
March 23, 2018 | Author: John Milton | Category: Qigong, Feeling, Emotions, Self-Improvement, Happiness & Self-Help



R E S E T SIDEAL STATE, IDEAL LIFE Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D. 1 This manual is for your personal use only and is to be used with the Paraliminal Resets. All worldwide rights are reserved and owned by Learning Strategies Corporation. No part may be reproduced or distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission. Copyright MMXV by Learning Strategies Corporation. Music by Aaron/Stokes Music. Copyright MMXIV by Aaron/Stokes Music. “Accelements,” “EasyLearn,” “Genius Code,” “Natural Brilliance,” “Paraliminal,” and “PhotoReading” are worldwide trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation. All rights reserved. “Diamond Feng Shui,” “Diamond Dowsing,” and the “Diamond Feng Shui Diamond” are trademarks of Marie VynckeDiamond. “Effortless Success” is a registered trademark of Self Esteem Seminars, LP. “Future Mapping” is a trademark of Masanori Kanda. “Happy for No Reason” is a registered trademark of Marci Shimoff. “Holosync” is a registered trademark of, and is licensed by, Centerpointe Research Institute. “No Matter What!” is a trademark of Motivating the Masses, LLC. “Radiance” is a trademark of Deirdre Hade. “Spring Forest Qigong” and yin/yang logo are registered trademarks of Spring Forest Qigong Company. Used with Permission: “Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)” – Nicolas Ortner Used with Permission: Feeling Exercise – The Journey, by Arnold M. Patent, Copyright 2002 by Arnold M. Patent. All rights reserved. Published by Celebration Publishing, Tucson, AZ. Any application of this program is at the user’s discretion and sole responsibility. This program is not intended as a replacement for any medical treatment or therapy by a physician or other licensed health care provider. If you have any neurological or respiratory disorders or severe mental and/or emotional problems, please contact your physician or other licensed health care provider for advice on using this program. ISBN-13: 978-1-935200-29-1 First Edition August 2015 For coaching and insights visit our Discussion Forum at Get our newsletters, updates, and special offers free. Go to our website at and look on the right side of the page to sign up. Learning Strategies Corporation Innovating ways for you to experience your potential 2000 Plymouth Road Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA 24-Hour Toll-Free: 1-866-292-1861 (USA & Canada) 24-Hour: 1-605-978-2023 Fax 1-952-475-2373 [email protected] v070715 TABLE OF CONTENTS Audio Sessions & Video Chapters....................................................................................................4 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................5 Best Ways to Use..............................................................................................................................6 How Resets Work..............................................................................................................................7 Phase 1..................................................................................................................................7 Phase 2..................................................................................................................................7 Phase 3..................................................................................................................................7 3-Circle Transformation Process...........................................................................................7 Tapping and Psychological Reversal.....................................................................................8 Qigong Bouncing................................................................................................................11 Using Paraliminal Resets Effectively..............................................................................................12 Choosing How You Feel..................................................................................................................13 Awareness of Self................................................................................................................13 Awareness of Your Body.....................................................................................................13 Awareness of the Present Moment......................................................................................13 The Feeling Exercise.......................................................................................................................14 Calm Reset......................................................................................................................................15 Focus Reset.....................................................................................................................................16 Adventurous Reset..........................................................................................................................17 Radiance Reset................................................................................................................................18 Success Reset..................................................................................................................................19 About the Author.............................................................................................................................20 Tools for Lifelong Learning............................................................................................................21 3 Active) 9 Calm (Quick Reset) (5 Mins) (13 Mins) 2 – Focus 1-4 Focus (Eyes Closed) (13 Mins) 5-8 Focus (Eyes Open. Active) (14 Mins) 9 Focus (Quick Reset) (5 Mins) 3 – Adventurous 5 – Success 1-4 Success (Eyes Closed) (13 Mins) 5-8 Success (Eyes Open. Active) (15 Mins) Chapter 7 Adventurous Reset Chapter 9 Radiance Reset 9 Adventurous (Quick Reset) (5 Mins) Chapter 9 Success Reset Chapter 10 Quick Reset Sessions 4 – Radiance 1-4 Radiance (Eyes Closed) (13 Mins) 5-8 Radiance (Eyes Open. Active) (14 Mins) 9 Success (Quick Reset) (5 Mins) Resets Coaching Video (27 Mins) Chapter 1 Early Roots Chapter 2 Background Chapter 3 Tapping Chapter 4 Eyes Open Active Sessions 1-4 Adventurous (Eyes Closed) (14 Mins) Chapter 5 Calm Reset Chapter 6 Focus Reset 5-8 Adventurous (Eyes Open.AUDIO SESSIONS & VIDEO CHAPTERS 1 – Calm 1-4 Calm (Eyes Closed) (13 Mins) 5-8 Calm (Eyes Open. Active) (14 Mins) 9 Radiance (Quick Reset) (5 Mins) PARALIMINAL RESETS 4 . peace. The Resets combine the same Paraliminal human performance technology developed by Paul Scheele with a 3-phase process of transformation. personal growth. contentment. relationships. adventure. and light. selfawareness. giving you ready access to the rich resources within you at any given moment in your day.INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Paraliminal Resets. the easy and enjoyable way to quickly shift your mood or frame of mind. brilliance. and purpose. You are able to tap into true resourcefulness and engage your world and the people around you in ways that support your 5 . Resets help you access your innate knowingness. You learn precisely how to shift your state in seconds so you can be more effective and purposeful with less stress or resistance.LearningStrategies. and well-being. passion. courage. happiness. creativity. This helps you tap into the energy of your emotions to support your goals. Resets move your awareness away from the busyness and distractions within and around you and help you reset your energy to a positive feeling state