PCAB Application Form

May 12, 2018 | Author: marvinceledio | Category: Revenue, Board Of Directors, General Contractor, Tax Return (United States), Sole Proprietorship



Department of Trade & Industry PhilippinesConstruction Industry Authority of the Philippines PHILIPPINE CONTRACTORS ACCREDITATION BOARD NEW REGULAR CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE APPLICATION PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01. Revision No. 07, 10/19/2017 | This Form is NOT for sale. Reproduction is Allowed Instruction: Read Important Reminders (page 21 and 22). The following pertinent documents and information shall be submitted in support to PCAB License New Application. Checklist of Requirements Remarks Checklist of Requirements Remarks B. FINANCIAL A. LEGAL B.1.6. Schedule of Receivables - if the value of the applicant's receivables exceed more than 50% of A.1. Affidavit of Attestation and General Information (page 3 and page 5); the contractor’s networth duly signed by AMO and certified by the firm’s PRC BOA accredited A.1.1. For CPA,Sole Proprietorship otherwise, the amount - Certified in excesstrue copy account of said of Business shall be Name Registration deducted Certificate for categorization (scope of business: purposes (page 13); national; nature of business: construction); B.2. A.1.2. For Corporation Authorization or Partnership to verify documents from BIR - Certified & other true copy of agencies SECquarterly and/or Certificateincome of Registration tax return andto Articlesreported cover income of Partnership/Incorporation on interim financial statements and By-Laws with (page construction 9 and page 10); contracting as one of the C. TECHNICALpurposes and subsequent amendments thereto, if any; A.2. C.1. PCAB List ofIntegrity SustainingPledge (page 4); Technical Employee/s - STE (page 14) supported by the following documents for A.3. Authorized each STE: Managing Officer (AMO) Nomination (with at least two (2) years experience in the construction C.1.1. industry): Completion of 40-hour Safety Seminar (COSH) of at least one of the listed qualified Sustaining A.3.1. AMO Technical Employees; Affidavit (page 6) with recent passport size picture; C.1.2. A.3.1.1. STE Affidavit/s with recent-passport For Corporation size picture/s Original Corporate (page 15); Secretary's certificate as to the nomination of the C.1.3. Certified AMO (pageof7); true copy valid PRC ID of STE as licensed professional; C.1.4. A.3.1.2. Original NBIFor Clearance/s Corporationof- nominated not the President, submit Board Resolution on AMO’s If AMO is STE/s; duties and responsibilities: (1) sign checks and other financial documents, (2) hire and C.1.5. STE Affidavit/s of Construction Experience (page 17); fire employees, (3) approve, negotiate and sign contracts, (4) commit and answer for the C.1.6. Personalcorporation, Appearance(5)Form overseedulyallaccomplished contracts of theandcompany; signed by the STE/s appearing before the designated A.3.1.3. Forofficer of the -PCAB Corporation or the nearest Organizational Chart DTI Regional/Provincial Office/CIAP Window (page 18); A.3.2. Original NBI clearance of Filipino AMO (valid as of the date of filing); C.2. Affidavit of No Construction Activity (page 19); A.3.3. If AMO is Non-Filipino (in addition to A.3.1): C.3. Certificate of DOLE-accredited Safety Practitioner for Category “AAA” applicants (for additional credit A.3.3.1. Working Visa; points); D. GENERAL A.3.3.2. INFORMATION Alien Certificate (page 5) of Registration; D.1. A.3.3.3.withNBI Membership SSS,clearance PHILHEALTH if AMO&has resided in the Philippines for six (6) months or longer if not, PAG-IBIG; D.2. Completion of 2-day equivalent AMOclearance Seminar from AMO's - to be home by completed country duly himself the AMO authenticated whetherbythe thefirm Philippine be sole Embassy; proprietorship or corporate/partnership and the like; A.4. D.3. For Corporations Completion or Associations of 40-hour Safety Seminar with(COSH, foreignBOSHshareholders, the following with Construction Safety documents Components) shall -beto submitted: be completed by the AMO himself in case of sole proprietorships or by any responsible/senior officer of A.4.1. Corporate Secretary’s the corporation/partnership andCertification: the like; (1) List of stockholders showing their nationalities and D.4. shareholdings, (2) List of Board of Directors showing their names and nationality; E-mail Address; A.4.2. Copy Certificate of latest of ISO General accreditation (forInformation additional creditSheet points); duly filed with SEC showing the names of D.5. stockholders and directors, nationality and shareholdings. The percentage control of the E. OTHERS number of seats occupied by foreigners in the Board of Directors shall not exceed 40%; E.1. Firm’s Authorized Representatives (note: must be an employee of the firm) Affidavit with recent B. FINANCIAL passport size picture (page 20); B.1. Complete E.1.1. Financial Copy Statements of company ID of the with accompanying Authorized Auditor’s notes dated within the last six (6) months Representatives; immediately preceding the filing of application (duly audited and signed on every page by an E.1.2. IndependentLatest CPACCL with- formerly valid SSS PRC-BOAForm R-3 (for below 60 accreditation) andyears a CD-Rold) or(compact Certificate of recordable) disc Income Tax containing Withheld - BIRAudited the firm’s Form 2316, formerly Balance SheetBIR&W-2 (for 60Statement Income years old and above) in the of the representatives; prescribed template to be E.2. Original signature uploaded in the CIAP of database. AMO on each The PCAB and every pageStatement Financial of the application Forms A &forms B (A. including Balance Sheet supporting / B. documents; Income Statement) can be downloaded at CIAP website, www.ciap.dti.gov.ph; E.3. B.1.1. CertifiedFordocuments. old companies,In lieu ofaudited certified copies,statements financial photocopies formay the be accepted provided immediately precedingoriginal taxablecopies year are presented for authentication; and copy of the Quarterly or Annual Income Tax Return certified by the BIR; E.4. B.1.2. AMO Examination; Cash - Original copy of Bank Certification/Bank statement of account certified by Bank E.5. The Board may require Manager of cash the AMO as deposits interview and submission of the Balance Sheet date;of pertinent documents/information (Note: Amount in excess of 1% other of than thetheabove in orderper Networth to fully Auditeddetermine Balance the Sheet qualifications of the applicants; or P 500,000.00 whichever is higher, reflected E.6. as “Cash” Self-stamped or “Cash envelopes for on Hand” will verification of be deducteddocuments supporting from the Networth); (one self-stamped envelope per supporting B.1.2.1.document); Authorization to Depository Bank (page 8); E.7. B.1.3. Mode ofLandReleaseandofBuilding License (please - List ofcheckLand only and one): [ ] Mail usingPlants Building/Industrial the attached ownedprepaid by the courier applicant pouch; and [ ] Claim at PCAB Makati; [ registered in its name (page 11);] Claim at CIAP Window / DTI