March 27, 2018 | Author: niko212121 | Category: Causality, Epistemology, Quality, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition



PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) or also called the Deming Philosophy, which is acontinuous quality improvement management that emphasizes on short term gains. Dr. Deming PDCA is a pioneer who was a disciple of Dr. Walter Shewhart. They spent time doing research on the concepts and principles of quality improvement into quality improvement management theory. He also pioneered the concept of SPC (Statistical Process Control), which is the concept of continuous quality improvement in. The elaboration of the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Action): • Planning means understanding what you want to accomplish, understand how to do a job, focusing on the problem, find the solution, creating a akarpermasalahan creative and merencanakanimplementasi are structured. • Doing is not as easy as it looked. It contains training and management activity. Usually the problem is big and easy to change frequently at the last moment. When such a condition occurs, then there can be resumed again but had to start from the beginning again. • Checking means of checking and comparing the results against correspond to the desired. When things are getting bad and good results are not found, in this section the courage, honesty, intelligence is needed to control the process. Keyword when results deteriorated was "why". With the documentation process is good then we can back at the point where the wrong decision is made. • Acting means Crackdowns followed up over what is obtained during the checking stage. The other meaning is to achieve the goal and standard of the process or learning from experience to start again on the right conditions PDCA steps: Step 1 (PDCA) A. DETERMINE THE ISSUE/THEME An Inventory Problem Collect all of the problem/issue working groups. All members are delivering it with "Brainstorm" examples of problems:-Loss of time  Rejection  Cost Down  Delivery  Kapasita  Efficiency etc. Use the check list of questions: 1 ... ... ... .... 2. …… 3. ……. 4. ……5......... s/d........... 19 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...20. List of questions: 1. Are there any difficulties/problems perceived 2. Is there a program increase of PQCD 3. If the problem is going to arise 4. Is there any problem in the next process as a result of your work 5. Are there any plans for the achievement of the target company. B. Classify The Problem Evaluate The Problem Consider the factors:  The level of difficulty of the countermeasure  Relations with target/corporate plan  Estimate the time/cost settlement  Expect the expected results  Level of understanding of the problem of members  The level of interest/emergency (urgent/not) D. Determine The Theme Circle Based on the pretext of election Theme as shown in the "Pareto Diagram" then the Theme Circle can be determined.For Example: TACKLING The Issues Of Quality, COST, DELIVERY, Productivity, ENVIRONMENT. E. Find/Set A Title Based on the theme of "Pareto" once described, when available data then can be specified after the "title" is depicted in the diagram Pareto, if data is not available to do data retrieval (period) and note the work process.Use the appropriate tools to illustrate the problems that will be addressed (e.g. graphs, Histograms etc) and create reasons for selection of the title (PQCD). Step 2 (PDCA) DETERMINE THE CAUSE OF THE MATTER Do the "BRAINSTORMING" to put together the cause of the Problem addressed by observing the work process flow, 4 m + 1E (Man, Method, Material, Machine and Environment) and questions why (WHY) as much as possible at least 3 times or until the keakar cause.To facilitate the filling of fish bone diagram, use the check list in advance, then distratifikasi and tested. Step 3 (PDCA) LEARN WHAT FACTORS MOST INFLUENTIAL To find out the cause of the most influential factors by way of proof i.e. field see direct link between cause and effect that exists (fact/real).If no data is available as a basis to determine the dominant cause of the entire cause lies, then simply drawn or photographed and given the explanation as a form of analysis, then when will described in Pareto can be given Score by observing the process as the basis of the description in the determination of the score. Use the appropriate tools to figure out the correlation/relationship between cause and effect as well as to search for the cause of dominant. (Scatter Diagram, Pareto etc.). Step 4 (PDCA) PLANNING COUNTERMEASURES Use 5W2H in planning penaggulangan Step 5 (PDCA) To note in the implementation of improvements are: 1. Apply the corrective measures in accordance with the plan. 2. Clearly describe the improvements made. 3. Please include the image to better clarify the repair done. Step 6 (PDCA) CHECKING/EVALUATION RESULTS Things to note in this evaluation are: 1. Set-up of targets.(Use the bar graph or Pareto for Prior memperbanding-kan, targets and results). 2. The predominant problem (step 1) and dominant Cause (step 3).Use the Pareto diagram for comparing before and after repairs. 