Parallam Beam
Parallam Beam
March 19, 2018 | Author: xja1mex | Category:
Classical Mechanics
Materials Science
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PARALLAM® PSL>A: High Strength for Long Spans EWbV>O`OZZO[^O`OZZSZab`O\RZc[PS` >A:g]cVOdSW:SdSZ¸aVWUVSab ab`S\UbV[O\cTOQbc`SRbW[PS`e]`YW\U T]`g]c>`SQWaW]\[O\cTOQbc`SRcaW\U ^ObS\bSRbSQV\]Z]UWSabVOb[W\W[WaS bVS\Obc`OZW\Q]\aWabS\QWSa]Te]]R >O`OZZO[>A:P`W\Uab]USbVS`bVSc\WT]`[WbgO\RQ]\aWabS\Qg ]T[O\cTOQbc`SR^`]RcQbaW\OeWRSdO`WSbg]TaWhSaO\RZS\UbVa BVSac^S`W]`abWTT\Saaab`S\UbVO\RRW[S\aW]\OZabOPWZWbg ]T>O`OZZO[>A:[OYSWbbVSWRSOZQV]WQST]``SaWRS\bWOZO\R Q][[S`QWOZPcWZRW\UO^^ZWQObW]\aW\QZcRW\UPSO[a^c`ZW\aQ]Zc[\a O\RVSOdgbW[PS`b`caaSa7baabO\RO`RaSQbW]\a[OYS>O`OZZO[ >A:O\W\bSU`OZQ][^]\S\b]TbVSÀ]]`agabS[EWbVO\OSabVSbWQ O^^SO`O\QSOaRSaW`OPZSOaWba^S`T]`[O\QS>O`OZZO[>A:QO\PS ZSTbSf^]aSROaOdWaWPZSaWU\]TbVS¿\SabRSaWU\O\RQ]\ab`cQbW]\ Parallam® PSL Design Properties Size Width (mm) 45 68 89 133 178 Section Properties Depth (mm) Area (mm2 x 10 2) 220 241 302 356 200 241 302 356 406 457 200 220 241 302 356 406 457 200 241 302 356 406 457 200 241 302 356 406 457 97.79 107.26 134.07 158.06 136.65 164.87 206.09 242.97 277.68 312.39 177.80 195.58 214.52 268.14 316.13 361.29 406.45 266.70 321.77 402.22 474.19 541.93 609.68 355.60 429.03 536.29 632.26 722.58 812.90 Section Modulus (mm3 x 10 3) 358.6 431.4 674.0 936.8 455.5 663.1 1036.0 1440.0 1880.8 2380.4 592.7 717.1 862.7 1348.0 1873.6 2447.1 3097.2 889.0 1294.1 2022.0 2810.4 3670.7 4645.7 1185.3 1725.4 2696.0 3747.2 4894.3 6194.3 Moment of Inertia (mm 4 x 10 6) 39.44 52.04 101.65 166.56 45.55 80.00 156.25 256.03 382.18 544.16 59.27 78.88 104.09 203.29 333.12 497.26 708.01 88.90 156.13 304.94 499.69 745.89 1062.01 118.53 208.17 406.59 666.25 994.52 1416.02 Maximum Section Capacity Maximum Moment (kN.m) 6.23 7.42 11.32 15.44 8.00 11.41 17.39 23.74 30.55 38.16 10.42 12.47 14.85 22.63 30.89 39.75 49.65 15.62 22.27 33.95 46.33 59.62 74.48 20.83 29.70 45.27 61.78 79.50 99.31 Maximum Shear (kN) 14.34 15.73 19.66 23.18 20.04 24.18 30.23 35.64 40.73 45.82 26.08 28.69 31.46 39.33 46.37 52.99 59.61 39.12 47.19 58.99 69.55 79.48 89.42 52.15 62.92 78.66 92.73 105.98 119.23 Weight (kg/m) 7.0 7.7 9.7 11.4 9.8 11.9 14.8 17.5 20.0 22.5 12.8 14.1 15.4 19.3 22.8 26.0 29.3 19.2 23.2 29.0 34.1 39.0 43.9 25.6 30.9 38.6 45.5 52.0 58.5 General Notes * Design properties are based on long-term resistance (K 3 = 1.0) and non-load-sharing conditions. * Lateral support of beam compression edge is required at intervals of 600 mm centres or closer. * * * Design properties are based on BBA Agrément Certificate 92/2813. See BBA certificate for additional information. Section properties are based on the actual member size. Width and depth shown on the table are converted from imperial sizes and may vary by ± 0.5 mm. Values shown throughout this brochure are applicable to Parallam® PSL in dry-service conditions only (SC1 and SC2). W:SdSZB`ca8]Wab3\UW\SS`SR8]WabaO\R0SO[BSQV\WQOZ5cWRSC9;Og $ 31 3.00 5.70 18.0 6.68 18.31 3.25 25.29 1.0 7.56 0.00 89x133 100% 125% 96 84 74 65 57 50 45 40 35 32 29 26 24 114 99 85 74 64 56 49 43 38 34 31 28 25 Parallam ® PSL Column Size (mm) 89x178 133x133 100% 125% 100% 125% General Notes 133x178 100% 125% 178x178 100% 125% * * 112 99 86 76 67 59 53 47 42 38 35 32 132 114 98 85 74 65 58 51 46 41 37 34 156 144 132 121 111 102 93 86 79 72 67 62 57 53 49 46 43 188 171 155 141 128 116 105 96 87 80 73 67 62 58 53 50 46 176 161 148 135 124 114 105 97 89 82 76 71 66 61 57 207 188 170 155 140 128 117 107 98 90 83 77 71 66 61 * 185 173 162 152 143 134 126 119 211 196 183 170 159 149 139 130 Table applies to solid.96 4.84 4.32 1.05 9.55 16.49 2.25.14 35.5 10.90 0.36 48.98 52.64 4.06 74.33 18. * Roof Load Total is based on medium term load duration with K3 = 1.38 4.50 