ROG Office ________________________. F. ARC APPLICATION B.1.3.1. Certified Copy of Transfer of Certificate of Title (TCT) including back page; F.1. Application B.1.3.2. for Certified registration Copy in ofgovernment Deed of Sale projects or Taxshould be accomplished Declaration in PCAB-PAD-ARC-F01 of Land / Building owned by the (Application for Registration andapplicant; Classification of Contractor for Government Infrastructure Projects) which may be filed simultaneously in a separate folder with the PCAB License Application. B.1.4. Transportation & Construction Equipment - List of Construction and/or Transportation / Delivery Vehicles st/ Equipment/ FOR PCAB / /DTI-ROG Machineries Plants owned USE by theONLY applicant and rdregistered in its name (page 12); 1 Prescreening 2nd Prescreening 3 Prescreening 4th Prescreening Item [ ] PCAB Makati [ ] DTI-ROG ______ B.1.4.1. Certified Copy by Land Transportation Office (LTO) of Certificate [ ] PCAB Makati of Registration [ ] PCAB Makatiand [ ] PCAB Makati No. Prescreener: Date: Current Official Receipt of Registration of Construction and/or [ ] DTI-ROG Transportation/Delivery ______ [ ] DTI-ROG ______ [ ] DTI-ROG _____ [ ] Accepted [ ] Comply lacking items Vehicles/Equipment reported; B.1.4.2. Certified Copy of Deed of Sale or sales invoices/official receipts of other construction equipment/machineries; B.1.5. Other Assets - (i.e. investment in Banks and / or Shares of stocks and other accounts); B.1.5.1. Certified true copies of certificates of Stock, time deposits, & other pertinent proofs of ownership of other assets; PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. 07, 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. Reproduction is Allowed Page 2 of 26 1. will absolutely shun away from any form of collusion that destroys the very essence and integrity of biddings. I further certify that the business name and/or SEC registration of this firm is valid and existing.  We will provide the necessary resources. No. our contracts. NOTARY PUBLIC Series of 20 __. Book No. Until December 31. 20to____ me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. 07. financial and technical capability in carrying out our contractual obligations. we pledge thethe category/classification following: company is applying for and that the information/documents are true and correct. Doc. Series of 20 __. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. and as far as possible.S _____________________________________ Name of Company SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ________ day of ___________________ 20____ at Republic of the Philippines ) ______________________________________________. Pag-IBIG. 20 ____ Doc. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. _______________ issued at __________________ on _________________ 20 ___. reliability and performance of the built environment. Page No. I certify to the completeness of the information/documents contained in this application appertaining to In theview thereof.Officer shall be subjected to investigation which may result to the disapproval of my application. 3. All documents submitted in support to this application are subject to verification before PCAB  We action. City/Municipality of ___________) S. within the stipulated time of completion. Book No. we acknowledge our major role and responsibility in ensuring that we carry out our tasks request I hereby guided by ethical that standards and its application equipped withLicense for Contractor's the necessary capability for the successful prosecution of be approved.S SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ________ day of NOTARY PUBLIC ___________________ 20____ at Until December ____________________________________________________________. and  We will not use sub-standard materials which will in any way compromise the safety.  We will present only true qualifications to PCAB so that we may be evaluated properly and be given the category and classification where we should rightfully belong.  We are aware that we will be imposed disciplinary action shouldAuthorized we violate any of the commitments Managing Officer hereof or the PCAB Code of Ethics or be found to be a party to corruption. No. affiant exhibited to me his/her Community Tax Province of _________________) Certificate No. of my qualification shall be solely based on the documents submitted at the time the application was filed/accepted by PCAB. I am fully Weaware will notthat: employ unlicensed sub-contractors/specialty contractors which is a clear circumvention of the requirement that all contractors must be licensed. denial/suspension/revocation of license and blacklisting of my firm and myself as its Authorized Managing Officer.  We will uphold the dignity of the license and not be instruments for unlicensed contractors to undertake I certifyconstruction furthermoreprojects that thethrough SSS. Any discovered misrepresentation of information and/or manifestations of fraud on the application  We documents will not engage submitted in bribery or by constitutes do any act which my firmgraftapplicant or or corrupt practiceits whichAuthorized is the root Representative/Agent/Liaison cause of bloated contract amounts.  We will not abandon our contracts and we will implement our projects faithfully in accordance with the 4. _______________ issued at ______________________ on _________________ 20 ___. . Unconfirmed information/documents submitted to support my firm's qualifications shall be excluded for categorization/classification purposes. In behalf of (Name of Firm) As frontrunners of nation-building. (Signature over Printed Name) Republic of the Philippines ) _____________________________________ Province of _________________) Authorized Managing Officer (Signature over Printed Name) City/Municipality of ___________) S. Reproduction is Allowed Page 3 of 26 PCAB INTEGRITY PLEDGE AFFIDAVIT OF ATTESTATION We believe that the construction industry is one of the most susceptible to all forms of corruption that hampers the noble objectives towards national progress and global competitiveness. and PhilHealth license lending nor throughcontributions were remitted in favor false joint ventures/consortium of the or pseudo employees of this firm. Page No. combinations which is inimical to the public safety/interest. prescribed specifications The evaluation thereof. 2. affiant exhibited 31. