Painting Specification for Storage Tanks

March 29, 2018 | Author: Rohmat Benny Ismanto | Category: Paint, Specification (Technical Standard), Quality Assurance, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Boiler



Client Name : BASF India LimitedProject Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 1 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Document No: G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Unit: General Discipline: Mechanical Document Type: Specification Document Title: Painting ( Protective Coating ) 0 12-Apr-2012 Revision Date Issued for RFQ AV AA Prepared By Checked By VP Fluor Purpose BASF Approved By This document was prepared for BASF INDIA LIMITED by FLUOR DANIEL INDIA PVT LTD (“CONTRACTOR”) and based in part on information not within the control of either owner or contractor. Neither owner not contractor have made an analysis, verified or rendered an independent judgement of the validity of the information provided by others. While it is believed that the information contained herein will be reliable under the conditions and subject to the limitations set forth herein, neither owner nor contractor guarantee the accuracy thereof. Use of this report or any information contained herein shall be at user’s sole risk. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 1 of 16 Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 2 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Record of Revisions  This specification has been revised as indicated below and described in the revision record on the following page. Please destroy all previous revisions. Revision No. 0 Date 12-Apr-2012 G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Description Issued for RFQ ( No change except document Name; FEED document G2IR is replaced by G3IR) Page 2 of 16 ........ GENERAL ..........3..................................... BIS..... Paint Application Equipment ....... GENERAL PAINTING REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 5 1............................... 11 6....................................................................................... COATING REPAIRS ....................... EXECUTION ........... 10 6......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4................................................................................................................. Primed Surfaces Requiring Further Coating) ....2................... 7 2.......................................... Exceptions ............................... 9 5...............................................................6....................................................................... 9 4....................... Cleaners And Paint Materials.......................... 12 9................................................................ ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)................................ 8 2. Terminology .......................................................................................................... 8 4..............................................1.. Items Which Do Not Require Painting ....................................................................................................2............................................................................................................................................5......... ANSI/ASME/NEMA ...........................2....................................................................................................................... 12 7...... 8 3.. Environmental Compliance ............................................ Carbon Steels (Pre-painted............................. 7 2............. 11 6........................3..............................................2.... Scheduling Of Work ................ Abrasives ................................................................................................................1..... 12 8. 11 6...........................................1.........................................2........ 10 5..... 5 2............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.................................... 11 6... REFERENCES ................... APPLICATION OF PRIMERS AND FINISHES ..4...................................... 5 1.................................................... Items Which Require Protection From Painting ............................................Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 3 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Scope .......................3............................................ SURFACE PREPARATION ......... Manufacturer’s Application Data Sheets ......................................................................... FINISH COLORS AND IDENTIFICATION .........................................3.......... 5 1.....................................1................................1............................................ 11 6............................ Carbon Steels (Bare Metal) ... 9 4.....5.............................................. Regulations of Governmental Agencies Related To Personnel Health and Safety As Applicable To Painting ...................................... SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council) ... 8 2..... 10 5...................................................... 13 G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 3 of 16 ........................................................................................................ Compressed Air........................................................................................................................... 7 2.................................................................................................................... MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ..................... 9 4.................................... ........................................................................ 14 10..........................3................................................................... 15 11............Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 4 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) 9................................................................................ 13 10.................. Minimum Inspection Required Prior To Painting ......5....................... 15 10................................................ 14 10...... Minimum Inspection Required After Painting .......................................................................................................................... Minimum Inspection Required Prior To and During Surface Preparation .... 