


-3000 ACELab"MAXTOR: D536DX, D541X, Diamond Max VL40, D540-4D, D531X, Diamond Max Plus 60, D541X, Fireball 3, Diamond Max Plus 8, Diamond Max Plus 16, Diamond Max Plus 9" "MAXTOR: D536DX, D541X, Diamond Max VL40, D540-4D, D531X, Diamond Max Plus 60, D541X, Fireball 3, Diamond Max Plus 8, Diamond Max Plus 16, Diamond Max Plus 9" Contents 1. Purpose..........................................................................................................................................................................2 2. Structure of drive families.............................................................................................................................................2 3. Basic options for repair of Maxtor drives .....................................................................................................................3 4. Preparation for work .....................................................................................................................................................3 5. Utility usage ..................................................................................................................................................................4 5.1. Launching the utility ..............................................................................................................................................4 5.2. Utility menu structure ............................................................................................................................................4 5.2.1. Logical scanning ............................................................................................................................................... 4 5.2.2. Disc firmware zone ........................................................................................................................................... 5 5.2.3. Disc ID .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 5.2.4. Defects table...................................................................................................................................................... 6 5.2.5. SELF TEST mode............................................................................................................................................. 7 6. Firmware .......................................................................................................................................................................7 6.1. General information ...............................................................................................................................................7 6.2. Firmware modules..................................................................................................................................................9 6.3. Translator in Maxtor drives .................................................................................................................................10 7. Software restoration of Maxtor HDD .........................................................................................................................10 7.1. Diagnostics of firmware zone malfunctions ........................................................................................................10 7.2. Automatic restoration of module headers ............................................................................................................12 7.3. Translator restoration ...........................................................................................................................................12 8. Surface testing of Maxtor drives.................................................................................................................................12 8.1. Surface testing of firmware zone .........................................................................................................................12 8.2. Logical scanning ..................................................................................................................................................12 8.3. Relocation of defects............................................................................................................................................13 8.4. Drive self-testing..................................................................................................................................................13 9. Auxiliary utility files...................................................................................................................................................14 10. Description of peculiarities in Maxtor drive families ...............................................................................................15 10.1. PROXIMA drive family.....................................................................................................................................15 10.2. RIGEL drive family ...........................................................................................................................................15 10.3. NIKE drive family .............................................................................................................................................16 10.4. ATHENA DSP drive family ..............................................................................................................................17 10.5. ATHENA Poker drive family ............................................................................................................................18 10.6. ROMULUS DSP/Poker drive family.................................................................................................................18 10.7. VULCAN drive family ......................................................................................................................................19 10.8. ARES 64K drive family.....................................................................................................................................19 10.9. N40P drive family..............................................................................................................................................20 10.10. FALCON drive family .....................................................................................................................................21 10.11. CALIPSO drive family ....................................................................................................................................22 11. Data restoration.........................................................................................................................................................23 11.1. Diagnostics during data restoration....................................................................................................................23 11.2. Solution to the translator problem for data recovery .........................................................................................24 Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru 1 "MAXTOR: D536DX, D541X, Diamond Max VL40, D540-4D, D531X, Diamond Max Plus 60, "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 1. Purpose Utilities of PC-3000 software and hardware complex can be used for service maintenance of Maxtor drives. Basic repair capabilities: correction of damaged data structures in drive firmware; hiding physically damaged parts of drive surfaces using reserved space provided by the manufacturer; removal of data protection password. We have also reviewed repair methods for electronic boards of the drives as well as causes of specific malfunctions. Warning! The success of utilities' usage depends on the level of operator's proficiency. Incorrect application of algorithms implemented in the utilities may irreversibly damage a drive or prevent restoration of its data. 2. Structure of drive families Table 1. Structure of drive families. Family, factory alias, utility. 536DX, VULCAN, pcmx_dsp.exe, ver. 2.01 D541X, ATHENA DSP, pcmx_dsp.exe, ver. 2.01 Diamond Max VL40, PROXIMA, pcmx_dsp.exe, ver. 2.01 D540-4D, ROMULUS DSP, pcmx_dsp.exe, ver. 2.01 D531X, NIKE, pcmx_dsp.exe, ver. 2.01 Diamond Max Plus 60, RIGEL, pcmx_dsp.exe, ver. 2.01 D541X, ATHENA Poker pcmx_pkr.exe, ver. 2.01 Fireball 3, ARES 64K, pcmx_pkr.exe, ver. 2.01 Model 4W100H6 4W080H6 4W060H4 4W040H3 4W030H2 2B020H1 2B015H1 2B010H1 34098H4 33073H3 32049H2 31535H2 31024H1 4D080H4 4D060H3 4D040H2 4D030H2 2R015H1 2R010H1 Capacity, Gb. 100 80 60 40 30 20.4 15.4 10.2 40.9 30.7 20.4 15.3 10.2 30.0 41.0 61.5 82.0 15.0 10.2 Disks 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Reading / writing heads 6 6 4 3 2 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 Maximum LBA 195,711,264 160,086,528 120,103,200 80,043,264 60,030,432 40,020,624 30,214,800 20,012,832 80,043,264 60,032,448 40,021,632 30,015,216 20,010,816 160,086,528 120,069,936 80,043,264 60,030,432 29,297,520 20,011,824 5T060H6 5T040H4 5T030H3 5T020H2 5T010H1 2B020H1 2B015H1 2B010H1 2F040J0/L0 2F030J0/L0 2F020J0/L0 61.5 40.9 30.7 20.4 10.2 20.4 15.4 10.2 40 30 20 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 120,103,200 80.043,264 60,030,432 40,021,632 20,010,816 40,020,624 30,214,800 20,012,832 80,293,248 60,058,656 40,718,160 2 Technical support: eng_support @acelab.ru (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru -3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX, D541X, Diamond Max VL40, D540-4D, D531X, Diamond Max Plus 60, D541X, Fireball 3, Diamond Max Plus 8, Diamond Max Plus 16, Diamond Max Plus 9" Diamond Max 16, FALCON, pcmx_pkr.exe, ver. 2.01 Diamond Max Plus 8, N40P, pcmx_pkr.exe, ver. 2.01 Diamond Max Plus 9, CALIPSO, pcmx_pkr.exe, ver. 2.01 4R060L0/J0 4R080L0/J0 4R120L0 4R160L0/J0 6E040L0 6E030L0 6E020L0 6Y200P0 6Y160L0/P0 6Y120L0/P0 6Y080L0/P0 6Y060L0 60 80 120 160 20 30 40 200 160 120 80 60 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 4 8 1 1 1 6 5 4 3 2 120,103,200 No data No data No data 80,293,248 60,058,656 40,718,160 398,297,088 320,173,056 240,121,728 160,086,528 120,103,200 D541X and D540X-4D drive families consist of two subfamilies: “DSP” and “Poker”, characterized by considerable differences in the functioning of factory mode commands. “DSP” and “Poker” are respective labels on a system controller chip (please see section 9). In families using a single disk and one head only the rated drive capacity is achieved through usage of different number of physical cylinders. 3. Basic options for repair of Maxtor drives The -3000 package utilities for the above-listed drives provide for the following repair operations: drive testing in factory mode; restoration of the drive firmware data; reading of the drive's ROM copy; review and checking of the firmware structure; loading of a program for firmware data access (LDR file); creation of an LDR file if an operational drive is available; review the G-List and P-List tables of hidden defects; addition of discovered defects to P-List or G-List; translator recalculation; running and monitoring of a drive's self-testing routine (for DSP-based models). 4. Preparation for work 1. 2. Connect the -3000PRO tester cable to the IDE connector of the drive being tested. Connect the power cable to the drive being tested. 3. Switch on the power. If a PC3K PWR power supply adapter is present, the power supply is switched on automatically at utility start. Power may be switched on without turning the PC off first. Damage to the PC-3000 PRO controller in that mode is unlikely; however its output cascades may be damaged in cases when a burnt-out electronic board is connected. Attention! You'll need to have EMM386.EXE loaded in order for the Maxtor utilities to operate. Due to some peculiarities of himem.sys driver functioning in Windows the utilities for Maxtor DSP, POKER/ARDENT have been designed for use of EMS services, therefore the following line must be present in the config.sys file to enable loading of the EMS driver (device=c:\windows\emm386.exe RAM). 4. Start a utility corresponding to the connected drive's family using the shell.com command shell for convenience. 5. Auxiliary utility files are located in the same directory with the utilities. Please see details regarding auxiliary files in section 8. Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru 3 Utility menu structure Standard mode selection in the mode selection menu with subsequent drive initialization brings up the main menu of the utility: Logical scanning Disc firmware zone Disc ID Defects table SELF TEST Exit 5. Logical scanning Logical scanning is a drive surface test utilizing logical parameters.ru (8632) 78-50-30.ru . Use the “Reread drive ID” command to update the information in the “MODEL” line. but that procedure is not automatic. Diamond Max Plus 60. Utility usage 5. Launching the utility After launching the utility sends a command for reading a drive's ID area and displays a menu for drive family selection.1. Suppress Reset while utility work menu option disables the Reset signal during utility launch and operation. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 5. If the drive is malfunctioning (LDR file is either not loaded or its loading has not activated the drive firmware) the following error message is output: Error loading the modules table! If the DISK(PN=1Fh) module cannot be read the following message will appear: Error loading configuration module! Re-read drive ID command updates configuration data in the “MODEL” line. 5. D531X. It serves for a more convenient initialization of ATHENA DSP drives. when firmware data must be restored."MAXTOR: D536DX. D541X. This command is described in detail in Section 8. 4 Technical support: eng_support @acelab.2. 78-50-40 www.acelab. LDR-file loading – accessing that command is recommended without drive initialization in cases. firmware version should be modified. Drive families are identified in the menu by their factory aliases.2. For correspondence between family aliases and models please see section 2. Initialization from SA command forces partial start of a drive loading firmware from its service data area on disk.1.2. which require for a proper start loading of a RAM copy from another drive in addition to an LDR file. After drive family selection you'll see a menu for utility start: Standard mode Re-read drive ID Initialization from SA LDR-file loading Memory buffer writing Suppress Reset while utility work Standard mode starts the utility with complete drive initialization. Memory buffer writing command is optional and repeats similar option from the "Work with memory buffer" menu of the utility. Diamond Max VL40. If the drive start succeeds. D540-4D. This feature is useful for diagnostics during drive start. Resetting is enabled by default. 2.ru 5 .2. this method has limited applicability and works with ATHENA DSP family drives only.acelab. 5.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 78-50-40 www. Earlier versions of the utilities used the method of memory image loading instead of firmware initialization after loading of an LDR file. Start of that command forces reading of modules taking about 1 minute on the average. Diamond Max Plus 8. Disc firmware zone Selection of that option brings up the following menu: Work with memory buffer Work with SA LDR. Fireball 3. Reading module groups and Writing module groups commands represent another variant of work with data contained in firmware zone. It grants access to firmware data copy using another magnetic head if the drive has one.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX.2. However. The respective column will show the position number. Diamond Max Plus 16.2. Please see Table 2 for relation between a position number and the purpose of module corresponding to it. D541X. As a matter of fact. The respective column will show the position number. Work with memory buffer Work with memory buffer option brings up the following menu: Memory buffer reading Memory buffer writing Both those commands allow respectively reading and writing of memory buffer. when a drive is started using an LDR file several firmware variables remain uninitialized preventing recording to firmware zone.file loading LDR. which somewhat complicated utility application. While reading it records copied modules to the “MXDSPMOD” or “MXPKRMOD” directory. so you can try to develop an alternative method different from the one suggested by our experts. SA surface checking command allows testing surface of the firmware zone using the UBA addressing mode. D540-4D. In the current version the problem has been resolved by the "Test firmware zone recording" command (please see section 7). Work with SA Work with firmware zone menu consists of the following commands: Checking of disc FM structure SA surface checking Reading of modules Writing of modules Reading module groups Writing module groups SA write test Modules repairing Translator regeneration Spindle stop Checking of disc FM structure command outputs a report on the condition of firmware modules. We do not consider currently the applicability of the method for other drive families because of its complexity since the procedure of loading adaptive data is just as efficient as memory image loading remaining at the same time much simpler and easier. Please see Table 2 for relation between a position number and the purpose of module corresponding to it. Diamond Max VL40. Diamond Max Plus 9" 5.2. Checksum is not recalculated during module recording because many modules are not protected with a checksum and some of them have a different algorithm of its calculation. Technical support: [email protected] creation Security subsystem 5. D541X. D531X. Writing of modules – command accomplishes recording of modules from the “MXDSPMOD” or “MXPKRMOD” directory.2. Diamond Max Plus 60. Reading of modules command allows reading of modules. The command is described in detail in section 6. An opportunity for work with memory buffer is implemented in the utilities for all drive families. Work with memory buffer is necessary while starting a drive with the help of an LDR file.1. The first four characters represent UBA for the sector containing module beginning in hex format and the four characters following a colon mean module length in hexadecimal notation. Clear passwords command disables data protection. For example. 5. 78-50-40 www. which might require their use."MAXTOR: D536DX. Diamond Max Plus 60.2. Translator regeneration command accomplishes creation of translator modules from the factory defects table (module PN=33h).acelab.4. 5.2. LDR-file creation Using the command with an operational drive you can create a loader file (LDR file) for the drive.2. Otherwise creation of an LDR file will either cause an error or produce a file with incorrect data unable to load.2. however. it is different in various drive families. Spindle stop command switches a drive to the “sleep” mode. Technical support: eng_support @acelab.3. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 Files of module groups (*. That command is described in detail in para. Defects table The Defects table command brings up the following menu: View P-List View G-List Move G-List defects to P-List Erase G-List Erase P-List & G-List Import from Defectoscope View P-List command reports defects hidden to P-List. 5. there is a certain probability of malfunctions. Those commands are not used in the methods. These parameters are stored in the DISK module of the drive firmware (position number 1Fh).3. Security subsystem The option brings up submenu with the following commands: Review information command displays current condition of security subsystem and set passwords. Complete G-List size is indicated in the «Capacity» line. 5. The “LBA(def)” column of the report contains LBA addresses of defective sectors.smb) contain all the modules accessible for individual reading plus blank spaces. which we have developed for restoration of hard drives. The command will function properly only if the family of the connected drive has been selected correctly during utility launch.4.3. D531X.2. Disc ID The option serves for modification of model name and its serial number. ATHENA DSP drives have capacity for up to 636 defects.2.2. Usage of that command is described in section 7. 5. Diamond Max VL40. If the respective defect row shows “ ” in the "Candidate" column it means that the defect hasn't been actually relocated and the "LBA(subst)" sector for such defect will be the same as "LBA(def)". The command is implemented for additional drive initialization after loading of an LDR file. View G-List command reports defects hidden to G-List. D540-4D.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Usage of that command is described in section 7. The “LBA(subst)” column contains LBA addresses of sectors used for substitution of defective sectors. SA write test command loads adaptive data and determines correctness of recording to the firmware zone.ru 6 . The “Candidate” column contains flags of candidate defects. D541X. It is used during the Hot Swap procedure.5. LDR-file loading LDR-file loading command will offer to select an LDR file and output the following loading mode menu: Load ROM and modules Load ROM Load modules Please see more detailed description of loading modes for LDR files in section 7. Modules repairing command allows restoration of modules with incorrect headers.2. Move G-List defects to P-List command allows to transfer defects from G-List to P-List. 7. 18. If for any reason the firmware cannot be launched from the service area. 33. 6.ru 7 . The second part of a drive's firmware is recorded in the firmware zone. Fireball 3. In order to do so enable the “safe mode” jumper and launch the corresponding utility. 78-50-40 www. You can identify precisely the version of PCB firmware. 1B.: 2B020H1110511. Stop SelfScan stops self-testing. PCB firmware consists of two portions: masked ROM in the processor and an external parallel or serial Flash ROM. E. firmware version can be identified using the following guidelines: 1. SELF TEST mode The SELF TEST command brings up the following menu: Start SelfScan Stop SelfScan View SelfScan state Start SelfScan switches a drive to self-testing mode. D541X. Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30. E. When it is enabled. D531X.acelab. 3.1. you should create backup copies of modules PN = 37. when the microcode inside processor may belong to another drive family. Drive initialization for an operational condition requires complete replacement of the PCB firmware with the firmware from the service area on disk. Drive's self-testing is discussed in more detail in para. which fact leads to quite a lot of incompatible firmware versions with the same identification codes. automatically converted by the microcode into respective physical location on disk surface. only firmware stored on the PCB loads but the routine for starting motors and initialization of firmware portion on disk is skipped. D541X.: K.g.g. Firmware 6. CALIPSO drives with disconnected external ROM may be identified as N40P.2. The first part of the microcode is stored in masked ROM inside the processor chip and in Flash ROM. Such a scheme has been implemented most likely because masked ROM inside the processor cannot be modified with sufficient ease. Diamond Max Plus 16. In Poker/Ardent drive families firmware area contains two programs for drive control: a regular version and a program for factory self test.3. Erase P-List & G-List command clears all hidden defects in a drive and resets the information about the number of relocated defects in the summary table of defects (module PN = 33h). The line in large print over the IDE connector label.M.E. General information Firmware of Maxtor drives is subdivided into two parts.5. View SelfScan state allows monitoring of self-testing progress.g.: A4FBA.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX. If it is desirable to preserve the information about the defects previously relocated in the drive. D540-4D. Abbreviated values MODEL+HDA+PCBA+UNIQUE. In Maxtor drives it is accessible through logical sectors specifically assigned for that purpose and called “UBA” (Util Block Addressing. 78. despite the fact that compatibility cannot be 100% guaranteed. Identification of firmware version by labels is complicated with Maxtor drives because manufacturing factories do not observe strict version numbering rules. the firmware microcode will be started from ROM inside the processor. Compatibility issues may be caused also by the adaptive parameters for the reading/writing magnetic heads stored in firmware microcode. Diamond Max Plus 9" Erase G-List command resets defects stored in G-List. However. Maxtor drives have a “safe mode” jumper. 5. Diamond Max Plus 60. PCB microcode and firmware on disk have different versions. somewhat similar to LBA). E. Diamond Max Plus 8. Diamond Max VL40. If it is missing. 8. through a comma. That difference helps to tell which version is currently being run by the processor. The processor is initialized from the external ROM. 2. Import from Defectoscope command allows addition of defects discovered by the Defectoscope software to PList or G-List. adaptive data and other settings). A situation is possible. its loading to the drive processor can be forced by starting an LDR file. E. The “MODEL” line will show ROM version after the model name. During the procedure keep in mind that an LDR file contains just microcode (ROM copy and overlays) but it does not contain the data necessary for drive operation (tables of defects.g.B. Identifying letters. Copies of the firmware zone are provided for each magnetic head. beginning with “*” character in case of module containing a table and a line identifying the table. G-List The section reflects information on the G-List defects table status. it begins with “ ” in case of correct data module identification as well as the header read from the module. . UBA address of overlay beginning. Reading and writing of module groups serves as a means of accessing a copy of firmware zone.acelab.reading flag “Rd”. . Diamond Max Plus 60. set to “ ” in case of successful reading or “-” if a module cannot be read. ROM version.“ChkSum” flag set to “ ” in case of successful checksum calculation or “-” in case of calculation error. D531X. If checksums of ROM copies in different drives match. D541X. Purposes of the majority of active modules are described in the Table 2. .module length. minimum and maximum physical cylinders of user's data zone.2.ru . “Id” identification flag set to “ ” in case of identifier match or “-” if the identifier does not match.ru (8632) 78-50-30. . 78-50-40 www. Zone table Physical location of density zones in a drive. 5. that allows convenient identification of specific modules' purpose. if the header contains an error the line will begin with “-” followed by the header actually read from the module. .PN – position number of the module. Diamond Max VL40. 8 Technical support: eng_support @acelab. . Such names are stored in the header of a respective module. Overlays The table of report on overlays consists of: overlay number in “#” column (a drive has no 18h module). D540-4D.2. Passwords Allows reviewing of passwords set in a drive. Loadable ROM The report shows initial UBA. the so-called position number (hereinafter PN).UBA address of module beginning. By default firmware works with all copies since the drive is capable of operation in a mode using all copies. though some of them still do have names. DISK configuration module The module contains drive parameters: number of reading/writing heads and the map of their connections to the pre-amplifier/commutator chip. Please note that reliable identification of ROM version is possible using checksum only. Data modules The table with a report on data modules consists of: . i. “ChkSum” flag set to “ ” in case of successful checksum calculation or “-” in case of calculation error.e. It is possible to introduce unified numbering of modules for various Maxtor drive families.data module number in “#” column. it means that the drives have the same microprogram. identifier. The report output by the “Check firmware structure” command (para. Therefore it is impossible to find out the name of a module without reading its contents. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 Modules map in Maxtor drives contains no names of modules. It is determined by the fact that the same version identifier in ROM corresponds to several different actual firmware versions."MAXTOR: D536DX.comment that allows to determine the status of modules required for drive operation. . reading flag “Rd”. reading status and checksum.2) contains the following information: General information The section displays selected drive family.“Id” identification string. It is also duplicated using "senior" UBA locations that are not included into the main map. set to “ ” in case of successful reading or “-” if a module cannot be read. Importance A A A A A B B B B B B C D D D D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Codes of the «Importance» column in Table 2: A – essential and must have version corresponding to the specific head-and-disk assembly. D541X. Position number (PN). RZTBL – zone table.ru 9 . AT_POL (G-List) – growing defects table. DMCS – translator part responsible for operations’ caching. S. adaptive data and other tables). Summary Log. SECU – security system module (ATA passwords).M. One more mechanism is implemented in the utility for work with the firmware zone. Position numbers correspondence. S. Fireball 3. D540-4D. Diamond Max Plus 9" 6. i.R.T. DISK – second drive ID copy STRS AT_XAL OPTI – self-testing settings.T. STRS Information on drive parts. The said mechanism has the following differences compared to standard work with modules: Technical support: [email protected]. 78-50-40 www.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX. hex 1E 21 37 78 18 1F 1B 39 38 4F 95 1D 2F 1A 30 70 71 63 33 72 34 64 5E 7B 11 43 0D 0E 22 7A 83 31 14 35 46 47 48 Module purpose SRV – calibration adaptive data.e.acelab. DISK – drive ID.A. necessary. E – a drive is operational without such module.T. AT_PDL (P-List) – translator part responsible for P-List.T.A.2. Copy of S. thresholds. Host Vendor Log RAER_H00 MAXATG EVTLG_00 FWA MX_ST_CFG1 MX_ST_CFG2 MX_ST_CFG3 MX_ST_SCRIPT Various settings (flags) U_LIST – copy of firmware zone translator Information on drive parts. D531X. ROM copy First part of microcode overlays Second part of microcode overlays Alternative DISK used in several Poker/Ardent drives. reading or recording of groups of modules. S.M. It combines position numbers of modules. module purposes and their necessity for drive operation. necessary. Diamond Max Plus 60.M.T. Self-Test Log.R. Table 2. but partial module corruption does not prevent drive from starting.M. B – yes.A. Diamond Max Plus 16. A group of modules means modules or sectors combined according to a certain functional feature. For example. Diamond Max Plus 8. C – yes.A.R. RCT – adaptive information of data zone on surface.T.M. D541X. Diamond Max VL40. U_LIST – firmware zone translator. attributes. S.A. S. D – without one the drive starts normally but considerably slower than a totally operational drive. but can be replaced with one from another drive.R.A.ru (8632) 78-50-30. attributes HUTIL & HUSR – pivot defects table. here belong modules containing microcontroller code (overlays) or data modules (translator. Firmware modules Table 2 contains a summary of data regarding firmware modules and their purpose.R. Diamond Max VL40. During the procedure no shift of LBA sectors occurs. It is a general rule for all drives that factory defects are hidden by means of their exclusion from translation.R. HotSwap operation or erasure of defects' tables. However. etc. during the process of damaged firmware zone restoration for data recovery.R. Of course. but there's more to it! LBA2 used to be indicated as P3. D541X. The number of defects in an actual drive may come up to several thousands (or even tens of thousands) sectors.). when there is no record indicating that the P2 sector is hidden. The record is made not explicitly as Cyl. Head.A.M.ru (8632) 78-50-30. etc. It can happen in the following cases: recording of translator tables from another drive. 6.2. Therefore actual locations of files.3.2. Diamond Max Plus 60. if we have a sequence of physical sectors P0.acelab. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 . sector. using the “Writing of modules” command (para. then the sector coordinates will be recorded to the P_LIST in a location inside the zone specifically devoted to the sectors P0-P3 that we have chosen. But let us get back to Maxtor. Software restoration of Maxtor HDD 7. Diagnostics of such problems is complicated by the fact that Technical support: eng_support @acelab. but in a special notation instead. Relocation of defects to the G-List table is accomplished using another method.2. Thus we see that sector P2 is excluded from the totality of LBA sectors available to the operating system.ru 10 . for example. attributes can be cleared by recording the module with PN=30h from a drive with «good» S. where LBA of physical sector P0 is indicated as L0 and sector P2 is defective. directories and file system tables can be shifted from the expected values by several hundreds of sectors. Translator in Maxtor drives Translator is a program that translates physical sectors into logical ones used by an operating system. but the preceding one containing erroneous information. Thus. Thus at an attempt to read the sector located after the LBA2 address and containing a directory or a FAT table the operating system will read not the actual sector containing the directory.1. The translator program data are stored in the following modules: U_LIST (PN=37h). Now let us examine a case. As a result when an operating system accesses the group of sectors beginning with LBA0 the translator will show the said group as follows: LBA0 – P0 LBA1 – P1 LBA2 – P3. The situation will cause sector P2 to appear among the LBA sectors visible for the operating system. A drive forms the translator through an intermediate table with the PN=33h. Therefore if the translator modules get overwritten the utility will continue to show the same list of defects as before modification of the translator modules.P2. Then the above example will be represented as follows.T. but now it is shifted to P2! Consequently. a situation is possible when a sector hidden by a drive to the G-List could have contained information critical for functioning of the file system. head.P3. The reserved space begins after the highest LBA of a drive. D540-4D.A. ."MAXTOR: D536DX. The counter of defective sectors in the RZTBL table for the zone including the selected P0-P3 sectors will grow by 1. D531X. 5. all numbers of subsequent sectors will be shifted by 1. The table contains defects in regular notation: cylinder. AT_PDL (PN=18h) and RZTBL (PN=78h).M. such situation is unlikely and it is recommended to clear the G-List if it contains any hidden defects.it allows access to firmware zone areas that are not marked in the modules table.it allows access to firmware copy using another physical head (or the same head if there is only one present in a drive). Sec. The utility does not show defects interpreting the translator directly but uses the table instead. 78-50-40 www. Loss of information in the G-List table does not tell on data restoration in any way. There is an opportunity of compiling translator tables from that intermediate table using the “Translator regeneration” command. It may also result from a problem with electronics or mechanical parts. S. 7.P1. Diagnostics of firmware zone malfunctions Incorrect information recorded to the firmware zone can lead to drive's malfunctions. The G-List table does not exclude sectors from the LBA addressing space.T. Instead it replaces them using reserved sectors. L0 – P0 L1 – P1 L2 – reserved sector L3 – P3. ru 11 . The method is recommended in cases.9. In the mode menu select the “LDR-file loading” option. 5. see para. that may be caused by drive malfunction during the adaptive data loading stage.acelab. One difference of that method compared to drive switching to safe mode is expressed in the fact that during start the drive is able to load the defects table and adaptive parameters from the firmware zone.The drive is identified by its factory alias. If the module PN=1Eh is damaged the routine for loading the adaptive data will abort with an error. Diamond Max Plus 8. 5.1. when the drive "hangs during start" or does not start without the safe mode jumper. you'll have to start it using an LDR file. 1. If during mode entry you see the «Error loading modules table!» message. Diamond Max Plus 16. 2.). Diamond Max Plus 60. D531X.exe utility. Let us consider the problems which may arise during the test. Select the “Standard mode” from the mode menu. 7. 7.2. 4.exe or pcmx_pkr. D541X. operations over firmware are also impossible. If the recording test succeeds the following message is displayed: «Record offset: 0». Load an LDR file in the “Load ROM and modules”. their restoration is described in para. The test consists of two parts: loading of adaptive data from module PN=1Eh and testing of the drive’s ability to write to firmware zone by recording one sector with randomly selected contents to an unused portion of firmware zone called “swap1”. 5. After drive start with the help of an LDR file in order to determine the modules condition you should start the “Checking of disc FM structure” command (para. That requirement is determined by unstable drive behavior during recording to its firmware zone. which definitely means impossibility of correct recording to the firmware zone. Fireball 3.2. Diamond Max VL40.2. Prior to modules repair you should make sure that sectors recording to the firmware area is performed correctly. Warning! Save all modules from a drive prior to recording anything to it.exe or pcmx_pkr. Practically in all of the above cases (except for CALIPSO drive family.2) and study the report contents carefully using the Table 2. D541X.2. In fact drive start using an LDR file firmware initialization is accomplished incompletely leading to errors in its operation. Set the “safe mode” jumper (see PCB schemes in section 10). Drive start in safe mode does not accomplish that. Switch on the power and start the pcmx_dsp.The drive starts the motor.1. . 2. The essence of that method consists in loading just a part of LDR file modules. Firmware zone malfunction may manifest itself as follows: . 78-50-40 www. drive hanging has occurred while loading RAM copy or some problem with electronics/HDA has taken place. That can be accomplished using two methods: 1. which will be unrecoverable. “Maxtor ATHENA”. Diamond Max Plus 9" malfunctions of electronics and firmware zone defects can be manifested by the same drive behaviour as incorrect information in the firmware zone modules.2). That method will not work if modules having "A" importance are corrupt (see Table 2). 3. 2. In the mode menu select the “LDR-file loading” option. If you work with a ROMULUS DSP or Poker hard drive run the “Initialization from SA” command (see para. 6. which means correctness of recording operations in the firmware zone. Switch on the power and launch pcmx_dsp. Load an LDR file in the “Modules loader” mode.exe utility.The drive is identified correctly but it produces an error for each sector at an attempt to read from disk surface using LBA (similar situation is possible if a password is set). If a record offset occurs.ru (8632) 78-50-30.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX. In case of successful loading the drive will spin up its motor and report on readiness. Drive start using the “safe mode” jumper setting. 10. unparks the heads but does not report on readiness (hangs). D540-4D. 3. it means that an unsuitable LDR file has been loaded. for example. 5. In order to verify recording correctness you should run the "Test firmware zone recording" command (para. . if the data hasn't been saved! Technical support: eng_support@acelab.) factory mode commands of the drive do not work.). In case of ROMULUS DSP hard drives sometimes you have to suppress the Reset signal during utility launch (see para. If the loading procedure succeeds the drive will allow operations with the firmware zone. in which factory commands can be started. Step-by-step algorithm: 1. The modules at that must be exactly identical to the original ones in the drive. In order to switch the drive to a mode. During utility launch in safe mode you'll see the drive's factory alias. It means that in case of problems with adaptive data one module can be written over another! That will lead to loss of firmware data. 5.2. Drive start without setting the “safe mode” jumper. If the report contains incorrect module headers. That method will work if during the utility launch the drive is identified by its factory alias and the safe mode jumper is disabled. Translator restoration The task of translator restoration appears when its tables contain incorrect data or unreadable sectors. We haven’t encountered such discrepancies in practice. 5. Discovered defective sectors are added to a report. NO_DMCS.2.2). For the restoration of a module with damaged header the following command sequence is used: “Firmware data” – “Work with firmware zone” – “Restore modules” (para. scratches on disk surface or. too. theoretically it may cause a discrepancy between the original and recalculated translator. If a module is undamaged accidental selection of the command for its restoration will not affect its contents at all.2). it would be sufficient just to record the correct header and recalculate its checksum. If this module has correct header.ru 12 ."MAXTOR: D536DX.2.2. Surface testing of Maxtor drives 8.2. its automatic recovery is not recommended. If the data stored in the module is incorrect and the drive hangs during its loading. In order to restore such a module (for example. but it is very rare. since they are corrupt. AT_PDL (P-List) with subsequent pressing [Enter]. The resulting translator will not contain the defects relocated in the service zone (therefore the operation is blocked when relocated defects are present in the firmware zone). Similar corruption is possible for the module U_LIST00 (PN=37h). U_LIST. NO_GLIST. Errors may be caused by lack of contact between motor/commutator. the "Modules repairing" command will produce no effect.2. Everything depends upon the number of defects in the pivot table. G-List (PN=1Bh). The symptoms in all these cases are the same indicating translator modules corruption. Usually modules corruption is limited to an incorrect identification string. Translator recalculation is started by the “Translator regeneration” command (para. magnetic head malfunction. In such situation it is possible to create translator tables on the basis of a pivot defects table (module PN=33h) provided it is intact. Surface testing of firmware zone Firmware zone condition can be evaluated using the test provided in the utility: SA surface checking (please see para. most often. Diamond Max Plus 60. Then the name of damaged module is selected from: DMCS.2. i. 8. P-List).acelab.2. Warning! The “Restore modules” command just corrects module header and recalculates its checksum! Module contents remains as it has been read from the drive being restored. D541X. 8. if a drive has recorded the module incorrectly or recorded it to another location. though checksum remains correct. The operation may take quite a long time. Logical scanning 1 Complete list of correspondence between position numbers (PN) and modules is summarized in the Table 2. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 7. That command also doesn't control recording. Therefore you should save the modules and create an LDR file prior to launching that command.2. Only areas containing groups of modules are tested. AT_POL (G-List). their identification strings are replaced with the following: NO_PLIST. 7. All tracks hidden using RZTBL will also be transferred to AT_PDL.). D531X.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 78-50-40 www. Diamond Max VL40. Technical support: eng_support @acelab. interruptions in drive power supply.1. though module contents may be damaged. 5. 5. D540-4D. Despite the fact that practically all the modules have copies. Testing is performed in UBA notation. Checksums of modules are practically always correct.3. If they are corrupt. They can become corrupt because of errors during reading/recording operations. DMCS (PN=1Dh). the restore operation will return no errors! Warning! The “Restore modules” command records the module being restored to the firmware zone and a recording failure may erase important data in the firmware zone. Automatic restoration of module headers One quite frequent malfunction of Maxtor drives is manifested in data corruption in the firmware zone modules. The following modules may be damaged as described above: P-List (PN=18h)1. it is impossible to restore the original modules using their copies.e.2. Diamond Max VL40.2. during subsequent power-on a 30 sec. 5. Please keep in mind that testing duration depends heavily on the number of defective sectors in a drive: the greater their number is the longer the test will run! Put defects to P-LIST or G-LIST. D531X. A drive is switched to self-testing mode by the Start SelfScan command (para.ru 13 .-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX. the feature is not implemented for Poker and Ardent drive families yet. Diamond Max Plus 8. too. Reversive scanning defines testing direction.4).4. i.“Move G-List to PList” command sequence transfers those defective sectors to P-List. therefore if the transfer of defects ends in an error. but its duration increases. the procedure simultaneously clears G-List. Some Maxtor drives have relocated defects within the firmware zone. pause will be made before the drive starts self-testing (drive LED will indicate the running procedure by blinking at 2Hz frequency). Defects are output from the pivot defects table (PN=33h) and not restored from the respective translation tables. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. the "View P-List" command will still display the same list of defects as it used to prior to recording and the list will not correspond to the defects actually relocated in the drive. Diamond Max Plus 9" The “Logical scanning” command starts drive surface test utilizing logical parameters (para. 8. The operation is performed by the drive itself.4).T. if the utility tools are used for operations with the defects’ tables the pivot table of defects will be modified correctly. Defects search is accomplished using the “Logical scanning” command of the utility or with the help of Defectoscope software (“Import from Defectoscope” command). Diamond Max Plus 60. several successive sectors added together as one defect record saving the table space. 