display Stratimagic facies and attribute maps and horizons in 3D Canvas Contents  2 Getting Started — QC the Epos project — Getting started in Stratimagic Structural Interpretation — Interpreting faults — Interpreting horizons — Managing Stratimagic interpretation in Epos Continued on next page.. Paradigm™  Horizon-Based Visualization — Horizon slicing — Computing horizon attributes Interval-Based Visualization — Creating an interval — Computing interval attributes Facies Classification — Performing the facies classification — Examining the facies results — Editing the facies   2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 107 . 0.0 Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 days Basic Stratimagic 4. . 1 Contents  2 Using Unsupervised methods to generate rock property volumes — Neuronal classification (with and without data reduction via PCA) — Using Hierarchical classification (with and without data reduction via PCA and Blocking) — Using Hybrid classification Using Supervised methods to generate rock property volumes — Constrained cluster analysis Using Manual methods to generate rock property volumes — Using a Crossplot to classify the facies — Using Imported seeds classification QC the Facies to Well Data    Continued on next page.. Learn to use two reduction techniques: Primary Component Analysis (PCA) and Blocking. 3D Canvas.0. Objectives This course.0/ SeisFacies 4.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Rock Property Prediction using Stratimagic/ SeisFacies 4. Interpreters Stratimagic and SeisFacies 4.. Practice workflows for visualizing your rock property volumes in 3D Canvas and VoxelGeo.0 New Stratimagic® users. VoxelGeo 1 6 . an introduction to rock property prediction using Stratimagic 4. 108 2010 Training Catalog . follows a series of workflows for generating rock property and seismic facies volumes. . Paradigm™  Editing the Facies — Smoothing — Calibration Examining facies blocks in 3D Canvas and VoxelGeo  2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 109 . GOCAD 3D. students should be able to carry out a 3D model build and provide all standard geological output to satisfy the needs of an asset team.VPC) — Simulate Facies model using pixel-based algorithm and secondary data VPC Continued on next page.    2 6 . Geologists who specialize in Reservoir Properties modeling.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Advanced Data Analysis and Property Modeling using GOCAD Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Modules 2 days Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models. . After the course. Objected-based methods are not addressed here. Map. 1 Contents  2 Introduction to Data Analysis and Property Modeling — Common data analysis workflow Modeling Facies property (discrete) — Estimate representative proportions of Facies in whole reservoir using cell declustering technique — Block well log data to geologic grid resolution — Analyze vertical trends (Vertical Proportion Curves .. that subject is offered in another course: Introduction to Object Modeling.. Attending a Geostatistics class before is recommended. . Cross Section and Well Viewer Reservoir Data Analysis Reservoir Properties Objectives Gain a practical approach to reservoir data analysis and stochastic property modeling. See “Object Modeling using GOCAD” on page 112. This class does not explain geostatistical concepts and algorithms in detail.  110 2010 Training Catalog . Paradigm™  Modeling petrophysical properties (continuous) — Estimate representative statistics in whole reservoir using cell declustering technique and create distribution models — Analyze vertical trends — Analyze correlation between properties and chose simulation algorithm — Block well log data to geologic grid resolution. including incorporation of trends  Post-processing — Compute volumes — Compute connectivity Editing variogram and impact onto connectivity  2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 111 . including the use of filtering options — Simulate pixel-based petrophysical models. . Cross Section and Well Viewer Reservoir Properties Object Modeling Objectives Learn to create a facies model in a reservoir grid by reproducing the geometry of the architectural elements forming the depositional environment. 1 Contents   2 Reviewing object-based vs. pixel-based methods Understanding facies simulation algorithms — BoolX algorithm principles Modeling geological objects — Sand bars — Sinusoidal channels — Meandering channels with levees Constraining simulations to input data — Objects proportions — Well data   112 2010 Training Catalog . so that after this course. . The course material focuses mainly on the practice in the GOCAD Reservoir Properties Workflow. Map. Modules GOCAD 3D.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Object Modeling using GOCAD Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Half day Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models This course is designed for Geologists experienced in reservoir property modeling in GOCAD who would like to learn how to model facies in their reservoir grids using object-based methods. students should be able to independently simulate the most currently used geological objects in siliciclastic environments and honor their input data.    3 6 . 