Painting Specification

March 18, 2018 | Author: Ikram Syed | Category: Paint, Epoxy, Corrosion, Stainless Steel, Steel



Revision ListPage 1 of 1 Project : Qatargas II Development Project Client : Qatar Liquefied Gas Company Limited (II) Sign Prepared by K. Ohkuma Checked by M. K Approved by M. K Date Mar. 4 ’05 Mar. 4 ’05 Mar. 4 ’05 Doc./DWG No.: QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Rev. No: E1 No. Para. / Section No. Items 1 Finish Color --- Explanation / Reason Explanation: Regarding COMPANY comment on previous issue (Rev. C2), CTJV verified that the proposed finish coat color is the same as Qatar Gas I Facilities as per received QG Spec., Doc. No.: 003/00/00/SP/TS/00/012 Rev.4 “TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO DESIGN SPECIFICAITON PROTECTIVE COATING FOR TRAIN 3”. 2 Page 23 of 38, Note 5 and 10 for Table 1. Page 25 of 38, Note 2 and Note 5 for Table 2. Page 26 of 38, Total Dry Film Thickness of “7R” and “7S” for Table 3. --- Explanation: The minor clerical mistakes and discrepancies are corrected. SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING - MANUFACTURING FACILITIES ___________________________________________________________________ E1 Issue for Construction (IFC) K.Ohkuma M.K M.K Mar. 4 ’05 C2 Issue for Approval (Followed COMPANY comment) K.Ohkuma M.K M.K Jan. 31 ’05 C1 Issue for Approval K.Ohkuma M.K M.K Dec. 15 ’04 BY CHKD APVD DATE MARK DESCRIPTION REVISIONS CLIENT : QATAR LIQUEFIED GAS COMPANY LIMITED (II) PROJECT : QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT JOB NO. DOC : NO. : QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Date : Mar. 4. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING - MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 2 of 39 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 3 3. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... 3 4. STORAGE TANKS ..................................................................................................................................... 6 5. BUILDINGS................................................................................................................................................. 7 6. OTHER MANUFACTURING FACILITIES .................................................................................................. 7 7. COATING INDEX........................................................................................................................................ 8 8. INSPECTION .............................................................................................................................................. 8 9. RECORDS ................................................................................................................................................ 10 10. COLOR IDENTIFICATION........................................................................................................................ 11 TABLE 1: PAINTING REQUIREMENTS - UNINSULATED AND UNFIREPROOFED CARBON STEEL AND LOW ALLOY STEEL (Except H.D.G. Steel) TABLE 2 : PAINTING REQUIREMENTS - INSULATION SURFACE AND INSULATED, MASONRY ENCASED, FIREPROOFED, GALVANIZED CARBON STEEL AND LOW-ALLOY STEEL SURFACES TABLE 3: PAINTING REQUIREMENTS - INSULATED AND UNINSULATED AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL AND ALUMINUM TABLE 4: UNDERCOAT INDEX TABLE 5: INTERMEDIATE / FINISH COAT INDEX TABLE 6: INSPECTION REQUIREMENT FOR PAINTING DRY FILM THICKNESS TABLE 7: PAINT SYSTEM NUMBER SUMMARY LIST FIGURE 1: PAINTING SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES TO BE INSULATED, UNINSULATED AND FIREPROOFED (SAMPLE) Date : Mar. 4. 2005 Rev 1. : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING - MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 3 of 39 SCOPE This specification defines the requirements governing the Painting of Manufacturing Facilities for the QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT Project. This specification is applicable to painting on surfaces of carbon steel, low-alloy steel (1 1/4 Cr through 9 Cr), galvanized steel, aluminum and austenitic stainless steel which will be exposed to atmospheric conditions except buildings. 2. REFERENCES The requirements of this Project Specification QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 shall be supplemented by Codes, Standards, and Regulations referenced here in. The following specification shall be referred to: QGX/20/00/CI/DB/NA/008 Concrete Materials, Mix and Construction QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/004 Specification for Painting – General Requirements QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/005 Specification for Painting- Coating and Lining Storage Tank QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/012 Specification for Painting – Building The following are references: SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council) Publications Steel Structures Painting Manual, Vol. 2, Systems and Specifications SP 1 Solvent Cleaning SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning SP 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning SP 7 Brush-off Blast Cleaning SP 10 Near-White Blast Cleaning SP 11 Power Tool Clean to Bare Metal International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 8501-1, Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related Products - Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM D3359, Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test ASTM D4285, Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air ASTM D4417, Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel ASTM D4541, Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers British Standards Institution (BSI) BS 1710 Identification of Pipelines and Services BS 381C Colours for Identification, Coding and Special Purposes BS 4800 Paint Colours for Building Purposes Munsell Book of Color 3. RAL-Farbregister 840HR GENERAL machined surfaces. threads. Munsell: N1.5/13 or RAL: 1018) with Black(BS 4800: 00-E-53.2 Requirements for painting manufacturing facilities are specified in items (a) through (d).3 Unless noted otherwise in the project specifications. . However. Munsell: 6.25Y 8. identification tags. it is recommended that these structures remain unpainted unless a careful analysis is conducted to justify the need for painting. (d) The paint choice shall be determined based on operating temperatures of the piping and equipment surface.Date : Mar. paint film thickness. Also. Therefore. All areas of QATARGAS II LNG Plant site are subject to severe exposure conditions of high heat and high humidity. 13 in Table 2 of this Specification. 3. (c) Paints containing metallic Aluminum.1 Procedures to be followed in the painting of manufacturing plants shall be in accordance with this Specification and QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/004: Specification for Painting – General Requirements. (c) Galvanized steel surfaces also shall not normally be painted except the following cases: 1) Galvanized steel for marine application shall be painted in accordance with System No. columns. and type of paint used shall be in accordance with Table 1 except for indoor facilities and items to be coated with the Manufacturer's standard. (g) Insulated stainless steel shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of this Specification. or zinc shall not be used to overcoat stainless steel materials.e. lead. lead. etc. painting galvanizing for safety requirements shall be required.5 or RAL: 9004) strips in accordance with System No. Paint systems for the surface shall be determined with manufacturer’s instruction and COMPANY approval.). and copper alloys surfaces shall not be painted.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 4 of 39 3. 2) For safety purpose. valve stem. ladders. the following shall apply except where safety color code marking is required: (a) Monel. brass.. 14 in Table 2 of this specification: -Beams Obstructing Passageways or Overhead Obstructions -Posts to protect equipment from traffic (d) Aluminum shall be painted in accordance with System No. the following galvanized steel components shall be painted in Safety Yellow(BS 4800: 10-E-53. (b) Shop and field painting for new construction shall be in accordance with this specification. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . (a) The method of surface preparation. (e) Tripping chains of steam turbines shall not be painted. 6B in Table 3 of this specification except that Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger will be painted per manufacturer's specification. Chemical Exposure Areas where surfaces are exposed to liquid spillage or chemical vapors that have a detrimental effect on the surface. 4. 