13 10.................................................................................................. Repairs to primed. Minimum Inspection Required During Painting........................................................ 16 G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 4 of 16 ............... 16 12.. ATTACHMENTS ......2..........6.............................. 14 10.........4........1..... SUPPLIERS & PRODUCTS .................................. finish painted surfaces shall be as follows: ......... Instruments................................ QA/QC (QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL) ..................................................................... Documentation ..... 13 10.........1................................................ ” “Should. recommendations and guidelines described in the published literature of the coating materials' Manufacturer. Carbon steels shall mean carbon steels including alloy steels with chromium content of 9¼ % or less.2. CUI is Corrosion under Insulation. CONTRACTOR shall submit all conflicting information to the ENGINEER for resolution. Coat shall mean one full layer of the specified material applied to the specified thickness. This specification does not cover Galvanizing.3. The cost of a coat shall include the cost of mist pass (es). Dew point The temperature of a given air/water-vapor mixture at which. A mist pass is not considered a full coat. referenced industry standards and any specific requirements noted in this specification and any drawings issued to the CONTRACTOR.” and “Recommended. 1. 1. instructions and guidelines shall be considered mandatory unless otherwise instructed by the ENGINEER. In case of conflicting requirements between the documents. GENERAL 1. Note: Mist coats are the same as mist passes. Multiple passes including initial mist pass are necessary to form a coat. CONTRACTOR shall mean the painting contractor. Abbreviation and Terminology APPLICATION DATA shall mean application instructions.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 5 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) 1. ENGINEER shall mean the FLUOR corrosion engineer responsible for the development or maintenance of this Specification. CONTRACTOR shall obtain additional information from the parent corporate office if the local Manufacturer is a licensee or a subsidiary of a multinational organization. instructions and guidelines are given in permissive language such as “May. Any deviations from or changes to Manufacturer's published literature shall be subject to ENGINEER's review. Exceptions This Specification is not applicable to architectural components and buildings.” compliance with those recommendations. Scope This specification covers external painting of aboveground plant facilities exposed to weather and operating at temperatures less than 538 °C (1000°F).1. Note: Where recommendations. under atmospheric pressure. explanation and/or justification. condensation starts. acceptance or rejection without comment. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 5 of 16 . If the published literature of the Manufacturer does not contain required information.) Approved Equal shall mean a product approved by the ENGINEER as equal to the product specified in this specification. skid units. In the absence of a specified range. such as process equipment. Piping shall mean piping. Manufacturer shall mean the manufacturer of the specified paint. Catalog Equipment shall mean catalog items or assemblies of catalog items such as control instruments. motors. structural steel. compressors. equipment. Insulated surfaces shall mean steel surfaces which will be insulated. pipe fittings. made-to-order equipment and related items including structural components. heat exchangers. operating temperature of refractory lined equipment for painting purposes shall be the temperature of the metal surface exposed to the weather during operation. Uninsulated surfaces shall mean carbon steel surfaces which will not be insulated. and other items to be painted. vessels. boilers. drums. Tanks shall mean field fabricated above ground storage tanks (AST).) SUPPLIER shall mean fabricator and/or supplier of pipe. The readings shall be within a 6 inch radius and evenly spread out from a given spot. heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). Custom Equipment shall mean equipment specifically designed and fabricated for the project. shop fabricated tanks.5 times the stated value. For example. Owner shall mean the Owner of the Project or its authorized representative. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 6 of 16 . (Example: Structural steel of a boiler structure shall be painted in the same manner as the boiler's other surfaces.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 6 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) DFT (Dry Film Thickness) shall mean the thickness of the dry film of the coating. heaters. DFT Measurement shall mean the average value of three readings recorded by dry film thickness gage. The steam out temperature of piping and equipment shall not be considered as a basis for paint system selection unless specifically instructed in writing by the Owner and acknowledged in writing by FLUOR. 321 and 347. stacks. Structural steel shall mean structural steel other than the structural steel which is an integral part of fabricated equipment by the SUPPLIER. the value stated shall mean a minimum value and the maximum value shall not be more than 1. pipe supports and accessories unless a particular item and/or size limitation is stated. Operating temperature shall mean the maximum temperature of the substrate surface exposed to weather (indoor and outdoor) during operating conditions. electrical equipment. 316. valves. Stainless Steel shall mean austenitic stainless steel such as Type 304. pumps and similar items which are not specifically designed and custom fabricated for the project. Application and Curing for Coatings/ Lining of Steel Tanks. NACE RP0287 Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using Replica Tapes SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council)         SSPC-SP1 SSPC-SP2 SSPC-SP3 SSPC-SP5 SSPC-SP6 SSPC-SP10 SSPC-SP11 SSPC-Vis1   SSPC-VIS 3 SSPC-TR3/ NACE 6A192  SSPC-PA2 2. Vessels and other Enclosed Spaces. quality control. repairs.2. equipment. instruments. application of paint materials. Except as modified by the requirements specified in this Specification or on the drawings.3. 2. SSPC is Steel Structures Painting Council. and cleanup thereafter. Solvent Cleaning Hand Tool Cleaning ( Equivalent SIS St 2) Power Tool Cleaning ( Equivalent SIS St 3) White Metal Blast Cleaning ( Equivalent SIS Sa 3) Commercial Blast Cleaning ( Equivalent SIS Sa 2) Near White Blast Cleaning ( Equivalent SIS Sa 2. supervision. and each and every item of expense necessary for preparing the surfaces for paint application. 