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. Tax Identification No. Type of Firm (please check only one) Equity [ ] Sole Proprietorship [ ] Partnership [ ] Corporation Filipino: % Foreign: % Nationality: International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Certification (please check. if any) [ ] ISO 14001:2004 [ ] OSHAS 18001:2007 [ ] ISO 9001:2008 [ ] ISO 9001:2015 SEC / Business Name Registration No. 07. (include area code) If Provincial based. contact address in Manila. Registration Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Expiry Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Firm’s SSS No. if any) [ ] AAAA [ ]B [ ] General Engineering [ ] General Building [ ] General Engineering [ ] General Building [ ] AAA [ ]C [ ] Trade [ ] Specialty (please specify below): [ ] Specialty (please specify below): [ ] AA [ ]D [ ]A [ ] E/Trade 2-day AMO Seminar Participant Host/Organizer Inclusive Dates Venue 40-hour Safety Seminar ( [ ] COSH or [ ] BOSH with Construction Safety Components ) Participant Company Position Course Provider Inclusive Dates Venue Owners / Stockholders / Officers (for corporation / partnership) Percentage Name Position Nationality Capital Subscription Paid-up Capital Shares Peso value Directors / Officers (for corporation only) Name Position Nationality Address Certified correct by: Authorized Managing Officer (Signature over printed name) . PhilHealth No. Category Applied for Principal Classification Applied for Other Classification/s Applied for (please check only one) (please check only one) (please check. PAG-IBIG No. Reproduction is Allowed Page 4 of 26 CONTRACTOR’S GENERAL INFORMATION Note: Please use additional sheets if necessary. Name of Firm: (as per SEC or DTI) Office Address Telephone/Fax No. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. if any Website E-mail Address Mobile No. safety. That I possess at least two (2) years experience in the construction industry as follows (Ref. Province.2 of IRR of R.A. Zip Code and residing at: having duly sworn to in accordance with law depose and say: 1. 8. 4566) Dates of Designation / Position Company / Nature of Business Address Job Description Employment 4. No.2 of IRR of R. Street. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. Sec. 20 of IRR of R. 07. 20 of IRR of R. That I am the Authorized Managing Officer of : ________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Firm) with position of: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Position in the Firm) 2. a Sustaining Technical Employee or a license applicant with PCAB . That I authorize the PCAB to verify and investigate any or all information in this instrument from whatever sources PCAB may consider appropriate 9. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. Book No.. ____________________________ Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of __________________________________________________ 20___ at ___________________________________________________________________________. Name. if any) Middle Name I. affiant exhibited his/her Community Tax Certificate No. City/Municipality. That I certify under pain of perjury that all information on this affidavit are true and correct. & lien laws of the Republic of the Philippines & the rudimentary administrative principles of construction contracting from my work experiences in item 3 above and from the following training/seminars (Ref. That I am fully aware that my failure to notify PCAB of my disassociation with my present employer shall cause my disqualification to be an Authorized Managing Officer. Page No. _____________ issued at _________________________________________ on ______________ 20________.A.S Last Name First Name Ext. Barangay. Reproduction is Allowed Page 5 of 26 AUTHORIZED MANAGING OFFICER (AMO) AFFIDAVIT Note: Please accomplish this affidavit properly. NOTARY PUBLIC Until December 31. That I possess the following educational attainments (attach additional sheet if necessary) Name of School Address Course Inclusive Dates 3. 4566): 5. Citizenship dd mm yyyy Single / Last Name First Name Middle Name Born on Married to Room/Floor/Unit/Bldg.A. Please use additional sheets if necessary. 4566) 7. 4566) 6. That I am not involved in any construction malperformance suggestive of negligence. health . Lot/Block/Phase No. incompetence or malpractice or any act of omission liable for disciplinary action by myself or in collaboration with any other person (Section 4. Republic of the Philippines ) Province of ______________) City/Municipality of ________) S. Sec. Subdivision. 20 ___ Doc. That I possess knowledge of the building. That I have not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any offense involving moral turpitude (Section 4.A. Series of 20 ___ . Name (Jr/Sr. the following resolution was unanimously approved. in my capacity as the duly elected and incumbent Corporate Secretary of ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Firm) dd mm yyyy City / Municipality of Meeting That during its regular meeting held on held at Wherein a quorum was present . Name. Series of 20 ___ . 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. Page No. to wit: AMO NOMINATION "R E S O L V E as it is hereby resolved that ___________________________________________________________________." IN WITNESS WHEREOF.S Last Name First Name Ext. affiant exhibited his/her Community Tax Certificate No.. Barangay. Zip Code and residing at: do hereby certify. I have hereunto affixed my hand this ___________ day of ___________________ 20___.A. (FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME SURNAME) a senior executive who has been granted the power to render general management and administrative decision. in ______________________________. Street. Subdivision. Name (Jr/Sr. ________________ issued at _________________________________ on ______________ 20______. Province. Room/Floor/Unit/Bldg. NOTARY PUBLIC Until December 31. Lot/Block/Phase No. 4) for Republic of the Philippines ) specification Province of ______________) City/Municipality of ________) S. No. if any) Middle Name I. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No.D. Book No. 1746. item no. 20 ___ Doc. Reproduction is Allowed Page 6 of 26 Picture of AMO SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATION see Important Note: For Corporations only Reminders (page 21. 07. 4566 as amended by P. Philippines. City/Municipality. be appointed as the firm's Authorized Managing Officer to act on all matters concerning the requirements of the PCAB and implementation of R. ____________________________ Corporate Secretary (Signature over Printed Name) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of ______________________________________ 20___ at _____________________________________________________. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. 07. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. Reproduction is Allowed Page 7 of 26 . PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No.R.I. This This will will serve serve as as a waiver your on the confidentiality authorization to release anyprovision of Section information 270 be that may of the NationalbyInternal requested PCAB Revenue Code of 1997 (memorandum regarding the above subject account. II am am applying applying for for a a contractor's contractor's license license from from PCAB PCAB and and part part of of their their evaluation evaluation process process is is the the verification of ITR and AFS. of Firm: ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Authorized Managing Officer By: _________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Authorized Managing Officer or Date:____________________ Authorized Signatory with the Bank Date:_______________________ . office. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. of an applicant. Very Nametruly yours. a a government government agency agency under under the the Department Department ofofTrade Tradeand andIndustry. verification of bank deposits and other assets of an applicant. Very truly yours. THE REVENUE MANAGER DISTRICT OFFICER _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Subject: Subject: Income Tax Return Bank Account and Audited Financial Statement as of ______ # _______________________ Sir: Sir: Please Please provide provide the the Philippine Philippine Contractors Contractors Accreditation Accreditation Board Board (PCAB). circular No. Reproduction is Allowed Page 8 of 26 AUTHORITY TOTO AUTHORITY VERIFY ITRBANK VERIFY / AFSACCOUNT FROM B. Thank you. any Industry. Thank you. 2006) and your authorization to release any information that may be requested by PCAB regarding the above subject document/s. (PCAB). information any they information need they regarding need the subject regarding ITR the subject and AFS filed with your account with your bank.28. 2006 dated May 08. 07. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) 6. 07. Reproduction is Allowed Page 9 of 26 AUTHORITY TO VERIFY FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCY/IES AUTHORIZATION The Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) is hereby authorized to verify and secure information and/or copies of documents submitted by or in the name of the firm to any or all of the following agencies relative to its application filed with the PCAB: 1. Social Security System (SSS) 5. Land Transportation Office (LTO) 4. Land Registration Authority (LRA) 3. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) 7. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG) _________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Authorized Managing Officer Date:______________________ . Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 2. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. Reproduction is Allowed Page 10 of 26 . PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. 07. . Province) Model OR No. VALUE DESCRIPTION Cost Date (in Php) (in Php) *LEGEND: TCT – Transfer Certificate of Title CCT – Condominium Certificate of Title TD – Tax Declaration OVERALL CLT TOTAL VALUE – Certificate of Land Title Php Php ________________________ ________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Signature over Printed Name of Authorized Managing Officer Authorized Managing Officer Date:________________________ Date:_________________________ . / Date Date (in Php) OVERALL TOTAL VALUE Php Php B. DELIVERY AND TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT OF THE FIRM AS OF BALANCE SHEET DATE REAL PROPERTIES OF THE FIRM AS OF THE BALANCE SHEET DATE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION ACQUISITION BOOK COMPLETE *TCT-CLT/ LOCATION ACQUISITION VALUE ACQUISITION DESCRIPTION CCT/TD (Street Year No. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No.Municipality/City. Barangay. MACHINERIES/PLANTS AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OF THE FIRM AS OF BALANCE SHEET DATE ACQUISITION BOOK COMPLETE SERIAL NO. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. A. Reproduction is Allowed Page 11 of 26 LIST OF CONSTRUCTOR’S PLANTS. Cost COST DATE(in Php) (TypeVehicle Brand / TypeNUMBER of land/building) Plate No. PROPERTIES Note: Please use additional sheets if necessary.REAL VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT LIST OF CONSTRUCTOR’S Note: Please use additional sheets if necessary. 07. 07. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. Reproduction is Allowed Page 12 of 26 . 5. 7. ________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Authorized Managing Officer Date:________________________ Certified Correct by: _______________________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name and Signature of External Auditor Printed Name and Signature of AMO . Amount Due for Number Registration Validity Name of Projects Age Client Name / Complete Address Previously Nominated Collection 1. 3. 2. 9. 8 9. VICENTE M. 12. LIPIO ARCHITECT 0022710 08/04/2008 10/06/2020 11/3/2017 ARCHITECT 2. Reproduction is Allowed Page 13 of 26 SCHEDULE OF RECEIVABLES LISTif OF Note: To be accomplished NOMINATED the applicant's SUSTAINING receivable TECHNICAL accounts (accounts/contracts EMPLOYEES & other receivable) exceed 50% of the total networth/equity as of the latest audited balance sheet submitted in support of its application. 10. 10. Please use additional sheets if necessary. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. 3. PRC Registration Date Position Name of STE License Date of Employed in the Firm Prof. 4. 13. 5. 07. 7. 4. 6. Newly Nominated SUPERVISING 1. 8. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. 11. 6. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. 07. Reproduction is Allowed Page 14 of 26 . PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. ____________ VICENTE M. turpitude. Officer (Signature over printed name) FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. a)That Involvement. I. City/Municipality. in Degree any capacity. be true and correct. affiant exhibited his/her Community Tax Certificate No. as evidenced by a copy of my PRC ID posted below. A technology of ________) S. Position in the Firm CFY d)With If the formerly position ofa Sustaining Technical Employee or an Authorized SUPERVISING ARCHITECT Managing as STE for Officer of any 2018 construction firm but disassociated there from. duly licensed by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).com or construction- related activities. 5 and 6 of the Affidavit of Undertaking. Name (Jr/Sr. eligibility/registration incompetence of or malpractice or any act or omission the Sustaining liable for disciplinary Technical Employee. 9. CARD VALID FOR VALID FOR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR (Front) (Back) (photocopy) (photocopy) . in any construction malperformance I hold a Bachelor's in BACHELOR IN ARCHITECTURE suggestive of his negligence. Last Name First Name Ext. by himself UNIVERSITY OF THE orPHILIPPINES in collaboration with any otherAPRIL person 2005or firm. 07. No. No. item Republic of the Philippines ) no. particularly a party engaged inEmail 09175182285 Address (required) construction viclipio@gmail. Until December 31. __________________________________________ 11. 4) for Province of ______________) specification City/Municipality 1.D. Name of School Inclusive Dates Given at: Given on: b) Involvement. LIPIO JR. NOTARY PUBLIC Page No. Series of 20 ___ PASTE PASTE PROF. RIZAL residing at 4. 2. That I am not presently employed by either a private company or any government office or government owned/controlled disassociation corporation. action by myself Affiant or in and herein collaboration found with theany otherto same person. and 4. Province. This 7. in any act or omission That liable forNumber my Tax Identification disciplinary is : action of which he/she is or the other person or firm was 244-880-638-000 3. andfound guilty my Social by the Security PCAB System Board . Subdivision. BRGY PAGASA. 