Pcdmis Pro

March 29, 2018 | Author: KemalMalovcic | Category: Euclidean Vector, Cartesian Coordinate System, Computer Aided Design, Rotation, Icon (Computing)



-1- Preface PC-DMIS Version 3.6 Document Revision 1.0 July 2004 This workbook is written as an aid to learning PC-DMIS measurement software in a structured training class. This workbook contains: • • • • • • • • • Forms to be filled out during class by attending student Class syllabi Supplemental training documentation to be used as reference during or after class Web sites and phone numbers for technical support Notes pages to aid in note taking during the lecture portion of the class Lab exercises that are performed during the hands on portion of the class Demo block part prints Toolbar key to aid in navigating thru the toolbars in PC-DMIS Bonus hands on lab exercises to be used as a practical reference to perform tasks not necessarily covered in the curriculum of the class. o Examples would be: ƒ Dimensioning, Constructions, Comments and Editing ƒ Inserting digital pictures into the part program ƒ Using the Quick start menu to write a complete part program ƒ Using Marked sets and Pattern offsets to streamline programming This workbook was created by Steve Gregorio using Microsoft Word -2- Table of Contents Introduction ......…………………………………………………………………. 5 Student Background Questionnaire ………………………………….. 6 PC-DMIS PRO Class Syllabus ……………………………………….. 7 Notes Pages ………...………………………………………………………….. 8 PC-DMIS Menus ….……………………………………………………………. 39 Vectors ………...………………………………………………………………… 41 Probe Changers ………………………………………………………………… 48 TP20/TP200 probe changer ………….……………………………….. 49 SP600 probe changer ………………………………………………….. 54 Alignment Summary ……………………………………………………………. 59 Auto Features ……………………….…………………………………………… 62 Construct Point ………………………………………………………………….. 64 True Position …….……………………………………………………………… 66 Web Sites & Phone Numbers ………………………………………………… 76 Additional Class Syllabi ………………………………………………………… 78 Editing .Dat Files …..…………………………………………………………… 86 Analysis Window...……………………………………………………………… 90 Course Evaluation …..………………………………………………………… 92 -3- ………... …………………………………. 95 Lab 2 – Probe Qualifications…………………………………………… 101 Lab 3 – Manual Alignments of the Demo Block……………………… 107 Lab 4 – Manual Alignment of the Demo Block………….. 156 Quizzes…………………………………………………………………….………………...... 118 Lab 6 – Alignment and Measurement of the Demo Block…. Comments and Editing…………..……….Table of Contents Lab Exercises.. 145 Inserting Digital Pictures using Hyper Reports……………....….…... Constructions. 114 Lab 5 – Measuring using Auto Features………………………………..………..…….... ……… 125 Demo Block Part Prints………………………………………………….….. 94 Lab 1 – PC-DMIS Overview………. 129 Toolbar Key………………………………………………………………….. 132 Bonus Lab Exercises…………………………………………………………… 137 Using the Quick Start Menu…………………………………………… 138 Dimensioning. 150 Inserting Digital Pictures as an External Object……………………… 152 Using Pattern Offsets and Marked Sets.………………………………………………………………..…… 159 -4- . Introduction -5- . Student Background Questionnaire Personal information Name: ___________________________________ Company Telephone #: ( Company: _______________________________________________________ ) __________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Email address: ______________________________ Title (or job description): Check this box if you do not wish to receive any training promotions via email _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Experience CNC machine tool programming experience Yes No CAD/CAM experience Is your company planning on using CAD for programming in PC-DMIS? Yes Yes No No If “yes” then which CAD package will be used? _______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have GD & T experience and are comfortable reading blue prints? Yes If “yes” then how was this experience acquired? Hands on training Formal Training Please rate your experience level using a windows based computer: CMM experience: Yes No If “yes”: None Manual CMM No Basic Automatic CMM Advanced Number of years ________ Machine information Type and size of machine being used at your facility: _________________________________________________________________________ Type of probe head on the above system: _________________________________________________________________________ Training information List other Brown and Sharpe classes you have attended (give dates): ______________________________________________________________ What do you expect to learn from this class? _________________________________________________________________________ -6- . PC-DMIS PRO Class Syllabus Course Objective: To train first time users of PC-DMIS to attain a basic understanding of the software. and measurement necessary to write and execute part programs. Circle and Cylinder Edit Window/Hot keys Setup Options Lab Exercise 5 Dimensioning Part 2 Constructions Lab Exercise 6 -7- . Pre Requisite: Basic Knowledge of PC’s in the windows environment. Subject Day 1 • • • • • • • Day 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Day 3 • • • • • • • • CMM overview and demonstration PCDMIS Overview • File Management • Tool Bar Lab Exercise 1 Probes Calibration/Qualification Probe Utilities Lab Exercise 2 Quiz # 1 Work Planes Feature Recognition Comments Basic Part Alignments Part 1 Probe Readout Window Basic Part Alignments Part 2 Edit Window Lab Exercise 3 DCC Mode • Clearance Plane • Move Options • Parameters Dimensioning Part 1 Print Options Execute Options Lab Exercise 4 Quiz # 2 Auto Features • Vector Point. Notes Pages -8- . Open File Dialog Box File|Open ______________________ File Operations Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ New File Dialog Box File| New ______________________ File Operations Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Menus & Toolbars Edit Window Graphics Display Window -9- Sections of the PC-DMIS Interface ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ . Quit Message Top: File| Quit Btm: File| Operations ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Operations Menu Toolbars View| Toolbars ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ View Setup Edit| Graphics Display Window| View Setup ______________________ Graphics Modes Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -10- . Insert| Report Command| Save Viewset ______________________ Graphics Modes Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Saving Views ______________________ Graphics Modes Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Scale to Fit Translate Mode 2-D Rotate 3-Dimensional Rotate ______________________ Graphics Modes Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -11- . Probe Utility Window Operation| Calibrate/Edit |Active Probe ______________________ Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+P ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Double click on probe component ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Un-drawing Parts of a Probe Configuration Measure Probe Screen -12- From Probe Utility Window: Measure Button ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ . Add Tool Dialog Box From Measure Probe Screen: Add Tool Button ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Qualification Tool Message ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ A0B0 Message -13- . Add Angles From Probe Utility Window: Add Angles Button ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Calibration Results Screen From Probe Utility Window: Results Button ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Work Planes A=TOP ZPLUS B=RIGHT XPLUS C=BACK YPLUS D=BOTTOM ZMINUS E=LEFT XMINUS F=FRONT YMINUS ______________________ Shortcut: Settings Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -14- . 7 Feature Recognition Feature Types Point Circle Line Cylinder ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Plane Sphere Cone Change a Guessed Feature Type Edit| Override Guess ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Feature Measurement Hot Keys Alt - Deletes a hit Ctrl+D Deletes the last feature End Finishes a feature (same as Done button) Comment Insert| Report Command| Comment ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -15- . ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Step Method 1. Origin Alignment Screen Insert |Alignment| New ______________________ Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+A ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Probe Readout Window Left: View| Probe Readouts ______________________ Shortcut: Ctrl+W ______________________ Right: Edit| Preferences| Probe Readout Setup ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -16- . Level 2. Rotate 3. Feature 3. Select features for Level. and Origin in that order 2. Push the auto align button 3. Select Features for alignment a. The order that features are selected in is very important b. Rotate. Carefully verify the construction of the alignment 4. Angle Saving an Alignment Externally Insert |Alignment| Save ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -17- . Edit as necessary by highlighting the line that needs to be changed Insert |Alignment| New ______________________ Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+A ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Alignment Offset Methods 1.Auto Align 1. Theoretical Distance 2. Insert |Alignment| Recall ______________________ Shortcut: Alignment Drop Down Menu ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Recalling an Alignment Insert| Parameter Change| Probe| Manual / DCC Mode ______________________ Shortcut: Probe Mode Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Probe Mode Clearance Plane Insert| Parameter Change| Clearance Planes ______________________ Or Edit| Preferences| Parameters (F10) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -18- . Moves Insert| Move ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Motion Parameters Edit| Preferences| Parameters| Motion Tab ______________________ Shortcut: F10 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Dimension Icons Insert| Dimension ______________________ Dimension Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -19- . Location Screen Insert| Dimension| Location ______________________ Dimension Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Distance Insert| Dimension| Distance ______________________ Dimension Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Dimension Output Options Edit| Preferences| Parameters| Dimension Tab ______________________ Shortcut: F10 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -20- . Report Formatting Edit| Preferences| Edit Window Layout| Report Tab ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Print Options File| Printing| Edit Window Print Setup ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Edit Dimension Colors Edit| Graphics Display Window| Dimension Color ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -21- . Execute Icons Edit| Markings ______________________ Edit Window Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Auto Feature Vector Point Insert| Feature| Auto| Point| Vector ______________________ Auto Feature Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Auto Feature Circle Insert| Feature| Auto| Circle ______________________ Auto Feature Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -22- . Auto Feature Cylinder Insert| Feature| Auto| Cylinder ______________________ Auto Feature Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ General Setup Options Edit| Preferences| Setup| General Tab ______________________ Shortcut: F5 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Dimension Setup Options Edit| Preferences| Setup| Dimension Tab ______________________ Shortcut: F5 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -23- . ID Setup Options Edit| Preferences| Setup| ID Setup Tab ______________________ Shortcut: F5 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Edit| Preferences| Set Search Path ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Set Search Path Import File| Import ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -24- Processing an IGES File File| Import| IGES| Import Button ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ CAD=Part & Find Nominals Top: Insert| Alignment| New (Ctrl+Alt+A) ______________________ Bottom: Edit| Preferences| Setup (F5) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Shading a Solid CAD Model Edit| Graphics Display Window| View Setup ______________________ Graphics Modes Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -25- Changing CAD Colors Edit| Graphics Display Window| CAD Elements ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Graphics Modes Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Curve vs. Surface Mode Deleting CAD Elements Edit| Delete| CAD Elements ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -26- Construction Icons Insert| Feature| Constructed ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Construction Screens Insert| Feature| Constructed| Point or Line ______________________ Construction Toolbar Toolbar Construction ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Construction Screens Insert| Feature| Constructed| Circle or Plane ______________________ Construction Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -27- . True Position Insert| Dimension| True Position ______________________ Dimension Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Angle Between Insert| Dimension| Angle Between ______________________ Dimension Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Roundness Insert| Dimension| Roundness ______________________ Dimension Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -28- . Concentricity Insert| Dimension| Concentricity ______________________ Dimension Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Operation| Graphics Display Window| Screen Capture To ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Screen Captures Edit Default Dimension Information Insert| Dimension| Any Dimension| Edit Button ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -29- . Text Box Mode ______________________ Graphics Mode Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Adds these items to the Right Click Menu Editing Hot Keys F7 & F8: Within a selected toggle field. cycles forward (F7) or backward (F8) to the next alphabetical entry F9: Opens the dialog box associated with the command at the cursor's position Ctrl + End: Moves the cursor to the end of the program Ctrl + Home: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the program ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Editing (Left Picture) Right Click on Feature Label ______________________ (Right Picture) Edit| Delete ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -30- . Edit| Graphics Display Window| Feature Appearance ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ View| ______________________ Edit Window Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Edit Window Modes File| Partial Execution ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Partial Execution Menu -31- . Edit| Bookmarks ______________________ Edit Window Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Bookmarks Edit| Breakpoints ______________________ Edit Window Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Breakpoints Turn Statistics On Insert| Statistics Command| Statistics ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -32- . Yes to: “Do you want to create?” -33- . File| Editor 2. Database|New 3.Edit| Preferences| Setup| Dimension Tab ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Auto Stats Output To Insert| Dimension| Any Dimension ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Create a New Datapage Database 1. Type in or browse for location 4. Trace field Insert| Statistics Command| Trace field ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Pass Through Planes Insert| Parameter Change| Clearance Planes ______________________ Or Edit| Preferences| Parameters (F10) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Customize Toolbar View| Toolbars| Customize ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -34- . View| Toolbars| Customize| New| Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ New Toolbar View| Toolbars| Customize| New| Item ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ New Item Window Layout Toolbar ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Saving Window Layout -35- . dat Analysis in Graphics Window Insert| Dimension| Any Dimension| Analysis Section -36- ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ .dat with a text editor 3. Create logo as a bitmap 2.Quickstart Toolbar View| Toolbars| Quick Start ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Adding Your Logo to the Report 1. Open logo. Save logo. Type in pathname next to #BMP 4. Analysis in Separate Window Insert| Report Command| Analysis ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Insert| Report Command| Analysis| View Window Button Example of Graphical Analysis Insert| Report Command| Analysis| Textual ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Example of Textual Analysis -37- . PC-DMIS Version for Technical Support Help| About PC-DMIS for Windows ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Probe Utility Setup Options Operations| Calibrate/Edit| Active Probe| Setup Button ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ -38- . PC-DMIS MENUS -39- . PC-DMIS Main Menus -40- . Vectors -41- . 1.0. Z to define its location. a vector uses I.-1 -42- . y The vector which defines the direction of the +X axis is 1. “J” represents the Y direction and “K” represents the Z direction.J.-1. A dimension coordinate uses X.1 y The vector which defines the direction of the -Z axis is 0.0.K to define its direction.0.0 y The vector which defines the direction of the -X axis is -1.0 y The vector which defines the direction of the -Y axis is 0.J. y The I.Y.0.K values define the proportion that a particular direction affects the vector.0 y The vector which defines the direction of the +Z axis is 0.0 y The vector which defines the direction of the +Y axis is 0. “I” represents the X direction. in this way the two cannot be confused.Vectors A vector is the mathematical description of a direction and is used by the CMM software to know in which direction to drive the CMM perpendicular to a surface or feature. 0.1 The third number K.-1. 