PCAB License as Per Category - PCA Metro - PCAB Licensing Forum

March 22, 2018 | Author: sofianina05 | Category: General Contractor, Construction Bidding, License, Engineering, Industries



Dis c u s s io n sA c tiv ity Sig n In Home › PCAB Licensing questions, discussions & suggestions PCAB license as per category It looks like you're new here. If jhunco rte z January 2012 Howdy, Stranger! edited January 2012 in PCAB Licensing questions, discussions & suggestions We all know that in government projects, the government employee and the contractor always follow the PCAB license category limits. How about in private sector, just like industrial plant? Is there any rule regarding the use of contractors license as per category? you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Categories Recent Discussions Activity Categories All Categories Comments p came tro February 2012 In the private sector there are no licence category requirement. It is a case of trust between the contractor and the client provided however that the contractor is classified to do the work. As an example, a electrical specialty contractor will be violating its licence if it would contract to construct an entire building. For that, a General Engineering or General Building license classification will be a requirement. 58 PCAB Lic ens ing ques tions , dis c us s ions & s ugges tions 56 PCAB Amnesty for unlicensed contractors 2 Parties who abuse this forum by posting links for self-serving purposes or for the promotion of goods, services, etc. will be summarily banned and their kyo te March 2012 I want to build a commercial complex. I hired an archetic, PEE, etc. to do the plans. The structural was done by a general engineering contractor. Now, I want to hire my brother who engaged in construction for almost 8 years to do the building wiring as specified by the PEE. I trust him that he is capable to do the works but he is not a PCAB license nor the PEE. As you said it is a case of trust between the contractor and the client. Can I hire him or not? Thanks. p came tro April 2012 posts deleted. Email and IP addresses of abusers will also be reported. Search 6 (Constructor Categories) of the Rules and Regulations promulgated under RA 4566 (the Contractors' license Law) provides as follows: "Every constructor shall be graded and assigned a category as an adjunct to his licensing.He will be violating RA 4566 if he does the work. can we bid for any project in the case of gov't projects as long as it is less than 500T? e ric04083 November 2012 hi. A. etc. AA. SP-PS. we will be applying for a new contractor's license as CategoryTRADE. C. General Engineering and General Building constructors shall be categorized in a scale of six. Specialty constructors shall be categorized in a scale of seven. Trade is a Specialty Classification category. and D.. lakan2004 November 2012 thanks sir. In the Contractor's General Information form. mechanical. can we apply for GB-1 as TRADE? please enlighten us. namely: AAA. 5. general engineering. A. lakan2004 November 2012 In the application for new contractor's license. structural. general guilding..thanks p came tro November 2012 No. SP-EE." The Rule is thus very clear in this regard.. namely: AAA.) to do the specific work and holds a valid PCAB license.. Thank you in advance! p came tro November 2012 . Sec. we will also apply for registration and classification of contractor for government infra projects and if ever our pcab license & for govt infra project will be approved. C. AA. As far as contrator category (Trade to AAA) it is a case of trust in the private sector provided that the contractor is licensed and classified (electrical. SP-SS. B. D and Trade. SPWP & SP-PN. B. can we apply for six (6) Principal Classification such as SP-FW. ph or http://pcametro. See the footnotes in the CategorizationClassification Table (downloadable from either www. The completed project value only comes into play when bidding for Government projects. Once you have gained the experience through completed projects (and registered the single largest projects per classfication with PCAB) it can be updated so as to allow you to bid up to 500T. you will be limited to 50% of 500T.ph/pcab/ . However there are some items on which you receive double credit such as construction equipment and vehicles. In other words Php250K. If you meet the overall credit point requirements you may upgrade. What does 9M mean? Is it for your cash on bank only supported by a bank certification or 9M means your total networth as stated in your FS? Does a NEW category C contractor can move to category A during renewal if he can meet the credit points required even if the projects he finished were not that big? Say below 2M (single project cost only). jo hnc12 April 2013 Good day PCA! I like to ask for clarification regarding PCAB categorization specifically for financial capacity.To lakan2004: As new license holder you will be deemed to be without experience as you will not be able to register larges single similar project in the classification range. The value of your single largest similar project (as the one bidded for) must be at least 50% of the value of the project bidded for subject the the category ceiling. Thanks. Hoping for your reply. Example for category A that requires a stockholder's equity of 9M. p came tro November 2012 To eric04083: Yes you can but you may be required to prove experience and professional qualifications either through your AMO or be required to have an STE with the prerequisite professional qualifications and technical experience in the various fields. .pcametro.under PCAB License Forms). p came tro April 2013 9 M means your networth in your audited FS as submitted to the BIR. This is particularly true in the case of EE and PS. general repairs and condominium fit-outs? Thank you . Can I contract projects such as renovation. Electrical work will be required as an Additional Classification to General Engineering..2B electrical project? p came tro August 2013 