78-50-40 www. Upon completion of the surface scanning procedure. . attributes to factory defaults.1). Diamond Max Plus 16.2. In that case resetting the tables of defects will be disabled because the utility does not provide for firmware zone recording taking into account the relocated defects. Switching is accomplished using the [Space] key.acelab.R. Maxtor drives allow hiding of whole tracks as well as track parts. hides defective sectors and resets S. A drive reads data ahead therefore direct scanning is somewhat faster than reverse. The same inconsistency is observed when module PN=33h is recorded by copying from another drive.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Relocation of defects The utility allows hiding defects to the P-List factory defects table as well as to user's G-List table. the utility just issues the command. Number of passes parameter determines the number of complete test passes from the initial to final LBA. Test parameters: Initial LBA position: 0 Final LBA position: xxxxxxxx Reversive scanning: No Number of passes: 3 Perform writing test: No Verif. Switching writing on/off and substitution of reading instead of verification is done using [Y] key for "Yes" and [N] for "No" or [Space]. It means that if the translation tables are overwritten with tables from another drive or modified otherwise. and the “Defects table” . Testing quality in such case improves. second pressing [Enter] appends all the defects to previous records in the defects table. 5. Grouping of successive defects is performed by the drive automatically. Fireball 3. However. Pressing [Enter] key converts all logical defects into physical ones and displays them on the screen. instead of reading: Yes Put defects to: P-LIST Initial and final LBA position parameters determine the test range. This procedure considerably decreases test duration for drives with a large number of defects. D540-4D. P-List defects table can be reviewed using the “View P-List” command (para. it means that the defects stored in G-List cannot be added to P-List. 5. Switching is performed using the [Y] key for "Yes" and [N] for "No" or [Space]. If during those 30 seconds you issue a reset or drive ID reading command. Upon self-testing a drive recalculates its adaptive parameters. Writing can be switched on in the Perform writing test and verification procedure can be replaced with reading. D541X. The surface test is based on an adaptive algorithm – detected defects are not addressed during subsequent passes. whereupon.M. Discovered defects can be transferred either to P-List or G-List at user's discretion. D541X.5). the drive will enter its operational mode until next power-off/on. 8. G-List defects table can be reviewed using the “View G-List” command (para.2.e. Input range is from 1 to 100. Drive self-testing This version of the utility allows running factory self-testing routine in Maxtor DSP drives.A. 5. Maxtor drives automatically relocate defective sectors to G-List.3.2. the table of all discovered logical defects in LBA notation appears on the screen. acelab. IDE Pin 39 390 Ohm + 5V Fig. The window will show current status: test number. therefore you must always backup the firmware zone before beginning self-testing procedure. The file contains all the settings and test results. while four following characters mean module length in sectors in hex notation. etc. 9. *. Warning! Self-testing will not start correctly if a drive is started using an LDR file. Warning! All user data will be destroyed during the self-testing procedure. switch its power off and on. 1.Without leaving the utility and with IDE cable connected to the drive.2.smb – technological files of groups of resident firmware modules in a drive. As a summary we can suggest two methods for indication of self-testing progress with monitoring of a drive connected or not connected to a PC and powered by an independent supply. During the reading procedure they are copied to the directory “MXDSPMOD” or “MXPKRMOD”. *. but it won't blink.ru . . The LED in such case may be on or off.Start SelfScan .ru (8632) 78-50-30. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 Drive LED will be blinking with varied frequency while performing the tests.log – text file for the drive test results generated by the utility at the first program launch and appended with every subsequent drive test. Diamond Max VL40. firmware zone is considerably damaged (modules essential for drive operation are missing). Connection of external LED for monitoring the drive self-testing process.rpm files can be viewed as binaries using a hex editor.SELF TEST . We have observed different probability of successful self-testing completion with a prior resetting of the defects’ tables and without it.Disconnect the drive and connect it to an independent power supply unit. Warning! In some cases when self-testing terminates with a fatal error. Other file names are selected by user. Procedure of self-testing using an independent power supply without a connection to PC.Start SelfScan . while four following characters mean module length in sectors in hex notation. Therefore we advise to clear the tables of defects before running the test. then the self-testing progress report will be displayed on-screen.log files can be viewed as regular text files. that a connected drive does not respond to utility commands during on-going self-testing process. *. Data on the automatic drive test performance is also written to this file. During the reading procedure they are copied to the directory “MXDSPMOD” or “MXPKRMOD. 2. /firmware version/. utility launch in that case may cause self-testing failure. 78-50-40 www. The utility can display progress of the self-testing procedure. failure and emergency exit from the testing procedure are indicated by much faster blinking – at approximately 10 Hz. 5.Start View SelfScan state.ldr – firmware update file. Procedure of drive start with status monitoring.ram – file containing a copy of drive RAM.SELF TEST . Drive hanging during self-testing is manifested by absence of changes in its condition for a long (for example.5) for an already connected drive with on-going testing procedure. 1. /firmware version/. Auxiliary utility files The main pcmx_dsp. 14 Technical support: eng_support @acelab.exe utility files of the complex are supplemented by auxiliary service files.rpm – technological files of resident firmware modules in a drive. Please note. but their extensions are determined by the utility depending on their types: *.Since PCBs in Maxtor drives have no LEDs you can connect an external LED as shown in figure 1. half an hour) time and lack of LED indication. D541X. . The names of those files coincide with utility name while their extension corresponds to the file type: /utility’s name/. Diamond Max Plus 60.exe pcmx_pkr. D531X. where first four characters represent UBA sector of module beginning in hex notation. To accomplish that you should issue the View SelfScan state command (para. . Successful completion of self-testing will be indicated by the drive LED blinking regularly at 1 Hz. . D540-4D."MAXTOR: D536DX. where first four characters represent UBA sector of module beginning in hex notation. cylinder. Though an alias is not printed (usually on HDA label) it can be checked quite easily by means of setting the safe mode jumper. D541X. D540-4D. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. 78-50-40 www. 10. Fireball 3. 2. PROXIMA drive family 4 2 MAXTOR LUCENT 1181K 3 LUCENT MS353B3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1. Therefore the information about defects displayed by the “View G-List” command will be not quite correct.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX. or when an error occurs during firmware zone initialization. 20 MHz 4. 10.2. RDS035L03 2. for example. defects will be appended to GList correctly. However. Description of peculiarities in Maxtor drive families Drive families are represented by their factory aliases. D541X. M29F102 Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. 78L08A Master 3. External view of controller board in MAXTOR PROXIMA drive family. RIGEL drive family The format of G-List table in that drive family is different from the usual. In some drive families aliases are marked on PCBs using serigraphy. D531X. Diamond Max Plus 9" 10.ru (8632) 78-50-30.ru 15 . “Maxtor N40P”. Diamond Max Plus 8.1. Safe Mode jumper location is shown in figures representing external view of drive electronics boards. Automatic restoration of the G-list module will also work correctly. If the jumper has been set correctly the drive will not spin up its disks and it will be identified as “Maxtor <alias>”.acelab. The string is formed by a ROM microprogram and output either in safe mode. Diamond Max VL40. Diamond Max Plus 16. Diamond Max Plus 60. 78L08A 3.3.acelab. D541X.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 20 MHz Master Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. D531X. External view of controller board in MAXTOR NIKE drive family Technical support: eng_support @acelab. 78-50-40 www. D540-4D. M29F102BB Master Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig."MAXTOR: D536DX. RDS035L03 2. B3185 2. 4. External view of controller board in MAXTOR RIGEL drive family 10. NIKE drive family 1 3 1 1 1 SH6770C 1 1 HY57V161610D 2 DSP D741864CPGF LUCENT 2 1. Diamond Max VL40.ru 16 . "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 2 DSP D741667APGF 2 AGERE MS453 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Diamond Max Plus 60. 3. Diamond Max Plus 8. 78L08A Master 3. ATHENA DSP drive family One quite frequent peculiarity of drives belonging to the family is demonstrated by their behaviour in case of PList malfunctions. D541X.2). Diamond Max Plus 9" 10. Then you should perform diagnostics of problems in the firmware zone. 5. Diamond Max VL40. Diamond Max Plus 16. Diamond Max Plus 60. Appendix 1 hereto contains a circuit diagram for connection of motor control chip in PCBs of ATHENA DSP drives.4. D531X. D540-4D. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Fireball 3. 78-50-40 www. M29F102BB Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig.1). 7. 11. save firmware modules and restore the drive translator (para. External view of control board in MAXTOR ATHENA ATA2-PLUS drive family. Such drives should be restored using the method of loading an LDR file in safe mode (see para.ru (8632) 78-50-30.ru 17 . The problem can be identified by a typical sound heard when the motor is turned off.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX. when after motor spin-up and removing the heads from parking area a drive turns the spindle motor off but "forgets" to park the heads. D541X. 1 3 1 1 1 SH6770C 1 1 48LC1M16A1 2 DSP D741667APGF AGERE 2 MS453 1. B3185 2.acelab. Diamond Max Plus 60. RDS035L03 2. B3185 2."MAXTOR: D536DX. ATHENA Poker drive family 1 1 1 1 SH6770C 1 1 2 HY57V 161610DTC-6 1 POKER C6 040108200 4370J2 0224S 4849943 2 1. 78L08A Master Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. 7. D541X. 78-50-40 www.5.6. Diamond Max VL40. A172E Master 3. ROMULUS DSP/Poker drive family Malfunction of one of the heads in drives belonging to that family causes knocking sounds while loading an LDR file or during calibration at utility launch.acelab. 6 External view of controller board in MAXTOR ATHENA Poker-based drive family. D531X. External view of controller board in MAXTOR ROMULUS drive family. 20 MHz Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. 2 DSP D741667DPGF 3 AGERE MS453 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1.ru (8632) 78-50-30. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 10. D540-4D. 10.ru 18 . Technical support: eng_support @acelab. ru (8632) 78-50-30. D541X. PHN210T 2. Diamond Max VL40. Table of correspondence between starting modes and firmware versions in ARES 64K drives. M29F102BB Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig.ru 19 . Diamond Max Plus 16. "J" letter means that a ball bearing was used. It contains all the modules with correct data required for drive operation.7. The main firmware zone is used during normal drive operation. Diamond Max Plus 60. PHN207 3. 2F040L0. User mode of operation VAM51JJ0 ROM loader mode VAM52JaZ Self Test mode VBM51J80 Technical support: eng_support@acelab. External view of controller board in MAXTOR VULCAN drive family. Diamond Max Plus 9" 10. D531X. Diamond Max Plus 8. D540-4D. 8. D541X. 2F040J0. for example. With that drive family Maxtor designers began to use two firmware zones with similar structure but totally different purposes. VULCAN drive family 5 2 040405000 D741667CPGF CC-15AE72W 4 AGERE MS453 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX.8.acelab. for example. 10. 78-50-40 www. A171B Master 5. Fireball 3. ARES 64K drive family "L" letter in model name indicates that a fluid dynamic bearing was used. When modified heads are installed during the manufacturing process. 78L08A Master 3. 20 Technical support: eng_support @acelab. moreover. "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 1 3 1 1 1 SH6770C 1 1 HY57V161610D 2 Poker 040111600 LUCENT 2 1. namely. Besides the header one or several sectors of P-List become BAD. Such variety of versions results from the fact that program microcode. Diamond Max VL40. D541X. D531X. B3185 2. Diamond Max Plus 60. Compatibility of adaptive data can be controlled using the ROM version on PCB output by the drive in “safe mode”. Usually it is practically impossible to read the firmware if the adaptive data built-in into the microcode does not match the drive. although running a loader file with suitable adaptive data makes everything work fine. After header restoration and recalculation of checksum the drive is still unable to start and. External view of controller board in MAXTOR ARES 64K drive family. N40P drive family In this drive family ST25P10V6 external Flash ROM with serial access is used. The utility may start a drive using another firmware version.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Consequently it has to be supplemented with external ROM containing the necessary modifications to the adaptive data and firmware version. Quite numerous existing ROM versions complicate the issue of their compatibility making it difficult to pick a matching board. the whole firmware version has to be changed. This family is characterized by peculiar P-List corruption.acelab. ROM chip can be soldered to a new board since it does not have too many pins so the procedure can be performed fairly quickly. D540-4D. 9. 10."MAXTOR: D536DX. That situation also influences drive starting with the help of an LDR file. 78-50-40 www. overlay 6 and ROM chip on PCB contain built-in adaptive parameters for the reading/writing heads.ru . That produces numerous versions and as a result the microcode in the masked ROM of the drive processor ceases to match those versions. it is impossible to make it record anything else to its firmware zone.9. but the adaptive data of that version may not match the drive. M29F102BB Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. M29F102BB 4. FDS9431A Master Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. 2DPFS20V 2.10. D540-4D.acelab. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. ST25P10V6 2. Diamond Max Plus 8. D531X. SH6782B 3. 10. FDS9431A Master 3. External view of controller board in MAXTOR N40P drive family. D541X. 10.-3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX. Diamond Max VL40. Diamond Max Plus 16. Diamond Max Plus 9" 2 1 2 3 2125G W981616BH-6 Ardent C5-C1 040110100 ARDENT-C5C1 -790UK 023S 4963143 1. FALCON drive family 1 LUCENT MS353B3 2 2 3 MAXTOR LUCENT 1181K 4 1. Diamond Max Plus 60.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 20 MHz Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. Fireball 3. 78-50-40 www. External view of controller board in MAXTOR FALCON drive family. D541X. 11.ru 21 . "MAXTOR: D536DX, D541X, Diamond Max VL40, D540-4D, D531X, Diamond Max Plus 60, "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 10.11. CALIPSO drive family Just like in N40P drive family here external Flash ROM with serial access is used. For this family a specific malfunction is typical, when one of magnetic heads goes out of order. As a result such drive is identified as Maxtor CALIPSO, but allows reading/writing of firmware zone without an LDR file and all the modules remain intact. The said effect is caused by the fact that during start the drive does not find one of the heads included into its table. Therefore the firmware zone mapped for a different number of heads cannot be correctly processed by the drive control microcode. Such drives produce slight knocking sound if a calibration command is issued! The following problem is possible with drives from that family: incorrect recording during an attempt to restore a module will erase some modules having A or B importance. Consequently the drive’s firmware during the next start will be unable to load the essential modules from the main firmware zone and it will have to switch to the alternative zone. Therefore the modules prove to be intact after restart, but those are in fact absolutely different modules. That condition cannot be repaired using the current version of the utility. The “safe mode” jumper position is yet unknown for the Serial ATA modification of CALIPSO drive family. That family uses two formats of the G-List table of defects. The utility cannot recognize table format automatically and thus it is set up for the newest format. The older format will be displayed incorrectly. In order to view G-List in the older format you should enter the utility having selected, for example, N40P. 1 LUCENT MS353B3 2 2 MAXTOR LUCENT 1181K 4 3 1. 2DPFS20V 2. RDS035L03 Master 3. 25P10V6 4. 20 MHz Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Fig. 12. External view of controller board in MAXTOR CALIPSO drive family. 22 Technical support: eng_support @acelab.ru (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru -3000 ACELab "MAXTOR: D536DX, D541X, Diamond Max VL40, D540-4D, D531X, Diamond Max Plus 60, D541X, Fireball 3, Diamond Max Plus 8, Diamond Max Plus 16, Diamond Max Plus 9" 11. Data restoration 11.1. Diagnostics during data restoration The task of data recovery from a Maxtor drive requires, first of all, precise diagnostics of malfunction, preferably without HDA disassembly; with simultaneous minimizing of further damage to the drive or data loss. Malfunctions, just like methods of diagnostics can be subdivided as follows: PCB malfunction. Motor/bearing failure. Parking element failure. Reading/writing heads failure. Heads failure and surface scratch. BAD sectors. Complete or partial loss of firmware data. When the scope of problems is identified it is time to begin diagnostics. What of the above has happened? In the first turn keep in mind that damage to the firmware zone in Maxtor drives is usually not independent. It frequently results from constant (appearance of numerous BAD sectors) or short-term malfunctions of the mechanical (bearing, etc.) or electronic components (pre-amplifier, heads, motor control circuit, etc.). Step 1. Let us begin with the electronics board. In order to make sure that the board is operational it is sufficient to connect it to another drive with the same firmware version and check, whether the drive works flawlessly with the board. That method is not complicated for Maxtor drives since the board contains no adaptive data and its start in another drive requires just firmware version match. Please see section 6 for details on firmware version. Step 2. If the problem is not caused by electronics then motor diagnostics should be performed. If the motor does not spin up though the board is operational the cause is either damaged motor winding or heads sticking to disk surface. However, in Maxtor drives the situation of motor malfunction caused by stuck heads does not occur probably due to quite powerful motor or insignificant heads sticking. One more cause preventing rotation is seizure of a fluid dynamic bearing. Seizure practically does not occur in drives using ball bearings in spindle, but another problem appears, namely motor operation with obviously high noise level. That is caused by considerably greater disk beating. One more motor problem may be related to bad contact or cable break in the connector between the electronics board and HDA. As a result motor problems can be identified by the following signs: - Winding closure or break. - Seizure of fluid dynamic bearing (FDB). - Motor operation with considerable noise level. - Problem with connection between the motor and electronics board. - Problems with voice coil glue quality. Step 3. If a drive with operational electronics having no obvious problems in motor functioning does not knock heads or produce slight knocking at attempted calibration we should proceed to the following step. Now we should start diagnostics of surface scratch. It is difficult to perform the diagnostics completely without drive disassembly, but through the STW lifter opening one can see up to 90% of the surface from the PCB side. In drive families containing just one head the opening shows the work surface. A scratch having appeared on one of the surfaces will very quickly spread to all the rest. If a significant scratch is present, it would be sufficient to identify it without disassembling the HDA. Step 4. If the diagnostics procedure proves operable condition of the motor, control board, absence of scratches, and the drive unparks its heads without knocking, the cause of malfunction is either in heads damage or their incorrect functioning (and inability to read firmware zone as a result), or in the presence of BAD sectors or in corrupt firmware data. That is the hardest issue for identification because several malfunctions have the same signs. Let us set the safe mode jumper. The jumper position is shown in section 10 for each drive family. Then you should load from the menu shown at utility launch any LDR file corresponding to the family of the connected drive. Appearance of knocking sound at loader roll-in will indicate heads malfunction. If the loader roll into memory is not followed by knocking, but an error reading modules table occurs at entering the standard mode, it means that the loader version does not match the ROM contents and you should select such an LDR file, which would allow reading the modules table. Step 5. If the table of modules can be read you may proceed with firmware diagnostics as described in para. 7.1. Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru 23 "MAXTOR: D536DX, D541X, Diamond Max VL40, D540-4D, D531X, Diamond Max Plus 60, "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" ACELab -3000 11.2. Solution to the translator problem for data recovery In very rare cases a drive may not start or it may hang at power-up when its G-List contains incorrect information under a correct header and valid checksum. You can view the G-List with an LDR file loaded. An attempt to reset (the record to the firmware zone should be correct) G-List in that mode will not achieve a proper result as the replacement LBA will be defined as –1. Recording a clear G-List copied from another drive of that family with the same capacity represents a more accurate method. There is a rather frequent situation when translator modules have correct headers and checksums and all other essential modules are in order, but the drive still does not function using its logical parameters. At present two reasons for such condition are known: The first and quite rare cause occurs in CALIPSO drives when one of drive heads gets physically disconnected – the drive translator refuses to load. That happens because the RZTBL (PN=78h) module contains the number of heads. Diagnostics of that malfunction is described in more detail in para. 10.11. The second variant of that situation is encountered practically in all Maxtor drives supported by the PC-3000 complex. It results from occasional recording of random or pseudo-random data to the translator table fields (data from one module can be recorded to another). Module headers and checksums at that may remain correct. Automatic restoration of modules in such a situation will not help restore the drive. In order to perform diagnostics in that situation you should record to the malfunctioning drive translator modules (PN=37h, PN=18h and PN=78h) copied from an operational drive with the same capacity. Prior to the operation save all modules from firmware zone, especially module 33 and ensure that the firmware zone has no relocated defects. The suggested method of diagnostics is not applicable if the firmware zone contains hidden defects. If after recording of the translator modules the drive starts normally and can be accessed using its logical parameters, it means that the problem resulted exactly from invalid data in the modules. If the module PN=33 is intact (the utility will output a list of defects upon P-List query) you can perform the “Translator recalculation” procedure (see para. and para. 7.3). 24 Technical support: eng_support @acelab.ru (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru July 30. PC-3000 Documentation Wednesday.3V (BSP 100) 3 U302(25) 8 7 C01 2 4 3 6 5 R3 R2 R503 C5 C3 7 8 u506A 2 C2 C1 C102 1 12V + 15 mkFx 25V 33mkFx 16V C506 + A 1 REGULATOR 3.3V IRF7101 (W241) U500 DSP (119) DSP (123) DSP (121) DSP (98) DSP (103) u501A 7 8 7 8 u502A 2 1 u501B 5 6 2 1 u502B 5 6 R513 J4 1 2 34 5 RADIX vr200 12V C203 8 2 3 6 7 IN COM COM COM COM OUT 1 C10 8V 4 VCM3 J2(9) R207 WDN 4 VCM+ 3 L1 78L08A REGULATOR 8V PREAMPLIFIER CIRCUIT 1 2 J2 Title MAXTOR ATHENA ATA2-PLUS motors controller Size A3 Date: Document Number ACE Lab. 2003 Sheet 1 of 1 Rev 1 VOICE COIL MOTOR A .3V C6 u302 (48) Q501 1 2 IRFD110 3.A u503A 8 7 1 6 5 u503B CT MOTA 3 2 4 CT A MOTB u504A 8 7 1 u504B 6 5 3 B C SPINDLE MOTOR 2 4 MOTC u505A 8 7 1 u505B SPSNS 6 5 3 R517 R518 4 5V R520 R519 2 A R515 DSP (148) DSP (57) C512 R305 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 $PIN0 $PIN1 $PIN2 $PIN3 $PIN4 $PIN5 $PIN6 $PIN7 $PIN8 $PIN9 $PIN10 $PIN11 $PIN12 $PIN13 $PIN14 $PIN15 $PIN16 $PIN17 $PIN18 $PIN19 $PIN20 $PIN21 $PIN22 $PIN23 $PIN24 $PIN25 $PIN26 $PIN27 $PIN28 $PIN29 $PIN30 $PIN31 $PIN32 $PIN33 $PIN34 $PIN35 $PIN36 $PIN37 $PIN38 $PIN39 $PIN40 $PIN41 $PIN42 $PIN43 $PIN44 $PIN45 $PIN46 $PIN47 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 3. 8 Q400 4 C 1.0 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 16 17 C C C C C C Ardent (174) R Ardent (155) C C C C Ardent (26) C Ardent (7) 49 32 8 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 C507 Ardent (211) R 2k Ardent (170) C Ardent (5) C505 R C C R 7 Ardent (206) SPINDLE MOTOR 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 49 32 c +1.7V 1 2 3 4 5.3V C401 1Om 1Om 1Om 1Om 1Om R508 U401 6 Ardent (130) 1Om R06 1 2 3 4 1Om Ardent (87) Ardent (67) Ardent (29) C Ardent (137) Ardent (145) Ardent (171) Ardent (144) 50 C508 51 52 BUX 53 +12V +12V 54 55 56 57 58 59 R229 R230 R231 60 61 62 63 64 C501 C 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 10 11 12 13 14 15 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 31 30 29 31 30 29 28 27 C C R +12V MOT C MOT B MOT A CT SMOOTH L7250E 1. 2004 Sheet 1 of 1 Rev 1 A .A R ROM R512 KT C C FCOMM 8 7 6 5 1Om R511 1Om R510 Voice Coil Motor VCMVCM+ 25P10V6 KT C209 R Ardent (4) Ardent (212) Ardent (128) R504 C210 VCMI R 4 GND U401 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 D 5 Ardent (138) +3. PC-3000 Documentation Friday.2.3V REGULATOR +3.2k C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Ardent (79) Control Line Ardent (157) C 2 8 1 C514 R519 C -5VPlug to HDA (Preamplefier) J1 (41) Title Maxtor Diamond Max Plus 9 CALYPSO Size B Date: Document Number 200 Converter DC-DC -5V Port for Diagnostic -5V ACE Lab.7.7V +5V C 1 Q500 C +12V C506 R 3 2 +5V 1 2 3 Q501 1 2 3 4 R513 R 1Om C 1Om C511 R516 +3.7V 6 5 S500 Q400 IR230M +1.3V Q501 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 7 6 5 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 REGULATOR +1.3V Ardent (114) Ardent (184) Ardent (150) Q500 Ardent (166) Ardent (190) Ardent (12) Ardent (58) Ardent (44) Ardent (89) Ardent (71) Ardent (102) Ardent (203) Ardent (154) Ardent (126) Ardent (27) 5 4 R 1K C519 6 7 L500 3 C513 C +5V R 8.3 Shock Sensor A A 2 Control Line +3.3V Ardent (8) 1 2 3 S Q W Vcc HOLD C 8 7 +3. January 23.3V +3.6. ....................................................................... Utility usage ...............................................1...2.................................................22 7..................2.................. Structure of IBM HDD firmware...... Spindle stop...............................................-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP...........................................2...........................................................2....2...........................................2 2................................................................................................................2..................................................................................21 6........................ Structure of drive families............................ Electric circuit diagram........................................................1...4..............................................................................................................17 4....... and 37GP(DPTA5) drive families ...................................................................................................................... Work with memory .......... Work with firmware zone ...................... surface scanning .................................................7 2...................................... Construction peculiarities of 22GXP(DJNA7)...........22 7..............8 2...........................................................................................................9 2........................................................2........................................... “Modify configuration” command ................... 60GXP(AVER)....... Construction peculiarities of 40GV(DTLA5)................................. 34GXP................................................................................................8 2.................. Identification and relocation of defects in user's area .....12 3.................2...............2...................6.....10 3............ Automatic mode...............2......................T..3 2..........3..................... Formatting......................................................acelab........... 75GXP(DTLA7)......... Logical scanning .......4 2.................................................7.......................................................... 75GXP.....A.........................................3.................9 2................................................................. Auxiliary utility files for IBM drives ..2...................18 4...................................................................................................................................................... 34GXP(DPTA7)..1............ Drive ID .........................................................3..........................2.............. SELFSCAN....................... Drive firmware......................2..........................ru 1 ..2........................ Utility command menu...............................................................2....................................2..............20 4.......8 2........................5.....2......................................................R..... Translator recalculation................................................................................................16 4...... 120GXP Contents 1..................23 Technical support: eng_support@acelab.......................................... 78-50-40 www.....................................................1......................... Software repair.....4............................................21 5..........................10 2. Elements layout...........................................................................2........................... Enable write cache ...9.........3 2........... 37GP......................13 3..........................................2..2.............................. 37GP......................................................................... Critical modules for drive data.............3.. 34GXP..................................................................7...............................................9 2....................13 3........................................ 40GV...4.......17 4................................ 75GXP.....................5........ 60GXP.............................. Description of IBM drive families .......10 2........................................... and 120GXP(AVVA) drive families.................................................2 2........ S............20 4.........6..................9 2..... Malfunctions of “Open modules' table cannot be read!” type ...2.............................M.................................ru (8632) 78-50-30............................. 120GXP IBM 22GXP.....................................3......................... Peculiarities of software restoration.............................................. 60GXP.....................................2............................................... 40GV......2..........................................................................2.................2........................2.........................1................................. Defects table...................................................................................................................... Servo test.................... Firmware data ... “Run an LDR file” command..................3.................................................1...................2.................... Launching the utility ............. table ...................1......................2...............................................................12 3...... Electric circuit........... Compatibility of electronics printed circuit boards.......................................4 2.....3 2.................................22 7.......................................................... Description of structure and methods of firmware zone access in case of malfunctions....2............2 2.................................................................20 4....2.................................................................................8........8 2............................................... Malfunctions of electronics boards in IBM drives..........4......... ver.239.240 60.418.036. pcibmava.04 13.02 41.400 35. 22GXP1. the utility skips the delay allocated for awaiting response. A launch in the default mode forces the utility to act as though the drive does not respond to its queries.17 30.600 160. Utility.832 80.069. 37GP.exe. Family.188.320 241.36 61.418.15 1 Capacity.000 73.254.15 1 1 Model DJNA-372200 DJNA-371800 DJNA-371350 DJNA-370910 DPTA-373420 DPTA-372730 DPTA-372050 DPTA-371360 DPTA-353750 DPTA-353000 DPTA-352250 DPTA-351500 DTLA-305040 DTLA-305030 DTLA-305020 DTLA-305010 DTLA-307075 DTLA-307060 DTLA-307045 DTLA-307030 DTLA-307020 DTLA-307015 IC35L060AVER07 IC35L040AVER07 IC35L030AVER07 IC35L020AVER07 IC35L010AVER07 IC35L120AVVA07 IC35L100AVVA07 IC35L080AVVA07 IC35L060AVVA07 IC35L040AVVA07 IC35L020AVVA07 75GXP .480 40."IBM" 22GXP.188.036.15 40GV.480 120.15 37GP.188. 1.088 29.560 120. pcibmdpt. 60GXP.720 201.11 34. ver.520.600.440 66.60 18.exe.985.440 58. 1.440 53.464.37 20. ver.exe.803.73 20.336.320 150.exe.840 60.67 37.835. 120GXP -3000 ACELab 1.57 Disks 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 5 4 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 Heads 10 8 6 4 10 8 6 4 10 8 6 4 4 3 2 1 10 8 6 4 3 2 6 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 Physical cylinders 15400 15400 15400 15400 17493 17493 17493 17493 17687 17687 17687 17687 34326 34326 34326 34326 27724 27724 27724 27724 27724 27724 33946 33946 33946 33946 33946 55443 55443 55443 55443 55443 55443 Sect.080 43. pcibmdtl.960 20. Let us review the “Standard” mode of utility launch in detail (the “By Default” launch respectively will be accompanied by all the error messages mentioned below and pertaining to collection of information about the drive). pcibmdpt.50 30. 1.34 61.960 30.27 123.27 76. ver.15 34GXP .074.57 10.86 61.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 78-50-40 www.200 80. Launching the utility At the start the utility offers the choice between two available initialization modes: “Standard” and “By Default”. 1.exe.036.52 15. pcibmdjn. 1. ver.93 82.00 22.49 46.acelab.261.200 80.480 17.ru 2 . 1. however.074.320 40.712.160 26.1.15 1 120GXP . Utility command menu 2. Structure of drive families Table 2.49 41.15 60GXP . Gb 22. 34GXP. 1 ‘X’ in family names denotes 7200 rpm drives.045.103. when a drive does not respond to access attempts or fails beginning to knock.73 20.exe.exe. Actually it does not access the drive in that mode. pcibmdtl.21 27.188. 1.088. 40GV.57 10. When started in the standard mode the utility reads certain parameters from the drive and initializes its internal structures accordingly.57 15.200 90.103. pcibmavr.17 20. ver.680 26.52 102.480 40.240 60.57 9. ver.836.120 120.960 20.240 40.418.103. / track 351-214 351-214 351-214 351-214 450-270 450-270 450-270 450-270 522-280 522-280 522-280 522-280 792-370 792-370 792-370 792-370 702-351 702-351 702-351 702-351 702-351 702-351 780-373 780-373 780-373 780-373 780-373 928-448 928-448 928-448 928-448 928-448 928-448 Maximum LBA 44.49 41. 75GXP.17 30. Technical support: [email protected] 40.136.52 13.11 30.73 20. That may be useful in cases of damaged drive’s firmware. In case of an error the following message appears: “Error reading zone allocation module. therefore subsequent factory formatting is required. In case of an error the following message appears: “Error reading NV-RAM. 2.M.acelab.ru 3 . Please see further possible causes of malfunctions resulting in the above error messages as well as methods of their elimination. 120GXP The utility reads drive ID during launch in order to determine its logical parameters.1. After servo test the drive will be unable to read from the surface in LBA mode. reading of modules table (“USAG”). After that the utility will be adjusted to the connected drive during the following sequence: 1. In case of an error the following message appears: “Open modules table cannot be read”.2. Using default parameters”. the number of drive heads will be adjusted accordingly.-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP. 37GP. 2.R. If a module has been read successfully. table Defects table Automatic mode SELFSCAN Exit 2. In case of an error the following message appears: “Modules table cannot be read. reading of the so-called "open modules table" (a synthetic table returned by a drive in case of its correct initialization). 34GXP. If a drive returns an error the following message will be output: Unidentified logical drive parameters Default values used – “Final LBA” = 1000 At that the information about model name returned in the drive ID will appear in the “MODEL:” top line of the utility window. 78-50-40 www. If the user's choice (selected model) does not match the estimated number the smallest figure is assumed and the following message appears: “Model adjusted according to the number of physically present heads. Utility usage After launching the program will bring up the main operating modes menu: Servo test Surface scanning Firmware data Drive ID Formatting Logical scanning S.A.Do continue?” 3.ru (8632) 78-50-30. reading of NV-RAM to identify some internal drive parameters. 60GXP. 40GV.2.2. 4. unlike utilities for other drive families do not accomplish hiding and relocation of defects since this version of utilities has no automatic algorithm for hiding corrupted areas.2. surface scanning Servo test and Surface scanning. Then you'll be prompted to select a model in order to define the number of physically present heads for further work. Selection of that item brings up the following menu: Work with memory Work with firmware zone Modify configuration Run an LDR file Translator recalculation Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Thus it is not recommended to use those commands if a drive has just insignificant damage. 2. Press [Enter]”. Firmware data Firmware data. Presence of those menu items in the utility is determined by the task of telling heads that have problems from those that have none. reading of zone allocation module (“ZONE”). Default zone allocation used”.T. 75GXP. Servo test. E75D9E90).Code values recorded in NV-RAM and USAG match.2.2.Code recorded in NV-RAM. Table 2. Otherwise the drive will be initialized with the default values in accordance with NV-RAM. Read RAM into a file command allows reading the whole RAM space of the microcontroller or a part thereof into a file. but will not read firmware from disks' surface. 40GV. . 120GXP -3000 ACELab Spindle stop Enable write cache1 2. ."IBM" 22GXP. It is necessary for HDD operation that the codes of firmware version recorded in ROM and NV-RAM were the same. It is connected with the firmware version number recorded in ROM. drive RAM size is much smaller but it is distributed among different frames. First 4 characters (ER4O) represent family descriptor (please see Table 2.acelab. 37GP. AVER. “Family codes”). Of course.ru 4 . 75GXP. ROM report contains the following parameters: . ER4OA45A). Code Drive family J5 DJNA 5400 J7 DJNA 7200 TW DTLA 5400 TX DTLA 7200 ER IC35AVER VA IC35AVVA 2. Otherwise the drive will be initialized with the default values in accordance with NV-RAM. Work with NV-RAM command allows reviewing of a report on NV-RAM. It is necessary for HDD operation that the codes of firmware version recorded in NV-RAM and USAG were the same. Family codes. while 2 last characters (5A) may differ (please see Chapter 3. Work with firmware zone Work with firmware zone command brings up the following submenu: Check firmware structure Write/read firmware Ignore reading error Read modules Write modules Load USAG Re-read module tables 1 This menu item is available only in utilities for DTLA.firmware version code (Ex. .Code (Ex. 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2). . 34GXP. namely: the first 2 characters (A4) must be the same.2. Otherwise the drive will be unable to initialize using NV-RAM and spin up its spindle.Code of microprogram version (for example.Identifier. it will spin up the spindle. The field reflects mapped correspondence between electrical head connections and numbers of physical heads. A45A). 78-50-40 www.firmware version number (for example.: E75D9E90). and AVVA drive models.2. Work with memory Work with memory option brings up the following submenu: Work with ROM Read RAM into a file Work with NV-RAM Work with ROM command allows reviewing data in ROM header and reading ROM into a file. correct drive initialization requires that . The maximum file size is 256 Mb. It has to be “E2PR” for HDD operation. reading or writing of NV-RAM to a file. 60GXP.. too. Technical support: [email protected]. It is necessary for HDD operation that the first 2 characters of firmware version number match the corresponding two characters of .Heads map (for example.1 “Structure of IBM HDD firmware”). but will not read firmware from disks' surface. If there is no match the drive will be unable to initialize using NV-RAM and spin up its spindle. 4 last characters (A45A) represent firmware version number. The report on NV-RAM contains the following parameters: . Besides. it will spin up the spindle. thus the utility is designed with a capability of operating with the whole address space of drive microprocessor to ensure that all required blocks can be read.ru (8632) 78-50-30. copy 1. It will not be copied to a drive during full firmware recording. thus they are listed in the zero copy reading mode only. The necessity for reading another copy is determined by the utility analyzing module readability. Ignore reading error command influences just the “Read modules” menu item.“spaces” in the main firmware track. “PDM1” stands for “PSHT”. 40GV. at that the name of a copy of course differs from the original name and respectively it does not match the information from the module header. Write/read firmware command allows to create a copy of a drive's firmware or record it to a drive from a previously saved copy. Besides. WARNING! Not all the modules are present in copy 1. "DE AD" signature allows identifying a corrupt sector easily in any hex editor. Selection of “Copy 0” or “Copy 1” modes forces reading of ONLY 0 or 1 copy respectively. where xx stands for the number of a “space”. the modules. 75GXP. Presence of the “ ” character in the “ID:” field means that module identifier found in its header matches the identifier used for selection of its position from the respective modules table. In drives with several heads copy 1 as a rule corresponds to head 1.rpm" extension while corrupt modules have ". however. if it is corrupted. When the "Ignore reading error" mode is on. but it can be extracted from it to a file only. 78-50-40 www. etc. NV-RAM is also saved during copying to a database. In particular. Therefore recording to a single-head drive NV-RAM from a drive with several heads in case of firmware problems may cause knocking sounds since the drive will start looking for a copy using a non-existent head. which are listed in the “open modules table” but not listed in “USAG” are unavailable in the copy 1 reading mode. at that the file will contain only sectors. 60GXP. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. red "IRE" indicator appears in the status bar of the utility.bad" extension. “RDM1” serves as alias for “RDMT”. The utility allows reading the modules in several modes. Names of the "spaces" are formed as follows: “~##xx” . error-free modules have ". If the utility encounters a reading error in the "IRE" mode it saves to the file a sector filled with "DE AD" signature and continues reading the module. The information about modules is displayed in tables and individual report blocks containing the “RD:” and “ID” fields. Please refer to Section 3 for details on firmware structure.ru (8632) 78-50-30. The exact copy location is indicated by the address modifier byte in NV-RAM.