3. (b) Metal cladding surfaces for insulation shall not be required painting. these paints shall not be applied in proximity to stainless steel where the stainless steel could be contaminated with molten-elemental Aluminum. name plates. 6A. (f) It has been common for facilities to achieve a good long service life for unpainted galvanized structural components (i. Table 1 through 3 and 7 in this specification shall be identified as attached Project Specification Tables. or zinc as a result of welding or fire. grating. Surfaces are exposed to moisture from condensation. or during operation may be subject to stress corrosion cracking. 3.3 C. uninsulated/insulated or unfireproofed/fireproofed facilities shall be coated in accordance with Table 3 except cladding for insulation. and high alloy materials shall be protected from blasting overspray and coatings intended for C. surfaces shall be coated with Inorganic Zinc (Over 120°C continuously) or with Modified Inorganic coating (Flex to 760°C) (b) S. (Flex to 760°C).S.S.6 Austenitic stainless steel exposed to the combined action of moisture. equipment.5 Consideration shall be given to protecting uncoated equipment against corrosion when it is subjected to lengthy exposure to weather conditions. and high alloy attachments to C. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . and regeneration piping that are insulated and operating over 93ºC (200ºF) can be painted in accordance with the requirements shown in Table 3.S. shall be coated with epoxy barrier coating such as Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct.S. for example. For protection under these conditions.) 3.1 All austenitic stainless steel and Aluminum surfaces. chlorides. 3. attachments to S. surface. equipment. surfaces shall be coated with Modified Silicone (Flex to 500°C) or with Modified Inorganic coating which is free of harmful substances and suitable for use over S.S. in storage. 3. etc. in piping systems specified to be coated with zinc coatings shall be coated with the appropriate S.S. surface.S. 3.6.S. coating system prior to coating the adjacent C. during extended shutdowns mothballing.4 Insulated steel surfaces with operating temperatures up to 120°C and having cyclic or intermittent temperature excursions to 177°C shall be coated with a lining grade barrier coating such as Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct coating.6. Modified Inorganic coating prior to painting the adjacent C. all S. When temperature excursions exceed 177°C the following coatings shall be used: (a) C. 3. and metal temperatures above 66ºC (150ºF) — either in transportation. strainers. especially coatings containing zinc.6. piping components. . and low alloy materials.S.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 5 of 39 (h) Painting on the concrete shall be in accordance with the requirements QGX/20/00/CI/DB/NA/008: Concrete Materials.S. nipple connections. see Table 3. 3.S. Dead legs. (NOTE: Table 3 is for stainless steel.2 For zinc attack protection purpose. 4. Service drops for systems that are not normally in service should be painted according to the schedule shown in Table 2 to prevent corrosion under insulation. such as valves. saddles and miscellaneous clips and brackets shall be coated with epoxy barrier coating such as Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct (up to 150°C) and Modified Inorganic coating (up to 760°C).S. such as solid alloy nozzles on clad C. 3. but for the purpose of this Section it can be used for carbon steel.4 S.5 S.Date : Mar.S. Insulated stainless steel should also be protected if subjected to these conditions. Mix and Construction. steam traps.6.6.S. 4.Damaged areas showing signs of rust shall be cleaned per SSPC-SP1 to rove all visible oil.8 Compatibility between paints of various manufacturers should be considered prior to paint selection. STORAGE TANKS Storage tanks shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/005: Specification for Painting. 4.Date : Mar.Coating and Lining Storage Tank. 3. The disposal procedure shall be included in the project specifications. grease. and other forms of contamination followed by power tool cleaning per SSPC-SP3 or 11 to bright metal. . 3. .10 When Intermediate coating or top coating over Inorganic Zinc primer.Touch-up damaged areas using organic zinc rich primer such as Epoxy Zinc Rich. An alternate approach could allow for shop application of undercoats and field application of topcoat after erection. . Surface cleanliness shall be SSPC-SP3 grade. Surface preparation shall extend onto the undamaged galvanized surface. Hand or power tool cleaning may be used only for spot repair. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . a mist coat may be necessary to avoid insufficient adhesion or bubbling.7 The disposal of shall be in accordance with the appropriate state or federal regulations. (d) Damaged galvanizing shall be repaired by method below. Mist coat can be applied with a thinned intermediate or finish coat. Surface preparation shall be in accordance with SSPCSP10 or SP11. (b) Touch-up of damaged Inorganic Zinc coating shall be with Epoxy Zinc Rich primer for operating temperatures to 100°C and Silicone Zinc Rich primer for operating temperatures exceeding 100°C. That approach will require piping contact points to be fully coated prior to piping installation. Coating shall be spray or brushed applied in multiple coats to achieve a total dry film thickness of 75 micron to 125 micron. dirt. 3. 3.11 Touch-up (a) Prior to application of any coat.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 6 of 39 3.9 Lead based paints shall not be used. or applied by a quick pass of the spray gun prior to applying the full coat but allowing sufficient time for solvent evaporation. 3. This will include all piping and pipe supports. (c) Items supplied with the manufacturer's standard coating system shall be touched-up with the same generic coating materials or repainted.12 Shop Application The preferred approach to painting will be shop application of the entire paint system including primers and topcoats. all welded portions and/or all damage to the previous coat(s) shall be touched-up. Field repair of damaged areas caused by erection or handling will be required. (c) Prior to any required hydrostatic test. 6. if proven economical. the finish shall satisfy COMPANY-designated color requirements and shall be compatible with the appropriate coatings listed in Tables 1 through 3. These surfaces shall receive the ambienttemperature surface preparation and pre and finish coats specified in Table 1. Prior to subsequent coatings. are moist constantly. (b) Manufacturer's standard finish for elevated-temperature service is acceptable only if paints are formulated from recognized heat-resistant ingredients that are adequate for the anticipated temperature. .2 Platforms and Walkways Nonskid surfaces. the resolution shall follow these guidelines: (a) Manufacturer's finish shall be suitable for the intended plant exposure. (e) Paint materials and application systems shall be suitable for site condition. 6. provided the color approximates COMPANY standard. OTHER MANUFACTURING FACILITIES 6.4 Fireproofed Surfaces Structural steel to be fireproofed by concrete shall be coated with an epoxy barrier coating such as Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct. the manufacturer may first apply a pre coat to the equipment.1 Piping Alternate coating systems. dry silica sand. In such cases." 6. to the finish coat while it is still wet. and dirt. when included in the project specifications. This coat shall be applied to near white blasted clean surfaces. Furthermore.3 Machinery Imposition of COMPANY painting standards on machinery manufacturers could result in inordinate additional costs.5 Cold Surfaces (Except Stainless Steel) (a) Uninsulated cold surfaces. according to the requirements in Tables 1 through 3. the area to be re-painted shall be power tool cleaned. 2005 Rev 5. When steel surfaces to be fireproofed by Subliming Compound or intumescent material shall be recommended by fireproofing manufacturer. Carbon steel embedded plates in concrete shall be hot-dip galvanized. 4. Where a decorative appearance is required. When touchup of the initial pre coat is necessary. such as piping downstream of control valves in light hydrocarbon service. (d) If the manufacturer has a severe-environment standard finish adequate for the anticipated environment. : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . shall be obtained by applying sharp. an additional finish coat shall be applied. grease. The loose excess sand shall be swept off after a suitable drying interval.Date : Mar.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 7 of 39 BUILDINGS Buildings shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/012: Specification for Painting – Building. it shall be specified and used without additional topcoats. 