PD 6547 Guidance to BS en 40-3-1 Lighting Column

March 27, 2018 | Author: Joseph Loroy | Category: Earth & Life Sciences, Physical Geography, Engineering, Meteorology, Earth Sciences



PUBLISHED DOCUMENTGuidance on the use of BS EN 40-3-1 and BS EN 40-3-3 ICS 93.080.40 12 &23<,1* :,7+287 %6, 3(50,66,21 (;&(37 $6 3(50,77(' %< &23<5,*+7 /$: +A1:2009 PD 6547:2004 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 This Published Document was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 10 December 2004 © BSI 2009 The following BSI reference relates to the work on this Published Document: Committee reference B/509/50 ISBN 978 0 580 64637 9 Committees responsible for this Published Document The preparation of this Published Document was entrusted by Technical Committee B/509, Road equipment, to Subcommittee B/509/50, Street lighting columns, upon which the following bodies were represented: Aluminium Federation County Surveyors’ Society Galvanizers Association Highways Agency, Department for Transport Institution of Highways and Transportation Lighting Column Manufacturers Association UK Steel Association Co-opted members Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments A1 See foreword. 31 July 2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I © BSI 2009 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword ii 1 Scope 1 2 Background information on the design wind loadings in EN 40-3-1 1 3 Wind pressures 1 4 Rationalized wind loading factors (R wf ) 2 5 Design loads and horizontal deflection 3 6 Lighting column foundations 3 7 Road signs, banners and other attachments to lighting columns 5 8 Assessment of fatigue 5 Annex A (informative) Rationalized wind factor and maximum altitude 6 Bibliography 12 Table 1 — Terrain categories by lighting column height 2 Table 2 — Ground factor G 4 Table 3 — Road sign class 5 Table A.1 — Rationalized wind loading factor, R wf , and maximum altitude 6 Table A.2 — Checklist 11 PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I Foreword This Published Document was prepared by Technical Committee B/509/50, Street lighting columns. It gives guidance on the use of BS EN 40-3-1 and BS EN 40-3-3, which were prepared by CEN/TC 50, Lighting columns and spigots. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by Amendment No. 1 is indicated in the text by tags !". This Published Document is not to be regarded as a British Standard. PD 6547:2004+A1:2009, supersedes PD 6547:2004, which is withdrawn. BS EN 40 is a more complicated design standard than BS 5649, the British Standard which specifies the design of lighting columns, so this Published Document gives guidance on the additional information that is required to allow a suitable lighting column to be designed. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a Published Document cannot confer immunity from legal obligations. PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1 to 12, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. ii © BSI 2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I © BSI 2009 1 1 Scope This Published Document gives guidance and background information to specifiers and manufacturers of lighting columns on the use of BS EN 40-3-1 and BS EN 40-3-3, which specify the design of lighting columns. In particular, it gives guidance on the information which the specifier is required to give to the manufacturer to allow a suitable lighting column to be designed, such as the topography factor, site wind speed, site altitude and terrain category, which are used to determine the design wind pressure. 2 Background information on the design wind loadings in EN 40-3-1 The current standard for deriving the wind loads on a lighting column is BS EN 40-3-1:2000, which superseded BS 5649-6:1982 and requires that the wind speed information be derived from DD ENV 1991-2-4. The reference in BS EN 40-3-1 to DD ENV 1991-2-4 is out of date and is to be revised at the earliest opportunity to BS EN 1991-1-4 . Wind speed data for the design of lighting columns should be taken from the National Annex of BS EN 1991-1-4:2005, Figure NA.1. 