1 Contents   2 Statistics Performing data analysis — Visual analysis of the data (including histogram. . All the methods and theories addressed in this course are reinforced by exercises using conceptual datasets (these are synthetic datasets that are used to illustrate concepts) with GOCAD.. and trend analysis) — Spatial data analysis (including variogram theory. . and modeling) — Trend Creating deterministic models — Kriging — DSI — Secondary data Continued on next page. Map. interpretation.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Basic Geostatistics Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Modules 3 days Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models This course is designed for Geologists and Reservoir Engineers who require a solid background in geostatistics to create geological reservoir models.. Cross Section and Well Viewer 4 6 . Objectives Review the essential points of geostatistics to model the reservoir uncertainty and the various modeling techniques used for petrophysical properties.  2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 113 . GOCAD 3D. Learn the different theories that help geoscientists analyze the input data and choose the appropriate parameters to create accurate property models. cross-plots. Paradigm™  Creating stochastic models using pixel-based methods — Continuous variables (including SGS and Cloud Transform) — Discrete variables (including SIS and truncated Gaussian) — Secondary data (including VPC and proportion cubes) Creating stochastic models using object-based methods — BoolX Post processing — Maps and statistics — Connectivity analysis — Introduction to uncertainty analysis   114 2010 Training Catalog . Jacta uses a unique technology that integrates geometry. and permeability) — Fluid contacts and water saturation Continued on next page.. Who should attend? Modules GOCAD 3D. Cross Section and Well Viewer Reservoir Risk Assessment (Jacta) Stratigraphic Modeling & Fault Analysis Objectives Learn how to define uncertainty models and run simulations. .    5 6 . 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 115 . NTG. .Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Reservoir Risk Assessment using GOCAD (Jacta) Details Duration Prerequisites 1 day Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models. The course assumes that students have experience in modeling reservoir properties and that students understand the various sources of uncertainty that affect reservoir volumetrics. This course is designed for Geologists specialized in reservoir property modeling and who would like to optimize the decision making process by systematically analyzing reservoir uncertainty using Jacta®. rock properties. 1 Contents  2 Defining an uncertainty model on input data — Structure — Sedimentology — Petrophysical properties (including porosity. facies.. Map. and fluid uncertainties to build thousands of equiprobable reservoir models for a complete risk analysis. Learn how to select some representative models among all the realizations for in-depth analysis. and how to analyze the reservoir volume distribution so as to be able to identify the parameters that most impact results. and spider charts Exporting P10. P50. and P90 realizations   116 2010 Training Catalog .Paradigm™  Defining uncertainties on geostatistical parameters — Facies proportion — Porosity distribution Analyzing uncertainty runs — Analyzing summary statistics and volume distribution — Capturing key uncertainties with tornado charts. Map. Cross Section and Well Viewer Rock Volume Uncertainty Assessment (Alea) Reservoir Risk Assessment (Jacta) Objectives Gain the necessary background needed to understand the various sources of uncertainty that must be taken into account when modeling reservoirs.    6 6 . Knowledge of Alea® and Jacta® modules is recommended. but not required. The course assumes that students have some experience in modeling reservoir properties with geostatistical techniques. 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 117 . identify the variables that have the greatest impact on target result. and variance — Monte-Carlo simulations — Bayes rule Continued on next page. CDF. quantiles. This course is designed for Geologists specializing in reservoir property modeling who would like to optimize the decision making process by assessing the risk associated to a reservoir modeling study.. These concepts are illustrated by hands-on exercises with Jacta and Alea products. . mean. . and draw the accurate conclusions concerning a prospect. Who should attend? Modules GOCAD 3D. 1 Contents  2 Reviewing basics geostatistics definition — PDF.Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Uncertainty Management (Alea and Jacta1) Details Duration Prerequisites 2 days Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models.. Learn methods to quantify uncertainties for input data and parameters. Paradigm™  Dealing with uncertainty through 3D Modeling Workflow — Structural uncertainty — Input data uncertainty — Parameter uncertainty Identifying key uncertainties — Influence of one variable on another in nested simulation — Graphical visualization of the impact of each variable on target result Making decisions when faced with uncertainties — Impact of a wrong estimation on economics Selection of static and dynamic optimal models    ___________________________________ 1 Alea and Jacta were developed in cooperation with Total 118 2010 Training Catalog . generate an ECLIPSE input file. and analyze the results.     