that allows you to better navigate your life. health. They connect you with your natural gifts of joy. abundance. confidence. www. When you need to be more resourceful. harmony. Adventurous. sharp. choose Adventurous. use Radiance. decisive. Resets create an inner place for you to enjoy pleasant relaxing feelings of rest to spread through your body and mind as your entire being resets to a more positive feeling or mood of your choice. you might be perfectly happy listening to your favorite music or playing catch with your dog when you need to change your state and focus on your work. When you need to be engaged.BEST WAYS TO USE Choose the Reset for the emotional state you want to create—Calm. and out of the ordinary. Focus. Use the Resets when you find yourself stuck on a problem or are in a pinch and unsure of the direction you should take. When you want to achieve a goal. PARALIMINAL RESETS 6 . When you wish to reset your energy and radiate your inner brilliance and beauty. inner quiet. assured. use Focus. listen to Calm. Play with them in many of life’s circumstances to enhance your skills at moving the energy within you. use Success. When you desire to add spice to your life or do something fun. and harmony. What if you are already in a good mood? For instance. or earn recognition and praise. Supporting Video Be sure to watch the Resets Coaching Video with Paul. Listen to a session anytime you need a break in your hectic day or a pick-me-up to carry you through the evening. or Success—and allow the transformation to happen within you… When you desire a state of peace. and purposeful. serenity. Radiance. Here. focused state. exciting. you are not moving away from a negative state but instead into a different positive. create abundance. ” a simple process to quickly embody your target state. and feelings. or doing chores and discover your expanded ability to choose your mood as you pay attention to yourself and your surroundings. working out. Adventurous. Phase 1 Select the Reset for the mood or state you want to create within you—Calm. They will help you shift the energy of your current disposition into your desired state of body and mind and learn a simple process to reset your mood quickly. Phase 2 Once you can reset your state consistently with the longer Resets. Focus. This process takes just 5 minutes. employing all of your senses to embody this new feeling state with your whole being. You may also use the Eyes Open active version of the Reset when walking. These longer audio Resets run from 12 to 15 minutes in length. Radiance.LearningStrategies. you can use it to quickly shift your mood or state of mind in just 12 seconds or less any time you desire. You will train your nervous system to leave your current or interim state of emotion and enter a neutral state. www. This happens in three phases. 3-Circle Process of Transformation Because the Quick Resets train your nervous system to feel and access your desired state. again supported by the use of the tapping technique. Once you learn the process with the guided audio session. or Success. Listen to the Eyes Closed version of the Reset to build your desired state of awareness and enjoy the immediate benefits of your new mood as you go about your day. the faster you can make this transition. In the Eyes Open version you are introduced to the “psychological reversal” and a tapping technique to help you neutralize the unwanted state. which you will learn about shortly. The more you apply this process during your day. Then you enter into your target state of emotion. you can use it whenever you want or need to. you can do it on your own at any time to shift your state in a matter of seconds as follows. you will discover how much more fully you can participate in and engage the world in a newly expanded way. As you take charge of your 7 . use the Quick Reset for learning the “3-circle process of transformation. Use it over a period of days or weeks to condition your mind until the process feels second nature to you. mind.HOW RESETS WORK There are three versions of each Paraliminal Reset. Phase 3 Once you have learned the 3-circle process of transformation. Imagine three circles of light drawn on the floor or ground before you. After you have experienced your current state. As you finish. from which you have the choice of creating the state you truly desire. see it. step out of the Interim Circle into the Neutral Circle. Tapping and Psychological Reversal The tapping technique is a method of releasing negative energy from the body and mind. Then shake this feeling from your body.) PARALIMINAL RESETS 8 . Interim Circle Step into this first circle. Notice where in your body you feel it. Recognize it. and experience it in your whole being. experience it. Simply allow yourself to remember and embody the state you have built within you and have access to any time you want. (You can also tap these energy points on the side of one palm by using the tips of the fingers of your opposite hand. it helps you in the process of shifting from your current state into a more neutral state. pause to feel the energy in your body. As you do. feel the feeling of the present mood or state of mind you are choosing to change. Target Circle As you step into the Target Circle. Neutral Circle As you step into this second circle. and hands. Bouncing energizes all parts of your body and brain as you prepare to step into the Target Circle and the feeling state or emotion you are choosing to create. fully embody the positive feelings of your new emotion. arms. These energy points are located on the outer edge of the hand that would land a karate chop (see following diagram). It’s easiest to simply tap the sides of both palms together several times. begin tapping the Karate Chop points on your hands to perform the psychological reversal (further instructions follow). After ten seconds. Also known as the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). physically shaking your entire body. You have already conditioned yourself using the Resets. Feel it. tap the Karate Chop points on the leading edge of the palms of your hands as you step into the neutral state. Then begin bouncing your body to move the energy in your body and pump the cerebral spinal fluid through the column in the center of your body (further instructions follow). Each is large enough to occupy your body as you step into it. Karate Chop Stimulating these energy points allows you to actually shift what is happening energetically within you.LearningStrategies. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. It’s based on the findings of Dr. As you are tapping. a Stanford University engineering graduate and ordained 9 . You then make a choice of the feeling state or emotion you desire. www. EFT was developed by Gary Craig.” Repeat it three times. if you like. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. a clinical psychologist who discovered Thought Field Therapy in the 1980s. For instance: “Even though I am feeling angry and upset with myself/my partner/etc. say in your mind or aloud the following affirmation: “Even though I have been feeling this way.” Stating the affirmation allows you to first appreciate the energy that is there so you can then direct the energy to create what you really want. you increase the flow of vitality and well-being throughout the body and mind. You may state your current feeling more specifically. Tapping relieves pressure and blockages in the meridian points and meridian lines of the body. Roger Callahan. By releasing negative energy and emotions.. When you step into the Interim Circle.” PARALIMINAL RESETS 10 . Top of Head 1. Under Eye 5. Under Nose 6.” Or. For example: “The demands of my family stress me out. including the ones used in this basic sequence offered by Nicolas Ortner.The Tapping Series When using the 3-circle process of transformation on your own without the guided Reset. producer of the documentary film Try It On Everything. “I’m happy playing catch with my dog but need to focus on my work. and top of head To begin. Collarbone 8. identify the mood or emotion you want to release. Underarm 1) Karate Chop – The outer edge of hand that would land a karate chop 2) Eyebrow – The inner edge of the eyebrow closest to the bridge of the nose 3) Side of Eye – The hard area where the eyebrow ends between eye and temple 4) Under Eye – The hard area under the eye that merges with the cheekbone 5) Under Nose – The point centered between the nose and upper lip 6) Chin – The point between the bottom of the lower lip and chin 7) Collarbone – The point just below the hard ridge of the collarbone 8) Underarm – The point on the side of the body four inches beneath the armpit 9) Top of Head – The crown. They may feel different before and after using EFT. take a moment to touch each of the EFT points. 9. center. Karate Chop 2. Side of Eye 4. you may also choose to add a full series of points on the body. Chin 7. Eyebrow 3. making a mental note of how each one feels. Side of Eye. For example: “Even though the demands of my family stress me out. “Even though I’m happy playing catch with my dog when I need to be focusing on my work. repeat a simple reminder phrase.When you step into the Neutral Circle.LearningStrategies. take a few deep. and arms relaxed at your sides. Under Nose. • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor. as noted above. Collarbone. Then shift into your new attitude as you step from the Neutral Circle into the Target Circle. • Keep your back and head straight and your eyes looking forward. and Top of Head. focus on your positive mood. Under Eye.” Repeat this statement three times out loud while tapping the Karate Chop points.” Or. stimulates the body’s lymph system and increases energy flow. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. You can do this for several minutes or more. tap the following sequence of points using two to four fingertips: Eyebrow. Underarm. knees slightly bent. relaxing breaths. • As you continue bouncing. such as “ family and peace” or “happy focus on work. as you step into the Target Circle. www. and gauge how you feel in your new calm state. I deeply and completely love and accept myself. You may choose to bounce longer when using the 3-circle process of transformation on your own without the guided Reset. creator of Spring Forest Qigong. Bounce as you prepare to embody your target emotion.) • Then slowly drop your arms and hands to your sides. Tap each point five to seven times at a moderate pace (about two taps per second) before moving to the next point. and come to a stop. As you tap. letting your wrists relax so they bounce up and down with the movement of your body. slowly raise your arms and hands up higher than the top of your head. Next. slow down your bouncing.” Finally. Chin. • Gently bounce your body up and down from the knees for about 10 seconds as you breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. as taught by Qigong master Chunyi 11 . add the affirmative statement about yourself. (This stimulates acupuncture points in the wrists that control your breathing and heart rate. Shift into your new attitude as you step into the Target Circle. Here are some tips for doing so: • Bounce with your arms at your sides for about a minute in the Neutral Circle. Qigong Bouncing Qigong bouncing. and then continue where you left off. clear-headed state— which opens your inner mind to absorb the messages at a deeper level. and spiritual growth. For more information about using Paraliminals. visit www. This makes it easier for you to quickly shift your state or mood in the way that best supports your intentions and actions. These states include deep meditation. and accelerated learning ability. avoid operating machinery. the Paraliminal Resets activate your mind with a precise blend of music and words.Centerpointe. Consider these additional tips for listening to the Closed Eye version: • Create a quiet time to focus inwardly. However. It works on your behalf to make it easy for you to gain access to the full resources of your genius mind and learn new strategies for responding to the world. Doing so will help to reinforce the valuable connections and communications you are making between your conscious and nonconscious mind during your session. Sit comfortably or recline. • If you are interrupted at any time during the listening session. so it steps aside. Centerpointe Research Institute’s Holosync audio technology. For more information about this program and how Holosync can accelerate mental. being sure your spinal column remains straight. take a few moments to reflect on your experience in a journal. you will hear a variety of messages coming into each ear. focus and concentration. Your conscious mind finds it difficult to process two voices speaking simultaneously. deal with the interruption. and to receive a free Holosync demo CD. have been embedded in the recordings to increase your ability to benefit and learn from the Closed Eye version and Eyes Open active version of the Resets. increased creativity. The Holosync Solution. read the articles on our website at www. simply open your eyes. • Listen with a clear intention to create the mood or state you want.LearningStrategies. Using Holosync creates new neural pathways between the left and right brain hemispheres. enhancing mental/emotional health. improving mental functioning and self-awareness. emotional. when listened to with As you listen with headphones. • When finished. Choose an environment relatively free from distractions. and do not listen while operating machinery. • Listen with headphones. placing you into a deeply relaxed. balancing the creates the electrical brain wave patterns of many desirable states. A much deeper and more powerful version of Holosync can be found in Centerpointe’s ongoing program. while you are learning the process.USING PARALIMINAL RESETS EFFECTIVELY Paraliminal technology is used with the longer Resets—the Closed Eye and Eyes Open active versions. When using the Eyes Open active version of the Resets. PARALIMINAL RESETS 12 . Through their unique blend of neuro-linguistic programming and whole braining learning technologies. Holosync audio tones. and healing unresolved emotional problems. you may actively engage in your environment. which you might hear as a hum. speaking to different parts of your mind. so too will your feeling state. especially the forehead. or suffering of others. but right now. This has a profound effect in calming your entire nervous system. 