3 Wind pressures 3.1 General BS EN 40-3-1:2000, 3.2.1, specifies an equation for calculating the characteristic wind pressure, q(z), in N/m 2 for any particular height above ground, z: q(z) = ¶ Õ ´ Õ f Õ Ce (z) Õ q (10) where: 3.2 Reference wind pressure q (10) NOTE 1 Many administrative authorities are able to select one value of V b,map their boundaries. In the interests of standardization, administrative authorities may select a maximum altitude to be used in specifications that cover the majority of lighting column locations within their boundaries. A table of such altitudes by administrative authority is given in Annex A. q (10) is the reference wind pressure; ¶ is a factor depending on the column size; ´ is a factor depending on the dynamic behaviour; f is a topography factor, which is taken as 1 unless otherwise specified or where a lighting column is installed on a slope with a height of less than 5 m; Ce (z) is a factor depending on the terrain of the site and the height above ground z. Tho roforonco wInd µrossuro shouId bo doformInod usIng fho fundnmonfnI bnsIc wInd voIocIfy, V b,0 (soo IS IÞ l99l-l-4:2005 CInuso 4.2(l)I Þofo (2) Tho IundnmonfnI vnIuo of fho bnsIc wInd voIocIfy V b,0 ). IxµrossIon ÞAl V b,0 = V b,mnµ × C nIf whoro: V b,mnµ Is fho vnIuo of fho fundnmonfnI bnsIc wInd voIocIfy boforo fho nIfIfudo corrocfIon Is nµµIIod, nnd shouId bo fnkon from IIguro ÞAl of IS IÞ l99l-l-4:2005 C nIf Is fho nIfIfudo fncfor C nIf = l + 0.00lA ÞOTI 2 In IS IÞ 40-3-l:2000, V b,0 , Is oquIvnIonf fo V rof nnd V b,mnµ , Is oquIvnIonf fo V rof,0 . Note deleted which covers most situations within text deleted whoro: A Is fho nIfIfudo of fho sIfo In mofors nbovo monn son IovoI. PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I 2 © BSI 2009 3.3 Exposure coefficient Ce (z) 3.3.1 Terrain categories The exposure coefficient Ce (z) is a factor varying with height above ground and is dependent on the terrain category of the site where a lighting column is to be installed, as determined by reference to BS EN 40-3-1:2000, Table 1. Where specific information about terrain is available for the site where a lighting column is to be installed, this should be specified to the manufacturer. Lighting columns of nominal height below 8 m are generally installed in less exposed locations more suitable to the terrain category III classification. Therefore, if the terrain category is not specified it is recommended that the terrain categories given in Table 1 should be used,  howovor, If shouId bo nofod Table 1 — Terrain categories by lighting column height 3.3.2 Columns mounted on structures Whoro IIghfIng coIumns nro mounfod In nn oIovnfod IocnfIon, such ns on n brIdgo or muIfI IovoI buIIdIng,  fho Incronsod hoIghf nbovo ground IovoI shouId bo fnkon Info nccounf In cnIcuInfIng fho oxµosuro  cooffIcIonf Ce (z) .  SµocInI nIIownnco mIghf bo nocossnry for n IIghfIng coIumn µosIfIonod nf fho odgo of n fnII sfrucfuro, nnd  sµocInIIsf ndvIco shouId bo obfnInod.  3.3.3 Exposed locations Whoro n IIghfIng coIumn Is fo bo InsfnIIod In nn oxµosod sIfo, for oxnmµIo n consfnI IocnfIon, n sIfo subjocf  fo IocnI wInd funnoIIIng or n sIfo 250 m nbovo son IovoI, sµocInIIsf ndvIco shouId bo soughf In doformInIng  fho forrnIn cnfogory fo bo usod In fho cnIcuInfIon of fho oxµosuro cooffIcIonf Ce (z) . 4 Rationalized wind loading factors (R wf ) As nn nIfornnfIvo fo sµocIfyIng fho InformnfIon dofnIIod In CInuso 3, fho sµocIfIor mny uso rnfIonnIIzod  wInd IondIng fncfors (R wf ). Thoso hnvo boon cnIcuInfod usIng fho l0 mInufo monn wInd voIocIfy sµocIfIod  for onch ndmInIsfrnfIvo rogIon of fho !nIfod KIngdom nnd ndjusfod for nIfIfudo, ns dofnIIod In Annox A. In  fho Inforosfs of sfnndnrdIznfIon  fIvo  fncfors hnvo boon usod for fho !K, nnd fho mnxImum nIfIfudo for  onch ndmInIsfrnfIvo nron hns boon Incronsod fo fnko Info nccounf nny nddIfIonnI IondIng cnµncIfy nrIsIng  ns n rosuIf of sfnndnrdIznfIon. Tho rnfIonnIIzod wInd IondIng fncfor R wf  In Þ/m 2  Is gIvon by fho foIIowIng oqunfIon. R wf  = (V rof nIfIfudo ndjusfod ) 2  Õ 0.564 whoro: Lighting column height Terrain category IoIow 8 m III 8 m nnd nbovo II 0.564 Is n fncfor whIch fnkos Info nccounf C s  for n monn rofurn µorIod of 25 yonrs nnd Is oqunI fo   nnd Ò fho nIr donsIfy fnkon ns l.226 kg/m 3 ,  from IS IÞ l99l-l-4. 