2. all Work performed shall comply with the following references.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 7 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Work shall mean all labor. of the following references in effect on the latest date of this Specification form a part of this Specification.1 G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems Page 7 of 16 . including addenda. Measurement Of Dry Paint Thickness With Magnetic Gages ANSI/ASME/NEMA  A13. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)        2. tools. B117 D3276 D4541 D3359 D4285 D4752 Standard Test Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing Standard Guide for Painting Inspectors (Metal Substrates) Standard Test Method for Pull-off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers Standard Test Method for measuring by tape test Test Method for indicating oil or water in Compressor Air Standard Test Method for measuring MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primer by Solvent Rub. installed and consumable materials. Any conflicts between the following references and this Specification shall be resolved by the ENGINEER. services. REFERENCES The latest revision. SIS is Swedish Standard Institution. ½) Power Tool Cleaning To Bare Metal Visual Standard For Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel (Standard Reference Photographs) Visual Standard for Power and Hand-Tool Cleaned Steel Dehumidification and Temperature Control during Surface Preparation. RAL & DB color code are widely used color shade matching systems.1.  Repair of damaged surfaces of shop coating. by way of example but not by limitation. Regulations of Governmental Agencies Related To Personnel Health and Safety as Applicable To Painting 3. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 8 of 16 .4. grease. EXECUTION The SUPPLIER shall perform all Work related to surface preparation.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 8 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating )   2. priming and finish painting of the CATALOG EQUIPMENT including all attachments thereto in accordance with the SUPPLIER's standard paint system subject to the Owner's choice of finish colors. with fresh water and/or degreaser.  Finish painting of primed surfaces. necessary to complete the application of all painting systems in accordance with this specification.6.  Cleaning of surfaces to remove all dirt. foreign matter. Manufacturer’s Application Data Sheets 2. INDIAN STANDARDS (BIS)  IS 2379 : 1990 Pipelines-Identification-colour code 2.  Application of safety color coding and pipe identification. semi-gloss finish and minimum corrosion protection level of 2000 hours (salt fog resistance) when tested in accordance with ASTM B117.1 ISO 11127 Safety color code Parts 1-7 Paints and Varnishes – Preparation of Steel Substrates before application of paints and related Products.  Surface preparation and priming of bare metallic surfaces.5. Z535. The SUPPLIER shall perform all Work related to surface preparation and priming of the following items including all attachments (excluding pre-painted shelf items) thereto in accordance with the Painting Schedule of this specification:  Custom Equipment  Piping  Structural steel (non-galvanized) and miscellaneous items except tank plates for field erection The CONTRACTOR shall perform all Work related to the following tasks.  Repainting of custom equipment with damaged finish paint. oil. etc. dust. rubber. the following:                   Alloys (Monel.  Non-ferrous metals such as aluminum. wood and etc.2. 4. painting shall be done when: G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 9 of 16 . valve stems. shafts. brass and etc. by way of example.1. Incoloy. Such surfaces shall include. Items Which Require Protection from Painting Surfaces which could be damaged by abrasives. copper.) Screws Spring hanger graduations Stainless steel surfaces (except as specified) Valve stems and position indicators Note: Stainless steel surfaces shall be protected from zinc and aluminum rich coatings.  Uninsulated stainless steel surfaces ( For insulated surfaces refer to Attachment 1) 4. Scheduling Of Work Unless otherwise stated in the APPLICATION DATA and approved by the ENGINEER. or other means to prevent damage. over stainless steel surfaces must be completely removed. Items Which Do Not Require Painting The following items do not require any surface preparation or painting unless otherwise specified. or paint overspray shall be protected by wrapping. pump and cylinder rods. glass. Identification tags Instrument glasses and gauge dials Machined surfaces (threads. etc. Any accidental overspray of zinc and aluminum. or Hastelloy) Bearings Conduit Control panels Control valves Couplings Equipment nameplates Expansion joint bellows Fire sprinkler heads Flange and nozzle facings Glass. taping. including trace amounts.  Insulation weatherproofing. plastic.3.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 9 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) 4. GENERAL PAINTING REQUIREMENTS 4. but not by limitation. gasket materials etc.  Non-metallic items such as concrete.  Galvanized surfaces except for safety color coding or coating repair. Pressure testing is complete Ambient temperature is above 10°C Metal surface temperature is at least 5°C above the dew point Relative humidity is less than 85% There is no likelihood of rain within 24 hours after painting Protection of surfaces. Welded areas shall be blast cleaned or ground to remove burrs. it shall be cleaned and primed in sections. chamfered and broken. weld spatter. If rust is noticed.1. Solvent Cleaning methods shall be as outlined in SSPC SP-1.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 10 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating )       5. the surfaces shall be further washed with biodegradable non-ionic detergent solution until the surfaces are completely free of all surface contamination. is in place SURFACE PREPARATION 5. Sharp edges shall be rounded. the surface shall be blast cleaned again. clemtec anchor profile chips.2. Before applying any coating. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 10 of 16 . stainless steel. Only grit blasting shall be used for surface preparation. Primed) All surfaces shall be thoroughly degreased and washed in the manner stated for bare carbon steels above. sharp cutting edges and is substantially free from “half rounds”. Cleaned surfaces shall be coated within eight hours and before occurrence of any trace of rust. The surface profile depth shall be achieved by using a medium that has good angularity of form. Profile of the abrasive blasted surfaces shall comply with the requirements provided by the paint system and measured in accordance with standard NACE RP0287. Under no circumstances. Surfaces cleaned with detergent shall be thoroughly rinsed with potable water to remove traces of detergent. required by the coating manufacturer shall be followed prior to topcoating. Testex Press-O-Film or other Contractor accepted method suitable for abrasive being used. Any additional surface preparation. Weld reinforcement shall not be removed and base metal shall not be ground below the surface. flux. Carbon Steels (Bare Metal) Surfaces shall be thoroughly washed with potable water to remove all water soluble salts. not required to be painted e. There shall be no smudge on the surface when rubbed with a clean cloth. such as sanding. mill scale. If any grease and oils are present on the surface. All rough welds shall be rounded and contoured. blast cleaned surfaces shall be vacuumed and wiped with a clean cloth to remove all traces of dust. Surface preparation and anchor pattern (surface profile) shall be as specified for each individual paint system. Carbon Steels (Pre-painted.g. dirt and dust. Surfaces that do not meet this criterion shall be reprocessed.. The water washing shall be considered critical especially if the surfaces are exposed to salty environment. or protrusions. The maximum allowable level of water soluble salt contamination shall be 20mg/m2. 5. Surface profile measurements for abrasive blast cleaned surfaces shall be made with a Keane Tator profile comparator. Where the item to be painted is large. shall the substrate remain without a primer coat for more than 4 hours. The washed surfaces shall be completely dry prior to further application of paint materials. Each label shall show the product name. dry.999% of oil from the compressed air. hard particles free of foreign substances such as dirt. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 11 of 16 . Products which do not comply with the pollution regulations of the local governmental agencies are not allowed for use on this Project. type of paint. lot or batch number. coating materials.5. Abrasive particle size shall be suitable for producing an angular sharp anchor profile. Solvents shall be products of the same manufacturer and be used in accordance with the APPLICATION DATA. Filters must remove 99. Petroleum. one located at the discharge of the after-cooler and one close to the blast/spray gun. number. Conductivity measured according to ISO 11127-6 shall not exceed 300 microSiemens/cm measured at 20°C and chloride content shall be less than 25 ppm. Primer and finish paint materials shall be those listed in Attachment. organic matter.1.3. regulations and laws in force in the country where the coating work is performed.4.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 11 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) 6. and labeled products and approved by the ENGINEER. Abrasives shall be sharp garnet or grit of Rockwell hardness (40 to 50 HRC) and properly graded. Compressed Air The compressed air shall be passed through a cooler.) shall be performed fully in accordance with rules. chromates and etc. Disposal of residual materials ( spent abrasives. 6. mill scale and water soluble salts. Primers and finishes shall be factory tinted. toxic substances. Shot is not acceptable.A compressed-air cleanliness test (blotter test) as described in ASTM D4285 shall be used for checking air cleanliness. 6. shall the compressed air temperature more than 100 C. solvents etc. diesel oil or other fatty solvents shall not be used. kerosene. primers. Abrasives Abrasives shall be composed of clean. which cause air. Environmental Compliance All cleaners. Compressed air used for blasting and lining application must be clean. finishes and solvent materials shall be environmentally safe products and shall not contain hazardous materials such as CFCs. All finish paints shall be semi-gloss finishes. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 6. In no circumstance shall silica abrasive be used. oil. soil and water pollution. color and instructions for mixing and/or thinning. sealed. The SUPPLIER and the CONTRACTOR are responsible for verifying the product compliance with local environmental regulations.0 to 8. In no circumstance. grease. 6.2. All air compressors shall be of a sufficient size to deliver atleast 100 PSI at the nozzle. lead. Each compressor shall have two coalescing oil/moisture removal filters. oil free and dry. Cleaners and Paint Materials The degreaser shall be non-toxic and non-ionic biodegradable water based cleaner. The pH of the abrasive materials shall be 6. handling. product designation. Storing. unless otherwise approved in writing by the ENGINEER. Materials which have not been applied within the pot-life times shall be discarded and properly disposed off. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 12 of 16 . Cleaned surfaces determined to have been blasted since the last successful test shall be degreased and re-blasted with clean air and abrasive. pinholes or holidays. Pigmented and catalyzed materials shall be thoroughly mixed and strained before applying. No moisture or oil should be deposited on the cloth. including the mixer speed and mixing time.5. Attachment 1. corners. bolt heads. Sufficient number of spare parts shall be made available at the work site. mixing procedure. the equipment deficiencies shall be corrected and the air stream shall be retested. Ends of pipe. white cloth in accordance with ASTM D4285. Primers and finishes determined to have been applied using contaminated air shall be removed and recoated using clean air. sags. If contaminants are detected. the paint shall be applied by roller or brush. Otherwise. Each SUPPLIER shall furnish samples of available colors to FLUOR for items finish painted in the shop. Primers and Finishes and Painting Schedule.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 12 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) 6. Paint shall be airless spray applied if the adjacent property can be protected from overspray. dry spray or other blemishes. mixing order. 