6. the surface shall be adequately cleaned to rove contaminants such as oil. 6. such as fusion bonded epoxy can be considered. by shaker. For piping : Operating Temperature (°C) For equipment etc.1 Tables 4 and 5 of this Specification refer to acceptable coating manufacturers and examples of their products. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . Operating and flex temperature shall be used to select the painting system. the paints listed for service below ambient temperatures and products that could be subject to flex service shall be proven to have a good track record in similar service. Verify the abrasives are packaged in sealed. moisture proof containers and stored in a clean and dry location. : Operating Temperature (°C) + 28°C The maximum temperature indicated for a coating may be adjusted depending on the specific application and selected coating manufacturer.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 8 of 39 (b) Insulated refrigerated lines are subject to condensation if the insulation is damaged. - - 8. Verify that the storage conditions for all materials are adequate and properly maintained as required by the coating manufacturer.6 Colors The colors specified in Tables 1 through 3 are part of COMPANY Identity Program. (Spot) b. intermittent or dual operating conditions. The manufacturer may be required to prove suitability by laboratory testing. 4. The maximum temperature of the coating system may be exposed to on a short time basis. regeneration and intermittent operation. Unless flex temperature is indicated on line index or data sheet. 7.Date : Mar. COATING INDEX 7. corrosiveness of the environment and the operating temperature including any cyclic. These surfaces shall be coated with epoxy barrier coating such as Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct. flex temperature shall be defined as follows. Storage a. such as systems-out. INSPECTION In order to assure compliance with this specification.2 The coating system listed in Tables of this Project Specification shall be used as a specification in the selection of a coating system for a specific service or application. 6. the subcontractor shall perform the inspections and tests specified below. (Spot) . The vendor shall be required to develop an updated paint cross-reference list utilizing the listed manufacturers. The coating system selected shall be based on the substrate material to be coated. The "Flex" temperature listed in Table 1 through 3 indicates. 7. Each bidding paint manufacturer shall be required to document the suitability of their recommended products for the selected service. In particular. surfaces shall be thoroughly washed down preferably with clean high-pressure water. SSPC Vis 1 or ISO Visual Comparator may be used as a visual standard for confirming the degree of surface cleanliness. d.Surface Temperature thermometer . Verify that coating materials and solvents for thinning are as specified and from the same manufacturer.SSPC .Dry film thickness gauge (Type 1 & Type 2) and calibration panels / shims .Surface profile Press-O-film replica tape and spring loaded micrometer . or by sprinkling water on the steel surface.Hygrometer .KTA Scat Kit for surface contamination analysis or Kitagawa Chloride Test Tube . Confirm that substrate. Verify that blasting abrasives are as specified and monitor the particle size.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 9 of 39 Coating Materials a. (Spot) . (Spot) c. . (All materials) Abrasives a. Verify that "Shelf Life" of coating materials has not been exceeded. 4. Verify cleanliness of surface prior to blast cleaning operations.Wet film thickness gauge .The presence of oil and grease may be checked by visual or rubbing a clean white cloth on steel surface to detect oil or grease. when adequacy of cleaning is in question. (Spot) If contaminant levels are exceeded the lit of the range. following the procedures of ASTM D4285. (All surfaces) b. As minimum the following instruments or approved equivalents shall be used: . (Spot) Equipment a. (3 test/day at the start. Verify cleanliness of surface after blast cleaning. Verify blasting air supply is free of moisture and oil. (All surfaces) Verify anchor profile in accordance with ASTM D4417 by using a spring-loaded micrometer and/or either a coarse or extra coarse replica tape. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . 7 kPa or greater. . (2 test/day) b.Vis 1 Visual Standard or ISO Visual Comparator .ASTM D4541 compliant Adhesion Tester or ASTM D3359 compliant Cross-Cut Kit Environmental Conditions a. during and at the end of work) Surface Preparation a. as required by the anchor profile depth. Verify that all instruments used in inspection activities are properly calibrated prior to use. Inspect correctness of surface preparation for specified cleanliness prior to coating. Air supply shall be checked daily before start of work and again after lunch.Confirm that the chloride and iron salt contaminant levels are within the acceptable range recommended by the coating material manufacturer. (All materials) b.Magnifying glass (10 x) . cleanliness and mix of the abrasives. ambient and dew point Temperatures are as specified for proper surface preparation and coating application. c.Date : Mar. (Spot) b. . (Spot) e. the minimum allowable thickness shall be at least 80 percent of the specified thickness.1 The coating subcontractor shall prepare. during and at end of work. (All surfaces) Coating Thickness a. and other defects prior to the application of successive coats. Visual inspection for holidays. When painting manufacturer is different between vendor's shop coating and field coating. (All surfaces) 9.Date : Mar. Verify that zinc rich paint pots are continuously agitated. The wet film thickness shall be checked during the application to assure the specified dry film thickness will be met. issue and maintain daily reports.Extent of and condition of all surfaces prepared.Coating materials applied within the preceding twenty-four hours. dry spray. Verify that the surface to be coated is thoroughly dry.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 10 of 39 Application a. which indicates: . Verify the amount and type of thinner is in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. . adhesion testing shall be done at randomly selected areas by gliding following the procedures of ASTM D 3359.Material batch numbers. (All surfaces d.DFT of primer. (Spot) b. finish coats and total thickness shall be checked using a properly calibrated magnetic gauge. . sags and other flaws shall be performed after each coat is applied. . 4. intermediate. (Spot) g. including screening of zinc rich primer. (All surfaces) c. The dry film thickness of primer. Coating thickness on stainless steel shall be checked using a Type 2 magnetic gauge suitable for use on non-ferrous substrates. Verify method of application is as recommended by coating manufacturer. . Adhesion of Inorganic Zinc coatings shall be tested by firmly scraping the coated surfaces with the edge of a coin. Verify that pot life of mixed materials has not been exceeded. Pulling off the adhesive strip should not peel off more than 10 percent of the grid area. The allowable thickness shall not exceed 150 percent of the specified thickness or exceed the allowable thickness recommended by the coating manufacturer. . A zinc film. . intermediate and finish coats. The number of measurements and method of averaging shall be in accordance with Table 6 attached. (Spot) f. will polish to bright metal without powdering or loss of material. sags. which is properly dried and hard.The areas worked on.Surfaces cleanliness achieved and anchor profile. (All surfaces) Adhesion a. (Spot) Holidays a. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . runs. Verify the correctness of mixing. (Spot) b. RECORDS 9. contaminants. (Spot) d. All such flaws shall be corrected before application of next coat. (Spot) c. dew point and substrate Temperatures at the start.Ambient. For each successive coats. Verify that the coated surface is free of abrasive. Also. (b) One or more coat (DFT Min. for entire length. 10. Flow direction of the fluid content shall be indicated by “Arrow” in accordance with clause 7 of BS 1710. -Firewater piping of all sizes shall be finished with a Red per BS 381C Ref.2 A log shall be maintained of all reports.1 (b) or (c) of BS 1710 and the Color Coding Scheme listed below. 10-A-03.-All other lettering. No.1 The color of final coat shall be in accordance with Table 1 and Table 3. No. marking or line identification is not applied by CONTRACTOR. for entire length. . 