Pa 28rt 201 201t_pcv1995 Parts Catalog

March 19, 2018 | Author: Joe E. | Category: Flap (Aeronautics), Cargo, Screw, Aircraft Flight Control System, Spar (Aeronautics)



ARROW IVPARTS CATALOG CARD 1 OF 2 PA-28RT-201 ARROW IV PA-28RT-201T TURBO ARROW IV PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Courtesy of Bomar Flying Service [PART NUMBER 761 693] 1A1 PIPER PARTS CATALOG AEROFICHE EXPLANATION AND REVISION STATUS The Parts Catalog information incorporated in this set of Aerofiche cards has been arranged in accordance with the general specifications of Aerofiche adopted by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association. Conversion of Aerofiche alpha/numeric code numbers: First number is the Aerofiche card identifier. Letter is the horizontal line reference per card. Second number is the vertical line reference per card. Example: 2J16 = Aerofiche card number two of given set, Grid location J16. To aid in locating the various sections and related information desired, the following is provided: A complete Catalog Table of Contents is given at Grid 1A8 of Aerofiche card number 1 of this set. Each additional card in this set will have a Table of Contents for all sections on that particular card. This table will start at Grid A3. REVISIONS The information compiled in this Aerofiche Parts Catalog will be kept current by revisions distributed periodically. These revisions will supersede all previous revisions and will be complete Aerofiche card replacements and shall supersede Aerofiche cards of the same number in the set. Current Revisions to this PA-28RT-201 and PA-28RT-201T Parts Catalog issued November 2,1978 are as follows: 761 693 (PR790410) ..................................................................Dated April 1979 761 693 (PR790810) ..............................................................Dated August 1979 761 693 (PR800311) ...............................................................Dated March 1980 761 693 (PR800812) ..............................................................Dated August 1980 761 693 (PR810415) ..................................................................Dated April 1981 761 693 (PR810713) ...................................................................Dated July 1981 761 693 (PR820210) ...........................................................Dated February 1982 761 693 (PR820712) ...................................................................Dated July 1982 761 693 (PR830112).............................................................Dated January 1983 761 693 (PR830808) ..............................................................Dated August 1983 761 693 (PR840213) ...........................................................Dated February 1984 761 693 (PR840710) ...................................................................Dated July 1984 761 693 (IR950303)* ...............................................................Dated March 1995 *INTERIM CHANGE TO PARTS CATALOG 761-693 Changes have been made to Sections II, VII, and IX of Card 1. There are no other changes included in this interim change revision. Please discard your current card 1, and replace it with the revised card 1. DO NOT DISCARD CARD 2. NOTE: Refer to the last card of the Piper - Parts Price List -Aerofiche for a checklist of current revision dates and card effectivities for this parts catalog. INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1A2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG INTRODUCTION This illustrated Parts Catalog is designed to provide simple but positive identification of replacement parts for the Piper Model PA-28RT201 Arrow IV and PA28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV, manufactured by the Piper Aircraft Corporation of Vero Beach, Florida. NOTE: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THIS CATALOG BE USED FOR RIGGING AND INSTALLATION PURPOSES. It is suggested that this catalog be thoroughly studied to determine its arrangement prior to its utilization. 1. 2. The catalog is divided into fourteen (14) major sections described as follows: a. Section I to XIII inclusive contains all replacement parts for the complete airplane. Each section is subdivided and each division includes an illustration and a parts listing. b. Section XIV is the Miscellaneous Group. This group includes an illustration and parts list for the Placards and Exterior Stencils and a listing of the Optional Equipment Kits, Repair Kits and Special Tools. The following is a brief explanation of the columns in the parts lists: (Refer to EXAMPLE below). a. The “FIGURE AND INDEX NUMBER” column indicates the illustration figure number and its part index number. EXAMPLE: (2-1), the 2 is the figure number and the 1 is the index number. The figure number appears only at the top of each parts list page. b. The “PART NUMBER” column contains the identifying number of the replacement part and this number must be shown on all Parts Orders. c. The “CODE” column is for the purpose of indicating special uses of the part. An explanation of the letter code used is shown on the grid (page) preceding each parts listing and pertains to that listing only. ALL PARTS CODED WITH A “W” MUST BE PURCHASED FROM PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION, LOCK HAVEN, PENNA. ALL PARTS NOT CODED WITH A “W” MUST BE PURCHASED FROM PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA. d. e. f. The “NOMENCLATURE” column indicates the part name. This name must be shown on all Parts Orders. The “NO. REQ.” (Number Required) column represents the total quantity of parts used per figure when the part is not indented and the quantity of parts used per assembly when the part is indented. The symbol “AR” listed in this column means “As Required.” The “SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED” column indicates the part application by airplane serial number. EXAMPLE Figure and Index Number Part Number 2-1 -2 -3 -4 XXXXX-XX XXXXX-XX XXXXX-XX XXXXX-XX Code NOMENCLATURE No. Req. DOOR ASSEMBLY - Baggage compartment * TUBE ASSEMBLY - Baggage door latch * * CLEVIS - Door latch tube assembly * * CLIP - Door latch tube assembly X X X X SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED In the Nomenclature column, the next higher assembly relationship of items covered is shown by the degree of indention of each item and is indicated by an asterisk (*). One asterisk signifies one indention, two signifies two indentions, etc. The example listing above is interpreted as follows: If the DOOR ASSEMBLY (not indented) is ordered, it will include the three items indented under the Door Assembly. If the TUBE ASSEMBLY (indented one space) is ordered, it will include the two items indented under the Tube Assembly. If you want only a CLEVIS or CLIP, you order only that item. REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1A3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG 3. The “ATTACHING PARTS” such as nuts, bolts, screws, etc., that are available as commercial hardware items, are not generally supplied by the Piper Aircraft Corporation. The catalog lists, for your convenience, those attaching parts required for main assemblies and installations. The identifying number for these parts appears after the part name. 4. All items of Optional Equipment are contained in the parts list in their proper sequence and sections. These items were not marked optional, since they are fully identified by their descriptions. HOW TO IDENTIFY A PART IF YOU KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE AND KNOW WHERE IT IS LOCATED 1. Refer to Figure 1 to determine the section number in which the part is used. 2. Refer to the Table of Contents and locate the section. Note the figure numbers that illustrate the various subgroups of this main section. a. Select the Figure title you think might contain that part you wish to identify and proceed to the grid (page) specified. 3. NOTE: If you don’t find the part on this illustration, try another figure in this group. 4. Refer to the “Figure and Index Number” in the Parts Listing for complete description of the part. HOW TO ORDER PARTS In ordering parts for your Piper Airplanes, observe the following instructions which will aid in your getting the right parts required without delay: a. Place your order with the distributor or dealer for your territory, since parts are available only through our distributor organization. b. Always specify the model and serial number of your airplane. c. Always specify Part Number, Name, Type and Quantity Required. > d. Specify the method of shipment: freight, express, parcel post, air express, air freight or air parcel post. Where the nature of the shipment requires it or when no instructions are given, we reserve the right to ship most suitable way. GENERAL INFORMATION a. Shortages. All orders are checked and rechecked before leaving our Shipment Department. A packing slip is enclosed with the shipment and claims for errors or shortages must be made within three (3) days after receipt of orders. b. Returned Goods. No material should be returned to us without first securing our written permission. Material sent in without notice will be held at the owner’s risk for thirty (30) days and will then be disposed of as we see fit. Transportation charges must be PREPAID on returned goods or the shipment will be refused. c. Transportation Liabilities. The Piper Aircraft Corporation cannot be held liable for damages to parts in transit from the factory. If a shipment is received in a damaged condition, have the delivery man or Transportation Company make a notation of the damage and file your claim with the Carrier. In case of concealed damage, do not attempt to remove the part from the shipping container, or endeavor to repair the damage, but call the Carrier and have his Claim Agent inspect the damage before filing your claim with the Carrier. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1A4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG PA-28RT-201 AND PA-28RT-201T SERIAL NUMBER INFORMATION The following information should be kept in mind when ordering from this Catalog: a. The serial numbers of the aircraft covered by this Parts Catalog are as follows: PA-28RT-201, Arrow IV - 1979 - Serial Numbers 28R-7918002 to 28R-7918267 inclusive PA-28RT-201, Arrow IV - 1980 - Serial Numbers 28R-8018001 to 28R-8018106 inclusive PA-28RT-201, Arrow IV - 1981 - Serial Numbers 28R-8118001 to 28R-8118082 inclusive PA-28RT-201, Arrow IV - 1982 - Serial Numbers 28R-8218001 to 28R-8218026 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1979 - Serial Numbers 28R-7931002 to 28R-7931310 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1980 - Serial Numbers 28R-8031001 to 28R-8031178 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1981 - Serial Numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R-8131208 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1982 - Serial Numbers 28R-8231001 to 28R-8231080 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1983 - Serial Numbers 28R-8331001 to 28R-8331051 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1984 - Serial Numbers 28R-8431001 to 28R-8431032 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1985 - Serial Numbers 28R-8531001 to 28R-8531015 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1986 - Serial Numbers 28R-8631001 and 28R-8631005 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1987 - Serial Numbers 28R-8631002 to 28R-8631004 inclusive Serial Numbers 2831001 to 2831033 inclusive PA-28RT-201T, Turbo Arrow IV - 1988 - Serial Numbers 2831034 to 2831038 inclusive. SERIAL NUMBER EXPLANATION The Serial Number on the Manufacturer's Identification Plate is based on either a 3- or 4-set numbering system. In the 4-set system, the first set defines the Type Certificate Designation, the second set is the Model Year, the third set is the Model Code, while the fourth set is the Model Sequence Number (within a model year). The 3-set system omits the model year* and begins a new sequence with 2831001. This new sequence continues without renumbering for a new year. EXAMPLE 28R 79 18 001 TYPE CERTIFICATE DESIGNATION MODEL SEQUENCE NUMBER (Within a Model Year) *MODEL YEAR (1979 and subsequent) MODEL CODE 18 = PA-28RT-201 Arrow IV 31 = PA-28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV EXAMPLE (late 1986 and subsequent) 28 31 001 TYPE CERTIFICATE DESIGNATION MODEL SEQUENCE NUMBER (Without regard for Model Year) MODEL CODE 18 = PA-28RT-201 Arrow IV 31 = PA-28RT-201T Turbo Arrow IV INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1A5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG STANDARD PAINT CHART MFG. NO. PIPER PART NUMBER QUART GALLON B-5511 B-9170 G-2352 G-2124-A H-6117-R P7946 C-2065-A B-7784-B D-6449 D-6448 K-2790 B-5460 R4418 X5700 Y9775 M9514 R3796R R3956R R3957R M9514R R3959R R8175R R8174R R3955 4175 593 4175 436 4175 331 4175 332 4175 373 4175 499 4175 500 4175 657 4175 380 4175 379 4175 299 4175 409 4175 389 4175 390 4175 392 4175 391 4175 304 4175 305 4175 306 4175 307 4175 303 4175 309 4175 308 4175 311 1175 593 1175 436 1175 331 1175 332 1175 373 1175 499 1175 500 1175 657 1175 380 1175 379 1175 299 1175 409 1175 389 1175 390 1175 392 1175 391 1175 304 1175 305 1175 306 1175 307 1175 303 1175 309 1175 308 1175 311 B5408-B 4179 402 1179 402 EXTERIOR ACRYLIC LACQUER Madrid Red Bahama Blue Avocado Las Vegas Gold Dakota Black Ocala Orange (base coat) Ocala Orange (top coat) Juneau White Lime Green Baja Yellow Denver Brown (base coat) Denver Brown (top coat) Matador Red Royal Blue Hickory Brown Indian Silver Sage Green Firethorn Red Dark Blue Silver Buckskin Sandalwood Tan Platinum Gray Dark Claret Thinner REVISED: APRIL 1981 1A6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG STANDARD PAINT CHART MFG. NO. PIPER PART NUMBER QUART GALLON H7850U H7848U H7857UM H7851UM H7853U H7852U 5242U 99U H7859U H7858U H7856U H7855U 45431U H7854U K7887U K7888UW K7890U K7891U N7819U N7818U K7886U N8068U K8149U N8070U N8071U K7889UH W8275 W8274 4175 461 4175 462 4175 463 4175 464 4175 465 4175 466 4176 121 4175 467 4176 122 4175 468 4175 469 4175 470 4176 123 4175 460 4176 132 4176 133 4176 135 4176 136 4176 126 4176 127 4176 131 4763 528 4763 529 4763 530 4763 531 4763 532 4763 533 4763 534 1175 461 1175 462 1175 463 1175 464 1175 465 1175 466 1176 121 1175 467 1176 122 1175 468 1175 469 1175 470 1176 123 1175 460 1176 132 1176 133 1176 135 1176 136 1176 126 1176 127 1176 131 1763 528 1763 529 1763 530 1763 531 1763 532 1763 533 1763 534 192S Y8485S 8100S 189S 4179 950 4179 145 4179 559 4179 951 1179 950 1179 145 1179 559 B9287 K1733 B9289 4170 766 4179 452 4179 403 1170 766 1179 452 1179 403 EXTERIOR POLYURETHANE ENAMEL (Dupont Imron) Baja Yellow Juneau White Ocala Orange Madrid Red Bahama Blue Avocado Las Vegas Gold Dakota Black Denver Brown Matador Red Royal Blue Hickory Brown Silver Lime Green Sage Green Firethorn Buckskin Dark Blue Platinum Gray Sandalwood Tan Dark Claret Burnished Gold Light Blue Dark Saddle Dark Green Saffron Light Sandalwood Light Platinum Catalyst (Activator) Reducer Retarder Accelerator POLYURETHANE PRIMER (Dupont Imron) Wash Primer Wash Primer Thinner Acid Thinner REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1A7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER 1 FIGURE TITLE GRID NUMBER View of Complete Airplane .......................................................................................................................1A12 SECTION I WING GROUP 2 3 4 5 6 Wing Installation .......................................................................................................................................1A13 Wing Leading Edge Assembly .................................................................................................................1A18 Wing Trailing Edge Assembly ..................................................................................................................1A21 Aileron Assembly......................................................................................................................................1B1 Flap Assembly..........................................................................................................................................1B4 SECTION II FUSELAGE GROUP 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fuselage Assembly - Complete ...............................................................................................................1B7 Fuselage Upper Forward Cockpit Assembly ............................................................................................1B11 Fuselage Upper Center Cockpit Assembly ..............................................................................................1B15 Fuselage Lower Forward Cockpit Assembly ............................................................................................1B19 Fuselage Lower Aft Cockpit Assembly .....................................................................................................1C1 Fuselage Aft Section ................................................................................................................................1C4 Fuselage Cabin and Baggage Door Installation .......................................................................................1C8 Fuselage Enclosure Installation ...............................................................................................................1C13 SECTION III TAIL SURFACES GROUP 15 16 17 18 Tail Surfaces Installation ..........................................................................................................................1C18 Stabilator Assembly..................................................................................................................................1D1 Fin Assembly............................................................................................................................................1D5 Rudder Assembly .....................................................................................................................................1D8 SECTION IV LANDING GEAR GROUP 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Nose Landing Gear Installation ................................................................................................................1D11 Nose Landing Gear Assembly..................................................................................................................1D16 Nose Wheel Assembly (Cleveland) ..........................................................................................................1D20 Nose Wheel Assembly (McCauley) ..........................................................................................................1E1 Main Landing Gear Installation.................................................................................................................1E4 Main Landing Gear Assembly ..................................................................................................................1E9 Main Wheel Assembly ..............................................................................................................................1E13 Brake Assembly .......................................................................................................................................1E16 Landing Gear Door Installation (PA-28RT-201) .......................................................................................1E19 Landing Gear Door Installation (PA-28RT-201T) .....................................................................................1F1 Hand Brake Installation ............................................................................................................................1F4 Toe Brake Installation...............................................................................................................................1F7 Toe Brake Master Cylinder Assembly ......................................................................................................1F10 SECTION V CABIN EQUIPMENT GROUP 32 33 34 Cockpit Finishing Installation ....................................................................................................................1F13 Window Curtains Installation ....................................................................................................................1F21 Carpet Installation ....................................................................................................................................1G1 REVISED: JULY 1984 1A8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T ........................................................................................................1I10 Two Blade Propeller Assembly(Hartzell)(PA-28RT-201T) .............................................................................................1K14 Rudder Pedal Installation ...............................) 35 36 Seats Installation .....................................................................................1G11 SECTION VI INSTRUMENTS GROUP 37 38 39 Instrument Panel Installation ...................................................1H16 Engine Baffle Installation (PA-28RT-201) .............................................................1J20 Stabilator Control Installation ...............1J13 SECTION IX CONTROL SYSTEM GROUP 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Aileron Control Installation .................................................................................................1K8 Rudder Trim Mechanism Installation ....................................................1H1 SECTION VII POWER PLANT GROUP 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Power Plant Installation (PA-28RT-201) ................................................................................................1I1 Engine Cowl Installation (PA-28RT-201T) .........................................1G6 Vertically Adjustable Front Seat Assembly......................................................)...............................1H4 Power Plant Installation (PA-28RT-201T) ....................................................................................................................1I13 Three Blade Propeller Assembly (Hartzell) (PA-28RT-201T)....................................................................1I4 Two Blade Propeller Assembly (McCauley) (PA-28RT-201)...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1I19 Engine Controls Installation (PA-28RT-201T) ...........................S/N 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl...1K18 REVISED: JULY 1984 1A9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T ..............................................1J1 SECTION VIII FUEL SYSTEM GROUP 54 55 56 Fuel System Installation (PA-28RT-201) ........................1G21 Pitot Static System Installation .........1K1 Stabilator Trim Installation ................1G16 Vacuum System Installation .............................................................................1H9 Engine Instrument Lines Installation (PA-28RT-201T) ......................................................................1J5 Fuel System Installation (PA-28RT-201T).........................................................1H22 Engine Cowl Installation (PA-28RT-201).................................................................................................................................................................................................................1H19 Engine Baffle Installation (PA-28RT-201T) ............................................................1J16 Flap Control Installation..............................................................................................................................1J9 Fuel Tank Assembly.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1H13 Engine Exhaust System Installation (PA-28RT-201)........1K4 Rudder Control Installation ...........1K11 Control Wheel Installation ...........................................................................PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER FIGURE TITLE GRID NUMBER SECTION V CABIN EQUIPMENT GROUP (cont.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1I16 Engine Controls Installation (PA-28RT-201) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1I7 Two Blade Propeller Assembly (Hartzell) (PA-28RT-201 ............................................................................................................................. ....................................S/N 28R-7918070 and up....................................................................2D20 Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Communciations Components Corp...2D1 AutoFlite II Installation ................2B8 Oxygen System Installation (Fixed) (PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-8131001 and up) ......) .............................................2B11 SECTION XII ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUP 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Electrical System Installation...........................................................................................................................................................................................2B19 Air Conditioning Electrical Installation ..............................................................................................2C13 Alternator Assembly (Prestolite) (PA-28RT-201) .......................... PA-28RT-201T ...................................................... PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-8131001 and up) .......................2D4 AutoControl III B Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-7918001 and up................................................................. PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-7931001 to 28R-8031188 incl................................................................2B4 Oxygen System Installation (Portable) (PA-28RT-201T) .............. PA-28RT-201T ......................................................................2B1 Air Conditioning Condenser Installation .................................................................................................................................2B15 Instrument Panel Electrical Installation .................................................................2C20 SECTION XIII ELECTRONICS GROUP 83 84 85 85A 86 86A 86B 87 87A 87B Electric Trim Installation .....................................................................................................) .............................. PA-28RT-201 T S/N 28R-8131001 and up) ............................2A20 Air Conditioning Duct and Evaporator Installation..........................................................................................................................)..............................2D7 Century 21 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-8118001 and up..............................................................2C7 External Power Supply Installation (PA-28RT-201T) .2E4 Radar Altimeter Installation (Bonzer) .........2C10 Alternator Assembly and Installation (Chrysler) (PA-28RT-201) .......................1K21 Hydraulic System Installation (PA-28RT-201 ...............2A16 Air Conditioning Compressor and Refrigerant Lines Installation (PA-28RT-201T) ..........................................................................................................................2C4 External Power Supply Installation (PA-28RT-201) .........................................2A8 Fresh Air Ventilation Installation .....2D10 AltiMatic III C Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 incl.2C1 Battery Installation...........................) ....................................................................................................................................................................................2E7 REVISED: JULY 1984 1A10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T ....................................................................2E1 Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Narco Avionics) ......................................................................2A12 Air Conditioning Compressor Refrigerant Lines and Alternator Installation (PA-28RT-201) .........................................................PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER FIGURE TITLE GRID NUMBER SECTION X HYDRAULIC SYSTEM GROUP 65 65A Hydraulic System Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918069 incl........2C17 Strobe Lights Installation .............................S/N 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931099 incl......................................................................................................................................................................................................1L1 SECTION XI ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 73A Heat and Defrost System Installation (PA-28RT-201)..................................................................................................................................2A5 Heat and Defrost System Installation (PA-28RT-201T) .........2D17 King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-8331001 and up) ............................................................................. PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R—7931001 to 28R-8231092 incl....2D13 Century 41 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-8118001 and up....................S/N 28R-7931100 and up ................................................................................................................................................................ .2E19 Avionics Cooling Installation................................................2F7 Optional Equipment Kits and Repair Kits .........................2E16 Audio Selector Assembly ...........2F4 SECTION XIV MISCELLANEOUS GROUP 92 Placards and Exterior Stencils ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Antenna System and Static Wicks Installation .....................................................5125-P3) ................2E10 Encoder Installation (Narco ..................................................................................................................................AR 500 and United .............................................................2F1 Radio Installation Drawings ...................................................) ELECTRONICS GROUP 87C 88 89 90 91 Radar Altimeter Installation (King) (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-8018001 and up.................................2E13 Radio.................PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER FIGURE TITLE GRID NUMBER SECTION XIII (cont........................2F12 NUMERICAL INDEX REVISED: JULY 1984 1A11 2F14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T ......... PA-28RT-201 T S/N 28R-8031001 and up) ..................................................................................................................... Complete Airplane ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1A12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 1. Figure 2. Wing Installation REVISED: JULY 1984 1A13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031164 inclusive. Used if recognition lights are installed. Used on PA-28RT-201T airplanes only. See Figure 56 for component parts. Used if navigation or strobe lights are installed. Used if navigation or strobe lights are not installed. Used on PA28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018097 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial nos. Complete kit required if replacing safety walk compound painted on wing. See Figure 4 for component parts. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131163 and up.. 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918263 incl. REVISED: JULY 1984 1A14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018098 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031165 and up. Serial number of aircraft must be supplied when ordering this part. See Figure 5 for component parts. Used on PA-28RT-201 airplanes only. pitot lines (in left wing only). and PA-28RT-201T with serial nos. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial nos. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial nos. inspection cover plates. electrical harness. 28R-7931001 to 28R7931304 incl.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 2 ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTW- See Figure 3 for component parts. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118073 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118074 and up. Lock Haven. See Figure 6 for component parts. Penna. hydraulic lines. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131162 inclusive. and cable guard tubes. Piper Aircraft. 28R-7931305 and up. 28R-7918264 and up. This assembly includes brake lines. right TIP ASSEMBLY .Flap hinge.Wing inboard. upper. left * LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY . right * LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY .Cylinder access.Wing tip.Wing.Lubricator.Gang (PS10062-2-8) CHANNEL . left COVER . left TIP ASSEMBLY .Right TIP ASSEMBLY . left * STIFFENER .Wing. right * LENS . left * LENS .T W WING ASSEMBLY .M A A A A B.Left WING ASSEMBLY .Flap hinge.T F. inboard CHANNEL .K.Wing aft section.Wing.Wing outboard.Q G. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED JULY 1984 1A15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Left AILERON ASSEMBLY .J.T K.Cylinder access.Wing inboard. left TANK ASSEMBLY . Description. right STRIP .P G.Wing aft section. right BRACKET ASSEMBLY . left * TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY . lower.M B.Left WING ASSEMBLY .Tie down PAD .Q K.Wing Installation H.Plug (HS48172-K2215) TANK ASSEMBLY . right AILERON ASSEMBLY . right * STIFFENER .Gang COVER .Access hole BUSHING .Gang CHANNEL .Gang CHANNEL .M H.P F.Q G. right * FITTING .Main gear truss. left * LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY .Wing outboard.P G.Left FLAP ASSEMBLY .M H. right TIP ASSEMBLY . right TIP ASSEMBLY .Wing.M C C D D E E F.Fuel. always specify Part Number.Wing tip.Wing tip.Stall RING . 90 degrees (MS15001-4) CHANNEL .Wing.Fuel. Req.Wing.Wing tip. left TIP ASSEMBLY . right * BUTTON . left TIP ASSEMBLY .Wing.Wing. left * STIFFENER .Q K.Right FLAP ASSEMBLY .Wing. right * TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY . left TIP ASSEMBLY . right TIP ASSEMBLY .Right WING ASSEMBLY .Right * LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY .T K.Wing tip.Jack COVER .Gang (PS10062-2-9) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 14 2 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 6 2 2 28R-8531001 and up 28R-8531001 and up 28R-8531001 and up 28R-8531001 and up When ordering.Access hole COVER . Iower.Gang (PS10062-2-7) CHANNEL . upper. left TIP ASSEMBLY .P F.M H.Gang CHANNEL .SECTION I Wing Group WING INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 2- 35630 -1 35630-992 35630-987 35630-993 35630-989 35630-926 35630-927 35630-928 35630-929 35630-984 35630-933 453 966 35716-08 35716-09 35640-24 35640-25 65591-00 65590-01 35641-12 35641-14 36739-08 36739-06 36739-21 35641-13 35641-15 36739-09 36739-07 36739-22 35641-06 35641-07 35641-08 35641-09 36739-28 36739-29 35802-02 35692-02 35725-02 38118-05 62109-00 67101-00 63900-19 63900-20 66529-00 67164-00 67164-01 95643-06 95643-07 460 801 96926-00 96927-00 406 942 96926-00 406 932 406 933 -2 -3 -4 -4a -5 -6 -7 -8 -8a -8b -8c -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 Code NOMENCLATURE No. left BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Access hole COVER .Main gear truss. right * STIFFENER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Wing tip.K. center and outboard BUSHING .Wing.J. Safety.(AN960-616) NUT .(MS21042-6) BOLT .(MS20365-428C) PLATE ASSEMBLY .Gang (PS10062-2-11) KIT .Warning COVER .(AN960-516) WASHER .(AN176-13A) WASHER .(MS21042-6) BOLT .Safety.WING INSTALLATION SECTION I Wing Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 2-27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -46 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 Part Number 406 934 406 935 763 848 79174-00 79174-04 69736-02 179 872 486 291 407 585 404 888 67723-00 67723-01 401 186 402 915 407 566 407 567 407 587 404 889 404 532 402 351 407 567 96352-03 404 532 402 352 407 667 96352-03 404 532 402 352 407 567 404 532 402 352 96352-03 407 567 404 532 402 352 96352-03 404 532 402 349 407 567 404 532 401 270 407 564 404 887 400 444 407 564 404 887 35664-02 62109-00 400 004 407 567 404 888 35802-03 98700-02 410 043 63904-24 Code L W W R.(AN960-416) NUT .W S W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE CHANNEL .(MS21042-6) BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) PLACARD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1A16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(MS20365-524C) NUT .(AN960-616L) NUT .(AN960-416L) NUT .Stall STRIP . right BOLT .(AN960-616) WASHER NUT .W S R. left PLATE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-616) NUT .(AN176-14A) WASHER . always specify Part Number.(AN3-13A) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .W S. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 2 1 1 1 1 AR 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 AR 4 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 6 12 12 24 12 4 8 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 6 6 6 2 2 4 4 When ordering.Aft wing access.(AN176-13A) WASHER .(AN5-6A) BOLT .Wing walk SAFETY WALK COMPOUND .(AN176-13A) WASHER NUT .(MS21042-6) BOLT .W S.Aft wing access.(AN4-7A) WASHER .(MS21042-6) BOLT -(AN176-12A) WASHER .W R.Stall SCREW . flap * RETAINER .Gang (PS10062-2-10) CHANNEL .(MS21042-6) BOLT .(AN3-11A) WASHER .(NAS617-4-9) WASHER .Black (one quart can) SCREW . Description.(MS24694-S56) HOSE No.Access hole BOLT .Pressure sensitive wing walk installation * WING WALK .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN960-616) WASHER NUT (MS21042-6) BOLT .(AN960-616) NUT .(MS20365-428C) STRIP .(NAS464P6LA6) WASHER . Req.(AN176-13A) WASHER WASHER .(AN960-616) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT . wing * WING WALK . (AN960-416L) NUT .(MS21042-4) COVER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 90 78 2 When ordering. Req. left COVER . right SHIM . always specify Part Number. and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JULY 1984 1A17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Wing attachment SCREW .W NOMENCLATURE BOLT .SECTION I Wing Group WING INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 2-52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 Part Number 402 680 407 565 407 585 404 561 404 530 63942-00 63942-01 62121-00 415 312 415 309 87341-04 Code W W N O.( MS27039-0809) PLACARD .Wing bolt.(MS27039-0812) SCREW . Description.(MS21045-4) NUT .(NAS1104-17) WASHER .(AN960-416) WASHER .No step No.Wing bolt. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 3. Wing Leading Edge Assembly REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1A18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 3 ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1A19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Sta.25. 131.Bottom inboard root.50. Sta. bottom. left * FITTING ASSEMBLY . Sta.Forward spar. right * SPAR .Wing nose. right * RIB .Leading edge.Air duct * WING WALK . 206. right * RIB . left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . 36. right * * DOUBLER .Wing nose. right * RIB ASSEMBLY .Wing nose.Wing inboard. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 When ordering.Forward spar * TUBE ASSEMBLY . right * DOUBLER . top.Forward. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . right * SKIN ASSEMBLY .00. left * RIB ASSEMBLY . right * SKIN ASSEMBLY . right * RIB .Inboard wing * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY . 49.Wing nose.Aft.Wing nose. 57.Wing nose.Wing nose. left * RIB ASSEMBLY . 148.Leading edge. right * RIB .Wing outboard. right * RIB .Aft.70. left * SPAR .SECTION I Wing Group WING LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 3-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 Part Number 35630-926 35630-927 95639-02 95639-03 35724-04 35724-05 62021-00 62021-01 35642-00 35642-01 38118-00 38118-03 68113-200 68113-201 68111-00 62087-05 38217-00 38217-01 66623-00 66623-01 66761-02 66761-03 68119-00 62061-05 66621-00 66620-00 62091-02 35630-928 35630-929 35118-28 35118-29 35733-02 35733-03 35592-00 35592-01 35118-30 35118-31 35118-22 35118-23 35166-00 35166-01 35615-02 35615-03 35118-49 35118-47 35615-04 35615-05 35118-24 35118-25 35118-803 35118-804 95094-00 Code NOMENCLATURE LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY . Sta. Sta.60. left * SKIN . 106.Air duct * STRAP . top.70.Wing nose.19. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1A20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY .Leading edge wing * SKIN ASSEMBLY .70. left * RIB . inboard. right * RIB ASSEMBLY . 106. root.Cover plate attachment No.Skin attachment.Wing nose. Req. Sta. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . right * * DOUBLER . inboard. Sta. 131. 174.Fuel tank attachment LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY . Sta. right * SKIN . right * RIB .Wing nose. left * RIB .92. Sta.Forward spar. root.Bottom inboard root. left * RIB . Sta. 117. right * FITTING ASSEMBLY . Sta. Sta.Aft. Sta. 36.Wing nose.Forward.50.19. right * RIB .00. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . left * RIB . Sta.60.Air inlet * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Wing nose.Wing outboard.25. right * STRAP .Forward.Wing nose. left * STRAP . 49.Wing nose.60.Wing nose.Top inboard root.Wing nose. bottom. 174. left * SKIN . Description. left * SKIN .70. always specify Part Number.Wing nose.Wing nose. Sta. right * GASKET .Leading edge. 57. 206. Sta.60.Wing nose. 117. left * RIB . right * RIB .92.Aft.Skin attachment. Sta.Wing nose. left * RIB . 148. 206.Forward. left * RIB . right * SKIN . Sta.Forward. right * SKIN .Leading edge. left LEADING EDGE ASSEMBLY . left * RIB . Sta.Wing inboard. Sta. 206. Wing Trailing Edge Assembly REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1A21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 4. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018037 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018038 and up.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 4 A . C. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031063 and up.Serial number of aircraft must be supplied when ordering this part. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031062 inclusive. REVISED: APRIL 1981 1A22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . B . D. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931217 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018099 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031165 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931218 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031166 and up. F. E.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018098 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28RT-7918165 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918166 and up. G. outboard.Main gear up switch. 24. right * SKIN ASSEMBLY. right No.Wing aft. left TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY .False spar.Sta. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . right * SKIN ASSEMBLY . inboard.15.Top. left * WEB .Sta. 106. right * CAP .Aft.Sta.Sta. inboard.Aft spar. right * * HINGE .25. right * * BRACKET . right * RIB . right * * SPAR ASSEMBLY .Bottom.Wing aft.Forward.Bottom.Bottom. left * SPAR ASSEMBLY . outboard. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Main gear up switch.Top. right * RIB . right * * BRACKET .Wing main.Sta.Sta.Aft.Sta.False spar.Bottom. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . right * * SPAR ASSEMBLY . right * RIB .Forward.SECTION I Wing Group WING TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 4-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 Part Number 35630-984 35630-933 35168-14 35168-15 35168-20 35168-21 67069-02 67069-03 35168-12 35168-13 62071-00 62071-01 62072-00 62072-01 35174-04 35174-05 66762-00 35632-02 35632-03 62105-00 62105-02 67097-00 67097-01 67689-00 67689-01 67079-00 67079-01 35603-20 35603-21 35734-02 35734-03 67690-00 67690-01 67690-16 67690-17 67095-00 67095-01 95668-00 95668-01 36718-02 36718-03 35634-08 35634-05 38206-04 38206-05 95636-00 95636-01 78475-04 78475-05 78500-08 78500-09 66598-00 66598-01 35616-00 35616-01 35617-00 35617-01 Code A B B C C F F G G F F G G D D NOMENCLATURE TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY .15. inboard. left * SPAR ASSEMBLY . center. left * * SPAR ASSEMBLY . left * RIB .False spar.Main inboard.Top.False spar.False spar. right * SKIN ASSEMBLY . left * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY . 86.Sta.Main gear up switch. left * RIB .19. Req.Sta.Wing aft section. left * CAP .Bottom. left * * BRACKET . left * SPAR ASSEMBLY . inboard.Wing main. outboard.03. 123. 49. Description. rear * CAP . right * * PLATE . right * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Bottom.Main outboard. bottom. left * CAP . right * DOUBLER . left * RIB ASSEMBLY .24. 69.Sta. inboard. 106. center. right * WEB .Aft spar. 123. right * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .Wing main. left * RIB ASSEMBLY . inboard.19. left * * SPAR ASSEMBLY . top.Bottom. left * RIB . right * RIB . 69. 49.24. left * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .Wing aft. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY. right * RIB ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1980 1A23 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Main gear door. rear * DOUBLER .Sta.Wing aft section. outboard. right * SPAR ASSEMBLY . outboard.Main gear up switch. left * * BRACKET . right * SKIN ASSEMBLY.Top.03.Main outboard.24. right * SPAR ASSEMBLY . inboard. 24.False spar.Wing aft. 86.Sta.Aft spar * SPAR ASSEMBLY .24. left * * HINGE .Main gear door. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . right * SPAR ASSEMBLY . right * RIB ASSEMBLY . inboard.Wing main.Main inboard. outboard.Bottom. left * SPAR ASSEMBLY . top. always specify Part Number. bottom. right * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY . left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. left * RIB .25. right * SKIN ASSEMBLY . WING TRAILING EDGE ASSEMBLY SECTION I Wing Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 4-28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 Part Number 35618-00 35618-01 35619-02 35619-03 35620-00 35620-01 35621-00 35621-01 35637-00 35637-01 65898-00 65898-01 452 387 65898-04 452 387 65898-07 452 387 62129-08 62129-07 67670-00 67670-01 67673-00 67694-00 67687-00 67687-01 67677-00 67677-01 67678-00 67678-01 86633-02 62371-08 35636-00 67691-00 67691-01 67071-00 67071-01 62129-04 62129-03 35603-26 35603-27 35731-00 35731-01 35634-16 35634-11 35634-18 35634-15 35632-04 35632-05 67065-00 78158-02 78159-00 68817-35 63078-17 95648-00 95648-01 Code E E E E NOMENCLATURE * RIB . left * DOUBLER .Pulley. right * CHANNEL ASSEMBLY .Control cable.Flap. rubber ANGLE .Bellcrank support.Wheel well.Pitot static.Right outboard * COVER .Pulley. 207. aft wing. left * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY . left * HINGE ASSEMBLY . right * DOUBLER . left * BRACKET .Bottom.False spar * ANGLE .Aft rib * PLATE .Right outboard * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Aft spar.Main gear up switch. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . left * BRACKET ASSEMBLY . 174. right * * BEARING .Bellcrank support.Flap. right * RIB .Bottom. 174. left * BRACKET . center. right * RIB . right * PAN . center * * BEARING .Sta. inboard. 140.Sta.Wheel well. right * SKIN ASSEMBLY .(KP3A) * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .Sta. outboard. left ANGLE .Main gear up switch. right * ANGLE .Sta. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Aileron. right * RIB .False spar * PAD . center. left * ANGLE .(KP3A) * STIFFENER .Sta. 140. 157. right * STIFFENER .Control cable. left * RIB .Flap.Sta.Bottom. left * RIB ASSEMBLY .Top.Sta. right * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Sta.Bumper.Sta. right * SKIN .Bottom.Main gear cylinder. aft wing. right No. right * RIB ASSEMBLY .Left outboard * STIFFENER .Left outboard * STIFFENER .Wheel well. right * BRACKET . left * BRACKET . left * * CHANNEL ASSEMBLY . left * RIB . center. inboard. left * SKIN . center. aft wing. left * RIB .09.Top. Description. inboard and outboard * HINGE ASSEMBLY . outboard.Pulley. right * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY . aft wing.Wheel well.40. Req. left * RIB .False spar * ANGLE . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 When ordering. 190. center * BRACKET .Sta. outboard * * BEARING . right * BRACKET .(KP3A) * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .Pulley.Aft spar.Aileron.Wheel well * ANGLE . 207. always specify Part Number. right * * CHANNEL ASSEMBLY .Flap.09. left * COVER .Wheel well * WEB . 190. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1A24 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 157.Main gear cylinder.40. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 5. Aileron Assembly ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1B1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 5 W . Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1B2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . right inboard * DOUBLER .Aileron * FILLER . left inboard * SKIN . left inboard * RIB .Aileron. right * RIB .Left AILERON ASSEMBLY .Aileron. left outboard * RIB .Aileron. left center * DOUBLER .Aileron. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 When ordering. right outboard * DOUBLER . right center * RIB .Aileron.Right * SCREW .Aileron.Aileron. left * SPAR .Aileron * BALANCE WEIGHT ASSEMBLY .Aileron.Aileron.Right * SKIN . right inboard * SKIN .Aileron.Aileron.Aileron. and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1B3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . left outboard * SKIN . left outboard * DOUBLER .(MS24694-S53) * WASHER . Description. left inboard * DOUBLER .Aileron * FITTING . Req.Aileron.Left * BALANCE WEIGHT ASSEMBLY .Aileron.Aileron. always specify Part Number.Aileron.Aileron. right inboard * RIB . right outboard * DOUBLER .Aileron.(AN960-10) * NUT . right outboard * SPAR .SECTION I Wing Group AILERON ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 5-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 Part Number 35640-24 35640-25 35640-02 35640-03 35640-04 35640-05 35640-06 35640-07 35640-08 35640-09 35640-10 35640-11 35640-12 35640-13 35640-14 35640-15 35640-16 35640-17 35640-18 35640-19 35640-20 35640-21 35640-22 35770-02 35770-03 410 035 407 564 404 887 Code W W NOMENCLATURE AILERON ASSEMBLY . left center * RIB .(MS20365-1032C) No. right center * FILLER . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 6. Flap Assembly REVISED: MARCH 1980 1B4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 6 ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1B5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 49 * RIB . bottom.Flap. right.Right * SKIN .Flap. nose * SKIN . right.Flap * SKIN .Flap. right * BRACKET . inboard * SKIN . 49 * RIB .Right flap * RIB . outboard * HINGE . bottom.Flap.Flap. right. Sta. inboard * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY . wing. inboard * SKIN . right * RIB .Flap. left * HINGE . inboard * CORRUGATION .Flap. center and outboard * SPAR . inboard * STRIP . inboard * SKIN .Left flap * RIB . inboard. left and right.Flap. left and right. outboard * SKIN .Right flap * RIB . left.Flap.SECTION I Wing Group FLAP ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 6-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 Part Number 65591-00 65590-01 65592-00 65592-01 65588-00 65589-00 62324-00 62324-01 65899-00 62327-00 62328-00 62328-01 62328-01 62328-00 62332-02 62332-00 62330-00 62330-01 62331-00 62331 01 62320-03 65586-04 65586-05 65587-00 65594-01 65593-01 62336-00 62336-01 65595-01 Code NOMENCLATURE FLAP ASSEMBLY . left.Flap. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1B6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . always specify Part Number. inboard right No. wing.Flap.Flap. left * RIB .Left flap * RIB .Flap * RIB . top. right. left. Req.Flap. bottom. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Flap. Description. Sta. left.Left * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY . top.Flap. top.Right * ZEE . right.Flap. top. inboard.Left FLAP ASSEMBLY . right. left. inboard * RIB .Flap hinge.Flap. nose * SKIN .Flap. Fuselage Assembly .Complete REVISED: APRIL 1981 1B7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Figure 7. Penna. Used if cabin fresh air ventilation system is installed.See Figure 12 for component parts. Used on PA-28RT-201T only.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. See Figure 8 for balance of component parts. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1B8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . See Figures 10 and 11 for balance of component parts. See Figure 9 for balance of component parts. See Figure 11 for balance of component parts. Lock Haven. Piper Aircraft. specify if air conditioning or fresh air ventilation system is installed.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 7 ABCDEFGHJK- Used on PA-28RT-201 only. specify with or without provisions for air conditioning. Used if air conditioning is installed. Serial number of aircraft must be supplied when ordering this part. When ordering for 1979 models. When ordering for 1980 models and up. W . L . right side * * * UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .D. always specify Part Number.K.Upper cockpit.Window trim.Forward upper cockpit. right side * * * * SKIN . right * * * DOUBLER .L B.Cockpit.Cockpit.Cabin air exhaust * * * SCOOP . center front * * * SKIN . top front * * * * SKIN .Fuselage * SKIN .Lower cockpit * * * DOUBLER .Cowl deck * * * UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .Lower cockpit.Window trim. left side * * * * SKIN .Center * * * * SKIN .Upper cockpit. left * * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .Fuselage * * * SKIN .Lower cockpit.Cockpit.Fuselage * * SKIN .Lower cockpit. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1B9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . left side * * SKIN . center front * * * SKIN . left side * * SKIN .Fastener (XX-16362 x 3/8) * COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . top * * * * SKIN ASSEMBLY . right front * * * * COVER .Forward * * * * SKIN . right * * * * FILLER .Lower cockpit. left side * * * SKIN ASSEMBLY .J B.Windshield trim. left * * * DOUBLER .D A B B B A B A ALE B.Window trim.Center * * * UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . left side * * * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Lower cockpit.E A.Aft A B A B A B A.Cockpit.Cockpit.Windshield trim.Lower cockpit * * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY . center rear * * * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .Upper cockpit.Lower cockpit.K B. right side * * LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .Forward upper cockpit. Description. top * * * * DOUBLER .Fuselage * * UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . left side * * SKIN .Forward * * * UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . left * * * * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Fuselage * * * SKIN .F A B C H G No. top rear * STUD .Forward upper cockpit.Windshield trim.Cabin air exhaust * * * DOUBLER .Forward upper cockpit.F B.Fuselage * * LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .Cockpit. right side * * UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .L FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY * AFT SECTION . center * * * SKIN .Lower cockpit.Window trim. Req.K A. left front * * * * SKIN .Fuselage Assembly (Complete) DRAWING . top. right side * * * PAN . top * * * * FILLER .SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Fuselage * COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .Cockpit. center * * * * SKIN ASSEMBLY .K. top * * * * SKIN .COMPLETE PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 7- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67930 35707 A B DRAWING .Fuselage * AFT SECTION . right * * * LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .Lower cockpit air scoop (with 4” hole) * * * DOUBLER .Lower cockpit.Door trim.Upper cockpit. front * * * SKIN .Lower cockpit air scoop (less 4” hole) * * * SCOOP .Fuselage Assembly (Complete) 67930-03 35707-04 86463-05 86463-04 79577-900 487 674 67930-923 35707-903 76476-900 76474-900 76474-800 76476-901 67930-928 35707-908 79573-901 76255-00 76297-00 76297-01 76467-02 67930-929 35707-909 79569-901 35707-801 35707-802 35707-803 62507-00 62507-02 68817-50 79563-901 79563-905 78112-05 67930-920 35707-910 79576-901 79561-03 76256-00 76257-00 67930-925 35707-905 79582-901 79585-902 79585-903 79578-903 68539-00 68540-00 68540-01 62549-00 65556-00 65556-02 66609-00 66965-00 62541-00 62541-01 76470-907 A. left rear * HANDLE .Lower cockpit. Description.Cockpit.Lower cockpit. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1B10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. always specify Part Number. left rear * * * * SKIN .Lower cockpit. center * SKIN .Fuselage * STRIP . right rear * * * * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Safety No.Lower cockpit.Upper cockpit (N12865) COVER .COMPLETE SECTION II Fuselage Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 7-38 -39 -39a -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 Part Number 79580-900 79580-901 76470-963 79581-900 76475-900 481 772 79427-02 65384-00 65431-00 Code W NOMENCLATURE * * * * SKIN . center * * * * * SKIN . Req.ADF antenna closeout STEP ASSEMBLY . Fuselage Upper Forward Cockpit Assembly REVISED: APRIL 1981 1B11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 8. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. F.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 8 ABCDE- Used on PA-28RT-201 only.Used if Century 21 AutoPilot is installed.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. H. and PA-28RT-201Twith serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031188 inclusive. G. J. Lock Haven. Used if NSD-360 is installed. Piper Aircraft. PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. W .Used if King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot is installed. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. REVISED: JULY 1982 1B12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Serial number of aircraft must be supplied when ordering this part.Used if Century 41 AutoPilot is installed. Penna. Control wheel (MS28775-218) * CHANNEL .Engine mount.Upper cockpit * * CHANNEL.Upper forward cockpit. left * WEB ASSEMBLY .Upper forward cockpit.Voltage regulator support.Sta.Firewall. left * RATCHET.H B. left * PLATE ASSEMBLY .04 * ANGLE .Brake handle CHANNEL ASSEMBLY .Upper forward cockpit. upper forward cockpit * ANGLE .Brake support.Stiffener.Instrument. 73. left * CHANNEL . left PANEL.Upper forward cockpit.Firewall * * WHEEL WELL ASSEMBLY . top left * FLANGE . left * ZEE . left * CLIP . left * FITTING .Nose cowl attaching.Firewall * * CHANNEL ASSEMBLY . right * ZEE . left * * CHANNEL. left * * CHANNEL. always specify Part Number. right * CHANNEL .Upper forward cockpit. right * PLATE ASSEMBLY . right * FRAME ASSEMBLY .Instrument.Upper forward cockpit. left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY .Upper forward cockpit.right No. right * * BEAM .Control wheel * BUSHING .Voltage regulator support.Firewall.Instrument. right * LONGERON .Control wheel * PLATE .Nose cowl attaching.Firewall.Upper forward cockpit. top center * FITTING ASSEMBLY .Upper cockpit * FIREWALL ASSEMBLY . left PANEL. top right * FLANGE .Control wheel * “O” RING .Engine mount. Description.Upper cockpit.Upper cockpit * FIREWALL ASSEMBLY.Control wheel * PLATE . left * FITTING .Nose cowl attaching. upper forward cockpit * FLANGE .Firewall.Instrument * PLATE .J NOMENCLATURE UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . left * LONGERON .Forward * FIREWALL ASSEMBLY .Firewall * * BEAM .Upper forward cockpit. right PANEL ASSEMBLY .Stiffener. upper forward cockpit * ANGLE . right * WEB .SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 8-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -7a -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 Part Number 67930-929 35707-909 76437-04 76437-06 35753-02 67257-00 67257-01 63436-00 63436-01 67266-02 35754-00 63423-04 76436-00 67294-00 67294-01 79655-02 39769-02 62506-00 76137-02 67258-00 67259-02 35759-02 79795-04 79795-03 79795-02 79739-02 79739-03 76489-02 62473-02 62485-00 62485-01 76136-00 35727-00 62499-02 62674-03 62674-01 62653-06 79553-00 79553-01 79329-03 79329-08 68272-02 68272-03 68272-04 68273-02 484 792 67125-00 79863-02 79567-00 79567-03 79567-04 39875-02 67137-00 63354-00 67138-00 Code A. 28R-7918001.D B A A B A B E F B A B E F C F.G F.Firewall. left * FITTING ASSEMBLY . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918002 to 28R-7918306 incl. left * * ANGLE .Heat and defroster PANEL.Brake support .Instrument PANEL ASSEMBLY .Firewall. left * WEB . Req. right * * CHANNEL.Upper forward cockpit. left PANEL.Instrument. 