1.Vector directions +X vector +Y vector +Z vector -X vector -Y vector -Z vector A vector is displayed as a single line with an arrow on the end of it. The second number J. numbers between positive 1 and negative 1 are assigned to the I.0 0.Z representation of the axes of the CMM is called a tetrahedron and shows the positive direction of the 3 axes of measurement.0.J and K values. represents the Cosine of the angular difference between the direction of the vector and the direction of the Z axis. represents the Cosine of the angular difference between the direction of the vector and the direction of the X axis. The first number I. The X. represents the Cosine of the angular difference between the direction of the vector and the direction of the Y axis.0 0.Y. What do I. The six vectors discussed above are shown below relative to the CMM axis system. -43- . the end with the arrow on it defines the direction that positive is going in.J and K actually represent ? When a vector is expressed. 0 -44- .K=0 or 0. J=0.. K=1 or 0. Our vector is therefore I=0. the Cosine of which is 0. the Cosine of which is 0.1 Example 2 In this next example let us assume that difference between the vector and +X is 90 deg. the Cosine of which is 0.1. Our vector is therefore I=0. Example 1 The difference between the vector and the +X axis is 90 deg.J=1. The difference between the vector and the +Z axis is zero. The difference between the vector and the +Z axis is 90 deg. the Cosine of which is 0.In the following examples let us look at them in 2 dimensions instead of three. The difference between the vector and the +Y axis is zero deg.0. The difference between the vector and the +Y axis we are assuming to be 90 deg. the Cosine of which is +1. the Cosine of which is +1. we will assume that the third dimension has no effect. the Cosine of which is 0. The difference between the vector and -Z axis is -45 deg. the Cosine of which is -.0.K=-.J=0.-.7071. we only have to understand what it is doing rather than how. -45- . the Cosine of which is +. When we go to three dimensions the concept is identical. The difference between the vector and the +Z axis is 45 deg. the Cosine of which is 0.0. the Cosine of which is +. the Cosine of which is +.7071. Example 4 In this example the difference between our vector and the +X axis is 45 deg.J=0.7071. The difference between the vector and +Y we are assuming to be 90 deg.7071. Luckily that is one of the benefits of having a computer. Let us assume that the difference between the vector and the +Y axis is 90 deg. Our vector is therefore =. K=.7071. the math is just a little harder.7071 or .7071 or .7071 Our previous examples were all shown in 2 dimensions to make it a little easier to understand..7071.7071. Our vector is therefor I=.7071.Example 3 In this example the difference between the vector and the +X axis is 45 deg.7071. vectors define direction (the last two examples show the effect of changing the K vector from +1 to -1.0.1 The vector in this example is 0. then you could not confirm which position the stylus ball had hit the surface.0. as the software uses the direction of the vector for compensating a point.Why are vectors so important ? As we have already seen. The vector in this example is 0.-1 Probe travelling down wrong vector The other very important use of vectors is in probe compensation. by the machine driving down the opposite vector of the point. The initial point is taken. probe compensation is done along this same vector. If this were not done. does the cylinder go up or does it go down. if we have a cylinder as a feature on the part. The software uses this information in several ways. when under DCC control. the vector of its axis will tell. for example. -46- . “Cosine Error” would result. Unless probe travelling down correct vector Cosine error will occur Probe travelling down correct vector Probe travelling down correct vector therefore no Cosine error -47- . Probe Changers -48- . Using one of the allen wrenches that was provided with the probe changer. a. b. The following screen will appear. fully tighten down the probe changer to the table. Type in the number of probe changers that are on the machine. 4. 5. then Active Probe changer would be TYPE=TP200 If you have a TP200 stylus changer. 7. Move the probe to the other end of the probe changer. Move the probe over so that it is above one edge of the rack.Instructions for using a TP20/TP200 Probe Changer Positioning the Probe Changer on the machine 1. tighten the rack loosely to the table. 4. Using an allen wrench. Align the rack so that it is roughly parallel to one of the machine’s axes. 3. using the button on the jog box. make small adjustments as necessary and repeat the above process until it is. 6. 2. Select the appropriate Probe Changer Type for each probe changer from the pull down list -49- . Using an allen wrench. If the probe is not still located above the edge of the changer. This action squares the probe changer to the machine. Setting up the Probe Changer in PC-DMIS 1. If you have a TP200 stylus changer. 8. If possible. lock the axis that the probe changer is parallel to. Position the rack over the circular plate. Go to Edit| Preferences| Probe Changer. Build all probe files for the probes that will be used in the rack. then the Probe Changer Type would be TP200 3. tighten the circular plate down in the desired hole. 2. Follow the instructions on the screen. (this probe should be calibrated before performing the rack calibration) 10. Notice that three other tabs are now visible on the probe changer dialog box. The default of 5% of machine speed is generally acceptable. -50- . PC-DMIS now knows where the rack is located on the machine. then Active Probe changer would be TYPE=TP200 8. 6. a. a. 9. Set the docking speed.5. The following screen should be visible: If you have a TP200 stylus changer. Note: TP20 and TP200 racks should be calibrated with a 2mm by 20mm probe tip. 11. Select T1A0B0 from the Active Tip pull down list. The docking speed is the speed at which the machine moves into the rack and picks up or drops off probes. b. a. Push the calibrate button. Once the manual hits have been taken. Select the Calibrate Tab. Make sure that the probe changer that you are setting up is selected in the Active Probe Changer pull down list. Select the probe file that is currently on the machine from the Active Probe File pull down list. c. the calibration routine will proceed in DCC mode. 7. When the routine is complete the rack is calibrated. Push the apply button. You will be prompted to take two manual hits. -51- . then Active Probe changer would be TYPE=TP200 13. Make sure to orient the probe modules in the rack based on this angle. This angle controls what orientation the probe is in when it approaches the rack. 14. The following screen will appear: If you have a TP200 stylus changer. if you are using long star probes. The mount point is a safe point that the machine will move to before and after changing probes. Y. b.12. The machine should be clear to move from this point into any slot in the rack. However. Create the mount point for the rack by entering values in the X. and Z boxes or by moving the probe on the machine to the desired location and pressing the Read CMM button. a. Type in the appropriate Probe Head Wrist Angle. b. The mount point is generally located above and slightly in front of the center of the rack. Press the Apply button and then select the Mount Point tab. the mount point may need to be in front of and below the rack so that the star can move into position safely. a. This position is based on the Probe Head Wrist Angle that was selected on the Mount Point tab of the probe changer setup screen. Click on the + to the left of the slot that you want to modify. Repeat this for each slot. This screen allows you to select the probe files that will be located in each slot. c. then Active Probe changer would be TYPE=TP200 16.15. b. The following screen will appear: If you have a TP200 stylus changer. Press Apply and then select the Slots tab. e. Loading the probes into the stylus changer Orient each module so that the shapes are in the appropriate position. -52- . a. Double click on (no probe) or whatever other probe file is displayed. If you will not be putting a probe in a particular slot just skip that one or select no probe. Select the desired probe file from the list. The easiest way to determine the correct orientation is to rotate the probe to the position that it will be in when it goes into the rack and then orient the modules the same way. d. be prepared to move the module slightly so that the magnetic connection is made.How to Incorporate the Probe Changer into a Part Program 1. c. This is the command that actually tells the machine to go and pick up the new module when you are writing the program. A screen will appear asking you to select the currently loaded probe. 3. Watch the machine closely the first time that it picks up each probe. etc) 2. 3by20. Select the desired probe file from the pull down menu (Ex. 4by50. Clearance moves must be inserted into the program to allow the machine to move from your part to the mount point for the probe changer and then from the mount point back to your part. If this happens. Make sure that the probe file selected matches the one that is currently on the machine not the one that you want it to go and pick up. This will be done automatically when the program is executed. Go to Operation| Load Active Probe a. b. The orientation of the module may not be exactly correct. Once the tip has been picked up the first time the machine will put it back in the same spot every time. -53- . make small adjustments as necessary and repeat the above process until it is. 5. tighten the rack loosely to the table. 3. If possible. tighten the circular plate down in the desired hole.Instructions for using a SP600 Probe Changer Positioning the Probe Changer on the machine 1. The following screen will appear. fully tighten down the probe changer to the table. If the probe is not still located above the edge of the changer. 4. 7. Type in the number of probe changers that are on the machine. lock the axis that the probe changer is parallel to. Position the rack over the circular plate. 8. Align the rack so that it is roughly parallel to one of the machine’s axes. Using an allen wrench. 6. using the button on the jog box. 2. Build all probe files for the probes that will be used in the rack. Go to Edit| Preferences| Probe Changer. 3. b. Select the appropriate Probe Changer Type for each probe changer from the pull down list -54- . Move the probe to the other end of the probe changer. This action squares the probe changer to the machine. Using an allen wrench. 4. Setting up the Probe Changer in PC-DMIS 1. Using one of the allen wrenches that was provided with the probe changer. 2. Move the probe over so that it is above one edge of the rack. a. The following screen should be visible: 8. a. a. Select the Calibrate Tab. 11. 7. the calibration routine will proceed in DCC mode. Once the manual hits have been taken. 9. Select the probe file that is currently on the machine from the Active Probe File pull down list. c. b. When the routine is complete the rack is calibrated. Select T1A0B0 from the Active Tip pull down list. PC-DMIS now knows where the rack is located on the machine. Follow the instructions on the screen. Set the docking speed. Push the apply button. The docking speed is the speed at which the machine moves into the rack and picks up or drops off probes. -55- . You will be prompted to take two manual hits. (this probe should be calibrated before performing the rack calibration) 10. The default of 5% of machine speed is generally acceptable. Note: This rack should be calibrated with a 8mm by 50mm probe tip. Notice that three other tabs are now visible on the probe changer dialog box. 6.5. Push the calibrate button. Make sure that the probe changer that you are setting up is selected in the Active Probe Changer pull down list. b. This angle controls what orientation the probe head is in when it approaches the rack. a. The mount point is generally located above and slightly in front of the center of the rack. However. 14. The following screen will appear: 13. and Z boxes or by moving the probe on the machine to the desired location and pressing the Read CMM button. a. When using an SP600 probe. Make sure to orient the probe modules in the rack based on this angle. if you are using long star probes. -56- . Y. The machine should be clear to move from this point into any slot in the rack. A0B90 is an orientation that will only be used with star configurations and is therefore usually a good choice for the probe head wrist angle. c. Press the Apply button and then select the Mount Point tab. Type in the appropriate Probe Head Wrist Angle.12. b. it is a good idea to use a probe head wrist angle that you do not use to measure things in your part program. This is because you want the module to reseat itself after each probe change. the mount point may need to be in front of and below the rack so that the star can move into position safely. The mount point is a safe point that the machine will move to before and after changing probes. Create the mount point for the rack by entering values in the X. This position is based on the Probe Head Wrist Angle that was selected on the Mount Point tab of the probe changer setup screen. Double click on (no probe) or whatever other probe file is displayed. This screen allows you to select the probe files that will be located in each slot. -57- . The following screen will appear: 16. Press Apply and then select the Slots tab. Click on the + to the left of the slot that you want to modify. Repeat this for each slot. Loading the probes into the stylus changer Orient each module so that the white dot is in the appropriate position. a. The easiest way to determine the correct orientation is to rotate the probe to the position that it will be in when it goes into the rack and then orient the modules the same way. If you will not be putting a probe in a particular slot just skip that one or select no probe.15. b. c. Select the desired probe file from the list. e. d. The orientation of the module may not be exactly correct. Watch the machine closely the first time that it picks up each probe. Clearance moves must be inserted into the program to allow the machine to move from your part to the mount point for the probe changer and then from the mount point back to your part. b. etc) 2. 8by50. Go to Operation| Load Active Probe a. c. -58- . be prepared to move the module slightly so that the connection is made. 3. If this happens. Once the tip has been picked up the first time the machine will put it back in the same spot every time.How to Incorporate the Probe Changer into a Part Program 1. This will be done automatically when the program is executed. Make sure that the probe file selected matches the one that is currently on the machine not the one that you want it to go and pick up. This is the command that actually tells the machine to go and pick up the new module when you are writing the program. 8by100. Select the desired probe file from the pull down menu (Ex. A screen will appear asking you to select the currently loaded probe. Alignment Summary -59- . Example: 2 points. Typical features: Plane. Secondary and Tertiary datum’s constrain 6 degrees of freedom. Definition of the 6 degrees of freedom 3 degrees of rotation (about the X. Y and Z-axis). line.Alignment Summary Definition of an alignment A part alignment represents the “Datum Reference Frame” specified on the drawing (True Position Diameter . B and C). Note: This will always be the Primary Datum and must be a 3D feature with a vector. Y and Z-axis). -60- . 2 spheres or a combination (simulates a line through 2 points. Note: This will always be the Secondary or Tertiary datum and must be a 2D or 3D feature with a vector. Typical features: Plane. The Primary. Rotate Constrains 1 degree of rotation about the Leveled axis such that the Rotated axis matches the vector of the selected feature.010 to A. cone or a constructed 3D line or plane. 3 degrees of translation (origin (zero) in X. cylinder or cone. the direction of which is based on the order of the selected features). Note: You can select any (2) point type features to simulate a line that can be used to Rotate. cylinder. Definition of Alignment commands Level Constrains 2 degrees of rotation such that the Leveled axis matches the vector of the selected feature. 2 circles. Create a program that establishes an alignment on a fixture and save the alignment to a file (filename. Y and Z-axes. secondary and tertiary datum’s or as per drawing requirements. Level first. Always Level before measuring 2D features (lines. The direction your hand naturally curls is positive rotation. 3. circles or slots). Negative rotation is the opposite direction. then automatically measure the part. 2. An alignment can be saved to a file using the SAVE ALIGNMENT command. Rotate second and Set Origins in X. recall alignment file at the beginning of the program and turn DCC on before measuring the first feature. (no manual alignment) RH Rule of Rotation 1.aln). When executing the program the CMM will pause. Example 1. 4.Origin Constrains 3 degrees of translation (origin / zero) in the X. Y and Z-axes. Alignment Tips 1. +Y or +Z). prompt the operator to load the part. 3. Typical features: Any feature. Create a part program. 5. Never Rotate before Leveling! 2. -61- . There is no limit on the number of alignments saved in a program. This is typically done to create a fully automated program dependent on a holding fixture for the part. Note: Set origin on primary. Point your right hand thumb in the positive direction of the axis you are rotating about (+X. Y or Z-axis). 2. Always Level and Rotate before measuring 1D points (measured point in X. Auto Features -62- . z location Auto Feature Circle Creation Methods Using Keyed in Data for an Auto Circle This method allows you to key in the desired X. Y. -63- .Take three additional hits in the hole (or on the stud). 2.) PC-DMIS will highlight the selected wires. I. data. Without using CAD Data for an Auto Circle 1. Without using CAD Data for a Vector Point Measure four points on the surface using the CMM. Z. Using Surface Data on the Screen for a Vector Point 1. 2.Select two edges (wires) of the surface where the target point will be by clicking on the desired wires with the left mouse button. Y. The first three will be used to calculate the approach vector and the last hit will determine the x.Click on the surface.Select the target point on the created surface.Click on the Surface Mode icon. J. D values for the circle.Verify that the correct feature has been selected.Click near the desired wire-frame circle. This final selection will be projected into the plane that is formed by the two wire vectors and the first wire's height. PC-DMIS calculates the auto circle using all three hits. J.Click on 1 location around the edge of the circle. The probe approach is always perpendicular to the feature.Position the cursor in the Graphics Display window to indicate the desired location of the point (on the surface) 3. K values for the vector point. Using Surface Data on the Screen for an Auto Circle 1. I.Auto Vector Point Creation Methods Using Keyed in Data for a Vector Point This method allows you to key in the desired X. D and I.Click on the Surface Mode icon 2. 