GOCAD 3D.. . Progress through a series of practical exercises to assemble the simulator input data. Background in reservoir engineering Previous experience with ECLIPSE® reservoir simulator Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models or experience in GOCAD Base Module Who should attend? Modules Reservoir engineers who want to use the GOCAD interface for launching flow simulators and analyzing results. . run the model. Map. 1 Contents  2 Defining Flow Simulation Parameters and Running Simulation with RSI — Create the reservoir simulation model grid — Define property tables and initialization data — Define aquifer. 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 119 . well and output data — Run ECLIPSE from GOCAD Continued on next page..Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Reservoir Simulation Interface and Production Data Analysis using GOCAD Details Duration Prerequisites 2 days    7 6 . Cross Section and Well Viewer Production Data Loader Production Data Analysis Reservoir simulation Interface Objectives Gain an overview of the GOCAD Reservoir Simulation Interface (RSI) and Production Data Analysis (PDA) modules. Paradigm™  Analyzing Production Data with PDA and Updating Model — Data loading — View property movies — Plot production data — Modify RSI model — Modify reservoir model regions 120 2010 Training Catalog . . . In this course students work on a case study and go through all the steps required to upscale the geometry and the reservoir properties of a geologic model. and how to export them to a flow simulation model..Paradigm™ Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics Upscaling Geologic Models using GOCAD Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Modules 2 days Introduction to GOCAD® for Building Geologic Models This course is designed for geomodelers and reservoir engineers who need to rescale reservoir models. GOCAD 3D. Cross Section and Well Viewer Stratigraphic Modeling and Fault Analysis 3D Grid Builder LGR & Upscaler Objectives Learn both the theory and the GOCAD LGR and Upscaler workflow. . Students learn to locally refine the model in key locations of the reservoir. in order to be able to create quality rescaled models and export them to a flow simulator. Map.     8 6 . 2010 Training Catalog Reservoir Characterization & Petrophysics 121 . 1 Contents     2 Introduction to Rescaling techniques Importing to a grid Editing the stratigraphic units Upgridding the fine grid — Tartan gridding — Simple upgridding — Upgridding using a flow unit analysis Continued on next page. and water saturation) dynamic properties (permeability) Locally refining the coarse grid — In a region of interest — Around a well — Nested LGRs Exporting the Grid to Flow simulator — Exporting to Eclipse format — Exporting selected sets of LGRs   122 2010 Training Catalog . net-to-gross.Paradigm™  Upscaling the Properties — Choosing Mapping method — Choosing Average methods according to property type Static discrete properties (facies) Static continuous properties (porosity. 1 — Working with the Data Selector. Objectives Introduces the student to the features and functionality of Sysdrill 2009. and Sidetracks Data Exchange Between Databases — Importer and Exporter Utilities   2010 Training Catalog Well Planning and Drilling 123 . Drilling Engineers Sysdrill® 2009. Catalogues.  Introduction to Well Planning — Starting Sysdrill. . Saving Data. .  Well Design — Well Planning and Engineering Drilling Workflow — Actual Wellbores. Introduction to Planned Wells. and 3D View.1.1 9 6 .Paradigm™ Well Planning and Drilling Introduction to Well Planning and Drilling Engineering using Sysdrill Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Students should have a basic familiarity with Windows operating system. Graphs and Plots. Data Structure. Other Planning Options. and Well Planning Challenge. Project Ahead. Geologists. Working with Spreadsheets. 1 Contents  2 Introduction to Sysdrill 2009. Boundaries and Line Calls. Data Setup. Data Exchange Between Databases — Importer and Exporter Utilities.  Introduction to Well Planning — Starting Sysdrill. Project Ahead. Saving Data. Data Setup. Clearance Analysis — Selecting Reference and Offset Wellbores. and Importing Data.  Drilling Operations — Survey Management. Working with Spreadsheets. and 3D View. Torque and Drag Analysis. 1 Contents  2 Introduction to Sysdrill 2009. . Graphs and Plots.1 0 7 .1 — Working with the Data Selector.1. Introduction to Planned Wells.  Well Design — Well Planning and Engineering. Catalogues. .Paradigm™ Well Planning and Drilling Advanced Well Planning and Drilling Engineering using Sysdrill Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 2 days Students should have a basic familiarity with Windows operating system. and Survey Error Modeling. Geologists. Drilling Engineers Sysdrill® 2009. Cementing Analysis. and Running Clearance Analysis    Extended Workflows . Data Structure. and Casing Analysis. Objectives Introduces the student to the advanced features and functionality of Sysdrill 2009. Hydraulics Analysis.Integration with VoxelGeo 124 2010 Training Catalog . and Friction Factor Calibration. plan and section views of well paths. An expert with Well module layouts and managing log data in text view. and dip/thickness editing techniques and procedures. . memory. and TVT/TST. position uncertainty. Planned/Re-Planned. Geosteer® 1 7 ... tool response characteristics including depth of investigation. drilling targets. basic structural geology including true and apparent bed dips. and actual wells in the Geosteer section Dip editing and Resistivity modeling Continued on next page. Contents  2 Creating and using Offset. Familiar with variety of concepts including directional and horizontal wells. planned and actual wells. and actual wells Perform