Part 1080 Rail Signalling (1)

March 27, 2018 | Author: Thieyrra Alham | Category: Track (Rail Transport), General Contractor, Track Gauge, Cable, Rail Transport



Edition: December 2010Part 1080: Rail Signalling PART 1080 RAIL SIGNALLING CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. General Signalling Infrastructure Plan Correlation Activities for Design Asset Condition Report Disconnection Activities Re-Connection Activities Testing and Commissioning Activities Hold Points Appendix A: Appendix B: 1. GENERAL Certificate of Signalling – Conditional Certificate of Signalling This Part specifies the requirements for activities associated with signalling infrastructure. Documents referenced in this Part are listed below and are contained at Appendix 21: • • • • 2. Draft – PTS WI - Installation of Track Connections Draft - PTS WI - TI21 Tuning Units Draft - PTS WI - Installation of Invensys M70 Point Machines Draft - PTS WI - Installation of Train Automatic Warning Systems (PTS-R-10-SG-WKS-000000nn). SIGNALLING INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT PLAN The Contractor shall provide a Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan. The plan shall detail: (a) the decommissioning and reinstatement method for the safe temporary disconnection and circuit modification, removal and protection of the existing line-side signalling infrastructure; (b) the procedures for identifying the temporarily disconnected and removed equipment and its original position; (c) re-instatement of the same temporarily disconnected and removed equipment in its original location following the track renewal works; (d) the strategic approach to temporarily disable the active road and pedestrian crossings across the Adelaide Metropolitan Rail Network (AMPRN), track circuits and in addition to that, where applicable maintaining response level and the normal level crossing operation controlled by ARTC track circuits; (e) the testing and commissioning strategy for re-commissioning the re-instated signalling equipment, signal interlocking and associated control circuits and level crossings; (f) re-setting and re-adjusting the re-instated signalling equipment ready for normal service following the satisfactory completion of the track renewal works; (g) where applicable the testing of the level crossing operation controlled by the ARTC track circuits as part of the full level crossing functional test; and (h) how the interfaces between the Permanent Way and Signalling installation and testing work and personnel shall be coordinated and managed. (i) as a separate document a Testing and Commissioning Plan for each applicable stage of the decommissioning, reinstatement and recommissioning of the affected signalling equipment and cabling. This shall include applicable signalling work packages and associated programmes. The Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan is a Controlled Document, vide Clause 140.4 “Document Control”. If not provided beforehand, the draft Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan (with the exception of the Testing and Commissioning Plan ), shall be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of signalling disconnection works. Provision of the submission of the draft plan shall constitute a HOLD POINT. DPTI XXCxxx Page 1 but not limited to location cases. point machines. The Contractor may elect to conduct site surveys to validate track infrastructure / kilometerage and confirm “as-in-service status”.Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling The final Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan (with the exception of the Testing and Commissioning Plan ). 5. signage. The Contractor shall specifically address the disconnection activities in the Safety Management and Risk Management Plans as per the requirements of Part 161 Clauses 3 and 4 respectively. cable trunking. The report shall be augmented by photographic and/or video data to support the condition status. Provision of the submission of this information shall constitute a HOLD POINT. The Contractor shall submit these plans with the associated Inspection and Test Plan to the Superintendent at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of signalling disconnection works. All Signalling design shall be in accordance with the Signalling Design Criteria document as contained at Appendix 3.1 DISCONNECTION ACTIVITIES Submission of Disconnection Documentation The Contractor shall undertake the necessary disconnection design and plans shall be identified and marked accordingly as “Disconnection". Where any signalling infrastructure subject to the asset condition survey is altered or damaged as a result of the Contractor’s activities during the course of the Contract.2 ARTC Interface Where ARTC standard gauge track runs parallel to PTS broad gauge lines the Contractor shall maintain the normal level crossing operation on the standard gauge line at all times. The Contractor shall verify the accuracy of the information provided. The “as-in-service” locations with reference chainage shall be included in the Contractor’s design. Any discrepancies found shall be reported to the Superintendent along with the Contractor’s proposal for rectifying the issue. shall be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of signalling disconnection works. tuning units. along with: the Superintendent’s Representative a PTSOM representative and provide a Signalling Asset Condition Status report for each item of signalling equipment as detailed on the Master Signalling plans for the relevant sections of line. circuit plans. The submitted plans shall be marked “For Construction”. control tables. Upon completion of the disconnection activities. relays. 5. 