4.Click on the Curves Mode icon 2. K. Using Wire frame Data on the Screen for a Vector Point 1. Using Wire frame Data on the Screen for an Auto Circle 1. Y. Z. (These wires should be on the same surface. 3. K. PC-DMIS will highlight the selected surface.y. J.Click on the Curves Mode icon 2. 4.(preferably this click should be on the surface rather than in the hole) This click is needed for PC-DMIS to compute the necessary X.Take three hits on the surface to find the plane that the circle is lying in.Verify that the correct surface has been selected. as well as perpendicular to the current probe centerline vector. Z.Verify that the correct wires have been selected. (click inside the circle for a hole and outside the circle for a stud) 3. Construct Point -64- . Cylinder.Construct Point Information CONSTRUCT SYMBOL IN EDIT FEATURE TYPE WINDOW Cast Point CAST Corner Point CORNER Drop Point # OF INPUT FEATS 1 FEAT #1: FEAT #2: FEAT #3: COMMENTS Any - - Constructs point at centroid of input feature 3 Plane Plane Plane Constructs point at the intersection of 3 planes DROP 2 Any Cone. Cylinder. Ellipse Cone. Sphere. Slot Any - Constructs Mid Point between centroids of the inputs Offset Point OFFSET 1 Any - - Requires 3 offsets corresponding to X. Line. Line. Cone. Cylinder. Project Point PROJ Any Plane - 1 input feature will project point to work plane 1 or 2 -65- . If first feature is line. Plane. Cylinder. & Z Origin Point ORIGIN 0 - - - Constructs point at alignment origin Pierce Point PIERCE 2 Cone. Slot. Slot Any - Mid Point Circle.Y. Line. Ellipse - Constructs point where feat_1 pierces surface of feat_2. Circle. Cone. Circle. Cyliner. direction is important. Slot - First feature is dropped onto the second line feature Intersect Point INTOF 2 Constructs point at the intersection of the linear attribute of 2 features MID 2 Circle. Line. Order of selection is important. True Position -66- . Additional Help for True Position Dimensions Introduction This document has been written as an additional resource for answering common questions that arise with true position dimensions. However. and Z axes. This document will address some of these questions. This means that 3-2-1 alignment principles can also be used with plane/line/line. Y. Datums PC-DMIS V3. 2 datum points to describe the second datum and 1 datum point to describe the third datum. is that more than one datum can be a circular feature and have MMC or LMC defined according to the ASME Y14. changing the order of some of the datums can result in an unexpected measured. and the main reason for the new enhancement to PC-DMIS. PCDMIS V3. and many other combinations.) This means that the selected features would be a plane. deviation. Another advantage is that by arranging the order of the datums. or bonus tolerance value. any of the datums could have more points than the minimum. However. It should be used after understanding the True Position section of the Dimension Options chapter in the PC-DMIS help file. -67- . One advantage of this is that the user can set the datum(s) directly with the dimension.2 introduced the ability to select multiple datums. the user can control the directions that are used for the X. instead of having to create an alignment with a circular feature to be used in the DD axis. A third advantage of the ability to select multiple datums.2 included some new enhancements to true position dimensions and several questions have been presented by users. Another accepted practice is to select a set of datum features that follow 3-2-1 alignment principles. with these advantages comes the responsibility to correctly choose the order of the datums. plane/line/circle. the minimum definition for a datum is 3 datum points to describe the first datum. In some cases. and then a single point. a line. Types of Features Used as Datums One common scenario for designs that utilize True Position dimensions is to use a circle or cylinder as the sole datum feature. However. plane/plane/plane. because questions of basic use of these dimensions are explained there. (Remember. plane/cylinder/cylinder.5M 1994 Dimensioning and Tolerancing standard. 0000 0.0010 0. CIR2 PLN1 Y CIR3 CIR1 Z X Figure 1 – Example part.5599 -0.0000 Y 7.0080 7.0010 0.0010 0.00 OUTPUT=BOTH AX NOMINAL MEAS +TOL -TOL BONUS DEV DEVANG X 0.0000 0.0010 0.0000 0.0010 CIRCLE CIR1 AT MMC D3 1.0010 0.0000 180.Order of Features Used as Datums A combination of datums that is important to discuss here is the plane/circle/ circle because the order of the circles is important in order establish the correct datum reference frame.0000 1.0000 DF 1.0000 0.0080 -7.0000 0.0010 0.0010 0.0000 .0080 0.0010 0.00 OUTPUT=BOTH AX NOMINAL MEAS +TOL -TOL BONUS DEV DEVANG X 2.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0. which is essentially an alignment for the particular dimension.0020 0.0020 0.0080 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 CIRCLE CIR2 AT MMC D3 1.0000 0.0000 D1 PLANE PLN1 AT RFS D2 1.0000 Z -0.$ GRAPH=OFF TEXT=OFF MULT=1.0000 OUTTOL 0.0000 0.000 END OF DIMENSION LOC1 DIM LOC2= TRUE POSITION OF CIRCLE CIR3 UNITS=IN .0000 1.0000 0.000 END OF DIMENSION LOC2 -68- OUTTOL 0.0000 2.0010 CIRCLE CIR2 AT MMC TP MMC 0.0000 Y -7.0000 D1 PLANE PLN1 AT RFS D2 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 Z -0.0010 CIRCLE CIR1 AT MMC TP MMC 0.0000 180.0000 0.5599 0.5599 0.0010 0.0010 0.5599 -0.$ GRAPH=OFF TEXT=OFF MULT=1.0000 DF 1.0010 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1. Figure 1 shows an example part from which the following dimensions LOC1 and LOC2 were created: DIM LOC1= TRUE POSITION OF CIRCLE CIR3 UNITS=IN . and CIR2. The origin of the reference frame is positioned at CIR1. This is shown in Figure 3. Table 1 – Datum reference frames for LOC1 and LOC2. CIR1. as is usually the case for circles. the Z axis is the same as the PLN1 normal vector. However. -69- . and can be especially important if only two axes are being used to calculate the deviation for the dimension. as displayed in Table 1. the true position of circle CIR3 is measured from this reference frame. with the origin at CIR2. Then. the Z axis is still the same as the PLN1 normal vector.Notice that the order of the datums for D2 and D3 have been reversed for the two dimensions. but the X axis now is in the direction of the line between the centers CIR2 and CIR1. Dimension DF D1 D2 D3 X Axis of Reference Frame LOC1 CIR3 PLN1 CIR1 CIR2 CIR1 – CIR2 LOC2 CIR3 PLN1 CIR2 CIR1 CIR2 – CIR1 The effect of this ordering is that the X. CIR2. if the order of the datums is switched to PLN1. CIR2 PLN1 X Y Z CIR3 CIR1 Figure 2 – LOC1 Datum Reference Frame Figure 2 shows that by selecting the datums in the order of PLN1. and CIR1. and the X axis used in the dimension is in the direction of the line between the centers of CIR1 and CIR2. and Z axes give different results. Y. -70- .5M 1994 for special cases where LMC is the preferred method. and LMC is the smallest pin allowed. If the circular feature is a hole. while LMC is the largest hole allowed. there are some datum sets where the X axis of the datum reference frame must be calculated between two features.Z Y CIR2 PLN1 X CIR3 CIR1 Figure 3 – LOC2 Datum Reference Frame In summary. See the Dimensioning and Tolerancing standard ASME Y14. as opposed to directly taking the vector from a line or a slot. the MMC is the appropriate material condition to use. or Regardless of Feature Size (RFS) can be selected. MMC is the largest pin allowed by the diameter tolerance. whether as the main feature or a datum. For most cases. Bonus Tolerance Whenever a circular feature is used in a true position dimension. MMC is the smallest hole allowed by the diameter tolerance. If the circular feature is a pin. Care must be taken in order to select the appropriate sequence of datums. the Maximum Material Condition (MMC) or Least Material Condition (LMC). Tolerance zone when hole is at MMC (minimum diameter) Tolerance zone increased by an amount equal to departure from MMC (larger than minimum diameter) Bonus tolerance allowed due to departure from MMC True position Hole at MMC (minimum diameter) Actual hole (larger than minimum diameter) Figure 4 – Increase in Positional Tolerance where Hole is not at MMC.Figure 4 shows the increase in positional tolerance (bonus tolerance) due to deviation from the MMC for a hole. -71- . as interpreted from the ASME standard. as long as their diameters are within their own diameter tolerances. -72- .2 only had the ability to use one circular datum.One Circular Datum Versions of PC-DMIS prior to V3. the feature is allowed to move its position even more than the initial TP plus tolerance by the total amount that the feature and datum deviate from their MMC conditions. In other words. in the case where there is only one circular datum the total bonus tolerance for the feature’s TP axis is a sum of the increase in individual bonus tolerance of the feature (DF axis) and the datum (D1 axis). As Figure 5 shows. Increase in tolerance X Feature Datum Figure 5 – Increase in Positional Tolerance for Both the Feature and the Datum. it is NOT correct to assume that the total bonus tolerance of the feature is the sum of the individual bonus tolerances of the feature and the two datums. the bonus tolerance from datum 2 allows the feature to move in another direction. PCDMIS creates an initial guess of the coordinate system or datum reference frame.Multiple Circular Datums However. where there are two circular datums (actually there are three datums – the top plane. The reason is that while the bonus tolerance from datum 1 allows the feature to move in one direction. Then the -73- . but for our purposes here the plane isn’t illustrated). as well as the directions to those datums. and additionally the bonus tolerance from the feature itself allows for movement of the position in any direction. and then the two circles. even though there is enough bonus tolerance there. the feature’s position may not be able to move much in the Y direction. a confusion arises from the case that is illustrated in Figure 6. If the bonus tolerance from datum 1 is smaller than the bonus tolerance from datum 2. In this case. The restrictions from these datums depend upon the distances from the feature to the datums. Y Datum 2 Increase in tolerance X Feature Datum 1 Figure 6 – Increase in Positional Tolerance for the Feature and Two Circular Datums In order to calculate the correct bonus tolerance for the entire dimension (TP axis). The initial guess is from the 3-2-1 alignment system created from the three datums. Composite Positional Tolerance Figure 7 shows a composite positional tolerance of a pattern of holes.8 M A ∅ 0. while the bottom part of the dimension is applied to the entire pattern. For specific interpretations of the tolerance zones please refer to Section 5.25 0 ∅ 0. Because of this.4 of the Dimensions and Tolerances standard. However.5M 1994.25 M A B C 50 C 4X 45° ∅50 A 50 B -74- . one important note here is that the top part of the composite position dimension governs the individual holes.reference frame is moved using 2D or 3D best fit methods as it is adjusted within the degrees of freedom and within the allowable positional tolerance. the axes will be recalculated and the measured and deviation values may differ slightly than those of a true position dimension that only differs by the plus tolerance of the TP axis. 6X ∅ 5 +0. This type of tolerance is used to locate the entire feature pattern as well as define the position and orientation of each of the features in the pattern set. This best-fit method calculates the position of the datum reference frame that provides the largest tolerance allowed for the dimension (both from the total bonus tolerance and the TP plus tolerance). when you change the plus tolerance of the TP axis. ASME Y14. This is called composite positional tolerance because there are two separate tolerance values that are interrelated. B and C. o Note: This dimension will report the position of the circles relative to each other via the 2-D Best Fit Alignment. Also keep in mind that everything that is dimensioned from this point on will be relative to this best fit alignment Therefore. In order to do this. Having nominals is necessary for the upcoming best fit alignment. and C. Insert a 2-D Best fit alignment using the circles measured in the pattern. Be sure to un-check “Use Datums” when creating the dimension. as defined on the top part of the composite position dimension. true position dimensions can be defined to allow for these types of dimensions. first create a true position dimension for each of the four small circles.2. -75- .25 M A For the second part of the callout the print is asking for the position of the holes relative to each other as opposed to Datums A. ∅ . When creating this alignment be sure that “Translate & Rotate” are selected. making sure you select the appropriate datums. once this position is completely dimensioned be sure to recall another alignment before dimensioning other features in the program. or features created from these planes that represent a 3-2-1 alignment.In PC-DMIS V3. either the planes A. B. The TP plus tolerance for this example would be the 0. The steps necessary to accomplish this would be as follows: • • • Be sure that the measured circles have “Nominal” data.8. Dimension the position of each hole in the pattern. Web Sites & Phone Numbers -76- . com • • • • • A website created and managed by the creators of PC-DMIS.) www.com • • A website created and managed by a PC-DMIS user group. o An email link and phone number for the National training coordinator Rhonda Schulte.brownandsharpe. or fellow PC-DMIS users. PHONE NUMBER Technical Support or Training 1 – 800 – 343 – 7933 • When calling technical support please have available the serial number of your machine and the version of PC-DMIS that is being used • Note: Go to Help| About PC-DMIS for Windows to obtain the version number -77- . Information about software.wilcoxassoc. Elgin) to view classes offered in a specific Precision Center.com • • • • Brown and Sharpe corporate website.pc-dmis. A good resource for frequently asked questions.e. CMM’s. PC-DMIS Forum o A forum to ask questions regarding PC-DMIS.WEB SITES www. Help files to be viewed or downloaded for more advanced PC-DMIS functions. Use this link or phone number to register for any Brown and Sharpe training class.e. o The list can be sorted by office (i. Versions of PC-DMIS software o Note : Do not download and load any PC-DMIS versions unless specifically instructed by Brown and Sharpe. (i. Training o A list of all training classes offered by Brown and Sharpe and their scheduled dates they are to be held. Downloadable executable programs to help in certain applications. trade show schedule and more. These questions will be responded to by Brown and Sharpe engineers. A program written to extract data from PC-DMIS and dump directly into a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Information (Release Notes) regarding released versions of PC-DMIS. www. Additional Class Syllabi -78- . PC-DMIS CAD Class Syllabus Course Objective: To train first time users of PC-DMIS to attain a basic understanding of the software. Subject Day 1 • • • • • • • Day 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CMM overview and demonstration PCDMIS Overview • File Management • Tool Bar Lab Exercise 1 Probes Calibration/Qualification Probe Utilities Lab Exercise 2 Quiz # 1 Work Planes Feature Recognition Comments Basic Part Alignments Part 1 Probe Readout Window Basic Part Alignments Part 2 Edit Window Lab Exercise 3 DCC Mode • Clearance Plane • Move Options • Parameters Dimensioning Part 1 Print Options Execute Options Lab Exercise 4 Page 1 of 2 -79- . and measurement necessary to write and execute part programs. Pre Requisite: Basic Knowledge of PC’s in the windows environment. Subject Day 3 • • • • Quiz # 2 Auto Features without CAD • Vector Point. Circle and Cylinder Constructions Lab Exercise 6 • • • • • • • Quiz # 3 Dimensioning Part 2 Edit Window/Hot keys Lab Exercise 7 Statistics Pass Through Planes Lab Exercise 8 • • • • Quiz # 4 Analysis Option Review Final Lab Exercise • • • • Day 4 Day 5 Page 2 of 2 -80- . Circle and Cylinder Setup Options Lab Exercise 5 CAD Introduction Auto Features with CAD • Vector Point. Pre Requisite: PC-DMIS CAD plus 100 hours Subject Day 1 • • • • Day 2 • • • • • • • CAD Review AUTO Features • Vector Point • Surface Point Lab Exercises 1A and 1B • Edge Point • Angle Point • Corner Point • High Point • Plane • Line Lab Exercises 2A and 2B Quiz # 1 AUTO Features • Circle • Cylinder • Square Slot • Round Slot • Sphere Lab Exercises 3A and 3B • Ellipse • Notch • Cone Dimensioning Review Marked Sets Pattern Offsets Lab Exercise 4 Page 1 of 2 -81- . and DCC Scanning using a solid CAD model.PC-DMIS CAD ++ Class Syllabus Course Objective: To learn the functionality of the CAD ++ package including the Sheet Metal options. Subject Day 3 • • • • • • • Day 4 • • • • • Quiz # 2 Iterative Alignments • Overview and Demonstrations Lab Exercises 5 and 6 Best fit Alignments Analysis • Graphical and Textual Introduction to Hyper Reporting Lab Exercise 7 Quiz # 3 DCC Scanning • Overview and Demonstrations of: • Linear Open • Linear Closed Lab Exercises 8A and 8B • Patch Lab Exercise 9 • Section • Perimeter • UV Scan Lab Exercise 10 Page 2 of 2 -82- . with or without the Curves and Surfaces package.PC-DMIS Intermediate Class Syllabus Course Objective: To expand the knowledge of users of PC-DMIS beyond the basic level. Pre Requisite: Basic PC-DMIS DCC + 100 hours Subject Day 1 • Probe Utilities • Tool Changer • Overview (if applicable) • Work Planes • Part Alignment • Review • Best fit 2D • Best fit 3D • Dimensioning Day 2 • CAD Review • Auto Utilities • With and without CAD • Move options • Iterative Alignment • Overview Day 3 • • • • • • • Edit Window Marked Sets Pattern Offsets Analysis • Graphical and Textual • Analysis window Graphics Options Constructions Introduction to Hyper Reporting Day 4 • Program Mode • Overview • Auto Features • Using Auto Features for off line programming • Path • Show and Animate Path • Machine Display -83- . Datapage R/T for Windows Class Syllabus Subject Day 1 Day 2 • Statistical Process Control (SPC) • Overview and presentation • PC-DMIS Setup for Statistics • Steps necessary to