“spaces” in the additional firmware track.ru 5 . Disk rotation is likely to extend module corruption in copy 1 to the following sector offering an opportunity to restore the module from copy 0 by transferring the information from copy 1 through a hex editor. it indicates the status of "spaces" between modules located in the main and additional firmware tracks. “~@@xx” . EVLG) Clear FLYH Restore firmware zone Create an LDR-file Security subsystem Check firmware structure is a mode that provides a report on firmware modules' integrity and their contents. therefore it offers the following menu for mode selection: Any main copy Copy 0 Copy 1 Factory copy The “Any main copy” mode forces reading of copy 0 or. Such a necessity is frequently caused by drastic firmware corruption. Enabling of the “Ignore reading errors” mode certainly allows most complete utilization of that opportunity. where xx stands for the number of a “space”. The said menu item allows to read partially corrupt modules. which could be recovered from the drive without errors. the “-” character means that the identifier in the module header differs from the one in the respective modules table. If a drive error takes place while reading a module in normal mode the reading operation stops and such module is placed into a modules' directory with a ". The “ ” character in the “RD:” field means that the module has been successfully read from the drive disks while the “-” character means that a reading error occurred. As usual. Read modules. 120GXP Cleaning of logs (ELG1. In particular. 37GP. Identification error (“ID:” = “-”) during normal operation of a drive is allowed only for modules belonging to the ”open modules table” because the latter in addition to other data contains links to copies of tables. That mode is useful when only copy 0 is damaged and data of a single module contains garbage or when firmware modules have to be collected partially from one copy and partially from another.-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP. in single-head drives it is usually located on another track. 34GXP.acelab. Write modules commands allow to work separately with modules and "spaces". That feature provides an opportunity to change contents of just one module or a selected group of modules without modifications to the rest.bad" extension. Besides the “open modules table” contains aliases for modules from “USAG”. there might arise a situation when a part of some module essential for such data cannot be read. in order to restore original modules using the file you should rename it to *. in cases of data restoration."IBM" 22GXP. WARNING! Only modules listed in “USAG” will be accessible in that mode. tables of defects (PSHT. an attempt of initialization will end in error. Moreover if you have choosen the Cleaning or Extended cleaning. too. It is slightly safer when a drive is damaged. 78-50-40 www. Besides.e. which is slower than reading modules in "IRE" mode (please. WARNING! The loader thus generated will differ from the original one since it will contain modules specific for the individual drive and a complete NV-RAM block. and number of retries using logical and physical parameters. At the same time a drive reads the firmware track to RAM completely during initialization. operation type (restoration. Therefore before performing of this operation you should save the maximum of modules from all disc surfaces of HDD. the statistics proves that it is frequently necessary in order to restore the readability of firmware area. That feature is useful while estimating the condition of a drive with corrupt “USAG” module. there are areas between the modules.dld" extension (i. 120GXP -3000 ACELab Selection of the “Factory copy” mode provides access to modules recorded at the manufacturing factory to a separate track unused by the drive. Besides. WARNING! Performing of this part can be potentially dangerous for HDD! If you have choosen Recovery and HDD have a problem with heads the execution of this command can caused the damaging of service area or incorrect writing into the correct sectors of service area. they will be skipped with subsequent listing of such cases in a report after the operation is complete.acelab. the SRVM module present in that copy will differ from its actually operating counterpart as regards its adaptive part. RDMT) are saved in a separate file in LDR format under the same name but with ". Clear FLYH command (derived from Fly Head) allows clearing the mechanical hits log in a drive. Re-read module tables command loads USAG and a table of open modules. Besides. Restore firmware zone command attempts to restore unreadable areas in drive's firmware zone. That menu item brings up a dialog window. in the final part containing no information. which are not included into the module tables. clearing or extensive clearing). In that case restoration will allow obtaining the required module with empty space instead of its previously inaccessible area.e. the firmware data area will be filled with 77h code. And in some cases the actual data from the area will be restored. That feature may be useful for utility readjustment for changes introduced to the firmware zone by user or a launched LDR file (no need to leave the utility and start it again in cases when firmware zone is modified). If any modules cannot be read. Cleaning of logs (ELG1. but takes more time than plain clear operation.ldr). Apparently the difference is caused by final drive calibration performed after recording of the “factory copy”. For this can be useful paragraphs Load USAG (load into the utility table of modules from the file ~USAG. 60GXP. That menu item is necessitated by the fact that firmware zone in IBM drives is scattered. for example. The feature is useful in cases of zero drive head overcommutation. The log is present in all drives described in this manual from 120 GXP (IC35AVVA) to earlier models.07 version of the utilities. even if it has unreadable areas ). where you can select drive heads for restoration. One more application aspect of that operation regards overcommutation of a drive's system head (please see details in the "Modify configuration" section). Remember that microprogram has great amount of special information about this HDD and simple substitution of it by another HDD can caused inability to work of repairing drive.ldl" extension is created containing information about the drive and a list of modules recorded to the LDR file. 40GV.ru (8632) 78-50-30. That menu item processes the whole firmware in a drive.ru 6 . 34GXP. However. see "Ignore reading error"). i. if the track contains unreadable areas. If you select "clear" or “extensive clear” operation type or 0 of retries. Such areas mostly are either not utilized by the drive altogether or contain SELFSCAN modules. Load USAG command allows loading to the utility's memory of a selected modules’ directory without recording it to a disk. Since the file size is limited. the microprogram can be erased. After selection of that menu item you'll be prompted to enter a name for the LDR file.rpm from compatible HDD) and Ignore reading error (allows while reading to get maximum information of module. Create an LDR file menu item allows saving drive's firmware to a file in IBM LDR format. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Thus we recommend using the “extensive clear” option only in cases. If you wish to use the loader for firmware updating in another drive you should copy the “native” SRVM module and NV-RAM of that drive after using the loader. 75GXP. Consequently. It is necessary to perform Clear SMART after finishing of this operation. when the most of own drive service data must be restored. when selection of common clearing procedure had no desired effect. another file with the same name and ". EVLG)command allows to clear a drive's error log (in 60GXP and 120GXP models EVLG event log is also cleared). 37GP. but its advantage is in the ability to attempt reading of an inaccessible sector using physical parameters during restoration (at user's option). Selection of the “extensive clear” menu item forces clearing in the style adopted in 1. ru (8632) 78-50-30. 5. The leftmost cell contains the number of physical head. 5 and 6) to ensure drive's report on readiness without initialization of its security subsystem.one of modules in firmware zone has not been overwritten during LDR file start. which cannot be used as password text. which should become the system head. 60GXP. it will mean that drive firmware will use as zero head the one physically connected to the second commutator line in the head and disk assembly. For instance. too. either of the following has happened: .ru 7 .one of the original HDD modules contained garbage. 2. where you can select the number and sequence for the arrangement of heads in a drive. The address is presumably the same for the whole drive family. 4. run an LDR file. Specific character of the process requires a certain procedure in cases. The dialog window in the utility designed for heads' table modification shows cells with numbers of heads inside (from left to right). . 3. During the process you'll have to short-circuit data pins of NV-RAM (No. 40GV. Thus.NV-RAM was not overwritten during LDR file start. The said procedure is implemented in Wizard style. If some modules in the original drive cannot be read or recorded you'll have to copy them subsequently from a set of modules for a corresponding model.2. clear firmware zone having selected the head. run an LDR file. The need to run an LDR file several times is determined by the fact that it contains the whole complex of actions for overcommutation. which allows to skip its detailed description here. removal of passwords opening access to drive's data. if you record 2 in that cell. order. After completion of the operation do not forget to re-read the tables of modules (“Work with firmware zone” / ”Re-read module tables”). 78-50-40 www. 37GP. Besides. Therefore the password reviewing routine will display an encrypted block of security module. i. switch the drive power off and on. 7. run an LDR file clear firmware zone for the system (zero) head. Therefore the algorithm of password removal becomes somewhat more complicated. “Modify configuration” command "Modify configuration" menu item contains the following commands: “Isolate heads” “Head map change” “Switch SA access” “Isolate zones”. Here we should note that the mechanism modifies several modules so it is Technical support: eng_support@acelab. switch the drive power off and on. you do not have to worry about producing a single-head model. The utility automatically corrects the modifier byte for the address of a module copy in NV-RAM. That command brings up a dialog window. beginning with 60GXP drive family password-protected drives block factory mode commands. which at the same time should be performed in several steps. try to repeat the procedure from step 4. Therefore intermediary starts of an LDR file may complete with an error.e. 2. 120GXP Security subsystem menu item allows viewing information about user passwords and their resetting. 34GXP.3. 1. and file name. If an error resulted from impossibility to overwrite any module (it can be verified by looking through the report on firmware structure). 6. The actual overcommutation mechanism is implemented in the utility as creation of an LDR file with necessary modifications from the modules present in a drive. If the final start of an LDR file finishes with an error.2. Let's describe the procedure: generation of an LDR file from a given drive with definition of heads number. . 75GXP. though it is likely that it may differ in some firmware version. “Isolate heads” command allows software deactivation of magnetic heads and modification of their connection order. which might require presence of module copies on a different track instead of head 1.acelab. when the system head is changed (in case of "simple ending head(s) removal" starting an LDR file should suffice). Beginning with 40GV drive family some firmware versions employ an encryption mechanism for the password module. which the drive will use as its zero head.-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP. The "Setup" item serves for modification of password module location in a drive's memory. The structure of .2.6. i. Then you should perform steps from 2 through 5. Isolate zones” command accomplishes isolation of zones in the beginning of a drive only. MLBA.2. In that case the LDR file would contain only corrected NV-RAM. Thus it is possible to define heads mapping filled. The utility will display the default MaxLBA value in the respective dialog window. The so-called "candidate" defects (sectors with unstable reading access) are ignored during the process because of some peculiarities in the operation of firmware co.7. Enable write cache This menu item is available in utilities for DTLA. . 34GXP.5. 2.perform logical scanning and assume as new MaxLBA the value followed by continuous IDNF error zone. 60GXP. with just one number using the dialog box produced by the command.2. where incomplete initialization of G-List (RDMT) resulted in Technical support: eng_support@acelab. “Head map change” command allows modification of heads mapping only in NV-RAM without readjustment of other drive structures.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Translator recalculation Translator recalculation is a command that allows to transfer defects from G-List to P-List.ru 8 . “Run an LDR file” command “Run an LDR file” command starts a “script” of firmware update. SRVM. Previously for the same purpose it was recommended to find NVRAM of a similar. It will not achieve a temporary drive initialization by recording information into its RAM. The function is somewhat similar to that in Quantum drives. A59A – firmware version. Data from the user area are lost in the process since the defects hiding is accomplished not through their relocation to reserved sectors but through removal of defective sectors from the translation space.Code is as follows: TX – drive family identifier.calculate the number to deduct from the current MaxLBA taking into account the isolated zones. .e.LDR. but not TX2DA69A."IBM" 22GXP. but it has several basic differences. and switch power supply to the drive off and on. The new MaxLBA can be obtained with either of two methods: . That may be useful for recovery of drives with corrupted sectors in firmware area. when firmware area is corrupted so that during regular start such drives either hang or start knocking with the heads. 2. record to the drive corresponding firmware from a database or as modules. 40GV.4. 2 – the number of magnetic heads. when none of modules can be read (when the system head is damaged). Spindle stop Spindle stop is a command required for Hot Swap operations. where you'll have to input the number of the first operational zone of the drive. “Switch SA access” command inverts the high bit in the lower byte identifying firmware version in NV-RAM.2. though not the same NV-RAM version containing heads’ map identical to the current NV-RAM. 78-50-40 www.2. During such isolation of defects all the drive sectors beginning from the first defect change their numbers. and CNSL. WARNING! The first 6 characters in TX2DA59A.e. A situation is possible.Code should never be changed. AVER.2. LDR file name corresponds to . TX2DA50A can be replaced with 2. Then perform the complete overcommutation procedure again from the first step.Code of firmware to replace the current firmware version. then you'll have to restore correct MaxLBA in the PC3000AT utility.2. Its selection brings up a dialog window. running it twice successively will produce the original NV-RAM. Activation of drive zones is performed separately by means of recording a respective ZONE module in the "Write modules" dialog. After successful performance of that operation you'll need to set the correct MaxLBA value separately using the SetMaxLBA command in the PC3000AT utility. for example. 75GXP. TX2DA59A. Previously isolated zones will be skipped. That function has been designed for firmware version update in a drive being initialized only. 2. Thus you may just confirm the value displayed by the utility without any modifications.2. for example. The operation grants access to drive modules in cases. 120GXP -3000 ACELab likely that after their recording from another drive you may need to repeat the algorithm procedure again. and AVVA drive models because it is actually a patch fixing an error in older utilities for those drives. i. 37GP. The command functions as a trigger. Here belong modules ZONE.acelab. skip several sectors (their number is entered in a dialog window by the user) when an error is encountered and continue to a previously defined limit. The following variants are possible: .2.M. 60GXP.M. 2.A.T. load them from a model module. circular scratches.stop formatting when an error is encountered. table menu item allows to view the values of S. In such cases it is recommended to append to P-List the preceding and the following track in addition to the one with actually damaged formatting.4.R. Technical support: [email protected]. At that you can manually edit RDMT (G-List) and “cylinder table” (SRVM) (please see "defects table").R. values1.6. Then logical scanning of those zones with writing on must be performed.A. WARNING! Because of an error in firmware of IBM drives the formatting command leaves some LBA at disk end unformatted. 78-50-40 www. For safety reasons we did not modify the utility algorithm though it could enable the utility to define block range greater than the one entered by the user. Drive ID Drive ID command allows to modify the information returned by a drive in response to drive ID request (drive ID is read during PC loading procedure performed by system BIOS) and compare identification records from the firmware zone and the drive labels. WARNING! The command forces formatting of sectors in accordance with P-List. You may also monitor the changes of temperature in the process of random positioning. Formatting Formatting command performs translator recalculation and quick LBA surface overwriting using random code from the sector buffer. This utility version does not block drives' autoassign feature. The procedure ends with an error if it encounters a seriously damaged area. Logical scanning Logical scanning command scans the surface using logical parameters and adds the defects to G-List. The need for the second mode is predetermined by the fact that 60GXP and newer models require completion of formatting at the last accessible LBA from the user's data zone for normal subsequent work with such data.R.spbstu.T.ru). but we believed that you might wish to preserve the original G-List of the drive sent for repair in order to facilitate a more complete user data recovery.-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP.R. S. Technically you could simply clear G-List using the current utility version. parameters. . and control thermal mode of head and disk assembly (HDA). you can define the utility behavior in case of errors. 120GXP disabling the write-cache. thus a drive automatically adds discovered defects to G-List itself. 75GXP. etc. As a last resort the corrupted area can only be isolated from the user data space by running the formatting procedure manually and beginning with a location outside the corrupted area after the defects are added to PList. In order to perform the formatting procedure you should enter the initial value and the number of LBA sectors in the range to be formatted. that menu item allows to detect zones with considerably damaged servo fields.2.M. which can be hidden then into "cylinder table" (please see "defects table”). Upon completion of formatting a report will be output listing zones skipped because of errors. but actual recording is performed over the whole disk surface with the exception of cylinders listed in the SRVM table.T.A.M. reset S. 2.acelab. 40GV. 1 Information on SMART reset command has been kindly provided by Lev Koriagin (hdd3k@cef. Besides. 37GP. thus formatting errors (corrupted servo fields. 2. table S.) cannot be excluded by appending those defects to P-List. The "latency period" parameter controls the delay between positioning to random LBA.A. 2.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Besides.ru 9 . Thus after formatting you will need to add the final range of a drive (2-3 tracks per head) using logical parameters.2. 34GXP.2.T.5. "IBM" 22GXP, 34GXP, 37GP, 40GV, 75GXP, 60GXP, 120GXP -3000 ACELab 2.2.7. Defects table The Defects table command brings up the following menu: View defects table Editor Clear defects tables View defects tables – allows to view cylinder defects table (SRVM), P-List (PSHT) and G-List (RDMT). Within that menu you can select necessary tables using [SPACE] key. If none of the tables has been selected pressing [ENTER] will display a table corresponding to the current cursor position. WARNING! Because of some peculiarities of the interface used for creation of the utilities the maximum number of lines available for displayed reports is 32767. Thus, if P-List contains more records, not all of them will be displayed. However, the number of all the defects in the report header will be correct. Editor menu item contains options “Cylinder table editor”, “RDMT editor”, “Load from defectoscope”. Let's review each of them: - “Cylinder table editor” – allows manual entrance and removal of selected cylinder defects. Peculiarities of drive's firmware operation cause cylinders listed in the "cylinder defects table" to "disappear" from the address space of the drive. Therefore modification of "cylinder table" renders the defects listed in P-List and G-List invalid; they have to be cleared. Besides, in 60GXP and newer models cylinder defects are used to block a service zone located close to the middle of disk radius. The utility indicates attempts to remove such defects with a beep and ignores them. - “RDMT editor” – allows to edit the contents of RDMT (G-List) manually. Due to some reasons "translator recalculation" is required after editing of RDMT; and the operation is performed automatically by the utility. This menu item allows selection of actions to be performed over "candidate" defects: taking them into account during editing, ignoring them or their preliminary export into an external file with the ".dft" extension (a list of defects in the "defectoscope" utility format). - “Load from defectoscope” option allows loading into RDMT a defects’ list created by the "defectoscope" utility. Due to some reasons "translator recalculation" is required after loading of defects; and the operation is performed automatically by the utility. Just as with the previous menu item, here you can select actions to perform over the current "candidate" defects from G-List. Clear defects table option allows to reset G-List (RDMT), P-List (PSHT), and “cylinder table” (SRVM). In this menu you can select necessary tables using the [SPACE] key. If none of the tables has been selected pressing [ENTER] will display a table corresponding to the current cursor position. Attention! If you clear “cylinder table”, the defects listed in other tables (RDMT, PSHT) will become invalid and will have to be cleared by the user, too. Attention! In 60GXP and newer models a certain group of cylinder defects is used to block a service zone located close to the middle of disk radius. The utility does not remove those defects while clearing a "cylinder table". 2.2.8. Automatic mode Automatic mode command allows running test sequences (formatting, translator recalculation, scanning using physical parameters, logical scanning and servo test) in arbitrary order with output of results. Automatic operation with IBM drives does not differ from work with other drive types (see, for example, description for Fujitsu HDDs). 2.2.9. SELFSCAN The SELFSCAN menu contains elements for control and status review of the so-called “SELFSCAN” routine. SELFSCAN is a part of factory firmware stored in a drive and designed for drive self-testing and self-adjustment. In IBM drives SELFSCAN performs adjustment of adaptive drive parameters and multi-pass surface scanning of the disks with defects relocation. At that during the first pass the drive scans its firmware zone, during the second pass it scans the user's data area and adds defects to the cylinder table, the third pass is used for scanning with defects entry into PList. SELFSCAN menu consists of the following options: Start SELFSCAN Stop SELFSCAN Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru 10 -3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP, 34GXP, 37GP, 40GV, 75GXP, 60GXP, 120GXP View state View result Read SELFSCAN module Write SELFSCAN module View MFG parameters View HLRC data View SRST dump table parameters Read SELFSCAN log Repair SELFSCAN module Start SELFSCAN menu item serves for initialization of the SELFSCAN routine. After the initialization you should connect the drive to an independent power supply and wait for the procedure completion. While waiting it is possible to view SELFSCAN state – i.e. drive registers – in order to estimate information on the progress of SELFSCAN. WARNING! The command starting the SELFSCAN routine will automatically clear P-List and G-List, ELG1 and EVLG logs and reset SMART parameters. WARNING! It is essentially important that you do not disconnect the power to the drive throughout the whole procedure of SELFSCAN. If the SELFSCAN procedure is interrupted by a power shutoff, after the next poweron SELFSCAN will restart with incorrect parameters since some of them are stored by the drive in RAM. Therefore you should abort the incorrectly started SELFSCAN procedure using the Stop SELFSCAN command. Then you can restart SELFSCAN. Stop SELFSCAN menu item serves for termination of SELFSCAN procedure. Its selection brings up a wizardstyle sequence of windows guiding through the actions required to stop SELFSCAN. View state menu item serves for reviewing the current status of SELFSCAN procedure. Its selection brings up a window reflecting the contents of IDE registers, thus it allows identification of current SELFSCAN stage and surface scanning position. SELFSCAN completion is manifested by the presence of a specific group of values in the “1x3” and “1x4” drive registers. For DJNA and DPTA models it is “1x3” = 0x40, “1x4” = 0x11. For DTLA and newer models it is “1x3” = 0x62, “1x4” = 0x11. View result menu item allows checking the key word or error code after SELFSCAN completion. Attention! That operation becomes available ONLY UPON COMPLEION of the SELFSCAN procedure. The following key word variants are possible: “COMPFIN1”, “COMPLETE” – SELFSCAN completed successfully “ABORTED!” – SELFSCAN completed with an error “SELFSCAN” – SELFSCAN did not complete, it was terminated by the utility. If SELFSCAN ends with an error the drive has to be restored manually using the formatting procedure, please find extensively damaged areas and add them to the cylinder table, then perform standard procedure of defects search (please see section 4.3.1). You can see some of SELFSCAN error codes: Code 00 00 01 01 02 02 06 02 SELFSCAN completed successfully SELFSCAN detected a defective head overflow of track defects’ table P-List overflow Description Read SELFSCAN module menu item allows reading SELFSCAN module from a drive to a file. WARNING! Together with the SELFSCAN module you should also copy the MFGP module containing SELFSCAN parameters (available as "~@@01.rpm" module for drive families older than AVER, please see Table 5 and a footnote thereto). SELFSCAN can be subsequently started normally only if a valid pair of MFGP and SELFSCAN modules is available. WARNING! Current version of the utility does not save the SELFSCAN module to the firmware database and does not read it after selection of the "read modules" menu item, therefore the module should be saved separately. Please note, besides, that the body of SELFSCAN module may contain empty sections that prevent its reading but do not tell on its functionality. Correction of such situation is achieved through the Repair Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru 11 "IBM" 22GXP, 34GXP, 37GP, 40GV, 75GXP, 60GXP, 120GXP -3000 ACELab SELFSCAN module menu item. When it is invoked, the utility reads a SELFSCAN module ignoring reading errors and records it back. After that action you'll be able both to read the SELFSCAN module and attempt to start it. Write SELFSCAN module menu item serves for recording of a SELFSCAN module to a drive. WARNING! Record to a drive SELFSCAN module belonging only to a corresponding firmware version AND A CORRESPONDING DRIVE MODEL! Recording an unsuitable SELFSCAN module to a drive may lead to its destruction (heads “knocking away”). WARNING! While recording a SELFSCAN module keep in mind that its proper functioning depends on the presence of the corresponding MFGP module containing SELFSCAN parameters. The “corresponding” module here means that it must be copied from the same drive or, at least, from an identical model WITH THE SAME NUMBER OF HEADS! WARNING! In DTLA and newer drives starting SELFSCAN procedure when isolated heads are present will cause an error since the module contains a record with a strictly defined number of heads. Therefore starting the module requires copying the MFGP and SELFSCAN modules from a corresponding model with smaller capacity. View MFG parameters menu item will display a report on the current parameters of SELFSCAN (MFG parameters). View HLRC data menu item will display an interpretation for the factory report on drive test (HLR1 / HLR2 modules). It contains aggregated data about heads' status based on various tests. Probably, it may be modified by the SELFSCAN routine. Those reports appeared beginning with the 60GXP (AVER) drive series. View SRST dump table parameters menu item outputs a summary report on the tests performed by SELFSCAN and compiled by the drive itself on the basis of its operation log. Read SELFSCAN log menu item allows reading the SELFSCAN progress log as a binary file. Its interpretation will be implemented in the utility later or we shall create a separate utility for its analysis. Repair SELFSCAN module menu item is applicable when a SELFSCAN module contains empty buffer sections, which do not influence the code itself or module data. If the SELFSCAN procedure does not start or the SELFSCAN module cannot be read, please try this option prior to overwriting the "native" module, attempt to read the SELFSCAN module and analyze its contents. WARNING! Due to microprogram specifics SELFSCAN does not record all the defects. Therefore after SELFSCAN completion you should perform formatting with subsequent standard defects search procedure (please see section 4.3.1.). 3. Drive firmware 3.1. Structure of IBM HDD firmware Firmware of IBM drives consists of a firmware portion stored in ROM, configuration data in NV-RAM and loadable firmware portion with data from the service data zone of a drive (DISK firmware). Firmware is identified by its version number and version code (please see Fig. 3.1). Firmware version number reflects its development. Firmware version code is actually a project number. Firmware version number (ASCII) Firmware version code (HEX) Firmware version number (ASCII) Firmware version code (HEX) Firmware version number (ASCII) Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30, 78-50-40 www.acelab.ru ROM NV-RAM DISK F/W 12 After update the version will change to A4xx.firmware version NUMBER stored in ROM may differ from the number in NV-RAM and Disk F/W in the last pair of characters only.ru 13 . The only considerable difference is the presence of non-volatile memory (NV-RAM) with serial access on a PCB. Besides the list contains 1 In drives from sample testing shipments firmware is not stored in masked ROM. 3. firmware in IBM drives is recorded in service tracks allocated to a separate zone and consists of modules. 34GXP. One more difference is manifested in the presence of "open" service modules that can be read and recorded without switching the drive to factory mode.3. Thus the sets (ROM+NV-RAM+Disk F/W) will be compatible if they conform to the following conditions: . where ER is the drive family code (please see Table 2. and Disk F/W. memory size is 256 or 512 bytes. Attention! Replacement with firmware from another drive family is not allowed. 78-50-40 www. At that only the second pair of characters in the number is changed. which cannot be modified1. Structure of IBM HDD firmware.1). A considerable part of the "open" modules list is constituted by modules from USAG (the main table of drive modules).Code of firmware looks as follows: ER2OA41A.2.acelab. A41A – represents the firmware version number. firmware version number before modification might have been A46A. The memory contains an additional service module with setup information adjusted for a specific model. The whole modernization of firmware is performed using the pair of NV-RAM + Disk F/W. Technical support: [email protected]. . 75GXP. 3. Therefore PCBs from different models belonging to the same drive family turn out to be incompatible. 2 The code from IDE connector label is also recorded in PIDM "open" module. 120GXP Firmware version code (HEX) Figure 3. Firmware data set for a given ROM with the smallest number actually recorded in that ROM chip is viewed here as the basic version.-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP. But the masked ROM version in the processor should match the version in NV-RAM and firmware modules (please see section 3. the “View ROM data” item from the “Work with ROM” menu allows reviewing the basic firmware version and its version code. For details on the structure of firmware version line refer to sections 2. For example.2. .1 “Structure of IBM HDD firmware”).1 “Work with ROM” and 3. Compatibility of electronics printed circuit boards Compatibility of PCBs can be conveniently identified using the label at IDE connector2 (see Fig. 07N6544 H31718_ L5Y106 HBM5 Figure 3. Precise identification of compatibility can be performed using the information from ROM or NV-RAM3. 60GXP. NV-RAM contains the map of drive heads. . 40GV. instead it is loaded from serial Flash ROM.1 “Structure of IBM HDD firmware”.Codes in NV-RAM and Disk F/W match. Besides.1. You can review version of PCB firmware using the command “View NV-RAM data” from the “Work with NV-RAM” menu. Therefore IBM experts introduced the following rule for identification of new versions: only firmware version NUMBER is changed while the firmware version CODE remains the same. where xx stand for another two characters. Firmware is stored in masked ROM. 3 Since NV-RAM may become corrupt or overwritten incorrectly it is safer to rely on information stored in ROM. Electronics PCB label at IDE connector. 2 – means the number of physical heads.2.firmware version CODE is the same for ROM. electronic parts are mostly compatible and are completely interchangeable. 37GP. 3. In order to adapt a PCB you should record NV-RAM from a corresponding model into it.ru (8632) 78-50-30. If the first symbols in the first two lines match. NV-RAM. “Family codes”). Description of structure and methods of firmware zone access in case of malfunctions Just as with many other drives.. “RD: ” appears. All the modules are critical for drive operation. After the “Check firmware structure” command is issued.Records that are not included into USAG table but participate in factory self-testing. references to a large number of USAG modules required for functioning of the manufacturer's testing utilities). Module containing passwords and security settings. Table of modules' location within the service data area. Some spaces are just allocated for modules. . Module with S.T. The data in firmware zone can be subdivided into four categories: . otherwise you'll see “RD: -”. We should note that the table of "open modules" contains. apart from the rest. it marks the beginning of a service track. firmware loading from the service data area is not necessary for manipulations with modules). which is not occupied by any module from the lists).A. 37GP. 78-50-40 www.ru (8632) 78-50-30. The “ID” label reflects whether a module identifier in the table of modules matches its identifier contained inside the actual module body. Functional purpose of some «open» modules.A part of open firmware data. . present in none of the tables containing modules. values LBA parameters. Module identifier PSHT RDMT RLBA ZONE RAM0 OVR1 SMRT MLBA PSWD or SECI IDNT USAG RSVD SRVM Purpose Factory table of defects (P-List). Zone allocation table. 40GV. therefore it is quite difficult to identify structural corruption of firmware modules. Event Log MFG parameters – the module containing SELFSCAN parameters You should take into account during firmware analysis that there is no checksum in the modules. aliases of modules (for example. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. the main copy of the RDMT module in the table of "open" modules in named RDM1. which does not intersect with the group of modules from USAG (the table of open modules contains. Alias of PSHT Copy of PSHT Log of DDD utility Log of the drive defects' table. Besides. and a copy thereof is called RDM2). Drive ID. RDM1 RDM2 PIDM PDM1 PDM2 DDD0 ELG1 EVLG @@01 or MFGP1 Alias of RDMT Copy of RDMT Module containing information from the labels of PCB and HDA. The purposes of some firmware modules are listed in tables 4 and 5.RSVD module.ru 1 14 ."IBM" 22GXP. both the closed and open parts of firmware are read.Modules listed in the USAG table. but contain nothing. therefore if The MFGP module appeared in the “open modules table” beginning with AVER drive family only. Table 4. Functional purpose of some «closed» modules. A large part of those additional modules is not necessary for drive functioning.rpm” in the “open modules table”. The command also outputs the table of zone allocation and some other parameters. All the main functional parts are located in a protected firmware zone described in the USAG module. 60GXP. Mark of firmware data beginning Table of skipped cylinders Table 5. For earlier models it is available as a “space” module “~@@01. The "RD" label indicates. apart from the rest. 34GXP. 120GXP -3000 ACELab additional modules used by the utilities distributed by the manufacturer for diagnostics of malfunctions. producing an error at an attempt to read such space. 75GXP. Resident firmware. .R.M. Resident firmware. whether a module could be read. IBM drives can read and record firmware data with a partially initialized PCB (initialization from NV-RAM is required. if the module has been read. Growing table of defects (G-List). Extension to the zone allocation table. the "spaces" in the main and additional service tracks are checked (a "space" is a service track portion.acelab. For that purpose we shall read modules from the drive one by one using the "Firmware". 60GXP.RSVD and USAG are present. A drive is switched to that mode by a special jumper configuration (please see section 4). then switch the drive's power supply on with the short-circuit between the said pins. 34GXP. 78-50-40 www. The module causing knocking sounds during the procedure is damaged. Thus.motor No The drive produces knocking sound with its heads Yes .-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP.Work with ROM (please see review of a report on ROM and NV-RAM) .acelab. 37GP 40GV and newer while addressing firmware zone firmware overlays are read and started. the drive may enter the "endless knocking" mode attempts to access firmware zone are ignored.Work with firmware zone You may use the following scheme as a general guideline for discovery of possible malfunctions: Yes The spindle spins up No Check: .a part of module or a space between modules cannot be read from the main firmware track . After a few seconds the drive should report on readiness. 2. USAG (unparking without recalibration).NV-RAM . "Work with firmware zone". short-circuit the 5th and the 6th pins of NV-RAM. such problem can easily be identified after looking through a report on firmware zone structure. If a drive switches to "endless knocking" after an attempt to read firmware data. The drive allows reading and recording NV-RAM in that mode. if firmware zone is corrupt. Thus Safe Mode cannot be used for testing and restoration of corrupt data in firmware zone. though access to firmware data is still available. select the “Switch SA access” option in the menu “Work with firmware zone / Modify configuration” After that the drive will be correctly initialized from NV-RAM but having read USAG with a different version it will terminate further loading.Identifier must be “E2PR” . Here we should note that the said procedure is inapplicable for 120GXP drives. While working with firmware zone you should keep in mind information from the following sections of this manual: . since they do not report on readiness without a HDA. its firmware zone will be accessible for analysis.problem with electronics . 37GP.missing RSVD. you can proceed as follows: disconnect the spindle motor control cable between the PCB and HDA and wait until the drive reports on readiness. but rejects commands for work with disk surface. 75GXP. 22GXP. 120GXP some modules in a drive cannot be read. In that case you'll have to use another method: 1.problem with commutator . Then remove the short-circuit bridge. Then we should perform diagnostics of firmware zone (DISK F/W). 40GV. 34GXP. performing complete drive initialization.PCB .problem with heads .ru (8632) 78-50-30.Firmware version number must match ROM version (please see the section on viewing a report about ROM and NVRAM) Technical support: eng_support@acelab. but modules are damaged While checking NV-RAM you should pay attention to the following aspects: .ru 15 . The Safe Mode interacts differently with the firmware zone in different drive families. having switched the drive off first. However. Besides. Consequently the Safe Mode can be used as an alternative to the method of "short-circuit" in order to modify NV-RAM. . we should mention the so-called Safe Mode of IBM drives. "Read modules" menu. without a prior switching of the power off/on or restarting the utility. when the RSVD marker is present in its due place. but the remaining information is invalid. clear the firmware zone. 37GP. Clear the drive using all the heads. Record PSHT. the testing report will reflect inaccessibility of a respective module. This action will additionally ensure normal recording of the modules. RDMT Switch the drive power off and on Clear the firmware zone. Return the jumpers to the regular position. In such cases a drive behaves as though its heads are malfunctioning. 34GXP. but the module body is filled with “garbage”. the drive will spin up the spindle and attempt to load firmware from disks' surface as soon as its power supply is turned on. i.ru . switch the power on and wait until the drive reports on readiness. 40GV. the CORRECT RSVD. Switch the drive power off and on and clear the firmware zone again. it may never contain references to non-existent points of connection to the commutator (for instance."IBM" 22GXP. if the drive hasn't been previously repaired with overcommutation of heads – or it should at least have a certain sense. but the loader containing modules to be recorded). but you will see a message telling that the modules’ table could not be read. the drive cannot write anything. USAG Record the remaining modules Run the loader with modules (not the one switching heads mapping. 78-50-40 www. 60GXP. In cases when NV-RAM structural corruption has caused malfunctioning of the device.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 75GXP. Switch the drive power off and on and clear the firmware zone again. In such cases you should overwrite corrupt modules using database as the source of modules collected from a corresponding drive type with a matching firmware version using the guidelines on modules critical for user's data and the drive itself and described in this manual. it produces typical sounds. Besides you should keep in mind that NV-RAM contains a checksum and if NV-RAM gets corrupt the drive will terminate loading procedure having discovered a checksum mismatch. making it impossible to restore its functionality using regular methods. 120GXP -3000 ACELab Firmware version code must match the ROM code (please see the section on viewing a report about ROM and NVRAM) Mapping of drive heads must correspond to the one typical of that drive family. Let us describe the case and the procedure for drive repair. Problem: the drive cannot find the firmware. for the 33rd head). You should bear in mind that firmware modules in IBM drives have no checksum. too (just in case). For example. Record NV-RAM. Run the loader to switch the order of heads’ assignment. USAG Record the remaining modules Run the loader containing modules.4. Checking of firmware modules is accomplished through the menu items "Firmware / Check firmware structure”.acelab. 3. In that case you can record from a database to the drive NV-RAM having corresponding type and version. It would be useful to inspect NV-RAM. DPTA) and create an alternative loader with heads mapping where another head is substituted into the position for the zero head. The drive should report on readiness. Record RSVD. Record PSHT. It is worthwhile to review individually the cases of damage to the “RSVD” module when the “RSVD” marker is present in it. Record the native NV-RAM. Critical modules for drive data 16 Technical support: eng_support@acelab. You could try to use head 1. behaves as though recording is disabled for all its heads and: 1) a part of firmware got corrupted 2) all of the firmware got corrupted 3) reading has become disabled for all the heads Cause: logical corruption of the RSVD module. which makes identification of corrupt modules somewhat more complicated.e. If a part of any module is unreadable. RDMT WARNING! The listed actions marked by an arrow are to be performed at once. Recovery procedure: Set the Safe Mode jumpers (or disconnect the motor controller cable for DJNA. NV-RAM.ru 17 .ru (8632) 78-50-30.Flash ROM with serial access . CNSL.acelab.1. NV-RAM S93C56 Jumper Configuration Slave 90G0653 3 Master Safe mode Figure 4. 4. 4. If firmware modules could not be read. Junior model in the family contains 4 heads. The maximum number of disks for those drive families is 5. In case of processor malfunction the PCB is unable to report on readiness without HDA. . Description of IBM drive families Drive families are grouped according to their similar construction peculiarities and methods of their repair. 34GXP. External view of controller board in the DJNA drive family. If the drive unparks its heads during the procedure and you do not hear knocking sounds the error is most likely in the firmware data. Default zone allocation used". Construction peculiarities of 22GXP(DJNA7). 25. In that case you can perform the "Check firmware structure" command and see. 75GXP.1. MLBA (please see Table 2). Technical support: eng_support@acelab. you should remember about the requirement of conformity to the heads mapping in NV-RAM. RDMT. Continue?" and "Error reading zone allocation module. It contains the executable processor code and default setup values. which modules have been damaged. you'll see the following messages: "Modules table cannot be read. 60GXP. 40GV.-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP. If the processor is functioning the PCB will always report on readiness without a HDA (only DRDY and DSC LEDs in status register will be illuminated) independently from NV-RAM contents. 