3. If discrepancy in the kilometerage for the line side signalling equipment is found between the signalling plans and the site survey. is provided in AutoCad). location case drawings. along with 2 x A3 colour copies. and shall be provided in AutoCad format (providing the correlated version refer Clause 3. The Contractor shall convert kilometerage to design chainage prior to any disconnection activity. ASSET CONDITION REPORT 2 weeks prior to disconnection activities the Contractor shall arrange and conduct a Signalling Line-Side Asset Condition Survey. DPTI XXCxxx Page 2 . the site survey kilometerage shall be taken as the correct kilometerage and the Contractor shall update the plans to reflect the changes. a functional test shall be carried out on each level crossing to verify the operational integrity. bonding plans. In the event that signalling equipment is damaged by work activities and requires replacement the Contractor shall seek prior approval through the Superintendent for any alternative substitutes in lieu of a ‘like for like’ original replacement. 5. termination points. the Contractor shall be responsible for returning the asset to the standard recorded at the commencement of work in the survey. contact analysis sheets. This shall be specifically addressed in the Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan as per Clause 2(i). AWS units. level and pedestrian crossing equipment. 4. location case wiring plans for the relevant sections of line are contained at Appendix 18. Provision of the submission of the final plan shall constitute a HOLD POINT. Provision of the submission of asset condition survey shall constitute a HOLD POINT. The Contractor shall manage the ARTC Interfaces in accordance with the requirements of Part 174. This report shall detail the physical condition of all equipment including. CORRELATION ACTIVITIES FOR DESIGN The master signalling plans. Provision of the submission of this information shall constitute a HOLD POINT.4 Signalling Cables Prior to the commencement of civil works. The Contractor shall submit a part replacement list for each points machine to the Superintendent within 2 days after dismantling activities. AWS track-borne equipment shall be installed in accordance with the PTS Work Instruction for the Installation of Train Automatic Warning Systems (PTS-R-10-SG-WKS-000000nn). Temporary modifications to the level crossing circuits shall include a common. Following disconnection of signalling cables from rail the Contractor shall undertake Megger Testing of all cable for the purposes of identifying defective cable. position and shall identify and tag each piece of the equipment with its location and point machine number.4 (c). Prior to disconnecting the track circuit leads from the rails.2 AWS Installation AWS track-mounted equipment position shall be re-installed by the Contractor at positions approximately at the same location as the original installation as detailed in the correlation survey unless otherwise specified by the Superintendent. The Contractor shall note that local adjustment to sleeper spacing maybe required in the vicinity of the AWS equipment in accordance with Part 1045 table 3.5 Point Machines Prior to disconnection of point machines and associated drive and detection rods. 6. Where these conditions exist.Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling 5. The Contractor shall submit all cable test results and condition report to the Superintendent within 2 days after completion of conducting the tests. the Contractor shall document each track lead polarity. Each lead shall be identified and tagged or colour coded. 6. 6.3 Signalling Cables Page 3 DPTI XXCxxx . The Contractor shall submit these plans with the associated Inspection and Test Plan to the Superintendent at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of signalling reconnection works.1 RECONNECTION ACTIVITIES Submission of Reconnection Documentation The Contractor shall undertake the necessary reconnection design and plans shall be identified and marked accordingly as “Reconnection". This manual mode of operation shall also activate the road traffic light coordination circuits associated with the crossing operation on all lines. the normal operation associated with ARTC standard gauge line shall be maintained. 5. All signalling cable identified as having an insulation resistance value less then or equal to 5 MΩ shall be classified as defective and the Superintendent will provide direction to the Contractor as to the extent of cable to be replaced and the programming of these works. lead colour and track-circuit identifier and its location. 2 hours prior to the installation of AWS Units on new concrete sleepers the Contractor shall notify the Superintendent immediately following the completion of coring activities for a joint inspection on the sleepers.3 Road Interface at Level Crossings with Traffic Signals Locations of road traffic signals interfacing with rail signalling at level crossing are specified in the Contract Specific Requirements. tagged and recorded in accordance with the signalling circuit plans. orientation. position and shall identify and tag each piece of the equipment with its associated signal name and polarity of the cable terminations. The Contractor is responsible for all equipment for the duration of the works. 6. 