Payroll Errors

March 23, 2018 | Author: Rahul More | Category: Sql, Application Programming Interface, Computer Data, Data Management, Technology



Document 1345874.1 Page 1 of 18 Troubleshooting Oracle Payroll Common Errors (Doc ID 1345874.1) In this Document Purpose Troubleshooting Steps References APPLIES TO: Oracle Payroll - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. PURPOSE This note explains various issues and their solutions in Oracle Core Payroll. TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS Oracle Payroll ( Core Pay ) Seq Release Symptom when we try to delete a retro assignment in RetroPay Status page, following error is coming 1 11.5.10 and later "You cannot delete this assignment because it contains one or more elements that are system-created" 2 This is the delete assignments th Notifications Report 11.5.10 and later The user is calling hr_entry_api.get_link and pay_element_entry_api.create_element_entry from a workflow process following approval from a notification. The issue is that the person sending the notification may not be in the approver's security profile. They can approve the claim but when they call the APIs, they return no data as they use the secure view per_assignments_f not the base table to select data. 06/01/2015 .1 ERROR at line 1: HR_ENTRY_API is callable API.create_in_personal_pay_method.HR_ENTRY_API". ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at "APPS. Review Oracle Integ can be found on MyO Responsibility that is 12.HR_ENTRY_API". values from a Table the following error occurs: 4 11.6 and later Question 1: pay_element_entry_api. line 549 So this API cannot b Because of this Orac the use of this API o ORA-06512: at "APPS.10 and later Page 2 of 18 HR_ENTRY_API ends in error when using.1 3 11.create_element_entry API Fails ORA-20001: Data Get_table_value Not Found You are using the se pay_element_entry_ insert an API however fails on". line 114 ORA-06512: at line 9 5 R12.5. line 4266 ORA-06512: at line 55 When attempting to use The Bank Key Flexf hr_in_personal_pay_method_api.Document 1345874.HR_IN_PERSONAL_PAY_METHOD_API"..0/12. line 1303 ORA-06512: at "APPS.5. l_external_account_id ORA-20001: FLEX-ID DOES NOT EXIST: ORA-06512: at "APPS.10 and later The view used for th needed the session_i ERROR Error on line 0 DECLARE l_personal_payment_method_id 06/01/2015 .ctrl-state=912r99bj1_. update_element_entry: system during the da updated ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY: ORA-06512: at "APPS..PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_API".Document line 1233 ORA-06512: at line 23 What is the cause of the above error? https://support..ctrl-state=912r99bj1_. Ho work properly? Question 2: Including the sysdate create element entrie manual entry with V you please sysdate help to archi 6 The following error is being raised when calling the api (application program This error is being ra element entries that e interface) pay_element_entry_api.1 Page 3 of 18 fast formula which is defined function. 06/01/2015 . Data Install was Error . 06/01/2015 .com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay? Page 4 of 18 Why is the PAY_COST_ALLOCATION_API failing with the error below when the parameter value for p_proportion is set to '100'? 7 8 R12 ORA-20001: PAY_50983_INVALID_PROPORTION: ORA-06512: at "APPS. line 721 ORA-06512: at line 13 Cannot view the balances after Payroll Run / Quickpay.APP-PAY-07276: Dynamic SQL for DB item failed : ORA-01403:no data found https://support.Document 1345874.PAY_COST_ALLOCATION_API".. 1 Page 5 of 18 Attach the Element Basic Salary with feeds as Assignment Fiscal Year to how can we do this? Currently we receive the message: APP-PAY-06592: you cannot insert a row for system defined data https://support.Document and later We are trying to add a new classification to a seeded balance. 06/01/2015 . Run the Payroll and check the balance value..ctrl-state=912r99bj1_. In the Balances form after a payroll run. Seup Issue 10 11. Balance Dimension for Fiscal Yr Erroring (but working fine for tax year and Calender year) in International HRMS Setup 9 Error message : APP-PAY-07276: Dynamic SQL for DB item failed : ORA01861: Literal does not match format string. 2 and later You encounter this e https://support.will_clash_with_context 1 insert_user_entity_main : missing route : INPUT_VALUE_ENTRY_LEVEL_OVERRIDE 12 date the eleme the link.Try to create anoth name on Mar 2nd. Trying to set up element with name CKOR SAR-SEP and receive error APP-PAY-07762.