collect statistics • Tracefields • DATAPAGE Introduction • Overview of Pull down menus and Toolbar • Opening a database • Creating a new database • File Menu • Overview • Report Menu • Overview of all Reports • Chart Menu • Overview of all Charts • Options Menu • Overview • Macro Mode • Datapage Editor • Overview of pull down menus • Queries • Variable Sets • ASCII data handling • Database management • Database backup and restore • Datapage error codes • Monitor Mode -84- . and Curves & Surfaces/CAD ++ Class length: 1 day Subject • How an SP600 scanning probe works • Error mapping and Calibrating the SP600 scanning probe • Single point probing • Overview • Parameters • Maximizing the accuracies with the SP600 using single point probing • Probing soft material • Scanning • Parameters • Open loop scanning • Closed loop Scanning • Scanning soft material • Maximizing the accuracies with the SP600 using Scanning. demonstrations. and hands-on experience.Scanning with the SP600 Class Syllabus Course Objective: This course is designed to train students in all aspects of measuring with the SP600 scanning probe through lecture. Pre Requisite: Basic PC-DMIS DCC/CAD + 100 hours. • PC-DMIS scanning options • Gauss filters -85- . Editing .Dat Files -86- . This file can be found using Windows Explorer or My Computer. If you want to remove the graphic from the logo.DAT file. The logo contains a graphic and the date and time. This is also referred to as the header.e.dat. The logo looks like the graphic below. Before making any changes to the LOGO.dat. The file will now contain: DATE=#DATE • TIME=#TIME TIME=#TIME Save the file after making this change. -87- . This file should contain the following information: #BMP=C:\PCDMISW\bns3.dat LOGO. It may be necessary to associate the file to Notepad the first time it is opened.DAT The PC-DMIS report has a logo that comes standard with the software.e.bmp DATE=#DATE • Highlight and remove the entire first line. The report will now only display the date and time.Modifying .DAT file it is recommended to create a backup copy. Header. follow these steps: • • Open the LOGO. company logo). It should be located in the same directory as the PC-DMIS software (i. The date and time will be generated from the computer clock. This file is called LOGO.DAT Files Logo.DAT. This should be opened in Notepad. The graphic is a Brown and Sharpe company logo in a bitmap format. or to include a graphic of your own choice (i. In order to modify this logo it is necessary to modify a file that comes included with PCDMIS. PCDMISW). Elogo. This logo can be modified to not include a graphic. If you want to replace the graphic with a graphic of your own, follow these steps: • • Open the LOGO.DAT file. This should be opened in Notepad. It may be necessary to associate the file to Notepad the first time it is opened. This file should contain the following information: #BMP=C:\PCDMISW\bns3.bmp DATE=#DATE • • • TIME=#TIME Place the graphic file (your company logo) into the same directory specified in the first line of the LOGO.DAT file (PCDMISW). This graphic must be in bitmap format. Also, this graphic cannot be resized or modified in PC-DMIS, therefore, size it accordingly before inserting it into the LOGO.DAT file. Change the file name in the first line to be the name of the graphic you wish to add. An example of what the file will now contain: #BMP=C:\PCDMISW\yourcompanylogo.bmp DATE=#DATE • TIME=#TIME Save the file after making this change. The report will now display the logo with the graphic that has been referred to in the LOGO.DAT. An example of the logo with a different graphic: -88- The following is a list of the available formatting keywords and their functions. You can insert these keywords into the .DAT files to have them displayed in the report. Formatting Keywords NOTE: These keywords are case sensitive. #DATE #TIME #PAGE #TRn #PARTN #DRWN #SERIALN #SEQUENCE #SHRINK #NMEAS #NOUT #ELAPSTIM #BMP Inserts the current date. Inserts the current time. Inserts the current page number. This is ideal for use in the HEADER.DAT file. Inserts the value of trace field n, when n is the trace field number. Inserts the part program name. Inserts the revision number. Inserts the serial number Inserts the sequence number. Inserts the scale factor Inserts the total number of dimensions. Inserts the total number of dimensions that are out of tolerance. Inserts the time elapsed between start and execution. This is ideal for use in the ELOGO.DAT file. Inserts a bitmap with the specified name in the bitmap path variable. You must specify the full path of the bitmap file (i.e. D:\Files\Bmp\Pchead.bmp). An example of what the file will contain with 3 trace field keywords added to the standard LOGO.DAT: #BMP=C:\PCDMISW\bns3.bmp DATE=#DATE TIME=#TIME #TR1 #TR2 #TR3 These keywords can also be added to the HEADER.DAT and ELOGO.DAT files. The HEADER.DAT file determines what appears on the top of all pages other than the first page of the report. An example of this would be: PART NUMBER=TRAINING DATE=3/19/03 TIME=3:30:00 PM PAGE#=2 The ELOGO.DAT file determines what appears at the bottom of the last page in the report. This is also known as the footer. An example of this would be: END OF MEASUREMENT FOR PN=TRAINING DWG=REVISION 1 SN=123456 TOTAL # OF MEAS = 10 # OUT OF TOL =1 # OF HOURS =00:05:00 -89- Analysis Window -90- EXAMPLE ROUNDNESS PLOT IN ANALYSIS SCREEN -91- . Course Evaluation -92- . Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the lab equipment (machines).BROWN & SHARPE TRAINING COURSE EVALUATION Name (Optional): ___________________________________ Course Instructor: __________________________________ Date: Course Title: ___________________________________ Course in General: __________________________________ (Please circle one) Did the course meet your expectations? Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the course content. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the instructor’s response to questions. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the instructor overall. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Instructor: Course Materials: Comments and Suggestions for Improvements: -93- . Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the instructor’s communication skills. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the instructor’s knowledge. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate this course overall. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the written course materials. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the course materials overall. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the classroom environment. Satisfied 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dissatisfied Please rate the projection/ overhead materials. Lab Exercises -94- . then click OK. From the FILE menu. the file name will appear in the File Name box. b. At the IGES FILE screen click on the “process” button. a. if necessary. 5. From the OPEN screen. Click Import. b. 3. 3. 2. Select IGES from the Import submenu. Fill in Drawing Revision or Serial Number (optional). f. Select OK. 2.igs” file. The Probe Utilities window will appear. select IMPORT. Highlight an existing probe file from the “Probe File” pull-down list. Creating a New Part Introduction to Display Screens and Saving Views Translating and Rotating the Cad Model Changing the Display Colors Introduction to Setup Options NOTE: Please refer to the included toolbar icon key in this workbook as a reference to the toolbar icons mentioned in the lab exercises in this class. e. d. select NEW c. -95- Lab 1 . Activate PC-DMIS by double clicking the PC-DMIS icon. CREATING A NEW PART 1.Manual Lab 1 PC-DMIS Overview Purpose: A complete overview of PC-DMIS screens and toolbar functions. Once the file is selected. a. 4. It may be necessary to Browse to the PCDMIS directory to locate this IGES file. Select CANCEL. From the FILE menu. The following will be accomplished in this lab: 1. Select OK (Probes will be discussed in greater detail later on). From this window. Select Inches. b. Place the cursor in the Part Name space. and wait for completion. a. I. highlight the “Bsbsolid. and type “lab_1”.PC-DMIS PRO . Click on the first Blue/Red icon under the “Layout” portion of the window. 2. c. Pick the CREATE VIEWS icon and name this view: 2VIEWS. b. e. This will bring up a right click menu similar to what is shown below. This is done by dragging the toolbars with the left mouse button and dropping them in their desired location. Select the VIEWSETUP icon from the tool bar. Before continuing. -96- Lab 1 . This can be accomplished in two ways: 1) From the View menu. g. Type “1VIEW” in the name space and hit OK. f.II. select Toolbars. Now select the toolbars. a. d. 2) Using the mouse. b. Red: ISO by hitting the down arrow and scrolling down to the selection. Press APPLY and then OK. c. a. right click on the toolbar area of the display screen. Click OK. For the “Views” choose: Blue: Z+. Click on the scale to fit icon. select the toolbars listed below. INTRODUCTION TO DISPLAY SCREENS AND CHANGING VIEWS 1. Click the CREATE VIEW Icon. 3. Position the toolbars as desired in the toolbar area of the display. Now select the toolbars listed below. Click on the SCALE TO FIT Icon. Put the cursor anywhere on the screen and with the RIGHT mouse button. The graphics display window will change from the 2 views currently displayed back to the single view of the demo block. Click on the ROTATE 2D icon. a. Press the TRANSLATE MODE icon. a. d. 4. Press the SCALE TO FIT icon. click NO. 2. TRANSLATING AND ROTATING THE CAD MODEL a. Click the RIGHT mouse button anywhere ABOVE an imaginary equator which goes horizontally through the center of the graphics display window. simply repeat the above procedure and select 2VIEWS. In order to see the 2 views again. Press the SCALE TO FIT icon to reset the view. 3. NOTE: Depending on the cursor position. At the next prompt. Click the RIGHT mouse button anywhere BELOW the equator. III. Select the SCALE TO FIT icon. c. Place the cursor above and to the left of the cone on the cad model.4. Select “No” at this time. The graphics screen ZOOMS IN. 1. hold and drag the cursor. The software will prompt the operator: “OK to insert a RECALL/VIEWSET command in the part program?” b. the view will zoom in on the selected area. The graphics display window ZOOMS OUT. a. Hold down the LEFT and RIGHT mouse buttons together and drag a window around the cone. a. b. the zoom is less if the cursor is slightly off center. The further away from the center. Hold down the RIGHT mouse button and drag the cursor on the screen. b. Release the mouse buttons. The part will pivot about a center location on the screen. b. Once you let go the screen will have moved in the same direction and amount in which it was dragged. Select the SCALE TO FIT icon to reset the view. a. From the “Views ID” pull-down list select 1VIEW. c. c. c. -97- Lab 1 . 5. the greater the zoom factor. X. 5. b. The view will change to the closest horizontal/vertical view plane. select “2VIEWS” from the VIEW ID pull-down list. b. a.6. Click on CLOSE. 7. select RESET. a.Y and +/. b. Click on the +/. (5 degrees is the default). Lab 1 -98- .Z to rotate the view. +/. you may also rotate the view by placing the cursor somewhere on the screen and holding down the RIGHT mouse button and dragging the cursor about the screen. To reset the view. Within the rotate window. Return to the split screen view. Once this is done. 9. Click on the ROTATE 3D icon. 10 or 45 degree increments of rotation. 8. a. a. Select NO. you may select 1. The software will rotate the graphics according to the mouse movement. Press APPLY and OK. c. and while holding down the LEFT mouse button. select APPLY. which is the default. If you wish to change the background color then within the “Background” portion of this screen. 1. Screen Color. From the Edit Menu. select Graphics Display Window. 2. b. select EDIT and choose a screen color. If you wish you can change the color of the “Highlight” as well. CHANGING THE DISPLAY COLORS a. This is used to select the desired features. CAD Elements. Once all features have been selected. If necessary. f. a. select Graphics Display Window. drag the cursor to create a window around the entire part. b. Place the cursor somewhere in the upper/left portion of the graphics display area and while holding down the LEFT mouse button. is a good universal choice for the highlight. c. Choose a desired color for the IGES file. Press OK. Check the “Change Color” box. move the Edit CAD Elements Window out of the way by placing the cursor in the Title Bar. then OK. -99- Lab 1 . drag the window out of the way. d. and then click on COLOR.IV. e. Under the “Feature Types” portion. Using red. From the Edit menu. be sure that only the surfaces box is selected. e. d. CONGRATULATIONS. From the “Labeling Method” pull-down list select “By Type”. Setup”. From the “File” menu. CIR or CIRCLE). Click on the “General” tab. e. Would you like to continue?” Click YES. or select the toolbar icons to and Close the program. verify the number “1” is entered. When finished entering all of these Types. Setup”. click on the ID Setup tab. click on APPLY. click Default. d. 2. 1. b. g. Select “Automatic file save”. a. f. Under the “Type” pull-down list select “Circles”. b. select “Features”. Then select “Close”. as shown below. In the box next to Starting. In the “Starting Letters” text box enter the ID you would like for a Circle (i. j. i. h. From the “Edit” menu select “Preferences. The “Setup Options” window will appear. Verify that 1 is entered for Minutes to Save. Save graphic and edit window will be saved as well. THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -100- Lab 1 . This determines how the program will label features in future labs. k. This initializes the starting number for measured circles. The following Message window will appear: “Changes are going to be applied. From the “Edit” menu select “Preferences. By closing the program the layout of the toolbars. Verify the “Show All ID” box is checked. select “Save”. INTRODUCTION TO SETUP OPTIONS a. c. c. In the “Labels For:” pull-down list. YES then OK. Repeat the above steps for the following “Types”: Cone Cylinder Point Line Plane Once all the changes have been made. l.V. 3. e. from the “Operation” pull down menu. c. In the probe description section there are two possible scenarios. Select this line if it is not already highlighted. Place the cursor in the Part Name space. d. type “your first name” in the “Probe File” space. If this is the case then select this line. and proceed to step 5. Scenario 2: The first line will already contain the first probe component of the CMM’s current configuration (i. Fill in Drawing Revision or Serial Number (optional).Manual Lab 2 Probe Qualifications Purpose: Practice the following PC-DMIS functions: 1. select “Calibrate/Edit. Be sure that CMM1 is selected as the interface. Select OK. From the FILE menu. PROBEPH10M). Active Probe”.PC-DMIS PRO . 4. 2. a.e. The Probe window will appear on the screen. I. Scenario 1: The first line will say “No probe defined”. 3. Creating a new probe file Defining the Qualification Tool Calibrating a new probe (Manually) Adding angles using the Probe Angle Matrix CREATING A NEW PROBE FILE 1. -101- Lab 2 . and type “lab_2”. If this is the case then the last line in the description should say “Empty Connection #1”. 2. 4. 3. If the probe window is not displayed. Select Inches. b. and proceed to step 5. b. select “New” a. In the “Probe Utilities” window. • Before selecting this component. Defining the probe body. consult the Instructor. Also. • An example of a PAA1 adaptor in the list would be CONVERT30MM_TO_M8THRD. PROBEPH9 and PROBEPH10M. • Click the down arrow and select the appropriate probe body type from the pull down menu. The creation of this probe file should now be complete. then proceed to step 5b. • Before selecting this component. verify that “empty connection #1” is highlighted. A standard probe configuration consists of a probe head. • Click the down arrow and select the appropriate adaptor type from the pull down menu. This may vary depending on the probe configuration that is currently being defined. -102- Lab 2 . verify that “empty connection #1” is highlighted. • Click the down arrow and select the appropriate probe stylus from the pull down menu. • Click the down arrow and select the appropriate probe type from the pull down menu • Examples of probe heads are PROBEMIP. • Examples of probe styli are TIP2BY20MM and TIP3BY20MM. • Before selecting this component. if present. 6. Defining the probe head: • Note: If the first line of the probe description already contains the probe head as outlined in step 4b above. It will be necessary to select these components one at a time. c. PROBE_TP20 and PROBE_TP200 etc. • Examples of probe bodies are PROBETP2. if present. Any questions on the probe set-up. probe body and probe stylus.e. a tip should appear in the active tip list above (i. Defining the adaptor. b. d.5. Defining the probe stylus. verify that “empty connection #1” is highlighted. a. Once the probe stylus has been selected the “empty connection #1” will no longer appear. In order to complete creating a new probe file every component from the end of the Z rail needs to be defined. T1A0B0). is selected in the “List of Available Tools”. 13. Select “Sphere” from the “Tool Type” pull down list. type “90” in the “a angle” space and “-90” in the “b angle” space. Click the MEASURE button. Select “Manual” and type “5” in the “number of hits” space. Click the “ADD ANGLE” button and the new angle will appear in the list. 3. Select OK. Click the ADD TOOL button. -103- Lab 2 . 5. Enter the diameter of the sphere (identified on the tool). 2. 11. select the “ADD ANGLES” button. 7. Keep the default values for “Move and Touch Speed” and Prehit/ Retract. DEFINING THE TOOL AND CALIBRATING A NEW PROBE 1. Click “YES” for “OK to measure all probe tips”. Select OK.II. Change the “Calibration Mode” to “Default Mode”. 8. 10. 12. Select the MEASURE button. 9. Type “your name” in the “Tool ID” space. Select “YES” to “Has the qualification tool been moved?” Select “OK” when the next window appears. 