PAT Bio 3 2016

May 28, 2018 | Author: Halizah Ramthan | Category: Temperature, Thermometer, Experiment, Chart, Heat



4551/3SMK GAJAH BERANG, MELAKA PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN 2016 Nama Pelajar : Tingkatan : BIOLOGI KERTAS 3 TINGKATAN 4 3/11/2016 MASA: 7.50-9.20 (1 ½ JAM ) INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES MAKLUMAT UNTUK CALON 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua soalan: Soalan 1 dan Soalan 2. This question paper consists of two questions: Question 1 and Question 2. 2. Jawab semua soalan. Anda boleh menggunakan persamaan, rajah, graf, dan cara lain yang sesuai untuk menjelaskan jawapan anda. Tunjukkan kerja mengira, ini boleh membantu anda mendapatkan markah. Answer all the questions. You may use equations, diagrams, tables, graph and other suitable method to explain your answers. Show your working, it may help you to get marks 3. Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated. 4. Markah yang diperuntukkan bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan dalam kurungan. The marks allocated for each question or sub-part of a question are shown in brackets. 5. Anda dinasihati supaya mengambil masa 45 minit untuk menjawab Soalan 1 dan 45 minit untuk Soalan 2 You are advised to spend 45 minutes to answer Questions 1 and 45 minutes for Question 2. Soalan Markah Markah Penuh Diperoleh 1 33 2 17 Jumlah 50 Disediakan oleh : Disemak oleh : PANITIA BIOLOGI ( Halizah Bt Ramthan) KERTAS SOALAN INI MENGANDUNGI 9 HALAMAN BERCETAK TERMASUK MUKA HADAPAN PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 1 Nilai tenaga atau nilai kalori adalah kuantiti haba yang dihasilkan apabila satu gram makanan dioksidakan dengan lengkap atau dibakar. Rajah 2 menunjukkan suatu set radas dan bahan yang digunakan dalam eksperimen ini yang menunjukkan suhu awal air adalah 290 C. Justeru itu. Tenaga haba ini seterusnya diserap oleh air di dalam tabung didih.4551/3 Answer all questions Jawab semua soalan Question 1 / Soalan 1 Energy value or calorific value is the quantity of heat produced when one gram of food is completely oxidized or burnt down. kandungan tenaga dalam pelbagai sampel makanan adalah berbeza-beza berdasarkan kelas-kelas makanan. Sekumpulan pelajar tingkatan 4 telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan nilai tenaga untuk sampel-sampel makanan berikut dalam Rajah 1. Hence.up used in this experiment showing the initial water temperature of 290 C. P Q R Diagram 1 / Rajah 1 Diagram 2 shows the apparatus set. A group of form 4 students carried out an experiment to determine the energy value for the following food samples in Diagram 1. This heat energy is then absorbed by the water in the boiling tube. Diagram 2 / Rajah 2 PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 2 . the energy content in food varies among food samples according to their classes of food. Step 3: The boiling tube is clamped to a retort stand with thermometer placed in it. Apabila pembakaran lengkap. 20 ml air suling dimasukkan ke dalam tabung didih yang bersih menggunakan silinder penyukat. the burnt bread is placed below the boiling tube. Step 7: The water is stirred gently with the thermometer. Roti (P) dilekatkan pada pin dan dibakar di dalam api gas labor. Step 9: The energy value of bread is calculated using the following formula: Energy value = 4. Step 6: When completely burnt. Air dikacau secara perlahan menggunakan termometer. roti yang dibakar diletakkan di bawah tabung didih. Jadual 1 menunjukkan suhu tertinggi selepas sampel makanan dibakar dengan lengkap. Step 8: The final temperature of water is recorded using the thermometer Suhu akhir air direkodkan menggunakan termometer.2 (Jg-1˚ C) x jisim air (g) x kenaikan suhu (˚C) Jisim sampel makanan (g) Step 10: Step 1 until 9 are repeated using anchovy (Q) and cashew nut (R) Langkah 1 hingga 9 diulangi menggunakan ikan bilis (Q) dan kacang gajus (R) Table 1 shows the highest water temperature after the food sample is completely burnt down. Step 4: The initial temperature of water in the boiling tube were measured and recorded by using a thermometer. PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 3 .4551/3 The following steps were carried out: Langkah-langkah berikut telah dijalankan: Step 1: Small pieces of bread (P) is cut off and the mass is weight and recorded using a balance. Tabung didih diapit pada kaki retort dengan termometer diletakkan ke dalamnya. Step 2: 20 ml of distilled water was placed into a clean boiling tube by using a measuring cylinder. Sebahagian kecil roti (P) telah dikerat dan jisimnya ditimbang serta direkodkan menggunakan penimbang. Jisim awal air di dalam tabung didih diukur dan direkodkan menggunakan thermometer Step 5: The bread (P) is attached to a pin and burnt in a labour gas flame.2 (Jg-1˚C) x mass of water (g) x temperature increase(˚C) Mass of food sample (g) Nilai tenaga roti dihitung menggunakan formula berikut: Nilai tenaga = 4. 