13 . and emotions. www. You begin to recognize the greater number of choices you have and can choose the emotional states that will support you in accomplishing what you truly desire. or fearful.LearningStrategies. You can reset this aspect of your being in several ways: • Relax your shoulders. serotonin. Not in the past. it’s easy to embody another person’s feelings. And when you get distracted by the problems. • Relax your breathing. you realize everything is okay now. and euphoria. When you attend to what is going on with you right now. you begin to recognize you have more choice about what you feel. and put a slight smile at the corners of your eyes and mouth. Awareness of Self How you feel is often a product of your state of mind. Awareness of the Present Moment The present moment is where all of your resources exist. which create feelings of joy. Breathing more deeply and evenly brings balance to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and the right and left hemispheres of the brain. overly excited. anxious. If your body is agitated. pain. Awareness of Your Body The state of your body contributes to your feeling state.CHOOSING HOW YOU FEEL Three things determine your choices about how you feel. Smiling stimulates positive neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine. • Relax the muscles of your face. not in the future. and the Resets help you make the choices that best serve and support you. feelings. wellbeing. The breath is the invisible link between the body and mind. But when you become more aware of your own internal thoughts. and endorphins. PARALIMINAL RESETS 14 . This simple exercise can help you claim the power of your emotions and shift to positive ones that position your thinking and feeling in the direction of what you want to create. You have a body and a mind. There are basically two kinds of feelings: expanded or contracted. But each negative feeling is a gift waiting to be unwrapped. Let go of any labels or associations attached to it. 3) Choose an energy or feeling state you truly desire. Here’s a variation we use with the Paraliminal Resets: 1) Become aware of and feel what you are currently feeling. And the Feeling Exercise from our Abundance for Life course serves as the foundation for that process. and the energy they share is the energy felt by you. That energy in motion—emotion—gives you the power to create your life. which depletes their power and energy. without judgement about it. Simply feel it and recognize it as energy. What is going to enhance your life and your capacity to create what is important to you right now? Then choose the Reset that will assist you in accomplishing what you desire.THE FEELING EXERCISE The human experience is a feeling experience. life-enhancing or lifenegating. 2) Love yourself feeling the energy and power within you. Appreciate yourself feeling the feeling and the power in the feeling. Spiritual coach and teacher Arnold Patent taught that most people are just trying to get away from and rid of contracted feelings. When to Use • When you need to be relaxed. excessively high energy. • When you feel incomplete.CALM RESET The Calm Paraliminal Reset brings you into the present moment to help you transition away from chaos. and fully present in the 15 . • Any time you want to unwind from a hectic. whole. the nonconscious resources within become more available to help you accomplish what you desire. and peace. or off-center. This Reset helps you eliminate any mind chatter. The inner resources you need are in the present moment. • When you want to find your happy place. as well as any concerns of lack. agitated. thoughts. nerve-wracking day. worries. or anxiety to a state of inner quiet. and mental programming that might be keeping you in the past. • Any time your emotions are getting the best of you. troubled. www. serenity. or disturbed. • Whenever you are feeling anxious.LearningStrategies. • When entering a tense or stressful situation. not in the past or future. and fears that may be producing anxiety about the future. saddened. When you shift your attention to the present moment in time. a concept described by author Charles Godfrey Leland in his book Have You a Strong Will?. give a little of your attention to your task. • Any time you need to be at the top of your game. Whether you are writing a report at work. • Then listen to the Focus Reset. and Action. take action to accomplish your task. finding a new ease and effortlessness in your work. figuring out your smartphone. and engaged in the task at hand. • Finally. Desire. first published in London in 1899. • When you are struggling to accomplish the smallest tasks or your most important life goals. This can make it even harder to focus. Your interest helps create a desire to achieve it. or driving in a foreign city. The acronym stands for Attention.FOCUS RESET When you are committed to what you want. • Whenever you are spinning your wheels. decisive. When to Use • When you feel scattered and out of control. you gain a single-pointed awareness that propels you forward in life. even if it’s just the desire to get it done. sharp. goal. Interest. apply the AIDA formula. PARALIMINAL RESETS 16 . This will help you build some interest in why you are doing it. • Any time you feel detached from the challenge before you. activity. Here’s how: • Before using the Focus Reset. Extra Tip There are times when you have to commit to doing something you are not particularly interested in. The Focus Paraliminal Reset helps instill that sense of purposeful commitment so you can more fully engage in any task. this Reset will help you become more assured. or challenge before you with a focused mindset. When you need to complete a project or task you have little or no excitement for. • When you are feeling you want to escape from a responsibility or avoid beginning an important project. com 17 . • When you want to venture forth on a new career path or return to school. • Any time you want and need to step forward with your whole heart. • Any time you want to cross off another item on your Bucket List—perhaps write a book.LearningStrategies.ADVENTUROUS RESET Living life wholeheartedly takes courageous confidence and a bold willingness to explore what each day brings. run a marathon. The Adventurous Paraliminal Reset helps you draw on your innate curiosity and courage to capitalize on all the opportunities that come your way. When to Use • When it is time to embark on a new journey or entrepreneurial endeavor. meaning “heart. meaning “filled”—filled with heart. As you listen. adopt a new language. skydive. This Reset creates a mindset that helps you step boldly out of your comfort zone and trust the abundant supply of energy and resources that is always there to help you fulfill your destiny. consider what it is you are here to do and create in this world and how best to give rise to its fullest expression. The word courage comes from the French cour. www.” and age. • When you are ready to add spice to your life or do something out of the ordinary. • When you want to feel as if you just won the Nobel Prize. and your own goals. or sports star. PARALIMINAL RESETS 18 . • When you need to exude confidence as you connect with others. those you care for. and goodness can be more fully expressed in the world around you. or the Presidential Medal of Freedom. rock star. • When you want to feel like a movie star.RADIANCE RESET There’s a gift within you that only you can bring forth in this world. Listening allows you to shift your frame of mind so your inner truth. a Pulitzer. The Radiance Paraliminal Reset allows you to maintain a resilient attitude that helps you accomplish what is truly important to you. When to Use • When you need to reset your energy and refresh your body’s vitality. • Any time you want to feel beautiful or win someone’s heart. Your unique talents and truths and genius capacity are yours to share in service of others. beauty. abundant. feeling states.SUCCESS RESET Success can be defined as simply taking a step in the direction of a goal you desire. • When things are not going right and you need guidance from your inner genius. • Before meeting new people or joining a group. and moods necessary for you to take the next small step in the direction of what is important to you. When to Use • When you are uncertain of the next step to take toward your goal. which helps you connect to the resources within that you need to fulfill your 19 . or performance review. The Success Paraliminal Reset helps you gain access to the attitudes. and praised by others. • Right before work. sales presentation. you remember times when you successfully accomplished things in the past. • Any time you are leading others and need a boost in confidence. www. admired. an interview. As you listen. It’s not the accomplishment but instead the progressive realization of your goal. • When you want to be successful. You also learn to identify what is not working so you can do something different to propel you forward.LearningStrategies. a meeting. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Paul R. are sold in 185 countries. trainer. and Natural Brilliance personal learning courses. Paul has designed and developed over 75 programs to stimulate personal and professional success. translated into 18 languages. and the Future Mapping. and health programs established in 1981..000 words a minute. is co-founder of Learning Strategies. PARALIMINAL RESETS 20 . Paul’s work has involved him in the latest thinking on human potential. Scheele. the highly acclaimed Paraliminal learning sessions. author. For over three decades. a unique reading system for processing the written page at 25. education. Ph. Natural Brilliance. accelerated learning. and Drop Into Genius. a Minnesotabased private school and publisher of self-improvement. founder of the Association of Transformational Leaders. and consultant with a passion for guiding people to achieve their full potential. and co-founder of the International Association of Himalayan Yoga Meditation Societies International. and how to overcome challenges both personally and professionally. Genius Code. mental powers. He is a speaker. He is a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council. His works.D. and preconscious processing. Paul received his doctorate in Leadership and Change at Antioch University. He has authored three books: PhotoReading. including PhotoReading. He is an innovator in the fields of neurolinguistic programming. In this uniquely powerful course. giving rise to unexpressed potential. practical. www. relationships become more meaningful. Ph. This elegant process helps you creatively transform your thinking into concrete action plans. and Masanori Kanda Free your powerful imagination to immediately generate ideas. Paul Scheele helps you understand how being stuck undermines your brilliance.D. proverbial mountains shrink to molehills. You will move from feeling stuck to achieving success with four simple steps you do in your mind. and the Natural Brilliance Generator Paraliminal helps you spontaneously move through limitations as they arise in the future. And it works equally well for the smallest task and your most ambitious dream. Future Mapping helps you draw on the motivating resources of your inner genius mind to take the effort out of achieving your goals. and life becomes smoother and more fulfilling. Scheele Unshackle blocks that have held you back. Future Mapping Turn Imagination into Reality by Paul R. and creative insights for your goals. goals soar to achievement. self-sabotaging self-interest drops 21 . find solutions. See how you might be living with the model of failure instead of the model of success. you reduce interference from your limited conscious mind and get relevant. We offer some of the finest programs to help you maximize your potential and get the most from life. Natural Brilliance Move from Feeling Stuck to Achieving Success by Paul R.TOOLS FOR LIFELONG LEARNING Paraliminal sessions are included with many self-study programs developed and published by Learning Strategies Corporation.. and spark creativity in ways that make a difference in every area of your life.LearningStrategies. Several Paraliminal learning sessions make the steps of Natural Brilliance automatic. Using the unexpected power of altruism. Scheele. As a result. As you capture your conscious and nonconscious thoughts together in one unique Future Mapping chart. stress drains away. Ph. As you know from your Resets. As a beginning PhotoReader you will get through your reading at least three times faster than you can now—without the stress of speed reading. Now you can condition your own mind the same way. Scheele Experience how mentally photographing the printed page turns your mind into an information sponge. ease your workload. and learning capacity. improve your job skills. quickness. IQ. This means that genius thinking is within your grasp.D. Your powerful inner mind talks to your conscious mind through a steady stream of images. mental quickness. Genius Code Live Boost your IQ. Scheele. the Paraliminal technology stimulates your genius mind to begin learning how to quickly improve your life and maximize your potential. Ph. earn more money. and cutting-edge audio frequencies. PhotoReading Use Your Whole Mind to Read with Speed. Comprehension. Paul Scheele and mind development pioneer Win Wenger teamed up to create a fascinating exploration into the human mind with useful and practical applications that can benefit you immediately and for a lifetime. You can be more knowledgeable. Paraliminal Sessions by Paul R. The 2-video set includes simple techniques to help you quickly and quite naturally tap the magical capabilities within you that fuel your passions and drive your success.Genius Code Guiding You into the Realm of Genius by Paul R. Through a precise blend of music. Paul Scheele helps you access the immense resources of your nonconscious mind to release your infinite potential and power. and creativity by Paul R. Paraliminals activate your “whole mind” to create the most receptive brain state for personal transformation. intuition. Break the code of these messages and you can improve your performance in virtually all aspects of mental ability including memory. Scheele In this uniquely interactive companion to the Genius Code personal learning course. PARALIMINAL RESETS 22 . words. You learn new ways of processing information to give you an edge in today’s world where knowledge is currency. Scheele with Win Wenger. Win Wenger has research showing the exceptional achievements of famous thinkers may have been more the result of mental conditioning than genetic superiority. and Enjoyment by Paul R. The PhotoReading whole mind system allows you to get your reading done in the time you have at a level of comprehension you need. and supercharge your memory. Hundreds of thousands have already used the self-study course or attended the PhotoReading seminar.D. smarter. Abundant Money Mindset–Move beyond limits and build financial strength Anxiety-Free–Gain freedom from fears and project strength Automatic Pilot–Eliminate negative self-talk and vaporize self-sabotage Belief–Strengthen belief in your ability to achieve Break the Habit–Free yourself from addictive behaviors Conscious Time–Get the most out of every minute Creating Sparks–Ignite fun. peace. beneficial. and power to your inner knowing Letting Go–Gain emotional freedom from what holds you back Living the Law of Attraction–Consistently attract the good. and succeed New Behavior Generator–Neutralize unwanted behaviors and take on new ones New History Generator–Transform emotions and memories that block you New Option Generator–Resolve issues with new solutions and choices Peak Performance–Fire up your motivation for superior results Perfect Health–Align your mind and body for self-healing and well-being Personal Genius–Accelerate your learning abilities Positive Relationships–Create strong.LearningStrategies. and sex appeal Intuition Amplifier–Bring clarity. and joy toward yourself and your world Ideal Weight–Reach and maintain your ideal weight—naturally Instantaneous Personal Magnetism–Turn on poise.Paul Scheele created 42 individual Paraliminals to gently activate your inner mind to make your life better and better. nothing gets results like a Paraliminal. and romance Deep Relaxation–Enjoy profound and rejuvenating relaxation Dream Play–Profit from remembering and using your dreams Fresh Start–Make each moment a new beginning Focus & Concentration–Accomplish more in less time with focal point thinking Get Around To It–Eliminate procrastination and succeed by design Happy for No Reason–Build an unshakable inner home for happiness Holiday Cheer–Feel 23 . take action. and extraordinary Memory Supercharger–Strengthen your memory and concentration New Action Generator–Make choices. faster Prosperity–Open the flow of abundance in your life Recover & Reenergize–Get your body back to feeling great Sales Leap–Perform with the winning attitude and skills of the best www. trust. Truly. and lasting relationships Power Thinking–Think clearer. positive. You may purchase them individually or as a set in the Ultimate You Library. charm. attraction. present with authority You Deserve It!