0.92 fhnf IS IÞ 40-3-l:2000, 3.2.6, rocommonds fhnf fho cnIcuInfIon shouId bo cnrrIod ouf usIng cnfogory II. ÞOTI IxnmµIos of fho dIfforonf forrnIn cnfogorIos nro gIvon In IS IÞ l99l-l-4:2005, Annox A. If shouId bo nofod fhnf forrnIn cnfogory 0 Is nof usod In IS IÞ 40. Whon n IIghfIng coIumn Is fo bo usod In consfnI nµµIIcnfIons, If Is nocossnry fo consIdor fho hIghor wInd IondIngs ns n rosuIf of nn Incronso In TorrnIn Cnfogory. If Is rocommondod fhnf fho TorrnIn Cnfogory bo movod uµ by ono IovoI from fho rocommondnfIons In TnbIo l. A consfnI nµµIIcnfIon Is dofInod ns boIng wIfhIn 5 km of fho monn hIgh wnfor sµrIng fIdo hoIghf. Cnro shouId bo fnkon whoro fho coIumn Is InsfnIIod In n IocnfIon whoro foµogrnµhy Is sIgnIfIcnnf, soo IS IÞ 40-3-l:2000, 3.2.5. Tho wInd sµood nnd nIfIfudo dofInod In TnbIo A.l shouId bo usod whon fho sIfo nIfIfudo Is nof dofInod. Text deleted PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I © ISI 2009 3 Tho rnfIonnIIzod wInd IondIng fncfor Is subsfIfufod for q (l0)  In fho formuIn fo fInd fho chnrncforIsfIc wInd  µrossuro: q(z) = ¶ Õ ´ Õ f Õ Ce (z) Õ R wf 5 Design loads and horizontal deflection 5.1 General In nddIfIon fo fho dnfn roquIrod fo doformIno fho chnrncforIsfIc wInd IondIngs on n IIghfIng coIumn fho  cInssos of µnrfInI Iond (soo 5.2) nnd horIzonfnI dofIocfIon (soo 5.3) nro roquIrod by IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003, 5.4  nnd 6.5.1, rosµocfIvoIy, fo bo sµocIfIod fo fho coIumn mnnufncfuror. 5.2 Partial safety factors on loads ¼ f Two cInssos of µnrfInI Iond fncfors ¼ f  nro sµocIfIod In IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003, 5.4. If Is rocommondod fhnf  CInss I (wInd Iond: ¼ f  = l.2, dond Iond:  ¼ f  = l.2) Is sµocIfIod . 5.3 Deflection classes IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003, 6.5.1, roquIros fho horIzonfnI dofIocfIon of n Innforn fIxIng fo conform fo ono of fhroo  cInssos of mnxImum horIzonfnI dofIocfIon sµocIfIod In IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003, TnbIo 3. Of fhoso, If Is  rocommondod fhnf CInss 3 Is usod In fho !K: 0.l0 Õ (h + w) whoro: 6 Lighting column foundations 6.1 Planting depth Whoro n IIghfIng coIumn Is fo bo µInnfod Info fho ground, fho µInnfIng doµfh oughf fo bo soIocfod from fho  confro coIumn of TnbIo ? In IS IÞ 40-2:2004, fnkIng Info nccounf fho nomInnI hoIghf of fho IIghfIng  coIumn.  6.2 Planting depth suitability To chock fho suIfnbIIIfy of fho soIocfod µInnfIng doµfh for fho ground condIfIons nf fho sIfo, If Is  rocommondod fhnf fho cnIcuInfIon µrocoduro gIvon In 6.3 shouId bo ndoµfod, unIoss n moro soµhIsfIcnfod  foundnfIon dosIgn nµµronch Is ufIIIzod.  6.3 Calculation of planting depth 6.3.1 ObfnIn from fho IIghfIng coIumn dosIgnor, or ofhorwIso cnIcuInfo fho ovorfurnIng momonf nrIsIng  from fho nµµIIcnfIon of fho fuII dosIgn wInd µrossuro on fho IIghfIng coIumn, brnckof nrm, IumInnIro nnd  nny ofhor nffnchmonf, such ns bnnnors, nbouf n fuIcrum µoInf Iocnfod nf  of fho µInnfIng doµfh. 6.3.2 MuIfIµIy fho ovorfurnIng momonf by n fncfor of snfofy of l.25. h Is fho nomInnI hoIghf of fho IIghfIng coIumn (In m), ns dofInod In IS IÞ 40-l; w Is fho brnckof µrojocfIon (In m), ns dofInod In IS IÞ 40-l. l/ 2 text deleted !NOTE 1 The value of r in BS EN 40 is specified as 1.25 kg/m 3 however, this will be changed to bring it into line with BS EN 1991-1-4 Part 1.4, General actions – Wind Actions – NA 2.18, Clause 4.5(1), Note 2 – Value to be used for air density p = 1.226 kg/m 3 . NOTE 2 The use of rationalized wind loading factors should be limited to a maximum site altitude of 250 m above sea level. For sites above this height expert guidance should be sought. NOTE 3 For columns in elevated situations, where special measures are not deemed necessary (see 3.3.2 and 3.3.3), the wind loading factor may be increased by the ratio of the wind pressure at a height of 10 m above the column flange and the wind pressure at 10 m above ground