4. Under the “Type of Operation” section select “Calibrate Tips”. The TAB key on the keyboard moves the cursor from box to box. 6. Make sure that the tool defined. Under “Individual Angle Data”. Enter the “Shank Vectors” (Refer to the class lecture). “your name”. Once all probing components have been defined. If there is a DCC probe head on the CMM. based on a tip angle that was created in Step 2. the first hit is taken at the “north pole” of the sphere.” At this time be sure that the probe is safe to rotate automatically before proceeding. Select Print. and then select “OK”. Select the “Results” button. If you need to delete the previous hit. The remaining four (4) probe hits should be taken at the equator (0 degrees) of the sphere. NOTE: View the “# of hits” space on the lower right message bar to ensure that the hits are being recorded.e. when the probe is in the 0.0 angular position. b. strike the ALT MINUS (-) key combination on the keyboard.14. Follow the prompt and qualify the new probe attitude as in the step above. i. Take five (5) probe hits on the qualification sphere in the following order: a. 15. the software will display a message “OK to rotate…. the software will now prompt you to rotate the probe head to a particular attitude. Observe the Diameter and Standard Deviation results. NOTE: If there is a manual probe head on the CMM. -104- Lab 2 . Note the results in the measured row. Select the END key on the keyboard (or the Continue button from the Execution window) when all probe hits are completed. Take the first hit “normal” to the sphere’s surface with the probe approaching parallel to the probe direction. then while holding “CTRL” select the A90B180 tip. and the graphic of the probe in the utilities window changes to display the selected orientation. notice that the angles change in the dialog box below the Clear button. From the “Measure” screen. Select the A90B0 tip from the list. Once all angles have been selected from the matrix. From the “Probe Utilities” window. select OK. select “ADD ANGLES”. ADDING ANGLES USING THE PROBE ANGLE MATRIX 1. Select MEASURE. This will display the angle the mouse arrow is pointing to in the matrix. 4. select the A90B90 tip. 2. Once an angle has been selected. verify all values and that the proper Tool is selected. A90B90. Select “NO” to “Has the qualification tool been moved?” -105- Lab 2 . the angle is added to the list.III. When selecting the angles from the matrix. While holding the “CTRL” key. 5. From the Probe Angle Matrix select the following angles: A90B0. MOVE THE PROBE AWAY FROM ANY OBSTRUCTIONS. the box turns red. A90B180 3. Select MEASURE. 6. ” At this time be sure that the probe is safe to rotate automatically before proceeding. CONGRATULATIONS. NOTE: If there is a manual probe head on the CMM. After completion. Click the “RESULTS” button and verify that three sets of data are present. If there is a DCC probe head on the CMM. NOTE: Keep in mind that the “North Pole” is the “Pierce point” of the sphere. The software will now prompt you to rotate the probe head to a particular attitude. when it approaches it normal to the surface. 10. Select the “OK” button. From the “File” menu. the “Probe Utilities” window will appear. or select the toolbar icons to Save and Quit the program. the software will display a message “OK to rotate…. 9. select “Save”. Select Print then OK. Observe the Diameter and Standard Deviation results. Then select “Quit”. Therefore. Follow the prompt and qualify the new probe attitude as done previously.7. The OK button saves the qualification information to the probe file. 8. based on a tip angle that was created above. the “North Pole” will be different for each probe attitude. based on a tip angle that was created in Step 2. THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -106- Lab 2 . the software will now prompt you to rotate the probe head to a particular attitude. Comment”. Introducing operator comments 2. Highlight the text “Please Edit Comment Text” and type in “Align demo block such that Datum B is along the x-axis. 5. 4. Aligning the Demo Block with the Step Method: • Plane.” 6. Measuring features with Feature Recognition 3. Verify that Datum B of the demo block is along the x-axis by the referencing drawings. select “Report Command. 2. Verify the “Probe Description” matches the probe installed on the machine and select OK. From the “Insert” menu.PC-DMIS PRO – Manual Lab 3 Manual Alignments of the Demo Block Purpose: Familiarize the students with the following PC-DMIS techniques: 1. Recalling an alignment I. Offsetting the origin in an alignment using 2 holes 7. Aligning the Demo Block with Auto align • Plane. create a “New” file called “lab_3”. select the “Probe File” you created (your first name). Select “OPERATOR” and click OK. Creating a 3 Plane alignment 6. 3. Line and Point 5. Secure the Demo Block to the table. -107- Lab 3 . From the “File Menu”. In the “Probe Utilities” window. Line and Point 4. ALIGNING WITH THE STEP METHOD – PLANE. LINE AND POINT 1. Rotating the axes by an angle in an alignment using 2 offset holes 8. 7. Select the LEVEL button d. The part has now been leveled to the measured plane. 11. select “ZPLUS” (if it is not already set to ZPLUS). A message will appear to ask if it is “OK to rotate …” Be sure that the probe is clear of all obstructions before clicking “Yes”. Select “T1A0B0” from the “Probe Tips” pull down list on the toolbar. From the “Workplane” pull-down menu on the toolbar. -108- Lab 3 . then select the END key on the keyboard or the Done button on the Jog Box. it can be deleted by striking the MINUS (-) key on the keyboard or the Alt (-) key combination. In the bottom left box in the window. select it now. a. This is good measuring practice before measuring 2-D features. NOTE: If a “hit” is taken incorrectly. verify that the “ZPLUS” workplane is selected. Take at least four (4) manual “hits” spread out across Datum A (top of the demo block. Notice a new line of text appears in the box at the top corresponding to the function just entered. c. If it is not. Verify that the correct number of “hits” have been recorded by checking the “box” in the bottom. From the graphics display window. right hand corner of the display screen. This will select the tip which has an A & B angle of 0 (pointing down). From the pull down list located next to the LEVEL button. select “Alignment.8. From the “Insert” menu. (It is important that the correct workplane is selected prior to measuring 2D features such as a circle or 2D line. reference the drawings). 9. verify that a plane was created. Highlight “Plane1” b. 12.) 10. Select OK. e. New”. there should be two views displayed. In the “About” space. 14. From the pull down menu located next to the LEVEL button. NOTE: “Hits” must always be taken NORMAL to the surface. a. b. of the line. This will construct an intersection point. Select the Scale to Fit icon. 20. Select APPLY and OK. New”. From the “Insert” menu. Select ROTATE. 17. Note: The order in which you take the hits will determine the direction. Refer to the supplied drawings). select “ZPLUS”. Select the 1st red/blue icon. 21. Referring to the display screen. Select the “Create Views” icon. the “top view” above and the “front view” below. Verify the correct number of hits recorded and strike the END key or Done button. From the “Constructed Features” toolbar. b. Take at least two (2) manual “hits” along Datum B (front surface). Select the CLOSE button to close the window. select the “Construct Point” icon. 16. 19. you must select the view from the “Views ID” pull-down list and select “Yes” to insert the viewset command in the part program. type a name and click OK. In “Views”. Select CREATE. Refer to the supplied drawings. c. Select the “View Setup” icon. -109- Lab 3 . Highlight “Line1”. In the bottom left box in the window. NOTE: If you would like this view to be recalled at this point in the program when executed. select “Z+” for “Blue View” and “Y-“for “Red View”. Verify that the “Rotate to” is set to “XPLUS”.13. d. Notice a new line of text appears in the box at the top corresponding to the function just entered. or vector. Just saving the view will not recall the view in the part program during execution. Select the 2 measured lines from the feature list. Take at least two (2) manual “hits” along Datum C (lower left “outermost” side of part. select “Alignment. a. c. c. Verify two (2) “hits” recorded and strike the END key or the Done button on the Jog Box. 18. Highlight “Plane1” b. Take these hits from left to right (+X direction). 15. select “ZPLUS” (if it is not already set to ZPLUS). Select the LEVEL button d. a. 24. Note: We are assigning. Y. 23. look at the counter as done in the previous lab to verify that X. 4. Y. Click on Point1 in the lower text window. move the probe to the location in which the origin “should” be (corner). ALIGNING WITH AUTO ALIGN – PLANE. A (2) and (3) will appear next to each feature name. Select “Line1” and “Point1” in that order. Click the ORIGIN button. In order to change this. Once positioned. and the graphic reflects this change as well. Repeat this for “Y” and “Z”. a. NOTE: Verify the alignment by moving the probe to the location in which the origin “should” be (corner). Referring to the display screen. to “un”-select. Point1 to be “X = 0 & Y = 0”. A (1) will appear next to the text. NOTE: To verify the alignment. Click the AUTO ALIGN button. and Z are close to “0”. Notice the axes origin is level in Z with “Plane1” and aligned in X and Y with “Point1”. Highlight “Plane1”.22. In the ORIGIN check boxes. move the probe in a positive “X” direction and view the counters. Highlight “Point1”. b. and Z are close to “0”. Verify that the “Offset Distance” is blank. c. -110- Lab 3 . Once satisfied with the alignment. To do this. select “Plane1”. Select Plane1 from the same window and select Origin. notice the axes origin is level with “Plane1” and aligned with “Point1”. b. Change the name of this alignment to ALN_ABC. Select ORIGIN. Look at the bottom view on the screen and notice that the axes origin is level with Point1. select “X” & “Y”. or translating. Once positioned. 5. To further verify the axes. 2. New”. This graphic illustrates that “Z” is set to 0 at Point1 instead of at Plane1. LINE AND POINT 1. select OK. look at the counter display on the right of the lower toolbar. type the name in the “ID” field at the top of the window and press the tab key. a. ZPLUS translated to POINT ID = POINT1). 3. From the “Insert” menu. Notice that the last line in the top text window now includes Plane1. select the last line in the top text window (ex. II. select “Alignment. In the lower left text box of this window. select Z (only). Select OK. In the ORIGIN check boxes. Verify that X. which is now highlighted. b. 6. c. Select Datum A (First plane measured) b. Select ORIGIN. From the “Insert” menu. Using the jog box. Plane1 to be the Z origin which is where Z will be equal to 0. Select ORIGIN. a. or translating. Lab 3 -111- . or translating. From the pull down menu located next to the LEVEL button. In the ORIGIN check boxes. or translating. 7. b.III. Highlight the Datum C plane (Third plane measured). measure Datum C as a plane with 4 points. In the ORIGIN check boxes. c. Using the jog box. select “Y”. In the ORIGIN check boxes. Select OK. b. select “ZPLUS” (if it is not already set to ZPLUS). Select the LEVEL button 5. select “ZPLUS”. Select ORIGIN. In the bottom left box in the window. measure Datum B as a plane with 4 points. Note: We are assigning. a. Highlight the Datum B plane (Second plane measured). New”. c. Highlight the Datum A plane (Plane1). select “Z”. 8. Verify that the “Offset Distance” is blank. select “X”. Plane2 to be the Y origin which is where Y will be equal to 0. a. Verify that the “Rotate to” is set to “YMINUS”. Note: We are assigning. a. 2. Verify that the “Offset Distance” is blank. Highlight the Datum B plane (Plane2). Select ROTATE. a. Plane3 to be the x origin which is where X will be equal to 0. Verify that the “Offset Distance” is blank. In the “About” space. CREATING A 3 PLANE ALIGNMENT 1. c. select “Alignment. 3. d. b. 4. Note: We are assigning. c. Verify the “Offset Distance” is blank.e for the Y axis. Notice the axis origin has moved to the THEORETICAL intersection of Datum A. In the ORIGIN check boxes. Using the jog box. From the “Insert” menu. Select ORIGIN. or timing. g. 8. In the bottom left box in the window. d. a. “Drag” the Alignment window out of the way. c. Select the LEVEL button. In this step the goal is to offset the origin to match the print in which Datum’s A. 2. b. From the “Insert” menu. 3. and the “About” fields are correct. Highlight “Hole B & Hole F” (CIRCLE 1 and CIRCLE2). Is it necessary to offset the Z axis? h. Highlight “Hole B”. B and C. a. take 4 “hits” inside Hole F. select Z (only). New”. This established the Rotation. B and C intersect. New”. with the 2 measured holes. a. take 4 “hits” inside Hole B. 6. Repeat steps b . Select the “X” (only) box located near the Origin button. a. c. a. select “Alignment. Using the jog box. Select ROTATE. 4. b. b. OFFSETTING THE ORIGIN IN AN ALIGNMENT USING 2 HOLES 1. select “Alignment. b. This will help guide you as the alignment changes are made. Select OK.IV. b. Highlight “Plane1”. Verify the axis next to the LEVEL button. c. Refer to the print for the value. and place it in the “Offset Distance” box. 7. Enter the THEORETICAL value necessary to offset the origin in the X direction. f. 5. Refer to the supplied drawings. e. Highlight “Plane1”. Note: Watch the tri-hedron in the graphic display window as you create this alignment. This established X and Y as zero in Hole B. Click the ORIGIN button and select OK. is set correctly. in order to be able to see the display of the “Axes” on the main screen. Verify the “Rotate to”. Select Origin. -112- Lab 3 . Use the toolbar icons to Save and Quit the program. New”. 5. a. 2. From the “Insert” menu. In the ORIGIN check boxes. B and C as done in section IV step 8. Then the origin will be offset to where Datum’s A. Click the ORIGIN button and select OK. In this step the goal is to offset the alignment by an angle so the axes are parallel to datum B. f. finish offsetting the origin to the intersection of Datum’s A.928. a. CONGRATULATIONS. b. Click the ROTATE button. Click OK. 6. Verify the axis next to the LEVEL button. This established the Rotation. Using the jog box. with the 2 measured holes. RECALLING AN ALIGNMENT 1. b. Should this be a Positive or Negative number? d. This will recall the alignment completed in this lab that used auto align to establish the alignment where the measured Datum A. a. or timing. Verify that the “Rotate to” box has “XPLUS” selected and the “About” box below that has “ZPLUS” selected. 4. is set correctly. If the axes are now parallel to datum B. Select ROTATE. and the “About” fields are correct. Highlight “Plane1”. In the bottom left box in the window. New” b. Highlight “Hole B & Hole E” (CIRCLE 1 and CIRCLE3). c. in order to be able to see the display of the “Axes” on the main screen. c. Highlight “Plane1”. select “Alignment. Select ORIGIN. type in 15. measure hole E with 4 points. a. ROTATING THE AXES BY AN ANGLE USING 2 OFFSET HOLES 1. THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -113- Lab 3 . c. 3. Highlight “Hole B”. From the “Insert” menu. Verify the “Rotate to”. g. VI. From the Alignment pull down list (on the toolbar) select the alignment that was created in Section II using Auto Align (should be named ALN_ABC). e. b. “Drag” the Alignment window out of the way. b.V. select “Alignment. select Z (only). 7. This established X and Y as zero in Hole B. Reference the Edit Window to view this Recall command in the program. 2. Select the LEVEL button. B and C intersect. Verify the “Offset Distance” is blank. Note the graphic of the axes has rotated. In the “Offset Angle” box next to the ROTATE button. B and C intersect. a. Select tip T1A0B0 from the drop down list on the toolbar. 6. 3. select the “Probe File” you created (your first name). Verify the “Probe Description” matches the probe installed on the machine and select OK. reference the drawings) to measure this feature as a plane. Create a “New” file called “lab_4”.” 5. 7. Secure the Demo Block to the table. -114- Lab 4 . Take at least 4 “hits” spread out across Datum A (top of the demo block. Insert an “OPERATOR” comment that says “Align demo block such that Datum B is along the x-axis. In the “Probe Utilities” window. 2. Verify that Datum B of the demo block is along the x-axis by the referencing drawings. Manual alignment of the Demo Block Measuring using Feature Recognition Introduction to Dimensioning Printing the report Executing the program MANUAL ALIGNMENT OF THE DEMO BLOCK 1. 5.Manual Lab 4 Manual Alignment of the Demo Block Purpose: Familiarize the students with the following PC-DMIS techniques: 1. 4. 4.PC-DMIS PRO . 2. 3. I. 10. Select OK. select “Alignment. New”. c. Select ROTATE. From the “Insert” menu. select “Alignment. B. c. Select the LEVEL button. Verify the “Rotate to”. select “Alignment. Verify the “Offset Distance” is blank. 15. b. In the bottom left box in the window. a. d. 16. In the bottom left box in the window. or timing. & C intersect. Highlight “Plane1”. Highlight “Hole B & Hole F” (CIRCLE 1 and CIRCLE2). Enter the THEORETICAL values necessary to offset the origin from the center of Hole B. e. with the 2 measured holes.8. This established X and Y as zero in Hole B. From the “Insert” menu. & C intersect (Refer to the attached print). is set correctly. NOTE: Verify the alignment by moving the probe to the location in which the origin “should” be (corner). Click the ORIGIN button and select OK. 12. Y. a. 13. 9. Watch the graphic axes display as the alignment is being constructed. a. Select ORIGIN. Refer to the supplied drawings. Change the view layout and create a view. select OK. B. This established the Rotation. Press DONE. Take 4 “hits” inside Hole B. b. or End. New”. a. type the name in the “ID” field at the top of the window and press the tab key. 11. as done in previous labs. Select the LEVEL button c. select Z (only). -115- Lab 4 . In the ORIGIN check boxes. a. The part has now been leveled to the measured plane. b. Once satisfied. To do this. New”. and Z are close to “0”. Change the name of this alignment to M_ALN_ABC. look at the counter to verify that X. From the “Insert” menu. Once positioned. Highlight “Plane1” b. b. and the “About” fields are correct. to the corner where Datum’s A. Press DONE. 17. a. or End. Take 4 “hits” inside Hole F. c. Verify the axis next to the LEVEL button. 14. Highlight “Hole B”. Highlight “Plane1”. In this step the goal is to offset the origin to match the print in which Datum’s A. b. Measure Hole A and C with four (4) hits and hitting the END key on the keyboard or DONE on the Jog box after each hole. select “Preferences.II. 4. Under the “Dimensions” section select the “Show” checkbox and be sure the “All” radio button is selected. Edit Window Layout”. This can also be accomplished by clicking on the actual feature in the display window. Click Apply and Close the window. Select CREATE. c. select “Printing.01 for both “Plus” and “Minus”. From the “File” menu. then CLOSE. select the “Location” icon. From the “Edit” menu. select “X. b. 5. and then strike the END key on the keyboard or DONE on the JOG BOX INTRODUCTION TO DIMENSIONING 1. NOTE: If you change the “Nominals” you may be asked the question “Carry nominals back to the feature?” Select “No”. In the text box on the left. -116- Lab 4 . Y and D”. From the “Dimension” toolbar. Refer to the supplied drawings for the nominals. highlight all the measured holes and cylinders by clicking once on each name. MEASURING USING FEATURE RECOGNITION 1. 