10. nor with paragraph working abroad.. Doc. That I am not a holder of a valid contractor's license. 6. see Important Reminders (page 21. not associated professionally or by Telephone / Mobile No. Course / Profession of grave consequence. if any) Middle Name I. Reproduction is Allowed Page 15 of 26 Picture of SUSTAINING TECHNICAL EMPLOYEE AFFIDAVIT STE QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR STE Note: Please accomplish this affidavit properly. 0022710 5. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale.D. That I am fully aware that my failure to notify the PCAB of my disassociation from my present employer within 30 days from such disassociation shall cause my disqualification from being a Sustaining Technical Employee. an Authorized Managing Officer and an applicant for a contractor’s license with PCAB._____ __________________________________________ Affiant Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of ___________________. 20___ at ___________________________. Refer to the next page for STE qualification requirements.S professional. nor a full in accordance time instructor. BINANGONAN. 8. Street. 20 ___ Book No. A full-time employee of the nominating contractor. That I am a duly licensed _______ARCHITECT_____________________________and holder of PRC License No. That I authorize the PCAB to verify and investigate any or all information in this affidavit from whatever sources PCAB may consider appropriate. Holder ofmm a validddPRC yyyy I. Name.D. having been duly sworn in accordance with law depose and say: 1. Barangay. failure to notify the Board of his 5. is to Icertify That that I have am not involved in any verified with construction PRC the abovestated malperformance professional suggestive of negligence. I. With three (3) years minimum Room/Floor/Unit/Bldg. CARD PROF. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. such as engineer or architect. 33-8888601-1 Number: That I am employed on a regular and full-time Name of Firm c)basis Conviction by: by a court of competent jurisdiction HULMA MANILAof any offenseFABRICATION CUSTOM involving moral INC. Have none of the following disqualifications: (Profession) valid up to 10/06/2020. (required) with employment with any other party. Zip Code and 1258 PETERMIN COMPOUND. Authorized That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of Managing the foregoing. Last Name First Name Middle Name Single / Born on 10 06 1982 LIPIO MICHELLE JOY LEONARDO Married to 3. incompetence and/or malpractice. LIPIO VICENTE JR MERINO 2. actual construction Lot/Block/Phase experience. That I have not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any offense involving moral turpitude. _____________ issued at __________________ on ______________ 20___. __________VICENTE M. . BRGY PAGASA.__________ Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ________ day of ___________________________________ 20_____ at ______________________________________________________________. Pasig City BUILDING Supervision 2009 Two-Storey Residence (Pasig City) That I authorize the PCAB to verify and investigate any or all information in this affidavit from whatever sources PCAB may consider appropriate.. of legal age. LIPIO JR. Filipino. single/married. affiant exhibited his/her Community Tax Certificate No. NOTARY PUBLIC Until December 31. BUILDING Supervision 2013 BGC Taguig City) Saltbox Design Group/Katipunan. GB. BINANGONAN. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. RIZAL. GENERAL Design & Construction January 2016 December Caniogan. SP) (Proj. Reproduction is Allowed Page 16 of 26 AFFIDAVIT OF STE CONSTRUCTION WORK EXPERIENCE Note: Please use additional sheets if necessary. Pasig City BUILDING Management 2016 Renovation of Two-Storey Residence (Quezon City) Saltbox Design Group/Katipunan. Book No. Brgy. Republic of the Philippines ) Province of ______________) City/Municipality of ________) S. VICENTE M. BUILDING 2012 Batangas) PS 127 Builders/ Mercedes Lane.S I. LIPIO JR.) From To PS 127 Builders/ Mercedes Lane. That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing. Quezon City GENERAL Project Supervision December October Two-Storey Residence (Lipa City) BUILDING 2013 2014 Saltbox Design Group/Katipunan. Series of 20 _____. Quezon City GENERAL Design & Construction May 2013 October Renovation of Condominium Unit (Serendra. Engr. ______________ issued at ___________________________ on ____________________ 20___. No Page No. GENERAL Design & Construction May 2009 December Caniogan. with postal address at 1258 PETERMIN COMPOUND. 20 ___ Doc. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. 07. Name and Work Nature/Scope of Work Project Duration Complete Address of Employer/ Classification Assignment (mm/dd/yyyy) Name & Location of Projects Undertaken (GE. Quezon City GENERAL Project Supervision October May 2013 Three-Storey Mix-Use Structure (Talisay. Brgy. having been duly sworn in accordance with law depose and say that the projects enumerated below constitute my full & complete construction experience. 401. That I am fully aware that my failure to notify the PCAB of my disassociation from the above-stated nominating firm and any misrepresentation in the attached forms shall cause my disqualification as sustaining technical employee. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. Other Remarks: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Valid I. Name (Jr/Sr.D. 2. 07. That I have been previously connected with the following companies and disassociated therefore: Date of Date of Previous Employers Position Employment Resignation 4.(s) Presented: 1. 3. or authorized managing officer. Reproduction is Allowed Page 17 of 26 STE PERSONAL APPEARANCE Note: To be accomplished by the STE. The STE Personal Appearance is valid only for three (3) months from the date signed by the PCAB/DTI Personnel. MERINO Profession PRC ID No. Expiration Date ARCHITECT 0022710 10/06/2020 Present Employer HULMA MANILA CUSTOM FABRICATION INC. Series of 2001. ________________ No: ______________ ________________________ Date Signed ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To be filled out by PCAB/DTI ROG Personnel STE’s Specimen Signature (during interview): Signature over Printed Name Date: Date: PCAB/DTI Office: . I hereby confirm the following: 1. Name of STE Last Name First Name Ext. if any) Middle Name LIPIO VICENTE JR. The veracity of the information reflected on the STE Affidavit and Affidavit of Construction Experience that I executed in favor of the above present employer. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. or a licensee applicant with PCAB per Board Resolution No. ________________ No: ______________ ________________________ STE’s Signature 2. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. 07. Reproduction is Allowed Page 18 of 26 . PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. single/married. 3. after having been sworn to in accordance with law. Book No. I will not engage or have not engaged in any construction activity that requires a contractor’s license during the pendency of this application. 