30microns per one coat) of Acrylic Enamel paint or same as finish coat paint shall be applied by brush or other conventional method.Date : Mar. other than Firewater shall be finished with “Basic Identification Color” in accordance with the Color Coding Scheme listed below. other than Firewater shall be finished with a Light Grey decorative color per BS 4800 Ref. the pipe fluid content shall be indicated by color band of “Basic Identification Color” in accordance with clause 6. -All service piping of sizes NPS 1 1/2” above.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 11 of 39 9. -Painting systems for “Basic Identification Color”. inspections and tests. 10. for entire length. (a) Surface Preparation shall be SSPC SP 1 or sanding. The pipe fluid content identification by “Band Color Code” and “Arrow” will be applied at the battery limit only for each system.2 Piping service color identifications shall be in accordance with follows. if required. 4. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING . Additional service identification will be done by COMPANY. -All service piping of sizes NPS 1 1/2” and smaller. 539 (currant red). “Band Color Code” and “Arrow” shall comply with followings or another approved painting system. COLOR IDENTIFICATION 10. 3 of BS 1710.5YR 3/6 7.5YR 3/6 10YR 7/6 10YR 7/6 10YR 7/6 10YR 7. Note(2) 06-C-39 08-C-35 08-C-35 08-C-35 08-E-51 22-C-37 22-C-37 7. Note(1) Violet Violet. 4. No.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Color Coding Scheme. Note(2) 539 (currant red) Notes: (1) Black(BS 4800:00-E-53) code color band to be added over basic identification color in accordance with clause 6.5YR 3/6 Light Blue. No. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . BS 381C Ref.5GY 4/6 N 1.5 7.5/12 10PB 5/6 10PB 5/6 Violet Green. No. 5R 4/12 Water (Firefighting) Red 539 (currant red) 5R 4/12 Halon Red. (2) Yellow(BS 4800: 08-E-51) code color band to be added over basic identification color in accordance with clause 6. except the banding location at the battery limit only for each system.5GY 4/6 N 1. Note(3) Pipe Content/ Service Fuel Gas Diesel Fuel Gas (all others) Flare Line Blowdown Line Inert Gas (Nitrogen) Caustic Chemical Injection (Sulfuric Acid) Chemical Effluent Water (Potable) Water (Process Waste) Water (Oily Waste) Water (all others) Drains Vents Treated Effluent Hydraulic Fluid and Oil Hot Oil Lube and Seal Oil Process Hydrocarbon (Liquid and Vapor) Instrument Air Plant Air Instrument Cable Conduit Electrical Cable Conduit QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Basic Identification Color Page 12 of 39 BS 4800 Ref.Date : Mar.5 N 1. (3) The dimensions of the color bands are illustrated in following sample figures. Note(2) Light Blue Light Blue Orange 20-E-51 5PB 6/10 20-E-51 5PB 6/10 20-E-51 5PB 6/10 06-E-51 2. No. Brown Yellow Ochre Yellow Ochre Yellow Ochre Yellow.5 N 1. .5YR 7/11 BS 381C Ref.5YR 3/6 7.5 N 1.5YR 3/6 7. Note(2) Black Black Green Black Black Black Brown Brown Brown Brown 22-C-37 12-D45 00-E-53 00-E-53 12-D45 00-E-53 00-E-53 00-E-53 06-C-39 06-C-39 06-C-39 06-C-39 10PB 5/6 2.3 of BS 1710.5 2. except the banding location at the battery limit only for each system. Alternative Equivalent Munsell Ref. 4. BS 4800 10-A-03 Approx. 150 Basic Identification Color: Yellow. 100 Decorative Color: Light Grey. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING .MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 13 of 39 Sample Figures (Example) Water (Firefighting). 100 Decorative Color: Light Gray. sizes NPS 1 1/2” above: Approx. all sizes: Basic Identification Color: Red. BS 4800 10-A-03 Approx. BS 4800 06-C-39 (Example) Nitrogen. 100 Approx. BS 4800 Black 00-E-53 Approx.Date : Mar. BS 381C 539 (Example) Fuel Gas Diesel. BS 4800 08-E-51 . 100 Approx. 150 Basic Identification Color: Brown. sizes NPS 1 1/2” above: Code Color band: Black. 100 Approx. 150 Approx. Towers. Temperature Range (Note 1) PAINTING REQUIREMENTS .) Film (Munsell No.) Thickness (RAL color No.Date : Mar.5 ) (Shop or Field) (RAL: 9002) Silicone Acrylic 115 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 50 µm to 75 µm 165 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 14 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 1 (1/9) Surface Furnace Casings.UNINSULATED AND UNFIREPROOFED CARBON STEEL AND LOW ALLOY STEEL (Except H.D.G. Vessels. 4. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . Reactors (Note 13) Skid Mounted and Packaged Equipment (Note 9) Sys No.5) (Shop or Field) (RAL: 9002) or Aluminum (Munsell: ---) (RAL: 9006) Heat Resisting 115 µm to Aluminum (Munsell: ---) Aluminum 165 µm (RAL: 9006) Silicone 50 µm to 75 µm (Shop or Field) Heat Resisting 50 µm to Aluminum (Munsell: ---) Aluminum 80 µm (RAL: 9006) Silicone 25 µm to 40 µm (Shop or Field) . 11) Surface Preparation Pre Coat Intermediate Finish Coat (Note 5) Coat (Note 8) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC Flex to 120°C SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy 100 µm to 150 µm (Shop or Field) 2C 101°C to 200°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) --- 3C 201°C to 400°C Near-white blast SSPC Flex to 538°C SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µ to 90 µ (Shop) --- Heat Resisting Aluminum Silicone 25 µm to 40 µm (Shop) --- 8C To 500°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Total Dry Finish Color (Note 14) (BS No. Steel) (Note 10. Heat Exchangers.) Polyurethane 215 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. 12).5) (Field shop or (RAL: 9002) Field) Silicone Acrylic 115 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 50 µm to 75 µm 165 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0.SP10 (Field shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Field shop) --- 3C 201°C to 400°C Flex to 538°C Near-white blast SSPC .5) (Field shop or (RAL: 9002) Field) or Aluminum (Munsell: ---) (RAL: 9006) Heat Resisting 115 µm to Aluminum (Munsell: ---) Aluminum 165 µm (RAL: 9006) Silicone 50 µm to 75 µm (Field shop or Field) Heat Resisting 50 µm to Aluminum (Munsell: ---) Aluminum 80 µm (RAL: 9006) Silicone 25 µm to 40 µm (Field shop or Field) .) Polyurethane 215 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. Valves Sys No. 2005 Rev : E1 QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING .) Film (Munsell No. Fittings.SP10 (Field shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Field shop) High-Build Epoxy 100 µm to 150 µm (Field shop or Field) 2C 101°C to 200°C Near-white blast SSPC .Date : Mar. Pipe Supports. Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation TABLE 1 (2/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) 1C -46°C to 100°C Flex to 120 C Near-white blast SSPC . 4.) Thickness (RAL color No.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 15 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface Piping (Note 2.SP10 Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Field shop) --- Heat Resisting Aluminum Silicone 25 µm to 40 µm (Field shop) --- (Field shop) 8C To 500°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Field shop) Finish Coat Total Dry Finish Color (Note 14) (BS No. Date : Mar.5) (Shop or Field) (Shop or Field) (RAL: 9002) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. Flues 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC Flex to 120°C SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) 2C 101°C to 200°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) 3C 201°C to 400°C Near-white blast SSPC Flex to 538°C SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) 8C To 500°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Heat Resisting Aluminum Silicone 25 µm to 40 µm (Shop) Finish Coat Total Dry Finish Color (Note 14) (BS No.) Thickness (RAL color No.5) (Shop or Field) (Shop or Field) (RAL: 9002) --Silicone Acrylic 115 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 50 µm to 75 µm 165 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation TABLE 1 (3/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) Knockout Pots 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC Flex to 120°C SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) Horizontal Accumulators 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC Flex to 120°C SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) Stacks.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 16 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface Sys No.) Film (Munsell No. Chimneys.) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. 4.5) (Shop or Field) (Shop or Field) (RAL: 9002) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. 