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_.5. System throws an error : APP-PAY-06137 An element with the same name already exist .10.1 and later exception ORA-01403.5.2 and later System will not allow set up of elements with dashes in the Page 6 of 18 I can create a Information element but not an earnings element. E replicated 14 11. Trace shows : ffdict.2 and later Data Install was .Create an element o with any payroll.5.non_dbi_used_in_formula 3 ffdict. .1. ORA-01403: no data found On save of earnings element the following error is raised: -------------------------------------------------------------FRM-40735: ON-INSERT trigger raised unhandled 11 12.non_dbi_used_in_formula 1 ffdict.10.Process this elemen .Document 1345874. Trying to create an element with the same name as another element which has been end dated and already exist in the system.validate_dbitem 5 ffdict. 06/01/2015 . 13 11.. message is: If the amount entered is greater than 300 you wish to display an error message.1 Page 7 of 18 APP-PAY-06064: This element has been closed for entry (ELEMENT_NAME= ): .3) with HR 12.3 and later After upgrading to R12 (12. It was invoked using a #USR trigger step.10. One of the INPUT=. ( Formula_Status='s' Action: Please refer to your local support representative.1.Trying to enter element that is 'Close existing element .. formula_Message='A ) RETURN This above coded 16 12.2 we get error compiling flexfield $SRS$.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.entry_value " line (trigger for OVERRIDE_AMOUNT) ) ELSE Cause: A formula was invoked via Application Inputs are OVERRID IF OVERRIDE_AM However you receive the following error when attempting to use the Fast Formula and when it is attached to the element input: ( Formula_Status='e' Formula_Message = of 300' APP-FF-33629: Unexpected end of "ENTRY_VALUE(T) 15 11. 06/01/2015 ..1. or OUTPUT= lines appears to have been truncated.2 and later =:control.Document 1345874.PYSGIA8B Can this be ignored? https://support. or UIDCOL=.Trying to entry of element that You have defined an element with an input value named OVERRIDE_AMOUNT of type monetary which has a Fast Formula of type 'Element Input Validation' attached to the The Fast Formula wh input to validate the entered value.5. otherwise accept the entered amount.1.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_. .1 17 11.SQL ORA-1403: no data found ORA-6512: at "APPS.sql Fails wi Following error being encountered when running hrglobal? 06512 on table pay_input_valu line 5403 ORA-6512: at line 43 APP-FF-33980: Internal error attempting to generate package If the following error stack occurs when compiling a Payroll Formula APP-FF-34004: Oracle Payroll FAILED APP-FF-33980: Internal and later Page 8 of 18 Refer to Note 12455 hrrbdeib.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_.HRDYNDBI". the orphaned ro deleted. 06/01/2015 .5. A compilation error has been detected while attempting to generate package FFP51699_01010001 (or equivalent text string prefixed with FFP) 18 Formula https://support.Document 1345874.. ERROR at line 1: A datafix for a simila Bug 5917962 HRRUNPRC. oracle. FF_34999_WRAPPER_GEN_ERROR (Doc ID 394678.Document 1345874.2 and later After applying an HRMS family pack. Check for the results.1 How to resolve warning message APP-PAY-34859: The formula results for this processing rule have changed. What needs to be done compilation was not the formula compilat to make these packages valid? was compiled using compilation code.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_. 'FFP502_01010001' This error can and 'FFP503_01010001' are invalid..1) https://support.. 19 20 Page 9 of 18 Invalid Fast Formula Packages.5. The corresponding results may now be invalid.10. 06/01/2015 . 5. Getting error: APP-FND-01238 CANNOT SET VALUE FOR FIELD LINK.2 and later Page 10 of 18 Need to query element links using one of the defined People Group segments..10.PEOPLE_GROUP_ID ERROR ON QUERY How can this be done? https://support.1 21 06/01/2015 .Document 5. the specific Organiza which the links exist the element and later APP-PAY-07134: You cannot delete links which have entries within the deletion period. 23 11. 06/01/2015 .2 and later APP-PAY-07016: Your changes will affect element entries.5. Oracle HR create both links. You have attempted has entries within the selected.1 Page 11 of 18 22 11.10. 25 https://support. 24 11.5.2 and later The following error is raised when it is attempted to open the Batch Element Entry (BEE) form.Document 1345874.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_.10.. Do you want to continue 11. T create problems whe and later APP-PAY-06398: This element is not mutually exclusive This error message i attempted to save a n couldallow an emplo element multiple create an element lin your 'Semi another link for that Organization.10.10. the system is throwing the following error on every employee in thebatch. This is because the data associated with this functionality is currently being upgraded" 26 When creating a BEE Batch to load comp time award hours for selected employees for Fiscal Year begin.