level, calculated in accordance with BS EN 40-3-1:2000, 3.2.2. NOTE 4 The rationalized wind loading factors in Annex A are all stated at 10 m above ground level, and for a mean return period of 25 years." PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I 4 © ISI 2009 6.3.3 CnIcuInfo fho ground rosIsfnnco momonf, Mg, usIng fho foIIowIng formuIn. whoro: 6.3.4 If fho ovorfurnIng momonf IncIudIng fho fncfor of snfofy oxcoods fho ground rosIsfnnco momonf (Mg),  If Is nocossnry fo sµocIfy nn Incronso In oIfhor fho µInnfIng doµfh of fho IIghfIng coIumn nnd/or fho offocfIvo  dInmofor of Ifs foundnfIon, unfII fho ground rosIsfnnco momonf (Mg) oxcoods fho ovorfurnIng momonf  IncIudIng fho fncfor of snfofy. Tho Inffor cnn bo nchIovod by bnck-fIIIIng fho oxcnvnfIon wIfh mnss concrofo  or nµµroµrInfo fIII mnforInI (soo 6.4) nnd fho offocfIvo dInmofor of fho coIumn mny bo nssumod fo bo fho  mInImum dInmofor of fho hoIo. Table 2 — Ground factor G 6.4 Back-filling Tho cnIcuInfIon In 6.3.3 Is bnsod on fho hoIo Info whIch fho IIghfIng coIumn Is µInnfod boIng bnck-fIIIod wIfh  fho oxcnvnfod mnforInI or mnforInI of boffor qunIIfy. Tho foIIowIng shouId bo sµocIfIod fo fho InsfnIIor: n) nII bnck-fIIIIng mnforInI Is fo bo µIncod In l50 mm fhIck Inyors nnd bo woII comµncfod; b) durIng comµncfIon, cnro Is fo bo fnkon fo onsuro fhnf fho corrosIon µrofocfIon sysfom of fho IIghfIng  coIumn Is nof dnmngod; c) whoro fho hoIo Is bnck-fIIIod wIfh concrofo, fho concrofo Is fo oxfond from fho bnso of fho IIghfIng  coIumn fo ground IovoI; d) whoro µnvIng or bIfumInous surfncIng Is fo bo nµµIIod nround fho IIghfIng coIumn, fho foµ IovoI of fho  concrofo mny bo Ioworod by fho fhIcknoss of fhIs surfncIng; nnd o) n ducf wIfh fho snmo dImonsIons ns fho IIghfIng coIumn’s cnbIo onfry sIof Is fo bo formod In fho concrofo  usIng n suIfnbIo µroformod IInIng fubo. G Is n fncfor doµondonf on fho ground In whIch fho coIumn Is µInnfod (In kÞ/m 2  µor m) (soo TnbIo 2); D Is fho mInImum dInmofor (or mInImum dIsfnnco ncross fInfs for muIfI-sIdod socfIons) of fho  IIghfIng coIumn In fho ground (In m); P Is fho µInnfIng doµfh (In m). G (kÞ/m 2 ) Quality of soil 630 Cood: Comµncf, woII-grndod snnd nnd grnvoI, hnrd cIny, woII-grndod fIno nnd conrso  snnd, docomµosod grnnIfo rock nnd soII. Cood soIIs drnIn woII. 390 Avorngo: Comµncf fIno snnd, modIum cIny, comµncf woII-drnInod snndy Ionm, Iooso  conrso snnd nnd grnvoI. Avorngo soIIs drnIn suffIcIonfIy woII fhnf wnfor doos nof sfnnd on fho surfnco. 230 Ioor: Soff cIny, cIny Ionm, µoorIy comµncfod snnd, cInys confnInIng n Inrgo nmounf of  sIIf nnd vogofnbIo mnffor, nnd mndo-uµ ground. Ioor soIIs nro normnIIy wof nnd hnvo µoor drnInngo. Mg G D u P 3 u l0 ---------------------------- = PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I © ISI 2009 5 7 Road signs, banners and other attachments to lighting columns IS IÞ 40 doos nof gIvo guIdnnco on fho mofhod of cnIcuInfIng fho nddIfIonnI wInd IondIng offocfs of fho  sµocIfIor shouId oIfhor sµocIfy fho sIgn cInss or fho dImonsIons, shnµo, hoIghf fo fho confro, offsof dimension nnd orIonfnfIon of fho sIgn. Table 3 — Road sign class Sign class Area of sign Height to centre of sign Sign shape Offset dimension A 0.3 m 2 2.5 m Squnro 0.3 m I 0.6 m 2 2.5 m Squnro 0.3 m C l m 2 2.5 m Squnro 0.3 m ÞOTI l Ior fho µurµoso of IIghfIng coIumn dosIgn, fho mosf onorous orIonfnfIon of n rond sIgn shouId bo nssumod unIoss  ofhorwIso sfnfod. ÞOTI 2 Ior fho µurµoso of IIghfIng coIumn dosIgn, n rond sIgn shouId bo nssumod fo hnvo n mnss of 5 kg unIoss ofhorwIso sfnfod. ÞOTI 3 Ior sIgns n shnµo cooffIcIonf vnIuo of l.8 shouId bo usod In nccordnnco wIfh IS IÞ l99l-l-4:2005. 