2005 Rev : E1 QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING .5) (Shop or Field) (RAL: 9002) or Aluminum (Munsell: ---) (RAL: 9006) --Heat Resisting 115 µm to Aluminum (Munsell: ---) Aluminum Silicone 165 µm (RAL: 9006) 50 µm to 75 µm (Shop or Field) --Heat Resisting 50 µm to Aluminum Aluminum Silicone 80 µm (Munsell: ---) (RAL: 9006) 25 µm to 40 µm (Shop or Field) . Compressors. Fans.SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) 1C -46°C to 100° C Near-white blast SSPC Inorganic Zinc .SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) 3C 201°C to 400°C Flex to 538°C Near-white blast SSPC . 2005 Rev : E1 QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING .5YR 7/11) (Shop) (Shop) (RAL: 2003) --- Finish Coat --- 100 µm to Manufacturer’s Standard 150 µm . Couplings. Sprockets.5 ) (Shop) (RAL: 9002) or Aluminum (Munsell: ---) (RAL: 9006) --Heat Resisting 115 µm to Aluminum (Munsell: ---) Aluminum 165 µm (RAL: 9006) Silicone 50 µm to 75 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to Orange (BS 4800: 06-E-51) 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Munsell: 2.SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) 2C 101°C to 200°C Near-white blast SSPC . Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation TABLE 1 (4/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC Flex to 120°C .SP10 or Power tool cleaning to bare metal SSPC SP11 (Shop) Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 100 µm to150µm (Shop) Total Dry Finish Color (Note 14) (BS No.SP10 65 µm to 90µm (Shop) (Shop) 6C -46°C to 120°C Near-white blast SSPC . Gears Machinery baseplates to be set in epoxy grout Sys No.) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0.Date : Mar.) Thickness (RAL color No. 4.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 17 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface Rotating Equipment (Note 3) Pumps.) Film (Munsell No. Fans. motors Moving parts that could cause injury: Flywheels.5) (Shop) (Shop) (RAL: 9002) Light Grey --Silicone Acrylic 115 µm to (BS 4800: 10-A-03) 50 µm to 75 µm 165 µm (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . 4.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 18 of 39 .Date : Mar. ) (Munsell No. Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation TABLE 1 (5/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) Finish Coat Total Dry Film Thickness 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 or Shop pickle SSPC .5) (RAL: 9002) or Manufacturer’s Standard Red (BS 381C: 539) (Munsell: 5R 4/12) (RAL: 3000) Blue (BS 4800: 20-D-45) (Munsell: 5PB 3/8) (RAL: 5010) Manufacturer’s Standard .) (RAL color No.SP8 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy 100 µm to 150 µm (Shop) Polyurethane 215 µm to 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) Polyurethane 215 µm to 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy 100 µµm to 150 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy 100 µm to 150 µm (Shop) 6C -46°C to 120° C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 or Power tool cleaning to bare metal SSPC -SP11 (Shop) Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 100 µm to 150 µm (Shop) --- Polyurethane 215 µm to 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) --- 100 µm to 150 µm Finish Color (BS No.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 19 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface Electrical and Instrument Components (Note 6) Control Panels. Enclosures Electrical and Instrument Components for Firefighting Emergency Stop Buttons. Switches where shock hazards exist Electrical Components Baseplates to be set in epoxy grout Sys No. Transformers. 4.Date : Mar.) Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . Tractors Sys No.) (RAL color No. Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation TABLE 1 (6/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) Finish Coat Total Dry Film Thickness 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop or Field) (Shop or Field) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop or Field) (Shop or Field) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Field) (Field) 1C -46° C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) (Shop) Finish Color (BS No.Date : Mar.) Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. 4. grade to 1.5) (RAL: 9002) Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. Straddle Cranes. Walkways. Tube Bundle Transporters. Handrails. Toe Boards (when not galvanized) Mobile Equipment (Note 5) (Note 3) Cranes. Front End Loaders. Ladder Cages.5) (RAL: 9002) Light Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-03) (Munsell: 5Y 8/0. Angles.) (Munsell No.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 20 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface Structural Steel (Note 4. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . 12) Beams. Columns (when not galvanized) Columns.5m (5 ft) (when not galvanized) Structural Steel Contd Platforms. Stairs. Forklift Trucks.5) (RAL: 9002) Yellow (BS 4800: 08-E-56) (Munsell: 10YR 6/12) (RAL: ---) . Ladders. Pickups.) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to Manufacturer’s Standard 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) (Shop) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to Manufacturer’s Standard 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) (Shop) 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy 100 µm to 150 µm (Shop) Safety Showers.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 21 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface Sys No. Portable Meter Provers. 4. 2005 Rev : E1 QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING .Date : Mar. Eyewash Units. First Aid Equipment 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) High-Build Epoxy Polyurethane 215 µm to 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) (Shop) Polyurethane 215 µm to 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Shop) Red (BS 381C: 539) (Munsell: 5R 4/12) (RAL: 3000) Green (BS 4800: 14-C-39) (Munsell: 5G 3/4) (RAL: 6028) .) (Munsell No. Steps Miscellaneous (Note 6) Fire Protection Equipment 1C -46°C to 100°C Near-white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Shop) Finish Color (BS No. Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation TABLE 1 (7/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) Finish Coat Total Dry Film Thickness Air Compressors. Chassis.) (RAL color No. Portable Lighting Units All vehicles: Running Gear. Welding Machines. Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation TABLE 1 (8/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) Near-white blast SSPCSP10 (Field Shop) Inorganic Zinc 65 µm to 90 µm (Field Shop) 11 -46°C to 100°C Near white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) 10 -46°C to 100°C Near white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop) High Build Aggregate Filled Epoxy 3 mm to 4 mm (Shop) Coal Tar Epoxy 400 µm (Shop) Beams Obstructing Passageways.5) (RAL: 9002) Black (BS 4800: 00-E-53) (Munsell: N1.5) (RAL: 9004) strips Light Gray (BS 4800: 10-A-03) (Munsell: 5Y 8/0.5) (RAL: 9004) . 4.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 22 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface Sys No. Overhead Obstructions. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING .5/13) (RAL: 1018) with Black (BS 4800: 00-E-53) (Munsell: N1.) (RAL color No.25Y 8.) (Munsell No. Posts to protect equipment from traffic (when not galvanized) 1C -46°C to 100° C Steel Decking (Marine application) Upper Surfaces Steel Decking (Marine application) Underside Surfaces Finish Coat Total Dry Film Thickness Polyurethane High-Build Epoxy 215 µm to 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 315 µm (Field) (Field Shop or Field) --- --- 3mm to 4mm --- --- 400 µm Finish Color (BS No.) Safety Yellow (BS 4800: 10-E-53) (Munsell: 6.Date : Mar. 4.) Manufacturer's Standard Color or in accordance with individual specification .SP2 or SP3 (Field) Suction pipe internal coating for Main Air Blower 6R’ -46°C to 100°C Near white blast SSPC SP10 (Shop or Field shop) --- --- 125 µm to 175 µm --- Buried Vessel external coating (Low temperature) 10 --- --- 400 µm --- Buried Vessel external coating (High temperature) 6F’ 0°C to 150°C --- --- 200 µm to 300µm --- 0°C to 50°C Universal Primer (Field) Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 125µm to 175µm (Shop or Field shop) Near white blast SSPC Coal Tar Epoxy SP10 400 µm (Shop) (Shop) Epoxy Phenolic Near white blast SSPC 200 µm to 300µm SP10 (Shop) (Shop) Finish Coat Total Dry Film Thickness Epoxy Polyurethane 150 µm to 100 µm to 150 µm 50 µm to 75 µm 225 µm (Field) (Field) Finish Color (BS No. Temperature Range (Note 1) Surface Preparation Top coat over Manufacturer's standard coating system (Note 7) 12 -46°C to 100°C Hand or Power tool cleaning SSPC .) (RAL color No.