–Gratefully receive life’s abundant gifts Youthful Vitality–Enjoy the creative energy and vitality of youth 10-Minute Supercharger–Energize your body and mind in minutes Paraliminal Walkabout Step Into the Genius Resources of Your Mind by Paul R. healing. The music.D. and attract the resources you need to move your thoughts into positive actions and results. words. and spiritual. and David Rubenstein. the cutting-edge audio frequencies of Holosync.. Ph. Benefit from this super-learning state with four individual Paraliminal Walkabouts included with this course: Abundance.Self-Discipline–Follow through with consistency and determination Self-Esteem Supercharger–Gain profound confidence and feel great about yourself Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed–Gain rest. PARALIMINAL RESETS 24 . and energy Simplicity–Uncomplicate your life for more freedom and joy Smoke-Free–Effortlessly cut back and give up smoking Success Built to Last–Create a life that matters Talking to Win–Communicate with ease. Turn an everyday walk into a profound personal growth experience. Sonic Access by Paul R. Health Boost. Ph. Scheele. Tap nature’s cycle of abundance The Paraliminal Meditations of Sonic Access Four Seasons draw on the benevolent energies of nature to free your infinite spirit to excel and prosper. Instantly Transform Through the Power of Sound The four Paraliminal Meditations of Sonic Access offer you an amazing portal to greater success. vivid imagery. build your internal connections. and spiritual growth. They support you energetically to help stabilize your intentions. and Quiet Mind. and the energy principles and sounds of Diamond Feng Shui and Spring Forest Qigong. Scheele and Paul Hoffman Access powerful vibrational frequencies to align your body’s energy system and quickly create significant and lasting change in virtually every area of your life. all wrapped up into the transformative music of Paul Hoffman. These extraordinary programs bring together Paul Scheele’s unique Paraliminal technology. and powerful audio frequencies—including the ancient Solfeggio tones—help you ride the waves of energy that each season brings to manifest the life you want. Paraliminal Walkabout combines the power of the Paraliminal human performance technology with specific walking and breathing strategies to help you build a mind-body connection for enhancing all areas of your life—physical. emotional.D. richer relationships. creativity. balanced health. Creative Thinking. mental. com 25 . reduce stagnant energy. Good Fortune by Marie Diamond with Paul R. and sickness at speeds that will amaze anyone… leaving you with more energy. and spiritual growth. His unique approach to the ancient Chinese practice of energy healing is easy to use and extremely effective. pain. has demystified this ancient practice and made it practical for today’s modern people.Spring Forest Qigong For Health and Healing by Chunyi Lin For thousands of years the Chinese elite have known that controlled breathing techniques combined with focused concentration and simple movements can significantly improve one’s health. Learn to attract positive energy and deflect negative energy so that you experience fortune and happiness in the four main areas of living: success. They call this practice Qigong (pronounced “chee-gong”). including how a room with good Feng Shui actually stimulates your brain to access desirable alpha brain waves. You also learn how to energize your home and workplace. www. this program captures Chunyi Lin’s gentle soul and spirited sense of humor as he shares powerful truths and insights to help you take your place as a healer. Healer and teacher Chunyi Lin guides you to greater understanding of universal energy and shares techniques to help you take your practice to the next level. a Qigong master. With the practice of Qigong you can take away stress. Harmony. Spring Forest Qigong Wisdom & Insights by Chunyi Lin Advance your knowledge and practice of Spring Forest Qigong with this compelling 3-video collection. His Spring Forest Qigong course guides you through learning simple. Marie Diamond shows how universal energy responds to you personally. health. Filmed before live audiences. teacher. and harness a type of dynamic energy that ebbs and flows over time. Scheele Universal energy continuously flows in and around our homes and workplaces. Chunyi Lin. relationships. and healer. easy-to-follow exercises for a vibrant sense of energy and well-being.LearningStrategies. Four hours of informative and inspirational discussions help you gain greater confidence in your ability to help yourself and others heal. Diamond Feng Shui Balance. and grace—in the third and final volume of the Changing the Paradigm Series. Seeds of Enlightenment.Changing the Paradigm Series by Jeddah Mali Jeddah Mali created her Changing the Paradigm Series to help you understand the universal laws that govern existence. wisdom. In five spirited programs filmed before a live audience. you will feel and sense your role in generating your experiences in each moment. She explores the key illusions—fear. you learn how the universe works and how to transform your inner—and outer—world. Infinite Grace Explore the qualities inherent to all life—expansion. Through direct experience of your being. struggle. joy. She covers: • • • • • Fear into Love Doubt into Confidence Struggle into Harmony Myth into Truth Individual into Universal PARALIMINAL RESETS 26 . Seeds of Enlightenment In her first volume. and it is the state of being that you have been all along. harmony. and love in each moment. beauty. doubt. and individualism—that prevent you from perceiving your being as the unified field of awareness. Embracing Freedom Navigate the challenges and joys of living a conscious life with volume two of the series. Jeddah leads you through a series of 12 unique and powerful meditations to help you override contracting habits and limitations and gain direct experience of existence as it is happening. light. Jeddah teaches you how to use consciousness attention as a tool to transform limiting states into an experience of freedom. Through a series of eight experiential and transformative meditations. myth. Jeddah guides you through nine powerful meditations on these qualities so you may experience awareness as the source of all form. revealing endless beauty and grace in all areas of your life. reverence. leading you to greater inner peace. Recognizing Truth Transforming the Five Illusions By Jeddah Mali Further your experience of conscious awareness with Jeddah Mali in this 3-video series. love. which can greatly affect your health and well-being. Jeddah