3 In the “Axes” selection box. d. Select the “Report” tab. Select “Show Header/Footer”. a. 2. Take 4 hits near the top of the hole. Type in the correct Nominals for all of the holes and cylinders. Reference the “Edit Window” and view the results of the dimensioning. Measure hole D as a cylinder. Select “Printer” and select “OK”. 2. Edit Window Print Setup”. take 4 hits inside hole D approximately halfway down the cylinder (Be sure that it is not too deep as to hit the shank of the tip). With the jog box. Enter a value of 0. IV. 2. III. PRINTING THE REPORT 1. In the “Tolerances:” sections have “Axes” set to “All”. A message window will appear. 7. CONGRATULATIONS. Select the “Execute” icon. Now select the “Mark All” icon. The first prompt will be “Take hit 1 of 4 on Plane ID=Plane1…” The Probe will also appear on the screen to graphically illustrate the location of the points.V. Take four hits on the Plane and select the Continue button. 6. Continue following the PC-DMIS prompts to complete the program. 2. select the “Clear Marked” icon. From the toolbar. 3. 5. From the toolbar. select “Status Window”. 4. 8. You are now running the part program which you created. THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -117- Lab 4 . The “Execution Mode Options” window will appear. This will bring up a large window that will display messages during the execution of the program. Save and Quit the program. 9. From the “View” menu. or Done on the jog box. EXECUTING THE PROGRAM 1. follow the prompts under the “Machine Commands”. A window will appear with the message: “ OK to mark manual alignment features?” Click on YES. These messages will be easier to see as opposed to reading from the execution window. PC-DMIS will prompt you to take hits with the probe. click OK. PART SETUP 1. a. II. in order to safely measure all features in this exercise. Verify the “Probe Description” matches the probe installed on the machine. add and calibrate the necessary angles. 2. If necessary. b. Click OK. -118- Lab 5 . select the “Probe File” you created (your first name). Click on the “GENERAL” tab. b. MANUAL ALIGNMENT OF THE DEMO BLOCK 1. 3.Manual Lab 5 Measuring using AUTO Features Purpose: Familiarize the students with the following PC-DMIS techniques: 1. Verify the probe angles necessary to measure the features in this lab are included in the probe file. 2. 5. 4. In the “Probe Utilities” window. From the “Edit” menu select “Preferences . 3. Part setup Manual alignment of the Demo Block Measuring with AUTO Features Dimensioning & Printing the report Executing the program Fixture the Demo Block on the table with Datum A facing in the positive X direction and Datum B face down. I. In the list click on “AUTOMATIC FILE SAVE” and type “1” in Minutes to Save. Create a “New” file called “lab_5”.Setup” a. Be sure to place part on risers.PC-DMIS PRO . Verify the axis next to the LEVEL button. Take 4 “hits” inside Hole B. Once satisfied the alignment is complete. d. select the appropriate axis from the pull down list and press the ROTATE button. Change the format of the view and create it. Before completing the origin step of the alignment be sure to consider which axis and feature to choose when setting the X. Y and Z origin based on the current part orientation. Insert an “OPERATOR” comment that says “Align demo block such that Datum A is facing in the positive X direction. 10. 6. be sure to decide which direction to “Rotate to”. New”. Take 4 “hits” inside Hole F. 12. Be sure to have the correct work plane selected from the toolbar to measure holes B and F properly. select the appropriate axis from the pull down list and select the LEVEL button c. be sure that the rotation is “About” the same axis as the level. Use “Hole B” (CIRCLE1) and “Plane1”as the ORIGIN. Select “Hole B & Hole F” (CIRCLE1 & CIRCLE2) to ROTATE to. Once these decisions have been made regarding the direction. Before continuing be sure to consider what direction to level the axis to.” 5. Should it be Z+ or X+ based on the current part orientation? Once the decision has been made regarding the direction. a. Before completing the rotation step of the alignment. and Datum B is face down. c. 9. b. select “Alignment. select OK. In the bottom left box in the window. a. Once these decisions have been made. as done in previous labs. 7. 11. Take at least 4 “hits” spread out across Datum A (reference the drawings) to measure this feature as a plane. axis box and press the ORIGIN button. Also. From the “Insert” menu.4. Refer to the supplied drawings. The part has now been leveled to the measured plane. is set correctly and press the LEVEL button. Select “Plane1”. 8. Highlight “Plane1” b. -119- Lab 5 . select the appropriate feature from the list. Select OK. select “Alignment. From the “Insert” menu. New”. Select tip T1A90B-90 from the drop down list on the toolbar. Enter . f. B. select OK. 1. d. 2. Verify the Normal Vector is correct. e. The Auto Feature screen will open with the “Circle” screen active. c. 1. Once satisfied. h. After all the hits are taken. Verify that the “Starting & Ending Angle” are both set to “0”. Go back to the Alignment screen to insert a new alignment. and the Diameter should be calculated. Y. The Normal Vector. To measure an auto circle without nominal data. This display will provide helpful instructions to complete the steps necessary to measure this hole using Auto Circle. a. Offset the origin to match the print in which Datum’s A. Also enter 0 for the Spacer. to where Datum’s A. Change the “ID” to correspond with the hole to be measured (i. Change them if necessary. MEASURING WITH AUTO FEATURES 1. it will be necessary to measure 3 points on the top surface of the demo block.2” away from hole A (Refer to the attached image for location of points). view the information being displayed in the auto circle screen. which is the vector (direction) of the surface. As these points are being taken notice the dialog box in the lower left corner of the MAIN display. Do NOT hit the Done button at this time. Select Create. PC-DMIS has calculated the information relating to the hole. 4. B. the Location (X. b. & K. Select 0 for Initial and 0 for Perm. Change the name of the alignment to ALN_ABC. Be sure to have the Measure box UN. A). g. approximately .13. & C intersect (Refer to the attached print). From the “Auto Features” toolbar select the “Auto Circle” icon. Enter the THEORETICAL values necessary to offset the origin from the center of Hole B. i Repeat the above steps for Holes: G. Z).checked. & C intersect. Then the next step will be to take 3 points in the hole that is to be measured. 2. -120- Lab 5 . H.2” for the Depth. III. . a.e. Take 3 hits inside of hole A. Take 3 points on the Datum A surface of the block. b. 3. which is the vector (direction) of the surface. PC-DMIS will prompt you to take these Sample Points before you measure the cylinder during the execution of the program. i. e. Z). This display will provide helpful instructions to complete the steps necessary to measure this hole using Auto Cylinder. This procedure is very similar to measuring an Auto Circle. 1. and enter 3 for the # Rows. Repeat the above steps for cylinder J. the Location (X. Do NOT hit the Done button at this time. g. Select “Cylinder” from the drop down list. Verify that the “Starting & Ending Angle” are both set to “0”. -121- Lab 5 . . Enter . and the Diameter should be calculated. Take 3 points on the Datum A surface of the block. Y. The Normal Vector. d. Take 3 hits inside of cylinder I. These points would be helpful when measuring flexible or varying material. 4. f. view the information being displayed in the auto cylinder screen. approximately .1 for the Depth. PC-DMIS has calculated the information relating to the cylinder. NOTE: Having entered sample hits in this screen.2.1 for the Spacer. Change the “ID” to correspond with the cylinder to be measured. From the “Auto Feature” screen. it will be necessary to measure 3 points on the top surface of the demo block. As these points are being taken notice the dialog box in the lower left corner of the MAIN display. c. a. After all the hits are taken.2” away from cylinder I.5 for the Height. b. 2. Also enter . Be sure to have the Measure box UN – checked and select Create. To measure an auto cylinder without nominal data. Then the next step will be to take 3 points in the cylinder that is to be measured. h. Change them if necessary. 3. Enter 4 for the # Hits. Select 3 for Initial and 3 for Perm. Verify the Normal Vector is correct. 3. From the “Auto Feature” screen, a. Select “Vector Point” from the drop down list. b. To measure an auto vector point without nominal data, it will be necessary to measure 4 points on the surface of the demo block. 1. Take 4 points on the Datum A surface of the block (Refer to the attached image for location of point PT_HEIGHT). 2. As these points are being taken notice the dialog box in the lower left corner of the MAIN display. This display will provide helpful instructions to complete the steps necessary to measure this point using Auto Vector Point. 3. Do NOT hit the Done button at this time. c. After all the hits are taken; view the information being displayed in the auto vector point screen. PC-DMIS has calculated the information relating to the point. The Normal Vector, which is the vector (direction) of the surface, and the Location (X, Y, and Z) should be calculated. d. e. f. g. h. IV. NOTE: If a message appears “Take more hits ….” verify that the Normal Vector is correct and proceed to the next step. Be sure to have the Measure box UN - checked. Change the “ID” to PT_HEIGHT for the point to be measured. Select Create. Repeat the previous steps to measure another Vector Point called PT_WIDTH (Refer to the attached image for location of point PT_WIDTH). NOTE: Notice that this point is on the surface opposite of Datum B. Verify the “Normal Vector” is correct. Close the Auto Feature window. DIMENSIONING 1. From the “Dimension” toolbar, select the “Location” icon. 2. In the text box on the left, highlight all the measured circles and cylinders listed. 3. From the “Axes” section, select Y, Z and D. 4. In the “Tolerances” section, have “Axes” set to “All”. Enter a value of +/- 0.01 and select CREATE. 5. The vector point PT_HEIGHT was measured to dimension the height of the block. Therefore, highlight PT_HEIGHT, select the appropriate axis, and then select CREATE. 6. The vector point PT_WIDTH was measured to dimension the width of the block. Therefore, highlight PT_WIDTH. Select the appropriate axis, and then select CREATE and CLOSE. -122- Lab 5 7. Go to the “Edit Window”. View the results of the dimensioning in the Edit Window. Type in the correct Nominals for all dimensions. NOTE: If you change the “Nominals” you may be asked the question “Carry nominals back to the feature?” Select “No”. 8. V. VI. While in the Edit Window, change the “Tolerance” for the first dimensioned Diameter. Change this to +/- .005”. Say “Yes” to the message “Carry forward to like tolerances”. The above action will apply the +/- .005 tolerance to all the remaining “D” axes in the program. PRINTING THE REPORT 1. From the “File” menu, select “Printing, Edit Window Print Setup”. Select “Printer” and select “OK”. 2. From the “Edit” menu, select “Preferences, Edit Window Layout”. a. Select the “Report” tab. b. Select “Show Header/Footer”. c. Under the “Dimensions” section select the “Show” checkbox and be sure the “All” radio button is selected. d. Click Apply and OK. 3. From the toolbar, Save the program. EXECUTING THE PROGRAM . 1. From the toolbar, select the “Clear Marked” icon. 2. Now select the “Mark All” icon. 3. A window will appear with the message: “OK to mark manual alignment features?” Click on NO. . NOTE: Due to the choice that was made in this step, PC-DMIS will not prompt you to measure the features used in the manual alignment. We are also assuming the part has not been moved. 4. Select the “Execute” icon. A message window will appear, click OK. 5. Save and quit the program. CONGRATULATIONS THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -123- Lab 5 AUTO FEATURE GRAPHICAL AIDS A HOLE_A C A B PT HEIGHT A C 2 1 4 3 B B A PT_WIDTH C 2 1 4 3 -124- Lab 5 b.Manual Lab 6 Alignment and Measurement of the Demo Block Purpose: Practice the following PC-DMIS functions: 1. From the “Edit” menu. Select the “General” tab. 3. Before measuring any features. 3. 4. as done in previous labs. PART SETUP 1. 4. a. and Datum C as done in previous labs. Click on “AUTO FILE SAVE” and type “5” in Minutes to Save. 2. select “Preferences. Setup”. Create a new file called “lab_6”. Go to the view setup and split the screen as done in previous labs. and Datum B parallel to the X-axis. Part setup Manual alignment of the Demo Block Measuring features with AUTO Features Printing the report to the printer and to a file Executing the program Fixture the Demo Block on the table with Datum A facing in the positive Z direction. Put an operator comment that says “Align demo block such that Datum B is along the CMM’s X-axis”. 7. Using the CMM.PC-DMIS PRO . be sure to select the proper probe tip from the toolbar. -125- Lab 6 . I. B and C intersect. measure Datum A. II. 5. 6. Datum B. Construct an intersection point as done in previous labs. 8. Select the Probe file. Select OK. 5. Insert an alignment to align the part to the position on the part where Datum’s A. 2. MANUAL ALIGNMENT OF THE DEMO BLOCK 1. select holes G. 2. Enter . -126- Lab 6 . In the “Construct” window. a. view the information being displayed in the auto circle screen. 3.III. The Auto Features screen will open with the “Circle” screen active. Click CREATE. Be sure to have the Measure box UN . and D with tolerances = +/. it will be necessary to measure 3 points on the top surface of the demo block. Y. c. Select “Best Fit” and click Create.2” for the Depth. which is the vector (direction) of the surface. . As these points are being taken notice the dialog box in the lower left corner of the MAIN display. e. In the DIM ID # box. c.. From the “Auto Features” toolbar select the “Auto Circle” icon. Change the “ID” to correspond with the hole to be measured (i. H. d. A). 1. and I. c. G. 4. Then the next step will be to take 3 points in the hole that is to be measured. approximately . b. The Normal Vector. i. MEASURING FEATURES WITH AUTO FEATURES 1. Repeat the above steps for holes E. Select mode to 2 Dimensional d. Verify that the “Starting & Ending Angle” are both set to “0”.010” for all measured holes and the constructed bolt circle.2” away from hole A. b. Y. F. From the “Construct” toolbar. enter “DIST_AE”. Add dimensions X. g.0.005 for the Plus and Minus Tolerances e. Take 3 hits inside of hole A. to close Auto Features. Click on the “ID =” box and enter a name for the constructed circle. From the “Dimension” toolbar select the “Distance” icon. Verify the Normal Vector is correct. f. 4. To measure an auto circle without nominal data.checked. select the “Circle” icon. and the Diameter should be calculated. a. These circles will now be highlighted.e. a. After all the hits are taken. Change them if necessary. Select Hole A and Hole E. This display will provide helpful instructions to complete the steps necessary to measure this hole using Auto Circle. b. PC-DMIS has calculated the information relating to the hole. Select 0 for Initial and 0 for Perm. H and I from the list of features. Take 3 points on the Datum A surface of the block. Enter . h. Also enter 0 for the Spacer. Z). then click CREATE. 2. Click the CLOSE button. Do NOT hit the Done button at this time. 3. the Location (X. Be sure to have the Measure box UN . To measure an auto vector point without nominal data.checked. and the Location (X. Close the Auto Feature window. and Z) should be calculated. As these points are being taken notice the dialog box in the lower left corner of the MAIN display. select the “Auto Vector Point” icon. This display will provide helpful instructions to complete the steps necessary to measure this point using Auto Vector Point. f. a. b. it will be necessary to measure 4 points on the surface of the demo block. The Normal Vector. -127- Lab 6 . g.5. 1. Do NOT hit the Done button at this time. PC-DMIS has calculated the information relating to the point. 3.” verify that the Normal Vector is correct and proceed to the next step. Take 4 points on the Datum B surface of the block. Verify the “Vector Point” screen is active. e. view the information being displayed in the auto vector point screen. After all the hits are taken. which is the vector (direction) of the surface. NOTE: If a message appears “Take more hits …. d. 2. and select CREATE. From the “Auto Features” toolbar. Therefore. repeat the same steps however use the Datum C surface and name it DATCPT. Name this feature DATBPT. Repeat the previous steps to measure another Vector Point on the Datum C surface. Y. c. From the toolbar. Click on the browse button to view where this file will be saved. 3. Select the “Report” tab. Select the “Printer” box and select OK. select “Printing. select the “Clear Marked” then “Mark All” icon. Select the “File” box. After the program is executed go to windows explorer and locate the electronic copy for the inspection report that was saved in the previous section. b. EXUCUTING THE PROGRAM 1. CONGRATULATIONS.PDF)”. 2. Say “NO” to marking the manual alignment. 5. This file can be opened using Adobe Acrobat Reader. a. From the “File” menu. Edit Window Print Setup”. select “Preferences. c. d. Under the “Dimensions” section select the “Show” checkbox and be sure the “All” radio button is selected. 2. Select “Show Header/Footer”. Click Apply and Close the window. Edit Window Layout”. Be sure that “Auto” is selected and the format is “Portable Document Format (. THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -128- Lab 6 . V. From the “Edit” menu. Save and quit the program.IV. b. Execute the program. a. PRINTING THE REPORT TO THE PRINTER AND TO A FILE 1. 