7.4.3. B Assessment oI IutIgue IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003 doos nof sµocIfy nny fnfIguo roquIromonfs, buf CInuso B sfnfos fhnf fho fnfIguo offocfs mny bo consIdorod for IIghfIng coIumns nbovo 9 m nomInnI hoIghf. Annox A of IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003 µrovIdos n mofhod of cnIcuInfIng fho fnfIguo offocfs for sfooI IIghfIng coIumns buf for ofhor mnforInIs, o.g. AIumInIum nnd IIbro !oInforcod ComµosIfos, roforonco shouId bo mndo fo fho nµµroµrInfo sfnndnrd for such sfrucfuros subjocf fo fnfIguo IondIng: IS IÞ l999-l-3:200?, 1urocoJe 9. Deeign of oluniniun eIrucIuree Part 1 3:SIrucIuree euecepIiIle Io foIigue. IS ISO l3003:2003, IiIre-reinforceJ ploeIice DeIerninoIion of foIigue properIiee unJer c,clic looJing conJiIione. Tho cnIcuInfIon usod In Annox A of IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003 wns fnkon from fho HIghwnys Agoncy Sfnndnrd IÐ 26/94 |l], whIch hns now boon suµorsodod by IÐ 94/0? |2]. !nfII Annox A of IS IÞ 40-3-3 Is uµdnfod, roforonco shouId bo mndo fo fho guIdoIInos In IÐ 94/0? |2] nIfhough, ns nn nIfornnfIvo, fho Iurocodo roIovnnf fo sfooI sfrucfuros subjocf fo fnfIguo IondIng mny nIso bo consIdorod: IS IÞ l993-l-9:2005, 1urocoJe 3. Deeign of eIeel eIrucIuree PorI 1-9. IoIigue. nffnchmonf of rond sIgns or bnnnors, ofc., buf such guIdnnco Is gIvon In      IS      IÞ l99l-l-4: 2005,  SocfIon ?.       SomofImos, IIghfIng coIumns In fho !K hnvo rond sIgns nffnchod fo fhom. TyµIcnIIy, fhroo sizes of sign  hnvo boon usod, nnd fhoso nro gIvon In TnbIo 3. If n IIghfIng coIumn Is fo bo fIffod wIfh n rond sIgn, fho  PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I Anne× A (InIovmutIve) RutIonuIIzed wInd Iuctov und mu×Imum uItItude TubIe A.1 ÷ RutIonuIIzed wInd IoudIng Iuctov, R wI , und mu×Imum uItItude AdmInIstvutIve Aveu BS £N 1991-1-4 10 mIn Meun WInd VeIocIty m/sec RutIonuIIzed WInd IoudIng RegIon Mu×Imum AItItude m RutIonuIIzed WInd Iuctov R WI N/m 2 Abordoon 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 AbordoonshIro 2?.0 Ixfrn Honvy l84 5?6 Angus 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 AnfrIm 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 ArgyII & Iufo 28.0 Ixfrn Honvy l4l 5?6 Armngh 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 Infh & Þorfh Insf Somorsof 22.5 ModIum 226 429 IodfordshIro 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 IInckburn wIfh Ðnrwon 23.5 ModIum l?4 429 IInckµooI 24.0 Ixfrn !Ighf 38 350 IInonnu Cwonf 23.0 Honvy 250 466 Iournomoufh 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 IrncknoII Iorosf 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 IrIdgond 23.5 Honvy 223 466 IrIghfon & Hovo 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 IrIsfoI 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 IuckInghnmshIro 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 CnorµhIIIy 23.0 Honvy 250 466 CnrmnrfhonshIro 24.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 CnmbrIdgoshIro 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 CnrdIff 23.0 Honvy 250 466 CorodIgIon 24.5 ModIum l26 429 ChnnnoI IsInnds 24.0 !Ighf l04 396 ChoshIro 23.5 ModIum l?4 429 CInckmnnnnnshIro 25.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Conwy 24.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 CornwnII 25.0 ModIum l03 429 CumbrIn 24.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 ÐnrIIngfon 23.5 Ixfrn !Ighf 60 350 ÐonbIghshIro 24.0 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Ðorby 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 ÐorbyshIro 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 Ðovon 24.0 ModIum l49 429 Ðorsof 23.0 ModIum l99 429 Ðown 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 6 © ISI 2009 PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I AdmInIstvutIve Aveu BS £N 1991-1-4 10 mIn Meun WInd VeIocIty m/sec RutIonuIIzed WInd IoudIng RegIon Mu×Imum AItItude m RutIonuIIzed WInd Iuctov R WI N/m 2 ÐumfrIos & CnIIowny 26.0 Honvy l06 466 Ðundoo 25.0 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Ðurhnm 24.0 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Insf ÐunbnrfonshIro 25.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Insf !ofhInn 24.5 ModIum l26 429 Insf !onfrowshIro 25.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Insf !IdIng of YorkshIro 23.0 ModIum l99 429 Insf Sussox 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 IdInburgh 24.5 Honvy l?3 466 Issox 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 InIkIrk 25.