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 23 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION Surface TABLE 1 (9/9) Pre Coat Intermediate Coat (Note 5) (Note 8) Sys No.Date : Mar. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING .) (Munsell No. . Pipe and Duct shall be Black (BS 4800: 00-E-53. Munsell: 5Y 4/0. 6. Prior to painting work. 6F” of TABLE 2.). 2. RAL: 9004) or Dark Grey (BS 4800: 10-A-11. The use of the paint system from the succeeding temperature range may be warranted if the operating temperature approaches the upper limit of a particular paint system. marine application / coloring required items shall be paintedin accordance with Paragraph 3. 9. Pipe and pipe supports. Munsell: N1. 4. and coated up to finish coat at vendor's shop. When structural steel is coated. Painting under personnel protection shall be applied to uninsulated paint system. 7. In case of short period paint application interval between Inorganic Zinc primer and Epoxy intermediate coat. 10. utility equipment and special equipment (such as dryers.5. Touch-up of welded portion and/or damaged Inorganic Zinc Rich shall be with Epoxy Zinc Rich for operating temperature up to 100°C or Silicone Zinc Rich for operating temperature exceeding 100°C. 14. refrigeration and process equipment units and injection skids) shall be coated in accordance with the project specifications.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 24 of 39 NOTES TO TABLE 1: 1. The contact surfaces which can not be painted after installation (e. Epoxy MIO(Micaceous Iron Oxide) paint shall be used for intermediate coating. etc. which is suitable for a corrosive marine environment. Finish color for refractory lined Equipment. In case of galvanized steel. Powder coatings should be considered.g. The operating temperature of the surface to be painted shall be used to determine the appropriate paint system. shall be painted up to finish coat at Field shop prior to installation. RAL: 7005). electric and instrument components may be supplied with Manufacturer's standard coating system which is suitable for the intended service. Skid mounted and packaged equipment. 4. Alternately "off-the-shelf" or "stock" its such as fire-fighting and first aid equipment. 13. Used to upgrade manufacturer's standard coating systems for additional corrosion protection. SP11. filters. All surfaces (top. faying surfaces of bolted connections shall be painted only with Inorganic Zinc primer. 11. 12. In case of long period paint application interval between Intermediate coat and Finish coat. Intermediate and finish coatings shall not be applied to faying surfaces. bottom and side) of Horizontal vessel/ Heat exchanger sliding plates shall be coated with “Painting System No.5. 8. structural beams and pipe supports.3 (c) of this Specification. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . a low viscosity epoxy sealer(mist coat) shall be applied prior to application of intermediate coat.Date : Mar. 3. Alternately equipment may be coated with The Manufacturer's standard coating system. softeners. ion exchangers. Surface preparation for touch-up painting shall be in accordance with SSPC-SP10 or SP3. valves. gauges. 5. the Manufacturer’s documented Standard Painting system shall be submitted to CONTRACTOR for COMPANY approval. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 25 of 39 PAINTING . MASONRY ENCASED. FIREPROOFED.INSULATION SURFACE AND INSULATED.46°C or Over 120°C Flex to 500°C Near white blast SSPC . (Shop or Field shop) (Shop or Field shop) Near white blast SSPC . Pressure vessels. Piping. 16 6D Temperature -46°C to 100°C -46°C to 120°C Flex to 177°C Preparation (Note 9) Pre Coat (Note 2.SP2 Exterior Latex Primer 38µm to 50µm (Field) (Field) (Field) Near white blast SSPC . 9) Hand clean SSPC . Steel surfaces to be fireproofed by concrete (Note 4) or Horizontal vessel / Heat exchanger sliding plates (Note 10) 6F -46°C to 150°C Near white blast SSPC . 4.Date : Mar. Heat exchangers. SYS No. etc.SP10 Modified Inorganic 250µm.SP10 (Shop or Field shop) (Shop or Field shop) .SP10 Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 200µm to 300µm (Note 6) --- 200µm to 300µm --- 250µm --- 65µm to 90µm (Shop or Field shop) (Note 1) Finish Coat Total Dry Film Thickness Exterior Latex 63µm to 100µm 25µm to 50µm (Shop or Field shop) 9D -46°C to 120°C or Flex to 760°C 9E (Note 7) 5D 7D Over 120°C continuously Below .SP10 (Shop or Field shop) Inorganic Zinc 65µm to 90µm Near white blast SSPC . GALVANIZED CARBON STEEL AND LOW-ALLOY STEEL SURFACES (Note 8) Surface Canvas jackets insulation Insulated Steel .SP10 Modified Silicone 50µm to 75µm or Inorganic Zinc 65µm to 90µm (Shop or Field shop) --- 50µm to 75µm or 65µm to 90µm Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 200 µm to 300µm (Shop or Field shop) --- 200µm to 300µm (Shop or Field shop) Masonry encased steel.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 2 (1/2) PAINTING REQUIREMENTS . For marine application. 3. this system shall be applied to the following areas. In such case. Inorganic Zinc/65 µm to 90 µm can be used at shop as a pre coat for piping. painting shall be applied at shop. and etc. In such a case. Skid mounted and packaged units shall be coated up to finish coating at vendor's shop. fittings. Overhead Obstructions . . Faying surfaces of bolted connections shall not be coated. lighting pole and grating.Jetty or berth structure .Seawater intake facility The other galvanized items such as cable tray. such as facilities on the sea. 150 µm to 225 µm of Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct shall be additionally applied at shop. Hot-dip galvanized surfaces to be fireproofed by concrete where are not required painting. fittings and pipe supports. Surface preparation for touch-up painting shall be in accordance with SSPC-SP10 or SP3. GALVANIZED CARBON STEEL AND LOW-ALLOY STEEL SURFACES (Note 8) Galvanized steel requiring coating (Marine application) (Note 3) Galvanized steel components of Beams Obstructing Passageways. 160 µm to 185µm. 4. 5. 6F”. MASONRY ENCASED. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 26 of 39 PAINTING .MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 2 (2/2) PAINTING REQUIREMENTS . 10. 2. 8. 7.: .SP7 or Mechanical abrasion (Field Shop or Field) Polyurethane 150µm to 225µm Epoxy Primer for Galvanized Steel 50µm to 75µm 100 µm to 150µm White rust parts SSPC-SP2 Oily parts SSPC-SP1 Other Brushing or Dry air blow (Field) Epoxy Primer for Galvanized Steel Zinc Phosphate 30µm (Field Shop or Field) (Field Shop or Field) Polyurethane 80µm 50µm (Field) (Field) NOTES TO TABLE 2: 1.Date : Mar. (System No. are not applied. Touch-up of damaged Inorganic Zinc shall be with Epoxy Zinc Rich for operating temperature up to 100°C or Silicone Zinc Rich for operating Temperature exceeding 100°C. For equipment.Facilities on jetty or berth . When steel surfaces to be fireproofed by Subliming Compounds or Intumescent. For flex to 400°C. 4. primer material shall be as recommended by fireproofing manufacturer. Posts to protect equipment from traffic (Note 5) 13 14 -46°C to 100°C -46°C to 100°C Brush-off blast SSPC . Modified Inorganic shall be applied at shop. All surfaces (top. bottom and side) of Horizontal vessel / Heat exchanger sliding plates shall be coated with “Painting System No. Except austenitic stainless steel (see Table 3). valves and pipe supports. etc. Inorganic Zinc/65 µm to 90 µm can be used at shop as a pre coat for piping. 9.INSULATION SURFACE AND INSULATED. SP11. 9E) Painting under personnel protection shall be applied to uninsulated paint system. FIREPROOFED. See Paragraph 3. Total Dry Film Thickness 250 µm. 6.3 (c) of this Specification regarding components to be painted and color. Touch-up of damaged other type of primer shall be with same type of primer. Munsell N 1.SP7 (Note 2) 8) (Note 3) (Shop or Field shop) Pre Coat (Note 1. 7) Finish Coat Total Dry Film Thickness Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 125µm to 175µm --- 125µm to175µm --- 125µm to 175µm --- 250µm --- 75µm to 100µm --- 75µm to 100µm --- 50µm to 75µm (Shop or Field shop) Black Color (BS 4800: 00-E-53.5 or RAL 9004) Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 75µm to 100µm (Shop or Field shop) Modified Silicone 50µm to75µm (Shop or Field shop) Black Color (BS 4800: 00-E-53. Munsell N 1.Date : Mar.SP7 (Note 2) (Shop or Field shop) Modified Inorganic 250µm (Note 4) (Shop or Field shop) Dark Grey Color 7R (Note 10) Below -46°C 7S (Note 10) Below -46°C 7H (Note 11) Over 120°C Flex to 500°C Solvent wash SSPC .SP1 and Brush-off blast SSPC . 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 27 of 39 PAINTING .SP1 and Flex to 760°C Brush-off blast SSPC . Munsell N 1.INSULATED AND UNINSULATED AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL AND ALUMINUM (Note 11) Surface Austenitic Stainless Steel (Except cladding for insulation) SYS Temperature No. 5.