5. the Contractor shall document the arrangement. manual mode of operation across both standard and broad gauge lines. This inspection shall constitute a HOLD POINT. Prior to disconnection and removal of the AWS permanent magnets and electro-magnets. the position of the existing line-side and in-track signalling equipment that is to be temporarily disconnected and removed shall be clearly marked on site. Cabling to the point machine and the termination arrangement shall be marked. orientation. the Contractor shall document the arrangement. The Principal will supply all replacement parts for points machines to the Contractor. to the extent applicable to each of the affected components of the overall signalling system. The Contractor shall provide minimum 3 days notice.4). Exposed bonds that could short-circuit must be insulated. This notification shall constitute a HOLD POINT. to the signalling equipment all cable shall be Megger tested to verify that they have not been damaged as part of the Contractor work activities. ITP’s and plans to the Superintendent for acceptance. the Contractor shall forward all signed testing documents. The Superintendent will provide a qualified independent signalling resource to witness the testing and commissioning activities and sign off on supporting documentation.1 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES Testing and Commissioning Plan The Contractor is responsible for performing all Testing and Commissioning activities to reinstate all the affected signalling systems including (where applicable). 6. The PTS Work Instruction – Installation of Invensys M70 Electric Switch Machines.6 Tuning Units Tuning units shall be installed in accordance with PTS Work Instruction . On points. 7.2 Conditional Certificate of Commissioning The Contractor shall notify the Superintendent 2 hours prior to the commencement of re-applying power to track circuits and signalling equipment. active level crossings on the ARTC track. 7. 6. The Superintendent or his authorised representative reserves the right to check the setting and request that these be changed. non complaint existing bonding shall be replaced with new bonding.TI21 Tuning Units.Installation of Track Connections.Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling Prior to reconnecting of any signalling cable (existing or new). Track leads and bonding leads shall be installed in accordance with the PTS Work Instruction . CAD welding is to be used. The Contractor shall allow a minimum of 5 working days for this review. The Contractor shall submit the Testing and Commissioning Plan to the Superintendent at least 6 weeks prior to the commencement of commissioning activities. Upon satisfactory review the Superintendent will request the Contractor to submit a Conditional Certificate of Signalling. 6.4 Track Connections Prior to reconnection of track circuits to the rail the Contractor shall identify each connection cable for each specific track circuit to ensure correct track polarities. The Contractor shall provide a Testing and Commissioning Plan as per the requirements of the Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan vide Clause 2 (i). On restoration of the power feeds and unless otherwise specified the Contractor shall adjust the track circuits in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and record the settings on the maintenance card and submit testing certification documentation. which shall be co-signed by • PTSOM Project Representative Page 4 DPTI XXCxxx . shall replaced immediately by the Contractor and the Superintendent shall be notified. must be fully tested and certified by the Contractors qualified signal engineer. The Contractor shall reinstate the power feeds to the track circuits in the respective location box or relay room and close the links at the cable terminal associated with the track circuit and notify the Superintendent. (refer Appendix A “Conditional Certificate of Signalling”). When Erico 12/14 connections or equivalent cannot be fitted.5 Point Machines Due to the specific and unique nature of the points machines assemblies the Superintendent will arrange for a PTSOM Mechanical Fitter to witness assembly and advise of any unknown specific set up requirements. Upon completion of the testing and commissioning. is provided to the Contractor for information only and shall not be interpreted as an implied work method statement. The full functionality and integrity of each interlocking including re-instated line-side signals and active road and pedestrian crossing. 7. Identified defective cable (in accordance with per Clause 5. Provision of the submission of this plan shall constitute a HOLD POINT. During test train(s) running. These personnel are to be nominated in the Testing and Commissioning Plan. 7.3 Test Trains and Certificate of Signalling The Superintendent shall arrange with the PTSOM to provide test train(s) for validating the safety and integrity of the track and signalling system including active road and pedestrian crossings prior to reopening of the track for passenger services. . (Refer Appendix B “Certificate of Signalling”). Upon successful completion of the test trains(s) running. a final certificate of signalling shall be issued from the Contractor to the Superintendent for co-signing. Test trains are not authorised to complete testing and commissioning activities until this certificate has been co-signed. the Contractor shall appoint a Tester in Charge and fault-finding and rectification teams to log and rectify defects.Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling • • Contractors Tester in Charge Superintendents Independent Signalling Verifier Any identified amendments to the certificate shall be hand marked on the original Conditional Certificate of Signalling. DPTI XXCxxx Page 5 . The Superintendent will appoint an independent third party signal verifier to control the movements of the test train and verify the integrity of the signalling system. Provision of the submission of this certificate shall constitute a HOLD POINT. rectification of agreed critical defects and the submission by the Contractor of the signed Inspection Test Plans and associated supporting documentation. HOLD POINTS The following is a summary of Hold Points. 5.1 7.2 7.2 7.Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling 8.1 6. 4. 