6 Q Anchovy Ikan Bilis 0.4551/3 Type of food sample Mass of food sample Final temperature of Increase in water Jenis sampel Jisim sampel water temperature makanan makanan (g) Suhu akhir air (˚C) Pertambahan suhu air (oC) P Bread Roti 0.2 Table 1 / Jadual 1 PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 4 .8 R Cashew nut Kacang gajus 1. .......................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Apparatus Materials Radas Bahan-bahan Table 2 / Jadual 2 [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (d) Complete the variables in Table 3 based on this experiment. ........................ ..................................................... ......... .................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Observation 2 / Pemerhatian 2 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dari Rajah 2................................... [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (b)(ii) State two inferences related to the above observations....4551/3 (a) Record the increase in water temperature in Table 1.. senaraikan semua radas dan bahan yang digunakan dalam eksperimen ini........................................................................................................ .................................... Inference from observation 2 / Inferens dari pemerhatian 2 .......................................... [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (b) (i) State two different observations that can be made from Table I........ Lengkapkan pembolehubah-pembolehubah dalam Jadual 3 berdasarkan eksperimen ini........................................ [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (c) From Diagram 2.............................................................. PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 5 .................................................................................................................................................. . ................................................................................................................. ......................................................... Rekod kenaikan suhu air di dalam Jadual 1.......... list out all the apparatus and materials used in this experiment......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Nyatakan dua inferens berkaitan dengan pemerhatian di atas. ................................ Inference from observation 1 / Inferens dari pemerhatian 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................... Nyatakan dua pemerhatian yang berbeza yang boleh dibuat daripada Jadual 1 Observation 1 / Pemerhatian 1: .......................................................................... ................................ ..................................................................... ........................................................... Table 3 / Jadual 3 [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (e) State the hypothesis for this experiment.... . ......................................... Bina satu jadual dan rekodkan semua data yang terkumpul dalam eksperimen ini...................... ................. .............................. Nyatakan hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini............. / Nilai tenaga setiap sampel makanan.................................................................................................................................... [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 6 .................... ............... ........................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................... ...................................................... Your Table should have the following : Jadual anda hendaklah mengandungi yang berikut: o Type of food sample / Jenis sampel makanan o Mass of food sample / Jisim sampel makanan................... .................. ................................ .............................. o Increase in water temperature / Kenaikan suhu air o Energy value for each food sample................................... Responding Variable: ........................................................................ ........................................................ .................................................................................................................. Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan: ............................................................................................ [ 3 marks/ [ 3 markah] (f) Construct a Table and record all the data collected in this experiment.... ........................................... ....... Pembolehubah Malar: . Pembolehubah bergerak balas: .................................................................................................................................................... Fixed Variable: ...... ..................................... ..........4551/3 Variables Method to handle the variables Pembolehubah Cara mengendalikan pembolehubah Manipulated Variable: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................... ........................ Dengan menggunakan Jadual di 1(f)......................................................... Explain your prediction...... lukiskan satu graf carta bar ke atas nilai tenaga melawan jenis sampel makanan................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... state the relationship between the energy value and the type of food sample...................................... Sekiranya sampel makanan digantikan oleh S................. ............... ....... By using the Table in 1(f) ................. nyatakan hubungan di antara nilai tenaga dan jenis sampel makanan............ ...... [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (h) If the food sample is replaced by S............................................................................................................................... [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (i) Define operationally the Energy Value.................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .... [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] (g) (ii) Based on the graph in 1(g)(i). Terangkan..................................................................................................................... ............... Definisikan secara operasi Nilai Tenaga............................................................ Explain................................... .............................. Gunakan kertas graf yang disediakan pada halaman 8 untuk menjawab soalan ini...................................... ramalkan hasil eksperimen.................................... .......................................................................................................... Berdasarkan graf dalam 1(g)(i)....................... Terangkan ramalan anda ........................... .................... predict the outcome of the experiment......................................................................................................... draw a bar chart graph on the energy value against the type of food sample......................................4551/3 (g) (i) Used the graph paper provided on page 8 to answer this question.... [ 3 marks/ 3 markah] PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 7 ..................................................................... 4551/3 PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 8 . Competition between individuals of different species is called interspecific competition and competition between individuals of the same species is called intraspecific competition.4551/3 Question 2 / Soalan 2 Organisms in an environment compete with each other for the same basic needs in their survival. saiz dan jisim kering. Organisma di dalam alam sekitar bersaing antara satu sama lain untuk mendapatkan keperluan asas yang sama bagi kemandirian masing-masing. rancang satu eksperimen dalam makmal untuk mengkaji kesan persaingan interspesifik di antara pertumbuhan jagung dan padi. plan a laboratory experiment to study the effect of interspecific competition between maize plant and paddy plants on their growth. Perancangan eksperimen anda hendaklah meliputi aspek-aspek berikut:  Problem statement Pernyataan masalah  Hypothesis Hipotesis  Variables Pemboleh ubah  List of apparatus and materials Senarai radas dan bahan  Experimental procedure Prosedur eksperimen  Presentation of data Persembahan data [17 marks /17 markah] END OF QUESTION PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 9 . The effect of the competition is shown in their growth such as height. Based on the above information. Kesan daripada persaingan ini ditunjuk melalui pertumbuhannya seperti ketinggian. The planning of your experiment must include the following aspect. size and dry mass. Persaingan antara individu yang berlainan spesies dipanggil persaingan interspesifik dan persaingan antara individu daripada spesies yang sama dipanggil persaingan intraspesifik. Berdasarkan maklumat di atas. the final water temperature is 440 C.29 09 R / Cashew nut 44. [KB0601 : Observation] 1(b)(i) 3 Able to state correct observations based on the manipulated and responding variables: Observation 1: 1. For Q / Anchovy . For P or Bread. the final water temperature is 38 0C Observation 2: 1. Sample answer: Type of food Increase in water sample temperature (0C) P/ Bread 32. For R / Cashew nut . 