20 ____ Doc. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. Misrepresentation in the application for a license may result in the disapproval thereof without prejudice to administrative. 2. and residing at ___________________________________________. I have not undertaken any construction activity that requires a contractor’s license prior to the filing of this application. ______________________________________ of legal age. affiant exhibiting to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. I am aware of the provisions of Section 35 of R. Submit this affidavit only if you have not undertaken any construction activity.S I. 3. I am the Proprietor / AMO of _______________________________________________________ 2. Reproduction is Allowed Page 19 of 26 AFFIDAVIT OF NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY FOR NEW LICENSE APPLICANTS Republic of the Philippines ) Province of ______________) City/Municipality of ________) S. IMPORTANT: 1. If construction has been undertaken prior to application or during the pendency of the application. No. and criminal prosecution . NOTARY PUBLIC Until December 31. _______________ issued at _________________ on _______________ 20______.A 4566 (the Contractor’s License Law) that requires a contractor to secure a license before engaging in the business of construction contracting in the Philippines. 5. 07. ________________________ Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _________ day of ________________________ 20___ at ________________________________________________. Series of 20 __. I am executing this affidavit to support my application for license and to attest to the truth of the foregoing. civil. Filipino. inform the Public Assistance Desk for assessment of Additional License Fee. 4. Page No. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. depose and say that: 1. Subdivision. mm dd yyyy Single / Last Name First Name Middle Name born on Married to and Room/Floor/Unit/Bldg. submit documents. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. 2011 (copies of required documents are attached). NOTARY PUBLIC Until December 31. amended or revoked. i. No.. Lot/Block/Phase No. 515 s. Page No. affiant exhibited his/her Community Tax Certificate No. Series of 20 ___ . Name. No. 2. Street.e. Lot/Block/Ph. That I undertake to notify PCAB in the event that this appointment is modified. 07. Book No. Officer of : Room/Floor/Unit/Bldg. _____________________ issued at _____________________________ on ________________ 20_________. Street. file/follow-up. 20 ___ Doc. Republic of the Philippines ) Province of ______________) City/Municipality of ________) S. connection with the functions stated herein. That I have read and fully understood and complied with the requirements of PCAB Board Resolution No. ____________________________ Affiant (Authorized Managing Officer of Firm) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _________ day of ____________________________. Province.. Barangay. City/Municipality. Position in the Firm item no. whose pictures and signatures appear below: Name of Representative and Picture Signature of Representative over See Important Reminders (page 21. 4) for specification Printed Name A. present for pre-screening my application for contractor’s license or any application related thereto. receive notices/license in connection with the said application and the like. if any) Middle Name I. That I am aware that I am responsible/liable for any or all acts/representation made by my representatives in 3. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. 5. Reproduction is Allowed Page 20 of 26 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES AFFIDAVIT Note: To be accomplished by the AMO. Subdivision. Province. Zip Code with office address at: That I appoint two (2) representatives.S Last Name First Name Ext. B. 20_____ at _____________________________________________________. 4. Name. Barangay. City/Municipality. to transact business with PCAB. Zip Code residing at: having duly sworn to in accordance with law depose and say: That I am the Name of Firm Authorized Managing 1. Name (Jr/Sr. b. Filing Month 0 February 1-14 1 February 15-28 2 March 1-15 3 March 16-31 4 April 1-15 5 April 16-30 6 May 1-15 7 May 16-31 8 and new license approved from June 1-15 January to March 9 and approved from April to June June 16-30  Contractors with license number ending 0-3 filing on their time schedule and whose accounting period is on calendar year i. Filing/submission of application/s can be done at PCAB Makati / CIAP Windows / DTI Regional or Provincial Offices / PCAB Accredited Contractors’ Associations & Professional Organizations. taken within the last three (3) months prior to filing of application. Middle Initial. 9. 369 Sen. The recommended paper size in printing the application forms is 8.  Should the contractor become unqualified for its present category due to financial erosion. All required information in the application forms should be properly filled out. 515. 7. Board Resolutions. Only the Authorized Managing Officer or one of the two (2) Authorized Representatives of the Firm is allowed to transact with PCAB (Board Resolution No.com. fasten in a long size folder.000. Do not leave an item blank. For further inquiries or clarifications. Application forms and its corresponding supporting documents/attachments should be: a.). indicate “N/A”. 313. in standard close-up shot. Philippine passport size (4. arranged according to page number with index tabs.. an Additional License Fee (ALF) which existed before the APF will still be imposed or a total of Php 10. the application shall be reviewed by the Board for issuance of the highest category sustainable by the contractor’s qualification. 5. 07. 8. Citizen’s Charter.gov. taken in full-face view directly facing the camera. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. All applicants are required to pay non-refundable upfront fees for all types of license applications upon acceptance (Board Resolution No.ph 10. 3.38”). with white background and printed on good quality photo paper. 2011).dti. Special License. s.27” x 11. Reproduction is Allowed Page 21 of 26 IMPORTANT REMINDERS (A) 1. 2014) as stated below: Last Digit of License No.e. from January 1-December 31 may submit the previous year’s Audited Financial Statements (AFS). . s. f. pcab@dti. please communicate with us thru email or thru contact numbers below: Department of Trade & Industry Philippines Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines PHILIPPINE CONTRACTORS ACCREDITATION BOARD 5F Executive Building Center. Gil J. ARC. with handwritten (not computer-generated) name tag legibly showing signature over printed full name in the format: First Name. Avoid the rush and delay in the filing/processing of renewal application. Application Forms (i.ciap.78” x 1. Advisories and other relevant information about PCAB application can be downloaded at www. in bare face (with no eyeglasses or any accessories that may cover the facial features).main@gmail. 6. 