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Iormnnngh 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 IIfo 25.0 Honvy l50 466 IIInfshIro 24.0 Honvy l98 466 CInsgow 25.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 CIoucosforshIro 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 Cronfor !ondon 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 Cronfor Mnnchosfor 23.5 ModIum l?4 429 Cwynodd 25.0 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 HnIfon 23.0 Ixfrn !Ighf 83 350 HnmµshIro 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 HnrfIoµooI 23.5 Ixfrn !Ighf 60 350 HorofordshIro 23.0 !Ighf l52 396 HorffordshIro 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 HIghInnd 29.5 Ixfrn Honvy 83 5?6 InvorcIydo 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 IsIo of AngIosoy 25.5 ModIum 82 429 IsIo of Mnn 26.0 Honvy l06 466 IsIo of WIghf 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 IsIos of ScIIIy 25.0 !Ighf 60 396 Konf 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 KIngsfon uµon HuII 22.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l0? 350 !nncnshIro 24.0 ModIum l49 429 !oods CIfy 23.0 Honvy 250 466 !oIcosfor 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 !oIcosforshIro 22.0 !Ighf 204 396 !IncoInshIro 22.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l0? 350 © ISI 2009 ? TubIe A.1 ÷ RutIonuIIzed wInd IoudIng Iuctov, R wI , und mu×Imum uItItude (conIinueJ) PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I AdmInIstvutIve Aveu BS £N 1991-1-4 10 mIn Meun WInd VeIocIty m/sec RutIonuIIzed WInd IoudIng RegIon Mu×Imum AItItude m RutIonuIIzed WInd Iuctov R WI N/m 2 !ondondorry 26.5 Ixfrn Honvy 206 5?6 !ufon 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 Modwny 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 MorsoysIdo 23.5 !Ighf l28 396 Morfhyr TydfII 23.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 MId !ofhInn 24.5 Honvy l?3 466 MIddIosbrough 23.5 !Ighf l28 396 MIIfon Koynos 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 MonmoufhshIro & Þowµorf 23.0 !Ighf l52 396 Morny 2?.0 Ixfrn Honvy l84 5?6 Þonfh Iorf TnIbof 23.5 ModIum l?4 429 ÞorfoIk 23.0 !Ighf l52 396 Þorfh AyrshIro 26.5 Ixfrn Honvy 206 5?6 Þorfh Insf !Incolnshire 22.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l0? 350 Þorfh !nnnrkshIro 25.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Þorfh !Incolnshire 22.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l0? 350 Þorfh Wosf Somorsof 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 Þorfh YorkshIro 23.5 !Ighf l28 396 ÞorfhnmµfonshIro 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 ÞorfhumborInnd 24.5 !Ighf 82 396 ÞoffInghnm 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 ÞoffInghnmshIro 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 Orknoy 29.5 Ixfrn Honvy 83 5?6 OxfordshIro 2l.5 !Ighf 232 396 IombrokoshIro 25.0 Honvy l50 466 Iorfh & KInross 26.5 Ixfrn Honvy 206 5?6 Ioforborough 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 IIymoufh 24.0 ModIum l49 429 IooIo 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 Iorfsmoufh 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 Iowys 23.5 ModIum l?4 429 !ondIng 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 !odcnr & CIovoInnd 23.5 Ixfrn !Ighf 60 350 !onfrowshIro 26.0 Ixfrn Honvy 229 5?6 !honddn Cynon Tnff 23.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 !ufInnd 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 ScoffIsh Iordors 24.5 !Ighf 82 396 TubIe A.1 ÷ RutIonuIIzed wInd IoudIng Iuctov, R wI , und mu×Imum uItItude (conIinueJ) 8 © ISI 2009 PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I AdmInIstvutIve Aveu BS £N 1991-1-4 10 mIn Meun WInd VeIocIty m/sec RutIonuIIzed WInd IoudIng RegIon Mu×Imum AItItude m RutIonuIIzed WInd Iuctov R WI N/m 2 ShroµshIro 23.0 Honvy 250 466 SIough 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 Somorsof 23.5 ModIum l?4 429 Soufh & Insf AyrshIro 26.0 Honvy l06 466 Soufh CIoucosfor 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 Soufh !nnnrkshIro 25.5 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Soufh YorkshIro 22.5 !Ighf l?8 396 Soufhnmµfon 