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.Forward UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . left * CHANNEL .Firewall * * ANGLE .Hand brake * CONTROL ASSEMBLY .Upper forward cockpit. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1B13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Stiffener.Upper forward cockpit. aft BOLT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1B14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . always specify Part Number.Cowl anti-squeak BUMPER .Battery DOUBLER . Req. left ANGLE ASSEMBLY .Brake support. Description.Brake support.Nose wheel hydraulic cylinder ANGLE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10) NUT .Battery support.(MS20365-1032C) SHIELD . forward CHANNEL .Tee bar BUSHING . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.Instrument panel DOUBLER .J NOMENCLATURE CHANNEL . right SEAL .Instrument panel No.Instrument panel DOUBLER .Tee bar bumper VENT ASSEMBLY .Battery support.(AN3-13A) WASHER .FUSELAGE UPPER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION II Fuselage Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 8-36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 Part Number 67139-00 67140-02 400 444 407 564 404 887 67365-00 35846-02 35846-03 187 356 63927-00 63900-64 35847-02 79566-00 79566-02 39876-02 Code W W W A A C F.G B. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 9. Fuselage Upper Center Cockpit Assembly REVISED: JULY 1982 1B15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1B16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Used if . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Penna.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 9 ABCW- Used on PA-28RT-201 only. Piper Aircraft.250 thick sound reduction windshield is installed. left LONGERON . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. right CHANNEL .(MS20364-524C) BUSHING .6 * * CHANNEL . upper RETAINER .Fuselage.Windshield.Door latch * CLIP . left * CHANNEL . lower BOLT . lower RETAINER .SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 9-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 Part Number 67930-920 35707-910 79561-900 79561-09 79561-10 76132-03 62426-06 62427-00 62427-02 62429-00 79561-903 79561-08 79561-07 79561-04 63038-02 76140-03 76140-04 66969-02 66969-03 79161-00 76468-00 76468-02 76468-03 76239-00 76365-00 69738-00 69740-02 69739-00 69891-10 69891-12 69891-02 69891-04 69891-11 69891-13 69891-03 69891-05 402 057 407 586 404 837 63900-47 402 057 407 586 404 837 63900-46 62412-02 62410-00 62410-01 62430-00 65572-00 65572-01 62477-00 62477-01 67262-02 67262-03 Code B C C C C W W W W NOMENCLATURE UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . Sta. right * CHANNEL .Upper cockpit * PLATE .Eye.Fuselage frame.Upper center fuselage.Upper center cockpit. left * * CHANNEL . always specify Part Number.737. 128.Upper center cockpit. right No.Outer * * PAN . upper RETAINER . forward * CHANNEL . right.Splice plate LONGERON .Inner * CHANNEL .Upper frame.Windshield.Windshield.Center UPPER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . right * CHANNEL .Upper center cockpit. upper * CHANNEL .Upper frame.Windshield. Sta. left. left. 85.Left * * CHANNEL. lower RETAINER . right * * CHANNEL .Led front window. lower door hinge attachment (AN44-17A) WASHER .Eye.Side * * PAN . Sta.Windshield.Fuselage frame.Canted.Door latch * CHANNEL . fuselage. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1B17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(AN960-516L) NUT .Outer * JAMB .Upper center * * PAN .16 * * CHANNEL . upper RETAINER .Support * CHANNEL . Description.(MS20364-524C) BUSHING .Upper center cockpit.Center * PAN ASSEMBLY . upper door hinge attachment (AN44-17A) WASHER . right.Door.Upper center cockpit.Upper door hinge BOLT .Splice plate * PAN ASSEMBLY .Antenna * FRAME ASSEMBLY .(AN960-516L) NUT . left * CHANNEL . top * FRAME ASSEMBLY . right. right * DOUBLER . right. left. Req.Upper center fuselage. 108.Fuselage.Lower door hinge FRAME ASSEMBLY . left. upper RETAINER .Upper center cockpit.Door latch * PLATE ASSEMBLY .Windshield. left * CHANNEL .Upper center cockpit.Upper center cockpit. left CHANNEL .Windshield. right CHANNEL .Door latch RETAINER .Windshield.Right * CHANNEL . lower RETAINER . left CHANNEL .Inner * * PAN . rear GUSSET . right GUSSET . right ANGLE . bottom.Baggage door frame.Support.Upper center cockpit. left CHANNEL .Baggage door frame. left HINGE HALF . right DOUBLER .Upper center cockpit. right ANGLE .Upper center cockpit. rear DOUBLE ASSEMBLY . front.Windshield HAT ASSEMBLY . left CHANNEL .Outboard * ANGLE ASSEMBLY .Left PAN ASSEMBLY .Baggage door frame. right GUSSET . left STRINGER . Req.Upper center cockpit. 72.Shoulder harness.Support.Upper center fuselage. left GUSSET .Windshield * FITTING . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2BR-8231044 and up When ordering.Upper center cockpit.Door frame splice * PLATE . top.Windshield bow.Shoulder harness. front CHANNEL .Baggage door frame.Left side. right STRINGER . right DOUBLER .Lower.Baggage door frame. Sta. right CHANNEL .Support.Door latch PLATE .Door latch WEB .Door latch CHANNEL .Windshield HAT ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1B18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Baggage door frame.Upper center cockpit. left DOUBLER .Upper engine mount * BRACKET .Windshield HAT ASSEMBLY . rear.Baggage door frame. left ANGLE .Windshield bow.Upper center cockpit.Upper cockpit.Right door. left CHANNEL . right STIFFENER .Baggage door GUSSET .Upper cockpit.Headliner attachment left GUSSET . left CHANNEL . bosom. outer CHANNEL .Windshield * BRACKET .6 CHANNEL. rear.Inboard * PAN . rear SUPPORT.Upper cockpit.Fuselage rear. left * BRACKET . front GUSSET .Headliner attachment right CHANNEL . front GUSSET .C B B. always specify Part Number.Upper cockpit.Antenna No. top. inner CHANNEL . left CHANNEL .Upper center cockpit.Support.C A A B B B NOMENCLATURE HAT ASSEMBLY . Description. left CHANNEL . left CHANNEL .FUSELAGE UPPER CENTER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION II Fuselage Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 9-33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 Part Number 62609-03 62609-04 35767-802 35767-803 62505-00 62423-00 35756-00 35756-01 63037-00 79234-00 65570-00 65570-01 62639-00 62639-01 67291-00 67291-01 65117-00 65116-00 62677-00 99421-00 76467-00 76467-03 76467-02 62655-00 76467-04 79639-02 62644-00 62637-00 62635-00 62634-00 62636-00 76279-00 62632-00 62633-00 62483-02 67267-00 76267-01 76261-00 76261-01 76262-00 62419-11 62671-00 99690-00 99690-01 99692-00 99692-01 99741-00 99741-01 99691-00 99691-01 99693-00 87501-02 Code A.Door holder * CHANNEL . top.Support. top. right LOOP ASSEMBLY .Shoulder harness. upper cockpit * PAN . rear CHANNEL . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 10. Fuselage Lower Forward Cockpit Assembly INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1B19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1B20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . See Figure 11 for component parts. Used on PA-28RT-201 only. See latest revision of Piper Service Bulletin 977.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 10 ABCDE- Used if air conditioning is installed. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Outboard.Spar.Spar box. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1B21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . left * * FAIRING . left * HAT ASSEMBLY . left * SUPPORT .Rear seat bottom. lower cockpit * * CHANNEL . right * * HAT * * FAIRING .Front.Seat belt attachment. bottom * * WEB .Lower cockpit.Rear * HAT ASSEMBLY . left * STRINGER .Rear seat bottom.Spar box. left * * FAIRING . right No. right * * HAT .Lower * HAT ASSEMBLY .Rear seat bottom. top * * CHANNEL .Tunnel * HAT ASSEMBLY .Rear of spar box.Front. left * * FAIRING . rear * * BRACKET .Seat belt attachment. right * * HAT . right * LONGERON .Spar box. left * LONGERON .Lower cockpit.Spar box. left * GUSSET . right * GUSSET .Lower COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . right * FITTING .Rear.Rear. always specify Part Number. right * BRACKET .Front. left * HAT ASSEMBLY .Rear of spar box. left * * CHANNEL .Inboard. Sta. left * HAT ASSEMBLY . lower.Spar box. right (with jack pad fitting) * * FAIRING .Lower cockpit. lower.Rear. left * SUPPORT . left * * FAIRING .Outboard.Spar box.Flap return spring * * CHANNEL .Lower cockpit.04 * STRINGER . Req.Lower cockpit. left * BRACKET . left * * CHANNEL . left * CHANNEL .SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 10-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 Part Number 67930-925 35707-905 76469-946 76116-00 76114-00 62543-00 62543-02 67271-00 62554-00 76469-947 76469-948 62528-00 62528-01 76115-00 76115-01 62558-00 62558-01 62554-00 62544-00 62544-01 62441-00 62441-01 76126-00 62525-00 62525-01 76490-02 76490-03 62542-00 62542-01 65636-00 62551-00 62551-01 62581-02 62581-01 67562-00 96890-00 96890-01 96887-02 96887-00 79319-00 35744-02 35745-02 62540-00 35744-03 35747-02 99045-00 67286-00 62546-00 62428-00 62428-01 62536-04 62536-05 62550-00 62550-01 Code B C A NOMENCLATURE COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . right * BRACKET . left and right * * FAIRING .Seat belt attachment * BOX ASSEMBLY . right * BRACKET ASSEMBLY . right * SUPPORT .Center.Spar box. right * SUPPORT .Pulley mounting * CHANNEL . 73.Lower cockpit.Front.Engine.Spar box. front * * WEB .Seat belt attachment.Lower cockpit. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. left * * HAT . right * * CHANNEL . right * * FAIRING .Center.Front.Seat belt attachment.Front.Inboard. left * * HAT . right * BRACKET . right * FRAME ASSEMBLY .Engine.Lower cockpit.Fuselage. right * * FAIRING . left * FITTING . left * PLATE ASSEMBLY . right * BRACKET .Front. Description.Rear seat bottom. Inspection access * CHANNEL .(AN960-D10) * NUT . top.Flap torque assembly.Pulley. left * ANGLE . center front No.Sta.Cockpit floor.Lower cockpit. right * SUPPORT .Tunnel.(MS20365-1032) * BOLT . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 10 8 4 4 4 8 8 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Cockpit floor. side extension. right * ANGLE . left * CHANNEL .(AN960-D10) * NUT . top * STIFFENER .Flap torque tube support. left * PLATE . heat duct * BRACKET ASSEMBLY . Description. 67.Tunnel. left * FITTING .Lower cockpit.Tunnel. left * CHANNEL . side. top.Aft * * COVER . and Serial Number of Aircraft INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1B22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .68.Transponder antenna access * ZEE ASSEMBLY .(MS27039-1-12) * WASHER . always specify Part Number.Lower cockpit.Lower cockpit.Landing gear override * SUPPORT.Tunnel.Flap torque assembly.Pulley. top.Sta.Bottom forward and rear (AN3-5A) * WASHER . left * CHANNEL .Tunnel. right * PLATE .(AN960-D10) * NUT . Req.Tunnel. right * CHANNEL . right * CHANNEL .68.Tunnel. top front * CHANNEL . center front PLATE . 67.Top forward (AN3-10A) * BOLT . left * CHANNEL . top rear PLATE .Rudder pedal stop. right * CHANNEL .Torque shaft center * FITTING .(MS20365-428C) * SUPPORT .Tunnel.Lower cockpit.Lower cockpit. side. right PLATE .Transponder antenna access * PLATE . center rear BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Flap torque tube support.Diaphragm * LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY .Left * FLOORBOARD .Lower cockpit. right * STIFFENER . side extension.FUSELAGE LOWER FORWARD COCKPIT ASSEMBLY SECTION II Fuselage Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 10-35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -54a -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 Part Number 62583-00 62583-01 62763-00 62421-00 62421-01 76118-00 76118-01 76119-00 76119-01 67275-00 35761-00 35761-01 35762-00 35762-01 35763-00 35763-01 35760-01 99417-00 67276-04 67276-03 65126-00 65127-00 65126-01 401 269 401 266 407 694 404 887 415 322 407 694 404 887 415 323 407 694 404 888 67572-00 67574-00 76470-907 62109-00 76120-00 76120-01 96684-00 76123-04 76123-05 36565-03 36565-02 62664-00 76121-00 63287-00 79258-02 79258-03 63288-00 69095-00 Code C C C C C C C D E NOMENCLATURE * PLATE . bottom * BRACKET .Tunnel PLATE . right * FLOORBOARD * FLOORBOARD .Tunnel. left * STIFFENER . left BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Lower cockpit * ANGLE .Rudder pedal stop.Tunnel.Right * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .(MS20365-1032C) * BOLT . left * CHANNEL . left * BOLT .(MS27039-1-13) * WASHER . right * CHANNEL . 1B23 THRU 1B24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Fuselage Lower Aft Cockpit Assembly REVISED: MARCH 1980 1C1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 11. See latest revision of Piper Service Bulletin 977. INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1C2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 11 A . Lower cockpit * * FITTING .Lower Sta. left * * BRACKET .Baggage compartment. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. left * * BRACKET .Baggage compartment * BRACKET .Seat belt attachment * DOUBLER .Lower cockpit No. right ANGLE .Baggage compartment * FRAME ASSEMBLY . left * DOUBLER .Baggage compartment.Aft * CHANNEL .SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE LOWER AFT COCKPIT ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 11-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 Part Number 76470-907 66796-00 62537-00 62534-00 62531-00 66795-00 66795-02 62695-04 62411-02 62448-02 62448-03 62563-02 62563-01 35142-00 35142-01 99701-00 62529-00 62618-00 62618-01 62619-00 65383-00 99699-00 65128-00 65128-01 62859-00 Code A A NOMENCLATURE LOWER COCKPIT ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1C3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Req.Seat belt attachment * BRACKET .Lower cockpit. right * BRACKET .Rear seat belt support. left * BRACKET .Lower cockpit.Baggage floor * FLOOR ASSEMBLY .Baggage compartment * * FLOOR .Left * CHANNEL .Lower cockpit.737 * * CHANNEL . right * * DOUBLER . right * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .Baggage compartment. left * * FITTING .Baggage compartment.Baggage compartment. right * * BRACKET . right * STRINGER ASSEMBLY .Lower cockpit.Baggage compartment. 128. Description.Step * CHANNEL .Rear seat belt support. always specify Part Number. right * * BRACKET .Right * HAT . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 12. Fuselage Aft Section REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1C4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . order one each of forward and aft skins.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. Lock Haven. G .When ordering for 1979 models. E. Piper Aircraft. when fresh air ventilation system is installed.Used if air conditioning is installed. F.Also used on serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218022 inclusive if Aft Fuselage Drain Kit 764 386 has been installed per Service Letter 951. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931068 inclusive.If part being replaced is a one piece skin. specify with or without provisions for air conditioning.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 12 A. W . C. specify if air conditioning or fresh air ventilation system is installed.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918065 inclusive. B .Used on PA-28RT-201 only. D. Penna. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1C5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Used on PA-28RT-201T only. H . When ordering for 1980 models and up.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. C B. always specify Part Number. Sta.Aft fuselage skin. aft * SKIN . 191 to Sta.Fuselage Assembly.E A FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY . aft.Air conditioning exhaust.Fuselage.Evaporator * STRINGER . left * GUSSET . forward * SKIN . 191 * BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY .Pulley.Fairlead * VENT ASSEMBLY .Condenser frame.Aft fuselage skin. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Aft section ASSEMBLY . bottom. Description.Side. right * BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY.Aft fuselage skin.Skin * * ZEE .Lower side. 156 * CHANNEL . left * * BRACKET . upper right * COVER . left. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . aft. Sta.Top center * BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY . right * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Pulley.Air conditioning exhaust.Condenser frame. bottom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 When ordering.Condenser frame.Fuselage. right * BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY .Side.Side. right * * LOUVER . lower right * * ZEE .Side.D F A A A A A G G G G A A A A A A. 274 * HAT ASSEMBLY . Sta.Pulley.Aft fuselage. left * BRACE .Aft fuselage * DOUBLER . aft * SKIN . 219 * GUSSET . Req.Lower center * SKIN ASSEMBLY . left * * LOUVER .Stabilator bellcrank.Lower side. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY . Sta. 156 to Sta. left. forward * GUSSET .Stabilator bellcrank. forward * SKIN .Tail * BRACE .Baggage door. right * PANEL ASSEMBLY . left * BRACKET ASSEMBLY . Sta. right * * DOUBLER . 191 * STRINGER .Lower side.Access cover * * DOUBLER .SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE AFT SECTION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 12- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -7a -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 Part Number Code 86463 86463-04 86463-05 86480-02 86480-800 86480-03 35872-04 35872-05 99559-00 99559-01 86480-10 86480-06 86480-12 86480-11 86480-14 86480-13 86480-15 86485-02 35872-06 86486-04 86486-05 86486-06 86486-07 86488-02 86489-02 65640-06 62630-00 86460-06 86461-02 86462-02 86462-04 86477-02 86477 03 86476-02 86476-03 86490-03 86482-02 86491-02 86492-03 86493-02 86493-03 66769-04 99487-02 99487-01 99488-00 99280-00 99280-02 35890-02 99609-00 65114-00 86494-02 68991-00 86491-03 NOMENCLATURE No. left * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Condenser frame. right * * BRACKET.Aft section * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Frame * * BRACKET.Lower side. Sta. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1C6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Fuselage. 247 * * FITTING . right * GUSSET . forward * SKIN .Condenser frame. left * * BRACKET .Top.Aft fuselage.Top. top.Side.Lower center * SKIN . center * BRACKET ASSEMBLY . upper left * * ZEE .Aft fuselage. right. Sta. top rear * HAT . 219 * BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY . right * SKID ASSEMBLY . right. Aft Section B.Fuselage.Aft fuselage skin.Aft fuselage.Access * SKIN ASSEMBLY . center * HAT ASSEMBLY . lower left * * ZEE .Pulley.Top center.Fuselage. Antenna mount.Air conditioning exhaust louver.) * TUBE ASSEMBLY .Battery box * BRACKET .FUSELAGE AFT SECTION SECTION II Fuselage Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 12-35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 Part Number 22482-00 99813-02 99805-03 86721-05 63947-00 99545-00 99555-00 99496-02 99561-00 99272-00 99273-00 99278-03 99552-00 99552-02 99558-00 99615-00 99615-01 99631-00 86711-06 63904-89 79290-00 87444-02 67367-00 79453-00 62465-00 62463-00 62464-00 Code A.Air conditioning exhaust louver.H NOMENCLATURE * SCOOP . outboard No.Motor support * BRACKET .Condenser door bellcrank. inboard * CHANNEL . Description. right * FILTER .Water drain * HOSE .Condenser door bellcrank. forward * DOUBLER .Condenser door actuation * * BEARING ASSEMBLY .Evaporator vent * DOUBLER .Antenna mount. Req. left * COVER .H D.Air conditioning exhaust * FITTING ASSEMBLY .Drain SHELF ASSEMBLY .Condenser door actuation * CHANNEL .H D.Battery shelf.W C A A A A A A A A A A A A A D. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1C7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Water drain (36. always specify Part Number.Battery shelf * CHANNEL . left * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Condenser door frame * ZEE ASSEMBLY .Condenser door frame * STIFFENER .Drain * SCOOP .Motor mount condenser actuator * COVER . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8218023 and up 28R-8218023 and up 28R-8218023 and up 28R-8218023 and up When ordering. front * CHANNEL .Condenser door frame * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Brace * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .00” L.H D.Battery shelf. right * BRACKET .Battery * WEB .Battery shelf. aft * STIFFENER * VENT ASSEMBLY . Fuselage Cabin and Baggage Door Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1C8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 13. G. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. E. F. O. Order component parts. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. R.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. Q. welded stud and 3/8 O. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. welded stud. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. M. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R -7931353 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918165 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. Complete door assembly not available. baggage door lock and ignition switch are desired.Used on PA-28RT-201T only. J.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. N. Specify color “bark II” or black. P. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1C9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .D. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up. . K. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931216 inclusive.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 13 ABCD- If matching cabin door lock. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031090 and up. removable roller.D.D. order Kit 87329-03. H.Used with door latch hook assembly that has a 1/4 O. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918164 inclusive. Penna.Used with door latch hook assembly that has a 3/8 O.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018062 and up. W . L. Cabin door trim. sandalwood * PAD .Baggage door (bulb type) * STRAP ASSEMBLY . blue (vinyl) * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Cabin door trim.Armrest.) LOCK ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Armrest.75 dia.Armrest. firethorn red (vinyl) * PANEL ASSEMBLY .064-.Baggage door (quarter-round type) * MOULDING .Lock access (5. red (vinyl) * PAD .Cabin door trim.Armrest. Description. buckskin * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Baggage door (11. upper * PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark saddle (knit) * PAD . black * PAD .Cabin door trim. Req. midnight blue * PANEL ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1C10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Armrest. blue (vinyl) * PAD . firethorn red (velour) * PAD . red (vinyl) * PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (velour) * PAD .) * COVER .75” L. white/camel/black * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Cabin door trim.Armrest.Armrest. midnight blue * PAD . always specify Part Number. raspberry/black * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Push bottom (H38-.Door lock * LATCH . dark cedar (knit) * PAD . buckskin (velour) * PAD .Cabin door trim. patrician sandalwood * PAD . olivetone * PAD . light buckskin (vinyl) * PAD .Cabin door trim. dark blue (vinyl) * PAD . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Cabin door trim.Armrest. light buckskin 1 1 9’ 9’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. light buckskin (leather) * PAD . tan * PAD . firethorn red (leather) * PAD . firethorn red (vinyl) * PAD Armrest.Lock access (4. dark cedar (leather) * PAD .Armrest.460) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Cabin door trim. dark blue (leather) * PAD . tan/seal * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Cabin door.Cabin door trim.Complete (less lock assembly) * HOLDER ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Armrest.Armrest.Baggage door DOOR ASSEMBLY .Cabin door trim.Armrest. firethorn red (fabric) * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Armrest. light blue (velour) * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Doors Installation DRAWING . dark blue (velour) * PAD .) * SPACER . dark blue (vinyl) * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest. olivetone * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Baggage compartment (bonded) (less lock assembly) * MOULDING . dark blue (velour) * PANEL ASSEMBLY . camel * PAD .Armrest * * BOX ASSEMBLY .Door Snubber Installation DOOR ASSEMBLY .75 dia.Armrest.Armrest.Cabin door trim.SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE CABIN AND BAGGAGE DOOR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 13- Part Number 79546 36722 Code K -1 66793-18 -2 19063-02 189 139 65440-07 21176-00 472 010 12761-02 79452-00 87329-08 79545-03 66710-17 763 003 580 731 579 507 579 508 579 474 579 228 559 758 680 002 579 509 579 510 579 472 579 227 559 793 680 001 579 473 680 003 559 805 579 226 579 115 559 782 579 113 579 114 680 131 680 000 559 770 79542-04 579 410 579 559 579 560 579 316 579 263 680 117 680 049 579 561 579 562 579 338 P G D E N Q Q G G F N Q Q O Q Q L R Q R M Q Q Q 579 262 680 048 579 339 680 050 N Q O Q -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 W W A B P G D E N Q Q G G F NOMENCLATURE No.Ash tray (S-25-AR-C) * PAD .Cabin door trim. dark saddle (leather) * COVER .Cabin door trim. dark carmine * PAD . Door latch tube (PS10087-2-1) 1 * * * * BOLT .Cabin door trim.080 thick) clear 1 * WINDOW .(P70FS420-4C) 1 * * COVER . * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Side panel 2 * MOULDING . Description.Teflon 1 * WASHER . dark cedar (knit) 1 * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Door latch.Door latch (with 3/8 O.D.Cabin clear 1 * * KNOB . sandalwood 1 * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Door handle 1 * * LATCH ASSEMBLY .Cabin door (. dark saddle 1 * RETAINER .(AN-20) 1 * * * * WASHER .Door latch 1 * * HANDLE .Cabin door latch 1 * * HANDLE .(AN320-1) 2 * * * COTTER PIN .Door. upper 1 * * HINGE .Cabin door.FUSELAGE CABIN AND BAGGAGE DOOR INSTALLATION SECTION II Fuselage Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 13-13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 Part Number 579 261 579 082 579 080 579 081 580 047 99943-00 189 139 79475-20 79475-69 79475-68 79475-60 79475-16 79475-07 79475-08 79475-22 486 145 79515-35 79515-13 79647-02 79515-04 79515-06 587 398 400 113 407 565 404 101 424 051 407 582 79515-07 79514-08 79514-16 79530-02 587 381 62833-105 79532-02 400 665 407 562 404 391 424 041 424 178 424 041 480 800 99997-00 62833-21 63039-00 519 853 62833-107 407 680 36598-02 79475-34 62833-06 63045-00 36590-02 63042-03 63036-03 63036-04 -51 63900-50 Code M M M Q W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE No.(AN960-416) 3 * * * * NUT.Window 1 * * SCREW.Door latch 1 * * * * SPRING .Neoprene 1 * HANDLE .(AN960-C816) 1 * LATCH ASSEMBLY .Door latch 1 * * HOOK ASSEMBLY .(AN21-31) 2 * * * WASHER . lower 1 * * RETAINER . white 1 * * WASHER 1 * * SPRING .Door latch 1 * * * LINK .Cabin door.125 thick) dear 1 * WINDOW . always specify Part Number.Spring (MS9048-111) 1 * EXTRUSION .(AN960-6) 2 * * * NUT . dark carmine 1 * PANEL ASSEMBLY .Door latch mechanism 1 * * * SPRING .Cabin door trim.(MS24665-132) 1 * * * WASHER . auxiliary 1 * * PAN .Cabin door trim.Cabin door trim.(AN960-6L) 2 * * * BOX-ASSEMBLY .(MS24622-43) 1 v * WASHER .126 thick) tinted 1 * DOOR ASSEMBLY .D.(MS20392-2C19) 1 * * * COTTER PIN .Cabin door 1 * * * BOLT .Cabin door (bulb type) 13’ * WINDOW .Vinyl 7’ * WASHER .080 thick) tinted 1 * WINDOW .Door.Door.Cabin door (.Cabin door (.(AN310-4) 1 * * * * COTTER PIN .Door latch mechanism 2 * * * BUSHING .(E0240-037-1760S) 1 * * * WASHER .Door 1 * * * TUBE ASSEMBLY . welded stud) 1 * * HOOK ASSEMBLY . welded stud) 1 * * BUSHING 3 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. auxiliary latch 1 * SCREW .Cabin door trim.Cabin (less window and lock assembly) 1 * * HINGE .(MS24665-5) 2 * * * PIN .(MS24665-5) 1 * * * PIN . dark cedar (velour) 1 * PANEL ASSEMBLY . auxiliary 1 * * CAM . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1C11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Req.Cabin door (.Door latch mechanism 1 * * * HANDLE .Door latch (with 1/4 O.Door latch mechanism 1 * * * LATCH . ) * HANDLE .Door holder (neoprens) PIN .(AN960-C816) * * SCREW .Door lock DOOR HOLDER ASSEMBLY BOLT .Door holder PLACARD .Latch No. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 When ordering.Door assist (PS10091-1) * SCREW .(AN530-10R36) * PAN .Door release PLACARD .(AN23-10A) PIN .D.(MS20392-3C13) WASHER .Cabin door BUSHING .(AN960-516L) * * WASHER .(MS24622-43) * * WASHER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1C12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Door latch * * PLATE . Req. baggage WASHER .Door latch LOCK ASSEMBLY .Door latch * * PLATE .Max. always specify Part Number.SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE CABIN AND BAGGAGE DOOR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 13-52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 Part Number 68179-00 68179-07 68179-02 68179-08 407 680 519 853 407 586 62833-107 36572-03 464 412 419 594 79542-06 87329-07 63020-02 68555-05 65727-00 400 862 62400-02 36722-04 87334-02 87337-02 62833-39 424 204 407 585 424 051 69669-117 69669-118 Code J H J W W C A K W W NOMENCLATURE * * PLATE .Door snubber (150" long) PLACARD .Door latch (3/8 O.Door latch * * WASHER .(MS246665132) PLACARD .(AN960-416L) COTTER PIN .Door latch * * PLATE . Description.Open PLACARD .Baggage door hinge SEAL .Teflon * * ROLLER . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 14. Fuselage Enclosure Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1C13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 250 thick sound reduction windshield is installed. Lock Haven. G.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. Used if . E. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. H. Piper Aircraft. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up. Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 14 ABC- Used if gray tinted windshield and windows are installed. F. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. N. K.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R -7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. L. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931216 inclusive. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1C14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918165 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up. D. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. J. W . Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918164 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. M.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Rear.Right (.Rear. left (.Windshield mounding. top.125 thick) WINDOW . right (. left * WINDOW . left WINDOW ASSEMBLY .Left (. white RETAINER .Left (.SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 14- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 63070 76361 79171 DRAWING .Center. left RETAINER .Shakeproof (3502-10-71) * WASHER .Windshield moulding.250 thick) WINDSHIELD .Front.Rear.080 thick) WINDOW .Right (.125 thick) WINDOW .125 thick) WINDSHIELD .Right (. right WINDOW ASSEMBLY . left (.Windshield.Left (.125 thick) WINDOW .080 thick) WINDOW .Center.Rear.Front.Center.Front window. left COLLAR .Dome (8061-NP) * HINGE . right (.125 thick) WINDSHIELD .Storm * WINDOW ASSEMBLY . right COLLAR . center RETAINER .125 thick) WINDSHIELD .080 thick) WINDOW .Window Frame Installation 63070-46 79296-16 63070-42 79296-18 63070-45 79296-17 63070-41 79296-19 63070-43 63070-44 63070-11 63070-05 79557-00 79154-00 79155-00 65826-05 65826-06 65798-03 65798-04 65896-00 65896-02 65895-00 65742-00 79572-00 408 826 407 041 477 696 65782-00 63744-09 67556-04 78086-00 76275-00 76275-03 76275-02 76275 04 76276-00 76276-03 76276-02 76276-04 76277-00 76277-03 76277-02 76277-04 76278-00 76278-03 76278-02 76278-04 76197-00 76143-00 79562-00 WINDSHIELD .Side panel WINDOW .Outside.250 thick) WINDSHIELD .Front.Rear.Front window.Center. front.080 thick) WINDOW . right (.Windshield Installation DRAWING .125 thick) WINDSHIELD . right (. left * WINDOW ASSEMBLY . right TRIM STRIP .080 thick) WINDOW .Center.Center. left (.Front window.Rear. right (.Inside. right (.Hinge TRIM . Req.Rear.Left (.Center.Storm * * HINGE . left COLLAR . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Half * PIN .Front. right (. left (. left A A A A A A A W W A A A A A A A A No.Right (.080 thick) WINDOW . left (. left (.Outside. Description. left * WINDOW .125 thick) WINDOW .Half * LATCH ASSEMBLY .125 thick) WINDOW .080 thick) WINDOW .Storm window * SCREW .(MS35338-41) * NUT .125 thick) WINDOW .125 thick) WINDOW . left RETAINER . left (.080 thick) WINDOW .Rear. left (. right (.250 thick) WINDSHIELD .Windshield.250 thick) COLLAR .Inside.Storm window attachment * WASHER .125 thick) RETAINER . always specify Part Number.Window Installation DRAWING .Center. bottom. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1979 1C15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . left RETAINER . Windowsill.Center window.Windowsill. dark cedar (velour) COVER ASSEMBLY . top. top.Center window. bottom.Windowsill.(NAS601-8P) NUT PLATE . rear. right RETAINER .Windowsill.Rear window.Window frame.Windowsill.Window framed center.Windowsill.Windowsill. right RETAINER .Front window.(207-200201-00-0103) COVER ASSEMBLY .SECTION I Wing Group WING INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 14-22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 Part Number 63071-12 76264-00 63071-18 76267-00 76267-01 76268-00 76269-00 76265-00 76266-00 76270-00 76270-01 76272-00 76272-01 76273-00 76274-00 76271-00 99943-00 79171-14 79171-11 79171-10 79171-08 79171-09 79171-13 63149-20 63149-21 78051-25 99997-00 581 928 556 315 556 119 556 266 566 267 556 713 556 941 559 759 557 200 556 268 556 269 556 693 556 940 559 794 557 199 556 694 557 201 559 806 556 939 557 059 559 783 557 057 557 058 557 198 559 771 419 641 486 286 406 823 415 536 415 537 Code J K F C D J M M F F F J M M L M M G N M N H M M W W B. left RETAINER . olivetone COVER ASSEMBLY .Windowsill.Windshield how.Windowsill.W NOMENCLATURE RETAINER .Center window.Rear window. upper. left RETAINER . bottom. right COVER .Center window. front. sandalwood COVER ASSEMBLY .Windowsill. rear. right COVER .Rear window. camel COVER ASSEMBLY . firethorn red heather) COVER ASSEMBLY . right RETAINER . left RETAINER .Windowsill.Windowsill. tan COVER ASSEMBLY . dark saddle (leather) SCREW . left RETAINER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 ISSUED: JULY 1984 1C16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . rear. right RETAINER . rear. upper.Windowsill.Windowsill.Windshield bow.Windowsill. Req.(MS35206-246) SCREW . always specify Part Number. right RETAINER . raspberry COVER ASSEMBLY . left COVER . firethorn red (vinyl) COVER ASSEMBLY .Center window.Rear window. rear.Windowsill. right RETAINER .Window frame. right COVER . dark cedar (leather) COVER ASSEMBLY . light buckskin (vinyl) COVER ASSEMBLY . white COVER ASSEMBLY . blue (vinyl) COVER ASSEMBLY .Windowsill.Rear window. left RETAINER .Windowsill.Windowsill.Center window. dark bide (vinyl) COVER ASSEMBLY . right RETAINER .Windowsill.Windowsill. top RETAINER . dark blue (leather) COVER ASSEMBLY .(NAS686 A06K) SCREW .Center window.Vinyl PLUG . front. bottom. lower. left COVER .Rear window. right RETAINER EXTRUSION . rear. light buckskin (leather) COVER ASSEMBLY . left COVER . rear. dark blue (velour) COVER ASSEMBLY .Windowsill. dark carmine COVER ASSEMBLY . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 AR 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 24 20 8 8 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up When ordering.Windshield bow.Windowsill. left COVER .Window frame center. left RETAINER .(MS35206-247) No.Rear window. front. front.Side parted COVER . dark saddle (knit) COVER ASSEMBLY . left RETAINER . Description. midnight blue COVER ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (knit) COVER ASSEMBLY .Window frame front.Center window. red (vinyl) COVER ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (velour) COVER ASSEMBLY . buckskin COVER ASSEMBLY . left RETAINER .(4 x 1 2” L ) Type) “A” Truss SCREW . bottom.Windowsill. (NAS601-8P) SCREW . Description.(MS35206-244) SCREW .Windshield NUT PLATE . always specify Part Number.(PS10016-4) RETAINER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1C17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 14-46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 Part Number 415 544 415 535 486 286 419 681 494 001 99943-00 406 809 69219-00 78051-19 78051-26 Code B W W W NOMENCLATURE SCREW .(PS10012-4) WASHER . Req.(MS35206-245) SCREW .(NAS687-A06K) PLATE RETAINER RETAINER No. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 2 4 4 2 4 1 1 1 When ordering. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 15. Tail Surfaces Installation REVISED: APRIL 1981 1C18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up. Used if Rudder Torque Tube Fitting Inspection Kit 764 100v has been installed per Service Bulletin 699. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. Used if rudder tip tail light is not installed.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 15 ABCDEFGHJKLMW- See Figure 17 for component parts. See Figure 16 for component parts. Used if rudder tip tail light is installed. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 only. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1C19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931 001 to 28R-81 31229 inclusive. Lock Haven. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118092 inclusive. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Piper Aircraft. See Figure 18 for component parts. Penna. Used if Rudder Torque Tube Fitting Inspection Kit 764 100v has not been installed. Fin.(AN960-516) WASHER .Tailcone Fairing Assembly and Installation DRAWING .(PS10092-1-2C) SCREW .(AN960-10) WASHER .(PS10092-1-2C) SCREW .Fin Assembly and Installation DRAWING .(MS35206-243) WASHER .(PS10020-7-17) BOLT . always specify Part Number. forward TIP ASSEMBLY .Rudder tip.Fin Tip Assembly and Installation DRAWING .(AN4-6A) WASHER .Rudder Assembly and Installation DRAWING .(AN960-416L) NUT .G A.Fin Tip Assembly and Installation DRAWING . aft (without provisions for tail light) MOULDING .(AN5-6A) WASHER .(AN3-12A) WASHER .(AN4-7A) WASHER .(AN960-416) NUT .(PS10062-5-2) COVER .Rudder Tip Assembly and Installation FIN ASSEMBLY FIN ASSEMBLY FIN ASSEMBLY STABILATOR ASSEMBLY RUDDER ASSEMBLY FAIRING ASSEMBLY .Stabilator Assembly and Installation DRAWING .(AN960-8L) NUT .Fin.Rudder Tip Assembly and Installation DRAWING .SECTION III Tail Surfaces Group TAIL SURFACES INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 15- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 Part Number 35873 35894 35879 38402 36714 35897 78913 35885 36707 35873-03 35873-10 35873-09 35894-03 35879-03 35897-03 411 514 407 583 78913-07 78913-04 38402-12 36714-03 38402-05 36714-04 35873-06 96319-00 86496-06 452 719 400 003 407 565 401 186 407 566 407 586 401 186 407 566 407 586 404 889 402 680 407 565 407 585 404 561 510 058 494 101 414 779 494 101 415 533 407 583 477 673 35885-07 400 443 407 564 407 584 402 316 407 565 404 888 400 004 407 565 404 888 Code J K J K A.(AN174-15A) WASHER .(AN5-6A) WASHER .(NAS1104-17) WASHER .Aft DORSAL FIN .(AN960-416) NUT .(AN960-416) WASHER .Fin. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Rudder * BEARING .F A. leading edge BOLT . Description.(AN960-416) BOLT .(AN960-8L) DORSAL FIN .(MS20365-428C) 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 2 3 1 2 16 16 16 16 4 4 4 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8031001 and up When ordering.(AN960-10L) BOLT .Rudder torque tube SECTOR ASSEMBLY .Dorsal Fin Assembly and Installation DRAWING .H B C W W J K W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE No.Forward TIP ASSEMBLY .(AN960-516L) BOLT .(MS20365-524C) BOLT .Tailcone SCREW-(MS35207-245) WASHER .(NAS514P832-8) WASHER . forward TIP . aft (with provisions for tail light) TIP . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1C20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(AN960-516) WASHER .Extruded FITTING .(MS20365-428C) BOLT .(AN960-516L) NUT .(MS21045-4) SCREW .Fin.(MS24693-S49) WASHER . (NAS514P832-8) WASHER . Req.(AN174-16A) WASHER .W M.(AN960-PD416L) WASHER .W W W E.(AN960-PD10) WASHER .(PS10092-1-2C) FAIRING ASSEMBLY FAIRING ASSEMBLY FAIRING ASSEMBLY BOLT .(AN315-3R) SCREW .Clip (PS10062-5-7) PLACARD .(MS20365-1032C) NUT .W M.Do Not Push No. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 12 1 1 1 6 6 2 When ordering. always specify Part Number.J E.(AN960-PD416) NUT .(AN173-16A) BOLT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1C21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .W L.(MS20365-428C) BOLT . Description.TAIL SURFACES INSTALLATION SECTION III Tail Surfaces Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 15-25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 Part Number 402 291 758 551 407 574 407 588 407 613 404 887 404 888 553 266 404 224 510 058 494 101 35885-10 36707-03 35885-03 400 437 477 671 87341-02 Code M L.(NKN428-3-7) NUT .(AN3-3A) NUT .W M.K D W W NOMENCLATURE BOLT . 1C22 THRU 1C24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 16. Stabilator Assembly ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Penna. Lock Haven. Piper Aircraft.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 16 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . (PS10020-7-17) * WEIGHT .(MS20365-428C) * BOLT .Aft.Hinge.Aft. main * SPAR .Inboard * * DOUBLER * FITTING .(AN3-10A) * WASHER .(AN960-10) * NUT . bottom right * SPAR .Stabilator Assembly and Installation 35894-03 35894-10 35894-11 35894-12 35894-13 35894-08 35894-07 35894-09 63392-00 63392-01 63393-00 63393-01 63561-06 63572-00 63569-00 63570-00 63571-00 65300-00 38400-07 38400-04 63565-02 78937-02 78937-03 63566-03 63566-02 63666-02 63666-03 63667-00 63562-00 63564-00 62002-02 62002-03 62002-04 38298-03 452 719 38606-03 78967-03 38399-06 38399-07 38399-04 63586-02 63586-03 63587-00 63587-01 63588-03 63563-03 96564-00 78968-02 401 325 407 565 404 888 400 438 407 584 401 269 407 564 404 887 STABILATOR ASSEMBLY * SKIN .Leading edge.(AN4H-21A) * WASHER .Extruded.Outboard * * RIB . top right * SKIN . left * STIFFENER . Description. inboard and center * CLOSURE .Stabilator trim.Stabilator.(AN3-4A)4 * WASHER . nose * RIB . center aft * SKIN .Stabilator.Aft.(AN960-416) * NUT .Stabilator * SKIN .(MS20365-1032C) W W W W W W W No. outboard * HINGE . top left * SKIN .SECTION III Tail Surfaces Group STABILATOR ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 16- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35894 DRAWING .Control horn tie.Stabilator spar * ANGLE .Stabilator. always specify Part Number. outboard left * SKIN .Center. outboard * PIN . right * * HINGE . inboard left * SKIN .Stabilator.Stabilator trim tab control * TAB ASSEMBLY . center bottom * SKIN . outboard right * SKIN . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1D3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Leading edge. outboard * TIP .Center.Stabilator. top. outboard * PIN .Stabilator * PIN .Extruded. rear * RIB . left * TAB ASSEMBLY . aft * RIB .Half. inboard right * SKIN .Stabilator. bottom.Stabilator trim tab. bottom left * SKIN .Stabilator balance * HORN . bottom. Req. center front * SKIN .Hinge.Leading edge.Stabilator balance * * BEARING . bottom * STIFFENER .Hinge.Leading edge. right * STIFFENER . Stabilator tab * * SKIN .Leading edge.Aft.Stabilator. left * STIFFENER . left * * SKIN . right * * RIB . right * FITTING .Stabilator trim.Stabilator trim tab. outboard * TUBE ASSEMBLY .Stabilator hinge * PLATE .Stabilator.Balance weight attachment * CAP .Stabilator * HINGE .(AN960-10L) * BOLT.Leading edge. top * SKIN . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 AR 1 2 4 2 1 4 1 2 1 When ordering.Leading edge.Stabilator balance * PLATE . bottom * BOLT.Stabilator. top. Req.(MS20365-428C) inboard * BOLT .(AN4-6A) inboard * WASHER .17A) * WASHER .(AN3.(MS20365-1032C) * SCREW. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 6 2 24 24 24 4 8 4 4 8 4 When ordering.(AN960-10) * NUT .(AN960-416) inboard * NUT .(NAS514P832-8) * WASHER .STABILATOR ASSEMBLY SECTION III Tail Surfaces Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 16-42 -43 -44 -45 Part Number 400 450 407 564 404 887 510 058 494 101 477 672 400 003 407 565 404 888 400 004 407 565 404 888 Code W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE * BOLT . Description.(AN960-416) * NUT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1D4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(MS20365-428C) No. always specify Part Number.(PS10062-5-1) * BOLT .(AN4-7A) outboard * WASHER .(PS10092-1-2C) * NUT . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 17. Fin Assembly REVISED: MARCH 1980 1D5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 28R-7931001 to 28R7931353 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial nos. Piper Aircraft.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.Used on PA-28RT-201 only. Lock Haven.Used on PA-28RT-201T only. 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. W . Penna. C .. and PA-28RT-201T with serial nos. B .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 17 A . REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1D6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Antenna mounting * SCREW . leading edge * BRACKET .Fin nose * RIB .Vertical fin * FITTING . Req.Vertical fin attachment * FITTING ASSEMBLY . right * DOOR ASSEMBLY .Fin. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1D7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Fin. left * COVER .Fin nose * RIB ASSEMBLY .Fin nose * RIB .Upper fin root * RIB . rear * RIB ASSEMBLY .Air inlet * SKIN .Leading edge. top. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING . fin * * COVER . top. right * DOUBLER .Cover. left * SKIN . front * SPAR ASSEMBLY . left * SCREW . fin * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Fin.Fin nose * RIB .(FF-1207-3) * DOUBLER .Fin root * RIB ASSEMBLY .Antenna door * CONDUIT .Fin.(MS35206-243) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8031001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8031001 and up When ordering.Leading edge.Fin root * RIB .(KP3A) * * BEARING . right * SPAR ASSEMBLY .(PS10020-21-1) * * BEARING .Fin.Fin.Antenna * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .Leading edge.Access.SECTION III Tail Surfaces Group FIN ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 17- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 Part Number Code 35873 35873-03 35873-10 35873-09 78908-04 78908-28 78908-26 78908-11 35873-04 35873-05 78935-28 78935-27 38321-02 38347-02 78935-19 78935-35 78935-17 38622-02 78935-31 78935-32 78935-21 78935-42 35697-02 86548-02 78927-02 452 387 452 538 452 627 38346-04 38346-05 78935-08 78935-09 38381-02 38382-02 95264-02 38379-02 415 533 78935-46 78935-47 415 533 NOMENCLATURE No.Fin root * RIB .Fin.Stabilator attachment * * BEARING .(MS35206-243) * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY . left * DOUBLER .Fin. left * DOUBLER .Fin root * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY . Description. fin * SKIN ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Vertical Fin Assembly and Installation A B C A B C A W W FIN ASSEMBLY FIN ASSEMBLY FIN ASSEMBLY * SKIN ASSEMBLY .Fin nose * RIB .Fin. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 18. Rudder Assembly ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 18 W . (AN960-10L) W W W W No.Balance weight * BOLT .Nose * RIB ASSEMBLY .Rudder root * RIB . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1D10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .SECTION III Tail Surfaces Group RUDDER ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 18- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35879 DRAWING .Rudder Assembly and Installation 35879-03 78981-10 78981 -11 78928-02 78981-05 78981-06 78981-07 78981-15 78981-16 78915-03 78982-02 78981-17 78981-08 78981-18 400 438 407 584 401 258 407 584 35820-02 35879-05 401 258 407 584 RUDDER ASSEMBLY * SKIN . Description.Leading edge. Req.Rudder tip * RIB ASSEMBLY .(AN3H-6A) * WASHER . upper * SKIN .Nose * TORQUE TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN3H-6A) * WASHER .(AN960-10L) * BOLT . always specify Part Number.(AN960-10L) * BALANCE WEIGHT * SUPPORT * EXULT.(AN3-4A) * WASHER . lower * SKIN .Rudder * RIB .Rudder * WEIGHT .Leading edge.Rudder * COVER PLATE .Rubber nose * HINGE. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 4 4 When ordering. aft * SPAR .Rudder balance * DOUBLER ASSEMBLY .Rudder. APRIL 1981 1D11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Figure 19. Nose Landing Gear Installation REVISED. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1D12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Used with hydraulic cylinder P/N 35797-02 only. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Used if shock absorber is stamped with Monroe part number 18737. Used with 1/4-20 x 1 stop bolt only. Penna. Used on PA-28RT-201T only.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 19 ABCDEFW- See Figure 20 for component parts. Piper Aircraft. Used on PA-28RT-201 only. Lock Haven. Bungee seal BUSHING BOOT .Shimmy dampener (AN316-4R) CLAMP .Hydraulic. right BUNGEE ASSEMBLY .Shimmy dampener NUT .Nose wheel.(AN320-4) * COTTER PIN .Steering * BEARING . shimmy dampener * NUT .(MS28775-110) * “O” RING . left BUNGEE ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Special * BOLT .(F-2131) BRACKET ASSEMBLY .B 35797-03 35797-02 752 595 752 585 752 596 67109-00 35735-02 82732-99 76426-03 87319-03 87319-02 63900-120 61402-93 67598-00 402 940 407 565 404 393 424 052 76409-00 35829-02 452 445 35830-02 67168-00 67169-00 87357-03 11601-03 404 322 67244-00 76425-00 76425-03 76425-02 76425-04 62832-02 452 334 452 334 452 590 76407-03 452 445 63900-41 401 274 407 584 404 887 35282-00 65003-45 453 158 67114-00 67192-00 67510-00 35281-00 B C F F F B C W W W W B C B C W W E B C B C B C W W W W NOMENCLATURE No.(MS28775-122) ARM ASSEMBLY .Nose Landing Gear Installation GEAR ASSEMBLY .(MS24665-134) CAM ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.(NAS464P4-27) * WASHER .Steering CAM ASSEMBLY .Nose wheel steering * BEARING . tube and wheel assembly) GEAR ASSEMBLY .(PS10020-11-4) BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .Nose gear spring ARM ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10L) * NUT .Nose (less tire. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1D13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . inner SPRING . nose gear (Gar-Kenyon P/N 94951) * “O” RING .Nose gear arm assembly.(PS10020-1-6RX) * BEARING .(AN3-15A) * WASHER .(PS10020-1-6RX) * BEARING .Nose wheel.(FF600-5) * BUSHING * BOLT . right * CLIP . left BUNGEE ASSEMBLY .Shimmy dampener BUNGEE ASSEMBLY .(MS28775-120) * “O” RING .Bungee * BEARING .Nose wheel.(MS20365-1032C) RING .Gear downlock * BEARING * BEARING * BUSHING .Nose gear arm assembly LINK AND BRACE ASSEMBLY .Bungee seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 When ordering.C 67100-10 A. nose gear CYLINDER .(FF600-5) * BEARING SPRING .Nose Landing Gear Installation DRAWING . outer DAMPENER ASSEMBLY .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group NOSE LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 19- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 Part Number Code 76426 35705 C 67100-04 A. Req.Nose wheel.Hydraulic. Description.Nose gear arm assembly. tube and wheel assembly) CYLINDER .Upper drag brace assembly * BUSHING .Cylinder rod end (special) BEARING PLATE .Nose gear spring * BUSHING .(AN960-416) * NUT .Upper drag brace assembly * BUSHING .Nose (less tire.Nose wheel shimmy * BOLT .Eye. (MS20365-1032C) BOLT.(NAS464P3-14) WASHER .(AN310-4) COTTER PIN .Nose gear * BUSHING .95) DOWNLOCK ASSEMBLY .(PS10020-1-6RX) * TUBE .Seal ring retainer HOUSING .Nose gear downlock * BOLT .Rod assembly BOLT .(1/4-20 x 1) STOP ASSEMBLY .Seal HOUSING .Nose gear DOWNLOCK ASSEMBLY .Nose wheel bungee PACKING .(AN960-516) NUT.18 x 1.Nose wheel control * BEARING .(MS24665-287) WASHER WASHER .(AN960-416L) NUT.18 x 1.(MS20365-1032C) * CLIP .(5/16 .(5/16 .(PS10020-1-7RX) CAP .Bungee seal BOLT .(AN5-51) WASHER .(AN6-25) NUT .Switch actuator BOOT .Switch actuator * CLIP .Bolt (519) BEARING . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1D14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(AN23-21A) * BUSHING * WASHER .Trim ROD ASSEMBLY .(AN23-19A) * NUT .(NAS506-4) BOLT . Description.Spacer PACKING .(AN960-10L) NUT .(AN960-516L) WASHER .(MS24665-132) BOLT.(MS24665-132) BOLT . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 When ordering.(AN4-13) WASHER .Seal RING .(MS20364-1032C) * BOLT .(AN310-4) COTTER PIN . always specify Part Number.(AN3-15A) WASHER .(AN310-5) COTTER PIN .(Teflon) No.(AN4-17) WASHER .(AN310-C6) COTTER PIN .(MS21042-3) HOUSING .(AN960-416L) NUT .NOSE LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION SECTION IV Landing Gear Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 19-38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -60 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 Part Number 452 729 554 005 452 386 453 199 37970-02 37970-02 67150-04 67150-06 65003-37 400 871 404 835 400 873 65003-30 407 564 404 887 67752-02 67752-03 35270-00 63656-02 63925-00 63656-00 63910-02 63911-00 63912-00 63327-23 452 334 63327-22 402 889 407 564 404 526 35283-00 401 274 407 584 404 887 400 108 407 565 407 585 404 101 424 051 400 112 407 585 404 101 424 051 400 191 407 586 407 566 404 102 424 052 400 218 404 123 424 061 62833-43 62533-87 Code B. Req.(AN960-416) WASHER .(AN960-10) * NUT .Seal ring PLATE .D B B C B C W W W B C W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W .(AN960-10) NUT . NOMENCLATURE BEARING .(MS24665-134) BOLT .95) STOP ASSEMBLY . (AN26-20A) WASHER .42 O.(AN960-616L) NUT .Steering cam assembly.(AN960-416) NUT.) WASHER . WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN936-B616) WASHER .(AN320-6) COTTER PIN .(AN23-38A) WASHER .(AN340-416) 1/4 .D.W C.1032C) BOLT.(1.(AN3-10A) BOLT .(MS20365. Req.(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .W W W W W C B.(AN24-30) WASHER .(AN960-416L) NUT .(.) WASHER .W W B C B.Lock (MS35338-44) . outer BUSHING .) WASHER .(AN936-B616) WASHER .(AN960-416) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .(MS20364-624C) BOLT .(AN24-42) BOLT .) WASHER .(MS24665-134) WASHER .Lock (AN935-516) .Steering cam assembly No. D.(NAS1104-13D) WASHER .(AN174-14) WASHER .00 O.W B C W W W W W W W W B C NOMENCLATURE BOLT .(MS24665-132) SCREW .(MS20365. D.75 O.(AN310-3) NUT .(AN23-36A) BOLT .Bungee seal BOLT .W C C C.(MS35649-2312) 5/16 .(MS24665-285) BOLT.(AN310-4) COTTER PIN . D.(AN26-40) WASHER .W C.18 thread BOLT .319 I. D.(AN960-416L) NUT . Description.(AN7-42) BOLT .(AN3-6A) WASHER .W B.SECTION IV Landing Gear Group NOSE LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 19-66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 Part Number 400 279 400 272 407 568 404 124 424 061 35284-02 400 885 400 889 407 564 404 887 400 723 400 717 80122-20 407 585 404 101 424 052 407 044 407 106 405 450 404 599 405 450 400 774 407 587 404 395 424 060 402 312 407 565 404 101 424 052 400 055 402 678 95061-174 407 565 407 585 404 100 404 393 424 051 411 349 400 762 400 756 407 143 407 143 62833-10 62833-10 407 587 404 838 400 440 407 564 404 887 401 269 407 584 404 887 67189-00 14976-15 14976-16 65003-15 95061-173 Code B W W B C W W B C W C.W B W W W W W W B.Steering cam assembly BUSHING . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 When ordering.(AN960-l0L) NUT .20 thread NUT . inner BUSHING .(AN7-32) WASHER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1D15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .00 O.D.(AN26-24A) BOLT .(AN3-10A) WASHER .1032C) SPRING .Nose gear downlock BUSHING .(M35FS428R-14CR) BOLT .Steering cam assembly.(MS24665-134) BOLT .(AN960-716) NUT .(.(1.(AN310-4) COTTER PIN . always specify Part Number.(AN310-C7) COTTER PIN .W C. NUT .(AN320-4) COTTER PIN .(AN960-616L) NUT .(MS24665-287) HOUSING .25 I.(MS35649-2312) 5/16-18 thread NUT . Nose Landing Gear Assembly ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 20. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Penna. Used on PA-28RT-201 only. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. See Figure 22 for component parts. Lock Haven. Used with McCauley nose wheel only.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 20 ABCDEW- See Figure 21 for component parts. Piper Aircraft. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. (AN960-10) 3 * WASHER .(AN6230-5) 1 * RING .Wiper (S-35-29 Code 10V90-117) 1 * LINK ASSEMBLY .(AN3-H7A) 3 * WASHER .Bearing retaining 2 * BEARING .(MS20364-1414C) 1 * RING .Nose gear orifice 1 * ARM ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416L) 1 * WASHER .Air valve (AN809-1) 1 * BODY .(AN960-416) 2 * NUT .Snap (N5000-118MD) 1 * RING .Nose gear 1 * * BEARING 4 * * BUSHING .(AN174-13) 1 * WASHER .Nose Landing Gear Installation DRAWING .789 long) 2 * BUSHING . Description.Tube assembly.Nose gear lock 1Z * TUBE ASSEMBLY .Strut tube. upper 1 * * BEARING . tube and wheel assembly) 1 GEAR ASSEMBLY .Nose (less tire.00 long) 2 * BUSHING . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1D18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Trunnion assembly 1 * * FITTING . nose gear strut 1 * * BEARING 2 * PLATE .Air valve (AN813-1B) 1 * GASKET .Nose gear inner (. 35705 76426 B C DRAWING .Strut tube.(F-310-5) 1 * PIN .Snap (5100-268) 1 * STRIP .Air valve (AN812-1) 1 * CAP .Nose gear strut.Roll (59-022-094-0375) 1 * PIN . always specify Part Number.Snap (N5000-250MD) 1 * RING .03 long) 2 * BUSHING .Nose gear outer (1.(MS24665-134) 2 * BOLT. lower 1 * * BEARING 2 * “O’’ RING .(AN175-32) 2 * WASHER .Nose wheel steering 1 * * BUSHING .(AN960-516) 2 * NUT .NOSE LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION SECTION IV Landing Gear Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 20- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE No.(MS28775-327) 1 * “O” RING .Grease (AN944-101) 1 * * BEARING 2 * SPACER .Orifice 1 * CORE .(AN310-4) 1 * COTTER PIN .Nose gear inner (1.Nose (less tire.(MS28775-210) 1 * “O’’ RING .Nose Landing Gear Installation 67100-04 67100-10 67050-02 67026-07 484 790 484 799 462 034 484 684 484 685 484 723 187 627 20735-05 452 366 480 700 20784-00 67909-00 67755-00 21712-02 44386-03 14976-11 95061-178 63900-109 95061-179 63900-122 67054-03 67026-11 95061-144 460 691 67026-07 62833-45 67107-00 21710-00 67148-00 21831-04 67026-07 67245-00 455 124 453 124 454 053 462 024 401 265 407 564 80122-88 402 344 407 566 404 102 424 052 402 313 407 585 407 565 404 101 424 052 404 840 484 828 B C GEAR ASSEMBLY .Nose gear outer (.Arm assembly 2 * BUSHING . upper 1 * BEARING .Nose gear.Nose gear 1 * BOLT .(AN310-5) 2 * COTTER PIN .Compression (R19047) 1 W W W W W W W B C B C W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED When ordering.750 long) 2 * TRUNNION ASSEMBLY .Nose gear torque 2 * * BEARING . lower 1 * TUBE .Nose gear aligner guide 1 * WASHER . Req.Trunnion AR * BRACKET .(MS24665-134) 1 * NUT . tube and wheel assembly) 1 * STRUT ASSEMBLY .Air valve (AN901-5A) 1 * BOLT. (AN25-30A) * WASHER . 4 ply) B.750 long) * BOLT .00 x 5) WHEEL ASSEMBLY .(AN960-4) COTTER PIN .Turn limit center mark PLACARD .Oleo service instructions No.SECTION IV Landing Gear Group NOSE LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 20-44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 Part Number 95061-177 452 477 400 747 400 744 407 586 404 837 62833-122 451 728 761 974 451 739 551 792 551 772 758 397 424 146 407 561 424 052 67106-00 35669-05 35669-08 20781-02 Code C B C W B W A D E W W W NOMENCLATURE * BEARING .Sleeve (.Turn limit PLACARD .875 O.00 long) * BEARING .(.(AN25-36A) * BOLT .(40-77B) Cleveland WHEEL ASSEMBLY .(AN960-516L) * NUT .(MS24665-134) NUT . Goodrich TUBE .D.) TIRE .(MS20392-1C19) WASHER .00 x 5.Sleeve (1. 4 ply) McCreary TIRE .(D-30500) McCauley * BUSHING .Valve stem (A-30653) PIN . always specify Part Number. Description. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1D19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(5.Nose gear axle PLACARD .(5. Req.(MS20364-524C) * WASHER .00 x 5. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.(5.F. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 21. Nose Wheel Assembly (Cleveland) ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven. Piper Aircraft. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1D21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 21 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna. Bearing (08231) * * GROMMET .Inner (161-55) * * CUP .Outer (162-53) (with valve hole * * CUP .(217-00100) * WHEEL HALF ASSEMBLY .Snap (155-2) * BEARING . Description.Bearing (08231) * RING .Grease seal (154-6) * RING . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1D22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Wheel bolt (AN960-416) * NUT .Wheel (AN4-22A) 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 6 3 3 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED When ordering.Nose (40-77B) * WHEEL HALF ASSEMBLY .Cone (08125) * WASHER .Grease seal (153-8) * FELT .Wheel bolt (AN365-428) * BOLT . Req. always specify Part Number.SECTION IV Landing Gear Group NOSE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (CLEVELAND) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 21-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 Part Number 551 792 756 667 757 831 755 048 756 668 757 831 756 007 754 804 756 008 750 063 407 565 404 888 400 015 Code W W W W NOMENCLATURE No. WHEEL ASSEMBLY . 1D23 THRU 1D24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Nose Wheel Assembly (McCauley) ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 22. PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 22 ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Cone (A-30078-2) * RETAINER .(A-2513-73) * WASHER .Retaining (A-1636-23) * BOLT . Description.(A-30047) * RING . and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Half (C-30598) * * CUP .Bearing (A-30078-1) * BEARING .(A-1639-1) No.Nose (D-30500) * WHEEL . Req. always specify Part Number.(A-1638-1) * NUT .(A-30048) * FELT . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 3 6 3 When ordering.SECTION IV Landing Gear Group NOSE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (MCCAULEY) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 22-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Part Number Code 551 772 756 686 763 215 758 391 762 560 754 856 762 561 758 393 756 685 752 571 NOMENCLATURE WHEEL ASSEMBLY . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 23. Main Landing Gear Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1E4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . B . REVISED: JULY 1984 1E5 28R- 28R- 28R28R- PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . F .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 23 A .See Figure 24 for component parts. and PA28RT-201T with serial numbers 8031166 to 28R-8231020 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218011 and up. Lock Haven.018099 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218010 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 7931001 to 28R-8031165 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918165 inclusive. D . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031166 and up. H . E . Penna.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8. G .Used on hydraulic cylinder P/N 96860-02 (Syncro Devices P/N SFA 232-5) only.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.Used on hydraulic cylinder P/N 96860-00 (Syncro Devices P/N SFA 232-3 or SFA 232-4) only.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018098 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931218 and up. C .Used on PA-28RT 201 with serial numbers 28R-8018099 to 28R-8218010 inclusive. W . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 7931001 to 28R-8231020 inclusive. Piper Aircraft.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918166 and up. J . K . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 7931001 to 28R-7931217 inclusive. and PA28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231021 and up. Aft trunnion * FITTING .Main gear truss assembly * BUSHING . tube.Spherical (PS10020-10-2) * SPACER FITTING ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING . left FITTING ASSEMBLY .Forward trunnion.Main gear.(NAS464-6-16) * WASHER .(AN310-3) * COTTER PIN .Main gear truss.Main gear.Turnbuckle (NAS648-16LS) * BUSHING . right * PLATE .Main gear truss assembly (PS10020-2-2RG) * LINK ASSEMBLY . front * HOOK .(AN960-616L) * NUT . right TRUSS ASSEMBLY .Main gear. rear and right gear.Retainer (5008-175) * BEARING .Main gear truss assembly * * BUSHING . left * FITTING .Main gear truss assembly * LINK ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number. Req.Gear retraction. right * FITTING .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group MAIN LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 23- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 Part Number Code 67030 NOMENCLATURE No.Left gear. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1E6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Main gear.Lubricator (AN944-101) * RING . front and right gear.(MS24665-132) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 AR 2 2 1 2 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 1 When ordering. wheel and brake assembly) FITTING ASSEMBLY .Main gear truss.Gear retraction.Main.Main gear truss assembly * * BUSHING .(AN23-28) * WASHER .(NAS645-16RS) * CLIP .Main gear truss assembly * FORK .Aft trunnion FITTING ASSEMBLY . right TRUSS ASSEMBLY .Lubricator (MS15002-3) * FITTING .Retainer (5008-175) * BEARING .Main gear. right * BUSHING . right FITTING ASSEMBLY .Main gear truss assembly * FITTING .Main gear. right (less tire.(AN320-6) * COTTER PIN .Forward trunnion.Main gear truss assembly * BOLT . left * LINK ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10L) * NUT .Lubricator (MS15001-2) * * FITTING . wheel and brake assembly) GEAR ASSEMBLY . tube. left TRUSS ASSEMBLY .Forward trunnion.Main gear truss.W E F F W W F W W W W W W GEAR ASSEMBLY .Main Landing Gear Installation 67927-08 A 67927-09 A 67040-12 67040-14 67040-13 67040-15 460 691 484 719 452 575 62833-44 67042-12 67042-13 460 691 484 719 452 575 62833-44 67025-05 67025-06 67025-07 67025-08 67025-09 67025-10 63900-88 63900-130 67025-02 67025-11 63900-89 14843-16 452 368 67797-04 67797-05 67797-06 67797-07 65003-44 460 860 460 690 67031-02 67031-03 67024-00 67024-01 67028-00 461 131 554 979 452 009 459 957 86700-30 402 927 407 587 404 395 424 059 400 880 407 584 404 100 424 051 B C B C W B C W D D G G H H F H W D D E E D.Main gear truss assembly * BEARING . left FITTING ASSEMBLY .Spherical (PS10020-10-2) * SPACER TRUSS ASSEMBLY . right * LINK ASSEMBLY .Main. right * * BUSHING .Lubricator (AN944-101) * RING . left (less tire.Left gear.Main gear truss assembly * LINK ASSEMBLY . left TRUSS ASSEMBLY . Description.Forward trunnion. rear * PLATE . left TRUSS ASSEMBLY .Turnbuckle (MS21256-1) * BARREL .Main gear truss. left * LINK ASSEMBLY .Turnbuckle (NAS649B-16S) * EYE .(MS24665-283) * BOLT . W W J. Description.(AN960-516) BOLT .Main gear truss.Flat head (MS20392-2C25) * WASHER . right * FITTING .(AN320-6) COTTER PIN .(AN960-416) * WASHER .(AN310-3) * COTTER PIN .(AN4-11A) BOLT .Check (AN316-8R) * PIN .W C.Main gear BOLT .(MS20365-428C) NUT .(AN960-416) * NUT .(AN320-4) * COTTER PIN .(600RS-110-04182) * RETAINER .(AN960-10) NUT .Main gear downlock CYLINDER .(AN960-416L) BUSHING .(AN5-10A) WASHER .W B.(.(AN960-416) WASHER .(MS20365-524C) BOLT . left BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(MS24665-132) * BOLT .W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE * NUT .W B. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 AR AR 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR AR 1 1 1 1 8 8 16 16 8 8 8 8 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 When ordering.Main gear truss.Lubricator.Spring attachment SPRING .(AN960-616) NUT .(AN5-11A) WASHER .(AN960-816) NUT .(AN23-28) * WASHER . always specify Part Number.(MS24665-132) * BOLT .(AN960-416) WASHER .062 thick) * WASHER .Main gear BUSHING RETAINER ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic.(AN26-25) WASHER .(AN960-516) NUT . main gear * “O” RING .(NAS464P8A-44) WASHER .W C. 90 degrees (MS15001-4) * STUD .(.(AN24-26) * WASHER .(AN960-10) * WASHER . Req.Back-up (MS28782-8) BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(MS24665-132) * WASHER .(AN320-10) * ROLL PIN .(AN6227-8) * T-SEAL .W B.Main gear cylinder (SFD1400-1) * RING .W C.W B. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1E7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .MAIN LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION SECTION IV Landing Gear Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 23-32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 Part Number 404 326 424 181 407 584 424 051 400 711 407 565 404 393 424 051 400 880 407 564 407 584 404 100 424 051 407 565 407 585 63900-85 67203-00 96860-02 484 706 752 746 762 084 755 997 756 053 95643-06 95643-07 460 691 460 801 78717-02 62833-109 62833-112 404 399 480 691 67026-12 65003-41 401 310 401 188 407 565 407 566 404 888 404 889 401 311 401 189 407 565 407 566 402 960 407 569 404 832 67198-00 95061-64 67502-00 400 451 407 564 404 887 404 225 400 761 407 567 404 395 424 059 Code W W W W W W W W W W W H.(AN3-20A) WASHER .(AN4-10A) BOLT .W K J W W W B.Lubricator.(AN960-10L) * NUT .Main gear side brace * WASHER . straight (AN944-101) * FITTING .025 thick) * NUT .(MS20365-1032C) NUT .(MS24665-283) No.(AN960-10L) * COTTER PIN .(52-028-125-0875) * BUSHING * BUSHING BOLT.(AN315-4R) BOLT .W C.(AN6227-11) * “O” RING .(MS20364-820C) WASHER .W H.W C. Main gear cylinder. truss assembly No. right BEARING .(PS10020-1-6RX) SWIVEL ASSEMBLY . Req.Barrel (1452-048) BRACKET .(AN960-10) COTTER PIN . left BRACKET . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 When ordering. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1E8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Main gear cylinder. always specify Part Number.(AN4-17A) WASHER NUT .Barrel (1452-048) BOLT .Side brace spring attachment BUSHING .(MS24665-134) BOLT . Description.Tapered.SECTION IV Landing Gear Group MAIN LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 23-60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -66 -66 Part Number 424 187 407 564 424 052 401 335 406 660 400012 62833-124 406 660 67071-00 67071-01 452 334 67202-00 21822-00 Code W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE PIN .(AN4-40A) NUT .(MS20392-2C37) WASHER . Main Landing Gear Assembly REVISED: APRIL 1981 1E9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 24. See Figure 26 for component parts.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 24 A . Penna. Lock Haven. W .See Figure 25 for component parts. B .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1E10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft. left (less tire.Main gear.(MS20365-1032C) * STRUT ASSEMBLY .(MS28775-210) * STRIP .Wiper (S-35-29.Main landing gear * PLATE . left * * PLATE * * BOLT .Main Landing Gear Installation 67927-08 GEAR ASSEMBLY . left * TRUNNION ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 When ordering.Air valve (AN812-1) * CAP .(AN960-516) Right * NUT .(MS20364-1216C) * WASHER . Code 10V90-117) * LINK ASSEMBLY .(AN6230-5) * RING .(96312) Left * CORE .(AN175-33) Left * BOLT .Main gear. tube.(AN175-32) Right * WASHER .Gear switch.Compression (R19047) 67927-09 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 NOMENCLATURE 20754-02 79800-02 67755-00 484 790 187 627 67012-00 751 369 67023-00 67926-12 67926-13 67026-07 67026-05 37732-00 67753-00 401 266 407 584 404 887 67037-06 66820-00 67036-00 20784-00 67026-07 484 799 462 034 484 714 484 684 484 685 80122-89 462 024 80122-88 404 843 494 114 455 124 453 124 454 053 402 345 402 344 407 566 404 102 424 051 402 312 407 565 404 101 424 050 402 344 407 586 404 102 424 051 67242-00 63484-00 484 828 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No. tube.Main gear * * NUT .Main strut * * BEARING * “O” RING . left * TRUNNION ASSEMBLY .Landing gear strut * BRACKET . wheel and brake assembly) GEAR ASSEMBLY .Main gear axle * RING .Main gear * NUT . right (less tire.(AN174-14) * WASHER .(AN310-5) * COTTER PIN .Air valve (AN813-1B) * BOLT .Main trunnion assembly * * BRACKET .Squat switch actuator.Orifice * BEARING .(MS24665-132) * BOLT .(AN175-32) * WASHER .Air valve (AN809-1) * BODY .(AN3-5A) * * WASHER .Retainer (MS28782-15) * RING .(AN310-4) * COTTER PIN .Landing gear torque * * BUSHING .Main.Landing gear * “O” RING .Main. wheel and brake assembly) * ORIFICE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1E11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Oleo service instructions * BUSHING .Air valve (AN901-5A) * WASHER .(MS28775-327) * “O” RING . right * * BEARING * * BUSHING .(AN960-10L) * * NUT .(AN380-2-1) * BOLT .(AN960-516L) * NUT . always specify Part Number.Main gear axle assembly * * BEARING .Main gear * GASKET . Description.(AN960-416) * NUT .Snap (N5000-250MD) * WASHER .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group MAIN LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 24- -1 Part Number Code 67030 DRAWING . upper * * PIN .Snap (N5000-118MD) * RING .(AN310-5) * COTTER PIN . Req.(MS24665-132) * PLACARD .Main strut. Main gear No. Description.Main gear NIPPLE .00 x 6) BRAKE ASSEMBLY .00 x 6.(PS10017-14-9) CLAMP BUSHING .(6. 6 ply) B. 6 ply) McCreary Airhawk TUBE .(6. Req.Main (40-86B) CLAMP .MAIN LANDING GEAR ASSEMBLY SECTION IV Landing Gear Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 24-40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 Part Number 401 329 407 585 404 836 401 320 407 675 404 888 63901-17 554 734 67277-00 63900-11 476 648 761 972 761 995 451 735 551 705 551 764 554 735 63900-159 Code W W W W W W W W W B A NOMENCLATURE * BOLT .Brake line CLAMP .(6.(AN960-C416) NUT .(AN816-4D) TIRE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1E12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(MS20364-428C) BOLT . always specify Part Number.(AN4-31A) * WASHER .(PS10017-15-8) BUSHING .(AN960-416L) * NUT . Goodrich TIRE .Main (30-55) WHEEL ASSEMBLY .F. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 12 12 12 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 When ordering.00 x 6.(AN4-C20A) WASHER .(MS20365-428C) HOSE ASSEMBLY . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 25. Main Wheel Assembly ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Penna. Lock Haven. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 25 W . Piper Aircraft. Wheel (AN5-35A) SHIELD .Grease seal (3021) * RING .Snap (3023) * RING .Inner (16147) * * CUP .Wheel bolt (AN960-516) * WHEEL HALF ASSEMBLY .Grease seal (153-4) * NUT .Grease seal (153-4) * FELT . Req.Brake (164-20) * RING .Wheel bolt (AN365-524) * BOLT .Outer (162-45) * * CUP .Dust (157-9) No. Description. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 When ordering.Cone. Timken (13889) * DISC ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Main (40-86B) * WHEEL HALF ASSEMBLY .Grease seal (153-4) * FELT .Bearing (13836) * BEARING .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group MAIN WHEEL ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 25-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 Part Number 551 764 756 666 751 494 407 566 756 665 751 494 751 489 754 535 755 999 751 772 752 830 755 999 751 772 755 999 404 889 751 405 451 783 Code W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE WHEEL ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1E15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Grease seal (3021) * RING .Bearing (13836) * WASHER . Brake Assembly ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 26. Penna. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 26 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven. Bleeder (37-206) * CAP .(66-30) * * RIVET .Back (64-15) * * LINING .(561) * BOLT .Through bolt (AN960-416L) * TORQUE PLATE ASSEMBLY .Anchor bolt (AN960-416L) * SCREW .Brake (61-21) * PISTON . Req.(AN6227-27) * BOLT .(62-15) * ‘O” RING .(AN822-4D) * PLATE ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 When ordering.Bleeder (FC6446) * SEAT .(66-30) * * RIVET . always specify Part Number.Pressure (73-11) * * PLATE .Anchor bolt (MS20365-428C) * WASHER .Anchor (69-4) * NUT .(30-55) * CYLINDER . Description.(75-16) No. and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Pressure (63-12) * * LINING .Bleeder (183-1) * ELBOW .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group BRAKE ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 26-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 Part Number 551 705 753 920 755 887 484 698 753 407 404 888 407 585 752 965 752 966 753 850 458 894 755 883 755 884 752 342 752 826 755 885 755 886 752 342 752 826 753 408 407 585 755 818 Code W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE BRAKE ASSEMBLY .(561) * PLATE ASSEMBLY .Through (LP4-17AM) * WASHER .Back (74-10) * * PLATE . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 27. Landing Gear Door Installation REVISED: JULY 1982 1E19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Piper Aircraft. Penna. Lock Haven. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1E20 PA-28RT-201 .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 27 W . right * HINGE HALF . nose gear door ROD ASSEMBLY .Nose gear door link ROLLER .Main gear.Rod end (PS10020-2-1RX) * NUT . Req.Hinge.Nose Gear Door Retraction Installation 67090-10 67090-11 67093-04 67093-05 67352-00 67352-01 67364-00 67355-00 67355-01 63744-11 63744-12 37722-02 452 355 404 321 452 584 63900-147 67357-00 67358-00 67359-00 67360-00 67361-00 67362-00 452 335 404 321 67362-02 67363-00 67356-200 63882-28 63882-29 67356-201 63882-30 65003-27 67091-00 401 257 407 674 407 682 403 054 407 674 404 887 403 055 407 674 404 887 401 275 407 682 404 887 401 286 407 682 404 887 411 536 407 564 404 887 DOOR ASSEMBLY .Nose gear door link BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .Nose gear.(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT.Main gear door * BEARING .(AN960-C10L) NUT .(AN316-C4R) * ROD .Main gear door.(AN960-C10) WASHER .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group LANDING GEAR DOOR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 27- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -23a -24 -25 -25a -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67030 67349 67356 DRAWING .Hinge.(MS20365-1032C) SCREW .(AN3-C30A) WASHER .Nose gear door actuating * SLEEVE . right * BRACKET .(AN3-C7A) WASHER .(AN960-C10) NUT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1E21 PA-28RT-201 .Nose gear door.Nose gear door LINK ASSEMBLY . left * HINGE HALF .Rod end (PS10020-2-1RX) * NUT .(AN960-C10L) NUT .Nose gear door * BEARING .Nose gear door.Cowl Assembly (Complete) DRAWING . left * HINGE HALF .Nose gear door SLEEVE AND BUSHING ASSEMBLY .(AN3-C14A) WASHER . nose gear door actuating SLEEVE AND BUSHING ASSEMBLY . right PIN .(AN316-C4R) * BEARING . nose gear door actuating BUSHING . right DOOR ASSEMBLY .Rod assembly SPRING .Nose gear door actuating BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Nose gear. left DOOR ASSEMBLY .(MS20365-1032C) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No.Nose gear door actuating * SLEEVE . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 6 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 When ordering. nose gear door actuating SLEEVE .(PS10020-7-3) BUSHING LINK ASSEMBLY .Main Gear Installation DRAWING .Nose gear door ROD ASSEMBLY .(AN960-C10) NUT .Teflon.(AN3CH-10A) WASHER . Description.Main gear.Main gear door BOLT . left DOOR ASSEMBLY .(AN3-C10A) WASHER .(MS35207-267) WASHER .Teflon.(AN960-10) NUT . always specify Part Number.Main gear door.(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(AN960-C10L) BOLT .Nose gear door link PLATE .Nose gear door * HINGE HALF . main gear door PIN .Teflon. LANDING GEAR DOOR INSTALLATION SECTION IV Landing Gear Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 27-34 -35 -36 -37 -38 Part Number 407 675 404 321 63900-31 62833-103 400 867 407 674 404 887 Code W W W W NOMENCLATURE WASHER .(AN23-15A) WASHER . Description.(AN316-C4R) BUSHING .(AN960-C10) NUT . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 When ordering. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1E22 PA-28RT-201 .(AN960-C416) NUT . always specify Part Number.(. Req.(MS20365-1032C) No.19 long) WASHER BOLT . 1E23 THRU 1E24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 28. Landing Gear Door Installation REVISED: APRIL 1979 1F1 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 28 W . Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1F2 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven. Nose gear retraction BUSHING .Rod end (PS10020-2-1RX) * NUT .Nose gear.(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .(AN960-10L) NUT .(AN960-10) NUT .Main gear.(AN3-24A) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(PS10020-7-3) WASHER BOLT . Req.Nose gear retraction BUSHING .(AN960-10) NUT .(MS20364-1032C) BUSHING .Main Gear Installation DRAWING .Cowl Assembly Installation DRAWING .(MS20365-1032C) BRACKET .(AN960-10) NUT .Main gear door.(AN23-15A) WASHER . left * HINGE HALF .Nose gear retraction.Nose gear retraction ROD . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 When ordering.(AN3-24) WASHER .(MS35207-267) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) ARM .Main gear door.19 long) BUSHING BOLT .(AN960-10L) NUT . left ARM . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1F3 PA-28RT-201T .(AN23-13A) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT . main gear door PIN .Nose gear door * HINGE HALF .Hinge.(AN960-C10L) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No. always specify Part Number.Nose gear retraction ROLLER .Main gear door * BEARING .Nose gear retraction SPRING .(AN380C2-2) BOLT . left DOOR ASSEMBLY . right * HINGE HALF .Nose gear.Nose gear door PIN . right * BRACKET .(AN960-C10) WASHER .Nose gear retraction WBEARING . left DOOR ASSEMBLY .Nose gear retraction.Main gear.(.Nose gear retraction BUSHING .(AN3-21A) WASHER . right DOOR ASSEMBLY . right ROD .Nose gear retraction BUSHING . Description.(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .Main gear door SCREW .(PS10020-2-1RX) BOLT .(AN960-C10) NUT .(AN3-26A) WASHER .Nose Gear Retraction Installation 67090-10 67090-11 67093-04 67093-05 35739-02 35739-03 35739-09 35739-08 63744-11 35742-46 37722-02 452 335 404 321 452 584 62833-103 400 867 407 674 404 887 67091-00 411 536 407 564 404 887 35737-04 35737-05 35737-06 35737-09 35737-07 35737-08 96061-25 96061-20 35737-10 96178-00 452 335 400 071 407 564 404 100 424 095 400 449 407 564 404 887 401 280 407 564 404 887 400 453 407 584 404 887 400 861 407 584 404 835 63900-31 63900-147 401 257 407 674 407 682 DOOR ASSEMBLY . nose gear door ROD ASSEMBLY .Hinge.SECTION IV Landing Gear Group LANDING GEAR DOOR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 28- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67030 35742 35737 DRAWING .(AN3CH-10A) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT.(AN316-C4R) * BEARING . Hand Brake Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1F4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 29. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATION FOR FIGURE 29 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1F5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . always specify Part Number.(148-10) * * * PACKING .Brake HOSE ASSEMBLY .Piston (142-9) * * GLAND .(223-1) * * RING .(AN960-716) CLAMP .(AN4-20) WASHER .(AN310-4) COTTER PIN .(AN960-10) NUT .(MS24665-132) BOLT.(PS10017-10) GROMMET .(AN815-4D) ELBOW .Flexible HOSE . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 6 8 2 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.(AN526-1032R6) WASHER .(AN393-19) WASHER .Firewall seal UNION .(AN822-4D) ELBOW .(AN935-10L) BOLT .Snap (155-5) * * SPR ING .“O” Ring (AN6227-7) * * PACKING .(AN833-4D) ELBOW .(MS24665-132) SCREW .Brake handle HANDLE ASSEMBLY .Brake LINE ASSEMBLY .Packing (141-10) * * PACKING .Brake LATCH ASSEMBLY .(82-9) * * WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) BUSHING CYLINDER ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) NUT .Brake cylinder SPRING .“O” Ring (AN6227-11) * * BUSHING .(AN832-4D) UNION .(AN931 -5S-12) PIN .Brake LINE ASSEMBLY .(92-19) * * * PISTON .(145-15) * * SPRING .Hand Brake Installation 67338-00 67549-00 68467-00 63466-00 67700-58 63901-09 63913-10 63355-09 63356-00 63357-00 67135-03 63914-07 63915-06 491 060 491 050 458 881 458 894 458 900 458 910 477 618 407 568 554 861 434 151 424 178 407 584 424 051 416 994 407 124 400 113 407 565 404 101 424 051 400 876 407 564 404 887 63900-131 455 938 753 956 755 948 755 949 751 889 484 701 484 727 753 172 757 216 757 217 484 706 753 381 756 117 752 855 756 118 407 567 755 882 755 950 LINE ASSEMBLY .Brake LINE ASSEMBLY .(AN924-4D) WASHER .Hand brake DISC .(182-7) * * ROD .Master (10-22) * HYDRAULIC CYLINDER ASSEMBLY . left LINE ASSEMBLY .Dyna-seal (110-3/16) * * PISTON ASSEMBLY .Flexible RESERVOIR ASSEMBLY .(189-9) * PISTON ROD ASSEMBLY .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group HAND BRAKE INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 29- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67014 DRAWING .(82-8) * * RING . Description. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1F6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .“O” Ring (AN6227-12) * * WASHER .(AN837-4D) NUT .Hand brake KNOB ASSEMBLY .Snap (155-10) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No.(AN960-10L) COTTER PIN .(AN960-616) * * ROLL PIN .(AN821-4D) ELBOW . Req.Brake.(AN23-24A) WASHER . Toe Brake Installation REVISED: MARCH 1980 1F7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 30. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1F8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. W . Lock Haven. Penna.See Figure 31 for component parts.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATION FOR FIGURE 30 A . Piper Aircraft. Brake pedal BEARING . Description.Flexible HOSE ASSEMBLY .Toe brake. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1F9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Flat head (MS20392-2C13) PIN .(MS20825-4D) UNION-(AN815-4D) ELBOW .(AN914-1D) 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 3 5 4 3 4 1 1 5 When ordering.Toe brake.Flexible HOSE ASSEMBLY .Toe brake ARM .Dual Toe Brake Line Installation DRAWING . Req.Master (17000) Gar-Kenyon HOSE ASSEMBLY .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group TOE BRAKE INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 30- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 Part Number Code 63476 67175 35869 455 968 455 944 63901-09 63901-21 63901-22 63594-00 63594-01 63464-00 63468-00 63469-00 63469-01 63470-00 79430-00 63478-00 63485-00 63485-02 63485-01 63485-03 62867-02 453 714 424 175 424 181 424 184 424 357 458 894 458 891 488 499 491 050 458 904 NOMENCLATURE No.Spring. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Flat head (MS20392-2C39) ELBOW . left outboard PEDAL ASSEMBLY .(MS20822-4D) ELBOW .Toe brake ARM .Flat head (MS20392 -2C31) PIN .Toe brake. left outboard pedal CLIP .Dual Toe Brake Cylinder Assembly DRAWING . left inboard PEDAL ASSEMBLY .Toe brake SPACER .Toe brake CLEVIS ASSEMBLY .Toe brake ARM .(MS20823-4D) TEE . right inboard PEDAL ASSEMBLY .Spring.Master (10-30) Cleveland CYLINDER ASSEMBLY .Toe brake PEDAL ASSEMBLY . right outboard pedal BRACE ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Brake pedal (PS10065-37) PIN .Toe brake.Flexible CLIP .Control System Installation A A W W W W W W CYLINDER ASSEMBLY .Toe brake BRACKET .Flat head (MS20392 -2C25) PIN . right outboard * PAD ASSEMBLY . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 31. Toe Brake Master Cylinder Assembly REVISED:JULY1981 1F10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1F11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 31 W . Piper Aircraft. Penna. Lock Haven. (MS28775-113) * “O” RING .(182-22) * * “O” RING .Master (10-30) Cleveland * RING .(95404) includes spring retaining ring * SPRING .(17007) * “O” RING .Snap (155-47) * PISTON ROD ASSEMBLY .(17006) * PISTON .Master (17000) Gar-Kenyon * PISTON ROD AND RING ASSEMBLY . Description.(17005) * SPRING . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1981 1F12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Retaining (XRC-313) CYLINDER ASSEMBLY . Req.Packing (141-26) * * “O” RING .Snap (T5304-15) No.(101-01100) * * “O” RING .(101-00800) * * WASHER .(110-3/16) * RING .SECTION IV Landing Gear Group TOE BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 31-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 Part Number Code 455 944 757 480 762 276 762 277 757 479 762 275 752 584 484 788 752 585 754 848 21586-00 762 531 455 968 762 587 763 451 762 585 757 318 756 622 756 118 756 082 756 018 756 016 756 621 757 680 763 450 758 467 762 586 W NOMENCLATURE CYLINDER ASSEMBLY .(146-58) * * RING . always specify Part Number.(MS28775-110) * FITTING .(17002) * SEAL .(101-1) * * ROLL PIN .(082-02100) * * PISTON .(148-26) * * BUSHING .(MS2877-012) * “O” RING .Wiper (096-01300) * * SPRING .(82-9) * * GLAND .(223-00500) * * WASHER .(17003) * SLEEVE .(095-10100) * * SPRING . Figure 32. Cockpit Finishing Installation REVISED: APRIL 1981 1F13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918164 inclusive. to 28R-7931216 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R8031001 to 28R-8031188 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up. Used if fixed shoulder harnesses are installed. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. Used if air conditioning is not installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R -7918306 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201T only.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 32 ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTW- Used on PA-28RT-201 only. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. specify color ‘’bark II’’ or black. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918165 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931217 to 28R8031188 inclusive. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1F14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918165 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001. Lock Haven. Used if air conditioning is installed. Used if shoulder belts with inertia reel are installed. When ordering. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. Penna. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. 1 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Trim. midnight blue (with royal blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . olivetone (with palm carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Override lever lock COVER . firethorn red (with raspberry carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Trim. dark blue (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . 1 28R-8118001 and up 1 28R-8118001 and up 1 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Left front cockpit.“Emergency Down” PLACARD .Fuselage frame.K H A 579 579 A 579 580 A 579 358 A 579 202 A 579 294 A 579 581 A 579 582 A 579 350 A 579 376 A 579 293 A 579 351 A 579 377 A COVER . right BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY . dark blue (with dark blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Engine controls COVER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1F15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Engine controls * PLACARD .Left front cockpit.Cowl CAP .Cockpit Finishing Installation DRAWING . buckskin (with medium saddle carpet) 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. left COVER . firethorn red (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . tan/seal (with brown carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .J G.Fuselage frame. inboard.“Emergency Gear Lever” COVER . 1 28R-8018001 and up 1 28R-8118001 and up 1 28R-8018001 to 28R-8018116 incl. firethorn red (with firethorn red carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . 1 28R-7918165 to 28R-8018116 incl.Left front cockpit. right COVER .Rudder pedal stop bracket PLACARD .Stabilator trim PLACARD .Override lever lock * SWITCH .Left front cockpit. 1 28R-8018001 to 28R-8018116 incl.Left front cockpit. always specify Part Number. Sta. 1 28R-8018001 and up When ordering.04 COVER ASSEMBLY .Inertia reel.Console COVER .Gear override (JE73) * PIN .Left front cockpit. white/camel/black (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Baggage limitations DOOR ASSEMBLY .Access cover PANEL ASSEMBLY .Flap handle * SPRING .Left front cockpit.“Override Engage” PLACARD . Req.Left front cockpit.Inertia reel.Sun Visor Installation C C C C G.Left front cockpit.Interior Panels Installation DRAWING . 1 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918164 incl.SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group COCKPIT FINISHING INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 32- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -13a -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 Part Number Code 79768 99902 66991 67917-06 67911-00 487 922 451 824 67910-00 78735-02 67786-00 67592-02 67921-00 67702-00 63144-00 65674-15 67232-41 69669-45 78054-02 99801-02 67330-10 67325-00 79125-00 79125-01 79838-02 36589-03 79838-02 68399-02 79445-00 579 419 NOMENCLATURE No. Sta. buckskin (with brown carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Gear override (1SE1) * ACTUATOR .Rear cabin BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY . raspberry/black (with raspberry carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Rear cabin BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY .Rear cabin PLACARD . left CAP . Description.Left front cockpit.04 COVER ASSEMBLY . 73.Left front cockpit.Left front cockpit. dark blue (with royal blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . 73.Left front cockpit. white/camel/black (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit.Placard attachment.Left front cockpit. dark cedar (with dark cedar carpet) (knit) PANEL ASSEMBLY . 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Left front cockpit. dark cedar (with dark cedar carpet) (knit) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. red (vinyl) (with dark carmine carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 28R-8131001 and up 1 28R-8231001 and up 1 28R-8231001 and up 1 28R-8231001 and up 1 1 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. dark blue (with dark blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark blue (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. olivetone (with palm carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 28R-8118001 and up 1 28R-8218001 and up 1 28R-8218001 and up 1 28R-8218001 and up 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231092 incl. dark carmine (with dark carmine carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit.Left front cockpit. sandalwood (with dark saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931216 incl. 1 28R-8031001 and up 1 28R-8131001 to 28R-8231092 incl.Left front cockpit. 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 28R-8031001 to 28R-8031188 incl. light buckskin (with dark saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . Req.Left front cockpit. blue (vinyl) (with light blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. 1 28R-8031001 to 28R-8231092i incl. light blue (velour) (with light blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. midnight blue (with royal blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Left front cockpit. Description.Left front cockpit. raspberry/black (with raspberry carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. 1 28R-8131001 and up 1 28R-8131001 to 28R-8231092 incl. firethorn red (with firethorn red carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (with dark cedar carpet) (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit.Left front cockpit.Left front cockpit. firethorn red (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . left No. buckskin (with brown carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. 1 28R-7931217 to 28R-8031188 incl. sandalwood (with dark saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1F16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .COCKPIT FINISHING INSTALLATION SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 32-21 -22 Part Number Code 579 292 579 100 A 579 098 A 579 099 A 579 418 B 579 575 B 579 576 B 579 357 B 579 203 B 579 290 B 680 123 B 680 088 B 579 577 B 579 578 B 579 348 B 579 374 B 579 291 B 680 087 B 579 349 B 579 375 B 680 089 B 579 289 B 579 097 B 579 095 B 579 096 B 680 086 B 79884-02 G NOMENCLATURE PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. dark blue (with royal blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . buckskin (with medium saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit.Left front cockpit. dark cedar (with dark cedar carpet) (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. dark saddle (with dark saddle carpet) * PLATE . dark carmine (with dark carmine carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . 1 28R-8031001 to 28R-8031188 incl. firethorn red (with raspberry carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931363 incl. 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Left front cockpit. tan/seal (with brown carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left front cockpit. SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group COCKPIT FINISHING INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 32-23 -24 Part Number Code 579 412 579 567 G 579 568 E 579 354 O 579 201 L 579 271 R 680 119 B 680 060 B 579 569 G 579 570 G 579 342 P 579 370 H 579 270 R 680 059 B 579 343 P 579 371 S 680 061 B 579 269 L 579 088 D 579 086 D 579 087 D 680 058 B 579 411 579 563 579 564 579 317 579 268 680 118 680 056 579 565 579 566 Q G E F R B B G G NOMENCLATURE No. dark cedar (with dark cedar carpet) (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit.Right front cockpit.Left rear cockpit. blue (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit.Right front cockpit. PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (with dark cedar carpet) (knit) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit. olivetone (with palm carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit. buckskin (with brown carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . sandalwood (with dark saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit. buckskin (with medium saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . light blue (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark blue (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit. Description.Right front cockpit. raspberry/black PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit.Left rear cockpit.Right front cockpit. white/camel/black PANEL ASSEMBLY . tan/seal (with brown carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark blue (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY . blue (vinyl) (with light blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit.Left rear cockpit.Right front cockpit. firethorn red (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . midnight blue PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit.Right front cockpit.Right front cockpit. firethorn red (with raspberry carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . raspberry/black (with raspberry carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit. Req.Right front cockpit.Right front cockpit. dark blue (with dark blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . tan/seal SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. dark blue (with royal blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . midnight blue (with royal blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . olivetone PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit.Left rear cockpit. light blue (velour) (with light blue carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . light buckskin (with dark saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit.Right front cockpit.Left rear cockpit.Right front cockpit.Left rear cockpit.Right front cockpit. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1F17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . red (with dark carmine carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark carmine (with dark carmine carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark blue (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (with firethorn red carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark saddle (with dark saddle carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right front cockpit. always specify Part Number. white/camel/black (with heather carpet) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest. light buckskin PANEL ASSEMBLY . buckskin (velour) PAD ASSEMBLY . dark blue (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (leather) PAD ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit. Description.Right rear cockpit. dark saddle (knit) PAD ASSEMBLY .Armrest. dark blue (vinyl) PAD ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit. always specify Part Number.Armrest. buckskin PANEL ASSEMBLY . black PAD ASSEMBLY .Armrest. blue (vinyl) PAD ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit. buckskin PANEL ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark carmine PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (velour) PAD ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (vinyl) PAD ASSEMBLY .(Complete) Chrome (2A20580) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R8331001 and up 28R8331001 and up 28R 8331001 and up 28R8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. red (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit. dark blue (leather) PAD ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (velour) PAD ASSEMBLY . sandalwood PAD ASSEMBLY . Req. light buckskin (vinyl) PAD ASSEMBLY . light buckskin (leather) PAD ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit.Armrest. red (vinyl) PAD ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit.Armrest. firethorn red (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit. tan PAD ASSEMBLY . dark saddle PAD ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit.Right rear cockpit.Armrest.Left rear cockpit.Right rear cockpit. dark cedar (knit) PAD ASSEMBLY .Armrest. dark cedar (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest. dark cedar (knit) PANEL ASSEMBLY . white/camel/black PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit. olivetone PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit. blue (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY . camel PAD ASSEMBLY . firethorn red PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit.Ash tray ASH RECEIVER . dark carmine PAD ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit.Left rear cockpit.Armrest. red (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest. dark carmine PANEL ASSEMBLY .COCKPIT FINISHING INSTALLATION SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 32-24 -25 -26 -27 -28 Part Number 579 340 579 267 6B0 055 579 341 680 057 579 266 579 085 579 083 579 084 680 054 579 413 579 571 579 572 579 356 579 286 680 122 680 078 579 573 579 574 579 346 579 282 579 285 680 077 579 347 579 283 6B0 079 579 284 579 121 579 119 579 120 680 076 580 731 579 507 579 508 579 474 579 228 559 758 680 002 579 509 579 510 579 472 579 227 559 793 680 001 579 473 680 003 559 805 579 226 579 115 559 782 579 113 579 114 680 000 559 770 680 131 751 345 489 388 Code H R B S B L D D D B Q G E F R B B G G P L R B P R B L D D D B Q G E F R B B G G H R B B S B B L T B T D B B B NOMENCLATURE No.Left rear cockpit.Armrest.Right rear cockpit. PANEL ASSEMBLY . patrician sandalwood BOX ASSEMBLY . light blue (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY . dark blue (vinyl) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit. dark cedar (leather) PAD ASSEMBLY . olivetone PAD ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit. buckskin PANEL ASSEMBLY . raspberry/black PANEL ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit.Armrest.Armrest.Right rear cockpit.Armrest. sandalwood PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Right rear cockpit.Armrest.Armrest.Armrest.Right rear cockpit.Armrest.Right rear cockpit.Right rear cockpit. tan/seal PANEL ASSEMBLY .Left rear cockpit. dark saddle PANEL ASSEMBLY . sandalwood PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Left rear cockpit.Armrest. midnight blue PAD ASSEMBLY .Right rear cockpit.Right rear cockpit. dark saddle (leather) PAD ASSEMBLY . firethorn red (velour) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest. dark blue (velour) PAD ASSEMBLY . midnight blue PANEL ASSEMBLY .Armrest. dark cedar (knit) PANEL ASSEMBLY . light buckskin PANEL ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1F18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Glareshield.Sun visor PANEL.Door frame.Shoulder harness retaining CLIP .Boot attachment PLATE ASSEMBLY .Sun visor (pilot) BLADE .Rudder trim PLACARD . always specify Part Number. lower left ROD .SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group COCKPIT FINISHING INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 32-29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -7l Part Number 63142-56 63142-55 63142-51 69403-03 76191-02 76462-00 79787-02 35956-02 35819-02 36976-02 65866-00 65865-00 66870-00 65871-00 65867-00 65869-00 79828-03 99240-00 79781-02 99141-03 99140-03 68094-03 99252-10 66710-16 79455-00 65269-02 65672-05 15086-00 65735-19 65735-18 68416-02 68416-03 68671-00 68499-04 68499-05 68584-00 487 629 67336-00 66804-00 66805-00 99819-00 99635-09 35773-02 99181-03 68556-00 68556-01 76221-00 76221-00 79456-00 99967-00 99968-00 65219-00 66787-00 Code A A B B C W C C B B A.Fuel selector HANDLE ASSEMBLY .Self tapping (4 x 1/4) (486 187) FLANGE . forward. right PLACARD .Assist DOUBLER . top. left RETAINER . upper left. left side STRAP .Sun visor BEARING . bottom.Sun visor. 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Seat attachment top COVER .Fuel selector COVER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1F19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Fuel selector VENT ASSEMBLY .Seat attachment.Sun visor CLIP .Air vent valve.Exhaust vent HOUSING ASSEMBLY .Air.Air vent STUD ASSEMBLY .Sun visor (pilot) BLADE . Description.Seat attachment PLATE .Baggage tie down (buckle end) BLANKET ASSEMBLY . left * SHAFT ASSEMBLY .Armrest.Flap handle cover SCREW . Req. rear TRIM STRIP . left VENT ASSEMBLY . front WINDLACING .Sun visor (copilot) RETAINER . right CLIP . upper right. 28R-8031001 and up When ordering.Sun visor (pilot) BLADE . forward. rear TRIM STRIP .Air vent * SHAFT ASSEMBLY .Door seal SILL.Baggage tie down (tip end) STRAP ASSEMBLY .Air.Floor RING .Coat hanger (KM894-1A) TOW BAR ASSEMBLY STRAP ASSEMBLY . rear. left VENT ASSEMBLY .C L.Door HEADLINER .Cockpit (464 385) BLADE .Sun visor.Door frame. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. right * VALVE ASSEMBLY . aft PLATE . rear.“Soft Wear Only” No.Door frame. right GASKET .Ash tray SHIELD .Air vent CUP .C B.Firewall COVER .Air vent VENT ASSEMBLY .Air vent valve.Air.Shoulder harness retaining CAP .M N NOMENCLATURE TRIM STRIP .Assist strap RETAINER . lower right CLIP .Air.Seat attachment PLATE .Sun visor (pilot) BLADE . top.Glareshield. “L” tank.Aircraft limitations PLACARD .Fuel off PLACARD . 36 gallons PLACARD .“R” tank. Description. 36 gallons PLACARD .Fuel SCREW .(AN960-6) NUT . always specify Part Number.(PS10084-44-2) WASHER .COCKPIT FINISHING INSTALLATION SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 32-72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 Part Number 69669-169 69669-170 99184-02 66987-00 35669-140 99184-06 515 710 407 562 404 909 484 691 36588-04 419 594 Code G H W W W NOMENCLATURE PLACARD . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 When ordering. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1F20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Aircraft limitations PLACARD .Plastic (201-120751-00-0103) SCREW AND POST ASSEMBLY . Req.Retainer SCREW .(MS20365-632C) RIVET .(AN530-10R36) No. Window Curtains Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1F21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 33. Penna.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 33 W . REVISED: APRIL 1981 1F22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven. Piper Aircraft.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. left CURTAIN ASSEMBLY .Window. right ROD .Window.Window rod attachment. center BRACKET . always specify Part Number. right CURTAIN ASSEMBLY .(MS35206-249) NUT . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 12 12 When ordering.Window. rear front.Window. left CURTAIN ASSEMBLY . right CURTAIN ASSEMBLY . left CURTAIN ASSEMBLY .Window rod attachment. Req. right CURTAIN ASSEMBLY .Window. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1F23 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . left CURTAIN ASSEMBLY . Description. rear front. rear front.Window curtain BRACKET . center front.SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group WINDOW CURTAINS INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 33- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67955 DRAWING . rear front.(PS10062-6-2) W No. rear SCREW .Window rod attachment.Window.Window. center rear.Curtain and Rod Installation 67968-12 67968-13 67968-14 67968-15 67968-16 67968-17 67968-18 67968-19 67969-15 67969-02 67969-04 67969-03 415 539 477 778 CURTAIN ASSEMBLY .Window. center rear. front BRACKET . center front. 1F24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Carpet Installation REVISED: MARCH 1980 1G1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 34. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931216 inclusive. raspberry.Used if sound reduction carpeting is installed B . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. K . H .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-791 8001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. specify color heather.When ordering. Specify color dark blue (color code 796) for PA-28RT201 with serial numbers 28R-7918166 and up. black.Used on PA-28RT-201T only. red. medium saddle.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931363 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. J . REVISED JULY 1982 1G2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . D .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. blue or buckskin. F . L . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 34 A .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive.When ordering. Specify color royal blue (color code 781) for PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918164 inclusive. E . C . palm. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031188 inclusive. and PA-28RT201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918166 and up. green. specify color brown. dark saddle dark cedar dark carmine or light blue. brown.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. firethorn red. G . M . Sta.Floor.Floor. medium saddle CARPET . Sta. dark carmine CARPET . center. front right. outboard. 105. firethorn red CARPET . palm CARPET . 105. 74 to Sta. 105.Floor. Sta.Floor. front left. 74 to Sta. raspberry CARPET .Floor. always specify Part Number. royal blue CARPET . outboard.Floor. Sta. front left. front right. raspberry CARPET .Floor.Floor. heather CARPET . 74 to Sta. light blue CARPET . 74 to Sta. dark cedar CARPET . brown CARPET . Sta.Floor. outboard. outboard. 105. firethorn red CARPET . outboard. royal blue CARPET .Floor. Sta.Floor.Floor. front left. dark cedar CARPET . palm CARPET . dark saddle CARPET . front left. outboard. front right CARPET . front right. palm CARPET . front left.Floor. dark carmine CARPET . front left. 105. center. center.Floor.Floor. canter. 105. Sta.Floor. 74 to Sta. front right. outboard. dark blue CARPET . front left. dark blue CARPET .B K F D D E M D D CARPET . dark cedar CARPET .Floor. Sta. 105.Floor. center. outboard. 74 to Sta.Floor. center.SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group CARPET INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 34- -1 -2 -3 -4 Part Number Code 79768 591 545 591 148 591 700 591 701 591 827 592 098 591 702 591 703 591 903 591 904 591 964 592 038 592 039 79236-10 591 547 591 153 591 704 591 705 591 828 592 099 591 706 591 707 591 905 591 906 591 965 592 040 592 041 79236-11 591 501 591 027 591 620 591 621 591 806 592 078 591 622 591 623 591 859 591 860 591 943 591 996 591 997 79236-16 591 503 591 032 591 624 591 625 591 807 592 079 591 626 591 627 NOMENCLATURE No. light blue CARPET . black CARPET . Sta. dark saddle CARPET . 105. 74 to Sta. Req.Floor. 105.Floor.Floor. 105. outboard. outboard. raspberry CARPET . Sta. royal blue CARPET .Floor. Sta. 105. 74 to Sta.Floor. 74 to Sta.Floor.Floor.Floor. front right. front left CARPET . dark blue CARPET . palm CARPET .Floor.Floor. 105. dark blue CARPET . medium saddle CARPET . 105. dark saddle CARPET . Sta.Floor. center. front left. Sta. Description. front right. heather CARPET . outboard. light blue CARPET . Sta.Floor. 74 to Sta.Floor. front left. front right. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1G3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . front left.Floor. black CARPET . 105.Floor. front right. 74 to Sta. front right.Floor. brown CARPET . 105. black CARPET . 74 to Sta.Floor.Floor. outboard. 74 to Sta.B K F D D E M D D G L H J J A. 105. front left. front right. light blue CARPET . brown CARPET . 105. 105.Floor. medium saddle CARPET .Floor. heather CARPET . 74 to Sta.Floor.Floor. 74 to Sta. front left.Floor. 105. heather CARPET . 105. 74 to Sta. front right.Floor. 74 to Sta. firethorn red CARPET . 74 to Sta. Sta. dark carmine CARPET .Floor. Sta. Sta.Floor. Sta.Floor. front left. Sta.Floor. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING . outboard. Sta. 74 to Sta. brown 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. front right. front right. 74 to Sta.B K F D D E M D D G L H J J A. center. raspberry CARPET .Floor. 74 to Sta. 105. black CARPET .Floor.Floor. Sta. 74 to Sta. outboard CARPET . Sta.Cockpit Finishing Installation K F D D E M D D G L H J J A. royal blue CARPET . 105. top. 105. Req. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1G4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 105. dark carmine CARPET . Sta. 74 to Sta. palm CARPET .Tunnel.Tunnel.Floor. dark cedar CARPET . 74 to Sta. 74 to Sta. dark carmine CARPET .Floor. dark saddle CARPET . 105. dark blue CARPET . Sta.Tunnel. center CARPET . Sta.Floor. 105. center. center. Sta. inboard right. 74 to Sta. Sta. heather CARPET . Sta. inboard left. Sta. inboard right.Floor. 74 to Sta. 74 to Sta. royal blue CARPET . Sta. top. heather CARPET .Floor. inboard left.Floor. Sta. center. 105. black CARPET . black No.Tunnel. inboard left. 74 to Sta.Tunnel. light blue CARPET .Floor. 74 to Sta.Floor. dark blue CARPET . royal blue CARPET . inboard right.Floor. 105. Sta. 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. 105. medium saddle CARPET . 105. Sta. always specify Part Number. black CARPET . dark saddle CARPET .Floor.Tunnel. royal blue CARPET .Floor.Tunnel. Sta. top. 74 to Sta. center. raspberry CARPET . 105. 74 to Sta.Tunnel. medium saddle CARPET . 74 to Sta. 105.Floor.Tunnel. Sta. inboard right. palm CARPET . firethorn red CARPET . 105. dark cedar CARPET . inboard left. raspberry CARPET . top. 74 to Sta. Sta.Floor. Sta. 74 to Sta. top. 105. inboard right. top. inboard right. 74 to Sta. top. top. 74 to Sta. sparbox and rear. inboard left.Floor. inboard left. top.Floor. sparbox and rear. top. inboard left. top.Floor. firethorn red CARPET . 105.Floor. Sta. 105. Sta. Sta. inboard left. 74 to Sta. 74 to Sta. inboard right. 105. top. brown CARPET . Sta. 74 to Sta. 105.Floor. medium saddle CARPET . 74 to Sta. Sta.Tunnel. heather CARPET . dark saddle CARPET . Description. Sta. 74 to Sta. 74 to Sta. 105. 74 to Sta. black CARPET . medium saddle CARPET . palm CARPET .Floor. dark blue CARPET .Tunnel. 74 to Sta. 74 to Sta. 105.Floor.Floor. 74 to Sta. dark carmine CARPET . 105. 74 to Sta. 105. 105.Tunnel. inboard left.Floor. 105.Floor. inboard left. top. 74 to Sta. 105. dark carmine CARPET . 74 to Sta. inboard left.Floor. inboard right. dark cedar CARPET . Sta. 105. dark saddle CARPET . light blue CARPET . inboard right.Floor. inboard right.CARPET INSTALLATION SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 34-4 -5 -6 -7 Part Number Code 591 861 591 862 591 944 591 998 591 999 79236-05 591 549 591 158 591 708 591 709 591 829 592 100 591 710 591 711 591 907 G L H J J A. center.B K F D D E M D D G 591 908 L 591 966 592 042 H J 592 043 J 591 551 591 163 591 712 591 713 K F D D 591 830 592 101 591 714 E M D 591 715 591 909 D G 591 910 L 591 967 592 044 H J 592 045 J 591 543 591 143 591 696 591 697 591 825 592 096 591 698 591 699 591 899 591 900 591 962 592 034 592 035 591 585 591 587 K F D D E M D D G L H J J K F NOMENCLATURE CARPET .Floor. firethorn red CARPET .Floor. Sta. Sta.Floor. 105. Sta. dark cedar CARPET . inboard right. Sta. heather CARPET . Sta.Floor. Sta. inboard right. 74 to Sta. 74 to Sta. raspberry CARPET .Floor. 105. Sta. inboard right. 74 to Sta. 105. Sta. inboard left.Floor. 105. 74 to Sta. 105. Sta. brown CARPET .Tunnel. brown CARPET . 105. 105.Floor. Sta. firethorn red CARPET . light blue CARPET . 105.Floor.Floor. inboard left. Baggage compartment.Tunnel. right side.Baggage compartment. brown CARPET . left side.Floor.Tunnel. sparbox and rear.Tunnel.Tunnel. right side.Baggage compartment. medium saddle CARPET . right side.Tunnel. black CARPET .Floor. dark cedar CARPET .Tunnel.Floor. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1G5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Tunnel. medium saddle CARPET . heather CARPET . dark carmine CARPET . medium saddle CARPET . royal blue CARPET . firethorn red CARPET .Baggage compartment. right side. sparbox and rear.Tunnel. light blue CARPET . sparbox and rear.Baggage compartment.Tunnel. dark cedar CARPET .Baggage compartment PLATE . royal blue CARPET .Carpet. left side. raspberry CARPET . raspberry CARPET . dark saddle CARPET . left side. raspberry CARPET .Tunnel.Baggage compartment. sparbox and rear.Tunnel. baggage door CLIP . right side. right side. dark cedar CARPET . dark blue CARPET .Baggage compartment. light blue CARPET . light blue CARPET . palm CARPET .Baggage compartment. left side. leg side. dark blue CARPET . black CARPET .Tunnel.Heel No. right side. left side.Striker. right side. firethorn red CARPET . left side.Floor. dark saddle TRIMSTRIP .Tunnel. brown CARPET . dark saddle CARPET . sparbox and rear.Floor.Tunnel. firethorn red CARPET . right side.Tunnel.Baggage compartment.Baggage compartment. left side.Floor.Tunnel. left side.Floor. palm CARPET .Baggage compartment.Floor. black CARPET . brown CARPET .Floor.Floor.Tunnel. sparbox and rear. right PLATE . right side. sparbox and rear. Req. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. left CLIP .Baggage compartment. dark carmine CARPET . dark blue CARPET . palm CARPET . left side. right side. dark blue CARPET . sparbox and rear.Tunnel.Tunnel. right side.Carpet. heather CARPET .Tunnel.Tunnel. royal blue CARPET . medium saddle CARPET . sparbox and rear. firethorn red CARPET .Tunnel. heather CARPET . Description. sparbox and rear. palm CARPET .Tunnel. dark saddle CARPET . raspberry CARPET .Tunnel.Baggage compartment. dark carmine CARPET . dark cedar CARPET .Tunnel. left side. sparbox and rear. right side.Floor. left side. left side. light blue CARPET . royal blue CARPET .Tunnel. brown CARPET . dark carmine CARPET .SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group CARPET INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 34-7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 Part Number 591 588 591 589 591 798 592 070 591 590 591 591 591 843 591 844 591 935 591 980 591 981 591 497 591 017 591 612 591 613 591 804 592 076 591 614 591 615 591 855 591 856 591 941 591 992 591 993 591 499 591 022 591 616 591 617 591 805 592 077 591 618 591 619 591 857 591 858 591 942 591 994 591 995 591 491 591 472 591 608 591 609 591 803 592 075 591 610 591 611 591 853 591 854 591 940 591 990 591 991 63185-06 63293-00 99433-00 99433-01 63130-02 Code D D E M D D G L H J J K F D D E M D D G L H J J K F D D E M D D G L H J J K F D D E M D D G L H J J NOMENCLATURE CARPET . always specify Part Number. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 35. Seats Installation REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. When ordering dark cedar. firethorn red. specify knit or velour.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. specify color madrid red.Before ordering. G . If O.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R -7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. E . Penna.D.42. specify color olivetone. Specify color midnight blue (color code 785) for PA28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R7918001 to 28R-7918164 inclusive. or sandalwood. bahama blue. for PA28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. If O. of roller measures . (2) rollers P/N 87332-02 must be ordered. Lock Haven. navajo sepia. sandalwood. dark saddle. light buckskin. Specify color firethorn red.D. dark cedar. dark firethorn. W . gold. specify color “bark II” or black. of roller measures . order roller(s) as required. D . Also specify material cloth.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up.62. Specify trim color black or camel. J . specify color red. F . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. dark carmine. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. at center of seat roller.When ordering. blue.D.