3. Check against Performance/development before, during and after the repair by using a line graph. 4. Impact on PQCD, before and after repairs. Step 7 (PDCA) STANDARDIZATION The success that has been achieved based on the evaluation of the results of existing dilangkah 6, to maintain it is necessary to make the Standard process (SOP) which refers to the step 5 (How) and Standard results (step 6).The Standard is made as clear as possible without any word or sentence which gives a different perception and comes with an image. Step 8 (PDCA) THE NEXT PLAN QCC activities next is an attempt to coin a term well known PDCA KAIZEN (improvement process in BEKELANJUTAN). QCC/Program Improvement of basic data retrieval from the next step 1 and the more accurate the longer is step 6. And if dilangkah 6 issue already has been completed then do Brainstorming for next issue. Use the appropriate tools to determine the most dominant issues/priorities to be solved. PDCA, singkatan bahasa Inggris dari "Plan, Do, Check, Act" (Indonesia:Rencanakan, Kerjakan, Cek, Tindak lanjuti), adalah suatu proses pemecahan masalah empat langkah iteratif yang umum digunakan dalam pengendalian kualitas. Metode ini dipopulerkan oleh W. Edwards Deming, yang sering dianggap sebagai bapak pengendalian kualitas modern sehingga sering juga disebut dengan siklus Deming. Deming sendiri selalu merujuk metode ini sebagai siklus Shewhart, dari nama Walter A. Shewhart, yang sering dianggap sebagai bapak pengendalian kualitas statistis. Belakangan, Deming memodifikasi PDCA menjadi PDSA ("Plan, Do, Study, Act") untuk lebih menggambarkan rekomendasinya. Pengertian Plan (Rencanakan) Meletakkan sasaran dan proses yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi. Do (Kerjakan) Implementasi proses. Check (Cek) Memantau dan mengevaluasi proses dan hasil terhadap sasaran dan spesifikasi dan melaporkan hasilnya. Act (Tindak lanjuti) Menindaklanjuti hasil untuk membuat perbaikan yang diperlukan. Ini berarti juga meninjau seluruh langkah dan memodifikasi proses untuk memperbaikinya sebelum implementasi berikutnya. Pengertian dan Siklus PDCA (Plan,Do,Check,Act) by Dickson Kho · 28/07/2014 Pengertian dan Siklus PDCA – PDCA adalah singkatan dari PLAN, DO, CHECK dan ACT yaitu siklus peningkatan proses (Process Improvement) yang berkesinambungan atau secara terus menerus seperti lingkaran yang tidak ada akhirnya. Konsep siklus PDCA (Plan, Do, Check dan Act) ini pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh seorang ahli manajemen kualitas dari Amerika Serikat yang bernama Dr. William Edwards Deming. Siklus PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) Berikut ini adalah penjelasan singkat mengenai siklus PDCA (PDCA Cycle) : PLAN (MERENCANAKAN) Tahap PLAN adalah tahap untuk menetapkan Target atau Sasaran yang ingin dicapai dalam peningkatan proses ataupun permasalahan yang ingin dipecahkan, kemudian menentukan Metode yang akan digunakan untuk mencapai Target atau Sasaran yang telah ditetapkan tersebut. Dalam Tahap PLAN ini juga meliputi pembentukan Tim Peningkatan Proses (Process Improvement Team) dan melakukan pelatihan-pelatihan terhadap sumber daya manusia yang berada di dalam Tim tersebut serta batas-batas waktu (Jadwal) yang diperlukan untuk melakukan perencanaan-perencanaan yang telah ditentukan. Perencanaan terhadap penggunaan sumber daya lainnya seperti Biaya dan Mesin juga perlukan dipertimbangkan dalam Tahap PLAN ini. DO (MELAKSANAKAN) Tahap DO adalah tahap penerapan atau melaksanakan semua yang telah direncanakan di Tahap PLAN termasuk menjalankan proses-nya, memproduksi serta melakukan pengumpulan data (data collection) yang kemudian akan digunakan untuk tahap CHECK dan ACT. CHECK (MEMERIKSA) Tahap CHECK adalah tahap pemeriksaan dan peninjauan ulang serta mempelajari hasil-hasil dari penerapan di tahap DO. Melakukan perbandingan antara hasil aktual yang telah dicapai dengan Target yang ditetapkan dan juga ketepatan jadwal yang telah ditentukan. ACT (MENINDAK) Tahap ACT adalah tahap untuk mengambil tindakan yang seperlunya terhadap hasil-hasil dari tahap CHECK. Terdapat 2 jenis Tindakan yang harus dilakukan berdasarkan hasil yang dicapainya, antara lain : 1. Tindakan Perbaikan (Corrective Action) yang berupa solusi terhadap masalah yang dihadapi dalam pencapaian Target, Tindakan Perbaikan ini perlu diambil jika hasilnya tidak mencapai apa yang telah ditargetkan. 2. Tindakan Standarisasi (Standardization Action) yaitu tindakan untuk men-standarisasi-kan cara ataupun praktek terbaik yang telah dilakukan , Tindakan Standarisasi ini dilakukan jika hasilnya mencapai Target yang telah ditetapkan. Siklus tersebut akan kembali lagi ke tahap PLAN untuk melakukan peningkatan proses selanjutnya sehingga terjadi siklus peningkatan proses yang terus menerus (Continuous Process Improvement). Versi-versi lain yang merupakan pengembangan dari PDCA untuk melakukan peningkatan dan perbaikan proses maupun memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama antara lain : PDCA = Plan Do Check Adjust PDSA = Plan Do Study Act OPDCA = Observe Plan Do Check Act (dalam Lean Manufacturing System) DMAIC = Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve Control (dalam Six Sigma)
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