Pancha Kav Ya

March 17, 2018 | Author: Krishna Kumar | Category: Compost, Organic Farming, Hay, Agriculture, Livestock Farming



Panchakavya 1. Panchakavya 2. Preparations 3. Beneficial effect on commercial crops 4. Recommended dosage 5. Panchakavya for animal health 6.Panchagavya for human health 1. Panchakavya Panchagavya, an organic product has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plant system. Panchagavya consists of nine products viz. cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, ghee, banana, Tender coconut and water. When suitably mixed and used, these have miraculous effects.   Cow dung - 7 kg Cow ghee - 1 kg Mix the above two ingredients thoroughly both in morning and evening hours and keep it for 3 days   Cow Urine - 10 liters Water - 10 liters After 3 days mix cow urine and water and keep it for 15 days with regular mixing both in morning and evening hours. After 15 days mix the following and panchagavya will be ready after 30 days.      Cow milk - 3 liters Cow curd - 2 liters Tender coconut water - 3 liters Jaggery - 3 kg Well ripened poovan banana – 12 nos. Top 2. Preparation All the above items can be added to a wide mouthed mud pot, concrete tank or plastic can as per the above order. The container should be kept open under shade. The content is to be stirred twice a day both in morning and evening. The Panchagavya stock solution will be ready after 30 days. (Care should be taken not to mix buffalo products. The products of local breeds of cow is said to have potency than exotic breeds). It should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots in the solution. If sugarcane juice is not available add 500 g of jaggery dissolved in 3 liter of water. 5 GA (ppm) Microbial Load Fungi : 38800/ml Bacteria : 1880000/ml Lactobacillus : 2260000/ml Total anaerobes : 10000/ml Acid formers : 360/ml Methanogen : 250/ml Physico-chemical properties of Panchagavya revealed that they possess almost all the major nutrients.22 EC dSm2 : 229 Total N (ppm) : 209 Total P (ppm) : 232 Total K (ppm) : 90 Sodium : 25 Calcium : 8. micro nutrients and growth harmones (IAA & GA) required for crop growth.Physico chemical and biological properties of Panchagavya Chemical composition : 5. . milk products and addition of jaggery/sugarcane juice as substrate for their growth.5 IAA (ppm) : 3.45 pH : 10. Predominance of fermentative microorganisms like yeast and lactobacillus might be due to the combined effect of low pH. No. 2. 7. 6. 5. 9. Lactobacillus produces various beneficial metabolites such as organic acids. Butanol and Ethanol 3. Propanol. alkanes. hydrogen peroxide and antibiotics. GC-MS analysis resulted in following compounds of fatty acids. butyric. 8. caproic and valeric acids Top Fatty acids Alkanes Decane Octane Heptane Hexadecane Oridecane Alconol and Alcohols Heptanol Tetracosanol Hexadecanol Octadeconol Methanol. alconol and alcohols. propionic. Oleic acids Palmitic acid Myristic Deconore Deconomic Octanoic Hexanoic Octadeconoic Tetradeconoic Acetic. 1. Sl. 10. which are effective against other pathogenic microorganisms besides its growth. 3. Beneficial effects of Panchakavya on commercial crops Mango     Induces dense flowering with more female flowers Irregular or alternate bearing habit is not experienced and continues to fruit regularly Enhances keeping quality by 12 days in room temperature Flavour and aroma are extraordinary . 4.The low pH of the medium was due to the production of organic acids by the fermentative microbes as evidenced by the population dynamics and organic detection in GC analysis. Acid lime    Continuous flowering is ensured round the year Fruits are plumpy with strong aroma Shelf life is extended by 10 days Guava   Higher TSS Shelf life is extended by 5 days Banana . spider etc which in turn reduce pest and disease load. Sold for premium price as mother/seed rhizome Enriches the curcumin content Jasmine    Exceptional aroma and fragrance No incidence of bud worm Continuous flowering throughout the year Vegetables     Yield enhancement by 18% and in few cases like Cucumber. 3% solution (100 ml) was tied up at the naval end of the bunch after the male bud is removed. Generally panchagavya is recommended for all the crops as foliar spray at 30 % level (3 litre panchagavya in 100 litres of water).In addition to adding with irrigation water and spraying. One month earlier harvest was witnessed. Top . Turmeric        Enhances the yield by 22% Extra long fingers Ensure low drainage loss Narrows the ratio of mother and finger rhizomes Helps survival of dragon fly. the yield is doubled Wholesome vegetables with shiny and appealing skin Extended shelf life Very tasty with strong flavour. The size of the top and bottom hands was uniformly big. The bunch size becomes uniform. 