8. and application of paint materials shall be in accordance with the APPLICATION DATA. Weld lanes. thinning. and edges require an initial brush coat before the application of the paint system to assure wetness of the surface. Coatings and primers shall be delivered to the jobsite in the original containers bearing manufacturer’s name. Paint Application Equipment Spray equipment shall be as recommended in the APPLICATION DATA. The coated surface shall have no runs. All irregularities shall be removed or repaired and recoated. Paints with metallic pigments such as zinc and aluminum shall be continuously agitated to prevent settling of the pigment while being applied. Paint materials shall be uniformly applied in even. 7. shelf life and date of manufacture. solvent blisters. and edges of structural steel items that will require welding shall be masked off after blast cleaning and left unpainted 1½" from the edge to facilitate welding. APPLICATION OF PRIMERS AND FINISHES Proper functioning of the in-line moisture and oil traps shall be evaluated daily by allowing the air supply (downstream of the traps) to blow against a clean. parallel passes overlapping each pass 50% immediately followed by cross-spray passes to obtain a continuous film without bare spots. All painting shall be in accordance with this specification and the APPLICATION DATA. FINISH COLORS AND IDENTIFICATION Finish colors shall match RAL code colors shown in Attachment 3 (Plant colors and identification). The masking material shall be removed as soon as possible after painting. batch number. However. biodegradable detergent followed by further rinsing with potable water to remove all traces of the detergent. Repairs to primed. 3. 4. The surface shall then be dried.  Areas with spot rust. COATING REPAIRS 9.  Products used for repair of defects and damages shall be supplied by the same paint manufacturer of the original paint system. using 3M ScotchBrite surface conditioning discs. If there is any oil. Silicone aluminum for operating temperatures 260°C through 480°C. finish painted surfaces shall be as follows:  Damaged coatings shall be removed unless they are tightly bonded to the substrate metal. QA/QC (QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL) 10.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 13 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Intercoat contamination shall be minimized by maintaining proper cleanliness and by applying all coatings within the time period stated in the APPLICATION DATA. The surface shall be wiped with a clean rag to remove all dust and loose materials.1. grease or other foreign matter.  All dust shall be removed from the surface by vacuuming. 1. The SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR shall maintain documentation to comply with the guidelines of ASTM D3276 with the exception that the Inspection Checklist in the Appendix shall be considered mandatory. If contaminants are present. Any approvals for products and procedures submitted by the SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR shall be considered additional to the requirements stated in the specification and shall not be considered as a substitution to the requirements of this specification. Modified epoxy for operating temperatures ambient through 120°C. it shall be washed with water based non-ionic. Any repair shall be performed according to the instructions listed in the PDS (product data sheet) published by the paint manufacturer. Silicone acrylic for operating temperatures 121°C through 260°C.1. Inspection shall also comply with the following additional requirements. they shall be removed before applying subsequent coats. 9. the finish repair material shall overlap the adjacent existing finish a minimum of two inches. Primer repair material shall not overlap the existing adjacent finish. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 13 of 16 . brushing and wiping with a clean cloth. burnt residue.  Repair materials shall be as follows:  10. 2.  Existing coating shall be feathered and roughened at the edges with sandpaper or rotary discing. Documentation The SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR are solely responsible for all QA/QC activities regardless of any QA/QC activities performed by FLUOR. weld spatter and other solid adherent foreign matter shall be cleaned per SSPC-SP11. Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal. Trade name and characteristics of each paint system applied. Temperature and Humidity Gardner Certified Hygrometer and Temperature Indicator Surface cleanliness SSPC-Vis 1 or NACE blast cleaned panels Surface profile Elcometer surface profile gauge (Model 123). Verify that the surface temperature is 5°C above the dew point and rain is not forecasted within the scheduled painting time plus 24 hours.4. When work is completed. air quality and surface profile. if any and corrective actions undertaken. 10. Nor shall it in any way lessen the SUPPLIER's responsibilities to provide a completely operative system or component in full compliance with this specification. such absence of documentation shall be sufficient cause for FLUOR to reject the work performed. 10. thinning and application of primers and finishes are in accordance with the APPLICATION DATA. Instruments The SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR shall supply. Sequence of the coats applied for each paint system.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 14 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) All QA/QC documentation for work performed shall be made available to FLUOR on demand and without notice. Verify that items requiring protection from abrasives and dust are properly protected. Elcometer Paint Inspection Gauge Model 121 (required for inspection of multiple coats) Elcometer Adhesion Tester Model 106 Minimum Inspection Required Prior To and During Surface Preparation Verify that nearby inlets of air intake and vacuum systems equipment are properly protected before initiation of blast cleaning operations. Keane-Tator Surface Profile Comparator or Testex Press-O-Film Elcometer Model 154 or Nordson Wet Film Thickness Gauge Wet Film Thickness Dry Film Thickness Bond or adhesion strength 10. calibrate and maintain the following instruments for inspection. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 14 of 16 . Atmospheric and thermo-hygrometric conditions. mixing. If the SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR are unable to produce the QA/QC documentation to the satisfaction of FLUOR. FLUOR's review (or lack thereof) of quality control documents shall not be construed as acceptance of omissions or defective work. Verify that cleaned surfaces are free of contamination. Minimum Inspection Required Prior To Painting Verify that the storage. Elcometer Inspector Model 111 or Mikrotest Dry Film Thickness Gauge. SUPPLIER shall prepare a final report including the following data: surface preparation characteristics. Alternate instruments may be approved by the ENGINEER. including final acceptance reports. shelf life. inspections and tests performed and the relevant results.3.2. Check abrasive quality. Repairs. sags. Verify that the coating is cured as specified in the APPLICATION DATA. Check for proper atomization and avoid dry spray. The painted surface shall be free of