34GXP(DPTA7). SRVM. It contains setup parameters for access to the drive's firmware zone. and 37GP(DPTA5) drive families 1 1 M5118165050TK 90G1267 N37951H45100HP 923B-130 2 1. IBM36 JAPAN AMSRC04 03 TQA7BB. 78-50-40 www. Besides.0 Mhz 3. Two ROM chips are present on the PCB: .Masked ROM integrated with the processor. Table 1 demonstrates the model composition of drive families. size – 256 bytes. ZONE. 120GXP The following are modules essential for drive data in IBM HDDs: PSHT. At the utility launch you'll see a message "Error reading NV-RAM". 37GP. Its type is S93C56.6C 1C23081TQA 2. 37GP.3 2. Besides.1 “Structure of IBM HDD firmware”). 75GXP. 33. 75GXP(DTLA7). 120GXP -3000 ACELab If modules can be read. two last characters in the firmware version and ROM version number may be different (please see section 3.e.2. during which it keeps knocking the magnetic-head assembly against the limiting stop. External view of controller board in the DTLA-7 drive family.2. the drive enters a continuous cycle.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 60GXP(AVER). For that purpose it would be sufficient to disconnect the cable to spindle motor and wait until the PCB reports on readiness. 40GV. It is possible to read /write to NV-RAM on a separate board without a connected HDA.acelab. If one or more magnetic heads are malfunctioning.ru . PCBs have several firmware versions located in masked ROM inside the processor. NV-RAM S93C66 Jumper Configuration Master Slave Safe mode Figure 4. If there is a need to transfer a PCB from a drive with a different number of heads but containing the same processor ROM version you should eliminate the difference. i. 4. Matching firmware versions are compatible. 60GXP. NV-RAM contents. 34GXP. you can overwrite them using the "Write modules" command from the menu for work with firmware zone. but contain incorrect information. Installation of PCB from one drive family to a HDA from another is impossible in principle because masked ROM and different chips are used for reading/writing and motor control. and 120GXP(AVVA) drive families 1 IBM36 IREL AMSRC04 03 TQA7BB. 78-50-40 www."IBM" 22GXP. If the heads are functioning and the problem is caused by incorrect firmware data the drive will report on readiness quite quickly after the knocking sounds.6C 06K2869 PQ 1 1. Construction peculiarities of 40GV(DTLA5). 90G2232 N37980F83000HP 007AT00 90G2018 2 18 Technical support: eng_support@acelab. NV-RAM S93C66 Master Jumper Configuration Slave Safe mode Figure 4. If a drive demonstrates defects that disappear during the recording process.3. 75GXP. size – 512 bytes. .Flash ROM with serial access . Its type is S93C56. 40GV. External view of controller board in the DTLA-5.acelab. It contains setup parameters for access to the drive's firmware zone. 37GP.ru 19 . but at the external edge of the disks – on a special polymer stand. and AVVA drive families. In such case you may use the methods listed in section 3. In those models glass disks are used since the accuracy of smooth surface production is higher for glass than for aluminum. A drive with corrupt modules behaves similar to drives from the previously described families.Masked ROM integrated with the processor. Those Flash ROM chips were used in sample testing shipments of drives with firmware recorded in serial Flash ROM instead of a masked ROM. It contains the executable processor code and default setup values. Junior model in the family contains 2 heads (sometimes you may encounter factory-refurbished drives with 1 head). drive ID request and software reset. 34GXP. It is recommended to perform that operation having first launched the utility without a drive so as to exclude sending of additional commands. . which fact allowed correction of errors in ROM code. 78-50-40 www. it is convenient to repair it using "factory formatting".-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP.3 “Description of structure and methods of firmware zone access in case of malfunctions” in order to bring the drive out from the "endless knocking" state and make it report on readiness. The socket for that chip is located near NV-RAM. 60GXP. type 25FV101T. Sometimes such method causes complete notching of disks in cases when a head either gets bent during its entrance/exit or when it hits under the parking stand guide. Two or three ROM chips are present on the PCB: . The drive families in question use heads' parking not on disks. After the drive reports on readiness you must record correct NV-RAM to it. AVER. Its size is 1 Mbit. The maximum number of disks for those drive families is 5. as it used to be. The duration of a complete factory format cycle is 25 minutes for 40Gb AVER drive.The third ROM chip is not always present on a PCB. Heads also quite frequently get "stuck" remaining on disks. It replaces the process of overwriting the whole drive space and it is performed with the maximum speed possible since no data or control commands are sent from/to the drive.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Unlike the previous drive families incorrect information in NV-RAM may result in PCB "hanging" preventing it from reporting on readiness. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. 120GXP 1 1 1. Table 1 demonstrates the model composition of drive families. for example.NV-RAM. 4. Software repair 4.7 "Defects table”. Factory formatting. defects that have not been eliminated using the "autoassign" mechanism can be added to G-List (RDMT) manually using an internal editor. 1. 4.3."IBM" 22GXP. Incompatibility between firmware modules that resulted from incorrect firmware update or incorrect repair. 75GXP. For details refer to section 2.acelab. such situations when corrupt sectors appear result most frequently from lack of contact between the PCB and HDA connector. it does not exist as an actual integral block of data on disk surface. Unreadability of a module from USAG. 34GXP. The table of open modules is generated from the OVR4 overlay (OVR1 module contains several overlays. 5. 37GP. We should note that candidate defects will not be transferred from G-List to P-List due to specific operation of the transfer feature algorithm implemented in the drive itself.3./ Editors”) and respond "Transfer" to the question regarding action to perform with candidate defects – and save the table immediately. If it completes normally (without errors). 78-50-40 www.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 2. i. 120GXP -3000 ACELab As a matter of fact. 6.ru 20 . PCBs mounting is quite unreliable in those drives. Malfunctions of “Open modules' table cannot be read!” type The table of open modules is a synthetic one. Perform logical scanning once again.2. there is no serious damage. return to step 3. In case of insignificant damages the algorithm of defects relocation is quite simple: In case of insufficient contact in the connector refer to section 6 “Malfunctions of electronics boards in IBM drives. Unreadability of a sector (space) between modules. Corruption of NV-RAM image on disk surface (beginning of WRT0 module). Testing using physical parameters presently does not add defects automatically to relevant tables. 3. If you still wish to transfer candidate defects to P-List enter the RDMT editor (menu “Defects table. Identification and relocation of defects in user's area Mechanisms of software relocation of defective sectors provided in the utility allow to hide defects in G-List using the "autoassign" method and also perform manual editing of G-List (RDMT) and “cylinder table” (SRVM). 4. 3. During the process defects from G-List will be moved to P-List and G-List will be cleared. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. This manual is supplemented with a part of a drive's circuit diagram showing the portion controlling the spindle motor rotation and the voice coil together with a scheme of parts location and their labeling. Perform translator recalculation if any defects have been discovered. Translator recalculation will be carried out automatically after that. Specific manner of firmware operation after modification of "cylinder table" requires to clear P-List and G-List since such modification invalidates the defects listed in those tables. However. 60GXP. Therefore prior to the repair it is necessary to caulk the contact pads by soldering. apart from its other features. The case is that the contact between electronic circuitry and the PCB is accomplished through a pin connector under the board located near the power connector. including OVR4) based on drive geometry. Perform logical scanning and relocate defects to G-List. Besides. Please refer to "Defects table" section for details on respective features. The situation may arise for a number of reasons. 1. Specific character of that operation requires to perform translator recalculation started automatically by the utility after editing. allows to localize considerably damaged servo fields that may subsequently be hidden to the "cylinder table”. It is explained in particular by the fact that a drive views candidate defects just as areas with unstable access. 40GV. If any defects are discovered. It is also to load a list of defects created by "defectoscope" software. Unreadability of RSVD.2. Consequently.3. as a result mechanical influences or thermal deformations cause perforation of tin contact pads under the contact pins. “Garbage” in a USAG module.” in this manual for diagnostics of that malfunction and a description of the main electronic circuitry defects. The table itself is returned by the drive in response to a special command that does not belong to the group of factory commands. the impossibility to obtain the table from a drive results from its incomplete initialization.1. 2.e. Perform factory format. which thus cease to provide adequate connection. 4. 34GXP..acelab. It is necessary to modify NV-RAM header.ldr – firmware update file. it requires at least the ability to read/write to NV-RAM. The drive itself will write it to the firmware zone at the beginning of WRT0 module. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. The file contains all the settings and test results. 2. Different models of IBM drives differ from each other as regards the methods of accomplishment of that task. 34GXP(DPTA7). perform firmware zone restoration. 75GXP. /utility’s name/.M.R. "Description of structure and methods of firmware zone access in case of malfunctions". etc. 37GP. 60GXP. /utility’s name/. Model/method 22GXP(DJNA7).3 are solved by overwriting of respective modules from compatible firmware. endless waiting. Data on the automatic drive test performance is also written to this file. Problem 5 is fixed by recording to a drive of its own NV-RAM (you should first read it to a file and then record the file to NV-RAM). The names of those files coincide with utility name while their extension corresponds to the file type: /utility’s name/.3. 3. there might be sense in looking for modules containing "garbage" or incompatible modules with further additional diagnostics of controller board and drive's HDA.log – text file for the drive test results generated by the utility at the first program launch and appended with every subsequent drive test. 78-50-40 www. record to a drive its own NV-RAM. which will have to be analyzed based on their purpose. to achieve that goal. 120GXP(AVVA) Disconnection of spindle control cable + + Short-circuit of NV-RAM pins + + + Safe Mode1 + + + 5. It is used in the SMART parameters reset operations. 75GXP(DTLA7) 60GXP(AVER). The methods and description of NV-RAM header modification are in the section 3.e.-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP.sma – file contains the "SMRT" module containing factory values of S. attributes. conditions making software repair impossible.exe utility files of the complex are supplemented by auxiliary service files. /utility’s name/. still preserving access to firmware zone. 4. having checked firmware zone structure identify damaged modules and "spaces" and. overwrite them with corresponding firmware. If the listed operations did not solve the problem.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 120GXP Problems 1. Peculiarities of software restoration When firmware data gets corrupt a drive frequently enters the state of endless knocking with its heads against the limiting stop. namely firmware version number. 37GP(DPTA5) 40GV(DTLA5). Other file names are selected by user.A.T. However. Attention! In that case some original modules. will be lost. If necessary. Problem 4 can be solved using the "Repair firmware zone" menu item or by recording corresponding "spaces" from a collection of modules. 40GV. if they are present. unreadable modules and a part of "open" modules in particular. Here we show the table of applicability for the described methods as regards different drive. work with surface is prohibited. In those cases it is necessary to prevent the drive's attempt of loading firmware data from disks' surface. Auxiliary utility files for IBM drives The main *. Thus the general procedure in case of such malfunction is as follows: 1.ru 21 .4. i. Problem 6 can actually be solved by comparison with a sample collection of modules having excluded first individual modules of a drive.rsc – firmware resources' database file used for hardware data writing/reading and included in the supplied kit. In order to speed up the procedure you may clear firmware zone and record the drive's own modules back to it. but their extensions are determined by the utility depending on their types: 1 In Safe Mode only reading/writing to NV-RAM is possible. 40GV. Ceramic resonator near the microprocessor and the 35th contact of IDE connector. Flash ROM containing firmware in drives from sample testing shipments. Elements layout 22 Technical support: [email protected]. Its electrical damage or damage to data contained therein render the drive inoperative. 60GXP. 75GXP. It may not only burn out the elements from the electronics board but also damage the commutator inside HDA. 6. *. 120GXP -3000 ACELab *.ru .log files can be viewed as regular text files. Therefore prior to the repair it is necessary to caulk the contact pads by soldering. During the reading procedure they are copied to the directory “IBMxxMOD”. The case is that PCB's mounting is quite unreliable in those drives. Malfunctions of electronics boards in IBM drives. Power elements of voltage stabilization and their coils. as a result mechanical influences or thermal deformations cause perforation of tin contact pads under the contact pins. Generation presence is tested with an oscilloscope. (*. Electric circuit diagram 7. NV-RAM. If data must be restored from such drive you'll have to replace the magnetic head assembly inside the HDA. That malfunction results in 5 V voltage instead of 3. It leads to appearance of numerous "phantom" BAD sectors and even to corruption of firmware data on disks' surface. *.bad – modules that have been read with an error) *. which is used for settings’ saving in automatic test mode. Undoubtedly the most troublesome part is the pin connector between the controller board and HDA. *. Here problems may arise because of poor soldering quality and also because of malfunctions in low-resistance transmission resistors located nearby. Then you should either perform formatting or recording using the logical parameters in order to eliminate "phantom" errors. 34GXP. The function is performed by one of the units in the spindle and positioner's voice coil controller chip. 37GP. Interface connector."IBM" 22GXP.rpm – technological files of the drives' resident firmware modules. 78-50-40 www.bin – file contains firmware for the drive’s ROM. where xx represents drive family identifier. and it is created during firmware reading from ROM. Here we shall review a brief list of electronic elements from the controller board that may cause errors in drive operation. There is no separate voltage stabilization chip on the board.ru (8632) 78-50-30. which thus cease to provide adequate connection. RAM chip.bin files can be viewed as binary files using a hex editor.tsk – task file.3 V.1. 7. 37GP. 60GXP. 78-50-40 www. 75GXP.6C 06K2869 PQ C69 C34 R14 R25 C36 C47 C40 R19 C37 7.acelab. 40GV. Electric circuit Technical support: [email protected] R1 R48 C60 C35 C8 C79 R38 R12 90G2018 R39 C49 R45 C78 Q2 C53 C51 C67 C66 23 .-3000 ACELab "IBM" 22GXP.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 120GXP C1 R10 C28 C45 C9 R42 R13 C31 C52 C64 C65 R49 C63 C62 R50 C7 R11 C46 C39 R8 U6 U9 L1 R6 R5 R36 R21 Q1 C42 C43 R26 C44 C41 5 R20 R18 C2 R50 R17 C20 C19 R31 R16 C18 Q3 R9 R3 R2 R35 C17 R22 C12 C10 R4 C56 C54 C27 C29 R25 R82 R56 R27 R28 D1 C50 R58 R55 C68 C26 C33 R41 R24 R53 R37 R23 R52 C32 R51 C30 C36 C25 C23 R40 C24 R30 C22 R29 C21 C48 C59 R47 C58 C38 C61 C56 D2 C6 R46 C11 C57 1 J3 R7 C88 C70 IBM36 IREL AMSRC04 03 TQA7BB. 34GXP. October 21.3v m37(99) m37(101) ibm36(18) m37(102) A m37(103) m37(100) m37(96) R13 C1 C28 C68 C9 C45 Size A Date: 5 4 3 1 A Title IBM SCHEMATIC Document Number PC-3000 Monday. 2002 2 Rev 0 Sheet 1 1 of 1 .5 4 3 2 1 LS1 1 2 3 4 3 D C54 C55 C48 D1 2 1 D2 C58 2 1 C29 3 C27 SPINDLE MOTOR D C39 12v R40 C56 R46 C59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 R47 U1 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 R41 VCM1 P64 P63 P62 P61 P60 P59 P58 P57 P56 P55 P54 P53 P52 P51 P50 P49 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 90G2018 P15 P16 P48 P47 P46 P45 P44 P43 P42 P41 P40 P39 P38 P37 P36 P35 P34 P33 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 VCM2 C C C57 C11 R1 C38 R48 C60 R50 C62 B C50 12v R42 C49 C51 R45 C52 R39 C33 C53 C36 B 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c109 C64 C66 5v C67 C63 R49 C65 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32 R10 m37(106) U9 2 D1758 R37 5v IN OUT Vref 3 +3. 10'000 rpm.: WDAC2120.Portfolio 3. 8 cache K .10'000 rpm D .g. x10. which it uses in its HDDs.9 GB maximum) 3.5400 rpm (WD Protege) letters F-Z are assigned to SCSI and specialized HDDs F . WD belongs to the leading companies developing and manufacturing system controllers. Mb E.0 GB (up to 999.7200 rpm (Performance) L . Nomenclature of products A drive’s family and capacity can be identified by its name.Ultra Lite 1.Lite 2.5" C .28 ms A Interface type: A .5 GB model in WD205AA drive family the labeling of models was changed to the one used nowadays: WD 2000 B B .7200 rpm (WD Caviar 7200) C .ru 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 .-3000 ACELab Western Digital Western Digital Classification of WD drive families Western Digital is the oldest manufacturer of hard disk drives and their components.5" L . 78-50-40 www. WDAC35100A. PhD2100.ru (8632) 78-50-30.AT X .Fluid Bearing Motor) Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. which depends first of all upon the circuitry solutions used in the system controller. Mb 4 Seek time: 8 .5" U .XT E. WDCU140 Beginning with the 20.acelab. The first generation of WD IDE drives was called Centaur and consisted of 4 drive families.Portable IDE .5400 rpm (Fluid Bearing Motor) N .).70 ms 4 . 8 cache H . The models of the first four families were labeled as follows: WD Western Digital 9 Form factor: 3.: WD93048A.SCSI C B .PCMCI Ph .4500 rpm (WD Spartan) E .0' E .7200 rpm (Fluid Bearing Motor) M . Therefore it is customary to subdivide the generations of WD HDD models according to their architecture (Arch. WD95044A The second generation of WD HDDs consisted of more than 50 families identified as follows: WD Western Digital A Interface type: A . 4 cache J .5" 5 Peculiarities: 3 .Tadbit 2.10'000 rpm.g.7200 rpm. 1.5400 rpm (WD Caviar 5400) B .ATA C .Caviar D .10'000 rpm. Capacity 200.Enterprise 3. WDE4360. Rotational speed of the disks letters A-E are assigned to EIDE A .type 1 5 – type 2 04 Capacity.5400 rpm (WD Protégé . WD Western Digital 2.32 AA A0 1 1.8" 3 The number of disks in the headand-disk assembly 3100 Capacity. 2 Mb cache G . Thus. which are compatible if their family identifiers match. Hx.1.DEC 80 .CCC X0. Jx . Identification of WD Arch-0. 8 Mb cache (Fluid Bearing Motor) Q-Z .Boeing 23 .WD Protégé Kx. Cx. X2… .WD Spartan 40 . 7.IBM 25 .Microsoft 32 .Distribution Only 12 .acelab.Ultra SE (50 pin) P-V . Lx. Bx. Gx. The number could be used to identify the electronics boards compatible with a certain drive family and to select a corresponding utility for testing Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. then the revision number grows: first from 0 to 9. Family identifier Lower descriptor of the engineering denomination of an HDD.Ultra2 (68 pin) H .ru 8632) 78-50-30.Ultra160 (80 pin) L .Intel 95 . 78-50-40 www.Serial ATA E .FireWire D . O and Q) 2.WD Protégé OEM 90 .Ultra3 (68 pin) M .Apple 44 .Ultra3 (80 pin) N . Customer Configuration Code .Ultra2 (80 pin) J . C1 – models for specific resellers Ax.7200 rpm.Ultra160 (68 pin) K .Tektronix 18 . Mx. Arch-IV HDD family Prior to the 20..ATA-133 letters F-V are assigned to SCSI and specialized HDDs F . Identification of drive families 2. Customer ID 00 .reserved 4. It reflects the differences in the configuration of one and the same device and is useful during replacement of some parts.ru 2 . then letters follow (except for letters I. Ex .Motorola 11 .reserved 5.5 GB model of WD205AA drive family (Arch-V) each family of Western Digital drives was identified by an individual number assigned to that family during the design stage. letters W-Z W .ATA-66 B .WD Performer Remark: X0 – pre-production phase A0 – production phase. X1.device version for testing purposes A0 – first high-quality sample B0.Compac 10 .Fibre Channel G .Generic 60 .Dell 99 .WD Protégé Other 6. Nx .Toshiba 28 .A/V for home use X-Z . B1.Western Digital -3000 ACELab P .WD Caviar Fx.reserved A/V product for home use.Reseller 35 . C0. Interface letters A-E are assigned to EIDE A .ATA-100 C . 1.exe pca32500.exe pca205aa.exe pca31300. E.exe pca21200.-3000 ACELab Western Digital purposes. Thus the older identification was preserved in WD205AA and WD450AA drive families (please see section 2. Please see the table of correspondences below: Table 2.ru 3 . yyy – three-digit number indicating firmware version. 62-602091-xxx 62-602085-xxx 62-600059-xxx 62-600060-xxx 62-600031-xxx - Testing utility pca450aa.: ROM number 62-602208-064 corresponds to the WDAC 33100 drive family.2. it consists of three parts: 62-xxxxxx-yyy. xxxxxx – six-digit number indicating the drive family.exe pca307aa. It complicated drive family identification and really impeded identifying the firmware version necessary to ensure compatibility between the electronics board and a head-and-disk assembly or interchangeability between different boards.exe pccu140.g. 62-602084-xxx 62-602082-xxx.exe pca35100.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Technical support: [email protected] pcac2850. 62-602203-xxx 62-602111-xxx 62-602202-xxx.1).exe pcac2120.exe pca31010.exe pcac2340. Table 2. HDD architecture Arch-V HDD family WD 450AA WD 307AA WD 272AA WD 205AA WDAC 313000A WDAC 310100A WDAC 38400A WDAC 36400A WDAC 35100A WDAC 34000A WDAC 33100A WDAC 32500A Family number 62-001003-xxx Blank Blank 62-602234-xxx 62-602233-xxx 62-602230-xxx 62-602225-xxx 62-602220-xxx 62-602221-xxx 62-602210-xxx 62-602208-xxx. 62-602083-xxx.exe pcac2700.exe pcac2420.exe pca272aa. where: 62 – indicates that the device belongs to magnetic hard disk storage type.2. The number used to be indicated on microprocessor package or on a paper label over the ROM chip (if external ROM is used).exe Beginning with Arch-V generation WD discontinued marking the ROM chip with an identification code (although those marks was preserved in some Arch-V drive families. but in most cases they are left without any marks.exe pcac280.exe pca31000. The labels over ROM chips were also preserved in the WD272AA and WD307AA drive families.exe pcac2200.exe Arch-I WDAC 2340A Arch-0 Centaur Family WDAL 2170A WDCU 140A WDAC 2200A WDAC 2120A WDAC 280A WD9xxxxA pcal2170.1). 78-50-40 www. 62-602209-xxx 62-602110-xxx.acelab.exe pca33100. Identification of WD Arch-V (WDxxxAA) HDD family WD Arch-V drive families in a certain sense illustrate the transition from the old identification method to the new one. recording firmware to ROM after board assembly.exe pca38400. 62-602200-xxx 62-602107-xxx 62-602108-xxx 62-602101-xxx 62-602104-xxx 62-602103-xxx.exe Arch-IV Arch-III Arch-II WDAC 31600A WDAC 21200A WDAC 2850A WDAC 2700A WDAC 31200A WDAC 31000A WDAC 2540A WDAC 2420A pca31600.exe pca36400. 62-602215-xxx.exe pcac2540. 2. Most likely it resulted from the fact that WD began using FLASH ROM instead of 27 one-time-programmable chips.exe pca34000. please see Table 2.exe pcwd9x.exe pca31200. 62-602222-xxx 62-602214-xxx. Just as with earlier Arch-V drive families (Table 2. etc. MDL WDxxxAB.3.exe utility in order to identify the family of a drive (up to Arch-V).Customer ID BA. where a new construction was used for the head-and-disk assembly (HDA). please see Table 2. 2.xxBAyy WD307AA 30. Technical support: [email protected] 8632) 78-50-30. ROM has to be reprogrammed to adapt the electronics board if it is swapped to another drive. heads. identification has to be performed using the MDL line on the HDA label (please see section 1 of this document).ru 4 .Western Digital -3000 ACELab Family. VI and newer drive families one more designation – DCM. Thus electronics boards from similar drive families and with identical firmware versions are incompatible if copied from HDDs with a different number of heads.exe offers a limited number of features. While designing the utilities for WD Arch-V. That number (as we suggested) indicates the suppliers and components used for manufacture of a drive.). 1 The pcwd_cb2. such drive can be tested with universal utilities of the complex only. AA – device number yy . too). unlike the Arch-V families.7 GB .exe Remark for drive families <120 GB with LBA24 addressing for drive families >120 GB with LBA48 addressing 3. It will display the drive family (which can be used for selection of a corresponding testing utility.xxANyy WD272AA 27.g.1). WDxxxJB WDxxxEB WDxxxDA Testing utility pcwd_abj. Conclusion Attention: A corresponding utility must be selected correctly for HDD testing. it consists of 9 characters. Compatibility of HDAs and their components can be postulated only if 3 right characters in their DCM line must match.xxAFyy WD205AA 20.exe1 pcwd_eb. we subdivided the utilities according to the architectural peculiarities and compatibility of the drives on the level of internal HDD tables.0 GB . In that case you should use the family number and Configuration Code in order to check for boards’ compatibility. Customer ID is irrelevant.xxAAyy where: xx . You can use the ac_ident. please see Table 2.appeared on the HDA label.2).3. the number of physical cylinders and heads in the drive.2 GB .Customer Configuration Code .exe or pcwd_cb2. If there is no individual utility for a specific model. Otherwise you may irreversibly damage the drive. VI HDD families and newer models Those family drives include: WD-Spartan. the type of commutator pre-amplifier. AF.exe pcwd_da. However. (topof-the-line model) Suffix Nomenclature 62-601003-zzz Blank label Blank label 62-602234-zzz Remark WD450AA 45. WD-Protégé and WD-Caviar. if present (it is the most precise identification method) or by the model name suffix (in the MDL line on the label over the head-and-disk assembly). Table 2. used disks. AN. 78-50-40 www.acelab. In the Arch-V. WDxxxBB.5 GB . Some of those components are not interchangeable (e. (top-of-the-line model labeling) Capacity. where boards within one family were compatible (provided that the versions of firmware stored in ROM were compatible. Identification of WD Arch-V. we had to diverge from the regular approach of creating a utility for each drive family because of the complexity of exact family identification. Instead.3 WD HDD model name WD Caviar WD Protege WD Spartan Designation. in these drives ROM also contains the table of enabled heads.CCC zzz – firmware version in a drive family Thus in this architecture it is possible to identify a family by the number on ROM label. VI. .......8............................................................................................................................................................................................................3 4..12 7...................... Software restoration of a drive....................................4........................1.......................................1........1...............................2.................................13 8..................................................................................................................................... Drive description.....2................................5.................................... table ........ 6 4................................. Formatting.. 11 5............ Standard mode .....3...................................................................3....................................................................1...................................10 5.......... Purpose.........................................................................11 7.......................................................-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" Contents 1...............................................9 5..........................................1................... The structure of loadable firmware portion (DISK F/W) ..............1... Surface test.......................... 6 4........................................9....1....................... Disc Firmware zone ................................................................................................... Servo test....7..............................T.......................... WD272AA..... Defects table...........ru 1 .....3 4.................1.................................... Automatic mode...............R................................................................................................................................... 7 4....... 6 4......................2............. Preparing for work ........................................................ 6 4........ SAFE MODE .... S......................................... The structure of HDD firmware.......................................................................... Basic options for the repair of WD Caviar Arch-V drives ............................................................................. Modification of configuration......................................................................................................1..........13 8........................................................1...1..M....7 4.......................................8 5...............................................................................2 3...........................................................................13 Technical support: eng_support@acelab............................ Utility usage ...................................................................... 3 4.................. 6 4...........1......................1.........6............3........... Creation of an external loader file............................................................................. 78-50-40 www.......... Compatibility between electronics boards ............................................................... Flash ROM recording .................................................9 5.................................................................2............................. 3 4........................................... and WD205AA drive families ............................................................... Alternative SAFE MODE ....2 2..... WD307AA........................... Logical structure scanning .................................................................................................................11 6..............................2 4..............1.......ru (8632) 78-50-30...............................................1....................................................................................................1.................4..................A............. Restoration of firmware modules................................................................ Brief technical description of WD450AA............................ Critical modules for drive data.......................................... 7 5.....acelab............................................................................................................................................................................... HDD translator recalculation ............................................ 3 4........................................... .4 GB WDC WD43AA .20. xxx – stands for the version of microprocessor firmware in this drive family. GB WDC WD300AA .30.Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" -3000 ACELab 1. 2. .10. table in a drive.6 GB WDC WD84AA .).the number is printed on the ROM chip label. You can use the ac_ident.45. Basic options for the repair of WD Caviar Arch-V drives .15 “PC-307AA” (WD4307AA) Ver. 3. .0 GB WDC WD153AA . and. Preparing for work 1.4 GB 6 4 2 1 6 4 3 3 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 -xxBAyy 62-001003-xxx -xxANyy Blank label -xxAFyy Blank label -xxAAyy 62-602234-xxx 2. Technical support: [email protected] GB WDC WD75AA .1.1.2 GB WDC WD136AA . Purpose The utilities are designed for restoration of 3" Caviar Arch-V drives manufactured by Western Digital. If no power supply control adapter .exe utility for a more precise identification of models within drive families.2 GB WDC AC64AA .5 GB WDC WD153AA .restoration of low-level format.5 GB WDC WD172AA . addition of the revealed defects to the defects table.4.15 “PC-205AA” (WD205AA) Ver. serial number.automatic restoration of the drive. 78-50-40 www. . Table 1.15. Connect power cable to the drive.20.20.8. if present.restoration of translator tables in a drive.acelab.testing and recovery of service information in a drive.6 GB WDC AC102AA .ru (8632) 78-50-30.3 GB WDC WD136AA .15. WD272AA.M.1. 2 Reduced recording density.13.2 GB WDC AC136AA . WD205AA (please see Table1.15 WDC WD450AA . .relocation of defective sectors.reviewing and resetting S.17.6. model) .A.R.2 GB WDC WD272AA . .physical and logical surface scanning.correction of drive ID data in a HDD (logical parameters.15 Supported models – Capacity Number of disks 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 Heads MDL Family number1 “PC-272AA” (WD272AA) Ver. The utilities function in tandem with the “ -3000PRO” tester board.13.7 GB WDC WD205AA .ru 1 2 . Utility (family) “PC-450AA” (WD450AA) Ver.5 GB WDC WD307AA .10.reviewing the tables of relocated defects.17.2 GB WDC WD205AA . based on the results. in that case power is switched automatically depending upon the drive testing mode.T.30. .6 GB2 WDC WD102AA . The utilities support operation with PC-3K PWR power supply adapter. WD307AA.1.5 GB WDC AC172AA . drive families: WD450AA.3 GB WDC AC205AA . Connect the PC-3000AT tester IDE cable to the IDE connector of the drive being tested. A. Start a respective utility using the shell.M.com software command shell).exe) and resource files (*. It is recommended that novice users begin working with default test options. In case of a mismatch the following message appears: CONNECTED DRIVE NOT SUPPORTED BY THE UTILITY with a subsequent offer of exit from the utility. the standard external PC power supply should be used with manual switching of power on/off according to messages displayed on the screen.1.R.ru 3 . 4. The cursor automatically moves to the name of the connected drive model. but the choice can be changed if necessary. Pressing [Enter] will bring up the main menu of operation modes: Servo test Surface test Disc Firmware zone Drive description Formatting Logical structure scanning S.T. the state of magnetic-head assembly (MHA) and its switch circuit. 5. The drive switches to SAFE MODE if three jumpers are enabled together: CS. 4. SAFE MODE serves for working individually with the printed circuit board (PCB) containing the electronic components without a head-and-disk assembly (HDA). PC-A310100.4 “PC-A313000. 4.1. please see details in the description for WD Arch.2.1.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" is present. The test routine does not differ in any way from that for the previous drive families. If the PC-3K PWR adapter is present power supply is controlled via PC keyboard (please see description for shell. PC-A36400”. Standard mode When the utility starts in the Standard mode it checks if the drive belongs to the corresponding drive family. Servo test Servo test – testing is performed using physical parameters in ABA format (absolute block addressing). to detect and relocate all defective tracks and sectors. Selection of that mode will bring up the following menu: Technical support: [email protected] command shell. to view and check the firmware structure. Switch on the power supply to the drive being tested.1. Current directory must contain the utility executables (*.4 “PC-A313000. table Defects table Automatic mode Exit 4.acelab.3.1. The test routine does not differ in any way from that for the previous drive families.ru (8632) 78-50-30.rsc). PC-A36400”. PC-A38400. SLAVE and MASTER. Disc Firmware zone Disc Firmware zone – allows to format and test the service area of a drive. 4. please see details in the description for WD Arch. 4. 78-50-40 www. 3. Attention! Utility tests have lots of options. Surface test Surface test allows to estimate the quality of magnetic surfaces. to rewrite the firmware completely and reconfigure the drive. PC-A38400. If the utility corresponds to the type of the connected drive it lists the drives which constitute the corresponding family. Utility usage After utility start the following mode selection menu appears on the screen: Standard mode SAFE MODE The standard mode is the regular mode of utility operation provided that the drive can be initialized. PC-A310100. After the list of main modules a list of FIRMWARE MODULES appears which looks as follows: # ID Cyl Head Sec Length Date Ver Ch. Disc firmware zone The command performs operations over the firmware zone of a drive: cyl: -6…-1. For modules directory you will see a version number displayed. when the module was recorded. After execution of the formatting command it is necessary to record the firmware using the image recording method.4 “PC-A313000. 78-50-40 www. Disc Firmware surface test. Ch. the following information will be displayed: MODULE NAME dd/mm/yy Copy number Location Status 1 C:-1 H:0 OK 2 C:-1 H:1 OK specific module parameters where: dd/mm/yy mean the date. – checksum byte. when the module was recorded Ver – module version. Date .S. PC-A310100. Sec – module location. Disc Firmware structure test. ID . PLIST DEFECTS. No defects of cylinders -4 and -1 are allowed for normal functioning of the drive. The detected defects are displayed on the screen. it is the disk firmware version.ru . but the utility saves just cylinders from -1 through -4. Disc Firmware zone formatting.rsc resource file.1. please see the details for the Service data read/write command in the description for WD Arch. READ ERR. but ongoing work continues for implementation of such functionality. If the sectors containing a module cannot be read the following message will appear: Read error.module identifier Cyl. GLIST DEFECTS. Status. Length – module length in sectors.ru (8632) 78-50-30.1. This command brings on screen a list of firmware modules: TRACKS DIRECTORY. However. The command accomplishes reading or recording of firmware data image (tracks from -1 through -4) from (to) an *.the date. since we believe that it should be sufficient. module search is performed with their checksum test. CHECK ERR. If a module has been read but checksum does not match. PC-A38400. Running the command is identical to the same procedure for the preceding drive families. This command forces formatting of service area. PC-A36400”. If the checksum is correct. That peculiarity saves the space occupied by a resource file and the time required for reading. ZONE TABLE CONFIGURATION SECTOR. FIRMWARE MODULES. head: 0-1). 4 Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. The command starts the procedure for detecting defects located in the firmware area of the drive (cyl: -6…-1. The utility yet does not have the feature for relocation of defects detected in firmware zone. Disc Firmware data read/write. .acelab.3.Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" -3000 ACELab Disc firmware zone Translator operations Spindle stop Change time scale 4. for which not all of the firmware data will be read and recorded. All the firmware data are located on side 0 and duplicated on side 1. WARNING! Please note that the firmware zone in WdxxxAA drives occupies cylinders from -1 to -14. When the command is executed. Status – testing result: OK. cylinders –14…-1. Head. head: 0-1. see further. This procedure will destroy all the service data. you will see the message: Checksum error. where: # is the module number. there may be certain HDD modifications. g. Translator operations Clear translator – this command accomplishes creation of a translator skipping the defects table. please see details in section 7. 78-50-40 www. The read modules are placed then into the WD5_MOD subdirectory. Before the operation a list of modules available for reading appears on the screen. The user has to select a certain module or the “ALL MODULES” option. etc. Write modules – this operation allows recording a firmware module (or modules) to the firmware zone of the drive. 2 . In order to do so you will have to use the option: Add physical track (please see the section about work with the defects table).1. therefore you should be extremely attentive. i.3. Technical support: [email protected]. 1 That command is used in the WD450AA drive family only. In the latter case all the modules from the WD5_MOD subdirectory will be written to the firmware zone.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" Read modules . ABA to PCHS translation – such conversion is useful.15 sec. 4.3. The need for recalculation appears. you will need to select either a specific module in it or “ALL MODULES” item.rpm. modules 20h and 25h. Therefore it is recommended to use firmware image reading method in order to save the firmware completely (please see the paragraph on firmware data read/write). based on the defects tables of P. which allow reviewing and resetting master and user passwords in a hard drive.2. The drive either hangs on that sector or starts knocking.). some HDD models may require a lot of time to report on readiness.30 sec. Spindle stop The option sends a SLEEP command. If the subdirectory already contains modules with the same names. but attempts to test it fail. when you have to relocate a damaged sector on the disk surface. may be not included into the modules directory. e.1. instead it contains just modules required for HDD operation. etc. repeated reading will overwrite them without notification. Then use the conversion to identify the tracks bordering on the defective zone and add the tracks surrounding the damaged area to the table of defects.and GList. In that case you have to “pin down” the defective zone as precisely as possible and define the zone in ABA. Regenerate Translator– accomplishes recalculation of a drive’s translator. especially those with corrupted modules in firmware zone – 3 and more minutes. In the latter case all the firmware modules will be read to the WD5_MOD subdirectory. WARNING! The utility does not check the module structure before writing.and (or) G-List. for example. several auxiliary modules . The operation is identical to the command Translator recalculation without P. Selfscan results. However.rpm is the module of the 20h translator table. Use the Change Time scale feature to increase the 15-second wait period by entering the corresponding factor (1 . etc. Change time scale When the utility reaches a timeout it terminates the current command and displays a message informing the user that the HDD has not reported on readiness within 15 sec.: ~id20. WARNING! Not all the modules present in the firmware area are indicated in the modules directory.4.ru (8632) 78-50-30.acelab.ru 5 . when the 20h and (or) 25h modules in the firmware zone get corrupted. That is why such a translator is created during surface scanning using physical parameters and during operations for conversion of ABA to PCHS.: ~idxx. Prior to the procedure you will see a list of all modules. 4. Security subsystem1 menu option contains commands. where: xx is the module identifier. Such a translator may be necessary to ensure correct conversion of logical addresses (LBA) into physical (PCHS) or ABA to PCHS and to detect the location of defects. which are available for writing in the WD5_MOD subdirectory. Module(s) checksum recalculation and correction takes place before recording.3. it is used for HOT-SWAP operations. acts in such a manner as though the drive has no relocated defects at all.this operation allows reading of HDD firmware stored in the modules directory within the disk service area.Selfscan.1. 4. otherwise you may irreversibly damage the drive.e. The name of each read module file is generated as follows. Thus. This command allows to add values from a *. When you enter the mode you will see the message: LIMIT OF GROUPING INTO TRACKS.acelab. Such a file may be prepared. parameter Relocated Sector Count.R. Move G-List to P-List. Clear defects table. which already are entered into the tables of defects. When it is necessary to correct model name you should first set MODEL FROM ROM parameter to NO by pressing [Space]. The user has to select which table should be cleared. Add LBA defect. This command adds a logical defect in LBA notation. After addition all entered logical structure defects are translated into physical location and placed into the defects table P-List or G-List at operator’s option. The formatting procedure cannot be interrupted because when it finishes a translator recalculation and recording are performed. Logical structure scanning Logical structure scanning – starts the defects detection procedure utilizing logical parameters in LBA. the translator is recalculated and recorded. 4. Formatting takes approximately 40 minutes.6. for instance. in the PC-3000AT tester description.8. This command displays the table of relocated defects in a drive.A. This command adds the contents of G-List table to the contents of P-List table. Drive’s description: logical structure parameters and serial number can be corrected. table S.A. If format ends in error it means presence of corrupt servo information or incorrectly compiled defects table. though not all the surface of the drive will be formatted.1.M. All non-displayable ASCII characters are replaced with spaces. parameters of a drive.R. but it depends on the model.7.