4. Demo Block Part Prints -129- . -130- . -131- . Toolbar Key -132- . Toolbar Key Draw Surfaces Save Viewset Curves Translate Text Box Mode Mode Mode 3D Rotate Graphics Modes View Setup Create Viewset Surface Mode Scale to Fit Current Alignment Program Mode 2D Rotate RePaint Assembly Current Probe Tip Settings Current Probe File Current View Clear Marked Current Work Plane Next Full Report Paste with Bookmark Mode Remove all Copy Pattern Summary Breakpoint Mode Redo DMIS Mode Mark Edit Window Execute Paste Mark All Command Toggle Cut Mode Bookmark Insert/Remove Last Execution Clear All Breakpoint Report Mode Bookmark -133- Undo Print Toolbar Key Angle Between True Position Line Coaxiality Perpendicularity Profile Symmetry Straightness Runout Dimension Location Roundness Parallelism Surface Angularity Flatness Concentricity Profile Distance Key In Generic Circle Slot Cylinder Sphere Feature Set Line Constructed Features Point Cone Plane Ellipse Curve Angle point Surface Point Gauss Surface Filter Square Slot High Point Circle Cylinder Sphere Line Notch Auto Features Vector Point Edge Point Plane Corner Point Characteristic Point Round Slot Ellipse Gap Slot -134- Cone Guess Toolbar Key Quit Save As Open File Operations New Close Save Summary Report Maximize Edit Window Window Layout Hide Edit Window Program Save Window Layout DCC Mode Probe Mode Manual Mode -135- Saved Layout Toolbar Key Cone Circle Guess Line Measured Features Point Cylinder Plane Sphere Probe Wizard Iterative Alignment CAD Import Add-Ins 321 Alignment Dmis-out Multi Execute Database Wizard Customize Right Click Mode Virtual Keyboard Touch Screen Mode Virtual Keyboard Left Click Mode Record Arm 1 Active Execute on Arm 1 Macro Play/Record Active Arms Play Execute on Arm 2 Arm 2 Active -136- Stop . Bonus Lab Exercises -137- . right click on the toolbar area of the display screen. 3. enable the “Quick Start” toolbar. 2. Verify the “Probe Description” matches the probe installed on the machine or create the appropriate probe file. Select the Quick Start toolbar. Before continuing. Calibrating the probe using the Quick Start menu Manual Alignment using a Quick Start procedure Manual alignment using the Quick Start Alignment icons Measuring and Dimensioning features using the Quick Start menu Printing the report Executing the program CALIBRATING THE PROBE USING THE QUICK START MENU 1. -138- .PC-DMIS PRO . select a “Probe File”. 4. This will bring up a right click menu. Select Quick Start. 2) Using the mouse. 6. 3. Create a “New” file called “BonusLab_QuickStart” in Inches. I. In the “Probe Utilities” window. select Toolbars. and select OK.Manual Bonus Lab Using the Quick Start Menu Purpose: Familiarize the students with the following PC-DMIS techniques using the Quick start Menu: 1. This can be accomplished in two ways: 1) From the View menu. 2. 5. select and calibrate the A0B0 tip. From the Probe Utilities screen. 9. Select the “Calibrate Probe” icon from the Quick start menu. Secure the Demo Block to the table. From the Quick start menu. Select the “Calibrate/Edit” icon. select the top icon. 6. Verify that Datum B of the demo block is along the x-axis by the referencing drawings. Insert an operator comment explaining part setup. which may be one of the following: 5. 10.4. -139- . 8. Select tip T1A0B0 from the drop down list on the toolbar. 7. Measure Datum B as a line using 2 points from left to right. Take at least 4 “hits” spread out across Datum A (top of the demo block. d. Select Close. 2. b. 3. NOTE: Verify the alignment by moving the probe to the location in which the origin “should” be (corner). PCDMIS will use these features to construct a part alignment. press the Next button. CREATING A MANUAL ALIGNMENT USING A PROCEDURE 1.II. Measure Datum C as a line using 2 points. Notice the features and the alignment have been added to the program. a. Once the measurement is complete. look at the counters to verify that X. c. Reference the Edit Window to view the commands PCDMIS entered into the program from the routine just completed. press the Next button. e. Select the top icon to bring up the main menu of choices in the Quick start menu (should be Calibrate/edit). reference the drawings) to measure this feature as a plane. Y. -140- . Once the measurement is complete. Use the Next or Finish button to proceed from step to step in the routine. Also. Once positioned. NOTE: This procedure will prompt you to measure a plane and two lines. From the menu of choices select the “Align” icon. the dialog box in this screen and the lower left corner of the display screen will walk you thru this routine. Once the points have been taken. press the Finish button. Select the “Proc 4” icon. and Z are close to “0”. NOTE: Do NOT press the End key or the Done button on the jog box after taking measurements during a routine such as this. The alignment is now level to the plane and Z is zero at the location of Datum A. d. a. -141- . The Rotate command referencing the line should appear in the dialog box at the top of this screen. 4. Select the top icon to bring up the main menu of choices in the Quick start menu. a. Select the OK button. Select the OK button. Select the Plane icon from the list of choices. Take 4 hits on Datum A. a. From the drop down list in the quick start screen. b. 2. The Level and Translate command referencing the plane should appear in the dialog box at the top of this screen. b. select Circle. Select the “Translate” icon. 5. Take 4 hits in Hole B to measure it as a circle. c. From the drop down list in the quick start screen. The Translate commands referencing the circle should appear in the dialog box at the top of this screen. Take 2 hits on Datum B from left to right. MANUAL ALIGNMENT USING THE ALIGNMENT ICONS 1. d. then the Finish Button. b. NOTE: The Alignment Utilities window will open. c. Select the Finish button. c.III. NOTE: The graphic should change to display a line. Select the “Finish” button. NOTE: The Alignment Utilities window will open. 3. This will set X and Y to zero in the hole. Select the “Measure” icon. select Line. NOTE: The Alignment Utilities window will open. Select the “Rotate” icon. Select the OK button. Select the “Level” and “Translate” icons from the screen. MEASURING AND DIMENSIONING FEATURES 1. Repeat the previous steps for hole C. Once satisfied. select “Auto”. 7. 7. c. Select the “Close” button from the quick start screen. Type in the correct Nominals for all 5 holes. B. NOTE: If you change the “Nominals” you may be asked the question “Carry nominals back to the feature?” Select “No”. to the corner where Datum’s A. Watch the graphic axes display as the alignment is being constructed. 6. look at the counter to verify that X. a. Insert a new alignment to offset the origin to match the print. select the “Location” icon. & C intersect. Enter the THEORETICAL values necessary to offset the origin from the center of Hole B. b. & F. Reference the “Edit Window” and view the results of the dimensioning.C. 4. In the text box on the left.E. Verify the alignment is located at the center of Hole B and is level with the plane. 5. Y. In the “Axes” selection box. a. Refer to the supplied drawings for the nominals. B. From the “Measure” choices in the quick start menu. From the “Dimension” toolbar. highlight all the measured holes. B. then CLOSE. & C intersect (Refer to the attached print). select circle. Once positioned. 2. 8. in which Datum’s A.6. select OK. IV. 3. In the “Tolerances:” section have “Axes” set to “All”. b. -142- . Name the feature and then take 4 points inside Hole A. E and F. and Z are close to “0”.01 for both “Plus” and “Minus”. c. select the Finish button from the quick start screen. A. Once the points are taken. NOTE: Verify the alignment by moving the probe to the location in which the origin “should” be (corner). Look in the edit window to view the features and alignment commands that were just added from the previous steps. Select CREATE. Enter a value of 0. select the “Relation” icon.8. Measure hole I using 4 points. d. From the “Relation” menu. Select the “Distance” icon. and K to the program. Enter the nominals and tolerances for this dimension. Select Close. Measure hole K using 4 points. When done taking points select the Finish button. Select the “Line-Line X Y” icon. When done taking points select the Next button. c. It also calculated and added the angle between the measured line and Datum B. From the Quick Start menu. c. a. 9. select the “Angle” icon. Select the Finish button. b. It also calculated and added the distance between the holes. The default name for this line may be Line1. -143- . b. d. Enter the nominals and tolerances for this dimension. Reference the edit window and notice that the routine that was just completed added the angled line to the program. From the feature list on the right of the Quick Start screen. Select Close. select the Datum B line. Reference the edit window and notice that the routine that was just completed added hole I. Select the “Circle-Circle” icon. e. Measure the 16° angled line using 3 points from left to right. When done taking points select the Next button. a. 3. select the“Clear Marked” icon. THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -144- . From the toolbar. d. Under the “Dimensions” section select the “Show” checkbox and be sure the “All” radio button is selected. Edit Window Layout”. select “Preferences. From the “Edit” menu. 4. VI. 3. c. A window will appear with the message: “ OK to mark manual alignment features?” Click on NO.V. b. PRINTING THE REPORT 1. Select “Printer” and select “OK”. Select “Show Header/Footer”. Select the “Report” tab. From the toolbar. select “Printing. 5. 2. Select the “Execute” icon and execute the program. a. From the “File” menu. Click Apply and Close the window. EXECUTING THE PROGRAM 1. Edit Window Print Setup”. 2. Save the program. CONGRATULATIONS. Now select the “Mark All” icon. Save and quit the program. and Datum C as done in previous labs. Go to the view setup and split the screen as done in previous labs. Measure Datum A.Manual Bonus Lab Dimensioning. 6. 2. 5. Datum B. Select the Probe file. Manual alignment of the Demo Block Measuring features with Feature Recognition Measuring features with AUTO Features Inserting Input and Report Comments Dimensioning & Printing the report Executing the program MANUAL ALIGNMENT OF THE DEMO BLOCK 1. Create a new file called “Bonuslab_dim”. I. 6.PC-DMIS PRO . This instructs PC-DMIS to include the input comment in the report. 4. Construct an intersection point as done in previous labs. 5. Comments and Editing Purpose: Practice the following PC-DMIS functions: 1. Before measuring any features. Go to the edit window and toggle the input comment from “NO” to “YES”. as done in previous labs. Set the “AUTO FILE SAVE” to “5” Minutes to Save. 3. -145- . Insert an input comment that says “Serial number”. 8. B and C intersect. Constructions. 9. 4. Put an operator comment that says “Align demo block such that Datum B is along the CMM’s X-axis”. 3. Insert an alignment to align the part to the position on the part where Datum’s A. 7. 2. be sure to select the proper probe tip from the toolbar. Name this alignment ALN_ABC. Measure Cone D as a cone with 3 rows of 4 points. Be sure to have the Measure box UN .checked. MEASURING WITH FEATURE RECOGNITION 1. Name the feature ANGLED. f. g. Select 0 for Initial and 0 for Perm. -146- .e. Click the CLOSE button. Name all features except for hole K which should be identified as DATUM_D. to close Auto Features. As these points are being taken notice the dialog box in the lower left corner of the MAIN display. Set the hits to “4”. This display will provide helpful instructions to complete the steps necessary to measure this hole using Auto Circle. d. I. III. Finally take 4 hits near the top of the cone.II.20” for the “Depth”. 3. G. . it will be necessary to measure 3 points on the surface of the demo block. Then the next step will be to take 3 points in the hole that is to be measured. 2. 1. and then strike the END key on the keyboard or DONE on the JOG BOX MEASURING USING AUTO FEATURES 1. D). j. Take 4 hits inside cone D as deep in the cone as the probe tip will allow (approximately three quarters down inside the cone. h. k. H. view the information being displayed in the auto circle screen. PC-DMIS has calculated the information relating to the hole. From the “Auto Features” toolbar select the “Auto Circle” icon. Z). then click CREATE. which is the vector (direction) of the surface. then take 4 points approximately halfway down the cone. After all the hits are taken. the Location (X. Y. Take 3 hits inside of hole D. if possible). c. Verify the Normal Vector is correct. e. b. Measure the 16 ° angled line with 3 points from left to right. Starting and Ending angle? i. Also enter 0 for the Spacer. Change the “ID” to correspond with the hole to be measured (i. totaling 12 points. Verify the CIRCLE screen is active. and the Diameter should be calculated.2” away from hole D. & K. The Normal Vector. 2. approximately . a. Do NOT hit the Done button at this time. Repeat the above steps to measure holes C. Ensure that “Type” is “Hole”. Take 3 points on the step surface surrounding Hole D on the demo block. 4. and “. To measure an auto circle without nominal data. Ensure that “M” is selected as the feature modifier. e. d. Verify the nominals and enter +/. The graphic display window now displays a circle at the intersection of the cone and the plane. f. The following steps will construct an intersecting circle from Cone D and Datum A. H and I from the list of features or from CAD. Un-check the “Use Datum’s” box. b. From the “Construct” toolbar select the Circle icon . Under “Axes” select X and Y. 2.010” for all measured holes and the constructed circle. e. Enter 0.. From the Alignment drop down menu. per print. Name the alignment ALN_ABD.005” for the tolerance on the diameters. Highlight circles G. While in this dimension screen. b. Click Create.0. 7. dimension the angle of Cone D. a. -147- .014 for the TP tolerance. Click Create. Datum B and Datum D”. Y. Select “Intersection”. DIMENSIONING 1. 5. 6. Reference the “Edit Window” to view the results of the dimensioning. and D with tolerances = +/. Insert a “Report” comment that says “The following true position dimensions are relative to Datum A.IV. recall ALN_ABC. c. Datum B and Datum C”. From the “Dimension” toolbar select the “True Position” icon a. Offset the origin to DATUM_D. Add dimensions X. Insert a “Report” comment that says “The following dimensions are relative to Datum A. Set the origin to the center of the measured DATUM_D hole. Click on the “ID =” box and enter a name for the constructed circle. 8. a. d. 3. 4. Select Cone D and the measured Datum A plane from the feature list or from the graphic. b. c. Look at the code for “DATUM_D” to note the change that was made. per print. 13. Position the cursor to the left of the circle feature named DATUM_D. Select “2 Dimensional” as Angle Type. 10. d. Reference the “Edit Window” to view the results of the dimensioning.checked when OK is selected.9. Verify the nominals are correct including the intersection circle constructed from cone D and Datum A. Hit the “F9” key on the keyboard. f. Change the number of hits to “10”. Enter a tolerance of +.001. Select Create. c.005 as the tolerance. From the “Dimension” toolbar select the “Concentricity” icon . g. e. The “Auto Feature” screen will now appear.005” for the tolerance on all the diameters and. a. then select hole C from the feature list. While in the “Edit window” change the number of hits in “DATUM_D”. a. From the “Dimension” toolbar select the “Angle Between” icon . c. otherwise PC-DMIS will prompt you to measure the feature right away. Select hole D. This is an “editing” version of this screen that will allow changes to be made to the feature. however. Dimension the “Roundness” of DATUM_D. Select the measured Datum B line from the feature list.. Enter +/. Select OK. Place the cursor at the end of the program before continuing. Note: By selecting the holes in this order. NOTE: Be sure the Measure box is UN. d. b. 11. This will not create a new feature. -148- . PC-DMIS calculates hole D as the feature and hole C as the datum. Enter + . b. it will create the code necessary for the change that was just made. Select Create. 12.1° for all angles. +/. a. c. Select the line ANGLED (16 ° angled line) from the feature list. b. this typed in value will appear on the inspection report along with the report comments that were entered during this exercise. This is the input comment that was inserted into the program at the beginning of this exercise. VI. PRINTING THE REPORT 1. Comments and the Header/Footer as done in previous labs. When the report is printed. 2. EXECUTING THE PROGRAM 1.V. NOTE: When the program executes an “Input Comment” screen will appear waiting for a value to be entered. and modify the edit window layout with only the Dimensions. CONGRATULATIONS. Setup the printer to print the edit window. THE LAB IS COMPLETE! -149- . Execute the program without marking the manual alignment. Save and quit the program. Type in the number “123456” into this field as if this was the serial number for this part and press OK. NOTE: To draw the box for the bitmap to be placed in the hyper report. 5. 4. From the Object Bar. (This can be done by going to Start| Programs| Accessories| Paint.PC-DMIS PRO .Manual Bonus Lab Inserting Digital Pictures using Hyper Reports 1. etc) 2. select the Bitmap icon. gif’s. The arrow will change into a crosshair. pasting the picture and then saving the file. Open PC-DMIS. A preview of the picture will appear in the dialog box. Select the file and click on Open. (no jpg’s. move the mouse over the working area of the screen.) NOTE: Bitmaps are the only picture type that can be inserted into a hyper report. 6. Take a digital picture of the part setup. This will bring up the hyper report screen. The arrow will change into a crosshair. -150- . move the mouse over the working area of the screen. From the Object Bar. 7. Select the Text area of the box and type instructions to the operator. and find the digital picture that was created in step 1. Load this picture onto your computer and save it as a bitmap. From the View menu. Use the left mouse button and drag the crosshair into a box the size that you wish the bitmap to be. NOTE: To draw the box for the text box to be placed in the hyper report. select Hyper-Report Editor. 3. The Bitmap Dialog box will now appear. Click on OK to insert the picture into the hyper report. NOTE: An example of the text would be “Setup the part as shown in the picture below”. Use the left mouse button and drag the crosshair into a box the size that you wish the text box to be. select the Text Box icon. Select the Load button. Draw the box above the digital picture. This will close the report and the part program should now be displayed. A good place to position the cursor may be just after the TIP command that follows the LOADPROBE command. The file extension for a Hyper Report is . Select the report file created previously.rpt. you can now position the boxes as desired. Hyper view Report”. 