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 35 NOTE: Refer to Figure 36 if vertically adjustable front seats are installed. if applicable. buckskin. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. Specify color dark blue (color code 796) for PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918165 and up. H .When ordering. raspberry or tan for PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive . buckskin. or navajo cactus. B .Used on PA-28RT-201T only.When ordering. velour. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . A .When ordering. dark blue. ascertain O. dark cedar. knit. or patrician sandalwood. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R7931216 inclusive. or leather. C . Piper Aircraft. 60’’ L.Back. left * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . front legs * * * ROLLER .Back. left (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .J B.J A. right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . left * * FRAME ASSEMBLY .Back.(A1037-012-3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 28R -8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. right * * * BUSHING .G H. right SEAT ASSEMBLY .Back.Front. aft legs * * * ROLLER .J 79555-00 79555-01 453 732 79554-02 79337-23 79337-60 79337-32 A. right (PS10064-375-4) * * KNOB .J A. right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .J B. always specify Part Number.Bottom.G H.Front.Front.Back. right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Bottom. left (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY .J B.Back.J B.Seat roller.Back.Front.Seat release mechanism (9.G H.Aft legs (NAS506-4) * * * SPRING . left * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . left * * FRAME ASSEMBLY .Seat roller.SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group SEATS INSTALLATION (See Note) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 35- -1 -2 -3 -3a -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 Part Number Code 76170 79164 No.(AN960-4) * * * NUT .G H.G H.Bottom.G H.Seat track.Back.Bottom. right (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Seat back. left SEAT ASSEMBLY . right SEAT ASSEMBLY .G 79337-72 H. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . right * * * PLUNGER .G H.Back.Bottom. left SEAT ASSEMBLY .Front. front legs * * * SPACER .Front. right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .J B.J 79819-02 79819-03 76175-03 95061-106 87332-02 95061-161 452 386 587 299 79207-00 79322-06 407 561 406 369 NOMENCLATURE W F W SEAT ASSEMBLY .Bottom.Seat plunger (LC-038F-6SS) * * * HANDLE ASSEMBLY .G 79337-74 H.Bottom. right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Back. left * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Bottom.G 79337-71 H. Description. left (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .J 79337-24 79337-63 79337-33 A.Seat back release.J B.Front.G 79337-75 H. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .) * * * WASHER . left * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom * * * SPACER . Req.Shoulder Harness Installation 79337-21 79337-58 79337-43 79337-70 79337-22 79337-61 79337-44 79337-73 79337-16 79337-59 79337-27 A.G H. left (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Seat release * * * ROD .Front. right (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . left (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Bottom.Seats Installation DRAWING . left (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY . right (luxurious) * * FRAME ASSEMBLY .Bottom. right (luxurious) * * FRAME ASSEMBLY .J 79337-17 79337-62 79337-28 A. right (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY . right (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . (MS20364-428C) * * * SPRING . inboard * * * SPRING .J 79555-00 96827-26 96827-36 96827-31 A.Seat back SEAT ASSEMBLY .G H.G H.Reclining mechanism * * CAM .Seat back adjustment. outboard * * TUBE .Reclining seat * * HANDLE .Rear.Seat back adjustment. left * * FRAME ASSEMBLY .G 96827-44 H.J B.Bottom.Seat back adjustment * * * PIN . inboard * * SPRING .Rear seat.Rear.G 79337-59 H.Seat latch * * * BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY . right (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY .G W W W NOMENCLATURE * * * BOLT . right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . Req.G H.Rear.(PS10011-12) Nylon * * * NUT .Seat back adjustment * COVER ASSEMBLY . right (luxurious) * * FRAME ASSEMBLY .Bottom.G 96827-42 H. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .J B. Description. right SEAT ASSEMBLY .Bottom.G H.Seat back * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Roll (59-040-1870937) * * * WASHER . left * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Reclining seat * * * HANDLE .Roll (59-028-125-0625) * * PIN .G 79337-71 H. right (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . left (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . outboard * * * TUBE .G H. left (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY .(AN24-26A) * WASHER .J B.(AN960-416) * NUT . left (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Seat roller * * * ARM ASSEMBLY .Rear.Seat back.G B.J 96827-27 96827-38 96827-32 A.Seat latch * COVER . left and right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .J B.Seat back * BUTTON ASSEMBLY . 2 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 8 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 3 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 When ordering. left and right (luxurious) * * FRAME ASSEMBLY . back (luxurious) * BOLT .Seat back (luxurious) * BUTTON ASSEMBLY . left (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY .G H.Roll (59-040-187-0937) * * SPRING .Bottom.(AN4-5A) * * * WASHER .Seat back.Bottom.Rear seat.Seat back adjustment.J A. left and right (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .J 79337-27 B.Bottom. left and right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.J 99077-16 99077-17 480 701 480 732 19336-00 19336-01 19392-15 19365-02 79442-00 78041-02 78041-10 400 916 407 565 477 709 W W W W W W E. left * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . left SEAT ASSEMBLY .Bottom.Roll (59-028-1250625) * * * PIN . right SEAT ASSEMBLY .J A.G B.Rear.G H.G B.Reclining mechanism * * * CAM .J A.Bottom.Seat back.Rear. back * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.Seat back. left SEAT ASSEMBLY . right * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY .SEATS INSTALLATION (See Note) SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 35-16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -26a -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 Part Number 400 002 494 040 404 836 19336-00 19336-01 79230-00 19365-02 79442-00 480 701 480 732 62833-78 76178-00 76172-00 78041-00 78041-09 67958-03 67958-05 96827-22 96827-35 96827-29 96827-41 96827-23 96827-37 96827-30 96827-43 79337-16 Code W W W W W W E.Seat back * COVER .Rear.Rear.Seat back adjustment. always specify Part Number.(26C-048) No. right * * PIN . right (luxurious) * CUSHION AND FRAME ASSEMBLY . Seat belt attachment BELT ASSEMBLY .Seat BELT ASSEMBLY .(MS20365-524C) BUSHING .Front seat safety belt attachment.(AN960-516) NUT .Seat back * BUTTON ASSEMBLY . inboard BUSHING . Req. rear.Shoulder.Shoulder.(AN4-7A) WASHER .Shoulder. left COVER ASSEMBLY . front (with inertia reel) (PS50039-4-20) BELT ASSEMBLY .Seat back BOOT ASSEMBLY .Seat belt attachment. left (.Seat belt attachment.SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group SEATS INSTALLATION (See Note) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 35-40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 Part Number 67958-03 67958-05 99242-13 79764-02 79337-18 79337-41 79764-04 36938-04 400 863 401 269 68022-14 551 390 551 374 96908-00 96908-00 63900-145 63900-149 401 269 401 187 407 566 404 837 400 004 407 565 404 888 401 355 407 566 404 889 95061-91 486 560 62557-04 62654-00 551 425 Code B.Front seat safety belt attachment BUSHING .(MS20364-524C) BOLT .G B.Complete (8’’ high) HEADREST ASSEMBLY .(AN5-14A) WASHER . rear.Seat STOP . outboard CABLE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) NUT . always specify Part Number.(MS20115F5) TRACK .Safety.Complete BOLT .Complete (10’’ high) luxurious HEADREST ASSEMBLY . rear (with inertia reel) (PS50039-4.Rear seat cable attachment SHACKLE .C H. right BUSHING . BOOT . front (PS50039-4-2A) BELT ASSEMBLY .C A.(AN3-10A).Front seat safety belt attachment.(AN23-11A).Complete (6’’ high) luxurious HEADREST ASSEMBLY .Inertia reel. right (34’’L) No.(AN5-7A) WASHER . rear (fixed) (PS50039-4-22) BELT ASSEMBLY .19) COVER ASSEMBLY .25” L.Inertia reel.G B.Shoulder.Rear seat safety belt attachment BOLT .G H.Seat belt HEADREST ASSEMBLY Complete (10’’ high) HEADREST ASSEMBLY . Description. left BOLT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 5 5 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 When ordering. right .J W W W W W W W W W W W W D 452 680 -60 551 424 D 452 679 -61 -62 99920-02 99920-03 95061-186 95061-180 NOMENCLATURE * BUTTON ASSEMBLY .(AN3-10A) BOLT . front (fixed) (PS50039-4-23) BELT ASSEMBLY .Safety.(MS20365-428C) BOLT .J A. rear (PS50039-4-3) CABLE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-516) NUT .) BUSHING . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 36. Vertically Adjustable Front Seat Assembly REVISED: AUGUST 1980 1G11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . raspberry or tan for PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. H . When ordering dark cedar. or sandalwood for PA28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. W . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. M . G . or leather.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. Also specify material cloth. Lock Haven. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up.42.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918165 and up. N . and PA-28RT-201Twith serial numbers 28R-8031001 to 28R-8231092 inclusive. dark saddle.When ordering. specify color madrid red.Used on PA-28RT-201T only. B . Penna. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. J . bahama blue. sandalwood. specify color “bark II” or black.When ordering. specify color red. specify color olivetone.62.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. dark cedar. dark cedar.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 36 A .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. dark firethorn. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up. buckskin.Before ordering. dark blue. S . or patrician sandalwood. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. Specify color midnight blue (color code 785) for PA28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R 7918001 to 28R-7918164 inclusive. and PA-28RT201T with serial numbers 28R-7931217 and up. ascertain O. blue. Q . firethorn red.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. at center of seat roller.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R7931216 inclusive. dark carmine. F .Used if a welded bellcrank assembly is installed. K . of roller measures . knit. E .D.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. L . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R8031188 inclusive. or navajo cactus.When ordering. velour. O . navajo sepia. Piper Aircraft. Specify trim color black or camel.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918164 inclusive. of roller measures .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R -7931001 to 28R -7931353 inclusive. C . light buckskin. order roller(s) as required. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. specify knit or velour. buckskin. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931216 inclusive.When ordering.D. If O.D. D . Specify color dark blue (color code 796) for PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918165 and up. R . gold. (2) rollers P/N 87332-02 must be ordered.Used if a forged bellcrank assembly is installed. P .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. if applicable. If O. T . Specify color firethorn red. Back.Adjustable front. right (PS10064-375-4) * * KNOB .Seat release * * ARM ASSEMBLY .Bottom.Seat latch (forged) * * WASHER * * SPRING . left * * FRAME ASSEMBLY .Back. right * * PIN .S P.Adjustable front. right (luxurious) * CUSHION ASSEMBLY . right * FRAME ASSEMBLY .SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group VERTICALLY ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEAT ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 36-1 -2 -3 -4 -4a -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 Part Number 79591-02 79591-08 79591-04 79591-10 79591-03 79591-09 79591-05 79591-11 79337-16 79337-59 79337-27 79337-71 79337-17 79337-62 79337-28 79337-74 79555-00 79555-01 99718-05 453 732 79554-02 79539-02 79539-03 480 777 480 592 480 789 19336-00 19336-01 87332-02 19365-02 79207-00 76187-00 36858-02 62833-78 587 299 452 386 76175-00 76172-03 36856-02 36857-02 76342-00 76343-00 76351-02 76351-03 37848-02 79229-00 79230-02 79235-00 76176-00 79442-02 401 318 477 708 95061-161 480 801 480 701 480 732 400 002 494 040 404 836 Code A.Adjustable front.S P.(AN4-20A) * * NUT . right * * * STOP ASSEMBLY .Adjustable front.Seat back adjustment.Forward * * BUSHING .(26C-048) * * SPACER .) * * PIN .(PS10011-12) * * NUT .S P.Seat latch * * * BUSHING . right * * ROLLER .Aft * * BEARING SHAFT .Seat * * TUBE ASSEMBLY .Seat * * TUBE ASSEMBLY .(NAS506-4) * * PLUNGER * * TUBE . left * CUSHION ASSEMBLY .(MS9048-101) .(MS9048-170) * * SPRING .Seat * * PIN .T B.T A. right (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY . right * CUSHION ASSEMBLY .Seat release. always specify Part Number. left * FRAME ASSEMBLY . left * * SPRING .Seat plunger (LC-038F-6SS) * * ROLLER . right SEAT ASSEMBLY .T B.T B.Back. right * CUSHION ASSEMBLY .Reclining seat * * HANDLE .Seat * * BUSHING .56 long * * PIN .Aft (forged) * * LINK ASSEMBLY . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 8 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 6 2 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.Bellcrank * * BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .Seat release * * ARM ASSEMBLY .(MS9048-100) . black * * BOLT . left SEAT ASSEMBLY . left (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY .Adjustable front. right (luxurious) * * FRAME ASSEMBLY . left (luxurious) SEAT ASSEMBLY .Back.Forward (forged) * * BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .Back.Bottom. right * * TUBE .Back.Adjustable front.(MS9048-173) (1. left SEAT ASSEMBLY .T A.Roll (59-040-187-0937) * * BOLT .50 long * * PIN .T B. right SEAT ASSEMBLY .S P.Reclining seat * * HANDLE ASSEMBLY .Seat back adjustment. Req. right * * COVER .S P.Back.Seat back adjustment.T W W W M W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE SEAT ASSEMBLY . Description.Seat * * CAM .T A.Seating reclining * * BUSHING .Back.Seat back release. left (luxurious) * CUSHION ASSEMBLY . left * CUSHION ASSEMBLY .Adjustable front.Back.(AN4-5A) * * WASHER .Adjustable front.S P.S P. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . right (luxurious) * CUSHION ASSEMBLY .Seat back.S P.Seat back release. left (luxurious) * CUSHION ASSEMBLY .(MS20364-428C) No.Roll (59-028-125-0625) * * PIN .Back.37 L. firethorn red (velour) * COVER ASSEMBLY . sandalwood (fabric) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. navajo cactus with camel trim * COVER ASSEMBLY . olivetone (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. buckskin (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . blue with black trim * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.Seat bottom.Seat back * COVER ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (knit) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. madrid red (cloth) * COVER ASSEMBLY . navajo sepia with camel trim * COVER ASSEMBLY .W D.Seat bottom. dark blue (velour) * COVER ASSEMBLY . gold with camel trim * COVER ASSEMBLY . Req.Seat bottom. midnight blue (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. bahama blue (cloth) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. Description. dark blue (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY . light buckskin (leather) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. firethorn red (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY . gold with black trim * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.Seat bottom.Seat bottom.Seat bottom.VERTICALLY ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEAT ASSEMBLY SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 36-38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 Part Number Code 401 318 404 888 424 205 424 204 407 565 407 585 424 051 424 172 407 564 424 051 95061-106 78041-00 78041 -09 556 469 556 470 556 471 555 884 J B L L Q Q 555 895 Q 555 888 Q 555 889 Q 556 472 556 473 556 474 556 932 566 933 556 236 556 237 L L Q R R G E 556 705 559 700 559 748 559 828 556 238 556 239 559 827 556 677 F P P P G G P H 559 721 559 784 P P 556 678 559 829 559 795 O P P 556 921 K 557 035 N 559 707 559 772 557 033 P P N 557 034 559 735 559 728 N P P W C D C.(MS24665-132) * * PIN .(AN4-20A) * * NUT .Seat bottom. blue with camel trim * COVER ASSEMBLY . blue * COVER ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Seat back (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY .W W W W NOMENCLATURE * * BOLT . dark firethorn (leather) * COVER ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10) * * COTTER PIN . red * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. dark cedar (luxurious.(MS20392-2C11) * * WASHER .Seat bottom.Seat bottom. patrician sandalwood (fabric) No.Seat bottom. raspberry (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) * * WASHER .Seat bottom. dark carmine (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY . dark cedar (leather) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.Seat bottom.Seat bottom. dark blue (leather) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.Seat bottom. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 1 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.(MS20365-428C) * * PIN .Seat bottom.Seat bottom. navajo cactus with black trim * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. velour) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.(MS24665-132) * * SPACER * COVER ASSEMBLY . red with camel trim * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.(MS20392-3C15) * * WASHER . tan (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.Seat bottom.Seat bottom.(AN960-416L) * * COTTER PIN . buckskin (cloth) * COVER ASSEMBLY . sandalwood (luxurious) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom. red with black trim * COVER ASSEMBLY .(MS20392-3C17) * * PIN . dark cedar (luxurious. knit) * COVER ASSEMBLY . navajo sepia with black trim * COVER ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . length 27 “) (PS50146-8-1) * BUSHING .Actuator * KNOB . always specify Part Number.Actuator * CABLE ASSEMBLY . Req.T NOMENCLATURE * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.Actuator (233) * BUTTON ASSEMBLY . 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.Seat back * BUTTON ASSEMBLY .Seat adjustment (Gas Spring Corp.Seat back No. Description. dark saddle (knit) * COVER ASSEMBLY .Seat control * CONTROL ARM .S P. dark saddle (leather) * CONTROL ASSEMBLY .Seat bottom.VERTICALLY ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEAT ASSEMBLY SECTION V Cabin Equipment Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 36-43 Part Number -44 559 714 559 760 587 404 -45 -46 -47 37902-06 37902-08 554 422 -48 -49 -50 37902-05 471 084 67958-03 67958-05 Code P B.Seat track release (crew operated. P/N 06-10-080-310-025) * ADAPTER . Figure 37. Instrument Panel Installation REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . See Figure 84 if AutoFlite II is installed.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118058 inclusive. X . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931199 and up. specify color camel. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131111 and up. See Figure 85 if AutoControl III B is installed. black or mocha. V . specify color “bark II” or black.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918264 and up. Used if air conditioning is installed. When ordering.Used if King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot is installed with provisions for Collins DME 451.Located on right hand shin guard channel assembly only. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918142 and up. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven. When ordering. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018061 and up. U .Used if Century 21 AutoPilot is installed. W .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up.Used if King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot is installed without provisions for Collins DME 451. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. AB . T . Used if AltiMatic III C with dual omni coupler and NSD-360-A is installed. R . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931 305 and up. Used only if Hartzell two-bladed propeller is installed. This part includes cable assembly.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. Used if NSD-360 is installed.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118059 and up. Penna. Y .Used if Century 41 AutoPilot is installed.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Z .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 37 ABCDEFGHJKLMNO- Used on PA-28RT-201 only. Used if fresh air blower is installed. P . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031086 and up. S . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R 7931001 to 28R-80311 88 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131110 inclusive. Used if AltiMatic III C with dual omni coupler is installed. or Figure 86 if AltiMatic III C is installed. Q . AA . REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1G17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. 000 feet) INSTRUMENT .A.Mixture control indicator GAUGE .Instrument Panel Cover Installation DRAWING .Gyro horizon (Edo-Aire 500B-9) INSTRUMENT .Directional gyro (Edo-Aire 4000 B-9) INSTRUMENT .000 feet) INSTRUMENT .Altimeter. left CLUSTER ASSEMBLY . sensitive (scale in inches of mercury and millibars to 35.Oil temperature SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-7918002 to 28R-7918306 incl.R -6 99003-03 99003-07 99010-05 67462-06 79650-02 550 464 35711-02 62177-03 62177-14 37629-02 87379-02 751 912 755 053 36660-02 95241-11 95241-21 38226-00 79373-00 37340-00 79367-00 37338-00 J J -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 A B A A B B A B A B A A B A B NOMENCLATURE No.Oil pressure * INSTRUMENT . sensitive (scale in inches of mercury to 35.Compass card INSTRUMENT . electric (CA7287) INSTRUMENT .Altimeter.Turn coordinator (PS50030-13-2) (with internal lighting) INSTRUMENT . encoding (scale in inches of mercury to 35. 31101 P) INSTRUMENT . always specify Part Number. sensitive (scale in millibars to 20. Req.000 feet) INSTRUMENT .Tachometer (Rochester) GAUGE .A.Manifold pressure and fuel flow gauge INSTRUMENT .Crew Cup Holder Installation INSTRUMENT .000 feet) INSTRUMENT . 28R-8018001 and up When ordering.P. Description.Oil temperature * INSTRUMENT .Tachometer INSTRUMENT .Instrument Panel Installation DRAWING .P.Altimeter. encoding (scale in millibars to 35.000 feet) INSTRUMENT . sensitive (scale in millibars to 35.Rate of climb COMPASS ASSEMBLY * HOLDER .W 550 488 B.W 550 491 A.Altimeter. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1G18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Fire Extinguisher Installation DRAWING .Altimeter.Tachometer INSTRUMENT .Instrument.000 feet) INSTRUMENT . 28R-7918001.000 feet) INSTRUMENT .Gyro horizon (Aeritalia S. DRAWING .000 feet) INSTRUMENT .Airspeed indicator (PS50049-50S) INSTRUMENT . encoding (scale in inches of mercury and millibars to 35.Altimeter.Turn and bank (1234T100-5) electric INSTRUMENT .Mixture control indicator INDICATOR .Instrument.Tachometer (Stewart Warner) INSTRUMENT .W 550 489 B. 36101P) INSTRUMENT . sensitive (scale in inches of mercury to 20.True airspeed indicator (PS50049-50T) INSTRUMENT .Engine hour meter CLUSTER ASSEMBLY .Altimeter. left * INSTRUMENT .W 548 330 A 548 331 A 548 039 W 548 040 548 407 -5 550 483 548 190 548 517 K K K.Altimeter.Altimeter.Airspeed indicator (PS50049-51S) INSTRUMENT .Clock.Oil pressure * INSTRUMENT .SECTION VI Instruments Group INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 37- -1 -2 -3 -4 Part Number Code 35800 79043 37872 87453 B 548 679 548 309 548 310 548 307 548 308 99002-03 99002-08 550 493 A A B B J J A.000 feet) INSTRUMENT .Directional gyro (Aeritalia S.Turn coordinator (1394T100) electric INSTRUMENT .Manifold pressure and fuel flow gauge INSTRUMENT .Oil pressure * INSTRUMENT .True airspeed indicator (PS50049-51T) INSTRUMENT . sensitive (scale in inches of mercury and millibars to 20. 28R-8031001 and up When ordering. left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY . right * INSTRUMENT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .78) HOUSING ASSEMBLY. 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931198 incl.Maneuvering speed PLACARD . lower left COVER ASSEMBLY .Mixture control PROBE . upper left COVER .Instrument panel. 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Climate control center * PLACARD . upper right COVER .Instrument panel.H A. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931198 incl.Y B.Instrument panel. upper right COVER .56 x 2. upper left COVER .Instrument.Instrument panel.25) COVER ASSEMBLY .L B. always specify Part Number. lower left COVER ASSEMBLY . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918141 incl.Radio opening (6.56) COVER ASSEMBLY .Shin guard.Cigar (204575) SHAFT . upper left COVER . Req.Instrument panel.Radio opening (6.E.Instrument cluster * LENS .AA E C D C C E. upper left COVER .Tachometer (PS50044-3) SHAFT .N E.Mixture control WIRE ASSEMBLY .Suction LIGHTER .Z B.Instrument panel.T.S E.L E. right CLUSTER ASSEMBLY .Maneuvering speed No. upper left COVER .E.Instrument panel.Fuel gauge.Instrument panel. upper left COVER .Radio opening (6.Instrument.Cluster assembly GAUGE . upper right COVER .Mixture control COVER .Tachometer (PS50044-6) PROBE .X E.Shin guard.V F AB E E E E A A B B NOMENCLATURE * INSTRUMENT .56 x 3.Instrument panel.Mixture control WIRE ASSEMBLY . upper left COVER . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918141 incl.Ammeter * COVER .Instrument panel.Spare (311005) SHIELD ASSEMBLY .T.56 x 3. upper left COVER .Instrument panel. upper left COVER .E.Instrument panel. upper left COVER . lower left COVER ASSEMBLY .Cluster assembly INSTRUMENT .T E.Instrument panel.T.50 x 1. upper left COVER . left CHANNEL ASSEMBLY .Instrument panel.Instrument panel.INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION SECTION VI Instruments Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 37-17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -37a -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 Part Number 79362-00 37337-00 79376-00 79381-00 550 543 95241-23 95241-22 35798-02 79371-00 79376-00 79381-00 38224-03 99480-00 472 969 486 575 486 594 757 310 37578-03 756 616 756 683 79044-07 79044-08 36567-03 76477-03 76477-04 36567-02 79044-06 79044-09 76477-05 36567-05 36567-06 39877-02 39877-03 99959-05 67228-09 67229-07 99513-05 76311-03 79112-02 35669-38 67920-14 67920-18 67920-20 79527-02 76205 00 76205 05 99950-00 461 629 99952-00 99059-06 99060-06 99061-06 99062-06 79600-00 79404-00 69669-121 35669-146 69669-117 35669-147 Code B A A B B A A.E.Instrument panel.Radio cooling trim PLACARD .E. lower right CHANNEL ASSEMBLY .W B A B A B B.L A. 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.E A.Instrument panel.Instrument panel. upper left COVER . right * FUSE . upper left COVER .Fuel pressure gauge * COVER . upper left COVER .E.Ammeter * INSTRUMENT .U F.H.E.90) COVER ASSEMBLY .Maneuvering speed PLACARD .Maneuvering speed PLACARD .M B.Instrument panel.Vent fan COVER ASSEMBLY . left and right GAUGE .Instrument panel.Cylinder head temperature CLUSTER ASSEMBLY .Shin guard.Glare COVER ASSEMBLY .Instrument panel. Description.Instrument cluster * LENS .M B.Y E F. upper right * PLACARD .Cylinder head temperature * INSTRUMENT .Compass COVER .Radio opening (6.Instrument panel.E E. Instrument panel PLACARD .R.Air temperature gauge.(SS-48189) GAUGE .Auxiliary fuel pump PLACARD .Fire extinguisher support BRACE . upper PLACARD .Heater and defroster (lift to actuate) PLACARD .Fire extinguisher support BRACKET ASSEMBLY . 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Circuit breaker.Fire extinguisher BRACKET ASSEMBLY .G A B A B A B A B B P P O A B NOMENCLATURE PLACARD .Fire extinguisher TAB ASSEMBLY .Gear actuation speeds PLACARD .Instrument panel PLATE . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Crosswind component PLACARD .Circuit breaker.G A A B. 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.Ground operation PLACARD .Gear actuation speeds PLACARD .Alternate air PLACARD .Annunciator.Air temperature PLATE .Circuit protector.Fire extinguisher BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(HA1014-01) BRACE .G B. 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931296 incl.Air condition door light PLATE .In-flight rpm restrictions PLACARD .In-flight rpm restrictions PLACARD .M. press to test PLACARD .Gear switch PLACARD .Maneuvers limitations PLACARD . instructions HOLDER .Support SPACER .Radio power. upper PLACARD .Air temperature gauge. 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Circuit breaker.Emergency fuel on PLACARD .Fire extinguisher BRACKET . Req. always specify Part Number.Gear switch PLACARD .Optional engine primer PLACARD .Fuel PLACARD .Fire extinguisher BRACKET ASSEMBLY . on-off PLACARD . 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Caution PLACARD . lower PLACARD .Fuel flow FIRE EXTINGUISHER . upper PLACARD .In-flight rpm restrictions PLACARD .Landing checklist PLACARD .Landing checklist PLACARD . 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Crew cup No.Emergency bus switch PLACARD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl. outer PLACARD .Fire extinguisher PLUG BUTTON .Take-off checklist PLACARD .Oil cooler winterization PLACARD . inner SPACER . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.P. Description.SECTION VI Instruments Group INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 37-46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 -82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 Part Number 76222-00 67428-00 35669-120 35669-114 69669-39 63408-00 35669-28 69669-101 69669-158 69669-159 69545-00 69669-16 35669-103 35669-103 35669-156 69669-176 69669-68 69669-185 35669-155 69669-70 35669-152 35669-118 35669-116 35669-119 35669-115 67879-00 69669-163 67768-00 99921-00 99214-00 79314-00 79314-02 69669-182 69669-186 459 849 37872-03 37872-04 37872-05 37872-07 35680-26 35680-11 35680-12 35680-22 453 687 99479-02 67431-04 67431-00 35669-125 36937-02 87369-27 35669-179 87451-03 Code O A B O B B B A B B O B. 28R-7931297 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Alternate static source PLACARD .Take-off checklist PLACARD . 28R-8031001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.In-flight rpm restrictions PLACARD .Primer PLACARD . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 38. Vacuum System Installation REVISED: AUGUST 1980 1G21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. See Figure 70 if air conditioning is installed. Lock Haven. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Used with Vacuum Pump P/N 36535-02 (Edo-Aire IUI28-002) only.PIPER PARTS CATALOG ABCDEFGW- CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 38 Used on PA-28RT-201 only. See Figure 86 if AltiMatic III C is installed. Piper Aircraft. Penna. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . See Figure 86B for PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8331001 and up if King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot is installed. Used with Vacuum Pump P/N 26749-07 (Airborne 211CC) only. (SAE TYE-11) CLAMP .W B.Vacuum pump drive (69439) PUMP .(1K1-6-10) ELBOW .(NAS397-12) SPACER .Regulating valve to vacuum pump HOSE . always specify Part Number.E.W B.W D.SECTION VI Instruments Group VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 38- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 Part Number 69272 35709 450 380 26749-07 36535-02 753 910 751 859 462 023 460 888 757 899 492 240 757 790 751 815 63913-07 63913-81 63913-84 63913-44 63913-47 63913-49 63904-29 63904-29 63913-64 458 958 558 900 558 900 458 958 558 912 451 881 451 939 560 835 554 659 554 985 554 985 554 808 554 861 554 888 554 958 554 598 554 888 554 598 63900-145 404 004 407 565 458 948 451 881 Code B A.Vacuum pump mounting (AN4045-1) FILTER ASSEMBLY .C F F.(SAE TY F-6) CLAMP .W A B.Vacuum pump mounting (B3-1-2) * GASKET .Regulating valve to vacuum pump HOSE .(1K9-4-6) ADAPTER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1G23 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Air filter (D9-18-1) VALVE .(SAE TY F-4) CLAMP .(1K10-2-4) ADAPTER .(SAE TY F-6) CLAMP .W NOMENCLATURE No.D B.(SAE TYE-13) CLAMP .W G.(1K8-6-8) ELBOW .(NAS397-12) CLAMP .E W A.Vacuum pump exhaust HOSE .D B.(PS10024-420) WASHER . 350) * * GASKET .Vacuum pump drive (No.(1K1-2-4) ADAPTER .Vacuum System Installation KIT .(1K31-4-6-4) CLAMP .Dry vacuum (Airborn 211CC) PUMP .50” L.W E.W A A A.Air filter NUT .(PS10017-8-8) CLAMP .Gyro horizon to air filter HOSE .Gyro horizon to suction gauge HOSE .Vacuum pump exhaust HOSE .E W W G G B.W W G.(F7-16-1) * FILTER .Regulating (B3-5-1) HOSE .Vacuum pump exhaust ELBOW .W W D.Directional gyro to air filter and regulating valve HOSE . Description.W W W W G A B.W F W A B. Req.(1K10-2-4) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 6 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 When ordering.(1K1-6-10) ELBOW .D.(1K8-6-8) ELBOW .Dry vacuum (Edo-Aire 1U128-002) * COUPLING ASSEMBLY KIT .Gyro horizon to regulating valve (11.(1K10-4-6) FITTING . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .) HOSE .(AN960-416) ELBOW .(SAE TYE-11) CLAMP .G F.Air (66673-00) * CARTRIDGE .(SAE TYE-8) CLAMP .Suction regulating (2H3-19) * SWITCH .Vacuum System Installation DRAWING .G A B. 1G24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 39. Pitot Static System Installation REVISED: JULY 1982 1H1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . W . Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218004 inclusive. Penna. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8231010 inclusive. See Figure 88 if narco encoder is installed. Piper Aircraft. Used if encoding altimeter is installed. Lock Haven. specify color “bark II” or black. Used if rate of climb instrument is installed. H . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231011 and up. When ordering.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 39 ABCDEFG- Used if heated pitot head is installed. Used if alternate static system is installed.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218005 and up. Pitot static * VALVE .(PS10017-8-3) CLAMP .(AN832-3D) TEE .(SAE TY F-4) UNION .(AN826-3D) * COUPLING .W.Pitot (heated) HEAD ASSEMBLY .Pitot static TUBE ASSEMBLY .Pitot (heated) * CONNECTOR .Pitot pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.(AN824-3D) UNION .E W C.Pitot pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .(SAE TY F-4) TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN910-1D) * ELBOW COVER ASSEMBLY .(CCA-7450) * ELBOW .(PS50036-2-2) * TEE .Pitot head GASKET .Pitot air * CLAMP .(PS10017-2-3) CLAMP .Pitot (unheated) HEAD ASSEMBLY .(1068 x 4) * HOSE .(AN824-3D) UNION .W D.Pitot Static System Installation G H W W W A D B W W D.Pitot static TUBE ASSEMBLY .W W W W F W HEAD ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Alternate static source ELBOW .Pitot static TUBE ASSEMBLY .(PS10017-4-4) 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 2 When ordering.Pitot static drain * PLACARD .(AN832-3D) TEE .Pitot static SUMP ASSEMBLY . Description.Pitot drain CLAMP .Pitot static TUBE ASSEMBLY . Req.Pitot pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN825-3D) BUSHING .Pitot static CLIP ASSEMBLY .SECTION VI Instruments Group PITOT STATIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 39- 1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 Part Number Code 35896 96393-03 96392-04 96392-07 556 105 63913-34 554 861 491 112 63900-25 96143-00 492 100 458 893 69042-02 69042-00 63913-106 63207-00 67700-301 67700-300 67700-65 67700-66 67700-67 67700-172 67700-334 67700-395 95153-101 95153-158 78113-00 458 893 488 315 491 059 488 315 491 059 488 380 63900-85 554 953 554 861 67700-394 67700-333 37994-02 492 241 488 310 455 173 35692-02 35507-02 69669-115 454 928 454 813 NOMENCLATURE No.Pitot TUBE ASSEMBLY .Clamp CLAMP . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1H3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Pitot static TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN822-3D) TEE .(AN822-3D) GASKET .Pitot head HOSE .Pitot pressure TUBE .Static air vent * VALVE .(62 x 3) BUSHING .Clamp VALVE ASSEMBLY .Pitot static TUBE ASSEMBLY .Pitot static TUBE ASSEMBLY . Power Plant Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Figure 40. PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 40 ABCDEFG- Secure from Lycoming Division-Avco Corporation. with air conditioning. Williamsport. See figure 69 if a Prestotlite alternator. See Figure 80 for component parts if a Chrysler alternator is installed. See Figure 49 for component parts. is installed. Lock Haven. W . Used if Engine Hour Meter is installed. Used with Hartzell propeller only. Penna. Used with McCauley propeller only. REVISED: APRIL 1981 1H5 PA-28RT-201 . Piper Aircraft. See Figure 48 for component pars. Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Req.Spinner 2 PLATE .Lycoming (10-360-C1C6) 1 PROPELLER .McCauley.McCauley.Engine 1 OIL RADIATOR 1 BRACKET ASSEMBLY . 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018098 incl.(AN960-716L) 4 NUT .Engine breather 1 TUBE .Spinner. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Hartzell.Air duct 1 TEE .Flexible 1 CLAMP . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Alternate air inlet 1 HOSE ASSEMBLY .Governor support 1 MOUNT .Engine 1 MOUNT ASSEMBLY . forward 1 TUBE ASSEMBLY . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.(MS51958-63) 28 WASHER .Alternate air inlet 1 * LEVER ASSEMBLY .Oil pressure.Drain 2 HOSE .Half.Spinner.Cowl support mount (MS27406-T6) 2 DUCT ASSEMBLY 1 WINTERIZATION KIT ASSEMBLY .(1/8 MMS-S) 1 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. always specify Part Number. 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.(AN924-4) 8 GASKET .Manifold pressure group 1 TUBE .Oil pressure. aft 1 TUBE ASSEMBLY .Flexible 1 PLENUM ASSEMBLY 1 ADAPTER ASSEMBLY . alternate air inlet 2 * BUSHING .Vellumoid 1 HOSE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1H6 PA-28RT-201 .Alternate air inlet and throttle bracket (with air gate) 1 * TUBE ASSEMBLY .Engine (J-9613-40) 4 ALTERNATOR INSTALLATION WASHER .Oil cooler 1 GOVERNOR .Alternate air inlet 1 * HINGE .Spinner. 28R-8018099 and up When ordering.Engine breather 1 MOUNT ASSEMBLY .Propeller 1 HOSE ASSEMBLY .Air duct 1 TUBE ASSEMBLY .Alternate air inlet 1 * SEAL . forward 1 CUFF .Alternate air inlet 1 * SPRING .Spinner 1 SCREW . Description. aft 1 BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY . two blade (2D34C215/9ODJA-14E) 1 CLIP 1 SPINNER SHELL .SECTION VII Power Plant Group POWER PLANT INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 40- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 Part Number Code 67800 550 974 550 976 550 992 67847-00 67790-00 67791-00 35827-02 67793-00 67794-00 99499-00 415 379 494 227 24995-00 63913-26 554 918 67844-00 67849-00 66634-04 63901 -36 67845-00 99047-00 67779-00 67777-00 67776-00 24582-00 23809-05 63900-96 63901-43 67876-00 36692-02 67700-89 67700-87 67700-29 76434-00 35957-02 67119-57 67119-61 67848-00 68026-00 475 124 407 591 477 629 63684-04 63633-63 588 469 NOMENCLATURE No.Propeller 1 BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY . two blade (B2D34C213/9ODHA-16) 1 PROPELLER .Manifold pressure 1 TUBE ASSEMBLY . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Power Plant Installation A B E B C D D W W W G W W F ENGINE . forward 1 BULKHEAD ASSEMBLY .Fiber (PS10063-2) 28 VALVE ASSEMBLY . two blade (HC-C2YK-1 BF/F7666A-2R 2 PROPELLER . 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Oil cooler 2 HOSE . Air filter * RECEPTACLE .(AN960-616) NUT .(AN6-33A) WASHER . always specify Part Number.(MS20365-720C) BOLT.(AN960-10) HOSE .(AN823-8) SEAL ASSEMBLY .Engine mount BOLT. 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.(AN960-716) NUT .(SAE TYA 3 5/8) CLAMP .Oil radiator No.(AN960-416) BOLT.Air filter box HOSE .(PS10062-8-624C) WASHER .POWER PLANT INSTALLATION SECTION VII Power Plant Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 40-40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 Part Number 69015-06 491 055 476 688 458 855 68778-00 458 870 460 685 554 866 454 983 554 897 454 837 486 335 407 564 63913-64 401 310 407 565 404 888 401 417 407 567 477 887 401 405 407 567 477 887 401 411 407 567 477 887 85012-101 401 544 407 568 404 891 401 543 407 568 404 891 401 919 407 565 401 919 407 136 407 565 67724-00 67616-00 67616-04 484 342 67745-00 487 724 487 723 494 060 99849-06 99849-07 99849-21 554 803 554 804 554 803 458 855 67829-00 Code W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE HOSE .Air filter box HOSE .(AN816-8) ELBOW .(MS20365-428C) BOLT .(AN960-416) NUT . 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 12 12 12 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.(SAE TYA 3 3/8) CLAMP .Restricted 45 degrees ELBOW .(AN6-37A) WASHER .Cowl support BOX ASSEMBLY . Req.(AN7-44A) WASHER .(SAE TYA 3 3/8) ELBOW .(MS20074-04-04) WASHER .(AN6-25A) WASHER .(PS10062-8-624C) BOLT .Lock (AN936-A416) WASHER .(2600-123W) * STUD .(MS20074-04-04) WASHER .(AN960-616) NUT .(SAE 8) Type “E” CLAMP .(SAE TY F-48SS) CLAMP .(2600-114W) * WASHER (2600-LW) HOSE . 28R-8018001 and up When ordering. Description.(200 x 4) CLAMP .(SAE TY A-7/8) SCREW.(AN844-10D) 45 degrees CONNECTOR .Air filter box CLAMP .(AN960-716) NUT .(AN815-4) NIPPLE .(AN960-416) MOUNT ASSEMBLY .(212-12D) COVER ASSEMBLY .Flexible BOLT .(AN823-8) ELBOW. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H7 PA-28RT-201 .(MS20365-720C) BOLT.(PS10062-8-624C) BOLT .(AN4-10A) WASHER .(Nyloc 3/4 x 10-32) WASHER .(SAE TY F-80) CLAMP .Flexible UNION . 28R-8018001 and up 28R7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.(AN960-616) NUT .(AN7-43A) WASHER .Air filter box * STUD .Air filter BOX ASSEMBLY . (AN4H-3A) WASHER .(MS20074-04-04) WASHER .Injector GASKET .Firewall GROMMET.(AN960-416) COLLAR ASSEMBLY .Bulkhead fitting SWITCH .SECTION VII Power Plant Group POWER PLANT INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 40-75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 -82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 Part Number 401 919 407 565 67725-02 492 172 406 669 79038-00 587 961 587 990 401 301 407 565 35960-02 63684-04 87369-26 68771-09 66789-00 68770-11 460 630 Code W F D D.Firewall PLATE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H8 PA-28RT-201 . 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up When ordering.Oil drain (1H50-1) NUT . Description.Cowl support adjusting VALVE ASSEMBLY .(9RF51624) TEE .(M-4011) SWITCH .Vellumoid PLACARD . oil drain valve GASKET . Req.W W NOMENCLATURE BOLT.(M-4006-4) BOLT.Air (CA-144PL) No.Caution. always specify Part Number.(AN960-416) BOLT .Firewall FILTER . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 41. Power Plant Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H9 PA-28RT-201T . W . REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1H10 PA-28RT-201T . Used with two bladed propeller assembly spinner only. Penna. Lock Haven. Order governor assembly of same manufacture. Used with three bladed propeller assembly spinner only.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Order part for serial numbers 28R-8431001 and up if Magneto Pressurization Kit 764 921V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 396. Determine manufacture of governor assembly before ordering. Piper Aircraft.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 41 ABCDEF- See Figure 50 for component parts. See Figure 51 for component parts. Hartzell.Spinner (C-3532-19) DOME .(28S10-2) FILTER .(A1020) GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY .Engine (J-9613-58) SHIELD ASSEMBLY .Spinner (C-3571) SCREW .Hartzell.(SAE TYA-1 1/16) 1 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-8331051 incl.Air induction SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .(MS51958-63) WASHER . two blade (BHC-C2YF-1 BF/F8459A-8R) PROPELLER . Description.Engine MOUNT ASSEMBLY .Alternate air inlet * * GASKET .(SAE TY F-52SS) CLAMP . right SUPPORT SLEEVE SLEEVE CLIP .(A1020) WASHER .Cowl.14) DOME .Continental (TSI0-360-FB8) ENGINE .123W) * WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .SECTION VII Power Plant Group POWER PLANT INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 41- Part Number 35703 35706 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 Code No. Req.Engine Air Induction System Installation F 550 964 A 550 986 C 492 283 35703-08 35703-12 35703-09 35703-13 415 379 415 379 756 669 756 669 37845-02 37476-03 35706-05 35706-08 23809-07 23809-04 24582-00 69074-00 487 724 594 089 460 632 35704-02 35704-84 470 908 67950-02 35814-02 37107-00 67700-309 35791 -05 35706-09 35721-02 35721-03 37032-25 37032-26 37032-27 35722-02 35811-02 62833-99 63913-182 63913-147 63633-183 462 003 554 641 554 762 554 866 554 925 454 997 NOMENCLATURE D E D E D E D.W B B W W W W W ENGINE . three blade (PHC-C3YF-1( )F/F7663-2R) VALVE .Spinner (C-3569) BULKHEAD .Quick drain (BJ107) BULKHEAD . always specify Part Number.Spinner (C-3532.Engine MOUNT .Alternate air inlet door * LEVER ASSEMBLY .Alternate air door * STUD .Cowl support CLIP .Rubber sponge * * SPRING .Air filter. 28R-8031166 and up When ordering.Propeller (G210681) Woodward BOX ASSEMBLY .Continental (TSI0-360-FB9) PROPELLER .W E.Engine mount BRACKET .(MS51958-63) SCREW .Engine mount TUBE TUBE TUBE .(SAE TY F-48SS) CLAMP .Magneto blast tube WASHER HOSE HOSE HOSE .Alternator cooling GASKET .(SAE TY F-24) CLAMP . left SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .Propeller (E-5) Hartzell GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY .(2600. 28R-8431001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 18 16 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 4 28R-7931001 to 28R-8031165 incl.Exhaust heat HEAT SHIELD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1H11 PA-28RT-201T .Cowl.Air filter box * DOOR ASSEMBLY .Power Plant Installation DRAWING .(CA-161-PL) MOUNT ASSEMBLY .Drain valve (OHO-10) CLAMP .(MS21920-26) CLAMP . bottom COVER ASSEMBLY . (MS20365-720C) No.(RF51624) SCREW .(MS27405-T6) BOLT .(AN6-12A) WASHER .Cowl support adjusting NUT.(PS10062-8-624C) BOLT .(3/4 x 1032 Nylon) WASHER . always specify Part Number.(AN6.11A) WASHER .(AN960-616) NUT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1H12 PA-28RT-201T .(AN960-10) BOLT.(AN960-616) NUT .(MS21042-5) PLATE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) NUT .POWER PLANT INSTALLATION SECTION VII Power Plant Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 41-41 42 43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 Part Number 407 559 404 531 37793-02 400 014 407 565 404 888 401 389 407 565 477 887 401 393 407 567 477 887 554 918 400 440 407 564 404 887 67725-02 406 669 486 335 407 564 415 321 407 564 401 546 407 568 404 891 Code W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE WASHER . Req.(AN3-6A) WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 4 1 12 12 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 When ordering.(AN960-716) NUT .(MS27039-1-11) WASHER .(AN960-10) SCREW .(AN7-46A) WASHER .(PS10062-8-624C) CLAMP .(AN4-21A) WASHER .Oil cooler baffle BOLT .(MS20365-428C) BOLT . Description.(AN960-10) NUT .(AN960-5) NUT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT . Engine Instrument Lines Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1H13 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 42. Lock Haven.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 42 A .Used if Engine Hour Meter is installed. order part for serial numbers 28R-8431001 and up.If Magneto Pressurization Kit 764 921V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 396. D . Penna.Used if Magneto Pressurization Kit 764 921V has not been installed. REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1H14 PA-28RT-201T .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. B . W . Piper Aircraft. C .Used if air conditioning is installed. (AN833-4) COUPLING .W W W W W A.(214C40-1-55) NIPPLE .(M4006-4) ELBOW TEE .Fuel flow vent TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-616) NUT .Manifold pressure HOSE ASSEMBLY .(AN924-3) WASHER .(MS29512-04) GASKET. Req.(AN816-4D) REDUCER .Firewall “O” RING .W W W W B B W W W W W W A A.W W D.(AN917-1D) SWITCH .SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE INSTRUMENT LINES INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 42- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35786 DRAWING .Firewall PLATE .Fuel flow vent HOSE ASSEMBLY .Bulkhead fitting SWITCH .(1/8 MMS-S) NUT .Engine Instrument Lines Installation 492 241 37343-32 37343-33 37343-39 37343-34 67700-87 67700-157 67700-132 67700-133 67700-159 67700-137 67700-136 63901-41 63901-81 97499-04 588 513 79038-00 587 956 588 027 462 058 22105-05 66789-00 68770-18 462 058 37390-02 458 887 458 933 458 847 458 934 455 173 488 474 476 686 476 643 476 648 484 162 488 474 587 990 37390-00 588 469 477 627 407 566 477 628 407 567 477 629 407 568 588 028 476 648 VALVE .Oil pressure TEE .Firewall GROMMET.(AN960-516) NUT .(AN833-3) ELBOW .(MS51513-B4) TEE .(AN816-5) NIPPLE .Drain (PS50036-2-2) TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel flow pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN917-1D) NIPPLE . 28R-8431001 and up 28R7931001 to 28R-8331051 incl.Fuel flow vent and fuel flow pressure HOSE ASSEMBLY .Fuel flow vent TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN833-2) ELBOW .Manifold pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel flow vent TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN924-4) WASHER .Manifold pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.(AN960-716) SWITCH . Description. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1H15 PA-28RT-201T .(AN919-0) TEE .(M4009-15) SWITCH . When ordering.(AN911-1D) NIPPLE .(AN924-2) WASHER .(AN910-1D) TEE .W No.(AN816-4D) C A. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7931001 to 28R-8331051 incl.Fuel flow pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .(MS29512-04) ELBOW ELBOW .Manifold pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .Manifold pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .Oil pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY .Pressure (214C40-1-54) “O” RING .(AN823-3) ELBOW . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 43. Engine Exhaust System installaton REVISED: MARCH 1980 1H16 PA-28RT-201 . PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 43 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. REVISED: MARCH 1980 1H17 PA-28RT-201 . Piper Aircraft. Penna. always specify Part Number. Description.Left front STACK ASSEMBLY . top * TAB .Muffler BOLT.(AN960-416) NUT .(AN4-6) WASHER . Req.Complete * MUFFLER ASSEMBLY * SHROUD ASSEMBLY .Right rear MUFFLER ASSEMBLY . bottom * SHROUD ASSEMBLY .Muffler.SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 43- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 99603 DRAWING .Muffler.Left rear STACK ASSEMBLY .(MS24665-132) CLAMP ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 4 2 2 2 When ordering. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1H18 PA-28RT-201 .Exhaust stack W W W W No.Exhaust System Installation 67810-00 67811-00 67809-00 67812-00 99601-00 67517-00 67808-00 99600-00 67652-00 400 103 407 565 404 101 424 051 63243-02 STACK ASSEMBLY .Right front STACK ASSEMBLY .(AN310-4) COTTER PIN . Engine Baffle Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H19 PA-28RT-201 .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 44. Penna. Piper Aircraft.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 44 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. REVISED: MARCH 1980 1H20 PA-28RT-201 . (MS20364-428C) BRACKET .(AN4-5A) WASHER .Left front baffle FAIRING ASSEMBLY .Lock (AN936-A416) TIE ROD .Right front BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8018001 and up When ordering.(AN960-416) WASHER .Engine baffle SCREW .(AN960-416) WASHER .Left rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Right rear FAIRING ASSEMBLY .Cap (1/4-20NC3 x 1) WASHER .Rear baffle reinforcement SCREW .Left front BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Left rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE BAFFLE INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 44- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67803 DRAWING .Right front baffle BOLT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H21 PA-28RT-201 . always specify Part Number.Cap (1/4-20NC3 x 1/2) WASHER . Req.(AN960-416L) NUT . Description. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 7 7 7 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Left side front BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Right side front BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Right side rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Lock (AN936-A416) W W W W W W W No.Left side rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Engine Baffle Installation 99792-00 99595-00 67830-00 67822-00 67831-00 67823-00 67825-00 67825-06 67824-00 99589-00 99594-00 400 002 407 585 404 836 63605-00 418 351 407 565 407 136 87392-02 418 420 407 565 407 136 BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 45. Engine Baffle Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1H22 PA-28RT-201T . If Powerplant Cooling Kit 764 152V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 388.If Powerplant Cooling Kit 764 152V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 388.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 45 A . order part for serial numbers 28R-8231001 to 28R-8331051 inclusive. D . order part number for serial numbers 28R8231001 and up. order part for serial numbers 28R-8431001 and up. and Magneto Pressurization Kit 764 921V has not been installed. Piper Aircraft. W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.If Magneto Pressurization Kit 764 921V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 396. Lock Haven. B .Also used on serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 inclusive if Powerplant Cooling Kit 764 152V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 388. C . If both Powerplant Cooling Kit 764 152V and Magneto Pressurization Kit 764 921V have been installed. order part for serial numbers 28R-8431001 and up. REVISED: JULY 1984 1H23 PA-28RT-201T . Penna. Left front BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Right forward BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Baffle * DEFLECTOR ASSEMBLY . 28R-8431001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl. right PLATE .Baffle support 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl.Left side BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231001 and up 28R-8231001 and up 28R-8231001 and up 28R-8231001 and up 28R-8231001 and up When ordering.Right rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl. 28R-8231001 to 28R-8331051 incl.Oil cooler BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Turbo air * STIFFENER .Baffle. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1H24 PA-28RT-201T . always specify Part Number.(AN960-C416) ADAPTER .Right rear * TUBE ASSEMBLY .Baffle.Left rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl.Left rear * FLANGE ASSEMBLY .Right rear RETAINER .(1/4-20NC3 x 1/2) WASHER . Req.(AN936-A416) WASHER .Right side BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl.Left rear BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Engine Baffle Installation A A A C D A A A A A W W W A B B B B BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . rear RETAINER .Left rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl. 28R-8231001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl.Oil cooler BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Baffle.SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE BAFFLE INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 45- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 Part Number Code 35748 37119-00 35812-02 35812-04 35740-16 87404-04 35740-17 87404-05 35740-14 87404-02 87404-24 37598-00 35740-15 87404-03 37177-00 37189-00 37142-00 37179-00 87403-02 37126-00 37126-08 37463-00 37464-03 37512-00 87401-02 35740-18 87404-10 418 420 407 136 407 675 481 359 454 873 37688-00 37463-00 87402-02 87404-16 87404-17 87404-22 87430-02 NOMENCLATURE No. 28R-8231001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl.Baffle BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Air duet BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Rear baffle SCREW .Left forward BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . left CLIP .Oil quick drain adapter BRACKET BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl.Rear baffle BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Left side BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Right rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231001 and up 28R 7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl.Right forward BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Oil quick drain (107B) CLIP .Oil cooler BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . Description.Right front BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Right side BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Oil cooler BAFFLE ASSEMBLY .Left rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 46. Engine Cowl Installation REVISED: JULY 1981 1I1 PA-28RT-201 . PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 46 INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1I2 PA-28RT-201 . Bottom cowl.(AN960-10) NUT .Oil filler door (KM610-32) * * HINGE ASSEMBLY .Bottom 69791-00 484 840 69790-00 67355-00 67355-01 65889-00 484 483 406 646 65202-05 487 719 484 428 400 438 407 564 404 835 414 763 406 834 581 025 411 533 407 584 65151-00 87340-02 * PLATE ASSEMBLY .Cowl Assembly (Complete) 67350-00 99096-00 472 017 65291-03 99094-02 65240-00 65240-01 65241-00 65148-00 65148-01 67846-10 67846-11 COWL ASSEMBLY . right COWL ASSEMBLY .(PS10077-1-62) * NUT .Bottom cowl PLACARD .Cowl fastener.(AN960-10L) LOUVER .(15-903) SCREW . When ordering. 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7918002 to 28R-7918306 incl.Oil filler * * LATCH . always specify Part Number.Anchor (NAS686A08) PLUG . Req.Retaining * * BUSHING * HINGE HALF . left * ANGLE .Cowl pin.(MS20364-1032C) SCREW . left * PLATE ASSEMBLY .(AN3-4A) WASHER . Description. right * ANGLE . and Serial Number of Aircraft INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1I3 PA-28RT-201 .Cowl fastener.(MS24693-50) NUT . front * PLATE ASSEMBLY .(MS35207-264) WASHER . left * HINGE HALF .Cowl * STUD .(5-W-260) * RETAINER . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 8 24 8 8 8 3 10 10 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918002 to 28R-7918306 incl. 28R-7918001.Bottom COWL ASSEMBLY .Bottom cowl * * RING .Cowl fastener.Oil spec No. right * CUP ASSEMBLY .Oil filler door * PLATE ASSEMBLY .Anchor (MAS1068A06L) FASTENER ASSEMBLY . rear.SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE COWL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 46- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67349 DRAWING .Cowl pin.Reinforcement oil filler door * ANGLE .Top * DOOR ASSEMBLY .(PS10077-1-65) BOLT. rear.Cowl fastener * RECEPTACLE .Bottom cowl. Engine Cowl Installation REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1I4 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 47. PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 47 A .Also used on serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 inclusive if Powerplant Cooling Kit 764 152V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 388. REVISED: JULY 1984 1I5 PA-28RT-201T .If Powerplant Cooling Kit 764 152V has been installed per Service Spares Letter 388. Penna. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven. B .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. W . order part for serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up. (214-16) SNAP RING .Bottom COWL ASSEMBLY .(4002-2) COWL ASSEMBLY .Bottom cowl. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 8 31 31 31 31 8 8 1 31 8 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131229 incl. right * * HINGE ASSEMBLY .Bottom cowl. 28R-8231001 and up 28R-8231001 and up 28R-8231001 and up When ordering.(R4G) * STUD . upper * RECEPTACLE .Oil filler door * PLATE .SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE COWL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 47- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35742 DRAWING .