edited August 2013 Depends on whether it is a Public or Private Sector project. Can a PCAB license that has a category of AAA in General Engineering can get 2.FAST P REC ISION July 2013 Hi PCA! we are applying for our pcab license (new) i would like to ask if we can apply for general building classification and can add SP-ME Mechanical work specialty. For Private Sector projects..thank you p came tro July 2013 edited July 2013 That is no problem as long as you technically qualify for SPMechanical work. ciju August 2013 Hi. The reason for this is that there has to be appropriate STE experience in respect of electrical work. Your statement is vague and we cannot elaborate further as a result. The IRR under RA 4566 allows multiple additional classifications over and above your principal classification (General Building). if the project is predominantly electrical. For Public Sector (Government) projects the SLRP (single largest registered project) in the specific license classification and registration for the specialty will be the determining factors. p ao to n August 2013 I'm planning on applying for the trade classification of the pcab license. What projects are covered by this classification? I will only be participating the private sector of the industry. or http://pcametro. I am still confused as to categories for new registrations. Failure to do so is an offense under the law. cre w September 2013 Thanks for the reply. p came tro September 2013 Contractors licensing apply to all types of construction. Your PCAB license classification (as well as additional classifications) will determine your classification under the separate Government registration. RA 4566 requires of all contractors in the country. irrespective of nationality. as a company planning to do only private contracts. does this mean I still need to comply with the minimum requirements of said category? I assumed there are no such requirements for those engaging in purely private construction. The classification is for govt contracts only right? So if I only plan to do private contracts.pcametro. Renovation.ph/pcab/ .ph. cre w September 2013 Hi. additional registration (over and above the PCAB license) is required by RA 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act). See the Categorization-Classification Table (downloadable from either http://www.p came tro August 2013 edited August 2013 The Trade category is one of the license categories of the Specialty Classifications. what classification requirements are . http://pcametro. repairs and fit-outs has been accepted in practice as qualifying for Category Trade license. whether Private of Government sector. In order to participate in government projects/bidding. should I still pick which category/classification I want? If so.under PCAB License Forms . My question is. The PCAB license classifications form the basis of government registration and allowable ranges of contract cost (ARCC) as well as SLRP (single largest registered project). The IRR under RA 4566 only refers to 3 Classifications . General Building and Specialty.General Engineering. to first secure a license from PCAB before engaging in construction contracting in the country. I am aware that all construction companies are required to get a PCAB license.ph/essential-links/) for the various Specialty subclassifications. cre w September 2013 Thanks.000 pesos. However the former is based on the latter and further defined by SLRP as stated above.ph/essentiallinks/. Section 5. To answer your question. and D. Medium & Small A or B). namely: AAA. The sub-classifications under Specialty (there is no General Specialty Classification . AA. As we previously stated. A.6 of the IRR under RA 4566 provides as follows: "Every constructor shall be graded and assigned a category as an adjunct to his licensing. A.only individual specialty fields as listed and each one must be individually applied for/added. Can you enlighten us? p came tro September 2013 Trade is a license category under the Specialty Classification.General Engineering. So if I dont have financial capacity of at least 900. it will give you perspective. However. General Building and Specialty.ph/essential-links/. General Engineering and General Building constructors shall be categorized in a scale of six. Each of these has sub-classifications. C. Download the CategorizationClassification Tables from http://pcametro. C. Government registration is over and above the PCAB license and is governed by RA 9184. the Classification requirements are those set out in RA 4566 and its IRR both of which can be downloaded from the link we provided you with above . As an example. Specialty constructors shall be categorized in a scale of seven.there? p came tro September 2013 There are three PCAB license Classifications .http://pcametro. PCAB license Categories are from Trade to AAA. B. It uses different license Categories (Large. AA. under the Trade license you are not allowed to . namely: AAA. D and Trade". B. In private sector the sub-classifications under General Engineering and General Building does not plat a significant role. RA 4566 and its IRR is aplicable to all types of construction whether private or government and the classification requirements applies to all. PCAB has been treating the Trade category as a catch-all in respect of non-General Engineering/Building works. I can only apply as Trade? I searched the rules but there is no definition of what Trade is. A contractor whose license is delisted through failure to renew automatically loses his entire track . to engage in construction of a house. Kix x September 2013 In the ARC Track Record Form. etc. I need at least P900. mechanical. cre w September 2013 Going back to my question. plumbing/sanitary. does it mean networth (assets-liabilities) or just cash-on-hand/bank? p came tro September 2013 Completed projects in both public and private sectors are eligible for the ARC track record. The minimum financial capacity for General Building/Engineering is set