64 76 1.90 1.23 59.75 56 66 2.8 (1) For 300 mm depth.61 0.32 47.28 2.0 5.49 0.47 1.25 72 87 1.0 8.97 29.32 4. Parallam® PSL beams are made without camber.05 10.91 5.5 5. The modification factor for compression members.07 25.03 2.06 65.75 8.73 70.05 9.08 0.22 4.72 1.22 0.2 Load perpendicular to wide face of strands 1.5 9.32 18.69 5.50 0.39 1. that can be applied to the beam in addition to its own weight.31 47.21 0.77 7.70 2.00 19 20 4. therefore.75 34 37 3.63 5.38 6.69 0.80 5.65 1.23 0. Roof members shall either be pitched for drainage or designed to account for load and deflection as specified in the applicable building code. see Bearing Length Requirements on page 28.64 4.25 43 49 2.40 0.75 5.5 3.74 44.60 46.89 3. 2002 edition.76 14.95 0.43 2. 2002 edition.00 49 57 2.82 3.82 13.50 38 43 2.40 61.52 0.67 1.72 1.81 18.92 6.25 5.90 1.54 2.31 41.18 0.65 18.75 8.90 0.66 0.93 0.89 0.0.37 38.69 18.89 0.62 1. For other depths.13 9.25 17 18 4.60 10. one-piece column members used in dry-service conditions only (SC1 and SC2).00 30 33 3.45 32.60 10.03 2.PARALLAM® PSL Parallam® PSL 2.16 79.45 1.74 3.02 1.06 57.38 6.40 65.91 0.23 0.92 2.69 3.22 4.12 7.69 0.19 59.87 27.71 99.62 1.40 0.39 36.23 18.50 16 17 4.45 9.66 0.80 5.02 3.63 5.62 1.39 1.15 36.28 3.32 49.70 2. in kilonewtons per metre (kN/m).111 Allowable Total Uniform Load (kN/m) Span (m) 1.0 89x200 mm 89x220 mm 89x241 mm 89x302 mm 89x356 mm 89x406 mm 89x457 mm Floor Roof Floor Roof Floor Roof Floor Roof Floor Roof Floor Roof Floor Roof Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load Total Load 34.15 2.67 23.6 Modulus of elasticity parallel to grain 12 750 Modulus of rigidity modulus of elasticity parallel to grain ÷ 20 16. Loads are based on simple axial loaded columns using the design provisions of BS5268: Part 2.33 12.74 3.75 26.73 39.16 88.8 15.0E Allowable Design Stresses (N/mm2) Shear parallel to grain: Load parallel to wide face of strands 2.84 4. Bearing area to be calculated for specific application.61 0.37 12.91 5.78 18.89 3.00 1.72 16.20 2.73 77.34 52.95 0.75 6.92 2.1 Bending parallel to grain Tension parallel to grain Compression parallel to grain Compression perpendicular to grain: Load parallel to wide face of strands Load perpendicular to wide face of strands 3.25 26 29 3.5 2.40 52.02 1.15 2.04 1.29 1.22 5.32 4.93 0.44 0.75 21 23 4.5 6.19 1. * Floor Load Total is based on long term load duration with K3 = 1.14 24. K12.54 2.52 0. is calculated using the equation in Annex B.22 5.28 29.31 3.5 7.05 10.96 4. Lateral support of beams is required at bearing points.0 4.67 1.28 2.37 38.37 6.00 1.37 12.76 14.72 0.02 2.8 (1) 14.12 7.49 0.49 2.72 0.71 General Notes * * * * Values shown are the maximum uniform loads.13 9.19 1.31 3.49 1. * * Lateral support of beam compression edge is required at intervals of 600 mm centres or closer.33 12.0 3.28 3.50 0.76 0.11 23.04 1.46 2. in addition to the code-required deflection limits.5 4.88 28.00 8.79 13.40 39.54 18.37 6.02 2.0 2. The eccentricity factor (d) is taken as 0.76 0. multiply by: (300d )0.08 0.20 2.73 42.18 0.45 1.49 1.65 1. For side loads.77 7.82 3.92 6.0 9.43 2.91 0. other deflection considerations such as aesthetics.02 3.21 0.5 8.Og $ . Table assumes that the column is unbraced except at the column ends and that the effective column length is equal to the actual column length.50 5.32 1.14 28. must be evaluated.82 13.62 1.45 9.34 52.69 3.25 39.47 1.46 2.69 5.22 0.80 29.50 24 26 3. or other combined bending and axial loads see provisions of BS 5268: Part 2. PARALLAM® PSL COLUMNS AND POSTS Allowable Axial Loads (kN) Effective Column Length 89x89 (m) 100% 125% 1.00 8.38 4. W:SdSZB`ca8]Wab3\UW\SS`SR8]WabaO\R0SO[BSQV\WQOZ5cWRSC9.6 2.44 0.01 of the slenderness ratio (h).79 13.56 0.
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