(4002-N) * SNAP RING .Doubler * RECEPTACLE . left * DOOR ASSEMBLY .Cowl.Oil filler door (KM610-32) * HINGE ASSEMBLY .(4002-9) length 0.Bottom cowl.93” WASHER .(4002-10) length 0.(MS24694-S52) PLACARD .(R4G) STUD .Oil spec GROMMET . always specify Part Number.Nose.(4002-N) RECEPTACLE . left * LOUVER .Cowl Assembly Installation 35742-31 35742-32 35742-33 35742-41 35793-02 472 017 35794-02 35742-43 484 293 463 416 484 755 487 710 35742-03 35742-56 35742-04 35742-05 584 019 87405-02 87405-03 35742-30 584 019 484 755 487 685 487 686 487 687 494 037 410 040 87339-02 463 416 584 019 COWL ASSEMBLY .Bottom * HINGE HALF .(214-16) * LOUVER .Bottom cowl. right COWL ASSEMBLY.Oil filler * * LATCH .(PS10092-1-3C) SCREW . Description. left * HINGE HALF .(214-16) W W W W W A B B W W W W W W W No.(214-16D) * GROMMET .(4002-8) length 0.87” STUD .Cowl door * DOOR ASSEMBLY .Top * DOOR ASSEMBLY . right * RECEPTACLE .Cowl.90” STUD . Req. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1I6 PA-28RT-201T . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 48. Two Blade Propeller Assembly (McCauley) ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1I7 PA-28RT-201 . PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 48 A .Used with Propeller Assembly 2D34C215/90DJA-14E only.Used with Propeller Assembly B2D34C213/90DHA-16 only. B . REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 1I8 PA-28RT-201 . Piston rod (B-2345) * ACTUATING PIN AND BASE ASSEMBLY . 28R-8018001 and up When ordering.(B-3905) * * PIN .Blade actuating (A-3902) * PIN . two blade (2D34C215/90DJA-14E) * HUB ASSEMBLY .Piston rod (B-3414) * SEPARATOR .(A-1633-12) * “O” RING . Description. two blade (B2D34C213/90DHA-16) PROPELLER ASSEMBLY .Propeller mounting (B-3121) * * STUD .Propeller (C-4326/C213) * HUB ASSEMBLY .(C-4645) * PISTON .Bearing (A-1634-6) * RETAINER .Dowel (A-2973-8) * LINK .Ball (B-4014) * BALL .(A-1639-9) * * ROLL PIN .Propeller (9ODJA-14E) * CYLINDER .Propeller mounting (B-5077) * * WASHER .(A-1638-10) * * NUT.Split (C-3903) (matched pairs) * “O” RING .(A-1633-11) * “O” RING .McCauley. Req.(A-3150-1) * BLADE . always specify Part Number.(A-1633-9) No.SECTION VII Power Plant Group TWO BLADE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY (MCCAULEY) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 48-1 Part Number Code 550 974 550 992 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 755 278 755 314 762 319 762 395 756 689 752 572 762 564 758 396 758 497 763 217 763 413 761 984 763 005 763 414 761 206 763 412 762 318 758 395 762 563 752 591 752 592 752 593 752 594 A B A B A B NOMENCLATURE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY .McCauley.Propeller (C-5098/C215) * * STUD . 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 80 80 2 2 1 1 2 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Propeller (9ODHA-16) * BLADE .Blade actuating (C-3418) * TUBE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1979 1I9 PA-28RT-201T .(A-1633-37) * “O” RING . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 49. Two Blade Propeller Assembly (Hartzell) (Serial Nos.) REVISED: AUGUST 1979 1I10 PA-28RT-201 . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. Piper Aircraft.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1I11 PA-28RT-201 . Penna.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 49 W . Flange (A-2067) * NUT .(B-2428-1) * SCREW . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1979 1I12 PA-28RT-201 . split (A-2202) * “O” RING .Propeller (D-2201-3F) ‘ BOLT .Retainer (A-2430) * WEIGHTS .Propeller (F7666A-2R) * RING . Description.Propeller (A-2413-2) * BUTTON .Balance (A-2424) * SPRING . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 6 4 10 10 2 1 1 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Propeller (A-3212-1) No.Rod (PRP-909-6) * WASHER .Pitch change (B-2457-3) * BLOCK .Cylinder (PRP-909-25) * CYLINDER .Felt (B-1843) * “O” RING .(AN960-616) * NUT .Blade.Hartzell (HC-C2YK-1BF/F7666A-2R) * HUB ASSEMBLY .Hub (A-2436) * “O” RING .Parker (7000-3/8) * NUT .(B-2256) * ROD .Rod (A-2211) * COTTER PIN .(B-2419) * NUT .Blade (PRP-902-42) * PRELOAD PLATE UNIT .Bearing guide (A-2204) * BEARING .Castle (A-2069) * BLADE .Hex head (A-2431) * BOLT .Elastic (A-2043) * SEAL . always specify Part Number.Piston (PRP-902-51) * SEAL .Piston (A-2418-2) * FORK UNIT .(A-2213-1) * “O” RING .Pitch change (A-2217-3) * SPLIT .Piston seal (PRP-914-6) * PISTON .Hex head (A-2432) * WASHER .(52NTE-064) * BUSHING .SECTION VII Power Plant Group TWO BLADE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY (HARTZELL) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 49-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 Part Number Code 550 976 755 222 753 461 758 111 407 567 752 511 756 241 755 932 755 800 756 626 757 583 752 533 758 400 755 968 753 463 755 934 757 249 755 993 754 826 758 204 755 972 756 607 757 556 755 995 757 302 752 513 424 061 755 994 757 557 755 935 757 828 757 558 757 559 752 534 758 280 758 282 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY .(AN380-3-5) * “O” RING .Low stop (A-2421) * SEAL.(A-1381) * STUD .Rod (PRP-902-13) * “O” RING . Req. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 50. Two Blade Propeller Assembly (Hartzell) REVISED: APRIL 1979 1I13 PA-28RT-201T . Part No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 50 A . REVISED: APRIL 1979 1I14 PA-28RT-201T .Parts included in Propeller Repair Kit. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven. W . Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. 756 892. Felt (B-1843) * “O” RING .Hex head (A-2432) * WASHER .(A-2213-1) * “O” RING .W W W A. always specify Part Number.Rod (PRP-902-13) * “O” RING .(52NTE-064) * BUSHING . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 6 4 10 10 2 1 1 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Piston seal (PRP-914-6) * PISTON .W A.Parker (7000-3/8) * NUT .Piston (PRP-902-51) * SEAL .Propeller (F8459A-8R) * RING .Hex head (A-2431) * BOLT .Elastic (A-2043) * SEAL .Blade (PRP-902-42) * PRELOAD PLATE UNIT .(B-2256) * ROD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1979 1I15 PA-28RT-201 .(AN960-816) * STUD .(A-2044) * BLADE .(AN380-3-5) * “O’’ RING . split (A-2202) * “O” RING .(B-2428-1) * SCREW .Pitch change (A-2217-3) * SPLIT .W W W W W W A.Blade.(A-2429-4) * NUT . Description.Propeller (A-2413-2) * BUTTON .SECTION VII Power Plant Group TWO BLADE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY (HARTZELL) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 50-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 Part Number Code 550 964 755 274 753 461 758 111 407 567 752 511 756 241 755 932 755 800 407 569 757 742 752 544 758 372 755 968 753 463 755 934 757 249 755 993 754 826 758 204 755 972 756 607 757 556 755 995 757 302 752 513 424 061 755 994 757 557 755 935 757 828 757 558 757 559 752 534 758 280 758 282 W W A.Propeller (D-2201-5) * BOLT .W A.W W W W W W W W A.Cylinder (PRP-909-25) * CYLINDER .(AN960-616) * NUT .Retainer (A-2430) * WEIGHTS .Hartzell.Hub (A-2436) * “O” RING .W A.W A.Pitch change (B-2457-3) * BLOCK .W W W W A.W W NOMENCLATURE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY .W A.Rod (PRP-909-6) * WASHER .(B-2419) * NUT .Bearing guide (A-2204) * BEARING . Req.W A.Low stop (A-2421) * SEAL .Propeller (A-3212-1) No. two blade (BHC-C2YF-1BF/F8459A-8R) * HUB ASSEMBLY .Balance (A-2424) * SPRING .Piston (A-2418-2) * FORK UNIT .Rod (A-2211) * COTTER PIN . Three Blade Propeller Assembly (Hartzell) REVISED: APRIL 1979 1I16 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 51. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Corporation Lock Haven. Piper Aircraft. W . P/N 763 888. REVISED: APRIL 1979 1I17 PA-28RT-201T .Parts included in Propeller Repair Kit.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 51 A . Penna. Balance (A-2424) * SPRING . three blade (PHC-C3YF-1( )F/F7663-2R) * HUB ASSEMBLY .Piston (A-2418-2) * FORK .Propeller (F7663-2R) * RING .Low stop (A-2421) * SEAL .Propeller (D-3251-8R) * BOLT .Rod (A-2211) * COTTER PIN .W W W W W W A.Elastic (A-2043) * “O” RING .W A.Felt (B-1843-1) * “O” RING .(52NTE-064) No.W A.Pitch change (A-3253-2) * RETAINER .Rod (PRP-902-13) * “O” RING .W A.(A-2429-4) * NUT .Pitch change (B-3252) * BLOCK .W A.Blade.(A-2044) * BLADE .(A-2213-1) * “O” RING .Parker (7000-3/8) * NUT .W W NOMENCLATURE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY .(B-2256) * ROD .Piston (PRP-902-53) * SEAL .W W W A.Hex head (A-2433) * SPACER .W A.(22 FT-624) * WASHER .Blade (PRP-902-42) * PRELOAD PLATE UNIT .Split (A-2430) * WEIGHT . Description.(A-2246-3) * WASHER .(B-2281) * SCREW .Bearing guide (A-2204) * BEARING .(AN960-616) * NUT .(AN960-816) * STUD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1979 1I18 PA-28RT-201T .Rod (PRP-909-6) * WASHER .W W W W W W W W A. split (A-2202) * “O” RING .Cylinder (MS28775-29) * CYLINDER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 9 6 12 12 6 9 9 1 1 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. Req.Hex head (A-2431) * BOLT .SECTION VII Power Plant Group THREE BLADE PROPELLER ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 51-1 550 986 -2 -3 -4 755 299 753 461 753 462 757 593 407 567 752 565 407 587 752 511 755 932 755 800 407 569 757 742 752 544 758 458 755 968 753 463 755 934 757 249 755 993 754 808 758 205 755 972 756 607 757 556 755 995 757 458 752 513 424 061 762 504 762 211 755 937 758 033 757 558 757 559 752 534 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 Code W W W W W A.(AN380-3-5) * “O’’ RING .(AN960-616L) * NUT . always specify Part Number.Piston seal (PRP-914-6) * PISTON— (B-2280) * NUT .Hartzell.W A.W W W A. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 52. Engine Controls Installation REVISED: APRIL 1981 1I19 PA-28RT-201 . Used if a 2.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 52 ABCW- See Figure 86A if Century 41 AutoPilot is installed. Piper Aircraft.72” L. Lock Haven. REVISED: JULY 1982 1I20 PA-28RT-201 . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. quadrant adjusting handle (P/N 6677300) is installed. Used if a 2. Penna.94” L. quadrant adjusting handle (P/N 63039-04) is installed. Swivel.Push-pull (PS50146-13-10) CONTROL MOUNT .Quadrant control.72” L.Alternate air control WASHER .Throttle control lever FITTING .Alternate air control (PS50146-1-1) SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .(MS20392-2C11) WASHER .Quadrant control * BOLT .Quadrant control.Firewall seal CLAMP . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 When ordering. friction * PLATE . left * BRACKET ASSEMBLY . alternate air STUD .Mixture control CONTROL ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.(AN5-30) * NUT .Propeller control * LEVER . friction * PIN .94” L.Engine control CLAMP . friction * WASHER .Quadrant.Alternate air CABLE ASSEMBLY .(AN526-832R6) * PLATE .(AN25-52) * BOLT .W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1I21 PA-28RT-201 .(RA13-187-2C) LUG .Alternate air BRACKET TERMINAL .Cable control PLATE .Throttle lever * LEVER .Quadrant control (V3-1) * BRACKET ASSEMBLY.Ball BEARING .(MS24665-132) * WASHER .Engine Controls Installation 67210-03 67223-03 66979-00 67213-00 67214-00 24047-00 24048-00 487 925 67215-03 67216-00 67218-00 67218-02 62833-50 67221-00 68699-10 67729-00 66773-00 63039-04 66774-00 62833-46 400 749 400 171 404 394 424 051 407 586 406 345 408 815 415 448 79473-00 455 322 66835-00 554 130 67206-02 67224-03 31747-00 452 606 454 905 18132-00 18219-00 66789-00 68770-07 68770-08 18219-02 68771-12 68771-13 67225-00 66853-00 62833-101 70371-02 70371-03 67804-00 488 327 524 145 407 584 424 050 63900-78 QUADRANT ASSEMBLY.Gear warning switch * HANDLE .Quadrant friction plate * SPACER .Quadrant adjusting (2.Cable control GASKET. Description.Mixture control * SWITCH .(AN960-10L) COTTER PIN .Engine control JOINT ASSEMBLY.Firewall seal GROMMET.) * CAM .Cable control CLAMP .Quadrant.(AN320-5) * COTTER PIN .) * HANDLE .(AN665-21R) PIN .Quadrant adjusting (2.(MS24665-132) BUSHING A W W B C.Quadrant control.(3502-18-04) * SCREW .Engine control * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Control * LEVER ASSEMBLY .Quadrant control * MOUNT .Firewall seal GASKET . right * PLATE .Throttle * * KNOB .Rod end (PS10020-16-2) CLEVIS .Propeller control * KNOB .Mixture control * KNOB .Quadrant adjusting * WASHER .Firewall seal GROMMET.(AN960-516L) * NUT .SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE CONTROLS INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 52- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67834 DRAWING .(A109-014-1) * WASHER .Firewall seal RETAINER . Req. (MS35206-247) WASHER .(MS35338-43) KNOB .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .(AN960-8) NUT .(AN320-3) COTTER PIN .(MS20365-832C) SCREW .Alternate air control SCREW .(AN960-10) WASHER .(MS35206-244) WASHER .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN . Req.(AN960-10) NUT .ENGINE CONTROLS INSTALLATION SECTION VII Power Plant Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 52-50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 Part Number 407 043 66980-00 415 544 407 563 404 910 400 056 407 564 404 100 424 051 407 564 407 584 404 392 424 051 400 674 407 564 404 100 424 051 407 043 404 224 415 535 404 910 415 537 407 563 404 910 415 631 407 563 404 910 Code W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE WASHER .(AN960-8) NUT . always specify Part Number.(MS35206-331) WASHER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1I22 PA-28RT-201 .(MS35338-43) NUT .(AN960-8) NUT .(MS20365-832C) No.(AN960-10L) NUT .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN23-12) WASHER .(MS24665-132) WASHER .(MS20365-832C) BOLT .(MS20365-832C) SCREW .(MS24665-132) BOLT . Description.(MS24665-132) WASHER .(MS35206-245) NUT .(AN3-11) WASHER .(AN315-3R) SCREW . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 6 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 When ordering. 1I23 THRU 1I24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 53. Engine Controls Installation ISSUED NOVEMBER 1978 1J1 PA-28RT-201T . 72” L. Piper Aircraft. quadrant adjusting handle (P/N 66773-00) is installed. Used when Hartzell Governor is installed.94” L. Used if a 2.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 53 ABCDEW- Used when Woodward Governor is installed. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Used if a 2. Lock Haven. Penna. REVISED: JULY 1982 1J2 PA-28RT-201T . See Figure 86A if Century 41 AutoPilot is installed. quadrant adjusting handle (P/N 63039-04) is installed. Throttle * * KNOB .(MS35812-1) LUG .Quadrant.Engine control * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Quadrant adjusting (2. always specify Part Number.(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .Alternate air control (PS50146-1-5) SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .Cable control PLATE . Req.Mixture control * SWITCH . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 6 3 3 1 When ordering.) * HANDLE .(AN320-5) * COTTER PIN .(MS24665-132) WASHER .Alternate air control KNOB . left * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10) No. Description.Gear warning switch * HANDLE .(AN3-7) WASHER .Swivel.72” L.Cable control CLAMP .Quadrant control * BOLT .Firewall seal GASKET .(A109-014-1) * WASHER .Quadrant. right * PLATE .Alternate air CABLE ASSEMBLY .Mixture control CONTROL ASSEMBLY .Propeller control * KNOB .Quadrant adjusting * WASHER .(3502-18-04) * SCREW .SECTION VII Power Plant Group ENGINE CONTROLS INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 63- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 67210-05 67223-04 66979-00 67213-00 67214-02 24047-00 24048-00 487 925 67215-03 67216-00 67218-00 67218-02 62833-50 67221-00 68699-10 67729-00 66773-00 63039-04 66774-00 62833-46 400 749 400 171 404 394 424 051 407 586 406 345 408 815 415 448 79473-00 455 322 455 361 66835-00 554 387 67206-02 67224-03 452 606 554 757 18132-00 18219-00 66789-00 68770-07 68770-15 68771-06 68771-13 70371-02 70371-03 67225-00 69275-00 66853-00 65980-00 400 054 407 043 404 100 424 051 407 564 Code NOMENCLATURE 35708 DRAWING .Quadrant control.Firewall seal GASKET.Rod end (PS10020-16-2) CLEVIS .Mixture (PS5014613-8) CONTROL MOUNT .Push-pull (PS5014613-10) CONTROL ASSEMBLY .Quadrant control * MOUNT .Firewall seal GROMMET .Control * LEVER ASSEMBLY .Alternate air control BOLT . friction * WASHER .Quadrant control (V3-1) * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .94” L.Mixture control * KNOB .(AN5-30) * NUT .(AN526-832R6) * PLATE .Firewall seal GROMMET.Quadrant control.Firewall seal FITTING .Propeller control * LEVER .Quadrant friction plate * SPACER .Quadrant control.Engine Controls Installation C W W D E. friction * PLATE .(MS35338-43) NUT . alternate air STUD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1J3 PA-28RT-201T .Alternate air RETAINER .Engine controls CLAMP CLAMP .Quadrant adjusting (2.) * CAM .(AN960-516L) * NUT . friction * PIN .Engine control BEARING .Throttle lever * LEVER .(MS24665-132) * WASHER .(AN25-52) * BOLT.W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W QUADRANT ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 When ordering.W B.(MS35338-43) NUT .(AN3-13) WASHER . always specify Part Number.W B.W A.W A.ENGINE CONTROLS INSTALLATION SECTION VII Power Plant Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 53-48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 Part Number 400 002 407 565 404 888 400 674 407 564 404 100 424 051 488 327 424 174 407 584 424 051 415 536 62833-101 35708-03 400 054 407 043 404 100 424 051 400 058 407 043 404 100 424 051 95061-118 Code W W W W W W W W W W W W B B.(MS20392-2C11) WASHER .(MS24665-132) SCREW .W A.W A NOMENCLATURE BOLT .W B.(AN665-21R) PIN .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .(AN960-416) NUT .(AN960-10L) COTTER PIN .Control cable support BOLT . Req.(MS35338-43) NUT .(AN3-7) WASHER .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN . Description.(AN960-10) NUT .(MS24665-132) BUSHING No.(AN4-5A) WASHER .W A. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1J4 PA-28RT-201T .(MS20365-428C) SCREW .(MS24665-132) TERMINAL .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .(MS24665-t32) BOLT .(AN23-12) WASHER .(MS35206-246) WASHER PLATE . Fuel System Installation REVISED: JULY 1984 PA-28RT-201 1J5 .Figure 54. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1J6 PA-28RT-201 .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 54 W . Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven. 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel pump BRACKET. When ordering.Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .90 degrees restricted ELBOW . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.(RA2000C6) ADAPTER .(AN816-6) * ELBOW .Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN915-1D) * * VALVE .Shaft (8500) * SPRING .Fuel line HOSE.(MS20822-6) * PLUG .Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .Drain GUARD.Firewall seal GASKET .Fuel line HOSE ASSEMBLY . Description.Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Gascolator assembly RETAINER .Electric fuel (8120-G) * MOTOR ASSEMBLY .Wire fuel strainer * NIPPLE . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Fuel line HOSE ASSEMBLY .Firewall disc DISC .Fuel line VALVE .Fuel line HOSE ASSEMBLY .Gascolator * * ELBOW .Fuel strainer * BOWL ASSEMBLY .Tru seal fitting (1/8 pipe) * SCREEN .Bail (1PAS) * GASKET .Firewall seal SPACER PLATE .(44PA) TUBE ASSEMBLY .Firewall seal grommet GROMMET.(AN822-6D) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. Req.Fuel System Installation 481 780 761 599 756 155 757 561 67604-02 78980-04 87477-02 63479-00 458 946 492 022 477 677 35789-02 476 678 476 678 458 868 580 887 494 644 462 049 62305-00 67700-25 67700-338 67700-28 67700-56 67700-57 98044-70 98044-71 98044-72 63901-39 63901-45 63901-41 63901-14 69015-05 63913-03 67661-00 491 947 99754-02 67881-06 67603-00 18321-00 63915-14 67656-02 66789-00 68770-18 22105-10 460 594 462 058 558 830 451 857 69033-00 458 895 PUMP ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1J7 PA-28RT-201 .(AN840-4D) ELBOW .Fuel selector cover COVER ASSEMBLY .SECTION VIII Fuel System Group FUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 54- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -12a -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 78980 DRAWING . always specify Part Number.Valve (8707) GASCOLATOR ASSEMBLY .Fuel (8850-5) * SEAL . 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Drain HOSE.Fuel selector (6S122) SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .(AN816-6) * NIPPLE .Fuel * COVER .(AN932-2) * WIRE ASSEMBLY .Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel line HOSE ASSEMBLY .(MS29512-4) ELBOW .Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel pump noise (NF1C270-4-2MFD) “O” RING .(CCA-1550) * * NUT .Fuel GASCOLATOR ASSEMBLY .Firewall seal FILTER . Fuel line 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 8 4 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8018001 and up When ordering.(6H12D) FERRULE .(6B12D) UNION .(AN832-2) NUT .(AN815-6) UNION .(MS24678-11) WASHER .FUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATION SECTION VIII Fuel System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 54-48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 incl.(MS20365-428C) ELBOW .(AN924-3) NUT .(AN844-4D) NIPPLE NIPPLE .(AN837-6) CLAMP .(AN816-6D) NUT .(AN924-2) NUT .Fuel pump mounting TUBE ASSEMBLY . Req. Description. ELBOW .Fuel pump mounting BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(AN833-6) ELBOW .(AN815-4) UNION .(6T12D) HOSE ASSEMBLY.(AN933-D1) UNION .(SAE TY F-36) TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN4-4A) WASHER .(AN924-4) NUT .Fuel line 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 SCREW . -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 Part Number Code 458 892 458 876 458 936 458 940 23969-02 476 662 477 627 477 628 477 629 477 631 582 632 23319-00 491 055 476 678 491 064 477 670 491 082 460 464 35801-08 W W W W W W W W W W 418 650 407 124 434 132 462 060 35801-11 67700-349 35454-00 67601-00 67882-02 67700-345 401 307 407 585 404 888 458 864 554 984 67700-383 W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE No.Flared tube UNION .(AN833-2D) ELBOW .(AN823-6D) ELBOW .Fuel line TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416L) NUT .(MS35489-19) “O” RING .(AN924-6) PLUG .Lock (AN935-10L) GROMMET .Fuel line BOLT .Gascolator PLATE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1J8 PA-28RT-201 .Fuel line BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(MS29512-6) HOSE ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number. Fuel System Installation REVISED: APRIL 1981 1J9 PA-28RT-201 .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 55. PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 55 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1J10 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven. Piper Aircraft. Fuel pump VALVE .Drain (1H19-5) ‘’O” RING . always specify Part Number.Electric fuel (2B6-44) STRAP. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .(MS29512-04) ‘’O” RING .Fuel pump BASE .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Overboard fuel drain HOSE ASSEMBLY .(AN816-6) * PLUG .Wire fuel strainer * NIPPLE .(AN932-2) * WIRE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1J11 PA-28RT-201T .Cylinder drain TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel strainer * BOWL ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel selector (PS50088-3) VALVE .(MS29512-06) “O” RING .Tru seal fitting (1/8 pipe) * SCREEN .(MS29512-08) GASCOLATOR ASSEMBLY.Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Bail (1PAS) * GASKET .Fuel System Installation 481 776 98489-02 98490-02 492 289 492 233 492 253 462 058 462 060 462 061 35715-03 87477-02 63479-00 458 946 492 022 477 677 35789-02 476 678 580 887 494 644 462 049 95153-148 95153-149 95153-154 95153-177 95153-178 95153-179 95153-180 95153-182 95153-183 95153-184 95153-185 95153-186 95153-187 95153-188 95153-189 95153-190 95153-191 95153-192 95153-193 95153-194 95153-195 95153-196 95153-197 95153-198 95153-199 98044-71 98044-72 67700-140 67700-141 63901-30 63901-133 97499-21 35801-02 35801-03 35801-04 PUMP .(44PA) TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel drain TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY . Req.Vapor return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel vapor return HOSE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply W W W W W W W W W No.Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel * COVER .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel pump to gascolator HOSE ASSEMBLY .Check (366-00) VALVE .Overboard fuel drain HOSE ASSEMBLY .Cylinder drain TUBE ASSEMBLY .SECTION VIII Fuel System Group FUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 55- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35715 DRAWING .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Gascolator * * ELBOW. Description.(CCA-1550) Drain * * NUT .Fuel return HOSE ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN915-1D) * * VALVE .Fuel drain HOSE ASSEMBLY .Fuel return TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel supply TUBE ASSEMBLY .Fuel drain TUBE ASSEMBLY . Cylinder drain tube SUPPORT .(AN837-6) ELBOW . Description.FUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATION SECTION VIII Fuel System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 55-56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 -82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 -88 -89 -90 Part Number 99756-00 99774-00 67661-00 63915-14 18321-00 35454-00 35776-04 37499-03 37660-00 37123-00 458 875 458 891 458 900 458 938 458 910 458 864 458 913 476 662 477 629 477 618 477 631 477 620 484 349 491 050 491 052 491 060 588 497 488 320 553 610 491 082 491 046 477 670 460 464 407 568 407 570 453 680 Code W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE SPRING .(4H1D) NUT .(AN837-6D) NIPPLE .(AN824-4) TEE .(AN894-8-6) UNION . always specify Part Number.(AN824-4D) BUSHING .Fuel selector stop STOP ASSEMBLY .Cylinder drain tube BRACKET .Firewall seal BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Firewall seal RETAINER .Fuel manifold drain ELBOW .(AN924-4) NUT .(AN815-4D) UNION .(AN960-916) NIPPLE .(AN837-4D) ELBOW .Fuel selector handle GUARD .(AN816-6D) NUT .(AN822-4) ELBOW .(AN815-6D) UNION .(AN919-1D) UNION .(AN924-4D) NUT .(AN960-716) WASHER .(AN837-4) ELBOW .(AN924-6) NUT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 1J12 PA-28RT-201T .Gascolator BRACKET . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 6 4 4 4 9 7 1 When ordering. Req.(AN823-4D) ELBOW .(6T12D) WASHER .Fuel line DISC .Fuel valve SUPPORT .(AN912-1C) No.(AN832-4D) TEE .(6B12D) FERRULE .(AN833-4D) ELBOW .(6H1D) UNION .(AN924-6D) REDUCER . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 56. Fuel Tank Assembly REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1J13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Used with fuel cap assembly P/N 66817-00 only.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 56 A .Kit includes (2) cap assemblies with matching locks. W . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R8031030 inclusive. C .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018021 and up.Used with PS10013-6 (P/N 550 504) fuel sender only. Lock Haven.Used with Fuel Cap Assembly Kit P/N 39830-800 only. E .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018020 inclusive. F . B . Penna. D . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031031 to 28R8431010 inclusive. Piper Aircraft. REVISED: JULY 1984 1J14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Fuel tank (with locks) * * GASKET . right * STRAINER ASSEMBLY .Fuel tank.Fuel tank * INLET ASSEMBLY .Fuel tank.Fuel tank * FILLER NECK ASSEMBLY * CLAMP .Fuel cap * * GASKET .(MS35338-43) PLACARD .Fuel line * PLATE .Fuel cap * FITTING .Avgas (000002) No.Fuel tank.Connector * HOSE .(F391-187B) * ADAPTER .Fuel sender (15-716) BOLT. right * CAP ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 10 10 10 10 2 2 10 2 When ordering.Fuel tank * VENT ASSEMBLY .Fuel SENDER . Description.Fuel tank (non-locking) * CAP ASSEMBLY KIT .(AN3-6A) outboard WASHER . always specify Part Number.Right * PLATE .Connector * OUTLET ASSEMBLY .Fuel cap vent (VA3123) * * LOCK ASSEMBLY .Drain SAMPLER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 1J15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(1068 x 6 x 2) * VENT TUBE . left * OUTLET ASSEMBLY . left wing TANK ASSEMBLY .SECTION VIII Fuel System Group FUEL TANK ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 56-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -10a -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 Part Number 35716-08 35716-09 66633-00 63913-193 63913-194 35638-00 35638-01 72091-00 36625-02 36625-03 66817-00 39830-800 66815-00 39829-02 492 153 39856-02 62059-00 62044-00 35719-00 69785-03 554 861 491 806 560 951 62060-06 62060-07 62033-00 67728-00 550 503 550 504 755 049 401 266 400 440 407 564 407 043 35807-02 35669-163 494 191 456 682 Code W D E F E F W W W W W C A B NOMENCLATURE TANK ASSEMBLY.Fuel (PS10013-6 Rochester 7740-41) outboard * GASKET .Fiber.(AN960-10) WASHER .Fuel cap * * VALVE .Left * VENT TUBE .Fuel.(AN3-5A) inboard BOLT .(SAE TY F-4) * VALVE .Fuel.Fuel tank * HOSE.Fuel PLACARD . right wing * DOUBLER .Fuel (PS10013-5 Rochester 7740-40) inboard SENDER . left * VENT ASSEMBLY .Fuel WASHER . Req.Fuel tank. inboard sender only (PS10063-4) DECAL . Aileron Control Installation REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1J16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 57. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. Penna. Piper Aircraft.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 57 W . ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1J17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Rod end (PS10020-2-1RX) NUT .Aileron bellcrank FAIRLEAD .(AN316-4R) BOLT .(AN960-516L) NUT . outer BEARING .Aileron.(AN5-10A) WASHER .(AN960-10L) NUT .(AN960-516) WASHER . forward CABLE ASSEMBLY . Req. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1980 1J18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Aileron balance. Description.(MS20365-524C) BOLT .Cable guard BRACKET .(MS20365-524C) BOLT . always specify Part Number. left CABLE ASSEMBLY . left BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .Upper FILLER BLOCK WASHER .(AN5-64A) WASHER .Aileron.(AN3-11A) WASHER .(AN315-3R) BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .Aileron balance.(AN4-15A) WASHER .SECTION IX Control System Group AILERON CONTROL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 57- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35869 DRAWING .(AN960-10) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN23-16) WASHER . right BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) NUT .(AN3-5A) WASHER .(MS21256-1) PIN .(MS21251-B5S) CLIP .(AN960-416) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No.Aileron BEARING .Inner BUSHING PIN .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .Control System Installation 62701-99 62701-143 62701-123 62701-124 35730-02 35730-03 35476-01 452 335 404 322 400 678 407 564 404 392 424 051 41001-10 62711-02 62711-05 62712-03 62713-03 62713-04 62743-06 65003-47 62743-12 62710-02 62746-00 65003-57 63882-68 66614-00 67158-00 67159-00 62762-00 494 103 489 910 554 979 424 513 404 224 401 266 407 564 404 887 400 452 407 564 407 584 404 887 401 188 407 566 407 586 404 889 400 008 407 566 407 565 404 888 401 385 407 566 404 889 401 315 407 565 CABLE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-516) WASHER .(NAS427K19) NUT .(MS24665-132) PULLEY PULLEY PULLEY BEARING .Pulley.Pulley. outer BUSHING BUSHING . wing CABLE ASSEMBLY .(MS20365-428C) BOLT .Aileron bellcrank (97322) TURNBUCKLE . inner BEARING .Aileron.Pulley. right ROD .Lower FAIRLEAD .Pulley BUSHING SLEEVE BUMPER .(AN320-3) COTTER PIN .Aileron.(AN4-13A) WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 4 1 1 4 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 2 4 3 6 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 When ordering.(AN960-516) NUT .(AN960-10) NUT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1979 1J19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(MS24665-132) BEARING .(AN23-12) BUSHING WASHER .AILERON CONTROL INSTALLATION SECTION IX Control System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 57-38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 Part Number 401 289 407 564 404 887 400 674 63900-31 407 564 404 392 424 051 62713-02 65003-29 401 310 407 565 404 888 424 502 Code W W W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(MS20365-428C) PIN . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 4 4 8 4 4 2 2 2 8 2 2 When ordering. Req.(AN960-416) NUT .(AN320-3) COTTER PIN . Description.(AN960-10) NUT .(NAS427-K8) No.(AN3-63A) WASHER .(AN4-10A) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT . outer BUSHING . always specify Part Number.Pulley.Inner BOLT . Flap Control Installation INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1J20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 58. INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1J21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 58 A .See latest revision of Piper Service Bulletin 965. are installed with each torque shaft support clamp assembly. B . P/N 35402-04.Used if two or more torque shaft support shims. Flap rod end SPRING . lower * * * WASHER * * * SPRING * * * PIN .Left FITTING ASSEMBLY . right KNOB .Flap lever * BOLT .Flap control and emergency gear extender * BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(AN4-16A) * WASHER . length 8.Flap lever * BUSHING . length 6. always specify Part Number.SECTION IX Control System Group FLAP CONTROL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 58- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35869 DRAWING . left TUBE ASSEMBLY .Emergency gear extender * BUSHING .Plunger * * * PLUG .Flap torque tube.Flap return SPRING .Flap tube * BEARING .(AN3-37A) * WASHER .(No.Flap cable tension CHAIN . 65 diamond 1/8 roller.(AN960-10L) * NUT .(MS20365-1032C) * BRACKET .(MS21256-1) BUSHING .Flap lever * * TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN316-4L LH thread) * TUBE .(MS20365-428C) LEVER ASSEMBLY . Req.(PS10020-1-1 LX LH thread) * NUT .Flap lever * * PLUNGER ASSEMBLY .Flap BEARING .(MS21251-B5S) CLIP .Inner FITTING ASSEMBLY .Outer BEARING .(No.Plunger. Description.Emergency gear extender lever ROD ASSEMBLY .5’’) CHAIN . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 When ordering.Torque shaft support BUSHING .Right TUBE ASSEMBLY .(PS10020-2-1 RX RH thread) * BEARING .(NAS645-22RS) BARREL .Roll (52-012-062-0625) * * GRIP .0’’) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Flap CLAMP ASSEMBLY .Plunger.Flap torque tube.Flap PULLEY .Flap lever * HANDLE ASSEMBLY .Flap and emergency gear lever * SPRING .Flap lever * * * TUBE .Emergency gear lever * LEVER ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) * NUT .Complete * TORQUE TUBE .Emergency gear lever BUSHING FORK . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1J22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Flap bellcrank No. upper * * * PLUG .Roll (59-022-094-0625) * * PIN .(AN960-10) * WASHER .(AN316-4R RH thread) * NUT .Flap * SPROCKET ASSEMBLY .Flap torque tube * BOLT . 65 diamond 1/8 roller.Control System Installation 62705 00 62725-00 62789-02 400 011 407 585 404 836 67582-03 65654-05 62740-00 63782-04 63781-00 63391-03 63391-02 62733-00 62734-02 62736-00 50111-00 480 696 480 812 63779-00 400 462 407 564 407 584 404 887 67564-00 67566-00 63900-99 67713-00 62764-00 452 335 452 336 404 322 404 320 62764-02 35402-00 63900-39 62820-00 62821-00 62858-03 62858-04 62701-101 62711-02 62713-02 62712-02 62856-00 62856-01 62727-00 62727-01 66980-02 82732-76 461 136 489 910 554 979 63900-38 FLAP TORQUE TUBE ASSEMBLY . (AN23-11) WASHER .(AN960-416L) NUT .(AN21-9) NUT .(AN960-6) NUT .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN320-1) COTTER PIN .(MS24665-134) BOLT .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN960-10) SHIM .(AN960-10) WASHER .(MS24665-5) BOLT .(AN960-6) NUT .Torque shaft support No.(MS24665-132) BUSHING BOLT .(AN4-7A) WASHER . Req.Clevis (AN23-18) WASHER .(AN3-12A) WASHER .(MS24665-5) BOLT .(MS20365-428C) BOLT . and Serial Number of Aircraft INTERIM REVISION: MARCH 1995 1J23 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(AN3-7A) WASHER .(AN4-20A) WASHER .Flap lever BOLT .(AN960-416) NUT .FLAP CONTROL INSTALLATION SECTION IX Control System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 58-46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -54a -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 Part Number 400 652 407 562 404 391 424 041 400 653 407 562 404 391 424 041 400 653 404 391 424 041 400 440 400 441 407 564 407 564 404 887 411 538 404 224 400 438 400 004 407 585 404 888 424 052 400 673 407 564 404 392 424 051 63900-174 400 680 407 564 404 100 424 051 401 318 407 565 404 888 401 266 407 564 404 887 486 563 35669-27 400 443 407 564 35402-04 Code A A B B B B B NOMENCLATURE BOLT . always specify Part Number.(MS20365-1032C) SCREW .(AN3-4A) BOLT .(AN320-3) COTTER PIN .(AN960-10) NUT .(MS20365-1032C) SHACKLE .(AN115 -16) PLACARD .(MS35207-269) NUT .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .(MS20365-428C) COTTER PIN . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 8 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 12 4 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 AR When ordering.(AN3-5A) WASHER .(AN3-6A) BOLT .(MS24665-132) BOLT .(AN21-8) WASHER .(MS24665-5) BOLT .(AN315-3R) BOLT .(AN320-1) COTTER PIN .(AN320-1) COTTER PIN .(AN960-10) NUT .Clevis (AN21-9) WASHER . Description. 1J24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 59. Stabilator Control Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna. Lock Haven.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 59 W . Piper Aircraft. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . (AN4-12) WASHER .(AN4-30) WASHER .Stabilator control TURNBUCKLE .Pulley.Stabilator control GUARD .Pulley.(MS24665-132) BEARING . inner BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .Stabilator control. forward right CABLE ASSEMBLY . forward left CABLE ASSEMBLY .Aft lower cable BUSHING ARM ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 198 1K3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(PS10020-7-17) * BUSHING ASSEMBLY * BUSHING PUSHROD ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.(AN960-10L) NUT .(MS24665.Pulley.Stabilator * BEARING .(AN3-10) WASHER .Stabilator control.(MS21251-B5S) CLIP .Stabilator BOLT .Stabilator control pulley BUSHING W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No.Stabilator bellcrank BOLT .(MS24665-132) BUSHING .(MS21256-1) BEARING .Cable guide WASHER . outer BEARING . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 6 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. aft lower PULLEY .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN960-516) BOLT .(AN320-3) COTTER PIN .(AN960-616) PULLEY .Stabilator idler LINK ASSEMBLY . inner WASHER .Stabilator control PULLEY .Control System Installation 62701-102 62701-103 62701-169 62701-170 62711-03 41001-11 489 910 554 979 62715-05 62714-06 35883-02 452 719 78919-02 95061-148 78918-04 401 189 407 566 404 889 400 107 407 465 404 101 424 051 400 673 407 584 404 392 424 051 95061-150 400 121 407 565 407 585 404 101 424 051 62715-02 62714-03 407 566 400 055 407 564 404 100 424 051 62709-00 407 567 62711-05 62713-04 67066-00 67108-00 65639-00 63900-124 CABLE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) WASHER .(AN960-416) NUT . Req.(MS20365-524C) BOLT . Description.Stabilator control.Stabilator control. aft upper CABLE ASSEMBLY .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .(AN310-4) COTTER PIN .(AN5-11A) WASHER .(AN23-11) WASHER .(MS24665-132) BOLT .(AN960-516) NUT . outer BEARING .SECTION IX Control System Group STABILATOR CONTROL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 59- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35869 DRAWING .(AN310-4) COTTER PIN .Pulley.(AN960-416L) NUT .132) HOLDER . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 60. Stabilator Trim Installation REVISED: APRIL 1979 1K4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . W . Lock Haven. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931179 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931178 inclusive. Penna. Piper Aircraft.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918122 and up. B .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918121 inclusive. REVISED: APRIL 1979 1K5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 60 A . (MS20365-1032C) BOLT .Control System Installation 62701-189 68414-03 65633-00 68488-02 78926-02 78969-02 78970-02 78921-10 38458-02 452 628 452 626 484 855 62833-108 78925-03 65635-00 62711-03 62701-155 481 640 65639-02 62715-05 62714-06 62715-02 62714-02 407 572 63900-39 95061-31 452 625 452 439 38378-02 62710-02 489 873 554 979 424 506 65632-03 401 264 407 564 400 450 63900-61 407 584 407 564 407 587 404 887 401 269 401 270 407 584 407 564 404 835 407 567 407 587 62833-37 401 269 407 564 404 887 553 267 404 224 CABLE .(5108-100) SHIM BARREL . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1980 1K6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(AN3-17A) BUSHING WASHER . trim tab WASHER . aft PULLEY .(FF-1011-2) SNAP RING .Pulley.Stabilator trim RETAINER .(NAS427K12) PLATE .Cable guard TURNBUCKLE .W B.Stabilator trim barrel GUIDE .(AN960-10L) WASHER .Stabilator trim SPACER .W W W W W W W No. always specify Part Number.(MS21256-1) PIN .(AN3H-4A) WASHER . inner.W W B.Trim tab PULLEY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 AR 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 When ordering.W B.(AN960-1616L) BUSHING SPACER BEARING .Stabilator trim BRACKET . trim tab BUSHING .(AN960-10) WASHER . Req.Stabilator trim BOLT .(AN960-616L) NUT .Stabilator trim SCREWJACK .(AN960-10L) NUT .(AN315-3R) W W W W W W W W W W W A.Pulley.(AN960-10L) WASHER .(TT-1602) BEARING .(AN3-10A) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .Trim tab INDICATOR .Pulley.(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .Fin tip support PIN . Description. trim tab BUSHING .Trim tab CABLE .Stabilator trim.Barrel (MS21251-B2S) CLIP .(NKN428-3-10) NUT .(AN960-616L) WASHER BOLT . outer.(AN3-11A) WASHER .Pulley. trim tab BUSHING .(NAS76A3-014) BEARING .Trim pulley BUSHING .(AN3 -10A) BOLT .(MS24566-1B) GUARD .(AN960-10) BOLT .(PS10020-17-1R) Rod end FRAME ASSEMBLY .Stabilator trim screw PUSHROD ASSEMBLY .Stabilator trim.Trim tab BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Trim barrel assembly BEARING .(AN960-616) WASHER .SECTION IX Control System Group STABILATOR TRIM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 60- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35869 DRAWING . outer.(MS20364-1032C) WASHER . forward WHEEL ASSEMBLY . inner. (AN316-5R) BOLT-(MS20073-03-11) WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 When ordering. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1K7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . always specify Part Number.STABILATOR TRIM INSTALLATION SECTION IX Control System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 60-43 -44 Part Number 404 323 401 893 407 564 Code W NOMENCLATURE NUT .(AN960-10) No. Req. Description. Rudder Control Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 61. Piper Aircraft.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 61 W . Lock Haven. Penna. (MS24665-132) WASHER .SECTION IX Control System Group RUDDER CONTROL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 61- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35869 DRAWING .(AN5-64A) WASHER .(MS20365-524C) BOLT . Req.Rudder control.(AN5-11A) WASHER .(AN960-516L) SPACER .Rudder control. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 When ordering.(NAS427K12) COTTER PIN .Rudder control (MS20220-2) SPACER . aft PULLEY . BUSHING .(AN23-10) WASHER .(AN960-516) NUT .Rudder control BUSHING .Rudder control PULLEY . forward CABLE ASSEMBLY .Control System Installation 62701-100 62701-168 41001-10 481 652 62743-04 62743-05 489 910 554 979 424 506 424 059 401 385 407 566 404 889 401 189 407 566 404 889 400 672 407 564 404 392 424 051 407 586 62743-13 62714-06 407 587 CABLE ASSEMBLY . Description.(AN320-3) COTTER PIN .Rudder control TURNBUCKLE .(MS20365-524C) BOLT .Rudder cable (MS21256-1) PIN .(AN960-10) NUT .Spacer WASHER .(AN960-616L) W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No. always specify Part Number. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 1K10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(MS24665-283) BOLT .(AN960-516) NUT .Rudder cable (MS21251-B5S) CLIP .Rudder control . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 62. Rudder Trim Mechanism Installation REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1K11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft. Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 62 W . Lock Haven. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 1K13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Flat head (MS20392-2-35) COTTER PIN .Rudder trim * SHAFT ASSEMBLY .Rudder trim * WASHER CHANNEL .(AN23-10) NUT .Rudder Trim Mechanism Installation 67384-03 66659-00 66658-00 62831-02 62832-00 62833-127 69318-00 400 672 404 392 424 051 407 584 424 186 424 051 415 544 407 583 62838-00 419 967 ADJUSTMENT ASSEMBLY .(MS35206-244) WASHER .Control System Installation DRAWING .Rudder trim BOLT .(AN960-8L) KNOB SCREW . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 When ordering.Set (MS51964-132) W W W W W W W W No. always specify Part Number. Description.(MS24665-132) SCREW .SECTION IX Control System Group RUDDER TRIM MECHANISM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 62- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35869 67384 DRAWING .Rudder trim * CLIP .(MS24665-132) WASHER . Req.(AN320-3) COTTER PIN .Rudder trim * HOUSING ASSEMBLY * BUSHING ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10L) PIN . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 63. Control Wheel Installation REVISED: JULY 1981 1K14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . REVISED: APRIL 1981 1K15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. Used if Century 41 AutoPilot is installed. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 63 ABCDEFW- Control wheel assembly does not include switches. Piper Aircraft. Penna. Used if boom mike is installed. Used if boom mike with electric trim and AutoFlite II is installed. Used if AltiMatic IIIC is installed. Order desired switches separately. Lock Haven. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. SECTION IX Control System Group CONTROL WHEEL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 63- -1 -2 -3 -3a -4 -4a -4b -4c -4d -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 Part Number Code 35869 79276-12 79275-00 67491-00 87369-16 79652-03 79652-05 96994-03 587 862 762 226 15660-02 15661-02 67463-00 67219-00 67219-02 452 372 452 389 452 388 62712-04 62845-02 62839-00 62778-00 63404-00 69077-00 62716-07 62834-02 480 730 494 093 404 835 407 568 404 104 424 060 401 333 407 565 404 888 401 269 407 564 407 584 404 887 62782-00 62784-00 481 651 68557-00 67193-05 66546-00 407 584 404 835 62840-02 62840-03 62858-02 489 910 554 979 82732-76 NOMENCLATURE No. center * SHAFT . center rear * SHAFT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 1K16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Special WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Control column * BEARING .Tee bar.W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WHEEL ASSEMBLY .Control column * PULLEY .Control (both grips cored) * MEDALLION .Control column (MS20220-1) * BUSHING . center rear * SPROCKET.(AN386-1-6A) * WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) * SPACER .(AN3-10A) * WASHER .Control wheel * PLATE .Control column * WASHER .Control column. right * SPROCKET ASSEMBLY .Control System Installation A E.Turnbuckle.(AN310-7) * COTTER PIN .Trim interrupt A/P disconnect switch SWITCH ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10L) NUT . left * SPROCKET .Control column * PIN .(AN4-35A) * WASHER .(AN960-416) * NUT .Control BARREL .AutoFlite CONTROL COLUMN ASSEMBLY * TEE BAR ASSEMBLY .Manual electric trim SWITCH ASSEMBLY .(F4DD) * BUSHING .Manual electric trim (lC670) * SWITCH .(AN380-3-4) * BOLT .Control wheel cover (standard) PLACARD .(AN960-716) * NUT .Control column pulley * SPROCKET .Manual electric trim and trim interrupt A/P disconnect * SWITCH .Manual electric trim SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Trim interrupt A/P disconnect (40S77) ADAPTER .(AN975-3) * NUT .W D.Control column.(AN960-10L) * NUT .(MS20365-428C) * BOLT. right CHAIN .Control column.Turnbuckle. Req. left BOLT .Control chain 2 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 2 4 When ordering.Pitch sync ( left wheel) SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Control column.Trim interrupt A/P disconnect switch ADAPTER .Turnbuckle (MS21256-1) BUSHING .(AN960-10) * WASHER .F B D D D D. left EYE BOLT .Control column STOP .(MS20364-1032C) * WASHER .(F-504-2) * BEARING .Turnbuckle (MS21251-B5S) CLIP .(MS20364-1032C) EYE BOLT .Control column * UNIVERSAL JOINT . always specify Part Number.Control column.(F-825-2) * BEARING . Description. (AN320-1) COTTER PIN . PLACARD .(311005) PLATE .(AN21-9) NUT .(155020) FUSE .Century 41 AutoPilot No. 75”) NUT .Mike SWITCH .(AN310-3) COTTER PIN .Control wheel cover.(AN3-10) WASHER . Description.(MS20365-428C) CLIP ASSEMBLY .Boom mike (39-1) BRACKET ASSEMBLY .A/P INTR.D.Control wheel (AT4210PO) FUSEHOLDER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1981 1K17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Map SWITCH .Remote transponder identifier (39-1) PLACARD .D.CONTROL WHEEL INSTALLATION SECTION IX Control System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 63-34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 Part Number 400 653 404 391 424 041 400 055 407 564 404 100 424 051 401 310 62833-85 62833-86 404 888 67984-02 487 904 37729-02 37729-00 35669-16 35669-17 487 904 35669-188 548 561 465 258 461 629 67491-03 67463-02 Code W W W W W W W C E.Switch ASSEMBLY .F NOMENCLATURE BOLT .1. always specify Part Number.(AN960-10) NUT .F E.(AN380-1-2) BOLT .W E E.Switch PLACARD .(O. Req.(AN4-10A) WASHER .F E. right SWITCH ASSEMBLY .50”) WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.(MS24665-132) BOLT .Transponder identifier CLOCK .(O. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 64. Rudder Pedal Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 64 W . ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft. Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 6 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 8 4 When ordering.Rudder bar support BOLT .(AN3-13A) NUT .(AN960-416) * NUT .Control System Installation 67180-04 67176-00 63419-00 67174-02 67173-03 67171-00 402 314 407 585 404 836 63456-00 65050-00 63455-00 65003-03 62833-17 400 456 404 887 400 672 407 564 404 392 424 051 400 438 407 564 401 438 407 564 404 887 RUDDER PEDAL ASSEMBLY .Rudder bar support. Description.(AN3-4A) WASHER .(MS24665-132) BOLT . and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 1K20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .Rudder bar support WASHER .Complete * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .Rudder bar * PEDAL AND BAR ASSEMBLY * PEDAL AND BAR ASSEMBLY * PEDAL AND BAR ASSEMBLY * ARM ASSEMBLY .(MS20365-1032C) W W W W W W W W W W W W W No.Rudder bar support BUSHING . top PLATE . Req.Rudder bar support.(AN960-10) BOLT .(AN3-4A) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN320-3) COTTER PIN . bottom BLOCK .(AN174-13A) * WASHER .(AN23-10) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT . always specify Part Number.(MS20364-428C) BLOCK .SECTION IX Control System Group RUDDER PEDAL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 64- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35869 DRAWING .Rudder control * BOLT . Serial Nos. 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918069 inclusive) (PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 65. Hydraulic System Installation (PA-28RT-201 . 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931099 inclusive) REVISED: JULY 1984 1K21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Serial Nos. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918069 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 only.Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 65 A . Penna. W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931099 inclusive. REVISED: APRIL 1979 1K22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . B . C . Emergency gear extender BUSHING .(AN822-4D) ELBOW . Description. ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY .Back-up gear extender * DIAPHRAGM REPLACEMENT KIT “O” RING .Main gear cylinder TUBE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic pump mount B C W W W W W W W W W W No.Hydraulic pump mount BUSHING .(AN833-4) ELBOW.(AN837-4D) HOSE .Hydraulic valve to left manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic * PLACARD .(AN815-4D) NIPPLE .Restricted ELBOW.Diaphragm rod NIPPLE .Pressure vacuum (unheated) HEAD ASSEMBLY .Nose gear to left manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY . Req.Hydraulic.Pressure (211C243-12) ANGLE ASSEMBLY .Pressure vacuum (heated) BLOCK ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic line NUT .Main gear to right manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic Landing Gear Installation 96671-02 87369-22 67748-03 67748-04 761 138 484 788 67520-00 67521-00 96902-00 67747-05 65003-48 67749-00 67600-00 434 120 63901-21 63901-30 63901-41 67700-06 67700-07 67700-182 67700-181 67700-15 67700-14 67700-16 67700-17 67700-31 67700-19 67700-61 67700-62 67700-24 67700-23 67700-34 67700-35 491 050 476 648 67524-00 458 894 458 891 458 865 458 900 458 934 458 910 63913-66 67731-00 67738-00 67743-02 67732-00 587 847 67534-00 477 629 477 618 407 568 65003-21 65003-30 PUMP ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Nose gear cylinder.Hydraulic pump to left manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY .Restricted GROMMET . top TUBE ASSEMBLY .Emergency gear extender rod GUIDE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic pump to right manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY . right MOUNT ASSEMBLY .Main gear cylinder HOSE ASSEMBLY .(AN924-4D) WASHER .Main gear cylinder TUBE ASSEMBLY .(MS35489-64) HOSE ASSEMBLY .Nose gear to right manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY .Nose gear.Back-up gear extender ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic fluid spec.(AN823-4D) ELBOW .Nose gear cylinder TUBE ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1K23 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . bottom TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN924-4) NUT .Hydraulic pump mount (MS28775-012) MANIFOLD .Vacuum head block SWITCH . vacuum HEAD .Hydraulic.SECTION X Hydraulic Group HYDRAULIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 65- -1 -1a -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67500 DRAWING .(AN833-4D) ELBOW . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 10 4 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 6 8 3 3 When ordering.(AN823-4) ELBOW . top TUBE ASSEMBLY .Main gear to left manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic pump ROD ASSEMBLY .Main gear cylinder HOSE ASSEMBLY .Main gear to right manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY . left MANIFOLD .Hydraulic valve to right manifold UNION .(AN960-716) BUSHING .Nose gear cylinder.Main gear to left manifold TUBE ASSEMBLY . bottom TUBE ASSEMBLY .Flexible.(AN816-4D) ELBOW.Vacuum head GASKET .Nose gear. Description.D.(1/4 I. always specify Part Number. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 2 2 1 3 6 2 2 2 4 When ordering.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code “A”) SECTION X Hydraulic Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 65-52 -53 -54 -55 Part Number 400 438 407 584 494 133 404 887 400 443 494 192 400 437 407 584 404 887 401 313 Code W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(AN3-3A) WASHER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1979 1K24 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(5712-45) BOLT .(AN960-10L) NUT .(AN960-10L) WASHER .(AN3-4A) WASHER .(AN4H-12A) No. Nylon) NUT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT . Req.(AN3-12A) WASHER . 28R-7931100 and up) REVISED: APRIL 1981 1L1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Serial Nos. Hydraulic System Installation (PA-28RT-201 . 28R-7918070 and up) (PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 65A.Serial Nos. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218005 and up. Penna. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218004 inclusive. W . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931100 and up. and PA-28RT201T with serial numbers 28R-8231011 and up. E . and PA-28RT201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8231010 inclusive. Lock Haven.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 65A ABCD- Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918070 and up. Piper Aircraft. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 1L2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Used on PA28RT-201 only. (AN815-4D) NIPPLE .Pressure vacuum (unheated) HEAD ASSEMBLY .Emergency gear extender rod GUIDE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic * PLACARD .Main gear cylinder TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN3-12A) WASHER .(5712-45) NUT .(AN837-4D) HOSE . Req.Pressure (211 C243-12) MOUNT ASSEMBLY .Diaphragm rod UNION .Nose gear TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN833-4) ELBOW .Main gear cylinder TUBE ASSEMBLY . bottom TUBE ASSEMBLY .Nose gear.Restricted ELBOW .Main gear TUBE ASSEMBLY .Vacuum head GASKET .Hydraulic fluid spec. top TUBE ASSEMBLY .Main gear cylinder HOSE ASSEMBLY .Nose gear cylinder.Nose gear cylinder.SECTION X Hydraulic Group HYDRAULIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 65A- -1 -1a -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67500 DRAWING .Hydraulic line BUSHING .Emergency gear extender ANGLE ASSEMBLY .(AN825-4D) ELBOW .Hydraulic pump TUBE ASSEMBLY . Description.Back-up gear extender * DIAPHRAGM REPLACEMENT KIT “O” RING .Pressure vacuum (heated) HEAD ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1983 1L3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . top TUBE ASSEMBLY .Back-up gear extender ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY . bottom TUBE ASSEMBLY . vacuum HEAD .(AN833-4D) ELBOW .(AN924-4D) WASHER .Hydraulic Landing Gear Installation 96671-02 87369-22 67748-03 67748-04 761 138 484 788 587 847 96902-00 67747-05 67534-00 65003-48 67749-00 491 050 67600-00 63901-21 63901-30 63901-41 67700-06 67700-07 67700-182 67700-181 67700-343 67700-342 67700-306 67700-307 67700-302 67700-304 67700-61 67700-62 67700-24 67700-23 67700-305 67700-303 488 320 488 499 67524-00 458 894 458 891 458 865 458 900 458 934 458 910 63913-66 67731-00 67738-00 67738-03 67743-02 67732-00 455 173 400 443 494 192 477 629 477 618 407 568 PUMP ASSEMBLY .Vacuum head block COUPLING .Flexible.(AN910-1D) BOLT .(AN924-4) NUT .(AN823-4) ELBOW .Nose gear cylinder TUBE ASSEMBLY .Restricted HOSE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic pump mount (MS28775012) SWITCH .Pressure vacuum (heated) BLOCK ASSEMBLY .Main gear TUBE ASSEMBLY .(AN823-4D) ELBOW .Hydraulic valve TUBE ASSEMBLY TEE .(AN960-716) B C W W W W W W W D E W W W W W No.Hydraulic pump ROD ASSEMBLY .Nose gear.(AN824-4D) TEE .Main gear TUBE ASSEMBLY .Nose gear TUBE ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Main gear cylinder HOSE ASSEMBLY . ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 2 4 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 2 4 10 When ordering.(AN822-4D) ELBOW .Hydraulic pump TUBE ASSEMBLY .Hydraulic valve TUBE ASSEMBLY . (MS35489-64) BOLT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1980 1L4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Hydraulic pump mount BUSHING . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 3 3 3 2 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 When ordering.(AN3-4A) WASHER . Description.(AN960-10L) WASHER .Hydraulic pump mount GROMMET .(AN960-416L) BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT . always specify Part Number.(1/4 I.(AN3-3A) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) No. Req.D.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION (See Code “A”) SECTION X Hydraulic Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 65A-50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 Part Number 65003-21 65003-30 434 120 400 437 407 584 404 887 401 313 407 585 400 438 407 584 494 133 404 887 Code W W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE BUSHING . Nylon) NUT .(AN960-10L) NUT .(AN4H-12A) WASHER . 