10. select Save from the File menu and give it a name. The text in the text box can also be modified by changing it to be bold. From the File menu select Close.8. and/or increasing the font size from the toolbar. From the “Insert” menu select “Report Command. Before saving the report. 9. -151- . 11. This placed a command in the program to instruct PC-DMIS to display the report when the program is executed. 12. Go to the edit window and position the cursor close to the beginning of the program. Once the report is complete. Manual Bonus Lab Inserting Digital Pictures as an External Object 1. -152- . Open PC-DMIS. (This can be done by going to Start| Programs| Accessories| Paint. This will bring up the insert object screen. pasting the picture and then saving the file.PC-DMIS PRO . Load this picture onto your computer and save it as a bitmap.) 2. select Report Command. Take a digital picture of the part setup. 3. From the Insert menu. External Object. 4. (The example file is FRONT1. From the Insert Object screen. However. NOTE: Checking the Display as Icon box will result in an icon appearing in the edit window. Select the Browse button and browse for the file that you wish to insert into the PC-DMIS program. b. -153- . Select the “Create from File” radio button. when the program executes the digital picture will appear on the screen. a. The edit window will look similar to the graphic below.jpg) c. Place a checkmark in the “Display as Icon” box. with some objects. border Note: The execute action is always the same action that occurs when an external object is double clicked. the object will print to the report. For media clips. 2. press F3 while the insertion point is on the same line as the external object in the Edit window. Example: When embedding a graphic. external objects print and do not execute when executing a part program. Movie clips will play their movie. External objects have four modes of execution: 1. -154- . However. No hash lines When no hash lines appear over the object. See the examples below. the desired action may be to execute the object to play the clip at execution time. etc. 4. Hash lines and hashed borders are used to indicate the objects current mode of execution. Play Sound clips will play sound. while when embedding a sound or movie clip. this default action is usually play. the default action is edit. the desired action may be to print the graphic to the report. When a hashed border outlines the Hashed object. Print – Don't execute Don't print – Don't execute Don't Print – Execute Print – Execute To switch between the different modes.Marking External Objects for Execution By default. 3. the object will execute. For most other objects. the desired action may be to execute and not print. -155- . With these types of objects and the PC-DMIS automation commands. an excel graph could be inserted inside a part program that has a basic script that.Edit Objects that have a default action of edit will usually not be objects that would need to be executed. would pull data out of the part program using the PC-DMIS automation commands and adjust the graph accordingly before it was printed on the inspection report. For example. When the program is executed the picture will appear similar to the example below. it is possible to change the object using data from the part program. when activated. However. A word document or excel spreadsheet are examples of this type of external object. some application objects also have the ability to run custom basic scripts upon being activated. 4. -156- . 4. 3. Part setup Manual alignment of the Demo Block Measuring and Dimensioning Features Using Pattern Offsets Creating Marked Sets Executing the program using Marked Sets Fixture the Demo Block on the table with Datum B parallel to the X-axis and Datum A facing in the Z+ direction. Measure the front surface (Datum B) as a line. 2. Measure the top surface (Datum A) as a plane. 6. 5. Select Datum B for Rotate c. Select the Plane as the Level b. 8. From the “Insert” menu select “Alignment.Manual Bonus Lab Using Pattern Offsets and Marked Sets Purpose: Practice the following PC-DMIS functions: 1. Measure the left (outermost) surface (Datum C) as a line. PART SETUP 1. I. II. From the “Construction” toolbar select the “Point” icon. New” a. 7. d. In the “Probe Utilities” window. 5.PC-DMIS PRO . select a “Probe File”. the Plane as the Origin for Z. Create a new file. MANUAL ALIGNMENT OF DEMO BLOCK 1. Select OK. Select the constructed point as the Origin for X and Y. 3. Construct an intersection point between the previously measured lines. 6. Place an “Operator” comment explaining the part setup. 2. From the Edit Window. and enter +/. Using Feature Recognition measure Hole I.005” for the tolerance on the diameters. type 90 in the Angle space. NOTE: If you change the “Nominals” you may be asked the question “Carry nominals back to the feature?” Select “Yes”. USING PATTERN OFFSETS 1. Click Create. Also. Enter 0. From the Edit Window. Now that this is highlighted. Enter the Nominals. 4. Hole B and hole K as circles. Position the cursor at the end of the program. It is essential that these nominals are carried back to the feature in order to create a perfect feature to be used in the pattern.III. measure Hole A. Using Feature Recognition. c. per print.. 5. Ensure that “M” is selected as the feature modifier. MEASURING AND DIMENSIONING FEATURES 1. NOTE: Look in the edit window and observe the 2 new circles that have been created from the pattern. Un-check the “Use Datums” box. From the “Dimension” toolbar select the “True Position” icon. 3. IV. verify the Nominals and tolerances have been entered for ALL of the features. b. 2. From the Alignments screen. 2. move the edit window to view the 2 circles in the graphical display. use the mouse to highlight the commands associated with measuring Hole I. 3. including the True Position dimension. along with their dimensions. Select the Paste w/ Pattern icon. d. Highlight circle I from the list of features. select Pattern. From the Edit menu. select the Copy icon. 4. Reference the “Edit Window” to view the results of the dimensioning. Under Offset. set the Origin to the center of Hole K. Type 2 for the Number of Times to offset. -157- . a.014 for the TP tolerance. Create a marked set to execute the entire program a. THIS LAB IS COMPLETE! -158- . VI. c. From the toolbar. Say Yes to marking the Manual alignment. Name this set “Full Inspection”. the alignment will not be re-executed. Select OK. select Marked Sets. select the “Clear Marked” icon. d. however. Set the jog box to run slowly and proceed. Save the program before continuing. i. Using the mouse. The Print options screen will appear. Therefore. select the Mark All icon. select the Mark All icon. Select OK. select the Part Only set. From the “View” menu. if this window is closed. 4. NOTE: PCDMIS will now execute this set. From the toolbar.V. From the toolbar. b. NOTE: Do not close this Marked Sets window. select the “Clear Marked” icon. A window will appear prompting to “Enter Mark Set Label”. it can be minimized or moved out of the way. select Marked Sets Window. 2. A window will appear prompting to “Enter Mark Set Label”. j. Say No to marking the Manual alignment. which represents the entire inspection. This window needs to remain open to complete these steps. Using the mouse. EXECUTING THE PROGRAM USING MARKED SETS 1. From the “View” menu. CONGRATULATIONS. k. NOTE: PCDMIS will now execute this set. Place a checkmark in the “Printer” box by selecting the box. CREATING MARKED SETS 1. Once the program is complete. l. From the toolbar. Using the mouse. Name this set “Part Only”. 3. Place a checkmark in the “Printer” box by selecting the box. which represents ONLY the measured features after the alignment. double click in the center of the marked sets window (grey area). select the Full Inspection set. double click in the center of the marked sets window (grey area). The Print options screen will appear. Create another marked set to execute only the part measurement g. h. e. f. Quizzes -159- . True False 3) With PC-DMIS you can set up your own directory structure to store your part programs. True False -160- . True False 4) In PC-DMIS.Manual Name:________________________ Date: _________________________ Quiz # 1 1) Name the three (3) axes that make up a coordinate system: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 2) The point where the three axes of a CMM are equal to zero is called the machine origin.PC-DMIS PRO . it is not possible to have multiple programs open at the same time. which option would you choose from the File menu? A) New B) Execute C) Operations D) Import 8) To bring up the probe utility window.5) The first program that is opened in PC-DMIS is online with the CMM. you must box in the selected window by using: A) The LEFT mouse button only B) The RIGHT button only C) The LEFT and RIGHT mouse buttons together D) None of the above 7) If you wish to create a copy. or backup. you can use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P or you can select which menu options? A) Edit| Preferences| Setup B) View| Probe Readout Window C) Operation| Calibrate/Edit| Active Probe 9) In order to un-draw a probe component. of a part program in PC-DMIS. you must do what to it in the probe utilities window? A) Single Click B) Double Click C) Right Click -161- . All other programs are what? _____________________________ 6) To ZOOM in on a specific area of a part (depicted by a CAD graphic). what is the desired range for the standard deviation? ________________________________ 13) What is an example of a cause for the standard deviation in the calibration results screen to be outside the desired range? _____________________________________________________ 14) If using a 1 inch calibration sphere whose shank is straight up and down.10) Probe calibration determines what TWO things? __________________________________ __________________________________ 11) Taking more points in a probe calibration improves the accuracy of dimensions in the part program. how would you fill out the ADD TOOL dialog box? -162- . True False 12) When viewing the calibration results. 2) Name the three (3) elements that make up a part alignment system.Manual Name:________________________ Date: _________________________ Quiz # 2 1) A part origin is: A) The first point measured on the part B) A reference point on the part C) The name of the place where the part was manufactured. True False 4) When you are creating a basic alignment. the level to axis and the rotate about axis should be the same.PC-DMIS PRO . D) The centroid of the calibration sphere. ______________ ______________ ______________ 3) It is important to level before measuring two-dimensional features. True False -163- . The feature types are points. circles. Positive 6) Seven feature types are supported under PC-DMIS's Feature Type Recognition capability. you would have to use the offset distance box in the alignment screen. Negative B) Negative. planes. and what? A) Slots B) Cones C) Ellipses 7) Circles and lines measured using Feature Recognition are dependent on the active workplane for calculation purposes.Y X 5) To move the alignment from the center of the hole to the point where the two lines intersect. True False 8) Name TWO methods of constructing an Offset Alignment within the Alignment Utilities option. Negative C) Negative. cylinders. The sign for the offset distances for x and y should be what respectively? A) Positive. line. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ -164- . spheres. 9) To erase a measured hit. True False 11) To dimension the angle of a cone you would select which option from the dimension menu? A) Angle Between B) Location C) Distance 12) Once a part program has been created in Inches (in). which keyboard key(s) would you strike ? A) TAB key B) ESC key C) Alt – (minus) key D) F1 hot key 10) From the Dimension Location window. True False 13) If you wish to create an electronic copy (pdf or word document) of the inspection report as well as a hard copy. it is possible to dimension in Millimeters (mm) inside the program. you need to select which menu options and then check the File box? A) Edit| Preferences| Edit Window Layout B) File| Printing| Edit Window Print Setup C) File| Printing| Edit Window Print -165- . it is possible to dimension more than one feature at a time. 14) If you wish to change the order of the columns on your inspection report. (Nominals.) Y A) X X B) Y C) X Y -166- . Meas. Tol) you need to select which tab under Edit| Preferences| Parameters? A) Probing B) Motion C) Dimension LINE2 LINE1 15) If you select LINE1 and LINE2 to rotate to X plus about Z plus what will the alignment look like? (Note: This is not good measuring practice. what box would you check in the relationship section? A) To X Axis B) To Y Axis C) To Z Axis 17) To dimension the length of the round slot you would select CIR1 and CIR2 from the list in the dimension screen and then select which item from the circle options section? A) No Radius B) Add Radius C) Sub Radius 18) If you wanted to dimension the distance between LINE3 and CIR3 perpendicular to LINE3 you would check to feature from the relationship section. Which feature would you select first from the list in the distance screen? _______________________ -167- . If you chose parallel to in the orientation section.16) If you wanted to dimension the width of the block you would select LINE1 and LINE2 from the list in the dimension screen. DMIS.PC-DMIS PRO – Manual Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Quiz # 3 1) What do IJK values define? A) A vector B) A part alignment C) A centroid of a sphere 2) When taking points to measure a line. AVAIL etc)? A) Copy B) Export C) Activate D) New Part -168- . IGES. how is the direction (vector) of the line determined? __________________________________________ 3) What is the name of the function in PC-DMIS that allows you to bring in a CAD file? A) Activate B) Copy C) Import D) New Part 4) What is the name of the function in PC-DMIS that allows you to translate a PC-DMIS program into another format (ex. etc. True False 7) If the part is moved while learning the program.e. temperature. what function would you select from the Probe Utilities screen to verify the accuracy of the probe calibration? A) Measure B) Mark Used C) Results D) Edit 6) In order to compensate for fluctuation in an uncontrolled environment (i. it is recommended to calibrate on a daily basis.).5) After calibrating a probe tip. what are the necessary steps in order to continue learning the program? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 8) To create a LINE between two previously measured circles which PC-DMIS function would you use? A) Construction B) Dimension C) Operation 9) When constructing a feature. what is the difference between the best fit and best fit recomp types? _________________________________________________ -169- . you must build an alignment that is equal to the alignment used in the CAD model. which of the following options would you select from the Alignment Utilities screen? A) Auto Align B) Iterative C) Set Origin D) CAD = PART 11) Before pressing CAD=Part. you can select the desired features by doing what? ___________________________________ 13) The value set in the find nominals tolerance field is usually larger for solid models than it is for wire frame models. True False 12) When changing the colors of a CAD drawing.10) To establish a relationship with the current alignment and the CAD data. True False -170- . you must re-execute the program in order for the changes to take place. ___ .: New Part Program window). Part Program Files 2) Which keyboard key would you use to move between the fields within a window (i.aln c. A) Enter key B) ESC key C) Tab key D) Any of the above 3) After making changes in the editor. Alignment Files ___ .prg a.Manual Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Quiz # 4 1) Please match the following file extensions with their associated file type.e. Probe Files ___ .PC-DMIS PRO . True False -171- .prb b. True False 7) A True Position tolerance produces a square tolerance zone.4) Autosave is an important function in PC-DMIS that prevents complete loss of your program if a power failure occurs. you must know the direction (vectors) of lines. what column is added to the inspection report that is not present when creating a location dimension? A) Bonus B) Nominal C) Max -172- . it is not necessary to select Save from the File menu. Which options would you select to activate the Autosave function ? A) Edit/ Preferences/ Setup / General B) Edit/ Preferences / Setup/ Dimension C) Edit/ Preferences / Parameters/ Dimension 5) By selecting the Autosave function. or toolbar. True False 8) In a Feature Control Frame what does this symbol mean M __________________________________ 9) When creating a true position dimension. at any time. True False 6) For correct calculations and results. 10) If you have a material condition on a datum. True False 13) In order to delete a saved window layout. True False -173- . and the calculator can be added to a toolbar. it also saves the options that you have selected under Edit| Preferences| Edit Window Layout. Datapage. True False 11) When dimensioning a feature that relates to a Datum (i. Concentricity). the Datum feature is selected First Second Either 12) When you save a window layout. then you must un-check the Use Datums Box. you must hold down what key and then drag the icon into the graphics display window? A) Control B) Alt C) Shift 14) Icons for executable files like Excel.e. True False -174- .DCC Section 15) Where on the calibration sphere is 90 deg when setting up the starting and ending angles in PC-DMIS's Measure Probe function ? A A B B C B C 16) Which function do you select from the Probe Utilities screen to input your motion parameters (Touch Speed. Move Speed etc) for calibration? A) Edit B) Mark Used C) Results D) Measure 17) It is a good measuring practice to incorporate a DCC alignment in a part program to achieve more accuracy. prehit or retract values. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ -175- . which tab under Parameters would you choose ? A) Clearance Plane B) Motion C) Dimensions D) Probe 19) For the sake of accuracy and precision. the touch speed used in the probe calibration should be the same as that used in the part program.18) If you wish to change the machine speed. touch speed. True False 20) Name THREE types of DCC Move commands that can be inserted into a program to provide clearance for the probe.
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