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 3 (1/2) PAINTING REQUIREMENTS .SP7 (Shop or Field shop) Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 75µm to 100µm (Shop or Field shop) Black Color (BS 4800: 00-E-53.5 or RAL 9004) .SP1 and (Note Flex to 177°C Brush-off blast SSPC .5 or RAL 9004) Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 125µm to 175µm 6S (Note 8) (Shop or Field shop) 9S -46°C to 120°C Solvent wash SSPC . Range Surface Preparation (Note 5) 6R -46°C to 120°C Solvent wash SSPC . 4. SP1 or and 50µm to 75µm (Note 2) (Except (Note Epoxy Amine Brush-off blast SSPC . 2005 Rev : Surface E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 28 of 39 PAINTING .SP1 and (Note 2) Brush-off blast SSPC . Munsell 5R 4/12 or RAL 3000) --- 125µm to 175µm (Shop or Field shop) All temperatures (to maximum use temperature 140°C) Black Color (BS 4800: 00-E53. Range (Note 5) (Note 1.INSULATED AND UNINSULATED AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL AND ALUMINUM (Note 11) SYS Temperature Surface Preparation Pre Coat Finish Coat No.SP1 or and Epoxy Amine Brush-off blast SSPC . 5.SP7 (Note 6.SP1 and Brush-off blast SSPC . Super Duplex and Super Austenitic Stainless Steel 6S -46°C To 120°C Solvent wash SSPC .5 or RAL 9004) Epoxy Phenolic --6B or (Note Epoxy Amine 9) Adduct 125 µm to 175µm Cu-Ni (Fire fighting water line red-color identificatio n) 17 Uninsulate d: Duplex.SP7 (Shop or Field shop) 110°C To 140°C Solvent wash SSPC . Field 125µm to175 µm insulation shop or Field) and Main (Shop or Field Cryogenic Black Color shop) Heat (BS 4800: 00-EExchanger) 53.Date : Mar. Munsell N 1.SP7 (Shop or Field shop) (Shop or Field shop) Epoxy Amine Adduct 50 µm (Shop or Field shop) Epoxy Phenolic or Epoxy Amine Adduct 125µm to 175µm Polyurethane 50µm Total Dry Film Thickness 175µm to 250µm 125µm to 175µm 100µm (Shop.5 or RAL 9004) Epoxy Phenolic Solvent wash SSPC .MANUFACTURING FACILITIES TABLE 3 (2/2) PAINTING REQUIREMENTS . Super Duplex and Super Austenitic Stainless Steel 6R Insulated: Duplex. Field shop or Field) Red Color (BS 381C: 539.SP7 Adduct (Shop or Field shop) 125µm to 175µm (Shop or Field shop) --- 125µm to 175µm . Munsell N 1. 4. 7) Polyurethane Epoxy Phenolic Aluminum 6A -46°C To 120°C Solvent wash SSPC . 7) cladding 9) Adduct for (Shop or Field shop) (Shop. 11. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING . 4.Date : Mar. N 1. N1. Duplex. However the Munsell color No. System No. final coat color of the uninsulated it shall be Black (Munsell color No. 10. Uninsluated surfaces shall be Black Color Munsell No. Rotating machinery baseplates to be set in epoxy grout shall be surface abraded and painted with one coat of epoxy primer which is compatible with the epoxy grout application. e. 9004) or approved equivalent. 5. SP2. Epoxy MIO(Micaceous Iron Oxide) paint shall be used for intermediate coating. final coat color of the uninsulated it shall be in accordance with Table 3 or Black color using polyurethane paint 50 µm to 75 µm. 4. painting shall be applied at shop. For equipment. 6. 9. Surface preparation for touch-up painting shall be in accordance with SSPC-SP7 or SP3. and shall be suitable for use over stainless steel. .5 or RAL color No. System No. N1. chlorides. Coating material shall be free of harmful substances. Used for special application such as insulated its normally operating below 120°C but having cyclic. 8. Cu-Ni or Aluminum shall be applied same paint materials for austenitic stainless or Aluminum. Finish coat can be applied at Field Shop or Field for piping. unless otherwise specified.g. 3. Carbon steel and low alloy attachments to austenitic stainless steel. intermittent or dual operating temperatures to 760°C. Unless otherwise specified. Super Duplex and Super Austenitic Stainless Steel 6S: Insulated Austenitic.5 is not mandatory requirement for Insulated surfaces.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 29 of 39 NOTES TO TABLE 3: 1. Duplex. 6R: Uninsulated Austenitic.. System No. In case of long period paint application interval between Intermediate coat and Finish coat. halogens or metallic pigments.5. sulfur. 7. Super Duplex and Super Austenitic Stainless Steel 6A: Uninsulated Aluminum 6B: Insulated Aluminum 7R: Uninsulated Austenitic Stainless Steel (Below -46°C) 7S: Insulated Austenitic Stainless Steel (Below -46°C) 7H: High Temperature Austenitic Stainless Steel (Over120°C/Flex to 500°C) Painting under personnel protection shall be applied to uninsulated paint system. Touch-up of damaged primer and/or finish coat shall be used with same type of primer and/or finish coat. 2. The other under surfaces shall be applied same as upper surfaces. For uninsulated item only. 15400. 15500 Hempel Interline 850 International Sigma Phenguard Sigma Tankguard Special Jotun Epoxy Amine Adduct Amercoat 90 HS Ameron Carboguard 890 Carboline Hempadur 35440.Date : Mar. 15550 Hempel Intergard 475HS International Sigmaguard EHB Sigma Penguard HB Jotun Universal Primer Amercoat 185 Ameron Rustbond 8 HB Carboline Hempel's Uni Primer 13140 Hempel NA International Sigmacover Primer Sigma Jotomastic 87 Jotun .) Generic Product Examples of Product Manufacturer Name Inorganic Zinc Dimetcote 9 Ameron Carbo Zinc 11 Carboline Hempel's Galvosil 15700 Hpmpel Interzinc 12 (QHA120/121) International Sigma Tornusil MC58 Sigma Resist GT Jotun Epoxy Zinc Rich for T/U of Inorganic Zinc Amercoat 68A Ameron Carboline 858 Carboline Hempadur Zinc 15360 Hempel Interzinc 52 International Sigmacover Zinc Primer Sigma Barrier Jotun Silicone Zinc Rich for T/U of Inorganic Zinc Amercoat 160 Ameron Carbo Zinc 11 Carboline Hempel's Silicone Zinc 16900 Hempel N/A International Sigma Proferral PR Sigma Solvalitt Zinc Jotun Epoxy Phenolic Amercoat 90 HS Ameron Thermaline 450.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 30 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 4 (1/3) UNDERCOAT INDEX (Note: “Sherwin-Williams” equivalent paints can be utilized with approval of COMPANY. Phenoline 187 Carboline Hempadur 85671. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING . 4. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING . 4./779) International Sigmacover Primer Sigma Penguard HB Jotun Epoxy Zinc Phosphate for Galvanized Steel Amercoat 71 Ameron Carboline 893 Carboline Hempadur 15550 Hempel Intergard Primer (EPA530/501) International Sigmarite ZP Primer Sigma Penguard Primer Jotun Modified Silicone PSX 892 HS Ameron Thermaline 4700 Carboline Hempel's Silicone Topcoat 56900 Hempel Intertherm 875 International Sigmatherm Silacryl Sigma Solvalitt Jotun Modified Inorganic PSX 738 Ameron N/A Carboline N/A Hempel N/A International N/A Sigma N/A Jotun Low Viscosity Epoxy Sealer Amerlock 400 Ameron Carboline 1340 Carboline Hempadur 15520 Hempel Intergard Primer (EPA088/089) International Sigmarite Sealer Sigma Penguard Sealer Jotun Coal Tar Epoxy Amercoat 78 HB Ameron Carbomastic 14 Carboline Hempadur 15130 Hempel Intertuf HB C.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 31 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 4 (2/3) UNDERCOAT INDEX (Note: “Sherwin-Williams” equivalent paints can be utilized with approval of COMPANY.T.E.) Generic Product Examples of Product Manufacturer Name Epoxy Primer for Galvanized Steel Amerlock 400 Ameron Carboline 893 Carboline Hempadur Hi Build 45230 Hempel Interplus 770 (EP.Date : Mar. (XRR306/310) International Sigma TCN 300 Sigma Navitar AS Jotun . Date : Mar.) Generic Product Examples of Product Manufacturer Name High-Build Aggregate Filled Epoxy Nu-klad 100A Ameron C-Guard 1207 Carboline Hempadur Spray Guard 35490 Hempel Interzone International Sigmaguard Compound 90 Sigma Jotafloor Jotun Exterior Latex Primer Amercoat 5105 Ameron Carboline D3358 Carboline Tropaline Primer (Binder/Sealer) Hempel 28830 N/A International Sigmatex Sigma Weathtough Jotun Weldable Rust Inhibitor N/A Ameron N/A Carboline N/A Hempel N/A International N/A Sigma N/A Jotun Aluminumized Bloxide Tempil Taseto Silver NOF .MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 32 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 4 (3/3) UNDERCOAT INDEX (Note: “Sherwin-Williams” equivalent paints can be utilized with approval of COMPANY. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING . 4. Hempel 45880. 45800.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 33 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 5 (1/2) INTERMEDIATE / FINISH COAT INDEX (Note: “Sherwin-Williams” equivalent paints can be utilized with approval of COMPANY. Phenoline 187 Carboline Hempadur 35440 Hempel Interline 850 International Sigma Phenguard Sigma Tankguard Special Jotun . 