in order to protect the general public. The Amnesty does not affect this.). unlike in the case of a category Trade license. concreting.g. will the recorded Single Largest Project Completed in the ARC Form deemed as valid if it was completed before its registration for PCAB License? Will it be covered by the Amnesty? Just a clarification regarding Financial Capacity. at least one STE with 3 years minimum construction experience (in the License Classification) is required. Projects completed by an unlicensed contractor cannot be taken into consideration as it contravenes the law. Only licensed contractors are allowed to engage in construction contracting in the country. structural steel. In addition.contract for (construct) the construction of a house/building/structure but dependent on your classifications under your trade license you may carry out various works (e. electrical. does it necessarily mean that the Single Largest Project Completed a Completed Government Project? If it is not necessarily a government project.000 in financial capacity? p came tro September 2013 That is correct. At present it is a grey area but clarifications given by PCAB personnel point to it being acceptable. 2. There is no ceiling in private sector projects. The Amnesty however only requires a Bank Certificate of at least Php45K without any further documentation. This cannot be reinstated. 3. and getting a new license(Class 'D'). Both Government and Private Sector Projects can be included. It only applies to Government Projects.) For STATEMENT OF ANNUAL VALUE OF WORK ACCOMPLISHED in the Renewal License Form. Verification will be carried out when the license is renewed. Is there any way I can get a Class 'D'. we don't have any previous construction experience which can fulfill Class D.000 Peso and below Projects? Or does it only apply to Government Projects? 2. however because it's new company.) If I am in a Trade Category but will engage only in private sectors. does that mean I can only have 500. or Projects in the private sectors are also to be included? Thank you. It is an omission in the form. Jo yful October 2013 1. JJJo anSSS0228 October 2013 edited October 2013 1. I mean a temporary license kind .) Can I accept projects for Sidewalk Concreting? (Still in Private Sector). I'm considering establishing new construction company. p came tro October 2013 1. Project Owners are stated to be Either Government Infrastructure Agencies. How else can a contractor build a track record to become eligible for Government Projects. If I can meet all the requirements except for experience. 3. You may have Php10M cash on hand but Php11M liabilities which places you Php1M in the red and an all probability ineligible for a license. So does it mean only Government Projects are to be filled in the form.record. For example. Financial capacity means net worth. General . I'm thinking of founding new company with other construction companywhich has construction experience in 50%:50% basis. For a Category D license you are required to have 1 STE with three years experience with a licensed construction firm. can newly established company use mother company's experience? If available. Is there any regulation about STE's nationality? 2. can you enlighten me with the follow question? If there is no way new construction company get a license without experience. 1. I have another questions. The experience is personal to the construction concern and you cannot use the experience of another for license purposes. You just have to employ a qualified STE to meet the Technical requirements of this license category. Over and above this you must meet the Financial requirements and between your Technical credit points and Financial credit points you must meet the overall credit point requirement. Jo yful October 2013 Additionally. p came tro October 2013 edited October 2013 Experience is through your Sustaining Technical Employees (STE).of thing. 4.ph/essential-links/). Thank you in advance for your kind response on this. Jo yful October 2013 Thank you for your kind reply. I know that there are three PCAB license Classifications . Please note that a STE can only be STE of one construction company. can the company use entire experience or percentage based on the rate of shareholding.2 if the IRR under RA 4566 (you can download it at the following link http://pcametro. 2. What is 'STE and COMTCP' means in the Classification Table. STE and the required qualifications is defined in Sec. And in this case. D.). AA. B.Engineering. and each of these has sub-classifications such as Building or Industrial plant. You may be a AAA contractor but if you do not have a registered Single Largest Project (SLP) of a specific classification or if the value of your SLP in that classification is small. Medium B. you may end up with a Medium A categorization for that Classification. Strictly speaking you have to be classified for it. in the private sector as it by and large depends on the project owner as "sewage system" is a sub-classification of General Building. Kindly ask you to enlighten me. but I wasn't able to spot it. Small B. Thank you p came tro October 2013 edited October 2013 Public Sector projects are governed by RA 9184 (the Government Procurement Reform Act) which. Jo yful October 2013 edited October 2013 Good Morning Are there any documents that I can find the regulations of no ceiling for private projects regardless of the categories(such as C. etc. Large A. do I need to acquire another sub-category license? Thank you. and Sub-classification: building or Industrial Plant). General Building and Specialty. etc. etc)? I'm trying to find it in RA. I want to bid for Sewerage system project in private sector. seweage or sewage system and so on. which was enacted . as opposed to AAA. The license categories are different from that of the PCAB categories (Large B. under its IRR sets out project value ceilings for the individual license categories. p came tro October 2013 The STE has to be a licensed professional (PRC). However. What you cannot do is bid on a General Engineering project with only a General Building license. A. In case I have Category D license(Classification: General Building. 