Painting Procedure Jotun

March 25, 2018 | Author: spazzbgt | Category: Paint, Industrial Processes, Manmade Materials, Chemistry, Materials



(,JOTUN ·Jotun Paints PAINTING PROCEDURE FOR PLTU BABE LAN CIKARANG LISTRINDO EXTERNAL STEEL STRUCTURE PROJECT 378-JTL-122015 - 01 December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia Page 1 of 9 Jotun Paints PAINTING PROCEDURE SECTION I PAINT SPECIFICATION SECTION II GENERAL SPECIFICATION SECTION Ill SURFACE PREPARATION SECTION IV APPLICATION REQUIREMENT SECTION V TECHNICAL INSPECTION SECTION VI STORAGE SECTION VII PAINT APPLICATION PROCEDURE 378-JTL-122015 .01 December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia Page 2 of 9 . Care must be taken to achieve the specified dry film thickness. Application methods Spray Brush Roller II. It has a matt finish with very good gloss retention. Grey Futura AS Total OFT 378-JTL-122015 . To be used as topcoat in atmospheric environments. Can be used as primer. Specially designed for areas where optimum surface preparation is not possible or desired. high solids product. It is a surface tolerant. Red Jotamastic 80. It is a high build product. Care must be taken to achieve the specified dry film thickness. Suitable for properly prepared carbon steel and aged coating surfaces. May be used (For Futura AS).6JOTUN Jotun Paints I. Futura AS This is a two component chemically curing aliphatic acrylic polyurethane coating. PAINT SPECIFICATION Product description Jotamastic 80 This is a two component polyamine cured epoxy mastic coating. GENERAL SPECIFICATION EXTERNAL: Jotamastic 80. mid coat.01 December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia 1X lX lX 75 µ 100 50 µ µ 225 µ Page 3 of 9 . Recommended for stripe coating and small areas. Use airless spray. finish coat or as single coat system in atmospheric and immersed environments. 378-JTL-122015 . All oil/grease. After blast cleaning removes loose adhering dust.01 December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia Page 4 of 9 .()JOTUN Jotun Paints III. (add detergent if necessary to remove oil/grease) 2. dust and other contaminant to surface shall be remove/wash by fresh water with 250 bar pressure at nozzle. debris and abrasive material from surface by use of high pressure air blow (should be free of oil and moisture). oil and grease and suitable for procuring the standard of cleanliness and profile specified.85 microns as measured using Keane Tator Surface Profile Comparator or 0 testex film and profile gauge. 5. The profile roughness achieved shall be between 30 . 4. All surfaces prepared for coating shall be abrasive blast clean in accordance with the Swedish Standard SIS 05 5900 or the following: Comparative Standard Swedish Standard Sa 21/2 Japanese Standard lASH2 SSPC Standard SSPC-SP 10 3. SURFACE PREPARATION Surface preparation with Sa 2 1h: 1. Abrasive used for blast cleaning should be dry and free from dirt. 9. APPLICATION REQUIREMENT 1. All Paint should be applied by airless spray except for stripe coats where brush or roller should in general be used.4 m3 (90 .100 Psi and 50 Cfm). It is recommended that pump ratios for 45: 1 or greater. 6. more treatment prior to apply next coat shall be done (contact your Technical advisor). Only solvents acceptable by Jotun are to be used for cleaning equipment.5 kg/cm2 and 1. 8. The coating should not be exposed to oil. Good ventilation is usually required in confined areas to ensure proper drying. Tips should not be in a worn condition. Only thinners and additives supplied by or acceptable to Jotun are to be used and they are not to exceed the quantity recommended. 3.122015 - 01 December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia Page 5 of 9 . temperature and relative humidity measured in the vicinity of the substrate maximum 85%.6JOTUN Jotun Paints IV. Tips should be the size stipulated on the product datasheets or as agreed with the Jotun paint representatives on site. Re-coating time must be follow to TDS. 4. Airless spray equipment must be in good working order and be capable of performing to be out put requirements defined in the Jotun data sheets. Available air pressure and capacity for spray equipment should be at least 5. 7. 5. In case re-coating time exceeding than TDS. The temperature of the substrate should be minimum 10°C and at least 3°C above the dew point of the air. Efficient mechanical stirrers or power mixer for the correct mixing of paint should be used 7 wooden stick or something like that is strongly forbidden to use. 378-JTL . chemicals or mechanical stress until cured 2. Any paint exceeding shelf life. VI. After exposure and contaminated with the environment surface shall be fresh water washed and prepare clean before any coating application. to keep the air temperature below 25'C is the best recommendation. Note batch number of paint (Comp.Ol December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia Page 6 of 9 . TECHNICALINSPECTION 1. gelled or in damage can shall not be used (contact your Technical advisor) 378-JTL-122015 . 