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 Soufhond 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 SfnffordshIro 22.5 ModIum 226 429 SfIrIIng 26.5 Ixfrn Honvy 206 5?6 Sfockfon-on-Toos 23.5 !Ighf l28 396 Sfoko-on-Tronf 22.5 ModIum 226 429 SuffoIk 23.0 Ixfrn !Ighf 83 350 Surroy 2l.5 !Ighf 232 396 Swnnson 24.0 ModIum l49 429 SwIndon 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 ToIford & WrokIn 22.5 ModIum 226 429 Thurrock 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 Torbny 23.5 !Ighf l28 396 Torfnon 23.0 Honvy 250 466 Tyno & Wonr 24.0 Ixfrn Honvy 250 5?6 Tyrono 26.5 Ixfrn Honvy 206 5?6 VnIo of CInmorgnn 23.5 Honvy 223 466 WnrrIngfon 23.0 Ixfrn !Ighf 83 350 WnrwIckshIro & Covonfry 22.0 ModIum 250 429 Wosf IorkshIro & Þowbury 2l.5 !Ighf 232 396 Wosf ÐunbnrfonshIro 26.0 Honvy l06 466 Wosf !ofhInn 25.0 Honvy l50 466 Wosf MIdInnds 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 Wosf Sussox 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 Wosf YorkshIro 23.0 Honvy 250 466 Wosforn IsIos 3l.0 Ixfrn Honvy 3l 5?6 WIIfshIro 22.0 Ixfrn !Ighf l32 350 WIndsor & MnIdonhond 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 WokInghnm 2l.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l59 350 WorcosforshIro 22.5 Ixfrn !Ighf l0? 350 TubIe A.1 ÷ RutIonuIIzed wInd IoudIng Iuctov, R wI , und mu×Imum uItItude (conIinueJ) © ISI 2009 9 PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I AdmInIstvutIve Aveu BS £N 1991-1-4 10 mIn Meun WInd VeIocIty m/sec RutIonuIIzed WInd IoudIng RegIon Mu×Imum AItItude m RutIonuIIzed WInd Iuctov R WI N/m 2 Wroxhnm 23.5 Honvy 223 466 York 23.0 Ixfrn !Ighf 83 350 ShofInnd SµocInI Cnso Sook SµocInIIsf ndvIco Tho rnfIonnIIzod wInd IondIng fncfors !wf nro nII sfnfod nf l0 m nbovo ground nnd for n monn rofurn µorIod of 25 yonrs. ÞOTI Tyne und Weuv IncIudes: Cnfoshond, ÞowcnsfIo, Þorfh nnd Soufh TynosIdo nnd SundorInnd. West YovksLIve IncIudes: CnIdordnIo, Irndford, KIrkIoos nnd WnkofIoId. SoutL YovksLIve IncIudes: InrnsIoy, Ðoncnsfor, !ofhorhnm nnd ShoffIoId. Gveutev MuncLestev IncIudes: IoIfon, Iury, Mnnchosfor, OIdhnm, !ochdnIo, SnIford, Sfockµorf, TnmosIdo, Trnfford nnd WIgnn. West MIdIunds IncIudes: IIrmInghnm, Covonfry, ÐudIoy, SnndwoII, SoIIhuII, WnIsnII nnd WoIvorhnmµfon. Gveutev Iondon IncIudes: AII !ondon Ioroughs. TubIe A.1 ÷ RutIonuIIzed wInd IoudIng Iuctov, R wI , und mu×Imum uItItude (conIinueJ) l0 © ISI 2009 PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I © ISI 2009 ll TubIe A.2 ÷ CLeckIIst Item to be specIIIed RecommendutIon RequIvement Monn hourIy wInd sµood Vrof !so TnbIo A.l n/n SIfo nIfIfudo nbovo 250 m Sook oxµorf ndvIco n/n SIfo nIfIfudo !so TnbIo A.l n/n Toµogrnµhy fncfor l n/n TorrnIn Cnfogory whoro InsfnIInfIon Is unknown II for Crouµ A coIumns III for Crouµ I coIumns n/n !nfIonnIIzod wInd IondIng rogIon |SµocIfy cnfogory] Ixfrn Honvy/Honvy/ModIum/ !Ighf /Ixfrn !Ighf n/n CInss I n/n ÐofIocfIon cInss CInss 3 n/n IoundnfIon dnfn If nµµIIcnbIo SoII fyµo Cood/Avorngo or Ioor n/n !ond sIgns onIy If roquIrod CInss A/I or C n/n InfIguo roquIromonfs onIy If nµµIIcnbIo !so HIghwnys Agoncy IÐ 94/0? |2] n/n PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 InrfInI snfofy fncfors on Ionds f L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I © ISI 2009 l2 Bibliography Standards publications IS 5649-6:l982, Specification for lighting columns — Part 6: Design loads (wIfhdrnwn). IS IÞ 40-2:2004, Lighting columns — Part 2: General requirements and dimensions. IS IÞ 40-3-l:2000, Lighting columns — Part 3.1: Design and verification — Specification for characteristic loads. IS IÞ 40-3-3:2003, Lighting columns — Part 3.3: Design and verification — Verification by calculation. IS      IÞ l99l-l-4: 2005 , Eurocode 1: Actions on structures — Part 1-4: General actions Wind actions. Other publications |l] C!IAT I!ITAIÞ, BD 26/94: The Design of Lighting Columns, !ondon: HIghwnys Agoncy Sfnndnrd. IS IÞ 40, Lighting columns. ![2] GREAT BRITAIN, The Highway Agency, Design Manual for Roads and Bridges — Design of Minor Section 2 Special Structures, Part 9 BD 94/07 — Design of Minor Structures" — General