– brings the drive’s disk description on the screen. table – allows viewing S. please see details in the description for WD Arch. Even if formatting ends in error. condition of magnetic disks and can grow considerably with defective surfaces. Add physical track. The *.ru . PC-A38400. Group to tracks.M.1. PC-A310100.ru (8632) 78-50-30. This mode does not influence the drive operation in any way but it allows to increase the S. After adding the defects formatting must be performed.R. 6 Technical support: [email protected]. 78-50-40 www. 4. Before the start of formatting you have to select the defects table mode or formatting without defects table data. Allows to enter physical defective tracks manually. press [Esc] if you do not want to rewrite the drive description area.T.A. Formatting is required after adding defects to the table.M. Import logical defects table. 4. The test routine does not differ in any way from that for the previous drive families.R.1. You can read in detail about S. Drive description Drive description . During formatting the drive skips defective sectors and defective tracks reading their numbers from the defects table (if the method using one or another table has been selected).dft file to the defects table (P or GList at your option).4 “PC-A313000. file structure is described in the appendix for the Defectoscope utility. PC-A36400”.10 software or any other program. add. clear defects table or perform defects grouping: View defects table. The input range is from 1 to 50.Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" -3000 ACELab 4.R. S. G-List is reset during this procedure.T. Then you have to enter the limit value above which sector defects should be grouped into defective tracks in both P-List and G-List tables.T.A. Viewing defects’ tables helps estimate the quality and status of the magnetic disks used in the drive. Press [Enter] to enter the parameter or to move to editing the next one. by Defectoscope 2. This menu item allows to group into defective tracks those defective sectors. Defects table Defects table – allows to view.T. After execution of that command the respective defects table will be reset – the number of defective sectors become equal to 0.T. Formatting Formatting – starts the low-level formatting procedure.M. 4. Automatic mode Automatic mode allows scanning the drive automatically without operator intervention.56 Supported models WDC WD51AA WDC WD102AA WDC WD153AA WDC WD205AA WDC WD255AA WDC WD307AA Reading ROM command accomplishes reading of ROM contents to a file with *. MASTER and switch on the power. If you launch after that the universal PC-3000AT utility. by default. Please see details of those modes in the description to the PC-3000AT tester.2. The following menu appears after selection of that mode: Work with ROM PCB testing Work with ROM menu option allows access to recording. When the file is selected.1. PC-A36400”. then the board will report on readiness when that period expires. Flash ROM. Technical support: [email protected]. Alternative SAFE MODE The WD3xxxAA drive family has one more mechanism for switching a drive into Safe Mode. then select a *. That will enable you to check the board electronics by testing the sector buffer and running the drive’s self-testing routine. namely. It is helpful. 4. Before testing starts a test program must be created or a previously created one loaded. when you do not know exactly 1 . The safe mode is meant for testing the printed circuit boards (PCB) separately from the HDA. after switching a drive into safe mode you may leave a PCB on its HDA.9. 4. reading and viewing of a drive’s ROM: Viewing ROM information command displays on-screen firmware version. Exit – exits from the utility. SAFE MODE The mode provides access to a limited number of drive features. PC-A310100. PCB test command allows checking several components of a drive’s electronics board.bin file to be recorded.4 “PC-A313000. If you remove the PCB from its HDA without installed jumpers and leave it for 3 minutes with power on. it has to be in the PC3000 subdirectory.ru 7 . i.e. If you select that operation you should enter the file name without an extension. the actual recording process begins. During the procedure you should first select the wd_aa. The read-in file will be placed in the current PC3000 subdirectory. Writing ROM1 command accomplishes recording of drive ROM from a file. You can also view drive ID in that mode. it can sector buffer test and initiate internal self diagnostic. 78-50-40 www. The method of recording ROM is described in more detail in section 8.ru (8632) 78-50-30. those tests are available in the controller testing mode of the PC-3000AT tester. the version of the links’ table and a list of modules supported in that drive family: Copyright 1996-99 ROM version : WDC 05. Attention! The work in the automatic mode does not differ in any way from that for the previous drive families. the board will be identified as the top-of-the-line model in the family.bin extension. In order to enable the safe mode you should set three jumpers at once: CS. please see details in the description for WD Arch. SLAVE.09 B ROM revision : 1F Links table version: 05.1. The drive at that does not process bits D6 (DRDY) and D4 (DSC) in the status register.lmc loader file (or compatible). However.2. When this mode is selected two lists appear on the screen: TASKS LIST and AVAILABLE TASKS.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" 4. PC-A38400. 1.2. 1 M27C102435C1 62-001003 -065 WD70C12 CL-SH3367DH-B3 WDC © 1999 4 MASTER SLAVE CS 1 2 3 1. Brief technical description of WD450AA. and Pic. US1010-3. to which a PCB belongs. WD307AA.1.Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" -3000 ACELab the family. and WD205AA drive families Electronics boards of WD405AA and WD205AA drive families are shown in Pic.1. 5. respectively.00 MHz 2. 5. 25. WD272AA. 5.1.6 4.acelab.3 3.1. 78M08A Master only MASTER SLAVE CS Configuration Standart Settings Master with Slave Slave MASTER SLAVE CS MASTER SLAVE CS Safe Mode MASTER SLAVE CS 1 1 1 1 Pic. L6262 2.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 8 Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. 5.ru . By reviewing the drive ID description you can identify the family and ROM firmware version. 78-50-40 www. External view of the electronics board in WD405AA drive family. -3000 ACELab Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" 1 WDC99 62-602234 -080 WD70C10-SW CL-SH3367HC -B2 WDC © 1999 4 MASTER SLAVE CS 1 2 3 1.07 DISK F/W: 16. If you read microprogram version in Safe Mode. the DISK F/W part of the version will be missing.acelab. a loadable firmware portion and data in the service area of a drive (DISK Firmware). 5. The firmware is characterized by its revision number (F/W Rev. The structure of HDD firmware Firmware of WD HDDs consists of a microprogram stored in ROM.3 3. As it can be seen in this example.: ROM firmware: 82. example 82. which defines its development and compatibility. L6262 2. (cylinders -1 to -14) You can find out the microcode version and the version of ROM links table using the Viewing ROM information command in Safe Mode. is an aggregative value and contains the information from all three parts of HDD firmware.2. 78M08A Master only MASTER SLAVE CS Configuration Standart Settings Master with Slave Slave MASTER SLAVE CS MASTER SLAVE CS Safe Mode MASTER SLAVE CS 1 1 1 1 Pic.6 4. where: 62 – indicates that the device belongs to HDD storage type. The version of loadable firmware portion (DISK F/W) can be displayed by running the Disc Firmware structure test menu item in the basic utility mode.e. US1010-3. because all operations with disk firmware portion are disabled in that mode. e.1. The letter is borrowed from the version of ROM microcode. 5. tables Version.). the version number was formed using the first bytes from the respective versions of the parts of HDD firmware. 5. when the drive ID is viewed.ru 9 .10A16. a configuring links table also located in ROM.2. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Firmware part Microprogram Links table Loadable firmware version. i.07 82. Compatibility between electronics boards As with previous WD drive families the manufacturer indicates the firmware recorded to a 27 1024 ROM chip with a special label bearing version number according to internal factory classification: 62-xxxxxx-yyy.18A ROM links table: 10.00 MHz 2.18A Location ROM ROM Firmware zone. The version indicated in the modules’ directory will be the version for DISK F/W.14A As a result the compiled version of HDD firmware will look like: 82. Version number output by the drive in the “firmware version" line after the Identify DRV (ECh) command.18A 10. External view of the electronics board in WD205AA drive family. 25.g. 78-50-40 www.1.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Navigation between the modules is performed in accordance with the modules’ directory containing the address of each module. it is not used during drive operation and serves as a model Loadable portion of firmware code Modules directory (the table of modules location within firmware zone) Configuration table (HDD ID) P-LIST defects table G-LIST defects table ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters ? Reserved ? Reserved ? Reserved Technical support: [email protected]. 5. while for a WD153AA drive (WD450AA family) firmware version will be 62-001003-065. its identifier and length. in its turn.ru (8632) 78-50-30. hex 01 02 10 11 12 14 20 21 22 23 25 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 36 41 (~dir) 42 43 44 46 48 49 4A 4C 4D Purpose Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Translator Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Module containing SMART parameters SMART log SMART log SMART log Module containing SMART parameters Initial table of SMART parameters. Such classification is very convenient and allows error-free selection of replacement boards – if the ROM numbers match it means that the boards are completely interchangeable. but it does not bear any numbers.acelab. Firmware data are stored in the form of individual modules. version number and module length expressed in sectors.3.ru 10 . However only first 4 cylinders (-1 through -4) are actually used for recording of the firmware modules.1 Functional purpose of modules Module ID. The structure of loadable firmware portion (DISK F/W) WD drives have 14 service cylinders (from –14 through –1) used for storage of firmware recorded in two copies over sides 0 and 1. yyy – firmware version number in that family. which form together HDD control and operating system. Table 5. has a standard header containing its date. for example. Please see the main DISK F/W modules in the summary table below. therefore firmware version can be identified only after reading ROM contents or by running the Viewing ROM information command in Safe Mode. Thus. 78-50-40 www. for a WD64AA drive (WD205AA family) firmware version is 62-602234-080. checksum.Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" -3000 ACELab xxxxxx – family number (it may have different values even within one family). in WD272AA and WD307AA drive families the manufacturer started using Flash ROM with a circular label on the chip. identifier. Each module. However. the FLT/SE signal is sent to the microprocessor. there may be other important modules. For example. the part which performs overwriting of Flash ROM Selfscan module 5. so there is just one way to decrease the capacity of a drive – i. then it means that the drive can’t read firmware data from the disk. 78-50-40 www. Restore firmware data (F/W).malfunction of the HA itself. . then the restoration should be started from step 2. and begin the hardware data restoration from step 1. Keep in mind the location of magnetic surfaces during that procedure. In all of the above cases except for the first one software restoration of the drive is impossible. .1. If after switching power on the drive spins up the spindle motor and unparks the magnetic heads. Critical modules for drive data The translator modules (20h – 25h) and modules containing adaptive parameters (46h – 49h) are traditionally essential for data integrity in drives belonging to WdxxxAA families. In such case ensure that the control board is functional (the best method is swapping of the boards). If the translator modules become corrupted you can perform their recalculation based on the P and (or) G-List defects tables and overwrite them. The F/W restoration procedure is as follows: Technical support: eng_support@acelab. After spin-up of the spindle motor the drive microprocessor sequentially checks all heads beginning with the zero one. then such a defect most likely has to deal with the electronics board and requires its repair. disabling the disk sides “from the top”.e. .ru 11 . 1. When a missing head is detected. The FLT/SE signal produced by the commutator pre-amplifier chip is used for that purpose. but testing reveals BAD sectors. Developers of the utility have not yet discovered a method for software isolation of defective surfaces. recalibrates. Software restoration of a drive Depending upon the state of the drive being repaired.3.acelab.incompatibility between the disk firmware version and the firmware code recorded in the control board ROM. but while entering the PC-3000AT program generates the ABRT (04h) error. 6. .malfunction of commutator pre-amplifier chip of the Head Assembly (HA) inside the HDA. or errors appear one after another while reading drive surfaces.seriously corrupt servo data or a shift of magnetic disks pack after a shock (increased noise of spindle motor rotation usually and case vibration show that the drive has been hit). That kind of defect may arise from: .electronic controller board and the sealed HDA belong to different drive families and are incompatible.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" 4E 61 FF ? Reserved Loadable portion of firmware code.servo modules corruption. Modification of configuration At power-up a drive configures itself as a specific model of its family during initialization. If a drive starts to spin up the spindle motor and monotonously knocks with its positioner against locking plate instead of recalibration. Thus the drive determines precisely the number of heads and configures itself as a corresponding model. the ROM and HDA versions are compatible. . The signal for heads’ switching is sent by the microprocessor in a serial code. then such a defect demonstrates malfunctions of the drive’s servo system and can be caused by one of the following: . if at power-up a drive does not spin up the spindle motor or spins it up and stops. In order to disable a malfunctioning side you’ll have to open the HDA and disconnect the conductors from the magneto-resistive heads of the defective sides and all sides above the ones being disabled. certain operations might be necessary for its restoration.ru (8632) 78-50-30. and its drive ID is read. 5. If after switching power on the drive initializes.data reading/translation channel malfunction. but we haven’t identified any so far.4. The procedure is performed by the Regenerate Translator command. Perform LOGICAL STRUCTURE SCANNING procedure. sec) in accordance with the new model parameters. c). If just some modules are damaged while others remain normal. which is executed in LBA format.Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" -3000 ACELab a). The procedure requires first reading all modules from a drive. Clear PLIST and GLIST defects tables and reset SMART. which should complete successfully. suffer from corruption most frequently. If the length of some modules is equal to 0. you have to repeat steps 3.. Run SURFACE TEST. if the drive was reconfigured. During testing a block-by-block surface formatting is performed. 3. 10. 6. 7. Perform COMPLEX TEST with the PC-3000AT tester. Correct the logical parameters. remains unable to report on readiness for a very long time (more than a minute). 2Ah. Write serial number into the drive ID area. 21h. perform DISC FIRMWARE ZONE FORMATTING. the testing procedure measures the time of decoding for all the servo fields in the current block and the obtained value is shown on a respective diagram. After successful recording the firmware is restarted. Overwriting the modules requires using the Disc firmware data read/write command from the Disc firmware zone menu. If formatting ended in an error.ru 12 . If the majority of modules are corrupted in a drive select the “DISC FIRMWARE ZONE” menu option and run the “DISC FIRMWARE SURFACE TEST” command. Pressing [Enter] appends all defective sectors and tracks to P-List. correct its logical parameters (cyl. The test is performed using physical parameters in ABA format. It is allowed to switch off writing and perform verification instead of reading to make the test run faster. Select the " READ MODULES " mode from the "DISC FIRMWARE ZONE" menu and read all the modules from the drive. etc. Modules 20h. 4. Pressing [Enter] converts all the ABA-represented blocks into physical PCHS notation and a table with defective sectors and tracks appears on the screen. 2.). and to inspect which modules are defective in the "FIRMWARE MODULES" table. Pressing the [Enter] key converts all block numbers in ABA notation into physical PCHS notation and displays a table of defective tracks. Perform the command “DISC FIRMWARE STRUCTURE TEST” and identify corrupted modules. 5.4. -1. Pressing [Enter] appends all defective tracks to P-List. After completion of surface scanning procedure a table of all detected logical defects in LBA notation will be output on the screen. 11. then it reports on readiness but responds to any command with the ABRT error. Perform low-level format using P and G-List. 9. Run SERVO TEST. After testing procedure a table containing defective ABA numbers appears on the screen. and 4 or. “WRITE FW TO THE DISC” and write the data to the drive being restored according to the version of the drive processor microcode. Diagnostics of such malfunction requires to select the "DISC FIRMWARE STRUCTURE TEST" command in the "DISC FIRMWARE ZONE / DISC FIRMWARE ZONE" menu. You can also do it in a different manner. and it is necessary to re-write them.acelab. 25h (translator). The malfunction manifests itself as follows: the drive spins up the spindle motor. heads: 0-1. b). If errors are detected repeat steps 3-6 or run the UNIVERSAL DEFECTS RELOCATION procedure. Perform low-level formatting using PLIST. Ensure that the CLEAR TRANSLATOR option is enabled. Make sure that there are no errors on cylinders: -5 . if necessary. you can overwrite the defective modules using the method described in section 7. if necessary. then consequently these modules are defective. Select the menu items: “DISC FIRMWARE DATA READ/WRITE”.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 8. 78-50-40 www. When the test is complete the table containing the number of the defective sectors in ABA notation appears on the screen. d). they are subsequently added to the WD5_MOD directory. 2Dh (SMART). Restoration of firmware modules A defect of firmware data modules is a frequently occurring fault. Then you should replace the damaged modules in that directory with normal ones copied from an operational compatible drive and record the modules to the HDD. If errors occur. Then it is necessary to exit the utility and view lengths of the copied modules. head. Run the PC-3000AT tester COMPLEX TEST and make sure that the drive is functional. Using the results of tests 3 and 4 make a conclusion concerning the necessity of defective surfaces isolation (see section 5. Pressing [Enter] converts all logical defects into physical addresses and adds them to the P-LIST or G-LIST defects table at user’s option. 7. After turning off defective sides it is necessary to continue the drive restoration beginning with step 2. Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. erasure and recording). Rename the file so that it receives the Loader Micro Code (lmc) extension.lmc.bin file containing the ROM firmware.ru (8632) 78-50-30. however. The loader file and firmware ROM file should be located in the current PC-3000 directory.. prior to starting the drive restoration it is necessary to save all the modules and the ROM firmware to have an opportunity to reverse the changes. It contains the subroutines for work with ROM (type identification. Writing ROM. 78-50-40 www. Translator operations. After loader selection you will have to select a binary *. 49xxx. overwriting of the chip contents on board becomes impossible. 27xxx chips do not belong to Flash type. Therefore you will have to unsolder the chip and program it using a ROM programmer (e. Thus. HDD translator recalculation Translator restoration can be invoked as follows: Disc Firmware zone. If a portion of ROM gets corrupted or erased. Therefore if you restore a drive with corrupted 20h and 25h modules. Other modules are not so essential and they can be overwritten. It is just overwriting. Flash ROM recording1 Some models in the WDxxxAA drive families contain Flash ROM.lmc loader file The loader is nothing else than module ID=61h renamed to wd_aa.lmc and attempt to overwrite the ROM contents again. Regenerate Translator. 1 Flash ROM chips are marked: 28xxx. Technical support: [email protected]. for example. in that case access to user data will be restored. which is possible.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Caviar" Arch-V "PC-A450AA" "PC-A307AA" "PC-A272AA" "PC-A205AA" Some of the modules are critical for data protection and should not be overwritten if you wish to preserve the user's data. rename it to *. 46h . MASTER and turning the power on.g. Creation of an external loader file In order to produce an external loader file copy the ~id61. Then select the mode: Safe Mode. A situation is possible. which can be overwritten in Safe Mode.rpm module from an operational drive with a Flash ROM chip of the required type. the G-List (Grown) table remains empty.acelab. the procedure should be performed using P-List only.49h modules containing adaptive parameters. 8. translator of a drive arriving from a factory is recalculated using P-List only. the following menu will be displayed: Select an *.lmc loader would not support that type. PC-PROG). In such case you can copy module 61h from a WDxxxAA drive supporting that Flash ROM type. 29xxx. Anyway. because Safe Mode is a software mode of the control firmware stored in ROM. It is filled in the process of drive operation by the device itself in the Data Lifeguard and Assign modes. Work with ROM.ru 13 .25h translator modules. 8. 7.1. SLAVE. then ROM will not be overwritten. it’s better to copy normal modules from the same HDD model with an identical firmware version. After recording it is necessary to read the ROM and compare the files. the 20h . In order to enable recording to ROM you have to switch the drive to Safe Mode by setting three jumpers together: CS. Upon entering the mode you will be offered to select the basic tables to be used for the recalculation: Take into account PLIST and G-LIST Take into account Use PLIST Take into account Use G-LIST Do not take into account neither PLIST nor G-LIST Factory testing of a drive appends defects to the P-List table (primary) only. when the manufacturer changes the type of Flash ROM on drive PCB so that the wd_aa. ......................... "Protege"...........4............ 6 4......................acelab................. Purpose... Critical modules for drive data...................................................................................................... 7 4................................. Automatic mode...............................2............ Control circuit of spindle motor and positioner ... Data reading channel........................................... Modification of drive configuration........................................................................................................6................................................................................................................................................................ Arch-VI "PCWD_DA"..........................................................17 Technical support: [email protected] 4........................ Logical structure scanning ....................... Arch-VI "PCWD_DA"........................................ 6 4..........................................................................1..........................................A................16 9..13 5...................1..............1..................................................... "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V...............................3.................................................... The structure of loadable firmware portion (DISK F/W) .....................1.................................. HA compatibility (knocking sounds at power-up)........................................................................................................... HDD translator recalculation ........................................ "PCWD_EB"....... software heads deactivation ................ Flash ROM recording ............................. Software restoration of a drive...........................................................2..............................................11 5..................................... "PCWD_CB2" Contents 1............................................... Compatibility between electronics boards ......................................... "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V... "PCWD_CB2" Western Digital "Spartan".......................3......... Brief technical description of Spartan...... ............. S...........................5...........................10 5. 78-50-40 www................. 7 4..........................................................................3 4.............................................................................. 6 4......1.................. Preparing for work ........................1............................................... The structure of HDD firmware..................................................................................... Standard mode .......R.......................M............................................................................2.............. "PCWD_ABJ"......................................................1...............7 5......................................10 5.................................... Caviar......... Restoration of firmware modules................. Creation of an external loader file................. 11 5................................ 13 5................17 9................................................................................14 7....... Basic options for the repair of WD Arch-V drives ...........3........................................................................13 6.................................................. Drive description....2.................................................1......................................... Disc Firmware zone .......................................15 7...........................1............................... SAFE MODE ..........1.........................................................................................1......... Protege Arch-V...1... 6 4.....................16 8........................................2 3............ table .......................................................3....................................................................................... and Caviar Arch VI drive families...........................................................................2 2....... 3 4..............T..............................................2.........................3 4..1......... Defects table............................................... Formatting................................................................................. Electric circuit.............-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan"... "PCWD_EB"............................................ "PCWD_ABJ"..................................................................................ru (8632) 78-50-30...........8 5..................................... Utility usage ..................ru 1 ...............................................................................4.. "Protege"............7...... Reference voltage sources...............................16 9..................1............................16 9....5........... Data structure in Flash ROM in WD Caviar and Protege drive families ..1..................................15 8........................ 20 GB 1 1 WD400BB .80 GB 2 4 (WD1200AB series) V 5400 pcwd_abj. and.40 GB 1 2 WDxxxEB.exe (WD400EB series) WD200EB .30 GB 1 2 5400 pcwd_eb. model).3 GB 1 2 WDxxxDA. . 78-50-40 www.80 GB 2 4 (WD1200BB series) V 7200 pcwd_abj.automatic restoration of the drive.T.ru 2 . "PCWD_ABJ".exe 2 (WD800BB series) WD400BB/JB .physical and logical surface scanning. Protégé V WD300EB .20 GB 1 1 WD153DA . Utility (family) capacity of disks RPM WD2000BB/JB . .drive reconfiguration (software disabling of malfunctioning heads). WDxxxBB. Supported models – Number Heads Speed. Utility Arch. Purpose The utilities are designed for restoration of 3" Spartan.30 GB 1 2 7200 pcwd_abj.60 GB 2 3 WD400BB . Caviar V WD600BB/JB . .60 GB 2 3 WD400AB .15.ru (8632) 78-50-30.M. based on the results. Caviar WD800BB .5 GB 1 1 2.exe WD600BB . WDxxxAB.1.R.acelab.7. . . Spartan V 4500 pcwd_da.100 GB 3 5 WDxxxAB. Caviar WD1800BB/JB .reviewing and resetting S.exe1 WD1600BB/JB .20 GB 1 1 WD400EB . The utilities function in tandem with the “ -3000PRO” tester board. Basic options for the repair of WD Arch-V drives .20 GB 1 1 WD1200AB .120 GB 3 6 WD1000BB/JB .exe (WD400BB series) WD200BB . .120 GB 3 6 WD1000AB . Caviar V WD300BB .correction of drive ID data in a HDD (logical parameters. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. Table 1.exe WD75DA .restoration of translator tables in a drive.80 GB 1 2 WDxxxBB/JB.40 GB 1 2 WDxxxBB. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 1.100 GB 3 5 WDxxxBB.40 GB 1 2 WD200AB .40 GB 1 2 WD200BB .200 GB 3 6 WDxxxBB/JB.Western Digital "Spartan".160 GB 3 6 WD1200BB/JB .exe WD600AB .restoration of low-level format. Technical support: [email protected]. table in a drive. "Protege".A.180 GB 3 6 (WD2000BB series) VI 7200 pcwd_cb2. and WDxxxJB (please see Table 1. serial number.40 GB 1 1 WD1200BB/JB . Arch-VI "PCWD_DA".120 GB 2 4 WD800BB/JB . Caviar WD800AB . Caviar. Protege Arch-V and Caviar Arch VI drives manufactured by Western Digital.testing and recovery of firmware data in a drive.relocation of defective sectors. WDxxxEB. 1 The utility has limited functionality. . .). addition of the revealed defects to the defects table. drive families: WDxxxDA. .60 GB 1 7200 pcwd_abj.reviewing the tables of relocated defects. "PCWD_EB". 3.1.acelab. Work with ROM The menu option accomplishes writing. Selection of that mode will bring up the following menu: Work with ROM Disc firmware zone Translator operations Spindle stop Change time scale 4. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. Connect the PC-3000PRO tester IDE cable to the IDE connector of the drive being tested.1.1. Instead it displays an entry menu: Spartan.rsc). It is recommended that novice users begin working with default test options. if present.1. Utility usage After utility start the following mode selection menu appears on the screen: Standard mode SAFE MODE The Standard mode is the regular mode of utility operation provided that the drive can be initialized. Start a respective utility using the shell. "PCWD_ABJ". Preparing for work 1. in that case power is switched automatically depending upon the drive testing mode.A. reading and the drive’s ROM viewing operations. Protege or Caviar (depending upon the launched utility). Current directory must contain the utility executables (*. 2. Technical support: [email protected]) and resource files (*.1.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan". 4. That mode also allows software disabling/enabling of magnetic heads.1. "PCWD_EB". Standard mode In the Standard mode the utility does not check the family of the connected drive during launch (unlike earlier versions of utilities for WD drives). The drive switches to SAFE MODE if three jumpers are enabled together: CS. the standard external PC power supply should be used with manual switching of power on/off according to messages displayed on the screen. to view and check the firmware structure. "Protege". Connect power cable to the drive.T.com command shell.M. 4. "PCWD_CB2" 3. 78-50-40 www. 5. If the PC-3K PWR adapter is present power supply is controlled via PC keyboard (please see description for shell.ru 3 . Users have to check personally the model of the connected drive. SAFE MODE serves for working individually with the printed circuit board (PCB) containing the electronic components without a head-and-disk assembly (HDA). The utilities support operation with PC-3K PWR power supply adapter.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 4. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". to rewrite the firmware completely and reconfigure the drive. SLAVE and MASTER. table Defects table Automatic mode Exit 4. ATTENTION! Utility tests have lots of options. Switch on the power supply to the drive being tested. If no power supply control adapter is present. Pressing [Enter] will force reading of the configuration modules and bring up the main menu of operation modes: Disc Firmware zone Drive description Formatting Logical structure scanning S. Disc Firmware zone Firmware zone – allows to format and test the service area of a drive.R.com software command shell). In such case a drive will not rely on the data about physically connected heads using instead the heads mapping data in ROM. "PCWD_ABJ". Write ROM2 command accomplishes recording of drive ROM from a file. which used By default heads mapping before that.1.2. The detected defects are displayed on the screen. "PCWD_EB".lmc module. We shall mention just new peculiarities of that command: 1 2 That mode is unavailable for the WD Spartan drive family. but ongoing work continues for implementation of such functionality. The command starts the procedure for detecting defects located in the firmware area of the drive (cyl: -10…-1. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. Arch. then select a *.bin extension. Disc Firmware surface test. ROM revision (which might serve as a family code). Arch-VI "PCWD_DA".27 : default The data is valuable for estimation of compatibility between different ROM versions during selection of PCBs for replacement.. During the procedure you should first select the loader . Disc firmware zone The command performs operations over the firmware zone of a drive: cyl: -10. The operation is possible only for drives where Flash ROM is used.ru (8632) 78-50-30.ru 4 . the version of the links’ table and a list of supported models together with information about heads mapping: Copyright 2001 WDC ROM version ROM revision Links table version Supported models WDC WD200BB WDC WD400BB WDC WD600BB WDC WD800BB WDC WD1000BB WDC WD1200BB Heads assignment data Heads assignment : 06. Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. 4. It is similar to the previous WD drive families (please see description in PC-3000 . e. Then you can proceed and disable or enable drive heads using [Space].acelab. 1 and 2.-1.bin file to be recorded (it has to be in the PC3000 subdirectory). 0 and 1 for a model with 2 heads. V.).1. Read ROM command accomplishes reading of ROM contents to a file with *. If the drive starts knocking after that. The method of recording ROM is described in more detail in section 8.Western Digital "Spartan". Changing heads map in ROM1 command accomplishes software disabling or enabling of previously disabled drive heads. The utility yet does not have the feature for relocation of defects detected in firmware zone. The read-in file will be placed in the current PC3000 subdirectory. If you define the flag “by mapping” for a HDD.g. After completion of the current operation you will see an offer to record thus generated ROM to a file or write the modified heads mapping directly to the drive’s Flash ROM. the value of their maximum number allowed for that drive family (usually 6).Western Digital "Caviar" Arch. it means that the heads have been enabled incorrectly and you should attempt to select two other heads. Selection of By default heads assignment means that HDD heads mapping will be formed according to the results received after physical polling of the heads connected to pre-amplifier/commutator during the initialization stage..module 61h or an external *. In that case you should set the value “Full heads amount” = 6 (as the maximum allowed in the drive family) and enable the suggested heads. When that mode is selected the cursor is positioned over the current variant of heads assignment: by mapping or default. the actual recording process begins.40 G : 33 : 04. Please see details about the mechanism of ROM recording in the paragraph devoted to the Write ROM command. This command displays on-screen a list of firmware modules. IV. No defects of that area are allowed for normal functioning of the drive. 78-50-40 www.g. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 Viewing ROM information command displays on-screen firmware version.e. Then you must indicate the Full heads amount – i. the variants are switched by pressing the [Space] key. head: 0-1. e. pressing [Enter] will shift the highlighted rectangle to the next head. etc. Disc Firmware structure test. then the Full heads amount and Active heads values will equal 0. in Safe Mode. Selection of assignment by mapping allows disabling of the internal map used for physical heads polling. "Protege". When the file is selected. all heads become configured as disabled. head: 0-1). If you select that operation you should enter the file name without an extension. and Disk F/W. ATTENTION! The information in DCM Info and VER Info in the 5h and 4Eh modules is optional. therefore you should be extremely attentive. Read modules . Therefore it is recommended to use firmware image reading method in order to save the firmware completely (please see the paragraph on firmware data reading/writing). etc. In the latter case all the modules from the WD MOD subdirectory will be written to the firmware zone.rsc resource file. The user has to select a certain module or the “ALL MODULES” option. where xxx: DA_ . you will need to select either a specific module in it or “ALL MODULES” item. for example. the utility lists the modules’ directory with a version actually representing the version of HDD firmware portion recorded on disk surface (Disk F/W). The command accomplishes reading or recording of firmware data image (tracks from -1 through -8 excluding track -7) from (to) an *. Therefore you should save firmware data as modules and firmware zone image prior to the operation. PC-A36400”. That peculiarity saves the space occupied by a resource file and the time required for reading. Two new data tables have been also added into the report: DCM Info and VER Info1. WARNING! Please note that the firmware zone occupies cylinders from -1 to -32. otherwise you may irreversibly damage the drive. there may be certain HDD modifications. The DCM Info table is stored in module 5h. Please see details in section 5. "Protege". default values are read from the zone allocation table (-32 . Erase firmware area command fills all sectors in the service area with code 7777h using heads 0 and 1. WARNING! All information within the firmware zone will be erased during area clearing. In fact they are logs containing certain ASCII information output by the utility. That information is useful for selection of matching PCB. table VER Info is stored in module 4Eh: DCM Info – the purpose of that table is not quite clear yet. 1 DCM Info and VER Info tables are missing in the WD Spartan drive family. Thus. The need for that operation arises when service area contains “garbage” preventing normal drive operation. where: xx the module identifier.rpm. please see the details for the Disc Firmware data read/write command in the description for WD Arch. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". PCA38400.for WD Protégé ABJ .rpm is the module of the 20h translator table. for which not all of the firmware data will be read and recorded. "PCWD_EB". In the latter case all the firmware modules will be read to the WDxxxMOD subdirectory.this operation allows reading of HDD firmware stored in the modules directory within the disk service area. PC-A310100. 78-50-40 www. it is generated in logs. links table. since we believe that it should be sufficient. WARNING! The utility does not check the module structure before writing.. Disc Firmware data read/write.for WD Caviar The name of each read module file is generated as follows: ~idxx.: ~id20. Before the operation you should enter the initial and ending cylinders. Running the command is identical to the same procedure for the preceding drive families. but the utility saves just cylinders from -1 through -8 (except for cyl.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Before the operation a list of modules available for reading appears on the screen. "PCWD_ABJ". Module(s) checksum recalculation and correction takes place before recording.1 VER Info table contains the versions of ROM.ru 5 . "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. -1). Therefore absence of data or garbage in those tables does not indicate a drive’s malfunction.for WD Spartan EB_ . instead it contains just modules required for HDD operation. the operator will have to enter manually the number of sectors per track for the firmware zone of that HDD model at utility launch.g. However.2. If the subdirectory already contains modules with the same names. -7).4 “PC-A313000. may be not included into the modules directory. e. it is likely to be useful in future during selection of matching “donor" drives for replacement of heads assembly (HA) for data recovery. WARNING! Not all the modules present in the firmware area are indicated in the modules directory.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan".Selfscan. If the table cannot be read. All information in that zone will be deleted. "PCWD_CB2" First of all. Prior to the procedure you will see a list of all modules in the WD MOD subdirectory available for writing. several auxiliary modules . Technical support: eng_support@acelab. repeated reading will overwrite them without notification. Selfscan results. Write modules – this operation allows recording of a firmware module (or modules) to the service area of the drive. The read modules are placed then into the WDxxxMOD subdirectory.acelab. The utility reads the number of sectors in the firmware zone from the zone allocation table. 4.M. please see details in the description for WD Arch.1.M.T.1. "PCWD_ABJ". 4.acelab.R.A. Security subsystem menu option contains commands.A. Drive’s description.M.T. Formatting Formatting – starts the low-level formatting procedure. condition of magnetic disks and can grow considerably with defective surfaces. Sector numbers in that test grow sequentially beginning with 1. PC-A36400”. The test routine does not differ in any way from that for the previous drive families. modules 20h and 25h. When it is necessary to correct the model name you should first set MODEL FROM ROM parameter to NO by pressing [Space]. Use the Change Time scale feature to increase the 15-second wait period by entering the corresponding factor (1 . garbage or error). -32 through cyl. Drive description Drive description – brings the drive’s disk description on the screen.T. During formatting the drive skips defective sectors and defective tracks reading their numbers from the defects table (if the method using one or another table has been selected). You can read in detail about S.2. Press [Enter] to enter the parameter or to proceed to editing the next one. The number of sectors in firmware zone can be identified by running the Disc Firmware surface test. in the PC-3000AT tester description. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 Change servo area SPT command helps define the number of sectors per track for operations with service area (from cyl. especially those with corrupted modules in firmware zone – 3 and more minutes. The maximum cylinder number will be the one producing constant errors on all cylinders of firmware zone.R. which allow reviewing and resetting master and user passwords in a hard drive.A. etc. 4. The formatting procedure cannot be interrupted because after its completion translator recalculation and recording are performed.4.15 sec. based on the defects’ tables of P. However. though not all the surface of the drive will be formatted.e. 4. The need for recalculation appears. the translator is recalculated and recorded. PC-A310100. The default value is read from the zone allocation table.1. it is used for HOT-SWAP operations. table – allows viewing S. 2 .3.1.ru 6 . the allowed maximum is limited by the default 1361 cyl.1. PC-A38400. 78-50-40 www. parameters of a drive. some HDD models may require a lot of time to report on readiness. All non-displayable ASCII characters are replaced with spaces. 4. value.5.R. "PCWD_EB".5. Formatting takes approximately 40 minutes. "Protege".4 “PC-A313000. 4. Spindle stop The option sends a SLEEP command. Change Time scale When the utility reaches a timeout it terminates the current command and displays a message informing the user that the HDD has not reported on readiness within 15 sec.4.1. Logical structure scanning Logical structure scanning – starts the defects detection procedure utilizing logical parameters in LBA.30 sec.M.1. please see details in section 7.Western Digital "Spartan". but it depends on the model. -1).T. i. logical structure parameters and serial number can be corrected. S. Before the start of formatting you have to select the defects table mode or formatting without defects table data.ru (8632) 78-50-30.3.A. 4. If format ends in error it means presence of corrupt servo information or incorrectly compiled defects table. Translator operations Regenerate Translator – accomplishes recalculation of a drive’s translator. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V.and (or) G-List.). press [Esc] if you do not want to rewrite the drive description area. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". The SPT value has to be modified in cases when the command for reading zone allocation data returns invalid information (negative values. Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. In such cases you have to explicitly provide to the utility the number of sectors per tract to use. table S.R. Even if formatting ends in error. when the 20h and (or) 25h modules in the firmware zone get corrupted. M. This mode does not influence the drive operation in any way but it allows to increase the S.40 G : 33 : 04. the list of models supported in that drive family and heads mapping: Copyright 2001 WDC ROM version ROM revision Links table version Supported models WDC WD200BB WDC WD400BB WDC WD600BB WDC WD800BB WDC WD1000BB WDC WD1200BB : 06.27 Technical support: eng_support@acelab. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. PC-A36400”. SLAVE. 4.2. Attention! The work in the automatic mode does not differ in any way from that for the previous drive families. Viewing defects’ tables helps estimate the quality and status of the magnetic disks used in a drive.6. Before testing starts a test program must be created or a previously created one loaded.ru (8632) 78-50-30. PC-A38400. However.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan". The following menu appears after selection of that mode: Work with ROM PCB testing Work with ROM menu option allows access to recording. "PCWD_ABJ". which already are entered into the tables of defects. Add physical track.1. G-List is reset during this procedure. for instance. Then you have to enter the limit value above which sector defects should be grouped into defective tracks in both P-List and G-List tables. Move G-List to P-List. Import logical defects table. parameter of Relocated Sector Count.ru 7 . When you enter the mode you will see the message: LIMIT OF GROUPING INTO TRACKS. add. Defects table Defects table – allows to view.dft file to the G-List table of defects. In order to enable the safe mode you should set three jumpers at once: CS. This menu item allows to group into defective tracks those defective sectors. The input range is from 1 to 50. At the manufacturing factory defects are added to P-List only. by Defectoscope 2. thus presence of records in the G-List means new defects.1. The safe mode is meant for testing the printed circuit boards (PCB) separately from their HDAs.4 “PC-A313000. This command adds the contents of G-List table to the contents of P-List table.10 software or any other program. PC-A310100. After execution of that command the respective defects table will be reset – the number of defective sectors becomes equal to 0. Exit – exits from the utility. please see details in the description for WD Arch. reading and viewing of a drive’s ROM: Viewing ROM information command displays on-screen firmware version. When this mode is selected two lists appear on the screen: TASKS LIST and AVAILABLE TASKS. MASTER and switch on the power. Group to tracks.acelab. the version of the links’ table. Such a file may be prepared. "PCWD_CB2" 4.dft file structure is described in the supplement to the Defectoscope utility. Automatic mode Automatic mode allows scanning the drive automatically without operator intervention.7. Clear defects table. The drive at that does not process bits D6 (DRDY) and D4 (DSC) in the status register. This command allows to add values from a *.R.T. The *. The user has to select which table should be cleared. "Protege". clear defects table or perform defects grouping: View defects table. Allows to enter physical defective tracks manually.A. SAFE MODE The mode provides access to a limited number of drive features. after switching a drive into safe mode you may leave a PCB on its HDA. This command displays the table of relocated defects in a drive. 4. "PCWD_EB". 78-50-40 www. After adding the defects formatting must be performed. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". VI drive families are shown in Fig.1. 78-50-40 www. U5 WD70C12-SW M29F102BB U2 WDC © 2000 U4 MASTER SLAVE CS 1 U6 1 U3 U1 1. where parallel Flash ROM is used.1. The mode is identical to the similar mode described in section 4.1.Western Digital "Spartan". During the procedure you should first select an *. 1 2 The mode is unavailable in the WD Spartan drive family. Caviar Arch. "Protege". Reading ROM command accomplishes reading of ROM contents to a file with *. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 Heads assignment data Heads assignment : default Changing heads map in ROM1 . Please see details of those modes in the description to the PC-3000AT tester. Fig. "PCWD_EB". then select a *. Protege.1. The operation is possible only in drives. External view of the electronics board in Spartan drive family. Technical support: [email protected] 8 . If you select that operation you should enter the file name without an extension. it has to be in the PC3000 subdirectory.bin extension. namely.6 Standard Configuration Settings Master only MASTER SLAVE CS Master with Slave MASTER SLAVE CS Slave MASTER SLAVE CS Safe Mode MASTER SLAVE CS 1 1 1 1 Fig. L6262 2. Caviar. it can sector buffer test and initiate internal self-diagnostic. Brief technical description of Spartan.bin file to be recorded.3. Writing ROM2 command accomplishes recording of drive ROM from a file. "PCWD_ABJ".1. As soon as the file is selected.4. “Work with ROM”. The method of recording ROM is described in more detail in section 8. 5.that mode allows software access in order to disable or enable previously disabled magnetic heads in a drive.acelab. and Caviar Arch VI drive families. Protege Arch-V. respectively. and Fig. The read-in file will be placed in the current PC3000 subdirectory. 5. PCB test command allows checking several components of a drive’s electronics board. the actual recording process begins.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 5. 5. V. 5.LMC loader file. Fig.. US1235 2. 5. and Caviar Arch. External views of electronics boards in Spartan.2. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. 2 Master only MASTER SLAVE CS Standard Configuration Settings Safe Mode Master with Slave Slave MASTER SLAVE CS MASTER SLAVE CS 1 1 1 1 Fig.acelab. External view of the electronics board in Protege drive family. External view of the electronics board in Caviar Arch. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". "PCWD_CB2" U4 M29F102BB U2 U5 WD70C23-GP D7 L6 1 MASTER SLAVE CS U6 U8 U7 1. ST755 3. 5. Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30. IRU1329 2. ST755 3. 5. 50G64741 4. L6278 1.ru 9 .3. 50G66474 4.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan". "PCWD_ABJ". U4 M29F102BB U2 U5 WD70C23-GP L6 D7 1 MASTER SLAVE CS U6 U8 U7 1 3 Q4 U1 1. V drive family. L6278 AC 1 3 Q4 U1 Standard Configuration Settings Master only MASTER SLAVE CS Master with Slave MASTER SLAVE CS Slave MASTER SLAVE CS Safe Mode MASTER SLAVE CS MASTER SLAVE CS 1 1 1 1 Fig. "Protege". "PCWD_EB". IRU1239SC 2. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. 78-50-40 www.2. External view of the electronics board in Caviar Arch. "PCWD_ABJ". Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". e. example 06. VI drive family. tables Version.40G 04. Firmware part Microprogram Links table Loadable firmware version.2E 5.1.e. when the drive ID is viewed.C0G Location ROM ROM Firmware zone. 78-50-40 www. The version indicated in the modules’ directory will be the version of DISK F/W. 5. a loadable firmware portion and data in the service area of a drive (DISK Firmware). L6282 3. i.Western Digital "Spartan". is an aggregative value and contains the information from all three parts of HDD firmware.ru 10 . "Protege". Moreover. and Protege the manufacturer discontinued indication of firmware code on the ROM chip label.27 DISK F/W: 06. If you read microprogram version in Safe Mode. The structure of HDD firmware Firmware of WD HDDs consists of a microprogram stored in ROM. the DISK F/W part of the version will be missing. 26P10AV 3. a configuring links table also located in ROM. 5.2. "PCWD_EB". because all operations with disk firmware portion are disabled in that mode. 88C5540-LFE 4.: ROM firmware: 06. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. the version number was formed using the first bytes from the respective versions of the HDD firmware parts.4. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 U4 U9 U5 WD70C22-GP Q3 L7 D7 U12 U6 1 MASTER SLAVE CS U7 1 3 U1 Standard Configuration Settings Master with Slave Slave MASTER SLAVE CS MASTER SLAVE CS 1. 5.27 06. That complicates selection of replacement PCBs considerably. Caviar. (cylinders -1 to -32) You can find out the microcode version and the version of ROM links table using the Viewing ROM information command.acelab. WD does not adhere to strict classification of Caviar and Protege trademarks and frequently totally identical Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30.). 25 MHz Safe Mode MASTER SLAVE CS Master only MASTER SLAVE CS 1 1 1 1 Fig. As it can be seen in this example. The firmware is characterized by its revision number (F/W Rev.04G06. IRU1239SC 2.g.C0G As a result the compiled version of HDD firmware will look like: 06. 349T 6.40G ROM links table: 04. in the Spartan. Version number output by the drive in the “firmware version" line after the Identify DRV (ECh) command. The version of loadable firmware portion (DISK F/W) can be displayed by running the Disc firmware structure test menu item in the standard utility mode. which defines its development and compatibility. The letter is borrowed from the version of ROM microcode. Compatibility between electronics boards Unlike the previous families of WD HDDs. Of course. 5.5. please see Fig. number 2). however its purpose and applicability for “donor” selection are yet not clear.2.2.acelab.ru (8632) 78-50-30. 5. A HDD can be repaired in case of such malfunction (if the defective MR head does not scratch disks) using software access to disable the defective head. 78-50-40 www. but the HDD will become totally operational. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. We can offer the following compatibility criteria useful for electronics boards in WD HDDs. probably. VI WD75DA-xxAWxx WD300EB-xxCPxx WD1200BB-xxCAxx WD1200JB-xxEVxx WD400EB-xxCPxx WD600AB-xxCBxx WD1200JB-xxFUxx WD800BB-xxCJxx WD1200JB-xxCRxx WD200BB-xxCVxx WD1200BB-xxDAxx WD400BB-xxDExx WD200BB-xxDGxx WD1200BB-xxKAxx Secondly. If HDD repair is of minor importance but valuable user data from that HDD have to be recovered.1. "PCWD_ABJ".2. There is very high probability that knocking sounds will be produced by “non-native” HDAs when used with totally identical PCBs having compatible firmware versions just because different heads are indicated as enabled in those boards.2.1. In several PCBs it is located along the centerline of the connector while in some PCBs it is shifted away from that line.5.1. 5. "PCWD_CB2" and compatible HDDs are named differently. i. Fig. Beginning with Arch. S/N: WMAATC607218 MDL : WD300EB-75CPF0 DATE: 03 MAY 2003 DCM : DSBBNV2A Fig.1 several drive family codes of WD HDDs WD Spartan WD Protégé WD Caviar Arch. that information will be of use in future.g. consequently.3. HA compatibility (knocking sounds at power-up). matching 2-3 last letters/figures in DCM and with closest dates of manufacture. We mean the location of the mounting hole on a PCB near the spindle motor connector.1. and Protege) WD drives demonstrate total disorder as regards interchangeability of HA. Firmware data are stored in the form of individual modules. The need for Head assembly (HA) replacement appears when it becomes damaged. more frequently.) displaying DCM line decoded for a specific drive. The structure of loadable firmware portion (DISK F/W) WD drives have 32 service cylinders (from –32 to –1) used for storage of firmware recorded in two copies over sides 0 and 1. One should also pay attention to the construction peculiarities of headand-disk assemblies and.2. The utility outputs the DCM information line while reviewing firmware zone structure (see section 4.2. 5.1.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan". Similar models (with identical MDL lines) may use different number of heads or their different positions.1-5. We recommend using as “donors” drives with a matching MDL line. the drive’s capacity will decrease. First of all. It is also displayed together with reviewed ROM data showing the disabled and active heads. when preamplifier/commutator goes out of order or.1 Label of WD drives (preamplifier type denoted by figure 2 in DCM). In such situations a drive after power-up produces knocking sounds hitting its positioner against the limiting stop. there is only one way remaining – it is replacement of damaged HA with a known-good one taken from an operational HDD of the same model.) on HDA label contains information valuable for compatibility. here belongs the family code indicated in the MDL line over HDA label (see WD classification) and in Table 5. the DCM line (see Fig. 5. Table 5. V WD Caviar Arch. V (Spartan. Caviar.1. In the third place note the mapping of HDD heads. the letters next to last in DCM of both drives should match if the same preamplifier-commutators are used in HA (e. you should note the version of firmware in ROM and the number of links’ table. in case of MR heads’ malfunctions. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". Those numbers can be identified by switching the PCB to Safe Mode and running the Viewing ROM information command. "PCWD_EB". of their PCBs. At least. "Protege". which constitute together HDD control and operating system.2. However only first 8 cylinders (-1 through -8) are actually used for recording of the firmware modules.e.4. According to our observational studies.ru 11 . Navigation between the modules is performed in accordance with the modules’ directory containing Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Please see details about the mechanism of heads selection during initialization in section 5. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V.ru (8632) 78-50-30. hex 01 02 10 11 12 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 36 41 (~dir) 42 43 44 46 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 59 5A 5B 61 7x BF C4 5 Ex Fx FF Purpose Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code Loadable portion of firmware code ? 2 sect. Table 5.ru . purpose? Calibrator module Calibrator log Reserved? Reserved? Selfscan module 12 Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. occupies 1 sect. "PCWD_EB".. version number and module length expressed in sectors. purpose? Table or log. its identifier and length.Western Digital "Spartan". Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". checksum. purpose? Table or log.3.1 Functional purpose of modules Module ID. frequently empty 4 sector table. purpose? Bit table. it is not used during drive operation and serves as a model SMART/RESERV log Loadable portion of firmware code Modules directory (the table of modules location within firmware zone) Configuration table (HDD ID) P-LIST defects table G-LIST defects table ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters ? Adaptive parameters Log (versions of: ROM firmware. links table in ROM. table (usually empty) Loadable portion of firmware code Translator Translator Translator Translator Translator Module containing SMART parameters Module containing SMART parameters SMART log SMART log SMART log Module containing SMART parameters Initial table of SMART parameters. DISK F/W.. Please see the main DISK F/W modules in the summary table below. in its turn.acelab. Each module. purpose? Loadable portion of firmware code. 78-50-40 www. the part which performs overwriting of Flash ROM Tables. identifier. "Protege". table (usually empty) ? 2 sect.. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 the address of each module. "PCWD_ABJ". lots of other info). has a standard header containing its date. 2 sector each. occupies 1 sect. 2 sect. Then the drive configures itself as a specific HDD model and reads firmware data. which serves as a flag switching the method to be used by microprocessor for identification of the total number of heads and the enabled ones – MHA polling or heads mapping in ROM. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". Beginning with Protege and Caviar drive families the manufacturer changed the algorithm of adjustment for MHA type. software heads deactivation At power-up a drive configures itself as a specific model of its family during initialization. The FLT/SE signal produced by the commutator pre-amplifier chip and MR heads polling are used for that purpose After spin-up of the spindle motor the drive microprocessor sequentially checks all heads beginning with the zero one. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. WDxxxAA. The procedure is performed by the Regenerate Translator command (please see details on restoration of damaged modules in chapter 7).1 describes the structure of parallel Flash ROM contents.ru 13 . if the byte is set.1 Address 0h 200 h … 1EBxx h 1EBxx h +3 h +A h +B h +83 h … 1FFD0 h +2 h +3h +4h +5h + 31 h … Length 512 bytes … … 15 bytes 3 bytes 7 bytes 1 byte 120 bytes … 5 bytes 31 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte … Purpose Interrupt vectors Microprocessor control firmware code Copyright 2001 WDC WDC (keyword. ASCII) Links table (configuring jump table) Links table version.4. Therefore they are searched using keywords and offsets. "PCWD_EB". If the flag is not set. The map contains a byte.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan". Caviar. If the translator modules get corrupted you can perform their recalculation based on the P and (or) G-List defects tables and overwrite them. However. Besides. When a missing head is detected. Table 5. like WD-Spartan. "Protege". newer families are based on serial Flash ROM chips using a different data structure. ROM (beginning with address 1FFD0h) has been supplemented with heads mapping containing records of their total number and enabled heads. ASCII ROM revision (HDD family code) Supported HDD models (6 records. During drive initialization its microprocessor reads the heads mapping byte after MR heads polling. 5. but we haven’t identified any so far. Protege families. their locations are floating depending upon ROM version.ru (8632) 78-50-30. the processor uses information about drive heads received after MHA polling. ASCII (the last element of the links table) Table of active heads Heads table flag (00-assignment according to heads table. Critical modules for drive data The translator modules (20h – 25h) and modules containing adaptive parameters (46h-4Dh) are traditionally essential for data integrity in drives belonging to Spartan. it uses respectively the heads mapping in ROM. 20 bytes each. "PCWD_ABJ". Table 5. usually 6 The number of active (enabled) heads Bit map of active (enabled) heads Checksum byte for the heads’ table ROM data consists of executable microprocessor code and various tables including jump tables. 5. the FLT/SE signal is sent to the microprocessor. followed by ROM firmware version) ROM firmware version. Modification of drive configuration. and that circumstance complicates indexing of data tables. it is manifested in the presence of heads’ table (there is no such table in earlier drive families.according to MHA polling) Maximum possible number of heads for the drive family.5. 01. those portions do not have fixed constant addresses.).5. Data structure in Flash ROM in WD Caviar and Protege drive families The structure of parallel Flash ROM in those drives differs from earlier families. First of all.acelab. yet unknown remains the degree of importance for the modules containing adaptive parameters and the opportunities for their replacement if the original modules become corrupted. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Thus the drive determines precisely the number of heads and configures itself as a corresponding model.5. there may be other important modules.1. "PCWD_CB2" 5. 78-50-40 www.3. . WARNING! If you define the flag “by mapping” for a HDD. you can overwrite the defective modules using the method described in section 7. If the drive starts knocking after that. . 6. "Protege". Restore firmware data (F/W).malfunction of the HA itself. . e. Perform “DISC FIRMWARE STRUCTURE TEST” and identify corrupted modules. . 78-50-40 www. In that case you should set the value “Full heads amount” = 6 (as the maximum allowed in the drive family) and enable the suggested heads. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". You can also try to enable heads one by one and thus determine all operational heads. they can be enabled using software access and turn out to be absolutely operational! The need to use software access in order to disable/enable drive heads arises when they become damaged or when you have to adapt a PCB to a HDA containing thus disabled heads. That kind of defect may arise from: . which used default heads mapping before that. The F/W restoration procedure is as follows: a).incorrect heads mapping. Always save the native ROM before making changes to heads mapping. you have done something wrong. Make sure that there is no considerable damage in firmware zone. In that case you should switch the PCB to Safe Mode and record the original ROM (saved prior to mapping modification). . then such a defect demonstrates malfunctions of the drive’s servo system and can be caused by one of the following: . "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. If the majority of modules are corrupted in a drive select the “DISC FIRMWARE ZONE” menu option and run the “DISC FIRMWARE SURFACE TEST” command. CLEAR FIRMWARE ZONE but prior to that procedure save modules.g. 14 Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. "PCWD_EB". If after switching power on the drive spins up the spindle motor and unparks the magnetic heads. In such case ensure that the control board is functional (the best method is swapping of the boards). If after switching power on the drive initializes. b). then the restoration should be started from step 2.ru (8632) 78-50-30. For example. . 0 and 1 for a model with 2 heads.ROM version on electronic controller board is incompatible with the sealed HDA. or errors appear one after another while reading drive surfaces. then it means that the drive cannot read firmware data from disk. then such a defect most likely has to deal with the electronics board and requires its repair.1. or it takes too long to report on readiness.data reading/conversion channel malfunction. see section 4. Manufacturing factories frequently ship drives with some magnetic heads already disabled. If a drive starts to spin up the spindle motor and monotonously knocks with its positioner against locking plate instead of recalibration. recalibrates.malfunction of commutator pre-amplifier chip of the HA inside the HDA. WARNING! If a drive starts knocking after modification of heads mapping. it means that the heads have been enabled incorrectly and you should attempt to select two other heads. certain operations might be necessary for its restoration. but testing reveals BAD sectors. which can be copied and firmware area image. Software restoration of a drive Depending upon the condition of the drive being repaired. 1. 1 and 2 or 2 and 3.g.1.Western Digital "Spartan".incompatibility between the disk firmware version and the firmware code recorded in the control board ROM.acelab. and its drive ID is read.2. if at power-up a drive does not spin up the spindle motor or spins it up and stops. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 The mechanism can be utilized to disable or enable previously disabled heads using software access. "PCWD_ABJ". thus all heads become configured as disabled. In all of the above cases except for the first two software restoration of the drive is impossible. If just some modules are damaged while others remain normal. but while entering the PC-3000AT program generates the ABRT (04h) error. the ROM and HDA versions are compatible. e. and begin the hardware data restoration from step 1. then the Total number of heads and Active heads values will equal 0.firmware modules corruption.seriously corrupt servo data or a shift of magnetic disks pack after a shock (increased noise of spindle motor rotation usually and case vibration show that the drive has been hit).ru . If necessary. 46h . Anyway.25h translator modules. 3. WDEB_MOD for WD-Protege and WDDA_MOD for WD-Spartan.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan". 2Ah. 25h (translator). Correct the logical parameters. 7. if necessary. After completion of surface scanning procedure a table of all detected logical defects in LBA notation will be output on the screen. You can attempt to use grouping into tracks (defective tracks block corrupted servo fields) or isolate the side containing too many defects. Write serial number into the drive ID area.1. 5. then it reports on readiness but responds to any command with the ABRT error. Perform low-level formatting using P-LIST.5. if necessary. After successful recording the firmware is restarted. Clear the GLIST defects table and reset SMART. The malfunction manifests itself as follows: the drive spins up the spindle motor. After turning off defective sides it is necessary to continue the drive restoration beginning with step 2. they are subsequently added to the following directories: WDABJMOD for WD-Caviar. Then you should replace the damaged modules in that directory with normal ones copied from an operational compatible drive and record the modules back to the HDD. observe its compatibility with the version of the drive processor microcode. 9. d). Select the menu items: “DISC FIRMWARE DATA READ/WRITE”. You will have to reset the P-LIST table if you have disabled HDD heads. “WRITE FW TO THE DISK” and write the firmware data to the drive being restored. Upon entering the mode you will be offered to select the basic tables to be used for the recalculation: Take into account PLIST and G-LIST Take into account Use PLIST Take into account Use G-LIST Do not take into account neither PLIST nor G-LIST Factory testing of a drive appends defects to the P-List table (primary) only.ru 15 . 4. 21h. the G-List (Grown) table remains empty. Therefore if you restore a drive with corrupted 20h and 25h modules. suffer from corruption most frequently.ru (8632) 78-50-30. it is better to copy normal modules from the same HDD model with an identical firmware version. If formatting ends in an error one of drive surfaces may have corrupt servo information. It is filled in the process of drive operation by the device itself in the Data Lifeguard and Assign modes. 6. "PCWD_CB2" c). "PCWD_EB". prior to starting the drive restoration it is necessary to save all the modules and the ROM firmware to ensure an opportunity to reverse the changes. Regenerate.).acelab. 8. the 20h . Thus.49h modules containing adaptive parameters. Disc Firmware zone. if external firmware has been recorded to the drive or if P-LIST has been copied from another drive. Overwriting the modules requires using the Disc Firmware data read/write command from the DISC FIRMWARE ZONE menu. Using the results of tests 3 and 4 make a conclusion concerning the necessity of defective surfaces isolation (see section 5. Pressing [Enter] converts all logical defects into physical addresses and adds them to the G-LIST defects table. Perform low-level format using P and G-List. 2. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. Translator. 2Dh (SMART). the procedure should be performed using P-List only. translator of a drive arriving from a factory is recalculated using P-List only. etc. which should complete successfully. 78-50-40 www. for example. remains unable to report on readiness for a very long time (more than a minute). 7. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Diagnostics of such malfunction requires to select the "DISC FIRMWARE STRUCTURE TESTING" command in the "DISC FIRMWARE ZONE/ DISC FIRMWARE ZONE " menu. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". "Protege". 7. Perform COMPLEX TEST with the PC-3000AT tester. HDD translator recalculation Translator restoration can be invoked as follows: Disc Firmware zone. however. in that case access to user data will be restored. The procedure requires first reading all modules from a drive. which is executed in LBA format. Modules 20h. Perform LOGICAL STRUCTURE SCANNING procedure. Run the PC-3000AT tester COMPLEX TEST and make sure that the drive is operational. If errors are detected repeat steps 3-6 or run the UNIVERSAL DEFECTS RELOCATION procedure. Restoration of firmware modules A defect of firmware data modules is a frequently occurring fault. Other modules are not so essential and they can be overwritten. and to inspect which modules are defective in the "FIRMWARE MODULES" table. "PCWD_ABJ". Some of the modules are critical for data protection and should not be overwritten with modules from another drive if you wish to preserve the user's data. 1. "PCWD_EB". MASTER and turning the power on. +5V (from the PC power supply).4) and electric circuits. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V.5. "PCWD_CB2" ACELab -3000 8. VI. Work with ROM. 78-50-40 www. protege. It may be necessary if the respective module in firmware zone turns out to be corrupted or “non-native”. SPINDLE MOTOR Control and WDxxxBB/JB L6278 1. Electric circuit WD Spartan. Then select in the utility commands Firmware zone. Creation of an external loader file In order to produce an external loader file copy the ~id61. Serial ROM WD Caviar Arch. If you select the second variant you will be offered to use an external loader that is nothing else than module ID=61h. Write ROM. and Protege drives are equipped with Flash ROM (although some models contain a write-once chip) which can be overwritten in normal HDD operating mode (after a drive has reported on readiness) or in the Safe Mode (on a separated PCB). when it does not fully match the PCB of a HDD. Caviar. when the manufacturer changes the type of Flash ROM on drive PCB so that the supplied loaders would not support that type. V WD Protege WD Spartan Original file ? ~id61.lmc and attempt to overwrite the ROM contents again. SLAVE. A situation is possible. because Safe Mode is a software mode of the control firmware stored in ROM. After loader selection you will have to select a binary *. Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". then ROM will not be overwritten in Safe Mode. the following menu will be displayed: Drive module 61h External *.rpm ~id61. 9. 8. +3. Work with ROM. V and Caviar Arch. ROM recording in standard mode requires that the HDD reports on readiness and reads its firmware data (at least one copy). WD Spartan. but labels of elements on PCBs match in most cases.bin file containing the ROM firmware. Writing ROM. and Caviar drives use six voltages.lmc.ru 16 .rpm ~id61. You have to switch at that the drive to Safe Mode by setting three jumpers together: CS.3V. the following menu will be displayed: Select an *.8V (generated by the U7 chip when Technical support: pc-3000support@acelab. they are: +12V. Recording in Safe Mode requires just an operational PCB (HDA is not used). Only overwriting is possible. The loader file and firmware ROM file should be located in the current PC-3000 directory. WD Protege and WD Caviar HDD respectively. The standard package contains several loaders to be selected in accordance with the families of drives being repaired. Caviar Arch.LMC module If you select the first variant the utility will use for recording the native firmware module ID=61h copied from HDD service area.1.rpm module from an operational drive with a Flash ROM chip of the required type. It is exactly the one containing subroutines for operations with ROM (type identification. overwriting of the chip contents on board becomes impossible.acelab. +2. Therefore you will have to unsolder the chip.Western Digital "Spartan".lmc or caviar. If a portion of ROM gets corrupted or erased. Reference voltage sources Checking all voltage generating devices (see electric circuits: WDxxxBB/JB R/W Channel. "PCWD_ABJ". Then select the mode: Safe Mode. copied earlier from an operational drive and renamed to *.rpm Renamed loader file none Caviar Protege Spartan 9. rename it to *. +1. erasure and recording).ru (8632) 78-50-30. That helps to use the basic electric circuit even in those cases.2) is the first thing to do for diagnostics of malfunctions in the electronics board of a HDD. Protege. Rename the file so that it receives the Loader Micro Code (lmc) extension. In such case you can copy module 61h from a drive belonging to a corresponding family and supporting that Flash ROM type. Flash ROM recording WD Spartan.5. Protege. VI drives use different electronics boards (see Fig. see the table: Family WD Caviar Arch.6V (generated by the U6 IRU1329SC stabilizer).lmc loader file Then you will be offered to select a loader from those supplied with the utility: spartan.1 .lmc for WD Spartan.lmc. After recording it is necessary to read the ROM and compare the files. "Protege". program it using a ROM programmer and then solder it back. e. VI drives -5V negative voltage generator is based upon the FG2M chip and Q3 power switch (see electric circuit WDxxxBB/JB Serial ROM. "PCWD_CB2" an external power control on Q4 is employed) and a -5V source that supplies power to the preamplifier-commutator (generated using the U8 chip of the DC-DC ST755 converter). At the “midpoint” pin the static level should be equal to 6V (small needle-like surges are allowed at phase switching moments). The chip is quite reliable and proves defective rather rarely.2. Use digital millivoltmeter and an oscilloscope for measurements of supply and reference voltages. L5. Before its replacement it is essential to check the supply voltages and load carrying elements in . L4. 78-50-40 www. also use ohmmeter to check the resistance of the spindle motor windings (phases). "PCWD_EB". Converter DC-DC -5V). Arch-VI "PCWD_DA". different number of pins. "Caviar" Generation electronics Arch-V. Then initiation of Y1 crystal clock has to be checked. Please note that the spindle motor will not start in Safe Mode. 9. "Protege". and initialization of the microcontroller. Control circuit of spindle motor and positioner The control circuit of spindle motor in WD drives may be based either on L6278 1. 9.2 or on L6278AC/AH chips. they are incompatible though their functionality is practically identical. system reset. the line must propagate log. If you disconnect the demand (i. pins 4 and 2 respectively (see electric circuit WDxxxBB/JB R/W Channel. it should be equal to 2.D1. consequently you will have to test its control chip in normal operation mode (with all configuration jumpers disabled. The voltmeter is useful for checking voltage values.2 Ohm. -5V converter and the reading channel chip. see details on Safe Mode). Those two chips have different packages. "PCWD_ABJ". spindle motor) by taking the PCB off the HDA. Data reading channel It is based on the 50G6474 chip manufactured by WD. oscilloscope checks pulses. power switches or their control schemes.acelab.8 V regulator based on an external Q4 switch.3. SPINDLE MOTOR Control). A malfunction may be manifested in divergence or absence of supply or reference voltages because of defective stabilizers.ru (8632) 78-50-30. The chips operate on several voltages +12V. The SHUT-DOWN line is used by the drive’s microcontroller for sending a signal activating the spindle motor control chip. D2 framework. You should also check the L2. Upon power-up. at the same time starting pulses of phase switching should appear on the spindle motor phases with 12V range. then you should be able to observe on the outputs of 3 phases in L6278 chip clear rectangular two-level pulses with 6 and 12V range. one can notice signs of defects or overheating on its package. In Caviar Arch.-3000 ACELab Western Digital "Spartan". Its diagnostics requires checking of 3.3V supply voltages and the operation of the built-in 1. If the L6278 chip goes out of order. The chips are controlled using software access via a serial bus. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. “1” signal. +5V and +3. It is essential to check +5V and -5V supply voltages directly over the J1 pocket-plate MHA connector.ru 17 . and L6 filter inductors since supply voltages may disappear when they are broken.3V. PC-3000 Documentation Tuesday.A R37 3 JP2(1) WD70c22(101) JP2(7) WD70c22(104) 3 WD70c22(105) JP2(8) 4 GND D 5 JP2(3) WD70c22(102) W C 6 JP2(4) WD70c22(103) 1 2 U12 S Q Vcc HOLD 8 7 +3. Converter DC-DC -5V Size A Date: Document Number ACE Lab. January 06.7mkf R21 3 D2 C109 A R Plug to HDA J1(2) A FG2M 5 3 R 4 FB Sens Vin SW GND 2 L 1 L C47 2.2mkF -5V R C2 1om 1om R 1om R 1om R 1om R124 R125 R 1om R 1om 1om Title WDxxxxBB/JB Serial ROM. 2004 Sheet 1 of 1 Rev 1 A .3V C IRF9240 1 WD70c22(108) JP2(9) 2 3 2 1 FG2M +5V 4 5 M25P10(SROM) R 100om +5V C R25 C79 R R24 0om E36 Q3 1 IRF9240 2 C 4. 2004 Sheet 1 of 1 Rev 1 A .3V C13 +12V Title WD70C23-GP(82) WD70C23-GP(81) WD70C23-GP(83) Size B Date: WDxxxxBB/JB L6278 1. PC-3000 Documentation Wednesday.A C R (10k) plug to HDA -5V J1(2) C61 R 80 (0.2 Document Number ACE Lab.3V E90 +12V C5 +5V R28 WD70C23(56) A 36 J6 37 38 U1 20 19 SHUT-DOWN control(Vcc=ON.2 18 17 16 15 14 13 11 12 3 41 42 4 43 R16 R15 R14 44 WD70C23-GP(89) 10 SPINDLE MOTOR C12 R C6 C 11 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D1 R23(10 kOM) C9 3. March 17.5) C72 C33 C71 U8 ST755 R 5 Vo CC 4 R D7 6 GND SS 3 C68 J1 19 R77(2om) R(1om) R(1om) C R1 C80 R6 L6 17 Voice Coil 7 LX Vref 2 R79 R R R +5V C C69 8 Vcc SHDN 1 plug to HDA C C 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Converter DC-DC -5V 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 34 35 23 22 21 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 10 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 C5 12 +3.GND=OFF) WD70C23-GP(80) WD70C23-GP(84) A 2 39 40 L6278 1. March 17. PC-3000 Documentation Wednesday. 2004 Sheet 2 of 2 Rev 2 A .3V WD70C23(105) WD70C23(143) WD70C23(106) WD70C23(144) WD70C23(107) WD70C23(108) WD70C23(145) WD70C23(110) WD70C23(146) WD70C23(111) WD70C23(112) E WD70C23(113) WD70C23(168) WD70C23(114) WD70C23(169) WD70C23(115) WD70C23(176) WD70C23(170) WD70C23(116) E L5 WD70C23(142) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 C37 C24 C51 U4 K4S1616220 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 E WD70C23(160) WD70C23(162) WD70C23(163) WD70C23(164) WD70C23(165) WD70C23(166) R36 WD70C23(157) E E WD70C23(155) WD70C23(156) WD70C23(152) WD70C23(154) WD70C23(150) WD70C23(151) WD70C23(147) WD70C23(149) A WD70C23(130) WD70C23(131) WD70C23(132) WD70C23(133) WD70C23(135) WD70C23(136) WD70C23(137) WD70C23(138) A Title WDxxxxBB/JB ROM. RAM Size A4 Date: Document Number ACE Lab.3V WD70C23(129) +5V E1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C16 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 NC W Vcc RP E DQ15 DQ14 DQ13 DQ12 DQ11 DQ10 DQ9 DQ8 Vss A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 G DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 Vss 40 1 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 WD70C23(117) R17 (10k) WD70C23(171) WD70C23(172) WD70C23(173) WD70C23(174) WD70C23(175) E WD70C23(98) WD70C23(139) WD70C23(99) WD70C23(140) WD70C23(100) WD70C23(101) WD70C23(141) WD70C23(103) WD70C23(104) +3.A U2 M29F102BB WD70C23(119) WD70C23(120) WD70C23(121) WD70C23(122) WD70C23(124) WD70C23(125) WD70C23(126) WD70C23(127) WD70C23(128) R29 (10k) +3. SPINDLE MOTOR Control Document Number 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACE Lab.6V J1(5) 78 79 80 Y1 A C8 C12 R23(10k) R10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vdd Vcc 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4 +5V +12V 5 R24 6 3 2 1 C J6 1 2 3 4 WD70C23 (82) (81) WD70C23(83) L2 +3.3V WD70C23(153) WD70C23(2) WD70C23(43) WD70C23(88) WD70C23(118) WD70C23(134) WD70C23(25) +2.6V Q4 1 +1.3V + C50 100mkf C17 C18 C C C C SPINDLE MOTOR +2.6V WD70C23(102) WD70C23(65) WD70C23(94) WD70C23(161) C76 REGULATOR +1.1 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 20 21 SHUT-DOWN control(Vcc=ON. 2004 Sheet 1 of 2 Rev 1 A .0) R(1.8V Q4 C19 C20 C22 C52 C55 C56 C31 C34 C40 C C49 2 1 U6 2 3 IRU1329C Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Size WDxxxxBB/JB R/W Channel.3V 2.3V VOLTAGE REGULATOR U6 IRU1329SC 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A +3.24V GND 1.GND=OFF) R28 (470) WD70C23(80) WD70C23(56) WD70C23(84) J1(1) J1(3) J1(4) C58 J1(10) + 100mkf C35 69 70 plug to HDA C36 71 E5 L4 +5V E E E 72 73 74 75 76 77 3. PC-3000 Documentation Date: Wednesday.8V 2 C66 C65 3 +3.3V J1(7) 1. March 17.2V 3.A WD70C23(57) WD70C23(58) WD70C23(59) R (10k) WD70C23(61) J1 19 R (1.5) C C33 17 C C71 U8 ST755 R 5 Vo CC 4 R D7 6 GND SS 3 C68 C C28 C26 Voice Coil R R R65 C53 plug to HDA L6 C80 C +12V D2 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 C13 C9 C E +5V R6 WD70C23(55) 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 LX Vref J1(20) 8 C57 24 23 24 23 22 21 20 19 R39 18 17 16 15 14 13 C5 WD70C23(89) E E +12V R9 C +5V Vcc SHDN 1 J1(18) J1(14) 61 62 63 64 C86 65 66 67 68 41 7 2 plug to HDA 41 R C48 40 39 38 37 36 C45 35 34 33 32 31 30 C44 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 C42 22 21 R2 (0) WD70C23(93) C43 WD70C23(79) WD70C23(76) WD70C23(77) WD70C23(78) WD70C23(73) WD70C23(72) WD70C23(74) WD70C23(75) WD70C23(69) WD70C23(70) WD70C23(71) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 39 38 37 36 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 R14 43 44 R15 45 46 R16 47 48 C6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 10 11 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Converter DC-DC -5V 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 U1 L6278AC 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 121 3 U7 50G6474 IBMBM 1.0) R1 C47 WD70C23(62) WD70C23(63) C64 C63 WD70C23(64) WD70C23(66) WD70C23(67) WD70C23(68) plug to HDA -5V J1(2) C61 R 80 (0. .... .............. ROM data structure in MPF-AT and MPG drive families............ru 1 ............... Fujitsu MPF-AT (PB15)....24 14............ ..........1............................................................. Fujitsu MPG-AH (PB16 AH)..............................5 5................. Initialization...............................................................2...................2.............4......................................1............1..... ........................................................... Patching the module ID=3Dh in non-standard models of MPF-AT.......................................................................................................................25 18......1.................15 7........................ ..................3....................................................2 4.................................................................................................... .......................... .......................................................20 10..... .......1.......................................................................................................3 5............................................ MPF3xxxAT family......................... ........................................................24 15............................... Special utility files for Fujitsu drives..............................25 17...................................................18 7.....................................2.................23 14.........................................................21 12................ Translator recalculation....................................................................... Formatting................................................ Drive restoration algorithm...........8 5..............-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT..........19 9.. Modification of drive configuration........... Disk space organization in MPG3xxxAT/H/E family drives...............................2............................... .................................1........................ Tests' duration........... 78-50-40 www............. Work with adaptive data.................................................................................................................. Fujitsu MPG-AT E (PB16E)......16 7............................ Pcb circuit......................2..1.......................2.......................................................... MPG Fujitsu Co................................................................................................4....... table .................8 5........................................................ ARM7) Contents 1................. S.................................................. ............................... Repair of ARM7-based Fujitsu drives............................................................................... Disk firmware zone................................................................ ...................2 5............................1............. Mutex byte in ROM.................................. and MPG drive families............................................................................. ........................................................................ Structure of drive families.............................2 3...................10 6................................18 7.......4 5................................................................5..............................1............................................................................................................................................1................................................................ MPG3xxxAT/H/E family...................................T.....2............................................................................................ Drive ID.............................. Restoration of hardware modules in the MPF-AT and MPG families..........................................................17 7...............................25 16................................................................................................................7................................................................................ Structure chart......1...........................1.................................................. ..............................................................................6................................................................... Surface scanning...................................................................................................................................3........ Utility usage................................................ Fujitsu MPG AHE (PB16 AH E)......2........................2................................. Fujitsu MPG-AT (PB16)...... Preparation for work..................................22 13..... On compatibility between ROM firmware and HDA service data in MPF-AT and MPG drive families (boards compatibility).............................. Disk space organization in MPF3xxxAT family drives......................................... Ltd (Arh............3 5...........................16 7.....19 8.......ini...........................1........................... Modification of drive configuration....................................9 5... Password disabling....................................................................................... Addition of the new firmware ROM into the file Fujitsu.9 5......................................................27 Technical support: [email protected] 7...8 5...................10 6.............. ...................................................... Logical scanning.............. ROM reading/writing to PCB without a HDA (kernel ........................................ Microcircuitry malfunctions..........21 11......9...................................................................................... ..................................................................26 19........................................24 14............................................................A...... ............. Brief technical description of ARM7-based families of Fujitsu drives...........................................M.......................................acelab...............................................................................23 14.. Automatic mode................................................................... Data saving peculiarity in MPF-AT and MPG drive families........mode)....... Hardware repair....................................................................2................................................................................2.................................................... .16 7................................12 6..........................................3......................................................................................................13 6..................................................................................8......10 6......................... Defects table.............................................2.....24 14........ Software repair..................... ...........................................1...............R............................................................ Servo test.............................2 2...............................10 6....................................13 6........................... ................................................................................ Basic options for repair of Fujitsu drives..........ru (8632) 78-50-30................................................................ Introduction....20 10................................................................................... Repair of the drives by reprogramming the loadable firmware part1 allows to: . . Ltd. Attention! Utility tests have lots of options. 3. .hiding of defective sectors. 4.com command shell.review of the service data structure in the ROM and in disk service zone.restoration and correction of the serial number in the drive ID area. . Connect the -3000PRO tester cable to the IDE connector of the drive being tested.restoration of the drive hardware service data (in RAM and on disk). table and resetting of attributes. 1 Recorded in service zone of module 3Dh on disk.review of hidden defects table.drive testing in factory mode. This architecture differs mostly from the previous one based on MB9000 microprocessor by its use of loaded firmware code.200 rpm 5. 2. . Start a respective utility using the shell.exe Pcfjmpgh. and based on 32-bit ARM7 processor of the Advanced Risk Machines (ARM) integrated together with drive electronic components by Cirrus Logic as well as methods of their repair. .ru (8632) 78-50-30. If the PC-3K PWR adapter is present power supply is controlled via PC keyboard (please see description for shell.low-level format restoration. based on the results.49 Gb Spindle speed 5.ru 2 . 1. Connect the power cable to the drive being tested.exe 3. Basic options for repair of Fujitsu drives. .98 Gb 40.correct model name. 78-50-40 www.400 rpm 7.Fujitsu MPF-AT. in that case power is switched automatically depending upon the drive testing mode.R. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. .exe) and resource files (*. Switch on the power supply to the drive being tested.98 Gb 20.automatic drives' restoration. Introduction. the standard external PC power supply should be used with manual switching of power on/off according to screen messages. 2. Current directory must contain the utility executables (*.hiding of defective tracks.modification of the drive configuration (isolation of defective surfaces).A. .review of drive S. 5. Therefore a mode of direct service data loading to drive RAM is provided for in the utilities.exe Pcfujmpf. Preparation for work. ARM7-based families: Family Picobird-16 (PB-16/E/H/HE) Picobird-15 (PB-15) Model name MPG3xxxAT/E MPG3xxxAH/HE MPF3xxxAT Max.T.physical and logical surface scanning for defects. It also covers methods of software restoration using PC-3000 complex. if present. addition of revealed defects to the defects table.com software command shell). . A portion of control code is stored in the control board ROM while another portion is recorded in firmware zone of module 3Dh and loaded to RAM during initialization. .acelab. It is recommended that novice users work with default test options. capacity 40.rsc). If no power supply control adapter is present. . The utilities support operation with PC-3K PWR power supply adapter. Structure of drive families. MPG -3000 ACELab 1.correct the physical parameters of the drive in the drive ID zone.writing/reading of the drive's ROM. . 4. and. The PC-3000 package utilities provide for the following software repair operations: . . This manual contains descriptions of 3" family drives manufactured by Fujitsu Co.400 rpm PC-3000 utility Pcfujmpg.M. 5. the following message appears: Model adjusted according to the number of physically present heads. MPG 5. i. (See part 15). ROM could not be read. see Chapter 11 if: =FFFF. If servo fields of some track turn out to be corrupt.ru 3 .1. when ROM cannot be read. Kernel . Utility usage. =0000. If servo fields are faultless the time for their decoding will be equal for all tracks of the disk.acelab. Pressing [Esc] during the test will interrupt the measurement for current surface and skip to measuring the next surface.mode is designed for writing/reading of FLASH ROM in cases. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. The greater part of servo fields is corrupt the higher the spike is. The test is performed according to physical parameters and zone allocation.). You'll be offered to press [Esc] to leave or [Enter] to continue (in that case the utility may operate erroneously).A. Servo test Servo test – prior to starting the test you'll have to define the test range and the limit for grouping into tracks. If they match the program will bring up the main operating modes menu: Servo test Surface scanning Disk firmware zone Drive ID Formatting Logical scanning S.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. After model selection and pressing [Enter] the program reads the drive's configuration tables and verifies their conformity to physical parameters of the selected drive. The diagram in that case will look like a straight or slightly stepped line. table Defects table Automatic mode Exit If there is no match. Then a list of basic family models will appear.R.ru (8632) 78-50-30. determines firmware version and adjusts itself according to ROM configuration tables (table of modules. when ROM firmware version does not correspond to service data version of the head-and-disk assembly or when ROM firmware contains adaptive data that is not native for the drive. etc. The testing procedure measures the time of decoding for all the servo fields on the current track and the obtained value is shown on a respective diagram.mode The standard mode is the regular mode of utility operation provided ROM can be read. The test is run track-by-track separately on each surface.e. Using default parameters. the following message appears: Unknown drive ROM firmware discovered (F/W=xx )2. After utility start the following mode selection menu appears on the screen: Standard mode Kernel .T. the utility reads drive ROM header. After measurement completion a 1 2 ROM version number can be seen on HDA label. You'll have to indicate a file containing ROM firmware with a corresponding version1. their decoding time will increase drastically. which would cause track removal as a defective one. Kernel mode operation is further described in detail in a chapter under the same title. If ROM cannot be read the following message is output: Error reading ROM You'll be offered to press [Enter] – and setup the utility using a file (containing previously read ROM data). It indicates that the basic model configuration has been changed. If the number of intact servo fields on a track is insufficient for support of stable spindle speed the corresponding spike will be marked yellow.M. If the standard mode is selected. the number of defective sectors. ROM has been read but it could not be recognized. The diagram will show a spike in the corresponding section. If the ROM has been read but is not recognized by the utility. 78-50-40 www. Otherwise you should press [Esc] – and start operating the utility with default parameters. table of zone distribution. for instance. the testing computer. That is "physical" formatting unlike logical format procedure (accomplished. For the MPG-AT/H/E families a track containing more than 63 defective sectors is considered to be defective and hidden as a track defect. Surface scanning.Fujitsu MPF-AT. If there is no need to hide the defects. but it almost doubles the test duration. Perform writing test (No/Yes) – if the writing test is set on the testing quality will be slightly better. Retries of a defect parameter determines the test reaction to errors. This test must be preceded by servo test! After the surface test procedure is performed the table containing numbers of defective sectors and tracks appears on screen. The critical time value should be decreased very cautiously. The test setup menu contains recommended parameters by default.ru (8632) 78-50-30. The index value range is from 1 to 10.ru 4 . with every record accompanied by a respective error code. The number of repetitions for the analysis is defined by the "retries of a defect" parameter. the defect was recorded after the critical time had run out. Transformation into tracks is performed according to the LIMIT OF GROUPING INTO TRACKS parameter (for the MPF3xxxAT family – into cylinder defects). Pressing [Enter] will move all the discovered defective sectors to the PL table and defective tracks – to the TS1 table. In order to increase the test speed during the first pass the index equal to 1 is always suggested (the value input by the operator is used during all subsequent passes). After the surface test procedure is performed the table containing all the detected physical defects represented in PCHS (Physical CHS) notation appears on the screen. therefore in order to perform further drive testing. And vice versa. Then the heads that are to remain untested should be defined. Pressing the [Enter] key records the defective sectors into the PL table. functional condition of magnetic-head assembly and discover and isolate all defective sectors and track. Besides the drive periodically performs re-calibration procedure. During servo test surfaces are formatted track-by-track.acelab. If an error code is missing. 78-50-40 www. please press [Esc].e. and the defective tracks . Prior to the test start you'll see the following setup screen: Initial cylinder: xxxx Final cylinder: xxxx Passes: 3 Retries of a defect: 3 Critical time (ms): 300 Perform writing test: No Test all heads: Yes Limit of grouping into tracks: 4 Initial and final cylinders determine the test range. Setting a value. Formatting procedure should be performed after that. The input range is from 1 to 100. Test all heads (Yes/No) – test can be performed for some of the heads. Input range is from 40 ms to 999 ms. This mode is used for preliminary estimate of the magnetic surfaces condition. which is too small (it depends upon specific drive. 5.2. For the MPF-AT family a track containing more than 63 defective sectors causes the whole cylinder to be considered defective. if a large number of errors on such surface(s) impedes performing the test. If the set limit is exceeded. during factory formatting). you'll have to run servo test from the beginning to the end of the user data zone on every surface. Pressing the [Enter] key moves all the defects to the PL defects table. the sector is considered to be defective. Passes parameter defines the number of complete test passes from the initial to the final cylinders. to carry out subsequent scanning of surfaces for physical parameters compliance. Switching the writing test on is recommended for individual defective surface parts with an indication of the test range. i. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Limit of grouping into tracks (cylinders) is a parameter determining the number of defective sectors in a track that will cause the whole track to be isolated as a defective track or cylinder. Surface scanning allows to estimate the quality of magnetic surfaces. which can also be interpreted as an error. The test is performed track-by-track and if an error is discovered the test proceeds to sector-by-sector analysis of such track.In the MPF3xxxAT family defective tracks are recorded to the CS table and hidden as cylinder defects. Switching is executed by the keys [Y] – Yes and [N] or [Space] – No. the default value is 300 ms. That is achieved using the No option. 1 . for testing of the drive's logical parameters you'll have to accomplish factory formatting without errors. etc. By default the maximum values are set. Critical time means the wait period for reading (and writing) operations.into the TS one (for the MPF3xxxAT family into the CS). Switching writing on/off is performed by the keys [Y] – Yes and [N] – No or [Space]. MPG -3000 ACELab table containing numbers of defective sectors and tracks is output.) may lead to detecting false errors. acelab.displays the microprogram header from the drive ROM and the module catalogue on the screen. and the board gets set on readiness immediately. after turning power on the tweezers should be removed. 78-50-40 www. and cannot be performed for a separate PCB. Write ROM from file – performs writing the drive ROM from a file.3. In such case the board only without its HDA is connected to PC-3000 and prior to switching on the power supply any two of the data lines (I/O) of the ROM microcircuit have to be short-circuited with tweezers (see picture of the package types at the end of the Fujitsu HDD description). Supported ROMs – output the information about the ROM versions connecting up into the utility and ROM versions which are located at this moment in configurational file Fujitsu. then the disc is unable to report on readiness. . code generation date (Date). Writing the ROM can be performed to a PCB without HDA in Kernel mode. This command brings the following menu on screen: Work with ROM Work with disk firmware zone Heads deactivation Spindle stop Work with adaptive data Work with ROM – accomplishes writing. then writing the ROM is possible on an assembled and set on readiness disc only. . more specifically . At that the checksum of the ROM will not match. If for some reason the writing procedure was not accomplished or was performed incorrectly then the spindle motor will not start and you'll see an error message on screen. as well as by differences in the construction of HDA within the same family.bin extension. If this operation is selected the file with *. and the drive reports on readiness. . . Work with disk firmware zone – accomplishes operations with disk service data stored on service tracks: 1 There is firmware update software (see http://www. But a situation is possible when by mistake a firmware version inappropriate for the board is recorded. Please see Chapter 15 to learn about this procedure in detail. . in case discovering a new versions of ROM. If the ROM microcircuit’s checksum matches the reference value. There is a great diversity of firmware versions in the MPF-AT and MPG families. As required the user of the utility can connect up by himself the ROM into the ini-file. .ru 5 . This procedure is described in details in part 18. . then the utility can be loaded in Kernel mode and a corresponding firmware version can be written. MPG 5. reading and the drive’s ROM viewing operations: Review of the disk firmware zone in ROM .ru (8632) 78-50-30. Disk firmware zone option allows reviewing and testing the disk hardware structure. To some extent it is caused by the manufacturer’s efforts to fix errors1. the ROM microcircuit is programmed. The read file is placed into the current \PC3000\ subdirectory.bin extension located in the PC3000 subdirectory should be indicated.ini. This operation can be executed for a completely functional drive only. Disk firmware zone. . When this operation is selected the file name should be input without extension.fujitsu. . then the module catalogue and the zone allocation table are assumed by default depending on the selected model at the utility start.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT.com/home/drivers. . Read ROM into file command performs reading of the ROM contents into a file with the *. and availability of the adaptive data (Adaptives) as follows and byte Flags represented in hexadecimal mode: (C) FUJITSU .in the construction of the magnetic-head assembly and servo information. As soon as the file is chosen. . which is stored in the ROM and on the disk service tracks. . the spindle motor spinning up and recalibration are executed. after that the drive RESET. version for HDA (HDA Hardware Revision). If the utility does not recognize the microprogram version (with a corresponding message at utility start).fel. An attempt to create a correspondence table for firmware and PCB versions and HDA types failed because of their immense number (please see Chapter 11 on compatibility between firmware and HDA). name of the family (Family). During the procedure the drive spindle motor stops. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. ROM checksum (Checksum). The microprogram header shows version (Firmware Revision). F/W : 80C24E04 F/W HDA : 82-80C2 Data : 29/01/2001 Family : PB-16E HIMALAYA Checksum : 480D31C6 Flags : 81 The module catalogue shows the modules used in the current microprogram. the writing process starts. to rewrite completely the ROM and the disk service data recorded in tracks. It is possible in case when the ROM microcircuit’s checksum doesn’t match its reference value (when the ROM firmware is corrupt or if the ROM microcircuit is empty). and at that the majority of them are incompatible.asp?L=en&CID=1). as well as to reconfigure the drive. FI (Factory Information) module – contains information on production cycle. This command records all the necessary data into the disk service zone. then the processor firmware version and model name should be input. Attention! If the utility recognizes the ROM1 it works with the list of modules taken from the drive ROM during subsequent service data writing and reading. Attention! The utility checks whether the service data matches the version of ROM being recorded to. for MPG-AT/H/E) module – drive's table of defective tracks. heads (HEADS). CS (Cylinder Skip. TS (Track Skip. and only then to disk. ID – module descriptor. PL (Primary List) module – drive's table of defective sectors. CI (Components Information) module – contains information about HDA components: magnetic discs (MEDIA). If the HDD has reading of service information problems (errors in HDA strikes) the value in the strike ROM will show errors (modules errors in RAM). HS (Head Select) module – contains the total number of heads and numbers of the used ones. Resource – is a place of pickup the module: HDA from service zone and ROM from the RAM of the pcb. In order to write the service data you should select the menu option “WRITE FIRMWARE FROM DATABASE TO DISK”. preamplifier/commutator microcircuit (HD-IC). ZP (Zones Plan) module – contains information on allocation of zones. Upon completion of writing to the disk it is necessary to switch off/on drive power supply. In case you use PC-3K PWR adapter the whole switching procedure is performed automatically.1): If the utility could not recognize the drive ROM all the operations are performed with a reduced set of default modules.ru (8632) 78-50-30. It is necessary to re-write the service data if it is corrupt or if drive’s electronic circuit board was replaced during repair (or ROM program was changed) and the version of microprocessor control program of the new board is incompatible with the resident HDA microprogram.acelab. however. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. You'll be offered to write to drive’s RAM or to disk service zone. there is no such module in actual drives. spindle motor (DCM). In such case even after successful writing completion an error message will appear on screen. But it is possible that some of the modules have not been recorded by the manufacturer on an absolutely functional disk. If firmware has been added with errors it can be deleted using the option «REMOVE FIRMWARE FROM THE DATABASE». This utility enables the user to create and supplement a firmware database. Name – module key name. If it is known a priori that the drive being read is good then the operation may be continued.3. except the modules which are loaded in RAM by defaults from ROM. Of all the data the utility displays just the date of drive manufacture. for example: 82-80C2 MPG310AT. therefore utilities block it. MPG -3000 ACELab Disk service data check. ROM version and appropriate service data version. SU (Security User) module – contains information about user password. At correct initialization of HDD the modules from service zone is copying in RAM of pcb. In that case the utility will notify about module absence and offer to stop the writing/reading operation or to continue. Following the list of basic modules a list of FIRMWARE MODULES is output as follows: # ID Name Length Output Identification where: # . Drive service data writing/reading. clean the PL and TS (CS) tables of defects and switch off/on the drive power supply again. In case of mismatch a notification will appear with an offer to write compatible modules only. Such peculiarity of work is caused by certain confusion at the manufacturing plant. the ROM modules' list contains module ID=00h. Length – module length in sectors.Fujitsu MPF-AT. For example. SM (Security Master) module – contains information about master password. 78-50-40 www. Selection of this command brings the following list of basic modules on screen: SN (Serial number) module – contains the drive's serial number. Output – result of module reading. Modules reading – the operation allows reading the drive hardware data in the order of its storage in HDD service zone.module number. for it will be accomplished correctly. Read modules are placed in a respective subdirectory (see Table 5. In order to accomplish a flawless writing the service data should first be written to RAM. for MPF-AT) module – drive's table of defective cylinders.ru 1 6 . Identification – result of module header comparison. In order to add a new firmware version to the database you'll have to connect a good drive with that firmware and select the («ADD FIRMWARE TO DATABASE») option. This mode is used during performance of HOT SWAP boards replacement and might be used in the process of user’s data recovery. Files with adaptive data should be located in the ADP_DIR subdirectory of the utility directory. inverse operation is also possible. MB9000 utilities Subdirectory for work with modules FUJMODGA FUJMODGH FUJMODF FUJ_MOD The name for every read file is generated as follows: ~PR ID NAME. 70h and for the families MPGAT/AH additional modules 51h 52h. where: ~ . Work with adaptive data offers two modes – "adaptives transfer" and "adaptives matching". Prior to switching-off make sure that there are no records about heads being deactivated in the defects table. These modules are 27h.ru (8632) 78-50-30. MPF3xxxAH Utility name Pcfujmpg Pcfjmpgh Pcfujmpf All Arh. unless a restriction exists in the family. 31h(RE). MPG Table 5.rpm – means master password module SM read from disc. 78-50-40 www. Hex byte. In case of work with ROM file the adaptives are located at offset FDE0h. Prior to execution of modules reading operation a list of modules available for reading appears on screen. Modules writing – the operation allows to write a service data module (or modules) to the drive's service zone or RAM. Spindle stop commands to stop the drive spindle. 02 – module from RAM. In the process of work the utility will sequentially load adaptives from source files Technical support: eng_support@acelab.) set the drive on readiness without knocking sounds.3.1 Family MPG3xxxAT/E MPG3xxxAH/E MPF3xxxAT TAU.module from the disc. with the exception of nonstandard models (please see Chapter 14). For example: ~010csm. NAME – file name. The pop-up window allows to select the type and name for source adaptive data file and the destination file. Heads deactivation performs software deactivation of defective drive heads. Hex byte. In the latter case the utility offers to select writing modules to disk or to RAM.acelab. therefore it is necessary to exercise extreme caution while using this operation otherwise the disk can become irreversibly damaged. MPA-MPE. In order to work with a drive you'll have to find a firmware that would quite promptly (in less than 1 min. In case of work with the module 20h the adaptives are located at file beginning.rpm – HS module (heads selection) read from RAM. Complete translator restoration also requires to provide for accuracy of its dynamic part (TS module). When the heads deactivation mode is selected the table of used heads appears on screen and you are prompted to switch the defective heads off or to switch operable ones on.rpm. In the latter case all the service data modules are read into respective subdirectories (see table 5.ru 7 .1). No actions are performed with the connected drive. If a subdirectory already contains modules with the same names. it can contain from 2 to 3 ASCII symbols. Press [Esc] to cancel this mode. and [Enter] .to move to the next one. PR – module type. There are two defined file types: "ROM file" and "module file".1) available for writing appears on the screen. ~0204hs. ID – module’s descriptor.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. After input of all the necessary parameters the utility will perform actual transfer of 512 bytes of the adaptive data from one file to the other. Any head can be switched off. Attention! After software heads de/activation it is necessary to switch off/on drive power supply and reboot the utility! In case of software heads de/activation drives automatically change model name after reboot.the symbol identifying a firmware module. where you should pick up any specific module or the «ALL MODULES» option using the [SPACE] key. the reading procedure will overwrite them without warning.3. Log cleanup – it allows to perform the cleanup of modules containing the list of errors which HDD have found during the work. where all the modules located in a respective subdirectory will be subsequently written. otherwise the defects table should be reset first. 2Dh (FA). Attention! During the writing process the utility doesn’t check module’s structure. Safety subsystem – allows viewing set passwords and resetting them without corrupting user’s data if needed. Prior to execution of this operation a list of modules in the modules work subdirectory (see Table 5. 32h(WE). Translator recalculation – that menu option is meant for restoration of static translator part (DM module) on the basis of the PL table. Adaptives matching menu option is designed to search for adaptive data matching the current drive in the existing file set.3. 28h. 01 . Adaptives transfer menu option serves for copying the adaptive data from one file to another. The file type is determined by the location of adaptive data block in it. After entering this mode the blinking cursor appears at the first head. where you should pick up any specific module or the «ALL MODULES» option using the [SPACE] key. Press the [Space] key to switch the head off/on. Fujitsu MPF-AT. containing more than 63 defects per track. MPG -3000 ACELab to drive RAM and attempt to read module 20h from disk surface. Input range is from 1 to 100. No Yes Initial and final LBA position parameters determine the test range. The information can be used for drive capacity restriction from the end.6.the number of defective sectors in one track does not exceed 63. Drive ID. In that case. A drive reads data ahead therefore direct scanning is somewhat faster than reverse. You can break the matching process at any time by pressing [ESC]. 5. Logical scanning. Logical scanning option starts the defects detection procedure utilizing logical parameters in LBA. 8 Technical support: [email protected] number of P-LIST records does not exceed 5200.ru (8632) 78-50-30.ru . Actually you can modify its serial number only. In some cases the information can be useful. thus the 04h (ABRT) formatting error indicates incorrectly created PL. That will be indicated in PL and TS tables by the difference between the total number of defective sectors and their total amount for the remaining heads. If an error occurs the contents of drive's registers is output on the screen. the numbers of which it reads from the defects table. In that case the registers 1F4 and 1F5 will contain the defective cylinder number and 1F6 – head number.1F6 contain LBA. You should remember to group defective sectors into tracks.4. TS (CS) tables of defects. Reverse scanning defines testing direction. it is necessary to reset the tables of defects. You should press [Enter] to enter new parameters or [Esc] if the ID has to remain unchanged. Formatting option starts the native format procedure (Low-Level Format). The formatting procedure cannot be interrupted since after its completion a recalculation and translator recording takes place. but it depends on the model. The following threshold values are allowed for MPG drives: . 5. 5. check the defects tables for quantity and accuracy and start the actual formatting process. In such case. Drive ID option outputs to screen the drive ID.acelab. as with completion of matching all the source files. that happens if some heads were switched off in the process while the PL and TS defects tables contain left-over notes about defects for deactivated heads. for example. Switching is performed using the [Y] key for "Yes" and [N] for "No" or [Space]. The following setup menu appears on the screen before the test beginning: Initial LBA position Final LBA position Reverse scanning Passes Retries of a defect Critical time (ms) Perform writing test Verification instead of reading 0 xxxxxxxx No 3 3 100. registers 1F3 . condition of magnetic disks and can increase considerably for defective surfaces. when the drive skips defective sectors and defective tracks. For instance. If reading operation is successful the report will include the name of the file containing adaptives that allow to read module 20h and the name of the file to which the 20h module has actually been read. .5. which files have been processed but did not match. Formatting error 18h means corruption of servo information. Prior to the formatting procedure the drive will erase the translator tables. A complete report that allows to find out. 78-50-40 www. Passes parameter determines the number of complete test passes from the initial to final LBA. which will render impossible its work using the logical parameters. you'll see a brief report (containing a list of successful operations only) on performed works.consecutive chain of track defects in TS does not exceed 128 cylinders. If format ends in error it means presence of corrupt servo information or incorrectly compiled defects table (illegal values or values exceeding limits). Formatting. where a corrupt servo field has been discovered. . names of matching adaptive data files and downloaded 20h modules can be found in the file ADP_DIR\adp_find.log. Therefore it is recommended to save in a temporary file the service data prior to formatting start to allow its subsequent restoration. Formatting error can appear immediately after the formatting procedure begins in case of incorrect PL and TS (CS) tables' contents. in such case the drive's translator will not be recalculated. Formatting takes approximately 20 minutes. T.R. table allows to view and reset S. concrete model of pc where the test is performing) can caused the faulse error. This command allows to view the table of relocated defects of the drive. This procedure considerably decreases test duration for drives with a large number of defects. You can read about S. Viewing the tables of defects allows to estimate the quality and condition of the magnetic disks used in the drive. In order to increase the test speed during the first pass the index equal to 1 is always suggested (the value input by the operator is used during all subsequent passes).M. which couldn’t be discovered during surface scanning. which is performed using logical parameters in CHS notation.acelab.M.R.M. Formatting is required after adding defects to the table.A.M. 0Bh modules. Too small value of critical time (depends of the model of HDD. 78-50-40 www. S. MPG Retries of a defect parameter determines the test reaction to errors. Defects table Defects table – allows to view. After that the formatting procedure should be performed.R.R. The test is performed block-by-block in LBA notation and if an error is discovered the test proceeds to sector-by-sector analysis of such block. View defects table. drive parameters.ru (8632) 78-50-30. For example.A. For example. in such case you can use S. table is located in 09h.T.T. 5.in 0Ah module. relocated defects attribute resets in case of successful formatting and recalculation of translator’s tables while the spindle spin up time attribute is calculated every time the power supply is switched on. on completion of SURFACE SCANNING the following defects appeared in the table: Cyl: 745 Cyl: 747 Cyl: 748 Sec: 46 Sec: 46 Sec: 46 Technical support: [email protected]. (external module) – this command allows to load a value from some external file with the *. This command allows viewing S. 5. Please keep in mind that logical CHS mode’s limitation is 8 Gbt. In the MPG-AT/H/E families defects are represented in the tables by heads in PCHS (Physical CHS) and ordered by cylinders and sectors.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. Critical time – determines latency time of performing the operations read (or write). If this period is exceeded the sector is considered defects.A.R. second pressing [Enter] appends all the defects to previous records in the PL table.T.T. table S. they are in the same list. This command adds a logical defect in LBA notation. The number of repetitions for the analysis is defined by the "retries of a defect" parameter.T. The limitation of inputs are 10ms up to 999 ms. Writing can be switched on in the test and verification procedure can be replaced with reading.T. After addition all logical structure defects are translated into physical notation and placed into the defects table. in details in the PC-3000-AT tester description. Load S. The index value range is from 1 to 10.A.A. 0Ah.A. The operation allows to input physical defective sectors manually.T. Testing quality in such case improves.T. but its duration increases. While viewing the table the total number of drive defects is indicated (and for MPG-AT/H/E the number of defects ordered by heads). Add physical sector.R.R. Switching writing on/off and substitution of reading instead of verification is done using [Y] key for "Yes" and [N] for "No" or [Space].sma extension containing the “reset” attributes to the 09h module. First the TS track defects are displayed (for MPF-AT family – cylinder CS). but sorted by cylinders.R.T. by a PC-3000AT or Defectoscope utility. Please keep in mind that testing duration depends heavily on the number of defective sectors in a drive: the greater their number is the longer the test will run. Add LCHS defect. The surface test is based on an adaptive algorithm – detected defects are not addressed during subsequent passes. S.M. the table of all discovered logical defects in LBA notation appears on the screen.8. Pressing [Enter] key translates all logical defects into physical ones and displays them on the screen. The attributes reset doesn’t work with some drives. to regroup or cleanup the defects table. which was detected. too.M. and to load parameters from an external file: View S. table.M.ru 9 . The reducing of critical time should be performed very carefully. In the MPF-AT family defects aren’t ordered by heads.M. external module loading option. heads and sectors.A. by defaults parameters it is indicated 100 ms. The test setup menu contains recommended parameters by default. drive parameters.R. Moreover. This operation is similar to the previous one with the exception of defects input.A. periodically the HDD is performing termocalibration and this can be considered as error.A. In the drive S.A. Add LBA defect.M.7. Attributes are stored in 09h module and thresholds . Upon completion of surface scanning procedure.M. for example. followed by the sector PL. This command is necessary to input a supposed defect. parameters reset – this command returns all the attributes to initial values except some of them. to add. Group into tracks (cylinders).1. This menu item allows to group into defective tracks those defective sectors. Automatic mode allows to scan the drive automatically without operator intervention.bad file structure is described in the manual for the PC-DEFECTOSCOPE utility.5). Such operation allows to hide defects better. at that the whole disk space is divided into 15 zones. Before the testing starts a test program must be created or a previously created one loaded. where sector 46 supposedly should be defective. Therefore a mechanism of firmware modules' loading directly to drive RAM via IDE interface has been implemented in those drives. When this mode is selected two lists appear on the screen: TASKS LIST and AVAILABLE TASKS.1.acelab.MB9000-based drives description). Such file can be prepared.ru (8632) 78-50-30.4 Gb 15. In this connection all tracks defects which are in the table TS must be automatically copied by all heads of defective track. 78-50-40 www.Fujitsu MPF-AT. and you are prompted to input the threshold value above which sector defects are to be grouped into defective tracks (cylinders) and added to the TS (CS) table.9.3 Gb 10. 746. Thus. It is recommended to add such defects to the table. but the table contains no records on cylinder no. As with previous families MPF3xxxAT drives provide for an opportunity to limit the logical disk space (please see Arh. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Table 6. which already are entered into the PL defects table. 16. After the execution of this command the selected defects table(s) is cleaned-up – the number of defective sectors is made equal to zero. Import of logical defects table. MB9000. 5. if you use PC-3K PWR adapter the operation is performed automatically.1.1 Family Basic model MPF3204AT MPF3153AT MPF3102AT Capacity 20.1. by PC-DEFECTOSCOPE software. 63 ROM label PFT MPF3xxxAT 6. in cases of service data corruption the modules first have to be loaded to RAM and only then recorded to disk. It is necessary to pay attention to the initial cylinder of the user's data zone. When you enter the mode the message: LIMIT OF GROUPING INTO TRACKS appears. 16. in the MPF3xxxAT family the operating zone begins with the 0 cylinder corresponding to the logical zero cylinder. The main difference between ARM7-based drives and previous MB9000-based drive families is manifested in the presence of resident loaded complementary code for the controlling microprocessor.1. MPG -3000 ACELab The records demonstrate that the defect is a scratch.1. Disk space organization in MPF3xxxAT family drives Logical disk space is represented in the Table 6.1 16383. 63 16383. Physical disk space structure is shown in the Figure 6./track 352-624 352-624 352-624 Logical cyl. 63 16383.ru 10 . This command allows to add values from a *. ARM7 families does not differ from that for Arh.1.bad file to the defects table.2 Gb Number of disks 2 2 1 Number of heads 4 3 2 Phys. Formatting is required after adding defects to the table.1. After adding the defects formatting procedure must be performed (please see Chapter 5. 6. Clear defects table. The operation allows to enter physical defective tracks (cylinder for MPF-AT) manually.it allows to regroup track defects into cylinders (only for the family MPGAT/AH).full capacity available in LBA mode only. for instance. 16. param. Add physical track (cylinder). Brief technical description of ARM7-based families of Fujitsu drives. In case of TS (CS) table erasing it is necessary to switch off/on the drive power supply to force reloading of dynamic tables. The pcdefect. The drives utilize the principle of zone-sector writing. 1 . You'll be offered to reset the defects table(s). MPF3xxxAT family The manufacturer's specification defines this family as Picobird-15 (PB-15). Unlike the previous families. cyls 19680 19680 19680 Sect. MB9000 families therefore please consult the automatic mode description for Arh. In all the models their full capacity is available in LBA mode only since the minimum capacity of manufactured drives is 10 Gb. sect. Group tracks into cylinders. hds. Automatic mode. Attention! Operation in automatic mode for Arh. 6. Therefore.3479 3480. ARM7 HDD family is insufficient for drive operation. In case if the ROM version has not been recognized (modules road map has not been found) then operations with hardware zone are performed by default in accordance with the following table: ID 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E Length 78 41 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name DM PL CS HS FI DT SI SN none none none SM SU CI ID 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E Length 4 1 2 1 1 64 32 8 1 1 41 4 32 1 Name SCH SEQ WTP END ECT ERR SVE TAM DPT CS PL RRO none none ID 27 28 2D 30 31 32 35 3D 70 Length 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 44 30 Name none none FA ZP RE WE none none none Capacity of the PL sector defects table is 5247 defects as sum total for all surfaces..16919 16920. MB9000 families the firmware contained in ROM on the control board of the Arh. MPG Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 000. and along with ROM it forms the drive controlling microprogram...6... Technical support: [email protected] 1200.15359 15360.2.. One more peculiarity of that family is manifested in its combined organization of defects tables.11879 11880.4799 4800. and loaded during initialization into RAM for subsequent use of the code.. Module 3Dh is registered as ROM (it has a corresponding header). and then write the data to the drive hardware zone... if drive hardware data is corrupt. Please see Chapter 11 of this manual for details on microcode compatibility. the MPF3xxxAT family utilizes cylinder-by-cylinder defects relocation instead of a track-by-track procedure.6719 6720.8999 9000. As it has been stated above....-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. unlike the previous Arh... performance of a writing procedure requires loading of hardware data into RAM first with its further writing onto the drive..ru 11 . available through their identification numbers (ID)..10319 624 sec 600 sec 588 sec 576 sec 576 sec 560 sec 544 sec 528 sec Zone 9 Zone 10 Zone 11 Zone 12 Zone 14 Zone 13 Zone 15 10320..19680 480 sec 448 sec 396 sec 504 sec 492 sec 420 sec 352 sec Fig. Capacity of the CS cylinder defects table is 253 defects as sum total for all surfaces.. also resident microcode for the controlling microprocessor in the module identified as 3Dh. External view of MPF3xxxxAT control board is shown in Fig. 6.5759 5760.ru (8632) 78-50-30.18239 18240. A part of microprocessor code necessary for drive operation is located in the drive service zone... 78-50-40 www. Modules are handled through their road map located in the ROM microcircuit on the control board.. Unlike other drive families. During initialization that module is loaded to HDD RAM.1. Those modules contain essential configuration tables of the drive.1.e.12599 12600..acelab. If module 3Dh has not been loaded into RAM the drive cannot be operated.13799 13800. The firmware zone is inaccessible in an apparent form and is represented by modules. and unlike previous drive families....... the commands of modules writing/reading in the disk service zone do not work. Disk space structure of MPF3xxxAT drives. contrary to other Fujitsu drive families the tables are not recorded separately for each head. and an absolute version match between that module and ROM firmware is an essential condition.7559 7560. besides.. i.. In such case it is necessary to load hardware data into drive RAM first.1. Modification of drive configuration Drive model in this family is defined according to the heads selection table (HS module).1.acelab. MPG -3000 ACELab 1 HA13626 28F1101T PFT W981616AH 1. please see Chapter 14 for details.6.1. BA3946 3. 6. During initialization the table is read. please.1.2 and Figure 6. TA7BM08F Master 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 Fig. The basic models of the manufacturer are shown in italics. External view of MPF3xxxxAT control board. which corresponds directly to the logical zero cylinder.3.1.1. Translation from LCHS or LBA into actual physical representation is achieved in the same manner as in the MPE drive family.ru (8632) 78-50-30.6. regular font means monosurface model obtained by switching on just 1 operating head. Disks arrangement inside the package.3. Setting drive up as such a model requires modification of module ID=3Dh.0 MHz 2.ru .2.2.Fujitsu MPF-AT. 12 CA21246 -B76X 1 3 2 Jumper Configuration Slave 2 4 6 8 Cable Select 2 4 6 8 Slave Present 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 H3 H2 H1 H0 Technical support: eng_support@acelab. see Table 6. 78-50-40 www. Family Model Number of surfaces 4 MPF3204AT MPF3153AT 3 MPF3xxxAT MPF3102AT 2 MPF3102AT 1 Fig. One distinctive feature is the initial cylinder in the user's data zone. and the drive is set up as a specific model depending on the number of used surfaces. 20. Table 6.1.2. The said zone in the MPF3xxxxAT family starts from cylinder 0. 2...4 respectively..2.6. 63 16383.5311 5312. MPG3xxxAT/H/E provides for an opportunity to limit the logical disk space (see technical description of Arh..30784 588 sec 567 sec 546 sec 518 sec 504 sec 468 sec 441 sec Fig. MPG3204AT/H/E. 6. Junior models are thus created from the top ones.. selecting a basic model at utility start. 16..30431 30432. 2 sect 16383... 63 16383. MPG3102AT. and reload the utility..acelab..13055 13056. 63 16383. 16..15743 15744.15743 15744. Table 6.ru (8632) 78-50-30. and MPG3307AT/H/E models imposes capacity limitation of 2.