1L5 THRU 1L24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . ARROW IV PARTS CATALOG CARD 2 OF 2 PA-28RT-201 ARROW IV PA-28RT-201T TURBO ARROW IV PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Courtesy of Bomar Flying Service (PART NUMBER 761 693) 2A1 .bomar. ............ Example: 2J16 = Aerofiche card number two of given set........ REVISED: JULY 1984 2A2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T ......................PIPER PARTS CATALOG AEROFICHE EXPLANATION AND REVISION STATUS The Parts Catalog information incorporated in this set of Aerofiche cards has been arranged in accordance with the general specifications of Aerofiche adopted by the General Aircraft Manufacturer’s Association.....................................Dated August 1983 761 693 (PR840213).......... To aid in locating the various sections and related information desired.............Parts Price List .........Dated March 1980 761 693 (PR800812).................................................................1978 are as follows: 761 693 (PR790410)........................................................................................................ Grid location J16....... Second number is the vertical line reference per card........................................................Dated April 1979 761 693 (PR790810)..... Conversion of Aerofiche alpha/numeric code numbers: First number is the Aerofiche card identifier.........................Dated August 1980 761 693 (PR810415)........................................................................Dated February 1984 761 693 (PR840710)......... Current Revisions to this PA-28RT-201 and PA-28RT-201T Parts Catalog issued November 2.................................................................Dated July 1982 761 693 (PR830112).. Letter is the horizontal line reference per card......................... the following is provided: A complete Catalog Table of Contents is given at Grid 1A8 of Aerofiche card number 1 of this set....................Dated April 1981 761 693 (PR810713)........Dated July 1981 761 693 (PR820210)...... Each additional card in this set will have a Table of Contents for all sections on that particular card..............................................................Dated August 1979 761 693 (PR800311)...........................................Aerofiche for a check list of current revision dates and card effectivities for this parts catalog..Dated February 1982 761 693 (PR820712)................................... REVISIONS The information compiled in this Aerofiche Parts Catalog will be kept current by revisions distributed periodically....................Dated July 1984 NOTE: Refer to the last card of the Piper ..............Dated January 1983 761 693 (PR830808).......................... This table will start at Grid A3............................................................................................... These revisions will supersede all previous revisions and will be complete Aerofiche card replacements and shall supersede Aerofiche cards of the same number in the set........................................................ .................2C17 Strobe Lights Installation...............2B1 Air Conditioning Condenser Installation..............................................................................................................................................2F1 Radio Installation Drawings.......................................................2B11 SECTION XII ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUP 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 Electrical System Installation............... PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-8131001 and up)..............................................................................................................................................2D7 Century 21 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-8118001 and up....................................2D20 Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Communications Components Corp..................................................................................................2E16 Audio Selector Assembly ................................................2A16 Air Conditioning Compressor and Refrigerant Lines Installation (PA-28RT-201T)......... PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R7931001 to 28R8031188 incl..............................................2A20 Air Conditioning Duct and Evaporator Installation.........................2B15 Instrument Panel Electrical Installation ...........2E7 Radar Altimeter Installation (King) (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R8018001 and up...............................2D10 AltiMatic III C Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R7918001 to 28R8018116 incl.............................................. Antenna System and Static Wicks Installation.................................................2C1 Battery Installation...............2B8 Oxygen System Installation (Fixed) (PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R8131001 and up) ...................2C10 Alternator Assembly and Installation (Chrysler) (PA-28RT-201).....................................................................................................................................2E19 Avionics Cooling Installation....................................................................................2D4 AutoControl III B Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R-7918001 and up...............................2C20 SECTION XIII ELECTRONICS GROUP 83 84 85 85A 86 86A 86B 87 87A 87B 87C 88 89 90 91 Electric Trim Installation.................................... PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231092 incl............................................................................................................................................................................).......................................2D17 King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R8331001 and up)...............................2E13 Radio............................................................................................................................................................2C13 Alternator Assembly (Prestolite) (PA-28RT-201) ............2C4 External Power Supply Installation (PA-28RT-201)..............................................2B19 Air Conditioning Electrical Installation....................................................) .......................................................2A12 Air Conditioning Compressor Refrigerant Lines and Alternator Installation (PA-28RT-201)......................)........................................................................................2B4 Oxygen System Installation (Portable) (PA-28RT-201T)....................................................................................2D1 AutoFlite II Installation..............2E10 Encoder Installation (Narco-AR 500 and United-5125-P3).................................................2D13 Century 41 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201 S/N 28R8118001 and up..........................2A5 Heat and Defrost System Installation (PA-28RT-201T) ........ PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R8031001 and up) ................................................................................ PA-28RT-201T S/N 28R8131001 and up) ...........................................................................................................2E4 Radar Altimeter Installation (Bonzer) ........................2A8 Fresh Air Ventilation Installation..........2E1 Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Narco Avionics) .............................................................................2C7 External Power Supply Installation (PA-28RT-201T).............................2F4 REVISED: JULY 1984 2A3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T ................................................PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER FIGURE TITLE GRID NUMBER SECTION XI ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 73A Heat and Defrost System Installation (PA-28RT-201)........................................................................................ ............2F12 NUMERICAL INDEX REVISED: JULY 1984 2A4 2F14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T ..............2F7 Optional Equipment Kits and Repair Kits.......................PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER FIGURE TITLE GRID NUMBER SECTION XIV MISCELLANEOUS GROUP 92 Placards and Exterior Stencils.......................................................................................................................... Heat and Defrost System Installation REVISED: AUGUST 1979 2A5 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 66. W .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 66 A . Piper Aircraft. specify color “bark II” or black. Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven.When ordering. REVISED: MARCH 1980 2A6 PA-28RT-201 . Defroster valve KNOB .Swivel WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 8 34 34 When ordering.Defroster control (PS50146-6-2) TUBE .Defroster valve PLATE . center.Cabin heat CLAMP .Defroster (PS50146-6-1) CABLE ASSEMBLY .(MS24665-132) SHROUD . left SHROUD .Swivel fitting FITTING .Cabin heat valve torque ROD ASSEMBLY .Cabin heat. left rear DUCT .Firewall seal GASKET .(AN320-3) COTTER PIN .Defroster air CLAMP . right * KNOB .Cabin heat control (PS50146-4-1) CABLE ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2A7 PA-28RT-201 .Cabin heat. Description.Cabin heat valve door CLIP .(AN960-416) NUT . right front DUCT ASSEMBLY .Defroster cable SLEEVE .Spring (35) HOSE-Defroster DUCT ASSEMBLY .Cabin heat.Defroster valve GATE .Cabin heat hose (SAE TY A-2 1/16) STUD . right HOUSING . left DUCT ASSEMBLY .Cabin heat valve.Cabin heat valve torque tube TUBE ASSEMBLY .Cabin heat and defroster OUTLET .Cabin heat valve * JOINT ASSEMBLY .Cabin heat. always specify Part Number.Ball PLATE . right CABLE ASSEMBLY . left front DUCT .Cabin heat valve BRACKET .Defroster System Installation -1 67205-02 67205-03 36511-02 36511-03 66980-00 76129-06 76129-07 67386-00 62833-35 67387-00 67344-00 67347-00 67389-00 67391-00 31747-00 66789-00 22105-03 68770-14 69275-00 63882-31 63633-45 454 994 70371-03 91193-00 407 565 404 392 424 051 67401-00 67401-03 69273-00 494 123 63633-51 79615-02 79615-03 554 144 554 150 554 143 69279-00 67705-00 69274-00 66980-00 65318-00 454 985 419 683 494 001 DUCT .Heat duct DUCT .Heat duct (4 x 1/2 L. right rear DOOR ASSEMBLY .Defroster valve WASHER .Cabin heat valve * SEAL .Defroster air.Firewall seal CLAMP . Req. left DUCT ASSEMBLY .Defroster hose (H-10000) SCREW .Defroster cable HOSE .Heater cable BRACKET .Cabin heat.Cabin Heat System Installation DRAWING .Defroster air.Cabin heat.SECTION XI Environmental Group HEAT AND DEFROST SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 66- 99028 99029 DRAWING .Firewall seal GROMMET .Cabin heat valve. center. oval head) WASHER Heat duct (4) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 A A W W W W W W W W W W No. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 67. Heat and Defrost System Installation REVISED: AUGUST 1979 2A8 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 67 A - See Figure 74 if landing light is installed. B - When ordering, specify color “bark II” or black. W - These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. REVISED: MARCH 1980 2A9 PA-28RT-201T SECTION XI Environmental Group HEAT AND DEFROST SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 67- 35777 DRAWING - Cabin Heat and Defrost System Installation -1 67205-02 67205-03 36511-02 36511-03 66980-00 76129-06 76129-07 79615-02 79615-03 66856-08 554 143 554 144 67386-00 62833-35 65318-00 69229-00 35777-03 DUCT - Cabin heat, left front DUCT - Cabin heat, right front DUCT ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat, center, left DUCT ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat, center, right * KNOB - Heat duct DUCT - Cabin heat, left rear DUCT - Cabin heat, right rear DUCT ASSEMBLY - Defroster air, left DUCT ASSEMBLY - Defroster air, right CABLE ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat control CABLE ASSEMBLY - Defroster control (PS50146-6-2) CABLE ASSEMBLY - Defroster control (PS50146-6-1) DOOR ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat valve * SEAL - Cabin heat valve door OUTLET - Defroster air TAKEOFF ASSEMBLY - Defroster air HOUSING ASSEMBLY - Heater air inlet and landing light support COVER - Landing light support HOSE ASSEMBLY - Defrost, right HOSE ASSEMBLY - Heat duct, right HOSE ASSEMBLY-Defrost HOSE ASSEMBLY - Heat duct, left HOSE ASSEMBLY - Defrost, left HOSE ASSEMBLY - Air inlet TUBE - Defroster valve TUBE ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat valve torque SHROUD - Cabin heat valve. left SHROUD - Cabin heat valve, right PUSHROD ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat valve, left PUSHROD ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat valve, right HOUSING - Defroster valve PLATE - Defroster valve GASKET - Firewall seal PLATE - Firewall seal BRACKET - Heater cable BRACKET - Cabin heat valve torque tube CLIP - Cabin heat valve GROMMET-Firewall seal STUD - Swivel fitting FITTING - Swivel SPACER - Landing light cover plate SLEEVE - Control cables BUSHING WASHER - Spring (35) “O” RING - (NAS 1593-213) WASHER - Defroster valve CLAMP - (SAE TY A-1) CLAMP - (SAE TY A-1 1/2) CLAMP - (SAE TY A-2) CLAMP - (SAE TY A-2 1 /2) CLAMP - (H-10000) CLAMP - Defroster cable SCREW - (MS35206-249) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 35777-09 63633-15 63633-19 63633-30 63633-40 63633-60 63633-111 69279-00 67389-00 67401-00 67401-03 67391-00 67391-03 69273-00 69274-00 22105-03 66789-00 67344-00 67347-00 67387-00 68770-14 70371-03 91193-00 95061-162 63882-31 65003-43 494 123 484 841 62833-104 454 985 554 896 554 837 554 752 454 985 69275-00 415 539 B B A W W W W W W W W No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 8 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 1 4 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2A10 PA-28RT-201T HEAT AND DEFROST SYSTEM INSTALLATION SECTION XI Environmental Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 67-49 -50 -51 Part Number 494 037 410 039 419 683 494 001 67705-00 Code W W W NOMENCLATURE WASHER - (PS10092-1-3C) SCREW - (MS24694-S51) SCREW - Heat duct (4 x 1/2 L oval head) WASHER - Heat duct (4) GATE - Defroster valve No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 4 34 34 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: MARCH 1980 2A11 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 68. Fresh Air Ventilation Installation REVISED: JULY 1981 2A12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 68 A - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. B - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. C - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918265 and up, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931306 and up. D - See Figure 73A if fixed oxygen system is installed on PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. W - These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. REVISED: AUGUST 1980 2A13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T SECTION XI Environmental Group FRESH AIR VENTILATION INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 68- 76304 79853 79273 79278 36983 A B A A B DRAWING - Fresh Air Ventilation System Installation DRAWING - Fresh Air Ventilation System Installation DRAWING - Blower Ventilation Installation DRAWING - Ram Air Ventilation Installation DRAWING - Ram Air and Blower Ventilation Installation -1 99500-08 99500-06 76496-03 76496-02 76307-07 76494-02 473 187 473 195 461 386 461 391 406 424 76305-00 99633-00 99642-02 475 210 37997-02 99641-00 452 935 63633-131 63633-177 63633-148 473 187 473 195 461 386 461 391 554 365 76309-00 76309-02 79192-00 79035-00 79280-00 79287-00 79281-00 79282-00 79284-00 79285-00 79286-00 79303-00 69885-00 69885-02 69885-03 63904-89 79290-00 588 109 86711-02 79292-00 70371-02 70371-03 407 564 404 392 424 051 79264-00 A A B,D B,D A B,D PANEL ASSEMBLY - Ventilation (less speaker hole) PANEL ASSEMBLY - Ventilation (with speaker hole) PANEL ASSEMBLY - Ventilation (less speaker hole) PANEL ASSEMBLY - Ventilation (with speaker hole) DUCT ASSEMBLY - Center, ventilation DUCT ASSEMBLY - Center, ventilation * LOUVER - (136-1M), silver * LOUVER - (336-1HS), black * FRAME - (173-M), silver * FRAME - (173B), black * NUT - (C2733-040-1) DUCT - Ventilation DUCT - Hose connect BLOWER ASSEMBLY - Fresh air * MOTOR ASSEMBLY - Blower (UN-YY1S062) * COVER - Fresh air blower * PLATE ASSEMBLY - Motor mounting * BLOWER - (AE424-316-1) HOSE HOSE HOSE LOUVER - (136-1M), silver LOUVER - (336-1HS), black FRAME - (173-M), silver FRAME - (173B), black CABLE ASSEMBLY - Fresh air flapper (PS50146-2-3) CHANNEL - Ventilation CHANNEL - Ventilation INTERCONNECT - Ventilation bulkhead GUSSET ASSEMBLY - Intercostal INTERCOSTAL - Blower bracket support, left INTERCOSTAL - Blower bracket support, right HANGER ASSEMBLY - Blower, left HANGER ASSEMBLY - Blower, right RETAINER - Housing BRACKET - Intercostal, forward BRACKET-Intercostal, aft BRACE - Hanger FLAPPER VALVE ASSEMBLY - Fresh air intake * SHAFT ASSEMBLY * FLAPPER ASSEMBLY TUBE - Drain TUBE ASSEMBLY - Drain SWITCH - (MS35058-21) FITTING ASSEMBLY - Air duct, lower STRAP - Fresh air hose support FITTING - Swivel STUD - Swivel fitting WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (AN320-3) COTTER PIN - (MS24665-132) COVER ASSEMBLY - Fresh air blower -2 -3 -4 -4a -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 A A A D A B A A A A A A A W W W W W No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2A14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T FRESH AIR VENTILATION INSTALLATION SECTION XI Environmental Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 68-39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 Part Number 69669-77 554 861 554 640 454 709 Code A,W 454 743 C 63633-127 36615-05 36616-03 36612-03 76495-02 69885-12 69885-02 69885-03 63897-06 63904-113 79290-00 554 861 406 424 79293-04 B B B B B B B B B B B B,W NOMENCLATURE PLACARD - Cabin air CLAMP - (SAE TY F-4) CLAMP - (SAE TY A-4 5/8) CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-1-9) 20 amp, Mech. Products Inc. CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-3-36) 20 amp, Wood Electric Corp. HOSE - Air vent DUCT ASSEMBLY - Air vent (with filter) * FILTER - Air vent LOUVER - Air vent DUCT AND FLAPPER VALVE ASSEMBLY - Aft FLAPPER VALVE ASSEMBLY - Fresh air intake * SHAFT ASSEMBLY * FLAPPER ASSEMBLY CAPACITOR ASSEMBLY HOSE - Drain TUBE ASSEMBLY - Drain CLAMP - (SAE TY F-4) NUT - (C2733-040-1) CABLE - Blower No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1981 2A15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T Air Conditioning Compressor. Refrigerant Lines and Alternator Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 PA-28RT-201 2A16 .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 69. PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 69 A . B . Lock Haven. C . Piper Aircraft. W .Used if Refrigerant Line Fitting Replacement Kit 764 248 has not been installed.See Figure 81 for component parts.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.Order parts for serial numbers 28R-8218008 and up if Refrigerant Line Fitting Replacement Kit 764 248 has been installed per Service Spares Letter 387. Penna. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 PA-28RT-201 2A17 . (MS20365-624C) ARM ASSEMBLY .(MS35338-46) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218007 incl.(H-6) WASHER CAPACITOR ASSEMBLY CLIP ASSEMBLY .(MS20074-06-11) WASHER .(661FHD-8-10) ADAPTER .Left front baffle IDLER PULLEY ASSEMBLY .Compressor drive BOLT .(NAS2906-20) * WASHER .8218007 incl.(MS20074-05-05) WASHER . Description.Receiver dehydrator to condenser HOSE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-616) * NUT .SECTION XI Environmental Group AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR. upper BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Alternator pulley * NUT . 28R-8218008 and up 28R-8218008 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218007 incl.Prestolite (ALY-6422) CLUTCH ASSEMBLY .(PS10022-6-4) FITTING .Discharge (length 117”) HOSE ASSEMBLY . lower * PULLEY ASSEMBLY .Alternator drive * BOLT .(AN960-516) BOLT-(MS20074-06-06) WASHER .Discharge HOSE .(FC9158-0808S) REDUCER . REFRIGERANT LINES AND ALTERNATOR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 69- Part Number Code 99109 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 555 412 551 983 554 761 462 112 452 824 452 823 99624-00 79584-08 99072-00 553 230 62833-82 79558-02 95061-151 401 394 407 567 404 890 79886-04 99592-07 63904-72 565 578 99592-06 565 564 565 576 451 906 561 012 584 258 451 907 561 013 584 256 451 908 561 012 584 257 67982-02 554 678 62833-83 63897-06 99580-00 99080-00 401 988 407 587 400 616 407 569 401 970 407 566 401 987 407 587 401 461 407 567 407 587 407 046 No.(AN960-616L) BOLT .(AN8H-7A) WASHER .(F209-16764) ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY .Air Conditioning Compressor and Alternator Installation DRAWING .Suction HOSE .(PS10069-1-3) BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(PS10069-1-4) BELT .(PS10022-6-13) FITTING .(10616) RING GEAR ASSEMBLY .(AN960-616L) BOLT .(PS10022-6-14) FITTING .Alternator support HOSE ASSEMBLY .(FC9158-0606S) REDUCER .(AN960-616L) WASHER .Alternator pulley * BUSHING .(FC9158-0808S) REDUCER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .(AN960-816) BOLT .Compressor.(AN960-616) WASHER .Alternator idler pulley * BOLT .Discharge (length 25”) ADAPTER . When ordering. always specify Part Number.(42F-10-8) ELBOW-Special CLAMP .(AN6H-22A) WASHER .Compressor. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1983 2A18 PA-28RT-201 . 28R-8218008 and up 28R-8218008 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218007 incl.Air Conditioning Refrigerant Lines Installation 99602 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 NOMENCLATURE A W W W B B B C W W W W W W COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY . Req. 28R-8218008 and up 28R-8218008 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R.(LW16581) BELT .Suction HOSE ASSEMBLY .(42F-8-6) ADAPTER .(AN6-13A) * WASHER . (MS20074-06-05) WASHER .(MS20365-428C) No.(AN924-8) CHANNEL ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 3 3 4 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 When ordering. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2A19 PA-28RT-201 .(AN960-616L) BOLT (MS20074-05-05) WASHER .AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR REFRIGERANT LINES AND ALTERNATOR INSTALLATION SECTION XI Environmental Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 69-34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 Part Number 401 966 407 587 401 970 407 586 477 691 79886-03 79886-07 400 009 407 585 404 888 Code W W W W W W NOMENCLATURE BOLT .(AN960-416L) NUT . Req.Alternator support BOLT (AN4-14A) WASHER . Description.Alternator support ARM ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.(AN960-516L) NUT . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 70. Air Conditioning Compressor and Refrigerant Lines Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 2A20 PA-28RT-201T . W .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 70 A .Used if Refrigerant Line Fitting Replacement Kit 764 248 has been installed. B .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2A21 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft.Order parts for serial numbers 28R-8231016 and up if Refrigerant Line Fitting Replacement Kit 764 248 has been installed per Service Spares Letter 387. Penna. SECTION XI Environmental Group AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR AND REFRIGERANT LINES INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 70- 35785 99602 DRAWING . 28R-8231016 and up 28R-8231016 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231015 incl.Compressor (N7350) HOSE .(FC9158-0808S) REDUCER .Discharge HOSE ASSEMBLY .(PS10022-6-13) FITTING .Suction HOSE.(AN924-8) -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 A A A B W W W W No.Discharge HOSE .(FC9158-0606S) REDUCER . When ordering. Req.(AN6-13A) WASHER .(H-6) BOLT .(MS20365-624C) NUT .Suction HOSE ASSEMBLY .Special ADAPTER .(661FHD-8-10) ADAPTER-(PS10022-6-14) FITTING .Vacuum pump to regulating valve HOSE.) WASHER .Air Conditioner Compressor Installation DRAWING . D.(FC9158-0808S) REDUCER .(42F-10-8) ADAPTER .Receiver dehydrator to condenser ELBOW .(AN960-616) NUT .(PS10022-6-4) FITTING .Refrigerant Lines Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 555 919 452 651 63913-81 63904-72 99592-10 99592-11 565 564 565 576 565 578 67982-02 451 906 561 012 584 258 451 908 561 012 584 257 451 907 561 013 584 256 554 678 401 394 62833-117 407 567 404 890 477 691 COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231016 and up 28R-8231016 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231015 incl. Description. 28R-8231016 and up 28R-8231016 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R 8231015 incl.Discharge HOSE ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.00 O.(1. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2A22 PA-28RT-201T .(507) BELT . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 2 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231015 incl.(42F-8-6) CLAMP . 2A23 THRU 2A24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Air Conditioning Duct and Evaporator Installation REVISED: AUGUST 1983 2B1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 71. D . W .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up.If interconnect duct assembly and aft cabin bulkhead duct are bonded (not riveted) to aft cabin bulkhead order part listed for PA-28RT 201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. REVISED: AUGUST 1980 2B2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven.See Figure 73A for PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up if Fixed Oxygen System is installed. C .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department Piper Aircraft.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 71 A . B . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. Penna. C B A B NOMENCLATURE No.Cabin light and air conditioning duct (with speaker hole) LOUVER .(SAE TY F-4) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Evaporator inlet (37245-6-6S) * CLAMP .(173B). black FRAME .(SAE TY F-44) * VALVE ASSEMBLY .D A B.(AE424-316-1) * DUCT .Evaporator * * MOTOR ASSEMBLY .(C2733-040-1) DUCT ASSEMBLY . Req.Cabin light and air conditioning duct BED ASSEMBLY .Aft cabin bulkhead DUCT ASSEMBLY . Description. silver LOUVER . silver FRAME .Aft cabin bulkhead DUCT ASSEMBLY .D B.Motor mounting * BLOWER .(136-1M).(336-1HS).(336-1HS).Evaporator HOSE .SECTION XI Environmental Group AIR CONDITIONING DUCT AND EVAPORATOR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 71- 76306 76493 99292 79849 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 99640-02 99640-04 99642-03 475 210 37997-02 99641-00 452 935 99633-00 99646-02 589 688 554 926 99648-00 99650-00 456 615 99661-00 554 861 99500-06 76496-03 76496-02 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -22a -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 473 187 473 195 461 386 461 391 99541-02 76494-02 473 187 473 195 461 386 461 391 406 424 99506-00 79839-02 99634-00 79840-04 76309-00 76309-02 99539-00 99550-02 99644-00 63633-100 63913-199 406 424 Code A B A B W W A B.(173M).(136-1M).Air conditioning SUPPORT ASSEMBLY .Air conditioning HOSE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1983 2B3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Evaporator filter FILTER. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Air Conditioning Duct Installation DRAWING . silver * LOUVER .Air Conditioning Duct Installation DRAWING .(173M).Evaporator drain NUT (C733-040-1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 When ordering. black * FRAME . silver * FRAME .C B A.Evaporator blower (UN-YY1S062) * * COVER .D A.Evaporator box COVER .Interconnect CHANNEL .Receiver dehydrator * RECEIVER DEHYDRATOR . always specify Part Number.Evaporator expansion * BRACKET . expansion valve CLAMP . black DUCT ASSEMBLY .Evaporator Bulkhead Assembly DRAWING .Air conditioning * EVAPORATOR AND HOUSING ASSEMBLY .Pressure * TUBE ASSEMBLY .(1106) * CLAMP .Hose connect * SWITCH ASSEMBLY .(173B).Air conditioning CHANNEL .Cabin light and air conditioning duct (without speaker hole) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Evaporator Bulkhead Assembly EVAPORATOR ASSEMBLY .Air conditioning * LOUVER .Bulb.Evaporator blower * * PLATE ASSEMBLY .Air conditioning DUCT ASSEMBLY .Interconnect DUCT ASSEMBLY . black * NUT .Air conditioning * BLOWER ASSEMBLY . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 72. Air Conditioning Condenser Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 2B4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Lock Haven. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 2B5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 72 W . Penna. Piper Aircraft. 56 O.(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT.Condenser * BUSHING .Limit (V3L-3-D9) * TUBE ASSEMBLY .) NUT .(AN4-36A) WASHER .(AN23-13A) WASHER .Forward COVER ASSEMBLY .(AN3-14A) * WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .Condenser door mechanism * BUSHING * BOLT .Condenser push * BEARING . always specify Part Number.Air conditioning (complete) * CONDENSER .56 O.(1E-1415C) * HINGE ASSEMBLY .(MS20365-428C) BOLT.Bronze (FF565-2) BEARING .(AN3-7A) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(AN960-10) NUT .(MS20365-1032C) DOOR ASSEMBLY .Transmission (C145-200) * UNIVERSAL ASSEMBLY .Hinge TUBE BEARING .Condenser door actuating (complete) * MOTOR ASSEMBLY .Half * BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .(AN741-8P) BELLCRANK ASSEMBLY .(.Condenser door * HINGE .D.(AN960-10) WASHER .(AN960-416) NUT .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(AN315-3R) BEARING ASSEMBLY . Description.(AN960-10) NUT .(AA304-20) BOLT .D.Half TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY .SECTION XI Environmental Group AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSER INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 72- 99855 DRAWING .Actuator * CLAMP .) NUT .Rod end (PS10020-5-1R) * NUT . Req.Air Conditioning Condenser Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 99387-00 555 457 99263-00 99275-02 99495-00 65003-56 401 273 407 584 404 887 99271-00 99275-02 99854-00 CONDENSER ASSEMBLY .Louver * HINGE .(AN3-10A) WASHER .(AN23-13A) WASHER .(B100-06) * SWITCH .(AN960-10) WASHER .(AA225-1) ROD ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10) NUT . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 When ordering.(.(AN23-13A) WASHER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 2B6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Condenser door actuating COVER ASSEMBLY .Aft PIN .(AN960-10L) * NUT .(AN23-13A) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .(MS20365-1032C) -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 761 519 753 085 757 718 99853-00 554 714 99867-00 452 570 452 571 99557-00 452 558 400 224 99561-00 99572-04 99569-00 99275-04 65165-87 452 561 400 861 407 564 62833-101 404 887 400 861 407 564 62833-101 404 887 400 861 407 564 404 887 400 441 407 564 404 887 401 334 407 565 404 888 400 861 407 564 404 887 401 269 407 564 404 887 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W No. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 4 2 When ordering. always specify Part Number.(AN960-10) NUT (MS20364-1032C) No.(AN3-6A) WASHER . Req. Description. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1980 2B7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSER INSTALLATION SECTION XI Environmental Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 72-35 Part Number 400 440 407 564 404 835 Code W W W NOMENCLATURE BOLT . Oxygen System Installation (Portable) REVISED: JULY 1982 2B8 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 73. Penna.When ordering.Manifold connector assembly is equipped for one or two mask operation. Lock Haven. specify color “bark 11” or black. W .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 73 A . Piper Aircraft. B . REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 2B9 PA-28RT-201T .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. (LC-022D-10) * RING . Req.Complete oxygen system (802180-07) * TWO SKY MASKS WITH DUAL MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY Passenger (with 5’ hose) * SKY MASK WITH DUAL MANIFOLD CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY * SKY MASK WITH MICROPHONE AND QUICK DISCONNECT(includes lap mike switch and single manifold assembly) * SKY MASK WITH MICROPHONE AND QUICK DISCONNECT(includes single manifold assembly) * * MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY .SECTION XI Environmental Group OXYGEN SYSTEM INSTALLATION (PORTABLE) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code 73- 35822 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 35822-21 35822-13 587 403 484 868 69669-177 35669-32 470 993 470 639 761 654 B 761 706 761 707 A -8 761 741 99141-03 99140-03 68094-03 79781-02 415 538 477 683 No.(R-1) * PLACARD .Single (quick disconnect) PLATE .Support attachment PLATE ASSEMBLY .Complete oxygen system (802180-04) KIT .Warning KIT . Description. 1 1 2 2 1 1 16 16 28R-8131195 and up When ordering.Support attachment PLATE .(MS35206-248) TEENUT .Support attachment SCREW .Oxygen * STUD * SPRING . always specify Part Number.Oxygen support PLACARD .Oxygen System Installation 761 742 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 NOMENCLATURE W SUPPORT ASSEMBLY . 28R-8131195 and up DRAWING .(SS-58162) 1 1 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131194 incl. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 2B10 PA-28RT-201T .Support attachment PLATE . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-7931001 to 28R-8131194 incl. 28R-8131001 and up) REVISED: APRIL 1981 2B11 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 73A. Oxygen System Installation (Fixed) (Serial Nos. REVISED: AUGUST 1980 2B12 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 73A W . Overhead (with speaker hole only) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Valve assembly (57524) GAUGE ASSEMBLY . oxygen mask (5’ length) CONNECTOR .Female (33525-202) TEE .Recharge (26875-48) BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Oxygen (800114-04) * * RELIEF VALVE .Vent TUBE . sky mask.Oxygen System Installation W W W W W W CYLINDER AND REGULATOR ASSEMBLY .Low pressure (33529-704) MASK ASSEMBLY .(800112-01) * REGULATOR ASSEMBLY .Low pressure (33529-009) TEE .Indicator (8540) * COUPLING .Forward (23599-11) ELBOW .High pressure (33521-403) CONNECTOR .(1 /8” dia. duo-seal mask with microphone. crew (28316-11) * FLOW .Oxygen gauge (8808-1) VALVE ASSEMBLY .Oxygen (includes mounting bracket) (800435) * LENS .Overhead (with light holes only) PANEL ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Charging valve SHELF ASSEMBLY .Plastic.Oxygen plug-in (8570-00) * TUBING .High pressure (800214-06) PANEL ASSEMBLY .(C2733-040-1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 When ordering.Cabin fresh air * LOUVER .Low pressure (33529-106) ELBOW .Oxygen FRAME .(336-1HS) * FRAME .(336-1HS) TUBE . Req.Overhead (without speaker and light holes) SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Oxygen.Overhead (with speaker and light holes) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Oxygen.Regulator assembly (5043-14) * * VALVE ASSEMBLY .Bolt (5952-8ND-CW-12) DUCT ASSEMBLY .Oxygen gauge (13753) * BEZEL .High pressure TUBE .Low pressure SHROUD ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 2B13 PA-28RT-201T .Oxygen gauge light PLACARD . passenger (28314-11) MASK ASSEMBLY .Low pressure (33529-805) ELBOW .Oxygen gauge light PLACARD . Description.Low pressure TUBE .Rear (23599-12) OUTLET ASSEMBLY .Support LIGHT .Low pressure TUBE .) (33521-002) CABLE .(173B) * NUT .Control cable (800356-00) OUTLET ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Push-pull control (800177-00) TUBE ASSEMBLY .Charging * * * CORE .(173B) LOUVER .Low pressure TUBE .High pressure TUBE .SECTION XI Environmental Group OXYGEN SYSTEM INSTALLATION (FIXED) (Serial Numbers 28R-8131001 and up) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code 73A- 36960 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 757 890 756 038 756 507 756 505 753 947 751 896 W W W W W W -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 752 355 753 433 756 524 753 437 752 610 752 609 754 798 753 944 756 301 754 761 754 762 474 124 761 744 W W W W -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 755 122 753 939 753 074 763 310 762 023 753 938 762 024 86887-02 86887-03 86887-04 86887-05 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -44a 36965-03 35669-137 35669-157 461 391 473 195 36960-10 36960-13 36960-20 36960-16 36960-15 36960-06 36960-14 36959-02 36956-03 572 514 76494-04 473 195 461 391 406 424 NOMENCLATURE No. Access.OXYGEN SYSTEM INSTALLATION (FIXED) (Serial Numbers 28R-8131001 and up) SECTION XI Environmental Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 73A-45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 Part Number 36957-04 487 584 494 060 36957-05 36957-06 452 813 36962-06 36962-07 68364-00 86888-02 86888-03 554 365 36963-02 36963-03 Code W W NOMENCLATURE DOOR ASSEMBLY . aft SHROUD ASSEMBLY .Support. Req. Description. forward CABLE .Gauge mount BRACKET Gauge mount No.Fresh air flapper (PS50146-2-3) BRACKET.(2600-LW) DOUBLER .Support. oxygen BEZEL .Access. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. center CHANNEL . forward CHANNEL .Access. aft CHANNEL . always specify Part Number.Oxygen outlet (A320) SHROUD ASSEMBLY .Oxygen bottle. oxygen recharge * STUD .Support.(2600-2) * LOCKWASHER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2B14 PA-28RT-201T .Oxygen bottle. oxygen recharge DISH ASSEMBLY . Electrical System Installation REVISED: JULY 1984 2B15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 74. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218005 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218004 inclusive. Used if air conditioning is installed. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8231010 inclusive. With cutouts. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R 7931001 to 28R -8031165 inclusive. Used if landing light is not installed. or Figure 71 if air conditioning is installed. Without cutouts. but less radio speaker cutout. or Figure 73A if oxygen system is installed. Piper Aircraft. Also used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up if aircraft complies with United Kingdom requirements. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018099 and up. Used if Optional Fuel Primer System Installation is installed. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131229 inclusive.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 74 ABCDEFGHJKLMN- OPQRSW- Used on PA-28RT-201 only Used on PA-28RT-201T only See Figure 77 for component parts. Penna. REVISED: JULY 1984 2B16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031166 and up. Used if recognition lights are installed. With cutouts. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up. and PA-28R-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231011 and up. Used if a Chrysler alternator is installed. See Figure 68 if fresh air ventilation is installed. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018098 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8431009 inclusive. Lock Haven. Lift detector mounting (C-52207-02) FLASHER ASSEMBLY .(PS10067-4-1) DIMMER ASSEMBLY . circular (6FU3211) GASKET .Gear warning FLASHER ASSEMBLY .Dome light * SWITCH .White DISC.Firewall seal REGULATOR ASSEMBLY .Radio speaker GRILL . up limit SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Dome light maximum KNOB .G E.J.SECTION XII Electrical System Group ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 74- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -41a -42 -43 Part Number 78978 35738 78984 12761-02 67404-02 67404-03 18321-00 66789-00 450 745 38149-03 38149-04 23969-02 23969-03 35214-00 472 736 753 431 751 203 63915-05 63915-19 65372-00 66580-02 67196-00 487 925 67411-03 451 823 67411-06 36742-13 451 823 68770-03 68771-03 68804-03 68804-04 99222-02 99222-09 99222-10 572 582 472 330 66632-00 487 777 472 036 472 038 99744-00 99198-00 585 015 99745-00 69669-20 571 136 95228-00 79412-06 79412-02 79412-09 467 067 79414-00 99130-02 Code B A C A.Firewall seal GASKET .Cabin light LIGHT ASSEMBLY .Landing light NIPPLE . Description.Electrical NIPPLE .Firewall seal PLATE .(JE73) GROMMET .Electrical System Schematic DRAWING .Landing light opening COVER ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2B17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Cabin light PANEL.Radio.Terminal (476 695) BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Cutout (V3-1) SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Overhead panel (A300-W-14) LENS .Nose gear down limit * ACTUATOR .Voltage CONTROL ASSEMBLY .Voltage PANEL.(89) BULB .(JE73) SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Nose gear.Firewall seal DISC . up limit * ACTUATOR .W W P O W W N N N A A A L M L R B D.Cooler (103) COVER .Dome light (12715-00) REFLECTOR ASSEMBLY . 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231010 incl.(93) GRILL . Req.Diode assembly SOLENOID .Terminal strip PLATE .Radio speaker PLACARD .Gear warning NIPPLE .Cabin light PANEL.Tail (A2064-1073) * BULB .Firewall seal PLATE .(1073) * LENS .Potentiometer DIODE AND COOLER ASSEMBLY DIODE AND COOLER ASSEMBLY DIODE AND COOLER ASSEMBLY * INSULATOR .Starter (487 169) 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 11 5 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 28R-8431010 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218004 incl. always specify Part Number.Cutout switch SWITCH .Electrical System Schematic BATTERY INSTALLATION COVER ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Electrical System Installation DRAWING . When ordering.Nose gear.Electrical HORN ASSEMBLY .Radio speaker SPEAKER .(5518) BULB .Terminal strip COVER .G F.Firewall seal RETAINER ASSEMBLY .Stall warning LIGHT .G H A B O NOMENCLATURE No. Recognition * LAMP .Landing light opening SEAL.(JE73) SWITCH ASSEMBLY .J B B B B.Microphone (11F-2300G-SIL) SWITCH ASSEMBLY .ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION SECTION XII Electrical System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 74-44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 Part Number 565 288 488 545 550 487 462 012 550 549 472 661 38255-02 67487-02 450 741 450 742 450 397 484 375 67411-02 36742-14 67411-04 36742-14 451 823 67411-08 36742-13 451 823 67411-05 67411-07 36742-15 451 823 35777-07 35777-09 63186-09 410 039 35750-04 35750-05 35749-07 35749-08 35749-02 484 209 484 525 484 373 67487-03 456 703 78140-175 69325-122 87742-02 761 279 Code W R L M L M L L M L L L M L B B.(JE73) BEZEL .) LIGHT ASSEMBLY . right SWITCH ASSEMBLY .K W Q B.Overvoltage (PS50034-1) RELAY .Up limit.Landing gear warning (02054-3) STRIP . left * ACTUATOR .Landing (4509-100w12v) BLOCK . left SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Auxiliary fuel (with diverter valve) * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY Auxiliary fuel control.Auxiliary fuel control support * RELAY ASSEMBLY Power (PS50053-2-2) RESISTOR .Oil temperature (362-EW) GASKET . aft * PLATE . left SWITCH ASSEMBLY . Req. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2B18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Squat.(4DA-0-10 ohm.Terminal DIODE ASSEMBLY DECAL .Up limit.) WIRE ASSEMBLY Ground (9.Landing gear power (24059) WIRE ASSEMBLY .(MS24694-S51) CONTROL ASSEMBLY Auxiliary fuel (without diverter valve) CONTROL ASSEMBLY .(JE73) SWITCH ASSEMBLY Squat.Down limit. 50 watt) RELAY .Up limit.Landing light COVER .S NOMENCLATURE HORN .5” L. Description.Cylinder head temperature (333-B) LIGHT .(AH-1522) SENDER UNIT .S B.Lift detector (C52207-3) DETECTOR . left and right * ACTUATOR .Landing light SCREW .3” L.Down limit. forward * SUPPORT ASSEMBLY Auxiliary fuel control.Lift (C52207-4) RELAY .Down limit. left SWITCH ASSEMBLY .(IN2071A) WIRE ASSEMBLY Alternator to ammeter (104.Terminal (MS25123-1-12) SENDER UNIT . right * ACTUATOR . left SWITCH ASSEMBLY . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8531001 and up 28R 8531001 and up When ordering. right SWITCH ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.Diode * DIODE .Recognition light No.Down limit. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 75. Instrument Panel Electrical Installation REVISED: JULY 1984 2B19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . See Figure 86B for PA-28RT-201T if King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 is installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231011 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8231010 inclusive. Used if recognition lights are installed. REVISED: JULY 1984 2B20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218004 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131160 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. If matching cabin door lock. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218005 and up. order Kit 87329-03. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. 28R-7931306 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931296 incl. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. Piper Aircraft. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R 7931001 to 28R-8131159 inclusive. Lock Haven. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118073 inclusive. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. and PA-28RT-201T with serial nos. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial nos.. baggage door lock and ignition switch are desired.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 75 ABCDEFGHJKLMNW- Used on PA-28RT-201 only. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118074 and up. 28R-7918265 and up. Penna. Plug (SS48154-P5001) KNOB .Auxiliary fuel system primer SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Fuel pump SWITCH .(PS50120-1-7) 15 amp. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2B21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Req.Circuit breaker COVER .Indicator (left gear) LIGHT . DRAWING .Instrument lights POTENTIOMETER ASSEMBLY . Wood Electric Corp. Wood Electric Corp.Auxiliary fuel system primer HOLDER ASSEMBLY . 28R-8231011 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-8031014 incl. Products Inc.Radio Master Switch Installation DRAWING .(PS10008-330) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 16 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 28R-7931001 to 28R 8231010 incl. Mech. CIRCUIT BREAKER (PS50120-3-11) 7.Circuit breaker PANEL ASSEMBLY .Radio Master Switch Installation DRAWING . Wood Electric Corp.Indicator (warning gear unsafe) BULB . CIRCUIT BREAKER . CIRCUIT BREAKER (PS50120-1-5) 10 amp. CIRCUIT BREAKER (PS50120-1-3) 7.Circuit breaker CIRCUIT BREAKER . always specify Part Number. Description.Panel lights KNOB . panel POTENTIOMETER ASSEMBLY .Indicator (nose gear) LIGHT .Landing light SWITCH .Indicator (auto extender off) LIGHT .(MS27212-1-4) PANEL ASSEMBLY . CIRCUIT BREAKER (PS50120-1-2) 5 amp. 28R-8031015 and up AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 When ordering.Indicator (right gear) LIGHT . CIRCUIT BREAKER . Mech.(PS50120-3-15) 15 amp. BUTTON .Electrical System Schematic DRAWING .Terminal strip SPACER .Switch cover PLACARD .5 amp.Electrical System Installation DRAWING .(PS50120-1-9) 20 amp. Products Inc.Strobe lights TRANSISTOR (2N3055) SOCKET . Mech. Products Inc. Wood Electric Corp. CIRCUIT BREAKER .5 amp.Landing gear switch LIGHT .Switch PLATE . Mech.(PS50120-1-11) 25 amp. Products Inc. Products Inc. Products Inc. CIRCUIT BREAKER (PS50120-3-8) 5 amp.Transistor (2TS-1) PANEL ASSEMBLY .Master SWITCH . Mech.Instrument lights PLACARD .Circuit breaker PANEL ASSEMBLY .(PS50120-3-13) 10 amp.Instrument lights.Master SWITCH . Mech.Instrument lamp (PS10082-1-1) TERMINAL STRIP .Instrument lights SWITCH .Ground Clearance Switch Installation SWITCH ASSEMBLY .SECTION XII Electrical System Group INSTRUMENT PANEL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 75- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 Part Number Code 78978 35738 36926 39870 87459 L B B 37756-02 37756-03 565 516 588 464 35212-00 66713-00 66970-03 67436-04 67436-05 67437-00 69669-17 99377-02 99377-03 99377-05 99377-56 99377-06 489 400 487 111 35261-02 35261-02 35261-03 79205-00 67409-03 454 708 B B A G H A B B 454 706 454 709 454 710 454 707 454 719 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 454 678 F 454 668 F 454 669 F 454 670 F 553 600 67439-00 67422-05 67422-06 67422-07 67422-10 67422-11 472 054 W NOMENCLATURE No. CIRCUIT BREAKER . Annunciator PANEL ASSEMBLY .W B B B B B.(PS50053-2-2) RELAY .Ground clearance (PS10008-37) RELAY .M E E L B E E B.M E.Indicator (alternator) * LIGHT .N NOMENCLATURE PANEL ASSEMBLY . 28R-8018001 and up 28R-8031001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8531001 and up 28R-8531001 and up When ordering.(6041H298) GUARD .Radio master (PS10095-1) SWITCH ASSEMBLY .Recognition and landing lights PLACARD .Annunciator * LIGHT .N B.Emergency bus switch NIPPLE .Indicator (over boost) * SWITCH .Circuit breaker STRIP .W B.M E.Circuit breaker STRIP .Circuit breaker SWITCH .Landing gear (8906-K1385) BULB .Lock-out SWITCH .Ground clearance switch (20607-81) DIODE .(PS10008-330) * BULB .W W B B J K D B A B.(39-1) * LIGHT .Circuit breaker STRIP . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 20 16 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7931297 to 28R-7931353 incl.(1813-26) SWITCH .(PS10008-328) SWITCH .Ground clearance switch (IN2071A) RESISTOR . Req.(IN4001) FLASHER ASSEMBLY .INSTRUMENT PANEL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION SECTION XII Electrical System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 75-29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 Part Number 79333-00 79333-02 67422-12 67422-13 67422-14 67422-21 487 904 472 916 472 054 453 695 487 936 472 056 460 602 99377-29 35766-02 688 178 461 629 99377-04 453 602 484 467 456 714 38149-05 38149-07 35208-00 35208-06 35208-02 35208-07 35208-03 35208-04 587 923 36935-02 484 209 584 279 463 615 36934-02 23969-02 23969-03 688 139 472 151 584 291 456 703 484 438 99377-66 87369-53 Code B B W W W B B C.(4392) DIODE .Gear warning FLASHER ASSEMBLY .Emergency bus RELAY .(311005) 5 amp SWITCH .Plug (SS48152) RESISTOR .Landing and recognition lights No.Gear warning STRIP . always specify Part Number.Pitot heat BUTTON .Indicator (vacuum) * LIGHT .Electrical NIPPLE .Circuit breaker STRIP .Indicator (oil) * LIGHT .Ground clearance (AML21CBA2AB) LAMP . 1 3/4 IRC) SWITCH .Ignition (10-357200-1) FUSE .(53) Clear FILTER .Electrical SWITCH .Fuel pump (588 006) TAB .Indicator (SDLBDA-04-7219) * BULB .(MS25224-1) BRACKET . Description. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2B22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(75 ohm.Circuit breaker STRIP . 2B23 THRU 2B24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 76. Air Conditioning Electrical Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 2C1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . B . Piper Aircraft. 28R-7931306 and up. 28R-7918265 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial nos.Used on PA-28RT-201 only. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2C2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Penna. Lock Haven. and PA-28RT-201T with serial nos.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 76 A .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. W . (PS50120-3-36) 20 amp. Products Inc. KNOB . Req.SECTION XII Electrical System Group AIR CONDITIONING ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 76- 99979 DRAWING . Description.(MS35058-22) SWITCH .(311005) LAMP .(PS50053-2-2) SWITCH . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 When ordering. always specify Part Number. Wood Electric Corp.Relay THERMOSTAT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2C3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Fuse (155020) FUSE .Air Conditioning Electrical Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 99862-00 99717-00 67196-00 484 209 587 903 487 925 688 235 454 709 MOUNT ASSEMBLY .Air conditioning BRACKET ASSEMBLY.(4392) 454 743 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 571 162 99999-00 461 629 465 258 461 629 472 054 472 844 484 467 A A B B W No.Switch RELAY .(311005) HOLDER ASSEMBLY .(8946K942) CIRCUIT BREAKER . Mech.Control (RB-67-1-SB-M) HOLDER ASSEMBLY .Fuse * FUSE .(V3-1) SWITCH .(PS50120-1-9) 20 amp.(PS10008-330) LIGHT .(MS25041-4) RESISTOR . CIRCUIT BREAKER . Battery Installation REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2C4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 77. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218005 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201T only.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 77 A .Used on PA-28RT-201 only. W . Lock Haven. Piper Aircraft.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2C5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna. D . C . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231011 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. B . W W A W B B B A A A A A A A.Ground clearance switch * FUSE Com/Nav 1 (312010. Req.Terminal WASHER Battery box NIPPLE . 5 amp) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 B B B B W A B.Audio panel (311005.SECTION XII Electrical System Group BATTERY INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 77- 78978 DRAWING .0” L) SPACER .W A A.(R35) 35 amp hour BOX ASSEMBLY Battery COVER ASSEMBLY Battery DIODE ASSEMBLY .Battery drain HOSE .Battery box (urethane) CONTACTOR Power relay (6041H105A ) WIRE ASSEMBLY .Power relay to starter solenoid BOX ASSEMBLY .Battery vent TERMINAL ASSEMBLY .(S25) 25 amp hour BATTERY .Battery box PLATE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2C6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Battery to solenoid CAP Vent (1704-9-Y) NIPPLE . Description.Hourmeter and clock * FUSE (311005) 5 amp FUSE ASSEMBLY .Electrical System Installation -1 450 030 450 035 35202-00 35201-00 62279-00 79653-121 63904-06 63978-00 455 151 79653-97 454 161 23969-02 81342-56 23969-05 66580-02 78140-39 78140-33 63862-136 35845-02 63977-00 63904 105 63904-106 63904-107 66616-00 17555-00 79653-96 23969-05 554 861 454 983 79595-19 461 657 79595-20 461 629 87502-03 461 648 461 828 BATTERY .Battery HOSE .Terminal NIPPLE .Battery to solenoid WIRE ASSEMBLY Battery to ground WIRE ASSEMBLY .Terminal (476 695) WIRE ASSEMBLY . always specify Part Number.(SAE TY E-8) FUSE ASSEMBLY Voltage spike suppression * FUSE (312001) 1 amp FUSE ASSEMBLY .10 amp) * FUSE.Master relay WIRE ASSEMBLY Battery to ground HOSE Battery vent.Terminal CLAMP (SAE TY F-4) CLAMP . 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.Battery COVER ASSEMBLY .Battery vent HOSE .Power relay to starter solenoid NIPPLE . left (19.W W W C C D D B B No.Battery insulation WIRE ASSEMBLY . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 78. External Power Supply Installation REVISED: AUGUST 1983 PA-28RT-201 2C7 . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 78 W . Piper Aircraft. REVISED: JULY 1981 PA-28RT-201 2C8 . Lock Haven. Penna. (AN316-5R) BOLT .(AN25-11A) WASHER .(MS24693-S275) WASHER .Countersunk (A3235-020-1) WASHER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .External power SUPPORT . 28-7918049 and up When ordering.Auxiliary power receptacle BRACE .(AN935-516) NUT .(24059) PLUG ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 2C9 PA-28RT-201 .Diode mounting DIODE .Auxiliary power relay SOLENOID .(AN960-516) WASHER .(AN4-4A) WASHER .SECTION XII Electrical System Group EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 78- 35842 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 62226-00 62227-00 35843-02 35840-02 484 373 62355-02 62355-03 69669-173 68198-00 456 728 23969-02 23969-05 66789-00 68770-04 68771-04 400 728 407 566 407 106 404 323 401 307 407 565 416 794 494 087 407 564 404 835 79653-104 -17 -18 -19 Code NOMENCLATURE No. Req.Power connector PLACARD .Power connector SOCKET ASSEMBLY .Ground 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 28-7918001 to 28-7918048 incl. always specify Part Number.Auxiliary power receptacle PLATE .(IN3208) NIPPLE NIPPLE PLATE GROMMET GASKET BOLT .(AN960-10) NUT .External Power Supply Installation W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W SPACER .(MS20364-1032C) WIRE .Auxiliary power receptacle BRACKET ASSEMBLY .(AN960-416) SCREW . Description. External Power Supply Installation ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 2C10 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 79. Lock Haven. Penna. Piper Aircraft.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 79 W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. ISSUED: NOVEMBER 1978 2C11 PA-28RT-201T . Diode mounting PLACARD .(AN960-10) NUT .(AN960-516) WASHER .Power connector 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 When ordering.(IN3208) NIPPLE SOLENOID . always specify Part Number.SECTION XII Electrical System Group EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 79- 79454 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 62226-00 62227-00 65649-00 68198-00 69669-173 456 728 23969-02 484 373 23969-05 416 794 494 087 407 564 404 835 401 307 407 565 404 888 400 728 407 566 407 106 404 323 62355-02 62355-03 -11 -12 -13 -14 Code NOMENCLATURE No.(MS20364-1032C) BOLT .(AN25-11A) WASHER .(AN4-4A) WASHER . Description.Auxiliary power receptacle support SUPPORT .Auxiliary power receptacle TUBE .External Power Supply Installation W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W SPACER .(MS20365-428C) BOLT . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .(MS24693-S275) WASHER . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 2C12 PA-28RT-201T .(AN960-416) NUT .Power connector SOCKET ASSEMBLY .(24059) NIPPLE SCREW .External power DIODE .Auxiliary power receptacle PLATE .(AN316-5R) PLUG ASSEMBLY .(A3235-020-1) WASHER . Req.(AN935-516) NUT . Standard Alternator Assembly and Installation (Chrysler) (See Code “A”) REVISED: JULY 1984 PA-28RT-201 2C13 .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 80. Lock Haven.Also used on serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218017 inclusive if Alternator/Capacitor Mounting Kit 764 372 has been installed per Service Spares Letter 366A. E . REVISED: JULY 1984 PA-28RT-201 2C14 . Used with Alternator Assembly P/N 69670-03 (Chrysler No. Piper Aircraft. Penna.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 80 ABCD- Refer to Figure 69 and 81 if air conditioning is installed. 3656624) only. 4111810) only. W . order part for serial number 28R8218018 and up. If Alternator/Capacitor Mounting Kit 764 372 has been installed per Service Spares Letter 366A. Used with Alternator Assembly P/N 69670-04 (Chrysler No.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Rectifier end (3438712) * SHIELD ASSEMBLY .SECTION XII Electrical System Group ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION (Chrysler) (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 80- 99935 87323 -1 -2 69670-04 756 159 762 490 753 375 758 575 755 846 757 745 762 489 756 065 762 628 757 746 762 491 753 376 758 576 758 369 758 580 757 311 756 757 762 492 763 781 761 913 758 250 757 981 763 395 758 249 753 380 756 067 755 340 758 251 756 066 758 366 758 573 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -9a -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 762 629 762 049 758 574 762 493 762 050 452 541 401 971 407 566 407 137 401 970 401 975 407 144 407 106 401 970 401 971 407 137 407 586 Code NOMENCLATURE No.Alternator end shield (2098052) * BUSHING .(4111809) BELT . STUD.V (8114-1814) BOLT .Axial (3438159) * BRUSH HOLDER .Rectifier end shield (2098512) * BEARING .(3744889) * TERMINAL .(3620794) * BATTERY TERMINAL AND POSITIVE HEAT SINK PACKAGE .(4176097) * SCREW . always specify Part Number.(3438729) * BRUSH ASSEMBLY .(AN935-516) BOLT .Alternator end shield (2095052) * RECTIFIER ASSEMBLY .(MS20074-05-05) BOLT .3 Frame screws (3656470) * SCREW .Positive (3438727) * BATTERY TERMINAL PACKAGE .(4111887) * TERMINAL BLOCK . 4111810) * SHIELD ASSEMBLY . 28R-8018100 to 28R-8218018 incl.(3620793) * BUSHING .(AN936-A516) WASHER .(4111804) * ROTOR ASSEMBLY .Drive end shield (3656444) * PLATE .(AN936-A516) BOLT .(3438709) * BRUSH AND WASHER PACKAGE .Rectifier end (4091535) * BEARING .(AN936B516) WASHER .(4111817) * SHIELD ASSEMBLY .(4240488) * RETAINER AND SLIP RING PACKAGE .W W W W ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY . AND INSULATOR PACKAGE . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2C15 PA-28RT-201 .(MS20074-05-06) WASHER . Description.(AN960-516) WASHER .Drive end (2098634) * SHIELD ASSEMBLY .Alternator Installation DRAWING . DRAWING .Rectifier end shield (3755184) * BRUSH HOLDER .Bearing retainer (2095012) * STATOR ASSEMBLY .