4566. RA 4566. Here's the question. To be licensed by the PRC the professional must be Philippine citizen. etc. SP-EE.long before RA 9184 remains silent on category value caps as the test for license categorization is Technical experience and Financial capacity. Thank you in advance in your untiring and unselfish responses to us. SP-PN. p came tro January 2014 You must individually apply for each specialty. Project value does not form part of that equation. It denotes that the contractor is a specialist in his field. AMAb ig an January 2014 Good Day!!! Do classification SP-EM (Electrical and Mechanical Works) covers SPFW. the IRR remains silent on this as it does not form part of contractors' licensing. If the contractor has the technical ability in more than one specialty. SP-WP. The IRR under RA 4566 can be downloaded from http://pcametro. The project value ceiling was introduced by RA 9184 solely for Government Projects. It is up to a private sector project owner to decide on the contractor to use provided that the contractor is licensed to carry out the work. A Category D General Building contractor can construct a 50 floor building if the project owner so decides. SP-PS. the additional classifications must be separately (may be in one application form) applied for and the technical capability shown. as an Specialty Contractor. This is the nature of the Specialty Classification. jo lo jo g glo s ggs March 2014 Hello! Under which category does Structured cabling fall? p came tro March 2014 It will fall under Specialty Classification "SP-CF Communication Facilities". Electronic Works.ph (left sidebar under Legislation or top Secondary Menu under a similar heading). However. . SP-SS. 2)? For example if the partner apply for a project with an SLP of P300M. We also have an NFCC of 27million. can we join him or should we only join if the SLP of the project is above P10M and up to P50M? . In that case.In the case that the foreigner company wants to work for the private sector. Can we still be able to serve this project given the said supporting requirements? p came tro March 2014 You are (Category D / Small B) limited to a maximum project value of Php15 million in terms of the Second Stage Adjustment of the ARCC (PCAB Circular 001 series of 2009). But we do have a SLC of more than that amount of 18m approved budget. But it was categorized as a construction as a whole. is there any amount limitation for a project? Is there any annual limitation in number of projects or in total amount of project? Or maybe a limitation about the number of project or the total amount of project that we managed at the same time? Or maybe there is no limitations at all? . This is a construction project which includes fabrication of machineries.In the case of a government contract. If a foreigner company as a PCAB licence category B and the FIlipino partner has a PCAB licence category AAA: .EmeEme rso nrso n March 2014 Good Day! We have won a government bidding worth Php18m. In which i do understand that we can only transact a government project of up to 15million only. Excess SLP does not come into play due to license restrictions for Government projects.5. There is no way around it. ce coce nstruct co nstruct May 2014 Good afternoon. We have a PCAB category D. do we still have to follow the the licence category B or do we follow the limitations of our partner licence AAA (IRR Clause 23. the possibility for the foreign company to participate in the project is to join the project at 25% and the filipino partner will have 75% if i am right. ph/hesk/ and provide full and specific information and not generalizations. now i understand the difference between general licence and Special licence.p came tro May 2014 You are confusing Special Licenses with Regular Licenses. It is a case of trust between the contractor and the client provided however that the contractor is classified to do the work". it does not impact further. .say AAA for high rise or AA for medium rise. As a Special license is for a single project only. Yes indeed. The only legal requirement is that the contractor be Categorized for the work to be carried out. Foreign contractors only qualify for a Special License and then only in the limited cases enumerated in the IRR under RA 4566 and/or the BOT law. In the case of a Special License issued to a Foreign contractor Category is normally dictated by the project itself (PPP. what is the purpose of having a AAA licence or a B or C licence. "In the private sector there are no licence category requirement. If you require specific clarification for these issues we suggest that you open a Support Ticket in the PCA Metropolitan Public Assistance Help Desk at http://pcametro. BOT or international competitive bidding under government to government bilateral agreement). In addition. institutions and project owners. you said in February 2012 that if a company as a general licence. A Category AAA contractor has greater financial capacity and technical capability than a Category B license and that is important to many developers. What i don't understand is. However. if we don't need it in the private sector? Does it only mean that a AAA licenced company is more trustable than a B licenced company? But the licence category doesnt have any impact on our limitations? p came tro May 2014 There are many in the private sector that that insist that the contractor they use has a certain license category . In the case of a foreign company. A Special License is for a single project only. ce coce nstruct co nstruct May 2014 Thank you for your reply. there is no legal requirement that for a specific type of construction or contract value private sector project owners must use contractors of a specific category. Sign In or Register to comment. .
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