376.ph Note: Do not include this page in your application folder. Puyat Ave.69” (A4 size). etc.00. Amendments.5 cm x 3. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. For reference use only. and  If the renewal application is filed after the end of the CFY which is 30 June. c. d.  Release of the license certificate for these contractors is subject to the submission of the current AFS filed with the BIR and that no significant erosion of networth or equity is suffered by the contractor as not to qualify it for its present category. Last Name and Extension Name.5 cm or 1.  Contractors filing their renewal applications beyond the schedule for their license number ending shall be assessed an Additional Processing Fee (APF) of PhP 5. e. 2011).gov.000 will be collected on top of the regular renewal fees for each category.e. If an item is not applicable. 4. if any. Makati City 1209 Tel/TeleFax: 895-4258 / 895-4220 / 09178482427 E-mail Address: ciappcab. s. 2. showing left and right ears. The required picture specification for the AMO / STE / Authorized Representatives Affidavit as follows: a. colored.. b. For contractors whose accounting periods are other than calendar year may submit the latest AFS submitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Observe and follow the revised filing schedule (Board Resolution No. 2. SEC Registration. Business Name Registration. f. No Signature of the Auditor on the Audited Financial Statement. Note: Do not include this page in your application folder. Official Receipt Certificate of Registration (ORCR). Reproduction is Allowed Page 22 of 26 IMPORTANT REMINDERS (B) Common causes of documentary deficiency resulting to non-acceptance/undue delay in the filing/ processing of application for New Regular Contractor’s License: A. 2. 3. 4. . No Personal Appearance of STE. Sustaining Technical Employee (STE) Affidavit of Undertaking not duly accomplished. 07. For reference use only. By-Laws and General Information Sheet. No signature of Authorized Managing Officer (AMO)/Proprietor on all documents and application forms. Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT). d. No SSS R-3/CCL for the quarter preceding the application Please make sure to check the completeness of your application to avoid non-acceptance. 5. Financial Requirement: 1. Expired Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ID / Board of Accountancy (BOA) / Accreditation. AMO failed the written examination. No Accounts Receivables/Schedule of Inventories. PHILHEALTH and PAG-IBIG Membership of the firm. c. g. SSS. b. C. Deed of Sale. e. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. No Notes to Financial Statement (Audited Financial Statements (AFS)). Original copies of the following documents were not presented in lieu of the certified copies: a. Construction Occupational Safety and Health Seminar Certificate. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. 3. Technical Requirement: 1. Audited Financial Statement (AFS)/Income Tax Return (ITR). Expired PRC ID. h. 2. Legal Requirement: 1. B. STE’s Affidavit of Work Experience not duly accomplished. 3. 4. 2. The category of a contractor shall be determined on the basis of the number of points credited on the aggregate/combined experience of all its qualified STE. the reported assets of the contractor were found to be erroneous or not adequately supported with appropriate documents. Said owned equipment shall include units under installment and/or under lease purchase. one of which shall be designated as his principal classification. Corresponding credit points is 1 for every P100. if a newly-organized partnership or corporation. the contractor must have qualified STEs whose individual experience is not less than ten (10) years with a creditable ceiling of thirty (30) years and have an aggregate/combined experience of at least sixty (60) years. 2. qualified and rated according to equivalent credit points and shall be the lowest sustainable by all three determinants as follows: 3. 2. or paid-up capital based on the latest audited financial statements submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Category indicates the graded level of aggregate capability of a contractor with respect to his principal classification and is based on predetermined qualification criteria which include financial capacity.00 of the NBV of the contractor owned equipment. Note: Do not include this page in your application folder. or equipment owned which are in operational condition and applicable to construction of the classification in which the constructor is to be categorized. Corresponding credit points is one (1) for every P100. Corresponding credit points is 10 for every year of actual construction operation as a licensed contractor. A contractor may apply for and be issued more than one classification. corresponding to the classification and category applied for. in order to qualify to the technical capacity requirement for category “AAA”.1. 2. Corresponding credit points is 1 for every P100.4.4. Evaluation of category shall be based on the following criteria quantified by credit points in scales as determined by the Board.3.3.2 Experience of STE 3.4. Reproduction is Allowed Page 23 of 26 GUIDELINES FOR CLASSIFICATION AND CATEGORIZATION OF CONTRACTORS 1.00 of the annual value of work accomplishment.2 Average annual value of work completed by the firm during the past three (3) years or. if constructor’s license is less than three (3) years. 2.00 of the value of Networth/Stockholder’s Equity. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No. upon verification. For reference use only.1 Financial capacity Financial capacity shall be in term of Networth based on the latest audited financial statements submitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).1 Aggregate number of years in which the constructor firm. track record and equipment.3 Experience of firm Experience of firm shall be in terms of: 2.2. It shall include only the years in which he was performing in managerial/supervisory capacity bearing on construction operation and/or contract implementation. and 2. Thus. Only STEs who meet the minimum individual experience required shall be considered in determining aggregate experience and credit points. whichever is applicable. The experience shall be in term of aggregate number of years in which the STE. experience of STE.000.000. Corresponding credit point is five (5) for every year of experience in construction.4 Experience of technical personnel Experience of technical personnel shall be the sum total of individual experience of each STE nominated to the classification and shall be subject to the qualification requirement of each category as indicated in the PCAB Classification and Categorization Table. 3. PCAB has the right to reject or reduce portion thereof if. based on the audited financial statements submitted to the BIR. in his present employment as well as previous. It shall be subject to a creditable ceiling of thirty (30) years.3.1 Financial Capacity 3. . Classification means the area of operation that a contractor can engage is based on the technical experience of his sustaining technical employee (STE). 