helps you discover that enlightenment is a state of being. Abundance for Life Trance Breaking. You will free up energy as you awaken anew into a world of abundance. power. and Love. you gain practical benefits in your daily life and the amazing gift of seeing the beauty of the luminous. Paul Scheele will take you on a journey from your familiar world to follow your hopes and dreams. In this fascinating interactive program. giving you a clearer. steals your personality. Scheele’s “Paraliminal Learning. As you learn to trust your perception of what is normally outside of conscious awareness. Capitalize on recent brain research to easily improve your memory with a unique approach using Vera F. and creates frustrations throughout your day. Vivid meditations help you enter a state of profound relaxation. the illusion of limitation. you will learn the secrets to having things you want miraculously appear as well as the mental processes that make it happen for you. Scheele A poor memory robs your income potential. or a spiritually complete lifestyle of Truth. freeing you to operate as the sea of awareness in each and every moment. www. the Inner Archive. and BMWs. Birkenbihl’s “The Birkenbihl Method” and Paul R. Qi. plant. Scheele Most of us live in a trance. more complete picture of the world around you including the people in your life. teacher and healer Brian Osborne helps you reconnect with your natural ability to see this life energy. Memory Optimizer A Fun. while clearing your energetic field to see auras more clearly. Bold Approach to Vastly Improve Your Memory by Vera Birkenbihl with Paul R. Wealth Making by Paul R. Beauty. and object— generates an energetic field or 27 . and the Anchorman List coupled with 57 memory tricks will give strength to your memory and ability to learn.Jeddah shows you how to dispel the illusions by bringing in the energetic vibration in which the illusions can no longer exist. Freedom. and possibility. Aura Seeing Experience the luminous world beyond ordinary sight by Brian Osborne Everything in existence—every person.LearningStrategies. Whether you want outward prosperity of family ski trips. Gazing diagrams and exercises train your physical eyes to see energy and help open your “third” eye. additions to your home. animal. This wealth-making course will help you rewrite the script of your life for overflowing abundance.” Concepts and practical processes such as Intelligent Gap Management. Brian integrates ancient Eastern and Western shamanic traditions with modern science in ways that are easy to follow and fun to do. moving energy. You will find the beliefs and guidelines you live by changing and expanding as you listen to and internalize the compelling dialogue in these videos. Memory Pyramid. Helga Boege. EasyLearn Languages Spanish. Numerology helps you understand the nine basic lessons you are here to learn and the role “karma. beautiful music. with every thought every minute of every day. Scheele In as little as ten minutes a day you can learn a new language without rote memorization or tedious study. and Paul R. traits. talents. and connection to your higher self. Accelerated learning principles ensure that the EasyLearn method is easier and more fun than any other language program. know your self by Gordon Taylor Spowart Everything in the universe can be expressed in terms of numbers. Effortless Success Living the Law of Attraction by Jack Canfield with Paul R. Pure Energy All Day Long. Her teachings and meditations help you create a powerful energetic foundation of deep integration. and success. and the way you approach your daily life. and healing sounds form the eight fiveminute meditations of Radiance Pure Energy from spiritual teacher. Numbers embody specific attributes. In Applying the Law of Attraction you create breakthroughs in your health. plays in your life. Jullie. and skills.” the cosmic principle of destiny. relationships. mystic. He guides you in three powerful courses. French. the people you love. This will PARALIMINAL RESETS 28 . Numerologist Gordon Taylor Spowart teaches you how to uncover your lessons—or numbers—and create a Reading Chart that can help guide the choices and actions you take in pursuit of your goals and dreams. peace. and healer Deirdre Hade. personal growth. believe. Best-selling author and transformational leader Jack Canfield translates these general principles into specific daily practices to help you create the life you want now. Learn in the same effortless manner you learned your native language.Numerology Know your numbers. and your life purpose. In Activating the Law of Attraction you learn how to get from where you are to where you want to be. German by Arlene M. All Life Long By Deirdre Hade Vivid imagery. The numbers of your birth and those associated with your name describe your personality. The keys are to ask. and receive. In Integrating the Law of Attraction you discover how to deal with obstacles that stand between you and your dreams. and challenges. Scheele We create our lives. D. and Rex Stevens Sikes Six experts come together to help you experience a natural. Michael Bennett. enthusiasm. a sense of inner calm. Paul Scheele presents a Paraliminal session. This vocabulary builder consists of ten vocabulary lessons and two Paraliminals in MP3 format for you to download along with a 64-page PDF playbook.LearningStrategies. Experience joyful flowing with the events around you. rapture. Scheele Breakthrough processes help you learn 600 new words to use naturally in everyday life. Learn to enter. Chunyi Lin. www. Bill Harris. with Paul R. Feel blissful happiness. Balanced. The Paraliminal learning sessions imprint the words and their meanings directly to your brain. Scheele Learn mental strategies to overcome adversity and thrive in most circumstances. and an extensive glossary. Hale Dwoskin teaches The Sedona Method for euphoria. which is why they are generally given all of the breaks and earn the most money. Trinidad Hunt helps you find purpose. Hale Dwoskin. Euphoria! The Gift of a Healthy. Ph. Resiliency The Power to Bounce Back by Al Siebert.D. at will. With this easy-to-use program. balanced. tips for expanding your vocabulary. Al Siebert and Paul Scheele help you build mental and emotional flexibility to turn misfortune into good fortune. and 29 . and peace of mind. See how your vocabulary will grow from the very first listening. with Paul R. People with a strong vocabulary are thought to be smarter and more capable. and Rex Steven Sikes takes you on a ride with the Attitude Activator—all giving you the gift of a healthful. you can tap the pure love that emanates from your heart and live harmoniously with pure energy.. Chunyi Lin presents a Spring Forest Qigong meditation. Bill Harris gives you a Holosync experience.. and Energetic Life by Paul you greet each day with a vibrant outlook and meet every challenge and opportunity with greater focus. Scheele. The playbook supports the lessons with quizzes and crossword puzzles. D. Get both the edge to handle life’s annoyances and setbacks as well as confidence to deal powerfully with cataclysmic events. D. Million Dollar Vocabulary Sharpen Your Verbal Edge for Success by J. Ph. and energetic life. Trinidad Hunt. euphoric high. love. or have happy genes. interpret their movements. Transformational teacher Marci Shimoff shows you how to experience true happiness from the inside out. and well-being. She teaches you step by step how to use dowsing rods. You don’t have to win the lottery. Reading. remove limitation. Ph. You learn to use your inner coach to make better decisions. prosperity. and push back any fear. Feng Shui master Marie Diamond reveals how the earth’s