60 and 75 days after sowing Before flowering and during pod formation Nursery and 40 days after transplanting: seed treatment with 1 % for 12 hrs 0. sediments are to be filtered and when sprayed with hand operated sprayers. 40 and 50 days after sowing 30 and 45 days after sowing 25 and 30th days after sowing 30. 45.30 and 50th days after transpalnting 30. two sprays depending upon duration of crops : Once in 10 days.15. Recommended dosage Spray system 3% solution was found to be most effective compared to the higher and lower concentrations investigated. Pre flowering phase 2. Flowering and pod setting stage 3.4. 30. When sprayed with power sprayer. Three litres of Panchagavya to every 100 litres of water is ideal for all crops. 45 and 60 days after transplanting At the time of pruning and budding Bud initiation and setting Dipping setts before planting . 25 and 40 days after sowing 15. Ginger and sets of Sugarcane can be soaked for 30 minutes before planting. Flow system The solution of Panchagavya can be mixed with irrigation water at 50 litres per hectare either through drip irrigation or flow irrigation Seed/seedling treatment 3% solution of Panchagavya can be used to soak the seeds or dip the seedlings before planting.45 and 60 days after sowing Rainfed: 1st flowering and 15 deays after flowering Irrigated: 15. 25. The power sprayers of 10 litres capacity may need 300 ml/tank. Fruit/Pod maturation stage : Once in 15 days. Rhizomes of Turmeric. Soaking for 20 minutes is sufficient. Seed storage 3% of Panchagavya solution can be used to dip the seeds before drying and storing them. Periodicity 1. the nozzle with higher pore size has to be used. two sprays : Once during pod maturation Time of application of Panchakavya for different crops is given as follows Crops Rice Sunflower Black gram Green gram Castor Groundnut Bhendi Moringa Tomato Onion Rose Jasmine Vanilla Time schedule 10. Yield There will be yield depression under normal circumstances. amino acids. When taken orally by animals and human beings. which are sturdy and capable of carrying maximum fruits to maturity. Constipation is totally cured. Thus the animals and humans become hale and healthy with shining hair and skin. . carbohydrates. The harvest is advanced by 15 days in all the crops. It acts like vaccine. Both the above factors contribute to reduce the irrigation water requirement by 30% and to ensure drought hardiness. The roots spread and grow into deeper layers were also observed. when the land is converted to organic farming from inorganic systems of culture. Panchagavya for animal health Panchagavya is a living elixir of many micro organisms. By reducing or replacing costly chemical inputs. known and unknown growth promoting factors micronutrients trace elements antioxidant and immunity enhancing factors. fruits and grains. Further they remain fresh for a long time. enabling synthesis of maximum metabolites and photosynthates. enzymes. bacteria. Roots The rooting is profuse and dense. digestion and assimilation and elimination of toxins in the body. vitamins. This response of the body increases the immunity of animals and humans and thus helps to prevent illness and cures disease. fats. It slows down the aging process and restores youthfulness.Effect of Panchakavya Leaf Plants sprayed with Panchagavya invariably produce bigger leaves and develop denser canopy. The photosynthetic system is activated for enhanced biological efficiency. fungi. The weight gains are impressive.It not only enhances the shelf life of vegetables. but also improves the taste. Top 5. proteins. The other factors present in Panchagavya improve apetite. The key feature of Panchagavya is its efficacy to restore the yield level of all crops when the land is converted from inorganic cultural system to organic culture from the very first year. Stem The trunk produces side shoots. All such roots help maximum intake of nutrients and water. thus reducing the evaporation of water. Branching is comparatively high. The deep and extensive roots developed by the plants allow to withstand long dry periods. Drought Hardiness A thin oily film is formed on the leaves and stems. Panchagavya ensures higher profit and liberates the organic farmers from loan. the living micro organisms in the Panchagavya stimulate the immune system and produce lot of antibodies against the ingested microorganisms. thus increasing the food availability to fish. Now the skin of the cow is shiny with more hair and looks more beautiful. The feed to weight conversion ratio increased tremendously. the birds became disease-free