07. 2. Said individual experience of the STE shall be as defined and qualified below: 2. since being licensed. In determining a contractor’s category. has been actively engaged in construction contracting operation. over which no excess shall be recognized. under the same business identify. has been involved in construction is to be categorized. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale.2 Equipment Capacity Equipment capacity shall be in term of book value as reflected in the constructor’s latest audited financial statement submitted to the BIR or the SEC.000.3 Overall credit points based on the four qualification criteria referred to in item 2 of these guidelines. his qualification must satisfy all the minimum requirements. 2. 500.000. Reservoir or Tunneling) B 3 3 15 24.000. Const.00 10 60 300 1.000. Minimum of 3 Years Actual Construction Experience *** Overall credit points inclusive of Equipment Capacity (1 point/P100Th).00 3 3 15 24.00 10 60 300 1.000.00 90.P.00 9.000. GENERAL ENGINEERING AAA P90.00 GE-2 (Irrigation or Flood Control) GE-3 (Dam.00 SP-PS (Plumbing & Sanitary Work) SP-EE (Electrical Work) SP-ME (Mechanical Work) A 9. Aggre- C.000.000.00 7 21 105 211.P.000.15 Railways.500.) dual gate Req’d.00 10 50 250 915.00 SP-EM (Electro Mechanical Work) SP-NF (Navigational Facilities) D.45 * Minimum Qualification Requirements for Principal Classification ** For Other Classification/s.00 90. .00 5 10 50 110. Harbor or Offshore Engineering) D 900. Y A.00 C.00 5 10 50 120.00 9.00 GB-1 (Building or Industrial Plant) AA 45.50 SP-WP (Waterproofing Work) SP-PN (Painting Work) SP-WD (Well-Drilling Work) SP-CF (Communication Facilities) C 3.000. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale.950.00 SP-AC (Air-conditioning or Refrigeration) SP-ES (Elevator or Escalator) SP-FP (Fire Protection Work) B 4.910.00 900. GENERAL BUILDING AAA P90. SPECIALTY AAA P90. Pre- Stressing or Post-tensioning) AA 45. Req’d. Airport Horizontal Structure. Work) C 3.00 3 3 15 60.00 3 3 15 24.000. Reproduction is Allowed Page 24 of 26 CATEGORIZATION – CLASSIFICATION TABLE C MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A (1) (2) T STE Min. Pavement.00 30.00 450.00 10 50 250 695.50 D 900.000.00 45. Points O Stockholder’s Points Indivi.00 7 21 105 261. 07.00 SP-FW (Foundation Work) SP-SS (Structural Steel Work) SP-CC (Concrete Pre-casting.00 5 10 50 122.000. and COMTCP points if STEs are COMTCP certified Note: Do not include this page in your application folder. SP-TRADE TRADE 45.000. For reference use only.00 7 21 105 265.000. Required R Equity (C.00 GE-1 (Road. and Bridges) A 9.500.50 SP-MS (Metal Roofing & Siding Installation) SP-SD (Structural Demolition) SP-LS (Landscaping) D 900.00 30.00 3 3 15 75.00 GB-3 (Water Treatment Plant & System) GB-4 (Park.40 none none none 0.000. Requirement E Overall CLASSIFICATION G Credit Credit Min. Experience of Firm (10 points/year of active existence).000. Financial Capacity (3) Exp.00 45. AA 45.00 30.000.00 10 50 250 895.000.50 GE-4 (Water Supply) C 3.50 GE-5 (Port.510.00 45.00 GB-2 (Sewerage or Sewage System) A 9.00 900. Highways.000.00 B.00 10 60 300 1.00 450.00 3 3 15 66.00 900. Playground or Recreational B 4.00 90.000. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No.00 450. & 1 point/P100Th of 3 year Average Annual Volume of Work Accomplished.00 9.000. The Quadruple A category shall be limited to general contractors. COSH and pass the AMO examination and interview by the Board. There will be two types of Quadruple A Licenses: 1. For reference use only. its license will be invalidated. . Technical Qualification The Technical Qualification shall be that of the AAA category. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale. For newly organized foreign owned subsidiaries. Likewise. series of 2017 Introduction The Quadruple A category license is a new category that will allow for the issuance of a regular license (with annotation) to contractors with more than 40% foreign equity participation. However. The AMO should be at least 35 years old. Quadruple A contractors may engage licensed subcontractor/specialty contractors to work on portions of its projects.minimum contract cost of PHP 5 Billion • For horizontal projects . If a Quadruple A contractor does not maintain its P 1 Billion equity.foreign-owned domestic corporation with at least PHP 1 Billion equity Authorized Managing Officer (AMO) The AMO may be a foreigner provided that the foreign AMO complies with the PCAB qualification standards of a Filipino AMO. Financial Qualification The Financial Qualification shall be evidenced by Audited Financial Statements with at least PHP 1 Billion equity. Quadruple A Platinum contractors who fail to meet the Financial and Technical Qualifications shall be downgraded to the highest category they will qualify for. 07. Quadruple A Platinum . Renewal Quadruple A Gold contractors should maintain the Financial and Technical Qualifications for Quadruple A category. PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No.locally owned licensed contractors with at least PHP 1 Billion equity 2. Note: Do not include this page in your application folder. Scope of Registration A newly organized domestic corporation (up to 100% foreign-owned) whose purpose is construction is eligible to apply for the category.minimum contract cost of PHP 3 Billion Quadruple A Platinum contractors may undertake government and private projects of any contract cost. The AMO should complete the AMO seminar. 079. Limitation of the License Quadruple A Gold contractors may undertake private projects under the following contract cost: • For vertical projects . a licensed contractor who has an equity/networth at least PHP 1 Billion may apply for upgrading to Quadruple A. Reproduction is Allowed Page 25 of 26 GUIDELINES FOR THE LICENSING OF CATEGORY QUADRUPLE A CONTRACTORS Board Resolution No. the equity of PHP 1 Billion in cash shall be evidenced by inward remittance through the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Quadruple A Gold . 247 6.200 1.800 2.200 1.200 1. . PCAB-PAD-NEW-F01 Revision No.400 1. For reference use only.400 480 240 144 48 nil Other/s (chargeable for 2.800 2.000 Form of Payment .200 1.600 7. 10/19/2017 This Form is NOT for sale.527 9.727 26.Cash / Manager’s Check or Cashier’s Check payable to “CIAP” Note: Do not include this page in your application folder.200 nil License Fee 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Documentary Stamp Tax 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Legal Research Fund 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Grand Total (P) 51.943 2.487 3.200 4.200 1.400 1.200 240 120 72 24 nil each classification) Categorization Fee 43.599 1.200 1. Reproduction is Allowed Page 26 of 26 FEE STRUCTURE New Regular License Application Category Fee Particulars AAA AA A B C D E/Trade Filing Fee 1.327 New Regular License Application with Annotation (Quadruple A Category) P 100.200 Classification Fee Principal 4.200 21. 07.
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