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_. 06/01/2015 . 2) if the element is EFFECTIVE as on the date on which you want to create the BEE. "Employee is not eligible for this element entry at the effective date" We checked the following : 1) if there exists a proper element link for all employees present in the batch..Document 1345874.1 Page 12 of 18 Navigate: Mass Information Exchange > Batch Element Entry "APP-PER-449106: This functionality is currently not available. . 06/01/2015 ..2 and later -there are multiple en payroll period where is being Why is the following error being raised when trying to validate a Batch Element Entry (BEE) batch? This error is raised w -The BEE Batch has to 'Change Existing E 'Cannot update as more than one entry for this element exists at the effective date' 27 11.1 Page 13 of 18 and they were perfect. Since the system can element entries in th should be updated w in the batch then the raised.1.5.Document 1345874.2 New invalids after 12.10.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_.1. 28 R 12.2 upgrade Invalid ******** Document 1345874.-------PERCONTACTRELATIONSH_3135U_DYT TRIGGER INVALID APPS SQL> select name.1 Page 14 of 18 SQL> select object_name. Warning: Trigger altered with compilation from dba_objects where object_name='PERCONTACTRELATIONSH_3135U_DYT'.------.------------------.PERCONTACTRELATIONSH_3135U_DYT: LINE/COL ERROR -------.created from v$database.-----------------DWWFNI 22-DEC-10 SQL> alter trigger OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE STATUS OWNER -----------------------------.PERCONTACTRELATIONSH_3135U_DYT compile.. SQL> sho errors Errors for TRIGGER APPS. 06/01/2015 .---------------------------------------------------------------48/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored 48/23 PLS-00302: component 'PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS_ARU' must be https://support. NAME CREATED --------.object_type.status. oracle.5..ctrl-state=912r99bj1_.RUP4 (Patch 7666111).K. ORA-01026: multiple buffers of size > 4000 in the bind list 29 11.2 and later This occurs for on seed data files with extension .5..10. When attempting to run the "CHEQUE_WRITER_GEN module: Cheque Writer (generic)" the following errors can occur: Signal 11 Assertion failure detected at location pyjavaco: 30 11. How do you avoid this error? https://support.Document 1345874.ldt.2 and later After applying HR_PF. the error is seen Dumping LDT file <file name> into FND_SEED_STAGE_ENTITY ERRORS: HR_6882_HRPROC_ASSERT at LOCATION pyjavaco:1 APP-PAY-06882: Assertion failure detected at location pyjavaco:1.1 Page 15 of 18 declared How to stop the following error from occurring when applying a patch. 06/01/2015 .2 and later or general problem not being able to open the XML output The above errors RUN_XDO & PRIN in table PAY_ACTIO 31 11.10. when accessing the BEE Spreadsheet Inte The BEE Spreadsheet Interface does not get opened and you are not able to upload batches using Generally. 5. 06/01/2015 32 11.2 and later The operation resulte a payroll (i.2 and later 2) Is it possible to work round this problem by deleting the prepayments via Payroll Process Results to enable the BACS Limit change required? Why do I receive the error: 33 11.1 Page 16 of 18 1) The client wishes to amend the BACS Limit The system will not allow this change as pre payments exist from an interim run done Is there any way round this so that the account name can be amended for the main payroll run ? Error: APP-PAY-06226: Pre-payments exist for this payment method. one or m methods does not ha methods for the assignment is valid for the new p https://support. to chan point on the assignm This is only allowed payment methods fo valid for the new pay APP-PAY-6844: this operation invalidates personal payment In this case.10.ctrl-state=912r99bj1_.e.Document 1345874. 1 .sql Fails: ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at APPS.1 .DRV hrrbdeib.How to Delete the Orphaned Rows in Table PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F Which Causes The Hrglobal To Fail? BUG:9545005 .1 Page 17 of 18 REFERENCES NOTE:124555.1 FWD PORT OF 9019163 https://support.Oracle Payroll 'Fast Formula' Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) NOTE:422607. 06/01/2015 ..HRDYNDBI 1345874. APP-FND-01238 CANNOT SET VALUE FOR FIELD Page 18 of 18 BUG:10120645 ..RETRO STATUS WINDOW DOES NOT ALLOW STATUS CHANGES BUG:9019163 .Document 1345874.PEOPLE_GROUP_ID ERROR ON QUERY https://support.RETRO (ENHANCED)..SQL BUG:6892796 .ctrl-state=912r99bj1_.FRM-40735 ERROR ON INSERT TRIGGER WHEN ADDING A NEW CONTACT BUG:5353762 .oracle. 06/01/2015 .ERROR WHEN APPLYIN HRMS-K ROLLUP-1 PATCH BUG:5917962 .HRGLOBAL FAILS WITH HRRUNPRC.
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