energy and the energy created by electricity. machinery. health. and happiness you deserve. and health. Enjoy expressing yourself thoroughly and completely with powerful speaking and writing skills. Four Powers for Greatness Listening. Scheele Discover the four power skills that can stop you cold or lead you to greatness: Listening. and more fulfilling relationships. step fully into your authentic power. Modern Solutions by Marie Diamond Energy emanates from the earth’s core 24 hours a day. Quickly absorb thoughts. and make a difference in the world—no matter what! PARALIMINAL RESETS 30 . No Matter What! Stepping into Your Greatness by Lisa Nichols Finding your passion and living your dreams becomes an exciting adventure in this transformational course. Bounce back from setbacks faster. Speaking. It just bubbles up from within… for no reason at all. and feelings by becoming a more effective listener and reader. Writing by J. and Writing. and take appropriate action so you can neutralize stressed energy and amplify positive energy for your greater success. lose weight. dance your dance. naturally bringing greater success. create dynamic relationships. In this powerful seven-step approach. You learn to sing your song. with Paul R.. and exercise your personal power so you can experience the peace. How the energy reaches you determines whether it has a positive or negative impact. wealth. Speaking. ideas.D. Michael Bennett. Happy for No Reason 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out by Marci Shimoff Deep and lasting happiness doesn’t depend on your circumstances.Diamond Dowsing Ancient Secrets. inspire people. and cell phones affect you. Reading. Spiritual Codes Align your life with the energy of your soul by Marie Diamond You have your own individual pathway in this life. your personal trials and triumphs. exercise. Diamond Hexagrams Ancient Symbols to Expand Your Life by Marie Diamond The I Ching is the world’s oldest and most revered system of personal guidance and prophecy. luminary. You will clarify and uplift your life purpose… increase the flow of abundance in your life… enhance your career and business success… improve your health and well-being… create more loving and fulfilling relationships… discover greater peace and contentment… change the “energetic direction” of your home. healer. contributor. and earth energy. Each is associated with a color and with an archetype—builder. John shares new findings of gender-specific solutions for optimizing brain chemistry. Your Spiritual Codes shape your life. stress management. influenced by a specific set of vibrations called the Spiritual Codes. Marie shows you how to use 24 specific colors as energetic codes to access the quantum energy underlying all www. human. There are seven Spiritual Codes.” He explains the difference between men and women and gives concrete advice for creating the brain chemistry of health. you are evolving to become fully aware of your spiritual oneness with the universe. unveiling the balance between heaven.LearningStrategies. and romance. Love and Long Life The Mars and Venus Connection Video by John Gray Renowned relationship expert and best-selling author John Gray uses his phenomenal metaphor of “men are from Mars and women are from Venus. discoverer. Each is connected with a particular way of being and include your thoughts. creator. feelings. Diamond Quantum Colors Direct Access to the Abundant Universe by Marie Diamond Feng Shui master Marie Diamond unveils her unique system of Diamond Quantum Colors to help you bring about what you want faster. Based on cutting-edge research from his book The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution. happiness. The challenges and victories of life are there to help you master more of your connection with the universe. Marie Diamond shows you how you can apply the complex system of symbols called hexagrams to adjust the energy that flows into your space. and lasting love. Diamond Hexagrams reveals its use as a code for manifestation. As a human being. and 31 . diet. and actions. You will discover how each associates individually with another to unlock astonishing results. love. Scheele Don’t let the speed of life get the best of you. Helping Others Video by Chunyi Lin This video follows a 6-day retreat led by Qigong master. Rescue yourself from feeling overwhelmed. or compassion. See what happens when you shift your life’s focus from the ever ticking clock to something more valuable. Personal Celebration by Paul R. hear their commentary and personal insights. intellectual. power. creative brainstorming sessions. teacher. an easy way to reap healthful benefits of fasting. Energy. and Achieve by Bernie Saunders with Paul R. You will see practitioners use Spring Forest Qigong. and witness miraculous healings. and spiritual balance to your life. life-affirming messages. Clear Mind ~ Bright Future Goal Setting with Focus. Scheele Gain purpose and satisfaction in your life. and fulfilled. burned out. Attract. Scheele Life is too short to wait a minute longer! Turn your hopes and dreams into realistic.things in the universe.” and inner mind conditioning and programming. more prosperous. or out of control with Bernie Saunders and Paul Scheele’s Boundless Renewal. You will meet dozens of friendly people who give you pleasant. PARALIMINAL RESETS 32 . As a result you are happier. In just a couple of hours. Your Healing Power Healing Yourself. Use the power of guided visualizations. The Diamond Quantum Colors provide the code to minimize the time to manifest your ultimate desires. Use these breakthrough insights and strategies to bring greater emotional. and healer Chunyi Lin and organized by Learning Strategies. international learning expert Paul Scheele will help you discover your guiding purpose in life. You will learn how the 24 colors relate to specific qualities of life such as joy. and Achievement by Paul R. and create a workable path that gets you on your way to manifesting it. disengaged. Boundless Renewal Embrace the Power of Reflection to Rejuvenate. forgiveness. the ancient “Master Formula of Attainment. a powerful group healing method that you can use at home. absolutely attainable goals that make sense for you with this unique interactive program you can do on your computer. and a sample exercise to experience the healing benefits of Spring Forest Qigong. sort out what you really want. Learn a soothing chant that helps heal the body. Chunyi Lin’s process for helping another person heal. com www. He helps you gain access to a powerful—yet seldom used by everyday people—way of thinking that produces miraculous results. Scheele Forget boring talks about “brain power”… this is a rock concert of mental www.Genius Mind Activating Your Brilliance Video by Paul R. Scheele Most traditional self-improvement approaches and wealth-making programs try to get your conscious mind to control your success. and academic www.LearningStrategies. Paul Scheele shows you how to step out of the limited conscious mind’s desire to control your life.Paraliminal. Effortless Abundance The Alchemy of Wealth Video by Paul R. Paul Scheele reveals how the brain works and how to use this knowledge to further your financial.LearningStrategies. This stunning.PhotoReading. uniquely interactive video will inspire and motivate you into action to immediately improve your life. relationship. Minnesota 55305-2335 USA 24-Hour Toll-Free: 1-866-292-1861 (USA & Canada) 24-Hour: 1-605-978-2023 Fax 1-952-475-2373 Mail@LearningStrategies. Learning Strategies Corporation Innovating ways for you to experience your potential 2000 Plymouth Road 33 .com www.
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