2 Able to state any 2 inaccurate observations OR Any one correct answers.4551/3 Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Biologi Tingkatan 4 2016 Answers Paper 3 ITEM SCORE EXPLANATION REMARKS NO [KB0603 : Measuring using Numbers] 1(a) 3 Able to record the increase in water temperature correctly. 2. For R / Cashew nut. Sample answer: Inference 1: 1. 4.29 03 Q / Anchovy 38. For P or Bread. the increase in water temperature is 30C 2. For Q or Anchovy. the increase in water temperature is 150 C. the final water temperature is 32 0C 3.29 15 2 Able to record the increase in water temperature based on any 2 correct aspects OR Able to record the final water temperature for each food samples Sample answer: Type of food sample Final water temperature (0C) P/ Bread 32 Q / Anchovy 38 R / Cashew nut 44 1 Able to record any one correct aspect OR Any 2 correct final water temperature 0 Wrong answer or no response // one correct final water temperature. 1 Able to state observations at idea level 0 Wrong answer or no response [KB0604 : Inference] 1(b)(ii) 3 Able to state correct inferences which corresponds to the observation . the increase in water temperature is 90 C. P / Bread is carbohydrate classes of food which has lowest energy value PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 10 . 2 Any 4-5 ticks 1 Any 1-3 ticks 0 Wrong answer or no response [KB0611 : Hypothesis] 1(e) 3 Able to state correct hypothesis relating the manipulated and P1: food responding variable. Q/ Anchovy is protein classes of food which has low energy value./ has highest energy value 2 Able to state any 2 inaccurate inferences OR any one correct inference. Q/ Cashew nut is protein classes of food which has highest energy value. 1 Able to state any inferences at idea level 0 Wrong answer or no response KB0602 : Classifying 1(c) 3 Able to classify the apparatus and materials correctly based on Diagram 2 OR Any 6 correct ticks Sample answer: Apparatus Materials Needle Burning bread Retort stand Distilled water Boiling tube Thermometer 2 Able to classify correctly based on any 4-5 ticks 1 Able to classify correctly based on any 1-3 ticks 0 Wrong answer or no response [KB0610 : Variables] 1(d) 3 Able to find correct variable and method to handle OR Any 6 ticks. samples Bread /P has the lowest energy value / increase in water P2: energy temperature compare to Anchovy(Q) and Cashew nut (R)// vice value / versa increase in water temperature PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 11 . // Change bread to anchovy and cashew nut anchovy and cashew nut Responding variable: Calculate the energy Energy Value value using formula 4.2X water massX temperature increase Mass of food // Increase in water //Record the increase in temperature water temperature using thermometer Constant variable: Used 290 C water Initial water temperature temperature. Variables Method to handle the variable Manipulated: Used different types of Type of food sample// food sample P. Q / Anchovy release lower / less heat energy which is absorbed by water / has low energy value. Inference 2. Q/ Cashew nut released more /most heat energy which is absorbed by water. 3. 2. 4.Q and R // Bread.4551/3 2. 1. P / Bread released the least /lowest heat energy which is absorbed by water / has lowest energy value. 050 nut D E 2 Able to record any 2 correct Data 1 Able to record any 1 correct Data 0 Wrong answer or no response [KB0607 : Using spatial time and Space Relationship] 1(g)(i) 3 Able to plot a graph with the following aspect s: P – all axis with uniform scale and correct units T – all point is transferred correctly B – correct Bar chart Sample answer: 2 Able to plot a graph based on any 2 aspects 1 Able to plot a graph based on any 1 aspect 0 Wrong answer or no response [KB0608 : Interprate Data] 1(g)(ii) 3 Able to explain the relationship between energy value and the type of food sample based on: P1: Hypothesis statement P2: Classes of food P3: Heat energy absorbed by water to increased the temperature Sample answer: 1.2 15 1.4551/3 H: relationship 2 Able to state the hypothesis based on any two aspects P1 & P2 //P1 & H // P2 & H 1 Able to state the hypothesis based on any one aspect P1 / P2 0 Wrong answer or no response [KBO606 : Communicating] 1(f) 3 Able to record all the data correctly in a Table based on T= Correct title and Units D= Correct data E = Correct energy value Sample answer: Type of Mass of Increase in Energy food sample food water Value T sample (g) temperature( 0C ) (Jg-1) P/ Bread 0.8 09 945 R/ Cashew 1. Bread /P has the lowest energy value compare to anchovy and cashew nut PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 12 .6 03 420 Q/ Anchovy 0. 