blisters.5. Verify that the materials are properly strained and mixed in the recommended order and that the reaction time as necessary was allowed. Verify that the paint materials are applied within the shelf life and pot life. Verify that the moisture and oil filters. Check for criss-cross spray pattern to assure proper film buildup. Verify that all masking tape has been removed. In case of failure. Type II (magnetic flux) gauges shall be calibrated by using plastic shim standards supplied by the gauge manufacturer. Document the temperature. Stainless steel must be protected from zinc and aluminum rich coatings. runs. The wet film shall be uniform without runs or sags. the number of tests shall be increased to the level approved by the ENGINEER. The number of tests shall be at least TEN (10) for each batch of bulk items and FIVE (5) for each piece of equipment at random locations selected by the ENGINEER. of the air lines. Minimum Inspection Required After Painting Verify that the paint film is free of defects. are functioning properly. Cure of catalyzed materials may be determined by exposure to a suitable solvent as recommended by the coating manufacturer.6. dry spray. 10. Verify the bond strength of primer and finish coats. Minimum Inspection Required During Painting Verify that the recoating time is in accordance with the APPLICATION DATA. The adhesive bond between the substrate and the prime coat (except silicone aluminum) shall be at least equal to or better than Grades 4A and 4B when tested per ASTM D3359 Standard Test Method for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 15 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) All surfaces shall be visually inspected to assure that the proper surface conditions necessary for painting exist. Inorganic zinc primers may be tested for cure by burnishing the surface with a dull metal object such as a coin or paper clip and/or testing by exposure to a suitable solvent as noted above. craters. humidity and substrate surface temperature. Nondestructive dry film thickness gauges shall be calibrated in accordance with the gauge manufacturer's instructions at the beginning of each day. Check for initial mist pass of the coating to avoid bubbling. Verify that surfaces not to be coated are masked off or otherwise protected prior to painting of adjacent surfaces. Type I (magnetic pull-off) gauges shall be calibrated using Certified Coating Thickness Calibration Standard of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). bubbles. lap marks and unnecessary brush marks. 10. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 15 of 16 . Verify the wet film thickness of primer and finish coats. Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Page 16 of 16 Painting ( Protective Coating ) The DFT measurement of each layer of coating at any given spot shall be within the minimum and maximum values specified for the individual coating layer of the coating system. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 01 Primers and Finishes & Painting Schedule Attachment 02 Paint Materials for Client Approval Attachment 03 Plant Colors and Identification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_Rev 0 Page 16 of 16 . 11. Certification of Personnel All personnel involved in the inspection process defined above shall be NACE Level 3 or FROSIO Certified. 10. 12.    Pipe and Structural steel: 1 for each 20 lineal feet Equipment (except tanks): 1 for each 100 ft2 Tanks: 5 for each 1000 ft2 The ENGINEER may require thickness measurement of individual coats of a multi-coat system.7. SUPPLIERS & PRODUCTS Refer Attachment 02 “Paint Materials for Client Approval”. Such destructive measurements of coating thickness shall be performed by the SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR when directed by the ENGINEER. and shall have adequate experience. The number of nondestructive DFT measurements shall be at least five per item or at the following rate whichever is higher. and saddles) shall be painted in accordance with the paint system specified for uninsulated surfaces.5 – 3 mils ( 63 – 75 DFT) 121°C 260°C 260°C 480°C All temperature ranges G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 1_ Rev 0 Acrylic urethane 3 – 4 mils ( 75 – 100 DFT) Alternative Inorganic Zinc Silicate 2.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 01 Page 1 of 3 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Primer and Finishes & Painting Schedule Piping. manways.Uninsulated System .5 to 2 mils ( 37 – 50 DFT) Silicone Aluminum Silicone Aluminum 1 – 2 mils 1 – 2 mils ( 25 – 50 DFT) ( 25 – 50 DFT) None None Page 1 of 3 .5 to 2 mils ( 37 – 50 DFT) Acrylic urethane 2 – 3 mils ( 50 – 75 DFT) Silicone Acrylic 1. supports. all protrusions through the insulation and portions not covered by insulation (such as flanges.5 – 3. The painting requirements specified in the Painting Schedule below pertains to all uninsulated surfaces including uninsulated surfaces of partially insulated piping and equipment.0 mils ( 63 – 75 DFT) System .A2 CS & LAS (Uninsulated) Modified Epoxy 5 – 8 mils ( 125 – 200 DFT) Inorganic Zinc Silicate 2. nozzles. Exchangers.A1 For CS & LAS (Uninsulated) Inorganic Zinc Silicate 2.5 – 3. However. Tubular equipment and Piping . Painting System Surface Application Operating Primer (1st coat) Preparation Method Temperature Range From To Thickness Finish (2nd coat) Finish (3rd coat) Thickness Thickness Vessels. equipment and tanks specified to be insulated shall not be primed or finish painted.5 – 2 mils ( 37 – 50 DFT) Alternative Heat resisting Aluminum 1. clips.5 – 3 mils ( 63 – 75 DFT) Inorganic Zinc Silicate 2.5 – 4 mils ( 63 – 100 DFT) None Epoxy Based Micaceous iron oxide (MIO) 4 – 8 mils ( 100 – 200 DFT) Silicone Acrylic ( Note 4 ) 1.0 mils ( 63 – 75 DFT) SSPC-SP10 Spray Ambient 120°C System – A3 CS & LAS (Uninsulated) System-A4 Stainless Steel ( Uninsulated) ( Note 9) SSPC-SP10 SSPC-SP10 Not Applicable Spray Spray Not Applicable Inorganic Zinc Silicate 2.5 – 2 mils ( 37 – 50 DFT) Heat resisting Aluminum 1. D2 For CS Insulated Not SSPC-SP 10 Applicable Ambient Ambient G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 1_ Rev 0 120°C Inorganic Zinc Silicate 2. Exchangers.C1 (Uninsulated) Supplier Standard Paint System System . valves and instruments System . 9) Any Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Any Not Applicable Not Applicable Ambient 149°C Phenolic Epoxy 5 to 7 mils ( 125 – 175 DFT) Phenolic Epoxy 5 to 7 mils ( 125 – 175 DFT) None 150°C Above None None None Ambient 149°C Epoxy phenolic 4 to 6 mils ( 100 – 150 DFT) Epoxy phenolic 4 to 6 mils ( 100 – 150 DFT) None 150°C Above None None None Custom or catalogue equipment.