4. If the maximum re coating interval exceed. Dry film thickness: each coat must be checked when the paint is dry. 2.6JOTUN Jotun Paints V. If the dry film thickness is lower than owner's specification. STORAGE All paint and thinner shall be kept closed in original. away from direct sunlight. build up thickness must be done to achieve minimum OFT requirement. undamaged can before use and stored under shelter. 3. A and B) on the log book. roughening of the surface by sandpaper and/or light abrasive sweeping is mandatory. 4. chemicals or mechanical stress before the paint is fully cured. 10. 12. Clean all equipment with JOTUN THINNER NO. 2. Allow to stand for 10 minutes. PAINT APPLICATION PROCEDURE EXTERNAL: Primer Coat : Jotamastic 80 1. 17 immediately after use to prevent clogging of material in hose and spray equipment. Flush equipment with JOTUN THINNER NO. 17. Thin only for workability with not more than 10% by volume of THINNER NO. Apply a wet coat in even parallel passes. 5. Stir Part A with an explosive-proof power mixer to an even consistency. 11. Uncured paint should not be exposed to water. Apply a wet film thickness of 95 µ to provide 75 µ dry film thickness. 24 hours at 10°C). 3. Check thickness of dry coating with a non-destructive Dry Film Thickness Gauge. Overlap each pass 50% to avoid bare areas pinholes or holidays.Jotun Paints VII. Minimum re -coating interval must be follow to TDS (4 Hours at 40°C. 17. 7. Thinning normally not required. observe safety rules as in Industrial HygieneSafety Rules during Paint Application. 9. Add Hardener Part B and continue to stir until even consistency. 6. In confined areas. 8. 10 hours at 23°C. 378-JTL-122015 - 01 December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia Page 7 of 9 . Pot Life paint 2 Hours at 23°C. 5.6JOTUN Jotun Paints Intermediate Coat : Jotamastic 80 1. 7. Pot Life paint 2 Hours at 23°C. Thinning normally not required . Thin only for workability with not more than 10% by volume of THINNER NO. 17 immediately after use to prevent clogging of material in hose and spray equipment. Add Hardener Part B and continue to stir until even consistency. Check thickness of dry coating with a non-destructive Dry Film Thickness Gauge. Allow to stand for 10 minutes. chemicals or mechanical stress before the paint is fully cured . 24 hours at 10°C). 9. 12. 17. 378 .JTL-122015 - 01 Decembe r PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia 2015 Page 8 of 9 . Apply a wet coat in even parallel passes. 3. 8. 10 hours at 23°C. 17. Apply a wet film thickness of 125 µ to provide 100 µ dry film thickness. Stir Part A with an explosive-proof power mixer to an even consistency. 6. observe safety rules as in Industrial HygieneSafety Rules during Paint Application. Overlap each pass 50% to avoid bare areas pinholes or holidays. 4. Uncured paint should not be exposed to water. Flush equipment with JOTUN THINNER NO. 11. 2. 10. In confined areas. Clean all equipment with JOTUN THINNER NO. Minimum re -coating interval must be follow to TDS (4 Hours at 40°C. 7. 5. 6 hours at 10°C). Minimum re-coating interval must be follow to TDS (1. 10. 3 hours at 23°C. observe safety rules as in Industrial HygieneSafety Rules during Paint Application. Clean all equipment with JOTUN THINNER NO. Overlap each pass 50% to avoid bare areas pinholes or holidays. 8. 9. chemicals or mechanical stress before the paint is fully cured. In confined areas. 4. 6. 3. Flush equipment's with JOTUN THINNER NO. 10. 10. Thin only for workability with not more than 10% by volume of THINNER NO. Apply a wet film thickness of 105 µ to provide 50 µ dry film thickness. Apply a wet coat in even parallel passes. Thinning normally not required. Add Hardener Part B and continue to stir until even consistency. 11. 2.5 hours at 40°C. Uncured paint should not be exposed to water. 10 immediately after use to prevent clogging of material in hose and spray equipment. 378-JTL-122015 . Check thickness of dry coating with a non-destructive Dry Film Thickness Gauge.01 December 2015 PAINTING PROCEDURE Prepared by Jotun Indonesia Page 9 of 9 .Jotun Paints Too Coat: Futura AS 1. Stir Part A with an explosive-proof power mixer to an even consistency.
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