(MS20074-05-12) WASHER .(6031272) * TERMINAL FIELD .(AN960-516L SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018099 incl.Drive end (4111822) * BEARING .(3438768) * STATOR ASSEMBLY .Negative (3438721) * HEAT SINK .(MS20074-05-05) BOLT.Vertical (2095039) * CAPACITOR . Req.(MS20074-05-06) WASHER . 28R-8218018 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218017 incl.(3438725) * CAPACITOR.Negative (3755114) * BRUSH ASSEMBLY .Horizontal (3420893) * RECTIFIER ASSEMBLY . When ordering. 28R-8018100 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218018 incl. 28R-8218018 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018099 incl.(3656632) * ROTOR ASSEMBLY .Frame (4111814) * WASHER .Alternator Installation B C B C B C B C B C B C C B C C B B C B C B C B B B C C C C W W D D.Radial (4091667) * PULLEY ASSEMBLY .(2642706) * KIT .(Chrysler No. 28R-8018100 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 AR AR 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218017 incl.Drive end shield (2098478) * BEARING . ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION (Chrysler) (See Code “A”) SECTION XII Electrical System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 80-30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 Part Number 401 970 407 137 764 092 401 424 407 107 407 567 407 587 404 838 86700-36 63897-06 78483-00 582 172 401 971 62833-74 63531-00 65199-00 65199-05 65199-04 65199-06 401 974 407 106 Code W W W W W D E E E E,W NOMENCLATURE BOLT - (MS20074-05-05) WASHER - (AN936-A516) ALTERNATOR HARDWARE MOUNTING KIT * BOLT - (AN6-44A) * WASHER - Lock (AN935-616) * WASHER - (AN960-616) * WASHER - (AN960-616L) * NUT - (MS20364-624C) * BUSHING CAPACITOR ASSEMBLY - Alternator STRUT - Alternator PLATE - Lock (73383) BOLT - (MS20074-05-06) WASHER CHANNEL - Alternator support BRACKET - Alternator support BRACKET - Alternator support BRACKET - Alternator support SHIM - Alternator support BOLT - (MS20074-05-07) WASHER - (AN935-516) No. Req. 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018099 incl. 28R-8018100 and up 28R-8018100 and up 28R-8018100 and up 28R-8018100 and up 28R-8018100 and up 28R-8018100 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218017 incl. 28R-8218018 and up 28R-8218018 and up 28R-8218018 and up 28R-8218018 and up 28R-8218018 and up When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2C16 PA-28RT-201 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 81. Alternator Assembly (Prestolite) REVISED: APRIL 1981 PA-28RT-201 2C17 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 81 REVISED: AUGUST 1980 PA-28RT-201 2C18 SECTION XII Electrical System Group ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY (Prestolite) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 81-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 Part Number Code 551 983 755 271 757 387 757 386 754 827 757 392 758 224 758 471 755 232 758 225 756 060 761 903 756 061 757 388 757 389 757 390 757 721 762 508 757 719 NOMENCLATURE ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY - (ALY-6422) * HEAD ASSEMBLY - Slip ring end (ALK-1132BS-1) * * PACKAGE - Rectifier, negative (XA-944JS) * PACKAGE - Bearing and seal S.R.E. (90-2014) * FAN ASSEMBLY - Ventilating (90-2241) * PULLEY - Drive (PU-692A) * BRUSH, HOLDER AND SPRING ASSEMBLY - (ALE-1045BS) * * BRUSH SET - Alternator (ALE-1013AS) * HEAD ASSEMBLY - Drive end (ALE-1003K) * * BEARING - Ball, seal (X-3416) * RECTIFIER AND PLATE ASSEMBLY - Positive (ALE-1054A) * TERMINAL STUD AND PARTS PACKAGE - (90-2043) * RETAINER - Drive end (GR-32) * PACKAGE - Thru bolt (ALA-20JS) * PACKAGE - Eyelet (90-818) * PACKAGE - Nut and washer (90-33) * SPACER - Rotor shaft (ALD-21A) * ROTOR - (ALE-2177S-1) * STATOR ASSEMBLY - (ALE-2008AES) No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2C19 PA-28RT-201 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 82. Strobe Lights Installation REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 2C20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 82 A - Used with white wing tip strobe only. B - Used with red wing tip strobe only. C - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918003 to 28R-8118073 inclusive, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931014 to 28R-8131162 inclusive. D - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial nos. 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive, and PA-28RT-201T with serial nos. 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118073 inclusive, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131162 inclusive. F - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118074 and up, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131163 and up. G - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118073 inclusive and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131162 inclusive if red wing tip strobe is installed. Also used on all PA-28RT-201 aircraft with serial numbers 28R-8118074 and up, and all PA28RT-201T aircraft with serial numbers 28R-8131163 and up. H - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118092 inclusive, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131229 inclusive. J - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up. W - These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2C21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T SECTION XII Electrical System Group STROBE LIGHTS INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 82- 79850 36789 79850 36789 E F H J DRAWING - Wing Tip Strobe Lights Installation DRAWING - Wing Tip Strobe Lights Installation DRAWING - Fin Tip Strobe Light Installation DRAWING - Fin Tip Strobe Light Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 763 469 69669-175 99031-03 472 896 W D E 572 557 F 472 988 C 572 558 F 472 895 E 572 561 F 472 987 C 572 560 F 761 156 762 003 761 162 A,E,W G,W A,E,W 761 253 A,F 761 222 B,E 761 254 B,F 755 075 755 076 751 202 751 201 751 381 761 256 762 426 761 255 755 096 756 037 762 581 762 616 W W W W W F F F F A,E,W B,C,W F POWER SUPPLY - Strobe lights PLACARD - Warning BRACKET ASSEMBLY - Power supply mounting LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Red navigation and white strobe, wing tip (shielded) LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Red navigation and white strobe, wing tip (shielded) LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Red navigation and red strobe, wing tip (shielded) LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Red navigation and red strobe, wing tip (shielded) LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Green navigation and white strobe, wing tip (shielded) LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Green navigation and white strobe, wing tip (shielded) LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Green navigation and red strobe, wing tip (shielded) LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Green navigation and red strobe, wing tip (shielded) * TUBE ASSEMBLY - Flash tip * TUBE ASSEMBLY - Flash tip * LENS AND RETAINER ASSEMBLY - Wing tip strobe (shielded) * LENS AND RETAINER ASSEMBLY - Wing tip strobe (shielded) * LENS AND RETAINER ASSEMBLY - Wing tip strobe (shielded) * LENS AND RETAINER ASSEMBLY - Wing tip strobe (shielded) * GASKET - Navigation light (W1283) * GASKET - Wing strobe (A427-4) * LENS - Navigation, red * LENS - Navigation, green *BULB - (1512) 14 volt * LAMP - Navigation light assembly, 14 volt (A508) * SOCKET ASSEMBLY - Navigation light (A507) * LENS - Navigation light (A615) * GASKET - Navigation light (A616) * RETAINER - Light lens * RETAINER - Light lens * RETAINER - Light lens -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1984 2C22 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T 2C23 THRU 2C24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 83. Electric Trim Installation REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department Piper Aircraft. W . Also used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R 8218011 inclusive and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231030 inclusive if Pitch Trim Switch Replacement Kit 764 401 has been installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231031 and up. C .Used if a push on-off switch is installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8231030 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218012 and up. Lock Haven.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 83 A . REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . B .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8218011 inclusive. Penna. Electric trim stop * SENSOR .Trim * WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) BUSHING . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Electric trim. lower PITCH TRIM SWITCH REPLACEMENT KIT * SWITCH .(AN3-13A) WASHER .(AN960-10) NUT .(RS5D12) * RESISTOR .Front stabilator trim BUSHING Electric trim BOLT . 1 watt.Servo clutch.(180 ohm.(SAE TY F-4) HOSE BOLT .Electric Trim Installation DRAWING .(AN931-3-5) PULLEY . Req.(AN818 .Pitch trim * PLACARD .SECTION XIII Electronics Group ELECTRIC TRIM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number 83- 67496 79636 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 65821-05 494 159 581 126 86682-04 96978-00 86682-02 764 401 587 923 87369-38 87369-39 67490-02 62701-191 63900-67 400 440 407 564 404 887 63900-66 79657-03 486 416 484 229 484 524 67700-378 67700-377 63913-143 79636-10 488 310 477 611 486 896 79636-04 554 861 63913-151 400 443 407 564 404 887 400 444 407 564 404 887 65784-00 434 126 481 640 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 Code NOMENCLATURE No.(MS20365-1032C) SPRING . always specify Part Number.(MS20819-3D) TUBE CLAMP .Servo friction (24696-00) * PLATE . outer (24695-00) BRACKET .Electric trim GROMMET .(AN3-12A) WASHER .Electric trim SENSOR ASSEMBLY .Electric trim (PS10095-1) * PLACARD .(MS24533-1B) 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 When ordering.Electric trim BRACKET .(AN3-6A) WASHER . Description. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .(AN960-10) NUT .(MPL-501G-10 to 30) * RELAY . Type GB) TUBE ASSEMBLY TUBE ASSEMBLY HOSE TEE TEE .3D) SLEEVE .(MS20365-1032C) BOLT .On-off PLACARD .(AN826-3D) NUT .Electric Trim Stop Sensor Installation A B B B C W W W W W W W W W W W W SERVO ASSEMBLY . upper BRACKET .Electric trim.Pitch trim CABLE ASSEMBLY .(AN960-10) NUT . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 84. AutoFlite II Installation REVISED: AUGUST 1980 2D4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven.Used if AutoFlite II without tracker is installed. B .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 84 A .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna. W . REVISED: APRIL 1979 2D5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft.Used if AutoFlite II with tracker is installed. (PS50120-3-7) 5 amp 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 When ordering.AutoFlite II BRACKET .Turn and bank mounting CABLE . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Bridle cable (42A173-1) SERVO . Req.Capstan (3S326) CIRCUIT PROTECTOR .(30C379-1) SWITCH .SECTION XIII Electronics Group AUTOFLITE II INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 84-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 Part Number Code 99447 52586-02 755 432 758 188 99209-00 753 980 758 001 757 913 487 901 758 181 66798-00 453 426 99448-00 751 897 757 863 757 768 757 579 454 656 NOMENCLATURE No.Bridle (30B200) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Relay (1A526) BRACKET .Roll servo (30C211-8R) CABLE ASSEMBLY .W B B W W W INSTRUMENT .Turn and bank (52D75-4) * TRACKER BOARD .AutoFlite II Installation A. always specify Part Number. Description.AutoFlite II GUARD .Servo mounting (7C511-2) PLACARD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1980 2D6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Roll (1C363-1-430R) * SET SCREW .Cable (7A508-1) CLAMP ASSEMBLY .(8134-K21A1V-50) BOX .Printed circuit (1D628) PLATE .Turn and bank (52D75-3) INSTRUMENT . ) REVISED: JULY 1982 2D7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 85. AutoControl III B Installation (PA-28RT-201.Serial Nos. 28R-7918001 and up) (PA-28RT-201T .Serial Nos. 28R-7931001 to 28R-8231092 incl. PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 85 A . D . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931306 and up. specify color “bark 11” or black. C . Penna. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918042 and up.When ordering. W .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931054 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. B . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931053 inclusive. REVISED: JULY 1982 2D8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918041 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918265 and up. E . Omni (25690-00) * KNOB .AutoControl III B Installation -1 -2 -3 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 NOMENCLATURE W W W W W W W W B C SERVO ASSEMBLY .Amplifier (30C198) COUPLER ASSEMBLY .Roll signal (1B440-2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. COVER . Mech.Console amplifier CABLE ASSEMBLY .(PS50120-3-8) 5 amp.(36A98) INSTRUMENT .Face plate light (includes 4 bulbs) 1B686 CIRCUIT BREAKER . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING . Req. Products Inc.AutoControl console support.AutoControl III B (1C338 S/N 1001 and up) * KNOB .SECTION XIII Electronics Group AUTOCONTROL III B INSTALLATION (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 85- Part Number Code 79221 757 768 757 579 758 023 -4 -5 -6 757 052 758 024 454 706 W W 454 668 E 79560-00 753 980 757 863 453 426 751 987 551 114 757 052 550 780 67493-00 67494-00 67494-01 550 778 688 164 758 002 69509-00 35669-126 35553-00 754 836 D -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 No.(PS50120-1-2) 5 amp. right INSTRUMENT . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 2D9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Gyro horizon (32172-00) (3 inch) SPACER .Capstan (3S326) CONSOLE AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY .AutoControl console support.Bridle (30B200) CLAMP ASSEMBLY .Roll (1C363-1-430R) * SET SCREW . Description.Bridle cable (42A173-1) BRACKET .Roll servo extension (30C211-156R) PLACARD . Wood Electric Corp.Directional gyro (32168-00) (3 inch) SWITCH . left ANGLE . always specify Part Number.Servo mounting (7C511-2) HARNESS ASSEMBLY .AutoControl console ANGLE .(36A98) * CIRCUIT BOARD .A/P filter mounting FILTER .Omni coupler (MTG-206P) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Omni coupler switch BRACKET . CIRCUIT BREAKER .Omni coupler switch PLACARD . Serial Nos. 28R-8118001 and up) (PA-28RT-201T . 28R-8131001 and up) FIGURE APRIL 1981 2D10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 85A.Serial Nos. Century 21 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.Used if NSD-360A is not installed.This installation is relative only to associated Piper Aircraft Corporation parts that are used when installing Mitchell Century 21 AutoPilot. Lock Haven. B . Texas 76067. Penna. REVISED: APRIL 1981 2D11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . C .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 85A A . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-81310001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. W . All Mitchell equipment and components must be procured from an authorized Mitchell Service Center or from Edo-Aire Mitchell. Piper Aircraft. Post Office Box 610. Municipal Airport. Mineral Wells. (AN960-C10) NUT ..(MS35206-243) NUT .AutoPilot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.(MS24693-S4) CLAMP . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 2D12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Nav 1 off Nav 2 BRACKET .(MS20365-832C) BOLT .(MS35206-244) NUT . 5 amp CIRCUIT BREAKER .(PS50120-3-8) Wood Electric Co.Century 21 AutoPilot Installation 454 668 -2 -3 -4 -5 NOMENCLATURE C W W W W W W W W W W W W W CIRCUIT BREAKER .(AN960-8) NUT .SECTION XIII Electronics Group CENTURY 21 AUTOPILOT INSTALLATION (See Codes “A” and “B”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 85A-1 Part Number Code 39726 454 706 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 688 153 87369-05 453 426 415 540 407 563 404 910 400 438 407 674 404 887 414 695 554 954 487 722 415 533 404 910 415 544 407 120 39800-02 No.(SF3GBX191) PLACARD . Req.B8) INSERT .(MS35206-250) WASHER .(MS20365-1032C) SCREW .(AN3-4A) WASHER .(PS10017-3-3-6F) SCREW.(MS20365-832C) SCREW . always specify Part Number.(PS10017-8-4) CLAMP .Mounting (7C511-2) SCREW .(AN 936 . 5 amp SWITCH . Description. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .(PS50120-1-2) Mechanical Products Inc. 28R-7931001 to 28R-8031188 incl.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 86 AltiMatic III C Installation (PA-28RT-201. 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 incl.Serial Nos.Serial Nos.) REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .) (PA 28RT-201T . Used if a push on-off switch is installed. C .Used if NSD-360A Navigation Situation Indicator is installed.Used when Glide Slope Coupler is installed.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. Piper Aircraft.Used on PA-28RT 201 with serial numbers 28R-7918042 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. D . Penna.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. E . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931054 to 28R-8031188 inclusive. H .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918041 inclusive.Used when Dual Omni Coupler is installed.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 86 A . F . B . W . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R 8031188 inclusive. G . Lock Haven.Used if Pitch Trim Switch Replacement Kit 764 401 has been installed. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R 7931001 to 28R-7931053 inclusive. Shelf mounting (7B 1826) BRACKET . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .(30B295-1) CABLE ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2D15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Pitch servo mounting (7B1831) BRACKET .Trim (1C709-5) ALTITUDE HOLD .(30C481-27) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Bridle (30B200) CABLE ASSEMBLY .W W B B W SERVO ASSEMBLY .SECTION XIII Electronics Group ALTIMATIC III C INSTALLATION (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code 86- 35892 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 757 768 757 579 762 391 762 252 758 026 760 899 757 456 751 314 751 342 751 347 -11 550 778 596 755 W W -12 -13 -14 550 559 758 181 551 114 25690-02 751 300 763 271 596 236 763 303 757 819 763 304 763 305 758 052 758 075 763 223 753 980 763 282 62701-193 758 476 758 477 758 478 758 479 758 480 758 481 758 355 758 441 758 465 758 466 758 482 758 486 758 483 758 484 758 485 758 446 757 863 763 418 35888-02 35889-02 W -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 NOMENCLATURE No.Pitch trim BRACKET .Glide slope coupler (7B1380) BRACKET .Roll (1C363-1-430R) * SET SCREW.Mounting (7B1824-1) BRACKET .Roll (36B141) * PLATE . always specify Part Number.Pitch trim servo (7A2011) BRACKET .Trim (1C373-6-755) SERVO ASSEMBLY .Pitch trim servo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 When ordering. mounting brackets and shock mounts) INSTRUMENT .Bridle (30B302) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Conduct trim check (13A660-1) PLATE .Glide slope and relay box mounting (7C2017-1) BRACKET .(7A972-2) BRACKET . Description.(30B174-1) CABLE ASSEMBLY .(1C725) (includes 1C535-1 controller.Pitch servo pulley (7B 1966) BRACKET .Attitude gyro (32173-02) BOX .Pitch trim servo BRACKET .AltiMatic III C (1D720) * KNOB .(30C481-11) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Face (13C767) (with 6 bulbs) AMPLIFIER .(30C291-1) CABLE ASSEMBLY .(30C156-5) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Horizontal situation indicator (NSD-360-A/52D136-1333) INSTRUMENT .Pitch trim servo (7C2018) BRACKET .(30B340-3) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Pitch trim amplifier (7B1449) BRACKET .Shelf mounting (7A2015) BRACKET .Omni COUPLER ASSEMBLY .Amplifier mounting (7D1825) BRACKET .(30A246-204) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Directional gyro (32168-00) INSTRUMENT .Pitch servo pulley (7B1968) BRACKET .(30D207-11) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Bridle cable (42A173-1) PLACARD .Relay (1A526) COUPLER ASSEMBLY .Capstan (3S326) SERVO ASSEMBLY . Req.Roll servo mounting (7C511-2) BRACKET .Pitch trim servo (7A2012) BRACKET .Pitch (1C508-1-529P) CONSOLE .Glide slope (1C493) CABLE ASSEMBLY .AltiMatic IIIC Installation W W W W W F.Pitch servo mounting (7D1944) CLAMP ASSEMBLY .(1C515-1) AMPLIFIER .Omni (25690-00) COUPLER ASSEMBLY . ALTIMATIC III C INSTALLATION (See Code “A”) SECTION XIII Electronics Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 86-48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 Part Number -60 -61 63913-36 67700-146 67700-147 79636-04 63913-06 63913-58 63913-132 688 164 454 656 477 611 69669-40 69509-00 35669-126 78039-00 755 310 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 761 173 458 893 488 315 460 856 481 640 458 888 486 896 764 401 587 923 87369-38 87369-39 67490-02 Code C,D W B C,D C,E B B W W W G G G H NOMENCLATURE HOSE TUBE - Alternate static, right TUBE - Alternate static, left TUBE - Altitude hold HOSE - Attitude gyro to filter HOSE - Attitude gyro to vacuum regulator HOSE - Attitude gyro to suction gauge vent SWITCH - Omni coupler (MTG-206P) CIRCUIT PROTECTOR - (PS50120-3-7) 5 amp NUT - (AN818-3D) PLACARD - Glide slope coupler PLACARD - Omni coupler switch PLACARD - Omni coupler switch FITTING ASSEMBLY - Vent HARNESS ASSEMBLY - Glide slope coupler, with light (30A296-1) * LAMP - (65S16) ELBOW - (AN822-3D) TEE - (AN824-3D) TEE - (1K40-4-4-6) PULLEY - (MS24566-1B) ELBOW - (MS20823-3D) SLEEVE - (MS20819-3D) PITCH TRIM SWITCH REPLACEMENT KIT * SWITCH - Electric trim (PS10095-1) * PLACARD - Pitch trim * PLACARD - On-off PLACARD - Pitch trim No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 86A. Century 41 AutoPilot Installation (PA-28RT-201- Serial Nos. 28R-8118001 and up) (PA-28RT-201T - Serial Nos. 28R-8131001 and up) REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 86A A - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. B - This installation is relative only to associated Piper Aircraft Corporation parts that are used when installing Mitchell Century 41 AutoPilot. All Mitchell equipment and components must be procured from an authorized Mitchell Service Center or from EdoAire Mitchell, Post Office Box 610, Municipal Airport, Mineral Wells, Texas 76067. C - Used if single cue or double cue artificial horizon and directional gyro are installed. D - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 to 28R-8218011 inclusive, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R8131001 to 28R-8231030 inclusive. E - Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218012 and up, and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231031 and up. Also used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 to 28R-8218011 inclusive and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R-8231030 inclusive if Pitch Trim Switch Replacement Kit 764 401 has been installed. F - Used if a push on-off switch is installed. W - These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T SECTION XIII Electronics Group CENTURY 41 AUTOPILOT INSTALLATION (See Codes “A” and “B”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 86A- -1 Part Number Code 39773 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING - Century 41 AutoPilot Installation 454 668 454 706 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 NOMENCLATURE 62701-193 36844-05 588 085 78237-00 36530-02 39800-03 67700-147 67700-146 63913-36 78039-00 67700-160 95153-31 488 310 455 173 458 888 477 646 35888-02 39785-02 764 401 587 923 87369-38 87369-39 67490-02 C C C C W W W D E E E F CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-3-8) 5 amp, Wood Electric Corp. CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-1-2) 5 amp, Mechanical Products Inc. CABLE ASSEMBLY - Pitch trim SWITCH ASSEMBLY - Go-around * SWITCH - (39-3) * PLACARD - Goaround * KNOB - Throttle INSERT - AutoPilot TUBE ASSEMBLY - Alternate static, left TUBE ASSEMBLY - Alternate static, right HOSE - Static FITTING ASSEMBLY - Static line vent TUBE ASSEMBLY - Static air TUBE ASSEMBLY Flight computer TEE - (MS20826-3D) COUPLING - (AN910-1D) ELBOW - (MS20823-3D) NUT - (9021) PLATE - Electric trim ANGLE Programmer support PITCH TRIM SWITCH REPLACEMENT KIT * SWITCH - Electric trim (PS10095-1) * PLACARD - Pitch trim * PLACARD - On-off PLACARD - Pitch trim 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 86B. King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot Installation (Serial Nos. 28R-8331001 and up) REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D20 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 86B A - This installation is relative only to associated Piper Aircraft Corporation parts that are used when installing King KAP 100/150 or KFC 150 AutoPilot. All King equipment and components must be procured from King Radio Corporation, 400 N. Rogers Road, Olathe, Kansas 66061. W - These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department, Piper Aircraft, Lock Haven, Penna. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2D21 PA-28RT-201T SECTION XIII Electronics Group KING KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AUTOPILOT INSTALLATION (Serial Nos. 28R-8331001 and up) (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 86B- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 39873 DRAWING - King KAP 100/150 KFC 150 AutoPilot Installation 454 657 454 656 454 706 35208-04 35208-09 35208-10 35669-110 87369-40 96268-00 451 939 451 881 560 835 558 913 491 049 455 417 454 806 554 888 554 861 554 575 554 598 CIRCUIT BREAKER - AutoPilot, 10 amp (PS50120-3-12) CIRCUIT BREAKER - Pitch trim, 5 amp (PS50120-3-7) CIRCUIT BREAKER - Compass system, 5 amp (PS50120-1-2) STRIP - Circuit breaker STRIP - Circuit breaker STRIP - Circuit breaker PLACARD - Compass system PLACARD - Nav 1 /Nav 2 PLUG ASSEMBLY ADAPTER - (1K10-4-6) ADAPTER-(1K10-2-4) ELBOW - (1K31-4-6-4) ELBOW - (1K9-4-6) UNION - (AN815-3D) CROSS - (AN827-3D) CLAMP - (SAE TY E-7) CLAMP - (SAE TY F-6) CLAMP - (SAE TY F-4) CLAMP - (PS10017-23-4) CLAMP - (NAS397-12) W W W W W W W No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1983 2D22 PA-28RT-201T 2D23 THRU 2D24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 87.) REVISED: APRIL 1981 2E1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Communications Components Corp. PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 87 A . REVISED: APRIL 1979 2E2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .When ordering specify color “bark II” or black. Warning BRACKET ASSEMBLY .Portable (10-249) ANTENNA ASSEMBLY .Whip (10-234) SWITCH AND HARNESS ASSEMBLY .ELT location 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering.Emergency locator transmitter PLACARD . always specify Part Number. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Emergency Locator Transmitter Installation 762 030 758 370 758 092 763 004 79762-02 588 030 79463-02 69669-66 86563-02 35669-105 NOMENCLATURE A TRANSMITTER ASSEMBLY .SECTION XIII Electronics Group PIPER AUTOMATIC LOCATOR (ELT) INSTALLATION (Communications Components Corp.Transmitter assembly (alkaline) * ANTENNA ASSEMBLY .ELT * SWITCH .(8A2051) COVER .Automatic locator (CIR-11-2) (includes alkaline battery pack) * BATTERY PACK . Description.ELT switch PLACARD .) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 87-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Part Number Code 79761 No. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 2E3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Req. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 87A. Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Narco Avionics) REVISED: APRIL 1981 2E4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Piper Aircraft. W .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 87A A .These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. REVISED: MARCH 1980 2E5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven.When ordering specify color “bark II” or black. Penna. ELT switch SWITCH AND HARNESS ASSEMBLY .Automatic Locator (ELT 10) (includes alkaline battery pack) * BATTERY PACK .Transmitter assembly (57674-0001) * ANTENNA ASSEMBLY .Warning PLACARD .Emergency locator transmitter COVER .L. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .T (01652-0101) * ANTENNA .Blade.Transmitter assembly (57666-0001) * STRAP .Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation 597 461 758 452 597 257 763 019 758 453 762 357 86563-04 79463-00 79599-00 588 011 35669-132 35669-105 NOMENCLATURE W W W W W A TRANSMITTER ASSEMBLY .SECTION XIII Electronics Group PIPER AUTOMATIC LOCATOR (ELT) INSTALLATION (Narco Avionics) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 87A- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 Part Number Code 36632 No.(8E1011) PLACARD . Req.E. portable (57667-0001) * BASE . always specify Part Number.ELT * SWITCH .Transmitter assembly (57682-0101) BRACKET ASSEMBLY . Description. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 2E6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .ELT location 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. Radar Altimeter Installation (Bonzer) REVISED: AUGUST 1979 2E7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 87B. B . 28R-7931306 and up.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 87B A . REVISED: MARCH 1980 2E8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Used if air conditioning is installed. Penna. 28R-7918265 and up. Piper Aircraft. and PA-28RT-201T with serial nos. W . Lock Haven.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial nos. (PS50120-3-8) 5 amp.Radar altimeter PLACARD .(PS10095-1) CIRCUIT BREAKER .Radar altimeter on-off PLACARD . always specify Part Number. CIRCUIT BREAKER .Radar altimeter off for take-off PLACARD .Radar altimeter transmitter HARNESS ASSEMBLY .Warning LAMP .Horn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. Mech. Req.Radar Altimeter Installation (Bonzer) W B A W SUPPORT . MOULDING PLACARD .(PS10008-330) * SWITCH . Description.(PS10008-330) BRACKET . Mech.SECTION XIII Electronics Group RADAR ALTIMETER INSTALLATION (Bonzer) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 87B-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 Part Number Code 37693 37693-04 37694-02 761 198 472 054 587 923 454 706 454 668 63186-12 69669-97 69669-95 69669-96 69669-114 472 054 35672-02 NOMENCLATURE No. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 2E9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .(136-0020-00) * LAMP .Radar altimeter * LAMP ASSEMBLY . Products Inc. Products Inc.(PS50120-1-2) 5 amp. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 87C. 28R-8031001 and up) REVISED: AUGUST 1979 2E10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Radar Altimeter Installation (King) (PA-28RT-201-Serial Nos. 28R-8018001 and up) (PA-28RT-201T-Serial Nos. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. W . B . Penna. Piper Aircraft. Lock Haven.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 87C A . REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2E11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Used if air conditioning is installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. Mech. HORN .SECTION XIII Electronics Group RADAR ALTIMETER INSTALLATION (King) (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 87C-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 Part Number Code 36973 36973-06 36970-02 587 923 454 706 454 668 565 367 69669-97 69669-95 69669-96 69669-114 35672-02 63186-23 NOMENCLATURE No.Radar altimeter * SWITCH .(PS50120-1-2) 5 amp. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .(PS10095-1) CIRCUIT BREAKER .(PS50120-3-8) 5 amp.Radar altimeter off for take-off PLACARD .Horn MOULDING 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. Description. Wood Electric Corp. always specify Part Number.Radar altimeter PLACARD . Req.Warning BRACKET.Warning (SC-628) PLACARD . CIRCUIT BREAKER .Radar altimeter transmitter HARNESS ASSEMBLY .Radar altimeter on-off PLACARD .Radar Altimeter Installation (King) W B SUPPORT . Products Inc. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1981 2E12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 88.5125-P3) REVISED: APRIL 1979 2E13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .AR 500 and United . Encoder Installation (Narco . B .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 88 A . REVISED: APRIL 1979 2E14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Lock Haven.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. Penna.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918117 and up. W .Used if alternate static system is not installed.Used if alternate static system is installed. Piper Aircraft. C . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931178 and up. (AN824-3D) UNION .(AN816-3D) CLAMP .Encoder TUBE ASSEMBLY . Req.United (PS50040-30-4) TUBE ASSEMBLY .(SAE TY F-4) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 When ordering.Alternate static PLACARD .Encoder Installation (Narco-AR 500 and United 5125-P3) C B A B. Description.Encoder TUBE ASSEMBLY .Alternate static HOSE .SECTION XIII Electronics Group ENCODER INSTALLATION (Narco-AR 500 and United-5125-P3) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 88- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Part Number Code 79658 596 605 597 426 63211-00 79636-04 67700-148 63913-37 35669-154 455 417 488 315 476 647 554 861 NOMENCLATURE No.Altitude reporter installed CROSS . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1979 2E15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Narco (PS50040-30-2) ALTITUDE REPORTER .W W W ALTITUDE REPORTER .(AN827-3D) TEE . always specify Part Number. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 89. Radio. Antenna System and Static Wicks Installation REVISED: JULY 1982 2E16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . dual VHF switches.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 89 A . D . dual VHF switches and ADF switch.Used with King Avionics package only.With microphone switch.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. G . E . ADF switch and marker beacon switches. specify color “bark II” or black. C . W . Penna.See Figure 90 for component parts. REVISED: APRIL 1981 2E17 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . F . H .Used on PA-28RT-201T only. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. B .With microphone switch. Piper Aircraft.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. ADF switch and marker beacon switches. Lock Haven.When ordering.With single VHF switch. Terminal STRIP ASSEMBLY .Dual NAV-COM with glide slope (AV-571) COUPLER .(M700B) CLIP .Receiving (342” long) CABLE ASSEMBLY .SECTION XIII Electronics Group RADIO.(Telex 62800-001) ANTENNA ASSEMBLY .Transmitting (VTP-17) ANTENNA .Mike (S12B) JACK . forward (254” long) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Broadband.Boom mike (HE822C1210) SHACKLE .Receiving.E W G W W H W W W W H F NOMENCLATURE No. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2E18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Microphone (64022-000) SUPPORT .C.Dual NAV-COM with glide slope (CI1125) COUPLER .Transmitting CABLE ASSEMBLY .Radio Systems Installation DRAWING .Receiving ANTENNA ASSEMBLY .Omni-receiver (VRP-37) ANTENNA ASSEMBLY .(MS35489-134) WICK . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED DRAWING .Receiving.Terminal HOLDER .Transmitting 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 9 18 18 18 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8231044 and up When ordering.Receiving (90677-67) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Antenna (135-40) STRIP ASSEMBLY .Broadband. Description.Static (SW 10-96) SCREW .(With boom mike) MICROPHONE . ANTENNA SYSTEM AND STATIC WICKS INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 89- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 Part Number 67440 79153 99461 78947 39737 464 362 464 407 474 652 474 642 79160-00 99841-07 451 273 451 272 596 332 Code H W W W 596 664 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 65192-09 68390-04 65192-13 99610-00 596 118 99610-02 99395-00 99395-02 99395-03 467 064 79152-00 79152-02 565 523 99680-08 468 002 468 006 67471-00 66837-00 555 501 555 422 556 753 555 421 453 838 453 836 434 189 494 678 415 520 407 122 506 902 469 600 474 659 554 686 584 137 486 562 597 893 99610-10 F F A. Req. VHF COMM (PS50040-18-2) (Dorne and Margolin) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Transmitting AUDIO SELECTOR ASSEMBLY AUDIO SELECTOR ASSEMBLY AUDIO SELECTOR ASSEMBLY INSULATOR .Mike and phone PLACARD . VHF COMM (PS50040-18-1) (Communication Components) ANTENNA .Dual NAV-COM (AVB-10) COUPLER .Mike jack (with console mike jack) COUPLER .All Weather Antenna Installation DRAWING .E A. always specify Part Number.Snap (PS10064-500-6) BUSHING .(MS35206-230) WASHER .D.Snap (PS10064-437-5) GROMMET .Radio Antenna Systems Installation DRAWING .(AN935-6L) RIVNUT .(Telex 60837-17) MICROPHONE .Marker beacon (PS50040-15-10) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Static Wick Installation DRAWING .(MS20115-2) ANTENNA .Phone (11) PLACARD .B.Receiving ANTENNA ASSEMBLY .E A. aft (75” long) CABLE ASSEMBLY .Lightning protection (MS25083-3AA6) MICROPHONE .Single NAV-COM with glide slope (AV-570) BUSHING .Marker Beacon Antenna Installation HEADPHONE HEADPHONE .(S6K75) JUMPER ASSEMBLY .Microphone JACK .Microphone holder (90Z1136) RELAY . Audio Selector Assembly (See Code “A” On Next Page) REVISED: APRIL 1979 2E19 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 90. With single VHF switch. C .Used with King Avionics package only. Piper Aircraft. D .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 90 A .With microphone switch.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. B . ADF switch and marker beacon switch. W . Lock Haven. dual VHF switches. REVISED: APRIL 1979 2E20 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and ADF switch. dual VHF switches.With microphone switch. Penna. ADF switch and marker beacon switches. Lunar white (1813-26) * DIODE .Plug (207-17021-00) * STRIP .Marker beacon.ADF (JMT-221) * SWITCH .VHF (JMT-221) * SWITCH .Microphone (JMT-223) * SWITCH . Description. light test (JMT-126) * PLATE .(PS10008-53) * FILTER . Hi/Lo (JMT-221) * SWITCH . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: APRIL 1979 2E21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Terminal (1076) * RECEPTACLE . Req.SECTION XIII Electronics Group AUDIO SELECTOR ASSEMBLY (See Code “A”) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 90-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 Part Number 99395-00 99395-02 99395-03 587 807 587 808 587 808 587 808 587 809 99344-00 453 855 588 356 484 234 472 056 460 602 456 703 484 461 Code B C D W NOMENCLATURE AUDIO SELECTOR ASSEMBLY AUDIO SELECTOR ASSEMBLY AUDIO SELECTOR ASSEMBLY * SWITCH .(1055R48) * BULB .Marker beacon. always specify Part Number. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 When ordering.(242E3R05) No.(IN2071) * RESISTOR .Selector face * BUTTON . 2E22 THRU 2E24 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 91. Avionics Cooling Installation REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2F1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. Penna. Piper Aircraft. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2F2 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 91 ABCDE- Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. W . Used with Avionics Cooling Blower P/N 598 422 (King No.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. 071-4031-00) only. Lock Haven. Used with Avionics Cooling Blower P/N 452 997 (Bendix No. 3604529-0504) only. Used on PA-28RT201T only. Radio Cooling Installation DRAWING . always specify Part Number. Req.Avionics cooling.Avionics cooling (73” long) LAMP . King (071-4031-00) FUSE ASSEMBLY . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2F3 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .E B.(SAE TY F-10) CLAMP .Blower HOSE .D E B C.Blower mount PLATE .Avionics cooling hose HOSE .(SAE TY F-6) REDUCER .Avionics cooling (4” long) CLAMP .(311005) 5 amp No. Description.King Avionics Cooling Blower Installation W E E A.Avionics cooling.E B.Bendix Radio Cooling Blower Installation DRAWING .Blower * * FUSE .E C.Avionics cooling HOSE .W E E C.Blower mount HOSE .D BOX ASSEMBLY .E A B.Blower HOSE .SECTION XIII Electronics Group AVIONICS COOLING INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 91- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 Part Number Code 79406 39745 39857 79405-00 63633-136 63633-186 554 888 79487-00 63633-169 554 888 454 921 554 892 39745-10 36979-28 63633-135 63633-170 598 323 452 997 598 422 86652-05 461 629 86652-08 461 629 NOMENCLATURE E B DRAWING .(311005) 5 amp FUSE ASSEMBLY Blower * * FUSE . Bendix (3604529-0504) BLOWER .Blower (150-0038-00) BLOWER .(SAE TY F-6) CLAMP .(SE TY A-15/16) BRACKET . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 AR 1 1 1 1 1 1 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.D C.D B.Avionics cooling (60” long) HOSE . Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118092 inclusive. E . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031188 inclusive. J .Used on PA-28RT-201 only. D . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8331051 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201T only. H . G . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. F . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931353 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. C . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 and up. L . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. K . and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131229 inclusive.Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 and up. B .Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. REVISED: JULY 1984 2F4 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR RADIO INSTALLATION DRAWINGS A . Single Com-Nav DRAWING . CN2011A.Bendix NP2041. IN2014.Collins TDR-950 Transponder Installation DRAWING .King KR-85 Radio Installation DRAWING .King Dual KX-170B/175B. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8431001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering.Bendix TPR2060 Transponder Installation DRAWING . KI-203/208.Collins AMR-350 Audio and Marker Beacon System Installation DRAWING .Collins DME-451 Radio Installation DRAWING .King KMA-24 Audio and Marker Beacon System Installation DRAWING .Narco CP-135/135M Radio Installation DRAWING .Narco CLC-60A/NSD-360A/DME-195 Radio Installation DRAWING .Bendix DME2030 DRAWING .Collins RCR-650 ADF Radio Installation DRAWING .Narco ADF 140/141 Radio Installation DRAWING .King KT-76A/78A Transponder Installation DRAWING . 124A.NSD-360A.Narco ADF 841 Radio Installation DRAWING . KN72. KI-203/206/208 and NSD-360A Radio Installation DRAWING . Req.King KNS-80 Area Nav System Installation DRAWING . always specify Part Number. 1U2016.King KR-86 Radio Installation DRAWING .Narco AT50A/AT150 Transponder Installation (with encoding altimeter provisions) DRAWING . Description. King KN62A DRAWING . Nav 122/122A.Collins DCE-400 Distance Computing Equipment DRAWING .Bendix CN2011A.King KX-170B. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2F5 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Bendix ADF2070 No.King KN-65 DME Radio Installation DRAWING .Narco DME-890 Radio Installation DRAWING .Narco DME 190/190 TSO Radio Installation DRAWING .SECTION XIII Electronics Group RADIO INSTALLATION DRAWINGS PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code 99844 39767 79051 79053 36968 79814 79001 D 39770 E 67976 H 79490 87479 79491 99989 L J D 37963 79663 79662 79669 36988 79660 79659 H A 79791 D 79084 39867 37990 H J D 69982 36906 36920 37965 36907 F F H F 36908 B 36979 39783 39748 C E K 39750 K 39752 K 39739 39749 39746 K K K E B C B C NOMENCLATURE DRAWING .Narco CLC-60A/ID124/DME-195 Radio Installation DRAWING . AD2019A Nav Prog w/ Dual Com-Nav DRAWING . NSD-360A. NSD360A. KN75 Radio Installation DRAWING . AS2015.Narco DME-195 Radio Installation DRAWING . IND2014. AD2019A. IU2016 Dual Com-Nav DRAWING .Bendix CN2013. NSD360A. KI-209 Radio Installation DRAWING .Single ADF/HF Compatibility Installation DRAWING . Nav 124A Radio Installation DRAWING .King KR-87 Radio Installation DRAWING . KN-75.Narco DME-195 Radio Installation DRAWING . Glide Slope UGR-2A and Marker Beacon Radio Installation DRAWING .Collins Com/Nav/GS Radio Installation DRAWING .King KY197/KY196E and KN53 Radio Installation DRAWING .Com 120/111. KN-75. IN2014.King KMA-20 Audio and Marker Beacon System Installation DRAWING .DME Installation.King Dual 170/175B. KN-65A. KN74. always specify Part Number. KN72.Collins ANS351 R-Nav Installation DRAWING . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up When ordering. Kl202/203/208 Dual Nav-Com Installation DRAWING .King KX155. Req.Audio System Installation No. Kl203/204/208/209 Single/Dual Nav-Com Installation DRAWING .King KX155/165.Dual ADF Installation.RADIO INSTALLATION DRAWINGS SECTION XIII Electronics Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code 79493 36995 79074 39833 F G 39834 G 39868 J 39866 J NOMENCLATURE DRAWING . KR-86 DRAWING .Narco 810/824/825 Single/Dual Com/ Nav/Ind. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JANUARY 1983 2F6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Description. King KR-85. Narco ADF-140 DRAWING .Dual ADF Installation. Installation DRAWING . Placards and Exterior Stencils Installation REVISED: JULY 1984 2F7 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 92. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8131001 and up. Used if Century 41 AutoPilot is installed. Used if air conditioning is installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-7931053 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 to 28R-8018116 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8131229 inclusive. Used if a push-pull switch is installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031001 and up. Penna. REVISED: JULY 1984 2F8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918041 inclusive. Used if recognition lights are installed. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018020 inclusive. Piper Aircraft. Used only if Hartzell two-bladed propeller is installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8031031 to 28R8431010 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8218001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018021 and up. These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-8231001 to 28R8231092 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8118001 to 28R-8118092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931054 and up.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 92 ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVW- Used on PA-28RT-201 only. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R8131001 to 28R-81 31229 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-8018001 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031030 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R 7931001 to 28R -7931353 inclusive. Used if King KAP 100/150/KFC 150 AutoPilot is installed. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R-7931305 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918042 and up. Used if a toggle switch is installed. Lock Haven. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918264 and up. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8118092 inclusive. and PA-28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R8031001 to 28R-8031188 inclusive. A/P Intr.Turn limit center mark PLACARD .“R” tank.Fuel off PLACARD .AutoFlite II MEDALLION .Dome light maximum PLACARD .Piper Turbo Arrow IV NAMEPLATE .Altitude reporter installed PLACARD . Description.E.T.Instrument lights PLACARD .W NOMENCLATURE No.Air conditioning door open PLACARD . DRAWING . panel PLACARD .Exterior Finish PLACARD .Placard Details Installation DRAWING .Piper PLACARD .External power PLACARD . 36 gallons PLACARD .Warning PLACARD .Baggage limitations PLACARD .Piper Arrow IV NAMEPLATE . always specify Part Number.Pitch trim PLACARD .Compass deviation PLACARD .Flap lever MEDALLION .Control wheel PLACARD .Warning PLACARD .Rudder trim PLACARD .Open PLACARD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1982 2F9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Instrument lights. PLACARD .Aircraft limitations PLACARD .Fuel PLACARD .Mike and phone PLACARD .Oxygen support PLACARD .Exterior Finish DRAWING .Exterior Finish DRAWING . Req.Exterior Finish DRAWING .“Emergency Down” PLACARD .Alternate static source NAMEPLATE .Aircraft limitations PLACARD .Placard Details Installation DRAWING .Mike jack (with console mike jack) PLACARD . 36 gallons PLACARD .Heater and defroster PLACARD .Piper Arrow IV PLACARD .Engine controls SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Warning PLACARD .“L” tank. 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.“Override Engage” PLACARD .Oleo service instructions (nose gear) PLACARD .Door lock PLACARD .Stabilator trim PLACARD .Pitch trim PLACARD .“Emergency Gear Lever” PLACARD .SECTION XIV Miscellaneous Group PLACARDS AND EXTERIOR STENCILS PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 92- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 Part Number 35654 36991 35875 36596 87307 39846 39893 35669-27 79275-00 35669-16 35669-17 69669-77 69669-177 35669-32 69669-20 66970-03 69669-17 69669-173 69669-175 67490-02 87369-38 69669-66 35669-105 67471-00 66837-00 35669-15 69669-117 69669-118 68555-05 35669-05 35669-08 20781-02 67242-00 67786-00 67592-02 67921-00 67702-00 68399-02 65219-00 66787-00 69669-169 69669-170 99184-02 66987-00 35669-140 99184-05 79315-00 99921-00 67768-00 35884-02 35884-03 35884-02 99448-00 48629-00 35669-28 66752-00 69669-45 Code G H K P Q B H S T 4 W H G A B G R.Piper-Aire PLACARD .Mike PLACARD .Cabin aft PLACARD .Turn limit PLACARD .Oleo service instructions (main gear) PLACARD .Latch PLACARD .L.Exterior Finish DRAWING . When ordering. Location PLACARD .“Soft Wear Only” PLACARD . 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl. 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl. PLACARD . 28R-7931297 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Pitch sync.In-Flight rpm restrictions PLACARD .Fuel PLACARD .Optional engine primer PLACARD .No Step PLACARD .Circuit protector.Level point PLACARD .Climate control center PLACARD .Maneuvering speed PLACARD . Req. When ordering.Transponder identifier PLACARD .Maneuvering speed PLACARD .D A B A B A B B B D D E F G G N A M J A B L.Annunciator.Vent fan PLACARD .Fuel PLACARD . Description.Fuel PLACARD .Maneuvering speed PLACARD .M.In-Flight rpm restrictions PLACARD . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl. instructions PLACARD .Gear switch PLACARD .Maneuvers limitations PLACARD . lower PLACARD .Circuit protector.In-Flight rpm restrictions PLACARD .Circuit protector.Crosswind component PLACARD .Oxygen No.Take-off checklist PLACARD .Oxygen gauge light PLACARD . 28R 8031001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.O L NOMENCLATURE PLACARD .Oil spec.Omni coupler switch PLACARD .Emergency bus switch PLACARD .C A A B.Unproved oil drain valve caution PLACARD . PLACARD . 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl. 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Door release PLACARD .Gear actuation speeds PLACARD .Ground operation PLACARD .Take-off checklist PLACARD .Hydraulic fluid spec.Gear actuation speeds PLACARD . 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931296 incl.Auxiliary fuel pump PLACARD . 28R-8031001 and up 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Landing checklist PLACARD . upper PLACARD . upper PLACARD .Fuel flow PLACARD . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Do Not Push PLACARD .Alternate air PLACARD .Caution PLACARD . press to test PLACARD . upper PLACARD .P.Maneuvering speed PLACARD . PLACARD . and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: AUGUST 1983 2F10 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .Landing checklist PLACARD . PLACARD . 28R-8018001 and up 28R-7931001 to 28R-7931353 incl.Gear switch PLACARD .Flap step PLACARD . 28R-7918001 to 28R-7918306 incl.Emergency fuel on PLACARD . always specify Part Number.In-Flight rpm restrictions PLACARD .C B.Oil spec.R.Circuit protector.PLACARDS AND EXTERIOR STENCILS SECTION XIV Miscellaneous Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 92-47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 -82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 -88 -89 -90 -91 -92 -93 -94 Part Number 35664-02 69669-121 35669-146 69669-117 35669-147 76222-00 67428-00 35669-120 35669-114 69669-39 63408-00 69669-101 69669-158 69669-159 69545-00 69669-16 35669-103 35669-103 35669-156 69669-176 69669-68 69669-185 35669-155 69669-70 35669-152 35669-118 35669-116 35669-119 35669-115 67879-00 69669-163 69669-182 69669-186 35669-38 79112-02 69509-00 35669-126 35669-125 36937-02 69669-115 87369-27 35669-179 35807-02 35669-163 87341-02 87341-03 87341-04 87334-02 87337-02 87340-02 87339-02 87369-16 35669-188 87369-26 35669-22 35669-137 35669-157 Code A A B B H A B H B B B A B B H B.Primer PLACARD .Radio power on-off PLACARD .Pitot drain PLACARD .Omni coupler switch PLACARD .Maximum baggage PLACARD .Oil cooler winterization PLACARD . On-off PLACARD . Description.Compass system DECAL .Nav 1/Nav 2 PLACARD .U B. Req.U B.SECTION XIV Miscellaneous Group PLACARDS AND EXTERIOR STENCILS PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number 92-95 -96 -97 -98 -99 -100 Part Number 87369-05 87369-39 87369-40 35669-110 456 682 87369-53 Code T B.Avgas (000002) PLACARD .Landing and recognition lights No. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: JULY 1984 2F11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .V NOMENCLATURE PLACARD . 1 1 1 1 2 1 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8331001 and up 28R-8531001 and up When ordering. always specify Part Number.Nav 1 off Nav 2 PLACARD . Lock Haven. and PA28RT-201T with serial numbers 28R7931001 to 28R-8031009 inclusive. REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2F12 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . G .If aircraft is not equipped with a pilot operated boom mike switch (located on control wheel). Penna.PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLAINATIONS FOR OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT KITS AND REPAIR KITS ABCDE- Used on PA-28RT-201T only. Piper Aircraft. Used with Hartzell Propeller BHC-C2YF-1BF/F8459A-8R.These parts must be ordered from Service Spares Department. W . Used with Hartzell Propeller PHC-C3YF-1( )F/ F7663-2R. order Boom Mike Installation Kit 764 045. Used on PA-28RT-201 with serial numbers 28R-7918001 to 28R-8018017 inclusive. Used on PA-28RT-201 only.This kit is less headphone assembly P/N 464 407 which must be ordered separately. F . PROPELLER REPAIR KIT When ordering.Passenger seats PITOT COVER PLOTTER ASSEMBLY .Weight and balance PLOTTER ASSEMBLY . SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT KITS 36733-02 761 106 763 966 760 296 39714-02 39715-02 763 920 763 962 764 042 764 045 A D A E F G CARD .B. Description.Weight and balance IMPROVED CABIN HEAT CENTER DUCT DOOR JAMB SNUBBER INSTALLATION FIXED OXYGEN SYSTEM INSTALLATION BOOM MIKE INSTALLATION REPAIR KITS 756 892 763 858 A. and Serial Number of Aircraft REVISED: FEBRUARY 1982 2F13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .C.Passenger briefing OPTIONAL COLD WEATHER PRIMING INSTALLATION SHOULDER HARNESS INSTALLATION .SECTION XIV Miscellaneous Group OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT KITS AND REPAIR KITS PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE No. Req. always specify Part Number.W PROPELLER REPAIR KIT A. PIPER PARTS CATALOG NUMERICAL INDEX Part Number Figure and Index No. 11601-03 12761-02 12761-02 14843-16 14976-11 14976-15v 14976-16v 15086-00 15660-02 15661-02 17555-00 18132-00 18132-00 18219-00 18219-00 18219-02 18321-00 18321-00 18321-00 19063-02 19336-00 19336-00 19336-00 19336-01 19336-01 19336-01 19365-02 19365-02 19365-02 19392-15 20735-05v 20754-02 20781-02 20781-02 20784-00 20784-00 21176-00v 21586-00v 21710-00 21712-02 21822-00 21831-04 22105-03 22105-03 22105-05v 22105-10 22482-00 23319-00v REVISED: JULY 1984 19-20 13-6 74-2 23-17 20-19 19-79 19-80 32-52 63-4c 63-4d 77-24 52-33 53-33 52-34 53-34 52-38 54-36 55-60 74-5 13-2 35-17 35-34 36-9 35-17 35-34 36-9 35-19 35-36 36-11 35-35 20-11 24-2 20-55 92-24 20-14 24-19 13-4 31-11 20-29 20-17 23-66 20-31 66-14 67-28 42-20 54-41 12-35 54-59 Part Number 23809-04v 23809-05 23809-07v 23969-02 23969-02 23969-02 23969-02 23969-02 23969-02 23969-03 23969-03 23969-05 23969-05 23969-05 23969-05 24047-00 24047-00 24048-00 24048-00 24582-00 24582-00 24995-00 25690-02 26749-07 31747-00 31747-00 35118-22v 35118-23v 35118-24v 35118-25v 35118-28v 35118-29v 35118-30v 35118-31v 35118-47v 35118-49v 35118-803v 35118-804v 35142-00v 35142-01v 35166-00v 35166-01v 35168-12v 35168-13v 35168-14v 35168-15v 35168-20v 35168-21v Figure and Index No. 4-7 4-7 77-3 77-2 75-50 75-51 75-52 75-53 86B-4 75-50 75-51 86B-5 86B-6 75-4 74-11 75-17 75-17 19-47 19-37 19-31 19-58 19-67 58-28 58-61 54-72 55-61 57-6 39-36 85-21 3-22 3-22 4-15 4-15 4-52 4-52 3-26 3-26 3-28 3-28 4-26 4-26 4-27 4-27 4-28 4-28 4-29 4-29 4-30 Part Number 35620-01v 35621-00v 35621-01v 35630-926v 35630-926v 35630-927v 35630-927v 35630-928v 35630-928v 35630-929v 35630-929v 35630-933v 35630-933v 35630-984v 35630-984v 35630-987v 35630-989v 35630-992v 35630-993v 35632-02v 35632-03v 35632-04v 35632-05v 35634-05v 35634-08v 35634-11v 35634-15v 35634-16v 35634-18v 35636-00v 35637-00v 35637-01v 35638-00v 35638-01v 35640-02v 35640-03v 35640-04v 35640-05v 35640-06v 35640-07v 35640-08v 35640-09v 35640-10v 35640-11v 35640-12v 35640-13v 35640-14v 35640-15v Figure and Index No. 4-30 4-31 4-31 2-2 3-1 2-2 3-1 2-3 3-19 2-3 3-19 2-4 4-1 2-4 4-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 4-9 4-9 4-56 4-56 4-20 4-20 4-54 4-55 4-54 4-55 4-48 4-32 4-32 56-5 56-5 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 41-11 40-23 41-10 54-52 74-9 75-60 77-11 78-11 79-7 74-10 75-61 77-13 77-26 78-12 79-9 52-6 53-6 52-7 53-7 40-22 41-12 40-10 86-14 38-2 52-30 66-12 3-24 3-24 3-29 3-29 3-20 3-20 3-23 3-23 3-27 3-27 3-30 3-30 11-11 11-11 3-25 3-25 4-4 4-4 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-2 Part Number 35174-04v 35174-05v 35201-00v 35202-00v 35208-00v 35208-02v 35208-03v 35208-04v 35208-04v 35208-06v 35208-07v 35208-09v 35208-10v 35212-00v 35214-00v 35261-02v 35261-03v 35270-00v 35281-00v 35282-00v 35283-00v 35284-02v 35402-00v 35402-04v 35454-00v 35454-00v 35476-01v 35507-02v 35553-00v 35592-00v 35592-01v 35603-20v 35603-21v 35603-26v 35603-27v 35615-02v 35615-03v 35615-04v 35615-05v 35616-00v 35616-01v 35617-00v 35617-01v 35618-00v 35618-01v 35619-02v 35619-03v 35620-00v 2F14 Figure and Index No. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 74-67 74-68 74-66 74-66 8-2 8-5 9-36 9-36 8-13 10-44 10-41 10-41 10-42 10-42 10-43 10-43 75-42 9-33 9-33 5-14 5-14 32-64 55-62 67-13 74-62 67-14 74-63 54-11 55-16 41-23 47-4 47-6 19-2 19-2 37-22 55-53 55-54 55-55 54-66 54-70 2-9 2-48 56-24 92-82 41-30 45-2 45-2 41-20 32-35 18-17 73-2 73-1 40-6 19-15 19-16 78-4 78-3 77-18 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 35640-16v 35640-17v 35640-18v 35640-19v 35640-20v 35640-21v 35640-22v 35640-24v 35640-24v 35640-25v 35640-25v 35641-06v 35641-07v 35641-08v 35641-09v 35641-12v 35641-13v 35641-14v 35641-15v 35642-00v 35642-01v 35664-02v 35664-02v 35669-05v 35669-05v 35669-08v 35669-08v 35669-16v 35669-16v 35669-17v 35669-17v 35669-27v 35669-27v 35669-28v 35669-28v 35669-32v 35669-32v 35669-38v 35669-38v 35669-103v 35669-103v 35669-105v 35669-105v 35669-105v 35669-110v 35669-110v 35669-114v 35669-114v 35669-115v 35669-115v 35669-116v 35669-116v 35669-118v 35669-118v 35669-119v 35669-119v 35669-120v 35669-120v REVISED: JULY 1984 5-9 5-9 5-10 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 2-6 5-1 2-6 5-1 2-8a 2-8a 2-8b 2-8b 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 3-5 3-5 2-45 92-47 20-53 92-22 20-54 92-23 63-40 92-3 63-41 92-4 58-59 92-1 37-51 92-44 73-6 92-7 37-35 92-74 37-57 92-61 87-10 92-15 87A-12 86B-7 92-98 37-48 92-53 37-62 92-69 37-61 92-67 37-61 92-66 37-62 92-68 37-48 92-52 Part Number 35669-125v 35669-125v 35669-126v 35669-126v 35669-126v 35669-132v 35669-137v 35669-137v 35669-140v 35669-140v 35669-146v 35669-146v 35669-147v 35669-147v 35669-152v 35669-152v 35669-154v 35669-154v 35669-155v 35669-155v 35669-156v 35669-156v 35669-157v 35669-157v 35669-163v 35669-163v 35669-179v 35669-179v 35669-188v 35669-188v 35672-02v 35672-02v 35680-11v 35680-12v 35680-22v 35680-26v 35692-02v 35696-02v 35697-02v 35703-08v 35703-09v 35703-12v 35703-13v 35704-02v 35704-84v 35706-05v 35706-08v 35706-09v 35707-04v 35707-801v 35707-802v 35707-803v 35707-903v 35707-905v 35707-905v 35707-908v 35707-909v 35707-909v Figure and Index No. 37-83 92-77 85-20 86-59 92-76 87A-11 73A-28 92-93 32-75 92-36 37-45 92-48 37-45 92-49 37-60 92-65 88-6 92-18 37-60 92-64 37-57 92-61 73A-29 92-94 56-24 92-82 37-86 92-81 63-43 92-90 87B-13 87C-10 37-76 37-77 37-78 37-75 2-10 39-35 17-17 41-4 41-5 41-4 41-5 41-17 41-17 41-8 41-9 41-24 7-1 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-5 7-27 10-1 7-9 7-14 8-1 2F15 Part Number 35707-910v 35707-910v 35708-03v 35711-02v 35715-03v 35716-08v 35716-08v 35716-09v 35716-09v 35719-00v 35721-02v 35721-03v 35722-02v 35724-04v 35724-05v 35725-02v 35727-00v 35730-02v 35730-03v 35731-00v 35731-01v 35733-02v 35733-03v 35734-02v 35734-03v 35735-02v 35737-04v 35737-05v 35737-06v 35737-07v 35737-08v 35737-09v 35737-10v 35739-02v 35739-03v 35739-08v 35739-09v 35740-14v 35740-15v 35740-16v 35740-17v 35740-18v 35742-03v 35742-04v 35742-05v 35742-30v 35742-31v 35742-32v 35742-33v 35742-41v 35742-43v 35742-46v 35742-56v 35744-02v 35744-03v 35745-02v 35747-02v 35749-02v Figure and Index No. 7-23 9-1 53-54 37-10 55-10 2-5 56-1 2-5 56-1 56-13 41-25 41-25 41-29 3-3 3-3 2-11 8-20 57-5 57-5 4-53 4-53 3-21 3-21 4-16 4-16 19-6 28-16 28-16 28-17 28-19 28-20 28-18 28-23 28-3 28-3 28-5 28-4 45-5 45-7 45-3 45-4 45-16 47-12 47-13 47-13 47-16 47-1 47-2 47-2 47-3 47-7 28-7 47-12 10-24 10-27 10-25 10-28 74-69 Part Number 35749-07v 35749-08v 35750-04v 35750-05v 35753-02v 35754-00v 35756-00v 35756-01v 35759-02v 35760-01v 35761-00v 35761-01v 35762-00v 35762-01v 35763-00v 35763-01v 35766-02v 35767-802v 35767-803v 35770-02v 35770-03 35773-02v 35776-04v 35777-03v 35777-07v 35777-09v 35777-09v 35789-02v 35789-02v 35791-05v 35793-02v 35794-02v 35797-02v 35797-03v 35798-02v 35801-02v 35801-03v 35801-04v 35801-08v 35801-11v 35802-02v 35802-03v 35807-02v 35807-02v 35811-02v 35812-02v 35812-04v 35814-02v 35819-02v 35820-02v 35822-13v 35822-21v 35827-02v 35829-02v 35830-02v 35840-02v 35843-02v 35845-02v Figure and Index No. 35846-02v 35846-03v 35847-02v 35872-04v 35872-05v 35872-06v 35873-03v 35873-03v 35873-04v 35873-05v 35873-06v 35873-09v 35873-09v 35873-10v 35873-10v 35879-03v 35879-03v 35883-02v 35884-02v 35884-03v 35885-03v 35885-07v 35885-10v 35888-02v 35888-02v 35889-02v 35890-02v 35894-03v 35894-03v 35894-07v 35894-08v 35894-09v 35894-10v 35894-11v 35894-12v 35894-13v 35897-03v 35956-02v 35957-02v 35960-02v 35979-05v 36511-02v 36511-02v 36511-03v 36511-03v 36530-02v 36535-02v 36565-02v 36565-03v 36567-02v 36567-03v 36567-05v 36567-06v 36572-03v 36588-04v 36589-03v 36590-02v 36598-02v REVISED: JULY 1984 8-40 8-41 8-45 12-2 12-2 12-8 15-1 17-1 17-4 17-4 15-10 15-1 17-1 15-1 17-1 15-3 18-1 59-9 92-41 92-41 15-28 15-21 15-28 86-46 86A-18 86-47 12-29 15-2 16-1 16-5 16-4 16-6 16-2 16-2 16-3 16-3 15-4 32-35 40-30 40-83 18-18 66-2 67-2 66-2 67-2 86A-6 38-2 10-59 10-58 37-31 37-31 37-31 37-31 13-56 32-79 32-18 13-48 13-44 Part Number 36612-03v 36615-05v 36616-03v 36625-02v 36625-03v 36660-02v 36692-02v 36707-03v 36714-03v 36714-04v 36718-02v 36718-03v 36722-04v 36733-02v 36739-06v 36739-07v 36739-08v 36739-09v 36739-21v 36739-22v 36739-28v 36739-29v 36742-13v 36742-13v 36742-14v 36742-15v 36844-05v 36856-02v 36857-02v 36858-02v 36934-02v 36935-02v 36937-02v 36937-02v 36938-04v 36956-03v 36957-04v 36957-05v 36957-06v 36959-02v 36960-06v 36960-10v 36960-13v 36960-14v 36960-15v 36960-16v 36960-20v 36962-06v 36962-07v 36965-03v 36970-02v 36973-06v 36976-02v 36979-28v 37032-25v 37032-26v 37032-27v 37107-00v Figure and Index No. 4-21 4-21 37-25 37-15 74-50 16-27 17-7 17-23 17-23 17-8 60-29 17-28 17-25 17-26 16-32 16-31 16-31 16-16 16-15 15-9 15-8 60-9 16-29 17-12 Misc. 91-10 8-8 86A-19 73A-55 85A-12 86A-7 56-9 56-8 56-10a 8-32 8-46 37-31 37-31 57-10 61-3 59-4 20-18 92-43 58-15 84-1 19-12 16-24 16-25 16-26 3-4 3-4 56-19 56-12 56-11 56-18 56-18 3-15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 68-46 68-44 68-45 56-7 56-7 37-13 40-27 15-28 15-8 15-9 4-19 4-19 13-66 Misc. Misc. 45-1 55-65 45-12 45-12 45-10 45-8 45-11 45-9 37-17 37-16 37-15 42-2 42-3 42-4 42-3 42-36 42-24 45-13 45-21 45-14 41-7 55-63 45-15 37-29 45-6 37-11 55-64 45-20 87B-1 87B-2 27-8 28-8 63-39 63-39 24-13 75-1 75-1 41-42 41-7 36-26 37-71 37-72 37-73 37-74 36-48 36-45 36-46 19-41 39-31 68-9 71-5 3-6 3-7 2-12 74-8 74-8 75-49 75-49 Part Number 38206-04v 38206-05v 38224-03v 38226-00v 38255-02v 38298-03 38321-02v 38346-04v 38346-05v 38347-02v 38378-02v 38379-02v 38381-02v 38382-02v 38399-04v 38399-06v 38399-07v 38400-04v 38400-07v 38402-05v 38402-12 38458-02v 38606-03v 38622-02v 39714-02v 39715-02v 39745-10v 39769-02v 39785-02v 39789-02v 39800-02v 39800-03v 39829-02v 39830-800v 39856-02v 39875-02v 39876-02v 39877-02v 39877-03v 41001-10v 41001-10v 41001-11v 44386-03v 48629-00 50111-00 52586-02 61402-93v 62002-02v 62002-03v 62002-04v 62021-00v 62021-01v 62033-00v 62044-00v 62059-00v 62060-06v 62060-07v 62061-05v Figure and Index No. 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8c 2-8c 74-23 74-58 74-56 74-60 86A-3 36-20 36-21 36-14 75-59 75-55 37-84 92-78 35-42 73A-40 73A-45 73A-47 73A-48 73A-39 73A-37 73A-32 73A-33 73A-38 73A-36 73A-35 73A-34 73A-50 73A-50 73A-27 87C-2 87C-1 32-35 91-11 41-26 41-27 41-28 41-21 2F16 Part Number 37119-00v 37123-00v 37126-00v 37126-08v 37142-00v 37177-00v 37179-00v 37189-00v 37337-00v 37338-00v 37340-00v 37343-32v 37343-33v 37343-34v 37343-39v 37390-00v 37390-02v 37463-00v 37463-00v 37464-03v 37476-03v 37499-03v 37512-00v 37578-03v 37598-00v 37629-02v 37660-00v 37688-00v 37693-04v 37694-02v 37722-02v 37722-02v 37729-00v 37729-02v 37732-00v 37756-02v 37756-03v 37793-02v 37845-02v 37848-02v 37872-03v 37872-04v 37872-05v 37872-07v 37902-05v 37902-06v 37902-08v 37970-02v 37994-02v 37997-02v 37997-02v 38118-00v 38118-03v 38118-05v 38149-03v 38149-04v 38149-05v 38149-07v Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 62071-00v 62071-01v 62072-00v 62072-01v 62087-05v 62091-02v 62105-00v 62105-02v 62109-00v 62109-00v 62121-00v 62129-03v 62129-04v 62129-07v 62129-08v 62177-03v 62177-14v 62226-00 62226-00 62227-00 62227-00 62279-00v 62305-00v 62320-03v 62324-00v 62324-01v 62327-00v 62328-00v 62328-00v 62328-01v 62328-01v 62330-00v 62330-01v 62331-00v 62331-01v 62332-00v 62332-02v 62336-00v 62336-01v 62355-02 62355-02 62355-03 62355-03 62371-08v 62400-02v 62410-00v 62410-01v 62411-02 62412-02v 62419-11v 62421-00v 62421-01v 62423-00v 62426-06v 62427-00v 62427-02v 62428-00v 62428-01v REVISED: JULY 1984 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 3-10 3-18 4-10 4-11 2-13 2-46 2-54 4-51 4-51 4-39 4-39 37-11 37-11 78-1 79-1 78-2 79-2 77-4 54-16 6-13 6-5 6-5 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-8 6-9 6-11 6-11 6-12 6-12 6-10 6-10 6-17 6-17 78-6 79-13 78-7 79-14 4-47 13-65 9-28 9-28 11-8 9-27 9-63 10-37 10-37 9-35 9-6 9-7 9-7 10-32 10-32 Part Number 62429-00v 62430-00v 62441-00v 62441-01v 62448-02v 62448-03v 62463-00v 62464-00v 62465-00v 62473-02v 62477-00v 62477-01v 62483-02v 62485-00v 62485-01v 62499-02v 62505-00v 62506-00v 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67091-00v 67093-04v 67093-04v 67093-05v 67093-05v 67095-00v 67095-01v REVISED: JULY 1984 32-75 91-36 92-36 24-7 24-9 23-23 23-23 23-15 23-12 23-12 23-12 23-12 23-12 23-12 23-15 24-12 20-3 20-26 20-32 24-11 24-20 20-23 23-49 23-24 23-22 23-22 24-18 24-16 23-2 23-2 23-2 23-2 23-7 23-7 20-2 20-22 4-57 59-27 4-3 4-3 4-50 23-63 4-50 23-63 4-14 4-14 27-1 28-1 27-1 28-1 27-27 28-14 27-2 28-2 27-2 28-2 4-18 4-18 Part Number 67096-00v 67096-01v 67097-00v 67097-01v 67100-04v 67100-04v 67100-10v 67100-10v 67101-00v 67106-00v 67107-00v 67108-00v 67109-00v 67114-00v 67119-57v 67119-61v 67125-00v 67135-03 67137-00v 67138-00v 67139-00v 67140-02v 67148-00v 67150-04v 67150-06v 67158-00v 67159-00v 67164-00v 67164-01v 67168-00v 67169-00v 67171-00v 67173-03v 67174-02v 67176-00v 67180-04v 67189-00v 67192-00v 67193-05v 67196-00v 67196-00v 67198-00v 67202-00v 67203-00v 67205-02v 67205-02v 67205-03v 67205-03v 67206-02v 67206-02v 67210-03v 67210-05v 67213-00v 67213-00v 67214-00v 67214-02v 67215-03v 67215-03v Figure and Index No. 4-19 4-19 4-12 4-12 19-1 20-1 19-1 20-1 2-14 20-52 20-28 59-28 19-6 19-34 40-31 40-31 8-30 29-11 8-33 8-35 8-36 8-37 20-30 19-42 19-42 57-24 57-25 2-18 2-18 19-17 19-18 64-6 64-5 64-4 64-2 64-1 19-78 19-35 63-27 74-19 76-3 23-54 23-65 23-38 66-1 67-1 66-1 67-1 52-28 53-27 52-1 53-1 52-4 53-4 52-5 53-5 52-9 53-9 Part Number 67216-00v 67216-00v 67218-00v 67218-00v 67218-02v 67218-02v 67219-00v 67219-02v 67221-00v 67221-00v 67223-03v 67223-04v 67224-03v 67224-03v 67225-00v 67225-00v 67228-09v 67229-07v 67232-41v 67242-00v 67242-00v 67244-00v 67245-00v 67248-00v 67257-00v 67257-01v 67258-00v 67259-02v 67262-02v 67262-03v 67266-02v 67267-00v 67267-01v 67271-00v 67275-00v 67276-03v 67276-04v 67277-00 67286-00v 67291-00v 67291-01v 67294-00v 67294-01v 67325-00v 67330-10v 67336-00v 67338-00v 67344-00v 67344-00v 67347-00v 67347-00v 67350-00v 67352-00v 67352-01v 67355-00v 67355-00v 67355-01v 67355-01v 2F20 Figure and Index No. 52-9 53-9 52-10 53-10 52-11 53-11 63-6 63-7 52-13 53-13 52-2 53-2 52-29 53-30 52-41 53-42 37-33 37-33 32-13 24-37 92-25 19-22 20-33 92-51 8-3 8-3 8-11 8-12 9-32 9-32 8-5 9-60 9-60 10-4 10-40 10-46 10-46 24-44 10-30 9-41 9-41 8-7a 8-7a 32-16 32-15 32-60 29-1 66-8 67-30 66-9 67-31 46-1 27-3 27-3 27-5 46-11 27-5 46-11 Part Number 67356-200v 67356-201v 67357-00v 67358-00v 67359-00v 67360-00v 67361-00v 67362-00v 67362-02v 67363-00v 67364-00v 67365-00v 67367-00v 67384-03v 67386-00v 67386-00v 67387-00v 67387-00v 67389-00v 67389-00v 67391-00v 67391-00v 67391-03v 67401-00v 67401-00v 67401-03v 67401-03v 67404-02v 67404-03v 67409-03v 67411-02v 67411-03v 67411-04v 67411-05v 67411-06v 67411-07v 67411-08v 67422-05v 67422-06v 67422-07v 67422-10v 67422-11v 67422-12v 67422-13v 67422-14v 67422-21v 67428-00v 67431-00v 67431-04v 67436-04v 67436-05v 67437-00v 67439-00v 67462-06v 67463-00v 67463-02v 67471-00v 67471-00v Figure and Index No. 27-23 27-25 27-13 27-14 27-15 27-16 27-17 27-18 27-21 27-22 27-4 8-39 12-54 62-1 66-5 67-9 66-7 67-32 66-10 67-22 66-11 67-24 67-25 66-23 67-23 66-23 67-23 74-3 74-4 75-19 74-56 74-21 74-56 74-60 74-23 74-60 74-58 75-23 75-24 75-25 75-26 75-27 75-30 75-31 75-32 75-33 37-47 37-82 37-81 75-7 75-8 75-9 75-22 37-8 63-5 63-48 89-20 92-16 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 67487-02v 67487-03v 67490-02v 67490-02v 67490-02v 67490-02v 67491-00v 67491-03v 67491-04v 67493-00v 67494-00v 67494-01v 67502-00v 67510-00v 67517-00v 67520-00v 67521-00v 67524-00v 67524-00v 67534-00v 67534-00v 67549-00 67556-04v 67562-00v 67564-00v 67566-00v 67572-00v 67574-00v 67582-03v 67592-02v 67592-02v 67598-00v 67600-00v 67600-00v 67601-00v 67603-00v 67604-02v 67616-00v 67616-04v 67652-00v 67656-02v 67661-00v 67661-00v 67670-00v 67670-01v 67673-00v 67677-00v 67677-01v 67678-00v 67678-01v 67687-00v 67687-01v 67689-00v 67689-01v 67690-00v 67690-01v 67690-16v 67690-17v REVISED: JULY 1984 74-51 74-73 83-11 86-73 86A-24 92-13 63-3 63-47 63-3a 85-15 85-16 85-16 23-56 19-36 43-6 65-5 65-6 65-34 65A-34 65-46 65A-8 29-2 14-15 10-20 58-20 58-21 10-52 10-53 58-5 32-8 92-27 19-13 65-11 65A-12 54-73 54-35 54-5 40-63 40-63 43-9 54-38 54-31 55-58 4-40 4-40 4-41 4-44 4-44 4-45 4-45 4-43 4-43 4-13 4-13 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-17 Part Number 67691-00v 67691-01 67694-00v 67700-06v 67700-06v 67700-07v 67700-07v 67700-14v 67700-15v 67700-16 67700-17v 67700-19v 67700-23v 67700-23v 67700-24v 67700-24v 67700-25v 67700-28v 67700-29v 67700-31v 67700-34v 67700-35v 67700-56v 67700-57v 67700-58v 67700-61v 67700-61v 67700-62v 67700-62v 67700-65v 67700-66v 67700-67v 67700-87v 67700-87v 67700-89v 67700-132v 67700-133v 67700-136v 67700-137v 67700-140v 67700-141v 67700-146v 67700-146v 67700-147v 67700-147v 67700-148v 67700-157v 67700-159v 67700-160v 67700-172v 67700-181v 67700-181v 67700-182v 67700-182v 67700-300v 67700-301v 67700-302v 67700-303v Figure and Index No. 4-49 4-49 4-42 65-16 65A-16 65-17 65A-17 65-21 65-20 65-22 65-23 65-25 65-29 65A-29 65-28 65A-28 54-17 54-19 40-29 65-24 65-30 65-31 54-20 54-21 29-5 65-26 65A-26 65-27 65A-27 39-15 39-16 39-17 40-28 42-5 40-28 42-7 42-8 42-11 42-10 55-48 55-49 86-49 86A-9 86-50 86A-8 88-4 42-6 42-9 86A-12 39-18 65-19 65A-19 65-18 65A-18 39-14 39-13 65A-24 65A-31 2F21 Part Number 67700-304v 67700-305v 67700-306v 67700-307v 67700-309v 67700-333v 67700-334v 67700-338v 67700-342v 67700-343v 67700-345v 67700-349v 67700-377v 67700-378v 67700-383v 67700-394v 67700-395v 67702-00v 67702-00v 67705-00v 67705-00v 67713-00v 67723-00 67723-01 67724-00v 67725-02v 67725-02v 67728-00v 67729-00v 67729-00v 67731-00v 67731-00v 67732-00v 67732-00v 67738-00v 67738-00v 67738-03v 67743-02v 67745-00v 67747-05v 67747-05v 67748-03v 67748-03v 67748-04v 67748-04v 67749-00v 67749-00v 67752-02v 67752-03v 67753-00v 67755-00v 67755-00v 67768-00v 67768-00v 67776-00v 67777-00v 67779-00v 67786-00v Figure and Index No. 65A-25 65A-30 65A-22 65A-23 41-22 39-30 39-19 54-18 65A-21 65A-20 54-75 54-71 83-21 83-20 54-79 39-29 39-19 32-10 92-29 66-32 67-51 58-23 2-35 2-35 40-62 40-76 41-48 56-20 52-15 53-15 65-42 65A-42 65-44 65A-44 65-42 65A-42 65A-42 65A-43 40-65 65-8 65A-7 65-2 65A-2 65-2 65A-2 65-10 65A-10 19-46 19-46 24-14 20-16 24-4 37-64 92-40 40-21 40-20 40-19 32-7 Part Number 67786-00v 67790-00v 67791-00v 67793-00v 67794-00v 67797-04v 67797-05v 67797-06v 67797-07v 67804-00v 67808-00v 67809-00v 67810-00v 67811-00v 67812-00v 67822-00v 67823-00v 67824-00v 67825-00v 67825-06v 67829-00v 67830-00v 67831-00v 67844-00v 67845-00v 67846-10v 67846-11v 67847-00v 67848-00v 67849-00v 67876-00v 67879-00v 67879-00v 67881-06v 67882-02v 67897-03v 67909-00v 67910-00v 67911-00v 67917-06v 67920-14v 67920-18v 67920-20v 67921-00v 67921-00v 67926-12v 67926-13v 67927-08v 67927-08v 67927-09v 67927-09v 67930-03v 67930-920v 67930-920v 67930-923v 67930-925v 67930-925v 67930-928v Figure and Index No. 92-26 40-4 40-5 40-6 40-7 23-19 23-19 23-19 23-19 52-46 43-7 43-3 43-1 43-2 43-4 44-4 44-6 44-8 44-7 44-7 40-74 44-3 44-5 40-13 40-17 46-9 46-9 40-3 40-32 40-14 40-26 37-63 92-70 54-34 54-74 80-20 20-15 32-5 32-2 32-1 37-36 37-36 37-36 32-9 92-28 24-10 24-10 23-1 24-1 23-1 24-1 7-1 7-23 9-1 7-5 7-27 10-1 7-9 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 67930-929v 67930-929v 67950-02v 67958-03v 67958-03v 67958-03v 67958-05v 67958-05v 67958-05v 67968-12v 67968-13v 67968-14v 67968-15v 67968-16v 67968-17v 67968-18v 67968-19v 67969-02v 67969-03v 67969-04v 67969-15v 67982-02v 67982-02v 67984-02v 68022-14v 68026-00v 68094-03v 68111-00v 68113-200v 68113-201v 68119-00v 68179-00v 68179-02v 68179-07v 68179-08v 68198-00v 68198-00v 68272-02v 68272-03v 68272-04v 68273-02v 68364-00v 68390-04v 68399-02v 68399-02v 68414-03v 68416-02v 68416-03v 68467-00v 68488-02v 68499-04v 68499-05v 68539-00v 68540-00v 68540-01v 68555-05v 68555-05v 68556-00v REVISED: JULY 1984 7-14 8-1 41-19 35-26a 35-40 36-50 35-26a 35-40 36-50 33-1 33-1 33-2 33-2 33-3 33-3 33-4 33-4 33-6 33-8 33-7 33-5 69-23 70-10 63-37 35-44 40-33 73-12 3-9 3-8 3-8 3-14 13-52 13-53 13-52 13-53 78-9 79-4 8-25 8-26 8-27 8-28 73A-51 89-9 32-19 92-30 60-2 32-55 32-55 29-3 60-4 32-57 32-57 7-31 7-32 7-32 13-62 92-21 32-66 Part Number 68556-01v 68557-00v 68584-00v 68669-10v 68671-00v 68699-10v 68770-03v 68770-04v 68770-07v 68770-07v 68770-08v 68770-11v 68770-14v 68770-14v 68770-15v 68770-18v 68770-18v 68771-03v 68771-04v 68771-06v 68771-09v 68771-12v 68771-13v 68771-13v 68778-00v 68804-03v 68804-04v 68817-35v 68817-50v 68991-00v 69015-05v 69015-06v 69033-00v 69042-00v 69042-02v 69074-00v 69077-00v 69095-00v 69219-00v 69229-00v 69273-00v 69273-00v 69274-00v 69274-00v 6927 5-00v 69275-00v 69275-00v 69279-00v 69279-00v 69318-00v 69325-122v 69403-03v 69509-00v 69509-00v 69509-00v 69545-00v 69545-00v 69669-16v Figure and Index No. 32-66 63-26 32-58 53-14 32-56 52-14 74-25 78-14 52-36 53-36 52-37 40-86 66-15 67-33 53-37 42-22 54-40 74-26 78-15 53-38 40-86 52-39 52-40 53-39 40-44 74-27 74-27 4-60 7-20 12-33 54-29 40-40 54-46 39-10 39-10 41-13 63-16 10-64 14-51 67-12 66-24 67-26 66-33 67-27 53-43 66-16 67-47 66-31 67-21 62-7 74-76 32-32 85-20 86-59 92-76 37-55 92-59 37-56 Part Number 69669-16v 69669-17v 69669-17v 69669-20v 69669-20v 69669-39v 69669-39v 69669-40v 69669-45v 69669-45v 69669-45v 69669-66v 69669-66v 69669-68v 69669-68v 69669-70v 69669-70v 69669-77v 69669-77v 69669-95v 69669-95v 69669-96v 69669-96v 69669-97v 69669-97v 69669-101v 69669-101v 69669-114v 69669-114v 69669-115v 69669-115v 69669-117v 69669-117v 69669-117v 69669-117v 69669-118v 69669-118v 69669-121v 69669-121v 69669-158v 69669-158v 69669-159v 69669-159v 69669-163v 69669-163v 69669-169v 69669-169v 69669-170v 69669-170v 69669-173v 69669-173v 69669-173v 69669-175v 69669-175v 69669-176v 69669-176v 69669-177v 69669-177v 2F22 Figure and Index No. 92-60 75-10 92-10 74-38 92-8 37-49 92-54 86-58 32-13a 92-46 32-78 87-8 92-14 37-59 92-63 37-60 92-65 68-39 92-5 87B-9 87C-7 87B-10 87C-8 87B-8 87C-6 37-52 92-56 87B-11 87C-9 39-37 92-79 13-71 37-45 92-19 92-49 13-72 92-20 37-45 92-48 37-53 92-57 37-54 92-58 37-63 92-71 32-72 92-33 32-73 92-34 78-8 79-5 92-11 82-2 92-12 37-58 92-62 73-5 92-6 Part Number 69669-182v 69669-182v 69669-185v 69669-185v 69669-186v 69669-186v 69670-04v 69736-02v 69738-00v 69739-00v 69740-02v 69785-03v 69791-00v 69885-00v 69885-02v 69885-02v 69885-03v 69885-03v 69885-12v 69891-02v 69891-03v 69891-04v 69891-05v 69891-10v 69891-11v 69891-12v 69891-13v 70371-02 70371-02 70371-02 70371-03 70371-03 70371-03 70371-03 70371-03 72091-00 76114-00v 76115-00v 76115-01v 76116-00v 76118-00v 76118-01v 76119-00v 76119-01v 76120-00v 76120-01v 76121-00v 76123-04v 76123-05v 76126-00v 76129-06v 76129-06v 76129-07v 76129-07v 76132-03v 76136-00v 76137-02v 76140-03v Figure and Index No. 37-68 92-72 37-60 92-64 37-69 92-73 80-1 2-32 9-21 9-23 9-22 56-14 46-10 68-29 68-30 68-49 68-31 68-50 68-48 9-24 9-24 9-24 9-24 9-24 9-24 9-24 9-24 52-44 53-40 68-37 52-45 53-41 66-20 67-34 68-37 56-6 10-3 10-8 10-8 10-2 10-38 10-38 10-39 10-39 10-55 10-55 10-61 10-57 10-57 10-13 66-4 67-4 66-4 67-4 9-5 8-20 8-10 9-14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 76140-04v 76143-00v 76160-00v 76172-00v 76172-03v 76175-00v 76175-03v 76176-00v 76178-00v 76187-00v 76191-02v 76197-00v 76205-00v 76205-05v 76221-00v 76222-00v 76222-00v 76239-00v 76255-00v 76256-00v 76257-00v 76261-00v 76261-01v 76262-00v 76264-00v 76265-00v 76266-00v 76267-00v 76267-01v 76268-00v 76269-00v 76270-00v 76270-01v 76271-00v 76272-00v 76272-01v 76273-00v 76274-00v 76275-00v 76275-02v 76275-03v 76275-04v 76276-00v 76276-02v 76276-03v 76276-04v 76277-00v 76277-02v 76277-03v 76277-04v 76278-00v 76278-02v 76278-03v 76278-04v 76279-00v 76297-00v 76297-01v 76305-00v REVISED: JULY 1984 9-14 14-20 86-4 35-25 36-19 36-18 35-7 36-30 35-24 36-13 32-33 14-19 37-37 37-37 32-67 37-46 92-50 9-19 7-11 7-26 7-26 9-61 9-61 9-62 14-23 14-26 14-26 14-24 14-24 14-25 14-25 14-27 14-27 14-30 14-28 14-28 14-29 14-29 14-17 14-17 14-17 14-17 14-17 14-17 14-17 14-17 14-18 14-18 14-18 14-18 14-18 14-18 14-18 14-18 9-56 7-12 7-12 68-5 Part Number 76307-07v 76309-00v 76309-00v 76309-02v 76309-02v 76311-03v 76342-00v 76343-00v 76351-02v 76351-03v 76365-00v 76407-03v 76409-00v 76425-00v 76425-02v 76425-03v 76425-04v 76426-03v 76434-00v 76436-00v 76437-04v 76437-06v 76462-00v 76467-00v 76467-02v 76467-02v 76467-03v 76467-04v 76468-00v 76468-02v 76468-03v 76469-946v 76469-947 76469-948v 76470-907v 76470-907v 76470-907v 76470-963v 76474-800v 76474-900v 76475-900v 76476-900v 76476-901v 76477-03v 76477-04v 76477-05v 76489-02v 76490-02v 76490-03v 76494-02v 76494-02v 76494-04v 76495-02v 76496-02v 76496-02v 76496-03v 76496-03v 78039-00v Figure and Index No. 68-2 68-18 71-25 68-18 71-25 37-33 36-22 36-23 36-24 36-25 9-20 19-27 19-15 19-23 19-23 19-23 19-23 19-8 40-30 8-7 8-2 8-2 32-34 9-45 7-13 9-47 9-46 9-49 9-17 9-18 9-18 10-2 10-6 10-6 7-37 10-54 11-1 7-39 7-7 7-7 7-40 7-6 7-8 37-31 37-31 37-31 8-17 10-15 10-15 68-2 71-20 73A-42 68-47 68-1 71-17 68-1 71-17 86-60 2F23 Part Number 78039-00v 78041-00v 78041-00v 78041-02v 78041-09v 78041-09v 78041-10v 78051-19v 78051-25v 78051-26v 78054-02v 78086-00v 78112-05v 78113-00v 78140-33v 78140-39v 78140-175v 78158-02v 78159-00v 78237-00v 78475-04v 78475-05v 78483-00v 78500-08v 78500-09v 78717-02v 78735-02v 78768-02v 78908-04v 78908-11 78908-26v 78908-28v 78913-04v 78913-07v 78915-03v 78918-04v 78919-02v 78921-10v 78925-03v 78926-02v 78927-02v 78928-02v 78935-08v 78935-17v 78935-19v 78935-21v 78935-27v 78935-28v 78935-31v 78935-32 78935-35v 78935-42v 78935-46v 78935-47v 78937-02v 78937-03v 78967-03v 78969-02v Figure and Index No. 86A-11 35-26 36-42 35-38 35-26 36-42 35-38 14-52 14-39 14-53 32-14 14-16 7-22 39-21 77-16 77-15 74-75 4-58 4-59 86A-5 4-23 4-23 80-35 4-24 4-24 23-46 32-6 16-38 17-2 17-3 17-2 17-2 15-7 15-6 18-10 59-13 59-11 60-8 60-14 60-5 17-19 18-4 17-24 17-11 17-9 17-15 17-6 17-5 17-13 17-14 17-10 17-16 17-30 17-31 16-18 16-18 16-30 60-6 Part Number 78970-02v 78980-04v 78981-05v 78981-06v 78981-07v 78981-08v 78981-10v 78981-11v 78981-15v 78981-16v 78981-17v 78981-18v 78982-02v 79035-00v 79038-00v 79038-00v 79044-06v 79044-07v 79044-08v 79044-09v 79112-02v 79112-02v 79125-00v 79125-01v 79152-00v 79152-02v 79154-00v 79155-00v 79160-00v 79161-00v 79171-08v 79171-09v 79171-10v 79171-11v 79171-13v 79171-14v 79174-00v 79174-04v 79192-00v 79205-00v 79207-00v 79207-00v 79229-00v 79230-00v 79230-02v 79234-00v 79235-00v 79236-05v 79236-10v 79236-11v 79236-16v 79258-02v 79258-03v 79264-00v 79275-00v 79275-00v 79276-12v 79280-00v Figure and Index No. 60-7 54-5 18-5 18-6 18-7 18-13 18-2 18-3 18-8 18-9 18-12 18-14 18-11 68-20 40-79 42-16 37-31 37-31 37-31 37-31 37-34 92-75 32-17 32-17 89-15 89-15 14-6 14-6 89-4 9-16 14-35 14-36 14-34 14-33 14-37 14-32 2-30 2-31 68-19 75-18 35-13 36-12 36-27 35-18 36-28 9-38 36-29 34-4 34-1 34-2 34-3 10-63 10-58 68-38 63-2 92-2 63-1 68-21 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 79281-00v 79282-00v 79284-00v 79285-00v 79286-00v 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86652-08v 86682-02v 86682-04v 86700-30v 86700-36v 86711-02v 86711-06v 86721-05v 86887-02v 86887-03v 86887-04v 86887-05v 86888-02v 86888-03v 87319-02v 87319-03v 87329-07v 87329-08v 87332-02v 87332-02v 87334-02v 87334-02v 87337-02v 87337-02v 87339-02v 87339-02v 87340-02v 87340-02v 87341-02v 87341-02v REVISED: JULY 1984 12-4 12-6 12-6 12-7 12-7 12-7a 12-2 12-21 12-8 12-9 12-9 12-9 12-9 12-10 12-11 12-20 12-22 12-34 12-23 12-24 12-24 12-32 15-12 17-18 87-9 87A-7 4-46 91-17 91-19 83-6 83-4 23-29 80-33 68-35 12-50 12-37 73A-26 73A-26 73A-26 73A-26 73A-52 73A-53 19-10 19-9 13-60 13-7 35-9 36-10 13-67 92-86 13-68 92-87 47-21 92-88 46-24 92-88 15-30 92-83 Part Number 87341-03v 87341-04v 87341-04v 87357-03v 87369-05v 87369-05v 87369-16v 87369-16v 87369-22v 87369-22v 87369-22v 87369-26v 87369-26v 87369-27v 87369-27v 87369-38v 87369-38v 87369-38v 87369-38v 87369-39v 87369-39v 87369-39v 87369-39v 87369-40v 87369-40v 87369-53v 87369-53v 87379-02v 87392-02v 87401-02v 87402-02v 87403-02v 87404-02v 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99130-02v 99140-03v 99141-03v 99181-03v 99184-02v 99184-02v 99184-05v 99184-05v 99198-00v 99209-00v 99214-00v 99222-02v 99222-09v 99222-10v 99240-00v 99242-13v 99252-10v 99263-00v 99271-00v 99272-00v 99273-00v 99275-02v 99275-02v 99275-04v 99278-03v 99280-00v 99280-02v 99344-00v 99377-02v 99377-03v 99377-04v 99377-05v 99377-06v 99377-29v 99377-66v 99387-00v REVISED: JULY 1984 55-47 55-2 55-3 2-49 37-3 37-3 37-6 37-6 37-7 82-3 10-29 40-18 37-39 37-40 37-41 37-42 69-9 35-31 35-31 69-28 46-5 46-2 74-43 73-11 73-10 32-65 32-74 92-35 32-76 92-37 74-35 84-3 37-26 74-28 74-28 74-28 32-42 35-41 32-47 72-3 72-8 12-43 12-44 72-4 72-9 72-25 12-45 12-28 12-28 90-7 75-11 75-12 75-45 75-13 75-14 75-41 75-67 72-1 Part Number 99395-00v 99395-00v 99395-02v 99395-02v 99395-03v 99395-03v 99417-00v 99421-00v 99433-00v 99433-01v 99448-00v 99448-00v 99479-02v 99480-00v 99487-01v 99487-02v 99488-00v 99495-00v 99496-02v 99499-00v 99500-06v 99500-06v 99500-08v 99506-00v 99513-05v 99539-00v 99541-02v 99545-00v 99550-02v 99552-00v 99552-02v 99555-00v 99557-00v 99558-00v 99559-00v 99559-01v 99561-00v 99561-00v 99569-00v 99572-04v 99580-00v 99589-00v 99592-06v 99592-07v 99592-10v 99592-11v 99594-00v 99595-00v 99600-00v 99601-00v 99609-00v 99610-00v 99610-02v 99610-10v 99615-00v 99615-01v 99624-00v 99631-00v Figure and Index No. 28-28 27-32 57-38 40-82 54-76 78-17 79-11 23-51 40-53 57-42 63-36 23-52 65-55 65A-54 57-37 36-32 36-38 58-56 24-41 16-39 24-40 63-21 72-32 23-61 35-54 57-36 61-11 41-44 41-45 69-12 70-15 40-55 40-56 40-54 80-32 64-16 69-33 40-59 40-58 41-52 60-44 40-60 40-61 40-75 69-34 69-31 69-35 80-28 80-29 80-30 80-27 80-29 80-37 80-42 80-28 69-32 69-29 9-25 Part Number 402 057v 402 213 402 291v 402 312v 402 312v 402 314v 402 316v 402 344 402 344 402 344 402 345 402 349v 402 351 402 352 402 352 502 352 402 352 402 678v 402 680v 402 680v 402 915v 402 927v 402 940v 402 960v 403 054 403 055 404 004v 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 100 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 101 404 102 404 102 404 102 404 102 404 104 404 123v 404 124v Figure and Index No. Part Number 19-75 23-59 19-75 19-71 86-65 28-30 72-28 72-29 72-30 72-33 13-64 35-43 27-38 28-13 19-44 19-45 29-27 23-31 23-35 19-68 19-68 35-39 2-36 15-15 15-16 15-30 35-52 23-51 57-34 23-52 59-14 61-12 27-28 28-33 18-16 18-19 60-35 19-38 10-49 24-15 56-23 57-32 58-57 10-49 16-41 19-77 35-43 35-51 60-37 60-41 63-22 72-34 2-43 60-37 72-7 19-30 19-59 27-31 401 280v 401 286v 401 289v 401 301v 401 307 401 307 401 307 401 310 401 310 401 310 401 310 401 311 401 313v 401 313v 401 315 401 318 401 318 401 318 401 320v 401 325v 401 329 401 333v 401 334 401 335 401 355 401 385v 401 385v 401 389 401 393 401 394 401 394 401 405 401 411v 401 417v 401 424v 401 438 401 461v 401 543v 401 544v 401 546v 401 893v 401 919 401 919 401 919 401 966v 401 970v 401 970v 401 970v 401 970v 401 970v 401 971v 401 971v 401 971v 401 974v 401 975v 401 987v 401 988v 402 057v 2G3 Figure and Index No. 400 438 400 438 400 438 400 438 400 438 400 438 400 438 400 438 400 440 400 440 400 440 400 440 400 440 400 440 400 441 400 441 400 443 400 443 400 443 400 443 400 443 400 443 400 444 400 444 400 444 400 449 400 450 400 450 400 451 400 452 400 453 400 456 400 462v 400 616v 400 652v 400 653v 400 653v 400 653v 400 665v 400 672 400 672 400 672 400 672 400 673 400 674 400 674 400 674 400 678 400 680v 400 711 400 717v 400 723v 400 728v 400 728v 400 744 400 747v 400 749v 400 749v REVISED: JULY 1984 16-40 18-15 46-18 58-51 64-15 65-52 65A-55 85A-6 19-76 41-47 56-23 58-49 72-35 83-14 58-49 72-31 15-22 19-57 58-60 65-53 65A-46 83-30 2-44 8-38 83-31 28-27 16-42 60-36 23-57 57-33 28-29 64-13 58-19 69-30 58-46 58-47 58-48 63-34 13-37 58-54 61-13 62-8 64-14 59-16 52-55 53-49 57-39 57-9 58-55 23-34 19-69 19-69 78-16 79-12 20-45 20-45 52-19 53-19 Part Number 400 756v 400 761 400 762v 400 774v 400 856v 400 861v 400 861v 400 861v 400 861v 400 861v 400 862v 400 863 400 867 400 867 400 871v 400 873v 400 876v 400 880v 400 880v 400 885v 400 889v 400 916 401 186 401 186 401 186 401 186 401 187 401 188 401 188 401 189 401 189 401 189 401 257v 401 257v 401 258v 401 258v 401 264 401 265 401 266 401 266 401 266 401 266 401 266 401 269 401 269 401 269 401 269 401 269 401 269 401 269 401 269 401 269 401 270 401 270 401 273 401 274 401 274 401 275v Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 9-26 20-41 15-25 19-72 24-35 64-7 15-23 20-40 24-34 24-36 24-34 2-42 2-37 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-41 19-73 2-52 15-17 2-36 23-30 19-14 23-53 27-29 27-30 38-31 19-73 23-31 23-35 28-26 52-53 52-55 53-46 53-49 53-55 53-56 58-55 59-22 63-35 13-28 19-60 19-61 19-69 19-72 20-41 24-35 29-26 43-10 59-15 59-18 19-62 20-40 24-34 24-36 63-20 19-63 19-66 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 40-54 40-55 40-56 41-44 41-45 69-12 70-15 40-58 40-59 41-52 32-77 52-52 52-57 52-58 52-59 85-10 85A-5 19-70 52-21 53-21 35-15 68-4a 68-55 71-22a 71-31 73A-44a 46-14 23-61 40-78 41-49 14-50 14-44 46-20 89-27 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-23 14-12 52-50 52-56 53-46 53-55 53-56 56-23 19-70 69-33 19-70 78-16 79-12 80-28 80-42 80-32 85A-11 89-27 29-25 54-67 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Part Number 46-18 60-37 63-19 63-28 72-35 78-18 79-10 24-40 35-16 36-37 44-11 58-4 64-7 9-25 9-26 20-44 35-52 19-75 80-32 20-42 24-29 2-43 2-44 5-15 8-38 10-49 10-50 15-25 16-41 16-42 19-30 19-45 19-57 19-59 19-68 19-76 19-77 23-57 24-15 27-29 27-30 27-31 27-32 27-33 27-38 28-13 28-15 28-27 28-28 28-29 29-27 41-47 57-32 57-33 57-38 58-19 58-49 58-57 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 889 2G4 Figure and Index No. 60-36 60-41 63-22 64-13 64-16 65-52 65-54 65A-53 65A-55 72-7 72-28 72-29 72-30 72-31 72-33 72-34 83-14 83-30 83-31 85A-6 2-34 2-47 10-51 15-23 15-24 15-25 16-39 16-44 16-45 21-12 23-51 24-41 26-6 35-53 36-38 40-53 41-43 53-48 54-76 57-35 57-42 58-52 58-56 63-21 63-36 69-39 72-32 79-11 2-36 15-16 23-51 25-15 35-54 57-34 57-36 59-14 61-11 61-12 Part Number 404 890 404 890 404 890 404 890 404 890 404 890 404 890 404 891 404 891 404 891 404 909 404 910 404 910 404 910 404 910 404 910 404 910 405 450v 406 345 406 345 406 369v 406 424v 406 424v 406 424v 406 424v 406 424v 406 646v 406 660 406 669v 406 669v 406 809 406 823 406 834 406 848 406 932v 406 933 406 934v 406 935v 406 942v 407 041v 407 043 407 043 407 043 407 043 407 043 407 043 407 044 407 046v 407 106v 407 106 407 106 407 106 407 106 407 107 407 120 407 122v 407 124v 407 124v Figure and Index No. 404 224 404 224 404 224 404 224 404 224 404 225 404 320v 404 321 404 321 404 321 404 321 404 322 404 322 404 322 404 323v 404 323v 404 323v 404 326v 404 391v 404 391v 404 391v 404 391v 404 391v 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 392 404 393 404 393 404 393 404 394 404 394 404 395 404 395 404 395 404 399v 404 530 404 531v 404 531v 404 532v 404 532v 404 532v 404 532v 404 532v 404 532v 404 532v 404 561v 404 561v 404 599 404 832 404 835 404 835 15-26 52-56 57-31 58-50 60-42 23-58 58-26 27-10 27-20 27-35 28-10 19-21 57-8 58-26 60-43 78-16 79-12 23-32 13-37 58-46 58-47 58-48 63-34 52-54 57-9 57-39 58-54 59-16 61-13 62-8 64-14 66-22 68-37 19-14 19-73 23-34 52-19 53-19 19-71 23-30 23-59 23-47 2-52 41-41 41-53 2-36 2-37 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-42 2-52 15-17 19-70 23-53 19-44 28-30 REVISED: JULY 1984 Part Number 404 835 404 835 404 835 404 835 404 835 404 835 404 835 404 836 404 836 404 836 404 836 404 836 404 836 404 837 404 837 404 837 404 837 404 838 404 838 404 840 404 843 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 404 887 Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. Part Number 40-60 40-61 40-75 40-82 41-43 41-44 43-10 44-13 44-15 53-48 57-35 57-37 57-42 58-56 59-15 59-18 63-21 66-22 72-32 78-17 79-11 2-36 15-15 15-16 15-30 19-62 20-40 23-51 23-52 24-34 25-4 35-52 35-54 42-38 57-34 57-35 57-36 59-14 59-21 61-11 61-12 69-31 78-16 79-12 80-27 2-36 2-37 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-42 2-47 23-59 29-44 40-54 40-55 40-56 41-45 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 568 407 569 407 569 407 569 407 569 407 570 407 572v 407 574v 407 582v 407 583 407 583 407 583 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 Figure and Index No. 42-39 49-5 50-5 51-4 59-24 60-38 69-12 69-33 70-15 80-32 19-66 29-21 40-58 40-59 41-52 42-40 55-88 63-20 65-49 65A-49 23-53 50-10 51-9 69-30 55-89 60-24 15-25 13-29 15-5 15-20 62-10 15-22 16-40 18-15 18-16 18-19 19-30 19-59 19-77 23-31 23-33 23-35 24-15 28-29 28-30 29-24 46-22 52-48 52-54 53-51 57-33 58-19 59-16 60-36 60-37 62-8 63-22 63-28 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. Part Number 57-39 58-19 58-49 58-54 58-55 58-57 58-60 59-22 60-35 60-36 60-37 60-41 60-44 61-13 63-22 63-35 64-14 64-15 64-16 68-37 72-28 72-29 72-30 72-31 72-33 72-34 72-35 78-18 79-10 83-14 83-30 83-31 2-52 13-28 15-14 15-17 15-23 15-24 16-39 16-44 16-45 19-14 19-60 19-72 19-73 20-41 21-11 23-34 23-36 23-51 23-52 24-35 29-26 35-39 35-53 36-39 38-31 40-53 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 566 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 407 567 2G5 Figure and Index No. 407 136 407 136 407 136 407 136 407 137 407 137 407 137 407 143 407 144 407 559v 407 559v 407 561 407 561 407 562 407 562 407 562 407 562 407 563 407 563 407 563 407 563 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 40-61 44-13 44-15 45-17 80-27 80-29 80-32 19-75 80-28 41-41 41-53 20-51 35-15 13-37 32-77 58-46 58-47 52-52 52-58 52-59 85A-5 2-43 2-44 5-15 8-38 15-22 16-41 16-42 19-45 19-57 19-68 19-76 20-38 23-35 23-57 23-60 27-33 28-15 28-26 28-27 28-28 29-29 36-40 40-51 41-47 41-50 41-51 46-18 52-53 52-54 52-55 53-47 53-49 56-23 57-9 57-32 57-33 57-38 REVISED: JULY 1984 Part Number 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 564 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 407 565 Figure and Index No. 85A-5 14-46 52-52 62-10 85A-11 52-59 54-67 78-18 79-10 29-25 44-13 44-15 45-17 54-67 13-58 13-58 32-80 4-48 66-37 67-50 62-12 13-37 13-38 58-46 58-47 58-48 63-34 24-35 52-48 13-28 13-70 19-60 19-61 19-73 23-31 23-33 23-34 23-35 24-34 24-36 29-24 29-26 36-39 36-40 43-10 52-19 52-53 52-54 52-55 53-19 53-46 53-49 53-51 53-55 53-56 57-9 57-39 58 54 Part Number Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 584 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 585 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 586 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 587 407 588 407 591 407 613 407 674 407 674 REVISED: JULY 1984 65-52 65-54 65A-53 72-7 2-34 2-52 13-70 15-17 19-60 19-61 19-69 19-73 20-41 23-36 24-40 26-7 26-21 36-39 44-11 54-76 58-4 58-52 59-18 64-7 65A-54 69-39 9-25 9-26 13-55 15-16 15-30 19-62 20-45 24-36 52-20 53-20 57-34 61-14 69-35 80-29 2-36 19-71 19-75 23-30 51-5 60-36 60-39 61-17 69-29 69-32 69-33 69-34 80-32 15-25 40-36 15-25 27-28 27-29 Part Number Figure and Index No. 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 052 424 052 424 052 424 052 424 052 424 052 424 052 424 052 424 052 424 059 424 059 424 059 424 060 424 060 424 061 424 061 424 061 424 061 424 061 424 095 424 146v 424 172v 424 174 424 175 424 178 424 181 424 181 424 184v 424 186 424 187 424 204v 424 204v 424 205v 424 357v 424 502v 424 506 424 506 424 513 434 120v 434 120v 434 126 434 126 434 132 434 151v 434 189 450 030v 58-55 59-15 59-16 59-18 59-22 61-13 62-8 62-9 63-35 64-14 66-22 68-37 19-14 19-62 19-69 19-72 20-40 20-41 20-51 23-60 58-53 23-30 23-59 61-10 19-71 63-20 19-63 19-66 49-27 50-27 51-26 28-26 20-51 36-40 53-51 30-16 13-38 23-33 30-17 30-18 62-9 23-60 13-70 36-39 36-39 30-19 57-43 60-33 61-9 57-30 65-12 65A-52 83-10 83-33 54-68 29-23 89-25 77-1 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Part Number 407 674 407 674 407 674 407 674 407 674 407 675 407 675 407 675 407 680 407 680 407 682 407 682 407 682 407 682 407 682 407 694v 407 694v 407 694v 408 815 408 815 408 826 410 035v 410 039v 410 039v 410 040 410 043 411 349v 411 514 411 533 411 536v 411 536v 411 538v 414 695 414 763 414 779v 415 309v 415 312v 415 321v 415 322v 415 323v 415 379v 415 379v 415 448 415 448 415 520 415 533 415 533 415 533 415 533 415 535v 415 535v 415 536 415 536 415 537 415 537 415 538 415 539 415 539 27-30 27-38 28-13 28-33 85A-6 24-41 27-34 45-17 13-43 13-54 27-28 27-31 27-32 27-38 28-13 10-49 10-50 10-51 52-22 53-22 14-12 5-15 67-49 74-65 47-20 2-50 19-74 15-5 46-22 27-33 28-15 58-50 85A-7 46-19 15-19 2-56 2-55 41-51 10-50 10-51 40-9 41-6 52-23 53-23 89-27 15-20 17-29 17-32 85A-10 14-46 52-57 14-45 53-52 14-45 52-58 73-14 33-9 67-48 415 540 415 544 415 544 415 544 415 544 415 631v 416 210v 416 794 416 794 416 994 418 351v 418 420v 418 420v 418 650 419 591v 419 594v 419 594v 419 596 419 683 419 683 419 967v 424 041v 424 041v 424 041v 424 041v 424 041v 424 041v 424 050 424 050 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 424 051 2G6 Figure and Index No. 450 035v 450 380 450 397v 450 741v 450 742v 450 745v 451 161 451 272 451 273 451 728v 451 735 451 739v 451 783v 451 823v 451 823v 451 823v 451 823v 451 823v 451 824v 451 857 451 881 451 881 451 881 451 906v 451 906v 451 907v 451 907v 451 908v 451 908v 451 939 451 939 452 009 452 334v 452 334v 452 334v 452 334v 452 335 452 335 452 335 452 335 452 335 452 335 452 336v 452 366 452 368v 452 372v 452 386v 452 386v 452 386v 452 387v 452 387v 452 387v 452 387v 452 388v 452 389v 452 439 452 445v 452 445v REVISED: JULY 1984 77-1 38-1 74-54 74-52 74-53 74-7 77-10 89-7 89-6 20-47 24-48 20-48 25-17 74-22 74-24 74-57 74-59 74-61 32-4 54-45 38-20 38-32 86B-11 69-20 70-11 69-21 70-13 69-22 70-12 38-21 86B-10 23-27 19-25 19-26 19-55 23-64 27-9 27-19 28-9 28-25 57-7 58-25 58-25 20-12 23-18 63-8 19-40 35-11 36-17 4-34 4-36 4-38 17-20 63-10 63-9 60-28 19-16 19-28 Part Number Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 86A-1 87B-6 87C-4 75-20 75-20 75-20 75-2 85-6 85A-1 86A-1 86B-3 87B-6 87C-4 75-20 75-20 68-42 75-20 76-8 75-20 75-20 68-42 76-8 86B-16 39-39 40-50 45-19 52-32 91-8 39-38 40-48 77-28 66-36 67-42 67-46 66-19 41-40 20-34 24-31 77-8 39-34 42-29 65A-45 86A-15 52-25 53-25 86B-15 88-7 29-29 30-1 31-1 30-1 31-13 31-15 71-14 56-26 92-99 74-74 75-65 Part Number 456 703v 456 714v 456 728 456 728 458 847 458 855v 458 855v 458 864v 458 864v 458 865v 458 865v 458 868 458 870v 458 875v 458 876 458 881 458 887 458 888 458 888 458 891 458 891 458 891 458 891 458 892 458 893 458 893 458 893 458 894 458 894 458 894 458 894 458 894 458 895 458 900 458 900 458 900 458 900 458 904 458 910 458 910 458 910 458 910 458 913 458 933 458 934 458 934 458 934 458 936 458 938 458 940 458 946v 458 946v 458 948v 458 958 458 958 459 849v 459 957v 460 464v Figure and Index No. 90-13 75-48 78-10 79-6 42-27 40-43 40-73 54-77 55-71 65-37 65A-37 54-12a 40-45 55-66 54-49 29-16 42-25 86-67 86A-16 30-21 55-67 65-36 65A-36 54-48 39-9 39-22 86-63 26-11 29-17 30-20 65-35 65A-35 54-47 29-18 55-68 65-38 65A-38 30-24 29-19 55-70 65-40 65A-40 55-72 42-26 42-28 65-39 65A-39 54-50 55-69 54-51 54-8 55-13 38-32 38-17 38-18 37-70 23-28 54-65 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Part Number 452 477v 452 538v 452 541v 452 551v 452 551v 452 558v 452 561v 452 570v 452 571v 452 575v 452 575v 452 590v 452 606 452 606 452 625v 452 626v 452 627v 452 628v 452 651v 452 679v 452 680v 452 719v 452 719v 452 719v 452 729v 452 813v 452 823v 452 824v 452 935v 452 935v 452 997v 453 124 453 124 453 158 453 199v 453 426v 453 426v 453 426v 453 602 453 680 453 687v 453 695 453 714v 453 732 453 732 453 836 453 838v 453 855 453 966v 454 053 454 053 454 656 454 656 454 656v 454 657v 454 668v 454 668v 454 668v 20-44 17-21 80-26 27-11 28-12 72-20 72-27 72-17 72-18 23-5 23-10 19-26 52-31 53-31 60-27 60-11 17-22 60-10 70-2 35-60 35-59 15-13 16-28 59-10 19-38 73A-49 69-5 69-6 68-11 71-7 91-15 20-35 24-32 19-33 19-41 84-10 85-10 85A-4 75-46 55-90 37-79 75-37 30-15 35-3a 36-4a 89-24 89-23 90-8 2-4a 20-36 24-33 84-16 86-56 86B-2 86B-1 75-20 85-6 85A-1 454 668v 454 668v 454 668v 454 669v 454 670v 454 678v 454 706v 454 706v 454 706v 454 706v 454 706v 454 706v 454 706v 454 707v 454 708v 454 709v 454 709v 454 709v 454 710v 454 719v 454 743v 454 743v 454 806 454 813v 454 837v 454 873 454 905 454 921v 454 928 454 983 454 983 454 985 454 985 454 985 454 994v 454 997 455 124 455 124 455 151 455 173 455 173 455 173 455 173 455 322v 455 322v 455 417v 455 417v 455 938v 455 944v 455 944v 455 968v 455 968v 455 968v 456 615v 456 682v 456 682v 456 703v 456 703v 2G7 Figure and Index No. 480 812 481 359v 481 640v 481 640v 481 640v 481 640v 481 651 481 652 481 772 481 776v 481 780v 484 083v 484 162v 484 209v 484 209v 484 209v 484 229v 484 234v 484 293 484 342 484 349v 484 373 484 373 484 373 484 375v 484 428v 484 438v 484 461v 484 467v 484 467v 484 483v 484 524v 484 525v 484 684v 484 684v 484 685v 484 685v 484 691v 484 698 484 701 484 706 484 706 484 714 484 719v 484 719v 484 723 484 727v 484 755 484 755 484 788v 484 788v 484 788v 484 790v 484 790v 484 792v 484 799v 484 799v 484 1328t 58-17 45-18 60-18 83-11 83-34 86-66 63-25 61-4 7-41 55-1 54-1 71-14 42-33 74-70 75-56 76-4 83-18 90-10 47-8 40-64 55-78 74-72 78-5 79-8 74-55 46-17 75-66 90-4 75-47 76-16 46-13 83-19 74-71 20-7 24-24 20-8 24-25 32-78 26-4 29-34 23-40 29-39 24-23 23-4 23-9 20-9 29-35 47-10 47-18 31-8 65-4 65A-4 20-4 24-5 8-29 20-5 24-21 20-43 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Part Number 13-57 63-45 76-12 89-14 74-41a 89-18 89-19 89-28 73-7 41-18 73-7 36-49 13-5 46-3 47-5 74-33 74-34 75-28 75-36 76-14 87B-4 87B-12 75-39 75-63 90-11 74-30 74-49 74-12 76-15 82-4 82-4 75-35 37-27 82-4 82-4 68-3 68-15 71-18 71-21 73A-31 73A-43 73A-18 29-24 89-3 89-2 89-29 40-34 68-8 71-4 42-31 88-9 24-46 42-32 42-42 65-33 54-53 55-73 54-12 2G8 476 678 476 678 476 686v 476 688v 477 611v 477 611v 477 618 477 618 477 618 477 618 477 620 477 627 477 627 477 628 477 628 477 629 477 629 477 629 477 629 477 629 477 629 477 631 477 631 477 646v 477 670v 477 670v 477 671 477 672v 477 673v 477 677 477 677 477 683v 477 691 477 691 477 696v 477 708v 477 709 477 778v 477 877 477 887 477 887 477 887 477 887 480 592v 480 691 480 696 480 700 480 701 480 701 480 701 480 730v 480 732 480 732 480 732 480 777v 480 789v 480 800v 480 801v Figure and Index No. 54-61 55-17 42-30 40-42 83-25 86-57 29-20 55-75 65-48 65A-48 55-77 42-38 54-54 42-39 54-55 40-36 42-40 54-56 55-74 65-57 65A-47 54-57 55-76 86A-19 54-63 55-87 15-29 16-43 15-20 54-10 55-15 73-14 69-36 70-16 14-12 36-32 35-39 33-9 40-54 40-55 40-56 41-44 41-45 36-7 23-48 58-16 20-13 35-21 35-32 36-35 63-19 35-22 35-33 36-36 36-7 36-8 13-39 36-34 Part Number Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 460 464v 460 594v 460 602v 460 602v 460 630 460 632 460 685 460 690v 460 691 460 691 460 691 460 691 460 801 460 801 460 860 460 888 461 131v 461 136 461 386v 461 386v 461 386v 461 386v 461 391v 461 391v 461 629v 461 629v 461 629v 461 629v 461 629v 461 629v 461 629v 461 629v 461 629v 461 648v 461 657v 462 003v 462 012v 462 023 462 024 462 024 462 034 462 034 462 049 462 049 462 058 462 058 462 058 462 058 462 060 462 060 462 061v 462 112v 462 226v 463 416 463 416 463 615v 464 362 464 407v REVISED: JULY 1984 55-87 54-42 75-40 90-12 40-87 41-16 40-46 23-21 20-25 23-3 23-8 23-45 2-20 23-45 23-21 38-6 23-25 58-42 68-4 68-16 71-19 71-22 73A-30 73A-44 37-37a 63-46 75-44 76-11 76-13 77-32 77-35 91-18 91-20 77-34 77-30 41-35 74-47 38-5 20-37 24-27 20-6 24-22 54-15 55-20 42-19 42-23 54-43 55-7 54-69 55-8 55-9 69-4 63-4b 47-9 47-22 75-58 89-1 89-1 Part Number 464 412v 465 258v 465 258v 467 064 467 067v 468 002 468 006 469 600v 470 639v 470 908v 470 993v 471 084v 472 010v 472 017 472 017 472 036v 472 038v 472 054 472 054 472 054 472 054 472 054 472 056v 472 151v 472 056v 472 330v 472 661v 472 736v 472 844v 472 895v 472 896v 472 916v 472 969 472 987v 472 988v 473 187v 473 187v 473 187v 473 187v 473 195v 473 195v 474 124v 474 178 474 642v 474 652v 474 659 475 124v 475 210v 475 210v 476 643 476 647 476 648 476 648 476 648 476 648 476 662 476 662 476 678 Figure and Index No. 86-14 35-46 35-45 35-60 35-59 24-49 26-1 24-50 25-1 20-49 22-1 20-49 21-1 69-2 81-1 69-10 15-26 60-42 75-21 55-84 19-39 52-27 66-30 67-7 66-28 67-8 66-29 68-17 73A-54 53-28 36-47 86B-19 38-28 38-29 86B-20 68-41 41-36 38-23 69-24 70-14 89-30 72-15 24-43 24-51 67-45 53-32 69-3 41-37 40-71 40-72 40-72 38-24 67-44 29-22 38-25 39-4 39-28 56-15 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 484 828v 484 841 484 855v 484 868v 486 145v 486 286v 486 286v 486 291v 486 335v 486 335v 486 416v 486 560v 486 562v 486 563 486 575 486 594v 486 896v 486 896v 487 111v 487 584 487 629v 487 674v 487 685 487 686 487 687 487 710 487 719v 487 722 487 723 487 724 487 724 487 777v 487 901v 487 904 487 904 487 904 487 922v 487 925v 487 925v 487 925v 487 925v 487 936v 487 937v 488 310 488 310 488 310 488 315 488 315 488 315 488 315 488 320 488 320 488 327 488 327 488 380 488 474 488 474 488 499v REVISED: JULY 1984 24-39 67-40 60-12 73-4 13-21 14-44 14-47 2-34 40-51 41-50 83-17 35-56 89-32 58-58 37-28 37-28 83-26 86-68 75-16 73A-46 32-59 7-4 47-19 47-19 47-19 47-11 46-16 85A-9 40-67 40-66 41-14 74-32 84-7 63-38 63-42 75-34 32-3 52-8 53-8 74-20 76-6 75-38 65A-5 39-33 83-24 86A-14 39-23 39-24 86-64 88-8 55-83 65-32 52-47 53-50 39-25 42-29 42-34 30-22 Part Number 488 499v 488 545v 489 388v 489 400v 489 873 489 910v 489 910v 489 910v 489 910v 489 910v 491 046v 491 049 491 050 491 050 491 050 491 050 491 050 491 052 491 055 491 055 491 059 491 059 491 060 491 060 491 064 491 082v 491 082v 491 112v 491 806v 491 947v 492 022 492 022 492 100 492 153v 492 172v 492 233 492 240v 492 241v 492 241v 492 253v 492 283v 492 289v 494 001 494 001 494 001 494 037 494 037 494 040v 494 040v 494 060 494 060 494 087 494 087 494 093v 494 101 494 101 494 101 494 101 Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. Part Number 65A-33 74-45 32-28 75-15 60-31 57-28 58-43 59-5 61-7 63-31 55-86 86B-14 29-15 30-23 55-79 65A-11 65-32 55-80 40-41 54-6 39-24 39-25 29-14 55-81 54-62 54-64 55-85 39-5 56-16 54-32 54-9 55-14 39-8 56-10 40-77 55-5 38-8 39-32 42-1 55-6 41-3 55-4 14-48 66-37 67-50 47-20 67-49 35-16 36-37 40-68 73A-46 78-18 79-10 63-19 15-18 15-19 15-27 16-43 2G9 494 103v 494 114v 494 123v 494 123v 494 133v 494 133v 494 159v 494 191v 494 192v 494 192v 494 227v 494 644 494 644 494 678 510 058v 510 058v 510 058v 515 710 519 853v 519 853v 524 145v 548 190v 548 307v 548 308v 548 309v 548 310v 548 330v 548 331v 548 407v 548 517v 548 561v 548 679v 550 464v 550 483v 550 487v 550 488 550 489v 550 491 550 493 550 503v 550 504v 550 543v 550 549v 550 559 550 778 550 778 550 780 550 964v 550 964v 550 974v 550 974v 550 976v 550 976v 550 986v 550 986v 550 992v 550 992v 551 114 Figure and Index No. 57-27 24-30 66-25 67-39 65-52 65A-55 83-2 56-25 65A-46 65-53 40-9 54-14 55-19 89-26 15-18 15-27 16-43 32-77 13-43 13-55 52-48 37-5 37-2 37-2 37-2 37-2 37-4 37-4 37-4 37-5 63-44 37-1 37-10 37-5 74-46 37-4 37-4 37-4 37-4 56-21 56-21 37-20 74-48 86-12 85-17 86-11 85-14 41-2 50-1 40-2 48-1 40-2 49-1 41-2 51-1 40-2 48-1 85-12 Part Number 551 114 551 374v 551 390v 551 424v 551 425v 551 705v 551 705v 551 764v 551 764v 551 772v 551 772v 551 792v 551 792v 551 983v 551 983v 553 230v 553 260v 553 267v 553 600v 553 610v 554 005v 554 130v 554 143v 554 143v 554 144v 554 144v 554 150v 554 365v 554 365v 554 387v 554 422v 554 575v 554 598v 554 598v 554 598v 554 640v 554 641v 554 659 554 678v 554 678v 554 686v 554 714v 554 734v 554 735v 554 752v 554 757 554 761v 554 762 554 803v 554 803v 554 804 554 808v 554 837 554 861 554 861 554 861 554 861 554 861 Figure and Index No. 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-13 13-13 13-13 32-24 32-24 32-24 32-23 32-23 32-23 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 13-13 32-24 13-13 13-13 32-24 32-24 32-23 32-23 32-25 32-25 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-23 32-25 32-21 32-21 32-23 32-23 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 13-13 32-24 32-23 32-25 32-21 32-21 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-11 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. Part Number 556 472v 556 473v 556 474v 556 677v 556 678v 556 693v 556 694v 556 705v 556 713v 556 753v 556 921v 556 932v 556 933v 556 939v 556 940v 556 941v 557 033v 557 034v 557 035v 557 057v 557 058v 557 059v 557 198v 557 199v 557 200v 557 201v 558 830v 558 900 558 912 558 913 559 700v 559 707v 559 714v 559 721v 559 728v 559 735v 559 748v 559 758v 559 758v 559 759v 559 760v 559 770v 559 770v 559 771v 559 772v 559 782v 559 782v 559 783v 559 784v 559 793v 559 793v 559 794v 559 795v 559 805v 559 805v 559 806v 559 827v 559 828v 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 14-42 14-42 36-43 14-42 89-22 36-43 36-43 36-43 14-42 14-42 14-42 36-43 36-43 36-43 14-42 14-42 14-42 14-42 14-42 14-42 14-42 54-44 38-18 38-19 86B-13 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 13-11 32-26 14-42 36-43 13-11 32-26 14-42 36-43 13-11 32-26 14-42 36-43 13-11 32-26 14-42 36-43 13-11 32-26 14-42 36-43 36-43 559 829v 560 835v 560 835 560 951v 561 012v 561 012v 561 012v 561 012v 561 013v 561 013v 565 288 565 367v 565 516v 565 523v 565 564v 565 564v 565 576v 565 576v 565 578v 565 578v 571 136v 571 162v 572 514v 572 557v 572 558v 572 560v 572 561v 572 582v 579 080v 579 081v 579 082v 579 083v 579 084v 579 085v 579 086v 579 087v 579 088v 579 095v 579 096v 579 097v 579 098v 579 099v 579 100v 579 113v 579 113v 579 114v 579 114v 579 115v 579 115v 579 119v 579 120v 579 121v 579 201v 579 202v 579 203v 579 226v 579 226v 579 227v 2G10 Figure and Index No. 554 861 554 861 554 861 554 861 554 861 554 861 554 861 554 866v 554 866v 554 888 554 888 554 888 554 888 554 888 554 888 554 892v 554 896v 554 897 554 918v 554 918v 554 925v 554 926 554 953v 554 954 554 958v 554 979 554 979 554 979 554 979 554 979 554 979 554 979 554 984v 554 985v 555 412v 555 421v 555 422v 555 457v 555 501v 555 884v 555 885v 555 888v 555 889v 555 919v 556 105v 556 119v 556 236v 556 237v 556 238v 556 239v 556 266v 556 267v 556 268v 556 269v 556 315v 556 469v 556 470v 556 471v REVISED: JULY 1984 68-40 68-54 71-16 77-27 83-28 86B-18 88-10 40-47 41-38 8-41 38-26 38-29 86B-17 91-4 91-7 91-9 67-43 40-49 40-12 41-46 41-39 71-11 39-27 85A-8 38-27 23-26 57-29 58-44 59-6 60-32 61-8 63-32 54-78 38-24 69-1 89-22 89-22 72-2 89-22 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 70-1 39-2 14-42 36-43 36-43 36-43 36-43 14-42 14-42 14-42 14-42 14-42 36-43 36-43 36-43 Part Number Figure and Index No. 36-43 38-22 86B-12 56-17 69-20 69-22 70-11 70-12 69-21 70-13 74-44 87C-5 75-2 89-16 69-18 70-7 69-19 70-8 69-16 70-9 74-39 76-9 73A-41 82-4 82-4 82-4 82-4 74-29 13-13 13-13 13-13 32-24 32-24 32-24 32-23 32-23 32-23 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-23 32-21 32-21 13-11 32-26 13-11 Part Number 579 227v 579 228v 579 228v 579 261v 579 262v 579 263v 579 266v 579 267v 579 268v 579 269v 579 270v 579 271v 579 282v 579 283v 579 284v 579 285v 579 286v 579 289v 579 290v 579 291v 579 292v 579 293v 579 294v 579 316v 579 317v 579 338v 579 339v 579 340v 579 341v 579 342v 579 343v 579 346v 579 347v 579 348v 579 349v 579 350v 579 351v 579 354v 579 356v 579 357v 579 358v 579 370v 579 371v 579 374v 579 375v 579 376v 579 377v 579 410v 579 411v 579 412v 579 413v 579 418v 579 419v 579 472v 579 472v 579 473v 579 473v 579 474v Figure and Index No. Part Number 579 474v 579 507v 579 507v 579 508v 579 508v 579 509v 579 509v 579 510v 579 510v 579 559v 579 560v 579 561v 579 562v 579 563v 579 564v 579 565v 579 566v 579 567v 579 568v 579 569v 579 570v 579 571v 579 572v 579 573v 579 574v 579 575v 579 576v 579 577v 579 578v 579 579v 579 580v 579 581v 579 582v 580 731v 580 731v 580 887 580 887 581 025v 581 126v 581 928v 582 172v 582 632v 584 006v 584 019v 584 019v 584 019v 584 256v 584 256v 584 257v 584 257v 584 258v 584 258v 584 279v 584 291v 585 015v 587 299v 587 299v 587 381v 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-13 13-13 13-13 13-13 32-24 32-24 32-24 32-24 32-23 32-23 32-23 32-23 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 13-11 32-26 54-13 55-18 46-21 83-3 14-41 80-36 54-58 89-31 47-14 47-17 47-23 69-21 70-13 69-22 70-12 69-20 70-11 75-57 75-64 74-36 35-12 36-16 13-34 587 398v 587 403v 587 404v 587 807v 587 808v 587 808v 587 808v 587 809v 587 847v 587 847v 587 862v 587 903v 587 923v 587 923v 587 923v 587 923v 587 923v 587 923v 587 956v 587 961v 587 990v 587 990v 588 011v 588 027v 588 028v 588 030v 588 085v 588 109v 588 356v 588 464v 588 469v 588 469v 588 497v 588 513v 589 688v 591 017v 591 022v 591 027v 591 032v 591 143v 591 148v 591 153v 591 158v 591 163v 591 472v 591 491v 591 497v 591 499v 591 501v 591 503v 591 543v 591 545v 591 547v 591 549v 591 551v 591 585v 591 587v 591 588v REVISED: JULY 1984 Figure and Index No. 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-3 34-4 34-4 34-6 34-6 34-1 34-1 34-2 34-2 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-7 34-9 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-4 34-6 34-1 34-2 34-5 34-5 34-7 34-7 34-9 34-9 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-3 34-4 34-4 34-6 34-6 34-1 34-1 34-2 34-2 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-7 34-9 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-4 34-6 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T .PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 13-27 73-3 36-44 90-2 90-3 90-4 90-5 90-6 65-45 65A-5 63-4a 76-5 75-54 83-8 86-70 86A-21 87B-5 87C-3 42-17 40-80 40-81 42-35 87A-10 42-18 42-41 87-6 86A-4 68-34 90-9 75-3 40-39 42-37 55-82 42-15 71-10 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-4 34-6 34-1 34-2 34-5 34-5 34-9 34-9 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-4 34-6 34-1 34-2 34-5 34-5 34-7 34-7 34-7 2G11 Part Number 591 589v 591 590v 591 591v 591 608v 591 609v 591 610v 591 611v 591 612v 591 613v 591 614v 591 615v 591 616v 591 617v 591 618v 591 619v 591 620v 591 621v 591 622v 591 623v 591 624v 591 625v 591 626v 591 627v 591 696v 591 697v 591 698v 591 699v 591 700v 591 701v 591 702v 591 703v 591 704v 591 705v 591 706v 591 707v 591 708v 591 709v 591 710v 591 711v 591 712v 591 713v 591 714v 591 715v 591 798v 591 803v 591 804v 591 805v 591 806v 591 807v 591 825v 591 827v 591 828v 591 829v 591 830v 591 843v 591 844v 591 853v 591 854v Figure and Index No. 34-7 34-7 34-7 34-9 34-9 34-9 34-9 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-3 34-3 34-3 34-4 34-4 34-4 34-4 34-6 34-6 34-6 34-6 34-1 34-1 34-1 34-1 34-2 34-2 34-2 34-2 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-5 34-7 34-9 34-8 34-8 34-3 34-4 34-6 34-1 34-2 34-5 34-5 34-7 34-7 34-9 34-9 Part Number 591 855v 591 856v 591 857v 591 858v 591 859v 591 860v 591 861v 591 862v 591 899v 591 900v 591 903v 591 904v 591 905v 591 906v 591 907v 591 908v 591 909v 591 910v 591 935v 591 940v 591 941v 591 942v 591 943v 591 944v 591 962v 591 964v 591 965v 591 966v 591 967v 591 980v 591 981v 591 990v 591 991v 591 992v 591 993v 591 994v 591 995v 591 996v 591 997v 591 998v 591 999v 592 034v 592 035v 592 038v 592 039v 592 040v 592 041v 592 042v 592 043v 592 044v 592 045v 592 070v 592 075v 592 076v 592 077v 592 078v 592 079v 592 096v Figure and Index No. 26-19 25-11 29-42 26-8 26-9 73A-21 72-12 29-36 80-3 80-8 80-15 29-40 26-5 26-20 74-13 73A-8 73A-10 49-3 50-3 51-3 51-4 49-15 50-15 51-41 26-10 38-3 26-2 73A-24 73A-20 73A-14 73A-5 29-30 84-4 85-8 86-25 25-8 73A-16 73A-17 73A-13 21-8 51-18 49-19 50-19 81-5 85-22 31-10 22-6 21-4 56-22 37-12 82-7 82-8 31-20 87-3 82-14 73A-19 49-2 81-9 Part Number Figure and Index No. 755 271v 755 274v 755 278v 755 299v 755 310v 755 314v 755 340v 755 432v 755 800 755 800 755 800 755 818 755 846v 755 882 755 883v 755 884v 755 885v 755 886v 755 887v 755 932 755 932 755 932 755 934 755 934 755 934 755 935 755 935 755 937 755 948v 755 949v 755 950v 755 968 755 968 755 968 755 972 755 972 755 972 755 993 755 993 755 993 755 994 755 994 755 995 755 995 755 995 755 997v 755 999 755 999 755 999 756 007v 756 008v 756 016v 756 018v 756 037 756 038 756 053v 756 060v 756 061v 81-2 50-2 48-2 51-2 86-61 48-2 80-16 84-1 49-9 50-9 51-8 26-22 80-4 29-45 26-12 26-13 26-16 26-17 26-3 49-8 50-8 51-7 49-16 50-16 51-15 49-30 50-30 51-29 29-31 29-32 29-46 49-14 50-14 51-13 49-21 50-21 51-20 49-18 50-18 51-17 49-28 50-28 49-24 50-24 51-23 23-42 25-9 25-12 25-14 21-7 21-9 31-22 31-21 82-15 73A-2 23-43 81-11 81-13 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 86-55 75-43 76-7 21-10 82-9 82-9 74-14 86-15 86-8 86-9 32-27 86-10 24-8 82-10 25-16 25-7 25-3 25-6 25-10 25-13 38-10 38-4 29-33 73A-6 84-12 37-12 85-11 26-14 26-18 73A-7 49-6 50-6 51-6 49-26 50-26 51-25 49-12 49-34 50-34 51-33 50-12 51-11 51-4 22-10 48-5 31-7 19-4 31-9 48-18 48-19 48-20 48-21 19-3 19-5 73A-12 73A-11 23-41 26-15 2G12 Part Number 752 826 752 830 752 855 752 965 752 966 753 074v 753 085v 753 172 753 375v 753 376v 753 380v 753 381 753 407 753 408v 753 431v 753 433 753 437 753 461 753 461 753 461 753 462 753 463 753 463 753 463 753 850 753 910 753 920v 753 938 753 939 753 944 753 947 753 956v 753 980v 753 980v 753 980v 754 535v 754 761 754 762 754 798v 754 804v 754 808 754 826 754 826 754 827v 754 836v 754 848v 754 856v 755 048v 755 049v 755 053v 755 075 755 076 755 082v 755 092v 755 096v 755 122v 755 222 755 232v Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 592 098v 592 099v 592 100v 592 101v 594 089v 596 118v 596 236v 596 332v 596 605v 596 644v 596 664v 596 755 597 257 597 426v 597 461v 597 893v 598 323v 598 422v 654 116v 654 118v 680 000v 680 000v 680 001v 680 001v 680 002v 680 002v 680003v 680 003v 680 047v 680 048v 680 049v 680 050v 680 054v 680 055v 680 056v 680 057v 680 058v 680 059v 680 060v 680 061v 680 076v 680 077v 680 078v 680 079v 680 086v 680 087v 680 088v 680 089v 680 117v 680 118v 680 119v 680 122v 680 123v 680 131v 680 131v 688 139v 688 153v 688 164v REVISED: JULY 1984 34-1 34-2 34-5 34-5 41-15 39-11 86-17 89-8 88-1 87-1 89-8 86-11 87A-3 88-1 87A-1 89-33 91-14 91-16 73A-57 73A-56 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-11 32-26 13-13 13-13 13-13 13-13 32-24 32-24 32-24 32-24 32-23 32-23 32-23 32-23 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-25 32-21 32-21 32-21 32-21 13-13 32-24 32-23 32-25 32-21 13-11 32-26 75-62 85A-2 85-18 Part Number 688 164v 688 178 688 235v 750 063 751 201 751 202 751 203v 751 300 751 314v 751 342v 751 345v 751 347v 751 369 751 381 751 405 751 489 751 494 751 494 751 772 751 772 751 815 751 859 751 889v 751 896 751 897v 751 912v 751 987 752 342v 752 342v 752 355 752 511 752 511 752 511 752 513 752 513 752 513 752 533 752 534 752 534 752 534 752 544 752 544 752 565 752 571v 752 572v 752 584v 752 585v 752 585v 752 591v 752 592v 752 593v 752 594v 752 595v 752 596v 752 609v 752 610v 752 746 752 826 Figure and Index No. 82-12 72-11 54-2 73-8 73-8 73-8 73-9 73-8 73A-18 81-12 80-12 24-47 20-47 48-10 24-47 82-5 73A-23 73A-25 87-1 80-22 80-25 23-41 51-28 86-4 31-6 31-3 31-4 48-15 48-3 87A-6 86-3 48-3 75-43 80-5 80-2 80-7 80-11 80-24 51-27 81-18 31-12 22-5 22-7 48-17 48-6 82-15 31-15 31-27 31-14 82-15 80-6 80-21 13-10 87-4 48-11 87A-4 22-3 48-8 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . 756 065v 756 066 756 067v 756 117 756 118 756 118 756 155 756 159v 756 241 756 241 756 301 756 505 756 507 756 524 756 607 756 607 756 607 756 616v 756 621v 756 622v 756 626 756 665v 756 666v 756 667v 756 668v 756 669 756 683v 756 685v 756 686v 756 689v 756 757v 756 892v 757 052 757 052 757 216v 757 217v 757 249 757 249 757 249 757 302 757 302 757 310v 757 311v 757 318v 757 386v 757 387v 757 388v 757 389v 757 390v 757 392v 757 456 757 458 757 479v 757 480v 757 556 757 556 757 556 757 557 REVISED: JULY 1984 80-6 80-18 80-16 29-41 29-43 31-19 54-3 80-2 49-7 50-7 73A-15 73A-4 73A-3 73A-9 49-22 50-22 51-21 37-30 31-23 31-18 49-10 25-5 25-2 21-2 21-5 41-6 37-30 22-9 22-2 48-4 80-11 Misc. Part Number Figure and Index No. 65-3 65A-3 82-5 82-6 86-62 87B-3 48-13 82-6 82-6 82-6 82-13 82-11 74-78 761 426v 761 519v 761 599v 761 654v 761 706v 761 707v 761 741v 761 742v 761 744v 761 903v 761 913v 761 972 761 974 761 984v 761 995 762 003 762 023v 762 024v 762 030v 762 049v 762 050v 762 084v 762 211 762 252v 762 275v 762 276v 762 277v 762 318v 762 319v 762 357 762 391v 762 395v 762 438v 762 489v 762 490v 762 491v 762 492v 762 493v 762 504 762 508v 762 531v 762 560v 762 561v 762 563v 762 564v 762 581 762 585v 762 586v 762 587v 762 616v 762 628v 762 629v 763 003v 763 004v 763 005v 763 019 763 215v 763 217v 2G13 Figure and Index No. 86-6 Misc.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. 85-4 85-13 29-37 29-38 49-17 50-17 51-16 49-25 50-25 37-29 80-10 31-17 81-4 81-3 81-14 81-15 81-16 81-6 86-7 51-24 31-5 31-2 5-23 49-23 51-22 49-29 Part Number Figure and Index No. Part Number 757 557 757 558 757 558 757 558 757 559 757 559 757 559 757 561 757 579 757 579 757 579 757 580v 757 583 757 593 757 718v 757 719v 757 721v 757 742 757 742 757 745v 757 746v 757 768v 757 768v 757 768v 757 790v 757 819v 757 828 757 828 757 831v 757 831v 757 863 757 863 757 863 757 890 757 899 757 913v 757 981v 758 001 758 002 758 023v 758 024 758 026 758 033 758 052v 758 075v 758 111 758 111 758 181v 758 181v 758 188v 758 204 758 204 758 205 758 225v 758 228v 758 249v 758 250v 758 251v 50-29 49-32 50-32 51-31 49-33 50-33 51-32 54-4 84-15 85-2 86-2 31-24 49-11 51-4 72-13 81-19 81-17 50-11 51-10 80-5 80-7 84-14 85-1 86-1 38-9 86-19 49-31 50-31 21-3 21-6 84-13 85-9 86-44 73A-1 38-7 84-6 80-14 84-5 85-19 85-3 85-5 86-5 51-30 86-22 86-23 49-4 50-4 84-8 86-13 84-2 49-20 50-20 51-19 81-10 81-7 80-15 80-13 80-17 758 280v 758 280v 758 282v 758 282v 758 355v 758 366v 758 369v 758 370v 758 372v 758 391v 758 393v 758 395v 758 396v 758 397v 758 400v 758 441v 758 446v 758 452 758 453 758 457v 758 458v 758 465v 758 466v 758 471v 758 476v 758 477v 758 478v 758 479v 758 480v 758 481v 758 482v 758 483v 758 484v 758 485v 758 486v 758 497v 758 551v 758 573v 758 574v 758 575v 758 576v 758 580v 760 296v 760 899 761 106v 761 138v 761 138v 761 156 761 162 761 173v 761 198v 761 206v 761 222v 761 253v 761 254v 761 255v 761 256v 761 279v 49-35 50-35 49-36 50-36 86-34 80-19 80-9 87-2 50-13 22-4 22-8 48-16 48-7 20-50 49-13 86-35 86-43 87A-2 87A-5 31-26 51-12 86-36 86-37 81-8 86-28 86-29 86-30 86-31 86-32 86-33 86-38 86-40 86-41 86-42 86-39 48-7 15-25 80-20 80-23 80-3 80-8 80-9a Misc. Misc. Misc. 763 223v 763 271v 763 282v 763 303v 763 304v 763 305v 763 310v 763 395v 763 412v 763 413v 763 414v 763 418v 763 450v 763 451v 763 469 763 781v 763 848v 763 888 763 920v 763 962v 763 966v 764 042v 764 045v 764 092v 764 401v 764 401v 764 401v REVISED: JULY 1984 Part Number Figure and Index No.PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No. Misc. 86-24 86-16 86-26 86-18 86-20 86-21 73A-22 80-14 48-14 48-9 48-12 86-45 31-25 31-16 82-1 80-11 2-1 Misc. 80-31 83-7 86-69 86A-20 2G14 PA-28RT-201 PA-28RT-201T . Misc. Misc. Part Number Figure and Index No. Part Number Figure and Index No. 2G15 THRU 2L24 INTENTI0NALLY LEFT BLANK .
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