2.2 HOLD POINT Submission of the draft Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan Submission of the final Signalling Infrastructure Management Plan Asset Condition Report Submission of Disconnection Documentation Submission of Reconnection Documentation AWS Installation Submission of Testing and Commissioning Plan Notification for pending reinstatement of signalling equipment Provision of Conditional Certificate of Signalling RESPONSE TIME 4 weeks prior to disconnection activities 2 week prior to disconnection activities Prior to disconnection activities 2 weeks prior to disconnection activities 2 weeks prior to reconnection activities 2 hours 6 weeks prior to Testing and Commissioning 2 hours Same day DPTI XXCxxx Page 6 . referenced in this Part: CLAUSE REF.1 6. vide Part 140 "Quality System Requirements". 2. . . . . . Time:. . . .Signature: . . . . .. . . Name: . . have been correspondence tested and verified in accordance with the agreed CTC Resource Plan and is ready to be validated with a test train.Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling Appendix A CERTIFICATE OF SIGNALLING . . . . . . . . . . Name: . . . . I accept the Track circuits associated with the abovementioned project works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a final Certificate of Signalling will be signed off by all responsible personnel involved in the testing and commissioning process including Validation with a Test Train. . . . . . . . . This will be carried out on the __/ __/__. . OCC Representative: On behalf of PTSOM operations.Signature: . . Upon satisfactory completion of the test train validation. . . . . . Rail Commissioners Representative: On behalf of the Rail Commissioner.. Date:. . . . . .Date:. . . . I hereby testify that I have witnessed the correspondence DPTI XXCxxx Page 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tester in Charge: Company: I certify that the signalling system associated with the above mentioned project has been tested and verified in accordance with the Testing and commissioning plan referenced above and is ready to be validated with a test train. . . . . . . Time:. . . . . . . .CONDITIONAL CLIENT: PROJECT: LOCATION: DATE: Ref: Cert No: Purpose: This Conditional Certificate of Signalling exists to provide assurances that the Signalling System associated with the above mentioned project is tested and verified in accordance with the Testing and Commissioning Plan referenced above to the extent as described below: The aforesaid signalling system is ready to be validated with a test train. . . . . Date:. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPTI XXCxxx Page 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Signature: . . . . . . . Name: . The signalling system is ready to be validated with a test train.Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling Appendix A testing of Track Circuits (as per the ITP) associated with the above mentioned project works. . . Time:. . . . . I certify that the signalling system has been tested and verified in accordance with the CTC Resource Plan and PTSOM practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Signature: . Independent Witness: On behalf of the Public Transport Service – Projects. . . . . . .. . . Date:. . . . on the basis that the re-instated signalling system has been tested and verified in accordance with the Test Train Plan referenced above and according to the agreed processes and supporting documentation. . . Signature: . Name: . .. . Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date:. . . . . . Time:. . . . . . . . . . I accept the re-instated signalling equipment associated with the aforesaid project is fit and safe for the purpose of running train. Tester in Charge: Company: I testify that the operational integrity of the re-instated signalling equipment associated with the aforesaid project has been validated in entirety in accordance with the Test Train Plan and complies with Public Transport Service – Operations and Maintenance signalling practice. . . . . Name: . Public Transport Service – Projects Representative: On behalf of the Public Transport Service – Projects. . . . . . . I hereby certify that the re-instated signalling system is fit and safe for the purpose of running trains. Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling Appendix B CERTIFICATE OF SIGNALLING Purpose: Cert No: CLIENT: PROJECT: LOCATION: Ref: DATE: This Certificate of Signalling exists to provide assurances that the Signalling System associated with the above mentioned project was previously tested and verified in accordance with the Test Train Plan and the integrity of the re-instated signal system has been validated. . . . on the basis that the aforesaid signalling system has been validated in accordance with the Test Train plan referenced above and according to the agreed processes and supporting documentation. I am satisfied that the operational integrity of the re-instated signalling system is fit and DPTI XXCxxx Page 9 . . . . . . . . . . . I accept the aforesaid signalling system is fit and safe for the purpose of running trains. . . . . Date:. Public Transport Service – Operations & Maintenance Representative: I hereby certify that I have witnessed that the re-instated signalling equipment associated with the aforesaid project has been validated in accordance with the Test Train Plan referenced above. . . . . Time:. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Time:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time:. . Signature: . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edition: December 2010 Part 1080: Rail Signalling Appendix B safe for the purpose of running trains. . . . . . DPTI XXCxxx Page 10 . . . . Date:. . . . Name: . .
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