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 01 Page 2 of 3 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Painting System Operating Primer (1st coat) Temperature Range Surface Application From To Thickness Preparation Method Finish (2nd coat) Finish (3rd coat) Thickness Thickness Vessels. Tubular equipment and Piping . 9) System .5 – 3.Insulated System .D1 For CS Uninsulated Not SSPC-SP 10 Applicable System .C2 (Insulated) Supplier Standard Paint System Storage Tanks ( Field Erected ) System .B4 SS (Insulated) ( Note 8 .B3 SS (Insulated) ( Note 8 .0 mils ( 63 – 75 DFT) Modified Epoxy 5 – 8 mils ( 125 – 200 DFT) Acrylic urethane 3 – 4 mils ( 75 – 100 DFT) 120°C Epoxy phenolic 4 to 6 mils ( 100 – 150 DFT) Epoxy phenolic 4 to 6 mils ( 100 – 150 DFT) None Page 2 of 3 .B1 For CS & LAS SSPC-SP 10 (Insulated) System – B2 For CS & LAS (Insulated) System . 0 mils 4 – 8 mils ( 63 – 75 DFT) ( 100 –200 DFT) Acrylic urethane 1.75 mils for silicone paints. 5) The average surface profile shall be 1. 9) All Stainless Steel surfaces shall be pickled and passivated as per Manufacturer Standard. 9) Not Applicable Not Applicable Any Ambient Ambient Primer (1st coat) Thickness Finish (2nd coat) Thickness Finish (3rd coat) Thickness 120°C None None None 120°C Epoxy phenolic 4 to 6 mils ( 100 – 150 DFT) Epoxy phenolic 4 to 6 mils ( 100 – 150 DFT) None Structural Steel ( Paint system for structural steel in place of Galvanizing ) System – E3 ( Only Carbon Steel ) SSPC.5 to 2.0 mils for inorganic zinc rich. Refer to section 5 for surface preparation requirement before applying as a finish coat.SP3 Any Ambient 120 C Epoxy Based Micaceous iron Inorganic Zinc Silicate oxide (MIO) 2. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 1_ Rev 0 Page 3 of 3 . 2) Paint materials containing zinc and aluminum shall not come in contact with stainless steel surfaces to avoid embrittlement.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 01 Page 3 of 3 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Painting System Operating Temperature Range Surface Application From Thickness Preparation Method System .D3 For SS ( Uninsulated) ( Note 9) Not Applicable System –D4 For SS ( Insulated) ( Note 8. except inorganic zinc spray application. 7) DFT listed is nominal range.50 to 0. 6) Exterior painting.5 – 3. Consult individual supplier data sheets for recommended thickness. 8) Painting under insulation is required to prevent corrosion under Insulation due to presence of chloride.5 – 2 mils ( 37 – 50 DFT) 1) Blast cleaning requirement applies to first (prime) coat only. and 0. within plant is restricted to brush or roll application unless a written exception signed by the owner. 3) Deleted. urethane and epoxy paints. 4) Non heat curing silicon acrylic paint or silicon acrylic paint having heat curing temperature 120 C shall be used. Alternate materials require approval from the ENGINEER before being used. In such cases.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 02 Page 1 of 3 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Paint Materials for Client Approval Materials specified or referenced by a manufacturer's name and/brand are intended to describe the type and quality level of the material desired and are not intended to be restrictive or to exclude similar items by other manufacturers. Any approval given by the ENGINEER for alternate materials and/or application methods is subject to change if the performance of the alternate materials or application method is later found to be inferior to the specified materials and methods. Equipment fabricator shall refer paint supplier product datasheet before applying painting. They shall also confirm the painting product as required per painting schedule in Attachment 1. Approval is limited to application over surfaces operating at and application conditions less severe than the conditions stated in the published literature of the paint material manufacturer.  Indian Manufacturer: Type & Paint Supplier Inorganic Zinc Silicate Epoxy Mastic Acrylic urethane Phenolic Epoxy Silicone Acrylic Silicone Aluminum Modified Epoxy Epoxy MIO Shalimar Paints Tuffkote Silicate – CGC / Epigard Zinc Rich Primer Supplier to provide detail to contract or / owner Shalithane Finish Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contracto r / owner Lustotherm MC 550 Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Epigard HB MIO Asian Paints Apcosil 605 Rust-ocap aluminiu m 90 % Apcothane CF 678 Apcoguar d CF 707 Acrysil HR finish Heat resisting silicone aluminum paint Apcodur EHB Apcodur epoxy MIO paint Nerolac Nerosil 118 Supplier to provide detail to contract or / owner Nerothane Enamel PU Neropoxy Phenolic Supplier to provide detail to contracto r / owner Nerotherm 538 Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Neropoxy 266 MIO G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 2_ Rev 0 Page 1 of 3 . the SUPPLIER and CONTRACTOR shall remove and replace the applied coatings and revert the materials and application to comply with this Specification at no cost to FLUOR. Intertherm 875 Intertherm 50 Supplier to provide detail to contractor G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 2_ Rev 0 Interline Page 2 of 3 . Pentolite HHR Aluminum 500C Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Berger Paints Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contract or / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contracto r / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner International Manufacturer: Type & Paint Supplier Inorganic Zinc Silicate Epoxy Zinc Rich Epoxy Mastic Acrylic urethane Phenolic Epoxy Silicone Acrylic Silicone Aluminum Epoxy MIO Carboline CarboZinc 11 Carbo Zinc 859 Carboguard 890 Carbothane 134 HG Phenoline 1205 Thermaline 4900 Thermaline 4700 Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Akzonobel / International Paint Inter zinc 22 Inter zinc 52 Interseal 670 HS Interthane 990 Intertherm 228.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 02 Page 2 of 3 Painting ( Protective Coating )  Sigma Coatings Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contract or / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contracto r / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Bombay Paints Zinc-O-Sil 75 Pentadur Mastic 5515 Pentathan e FP 4510 Pentadur HB phenolic 5540 Supplier to provide detail to contracto r / owner Kangaroo HHR Aluminum 4950400C. Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 02 Page 3 of 3 Painting ( Protective Coating ) 850 PPG Amercoat Dimetcote 9 Series Amercoat 68 HS Amerlock 400/2 G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 2_ Rev 0 Amercoat 450H Series Amercoat 90 HS / owner Amercoat 874HS Amercoat 878 Supplier to provide detail to contractor / owner Page 3 of 3 . Color bands. heat exchangers T>120C Aluminum RAL 9006 Steps and handrails except top and bottom (Top and bottom color as per table 2) Jet Black RAL 9005 Spheres and storage tanks White RAL 9010 Outdoor Machines Silver Green DB 601 Structural Steel ( Covered Area) G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 3_ Rev 0 Page 1 of 5 . Structures shall be color coded to warn personnel of potential physical hazards for safety. PIPELINESIDENTIFICATION COLOR CODE. drums. GENERAL ITEM TO BE PAINTED COLOR RAL CODE / DB COLOR SHADE Structural steel ( Open Area ) Dark Grey DB 703 / 701 Basalt Grey ( Alternative if Dark grey is not available ) RAL 7012 Squirrel Grey RAL 7000 Pure White ( Alternative if Squirrel grey is not available ) RAL 9010 Columns. shall be done in accordance with IS 2379 : 1990. Lettering. vessels. except colors listed in Table 3. piping and structural steel. Safety identification color coding shall be in accordance with the Table 2. Color codes for general service. The identification of piping color systems (Ground color for piping. pumps. Color codes for hydrocarbons. Color codes for industrial gases. the finish colors shall be light ivory for equipment. pumps. Visibility marks).Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 03 Page 1 of 5 Painting ( Protective Coating ) PLANT COLORS AND IDENTIFICATION Painting colors on equipments & structural steel shall be as per Table 1. Except for safety color coding and unless otherwise stated in following tables. vessels.  TABLE 1: COLORS FOR EQUIPMENTS & STRUCTURAL STEEL: This table describes the color & color shade of the top coat of equipments and structural steel. heat exchangers T<120C Light Grey RAL 7035 Columns. drums. Labels dimensions. Labels. overhead traveling cranes and portal cranes Static parts Yellow/Black Lines sloped at 45 minimum 50% of surface yellow RAL 1021/9005 Moving parts Alert Orange RAL 2003 Top & Bottom of handrails for ladders and stairways. emergency stop switches. panels consoles.g. panel boards and cabinets  Blue Grey RAL 7031 Reseda Green RAL 6011 MS Manufacturer’s standard TABLE 2: COLORS FOR SAFETY IDENTIFICATION: This table describes the colors required for safety of Operators. where indicated Yellow/Black stripes RAL 1021/9005 Road Marking White RAL 9010 Identification for “Stop” and “Danger”. Lifting beams. Alert Orange RAL 2003 G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 3_ Rev 0 Page 2 of 5 .Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 03 Page 2 of 5 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Roofed Machines Instrument. SAFETY IDENTIFICATION COLORS ITEM TO BE PAINTED COLOR RAL CODE Dangerous obstructions Black/Yellow Lines sloped at 45 minimum 50% of surface yellow RAL 9005/1021 Dangerous or exposed parts of machinery Alert Orange RAL 2003 Fire-Fighting equipment Fire Red RAL 3000 First aid equipment Dark Green RAL 6028 Rigging/Lifting items: Davits.e. fire protection equipment and apparatus Red RAL 3002 Identification for marking hazardous parts of machines which may cut. flammable liquid containers. Untreated (Raw)Water Sea Green White Treated Water Sea Green Light Orange Process Water & Low Pressure Process Water Sea Green Oxide red G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 3_ Rev 0 Signal Red Canary Yellow Canary Yellow Canary Yellow Page 3 of 5 . PIPING COLOR TABLE ITEM TO BE PAINTED GROUND COLOR COLOR COLOR (RAL CODE) OF FIRST BAND OF SECOND BAND (RAL CODE) (RAL CODE) General Services ( Water) Boiler Feed Water Sea Green Gulf Red Condensate Sea Green Light Brown Drinking / Low Pressure process water Sea Green French Blue Fire Water Fire Red Crimson Red Domestic. or other wise injure Identification for “Safety” and location of “First Aid”. Hot ( 40 °C to 50 °C) Sea Green Light Grey Warm Water / Temper Water Sea Green Light Grey Cold Water down Services from Storage Tank Sea Green French Blue Chilled Water Sea Green Black Cooling Water Sea Green French Blue Sea. River. and “Safety Equipment  Dark Green. RAL 9010 TABLE 3: COLORS FOR PIPING: This table describes the color & color shades of pipelines as per the type of fluid. White lettering RAL 6028.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 03 Page 3 of 5 Painting ( Protective Coating ) crush. Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 03 Page 4 of 5 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Quench Water Sea Green Dark Grey Waste Water Sea Green Canary Yellow Dematerialized Water Sea Green Gulf Red Signal Red General Services ( Air & Steam) Plant Air Sky Blue Silver Grey Instrument Air Sky Blue French Blue Compressed Air ( ≤ 15 kg/cm2) Sky Blue Compressed Air ( ≥ 15 kg/cm2) Sky Blue Dry Vacuum White Wet Vacuum White High Pressure Steam ( 40 bar) Low Pressure Steam Aluminum to IS French Blue 2339 Aluminum to IS Canary Yellow 2339 General Services ( Oils) High Speed Diesel Light Brown Transformer Oil Light Brown Signal Red Dark Violet Light Orange Acids Sulfuric Acid Dark Violet Brilliant Green Light Orange Hydrochloric Acid Dark Violet Signal Red Light Orange Phosphoric Acid Dark Violet Silver Grey Chemicals and Allied Products Caustic Solution / NaOH (47%) Smoke Grey Light Orange Sodium Carbonate Solution Dark Violet Jasmine Yellow Hydrocarbons G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 3_ Rev 0 Page 4 of 5 . ME. Texapon N70 ) OWNER DECIDE OWNER TO DECIDE TO (Painting Contractor shall use the color as per Owner suggestion. Fatty Alcohol. Sodium Methylate. the color bands shall be applied on parts of the cover sheet.) Brilliant Green Gulf Red (Painting Contractor shall use the color as per Owner Suggestion.PMDI. G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001_ Attachment 3_ Rev 0 Page 5 of 5 . LABSA. Citric Acid.MDI.) Industrial Gases Ammonia Canary Yellow Dark Violet Sulphur Dioxide Canary Yellow Dark Violet Golden Brown Flare Gases/ Off Gases Canary Yellow Canary Yellow Light Grey Dark Violet Hydrogen Canary Yellow Signal Red French Blue Nitrogen Canary Yellow Black Oxygen Canary Yellow White PNG / Fuel Gas Canary Yellow Grey Sewage Black Emergency Vent ( Mouth of pipe) Canary Yellow Chloro-fluoro derivative methane & ethane NOTE1: of Dark Violet For insulated pipeline.SLS.Client Name : BASF India Limited Project Name : Project GIR Project Number: G3IR Specification G3IR-1000-55-SP-9001 Date 12 Apr 2012 Attachment 03 Page 5 of 5 Painting ( Protective Coating ) Methanol Dark Admiralty Grey Deep buff Benzene Dark Admiralty Grey Canary Yellow Ethylene Oxide Canary Yellow Dark Violet Butadiene Dark Admiralty Grey Black Ethylene Glycol Dark Admiralty Grey Brilliant Green Other Chemical Product not listed in IS 2379 code ( SLES. Hydrogen Peroxide. Dehyton. Methanol.CMDI. Ester.
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