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT.9 Gb 20.2 Gb 20. In case of configuration modification the model name.6. Physical disk space structure for Picobird-16 (PB-16).2. They differ by recording density and consist of various listed models (please see Table 6..-6. Picobird-16E (PB-16E).13823 13824.18751 546 sec 525 sec 504 sec Zone 14 Zone 15 Zone 12 Zone 13 18752.1. 63 16383.. / track 357-630 441-789 441-789 441-789 352-608 352-608 456-736 456-736 456-736 PB16HE Logical cyl. 63 16383. Picobird-16H (PB-16H).MB9000-based drive families). 16..2. Upon completion of configuration modification it is necessary to switch the drive power supply off/on in order to initialize such drive with new parameters... Zone 1 0... Just as with the previous families. 16.. 16.2. 1 .22335 22336.9 Gb 30.. Zone 1 0. and Picobird-16HE (PB-16HE).....1. Besides. which corresponds directly to the logical zero cylinder. 16.. The initial cylinder of the operating zone starts from the cylinder 0.8 Gb.ru 13 ....23999 24000.. 6. Disk space structure in drive: MPG3307AT. 63 16383..) in the MPG3102AT/H/E.7 Gb 20. 78-50-40 www. 2 .11839 567 sec Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 2656.2 Gb 40.20031 702 sec 672 sec 648 sec 630 sec Zone 13 Zone 14 Zone 15 Zone 12 20032.. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. MPG3xxxAT/H/E family The family is constituted by four subfamilies: Picobird-16 (PB-16).25375 25376.4 Gb 10.27135 27136. 63 16383.9055 9056.produced by the manufacturing plant.17663 17664..25631 25632. and requires updating of module ID=3Dh....28799 28800. 16.full capacity is available in LBA mode only....2.1 Family PB16 PB16E PB16H Basic models1 MPG3307AT MPG3409AT MPG3204AT MPG3102AT MPG3204AH MPG3102AH MPG3409AH-E MPG3307AH-E MPG3204AH-E Capacity 30.24191 24192..4 Gb 10. Picobird-16E (PB-16E).. Disk space organization in MPG3xxxAT/H/E family drives The full capacity of all models in this family is available in LBA mode only..27039 27040. and Picobird-16HE (PB-16HE) subfamilies are shown in the figures 6.. not only top surfaces can be switched off but also those in the middle of the package.).....2...2655 630 sec Zone 9 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 6528. 16. MPG Reconfiguration can be performed from the top downwards by switching off defective surfaces and magnetic disks.19583 19584.2. Picobird-16H (PB-16H). 16.1. logical drive parameters and translator’s operation are set up automatically... In such case setting a jumper between the 1st and the 2nd pins (see fig.2. and in MPG3409AT/H/E model the limitation is 33.21887 21888. MPG3204AT.7 Gb 40. Monosurface model is an exception.1 Gb... Disk space structure in drives: MPG3409AT...3231 798 sec Zone 9 Zone 2 3232.4 Gb Number of disks 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 Number of heads 4 4 2 1 4 2 4 3 2 Phys..5727 777 sec Zone 10 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 5728..6527 630 sec 601 sec Zone 10 Zone 11 11840.28927 483 sec 462 sec 441 sec 420 sec 399 sec 378 sec 357 sec Fig.9151 588 sec Zone 5 9152.11071 756 sec 720 sec 11Zone 11072.28895 28896..1.2.. 63 ROM label PGT8 PGT8 PGT8 PGT8 6.. cylinder 28928 30784 30784 30784 19423 19423 30784 30784 30784 Sect. hds. 63 16383. param.. Those drives use the principle of zone-sector writing with subdivision of all the disk space into 15 zones.5. . ARM7 HDD family is insufficient for drive operation.6.28575 28576.9631 544 sec Zone 15 Zone 8 9632.5823 588 sec Zone 13 Zone 6 5824...3743 608 sec Zone 4 3744.. and then write the data to the drive hardware zone. In such case it is necessary to load hardware data into drive RAM first.30783 608 sec 588 sec 576 sec 544 sec 512 sec 492 sec 456 sec Fig...15231 15232.17823 17824..8351 8352.26719 26720.2. unlike the previous Arh...23583 23584. Capacity of the TS cylinder defects table is 3319 defects as sum total for all surfaces. The firmware zone is inaccessible in an apparent form and is represented by modules.. besides.2783 736 sec Zone 9 Zone 2 2784...ru 14 .1215 608 sec Zone 9 Zone 2 1216.....12351 12352. MPG Zone 1 0.Fujitsu MPF-AT... If module 3Dh has not been loaded into RAM the drive cannot be operated..29951 29952.3...ru (8632) 78-50-30... also resident microcode for the controlling microprocessor in the module identified as 3Dh.5567 736 sec Zone 10 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 5568..6....19423 496 sec 480 sec 448 sec 432 sec 400 sec 384 sec 352 sec Fig..17983 17984..16287 16288... and an absolute version match between that module and ROM firmware is an essential condition... MPG3204AH-E.4831 600 sec Zone 12 Zone 5 4832.19839 720 sec 684 sec 672 sec 640 sec Zone 13 Zone 14 Zone 15 Zone 12 19840. and along with ROM it forms the drive controlling microprogram..2431 608 sec Zone 10 Zone 3 2432.19071 19072. and unlike previous drive families... available through their identification numbers (ID)... Disk space structure in drives: MPG33204AH.2...acelab...11263 736 sec 736 sec Zone 11 11264. A part of microprocessor code Technical support: eng_support@acelab. During initialization the module is loaded to HDD RAM. Modules are handled through their road map located in the ROM microcircuit on the control board. the commands of modules writing/reading in the disk service zone do not work... 78-50-40 www. Zone 1 0.22175 22176...4..13951 13952.10815 528 sec -3000 ACELab Zone 11 10816.. As it has been stated above.13439 13440.25087 25088... MPG3102AH..16095 16096.. Those modules contain essential configuration tables of the drive. Module 3Dh is registered as ROM (it has a corresponding header).. MB9000 families the firmware contained in ROM on the control board of the Arh. MPG3307AH-E. Disk space structure in drives: MPG3409AH-E.....7743 576 sec Zone 14 Zone 7 7744.... In case if the ROM version has not been recognized (modules road map has not been found) then operations with hardware zone are performed by default in accordance with the following table: ID 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E Length 81 41 13 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Name DM PL TS HS FI DT SI SN none none none SM SU CI ID 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Length 1 1 2 1 4 128 32 8 1 13 41 5 36 1 7 Name SCH SEQ WTP END ECT ERR SVE TAM DPT TS PL RRO none none REC ID 20 27 28 29 2D 2E 30 31 32 35 36 3D 40 41 50 51 52 60 70 Length 6 1 1 10 1 5 1 8 8 1 51 52/56 1 1 2 9 9 14 0 Name none none none SH FA none ZP RE WE none SH none none none none none none SR (used irregularly) none Capacity of the PL sector defects table is 5243 defects as sum total for all surfaces. Therefore. 1 1 2 3 1. please see Chapter 14 for details. see table 6. performance of a writing procedure requires loading of hardware data into RAM first with its further writing onto the drive. Setting a drive up as such a model requires modification of module ID=3Dh.2. LE28F1101T-40 Jumper Configuration Master 2 4 6 8 Slave 2 4 6 8 Cable Select 2 4 6 8 Slave Present 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 Fig. is located in the drive service zone.2. During initialization the table is read. External view of MPG3xxxAT/H/E control board. if drive hardware data is corrupt. DI758 3. External view of MPGxxxxAT/H/E control board is shown in Fig.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. MPG necessary for drive operation.2. 6.ru (8632) 78-50-30.2 and figure 6. Please see Chapter 11 of this manual for details on microcode compatibility. Technical support: [email protected] 15 . regular font means monosurface model obtained by switching on just 1 operating head. HA13627 2. 78-50-40 www.2.5.5. and the drive is set up as a specific model depending on the number of used surfaces. 6. please.acelab.2. The basic models of the manufacturer are shown in italics.2. Modification of drive configuration Drive model in this family is defined according to the heads selection table (HS module). and loaded during initialization into RAM for subsequent use of the code. selecting a basic model at utility start. a large number of incompatible firmware versions. Upon completion of configuration modification it is necessary to switch the drive power supply off/on in order to initialize such drive with new parameters.1. The MPG3xxxAT drive structure chart is represented in Figure 7. etc. Repair of ARM7-based Fujitsu drives. 16 Technical support: eng_support@acelab. logical drive parameters and translator’s operation are set up automatically.1. for malfunction search one can employ the methods suggested for Fujitsu drive families of preceding generations.2. 78-50-40 www. 7. All of the above complicates initial fault diagnostics and selection of control board for replacement in case of its malfunction. Repair of drives belonging to MPF-AT and MPG families has some peculiarities compared to preceding MB9000-based drive families.1. Various families differ by their cache buffer capacity. Disks arrangement inside the package.2. and reload the utility.Fujitsu MPF-AT. In case of configuration modification the model name.2.ru (8632) 78-50-30. all models are based on HIMALAYA integrated chip. not only top surfaces can be switched off but also those in the middle of the package. Still.6. They include the presence of resident microprocessor code. Reconfiguration can be performed from the top downwards by switching off defective surfaces and magnetic disks.ru .1. 7.acelab. factory errors in code (especially in models dated by the year 2000) as well as differences in the HDA construction and service data structure even in the same models with different dates of manufacture.6. Junior models are thus created from the top ones. 7. Hardware repair. Monosurface model is an exception. Structure chart. The circuit design of Fujitsu drives reviewed in this manual is very similar. Besides. Family PB16 Model MPG3307AT MPG3153AT MPG3153AT MPG3153AT MPG3409AT MPG3102AT MPG3204AT MPG3102AT MPG3204AH MPG3102AH MPG3102AH MPG3102AH MPF3409AT MPF3307AT MPF3204AT MPF3102AT Number of surfaces 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 PB16E PB16H PB16HE H3 H2 H1 H0 Fig. and requires updating of module ID=3Dh. MPG -3000 ACELab Table 6. data storage density. -3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. VCM (voice coil motor) & SPM (spindle motor) controller malfunction (HA13626 in MPF-AT.1 MPG3xxxAT drive .writing/reading test of microcircuit registers via internal data bus. Hitachi Semiconductors. 3. Power-up. 7. 78-50-40 www. If the drive starts operation and sets itself on readiness Flash ROM can be read through the utility option WORK WITH ROM.0 CL-SH8671 Switch MCU ARM7TDMI RDC CL-SH3515 HDC SH7661 40. Attention! When you compare the Flash ROM contents to the reference value.acelab.buffer RAM writing/reading test.6 MB/s) .Ultra DMA Mode-2 (66.structure chart.data bus and MPU address test.1. The drive initializes itself at power-up: 1.1. 7.3. Setting itself in readiness mode (ATA command waiting).2. Recalibration start.0 MB/s Data Buffer 256K x 16 bits or 1024K x 16 bits Figure 7. 2. 8. If the drive does not set itself on readiness then the ROM contents can be read in Kernel mode only or in a ROM programmer having unsoldered the ROM circuit first. 1. Heads release from latch (magnetic heads' unparking).Ultra DMA Mode-2 (100 MB/s) Buffer Head IC SR1756 R/W SVC HA13627 SPM/VCM control Bandwidth = 160. 7. the manufacturer of those microcircuits. MPG Console I/F (RS232C) Himalaya 2. Initialization. 9. 5. That’s why during comparison their contents may turn out to be different. Spindle motor start-up. The Technical support: eng_support@acelab. 4. data corruption or erasure still can happen to Flash ROM microcircuits. Service data reading. Self-diagnostics 1: .0 MHz Flach ROM 64K x 16 bits ATA Series Termination I/F . Flash ROM malfunction. However. HA13627 in MPG. . Self-diagnostics 2: . Diagnostics of such malfunction requires reading the Flash ROM contents and its subsequent comparison to a reference value. Stabilizing the spindle motor rotation speed. The board in such cases demonstrates "no signs of life" or the drive operation may look erratic. 2. keep in mind that the last 512 bytes of ROM contents are adaptive HDA data and they are individual for the specific drive model. Problems with Flash ROM circuit in MPF-AT and MPG are considerably less frequent than in previous families. 6.ru (8632) 78-50-30.internal RAM writing/reading test.PIO Mode-4 . doesn’t distribute their description.ru 17 . Microcircuitry malfunctions.Multiword DMA Mode-2 . HA13626 microcircuit is quite fail-safe and if there are no evident signs of its overheating then most likely it is functional. . The basic distinction of these families from the previous ones is manifested in a wide diversity of incompatible firmware versions and service data versions. the ROM and HDA versions are compatible. This circuit is the weak spot of MPF-AT and (especially) MPG drives. CL-SH3515 reading/writing channel (the microcircuit was used separately in MPF-AH drives) and CL-SH7661 interface controller. Technical support: [email protected] of the head-and-disk assembly preamplifier-commutator microcircuit located inside HDA. and its drive ID is read. or spins it up and stops. firmware adjustments for a specific HDD model). .incompatibility between the hardware data version and the firmware recorded in the control board ROM (read more about that in Chapter 11).ru (8632) 78-50-30. contains the ARM7TDMI processor. connected to ROM and buffer RAM chip. Complete check of integrated chipset requires drive testing in PC-3000AT in cyclic mode with writing set on for at least 3 full passes. If only part of modules is damaged you can overwrite it. but while entering the PC-3000AT program generates the ABRT (04h) error. and begin the hardware data restoration from step 1.2. flushing the residue of old fusing agent and subsequent soldering the microcircuit back with obligatory flushing. The malfunction becomes apparent after circuitry heating (especially in summer period) during writing cycles. In any of these cases excepting the first one. If after switching power on the drive spins up the spindle motor and unparks the magnetic heads. If a drive malfunctions. Thereat during the diagnostics of the drive by the method of the substitution of the printed circuit board of the operable HDD it is essential to reprogrammed ROM of the working pcb using the firmware of the diagnosed one. . software restoration of such drive is impossible. Depending on the condition of the drive being repaired its restoration may require some specific operations. If there is none you should check the presence of power voltage and clock generation or a steady "RESET" signal. solder alloy replacement on board pads and the circuit.servo modules corruption (see Chapter 9 for more details). then it means that the drive can’t read hardware data from the disk. and after a while the spindle motor stops. which needs a repair. 7. causing both common operation slow-downs during reading and even knocking sounds during initialization.2. And more. Integrated chipset (CL-SH8669 in MPF-AT and CL-SH8671 in MPG family). containing adaptive data (i. including the overlay module 3Dh you should write the modules into the RAM first and only then into the disc.data reading/translation channel malfunction.ru 18 . To restore service area (SA). 2. then the defect indicates incorrect drive servo system operation and may arise from: .Fujitsu MPF-AT. sets on readiness. using the technique described in chapter 9. but instead of recalibration sounds you hear monotonous strokes of the positioner hitting against the limit stop. As a rule in such cases a drive corrupts its own firmware modules. If after switching power on the drive initializes. then most probably the defect consists in malfunction of the electronics board. That kind of defect may arise from: . One can indirectly judge about the microcircuit operability by activity in data bus lines. recalibrates.heavy corruption of servo fields or a shift of magnetic disks' package after an impact (one sign indicating that the drive took an impact is greater noise of spindle motor operation and case vibration). In some cases this can be corrected by microcircuit unsoldering. . it causes 90% of troubles with those drives.acelab.ROM version incompatible with HDA (see Chapter 11 for more details). TS (CS). erases firmware modules. hangs (does not report readiness). MPG -3000 ACELab HA13627 microcircuit is used in MPG families and frequently enough suffers from the substrate separation defect and local overheating of the crystal. . That leads to incompatibility even between similar ROM versions. 78-50-40 www. Software repair. (it’s a defect similar to TDA5247HT microcircuit of the Quantum drives). then the circuit is defective. c) Switch the drive power supply off/on to reinitialize it.erase the logs. . but testing reveals BAD sectors. then the restoration should be started from step 2. .Defects table PL. Cleanup: . 3. even similar ROM versions have an area of 512 bytes at the end. With such malfunction the drive spins up normally. Drive restoration algorithm. The HDD restoration procedure is: a) To perform Check firmware structure and determine the damaged modules. if at power-up the drive doesn’t spin up the spindle motor. or errors appear one after another while reading drive surfaces. b) If the HDD has the most of damaged modules. 7. 1.malfunction of HDA. operates. For example. In such case ensure that the control board is functional (the best variant is the method of the substitution).1.e. If spindle motor spins up. Tests' duration. After surfaces deactivation it is necessary to switch the drive power supply off/on and restart the program. 3. Run SERVO TEST. It is used in the SMART parameters reset operations. /utility’s name/. It is possible to switch writing off and perform verification instead of reading to speed up testing considerably. If an error is discovered.average testing duration is indicated.rsc – microprogram recourses' database file used for hardware data writing/reading and included in the supplied kit. Their names match the utility’s name while their extension corresponds to the file type: /utility’s name/.ru (8632) 78-50-30.log – text file for the drive test results generated by the utility at the first program launch and appended with every subsequent drive test. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. 1 2 . and proceed with hardware restoration from step 2.bin – file contains firmware for the drive’s ROM.2. When the surface scanning procedure is over the table of all discovered logical defects in LBA notation appears on screen.acelab. 5. second pressing [Enter] key appends all the defects to the PL table. The test checks physical parameters. then proceed with step 9. and 5.1 Test2 Servo test Surface scanning Formatting Logical scanning MPF3102AT 20 min 45 min 15 min 40 min MPG3102AT 10 min 30 min 10 min 25 min 8.tsk – task file.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. 7. Run PC-3000AT COMPLEX TEST. Pressing the [Enter] key will write all the defective sectors into the PL-table. If formatting ends in error you should repeat steps 3. 7. Table 7. Pressing the [Enter] key will write all the defective sectors into the PL-table. Tests' duration is shown in the Table 7. When the test is complete the table containing the number of the defective sectors appears on the screen. After that step 8 should be performed. For example.sma – file contains the reset SMART attributes.2. . Pressing the [Enter] key translates logical defects into physical and displays them on screen. you can switch off the surfaces with extensive servo corruption. and acts as a service module (ID=09h) image. The utilities' complex contains besides the main files also auxiliary service files. Run PC-3000AT COMPLEX TEST and make sure the drive is fully functional.reset SMART. If the logical scanning didn’t detect any errors. Perform low-level (factory) format procedure. Servo test shouldn’t be interrupted and must be accomplished from the beginning to the end. which should be accomplished successfully. having selected a new model at utility start. Special utility files for Fujitsu drives. see Chapter 5. Data on the automatic drive test performance is also recorded to this file. 8. Perform low-level (factory) format procedure. which is used for settings’ saving in automatic test mode. Run SURFACE SCANNING. 9. Run LOGICAL SCANNING procedure performed in LBA format.2. MPG .2. and defective tracks into the TS (CS) table. 6. which should be accomplished successfully. On completion of the tests 3 and 4 according to their results make a conclusion about the necessity of switching some surfaces off. and defective tracks into the TS (CS) table. it can increase considerably if defects are numerous. The file contains all the settings and test results. /utility’s name/. 11.with default test setup parameters. During testing a track-by-track surface formatting is performed. Record serial number to drive ID if necessary. 78-50-40 www. 4. To perform the group of tracks into the cylinders (only for the family MPG-AT/AH). Other file names are selected by user. but their extensions are determined by the utility depending on their types: *. When the surface test procedure is complete a table containing the number of defective sectors appears on the screen.2. and corresponds to testing in a Celeron-466 PC.2. 4.ru 19 . the testing procedure measures the time of decoding for all the servo fields on the current track and the obtained value is shown on a respective diagram. or surfaces containing maximal number of defects. repeat steps 7 and 8. 12. 10. and it is created during firmware reading from ROM. *. 60h1. 10. And the most unpleasant thing is that it happens absolutely unexpectedly. *. …. the modules ID=01h (DM). As a rule. 27h. 27h. 0Ch.ru 20 . Technical support: eng_support@acelab. for example. 60h1. Some of the modules are critical for data protection and should not be overwritten if you wish to preserve the user's data.1 demonstrates its header. 36h. the problem is in modules of logs 51h. 2Dh. 32h.1 represents the firmware structure in ROM.ru (8632) 78-50-30. the DT module contains translator and represents a link between the logical space. You can also do it in a different manner. re-calibrates itself and outputs the ABRT error. 52h. namely: 08h.1 Address 0h 20 h 24 h 28 h 2A h 2B h 2C h 30 h … … 1FDE0 h 1FFE0 h Length 32 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 4 bytes 16 bytes … … 512 bytes 32 bytes Purpose Keyword: (C) FUJITSU ……………………………… Firmware version Version date Reserved Version prefix Mutex byte (presence of adaptive data. Table 10. 31h. prior to starting the drive restoration it is necessary to save all the modules and the ROM firmware to have an opportunity to reverse the changes. Adaptives (checksum adjusted and equal to 0) Keyword: (C) FUJITSU ……………………………… 1 Module 60h is not used in several models. defects table and drive's physical space. Then it is necessary to exit the utility and view lengths of the read modules. 31h. so it can be left without re-writing. 2Dh.Fujitsu MPF-AT. 3Dh. the modules 01h (DM). TS (CS) module contains the track (cylinder) defects' dynamic table. Some modules can be copied from any suitable drive. and 70h suffer from corruption most frequently. however in 95% of cases corruption influences not the whole list but just a part of it. 52h. The malfunction manifests itself as follows: the drive spins up the spindle motor. 9.rpm – technological files of the drives' resident firmware modules. 32h. Rewriting those three modules automatically restores the rest. ROM data structure in MPF-AT and MPG drive families. while all the rest cause errors because of those three malfunctioning modules. Modules ID=01h. then consequently these modules are defective. If the length of some modules is equal to 0. and it is necessary to re-write them. Flash ROM firmware data structure of these families differs from the previous ones. Diagnostics of such malfunction requires to select the "HARDWARE DATA STRUCTURE TESTING" mode in the "HARDWARE DATA/OPERATIONS WITH HARDWARE" menu. MPG -3000 ACELab *. especially for the user and the user’s data. heads' map and disks' map. First of all. 36h.1). 51h. The DM module contains a table of exceptions.) Checksum for the whole ROM including adaptives but without header ASCII family name …. 03h (TS/CS) and 06h (DT).bin files can be viewed as binary files. 10. 78-50-40 www. 70h.log files can be viewed as regular text files. 09h. The remaining modules are not so critical. and to inspect which modules are defective in the "PROGRAM MODULES" table. During the reading procedure they are copied to their respective directory (see Table 5. but it is recommended to copy them from the same HDD model with the same hardware version.acelab. and may be re-written. *. Table 10. and Fig. 04h (HS). it is due to their 32-bit CPU (compared to the 16-bit CPU used in previous families). Anyway.3. 09h. 70h. for example. 0Bh. Restoration of hardware modules in the MPF-AT and MPG families. Select the "MODULES READING" mode from the "OPERATIONS WITH HARDWARE" menu and read all the modules from the drive. A defect of hardware data modules is a frequently occurring fault in these families (especially in MPG). The rest are either set to 0 or influence nothing. The loaded firmware portion has a similar header. the so-called overlay. D2 . 78-50-40 www. it's purely informative. it is assumed that hardware data loading begins with head 0. Its last 32 bytes contain the keyword “(C) FUJITSU. If ROM is re-written from a database during drive repair please note the values of D6..acelab. Mutex byte is located at offset 2Bh from ROM beginning and consists of 8 bits. and D0). A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (see fig.. D5 = 0 0 – a drive with two heads (it can also have two disks. and may have different length depending on its version.... Usually = 0. and loaded to the HDD RAM during initialization. D0 = 0 1 – single-disk drive.NO.. µ¶ ' © LP PB-16E HIMALAYA Fig. D5 = 0 1 – a single-head drive with operating head 0.. Usually = 0.. If the same model uses head 1. 10..1..purpose unknown. therefore the mutex byte should read as follows: 10100001 = A1h. The essential condition is an absolute match between the overlay version and the ROM firmware version. then it will look like: 11000001 = C1h. D0 – binary presentation of disks' number in a drive. D5 – heads' table used for hardware data loading. single-disk MPG3102AT model uses head 0 and its hardware data contains adaptives..” (see the Table 10. For example. D0 = 1 0 – double-disk drive. values: 01h (81h) and 21h (A1h) are similar for model MPG3102AT. see description of D1. In case of MPG3204AT model with adaptives we have A1h. . below the line REV.. 10. On compatibility between ROM firmware and HDA service data in MPF-AT and MPG drive families (boards compatibility). 11. D5 = 1 0 – a single-head drive with operating head 1..-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. 11. The hardware data version written in HDA can be found on the drive label.. D1. but the bit does not influence anything.1) and consists of a prefix (3 characters) and a version number (4 characters) written through dash.1 Firmware header in ROM.. D6. Version number is indicated in its right lower corner. and D0 bits. D3 . D1. Meaning of D1 and D0 bits: D1.. The overlay doesn’t contain adaptives.. Mutex byte in ROM. D1. i.purpose unknown. D6..e.ru 21 . D6. It is located in the disk hardware zone in the module ID=3Dh. D5.. D4 – purpose unknown. The bits' meanings are as follows: D7 – sign of adaptives' presence in ROM.. model MPG3307AT without adaptives is represented by 02h. If bits D6 and D5 = 0..1).ru (8632) 78-50-30. Meaning of D6 and D5 bits: D6. Technical support: eng_support@acelab.... MPG 00000: 00010: 00020: 00030: 28 2E 80 50 43 2E B5 42 29 2E B6 2D 20 2E 03 31 46 2E 20 36 55 2E 00 45 4A 2E 11 20 49 2E 27 48 54 2E 00 49 53 2E 00 4D 55 2E A9 41 20 2E A1 4C 2E 2E 1C 41 2E 2E 12 59 2E 2E 4C 41 2E 2E 50 20 (C) FUJITSU . Usually = 0. 12. It is possible to unsolder the ROM from the damaged board. Thus you'll have a 6-character number of a required ROM version (see.Fujitsu MPF-AT. slow work of such drive or even "fidgeting" or heads knocking during initialization. MPG. For example.e.adaptives are recorded both to ROM and service data module 20h on disk. A drive doesn’t have its “native” board. c. Table 10. it is quite possible to pick up a board with suitable ROM firmware for a specific HDA. PB16H and PB16AHE in it.1. Fujitsu drive label. The problem is caused by existing variety of hardware data and ROM firmware versions. Technical support: eng_support@acelab. if the actions above lead to "fidgeting sounds" during initialization you should use the adaptives' selection method described in Chapter 17.ru (8632) 78-50-30. If you have a MPFAT or MPG-AH/AHE or a double-disk MPG-AT family drive the compatibility procedure can be considered complete (none of those families uses adaptives). Actually the adaptives – individual HDA program settings – are recorded in ROM of some single-disk models. If you have a single-disk MPG-AT (MPG3102AT or MPG3204AT) model its HDA may contain adaptives. being similar to the previous one with one exception: the module ID=20h either cannot be read. First. An example of such structure is represented in Figure 12. The match of the version’s number shown on HDA. 1 . Such situations are possible in the following cases: a. In this connection it is recommended to create a subdirectory called.acelab. and its hardware zone is defective or re-written. The new installed board will work normally with drive HDA.1 and Figure 10. If a drive sets itself on readiness you can review ROM firmware version using a corresponding utility (see Chapter 5. 2. You should also take into account the presence of adaptives. and generate subdirectories: PB16. in this dump the ROM version will be A9-80B5. They are calculated during servo fields recording on a Pushpin-free STW (Servo Track Writer)1. The method is reading the contents of the module ID=20h. the adaptives make such a set strictly dependent on the model (the number of physically present heads). If the HDD has already been repaired and it’s difficult to determine whether the board is “native” or not. A drive board is damaged and needs to be replaced. Any of these operations produces a completely functional drive with a “native ROM”. read its contents in a ROM programmer and write it to the new board without HDA (see Chapter 15 on this procedure). first of all it is necessary to record the corresponding ROM version without its adaptives (i. So. which should be written to the ROM beginning with the address IFDE0h. Data saving peculiarity in MPF-AT and MPG drive families. and the ROM firmware version number doesn’t necessarily mean a trouble-free match between the HDA and the current ROM version. you should check in ROM (and correct. drive adaptives in these families are stored in ROM. to write the code 00h from the address 1FDE0h to the address 1FFE0h up to the line “(C) FUJITSU”). The examples can be as follows: 1.ru 22 . That situation is the most complicated. A drive doesn’t have its “native” board. Most likely you'll succeed in picking up proper adaptives.1. Therefore if you wish to determine exactly the ROM version that has to be recorded for current HDA you should check 4-byte ROM version number in ROM dump and note its first byte and also note the prefix byte. b. MPG -3000 ACELab Figure 11. 3. If the board ROM is malfunctioning.1). Whatever the case is.3) or else you can read the board ROM in Kernel mode (see Chapter 15). that is why it is so important to save the “hardware data+ROM” set. but the drive will be really unstable operating very slowly and with eventual seek errors. if necessary) the mutex byte (see Chapter 10). To accomplish that you can take a similar functional board and solder the ROM from the damaged board onto the new one. in order to place there ROM and hardware data of specific models in the corresponding families. That means that use of a board other than native may cause "alien" adaptives to be recorded to ROM. Moreover. but the probability of 100% match of selected adaptives is extremely low. It may lead to poor reading quality. In such case you should also use the adaptives' selection method. Version number A9-80B5. If the board is lost. Reading the adaptives and writing them to ROM allows to produce a completely functional drive. or is “alien”. Its first 512 bytes are a copy of the adaptives. The first prefix character denotes the month of drive manufacture in hex notation and is of no importance for compatibility. Besides. PB16E. However. for example. 78-50-40 www. claimed by the Max LBA parameter.1). They are stored in a table and indexed specifically depending on the HDA active heads number.bin readme.002 MPG3204A. It is necessary to save ROM contents and resource file of a given model. Both of these modes are available in the menu “WORK WITH DISK FIRMWARE ZONE”.001 FUJMODGA pcfujmpg.3.ru 23 . In the second case unprintable ASCII characters (belonging to the 20h – 7Fh range) are frequently used.acelab. 13. Thus. It is also possible to generate a text file containing necessary notes. Patching the module ID=3Dh in non-standard models of MPF-AT.3).001 Figure 12. and for restoration of individual modules thereof.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. The saved settings would be sufficient both for complete drive repair. Sample directory structure for hardware data storage. This problem is related to the capacity evaluation routine used in the Fujitsu drive firmware.3). The procedure of searching this table in the original (previously uncorrected) module ID=3D is very simple: you should search for the sequence of values. Every firmware contains Max LBA values for all manufactured modifications of a given model (in that case modifications are understood as drives with a different number of heads). you have to correct the corresponding section of that table in case of heads over-commutation into a model which is not manufactured by Fujitsu (for example. and MPG drive families The heads capacity miscount (understatement) problem often appears after software heads switching off in Fujitsu drives.txt MPG3102A. an MPF AT model with 1 head). 14.1. and all the read modules (arranged into directories according to Table 5. Password disabling. The problem of the ATA disk passwords disabling can arise in case when a user has set a password on the drive and has forgotten it. MPG C:\ PC-3000 ROM DATA MPG PB16 PB16E PB16H PB16AHE MPG3102A. For example: Drive Standard heads set: Value Max LBA (Dec) Value Max LBA (Hex) Searching for sequence: Fujitsu MPF AT (PB15) 2 20015856 1316AF0 F0 6A 31 01 3 30023280 1CA1E70 70 1E CA 01 4 40031712 262D5E0 E0 D5 62 02 Drive Fujitsu MPG AT E (PB16E) Technical support: eng_support@acelab. 78-50-40 www.rsc rom.ru (8632) 78-50-30. That is why the “SAFETY SUBSYSTEM” mode in the utility provides for a password resetting option (see Chapter 5. or when a password has been set by a malicious virus program. In the first case you might view the password in the “DISK SERVICE DATA CHECK” mode (see Chapter 5. See detailed description in the following sections. corresponding to the single-head modification. Fujitsu MPG-AT (PB16).4.Fujitsu MPF-AT. 14.1. 14.ru 24 . 78-50-40 www. we need to write the Max LBA values for modifications with 1 and 3 heads into the section for the double-head modification. Since the table for this model contains just 2 sections (for modifications with 2 and 4 heads). So. consequently we record the number 18 92 97 00 into the said section. Fujitsu MPG-AH (PB16 AH).acelab. MPG -3000 ACELab Standard heads set: Value Max LBA (Dec) Value Max LBA (Hex) Searching for sequence: 1 20015856 1316AF0 F0 6A 31 01 2 40031712 262D5E0 E0 D5 62 02 4 80063424 4C5ABC0 C0 AB C5 04 Drive Fujitsu MPG AT (PB16) Standard heads set: 2 4 Value Max LBA (Dec) 30023280 60046560 Value Max LBA (Hex) 1CA1E70 3943CE0 Searching for sequence: 70 1E CA 01 E0 3C 94 03 Commentary: in the module 3Dh the data is located in Intel’s format (higher significant byte of data is located in higher address.) The values of addresses of searching table is noted below: Model: MPG AT E (PB16E) (F/W HDA) Address : 80 C2 4E 04 (82-80C2) 31A0 82 B5 C1 02 (09-80B5) 31A0 80 B5 B6 03 (A9-80B5) 314C Model: MPF AT (PB15) (F/W HDA) 00 28 8B 00 (06-0028) Model: MPG AT (PB16) (F/W HDA) 02 B5 AD 03 (30-02B5) 02 B9 D8 03 (00-02B5) Address : 4370 30BC Address 2C80 The LBA values correction procedure has some peculiarities for different models. Let’s make an example: Heads quantity 1 3 Capacity Mb 7314 21942 Max LBA (Dec) 14979072 44936704 Max LBA (Hex) E49000h 2ADAE00h Value for recording 00 90E4 00 00 AE AD 02 14. Unfortunately we haven’t tested them in the absence of such drives. In that case during new Max LBA calculation we should reserve certain disk space for the drive’s service needs (1-2 cylinders).2.3. Fujitsu MPF-AT (PB15). 14. for MPF AT we obtain the value equal to 979218h. In that case we have to change the section. Fujitsu MPG AHE (PB16 AH E). This model does not require to reserve disk space for the drive’s service needs. Let's assume that we need to produce a single-head model. Fujitsu MPG-AT E (PB16E).ru (8632) 78-50-30. In the process of recalculation we have to bear in mind that besides dividing the corresponding number by 2 we need to reserve some disk space for the drive’s service needs (1-2 cylinders). we just increase the Max LBA parameter of the single-head modification by three times. We modify the lowest section for a model with 2 heads. Note: Technical support: eng_support@acelab. Let's assume that we need to produce a model with 3 heads. MB9000 description). though not necessarily. Start a corresponding utility and select Kernel . If that doesn't happen repeat steps 2-4 having short-circuited other data lines. Actually the number in the model name is stored in the ID=3D module as a line recorded in several places. You can tell whether a model uses adaptives or not having read the model ROM (please see Chapters 10 and 11). Technical support: eng_support@acelab. 17.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT. Writing must be followed by a reading operation so that you make sure (using files comparison) that the writing procedure was successful. The menu option is meant for restoration of static translator part (DM module) using the PL table as basis. If ROM already contains valid firmware (with a different version) its checksum will match.mode.mode). After that at power-up the PCB will automatically switch to Kernel mode. and if it does not match the CPU will enter the kernel mode that allows to perform ROM writing or reading. since the checksum will not match. Theoretically. which must be off. If you experience difficulties during work in Kernel – mode (which are especially apparent with Sanyo chips) you should try to short circuit other data lines while entering the mode. After that you may remove the tweezers. Actions summary: 1. MPG3xxxAT drive family also uses adaptives just in some models. A potential problem is manifested in distortion of Flash ROM chip parameters used for adjustment of algorithms applied for subsequent operations with the chip. One peculiarity of its work is that the processor at start-up reads the ROM code and attempts to calculate a correct checksum.ru (8632) 78-50-30. Remove the PCB from HDA and connect PCB to PC-3000 interface and an external1 power supply. Achievement of complete translator's restoration requires also to provide separately for the dynamic part accuracy (TS module). 3. Then you can proceed with ROM writing or reading operations. Sanyo. The code allows to write ROM firmware without a HDA connected to the PCB. . 15. Work with adaptive data. Short circuit two data lines on ROM chip with tweezers (ROM chip pins arrangement is detailed in the end of Fujitsu Arh. it contains two options Adaptives transfer 1 2 . You can also prepare a temporary file containing just 00 values and record it first. of course. That will start the PCB in Kernel mode making it report on readiness immediately (DRDY and DSC LEDs will be illuminated). 78-50-40 www. 5. that are varied for different hardware. and their exact identification is not possible yet . Fujitsu drives utilize several types of Flash ROM chips . adaptives are used in single-disk MPG3204AT and MPG3102AT models. The need for reading or writing of ROM data without HDA arises when the disk hardware version and the ROM firmware version do not match. It is recommended to save all service data module prior to translator recalculation.ru 25 .acelab. 4. for example double-disk MPG3409 and MPG3307AT contain no adaptives. 16. 204). 2. ROM reading/writing to PCB without a HDA (kernel . MPG3204AT) remains unchanged (incorrect). To force the PCB into kernel mode you will need to short circuit two data lines on the ROM chip with tweezers and switch power on the PCB. The model’s name (for example. Installation of a PCB with a different firmware version to the HDA leads to drive's inability to report on readiness. MPG3xxxAH/AHE drive families do not have adaptive data. There is a special menu offered for work with adaptives.sometimes also called Low-Cost Servowriter. In general. MPG At this point we correct just the number returned by a drive as its maximum capacity value. A similar procedure is performed by the low-level format command after successful surface formatting.SGS Thomson. etc. Adaptives are individual HDA settings calculated during servo fields recording on a Pushpin-free STW2 (Servo Track Writer). Power-up the drive. if someone wants to take a chance. Here the microprocessor factory mode and its internal code – KERNEL CODE – can be helpful. The PCB should immediately report on readiness (DRDY and DSC LEDs must be illuminated). one should look for the last 3 figures of identifier (for example. thus ROM cannot be written using regular methods provided in the respective utility. Then you'll be able to record required data.thus modification may pose a threat of code damage. Translator recalculation.an external power supply is recommended for that operation to make power switching on/off more convenient. " . A part of the firmware wired-in the utility body and another part is loading after the initialization it from the module Fujitsu.log.zzzzzzzz xxxxxxxx – full version of the firmware: F/W (4 byte from the shift 0x20 into ROM).adp file to *.bin).commentary Example: [PB16_DIR] .ini editing: [PB15_DIR] – section for MPF AT (PB15) [PB16_DIR] . A complete report that allows to find out.If adaptives have to be transferred from an “adp”-file to ROM file or a module 20h file (see paragraph “Adaptives transfer”) rename an *. MPG -3000 ACELab Adaptives matching Adaptives transfer option serves for copying adaptive data from one file to another.rpm and select in the corresponding menu "module" source type. . which have such firmware. If reading operation is successful the report will include the name of the file containing adaptives that allow to read module 20h and the name of the file to which the 20h module has actually been read. Otherwise the work will be by defaults parameters and some inaccuracy in the head of modules.The function requires presence of PC-3K PWR power supply controller.section for MPG AT (PB16) MPG AT-E (PB16E) [PB16H_DIR] . you'll see a brief report (containing a list of successful operations only) on performed works. In the process of work the utility will sequentially load adaptives from source files to drive RAM and attempt to read module 20h from disk surface. The utilities for the HDD Fujitsu families MPF-AT and MPG – AT/E/AH allows user to add new firmware ROM. yyyyyyyy . In case of work with a ROM file the adaptives are located at offset FDE0h. as with completion of matching all the source files. Utility pop-up window allows to select the type and name for source adaptive data file and the destination file. which files have been processed but did not match. In case of work with the module 20h the adaptives are located at file beginning.acelab.rpm). and adaptive data files (*.ru . the length and the quantity of it is possible.) set the drive on readiness without knocking sounds. The addition of the unknown firmware into the utility allows to work correctly with the modules of the HDD. To set the work of the utility it is necessary to indicate the shift to the modules table in ROM. The format of writing: $xxxxxxxx=$yyyyyyyy . No actions are performed with the connected drive. files with module 20h (*. After input of all the necessary parameters the utility will perform actual transfer of 512 bytes of the adaptive data from one file to the other.adp files represent the most space-saving variant of adaptives storage since the contain nothing more2. which he can find. You can break the matching process at any time by pressing [ESC].section for MPG AH (PB16H) MPG AH-E (PB16HE) Commentary – is a string which is beginning with symbol ". Addition of the new firmware ROM into the file Fujitsu. Files with adaptive data should be located in the ADP_DIR subdirectory of the utility directory.Fujitsu MPF-AT. reporting on readiness does not mean that anything can be read from such drive. *. Of course.ini. for example: 000020: 80 B5 B6 03 – for the firmware F/W HDA : A9-80B5. 78-50-40 www. 2 1 26 Technical support: [email protected] (8632) 78-50-30. Attention! The operation is automatic but a situation is possible when a drive may be damaged during work with a loaded adaptives' block because of heads bouncing. 18. There are two defined file types: "ROM file" and "module file".ini.hexadecimal shift of the modules table in ROM zzzzzzzz . In order to work with a drive you'll have to find a firmware version that would quite promptly (in less than 1 min. even without loading hardware data from disks. In such case.adp). Adaptives matching1 is designed to search for adaptive data matching for the current drive using the existing file set and read the drive's module 20h with its "native" adaptive data. It would be enough if at power-up it sets itself on readiness quickly (without additional self-damage caused by intensive "knocking"). The file of the settings of Fujitsu. names of matching adaptive data files and downloaded 20h modules can be found in the file ADP_DIR\adp_find. The file type is determined by the location of adaptive data block in it. There are three sources for matching: ROM files (*. MPG $20070204=$0001D480 .x00-2007 Researching of the modules table in new ROM should be perform by signature. Technical support: [email protected] 27 . 19. MPF AT : 01 00 4E 00 00 00 MPG AT : 01 00 51 00 00 00 MPG AH : 01 00 51 00 00 00 To view which firmware are switched on now you can by option: Service info / Work with ROM / supported firmware. 78-50-40 www. Pcb circuit.ru (8632) 78-50-30.acelab.-3000 ACELab Fujitsu MPF-AT.
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