3. or determine / shown by the increase in water temperature. which is absorbed by water to increase them to 030C/ 090C/150C. because it is carbohydrate classes of food 3. 1 Able to define correctly based on any 1 aspect 0 Wrong answer or no response Suggested answer for Question 2 • Problem statement: How does interspecific competition affects the growth rate of maize and paddy plants? Pernyataan masalah: Bagaimanakah persaingan antara spesies berlainan mempengaruhi kadar pertumbuhan pokok jagung dan pokok padi? • Objective: To study the interspecific competition between the maize and the paddy plants. 2 Able to define correctly based on any 2 aspects. Hipotesis: Persaingan antara spesies berlainan berlaku di antara tumhuhan. 2. least heat energy is absorbed by water to increased the temperature / 03o C of water OR 1. • Variables /Pembolehubah: Manipulated: Types of seedling Dimanipulasikan: Jenis anak benih Responding: Dry mass of the plant Bergerak balas: Jisim kering pokok Constant: Type of soil. most/ highest heat energy is absorbed by water to increase the temperature / 19o C of water. distance between the seedlings PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 13 . because it is protein and lipid classes of food 3. Cashew nut / R has the highest energy value compare to anchovy and bread 2. • Hypothesis: An interspecific completion occurs between plants. Heat energy released is the highest / absorbed by water 2 Able to explain prediction of outcome based on any 2 aspects 1 Able to explain prediction of outcome based on any 1 aspect 0 Wrong answer or no response [ KB0609: Defining by Operation] 1(i) 3 Able to define operationally based on: P1: What is energy value P2: How it is determine P3: What factor cause them. Sample answer: 1. amount of water. The energy value is affected by the type of food sample. Energy value is the quantity of heat (energy) produce by bread / anchovy / cashew nut / food sample.4551/3 2. S is cobra which has more lipid 2. Objektif: Mengkaji kesan persaingan antara spesies berlainan di antara tanaman jagung dan tanaman padi. Its energy value is more than cashew nut // More than 1050 Jg-1 3. Name & classes of food` P2: Energy value P3: Highest heat energy released / absorbed by water Sample answer: 1. 2 Able to explain the relationship based on any 2 aspects 1 Able to explain the relationship based on any 1 aspect 0 Wrong answer or no response [KB0605: Prediction] 1(h) 3 Able to explain prediction of the outcome correctly based on: P1. Dulang benih itu disimpan di dalam kebun dan disiram air pili dengan teliti. berus cat • Materials: Maize seeds. Langkah 4-6 diulang sebanyak 3 kali. The maize seedlings are then heated in the oven at the temperature of 110 °C. paintbrush Radas: Oven. paddy seeds Bahan: Biji benih jagung. 15 maize seedling are pulled randomly from the tray and washes under running water. 6. After 3 weeks. Anak-anak benih itu kemudian dipanaskan di dalam oven yang bersuhu 110 °C. Sebuah dulang benih yang besar diisikan dengan tanah kebun. Step 4 .6 are repeated for three times. 4. Experiment are repeated for the seedlings of paddy. 8. 3. • Procedure IProsedur: 1. Results /Keputusan: The dry mass of 15 seedlings /g Average dry mass /g Jisim kering untuk 15 anak benih /g Jisim kering /g Tray 1 2 3 P / Maize Jagung R / Paddy Padi PANITIA BIOLOGI SMKGB 14 . ruler. Setelah 3 minggu. neraca electronic. jumlah air. 15 anak-anak benih jagung ditarik secara rawak dari dulang seterusnya dicuci di bawah air pili yang mengalir 5. The maize seeds and the paddy seeds are planted at 5 cm interval in the same seedling trays. Teknik: Menyingkirkan semua tanah-tanih sebelum mengeringkan anak-anak benih di dalam oven dan timbangkan jisim kering dengan menggunakan neraca elektronik. biji benih padi • Technique: Remove all the soil before dry the seedlings in the oven and weigh the dry mass using electronic balance. 2. The seedling tray is kept in the garden and watered carefully with the tap water. jarak di antara anak-anak benih • Apparatus: Oven. A big seedling trays is filled with garden soil. Anak-anak benih jagung dan padi ditanamkan dengan jarak sejauh 5 cm di dalam dulang benih itu.4551/3 Dimalarkan: Jenis lanah. The dry mass of the maize seedling is weighed using the electronic balance. pembaris. Jisim kering. anak-anak benih jagung ditimbang dengan menggunakan neraca elektronik. electronic balance. 7. Eksperimen diulang dengan menggunakan anak-anak benih padi.
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