actions — Wind actions. Text deleted !National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-4:2005, UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 —Actions on structures BS ISO 13003:2003, Fibre-reinforced plastics — Determination of fatigue properties under cyclic loading BS EN 1999-1-3:2007, Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures — Structures susceptible to fatigue Structures — Volume 2 Highway Structures: Design (sub-structures and special structures) materials, conditions." PD 6547:2004+A1:2009 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I blank L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I ISI 389 ChIswIck HIgh !ond !ondon W4 4A! BSI —British Standards Institution ISI Is fho Indoµondonf nnfIonnI body rosµonsIbIo for µroµnrIng  IrIfIsh Sfnndnrds. If µrosonfs fho !K vIow on sfnndnrds In Iuroµo nnd nf fho  InfornnfIonnI IovoI. If Is Incorµornfod by !oynI Chnrfor. Revisions IrIfIsh Sfnndnrds nro uµdnfod by nmondmonf or rovIsIon. !sors of  IrIfIsh Sfnndnrds shouId mnko suro fhnf fhoy µossoss fho Infosf nmondmonfs or  odIfIons. If Is fho consfnnf nIm of ISI fo Imµrovo fho qunIIfy of our µroducfs nnd sorvIcos.  Wo wouId bo grnfofuI If nnyono fIndIng nn Innccurncy or nmbIguIfy whIIo usIng  fhIs IrIfIsh Sfnndnrd wouId Inform fho Socrofnry of fho fochnIcnI commIffoo  rosµonsIbIo, fho IdonfIfy of whIch cnn bo found on fho InsIdo fronf covor.  ToI: +44 (0)20 8996 9000. Inx: +44 (0)20 8996 ?400. ISI offors mombors nn IndIvIdunI uµdnfIng sorvIco cnIIod I!!S whIch onsuros  fhnf subscrIbors nufomnfIcnIIy rocoIvo fho Infosf odIfIons of sfnndnrds. Buying standards Ordors for nII ISI, InfornnfIonnI nnd foroIgn sfnndnrds µubIIcnfIons shouId bo  nddrossod fo Cusfomor SorvIcos. ToI: +44 (0)20 8996 900l.  Inx: +44 (0)20 8996 ?00l. ImnII: ordors¸bsI-gIobnI.com. Sfnndnrds nro nIso  nvnIInbIo from fho ISI wobsIfo nf hffµ://www.bsI-gIobnI.com. In rosµonso fo ordors for InfornnfIonnI sfnndnrds, If Is ISI µoIIcy fo suµµIy fho  ISI ImµIomonfnfIon of fhoso fhnf hnvo boon µubIIshod ns IrIfIsh Sfnndnrds,  unIoss ofhorwIso roquosfod. Information on standards ISI µrovIdos n wIdo rnngo of InformnfIon on nnfIonnI, Iuroµonn nnd  InfornnfIonnI sfnndnrds fhrough Ifs !Ibrnry nnd Ifs TochnIcnI HoIµ fo Ixµorfors  SorvIco. VnrIous ISI oIocfronIc InformnfIon sorvIcos nro nIso nvnIInbIo whIch gIvo  dofnIIs on nII Ifs µroducfs nnd sorvIcos. Confncf fho InformnfIon Confro.  ToI: +44 (0)20 8996 ?lll. Inx: +44 (0)20 8996 ?048. ImnII: Info¸bsI-gIobnI.com. SubscrIbIng mombors of ISI nro koµf uµ fo dnfo wIfh sfnndnrds dovoIoµmonfs  nnd rocoIvo subsfnnfInI dIscounfs on fho µurchnso µrIco of sfnndnrds. Ior dofnIIs  of fhoso nnd ofhor bonofIfs confncf MomborshIµ AdmInIsfrnfIon.  ToI: +44 (0)20 8996 ?002. Inx: +44 (0)20 8996 ?00l.  ImnII: momborshIµ¸bsI-gIobnI.com. InformnfIon rognrdIng onIIno nccoss fo IrIfIsh Sfnndnrds vIn IrIfIsh Sfnndnrds  OnIIno cnn bo found nf hffµ://www.bsI-gIobnI.com/bsonIIno. Iurfhor InformnfIon nbouf ISI Is nvnIInbIo on fho ISI wobsIfo nf  hffµ://www.bsI-gIobnI.com. Copyright CoµyrIghf subsIsfs In nII ISI µubIIcnfIons. ISI nIso hoIds fho coµyrIghf, In fho  !K, of fho µubIIcnfIons of fho InfornnfIonnI  sfnndnrdIznfIon bodIos. Ixcoµf ns  µormIffod undor fho CoµyrIghf, ÐosIgns nnd Infonfs Acf l988 no oxfrncf mny bo  roµroducod, sforod In n rofrIovnI sysfom or frnnsmIffod In nny form or by nny  monns –  oIocfronIc, µhofocoµyIng, rocordIng or ofhorwIso – wIfhouf µrIor wrIffon  µormIssIon from ISI. ThIs doos nof µrocIudo fho froo uso, In fho courso of ImµIomonfIng fho sfnndnrd,  of nocossnry dofnIIs such ns symboIs, nnd sIzo, fyµo or grndo dosIgnnfIons. If fhoso  dofnIIs nro fo bo usod for nny ofhor µurµoso fhnn ImµIomonfnfIon fhon fho µrIor  wrIffon µormIssIon of ISI musf bo obfnInod. ÐofnIIs nnd ndvIco cnn bo obfnInod from fho CoµyrIghf & !IconsIng Mnnngor.  ToI: +44 (0)20 8996 ?0?0. Inx: +44 (0)20 8996 ?553.  ImnII: coµyrIghf¸bsI-gIobnI.com. +A1:2009 PD 6547:2004 L i c e n s e d c o p y : M o u c h e l L i m i t e d , 1 8 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , © B S I
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