and healthy. This helped the piggery owners to reduce the feed cost and to get very good returns due to increased weight. layer after layer during the staking and allowed it to ferment. Fish Panchagavya was applied daily with fresh cow dung in fish ponds. the fisheries became more profitable. It increased the growth of algae. Dosage 50 ml of filtered Panchagavya mixed with 200 ml of water. The only precaution is that fresh water must be added to the ponds at frequent intervals. a few farmers sprayed the 3 percent solution of Panchagavya. They gained weight at a faster rate. The pigs became healthy and disease free. With reduced death rate of small fingerlings and increased weight of marketable fish. weeds and other organisms will compete with the fish for available soluble oxygen in water. the growth of algae. Cows By mixing Panchagavya with animal feed and water at the rate of 100 ml per cow per day. The rate of conception increased. Instead of spraying urea on paddy straw (hay) before staking. tender coconut water or fruit juice and taken orally in empty stomach in the morning. weeds and small worms in the pond. . Otherwise. The cows preferred such hay compared to unsprayed hay stock. the psoriasis in her fore arm got fully cured. Panchagavya for human health One lady with psoriasis all over the body was under allopathic treatment for over one and a half years. mastitis and foot and mouth disease became things of the past.Pigs Panchagavya was mixed with drinking water or feed at the rate of 10 ml – 50 ml/pig depending upon the age and weight. The retained placenta. In broiler chickens the weight gain was impressive and the feed-to-weight conversion ratio improved. mechanical agitators can also be used to increase the oxygen content in the water. she smeared Panchagavya all over the body and to everyone's surprise. This is for all type of diseases. Top 6. Following her own intuition. fat content and SNF. Alternatively. the psoriasis disappeared in 21 days. Poultry When mixed with the feed or drinking water at the rate of 1 ml per bird per day. cows become healthier with increased milk yield. She happened to prepare Panchagavya for field use and stir the contents with her forearm. In ten months time each fish grew to a weight of 2 to 3 kgs. They laid bigger eggs for longer periods. After 15 days. Goats and Sheep The goats and sheep became healthy and gained more weight in a short period after having administered 10 ml to 20 ml Panchagavya per animal per day depending upon the age. constipation and burning sensation in the feet disappeared within a month. Neurological disorders When given to patients suffering from neurological disorders like convulsions and Parkinsonism. it reduced the blood sugar and enabled the patients to reduce the dose of anti diabetic drugs. Most of them are now working in the fields and others are pursuing their own professions. Arthritis is cured within two months. Even though the blood tests are still positive. they exhibit no symptoms of AIDS and lead a normal healthy life. Top Source Selvaraj. N. Anitha. indigestion. Organic Horticulture. 2007. Pulmonary Tuberculosis It can be given in addition to the regular anti-TB drugs. Their fever.AIDS/HIV AIDS/HIV patients regained lost appetite and digestion and put on weight. Now even healthy people take it to become more healthy and energetic. Diabetes mellitus When 50 ml of filtered Panchagavya per day was taken early in the morning on an empty stomach. healing is even faster. it is very effective and the lesions disappear within six months. Complaints like general weakness. They became active and healthy. it helped to reduce the frequency of the attacks in convulsions and reduced shaking of the hands and head in Parkinsonism. B. They slept better. diarrhoea and skin lesions disappeared within a month's treatment. swelling and stiffness. Arthritis It completely relieves the joint pain. . Udhagamandalam-643 001. In eczema and other allergic skin disorders. Appetite improved and the patients gained body weight. The duration of antiTB treatment was reduced by one month. Psoriasis In Psoriasis.. Fever disappeared within a week and cough was controlled within two weeks. B. cough. Anusha and M. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. They were able to reduce the regular medicines. Guru Saraswathi. Horticultural Research Station. Vermicompost and Vermiculture: Adding WORM CULTURE “Culturing of earthworms and their application for a variety of purposes is what is meant by Vermi composting by vermi culture”.These sprcies are fast breeders and feed actively on organic matter high in nitrogen! b) Base materials required: . a) Selection of species: The epigeic species have been fouynd to be useful for compost making and the most commonly used species are 'Eisenia foetida' Perionyx excavatus' and ''Eudrillius eugiene'. however .weeds hedge cuttings . a waste product from ETP of any industry can also be used for feeding worms. coir waste. c) Containers for culturing: Earth worm culturing should be done under shelter to avoid direct sunlight and heavy downpour . excreta of sheep. poultry droppings (in small quantity) and vegetable wastes are ideal food for earth worms. plastic tubs. horse .In case of pit or heap method dimensions may be changed to convenience .paddy husk.Crop residues .Agricultural wastes like sugarcane trash.culturing can be done. wooden boxes .Size of container should be 1 m x 1 m x 0. Either brick lined pits . d) Preparation of bed : . from bio-gas plant. pig. City garbage or even biodegradable organic sludge.depth of pit or height of heap should not be more than 45 cms. effluent slurry.saw dust.tree leaves and animal dung are the the basic materials required. cattle dung.earthen pots or even on surface of soil by making heap of organic matter .3 m . The bed should appear wet.Step by step method of preparation of wormiculture bed has to be followed for good results. Give turning to the material 23 times at 4-5 days interval and transfer it on the layer of bedding prepared earlier. Effluent slurry from bio-gas plant is best used for this . Give a layer of soil on it. Sprinkle water on it to get a moisture level of 40-45%. sugar cane trash etc>)collected. Third step: Mix the organic waste with cattle dung in equal quantity and pour appropriate quantity of water over it so as to make a homogenous mixture. During this period heating of substrate will take place. ‘Eisenia foetida' species of vermi culture added to the bed prepared. paddy husk.Keep this mixture for two weeks. Adding the Worm culture . Second step: Make a bed of 10 cm height using any of the base materials (coir waste. First step: Select a container or dig a pit of appropriate dimensions as mentioned above wherever compost is to be prepared. Add 5-10 % neem cake in the feed mix. The worms feed actively on organic matter and assimilate only 5-10 % and rest isexcreated as loose granular mounds of vermicastings on the surface away from the feed source . Keep for 1-2 hours .Fourth step: Introduce cocoons or worms (if culturing is done for the first time . Neem cake in small quantities has beneficial effect on the growth of worms. it is advisable to introduce worms) in the bed at the rate of 2000 worms for 400 kgs of feed mix.Thus the worms will convert the feed mix into vermicastings in 60 days . Remove vermin compost on top and the worms settled down at the bottom can be carefully collected for use in the next batch of vermi composting.Sprinkle water over the cloth periodically to keep gunny cloth wet. as prepared in third step. Sieve the vermicast (fine granular materials) Vermi wash from the compost Finished product-Vermiwash collection & storage in containers of various sizes . Fifth step: Cover the bed with Gunny cloth . The vermin compost once formed completely will give the smell of moist soil. Then the feed mix is to be spread uniformly on the culture bed . Sixth step: Take out the vermi compost and make a heap in sunlight on a plastic sheet .The worms will gather at the bottom of heap. centipedes and others like toads. Moisture level in the bed should not exceed 40-50%. 5. 2. cats . Worms should not be injured during handling .Mixture 0f cattle .rats. 2. white ants. 7.sheep. 4. .This hampers normal activities of worms leading to weight loss and decline in worm biomass and population .Addition of neem cake in small quantity enhances growth of worms. poultry birds and even dogs. 6. Temperature of bed should be within the range of 20-30 degree centigrade. Space is the criterion for grow th and estblishment of culture . Bed should be protected from predators like red ants.e)Precautions for compost making : Finished Product -vermicompost 1.Water logging in the bed leads to anaerobic condition and change in pH of medium. Frequent observation of culture bed is essential as acumaulationd of casts retards growth of worms.Minimum space required is 2 square meter per 2000 worms with 30-45 cm thick bed. Earth worms find it difficult to adopt themselves in new environments hence addition of inoculam as a bait from earlier habitat helps in early adaptation to new site of rearing. 3. Best composting tips: 1. and horse dung with vegetable wastes forms ideal feed for worms. Biogas slurry aged aerobically for 15 days enhances vermi composting process. 3.
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