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING . Hempel 55210 Interthane 990 International Sigmadur Gloss Sigma Hardtop AS Jotun Silicone Acrylic Amercoat 891 Ameron Carboline 1248 Carboline Hempel's Silicone Acrylic Hempel 56940 Intertherm 875 International Sigmatherm Silacryl Sigma N/A Jotun Heat-resisting Aluminum Silicone Amercoat 878 Ameron Carboline 4631 Carboline Hempel's Silicone Aluminum Hempel 56910 Intertherm 50 International Sigmatherm Siloxane Sigma Solvalitt Jotun Epoxy Phenolic Amercoat 90 HS Ameron Thermaline 450.Date : Mar. 15570 Intergard 475HS MIO International Sigmacover Coating Sigma Penguard HB Jotun Polyurethane/Finish Coat Amercoat 450 HS Ameron Carboline 134 HS Carboline Hempathane Enamel 55280. 4.) Generic Product Examples of Product Manufacturer Name High-Build Epoxy/Intermediate Coat Amerlock 400 MIO Ameron Carboline 893 Carboline Hempadur MIO 45670. MANUFACTURING FACILITIES Page 34 of 39 QATARGAS II DEVELOPMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATION TABLE 5 (2/2) INTERMEDIATE / FINISH COAT INDEX (Note: “Sherwin-Williams” equivalent paints can be utilized with approval of COMPANY.Date : Mar.) Generic Product Examples of Product Manufacturer Name Epoxy Amine Adduct Amercoat 90 HS Ameron Carboguard 890 Carboline Hempadur 35440 Hempel Intergard 475HS International Sigmaguard EHB Sigma Tankguard HB Jotun Inorganic Top Coat Amercoat 741 Ameron Hempel's Galvotop 55700 Hempel N/A International Sigmatherm Silicate Sigma Solvalitt Jotun Exterior Latex Amercoat 5401 Ameron Carboline 3359 Carboline Tropaline Emulsion Superfine Hempel 58750 Interlite Finish (WH Series) International Sigmalex Sigma Weathertough Jotun Heat-resisting Stack Paint Amercoat 878 Ameron Carboline 4631 Carboline Hempel's Silicone Aluminium Hempel 56910 Intertherm 50 International Sigmazinc Dust Graphite Sigma Solvalitt Jotun Temperature Indicating Paint I (To 300°C .Blue to White) N/A Ameron N/A Carboline Hempel's Themo Colour 56980 Hempel Intertherm 715 International N/A Sigma N/A Jotun Temperature Indicating Paint II (To 400°C . 4. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 PAINTING .Green to White) Amercoat 37-G-1 Ameron N/A Carboline N/A Hempel N/A International N/A Sigma N/A Jotun . 5 points 100 sqm <A<=300 sqm 1 per 20 sqm 300 sqm <A<=1000 sqm 1 per 30 sqm 1000 sqm <A<=5000 sqm 1 per 50 sqm 5000 sqm <A 1 per 100 sqm 2.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 35 of 39 TABLE 6 (1/3) INSPECTION REQUIREMENT FOR PAINTING DRY FILM THICKNESS Dry Film thickness shall be measured after primer. 1. 4. heat exchanger and fired heater Painting area Number of inspection required / each equipment A<=10 sqm 1 per 2 sqm Min. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . intermediate and finish coats application. Equipment (1) : Column. 5 points Same as equipment (1) . Equipment (2) : Equipment other than equipment (1) Painting area Number of inspection required / each equipment A<=3 sqm Min. Number of inspection required per 20% of each size at shop & shop Min. drum. Steel Structure Painting area A<=3 sqm 3 sqm <A<=10 sqm 10 sqm <A 4. 3 points 1 per 2 sqm Min. 5 points 10 sqm <A<=30 sqm 1 per 4 sqm Min. 5 points 10 sqm <A Same as equipment (1) Note : Mass production equipment may be reduced 20% of all items.Date : Mar. Others Same as equipment (2). 3. 5 points 30 sqm <A<=100 sqm 1 per 10 sqm Min. Piping Refer to Annex-1 5. Only one (1) measurement is made to each point and average thickness is calculated by averaging thickness of points measured. 3 points 3 sqm <A<=10 sqm Min. MIN. 2005 Rev : E1 QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 SPECIFICATION FOR Page 36 of 39 PAINTING . MIN. MIN 2 PIPES IN TOTAL 4 < D <= 10 5. MIN. . FITTING. 1 PIPE IN TOTAL D <= 10 2 0 1 PER 30 FITTINGS. 4.5 11 2 2 0 2 1 PER 30 PIPES. 1 PIPE IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 11 4 4 1 PER 25 PIPES. 1 VALVE IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 4 1 PER 25 VALVES MIN. MIN. 1 FITTING IN TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 4 4 1 PER 20 FITTINGS. 1 FITTING IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 4 0 1 PER 25 FITTINGS. 1 VALVE IN TOTAL NOTES : 1) Inspection shall be applied to pre and finish coat for each size of pipes.5 1 0 1 PER 20 PIPES. 1 FLANGE IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 4 1 PER 25 FLANGES. MIN. 1 FITTING IN TOTAL D <= 10 2 1 PER 30 FLANGES. MIN. MIN.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES TABLE 6 Annex-1 (2/3) INSPECTION REQUIREMENT FOR PAINTING DRY FILM THICKNESS FOR PIPE. VALVE AT MANUFACTURERS SHOP AND FIELD IT PIPE FITTING FLANGE VALVE NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) LENGTH NUMBER OF INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR BOTH END NUMBER OF INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR MIDDLE PART NUMBER OF PIPES TO BE TESTED D <= 4 5. 1 PIPE I TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 AND LARGER 11 4 4 1 PER 20 PIPES. MIN. 1 FLANGE IN TOTAL D <= 10 2 1 PER 30 VALVES. MIN. 1 FLANGE IN TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 4 1 PER 20 FLANGES. MIN. MIN. 1 VALVE IN TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 4 1 PER 20 VALVES.Date : Mar. . 1 VALVE IN TOTAL Inspection shall be applied to pre and finish coat for each size of pipes. 4. FITTING. 1 FLANGE IN TOTAL D <= 10 2 1 PER 20 VALVES MIN.Date : Mar. 4 POINTS IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 20 1 MIN. 1 FITTING IN TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 4 1 PER 10 FITTINGS MIN. 2005 Rev : E1 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING . 1 FLANGE IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 4 1 PER 25 FLANGES MIN. 1 FITTING IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 4 1 PER 15 FITTINGS MIN. 8 POINTS IN TOTAL D <= 10 2 1 PER 20 FITTINGS MIN. 1 VALVE IN TOTAL 10 < D <= 24 4 1 PER 15 VALVES MIN. 1 FLANGE IN TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 4 1 PER 20 FLANGES MIN. VALVE AT FIELD IT PIPE FITTING FLANGE VALVE NOTES : 1) NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) LENGTH NUMBER OF INSPECTION NUMBER OF PIPES TO REQUIRED BE TESTED D <= 4 40 1 MIN. 1 FITTING IN TOTAL D <= 10 2 1 PER 30 FLANGES MIN. 2 POINTS IN TOTAL 4 < D <= 10 40 1 MIN. 8 POINTS IN TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 AND LARGER 10 1 MIN.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 Page 37 of 39 TABLE 6 Annex-1 (3/3) INSPECTION REQUIREMENT FOR PAINTING DRY FILM THICKNESS FOR PIPE. 1 VALVE IN TOTAL 24 < D <= 54 4 1 PER 10 VALVES MIN. Date : Mar. parts./ UNFIREPRO OF -46 to +100 1C - +101 to +200 2C +201 to +400 Stainless steel INSUL. INSUL. 4. leg. - - - - 13 (Marine) or 14 (Handrail.MANUFACTURING FACILITIES TABLE 7 (1/2) PAINT SYSTEM NUMBER SUMMARY LIST Paint System Number Note. (See sample FIGURE 1: PAINTING SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES TO BE INSULATED. UNINSULATED AND FIREPROOFED as below) Carbon steel and Low alloy TEPERATURE RANGE(°C) UNINSUL.) - - 16 - - - - - - - - - 3C - - - - - - - - - Over +120 - 5D - - - - - - - - -46 to +120 6C (For Epoxy grout setting) 6D 6R 6S 6A 6B - 17 6F (-46 to +150°C) - Below –46 or Over +120 - 7D 7R (Below -46°C) or 7H (Over 120°C) 7S (Below -46°C) or 7H (Over 120°C) - - - - - - To +500 8C - - - - - - - - - -46 to +120 - 9D (Flex to 400°C) 9S (Flex to 760°C) 9S (Flex to 760°C) - - - - - - -46 to +120 - 9E (Flex to 760°C) - - - - - - - - -46 to +100 10 (Marine steel deck underside) - - - - - - - - - -46 to +100 11 (Marine Steel deck upper side) - - - - - - - - - -46 to +100 12 (Top coat over Mstd) - - - - - - - - - . 2005 Rev : QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 SPECIFICATION FOR E1 Page 38 of 39 PAINTING . shall be applied uninsulated ambient temp. and etc. support saddle. UNINSU L. Aluminum Galvanized Steel Cu-Ni Masonry Canvas encased jackets insulation steel/ Fireproof ed INSUL. UNINSUL. paint system. etc. such as skirt. Uninsulated ambient temp. even though the equipment shell to be insulated. Date : Mar. UNINSULATED AND FIREPROOFED (SAMPLE) Painting System of Insulated Surface Drum Painting System of Uninsulated Surface Column Heat Exchanger Vessel Painting System of Uninsulated or Fireproofed Surface Column Painting System of Insulated Surface . 2005 Rev : E1 QGX/20/00/SP/TS/NA/006 SPECIFICATION FOR Page 39 of 39 PAINTING .MANUFACTURING FACILITIES TABLE 7 (2/2) PAINT SYSTEM NUMBER SUMMARY LIST Particular Surface Paint System Number 6R’ Suction pipe internal coating for Main Air Blower(39-K001A/B) Buried Vessel external coating (Low temperature) Buried Vessel external coating (High temperature) Temperature Range -46°C to 100°C 10 0°C to 50°C 6F’ 0°C to 150°C FIGURE 1 PAINTING SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES TO BE INSULATED. 4.
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