forward resistivity modeling Perform dip picking from image logs Perform exercises comparing planned vs. Geosteer uses Offset wells together with Planned and Actual wells in the Geosteer Section that allows update to the planned well based on actual LWD logs and forward resistivity modeling. radial and vertical response. . LWD including real-time vs. conformability. Geoscientists interested in near real-time well directional steering in Geolog®. image interpretation in high angle wells. actual LWD logs.Paradigm™ Well Planning and Drilling Geosteer: Well Directional Steering Details Duration Prerequisites 2 days Introduction to Well Data Processing course. directional logs and survey calculations. actual wells within Geosteer section and provide update to actual well path projection Export updates to geologic model  GeosteerTM is an advanced module supporting direction drilling operations based on comparison of planned vs.  2010 Training Catalog Well Planning and Drilling 125 . planned. Who should attend? Applications Objectives Learn to:     1 Create offset. Paradigm™   Workflow processes Practical Geosteering exercises 126 2010 Training Catalog . petrophysical and geological information in the same model used to develop the drilling plan. Volume Interpretation. 1 Contents          2 Basic concepts of well planning: definitions Introduction to IDP: an integrated workflow Identifying new prospects Definition of the general drilling parameters template Target management Planning a well Sidetrack planning Planning a new platform Drilling results and reporting 2010 Training Catalog Well Planning and Drilling 127 . Real-time model updates from operational data can be used to manage ongoing drilling costs and take corrective action when required. Using the Drilling Planner.Paradigm™ Well Planning and Drilling Planning Wells using GOCAD Drilling Planner Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Applications 1 day One of the Introduction to GOCAD®/SKUA® courses Geoscientists. Map. Basic Well Planning. engineers or other technical personnel who need to plan and test potential wells within their prospect GOCAD 3D. Contingency planning can be done by identifying hazards before drilling begins. . Objectives Learn how to use Drilling Planner to optimize trajectories and surface positions to minimize cost and maximize accuracy. Cross Section and Well Viewer. Extended Well Planning 2 7 . . users can reduce risk and improve chances of success by simultaneously evaluating all available seismic. This introductory course is the foundation for all other GOCAD Development training and is essential if students want to attend any other modular training. . 1 Contents    2 Creating a plugin and configuring environment (Windows and Unix) Programming with CLI (Command Language Interface) Using API (Application Programming Interface) of Software Development Kit (SDK) Introduction to GOCAD Suite objects (GObj) and their capacities — Geometrical classes — Regions and properties — Archives and ASCII files — Coordinate System  128 2010 Training Catalog . Introduction to GOCAD® Base Module is recommended. This course is designed for computer scientists who would like to get started in the exciting arena of programming GOCAD. GOCAD is designed to support proprietary development. GOCAD Developer Kit 3 7 .Paradigm™ Development Programming in GOCAD Developer Kit Framework Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? Modules 2 days Experience in C++ required. Objectives Gain an understanding of the basics for configuring your development environment and understanding the GOCAD Development Kit framework. . . GOCAD Developer Kit 4 7 . 1 Contents  2 Creating your own Gobjs — ASCII converter factories — Graphic system — Styles and attributes — Interactive manipulation Programming with QT designer and GOCAD Suite Framework — Programming with signals and slots — Programming with QT designer  2010 Training Catalog Development 129 . This course is designed for computer scientists who are already familiar with the GOCAD® Development Kit Framework and who would like to learn more about Gobjs (GOCAD objects) and QT. Learn how to develop advanced interfaces with QT.Paradigm™ Development GOCAD Developer Kit: Implementing Gobjs and User Interfaces Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 2 days Attending Programming in GOCAD Development Kit Framework class and experience in C++ required. The workflow implementation is not addressed in this course. . Modules Objectives Gain the skills necessary to create custom objects in GOCAD and implement interactivity with them. designed for administrators or experienced Geolog users. .7 Third Edition Update1 installation. Objectives Obtain a solid foundation for understanding the concepts and skills required to install and maintain Paradigm’s Geolog products. configuration.Paradigm™ Geolog Site Administration Geolog 6. System Administrators and Data Managers responsible for installing and maintaining Geolog environments. covers Geolog 6. 5 7 . This course. 1 Contents        2 Software installation Project and database structure Custom menu and environment configuration Licensing Printing and Plotting Customer Support Hub Tcl 130 2010 Training Catalog . .7 Site Administration Course Details Duration Prerequisites Who should attend? 2 days UNIX/Linux/Windows background. and specialized onsite customization issues. pdgm. trademarks. .com All marks. and registered trademarks acknowledged. Paradigm™ 132 2010 Training Catalog .
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