Panduan Menulis Laporan Eksperiment-BMBI

March 29, 2018 | Author: Pretty Anna AnnJoli | Category: Experiment, Distillation, Boiling, Hypothesis, Water



Nama ketua kumpulan: _____________________________________ Ting:_______________Panduan menulis laporan eksperimen Tujuan: Ayat yg bermula dengan 'untuk mengkaji/menyiasat/menentukan...' Contoh – Untuk menyiasat kesan bendasing terhadap takat didih air suling. Penyataan Masalah: Ayat pertanyaan: Adakah/apakah/bolehkah/bagaimanakah... tentang kaitan antara p.u dimanipulasikan dengan p.u bergerak balas dan berakhir dengan tanda soalan (?) Contoh – Adakah bendasing boleh meningkatkan takat didih air suling? Hipotesis: Pilih dari tiga bentuk ayat yg boleh digunakan dibawah(mengikut kesesuaian): 1) Semakin bertambah/berkurang p.u dimanipulasikan semakin bertambah/berkurang p.u bergerak balas. -sesuai bagi p.u dimanipulasikan yg mempunyai data bernombor yang cenderong utk bertambah @ berkurang. 2) Jika p.u dimanipulasikan begini, maka p.u bergerakbalas begitu. - sesuai bagi p.u dimanipulasikan yg mempunyai dua data perbandingan sahaja (biasanya tidak melibatkan nombor). - Contoh – Jika bendasing/garam dimasukkan kedalam air suling, maka takat didih air suling akan meningkat. 3) Jangkaan hasil eksperimen. - Contoh- Bendasing/garam (p.u dimanipulasikan) boleh meningkatkan takat didih(p.u bergerakbalas) air suling. Pemboleh Ubah: a) dimanipulasikan : Iaitu perkara yg dibezakan sebelum eksperimen dijalankan. Contoh – Kehadiran garam/bendasing. b) bergerak balas : Iaitu perkara yg akan dicatat hasil dari eksperimen. Contoh – Takat didih c) dimalarkan : Iaitu perkara yg disamakan dalam eksperimen(biasanya tentang bahan, bukan radas). Contoh – Isipadu air suling. Bahan: Apa-apa yang digunakan dalam eksperimen dan apabila selesai akan dibuang. Contoh – Air suling dan garam. Radas: Apa-apa yang digunakan dalam eksperimen dan apabila selesai akan disimpan kembali. Contoh – Dua bikar 250ml, rod kaca, tunku kaki tiga, penunu Bunsen dan termometer. Cara Kerja: [Lakaran gambar rajah yg sesuai] Minggu Sains 2012 - Idatat 1. Persedian radas. contoh - Dua buah bikar 250ml dilabelkan A dan B masing-masing. 2. Mengawal p.u. dimalarkan. contoh – Bikar A dan B disikan dengan 200ml air suling. 3. Mengawal p.u. dimanipulasi. contoh – Bikar B disikan dengan 5 gram garam dan dikacau hingga larut (bikar A tidak ditambah garam). 4.Mengawal p.u. bergerakbalas. contoh – kedua-dua bikar A dan B dipanaskan hingga mendidih. Takat didih diukur dengan termometer dan dicatatkan dalam jadual keputusan. Keputusan: - Menyediakan sekurang-kurangnya jadual dua lajur. Lajur pertama untuk p.u. dimanipulasikan dan lajur kedua untuk p.u. bergerak balas. Contoh: (p.u. dimanipulasikan + unitnya) (p.u. bergerak balas + unitnya) contoh – Kehadiran garam/bendasing contoh – Takat didih (°C) Bikar A (Air suling) 100 Bikar B (Air suling + garam) 104 Analisis : a) Kiraan/Plot graf jika perlu. b) Pemerhatian Jelaskan perbezaan yang dapat diperhatikan sahaja daripada p.u. bergerak balas dalam jadual keputusan. Contoh - Takat didih air suling + garam lebih tinggi dari takat didih air suling sahaja. Pentafsiran data: -Inferens Tuduhan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan bukti yang telah ditunjukkan dalam pemerhatian anda. (tuduhan ini menjawab penyataan masalah di atas atau menyempurnakan tujuan eksperimen ini.Biasanya kaitkan dengan teori yg anda belajar ).Contoh – kehadiran bendasing/garam telah menyebabkan peningkatan takat didih air suling. Kesimpulan: -Jika hasil keputusan menyokong/sama seperti yg dinyatakan dalam hipotesis • maka salin balik hipotesis kepada kesimpulan. • Nyatakan hipotesis diterima. -Jika sebaliknya • Nyatakan hipotesis ditolak. • maka tulis semula ayat hipotesis yang dibetulkan mengikut keputusan eksperimen. Contoh – Bendasing/garam boleh meningkatkan takat didih air suling. Hipotesis diterima. Minggu Sains 2012 - Idatat The name of group leader: _____________________________________ Form: _______________ Guide for the experiment report The Aim : A sentence started with 'to investigate or to determine ... " Example - To investigate the effect of impurities on the boiling point of distilled water. Problem Statement: A question: What / which / whether / how etc... about the relationship between manipulated variable and responding variable and ended with a question mark (?) Example - Is impurities can increase the boiling point of distilled water? hypothesis: Choose from three types of sentences that can be used below (as appropriate): 1. The increase or decrease manipulated variable the increase or decrease responding variable. - appropriate for manipulated variable that have the numerical data which tends to decrease or increase. 2. If manipulated variable this way, then responding variable will be so. - suitable for manipulated variable that having two data comparisons (usually does not involve numbers). - Example - If the impurity / salt added into distilled water, the boiling points of distilled water will increase. 3. Expected results of the experiment. - Sample- Impurity / salt (manipulated variable) can increase the boiling point (responding variable) of distilled water. variables: a)Manipulated variable: What is distinguished or differenciated before the experiment is carried out. Example - The presence of salt or impurities. b)Responding variable: What is recorded from the results of the experiment. Example - Boiling point c)Constant or fixed variable: What is same in the experiment (usually about substance, not the apparatus). Example - The volume of distilled water . Materials: Anything used in the experiment and when completed will be removed. Example - Distilled water and salt. Apparatus: Anything used in the experiment and when completed will be kept back. Example - Two 250 ml beakers, glass rod, tripod stand, Bunsen burner and thermometers. Procedure: [draw a suitable diagram here] Minggu Sains 2012 - Idatat 1. Preparation of apparatus. Example - Two 250 ml beakers labeled A and B, respectively. 2. Control of constant variable. Example - Beaker A and B is filled with 200 ml of distilled water. 3. Control of manipulated variable. Example - Beaker B is added with 5 grams of salt and stirred to dissolve (beaker A with no added salt). 4. Control of responding variable. Example - Content of beakers A and B are heated to boil. Boiling point is measured with a thermometer and recorded in a table. Results: - Provide at least two-column table. The first column for manipulated variable and the second column is for responding variable. Example: (manipulated variable + unit) (responding variable + unit) example - The presence of salt or impurities example - Boiling point (° C) Beaker A (distilled water) 100 Beaker B (distilled water + salt) 104 Analysis: a) Calculation/Plot the graph if necessary. b) Observation Clarify the differences that can only be observed from responding variable in the table of result. Example - Boiling point of distilled water + salt is higher than the boiling point of distilled water only. Interpreting data: -inference Blame that can be made based on evidence that has been shown in your observation. (The blame should answer the problem statement or accomplish the purpose of the experiment. Usually associate it with the theory you learn). Example - The presence of impurities or salt causing the rises in boiling point of distilled water. Conclusion: -If the result support or same as stated in the hypothesis • then copy back the hypothesis to conclusion. • State that hypothesis is accepted. -If otherwise • State that hypothesis is rejected. • then write the hypothesis that is corrected in accordance with experimental results. Example - Impurities or salt can increase the boiling point of distilled water . Hypothesis is accepted. Minggu Sains 2012 - Idatat
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